2020-10-03 16:01:00 +02:00

252 lines
10 KiB

((PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION >= 1) || PHP_MAJOR_VERSION > 7) ?: die('Sorry, PHP 7.1 or above is required to run XBackBone.');
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
use App\Database\Migrator;
use App\Factories\ViewFactory;
use App\Web\Session;
use App\Web\View;
use DI\Bridge\Slim\Bridge;
use DI\ContainerBuilder;
use function DI\factory;
use function DI\get;
use function DI\value;
use League\Flysystem\FileExistsException;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as Container;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
define('PLATFORM_VERSION', json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../composer.json'))->version);
define('BASE_DIR', realpath(__DIR__.'/../').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
// default config
$config = [
'base_url' => str_replace('/install/', '', (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? 'https' : 'http')."://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"),
'debug' => true,
'db' => [
'connection' => 'sqlite',
'dsn' => BASE_DIR.implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ['resources', 'database', 'xbackbone.db']),
'username' => null,
'password' => null,
'storage' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'path' => realpath(__DIR__.'/../').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'storage',
$installed = false;
if (file_exists(__DIR__.'/../config.php')) {
$installed = true;
$config = array_replace_recursive($config, require __DIR__.'/../config.php');
if (isset($config['storage_dir'])) { // if from older installations with no support of other than local driver
$config['storage']['driver'] = 'local';
$config['storage']['path'] = $config['storage_dir'];
if ($config['storage']['driver'] === 'local' && !is_dir($config['storage']['path'])) { // if installed with local driver, and the storage dir don't exists
$realPath = realpath(BASE_DIR.$config['storage']['path']);
if (is_dir($realPath) && is_writable($realPath)) { // and was a path relative to the upper folder
$config['storage']['path'] = $realPath; // update the config
$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
'config' => value($config),
View::class => factory(function (Container $container) {
return ViewFactory::createInstallerInstance($container);
'view' => get(View::class),
Session::class => factory(function () {
return new Session('xbackbone_session');
'session' => get(Session::class),
$app = Bridge::create($builder->build());
$app->setBasePath(parse_url($config['base_url'].'/install', PHP_URL_PATH));
$app->get('/', function (Response $response, View $view, Session $session) {
if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
$session->alert('The required "gd" extension is not loaded.', 'danger');
if (!extension_loaded('intl')) {
$session->alert('The required "intl" extension is not loaded.', 'danger');
if (!extension_loaded('json')) {
$session->alert('The required "json" extension is not loaded.', 'danger');
if (!extension_loaded('fileinfo')) {
$session->alert('The required "fileinfo" extension is not loaded.', 'danger');
if (!extension_loaded('zip')) {
$session->alert('The required "zip" extension is not loaded.', 'danger');
if (!is_writable(__DIR__.'/../resources/cache')) {
$session->alert('The cache folder is not writable ('.__DIR__.'/../resources/cache'.')', 'danger');
if (!is_writable(__DIR__.'/../resources/database')) {
$session->alert('The database folder is not writable ('.__DIR__.'/../resources/database'.')', 'danger');
if (!is_writable(__DIR__.'/../resources/sessions')) {
$session->alert('The sessions folder is not writable ('.__DIR__.'/../resources/sessions'.')', 'danger');
$installed = file_exists(__DIR__.'/../config.php');
return $view->render($response, 'install.twig', [
'installed' => $installed,
$app->post('/', function (Request $request, Response $response, \DI\Container $container, Session $session) use (&$config, &$installed) {
// disable debug in production
// Check if there is a previous installation, if not, setup the config file
if (!$installed) {
// config file setup
$config['base_url'] = param($request, 'base_url');
$config['storage']['driver'] = param($request, 'storage_driver');
$config['db']['connection'] = param($request, 'connection');
$config['db']['dsn'] = param($request, 'dsn');
$config['db']['username'] = param($request, 'db_user');
$config['db']['password'] = param($request, 'db_password');
// setup storage configuration
switch ($config['storage']['driver']) {
case 's3':
$config['storage']['key'] = param($request, 'storage_key');
$config['storage']['secret'] = param($request, 'storage_secret');
$config['storage']['region'] = param($request, 'storage_region');
$config['storage']['endpoint'] = !empty(param($request, 'storage_endpoint')) ? param($request, 'storage_endpoint') : null;
$config['storage']['bucket'] = param($request, 'storage_bucket');
$config['storage']['path'] = param($request, 'storage_path');
case 'dropbox':
$config['storage']['token'] = param($request, 'storage_token');
case 'ftp':
if (!extension_loaded('ftp')) {
$session->alert('The "ftp" extension is not loaded.', 'danger');
return redirect($response, urlFor('/'));
$config['storage']['host'] = param($request, 'storage_host');
$config['storage']['username'] = param($request, 'storage_username');
$config['storage']['password'] = param($request, 'storage_password');
$config['storage']['port'] = param($request, 'storage_port');
$config['storage']['path'] = param($request, 'storage_path');
$config['storage']['passive'] = param($request, 'storage_passive') === '1';
$config['storage']['ssl'] = param($request, 'storage_ssl') === '1';
case 'google-cloud':
$config['storage']['project_id'] = param($request, 'storage_project_id');
$config['storage']['key_path'] = param($request, 'storage_key_path');
$config['storage']['bucket'] = param($request, 'storage_bucket');
case 'azure':
$config['storage']['account_name'] = param($request, 'storage_account_name');
$config['storage']['account_key'] = param($request, 'storage_account_key');
$config['storage']['container_name'] = param($request, 'storage_container_name');
case 'local':
$config['storage']['path'] = param($request, 'storage_path');
$container->set('config', value($config));
$storage = $container->get('storage');
// check if the storage is valid
$storageTestFile = 'storage_test.xbackbone.txt';
try {
try {
$success = $storage->write($storageTestFile, 'XBACKBONE_TEST_FILE');
} catch (FileExistsException $fileExistsException) {
$success = $storage->update($storageTestFile, 'XBACKBONE_TEST_FILE');
if (!$success) {
throw new Exception('The storage is not writable.');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$session->alert("Storage setup error: {$e->getMessage()} [{$e->getCode()}]", 'danger');
return redirect($response, urlFor('/install'));
// Get the db instance and run migrations
$db = $container->get('database');
try {
$migrator = new Migrator($db, __DIR__.'/../resources/schemas');
} catch (PDOException $e) {
$session->alert("Cannot connect to the database: {$e->getMessage()} [{$e->getCode()}]", 'danger');
return redirect($response, urlFor('/install'));
// if not installed, create the default admin account
if (!$installed) {
$db->query("INSERT INTO `users` (`email`, `username`, `password`, `is_admin`, `user_code`) VALUES (?, 'admin', ?, 1, ?)", [param($request, 'email'), password_hash(param($request, 'password'), PASSWORD_DEFAULT), humanRandomString(5)]);
// re-apply the previous theme if is present
$css = $db->query('SELECT `value` FROM `settings` WHERE `key` = \'css\'')->fetch()->value ?? null;
if ($css) {
$content = file_get_contents($css);
if ($content !== false) {
file_put_contents(BASE_DIR.'static/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css', $content);
// if is upgrading and existing installation, put it out maintenance
if ($installed) {
// remove old config from old versions
// Finally write the config
$ret = file_put_contents(__DIR__.'/../config.php', '<?php'.PHP_EOL.'return '.var_export($config, true).';');
if ($ret === false) {
$session->alert('The config folder is not writable ('.__DIR__.'/../config.php'.')', 'danger');
return redirect($response, '/install');
// post install cleanup
// Installed successfully, destroy the installer session
return redirect($response, urlFor('/?afterInstall=true'));