
274 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/** Print select result
* @param Min_Result
* @param Min_DB connection to examine indexes
* @return null
function select($result, $dbh2 = null) {
if (!$result->num_rows) {
echo "<p class='message'>" . lang('No rows.') . "\n";
} else {
echo "<table cellspacing='0' class='nowrap'>\n";
$links = array(); // colno => orgtable - create links from these columns
$indexes = array(); // orgtable => array(column => colno) - primary keys
$columns = array(); // orgtable => array(column => ) - not selected columns in primary key
$blobs = array(); // colno => bool - display bytes for blobs
$types = array(); // colno => type - display char in <code>
odd(''); // reset odd for each result
for ($i=0; $row = $result->fetch_row(); $i++) {
if (!$i) {
echo "<thead><tr>";
for ($j=0; $j < count($row); $j++) {
$field = $result->fetch_field();
if (strlen($field->orgtable)) {
if (!isset($indexes[$field->orgtable])) {
// find primary key in each table
$indexes[$field->orgtable] = array();
foreach (indexes($field->orgtable, $dbh2) as $index) {
if ($index["type"] == "PRIMARY") {
$indexes[$field->orgtable] = array_flip($index["columns"]);
$columns[$field->orgtable] = $indexes[$field->orgtable];
if (isset($columns[$field->orgtable][$field->orgname])) {
$indexes[$field->orgtable][$field->orgname] = $j;
$links[$j] = $field->orgtable;
if ($field->charsetnr == 63) {
$blobs[$j] = true;
$types[$j] = $field->type;
echo "<th>" . h($field->name);
echo "</thead>\n";
echo "<tr" . odd() . ">";
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
if (!isset($val)) {
$val = "<i>NULL</i>";
} else {
if ($blobs[$key] && !is_utf8($val)) {
$val = "<i>" . lang('%d byte(s)', strlen($val)) . "</i>"; //! link to download
} elseif (!strlen(trim($val, " \t"))) {
$val = "&nbsp;"; // some content to print a border
} else {
$val = nl2br(h($val));
if ($types[$key] == 254) {
$val = "<code>$val</code>";
if (isset($links[$key]) && !$columns[$links[$key]]) {
$link = "edit=" . urlencode($links[$key]);
foreach ($indexes[$links[$key]] as $col => $j) {
$link .= "&where" . urlencode("[" . bracket_escape($col) . "]") . "=" . urlencode($row[$j]);
$val = "<a href='" . h(ME . $link) . "'>$val</a>";
echo "<td>$val";
echo "</table>\n";
function referencable_primary($self) {
$return = array(); // table_name => field
foreach (table_status_referencable() as $table_name => $table) {
if ($table_name != $self) {
foreach (fields($table_name) as $field) {
if ($field["primary"]) {
if ($return[$table_name]) { // multi column primary key
$return[$table_name] = $field;
return $return;
function edit_type($key, $field, $collations, $foreign_keys = array()) {
global $structured_types, $unsigned, $inout;
<td><select name="<?php echo $key; ?>[type]" onchange="editing_type_change(this);"><?php echo optionlist($structured_types + ($foreign_keys ? array(lang('Foreign keys') => $foreign_keys) : array()), $field["type"]); // foreign keys can be wide but style="width: 15ex;" narrows expanded optionlist in IE too ?></select>
<td><input name="<?php echo $key; ?>[length]" value="<?php echo h($field["length"]); ?>" size="3">
echo "<select name='$key" . "[collation]'" . (ereg('(char|text|enum|set)$', $field["type"]) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . '><option value="">(' . lang('collation') . ')' . optionlist($collations, $field["collation"]) . '</select>';
echo ($unsigned ? " <select name='$key" . "[unsigned]'" . (!$field["type"] || ereg('(int|float|double|decimal)$', $field["type"]) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . '><option>' . optionlist($unsigned, $field["unsigned"]) . '</select>' : '');
function process_length($length) {
global $enum_length;
return (preg_match("~^\\s*(?:$enum_length)(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:$enum_length))*\\s*\$~", $length) && preg_match_all("~$enum_length~", $length, $matches) ? implode(",", $matches[0]) : preg_replace('~[^0-9,+-]~', '', $length));
function process_type($field, $collate = "COLLATE") {
global $dbh, $enum_length, $unsigned;
return " $field[type]"
. ($field["length"] && !ereg('^date|time$', $field["type"]) ? "(" . process_length($field["length"]) . ")" : "")
. (ereg('int|float|double|decimal', $field["type"]) && in_array($field["unsigned"], $unsigned) ? " $field[unsigned]" : "")
. (ereg('char|text|enum|set', $field["type"]) && $field["collation"] ? " $collate " . $dbh->quote($field["collation"]) : "")
function process_field($field, $type_field) {
global $dbh;
return idf_escape($field["field"]) . process_type($type_field)
. ($field["null"] ? " NULL" : " NOT NULL") // NULL for timestamp
. (!$field["has_default"] || $field["auto_increment"] || ereg('text|blob', $field["type"]) ? "" : " DEFAULT " . ($field["type"] == "timestamp" && eregi("^CURRENT_TIMESTAMP( on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)?$", $field["default"]) ? $field["default"] : $dbh->quote($field["default"])))
. " COMMENT " . $dbh->quote($field["comment"])
function type_class($type) {
if (ereg('char|text', $type)) {
return " class='char'";
} elseif (ereg('date|time|year', $type)) {
return " class='date'";
} elseif (ereg('binary|blob', $type)) {
return " class='binary'";
} elseif (ereg('enum|set', $type)) {
return " class='enum'";
function edit_fields($fields, $collations, $type = "TABLE", $allowed = 0, $foreign_keys = array()) {
global $inout;
$column_comments = false;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (strlen($field["comment"])) {
$column_comments = true;
<?php if ($type == "PROCEDURE") { ?><td>&nbsp;<?php } ?>
<th><?php echo ($type == "TABLE" ? lang('Column name') : lang('Parameter name')); ?>
<td><?php echo lang('Type'); ?>
<td><?php echo lang('Length'); ?>
<td><?php echo lang('Options'); ?>
<?php if ($type == "TABLE") { ?>
<td><input type="radio" name="auto_increment_col" value=""><?php echo lang('Auto Increment'); ?>
<td class="hidden"><?php echo lang('Default values'); ?>
<td<?php echo ($column_comments ? "" : " class='hidden'"); ?>><?php echo lang('Comment'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<td><?php echo "<input type='image' name='add[0]' src='../adminer/plus.gif' alt='+' title='" . lang('Add next') . "'>"; ?><script type="text/javascript">row_count = <?php echo count($fields); ?>;</script>
foreach ($fields as $i => $field) {
$display = (isset($_POST["add"][$i-1]) || (isset($field["field"]) && !$_POST["drop_col"][$i]));
<tr<?php echo ($display ? "" : " style='display: none;'"); ?>>
<?php if ($type == "PROCEDURE") { ?><td><select name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?>][inout]"><?php echo optionlist($inout, $field["inout"]); ?></select><?php } ?>
<th><?php if ($display) { ?><input name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?>][field]" value="<?php echo h($field["field"]); ?>" onchange="<?php echo (strlen($field["field"]) || count($fields) > 1 ? "" : "editing_add_row(this, $allowed); "); ?>editing_name_change(this);" maxlength="64"><?php } ?><input type="hidden" name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?>][orig]" value="<?php echo h($field[($_POST ? "orig" : "field")]); ?>">
<?php edit_type("fields[$i]", $field, $collations, $foreign_keys); ?>
<?php if ($type == "TABLE") { ?>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?>][null]" value="1"<?php if ($field["null"]) { ?> checked<?php } ?>>
<td><input type="radio" name="auto_increment_col" value="<?php echo $i; ?>"<?php if ($field["auto_increment"]) { ?> checked<?php } ?>>
<td class="nowrap hidden"><input type="checkbox" name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?>][has_default]" value="1"<?php echo ($field["has_default"] ? " checked" : ""); ?>><input name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?>][default]" value="<?php echo h($field["default"]); ?>" onchange="this.previousSibling.checked = true;">
<td<?php echo ($column_comments ? "" : " class='hidden'"); ?>><input name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?>][comment]" value="<?php echo h($field["comment"]); ?>" maxlength="255">
<?php } ?>
echo "<td class='nowrap'><input type='image' name='add[$i]' src='../adminer/plus.gif' alt='+' title='" . lang('Add next') . "' onclick='var x = editing_add_row(this, $allowed); if (x) { x.focus(); x.onchange = function () { }; } return !x;'>";
echo "&nbsp;<input type='image' name='drop_col[$i]' src='../adminer/cross.gif' alt='x' title='" . lang('Remove') . "' onclick='return !editing_remove_row(this);'>";
echo "&nbsp;<input type='image' name='up[$i]' src='../adminer/up.gif' alt='^' title='" . lang('Move up') . "'>";
echo "&nbsp;<input type='image' name='down[$i]' src='../adminer/down.gif' alt='v' title='" . lang('Move down') . "'>";
echo "\n\n";
return $column_comments;
function process_fields(&$fields) {
$offset = 0;
if ($_POST["up"]) {
$last = 0;
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
if (key($_POST["up"]) == $key) {
array_splice($fields, $last, 0, array($field));
if (isset($field["field"])) {
$last = $offset;
if ($_POST["down"]) {
$found = false;
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
if (isset($field["field"]) && $found) {
array_splice($fields, $offset, 0, array($found));
if (key($_POST["down"]) == $key) {
$found = $field;
$fields = array_values($fields);
if ($_POST["add"]) {
array_splice($fields, key($_POST["add"]), 0, array(array()));
function normalize_enum($match) {
return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", addcslashes(stripcslashes(str_replace($match[0]{0} . $match[0]{0}, $match[0]{0}, substr($match[0], 1, -1))), '\\')) . "'";
function routine($name, $type) {
global $dbh, $enum_length, $inout;
$aliases = array("bit" => "tinyint", "bool" => "tinyint", "boolean" => "tinyint", "integer" => "int", "double precision" => "float", "real" => "float", "dec" => "decimal", "numeric" => "decimal", "fixed" => "decimal", "national char" => "char", "national varchar" => "varchar");
$type_pattern = "([a-z]+)(?:\\s*\\(((?:[^'\")]*|$enum_length)+)\\))?\\s*(zerofill\\s*)?(unsigned(?:\\s+zerofill)?)?(?:\\s*(?:CHARSET|CHARACTER\\s+SET)\\s*['\"]?([^'\"\\s]+)['\"]?)?";
$pattern = "\\s*(" . ($type == "FUNCTION" ? "" : implode("|", $inout)) . ")?\\s*(?:`((?:[^`]|``)*)`\\s*|\\b(\\S+)\\s+)$type_pattern";
$create = $dbh->result($dbh->query("SHOW CREATE $type " . idf_escape($name)), 2);
preg_match("~\\(((?:$pattern\\s*,?)*)\\)" . ($type == "FUNCTION" ? "\\s*RETURNS\\s+$type_pattern" : "") . "\\s*(.*)~is", $create, $match);
$fields = array();
preg_match_all("~$pattern\\s*,?~is", $match[1], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $param) {
$name = str_replace("``", "`", $param[2]) . $param[3];
$data_type = strtolower($param[4]);
$fields[$name] = array(
"field" => $name,
"type" => (isset($aliases[$data_type]) ? $aliases[$data_type] : $data_type),
"length" => preg_replace_callback("~$enum_length~s", 'normalize_enum', $param[5]),
"unsigned" => strtolower(preg_replace('~\\s+~', ' ', trim("$param[7] $param[6]"))),
"inout" => strtoupper($param[1]),
"collation" => strtolower($param[8]),
if ($type != "FUNCTION") {
return array("fields" => $fields, "definition" => $match[10]);
$returns = array("type" => $match[10], "length" => $match[11], "unsigned" => $match[13], "collation" => $match[14]);
return array("fields" => $fields, "returns" => $returns, "definition" => $match[15]);
function grant($grant, $privileges, $columns, $on) {
if (!$privileges) {
return true;
if ($privileges == array("ALL PRIVILEGES", "GRANT OPTION")) {
// can't be granted or revoked together
return ($grant == "GRANT"
: queries("$grant ALL PRIVILEGES$on") && queries("$grant GRANT OPTION$on")
return queries("$grant " . preg_replace('~(GRANT OPTION)\\([^)]*\\)~', '\\1', implode("$columns, ", $privileges) . $columns) . $on);