PostgreSQL export: table structure, columns, sequences, indexes, foreign keys, comments, trigger definition

This commit is contained in:
Lubor Bilek 2014-07-10 12:34:08 +02:00 committed by Jakub Vrana
parent a10238516c
commit 32334f1106
2 changed files with 121 additions and 12 deletions

View file

@ -244,10 +244,10 @@ ORDER BY 1";
function table_status($name = "") {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT relname AS \"Name\", CASE relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'mv' THEN 'materialized view' WHEN 'f' THEN 'foreign table' ELSE 'view' END AS \"Engine\", pg_relation_size(oid) AS \"Data_length\", pg_indexes_size(oid) AS \"Index_length\", obj_description(oid, 'pg_class') AS \"Comment\", relhasoids::int AS \"Oid\", reltuples as \"Rows\"
FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind IN ('r','v','mv','f')
AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = current_schema())
foreach (get_rows("SELECT c.relname AS \"Name\", CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' ELSE 'view' END AS \"Engine\", pg_relation_size(c.oid) AS \"Data_length\", pg_indexes_size(oid) AS \"Index_length\", obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') AS \"Comment\", c.relhasoids::int AS \"Oid\", c.reltuples as \"Rows\", n.nspname
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON(n.nspname = current_schema() AND n.oid = c.relnamespace)
WHERE relkind IN ('r','v')
" . ($name != "" ? "AND relname = " . q($name) : "ORDER BY relname")
) as $row) { //! Index_length, Auto_increment
$return[$row["Name"]] = $row;
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ ORDER BY a.attnum"
$columns = get_key_vals("SELECT attnum, attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = $table_oid AND attnum > 0", $connection2);
foreach (get_rows("SELECT relname, indisunique::int, indisprimary::int, indkey, indoption , (indpred IS NOT NULL)::int as indispartial FROM pg_index i, pg_class ci WHERE i.indrelid = $table_oid AND ci.oid = i.indexrelid", $connection2) as $row) {
$relname = $row["relname"];
$return[$relname]["type"] = ($row["indispartial"] ? "INDEX" : ($row["indisprimary"] ? "PRIMARY" : ($row["indisunique"] ? "UNIQUE" : "INDEX")));
$return[$relname]["type"] = ($row["indispartial"] ? "INDEX" : ($row["indisprimary"] ? "PRIMARY" : ($row["indisunique"] ? "UNIQUE" : "INDEX")));
$return[$relname]["columns"] = array();
foreach (explode(" ", $row["indkey"]) as $indkey) {
$return[$relname]["columns"][] = $columns[$indkey];
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ ORDER BY a.attnum"
function foreign_keys($table) {
global $on_actions;
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT conname, pg_get_constraintdef(oid) AS definition
foreach (get_rows("SELECT conname, condeferrable::int AS deferrable, pg_get_constraintdef(oid) AS definition
FROM pg_constraint
WHERE conrelid = (SELECT pc.oid FROM pg_class AS pc INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS pn ON (pn.oid = pc.relnamespace) WHERE pc.relname = " . q($table) . " AND pn.nspname = current_schema())
AND contype = 'f'::char
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ ORDER BY conkey, conname") as $row) {
function drop_tables($tables) {
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$status = table_status($table);
$status = table_status($table);
if (!queries("DROP " . strtoupper($status["Engine"]) . " " . table($table))) {
return false;
@ -506,18 +506,21 @@ ORDER BY conkey, conname") as $row) {
return true;
function trigger($name) {
function trigger($name, $table = null) {
if ($name == "") {
return array("Statement" => "EXECUTE PROCEDURE ()");
$rows = get_rows('SELECT trigger_name AS "Trigger", condition_timing AS "Timing", event_manipulation AS "Event", \'FOR EACH \' || action_orientation AS "Type", action_statement AS "Statement" FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table = ' . q($_GET["trigger"]) . ' AND trigger_name = ' . q($name));
if ($table === null) {
$table = $_GET['trigger'];
$rows = get_rows('SELECT t.trigger_name AS "Trigger", t.action_timing AS "Timing", (SELECT STRING_AGG(event_manipulation, \' OR \') FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table = t.event_object_table AND trigger_name = t.trigger_name ) AS "Events", t.event_manipulation AS "Event", \'FOR EACH \' || t.action_orientation AS "Type", t.action_statement AS "Statement" FROM information_schema.triggers t WHERE t.event_object_table = ' . q($table) . ' AND t.trigger_name = ' . q($name));
return reset($rows);
function triggers($table) {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT * FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table = " . q($table)) as $row) {
$return[$row["trigger_name"]] = array($row["condition_timing"], $row["event_manipulation"]);
$return[$row["trigger_name"]] = array($row["action_timing"], $row["event_manipulation"]);
return $return;
@ -606,6 +609,111 @@ AND typelem = 0"
return $return;
/** Get SQL command to create table
* @param string
* @param bool
* @return string
function create_sql($table, $auto_increment) {
global $connection;
$return = '';
$return_parts = array();
$sequences = array();
$status = table_status($table);
$fields = fields($table);
$indexes = indexes($table);
$fkeys = foreign_keys($table);
$triggers = triggers($table);
if (!$status || empty($fields)) {
return false;
$return = "CREATE TABLE " . idf_escape($status['nspname']) . "." . idf_escape($status['Name']) . " (\n ";
// fields' definitions
foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) {
$part = idf_escape($field['field']) . ' ' . $field['full_type']
. (is_null($field['default']) ? "" : " DEFAULT $field[default]")
. ($field['attnotnull'] ? "" : " NOT NULL");
$return_parts[] = $part;
// sequences for fields
if (preg_match('~nextval\(\'([^\']+)\'\)~', $field['default'], $matches)) {
$sequence_name = $matches[1];
$sq = reset(get_rows("SELECT * FROM $sequence_name"));
$sequences[] = "CREATE SEQUENCE $sequence_name INCREMENT $sq[increment_by] MINVALUE $sq[min_value] MAXVALUE $sq[max_value] START " . ($auto_increment ? $sq['last_value'] : 1) . " CACHE $sq[cache_value];";
// adding sequences before table definition
if (!empty($sequences)) {
$return = implode("\n\n", $sequences) . "\n\n$return";
// primary + unique keys
foreach ($indexes as $index_name => $index) {
switch($index['type']) {
case 'UNIQUE': $return_parts[] = "CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape($index_name) . " UNIQUE (" . implode(', ', array_map('idf_escape', $index['columns'])) . ")"; break;
case 'PRIMARY': $return_parts[] = "CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape($index_name) . " PRIMARY KEY (" . implode(', ', array_map('idf_escape', $index['columns'])) . ")"; break;
// foreign keys
foreach ($fkeys as $fkey_name => $fkey) {
$return_parts[] = "CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape($fkey_name) . " $fkey[definition] " . ($fkey['deferrable'] ? 'DEFERRABLE' : 'NOT DEFERRABLE');
$return .= implode(",\n ", $return_parts) . "\n) WITH (oids = " . ($status['Oid'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ");";
// "basic" indexes after table definition
foreach ($indexes as $index_name => $index) {
if ($index['type'] == 'INDEX') {
$return .= "\n\nCREATE INDEX " . idf_escape($index_name) . " ON " . idf_escape($status['nspname']) . "." . idf_escape($status['Name']) . " USING btree (" . implode(', ', array_map('idf_escape', $index['columns'])) . ");";
// coments for table & fields
if ($status['Comment']) {
$return .= "\n\nCOMMENT ON TABLE " . idf_escape($status['nspname']) . "." . idf_escape($status['Name']) . " IS " . q($status['Comment']) . ";";
foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) {
if ($field['comment']) {
$return .= "\n\nCOMMENT ON COLUMN " . idf_escape($status['nspname']) . "." . idf_escape($status['Name']) . "." . idf_escape($field_name) . " IS " . q($field['comment']) . ";";
// triggers
foreach ($triggers as $trg_id => $trg) {
$trigger = trigger($trg_id, $status['Name']);
$return .= "\n\nCREATE TRIGGER " . idf_escape($trigger['Trigger']) . " $trigger[Timing] $trigger[Events] ON " . idf_escape($status["nspname"]) . "." . idf_escape($status['Name']) . " $trigger[Type] $trigger[Statement];";
return rtrim($return, ';');
/** Get SQL commands to create triggers
* @param string
* @param string
* @return string
function trigger_sql($table, $style) {
$return = "";
//foreach (get_rows("SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE " . q(addcslashes($table, "%_\\")), null, "-- ") as $row) {
// $return .= "\n" . ($style == 'CREATE+ALTER' ? "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS " . idf_escape($row["Trigger"]) . ";;\n" : "")
// . "CREATE TRIGGER " . idf_escape($row["Trigger"]) . " $row[Timing] $row[Event] ON " . table($row["Table"]) . " FOR EACH ROW\n$row[Statement];;\n";
//return $return;
return false;
function use_sql($database) {
return "\connect " . idf_escape($database);
@ -631,11 +739,11 @@ AND typelem = 0"
function support($feature) {
global $connection;
return preg_match('~^(database|table|columns|sql|indexes|comment|view|' . ($connection->server_info >= 9.3 ? 'materializedview|' : '') . 'scheme|processlist|sequence|trigger|type|variables|drop_col|kill)$~', $feature); //! routine|
return preg_match('~^(database|table|columns|sql|indexes|comment|view|' . ($connection->server_info >= 9.3 ? 'materializedview|' : '') . 'scheme|processlist|sequence|trigger|type|variables|drop_col|kill|dump)$~', $feature); //! routine|
function kill_process($val) {
return queries("SELECT pg_terminate_backend(" . number($val).")");
return queries("SELECT pg_terminate_backend(" . number($val) . ")");
function connection_id(){

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Adminer 4.2.6-dev:
Add accessibility labels
Make maxlength in edit fields a soft limit
Add Cache-Control: immutable to static files
PostgreSQL: Export
PostgreSQL: Don't treat partial indexes as unique
MS SQL: Support pdo_dblib