foxox f5b3680c38 Exception handled when old .tmp files read-only
When fetching a repository with the same name as an old repo, the .tmp
folder may have read-only files left in it which it cannot delete. This
change provides a message to the user about it. It may be possible to
further extend this to make such files writable, but leaving it up to
the user may be the safest option.
2014-04-18 15:23:12 +01:00

271 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file

// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Threading;
namespace SparkleLib {
public class SparkleFetcherInfo {
public string Address;
public string RemotePath;
public string Backend;
public string Fingerprint;
public string TargetDirectory;
public string AnnouncementsUrl;
public bool FetchPriorHistory;
public abstract class SparkleFetcherBase {
public event Action Started = delegate { };
public event Action Failed = delegate { };
public event FinishedEventHandler Finished = delegate { };
public delegate void FinishedEventHandler (bool repo_is_encrypted, bool repo_is_empty, string [] warnings);
public event ProgressChangedEventHandler ProgressChanged = delegate { };
public delegate void ProgressChangedEventHandler (double percentage, double speed);
public abstract bool Fetch ();
public abstract void Stop ();
public abstract bool IsFetchedRepoEmpty { get; }
public abstract bool IsFetchedRepoPasswordCorrect (string password);
public abstract void EnableFetchedRepoCrypto (string password);
public double ProgressPercentage { get; private set; }
public double ProgressSpeed { get; private set; }
public Uri RemoteUrl { get; protected set; }
public string RequiredFingerprint { get; protected set; }
public readonly bool FetchPriorHistory = false;
public string TargetFolder { get; protected set; }
public bool IsActive { get; protected set; }
public string Identifier;
public SparkleFetcherInfo OriginalFetcherInfo;
public string [] Warnings {
get {
return this.warnings.ToArray ();
public string [] Errors {
get {
return this.errors.ToArray ();
protected List<string> warnings = new List<string> ();
protected List<string> errors = new List<string> ();
protected string [] ExcludeRules = new string [] {
"*.autosave", // Various autosaving apps
"*~", // gedit and emacs
".~lock.*", // LibreOffice
"*.part", "*.crdownload", // Firefox and Chromium temporary download files
".*.sw[a-z]", "*.un~", "*.swp", "*.swo", // vi(m)
".directory", // KDE
"*.kate-swp", // Kate
".DS_Store", "Icon\r", "._*", ".Spotlight-V100", ".Trashes", // Mac OS X
"*(Autosaved).graffle", // Omnigraffle
"Thumbs.db", "Desktop.ini", // Windows
"~*.tmp", "~*.TMP", "*~*.tmp", "*~*.TMP", // MS Office
"~*.ppt", "~*.PPT", "~*.pptx", "~*.PPTX",
"~*.xls", "~*.XLS", "~*.xlsx", "~*.XLSX",
"~*.doc", "~*.DOC", "~*.docx", "~*.DOCX",
"*.a$v", // QuarkXPress
"*/CVS/*", ".cvsignore", "*/.cvsignore", // CVS
"/.svn/*", "*/.svn/*", // Subversion
"/.hg/*", "*/.hg/*", "*/.hgignore", // Mercurial
"/.bzr/*", "*/.bzr/*", "*/.bzrignore", // Bazaar
"*<*", "*>*", "*:*", "*\"*", "*|*", "*\\?*", "*\\**", "*\\\\*" // Not allowed on Windows systems,
// see (
private Thread thread;
public SparkleFetcherBase (SparkleFetcherInfo info)
OriginalFetcherInfo = info;
RequiredFingerprint = info.Fingerprint;
FetchPriorHistory = info.FetchPriorHistory;
string remote_path = info.RemotePath.Trim ("/".ToCharArray ());
string address = info.Address;
if (address.EndsWith ("/"))
address = address.Substring (0, address.Length - 1);
if (!remote_path.StartsWith ("/"))
remote_path = "/" + remote_path;
if (!address.Contains ("://"))
address = "ssh://" + address;
TargetFolder = info.TargetDirectory;
RemoteUrl = new Uri (address + remote_path);
IsActive = false;
public void Start ()
IsActive = true;
Started ();
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Fetcher", TargetFolder + " | Fetching folder: " + RemoteUrl);
try {
if (Directory.Exists (TargetFolder))
Directory.Delete (TargetFolder, true);
} catch (IOException) {
this.errors.Add ("\"" + TargetFolder + "\" is read-only.");
Failed ();
this.thread = new Thread (() => {
if (Fetch ()) {
Thread.Sleep (500);
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Fetcher", "Finished");
IsActive = false;
bool repo_is_encrypted = (RemoteUrl.AbsolutePath.Contains ("-crypto") ||
RemoteUrl.Host.Equals (""));
Finished (repo_is_encrypted, IsFetchedRepoEmpty, Warnings);
} else {
Thread.Sleep (500);
if (IsActive) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Fetcher", "Failed");
Failed ();
} else {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Fetcher", "Failed: cancelled by user");
IsActive = false;
this.thread.Start ();
public virtual void Complete ()
string identifier_path = Path.Combine (TargetFolder, ".sparkleshare");
if (File.Exists (identifier_path)) {
Identifier = File.ReadAllText (identifier_path).Trim ();
} else {
Identifier = CreateIdentifier ();
File.WriteAllText (identifier_path, Identifier);
CreateInitialChangeSet ();
File.SetAttributes (identifier_path, FileAttributes.Hidden);
// Create an initial change set when the
// user has fetched an empty remote folder
private void CreateInitialChangeSet ()
string file_path = Path.Combine (TargetFolder, "SparkleShare.txt");
string n = Environment.NewLine;
UriBuilder uri_builder = new UriBuilder (RemoteUrl);
if (RemoteUrl.Scheme.Contains ("http")) {
uri_builder.UserName = "";
uri_builder.Password = "";
string text = "Congratulations, you've successfully created a SparkleShare repository!" + n +
n +
"Any files you add or change in this folder will be automatically synced to " + n +
uri_builder.ToString () + " and everyone connected to it." + n +
n +
"SparkleShare is an Open Source software program that helps people collaborate and " + n +
"share files. If you like what we do, consider buying us a beer:" + n +
n +
"Have fun! :)" + n;
if (RemoteUrl.AbsolutePath.Contains ("-crypto") || RemoteUrl.Host.Equals (""))
text = text.Replace ("a SparkleShare repository", "an encrypted SparkleShare repository");
File.WriteAllText (file_path, text);
public static string CreateIdentifier ()
return Path.GetRandomFileName ().SHA1 ();
public void Dispose ()
if (this.thread != null)
this.thread.Abort ();
protected void OnProgressChanged (double percentage, double speed) {
ProgressChanged (percentage, speed);
protected string GenerateCryptoSalt ()
string salt = Path.GetRandomFileName ().SHA1 ();
return salt.Substring (0, 16);
public static string GetBackend (string address)
if (address.StartsWith ("ssh+")) {
string backend = address.Substring (0, address.IndexOf ("://"));
backend = backend.Substring (4);
return char.ToUpper (backend [0]) + backend.Substring (1);
} else {
return "Git";