Edit values by Ctrl+click instead of double click

This commit is contained in:
Jakub Vrana 2012-10-04 00:17:17 -07:00
parent da08af5eb9
commit 0614260544
31 changed files with 23 additions and 33 deletions

View file

@ -243,7 +243,6 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'تعديل نوع', 'Alter type' => 'تعديل نوع',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'تم حذف النوع.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'تم حذف النوع.',
'Type has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء النوع.', 'Type has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء النوع.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'أنقر نقرا مزدوجا على قيمة لتعديلها.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'إستعمل الرابط "تعديل" لتعديل هذه القيمة.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'إستعمل الرابط "تعديل" لتعديل هذه القيمة.',
'last' => 'الأخيرة', 'last' => 'الأخيرة',
'From server' => 'من الخادم', 'From server' => 'من الخادم',

View file

@ -244,7 +244,6 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'টাইপ পরিবর্তন করো', 'Alter type' => 'টাইপ পরিবর্তন করো',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'টাইপ মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'টাইপ মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Type has been created.' => 'টাইপ তৈরি করা হয়েছে।', 'Type has been created.' => 'টাইপ তৈরি করা হয়েছে।',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'কোন মানকে পরিবর্তন করতে এতে ডবল ক্লিক করো।',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'এই মান পরিবর্তনের জন্য সম্পাদনা লিঙ্ক ব্যবহার করো।', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'এই মান পরিবর্তনের জন্য সম্পাদনা লিঙ্ক ব্যবহার করো।',
'last' => 'সর্বশেষ', 'last' => 'সর্বশেষ',
'From server' => 'সার্ভার থেকে', 'From server' => 'সার্ভার থেকে',

View file

@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Geometry' => 'Geometria', 'Geometry' => 'Geometria',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'S\'han suprimit les bases de dades.', 'Databases have been dropped.' => 'S\'han suprimit les bases de dades.',
'File exists.' => 'El fitxer ja existeix.', 'File exists.' => 'El fitxer ja existeix.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Fes un doble clic a un valor per modificar-lo.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Fes un Ctrl+clic a un valor per modificar-lo.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilitza l\'enllaç d\'edició per modificar aquest valor.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilitza l\'enllaç d\'edició per modificar aquest valor.',
'Alter schema' => 'Modifica l\'esquema', 'Alter schema' => 'Modifica l\'esquema',
'Create schema' => 'Crea un esquema', 'Create schema' => 'Crea un esquema',

View file

@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ $translations = array(
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('Byl importován %d záznam.', 'Byly importovány %d záznamy.', 'Bylo importováno %d záznamů.'), '%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('Byl importován %d záznam.', 'Byly importovány %d záznamy.', 'Bylo importováno %d záznamů.'),
// in-place editing in select // in-place editing in select
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Dvojklikněte na políčko, které chcete změnit.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+klikněte na políčko, které chcete změnit.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Ke změně této hodnoty použijte odkaz upravit.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Ke změně této hodnoty použijte odkaz upravit.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value // %s can contain auto-increment value

View file

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'Typ ändern', 'Alter type' => 'Typ ändern',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Typ gelöscht.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'Typ gelöscht.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Typ erstellt.', 'Type has been created.' => 'Typ erstellt.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Doppelklick zum Bearbeiten des Wertes.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+klick zum Bearbeiten des Wertes.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Benutzen Sie den Link zum editieren dieses Wertes.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Benutzen Sie den Link zum editieren dieses Wertes.',
'last' => 'letzte', 'last' => 'letzte',
'From server' => 'Im Server', 'From server' => 'Im Server',

View file

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'Modificar tipo', 'Alter type' => 'Modificar tipo',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tipo eliminado.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tipo eliminado.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tipo creado.', 'Type has been created.' => 'Tipo creado.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Doble-clic sobre el valor para editarlo.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+clic sobre el valor para editarlo.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilice el enlace de modificar para realizar los cambios.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilice el enlace de modificar para realizar los cambios.',
'last' => 'último', 'last' => 'último',
'From server' => 'Desde servidor', 'From server' => 'Desde servidor',

View file

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'Muuda tüüpi', 'Alter type' => 'Muuda tüüpi',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tüüp on edukalt kustutatud.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tüüp on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tüüp on edukalt loodud.', 'Type has been created.' => 'Tüüp on edukalt loodud.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Väärtuse muutmiseks topelt-kliki sellel.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Väärtuse muutmiseks Ctrl+kliki sellel.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Väärtuse muutmiseks kasuta muutmislinki.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Väärtuse muutmiseks kasuta muutmislinki.',
'last' => 'viimane', 'last' => 'viimane',
'From server' => 'Serverist', 'From server' => 'Serverist',

View file

@ -239,7 +239,6 @@ $translations = array(
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d سطر وارد شد', '%d سطر وارد شد'), '%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d سطر وارد شد', '%d سطر وارد شد'),
// in-place editing in select // in-place editing in select
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'روی مقدار دوبار کلیک کنید تا آنرا ویرایش کنید',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'از لینک ویرایش برای ویرایش این مقدار استفاده کنید', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'از لینک ویرایش برای ویرایش این مقدار استفاده کنید',
// %s can contain auto-increment value // %s can contain auto-increment value

View file

@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'Modifier le type', 'Alter type' => 'Modifier le type',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Le type a été supprimé.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'Le type a été supprimé.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Le type a été créé.', 'Type has been created.' => 'Le type a été créé.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Double-cliquez sur une valeur pour la modifier.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+cliquez sur une valeur pour la modifier.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilisez le lien "modifier" pour modifier cette valeur.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilisez le lien "modifier" pour modifier cette valeur.',
'last' => 'dernière', 'last' => 'dernière',
'From server' => 'Depuis le serveur', 'From server' => 'Depuis le serveur',

View file

@ -233,7 +233,6 @@ $translations = array(
'Geometry' => 'Geometria', 'Geometry' => 'Geometria',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Adatbázis eldobva.', 'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Adatbázis eldobva.',
'File exists.' => 'A fájl létezik.', 'File exists.' => 'A fájl létezik.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Kattints kétszer az értékre a szerkesztéshez.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Használd a szerkesztés hivatkozást ezen érték módosításához.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Használd a szerkesztés hivatkozást ezen érték módosításához.',
'Alter schema' => 'Séma módosítása', 'Alter schema' => 'Séma módosítása',
'Create schema' => 'Séma létrehozása', 'Create schema' => 'Séma létrehozása',

View file

@ -241,7 +241,6 @@ $translations = array(
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => '%d baris berhasil diimpor.', '%d row(s) have been imported.' => '%d baris berhasil diimpor.',
// in-place editing in select // in-place editing in select
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Klik ganda suatu nilai untuk mengubahnya.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Gunakan tautan edit untuk mengubah nilai ini.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Gunakan tautan edit untuk mengubah nilai ini.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value // %s can contain auto-increment value

View file

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'Modifica tipo definito dall\'utente', 'Alter type' => 'Modifica tipo definito dall\'utente',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tipo definito dall\'utente eliminato.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tipo definito dall\'utente eliminato.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tipo definito dall\'utente creato.', 'Type has been created.' => 'Tipo definito dall\'utente creato.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Fai doppio click su un valore per modificarlo.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Fai Ctrl+click su un valore per modificarlo.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Usa il link modifica per modificare questo valore.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Usa il link modifica per modificare questo valore.',
'last' => 'ultima', 'last' => 'ultima',
'From server' => 'Dal server', 'From server' => 'Dal server',

View file

@ -245,7 +245,6 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'ユーザー定義型変更', 'Alter type' => 'ユーザー定義型変更',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'ユーザー定義型を削除しました', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'ユーザー定義型を削除しました',
'Type has been created.' => 'ユーザー定義型を追加しました', 'Type has been created.' => 'ユーザー定義型を追加しました',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'ダブルクリックして編集',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'リンクを編集する', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'リンクを編集する',
'last' => '最終', 'last' => '最終',
'From server' => 'サーバーから実行', 'From server' => 'サーバーから実行',

View file

@ -239,7 +239,6 @@ $translations = array(
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d įrašas įkelta.', '%d įrašai įkelti.', '%d įrašų įkelta.'), '%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d įrašas įkelta.', '%d įrašai įkelti.', '%d įrašų įkelta.'),
// in-place editing in select // in-place editing in select
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Du kartus spragtelėkite pelyte norėdami redaguoti.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Norėdami redaguoti reikšmę naudokite redagavimo nuorodą.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Norėdami redaguoti reikšmę naudokite redagavimo nuorodą.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value // %s can contain auto-increment value

View file

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'Type wijzigen', 'Alter type' => 'Type wijzigen',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Type verwijderd.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'Type verwijderd.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Type aangemaakt.', 'Type has been created.' => 'Type aangemaakt.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Dubbelklik op een waarde om deze te bewerken.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+klik op een waarde om deze te bewerken.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Gebruik de link "bewerk" om deze waarde te wijzigen.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Gebruik de link "bewerk" om deze waarde te wijzigen.',
'last' => 'laatste', 'last' => 'laatste',
'From server' => 'Van server', 'From server' => 'Van server',

View file

@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ $translations = array(
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d rekord został zaimportowany.', '%d rekordy zostały zaimportowane.', '%d rekordów zostało zaimportowanych.'), '%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d rekord został zaimportowany.', '%d rekordy zostały zaimportowane.', '%d rekordów zostało zaimportowanych.'),
// in-place editing in select // in-place editing in select
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Kliknij podwójnie wartość, aby ją edytować.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+kliknij wartość, aby ją edytować.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Użyj linku edycji aby zmienić tę wartość.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Użyj linku edycji aby zmienić tę wartość.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value // %s can contain auto-increment value

View file

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'Modificar tipo', 'Alter type' => 'Modificar tipo',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tipo eliminado.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tipo eliminado.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tipo criado.', 'Type has been created.' => 'Tipo criado.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Clique duas vezes sobre o valor para edita-lo.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+clique vezes sobre o valor para edita-lo.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilize o link modificar para alterar.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilize o link modificar para alterar.',
'last' => 'último', 'last' => 'último',
'From server' => 'Desde servidor', 'From server' => 'Desde servidor',

View file

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'Modifică tip', 'Alter type' => 'Modifică tip',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tiipul a fost șters.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tiipul a fost șters.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Crează tip nou.', 'Type has been created.' => 'Crează tip nou.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Dublu click pe o valoare pentru a o modifica.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+click pe o valoare pentru a o modifica.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Valoare poate fi modificată cu ajutorul butonului «modifică».', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Valoare poate fi modificată cu ajutorul butonului «modifică».',
'last' => 'ultima', 'last' => 'ultima',
'From server' => 'De pe server', 'From server' => 'De pe server',

View file

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => 'Изменить тип', 'Alter type' => 'Изменить тип',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Тип удален.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'Тип удален.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Создан новый тип.', 'Type has been created.' => 'Создан новый тип.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Кликни два раза по значению, чтобы его изменить.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+кликни по значению, чтобы его изменить.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Изменить это значение можно с помощью ссылки «изменить».', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Изменить это значение можно с помощью ссылки «изменить».',
'last' => 'последняя', 'last' => 'последняя',
'From server' => 'С сервера', 'From server' => 'С сервера',

View file

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $translations = array(
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Typ bol odstránený.', 'Type has been dropped.' => 'Typ bol odstránený.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Typ bol vytvorený.', 'Type has been created.' => 'Typ bol vytvorený.',
'Alter type' => 'Pozmeniť typ', 'Alter type' => 'Pozmeniť typ',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Dvojkliknite na políčko, ktoré chcete zmeniť.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+kliknite na políčko, ktoré chcete zmeniť.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Pre zmenu tejto hodnoty použite odkaz upraviť.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Pre zmenu tejto hodnoty použite odkaz upraviť.',
'last' => 'posledný', 'last' => 'posledný',
'From server' => 'Zo serveru', 'From server' => 'Zo serveru',

View file

@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ $translations = array(
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('Uvožena je %d vrstica.', 'Uvoženi sta %d vrstici.', 'Uvožene so %d vrstice.', 'Uvoženih je %d vrstic.'), '%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('Uvožena je %d vrstica.', 'Uvoženi sta %d vrstici.', 'Uvožene so %d vrstice.', 'Uvoženih je %d vrstic.'),
// in-place editing in select // in-place editing in select
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Dvojni klik na vrednost za urejanje.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+klik na vrednost za urejanje.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Uporabite urejanje povezave za spreminjanje te vrednosti.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Uporabite urejanje povezave za spreminjanje te vrednosti.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value // %s can contain auto-increment value

View file

@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ $translations = array(
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d ред је увежен.', '%d реда су увежена.', '%d редова је увежено.'), '%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d ред је увежен.', '%d реда су увежена.', '%d редова је увежено.'),
// in-place editing in select // in-place editing in select
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Дупли клик на вредност за измену.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+клик на вредност за измену.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Користи везу за измену ове вредности.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Користи везу за измену ове вредности.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value // %s can contain auto-increment value

View file

@ -234,7 +234,6 @@ $translations = array(
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'அமைப்புமுறை நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.', 'Schema has been dropped.' => 'அமைப்புமுறை நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'அமைப்புமுறை உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.', 'Schema has been created.' => 'அமைப்புமுறை உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'அமைப்புமுறை மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.', 'Schema has been altered.' => 'அமைப்புமுறை மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'ம‌திப்பினை மாற்ற அத‌ன் மீது இருமுறை சொடுக்க‌வும் (Double click).',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'இந்த‌ ம‌திப்பினை மாற்ற‌, தொகுப்பு இணைப்பினை உப‌யோகிக்க‌வும்.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'இந்த‌ ம‌திப்பினை மாற்ற‌, தொகுப்பு இணைப்பினை உப‌யோகிக்க‌வும்.',
'last' => 'க‌டைசி', 'last' => 'க‌டைசி',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'வ‌ரிசைமுறை நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.', 'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'வ‌ரிசைமுறை நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.',

View file

@ -235,7 +235,6 @@ $translations = array(
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d sıra ithal edildi.', '%d kadar sıra ithal edildi.'), '%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d sıra ithal edildi.', '%d kadar sıra ithal edildi.'),
// in-place editing in select // in-place editing in select
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Değerin üzerine çift tıklayın ve değiştirin.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Değeri değiştirmek için düzenleme bağlantısını kullanın.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Değeri değiştirmek için düzenleme bağlantısını kullanın.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value // %s can contain auto-increment value

View file

@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ $translations = array(
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d рядок було імпортовано.', '%d рядки було імпортовано.', '%d рядків було імпортовано.'), '%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d рядок було імпортовано.', '%d рядки було імпортовано.', '%d рядків було імпортовано.'),
// in-place editing in select // in-place editing in select
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'Двічі клікніть на значенні щоб змінити його.', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+клікніть на значенні щоб змінити його.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Використовуйте посилання щоб змінити це значення.', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Використовуйте посилання щоб змінити це значення.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value // %s can contain auto-increment value

View file

@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ $translations = array(
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('xx', 'xx'), '%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('xx', 'xx'),
// in-place editing in select // in-place editing in select
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => 'xx', 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'xx',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'xx', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'xx',
// %s can contain auto-increment value // %s can contain auto-increment value

View file

@ -244,7 +244,6 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => '更改類型', 'Alter type' => '更改類型',
'Type has been dropped.' => '已刪除類型。', 'Type has been dropped.' => '已刪除類型。',
'Type has been created.' => '已建立類型。', 'Type has been created.' => '已建立類型。',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => '雙擊以進行修改。',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => '使用編輯連結來修改。', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => '使用編輯連結來修改。',
'last' => '最後一頁', 'last' => '最後一頁',
'From server' => '從伺服器', 'From server' => '從伺服器',

View file

@ -244,7 +244,6 @@ $translations = array(
'Alter type' => '更改类型', 'Alter type' => '更改类型',
'Type has been dropped.' => '已丢弃类型。', 'Type has been dropped.' => '已丢弃类型。',
'Type has been created.' => '已创建类型。', 'Type has been created.' => '已创建类型。',
'Double click on a value to modify it.' => '在值上双击类修改它。',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => '使用编辑链接来修改该值。', 'Use edit link to modify this value.' => '使用编辑链接来修改该值。',
'last' => '最后', 'last' => '最后',
'From server' => '来自服务器', 'From server' => '来自服务器',

View file

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ if ($_POST && !$error) {
//! display edit page in case of an error //! display edit page in case of an error
} elseif (!$_POST["import"]) { // modify } elseif (!$_POST["import"]) { // modify
if (!$_POST["val"]) { if (!$_POST["val"]) {
$error = lang('Double click on a value to modify it.'); $error = lang('Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.');
} else { } else {
$result = true; $result = true;
$affected = 0; $affected = 0;
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ if (!$columns) {
$text = ereg('text|lob', $field["type"]); $text = ereg('text|lob', $field["type"]);
echo (($_GET["modify"] && $editable) || $value !== null echo (($_GET["modify"] && $editable) || $value !== null
? "<td>" . ($text ? "<textarea name='$id' cols='30' rows='" . (substr_count($row[$key], "\n") + 1) . "'>$h_value</textarea>" : "<input name='$id' value='$h_value' size='$lengths[$key]'>") ? "<td>" . ($text ? "<textarea name='$id' cols='30' rows='" . (substr_count($row[$key], "\n") + 1) . "'>$h_value</textarea>" : "<input name='$id' value='$h_value' size='$lengths[$key]'>")
: "<td id='$id' ondblclick=\"" . ($editable ? "selectDblClick(this, event" . ($long ? ", 2" : ($text ? ", 1" : "")) . ")" : "alert('" . h(lang('Use edit link to modify this value.')) . "')") . ";\">" . $adminer->selectVal($val, $link, $field) : "<td id='$id' onclick=\"" . ($editable ? "selectClick(this, event" . ($long ? ", 2" : ($text ? ", 1" : "")) . ")" : "alert('" . h(lang('Use edit link to modify this value.')) . "')") . ";\">" . $adminer->selectVal($val, $link, $field)
); );
} }
} }
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ if (!$columns) {
if ($adminer->selectCommandPrint()) { if ($adminer->selectCommandPrint()) {
?> ?>
<fieldset><legend><?php echo lang('Edit'); ?></legend><div> <fieldset><legend><?php echo lang('Edit'); ?></legend><div>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>"<?php echo ($_GET["modify"] ? '' : ' title="' . lang('Double click on a value to modify it.') . '" class="jsonly"'); ?>> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>"<?php echo ($_GET["modify"] ? '' : ' title="' . lang('Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.') . '" class="jsonly"'); ?>>
<input type="submit" name="edit" value="<?php echo lang('Edit'); ?>"> <input type="submit" name="edit" value="<?php echo lang('Edit'); ?>">
<input type="submit" name="clone" value="<?php echo lang('Clone'); ?>"> <input type="submit" name="clone" value="<?php echo lang('Clone'); ?>">
<input type="submit" name="delete" value="<?php echo lang('Delete'); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo lang('Are you sure?'); ?> (' + (this.form['all'].checked ? <?php echo $found_rows; ?> : formChecked(this, /check/)) + ')');"> <input type="submit" name="delete" value="<?php echo lang('Delete'); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo lang('Are you sure?'); ?> (' + (this.form['all'].checked ? <?php echo $found_rows; ?> : formChecked(this, /check/)) + ')');">

View file

@ -412,8 +412,8 @@ function ajaxSetHtml(url) {
* @param MouseEvent * @param MouseEvent
* @param number display textarea instead of input, 2 - load long text * @param number display textarea instead of input, 2 - load long text
*/ */
function selectDblClick(td, event, text) { function selectClick(td, event, text) {
if (/input|textarea/i.test(td.firstChild.tagName)) { if (!event.ctrlKey || /input|textarea/i.test(td.firstChild.tagName)) {
return; return;
} }
var original = td.innerHTML; var original = td.innerHTML;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Adminer 3.6.2-dev: Adminer 3.6.2-dev:
Edit values by Ctrl+click instead of double click
Shorten values in varchar fields Shorten values in varchar fields
Display table default values on wide screens Display table default values on wide screens
Fix switching language on first load Fix switching language on first load