import logging import yaml from flask import Flask, request, url_for import ycast.vtuner as vtuner import ycast.radiobrowser as radiobrowser PATH_ROOT = 'ycast' PATH_CUSTOM_STATIONS = 'my_stations' PATH_RADIOBROWSER = 'radiobrowser' PATH_RADIOBROWSER_COUNTRY = 'country' PATH_RADIOBROWSER_GENRE = 'genre' PATH_RADIOBROWSER_POPULAR = 'popular' PATH_RADIOBROWSER_SEARCH = 'search' my_stations = {} app = Flask(__name__) def run(config, address='', port=8010): try: get_stations(config), port=port) except PermissionError: logging.error("No permission to create socket. Are you trying to use ports below 1024 without elevated rights?") def get_stations(config): global my_stations if not config: logging.warning("If you want to use the 'My Stations' feature, please supply a valid station configuration") return try: with open(config, 'r') as f: my_stations = yaml.safe_load(f) except FileNotFoundError: logging.error("Station configuration '%s' not found", config) return except yaml.YAMLError as e: logging.error("Config error: %s", e) return def get_directories_page(subdir, directories, startitems, enditems): page = vtuner.Page() if len(directories) == 0: page.add(vtuner.Display("No entries found.")) return page offset = 0 limit = len(directories) if startitems and enditems: offset = int(startitems) - 1 limit = int(enditems) if offset > len(directories): offset = len(directories) if limit > len(directories): limit = len(directories) for directory_num in range(offset, limit): directory = directories[directory_num] page.add(vtuner.Directory(directory, url_for(subdir, _external=True, directory=directory))) return page def get_stations_page(stations, startitems, enditems): page = vtuner.Page() if len(stations) == 0: page.add(vtuner.Display("No stations found.")) return page offset = 0 limit = len(stations) if startitems and enditems: offset = int(startitems) - 1 limit = int(enditems) if offset > len(stations): offset = len(stations) if limit > len(stations): limit = len(stations) for station_num in range(offset, limit): station = stations[station_num] page.add(station.to_vtuner()) return page # TODO: vtuner doesn't do https (e.g. for logos). make an icon cache @app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''}) @app.route('/setupapp/') @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/', defaults={'path': ''}) def landing(path): if request.args.get('token') == '0': return vtuner.get_init_token() page = vtuner.Page() page.add(vtuner.Directory('Radiobrowser', url_for('radiobrowser_landing', _external=True))) page.add(vtuner.Directory('My Stations', url_for('custom_stations_landing', _external=True))) return page.to_string() @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/' + PATH_CUSTOM_STATIONS + '/') def custom_stations_landing(): page = vtuner.Page() page.add(vtuner.Previous(url_for("landing", _external=True))) if not my_stations: page.add(vtuner.Display("No stations found")) else: for category in sorted(my_stations, key=str.lower): directory = vtuner.Directory(category, url_for('custom_stations_category', _external=True, category=category)) page.add(directory) return page.to_string() @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/' + PATH_CUSTOM_STATIONS + '/') def custom_stations_category(category): page = vtuner.Page() page.add(vtuner.Previous(url_for('custom_stations_landing', _external=True))) if category not in my_stations: page.add(vtuner.Display("Category '" + category + "' not found")) else: for station in sorted(my_stations[category], key=str.lower): station = vtuner.Station(None, station, None, my_stations[category][station], None, None, None, None, None, None) page.add(station) return page.to_string() @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER + '/') def radiobrowser_landing(): page = vtuner.Page() page.add(vtuner.Previous(url_for('landing', _external=True))) page.add(vtuner.Directory('Genres', url_for('radiobrowser_genres', _external=True))) page.add(vtuner.Directory('Countries', url_for('radiobrowser_countries', _external=True))) page.add(vtuner.Directory('Most Popular', url_for('radiobrowser_popular', _external=True))) page.add(vtuner.Search('Search', url_for('radiobrowser_search', _external=True, path=''))) return page.to_string() @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER_COUNTRY + '/') def radiobrowser_countries(): directories = radiobrowser.get_countries() return get_directories_page('radiobrowser_country_stations', directories, request.args.get('startitems'), request.args.get('enditems')).to_string() @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER_COUNTRY + '/') def radiobrowser_country_stations(directory): stations = radiobrowser.get_stations_by_country(directory) return get_stations_page(stations, request.args.get('startitems'), request.args.get('enditems')).to_string() @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER_GENRE + '/') def radiobrowser_genres(): directories = radiobrowser.get_genres() return get_directories_page('radiobrowser_genre_stations', directories, request.args.get('startitems'), request.args.get('enditems')).to_string() @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER_GENRE + '/') def radiobrowser_genre_stations(directory): stations = radiobrowser.get_stations_by_genre(directory) return get_stations_page(stations, request.args.get('startitems'), request.args.get('enditems')).to_string() @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER_POPULAR + '/') def radiobrowser_popular(): stations = radiobrowser.get_stations_by_votes() return get_stations_page(stations, request.args.get('startitems'), request.args.get('enditems')).to_string() @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER_SEARCH, defaults={'path': ''}) @app.route('/' + PATH_ROOT + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER + '/' + PATH_RADIOBROWSER_SEARCH + '') def radiobrowser_search(path): # vtuner does totally weird stuff here: TWO request arguments are passed to the search URI # thus, we need to parse the search query as path query = None if 'search' in path: path_search = path[path.find('search'):] query = path_search.partition('=')[2] if not query or len(query) < 3: page = vtuner.Page() page.add(vtuner.Previous(url_for('landing', _external=True))) page.add(vtuner.Display("Search query too short.")) return page.to_string() else: stations = return get_stations_page(stations, request.args.get('startitems'), request.args.get('enditems')).to_string()