Gerard Walace bad1f93bd0 - Mono/.Net diff : A little change in the code in order to work with a .net Build.
It seems (not tried) that the Mono Directory.GetFiles return an array of file_names.
A .net compiler return an array of file_paths.
2013-03-25 12:10:02 +01:00

787 lines
28 KiB

// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Threading;
using SparkleLib;
namespace SparkleShare {
public abstract class SparkleControllerBase {
public SparkleRepoBase [] Repositories {
get {
lock (this.repo_lock)
return this.repositories.GetRange (0, this.repositories.Count).ToArray ();
public bool RepositoriesLoaded { get; private set;}
public string FoldersPath { get; private set; }
public double ProgressPercentage = 0.0;
public double ProgressSpeedUp = 0.0;
public double ProgressSpeedDown = 0.0;
public event ShowSetupWindowEventHandler ShowSetupWindowEvent = delegate { };
public delegate void ShowSetupWindowEventHandler (PageType page_type);
public event Action ShowAboutWindowEvent = delegate { };
public event Action ShowEventLogWindowEvent = delegate { };
public event FolderFetchedEventHandler FolderFetched = delegate { };
public delegate void FolderFetchedEventHandler (string remote_url, string [] warnings);
public event FolderFetchErrorHandler FolderFetchError = delegate { };
public delegate void FolderFetchErrorHandler (string remote_url, string [] errors);
public event FolderFetchingHandler FolderFetching = delegate { };
public delegate void FolderFetchingHandler (double percentage);
public event Action FolderListChanged = delegate { };
public event Action OnIdle = delegate { };
public event Action OnSyncing = delegate { };
public event Action OnError = delegate { };
public event InviteReceivedHandler InviteReceived = delegate { };
public delegate void InviteReceivedHandler (SparkleInvite invite);
public event NotificationRaisedEventHandler NotificationRaised = delegate { };
public delegate void NotificationRaisedEventHandler (SparkleChangeSet change_set);
public event AlertNotificationRaisedEventHandler AlertNotificationRaised = delegate { };
public delegate void AlertNotificationRaisedEventHandler (string title, string message);
public bool FirstRun {
get { return this.config.User.Email.Equals ("Unknown"); }
public List<string> Folders {
get {
List<string> folders = this.config.Folders;
return folders;
public string ConfigPath {
get { return this.config.LogFilePath; }
public SparkleUser CurrentUser {
get { return this.config.User; }
set { this.config.User = value; }
public bool NotificationsEnabled {
get {
string notifications_enabled = this.config.GetConfigOption ("notifications");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (notifications_enabled)) {
this.config.SetConfigOption ("notifications", bool.TrueString);
return true;
} else {
return notifications_enabled.Equals (bool.TrueString);
// Path where the plugins are kept
public abstract string PluginsPath { get; }
// Enables SparkleShare to start automatically at login
public abstract void CreateStartupItem ();
// Installs the sparkleshare:// protocol handler
public abstract void InstallProtocolHandler ();
// Adds the SparkleShare folder to the user's
// list of bookmarked places
public abstract void AddToBookmarks ();
// Creates the SparkleShare folder in the user's home folder
public abstract bool CreateSparkleShareFolder ();
// Opens the SparkleShare folder or an (optional) subfolder
public abstract void OpenFolder (string path);
// Opens a file with the appropriate application
public abstract void OpenFile (string path);
// Opens a file with the appropriate application
public abstract void OpenWebsite (string url);
// Copies text to the clipboard
public abstract void CopyToClipboard (string text);
public abstract string EventLogHTML { get; }
public abstract string DayEntryHTML { get; }
public abstract string EventEntryHTML { get; }
private SparkleConfig config;
private SparkleFetcherBase fetcher;
private FileSystemWatcher watcher;
private Object repo_lock = new Object ();
private Object check_repos_lock = new Object ();
private List<string> skipped_avatars = new List<string> ();
private List<SparkleRepoBase> repositories = new List<SparkleRepoBase> ();
private bool lost_folders_path = false;
public SparkleControllerBase ()
string app_data_path = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
string config_path = Path.Combine (app_data_path, "sparkleshare");
this.config = new SparkleConfig (config_path, "config.xml");
SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig = this.config;
FoldersPath = this.config.FoldersPath;
public virtual void Initialize ()
SparklePlugin.PluginsPath = PluginsPath;
InstallProtocolHandler ();
try {
// Create the SparkleShare folder and add it to the bookmarks
if (CreateSparkleShareFolder ())
AddToBookmarks ();
} catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) {
this.lost_folders_path = true;
if (FirstRun) {
this.config.SetConfigOption ("notifications", bool.TrueString);
} else {
string keys_path = Path.GetDirectoryName (this.config.FullPath);
string key_file_path = "";
foreach (string file_path in Directory.GetFiles (keys_path)) {
string file_name = Path.GetFileName(file_path);
if (file_name.EndsWith (".key")) {
key_file_path = Path.Combine (keys_path, file_name);
// Replace spaces with underscores in old keys
if (file_name.Contains (" ")) {
string new_file_name = file_name.Replace (" ", "_");
File.Move (key_file_path, Path.Combine (keys_path, new_file_name));
File.Move (key_file_path + ".pub", Path.Combine (keys_path, new_file_name + ".pub"));
key_file_path = Path.Combine (keys_path, new_file_name);
SparkleKeys.ImportPrivateKey (key_file_path);
CurrentUser.PublicKey = File.ReadAllText (key_file_path + ".pub");
SparkleKeys.ListPrivateKeys ();
// Watch the SparkleShare folder
this.watcher = new FileSystemWatcher () {
Filter = "*",
IncludeSubdirectories = false,
Path = FoldersPath
watcher.Created += OnFolderActivity;
// FIXME watcher.Deleted += OnFolderActivity;
// FIXME watcher.Renamed += OnFolderActivity;
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
public void UIHasLoaded ()
if (this.lost_folders_path) {
Program.UI.Bubbles.Controller.ShowBubble ("Where's your SparkleShare folder?",
"Did you put it on a detached drive?", null);
Environment.Exit (-1);
if (FirstRun) {
ShowSetupWindow (PageType.Setup);
new Thread (() => {
string keys_path = Path.GetDirectoryName (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FullPath);
string key_file_name = DateTime.Now.ToString ("yyyy-MM-dd_HH\\hmm");
string [] key_pair = SparkleKeys.GenerateKeyPair (keys_path, key_file_name);
SparkleKeys.ImportPrivateKey (key_pair [0]);
CurrentUser.PublicKey = File.ReadAllText (key_pair [1]);
}).Start ();
} else {
new Thread (() => {
CheckRepositories ();
RepositoriesLoaded = true;
UpdateState ();
}).Start ();
public void ShowSetupWindow (PageType page_type)
ShowSetupWindowEvent (page_type);
public void ShowAboutWindow ()
ShowAboutWindowEvent ();
public void ShowEventLogWindow ()
ShowEventLogWindowEvent ();
public void OpenSparkleShareFolder ()
OpenFolder (this.config.FoldersPath);
public void OpenSparkleShareFolder (string name)
OpenFolder (new SparkleFolder (name).FullPath);
public void ToggleNotifications ()
bool notifications_enabled = this.config.GetConfigOption ("notifications").Equals (bool.TrueString);
this.config.SetConfigOption ("notifications", (!notifications_enabled).ToString ());
private void CheckRepositories ()
lock (this.check_repos_lock) {
string path = this.config.FoldersPath;
// Detect any renames
foreach (string folder_path in Directory.GetDirectories (path)) {
string folder_name = Path.GetFileName (folder_path);
if (folder_name.Equals (".tmp"))
if (this.config.GetIdentifierForFolder (folder_name) == null) {
string identifier_file_path = Path.Combine (folder_path, ".sparkleshare");
if (!File.Exists (identifier_file_path))
string identifier = File.ReadAllText (identifier_file_path).Trim ();
if (this.config.IdentifierExists (identifier)) {
RemoveRepository (folder_path);
this.config.RenameFolder (identifier, folder_name);
string new_folder_path = Path.Combine (path, folder_name);
AddRepository (new_folder_path);
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller",
"Renamed folder with identifier " + identifier + " to '" + folder_name + "'");
// Remove any deleted folders
foreach (string folder_name in this.config.Folders) {
string folder_path = new SparkleFolder (folder_name).FullPath;
if (!Directory.Exists (folder_path)) {
this.config.RemoveFolder (folder_name);
RemoveRepository (folder_path);
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Removed folder '" + folder_name + "' from config");
} else {
AddRepository (folder_path);
// Remove any duplicate folders
string previous_name = "";
foreach (string folder_name in this.config.Folders) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (previous_name) && folder_name.Equals (previous_name))
this.config.RemoveFolder (folder_name);
previous_name = folder_name;
FolderListChanged ();
private void AddRepository (string folder_path)
SparkleRepoBase repo = null;
string folder_name = Path.GetFileName (folder_path);
string backend = this.config.GetBackendForFolder (folder_name);
try {
repo = (SparkleRepoBase) Activator.CreateInstance (
Type.GetType ("SparkleLib." + backend + ".SparkleRepo, SparkleLib." + backend),
new object [] { folder_path, this.config });
} catch (Exception e) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Failed to load backend '" + backend + "' for '" + folder_name + "': ", e);
repo.ChangesDetected += delegate {
UpdateState ();
repo.SyncStatusChanged += delegate (SyncStatus status) {
if (status == SyncStatus.Idle) {
ProgressPercentage = 0.0;
ProgressSpeedUp = 0.0;
ProgressSpeedDown = 0.0;
UpdateState ();
repo.ProgressChanged += delegate {
ProgressPercentage = 0.0;
ProgressSpeedUp = 0.0;
ProgressSpeedDown = 0.0;
double percentage = 0.0;
int repo_count = 0;
foreach (SparkleRepoBase rep in Repositories) {
if (rep.ProgressPercentage > 0) {
percentage += rep.ProgressPercentage;
if (rep.Status == SyncStatus.SyncUp)
ProgressSpeedUp += rep.ProgressSpeed;
if (rep.Status == SyncStatus.SyncDown)
ProgressSpeedDown += rep.ProgressSpeed;
if (repo_count > 0)
ProgressPercentage = percentage / repo_count;
UpdateState ();
repo.NewChangeSet += delegate (SparkleChangeSet change_set) {
NotificationRaised (change_set);
repo.ConflictResolved += delegate {
AlertNotificationRaised ("Conflict happened", "Don't worry, we've made a copy of each conflicting file.");
this.repositories.Add (repo);
repo.Initialize ();
private void RemoveRepository (string folder_path)
foreach (SparkleRepoBase repo in this.repositories) {
if (repo.LocalPath.Equals (folder_path)) {
this.repositories.Remove (repo);
repo.Dispose ();
private void OnFolderActivity (object o, FileSystemEventArgs args)
if (args != null && args.FullPath.EndsWith (".xml") &&
args.ChangeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Created) {
HandleInvite (args);
}/* else { FIXME: on the fly folder removal doesn't always work. disabling for now
Thread.Sleep (1000);
if (Directory.Exists (args.FullPath) && args.ChangeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Created)
CheckRepositories ();
private void HandleInvite (FileSystemEventArgs args)
if (this.fetcher != null &&
this.fetcher.IsActive) {
AlertNotificationRaised ("SparkleShare Setup seems busy", "Please wait for it to finish");
} else {
SparkleInvite invite = new SparkleInvite (args.FullPath);
// It may be that the invite we received a path to isn't
// fully downloaded yet, so we try to read it several times
int tries = 0;
while (!invite.IsValid) {
Thread.Sleep (100);
invite = new SparkleInvite (args.FullPath);
if (tries > 10) {
AlertNotificationRaised ("Oh noes!", "This invite seems screwed up...");
if (invite.IsValid)
InviteReceived (invite);
File.Delete (args.FullPath);
// Fires events for the current syncing state
private void UpdateState ()
bool has_unsynced_repos = false;
foreach (SparkleRepoBase repo in Repositories) {
if (repo.Status == SyncStatus.SyncDown || repo.Status == SyncStatus.SyncUp || repo.IsBuffering) {
OnSyncing ();
} else if (repo.HasUnsyncedChanges) {
has_unsynced_repos = true;
if (has_unsynced_repos)
OnError ();
OnIdle ();
public void StartFetcher (SparkleFetcherInfo info)
string tmp_path = this.config.TmpPath;
if (!Directory.Exists (tmp_path)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (tmp_path);
File.SetAttributes (tmp_path, File.GetAttributes (tmp_path) | FileAttributes.Hidden);
string canonical_name = Path.GetFileName (info.RemotePath);
string backend = SparkleFetcherBase.GetBackend (info.Address);
info.TargetDirectory = Path.Combine (tmp_path, canonical_name);
try {
this.fetcher = (SparkleFetcherBase) Activator.CreateInstance (
Type.GetType ("SparkleLib." + backend + ".SparkleFetcher, SparkleLib." + backend), info);
} catch (Exception e) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller",
"Failed to load '" + backend + "' backend for '" + canonical_name + "' " + e.Message);
FolderFetchError (Path.Combine (info.Address, info.RemotePath).Replace (@"\", "/"),
new string [] {"Failed to load \"" + backend + "\" backend for \"" + canonical_name + "\""});
this.fetcher.Finished += delegate (bool repo_is_encrypted, bool repo_is_empty, string [] warnings) {
if (repo_is_encrypted && repo_is_empty) {
ShowSetupWindowEvent (PageType.CryptoSetup);
} else if (repo_is_encrypted) {
ShowSetupWindowEvent (PageType.CryptoPassword);
} else {
FinishFetcher ();
this.fetcher.Failed += delegate {
FolderFetchError (this.fetcher.RemoteUrl.ToString (), this.fetcher.Errors);
StopFetcher ();
this.fetcher.ProgressChanged += delegate (double percentage) {
FolderFetching (percentage);
this.fetcher.Start ();
public void StopFetcher ()
this.fetcher.Stop ();
if (Directory.Exists (this.fetcher.TargetFolder)) {
try {
Directory.Delete (this.fetcher.TargetFolder, true /* Recursive */ );
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Deleted '" + this.fetcher.TargetFolder + "'");
} catch (Exception e) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Failed to delete '" + this.fetcher.TargetFolder + "'", e);
this.fetcher.Dispose ();
this.fetcher = null;
this.watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
public bool CheckPassword (string password)
return this.fetcher.IsFetchedRepoPasswordCorrect (password);
public void FinishFetcher (string password)
this.fetcher.EnableFetchedRepoCrypto (password);
FinishFetcher ();
public void FinishFetcher ()
this.watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
this.fetcher.Complete ();
string canonical_name = Path.GetFileName (this.fetcher.RemoteUrl.AbsolutePath);
if (canonical_name.EndsWith (".git"))
canonical_name = canonical_name.Replace (".git", "");
canonical_name = canonical_name.Replace ("-crypto", "");
canonical_name = canonical_name.Replace ("_", " ");
canonical_name = canonical_name.Replace ("%20", " ");
bool target_folder_exists = Directory.Exists (
Path.Combine (this.config.FoldersPath, canonical_name));
// Add a numbered suffix to the name if a folder with the same name
// already exists. Example: "Folder (2)"
int suffix = 1;
while (target_folder_exists) {
target_folder_exists = Directory.Exists (
Path.Combine (this.config.FoldersPath, canonical_name + " (" + suffix + ")"));
string target_folder_name = canonical_name;
if (suffix > 1)
target_folder_name += " (" + suffix + ")";
string target_folder_path = Path.Combine (this.config.FoldersPath, target_folder_name);
try {
Directory.Move (this.fetcher.TargetFolder, target_folder_path);
} catch (Exception e) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Error moving directory, trying again...", e);
try {
ClearDirectoryAttributes (this.fetcher.TargetFolder);
Directory.Move (this.fetcher.TargetFolder, target_folder_path);
} catch (Exception x) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Error moving directory", x);
this.fetcher.Dispose ();
this.fetcher = null;
this.watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
string backend = SparkleFetcherBase.GetBackend (this.fetcher.RemoteUrl.ToString ());
this.config.AddFolder (target_folder_name, this.fetcher.Identifier,
this.fetcher.RemoteUrl.ToString (), backend);
if (this.fetcher.OriginalFetcherInfo.AnnouncementsUrl != null) {
this.config.SetFolderOptionalAttribute (target_folder_name, "announcements_url",
RepositoriesLoaded = true;
FolderFetched (this.fetcher.RemoteUrl.ToString (), this.fetcher.Warnings.ToArray ());
AddRepository (target_folder_path);
FolderListChanged ();
this.fetcher.Dispose ();
this.fetcher = null;
this.watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
public string GetAvatar (string email, int size)
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = GetAvatarValidationCallBack;
string fetch_avatars_option = this.config.GetConfigOption ("fetch_avatars");
if (fetch_avatars_option != null && fetch_avatars_option.Equals (bool.FalseString))
return null;
email = email.ToLower ();
if (this.skipped_avatars.Contains (email))
return null;
string avatars_path = new string [] { Path.GetDirectoryName (this.config.FullPath),
"avatars", size + "x" + size }.Combine ();
string avatar_file_path = Path.Combine (avatars_path, email.MD5 () + ".png");
if (File.Exists (avatar_file_path)) {
if (new FileInfo (avatar_file_path).CreationTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays (-1))
File.Delete (avatar_file_path);
return avatar_file_path;
WebClient client = new WebClient ();
string url = "" + email.MD5 () + ".png?s=" + size + "&d=404";
try {
byte [] buffer = client.DownloadData (url);
if (buffer.Length > 255) {
if (!Directory.Exists (avatars_path)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (avatars_path);
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Created '" + avatars_path + "'");
File.WriteAllBytes (avatar_file_path, buffer);
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Fetched " + size + "x" + size + " avatar for " + email);
return avatar_file_path;
} else {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Error fetching avatar for " + email, e);
skipped_avatars.Add (email);
return null;
public virtual void Quit ()
foreach (SparkleRepoBase repo in Repositories)
repo.Dispose ();
Environment.Exit (0);
private bool GetAvatarValidationCallBack (Object sender,
X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors)
X509Certificate2 certificate2 = new X509Certificate2 (certificate.GetRawCertData ());
// On some systems (mostly Linux) we can't assume the needed certificates are
// available, so we have to check the certificate's SHA-1 fingerprint manually.
// Obtained from on Aug 18 2012 and expires on Oct 24 2015.
string gravatar_cert_fingerprint = "217ACB08C0A1ACC23A21B6ECDE82CD45E14DEC19";
if (!certificate2.Thumbprint.Equals (gravatar_cert_fingerprint)) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Invalid certificate for");
return false;
return true;
private void ClearDirectoryAttributes (string path)
if (!Directory.Exists (path))
string [] folders = Directory.GetDirectories (path);
foreach (string folder in folders)
ClearDirectoryAttributes (folder);
string [] files = Directory.GetFiles(path);
foreach (string file in files)
if (!IsSymlink (file))
File.SetAttributes (file, FileAttributes.Normal);
private bool IsSymlink (string file)
FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes (file);
return ((attributes & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == FileAttributes.ReparsePoint);