--- layout: default title: License & Credits nav_order: 10 --- # License This software is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0, available in this repository. As a "copyright notice" it is sufficient to keep the small footer at the bottom of the page, also to help other people to learn about this project! # Built with + Project logo by [@Sere](https://www.deviantart.com/serenaitalia) + Slim 3 since `v2.0`, and Slim 4 since `v3.0` (https://www.slimframework.com/) and some great PHP packages (Flysystem, Intervention Image, Twig, etc) + FlightPHP, up to `v1.x` (http://flightphp.com/) + Bootstrap 4 (https://getbootstrap.com/) + Font Awesome 5 (http://fontawesome.com) + ClipboardJS (https://clipboardjs.com/) + HighlightJS (https://highlightjs.org/) + JQuery (https://jquery.com/) + Plyr.io (https://plyr.io/) + Dropzone.js (https://www.dropzonejs.com/)