server_info >= 5) { $result = $dbh->query("SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE " . $dbh->quote(addcslashes($table, "%_"))); if ($result->num_rows) { $s = "\nDELIMITER ;;\n"; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $s .= "\n" . ($style == 'CREATE+ALTER' ? "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS " . idf_escape($row["Trigger"]) . ";;\n" : "") . "CREATE TRIGGER " . idf_escape($row["Trigger"]) . " $row[Timing] $row[Event] ON " . idf_escape($row["Table"]) . " FOR EACH ROW\n$row[Statement];;\n"; } dump("$s\nDELIMITER ;\n"); } } } if ($_POST) { $ext = dump_headers((strlen($TABLE) ? $TABLE : DB), (!strlen(DB) || count((array) $_POST["tables"] + (array) $_POST["data"]) > 1)); if ($_POST["format"] == "sql") { dump("SET NAMES utf8; SET foreign_key_checks = 0; SET time_zone = " . $dbh->quote($dbh->result($dbh->query("SELECT @@time_zone"))) . "; SET sql_mode = 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'; "); } $style = $_POST["db_style"]; foreach ((strlen(DB) ? array(DB) : (array) $_POST["databases"]) as $db) { if ($dbh->select_db($db)) { if ($_POST["format"] == "sql" && ereg('CREATE', $style) && ($result = $dbh->query("SHOW CREATE DATABASE " . idf_escape($db)))) { if ($style == "DROP+CREATE") { dump("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " . idf_escape($db) . ";\n"); } $create = $dbh->result($result, 1); dump(($style == "CREATE+ALTER" ? preg_replace('~^CREATE DATABASE ~', '\\0IF NOT EXISTS ', $create) : $create) . ";\n"); } if ($style && $_POST["format"] == "sql") { dump("USE " . idf_escape($db) . ";\n" . ($style == "CREATE+ALTER" ? "SET @adminer_alter = '';\n" : "") . "\n"); $out = ""; if ($dbh->server_info >= 5) { foreach (array("FUNCTION", "PROCEDURE") as $routine) { $result = $dbh->query("SHOW $routine STATUS WHERE Db = " . $dbh->quote($db)); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $out .= ($style != 'DROP+CREATE' ? "DROP $routine IF EXISTS " . idf_escape($row["Name"]) . ";;\n" : "") . $dbh->result($dbh->query("SHOW CREATE $routine " . idf_escape($row["Name"])), 2) . ";;\n\n"; } } } if ($dbh->server_info >= 5.1) { $result = $dbh->query("SHOW EVENTS"); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $out .= ($style != 'DROP+CREATE' ? "DROP EVENT IF EXISTS " . idf_escape($row["Name"]) . ";;\n" : "") . $dbh->result($dbh->query("SHOW CREATE EVENT " . idf_escape($row["Name"])), 3) . ";;\n\n"; } } if ($out) { dump("DELIMITER ;;\n\n$out" . "DELIMITER ;\n\n"); } } if ($_POST["table_style"] || $_POST["data_style"]) { $views = array(); foreach (table_status() as $row) { $table = (!strlen(DB) || in_array($row["Name"], (array) $_POST["tables"])); $data = (!strlen(DB) || in_array($row["Name"], (array) $_POST["data"])); if ($table || $data) { if (isset($row["Engine"])) { if ($ext == "tar") { ob_start(); } dump_table($row["Name"], ($table ? $_POST["table_style"] : "")); if ($data) { dump_data($row["Name"], $_POST["data_style"]); } if ($table) { dump_triggers($row["Name"], $_POST["table_style"]); } if ($ext == "tar") { dump(tar_file((strlen(DB) ? "" : "$db/") . "$row[Name].csv", ob_get_clean())); } elseif ($_POST["format"] == "sql") { dump("\n"); } } elseif ($_POST["format"] == "sql") { $views[] = $row["Name"]; } } } foreach ($views as $view) { dump_table($view, $_POST["table_style"], true); } if ($ext == "tar") { dump(pack("x512")); } } if ($style == "CREATE+ALTER" && $_POST["format"] == "sql") { // drop old tables $query = "SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE, TABLE_COLLATION, TABLE_COMMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE()"; dump("DELIMITER ;; CREATE PROCEDURE adminer_alter (INOUT alter_command text) BEGIN DECLARE _table_name, _engine, _table_collation varchar(64); DECLARE _table_comment varchar(64); DECLARE done bool DEFAULT 0; DECLARE tables CURSOR FOR $query; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; OPEN tables; REPEAT FETCH tables INTO _table_name, _engine, _table_collation, _table_comment; IF NOT done THEN CASE _table_name"); $result = $dbh->query($query); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $comment = $dbh->quote($row["ENGINE"] == "InnoDB" ? preg_replace('~(?:(.+); )?InnoDB free: .*~', '\\1', $row["TABLE_COMMENT"]) : $row["TABLE_COMMENT"]); dump(" WHEN " . $dbh->quote($row["TABLE_NAME"]) . " THEN " . (isset($row["ENGINE"]) ? "IF _engine != '$row[ENGINE]' OR _table_collation != '$row[TABLE_COLLATION]' OR _table_comment != $comment THEN ALTER TABLE " . idf_escape($row["TABLE_NAME"]) . " ENGINE=$row[ENGINE] COLLATE=$row[TABLE_COLLATION] COMMENT=$comment; END IF" : "BEGIN END") . ";"); } dump(" ELSE SET alter_command = CONCAT(alter_command, 'DROP TABLE `', REPLACE(_table_name, '`', '``'), '`;\\n'); END CASE; END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE tables; END;; DELIMITER ; CALL adminer_alter(@adminer_alter); DROP PROCEDURE adminer_alter; "); } if (in_array("CREATE+ALTER", array($style, $_POST["table_style"])) && $_POST["format"] == "sql") { dump("SELECT @adminer_alter;\n"); } } } dump(); exit; } page_header(lang('Export'), "", (strlen($_GET["export"]) ? array("table" => $_GET["export"]) : array()), DB); ?>
server_info >= 5) { $db_style[] = 'CREATE+ALTER'; $table_style[] = 'CREATE+ALTER'; } echo "
" . lang('Output') . "$dump_output\n"; // token is not needed but checked in bootstrap for all POST data echo "
" . lang('Format') . "$dump_format\n"; echo "
" . lang('Compression') . "" . ($dump_compress ? $dump_compress : lang('None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.', 'zlib, bz2')) . "\n"; echo "
" . lang('Database') . "\n"; echo "
" . lang('Tables') . "\n"; echo "
" . lang('Data') . "\n"; ?>

"; echo "\n"; foreach (get_databases() as $db) { if (!information_schema($db)) { echo '
"; echo ""; echo "\n"; $views = ""; foreach (table_status() as $row) { $checked = (strlen($TABLE) && $row["Name"] != $TABLE ? '' : " checked"); $print = "
"; if (!$row["Engine"]) { $views .= "$print\n"; } else { echo "$print\n"; } } echo $views; } else { echo "
\n"; } } } ?>