Traditional Chinese translation

git-svn-id: 7c3ca157-0c34-0410-bff1-cbf682f78f5c
This commit is contained in:
jakubvrana 2009-08-21 10:38:49 +00:00
parent d1b7c0ede1
commit 8e2d4602f6
3 changed files with 238 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ $langs = array(
'nl' => 'Nederlands', // Maarten Balliauw -
'es' => 'Español', // Klemens Häckel -
'de' => 'Deutsch', // Klemens Häckel -
'zh' => '简体中文', // Mr. Lodar
'fr' => 'Français', // Francis Gagné
'it' => 'Italiano', // Alessandro Fiorotto, Paolo Asperti
'et' => 'Eesti', // Priit Kallas
'ru' => 'Русский язык', // Maksim Izmaylov
'zh' => '简体中文', // Mr. Lodar
'zh-tw' => '繁體中文', //
function lang($idf, $number = null) {
@ -32,9 +33,7 @@ function switch_lang() {
echo "<form action=''>\n<div id='lang'>";
hidden_fields($_GET, array('lang'));
echo lang('Language') . ": <select name='lang' onchange='this.form.submit();'>";
foreach ($langs as $lang => $val) {
echo "<option value='$lang'" . ($LANG == $lang ? " selected" : "") . ">$val";
echo optionlist($langs, $LANG);
echo "</select>\n<noscript><div style='display: inline;'><input type='submit' value='" . lang('Use') . "'></div></noscript>\n</div>\n</form>\n";

adminer/lang/zh-tw.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => '登入',
'Adminer' => 'Adminer',
'Logout successful.' => '登出成功。',
'Invalid credentials.' => '無效的憑證。',
'Server' => '伺服器',
'Username' => '帳號',
'Password' => '密碼',
'Select database' => '選擇資料庫',
'Invalid database.' => '無效的資料庫。',
'Create new database' => '建立新資料庫',
'Table has been altered.' => '資料表已更改。',
'Table has been created.' => '資料表已更改。',
'Alter table' => '更改資料表',
'Create table' => '建立資料表表',
'Table name' => '資料表名稱',
'engine' => '引擎',
'collation' => '校對',
'Column name' => '列名',
'Type' => '類型',
'Length' => '長度',
'NULL' => 'NULL',
'Auto Increment' => '自動增加',
'Options' => '選項',
'Save' => '儲存',
'Drop' => '丟棄',
'Database has been dropped.' => '已丟棄資料庫。',
'Database has been created.' => '已建立資料庫。',
'Database has been renamed.' => '已重新命名資料庫。',
'Database has been altered.' => '已更改資料庫。',
'Alter database' => '更改資料庫',
'Create database' => '建立資料庫',
'SQL command' => 'SQL命令',
'Dump' => '導入/導出',
'Logout' => '登出',
'database' => '資料庫',
'Use' => '使用',
'No tables.' => '沒有資料表。',
'select' => '選擇',
'Create new table' => '建立新資料表',
'Item has been updated.' => '已更新項目。',
'Item has been inserted.' => '已插入項目。',
'Edit' => '編輯',
'Insert' => '插入',
'Save and insert next' => '儲存並插入下一個',
'Delete' => '刪除',
'Database' => '資料庫',
'Routines' => '程序',
'Indexes have been altered.' => '已更改索引。',
'Indexes' => '索引',
'Alter indexes' => '更改索引',
'Add next' => '新增下一個',
'Language' => '語言',
'Select' => '選擇',
'New item' => '新建項',
'Search' => '搜尋',
'Sort' => '排序',
'descending' => '降冪',
'Limit' => '限定',
'No rows.' => '沒有行。',
'Action' => '動作',
'edit' => '編輯',
'Page' => '頁',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => '執行查詢OK%d行受影響',
'Error in query' => '查詢出錯',
'Execute' => '執行',
'Table' => '資料表',
'Foreign keys' => '外鍵',
'Triggers' => '觸發器',
'View' => '檢視表',
'Unable to select the table' => '無法選擇該資料表',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => '無效的 CSRF token。請重新發送表單。',
'Comment' => '註解',
'Default values have been set.' => '預設值已設置。',
'Default values' => '預設值',
'BOOL' => 'BOOL',
'Show column comments' => '顯示列註解',
'%d byte(s)' => '%d byte(s)',
'No commands to execute.' => '沒有命令可執行。',
'Unable to upload a file.' => '無法上傳檔案。',
'File upload' => '檔案上傳',
'File uploads are disabled.' => '檔案上傳被禁用。',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => '程序已被執行,%d行被影響',
'Call' => '呼叫',
'No MySQL extension' => '沒有 MySQL 擴充模組',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => '沒有任何支援的PHP擴充模組%s。',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Session 必須被啟用。',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Session 已過期,請重新登入。',
'Text length' => 'Text 長度',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => '已刪除外鍵。',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => '已更改外鍵。',
'Foreign key has been created.' => '已建立外鍵。',
'Foreign key' => '外鍵',
'Target table' => '目標資料表',
'Change' => '更改',
'Source' => '來源',
'Target' => '目標',
'Add column' => '新增資料列',
'Alter' => '更改',
'Add foreign key' => '新增外鍵',
'Index Type' => '索引類型',
'Column (length)' => '列(長度)',
'View has been dropped.' => '已丟棄檢視表。',
'View has been altered.' => '已更改檢視表。',
'View has been created.' => '已建立檢視表。',
'Alter view' => '更改檢視表',
'Create view' => '建立檢視表',
'Name' => '名稱',
'Process list' => '進程列表',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => '%d 個 Process(es) 被終止',
'Kill' => '終止',
'IN-OUT' => 'IN-OUT',
'Parameter name' => '參數名稱',
'Database schema' => '資料庫架構',
'Create procedure' => '建立預存程序',
'Create function' => '建立函數',
'Routine has been dropped.' => '已丟棄程序。',
'Routine has been altered.' => '已更改子程序。',
'Routine has been created.' => '已建立子程序。',
'Alter function' => '更改函數',
'Alter procedure' => '更改過程',
'Return type' => '返回類型',
'Add trigger' => '建立觸發器',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => '已丟棄觸發器。',
'Trigger has been altered.' => '已更改觸發器。',
'Trigger has been created.' => '已建立觸發器。',
'Alter trigger' => '更改觸發器',
'Create trigger' => '建立觸發器',
'Time' => '時間',
'Event' => '事件',
'MySQL version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'MySQL版本%s 透過PHP擴充模組 %s',
'%d row(s)' => '%d行',
'~ %s' => '~ %s',
'Remove' => '移除',
'Are you sure?' => '你確定嗎?',
'Privileges' => '權限',
'Create user' => '建立使用者',
'User has been dropped.' => '已丟棄使用者。',
'User has been altered.' => '已更改使用者。',
'User has been created.' => '已建立使用者。',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => '列',
'Routine' => '程序',
'Grant' => '授權',
'Revoke' => '廢除',
'Logged as: %s' => '登錄為:%s',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the "post_max_size" configuration directive.' => 'POST 資料太大。減少資料或者增加 “post_max_size” 的設定值。',
'Move up' => '上移',
'Move down' => '下移',
'Export' => '匯出',
'Tables' => '資料表',
'Data' => '資料',
'Output' => '輸出',
'open' => '打開',
'save' => '儲存',
'Format' => '格式',
'SQL' => 'SQL',
'CSV' => 'CVS',
'Functions' => '函數',
'Aggregation' => '集合',
'Event has been dropped.' => '已丟棄事件。',
'Event has been altered.' => '已更改事件。',
'Event has been created.' => '已建立事件。',
'Alter event' => '更改事件',
'Create event' => '建立事件',
'Start' => '開始',
'End' => '結束',
'Every' => '每',
'Status' => '狀態',
'On completion preserve' => '在完成後保存',
'Events' => '事件',
'Schedule' => '調度',
'At given time' => '在指定時間',
'Tables have been truncated.' => '已清空資料表。',
'Tables have been moved.' => '已轉移資料表。',
'Tables and views' => '資料表和檢視表',
'Engine' => '引擎',
'Collation' => '校對',
'Data Length' => '資料長度',
'Index Length' => '索引長度',
'Data Free' => '資料空閒',
'Rows' => '行數',
',' => ',',
'Analyze' => '分析',
'Optimize' => '優化',
'Check' => '檢查',
'Repair' => '修復',
'Truncate' => '清空',
'Move to other database' => '轉移到其它資料庫',
'Move' => '轉移',
'Save and continue edit' => '保存並繼續編輯',
'original' => '原始',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d個項目受到影響。',
'whole result' => '所有結果',
'Tables have been dropped.' => '已丟棄表。',
'Clone' => '複製',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s and %s.' => '超過最多允許的字段數量。請增加%s和%s 。',
'Partition by' => '分區類型',
'Partitions' => '分區',
'Partition name' => '分區名',
'Values' => '值',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => '%d行已導入。',
'Table structure' => '資料表結構',
'(anywhere)' => '(任意位置)',
'CSV Import' => '匯入 CSV',
'Import' => '匯入',
'Stop on error' => '出錯時停止',
'Select table' => '選擇資料表',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f秒',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1.$3.$5',
'yyyy-mm-dd' => '',
'History' => '歷史',
'Variables' => '變數',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => '源列和目標列必須具有相同的數據類型,在目標列上必須有一個索引並且引用的數據必須存在。',
'Relations' => '關聯',
'Run file' => '執行檔案',
'Clear' => '清除',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => '允許的檔案上限大小為%sB',
'Numbers' => '數字',
'Date and time' => '日期時間',
'Strings' => '字符串',
'Binary' => '二進制',
'Lists' => '列表',
'Editor' => '編輯器',
'E-mail' => '電子郵件',
'From' => '來自',
'Subject' => '主題',
'Send' => '發送',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => '已發送 %d 封郵件。',

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Display column comments in table overview
Respect max_allowed_packet in CSV import
Fix Editor date format
Fix long SQL query crash (bug #2839231)
Traditional Chinese translation
Adminer 2.0.0 (released 2009-08-06):
Editor: User friendly data editor