
1256 lines
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// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;
#if __MonoCS__
using Mono.Unix;
using SparkleLib;
namespace SparkleShare {
public abstract class SparkleControllerBase {
public List<SparkleRepoBase> Repositories = new List<SparkleRepoBase> ();
public readonly string SparklePath = SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath;
public double ProgressPercentage = 0.0;
public string ProgressSpeed = "";
public event ShowSetupWindowEventHandler ShowSetupWindowEvent;
public delegate void ShowSetupWindowEventHandler (PageType page_type);
public event ShowAboutWindowEventHandler ShowAboutWindowEvent;
public delegate void ShowAboutWindowEventHandler ();
public event ShowEventLogWindowEventHandler ShowEventLogWindowEvent;
public delegate void ShowEventLogWindowEventHandler ();
public event FolderFetchedEventHandler FolderFetched;
public delegate void FolderFetchedEventHandler (string remote_url, string [] warnings);
public event FolderFetchErrorHandler FolderFetchError;
public delegate void FolderFetchErrorHandler (string remote_url);
public event FolderFetchingHandler FolderFetching;
public delegate void FolderFetchingHandler (double percentage);
public event FolderListChangedHandler FolderListChanged;
public delegate void FolderListChangedHandler ();
public event AvatarFetchedHandler AvatarFetched;
public delegate void AvatarFetchedHandler ();
public event OnIdleHandler OnIdle;
public delegate void OnIdleHandler ();
public event OnSyncingHandler OnSyncing;
public delegate void OnSyncingHandler ();
public event OnErrorHandler OnError;
public delegate void OnErrorHandler ();
public event InviteReceivedHandler InviteReceived;
public delegate void InviteReceivedHandler (SparkleInvite invite);
public event NotificationRaisedEventHandler NotificationRaised;
public delegate void NotificationRaisedEventHandler (SparkleChangeSet change_set);
public event AlertNotificationRaisedEventHandler AlertNotificationRaised;
public delegate void AlertNotificationRaisedEventHandler (string title, string message);
public event NoteNotificationRaisedEventHandler NoteNotificationRaised;
public delegate void NoteNotificationRaisedEventHandler (SparkleUser user, string folder_name);
// Path where the plugins are kept
public abstract string PluginsPath { get; }
// Enables SparkleShare to start automatically at login
public abstract void CreateStartupItem ();
// Installs the sparkleshare:// protocol handler
public abstract void InstallProtocolHandler ();
// Adds the SparkleShare folder to the user's
// list of bookmarked places
public abstract void AddToBookmarks ();
// Creates the SparkleShare folder in the user's home folder
public abstract bool CreateSparkleShareFolder ();
// Opens the SparkleShare folder or an (optional) subfolder
public abstract void OpenSparkleShareFolder (string subfolder);
// Opens a file with the appropriate application
public abstract void OpenFile (string url);
private SparkleFetcherBase fetcher;
private List<string> failed_avatars = new List<string> ();
private Object avatar_lock = new Object ();
private Object repo_lock = new Object ();
// Short alias for the translations
public static string _ (string s)
return Program._(s);
public SparkleControllerBase ()
public virtual void Initialize ()
SparklePlugin.PluginsPath = PluginsPath;
InstallProtocolHandler ();
// Create the SparkleShare folder and add it to the bookmarks
if (CreateSparkleShareFolder ())
AddToBookmarks ();
if (FirstRun)
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.SetConfigOption ("notifications", bool.TrueString);
ImportPrivateKey ();
// Watch the SparkleShare folder
FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath) {
IncludeSubdirectories = false,
EnableRaisingEvents = true,
Filter = "*"
// Remove the repository when a delete event occurs
watcher.Deleted += delegate (object o, FileSystemEventArgs args) {
RemoveRepository (args.FullPath);
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.RemoveFolder (Path.GetFileName (args.Name));
if (FolderListChanged != null)
FolderListChanged ();
watcher.Created += delegate (object o, FileSystemEventArgs args) {
if (!args.FullPath.EndsWith (".xml"))
if (this.fetcher != null &&
this.fetcher.IsActive) {
if (AlertNotificationRaised != null)
AlertNotificationRaised ("SparkleShare Setup seems busy",
"Please wait for it to finish");
} else {
if (InviteReceived != null) {
SparkleInvite invite = new SparkleInvite (args.FullPath);
// It may be that the invite we received a path to isn't
// fully downloaded yet, so we try to read it several times
int tries = 0;
while (!invite.IsValid) {
Thread.Sleep (1 * 250);
invite = new SparkleInvite (args.FullPath);
if (tries > 20)
if (invite.IsValid) {
InviteReceived (invite);
} else {
invite = null;
if (AlertNotificationRaised != null)
AlertNotificationRaised ("Oh noes!",
"This invite seems screwed up...");
File.Delete (args.FullPath);
new Thread (new ThreadStart (PopulateRepositories)).Start ();
public bool FirstRun {
get {
return SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User.Email.Equals ("Unknown");
public List<string> Folders {
get {
List<string> folders = SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.Folders;
folders.Sort ();
return folders;
public List<string> PreviousHosts {
get {
List<string> hosts = SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.HostsWithUsername;
hosts.Sort ();
return hosts;
public List<string> UnsyncedFolders {
get {
List<string> unsynced_folders = new List<string> ();
lock (this.repo_lock) {
foreach (SparkleRepoBase repo in Repositories) {
if (repo.HasUnsyncedChanges)
unsynced_folders.Add (repo.Name);
return unsynced_folders;
public void ShowSetupWindow (PageType page_type)
if (ShowSetupWindowEvent != null)
ShowSetupWindowEvent (page_type);
public void ShowAboutWindow ()
if (ShowAboutWindowEvent != null)
ShowAboutWindowEvent ();
public void ShowEventLogWindow ()
if (ShowEventLogWindowEvent != null)
ShowEventLogWindowEvent ();
public List<SparkleChangeSet> GetLog ()
List<SparkleChangeSet> list = new List<SparkleChangeSet> ();
lock (this.repo_lock) {
foreach (SparkleRepoBase repo in Repositories) {
List<SparkleChangeSet> change_sets = repo.GetChangeSets (30);
if (change_sets != null)
list.AddRange (change_sets);
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Log", "Could not create log for " + repo.Name);
list.Sort ((x, y) => (x.Timestamp.CompareTo (y.Timestamp)));
list.Reverse ();
if (list.Count > 100)
return list.GetRange (0, 100);
return list.GetRange (0, list.Count);
public List<SparkleChangeSet> GetLog (string name)
if (name == null)
return GetLog ();
string path = Path.Combine (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath, name);
int log_size = 50;
lock (this.repo_lock) {
foreach (SparkleRepoBase repo in Repositories) {
if (repo.LocalPath.Equals (path))
return repo.GetChangeSets (log_size);
return null;
public abstract string EventLogHTML { get; }
public abstract string DayEntryHTML { get; }
public abstract string EventEntryHTML { get; }
public string GetHTMLLog (List<SparkleChangeSet> change_sets)
List <ActivityDay> activity_days = new List <ActivityDay> ();
List<string> emails = new List<string> ();
change_sets.Sort ((x, y) => (x.Timestamp.CompareTo (y.Timestamp)));
change_sets.Reverse ();
if (change_sets.Count == 0)
return null;
foreach (SparkleChangeSet change_set in change_sets) {
if (!emails.Contains (change_set.User.Email))
emails.Add (change_set.User.Email);
bool change_set_inserted = false;
foreach (ActivityDay stored_activity_day in activity_days) {
if (stored_activity_day.DateTime.Year == change_set.Timestamp.Year &&
stored_activity_day.DateTime.Month == change_set.Timestamp.Month &&
stored_activity_day.DateTime.Day == change_set.Timestamp.Day) {
bool squash = false;
foreach (SparkleChangeSet existing_set in stored_activity_day) {
if (change_set.User.Name.Equals (existing_set.User.Name) &&
change_set.User.Email.Equals (existing_set.User.Email) &&
change_set.Folder.Equals (existing_set.Folder)) {
existing_set.Added.AddRange (change_set.Added);
existing_set.Edited.AddRange (change_set.Edited);
existing_set.Deleted.AddRange (change_set.Deleted);
existing_set.MovedFrom.AddRange (change_set.MovedFrom);
existing_set.MovedTo.AddRange (change_set.MovedTo);
existing_set.Notes.AddRange (change_set.Notes);
existing_set.Added = existing_set.Added.Distinct ().ToList ();
existing_set.Edited = existing_set.Edited.Distinct ().ToList ();
existing_set.Deleted = existing_set.Deleted.Distinct ().ToList ();
if (DateTime.Compare (existing_set.Timestamp, change_set.Timestamp) < 1) {
existing_set.FirstTimestamp = existing_set.Timestamp;
existing_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp;
existing_set.Revision = change_set.Revision;
} else {
existing_set.FirstTimestamp = change_set.Timestamp;
squash = true;
if (!squash)
stored_activity_day.Add (change_set);
change_set_inserted = true;
if (!change_set_inserted) {
ActivityDay activity_day = new ActivityDay (change_set.Timestamp);
activity_day.Add (change_set);
activity_days.Add (activity_day);
new Thread (new ThreadStart (delegate {
FetchAvatars (emails, 48);
FetchAvatars (emails, 36);
})).Start ();
string event_log_html = EventLogHTML;
string day_entry_html = DayEntryHTML;
string event_entry_html = EventEntryHTML;
string event_log = "";
foreach (ActivityDay activity_day in activity_days) {
string event_entries = "";
foreach (SparkleChangeSet change_set in activity_day) {
string event_entry = "<dl>";
if (change_set.IsMagical) {
event_entry += "<dd>Did something magical</dd>";
} else {
if (change_set.Edited.Count > 0) {
foreach (string file_path in change_set.Edited) {
event_entry += "<dd class='document edited'>";
event_entry += FormatBreadCrumbs (
Path.Combine (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath, change_set.Folder),
event_entry += "</dd>";
if (change_set.Added.Count > 0) {
foreach (string file_path in change_set.Added) {
event_entry += "<dd class='document added'>";
event_entry += FormatBreadCrumbs (
Path.Combine (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath, change_set.Folder),
event_entry += "</dd>";
if (change_set.Deleted.Count > 0) {
foreach (string file_path in change_set.Deleted) {
event_entry += "<dd class='document deleted'>";
event_entry += FormatBreadCrumbs (
Path.Combine (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath, change_set.Folder),
event_entry += "</dd>";
if (change_set.MovedFrom.Count > 0) {
int i = 0;
foreach (string file_path in change_set.MovedFrom) {
string to_file_path = change_set.MovedTo [i];
event_entry += "<dd class='document moved'>";
event_entry += FormatBreadCrumbs (
Path.Combine (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath, change_set.Folder),
event_entry += "<br>";
event_entry += FormatBreadCrumbs (
Path.Combine (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath, change_set.Folder),
event_entry += "</dd>";
string comments = "";
comments = "<div class=\"comments\">";
if (change_set.Notes != null) {
change_set.Notes.Sort ((x, y) => (x.Timestamp.CompareTo (y.Timestamp)));
foreach (SparkleNote note in change_set.Notes) {
string note_avatar = GetAvatar (note.User.Email, 48);
if (File.Exists (note_avatar))
note_avatar = "file://" + note_avatar;
note_avatar = "<!-- $no-buddy-icon-background-image -->";
comments += "<div class=\"comment-text\">" +
"<p class=\"comment-author\"" +
" style=\"background-image: url('" + note_avatar + "');\">" +
note.User.Name + "</p>" +
note.Body +
comments += "</div>";
string change_set_avatar = GetAvatar (change_set.User.Email, 48);
if (File.Exists (change_set_avatar))
change_set_avatar = "file://" + change_set_avatar;
change_set_avatar = "<!-- $pixmaps-path -->/" + AssignAvatar (change_set.User.Email);
event_entry += "</dl>";
string timestamp = change_set.Timestamp.ToString ("H:mm");
if (!change_set.FirstTimestamp.Equals (new DateTime ()))
timestamp = change_set.FirstTimestamp.ToString ("H:mm") +
" " + timestamp;
event_entries += event_entry_html.Replace ("<!-- $event-entry-content -->", event_entry)
.Replace ("<!-- $event-user-name -->", change_set.User.Name)
.Replace ("<!-- $event-avatar-url -->", change_set_avatar)
.Replace ("<!-- $event-time -->", timestamp)
.Replace ("<!-- $event-folder -->", change_set.Folder)
.Replace ("<!-- $event-url -->", change_set.Url.ToString ())
.Replace ("<!-- $event-revision -->", change_set.Revision)
.Replace ("<!-- $event-folder-color -->", AssignColor (change_set.Folder))
.Replace ("<!-- $event-comments -->", comments);
string day_entry = "";
DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
DateTime yesterday = DateTime.Now.AddDays (-1);
if (today.Day == activity_day.DateTime.Day &&
today.Month == activity_day.DateTime.Month &&
today.Year == activity_day.DateTime.Year) {
day_entry = day_entry_html.Replace ("<!-- $day-entry-header -->",
"<span id='today' name='" + activity_day.DateTime.ToString (_("dddd, MMMM d")) + "'>"
+ _("Today") + "</span>");
} else if (yesterday.Day == activity_day.DateTime.Day &&
yesterday.Month == activity_day.DateTime.Month &&
yesterday.Year == activity_day.DateTime.Year) {
day_entry = day_entry_html.Replace ("<!-- $day-entry-header -->",
"<span id='yesterday' name='" + activity_day.DateTime.ToString (_("dddd, MMMM d")) + "'>"
+ _("Yesterday") + "</span>");
} else {
if (activity_day.DateTime.Year != DateTime.Now.Year) {
// TRANSLATORS: This is the date in the event logs
day_entry = day_entry_html.Replace ("<!-- $day-entry-header -->",
activity_day.DateTime.ToString (_("dddd, MMMM d, yyyy")));
} else {
// TRANSLATORS: This is the date in the event logs, without the year
day_entry = day_entry_html.Replace ("<!-- $day-entry-header -->",
activity_day.DateTime.ToString (_("dddd, MMMM d")));
event_log += day_entry.Replace ("<!-- $day-entry-content -->", event_entries);
int midnight = (int) (DateTime.Today.AddDays (1) - new DateTime (1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
string html = event_log_html.Replace ("<!-- $event-log-content -->", event_log)
.Replace ("<!-- $username -->", UserName)
.Replace ("<!-- $user-avatar-url -->", "file://" + GetAvatar (UserEmail, 48))
.Replace ("<!-- $midnight -->", midnight.ToString ());
return html;
// Fires events for the current syncing state
public void UpdateState ()
bool has_syncing_repos = false;
bool has_unsynced_repos = false;
lock (this.repo_lock) {
foreach (SparkleRepoBase repo in Repositories) {
if (repo.Status == SyncStatus.SyncDown ||
repo.Status == SyncStatus.SyncUp ||
repo.IsBuffering) {
has_syncing_repos = true;
} else if (repo.HasUnsyncedChanges) {
has_unsynced_repos = true;
if (has_syncing_repos) {
if (OnSyncing != null)
OnSyncing ();
} else if (has_unsynced_repos) {
if (OnError != null)
OnError ();
} else {
if (OnIdle != null)
OnIdle ();
// Adds a repository to the list of repositories
private void AddRepository (string folder_path)
SparkleRepoBase repo = null;
string folder_name = Path.GetFileName (folder_path);
string backend = SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.GetBackendForFolder (folder_name);
try {
repo = (SparkleRepoBase) Activator.CreateInstance (
Type.GetType ("SparkleLib." + backend + ".SparkleRepo, SparkleLib." + backend),
} catch {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Controller",
"Failed to load \"" + backend + "\" backend for \"" + folder_name + "\"");
repo.NewChangeSet += delegate (SparkleChangeSet change_set) {
if (NotificationRaised != null)
NotificationRaised (change_set);
repo.NewNote += delegate (SparkleUser user) {
if (NoteNotificationRaised != null)
NoteNotificationRaised (user, repo.Name);
repo.ConflictResolved += delegate {
if (AlertNotificationRaised != null)
AlertNotificationRaised ("Conflict detected.",
"Don't worry, SparkleShare made a copy of each conflicting file.");
repo.SyncStatusChanged += delegate (SyncStatus status) {
if (status == SyncStatus.Idle) {
ProgressPercentage = 0.0;
ProgressSpeed = "";
if (status == SyncStatus.Idle ||
status == SyncStatus.SyncUp ||
status == SyncStatus.SyncDown ||
status == SyncStatus.Error) {
UpdateState ();
repo.ProgressChanged += delegate (double percentage, string speed) {
ProgressPercentage = percentage;
ProgressSpeed = speed;
UpdateState ();
repo.ChangesDetected += delegate {
UpdateState ();
lock (this.repo_lock) {
Repositories.Add (repo);
repo.Initialize ();
// Removes a repository from the list of repositories and
// updates the statusicon menu
private void RemoveRepository (string folder_path)
string folder_name = Path.GetFileName (folder_path);
lock (this.repo_lock) {
for (int i = 0; i < Repositories.Count; i++) {
SparkleRepoBase repo = Repositories [i];
if (repo.Name.Equals (folder_name)) {
repo.Dispose ();
Repositories.Remove (repo);
repo = null;
// Updates the list of repositories with all the
// folders in the SparkleShare folder
private void PopulateRepositories ()
foreach (string folder_name in SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.Folders) {
string folder_path = new SparkleFolder (folder_name).FullPath;
if (Directory.Exists (folder_path))
AddRepository (folder_path);
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.RemoveFolder (folder_name);
if (FolderListChanged != null)
FolderListChanged ();
public bool NotificationsEnabled {
get {
string notifications_enabled =
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.GetConfigOption ("notifications");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (notifications_enabled)) {
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.SetConfigOption ("notifications", bool.TrueString);
return true;
} else {
return notifications_enabled.Equals (bool.TrueString);
public void ToggleNotifications () {
bool notifications_enabled =
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.GetConfigOption ("notifications")
.Equals (bool.TrueString);
if (notifications_enabled)
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.SetConfigOption ("notifications", bool.FalseString);
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.SetConfigOption ("notifications", bool.TrueString);
// Format a file size nicely with small caps.
// Example: 1048576 becomes "1 ᴍʙ"
public string FormatSize (double byte_count)
if (byte_count >= 1099511627776)
return String.Format ("{0:##.##} ᴛʙ", Math.Round (byte_count / 1099511627776, 1));
else if (byte_count >= 1073741824)
return String.Format ("{0:##.##} ɢʙ", Math.Round (byte_count / 1073741824, 1));
else if (byte_count >= 1048576)
return String.Format ("{0:##.##} ᴍʙ", Math.Round (byte_count / 1048576, 0));
else if (byte_count >= 1024)
return String.Format ("{0:##.##} ᴋʙ", Math.Round (byte_count / 1024, 0));
return byte_count.ToString () + " bytes";
public void OpenSparkleShareFolder ()
OpenSparkleShareFolder ("");
// Adds the user's SparkleShare key to the ssh-agent,
// so all activity is done with this key
public void ImportPrivateKey ()
string keys_path = Path.GetDirectoryName (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FullPath);
string key_file_name = "sparkleshare." + UserEmail + ".key";
string key_file_path = Path.Combine (keys_path, key_file_name);
if (!File.Exists (key_file_path)) {
foreach (string file_name in Directory.GetFiles (keys_path)) {
if (file_name.StartsWith ("sparkleshare") &&
file_name.EndsWith (".key")) {
key_file_path = Path.Combine (keys_path, file_name);
Process process = new Process ();
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.FileName = "ssh-add";
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + key_file_path + "\"";
process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
process.Start ();
process.WaitForExit ();
// Looks up the user's name from the global configuration
public string UserName
get {
return SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User.Name;
set {
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User = new SparkleUser (value, UserEmail);
// Looks up the user's email from the global configuration
public string UserEmail
get {
return SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User.Email;
set {
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User = new SparkleUser (UserName, value);
// Generates and installs an RSA keypair to identify this system
public void GenerateKeyPair ()
string keys_path = Path.GetDirectoryName (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FullPath);
string key_file_name = "sparkleshare." + UserEmail + ".key";
string key_file_path = Path.Combine (keys_path, key_file_name);
if (File.Exists (key_file_path)) {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Auth", "Key already exists ('" + key_file_name + "'), " +
"leaving it untouched");
if (!Directory.Exists (keys_path))
Directory.CreateDirectory (keys_path);
if (!File.Exists (key_file_name)) {
Process process = new Process () {
EnableRaisingEvents = true
process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = keys_path;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.StartInfo.FileName = "ssh-keygen";
process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
// -t is the crypto type
// -P is the password (none)
// -f is the file name to store the private key in
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "-t rsa -P \"\" -f " + key_file_name;
process.Start ();
process.WaitForExit ();
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Auth", "Created private key '" + key_file_name + "'");
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Auth", "Created public key '" + key_file_name + ".pub'");
// Add some restrictions to what the key can
// do when uploaded to the server
// string public_key = File.ReadAllText (key_file_path + ".pub");
// public_key = "no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty " + public_key;
// File.WriteAllText (key_file_path + ".pub", public_key);
// Create an easily accessible copy of the public
// key in the user's SparkleShare folder
File.Copy (key_file_path + ".pub",
Path.Combine (SparklePath, UserName + "'s key.txt"),
true); // Overwriting is allowed
public void FetchAvatars (string email, int size)
FetchAvatars (new List<string> (new string [] { email }), size);
// Gets the avatar for a specific email address and size
public void FetchAvatars (List<string> emails, int size)
List<string> old_avatars = new List<string> ();
bool avatar_fetched = false;
string avatar_path = new string [] {
Path.GetDirectoryName (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FullPath),
"icons", size + "x" + size, "status"}.Combine ();
if (!Directory.Exists (avatar_path)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (avatar_path);
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Avatar", "Created '" + avatar_path + "'");
foreach (string raw_email in emails) {
// Gravatar wants lowercase emails
string email = raw_email.ToLower ();
string avatar_file_path = Path.Combine (avatar_path, "avatar-" + email);
if (File.Exists (avatar_file_path)) {
FileInfo avatar_info = new FileInfo (avatar_file_path);
// Delete avatars older than a month
if (avatar_info.CreationTime < DateTime.Now.AddMonths (-1)) {
try {
avatar_info.Delete ();
old_avatars.Add (email);
} catch (FileNotFoundException) {
if (old_avatars.Contains (email))
old_avatars.Remove (email);
} else if (this.failed_avatars.Contains (email)) {
} else {
WebClient client = new WebClient ();
string url = "" + GetMD5 (email) +
".jpg?s=" + size + "&d=404";
try {
// Fetch the avatar
byte [] buffer = client.DownloadData (url);
// Write the avatar data to a
// if not empty
if (buffer.Length > 255) {
avatar_fetched = true;
lock (this.avatar_lock)
File.WriteAllBytes (avatar_file_path, buffer);
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Avatar", "Fetched gravatar for " + email);
} catch (WebException e) {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Avatar", "Failed fetching gravatar for " + email);
// Stop downloading further avatars if we have no internet access
if (e.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout)
this.failed_avatars.Add (email);
// Fetch new versions of the avatars that we
// deleted because they were too old
if (old_avatars.Count > 0)
FetchAvatars (old_avatars, size);
if (AvatarFetched != null && avatar_fetched)
AvatarFetched ();
public string GetAvatar (string email, int size)
string avatar_file_path = SparkleHelpers.CombineMore (
Path.GetDirectoryName (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FullPath), "icons",
size + "x" + size, "status", "avatar-" + email);
if (File.Exists (avatar_file_path)) {
return avatar_file_path;
} else {
FetchAvatars (email, size);
if (File.Exists (avatar_file_path))
return avatar_file_path;
return null;
public void FetchFolder (string server, string remote_folder, string announcements_url)
server = server.Trim ();
remote_folder = remote_folder.Trim ();
if (announcements_url != null)
announcements_url = announcements_url.Trim ();
string tmp_path = SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.TmpPath;
if (!Directory.Exists (tmp_path)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (tmp_path);
File.SetAttributes (tmp_path, File.GetAttributes (tmp_path) | FileAttributes.Hidden);
// Strip the '.git' from the name
string canonical_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (remote_folder);
string tmp_folder = Path.Combine (tmp_path, canonical_name);
string backend = Path.GetExtension (remote_folder);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (backend)) {
backend = backend.Substring (1);
char [] letters = backend.ToCharArray ();
letters [0] = char.ToUpper (letters [0]);
backend = new string (letters);
} else {
backend = "Git";
try {
this.fetcher = (SparkleFetcherBase) Activator.CreateInstance (
Type.GetType ("SparkleLib." + backend + ".SparkleFetcher, SparkleLib." + backend),
} catch {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Controller",
"Failed to load \"" + backend + "\" backend for \"" + canonical_name + "\"");
if (FolderFetchError != null)
FolderFetchError (Path.Combine (server, remote_folder));
bool target_folder_exists = Directory.Exists (
Path.Combine (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath, canonical_name));
// Add a numbered suffix to the nameif a folder with the same name
// already exists. Example: "Folder (2)"
int i = 1;
while (target_folder_exists) {
target_folder_exists = Directory.Exists (
Path.Combine (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath, canonical_name + " (" + i + ")"));
string target_folder_name = canonical_name;
if (i > 1)
target_folder_name += " (" + i + ")";
this.fetcher.Finished += delegate (string [] warnings) {
// Needed to do the moving
SparkleHelpers.ClearAttributes (tmp_folder);
string target_folder_path = Path.Combine (
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath, target_folder_name);
try {
Directory.Move (tmp_folder, target_folder_path);
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.AddFolder (target_folder_name, this.fetcher.RemoteUrl, backend);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (announcements_url)) {
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.SetFolderOptionalAttribute (target_folder_name,
"announcements_url", announcements_url);
AddRepository (target_folder_path);
if (FolderFetched != null)
FolderFetched (this.fetcher.RemoteUrl, warnings);
if (FolderListChanged != null)
FolderListChanged ();
} catch (Exception e) {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Controller", "Error moving folder: " + e.Message);
this.fetcher.Dispose ();
this.fetcher = null;
if (Directory.Exists (tmp_path))
Directory.Delete (tmp_path, true);
this.fetcher.Failed += delegate {
if (FolderFetchError != null)
FolderFetchError (this.fetcher.RemoteUrl);
this.fetcher.Dispose ();
if (Directory.Exists (tmp_path))
Directory.Delete (tmp_path, true);
this.fetcher = null;
this.fetcher.ProgressChanged += delegate (double percentage) {
if (FolderFetching != null)
FolderFetching (percentage);
this.fetcher.Start ();
public void StopFetcher ()
if (fetcher != null)
fetcher.Stop ();
// Checks whether there are any folders syncing and
// quits if safe
public void TryQuit ()
lock (this.repo_lock) {
foreach (SparkleRepoBase repo in Repositories) {
if (repo.Status == SyncStatus.SyncUp ||
repo.Status == SyncStatus.SyncDown ||
repo.IsBuffering) {
Quit ();
public virtual void Quit ()
lock (this.repo_lock) {
foreach (SparkleRepoBase repo in Repositories)
repo.Dispose ();
#if __MonoCS__
Environment.Exit (0);
public void AddNoteToFolder (string folder_name, string revision, string note)
folder_name = folder_name.Replace ("%20", " ");
note = note.Replace ("%20", " ");
lock (this.repo_lock) {
foreach (SparkleRepoBase repo in Repositories) {
if (repo.Name.Equals (folder_name))
repo.AddNote (revision, note);
private string [] tango_palette = new string [] {"#eaab00", "#e37222",
"#3892ab", "#33c2cb", "#19b271", "#9eab05", "#8599a8", "#9ca696",
"#b88454", "#cc0033", "#8f6678", "#8c6cd0", "#796cbf", "#4060af",
"#aa9c8f", "#818a8f"};
private string AssignColor (string s)
string hash = "0" + GetMD5 (s).Substring (0, 8);
string numbers = Regex.Replace (hash, "[a-z]", "");
int number = int.Parse (numbers);
return this.tango_palette [number % this.tango_palette.Length];
private string AssignAvatar (string s)
string hash = "0" + GetMD5 (s).Substring (0, 8);
string numbers = Regex.Replace (hash, "[a-z]", "");
int number = int.Parse (numbers);
string letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
return "avatar-" + letters [(number % 11)] + ".png";
// Creates an MD5 hash of input
private string GetMD5 (string s)
MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider ();
Byte[] bytes = ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes (s);
Byte[] encoded_bytes = md5.ComputeHash (bytes);
return BitConverter.ToString (encoded_bytes).ToLower ().Replace ("-", "");
private string FormatBreadCrumbs (string path_root, string path)
string link = "";
string [] crumbs = path.Split (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
int i = 0;
string new_path_root = path_root;
bool previous_was_folder = false;
foreach (string crumb in crumbs) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (crumb))
string crumb_path = Path.Combine (new_path_root, crumb);
if (Directory.Exists (crumb_path)) {
link += "<a href='" + crumb_path + "'>" + crumb + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "</a>";
previous_was_folder = true;
} else if (File.Exists (crumb_path)) {
link += "<a href='" + crumb_path + "'>" + crumb + "</a>";
previous_was_folder = false;
} else {
if (i > 0 && !previous_was_folder)
link += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
link += crumb;
previous_was_folder = false;
new_path_root = Path.Combine (new_path_root, crumb);
return link;
public class ChangeSet : SparkleChangeSet { }
// All change sets that happened on a day
public class ActivityDay : List <SparkleChangeSet>
public DateTime DateTime;
public ActivityDay (DateTime date_time)
DateTime = date_time;
DateTime = new DateTime (DateTime.Year, DateTime.Month, DateTime.Day);