3, "smallint" => 5, "mediumint" => 8, "int" => 10, "bigint" => 20, "float" => 12, "double" => 21, "decimal" => 66, "date" => 10, "datetime" => 19, "timestamp" => 19, "time" => 10, "year" => 4, "char" => 255, "varchar" => 65535, "binary" => 255, "varbinary" => 65535, "tinytext" => 255, "text" => 65535, "mediumtext" => 16777215, "longtext" => 4294967295, "tinyblob" => 255, "blob" => 65535, "mediumblob" => 16777215, "longblob" => 4294967295, "enum" => 65535, "set" => 64, ); $unsigned = array("", "unsigned", "zerofill", "unsigned zerofill"); $enum_length = '\'(?:\'\'|[^\'\\\\]+|\\\\.)*\'|"(?:""|[^"\\\\]+|\\\\.)*"'; $inout = array("IN", "OUT", "INOUT"); $error = ""; if (isset($_GET["table"])) { include "./table.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["view"])) { include "./view.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["schema"])) { include "./schema.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["dump"])) { include "./dump.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["privileges"])) { include "./privileges.inc.php"; } else { // uses CSRF token if ($_POST) { if (!in_array($_POST["token"], (array) $TOKENS)) { $error = lang('Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.'); } } elseif ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $error = lang('Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the "post_max_size" configuration directive.'); } $token = ($_POST && !$error ? $_POST["token"] : token()); if (isset($_GET["default"])) { $_GET["edit"] = $_GET["default"]; } if (isset($_GET["callf"])) { $_GET["call"] = $_GET["callf"]; } if (isset($_GET["function"])) { $_GET["procedure"] = $_GET["function"]; } if (isset($_GET["sql"])) { include "./sql.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["edit"])) { include "./edit.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["create"])) { include "./create.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["indexes"])) { include "./indexes.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["database"])) { include "./database.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["call"])) { include "./call.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["foreign"])) { include "./foreign.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["createv"])) { include "./createv.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["procedure"])) { include "./procedure.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["trigger"])) { include "./trigger.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["user"])) { include "./user.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["processlist"])) { include "./processlist.inc.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["select"])) { include "./select.inc.php"; } else { unset($_SESSION["tokens"][$_GET["server"]][$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]]); page_header(lang('Database') . ": " . htmlspecialchars($_GET["db"]), $error, false); echo '

' . lang('Alter database') . "

\n"; echo '

' . lang('Database schema') . "

\n"; if ($mysql->server_info >= 5) { echo '

' . lang('Create view') . "

\n"; echo "

" . lang('Routines') . "

\n"; $result = $mysql->query("SELECT * FROM information_schema.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = '" . $mysql->escape_string($_GET["db"]) . "'"); if ($result->num_rows) { echo "\n"; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo ""; echo ""; echo ''; echo '\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "
" . htmlspecialchars($row["ROUTINE_TYPE"]) . "' . htmlspecialchars($row["ROUTINE_NAME"]) . '' . lang('Alter') . "
\n"; } $result->free(); echo '

' . lang('Create procedure') . ' ' . lang('Create function') . "

\n"; } } } page_footer(); }