2011-12-15 21:20:23 +01:00

290 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using Gtk;
using Mono.Unix;
using WebKit;
namespace SparkleShare {
public class SparkleEventLog : Window {
public SparkleEventLogController Controller = new SparkleEventLogController ();
private Label size_label;
private HBox layout_horizontal;
private ComboBox combo_box;
private EventBox content_wrapper;
private ScrolledWindow scrolled_window;
private WebView web_view;
private SparkleSpinner spinner;
private string link_status;
// Short alias for the translations
public static string _ (string s)
return Catalog.GetString (s);
public SparkleEventLog () : base ("")
SetSizeRequest (480, 640);
SetPosition (WindowPosition.Center);
Resizable = true;
BorderWidth = 0;
Title = _("Recent Events");
IconName = "folder-sparkleshare";
DeleteEvent += Close;
this.size_label = new Label () {
Markup = "<b>Size:</b> " + Controller.Size + " " +
"<b>History:</b> " + Controller.HistorySize
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);
this.spinner = new SparkleSpinner (22);
this.content_wrapper = new EventBox ();
this.scrolled_window = new ScrolledWindow ();
this.web_view = new WebView () {
Editable = false
this.web_view.HoveringOverLink += delegate (object o, WebKit.HoveringOverLinkArgs args) {
this.link_status = args.Link;
this.web_view.NavigationRequested += delegate (object o, WebKit.NavigationRequestedArgs args) {
if (args.Request.Uri == this.link_status)
SparkleEventLogController.LinkClicked (args.Request.Uri);
// Don't follow HREFs (as this would cause a page refresh)
if (!args.Request.Uri.Equals ("file:"))
args.RetVal = 1;
this.scrolled_window.Add (this.web_view);
this.content_wrapper.Add (this.spinner);
this.spinner.Start ();
this.layout_horizontal = new HBox (true, 0);
this.layout_horizontal.PackStart (this.size_label, true, true, 0);
this.layout_horizontal.PackStart (new Label (""), true, true, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (this.layout_horizontal, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (CreateShortcutsBar (), false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (this.content_wrapper, true, true, 0);
Add (layout_vertical);
ShowAll ();
UpdateChooser (null);
UpdateContent (null);
// Hook up the controller events
Controller.UpdateChooserEvent += delegate (string [] folders) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
UpdateChooser (folders);
Controller.UpdateContentEvent += delegate (string html) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
UpdateContent (html);
Controller.ContentLoadingEvent += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
if (this.content_wrapper.Child != null)
this.content_wrapper.Remove (this.content_wrapper.Child);
this.content_wrapper.Add (this.spinner);
this.spinner.Start ();
this.content_wrapper.ShowAll ();
Controller.UpdateSizeInfoEvent += delegate (string size, string history_size) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.size_label.Markup = "<b>Size:</b> " + size + " " +
"<b>History:</b> " + history_size;
this.size_label.ShowAll ();
public void UpdateChooser (string [] folders)
if (folders == null)
folders = Controller.Folders;
if (this.combo_box != null && this.combo_box.Parent != null)
this.layout_horizontal.Remove (this.combo_box);
this.combo_box = new ComboBox ();
CellRendererText cell = new CellRendererText();
this.combo_box.PackStart (cell, false);
this.combo_box.AddAttribute (cell, "text", 0);
ListStore store = new ListStore (typeof (string));
store.AppendValues (_("All Projects"));
store.AppendValues ("---");
foreach (string folder in folders)
store.AppendValues (folder);
this.combo_box.Model = store;
this.combo_box.Active = 0;
this.combo_box.RowSeparatorFunc = delegate (TreeModel model, TreeIter iter) {
string item = (string) this.combo_box.Model.GetValue (iter, 0);
return (item == "---");
this.combo_box.Changed += delegate {
TreeIter iter;
this.combo_box.GetActiveIter (out iter);
string selection = (string) this.combo_box.Model.GetValue (iter, 0);
if (selection.Equals (_("All Folders")))
Controller.SelectedFolder = null;
Controller.SelectedFolder = selection;
this.layout_horizontal.BorderWidth = 9;
this.layout_horizontal.PackStart (this.combo_box, true, true, 0);
this.layout_horizontal.ShowAll ();
public void UpdateContent (string html)
Thread thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (delegate {
if (html == null)
html = Controller.HTML;
if (html == null)
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $body-font-size -->", (double) (Style.FontDescription.Size / 1024 + 3) + "px");
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $day-entry-header-font-size -->", (Style.FontDescription.Size / 1024 + 3) + "px");
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $a-color -->", "#0085cf");
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $a-hover-color -->", "#009ff8");
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $body-font-family -->", "\"" + Style.FontDescription.Family + "\"");
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $body-color -->", SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (Style.Foreground (StateType.Normal)));
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $body-background-color -->", SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (new TreeView ().Style.Base (StateType.Normal)));
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $day-entry-header-background-color -->", SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (Style.Background (StateType.Normal)));
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $secondary-font-color -->", SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (Style.Foreground (StateType.Insensitive)));
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $small-color -->", SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (Style.Foreground (StateType.Insensitive)));
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $no-buddy-icon-background-image -->", "file://" +
new string [] {SparkleUI.AssetsPath, "icons",
"hicolor", "32x32", "status", "avatar-default.png"}.Combine ());
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $document-added-background-image -->", "file://" +
new string [] {SparkleUI.AssetsPath, "icons",
"hicolor", "12x12", "status", "document-added.png"}.Combine ());
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $document-edited-background-image -->", "file://" +
new string [] {SparkleUI.AssetsPath, "icons",
"hicolor", "12x12", "status", "document-edited.png"}.Combine ());
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $document-deleted-background-image -->", "file://" +
new string [] {SparkleUI.AssetsPath, "icons",
"hicolor", "12x12", "status", "document-deleted.png"}.Combine ());
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $document-moved-background-image -->", "file://" +
new string [] {SparkleUI.AssetsPath, "icons",
"hicolor", "12x12", "status", "document-moved.png"}.Combine ());
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.spinner.Stop ();
this.web_view.LoadString (html, null, null, "file://");
this.content_wrapper.Remove (this.content_wrapper.Child);
this.content_wrapper.Add (this.scrolled_window);
this.content_wrapper.ShowAll ();
thread.Start ();
public void Close (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
HideAll ();
args.RetVal = true;
private MenuBar CreateShortcutsBar ()
// Adds a hidden menubar that contains to enable keyboard
// shortcuts to close the log
MenuBar menu_bar = new MenuBar ();
MenuItem file_item = new MenuItem ("File");
Menu file_menu = new Menu ();
MenuItem close_1 = new MenuItem ("Close1");
MenuItem close_2 = new MenuItem ("Close2");
// adds specific Ctrl+W and Esc key accelerators to Log Window
AccelGroup accel_group = new AccelGroup ();
AddAccelGroup (accel_group);
// Close on Esc
close_1.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel_group, new AccelKey (Gdk.Key.W, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask,
close_1.Activated += delegate { HideAll (); };
// Close on Ctrl+W
close_2.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel_group, new AccelKey (Gdk.Key.Escape, Gdk.ModifierType.None,
close_2.Activated += delegate { HideAll (); };
file_menu.Append (close_1);
file_menu.Append (close_2);
file_item.Submenu = file_menu;
menu_bar.Append (file_item);
// Hacky way to hide the menubar, but the accellerators
// will simply be disabled when using Hide ()
menu_bar.HeightRequest = 1;
menu_bar.ModifyBg (StateType.Normal, Style.Background (StateType.Normal));
return menu_bar;