Optional year in date

git-svn-id: https://adminer.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/adminer/trunk@1137 7c3ca157-0c34-0410-bff1-cbf682f78f5c
This commit is contained in:
jakubvrana 2009-09-24 08:58:39 +00:00
parent 1add172a0b
commit dc135a8946
13 changed files with 15 additions and 14 deletions

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'(anywhere)' => '(kdekoliv)', '(anywhere)' => '(kdekoliv)',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s', '%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1', '$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'd.m.yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'd.m.[rrrr]',
'History' => 'Historie', 'History' => 'Historie',
'Variables' => 'Proměnné', 'Variables' => 'Proměnné',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Zdrojové a cílové sloupce musí mít stejný datový typ, nad cílovými sloupci musí být definován index a odkazovaná data musí existovat.', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Zdrojové a cílové sloupce musí mít stejný datový typ, nad cílovými sloupci musí být definován index a odkazovaná data musí existovat.',

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Select table' => 'Tabelle auswählen', 'Select table' => 'Tabelle auswählen',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s', '%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1', '$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'd.m.yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 't.m.[jjjj]',
'History' => 'History', 'History' => 'History',
'Variables' => 'Variablen', 'Variables' => 'Variablen',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Spalten des Ursprungs und des Zieles müssen vom gleichen Datentyp sein, es muss unter den Zielspalten ein Index existieren und die referenzierten Daten müssen existieren.', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Spalten des Ursprungs und des Zieles müssen vom gleichen Datentyp sein, es muss unter den Zielspalten ein Index existieren und die referenzierten Daten müssen existieren.',

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Select table' => 'Seleccionar tabla', 'Select table' => 'Seleccionar tabla',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s', '%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1', '$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/[aaaa]',
'History' => 'History', 'History' => 'History',
'Variables' => 'Variables', 'Variables' => 'Variables',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Las columnas de origen y destino deben ser del mismo tipo, debe existir un índice entre las columnas del destino y el registro referenciado debe existir.', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Las columnas de origen y destino deben ser del mismo tipo, debe existir un índice entre las columnas del destino y el registro referenciado debe existir.',

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Select table' => 'Vali tabel', 'Select table' => 'Vali tabel',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s', '%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1', '$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'd.m.yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'd.m.[yyyy]',
'History' => 'Ajalugu', 'History' => 'Ajalugu',
'Variables' => 'Muutujad', 'Variables' => 'Muutujad',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Lähte- ja sihtveerud peavad eksisteerima ja omama sama andmetüüpi, sihtveergudel peab olema määratud indeks ning viidatud andmed peavad eksisteerima.', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Lähte- ja sihtveerud peavad eksisteerima ja omama sama andmetüüpi, sihtveergudel peab olema määratud indeks ning viidatud andmed peavad eksisteerima.',

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Select table' => 'Selectionner la table', 'Select table' => 'Selectionner la table',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s', '%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1', '$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'jj/mm/[aaaa]',
'History' => 'Historique', 'History' => 'Historique',
'Variables' => 'Variables', 'Variables' => 'Variables',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Les colonnes selectionnées et les colonnes de destination doivent être du même type, il doit y avoir un index sur les colonnes de destination et les données de référence doivent exister.', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Les colonnes selectionnées et les colonnes de destination doivent être du même type, il doit y avoir un index sur les colonnes de destination et les données de référence doivent exister.',

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Select table' => 'Scegli tabella', 'Select table' => 'Scegli tabella',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s', '%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1', '$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/[yyyy]',
'History' => 'Storico', 'History' => 'Storico',
'Variables' => 'Variabili', 'Variables' => 'Variabili',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Le colonne sorgente e destinazione devono essere dello stesso tipo e ci deve essere un indice sulla colonna di destinazione e sui dati referenziati.', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Le colonne sorgente e destinazione devono essere dello stesso tipo e ci deve essere un indice sulla colonna di destinazione e sui dati referenziati.',

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Select table' => 'Selecteer tabel', 'Select table' => 'Selecteer tabel',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s', '%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5-$3-$1', '$1-$3-$5' => '$5-$3-$1',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'dd-mm-yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd-mm-[jjjj]',
'History' => 'Geschiedenis', 'History' => 'Geschiedenis',
'Variables' => 'Variabelen', 'Variables' => 'Variabelen',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Bron- en doelkolommen moeten van hetzelfde data type zijn, er moet een index bestaan op de gekozen kolommen en er moet gerelateerde data bestaan.', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Bron- en doelkolommen moeten van hetzelfde data type zijn, er moet een index bestaan op de gekozen kolommen en er moet gerelateerde data bestaan.',

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'(anywhere)' => '(в любом месте)', '(anywhere)' => '(в любом месте)',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s', '%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5.$3.$1', '$1-$3-$5' => '$5.$3.$1',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'dd.mm.yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'дд.мм.[гггг]',
'History' => 'История', 'History' => 'История',
'Variables' => 'Переменные', 'Variables' => 'Переменные',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Колонки должны иметь одинаковые типы данных, в результирующей колонке должен быть индекс, данные для импорта должны существовать.', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Колонки должны иметь одинаковые типы данных, в результирующей колонке должен быть индекс, данные для импорта должны существовать.',

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'(anywhere)' => '(kdekoľvek)', '(anywhere)' => '(kdekoľvek)',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s', '%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1', '$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'd.m.yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'd.m.[rrrr]',
'History' => 'História', 'History' => 'História',
'Variables' => 'Premenné', 'Variables' => 'Premenné',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Zdrojové a cieľové stĺpce musia mať rovnaký datový typ, nad cieľovými stĺpcami musí byť definovaný index a odkazované dáta musia existovať.', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Zdrojové a cieľové stĺpce musia mať rovnaký datový typ, nad cieľovými stĺpcami musí byť definovaný index a odkazované dáta musia existovať.',

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Select table' => '選擇資料表', 'Select table' => '選擇資料表',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f秒', '%.3f s' => '%.3f秒',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1.$3.$5', '$1-$3-$5' => '$1.$3.$5',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'dd.mm.yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy].mm.dd',
'History' => '歷史', 'History' => '歷史',
'Variables' => '變數', 'Variables' => '變數',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => '源列和目標列必須具有相同的數據類型,在目標列上必須有一個索引並且引用的數據必須存在。', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => '源列和目標列必須具有相同的數據類型,在目標列上必須有一個索引並且引用的數據必須存在。',

View file

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Select table' => '选择表', 'Select table' => '选择表',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f 秒', '%.3f s' => '%.3f 秒',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1.$3.$5', '$1-$3-$5' => '$1.$3.$5',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => 'dd.mm.yyyy', '[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy].mm.dd',
'History' => '历史', 'History' => '历史',
'Variables' => '变量', 'Variables' => '变量',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => '源列和目标列必须具有相同的数据类型,在目标列上必须有一个索引并且引用的数据必须存在。', 'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => '源列和目标列必须具有相同的数据类型,在目标列上必须有一个索引并且引用的数据必须存在。',

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Fix removed default in ALTER
Display whitespace in texts (bug #2858042) Display whitespace in texts (bug #2858042)
Display number of manipulated rows in JS confirm Display number of manipulated rows in JS confirm
E-mail attachments (Editor) E-mail attachments (Editor)
Optional year in date (Editor)
Move <h1> to $adminer->navigation (customization) Move <h1> to $adminer->navigation (customization)
Rename get_dbh to connection (customization) Rename get_dbh to connection (customization)

View file

@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION"); //! requires MySQL 5
return '<input type="checkbox" value="' . h($value ? $value : 1) . '"' . ($value ? ' checked' : '') . "$attrs>"; return '<input type="checkbox" value="' . h($value ? $value : 1) . '"' . ($value ? ' checked' : '') . "$attrs>";
} }
if (ereg('date|timestamp', $field["type"])) { if (ereg('date|timestamp', $field["type"])) {
return "<input value='" . h($value) . "'$attrs> (" . lang('yyyy-mm-dd') . ")"; //! maxlength return "<input value='" . h($value) . "'$attrs> (" . lang('[yyyy]-mm-dd') . ")"; //! maxlength
} }
return ''; return '';
} }
@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION"); //! requires MySQL 5
if ($function == "now") { if ($function == "now") {
return "$function()"; return "$function()";
} }
$return = $connection->quote(ereg('date|timestamp', $field["type"]) && preg_match('(^' . str_replace('\\$1', '(?P<p1>[0-9]+)', preg_replace('~(\\\\\\$([2-6]))~', '(?P<p\\2>[0-9]{1,2})', preg_quote(lang('$1-$3-$5')))) . '(.*))', $value, $match) $return = $connection->quote(ereg('date|timestamp', $field["type"]) && preg_match('(^' . str_replace('\\$1', '(?P<p1>[0-9]*)', preg_replace('~(\\\\\\$([2-6]))~', '(?P<p\\2>[0-9]{1,2})', preg_quote(lang('$1-$3-$5')))) . '(.*))', $value, $match)
? ($match["p1"] ? $match["p1"] : ($match["p2"] < 70 ? 20 : 19) . $match["p2"]) . "-$match[p3]$match[p4]-$match[p5]$match[p6]" . end($match) ? (strlen($match["p1"]) ? $match["p1"] : (strlen($match["p2"]) ? ($match["p2"] < 70 ? 20 : 19) . $match["p2"] : gmdate("Y"))) . "-$match[p3]$match[p4]-$match[p5]$match[p6]" . end($match)
: $value : $value
); );
if (!ereg('varchar|text', $field["type"]) && $field["full_type"] != "tinyint(1)" && !strlen($value)) { if (!ereg('varchar|text', $field["type"]) && $field["full_type"] != "tinyint(1)" && !strlen($value)) {