]+)~', $s, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $val) { if ($val{0} == "/") { array_pop($return); } elseif (substr($val, -1) != "/") { $return[] = $val; } } return $return; } page_header("Coverage", (extension_loaded("xdebug") ? "" : "Xdebug has to be enabled.")); if ($_GET["coverage"] === "0") { unset($_SESSION["coverage"]); // disable coverage if it is not available if (extension_loaded("xdebug")) { $_SESSION["coverage"] = array(); echo "

Coverage started.

\n"; } } elseif (preg_match('~^(include/)?[-_.a-z0-9]+$~i', $_GET["coverage"])) { // highlight single file $filename = $_GET["coverage"]; $cov = $_SESSION["coverage"][realpath($filename)]; $file = explode("
", highlight_file($filename, true)); unset($prev_color); $s = ""; for ($l=0; $l <= count($file); $l++) { $line = $file[$l]; $color = "#C0FFC0"; // tested switch ($cov[$l+1]) { case -1: $color = "#FFC0C0"; break; // untested case -2: $color = "Silver"; break; // dead code case null: $color = ""; break; // not executable } if (!isset($prev_color)) { $prev_color = $color; } if ($prev_color != $color || !isset($line)) { echo "" . $s; $open_tags = xhtml_open_tags($s); foreach (array_reverse($open_tags) as $tag) { echo ""; } echo "\n"; $s = ($open_tags ? "<" . implode("><", $open_tags) . ">" : ""); $prev_color = $color; } $s .= "$line
\n"; } } else { // display list of files echo "\n"; foreach (array_merge(glob("*.php"), glob("include/*.php")) as $filename) { $cov = $_SESSION["coverage"][realpath($filename)]; $ratio = 0; if (isset($cov)) { $values = array_count_values($cov); $ratio = round(100 - 100 * $values[-1] / count($cov)); } echo "\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo '

Start new coverage

' . "\n"; } page_footer("auth"); exit;