'登录', 'Invalid credentials.' => '无效凭据。', 'Server' => '服务器', 'Save' => '保存', 'SQL command' => 'SQL命令', 'Logout' => '注销', 'Use' => '使用', 'No tables.' => '没有表。', 'Item has been deleted.' => '已删除项目。', 'Item has been updated.' => '已更新项目。', 'Item has been inserted.' => '已插入项目。', 'Edit' => '编辑', 'Insert' => '插入', 'Save and insert next' => '保存并插入下一个', 'Delete' => '删除', 'Database' => '数据库', 'Language' => '语言', 'Select' => '选择', 'New item' => '新建项', 'Search' => '搜索', 'Sort' => '排序', 'descending' => '降序', 'Limit' => '限定', 'No rows.' => '没有行。', 'Action' => '动作', 'edit' => '编辑', 'Page' => '页面', 'Unable to select the table' => '不能选择该表', 'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => '无效 CSRF 令牌。重新发送表单。', 'Default values has been set.' => '默认值已设置。', 'Default values' => '默认值', 'BOOL' => 'BOOL', '%d byte(s)' => '%d 字节', 'Unable to upload a file.' => '不能上传文件。', 'File uploads are disabled.' => '文件上传被禁用。', 'No MySQL extension' => '没有MySQL扩展', 'None of supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => '没有支持的 PHP 扩展可用(%s)。', 'Text length' => '文本长度', '%d row(s)' => '%d 行', 'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' => 'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'Are you sure?' => '你确定吗?', 'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the "post_max_size" configuration directive.' => '太大的 POST 数据。减少数据或者增加 “post_max_size” 配置命令。', 'Export' => '导出', 'Functions' => '函数', 'Aggregation' => '集合', 'Save and continue edit' => '保存并继续编辑', 'original' => '原始', '%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d 个项目受到影响。', 'whole result' => '所有结果', 'Clone' => '克隆', '%d row(s) has been imported.' => '%d 行已导入。', 'Table structure' => '表结构', '(anywhere)' => '(任意位置)', 'CSV Import' => 'CSV 导入', 'Import' => '导入', );