All privileges

Use queries()

git-svn-id: 7c3ca157-0c34-0410-bff1-cbf682f78f5c
This commit is contained in:
jakubvrana 2009-06-13 20:04:22 +00:00
parent 5b70b5b399
commit 5beacc333b

View file

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
$privileges = array();
$privileges = array("" => array("All privileges" => ""));
$result = $dbh->query("SHOW PRIVILEGES");
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
foreach (explode(",", $row["Context"]) as $context) {
$privileges[$context][$row["Privilege"]] = $row["Comment"];
if ($row["Privilege"] == "Grant option") {
$privileges[""]["Grant option"] = $row["Comment"];
} else {
foreach (explode(",", $row["Context"]) as $context) {
$privileges[$context][$row["Privilege"]] = $row["Comment"];
@ -19,12 +23,8 @@ foreach ($privileges["Tables"] as $key => $val) {
function all_privileges(&$grants, $privileges) {
foreach ($privileges as $privilege => $val) {
if ($privilege != "Grant option") {
$grants[strtoupper($privilege)] = true;
function grant($grant, $columns) {
return preg_replace('~(GRANT OPTION)\\([^)]*\\)~', '\\1', implode("$columns, ", $grant) . $columns);
$new_grants = array();
@ -37,25 +37,14 @@ $grants = array();
$old_pass = "";
if (isset($_GET["host"]) && ($result = $dbh->query("SHOW GRANTS FOR '" . $dbh->escape_string($_GET["user"]) . "'@'" . $dbh->escape_string($_GET["host"]) . "'"))) { //! Use information_schema for MySQL 5 - column names in column privileges are not escaped
while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
if (preg_match('~GRANT (.*) ON (.*) TO ~', $row[0], $match)) { //! escape the part between ON and TO
if ($match[1] == "ALL PRIVILEGES") {
if ($match[2] == "*.*") {
all_privileges($grants[$match[2]], $privileges["Server Admin"]);
if (substr($match[2], -1) == "*") {
all_privileges($grants[$match[2]], $privileges["Databases"]);
all_privileges($grants[$match[2]], (array) $privileges["Procedures"]);
all_privileges($grants[$match[2]], $privileges["Tables"]);
} elseif (preg_match_all('~ *([^(,]*[^ ,(])( *\\([^)]+\\))?~', $match[1], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($matches as $val) {
$grants["$match[2]$val[2]"][$val[1]] = true;
if (preg_match('~GRANT (.*) ON (.*) TO ~', $row[0], $match) && preg_match_all('~ *([^(,]*[^ ,(])( *\\([^)]+\\))?~', $match[1], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { //! escape the part between ON and TO
foreach ($matches as $val) {
$grants["$match[2]$val[2]"][$val[1]] = true;
if (preg_match('~ WITH GRANT OPTION~', $row[0])) { //! don't check inside strings and identifiers
$grants["$match[2]$val[2]"]["GRANT OPTION"] = true;
if (preg_match('~ WITH GRANT OPTION~', $row[0])) { //! don't check inside strings and identifiers
$grants[$match[2]]["GRANT OPTION"] = true;
if (preg_match("~ IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '([^']+)~", $row[0], $match)) {
$old_pass = $match[1];
@ -69,50 +58,51 @@ if ($_POST && !$error) {
$pass = $dbh->escape_string($_POST["pass"]);
if ($_POST["drop"]) {
query_redirect("DROP USER '$old_user'", $SELF . "privileges=", lang('User has been dropped.'));
} elseif ($old_user == $new_user || $dbh->query(($dbh->server_info < 5 ? "GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO" : "CREATE USER") . " '$new_user' IDENTIFIED BY" . ($_POST["hashed"] ? " PASSWORD" : "") . " '$pass'")) {
} else {
if ($old_user == $new_user) {
$dbh->query("SET PASSWORD FOR '$new_user' = " . ($_POST["hashed"] ? "'$pass'" : "PASSWORD('$pass')"));
$revoke = array();
foreach ($new_grants as $object => $grant) {
if (isset($_GET["grant"])) {
$grant = array_filter($grant);
$grant = array_keys($grant);
if (isset($_GET["grant"])) {
$revoke = array_diff(array_keys(array_filter($new_grants[$object], 'strlen')), $grant);
} elseif ($old_user == $new_user) {
$old_grant = array_keys((array) $grants[$object]);
$revoke = array_diff($old_grant, $grant);
$grant = array_diff($grant, $old_grant);
if (preg_match('~^(.+)(\\(.*\\))?$~U', $object, $match) && (
($grant && !$dbh->query("GRANT " . implode("$match[2], ", $grant) . "$match[2] ON $match[1] TO '$new_user'")) //! SQL injection
|| ($revoke && !$dbh->query("REVOKE " . implode("$match[2], ", $revoke) . "$match[2] ON $match[1] FROM '$new_user'"))
)) {
$error = htmlspecialchars($dbh->error);
if ($old_user != $new_user) {
$dbh->query("DROP USER '$new_user'");
queries("SET PASSWORD FOR '$new_user' = " . ($_POST["hashed"] ? "'$pass'" : "PASSWORD('$pass')"));
} else {
$error = !queries(($dbh->server_info < 5 ? "GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO" : "CREATE USER") . " '$new_user' IDENTIFIED BY" . ($_POST["hashed"] ? " PASSWORD" : "") . " '$pass'");
if (!$error) {
if (isset($_GET["host"]) && $old_user != $new_user) {
$dbh->query("DROP USER '$old_user'");
$revoke = array();
foreach ($new_grants as $object => $grant) {
if (isset($_GET["grant"])) {
$grant = array_filter($grant);
$grant = array_keys($grant);
if (isset($_GET["grant"])) {
$revoke = array_diff(array_keys(array_filter($new_grants[$object], 'strlen')), $grant);
} elseif ($old_user == $new_user) {
$old_grant = array_keys((array) $grants[$object]);
$revoke = array_diff($old_grant, $grant);
$grant = array_diff($grant, $old_grant);
if (preg_match('~^(.+)\\s*(\\(.*\\))?$~U', $object, $match) && (
($grant && !queries("GRANT " . grant($grant, $match[2]) . " ON $match[1] TO '$new_user'")) //! SQL injection
|| ($revoke && !queries("REVOKE " . grant($revoke, $match[2]) . " ON $match[1] FROM '$new_user'"))
)) {
$error = true;
if (!$error && isset($_GET["host"])) {
if ($old_user != $new_user) {
queries("DROP USER '$old_user'");
} elseif (!isset($_GET["grant"])) {
foreach ($grants as $object => $revoke) {
if (preg_match('~^(.+)(\\(.*\\))?$~U', $object, $match)) {
$dbh->query("REVOKE " . implode("$match[2], ", array_keys($revoke)) . "$match[2] ON $match[1] FROM '$new_user'");
queries("REVOKE " . grant(array_keys($revoke), $match[2]) . " ON $match[1] FROM '$new_user'");
redirect($SELF . "privileges=", (isset($_GET["host"]) ? lang('User has been altered.') : lang('User has been created.')));
if (!$error) {
$error = htmlspecialchars($dbh->error);
query_redirect(queries(), $SELF . "privileges=", (isset($_GET["host"]) ? lang('User has been altered.') : lang('User has been created.')), !$error, false, $error);
if ($old_user != $new_user) {
$dbh->query("DROP USER '$new_user'");
page_header((isset($_GET["host"]) ? lang('Username') . ": " . htmlspecialchars("$_GET[user]@$_GET[host]") : lang('Create user')), $error, array("privileges" => lang('Privileges')));
@ -149,6 +139,7 @@ foreach ($grants as $object => $grant) {
echo "</tr></thead>\n";
foreach (array(
"" => "",
"Server Admin" => lang('Server'),
"Databases" => lang('Database'),
"Tables" => lang('Table'),
@ -156,7 +147,7 @@ foreach (array(
"Procedures" => lang('Routine'),
) as $context => $desc) {
foreach ((array) $privileges[$context] as $privilege => $comment) {
echo "<tr" . odd() . "><td>$desc</td><td title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($comment) . '"><i>' . htmlspecialchars($privilege) . '</i></td>';
echo "<tr" . odd() . "><td" . ($desc ? ">$desc</td><td" : " colspan='2'") . ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($comment) . '"><i>' . htmlspecialchars($privilege) . "</i></td>";
$i = 0;
foreach ($grants as $object => $grant) {
$name = '"grants[' . $i . '][' . htmlspecialchars(strtoupper($privilege)) . ']"';