
252 lines
9.7 KiB

// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using Drawing = System.Drawing;
using Forms = System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SparkleShare {
public class SparkleStatusIcon : Control {
public SparkleStatusIconController Controller = new SparkleStatusIconController();
private Drawing.Bitmap syncing_idle_image = SparkleUIHelpers.GetBitmap ("process-syncing-idle");
private Drawing.Bitmap syncing_up_image = SparkleUIHelpers.GetBitmap ("process-syncing-up");
private Drawing.Bitmap syncing_down_image = SparkleUIHelpers.GetBitmap ("process-syncing-down");
private Drawing.Bitmap syncing_image = SparkleUIHelpers.GetBitmap ("process-syncing");
private Drawing.Bitmap syncing_error_image = SparkleUIHelpers.GetBitmap ("process-syncing-error");
private ContextMenu context_menu;
private SparkleMenuItem log_item;
private SparkleMenuItem state_item;
private SparkleMenuItem exit_item;
private SparkleNotifyIcon notify_icon = new SparkleNotifyIcon ();
public SparkleStatusIcon ()
this.notify_icon.HeaderText = "SparkleShare";
this.notify_icon.Icon = this.syncing_idle_image;
CreateMenu ();
Controller.UpdateIconEvent += delegate (IconState state) {
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
switch (state) {
case IconState.Idle: {
this.notify_icon.Icon = this.syncing_idle_image;
case IconState.SyncingUp: {
this.notify_icon.Icon = this.syncing_up_image;
case IconState.SyncingDown: {
this.notify_icon.Icon = this.syncing_down_image;
case IconState.Syncing: {
this.notify_icon.Icon = this.syncing_image;
case IconState.Error: {
this.notify_icon.Icon = this.syncing_error_image;
Controller.UpdateStatusItemEvent += delegate (string state_text) {
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
this.state_item.Header = state_text;
this.state_item.UpdateLayout ();
this.notify_icon.HeaderText = "SparkleShare\n" + state_text;
Controller.UpdateMenuEvent += delegate (IconState state) {
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
CreateMenu ();
Controller.UpdateQuitItemEvent += delegate (bool item_enabled) {
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
this.exit_item.IsEnabled = item_enabled;
this.exit_item.UpdateLayout ();
public void CreateMenu ()
this.context_menu = new ContextMenu ();
this.state_item = new SparkleMenuItem () {
Header = Controller.StateText,
IsEnabled = false
Image folder_image = new Image () {
Source = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImageSource ("sparkleshare-folder"),
Width = 16,
Height = 16
SparkleMenuItem folder_item = new SparkleMenuItem () {
Header = "SparkleShare",
Icon = folder_image
SparkleMenuItem add_item = new SparkleMenuItem () { Header = "Add hosted project…" };
this.log_item = new SparkleMenuItem () {
Header = "Recent changes…",
IsEnabled = Controller.RecentEventsItemEnabled
CheckBox notify_check_box = new CheckBox () {
Margin = new Thickness (6, 0, 0, 0),
IsChecked = (Controller.Folders.Length > 0 && Program.Controller.NotificationsEnabled)
SparkleMenuItem notify_item = new SparkleMenuItem () { Header = "Notifications" };
notify_item.Icon = notify_check_box;
SparkleMenuItem about_item = new SparkleMenuItem () { Header = "About SparkleShare" };
this.exit_item = new SparkleMenuItem () { Header = "Exit" };
add_item.Click += delegate { Controller.AddHostedProjectClicked (); };
this.log_item.Click += delegate { Controller.RecentEventsClicked (); };
about_item.Click += delegate { Controller.AboutClicked (); };
notify_check_box.Click += delegate {
this.context_menu.IsOpen = false;
Program.Controller.ToggleNotifications ();
notify_check_box.IsChecked = Program.Controller.NotificationsEnabled;
notify_item.Click += delegate {
Program.Controller.ToggleNotifications ();
notify_check_box.IsChecked = Program.Controller.NotificationsEnabled;
this.exit_item.Click += delegate {
this.notify_icon.Dispose ();
Controller.QuitClicked ();
this.context_menu.Items.Add (this.state_item);
this.context_menu.Items.Add (new Separator ());
this.context_menu.Items.Add (folder_item);
if (Controller.Folders.Length > 0) {
int i = 0;
foreach (string folder_name in Controller.Folders) {
SparkleMenuItem subfolder_item = new SparkleMenuItem () {
Header = folder_name.Replace ("_", "__")
Image subfolder_image = new Image () {
Source = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImageSource ("folder"),
Width = 16,
Height = 16
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Controller.FolderErrors [i])) {
subfolder_item.Icon = new Image () {
Source = (BitmapSource) Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon (
System.Drawing.SystemIcons.Exclamation.Handle, Int32Rect.Empty,
BitmapSizeOptions.FromWidthAndHeight (16,16))
SparkleMenuItem error_item = new SparkleMenuItem () {
Header = Controller.FolderErrors [i],
IsEnabled = false
SparkleMenuItem try_again_item = new SparkleMenuItem () {
Header = "Try again"
try_again_item.Click += delegate { Controller.TryAgainDelegate (folder_name); };
subfolder_item.Items.Add (error_item);
subfolder_item.Items.Add (new Separator ());
subfolder_item.Items.Add (try_again_item);
} else {
subfolder_item.Icon = subfolder_image;
subfolder_item.Click += new RoutedEventHandler (Controller.OpenFolderDelegate (folder_name));
this.context_menu.Items.Add (subfolder_item);
folder_item.Items.Add (this.log_item);
folder_item.Items.Add (add_item);
folder_item.Items.Add (new Separator ());
folder_item.Items.Add (notify_item);
folder_item.Items.Add (new Separator ());
folder_item.Items.Add (about_item);
this.context_menu.Items.Add (new Separator ());
this.context_menu.Items.Add (this.exit_item);
this.notify_icon.ContextMenu = this.context_menu;
public void ShowBalloon (string title, string subtext, string image_path)
this.notify_icon.ShowBalloonTip (title, subtext, image_path);
public void Dispose ()
this.notify_icon.Dispose ();
public class SparkleMenuItem : MenuItem {
public SparkleMenuItem () : base ()
Padding = new Thickness (6, 3, 4, 0);