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{"config":{"lang":["en"],"separator":"[\\s\\-]+","pipeline":["stopWordFilter"]},"docs":[{"location":"","title":"Home","text":"<p> AdminerEvo is a web-based database management interface, with a focus on security, user experience, performance, functionality and size. </p> <p> It is available for download as a single self-contained PHP file, making it easy to deploy anywhere. </p> <p>Download View Source</p> <p>AdminerEvo works out of the box with MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Elasticsearch and MongoDB. In addition, there are plugins for SimpleDB, Firebird and ClickHouse.</p> <p>AdminerEvo is developed by the AdminerEvo community and is a continuation of the Adminer project by Jakub Vr\u00e1na.</p>"},{"location":"#rationale","title":"Rationale","text":"<p>Existing database management interfaces often come in the form of desktop clients, or as large web applications. They often only support a single DBMS.</p> <p>Adminer aims to offer a familiar interface in a lightweight package, no matter the environment. The only requirement is a webserver configured to run a current version of PHP.</p>"},{"location":"#plugins","title":"Plugins","text":"<p>AdminerEvo and AdminerEvo Editor can be extended by plugins. To use a plugin</p> Name / link Description plugin Required to run any plugin database-hide Hide some databases from the interface - just to improve design, not a security plugin designs Allow switching designs dump-alter Exports one database (e.g. <code>development</code>) so that it can be synced with other database (e.g. <code>production</code>) dump-bz2 Dump to Bzip2 format dump-date Include current date and time in export filename dump-json Dump to JSON format dump-xml Dump to XML format in structure <code>&lt;database name=\"&gt;&lt;table name=\"&gt;&lt;column name=\"&gt;</code> value dump-zip Dump to ZIP format edit-calendar Display jQuery UI Timepicker for each date and datetime field edit-foreign Select foreign key in edit form edit-textarea Use <code>&lt;textarea&gt;</code> for <code>char</code> and <code>varchar</code> enum-option Use <code>&lt;select&gt;&lt;option&gt;</code> for <code>enum</code> edit instead of <code>&lt;input type=\"radio\"&gt;</code> enum-types Use <code>&lt;select&gt;&lt;option&gt;</code> for <code>enum</code> edit instead of regular input text on enum type in PostgreSQL file-upload Edit fields ending with _path by <code>&lt;input type=\"file\"&gt;</code> and link to the uploaded files from select foreign-system Link system tables (in <code>mysql</code> and <code>information_schema</code> databases) by foreign keys frames Allow using Adminer inside a frame json-column Display JSON values as table in edit login-otp Require One Time Password at login login-servers Display constant list of servers in login form login-password-less Enable login without password (example) login-ssl Connect to MySQL using SSL login-table Authenticate a user from the login table master-slave Execute writes on master and reads on slave pretty-json-column Pretty print JSON values in edit slugify Prefill field containing <code>_slug</code> with slugified value of a previous field (JavaScript) sql-log Log all queries to SQL file struct-comments Show comments of sql structure in more places (mainly where you edit things) tables-filter Filter names in tables list tinymce Edit all fields containing <code>_html</code> by HTML editor TinyMCE and display the HTML in select translation Translate all table and field comments, enum and set values from the translation table (automatically inserts new translations) version-noverify Disable version checker wymeditor Edit all fields containing <code>_html</code> by HTML editor WYMeditor and display the HTML in select"},{"location":"#user-contributed-plugins","title":"User contributed plugins","text":"Name / link Author Description allowed-prefixes Martin Macko Show only tables with user set prefixes checkbox-select Alexander Shabunevich Check multiple checkboxes at once by Shift+click. colorfields Prema van Smuuf convention-foreign-keys Ivan Ne\u010das Links for