// Adminer specific functions /** Load syntax highlighting * @param string first three characters of database system version * @param string 'http' or 'https' - used after compilation */ function bodyLoad(version, protocol) { var jushRoot = '../externals/jush/'; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = jushRoot + 'jush.js'; script.onload = function () { if (window.jush) { // IE runs in case of an error too jush.create_links = ' target="_blank"'; jush.urls.sql[0] = 'http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/' + version + '/en/$key'; jush.urls.sql_sqlset = jush.urls.sql[0]; jush.urls.sqlset[0] = jush.urls.sql[0]; jush.urls.sqlstatus[0] = jush.urls.sql[0]; jush.urls.pgsql[0] = 'http://www.postgresql.org/docs/' + version + '/static/$key'; jush.urls.pgsql_pgsqlset = jush.urls.pgsql[0]; jush.urls.pgsqlset[0] = 'http://www.postgresql.org/docs/' + version + '/static/runtime-config-$key.html#GUC-$1'; jush.style(jushRoot + 'jush.css'); if (window.jushLinks) { jush.custom_links = jushLinks; } jush.highlight_tag('pre', 0); jush.highlight_tag('code'); } }; script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (/^(loaded|complete)$/.test(script.readyState)) { script.onload(); } }; document.body.appendChild(script); } /** Get value of select * @param HTMLSelectElement * @return string */ function selectValue(select) { return select.value || select.options[select.selectedIndex].text; } /** Get value of dynamically created form field * @param HTMLFormElement * @param string * @return HTMLElement */ function formField(form, name) { // required in IE < 8, form.elements[name] doesn't work for (var i=0; i < form.length; i++) { if (form[i].name == name) { return form[i]; } } } /** Try to change input type to password or to text * @param HTMLInputElement * @param boolean */ function typePassword(el, disable) { try { el.type = (disable ? 'text' : 'password'); } catch (e) { } } var added = '.', rowCount; /** Escape string to use in regular expression * @param string * @return string */ function reEscape(s) { return s.replace(/[\[\]\\^$*+?.(){|}]/, '\\$&'); } /** Escape string to use as identifier * @param string * @return string */ function idfEscape(s) { return s.replace(/`/, '``'); } /** Detect foreign key * @param HTMLInputElement */ function editingNameChange(field) { var name = field.name.substr(0, field.name.length - 7); var type = formField(field.form, name + '[type]'); var opts = type.options; var table = reEscape(field.value); var column = ''; var match; if ((match = /(.+)_(.+)/.exec(table)) || (match = /(.*[a-z])([A-Z].*)/.exec(table))) { // limited to single word columns table = match[1]; column = match[2]; } var plural = '(?:e?s)?'; var tabCol = table + plural + '_?' + column; var re = new RegExp('(^' + idfEscape(table + plural) + '`' + idfEscape(column) + '$' // table_column + '|^' + idfEscape(tabCol) + '`' // table + '|^' + idfEscape(column + plural) + '`' + idfEscape(table) + '$' // column_table + ')|`' + idfEscape(tabCol) + '$' // column , 'i'); var candidate; // don't select anything with ambiguous match (like column `id`) for (var i = opts.length; i--; ) { if (!/`/.test(opts[i].value)) { // common type if (i == opts.length - 2 && candidate && !match[1] && name == 'fields[1]') { // single target table, link to column, first field - probably `id` return false; } break; } if (match = re.exec(opts[i].value)) { if (candidate) { return false; } candidate = i; } } if (candidate) { type.selectedIndex = candidate; type.onchange(); } } /** Add table row for next field * @param HTMLInputElement * @param boolean * @param boolean * @return boolean */ function editingAddRow(button, allowed, focus) { if (allowed && rowCount >= allowed) { return false; } var match = /([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?/.exec(button.name); var x = match[0] + (match[2] ? added.substr(match[2].length) : added) + '1'; var row = button.parentNode.parentNode; var row2 = row.cloneNode(true); var tags = row.getElementsByTagName('select'); var tags2 = row2.getElementsByTagName('select'); for (var i=0; i < tags.length; i++) { tags2[i].name = tags[i].name.replace(/([0-9.]+)/, x); tags2[i].selectedIndex = tags[i].selectedIndex; } tags = row.getElementsByTagName('input'); tags2 = row2.getElementsByTagName('input'); var input = tags2[0]; // IE loose tags2 after insertBefore() for (var i=0; i < tags.length; i++) { if (tags[i].name == 'auto_increment_col') { tags2[i].value = x; tags2[i].checked = false; } tags2[i].name = tags[i].name.replace(/([0-9.]+)/, x); if (/\[(orig|field|comment|default)/.test(tags[i].name)) { tags2[i].value = ''; } if (/\[(has_default)/.test(tags[i].name)) { tags2[i].checked = false; } } tags[0].onchange = function () { editingNameChange(tags[0]); }; row.parentNode.insertBefore(row2, row.nextSibling); if (focus) { input.onchange = function () { editingNameChange(input); }; input.focus(); } added += '0'; rowCount++; return true; } /** Remove table row for field * @param HTMLInputElement * @return boolean */ function editingRemoveRow(button) { var field = formField(button.form, button.name.replace(/drop_col(.+)/, 'fields$1[field]')); field.parentNode.removeChild(field); button.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; return true; } var lastType = ''; /** Clear length and hide collation or unsigned * @param HTMLSelectElement */ function editingTypeChange(type) { var name = type.name.substr(0, type.name.length - 6); var text = selectValue(type); for (var i=0; i < type.form.elements.length; i++) { var el = type.form.elements[i]; if (el.name == name + '[length]' && !( (/(char|binary)$/.test(lastType) && /(char|binary)$/.test(text)) || (/(enum|set)$/.test(lastType) && /(enum|set)$/.test(text)) )) { el.value = ''; } if (lastType == 'timestamp' && el.name == name + '[has_default]' && /timestamp/i.test(formField(type.form, name + '[default]').value)) { el.checked = false; } if (el.name == name + '[collation]') { el.className = (/(char|text|enum|set)$/.test(text) ? '' : 'hidden'); } if (el.name == name + '[unsigned]') { el.className = (/(int|float|double|decimal)$/.test(text) ? '' : 'hidden'); } if (el.name == name + '[on_delete]') { el.className = (/`/.test(text) ? '' : 'hidden'); } } } /** Edit enum or set * @param HTMLInputElement */ function editingLengthFocus(field) { var td = field.parentNode; if (/(enum|set)$/.test(selectValue(td.previousSibling.firstChild))) { var edit = document.getElementById('enum-edit'); var val = field.value; edit.value = (/^'.+','.+'$/.test(val) ? val.substr(1, val.length - 2).replace(/','/g, "\n").replace(/''/g, "'") : val); td.appendChild(edit); field.style.display = 'none'; edit.style.display = 'inline'; edit.focus(); } } /** Finish editing of enum or set * @param HTMLTextAreaElement */ function editingLengthBlur(edit) { var field = edit.parentNode.firstChild; var val = edit.value; field.value = (/\n/.test(val) ? "'" + val.replace(/\n+$/, '').replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/\n/g, "','") + "'" : val); field.style.display = 'inline'; edit.style.display = 'none'; } /** Show or hide selected table column * @param boolean * @param number */ function columnShow(checked, column) { var trs = document.getElementById('edit-fields').getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var i=0; i < trs.length; i++) { trs[i].getElementsByTagName('td')[column].className = (checked ? '' : 'hidden'); } } /** Display partition options * @param HTMLSelectElement */ function partitionByChange(el) { var partitionTable = /RANGE|LIST/.test(selectValue(el)); el.form['partitions'].className = (partitionTable || !el.selectedIndex ? 'hidden' : ''); document.getElementById('partition-table').className = (partitionTable ? '' : 'hidden'); } /** Add next partition row * @param HTMLInputElement */ function partitionNameChange(el) { var row = el.parentNode.parentNode.cloneNode(true); row.firstChild.firstChild.value = ''; el.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(row); el.onchange = function () {}; } /** Add row for foreign key * @param HTMLSelectElement */ function foreignAddRow(field) { field.onchange = function () { }; var row = field.parentNode.parentNode.cloneNode(true); var selects = row.getElementsByTagName('select'); for (var i=0; i < selects.length; i++) { selects[i].name = selects[i].name.replace(/\]/, '1$&'); selects[i].selectedIndex = 0; } field.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(row); } /** Add row for indexes * @param HTMLSelectElement */ function indexesAddRow(field) { field.onchange = function () { }; var row = field.parentNode.parentNode.cloneNode(true); var spans = row.getElementsByTagName('span'); for (var i=0; i < spans.length - 1; i++) { row.removeChild(spans[i]); } var selects = row.getElementsByTagName('select'); for (var i=0; i < selects.length; i++) { selects[i].name = selects[i].name.replace(/indexes\[[0-9]+/, '$&1'); selects[i].selectedIndex = 0; } var input = row.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; input.name = input.name.replace(/indexes\[[0-9]+/, '$&1'); input.value = ''; field.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(row); } /** Add column for index * @param HTMLSelectElement */ function indexesAddColumn(field) { field.onchange = function () { }; var column = field.parentNode.cloneNode(true); var select = column.getElementsByTagName('select')[0]; select.name = select.name.replace(/\]\[[0-9]+/, '$&1'); select.selectedIndex = 0; var input = column.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; input.name = input.name.replace(/\]\[[0-9]+/, '$&1'); input.value = ''; field.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(column); } var that, x, y, em, tablePos; /** Get mouse position * @param HTMLElement * @param MouseEvent */ function schemaMousedown(el, event) { that = el; x = event.clientX - el.offsetLeft; y = event.clientY - el.offsetTop; } /** Move object * @param MouseEvent */ function schemaMousemove(ev) { if (that !== undefined) { ev = ev || event; var left = (ev.clientX - x) / em; var top = (ev.clientY - y) / em; var divs = that.getElementsByTagName('div'); var lineSet = { }; for (var i=0; i < divs.length; i++) { if (divs[i].className == 'references') { var div2 = document.getElementById((divs[i].id.substr(0, 4) == 'refs' ? 'refd' : 'refs') + divs[i].id.substr(4)); var ref = (tablePos[divs[i].title] ? tablePos[divs[i].title] : [ div2.parentNode.offsetTop / em, 0 ]); var left1 = -1; var isTop = true; var id = divs[i].id.replace(/^ref.(.+)-.+/, '$1'); if (divs[i].parentNode != div2.parentNode) { left1 = Math.min(0, ref[1] - left) - 1; divs[i].style.left = left1 + 'em'; divs[i].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.width = -left1 + 'em'; var left2 = Math.min(0, left - ref[1]) - 1; div2.style.left = left2 + 'em'; div2.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.width = -left2 + 'em'; isTop = (div2.offsetTop + ref[0] * em > divs[i].offsetTop + top * em); } if (!lineSet[id]) { var line = document.getElementById(divs[i].id.replace(/^....(.+)-[0-9]+$/, 'refl$1')); var shift = ev.clientY - y - that.offsetTop; line.style.left = (left + left1) + 'em'; if (isTop) { line.style.top = (line.offsetTop + shift) / em + 'em'; } if (divs[i].parentNode != div2.parentNode) { line = line.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; line.style.height = (line.offsetHeight + (isTop ? -1 : 1) * shift) / em + 'em'; } lineSet[id] = true; } } } that.style.left = left + 'em'; that.style.top = top + 'em'; } } /** Finish move * @param MouseEvent */ function schemaMouseup(ev) { if (that !== undefined) { ev = ev || event; tablePos[that.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.data] = [ (ev.clientY - y) / em, (ev.clientX - x) / em ]; that = undefined; var s = ''; for (var key in tablePos) { s += '_' + key + ':' + Math.round(tablePos[key][0] * 10000) / 10000 + 'x' + Math.round(tablePos[key][1] * 10000) / 10000; } cookie('adminer_schema=' + encodeURIComponent(s.substr(1)), 30, '; path="' + location.pathname + location.search + '"'); } }