2021-02-14 19:13:17 +01:00

233 lines
8.2 KiB

// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Sparkles.Git {
public class GitCommand : SSHCommand {
public static string ExecPath;
static string git_path;
public static string GitPath {
get {
if (git_path == null)
git_path = LocateCommand ("git");
return git_path;
set {
git_path = value;
public static string GitVersion {
get {
if (GitPath == null)
GitPath = LocateCommand ("git");
var git_version = new Command (GitPath, "--version", false);
if (ExecPath != null)
git_version.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GIT_EXEC_PATH", ExecPath);
string version = git_version.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
return version.Replace ("git version ", "");
public static string GitLFSVersion {
get {
if (GitPath == null)
GitPath = LocateCommand ("git");
var git_lfs_version = new Command (GitPath, "lfs version", false);
if (ExecPath != null)
git_lfs_version.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GIT_EXEC_PATH", ExecPath);
string version = git_lfs_version.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
return version.Replace ("git-lfs/", "").Split (' ') [0];
public GitCommand (string working_dir, string args) : this (working_dir, args, null)
public GitCommand (string working_dir, string args, SSHAuthenticationInfo auth_info) : base (GitPath, args)
StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = working_dir;
string GIT_SSH_COMMAND = SSHCommand.SSHCommandPath;
if (auth_info != null)
GIT_SSH_COMMAND = FormatGitSSHCommand (auth_info);
if (ExecPath != null)
SetEnvironmentVariable ("GIT_EXEC_PATH", ExecPath);
SetEnvironmentVariable ("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", GIT_SSH_COMMAND);
SetEnvironmentVariable ("GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT", "0");
// Don't let Git try to read the config options in PREFIX/etc or ~
SetEnvironmentVariable ("GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM", "1");
SetEnvironmentVariable ("PREFIX", "");
SetEnvironmentVariable ("HOME", "");
SetEnvironmentVariable ("LANG", "en_US.UTF8");
SetEnvironmentVariable ("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF8");
static Regex progress_regex = new Regex (@"([0-9]+)%", RegexOptions.Compiled);
static Regex progress_regex_lfs = new Regex (@".*\(([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+) files\).*", RegexOptions.Compiled);
static Regex progress_regex_lfs_skipped = new Regex (@".*\(([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+) files, ([0-9]+) skipped\).*", RegexOptions.Compiled);
static Regex speed_regex = new Regex (@"([0-9\.]+) ([KM])iB/s", RegexOptions.Compiled);
public static ErrorStatus ParseProgress (string line, out double percentage, out double speed, out string information)
percentage = 0;
speed = 0;
information = "";
Match match;
if (line.StartsWith ("Git LFS:")) {
match = progress_regex_lfs_skipped.Match (line);
int current_file = 0;
int total_file_count = 0;
int skipped_file_count = 0;
if (match.Success) {
// "skipped" files are objects that have already been transferred
skipped_file_count = int.Parse (match.Groups [3].Value);
} else {
match = progress_regex_lfs.Match (line);
if (!match.Success)
return ErrorStatus.None;
current_file = int.Parse (match.Groups [1].Value);
if (current_file == 0)
return ErrorStatus.None;
total_file_count = int.Parse (match.Groups [2].Value) - skipped_file_count;
percentage = Math.Round ((double) current_file / total_file_count * 100, 0);
information = string.Format ("{0} of {1} files", current_file, total_file_count);
return ErrorStatus.None;
match = progress_regex.Match (line);
if (!match.Success || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (line)) {
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (line))
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", line);
return FindError (line);
int number = int.Parse (match.Groups [1].Value);
// The transfer process consists of two stages: the "Compressing
// objects" stage which we count as 20% of the total progress, and
// the "Writing objects" stage which we count as the last 80%
if (line.Contains ("Compressing objects")) {
// "Compressing objects" stage
percentage = (number / 100 * 20);
} else if (line.Contains ("Writing objects")) {
percentage = (number / 100 * 80 + 20);
Match speed_match = speed_regex.Match (line);
if (speed_match.Success) {
speed = double.Parse (speed_match.Groups [1].Value, new CultureInfo ("en-US")) * 1024;
if (speed_match.Groups [2].Value.Equals ("M"))
speed = speed * 1024;
information = speed.ToSize ();
return ErrorStatus.None;
static ErrorStatus FindError (string line)
ErrorStatus error = ErrorStatus.None;
error = ErrorStatus.HostIdentityChanged;
if (line.StartsWith ("Permission denied") ||
line.StartsWith ("ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host") ||
line.StartsWith ("The authenticity of host")) {
error = ErrorStatus.AuthenticationFailed;
if (line.EndsWith ("does not appear to be a git repository"))
error = ErrorStatus.NotFound;
if (line.EndsWith ("expected old/new/ref, got 'shallow"))
error = ErrorStatus.IncompatibleClientServer;
if (line.StartsWith ("error: Disk space exceeded") ||
line.EndsWith ("No space left on device") ||
line.EndsWith ("file write error (Disk quota exceeded)")) {
error = ErrorStatus.DiskSpaceExceeded;
return error;
public static string FormatGitSSHCommand (SSHAuthenticationInfo auth_info)
return SSHCommandPath + " " +
"-i " + auth_info.PrivateKeyFilePath.Replace ("\\", "/").Replace (" ", "\\ ") + " " +
"-o UserKnownHostsFile=" + auth_info.KnownHostsFilePath.Replace ("\\", "/").Replace (" ", "\\ ") + " " +
"-o IdentitiesOnly=yes" + " " + // Don't fall back to other keys on the system
"-o PasswordAuthentication=no" + " " + // Don't hang on possible password prompts
"-F /dev/null"; // Ignore the system's SSH config file