"'", "\\\\" => "\\")); $s = ($translations[$idf] ? $translations[$idf] : $idf); if ($match[3] == ",") { // lang() has parameters return "$match[1]" . (is_array($s) ? "lang(array('" . implode("', '", array_map('add_apo_slashes', $s)) . "')," : "sprintf('" . add_apo_slashes($s) . "',"); } return ($match[1] && $match[4] ? $s : "$match[1]'" . add_apo_slashes($s) . "'$match[4]"); } $lang_ids = array(); // global variable simplifies usage in a callback function function lang_ids($match) { global $lang_ids; $lang_id = &$lang_ids[stripslashes($match[1])]; if (!isset($lang_id)) { $lang_id = count($lang_ids) - 1; } return ($_COOKIE["adminer_lang"] ? $match[0] : "lang($lang_id$match[2]"); } function put_file($match) { global $project; if (basename($match[2]) == '$LANG.inc.php') { return $match[0]; // processed later } $return = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/$project/$match[2]"); if (basename($match[2]) != "lang.inc.php" || !$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]) { $tokens = token_get_all($return); // to find out the last token return "?>\n$return" . (in_array($tokens[count($tokens) - 1][0], array(T_CLOSE_TAG, T_INLINE_HTML), true) ? " $val) { if (isset($val)) { $translation_ids[$lang_ids[$key]] = $val; } } $return .= "\tcase \"" . basename($filename, '.inc.php') . '": $translations = array('; foreach ($translation_ids as $val) { $return .= (is_array($val) ? "array('" . implode("', '", array_map('add_apo_slashes', $val)) . "')" : "'" . add_apo_slashes($val) . "'") . ", "; } $return = substr($return, 0, -2) . "); break;\n"; } return "switch (\$LANG) {\n$return}\n"; } function short_identifier($number, $chars) { $return = ''; while ($number >= 0) { $return .= $chars{$number % strlen($chars)}; $number = floor($number / strlen($chars)) - 1; } return $return; } // based on http://latrine.dgx.cz/jak-zredukovat-php-skripty function php_shrink($input) { $special_variables = array_flip(array('$this', '$GLOBALS', '$_GET', '$_POST', '$_FILES', '$_COOKIE', '$_SESSION', '$_SERVER')); static $short_variables = array(); $shortening = true; $tokens = token_get_all($input); foreach ($tokens as $i => $token) { if ($token[0] === T_VARIABLE && !isset($special_variables[$token[1]])) { $short_variables[$token[1]]++; } } arsort($short_variables); foreach (array_keys($short_variables) as $number => $key) { $short_variables[$key] = short_identifier($number, implode("", range('a', 'z')) . '_' . implode("", range('A', 'Z'))); // could use also numbers and \x7f-\xff } $set = array_flip(preg_split('//', '!"#$&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}')); $space = ''; $output = ''; $in_echo = false; $doc_comment = false; // include only first /** for (reset($tokens); list($i, $token) = each($tokens); ) { if (!is_array($token)) { $token = array(0, $token); } if ($token[0] == T_COMMENT || $token[0] == T_WHITESPACE || ($token[0] == T_DOC_COMMENT && $doc_comment)) { $space = "\n"; } else { if ($token[0] == T_DOC_COMMENT) { $doc_comment = true; } if ($token[0] == T_VAR) { $shortening = false; } elseif (!$shortening) { if ($token[1] == ';') { $shortening = true; } } elseif ($token[0] == T_ECHO) { $in_echo = true; } elseif ($token[1] == ';' && $in_echo) { $in_echo = false; if ($tokens[$i+1][0] === T_WHITESPACE && $tokens[$i+2][0] === T_ECHO) { // join two consecutive echos next($tokens); next($tokens); $token[1] = '.'; //! join ''.'' and ""."" } } elseif ($token[0] === T_VARIABLE && !isset($special_variables[$token[1]])) { $token[1] = '$' . $short_variables[$token[1]]; } if (isset($set[substr($output, -1)]) || isset($set[$token[1]{0}])) { $space = ''; } $output .= $space . $token[1]; $space = ''; } } return $output; } function minify_css($file) { return preg_replace('~\\s*([:;{},])\\s*~', '\\1', $file); } function compile_file($match) { global $project; return call_user_func($match[2], file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/$project/$match[1]")); } error_reporting(4343); // errors and warnings $project = "adminer"; if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $_SERVER["argv"][1] . "/index.php")) { $project = $_SERVER["argv"][1]; array_shift($_SERVER["argv"]); } $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"] = $_SERVER["argv"][1]; // Adminer functions read language from cookie if (isset($_SERVER["argv"][1])) { include dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/include/lang.inc.php"; if (isset($_SERVER["argv"][2]) || !isset($langs[$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]])) { echo "Usage: php compile.php [adminer] [lang]\nPurpose: Compile adminer[-lang].php from adminer/index.php.\n"; exit(1); } include dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/lang/$_COOKIE[adminer_lang].inc.php"; } $file = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/$project/index.php"); $file = preg_replace_callback('~\\b(include|require) "([^"]*)";~', 'put_file', $file); $file = str_replace('include "../adminer/include/coverage.inc.php";', '', $file); $file = preg_replace_callback('~\\b(include|require) "([^"]*)";~', 'put_file', $file); // bootstrap.inc.php $file = preg_replace_callback("~lang\\('((?:[^\\\\']+|\\\\.)*)'([,)])~s", 'lang_ids', $file); $file = preg_replace_callback('~\\b(include|require) "([^"]*\\$LANG.inc.php)";~', 'put_file_lang', $file); if ($_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]) { // single language version $file = preg_replace_callback("~(<\\?php\\s*echo )?lang\\('((?:[^\\\\']+|\\\\.)*)'([,)])(;\\s*\\?>)?~s", 'remove_lang', $file); $file = str_replace("\n", "", $file); $file = str_replace('', $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"], $file); } $file = str_replace('' . "\n", "", $file); $file = preg_replace_callback("~compile_file\\('([^']+)', '([^']+)'\\);~", 'compile_file', $file); // integrate static files $replace = 'htmlspecialchars(preg_replace("~\\\\\\\\?.*~", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]), ENT_QUOTES) . "?file=\\1&version=' . $VERSION; $file = preg_replace('~\\.\\./adminer/(default\\.css|functions\\.js|favicon\\.ico)~', '', $file); $file = preg_replace('~\\.\\./adminer/((plus|cross|up|down|arrow)\\.gif)~', '" . ' . $replace, $file); $file = str_replace("../externals/jush/", "http://jush.sourceforge.net/", $file); $file = preg_replace("~<\\?php\\s*\\?>\n?|\\?>\n?<\\?php~", '', $file); $file = php_shrink($file); $filename = $project . ($_COOKIE["adminer_lang"] ? "-$_COOKIE[adminer_lang]" : "") . ".php"; fwrite(fopen($filename, "w"), $file); // file_put_contents() since PHP 5 echo "$filename created.\n";