This commit is contained in:
Jakub Vrana 2014-06-15 18:33:28 +02:00
parent 033b967505
commit b9bc67d331
2 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ if (!defined("DRIVER")) {
function routine($name, $type) {
global $connection, $enum_length, $inout, $types;
$aliases = array("bool", "boolean", "integer", "double precision", "real", "dec", "numeric", "fixed", "national char", "national varchar");
$type_pattern = "((" . implode("|", array_merge(array_keys($types), $aliases)) . ")\\b(?:\\s*\\(((?:[^'\")]|$enum_length)++)\\))?\\s*(zerofill\\s*)?(unsigned(?:\\s+zerofill)?)?)(?:\\s*(?:CHARSET|CHARACTER\\s+SET)\\s*['\"]?([^'\"\\s]+)['\"]?)?";
$type_pattern = "((" . implode("|", array_merge(array_keys($types), $aliases)) . ")\\b(?:\\s*\\(((?:[^'\")]|$enum_length)++)\\))?\\s*(zerofill\\s*)?(unsigned(?:\\s+zerofill)?)?)(?:\\s*(?:CHARSET|CHARACTER\\s+SET)\\s*['\"]?([^'\"\\s,]+)['\"]?)?";
$pattern = "\\s*(" . ($type == "FUNCTION" ? "" : $inout) . ")?\\s*(?:`((?:[^`]|``)*)`\\s*|\\b(\\S+)\\s+)$type_pattern";
$create = $connection->result("SHOW CREATE $type " . idf_escape($name), 2);
preg_match("~\\(((?:$pattern\\s*,?)*)\\)\\s*" . ($type == "FUNCTION" ? "RETURNS\\s+$type_pattern\\s+" : "") . "(.*)~is", $create, $match);

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@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
Adminer 4.1.1-dev:
Fix reading routine column collations
Adminer 4.1.0 (released 2014-04-18)
Provide size of all databases in the overview
Prevent against brute force login attempts from the same IP address