2011-12-08 17:03:42 +01:00

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// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General private License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General private License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General private License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Timers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Gtk;
using Mono.Unix;
namespace SparkleShare {
public class SparkleSetup : SparkleSetupWindow {
public SparkleSetupController Controller = new SparkleSetupController ();
private string SecondaryTextColor;
private string SecondaryTextColorSelected;
private Entry NameEntry;
private Entry EmailEntry;
private SparkleEntry AddressEntry;
private SparkleEntry PathEntry;
private Button NextButton;
private Button SyncButton;
private Table Table;
private ProgressBar progress_bar = new ProgressBar ();
// Short alias for the translations
public static string _ (string s)
return Catalog.GetString (s);
public SparkleSetup () : base ()
SecondaryTextColor = SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (Style.Foreground (StateType.Insensitive));
SecondaryTextColorSelected =
SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (
MixColors (
new TreeView ().Style.Foreground (StateType.Selected),
new TreeView ().Style.Background (StateType.Selected),
Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate (PageType type, string [] warnings) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
Reset ();
switch (type) {
case PageType.Setup: {
Header = _("Welcome to SparkleShare!");
Description = "We'll need some info to mark your changes in the event log. " +
"Don't worry, this stays between you and your peers.";
Table = new Table (4, 2, true) {
RowSpacing = 6
Label name_label = new Label ("<b>" + _("Full Name:") + "</b>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
NameEntry = new Entry (Controller.GuessedUserName);
NameEntry.Changed += delegate {
Controller.CheckSetupPage (NameEntry.Text, EmailEntry.Text);
EmailEntry = new Entry (Controller.GuessedUserEmail);
EmailEntry.Changed += delegate {
Controller.CheckSetupPage (NameEntry.Text, EmailEntry.Text);
Label email_label = new Label ("<b>" + _("Email:") + "</b>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
Table.Attach (name_label, 0, 1, 0, 1);
Table.Attach (NameEntry, 1, 2, 0, 1);
Table.Attach (email_label, 0, 1, 1, 2);
Table.Attach (EmailEntry, 1, 2, 1, 2);
NextButton = new Button (_("Next")) {
Sensitive = false
NextButton.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) {
string full_name = NameEntry.Text;
string email = EmailEntry.Text;
Controller.SetupPageCompleted (full_name, email);
AddButton (NextButton);
Add (Table);
Controller.UpdateSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
NextButton.Sensitive = button_enabled;
Controller.CheckSetupPage (NameEntry.Text, EmailEntry.Text);
case PageType.Add: {
Header = _("Where's your project hosted?");
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 12);
HBox layout_fields = new HBox (true, 12);
VBox layout_address = new VBox (true, 0);
VBox layout_path = new VBox (true, 0);
ListStore store = new ListStore (typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf),
typeof (string), typeof (SparklePlugin));
SparkleTreeView tree = new SparkleTreeView (store) { HeadersVisible = false };
ScrolledWindow scrolled_window = new ScrolledWindow ();
scrolled_window.AddWithViewport (tree);
// Icon column
tree.AppendColumn ("Icon", new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf (), "pixbuf", 0);
tree.Columns [0].Cells [0].Xpad = 6;
// Service column
TreeViewColumn service_column = new TreeViewColumn () { Title = "Service" };
CellRendererText service_cell = new CellRendererText () { Ypad = 4 };
service_column.PackStart (service_cell, true);
service_column.SetCellDataFunc (service_cell, new TreeCellDataFunc (RenderServiceColumn));
foreach (SparklePlugin plugin in Controller.Plugins) {
store.AppendValues (
new Gdk.Pixbuf (plugin.ImagePath),
"<span size=\"small\"><b>" + plugin.Name + "</b>\n" +
"<span fgcolor=\"" + SecondaryTextColorSelected + "\">" +
plugin.Description + "</span>" +
tree.AppendColumn (service_column);
PathEntry = new SparkleEntry ();
AddressEntry = new SparkleEntry ();
// Select the first plugin by default
TreeSelection default_selection = tree.Selection;
TreePath default_path = new TreePath ("0");
default_selection.SelectPath (default_path);
Controller.SelectedPluginChanged (0);
Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate (string text,
string example_text, FieldState state) {
Console.WriteLine ("> " + text);
Application.Invoke (delegate {
AddressEntry.Text = text;
AddressEntry.Sensitive = (state == FieldState.Enabled);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (example_text))
AddressEntry.ExampleText = null;
AddressEntry.ExampleText = example_text;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (text))
AddressEntry.ExampleTextActive = true;
AddressEntry.ExampleTextActive = false;
Controller.ChangePathFieldEvent += delegate (string text,
string example_text, FieldState state) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
PathEntry.Text = text;
PathEntry.Sensitive = (state == FieldState.Enabled);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (example_text))
PathEntry.ExampleText = null;
PathEntry.ExampleText = example_text;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (text))
PathEntry.ExampleTextActive = true;
PathEntry.ExampleTextActive = false;
// Update the address field text when the selection changes
tree.CursorChanged += delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) {
Controller.SelectedPluginChanged (tree.SelectedRow);
// TODO: Scroll to selected row when using arrow keys
tree.Model.Foreach (new TreeModelForeachFunc (delegate (TreeModel model,
TreePath path, TreeIter iter) {
string address;
try {
address = (model.GetValue (iter, 2) as SparklePlugin).Address;
} catch (NullReferenceException) {
address = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (address) &&
address.Equals (Controller.PreviousAddress)) {
tree.SetCursor (path, service_column, false);
SparklePlugin plugin = (SparklePlugin) model.GetValue (iter, 2);
if (plugin.Address != null) {
AddressEntry.Sensitive = false;}
if (plugin.Path != null)
PathEntry.Sensitive = false;
// TODO: Scroll to the selection
return true;
} else {
return false;
AddressEntry.Completion = new EntryCompletion();
ListStore server_store = new ListStore (typeof (string));
foreach (string host in Program.Controller.PreviousHosts)
server_store.AppendValues (host);
AddressEntry.Completion.Model = server_store;
AddressEntry.Completion.TextColumn = 0;
AddressEntry.Changed += delegate {
Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressEntry.Text, PathEntry.Text, tree.SelectedRow);
layout_address.PackStart (new Label () {
Markup = "<b>" + _("Address") + "</b>",
Xalign = 0
}, true, true, 0);
layout_address.PackStart (AddressEntry, true, true, 0);
PathEntry.Completion = new EntryCompletion();
ListStore folder_store = new ListStore (typeof (string));
//foreach (string host in Program.Controller.FolderPaths)
// folder_store.AppendValues (host);
PathEntry.Completion.Model = folder_store;
PathEntry.Completion.TextColumn = 0;
PathEntry.Changed += delegate {
Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressEntry.Text, PathEntry.Text, tree.SelectedRow);
layout_path.PackStart (new Label () { Markup = "<b>" + _("Remote Path") + "</b>", Xalign = 0 },
true, true, 0);
layout_path.PackStart (PathEntry, true, true, 0);
layout_fields.PackStart (layout_address);
layout_fields.PackStart (layout_path);
layout_vertical.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (scrolled_window, true, true, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (layout_fields, false, false, 0);
Add (layout_vertical);
// Cancel button
Button cancel_button = new Button (_("Cancel"));
cancel_button.Clicked += delegate {
Close ();
// Sync button
SyncButton = new Button (_("Add"));
SyncButton.Clicked += delegate {
string server = AddressEntry.Text;
string folder_name = PathEntry.Text;
Controller.AddPageCompleted (server, folder_name);
AddButton (cancel_button);
AddButton (SyncButton);
Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressEntry.Text, PathEntry.Text, tree.SelectedRow);
case PageType.Syncing: {
Header = String.Format (_("Adding project {0}’…"), Controller.SyncingFolder);
Description = _("This may take a while.") + Environment.NewLine +
_("Are you sure its not coffee o'clock?");
Button finish_button = new Button () {
Sensitive = false,
Label = _("Finish")
Button cancel_button = new Button () {
Label = _("Cancel")
cancel_button.Clicked += delegate {
Controller.SyncingCancelled ();
AddButton (cancel_button);
AddButton (finish_button);
Controller.UpdateProgressBarEvent += delegate (double percentage) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.progress_bar.Fraction = percentage / 100;
if (this.progress_bar.Parent != null)
(this.progress_bar.Parent as Container).Remove (this.progress_bar);
VBox bar_wrapper = new VBox (false , 0);
bar_wrapper.PackStart (this.progress_bar, false, false, 0);
Add (bar_wrapper);
case PageType.Error: {
Header = _("Something went wrong") + "…";
VBox points = new VBox (false, 0);
Image list_point_one = new Image (SparkleUIHelpers.GetIcon ("list-point", 16)) { };
Image list_point_two = new Image (SparkleUIHelpers.GetIcon ("list-point", 16)) { };
Image list_point_three = new Image (SparkleUIHelpers.GetIcon ("list-point", 16)) { };
Label label_one = new Label () {
Text = "First, have you tried turning it off and on again?",
Wrap = true,
Xalign = 0
Label label_two = new Label () {
Markup = "<b>" + Controller.PreviousUrl + "</b> is the address we've compiled. " +
"Does this look alright?",
Wrap = true,
Xalign = 0
Label label_three = new Label () {
Text = "The host needs to know who you are. Did you upload the key that's in " +
"your SparkleShare folder?",
Wrap = true,
Xalign = 0
points.PackStart (new Label ("Please check the following:") { Xalign = 0 }, false, false, 6);
HBox point_one = new HBox (false, 0);
point_one.PackStart (list_point_one, false, false, 0);
point_one.PackStart (label_one, true, true, 12);
points.PackStart (point_one, false, false, 12);
HBox point_two = new HBox (false, 0);
point_two.PackStart (list_point_two, false, false, 0);
point_two.PackStart (label_two, true, true, 12);
points.PackStart (point_two, false, false, 12);
HBox point_three = new HBox (false, 0);
point_three.PackStart (list_point_three, false, false, 0);
point_three.PackStart (label_three, true, true, 12);
points.PackStart (point_three, false, false, 12);
points.PackStart (new Label (""), true, true, 0);
Button try_again_button = new Button (_("Try Again…")) {
Sensitive = true
try_again_button.Clicked += delegate {
Controller.ErrorPageCompleted ();
AddButton (try_again_button);
Add (points);
case PageType.Finished: {
UrgencyHint = true;
if (!HasToplevelFocus) {
string title = String.Format (_("{0} has been successfully added"), Controller.SyncingFolder);
string subtext = "";
SparkleUI.Bubbles.Controller.ShowBubble (title, subtext, null);
Header = _("Project successfully added!");
Description = _("Access the files from your SparkleShare folder.");
// A button that opens the synced folder
Button open_folder_button = new Button (_("Open Folder"));
open_folder_button.Clicked += delegate {
Program.Controller.OpenSparkleShareFolder (Controller.SyncingFolder);
Button finish_button = new Button (_("Finish"));
finish_button.Clicked += delegate {
Controller.FinishedPageCompleted ();
Close ();
if (warnings != null) {
Image warning_image = new Image (SparkleUIHelpers.GetIcon ("dialog-warning", 24));
Label warning_label = new Label (warnings [0]) {
Xalign = 0
HBox warning_layout = new HBox (false, 0);
warning_layout.PackStart (warning_image, false, false, 0);
warning_layout.PackStart (warning_label, true, true, 0);
Add (warning_layout);
} else {
Add (null);
AddButton (open_folder_button);
AddButton (finish_button);
case PageType.Tutorial: {
switch (Controller.TutorialPageNumber) {
case 1: {
Header = _("What's happening next?");
Description = _("SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder " +
"that will keep track of your projects.");
Button skip_tutorial_button = new Button (_("Skip Tutorial"));
skip_tutorial_button.Clicked += delegate {
Controller.TutorialSkipped ();
Button continue_button = new Button (_("Continue"));
continue_button.Clicked += delegate {
Controller.TutorialPageCompleted ();
Image slide = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImage ("tutorial-slide-1.png");
Add (slide);
AddButton (skip_tutorial_button);
AddButton (continue_button);
case 2: {
Header = _("Sharing files with others");
Description = _("All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +
"automatically, as well as with your collaborators.");
Button continue_button = new Button (_("Continue"));
continue_button.Clicked += delegate {
Controller.TutorialPageCompleted ();
Image slide = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImage ("tutorial-slide-2.png");
Add (slide);
AddButton (continue_button);
case 3: {
Header = _("The status icon is here to help");
Description = _("It shows the syncing process status, " +
"and contains links to your projects and the event log.");
Button continue_button = new Button (_("Continue"));
continue_button.Clicked += delegate {
Controller.TutorialPageCompleted ();
Image slide = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImage ("tutorial-slide-3.png");
Add (slide);
AddButton (continue_button);
case 4: {
Header = _("Adding projects to SparkleShare");
Description = _("Just click this button when you see it on the web, and " +
"the project will be automatically added:");
Label label = new Label (_("…or select <b>Add Hosted Project…</b> from the status icon menu " +
"to add one by hand.")) {
Wrap = true,
Xalign = 0,
UseMarkup = true
Image slide = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImage ("tutorial-slide-4.png");
Button finish_button = new Button (_("Finish"));
finish_button.Clicked += delegate {
Close ();
VBox box = new VBox (false, 0);
box.Add (slide);
box.Add (label);
Add (box);
AddButton (finish_button);
ShowAll ();
private void RenderServiceColumn (TreeViewColumn column, CellRenderer cell,
TreeModel model, TreeIter iter)
string markup = (string) model.GetValue (iter, 1);
TreeSelection selection = (column.TreeView as TreeView).Selection;
if (selection.IterIsSelected (iter))
markup = markup.Replace (SecondaryTextColor, SecondaryTextColorSelected);
markup = markup.Replace (SecondaryTextColorSelected, SecondaryTextColor);
(cell as CellRendererText).Markup = markup;
private Gdk.Color MixColors (Gdk.Color first_color, Gdk.Color second_color, double ratio)
return new Gdk.Color (
Convert.ToByte ((255 * (Math.Min (65535, first_color.Red * (1.0 - ratio) + second_color.Red * ratio))) / 65535),
Convert.ToByte ((255 * (Math.Min (65535, first_color.Green * (1.0 - ratio) + second_color.Green * ratio))) / 65535),
Convert.ToByte ((255 * (Math.Min (65535, first_color.Blue * (1.0 - ratio) + second_color.Blue * ratio))) / 65535)
public class SparkleTreeView : TreeView {
public int SelectedRow
get {
TreeIter iter;
TreeModel model;
Selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter);
return int.Parse (model.GetPath (iter).ToString ());
public SparkleTreeView (ListStore store) : base (store)