import logging import yaml import ycast.vtuner as vtuner import ycast.generic as generic ID_PREFIX = "MY_" config_file = 'my_stations.yml' class Station: def __init__(self, name, url, category): = ID_PREFIX + '000000' # TODO: generate meaningful ID = name self.url = url self.tag = category def to_vtuner(self): return vtuner.Station(,, self.tag, self.url, None, self.tag, None, None, None, None) def set_config(config): global config_file if config: config_file = config if get_stations_yaml(): return True else: return False def get_stations_yaml(): try: with open(config_file, 'r') as f: my_stations = yaml.safe_load(f) except FileNotFoundError: logging.error("Station configuration '%s' not found", config_file) return None except yaml.YAMLError as e: logging.error("Station configuration format error: %s", e) return None return my_stations def get_category_directories(): my_stations_yaml = get_stations_yaml() categories = [] if my_stations_yaml: for category in my_stations_yaml: categories.append(generic.Directory(category, len(get_stations_by_category(category)))) return categories def get_stations_by_category(category): my_stations_yaml = get_stations_yaml() stations = [] if my_stations_yaml and category in my_stations_yaml: for station_name in my_stations_yaml[category]: stations.append(Station(station_name, my_stations_yaml[category][station_name], category)) return stations