Plugin for using external login system

or for allowing unrestricted access.
This commit is contained in:
Roy-Orbison 2023-08-07 15:58:38 +09:30
parent 343b6bdac3
commit 5a625a5f5e

plugins/login-external.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
* Enables use of saved credentials for accessing a database, without divulging
* them. Provides a mechanism to authenticate each request against any login
* system external to Adminer, or to bypass authentication (for local
* development on a private machine).
* @author Roy Orbitson,
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (one or other)
class AdminerLoginExternal {
protected $externals;
* Provide access details of your database, the current user's authentication status, and other config.
* @param array|object $externals An enumeration containing the fields normally completed on the login form:
* server
* database (optional, but recommended. user can always access any db the credentials allow)
* username
* password
* driver (defaults to 'server' for MySQL, but must be specified otherwise,
* e.g. 'pgsql', 'sqlite')
* Plus fields to control the behaviour of this plugin:
* authenticated (required boolean, ideally checked on *every* request, true if the
* user is known, currently authenticated, and has db privileges
* equivalent to the specified username)
* app_name (dynamically change the name of the tool from Adminer/AdminerEvo)
* manual_login (optional boolean to control auto-submission of Adminer's own login
* form, and prevents logging out whilst authenticated)
* expired_html (optional HTML message to show when user's external authentication
* expires whilst logged in to Adminer)
* failure_html (optional HTML message to show user they are not authenticated, e.g. a
* paragraph containing a link to the login page)
function __construct($externals) {
$externals = (object) $externals;
if (empty($externals->driver)) {
$externals->driver = 'server';
if (isset($_POST['auth'])) {
$_POST['auth']['driver'] = $externals->driver;
$_POST['auth']['server'] = $_POST['auth']['username'] = $_POST['auth']['password'] = '';
$this->externals = $externals;
function name() {
return empty($this->externals->app_name) ? null : $this->externals->app_name;
function credentials() {
if (empty($this->externals->authenticated)) {
# always check external stat rather than relying on adminer's session login
empty($this->externals->expired_html) ?
'External authentication expired.' :
return false;
return [
function database() {
return empty($this->externals->database) ? null : $this->externals->database;
function loginForm() {
if (empty($this->externals->authenticated)) {
if (empty($this->externals->failure_html)) {
echo '<p>You must first log in to the system that grants access to this tool.</p>';
else {
echo $this->externals->failure_html;
return false;
if (empty($this->externals->manual_login)) {
echo script(
function() {
function loginFormField($name, $heading) {
# only for user's benefit, submitted values are overridden by config
$value = '';
switch ($name) {
case 'db':
$value = h(isset($_GET['username']) ? (isset($_GET['db']) ? $_GET['db'] : '') : $this->database());
return <<<EOHTML
$heading<input type="text" name="auth[$name]" value="$value">
case 'driver':
if (function_exists('get_driver')) {
$value = h($this->externals->driver);
$driver = h(get_driver($this->externals->driver)) ?: 'Unknown';
return <<<EOHTML
$heading<input type="hidden" name="auth[$name]" value="$value">$driver
$value = ' value="' . h($this->externals->driver) . '"';
# don't break
case 'server':
case 'username':
case 'password':
return <<<EOHTML
<input type="hidden" name="auth[$name]"$value>
function login($login, $password) {
return !empty($this->externals->authenticated);