error = $error; } function connect($server, $username, $password) { $this->_link = @oci_new_connect($username, $password, $server, "AL32UTF8"); if ($this->_link) { $this->server_info = oci_server_version($this->_link); return true; } $error = oci_error(); $this->error = $error["message"]; return false; } function quote($string) { return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $string) . "'"; } function select_db($database) { return true; } function query($query, $unbuffered = false) { $result = oci_parse($this->_link, $query); if (!$result) { $error = oci_error($this->_link); $this->error = $error["message"]; return false; } set_error_handler(array($this, '_error')); $return = @oci_execute($result); restore_error_handler(); if ($return) { if (oci_num_fields($result)) { return new Min_Result($result); } $this->affected_rows = oci_num_rows($result); } return $return; } function multi_query($query) { return $this->_result = $this->query($query); } function store_result() { return $this->_result; } function next_result() { return false; } function result($query, $field = 1) { $result = $this->query($query); if (!is_object($result) || !oci_fetch($result->_result)) { return false; } return oci_result($result->_result, $field); } } class Min_Result { var $_result, $_offset = 1, $num_rows; function Min_Result($result) { $this->_result = $result; } function _convert($row) { foreach ((array) $row as $key => $val) { if (is_a($val, 'OCI-Lob')) { $row[$key] = $val->load(); } } return $row; } function fetch_assoc() { return $this->_convert(oci_fetch_assoc($this->_result)); } function fetch_row() { return $this->_convert(oci_fetch_row($this->_result)); } function fetch_field() { $column = $this->_offset++; $return = new stdClass; $return->name = oci_field_name($this->_result, $column); $return->orgname = $return->name; $return->type = oci_field_type($this->_result, $column); $return->charsetnr = (ereg("raw|blob|bfile", $return->type) ? 63 : 0); // 63 - binary return $return; } function __destruct() { oci_free_statement($this->_result); } } } elseif (extension_loaded("pdo_oci")) { class Min_DB extends Min_PDO { var $extension = "PDO_OCI"; function connect($server, $username, $password) { $this->dsn("oci:dbname=//$server;charset=AL32UTF8", $username, $password); return true; } function select_db($database) { return true; } } } function idf_escape($idf) { return '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $idf) . '"'; } function table($idf) { return idf_escape($idf); } function connect() { global $adminer; $connection = new Min_DB; $credentials = $adminer->credentials(); if ($connection->connect($credentials[0], $credentials[1], $credentials[2])) { return $connection; } return $connection->error; } function get_databases() { return get_vals("SELECT tablespace_name FROM user_tablespaces"); } function limit($query, $where, $limit, $offset = 0, $separator = " ") { return ($offset ? " * FROM (SELECT t.*, rownum AS rnum FROM (SELECT $query$where) t WHERE rownum <= " . ($limit + $offset) . ") WHERE rnum > $offset" : (isset($limit) ? " * FROM (SELECT $query$where) WHERE rownum <= " . ($limit + $offset) : " $query$where" )); } function limit1($query, $where) { return " $query$where"; } function db_collation($db, $collations) { global $connection; return $connection->result("SELECT value FROM nls_database_parameters WHERE parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'"); //! respect $db } function engines() { return array(); } function logged_user() { global $connection; return $connection->result("SELECT USER FROM DUAL"); } function tables_list() { return get_key_vals("SELECT table_name, 'table' FROM all_tables WHERE tablespace_name = " . q(DB) . " UNION SELECT view_name, 'view' FROM user_views" ); //! views don't have schema } function count_tables($databases) { return array(); } function table_status($name = "") { $return = array(); $search = q($name); foreach (get_rows('SELECT table_name "Name", \'table\' "Engine" FROM all_tables WHERE tablespace_name = ' . q(DB) . ($name != "" ? " AND table_name = $search" : "") . " UNION SELECT view_name, 'view' FROM user_views" . ($name != "" ? " WHERE view_name = $search" : "") ) as $row) { if ($name != "") { return $row; } $return[$row["Name"]] = $row; } return $return; } function is_view($table_status) { return $table_status["Engine"] == "view"; } function fk_support($table_status) { return true; } function fields($table) { $return = array(); foreach (get_rows("SELECT * FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = " . q($table) . " ORDER BY column_id") as $row) { $type = $row["DATA_TYPE"]; $length = "$row[DATA_PRECISION],$row[DATA_SCALE]"; if ($length == ",") { $length = $row["DATA_LENGTH"]; } //! int $return[$row["COLUMN_NAME"]] = array( "field" => $row["COLUMN_NAME"], "full_type" => $type . ($length ? "($length)" : ""), "type" => strtolower($type), "length" => $length, "default" => $row["DATA_DEFAULT"], "null" => ($row["NULLABLE"] == "Y"), //! "auto_increment" => false, //! "collation" => $row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"], "privileges" => array("insert" => 1, "select" => 1, "update" => 1), //! "comment" => $row["Comment"], //! "primary" => ($row["Key"] == "PRI"), ); } return $return; } function indexes($table, $connection2 = null) { $return = array(); foreach (get_rows("SELECT uic.*, uc.constraint_type FROM user_ind_columns uic LEFT JOIN user_constraints uc ON uic.index_name = uc.constraint_name AND uic.table_name = uc.table_name WHERE uic.table_name = " . q($table) . " ORDER BY uc.constraint_type, uic.column_position", $connection2) as $row) { $return[$row["INDEX_NAME"]]["type"] = ($row["CONSTRAINT_TYPE"] == "P" ? "PRIMARY" : ($row["CONSTRAINT_TYPE"] == "U" ? "UNIQUE" : "INDEX")); $return[$row["INDEX_NAME"]]["columns"][] = $row["COLUMN_NAME"]; $return[$row["INDEX_NAME"]]["lengths"][] = ($row["CHAR_LENGTH"] && $row["CHAR_LENGTH"] != $row["COLUMN_LENGTH"] ? $row["CHAR_LENGTH"] : null); } return $return; } function view($name) { $rows = get_rows('SELECT text "select" FROM user_views WHERE view_name = ' . q($name)); return reset($rows); } function collations() { return array(); //! } function information_schema($db) { return false; } function error() { global $connection; return h($connection->error); //! highlight sqltext from offset } function exact_value($val) { return q($val); } function explain($connection, $query) { $connection->query("EXPLAIN PLAN FOR $query"); return $connection->query("SELECT * FROM plan_table"); } function alter_table($table, $name, $fields, $foreign, $comment, $engine, $collation, $auto_increment, $partitioning) { $alter = $drop = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $val = $field[1]; if ($val && $field[0] != "" && idf_escape($field[0]) != $val[0]) { queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " RENAME COLUMN " . idf_escape($field[0]) . " TO $val[0]"); } if ($val) { $alter[] = ($table != "" ? ($field[0] != "" ? "MODIFY (" : "ADD (") : " ") . implode($val) . ($table != "" ? ")" : ""); //! error with name change only } else { $drop[] = idf_escape($field[0]); } } if ($table == "") { return queries("CREATE TABLE " . table($name) . " (\n" . implode(",\n", $alter) . "\n)"); } return (!$alter || queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . "\n" . implode("\n", $alter))) && (!$drop || queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " DROP (" . implode(", ", $drop) . ")")) && ($table == $name || queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " RENAME TO " . table($name))) ; } function foreign_keys($table) { return array(); //! } function truncate_tables($tables) { return apply_queries("TRUNCATE TABLE", $tables); } function drop_views($views) { return apply_queries("DROP VIEW", $views); } function drop_tables($tables) { return apply_queries("DROP TABLE", $tables); } function begin() { return true; // automatic start } function insert_into($table, $set) { return queries("INSERT INTO " . table($table) . " (" . implode(", ", array_keys($set)) . ")\nVALUES (" . implode(", ", $set) . ")"); //! no columns } function last_id() { return 0; //! } function schemas() { return array(); } function get_schema() { return ""; } function set_schema($scheme) { return true; } function show_variables() { return get_key_vals('SELECT name, display_value FROM v$parameter'); } function show_status() { $rows = get_rows('SELECT * FROM v$instance'); return reset($rows); } function support($feature) { return ereg("view|drop_col|variables|status", $feature); //! } $jush = "oracle"; $types = array(); $structured_types = array(); foreach (array( lang('Numbers') => array("number" => 38, "binary_float" => 12, "binary_double" => 21), lang('Date and time') => array("date" => 10, "timestamp" => 29, "interval year" => 12, "interval day" => 28), //! year(), day() to second() lang('Strings') => array("char" => 2000, "varchar2" => 4000, "nchar" => 2000, "nvarchar2" => 4000, "clob" => 4294967295, "nclob" => 4294967295), lang('Binary') => array("raw" => 2000, "long raw" => 2147483648, "blob" => 4294967295, "bfile" => 4294967296), ) as $key => $val) { $types += $val; $structured_types[$key] = array_keys($val); } $unsigned = array(); $operators = array("=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "!=", "LIKE", "LIKE %%", "IN", "IS NULL", "NOT LIKE", "NOT REGEXP", "NOT IN", "IS NOT NULL", ""); $functions = array("length", "lower", "round", "upper"); $grouping = array("avg", "count", "count distinct", "max", "min", "sum"); $edit_functions = array( array( //! no parentheses "date" => "current_date", "timestamp" => "current_timestamp", ), array( "number|float|double" => "+/-", "date|timestamp" => "+ interval/- interval", "char|clob" => "||", ) ); }