query("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . idf_escape($table)); if ($result) { if ($style == "DROP+CREATE") { echo "DROP " . ($is_view ? "VIEW" : "TABLE") . " IF EXISTS " . idf_escape($table) . ";\n"; } $create = $dbh->result($result, 1); $result->free(); echo ($style != "CREATE+ALTER" ? $create : ($is_view ? substr_replace($create, " OR REPLACE", 6, 0) : substr_replace($create, " IF NOT EXISTS", 12, 0))) . ";\n\n"; } if ($style == "CREATE+ALTER" && !$is_view) { // create procedure which iterates over original columns and adds new and removes old $query = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_DEFAULT, IS_NULLABLE, COLLATION_NAME, COLUMN_TYPE, EXTRA, COLUMN_COMMENT FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = " . $dbh->quote($table) . " ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION"; ?> DELIMITER ;; CREATE PROCEDURE adminer_alter () BEGIN DECLARE _column_name, _collation_name, _column_type, after varchar(64) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE _column_default longtext; DECLARE _is_nullable char(3); DECLARE _extra varchar(20); DECLARE _column_comment varchar(255); DECLARE done, set_after bool DEFAULT 0; DECLARE add_columns text DEFAULT 'query($query); $after = ""; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $row["default"] = (isset($row["COLUMN_DEFAULT"]) ? $dbh->quote($row["COLUMN_DEFAULT"]) : "NULL"); $row["after"] = $dbh->quote($after); //! rgt AFTER lft, lft AFTER id doesn't work $row["alter"] = escape_string(idf_escape($row["COLUMN_NAME"]) . " $row[COLUMN_TYPE]" . ($row["COLLATION_NAME"] ? " COLLATE $row[COLLATION_NAME]" : "") . (isset($row["COLUMN_DEFAULT"]) ? " DEFAULT $row[default]" : "") . ($row["IS_NULLABLE"] == "YES" ? "" : " NOT NULL") . ($row["EXTRA"] ? " $row[EXTRA]" : "") . ($row["COLUMN_COMMENT"] ? " COMMENT " . $dbh->quote($row["COLUMN_COMMENT"]) : "") . ($after ? " AFTER " . idf_escape($after) : " FIRST") ); echo ", ADD $row[alter]"; $fields[] = $row; $after = $row["COLUMN_NAME"]; } $result->free(); ?>'; DECLARE columns CURSOR FOR ; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; SET @alter_table = ''; OPEN columns; REPEAT FETCH columns INTO _column_name, _column_default, _is_nullable, _collation_name, _column_type, _extra, _column_comment; IF NOT done THEN SET set_after = 1; CASE _column_namequote($row["COLUMN_NAME"]) . " THEN SET add_columns = REPLACE(add_columns, ', ADD $row[alter]', ''); IF NOT (_column_default <=> $row[default]) OR _is_nullable != '$row[IS_NULLABLE]' OR _collation_name != '$row[COLLATION_NAME]' OR _column_type != '$row[COLUMN_TYPE]' OR _extra != '$row[EXTRA]' OR _column_comment != " . $dbh->quote($row["COLUMN_COMMENT"]) . " OR after != $row[after] THEN SET @alter_table = CONCAT(@alter_table, ', MODIFY $row[alter]'); END IF;"; //! don't replace in comment } ?> ELSE SET @alter_table = CONCAT(@alter_table, ', DROP ', _column_name); SET set_after = 0; END CASE; IF set_after THEN SET after = _column_name; END IF; END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE columns; IF @alter_table != '' OR add_columns != '' THEN SET @alter_table = CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', SUBSTR(CONCAT(add_columns, @alter_table), 2)); PREPARE alter_command FROM @alter_table; EXECUTE alter_command; DROP PREPARE alter_command; END IF; END;; DELIMITER ; CALL adminer_alter; DROP PROCEDURE adminer_alter; query(($select ? $select : "SELECT * FROM " . idf_escape($table))); //! enum and set as numbers, binary as _binary, microtime if ($result) { $length = 0; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { if ($_POST["format"] == "csv") { dump_csv($row); } else { $insert = "INSERT INTO " . idf_escape($table) . " (" . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', array_keys($row))) . ") VALUES"; $row2 = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $val) { $row2[$key] = (isset($val) ? (ereg('^(0|-?[1-9][0-9]*(\\.[0-9]+)?|0\\.[0-9]+)$', $val) ? $val : $dbh->quote($val)) : "NULL"); // strings -0, -0.0, 1., 01, .5 would translate to 0, 0.0, 1, 1, 0.5 } if ($style == "INSERT+UPDATE") { $set = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $val) { $set[] = idf_escape($key) . " = " . (isset($val) ? $dbh->quote($val) : "NULL"); } echo "$insert (" . implode(", ", $row2) . ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . implode(", ", $set) . ";\n"; } else { $s = "\n(" . implode(", ", $row2) . ")"; if (!$length) { echo $insert . $s; $length = strlen($insert) + strlen($s); } else { $length += 2 + strlen($s); // 2 - separator length if ($length < $max_packet) { echo ", $s"; } else { echo ";\n$insert$s"; $length = strlen($insert) + strlen($s); } } } } } if ($_POST["format"] != "csv" && $style != "INSERT+UPDATE" && $result->num_rows) { echo ";\n"; } $result->free(); } } } function dump_headers($identifier, $multi_table = false) { $filename = (strlen($identifier) ? friendly_url($identifier) : "dump"); $ext = ($_POST["format"] == "sql" ? "sql" : ($multi_table ? "tar" : "csv")); // multiple CSV packed to TAR header("Content-Type: " . ($ext == "tar" ? "application/x-tar" : ($ext == "sql" || $_POST["output"] != "file" ? "text/plain" : "text/csv")) . "; charset=utf-8"); if ($_POST["output"] == "file") { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename.$ext"); } return $ext; } $dump_output = ""; $dump_format = ""; $max_packet = 1048576; // default, minimum is 1024