
1180 lines
44 KiB
Raw Blame History

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// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
namespace Sparkles.Git {
public class GitRepository : BaseRepository {
SSHAuthenticationInfo auth_info;
bool user_is_set;
string cached_branch;
string branch {
get {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.cached_branch))
return this.cached_branch;
var git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase true");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
// TODO: ugly
while (this.in_merge && HasLocalChanges) {
try {
ResolveConflict ();
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Failed to resolve conflict, trying again...", e);
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase false");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD");
this.cached_branch = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
return this.cached_branch;
bool in_merge {
get {
string merge_file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "MERGE_HEAD");
return File.Exists (merge_file_path);
public GitRepository (string path, Configuration config, SSHAuthenticationInfo auth_info) : base (path, config)
this.auth_info = auth_info;
var git_config = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase false");
git_config.StartAndWaitForExit ();
git_config = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "config remote.origin.url \"" + RemoteUrl + "\"");
git_config.StartAndWaitForExit ();
public override List<string> ExcludePaths {
get {
List<string> rules = new List<string> ();
rules.Add (".git");
return rules;
public override double Size {
get {
string file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "info", "size");
try {
string size = File.ReadAllText (file_path);
return double.Parse (size);
} catch {
return 0;
public override double HistorySize {
get {
string file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "info", "history_size");
try {
string size = File.ReadAllText (file_path);
return double.Parse (size);
} catch {
return 0;
void UpdateSizes ()
double size = CalculateSizes (new DirectoryInfo (LocalPath));
double history_size = CalculateSizes (new DirectoryInfo (Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git")));
string size_file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "info", "size");
string history_size_file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "info", "history_size");
File.WriteAllText (size_file_path, size.ToString ());
File.WriteAllText (history_size_file_path, history_size.ToString ());
public override string CurrentRevision {
get {
var git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "rev-parse HEAD");
string output = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
if (git.ExitCode == 0)
return output;
return null;
public override bool HasRemoteChanges {
get {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Checking for remote changes...");
string current_revision = CurrentRevision;
var git = new GitCommand (LocalPath,
"ls-remote --heads --exit-code \"" + RemoteUrl + "\" " + this.branch, auth_info);
string output = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
if (git.ExitCode != 0)
return false;
string remote_revision = "" + output.Substring (0, 40);
if (!remote_revision.Equals (current_revision)) {
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "merge-base " + remote_revision + " master");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
if (git.ExitCode != 0) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Remote changes found, local: " +
current_revision + ", remote: " + remote_revision);
Error = ErrorStatus.None;
return true;
} else {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Remote " + remote_revision + " is already in our history");
return false;
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | No remote changes, local+remote: " + current_revision);
return false;
public override bool SyncUp ()
if (!Add ()) {
Error = ErrorStatus.UnreadableFiles;
return false;
string message = base.status_message.Replace ("\"", "\\\"");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (message))
message = FormatCommitMessage ();
if (message != null)
Commit (message);
string pre_push_hook_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "hooks", "pre-push");
string pre_push_hook_content =
"#!/bin/sh" + Environment.NewLine +
"env GIT_SSH_COMMAND='" + GitCommand.FormatGitSSHCommand (auth_info) + "' " +
"git-lfs pre-push \"$@\"";
File.WriteAllText (pre_push_hook_path, pre_push_hook_content);
if (StorageType == StorageType.Media) {
// TODO: Progress reporting, error handling
var git_lfs_push = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "lfs push origin " + branch, auth_info);
git_lfs_push.StartAndWaitForExit ();
var git_push = new GitCommand (LocalPath, string.Format ("push --all --progress \"{0}\"", RemoteUrl), auth_info);
git_push.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
git_push.Start ();
double percentage = 1.0;
// TODO: parse LFS progress
while (!git_push.StandardError.EndOfStream) {
string line = git_push.StandardError.ReadLine ();
Match match = this.progress_regex.Match (line);
double speed = 0.0;
double number = 0.0;
if (match.Success) {
try {
number = double.Parse (match.Groups [1].Value, new CultureInfo ("en-US"));
} catch (FormatException) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", "Error parsing progress: \"" + match.Groups [1] + "\"");
// The pushing progress consists of two stages: the "Compressing
// objects" stage which we count as 20% of the total progress, and
// the "Writing objects" stage which we count as the last 80%
if (line.StartsWith ("Compressing")) {
// "Compressing objects" stage
number = (number / 100 * 20);
} else {
// "Writing objects" stage
number = (number / 100 * 80 + 20);
Match speed_match = this.speed_regex.Match (line);
if (speed_match.Success) {
try {
speed = double.Parse (speed_match.Groups [1].Value, new CultureInfo ("en-US")) * 1024;
} catch (FormatException) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", "Error parsing speed: \"" + speed_match.Groups [1] + "\"");
if (speed_match.Groups [2].Value.Equals ("M"))
speed = speed * 1024;
} else {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | " + line);
if (FindError (line))
return false;
if (number >= percentage) {
percentage = number;
base.OnProgressChanged (percentage, speed);
git_push.WaitForExit ();
UpdateSizes ();
if (git_push.ExitCode == 0)
return true;
Error = ErrorStatus.HostUnreachable;
return false;
public override bool SyncDown ()
var git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "fetch --progress \"" + RemoteUrl + "\" " + branch, auth_info);
git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
git.Start ();
double percentage = 1.0;
// TODO: parse LFS progress
while (!git.StandardError.EndOfStream) {
string line = git.StandardError.ReadLine ();
Match match = this.progress_regex.Match (line);
double speed = 0.0;
double number = 0.0;
if (match.Success) {
try {
number = double.Parse (match.Groups [1].Value, new CultureInfo ("en-US"));
} catch (FormatException) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", "Error parsing progress: \"" + match.Groups [1] + "\"");
// The fetching progress consists of two stages: the "Compressing
// objects" stage which we count as 20% of the total progress, and
// the "Receiving objects" stage which we count as the last 80%
if (line.StartsWith ("Compressing")) {
// "Compressing objects" stage
number = (number / 100 * 20);
} else {
// "Writing objects" stage
number = (number / 100 * 80 + 20);
Match speed_match = this.speed_regex.Match (line);
if (speed_match.Success) {
try {
speed = double.Parse (speed_match.Groups [1].Value, new CultureInfo ("en-US")) * 1024;
} catch (FormatException) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", "Error parsing speed: \"" + speed_match.Groups [1] + "\"");
if (speed_match.Groups [2].Value.Equals ("M"))
speed = speed * 1024;
} else {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | " + line);
if (FindError (line))
return false;
if (number >= percentage) {
percentage = number;
base.OnProgressChanged (percentage, speed);
git.WaitForExit ();
UpdateSizes ();
if (git.ExitCode == 0) {
if (Merge ())
return true;
return false;
} else {
Error = ErrorStatus.HostUnreachable;
return false;
public override bool HasLocalChanges {
get {
PrepareDirectories (LocalPath);
var git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "status --porcelain");
string output = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty (output);
public override bool HasUnsyncedChanges {
get {
string unsynced_file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "has_unsynced_changes");
return File.Exists (unsynced_file_path);
set {
string unsynced_file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "has_unsynced_changes");
if (value)
File.WriteAllText (unsynced_file_path, "");
File.Delete (unsynced_file_path);
// Stages the made changes
bool Add ()
var git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "add --all");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
return (git.ExitCode == 0);
// Commits the made changes
void Commit (string message)
GitCommand git;
if (!this.user_is_set) {
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "config \"" + base.local_config.User.Name + "\"");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "config \"" + base.local_config.User.Email + "\"");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
this.user_is_set = true;
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "commit --all --message=\"" + message + "\" " +
"--author=\"" + base.local_config.User.Name + " <" + base.local_config.User.Email + ">\"");
git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
// Merges the fetched changes
bool Merge ()
string message = FormatCommitMessage ();
if (message != null) {
Add ();
Commit (message);
GitCommand git;
// Stop if we're already in a merge because something went wrong
if (this.in_merge) {
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "merge --abort");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
return false;
// Temporarily change the ignorecase setting to true to avoid
// conflicts in file names due to letter case changes
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase true");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "merge FETCH_HEAD");
git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
string error_output = git.StartAndReadStandardError ();
if (git.ExitCode != 0) {
// Stop when we can't merge due to locked local files
// error: cannot stat 'filename': Permission denied
if (error_output.Contains ("error: cannot stat")) {
Error = ErrorStatus.UnreadableFiles;
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Error status changed to " + Error);
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "merge --abort");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase false");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
return false;
} else {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", error_output);
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Conflict detected, trying to get out...");
while (this.in_merge && HasLocalChanges) {
try {
ResolveConflict ();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Failed to resolve conflict, trying again...", e);
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Conflict resolved");
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase false");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
return true;
void ResolveConflict ()
// This is a list of conflict status codes that Git uses, their
// meaning, and how SparkleShare should handle them.
// DD unmerged, both deleted -> Do nothing
// AU unmerged, added by us -> Use server's, save ours as a timestamped copy
// UD unmerged, deleted by them -> Use ours
// UA unmerged, added by them -> Use server's, save ours as a timestamped copy
// DU unmerged, deleted by us -> Use server's
// AA unmerged, both added -> Use server's, save ours as a timestamped copy
// UU unmerged, both modified -> Use server's, save ours as a timestamped copy
// ?? unmerged, new files -> Stage the new files
var git_status = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "status --porcelain");
string output = git_status.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
string [] lines = output.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());
bool trigger_conflict_event = false;
foreach (string line in lines) {
string conflicting_path = line.Substring (3);
conflicting_path = EnsureSpecialCharacters (conflicting_path);
conflicting_path = conflicting_path.Trim ("\"".ToCharArray ());
// Remove possible rename indicators
string [] separators = {" -> \"", " -> "};
foreach (string separator in separators) {
if (conflicting_path.Contains (separator)) {
conflicting_path = conflicting_path.Substring (
conflicting_path.IndexOf (separator) + separator.Length);
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Conflict type: " + line);
// Ignore conflicts in hidden files and use the local versions
if (conflicting_path.EndsWith (".sparkleshare") || conflicting_path.EndsWith (".empty")) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Ignoring conflict in special file: " + conflicting_path);
// Recover local version
var git_ours = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "checkout --ours \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
git_ours.StartAndWaitForExit ();
string abs_conflicting_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, conflicting_path);
if (File.Exists (abs_conflicting_path))
File.SetAttributes (abs_conflicting_path, FileAttributes.Hidden);
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Resolving: " + conflicting_path);
// Both the local and server version have been modified
if (line.StartsWith ("UU") || line.StartsWith ("AA") ||
line.StartsWith ("AU") || line.StartsWith ("UA")) {
// Recover local version
var git_ours = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "checkout --ours \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
git_ours.StartAndWaitForExit ();
// Append a timestamp to local version.
// Windows doesn't allow colons in the file name, so
// we use "h" between the hours and minutes instead.
string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString ("MMM d H\\hmm");
string our_path = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (conflicting_path) +
" (" + base.local_config.User.Name + ", " + timestamp + ")" + Path.GetExtension (conflicting_path);
string abs_conflicting_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, conflicting_path);
string abs_our_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, our_path);
if (File.Exists (abs_conflicting_path) && !File.Exists (abs_our_path))
File.Move (abs_conflicting_path, abs_our_path);
// Recover server version
var git_theirs = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "checkout --theirs \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
git_theirs.StartAndWaitForExit ();
trigger_conflict_event = true;
// The server version has been modified, but the local version was removed
} else if (line.StartsWith ("DU")) {
// The modified local version is already in the checkout, so it just needs to be added.
// We need to specifically mention the file, so we can't reuse the Add () method
var git_add = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "add \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
git_add.StartAndWaitForExit ();
// The local version has been modified, but the server version was removed
} else if (line.StartsWith ("UD")) {
// Recover server version
var git_theirs = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "checkout --theirs \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
git_theirs.StartAndWaitForExit ();
// Server and local versions were removed
} else if (line.StartsWith ("DD")) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | No need to resolve: " + line);
// New local files
} else if (line.StartsWith ("??")) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Found new file, no need to resolve: " + line);
} else {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Don't know what to do with: " + line);
Add ();
var git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "commit --message \"Conflict resolution by SparkleShare\"");
git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
if (trigger_conflict_event)
OnConflictResolved ();
public override void RestoreFile (string path, string revision, string target_file_path)
if (path == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("path");
if (revision == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("revision");
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Restoring \"" + path + "\" (revision " + revision + ")");
// git-show doesn't decrypt objects, so we can't use it to retrieve
// files from the index. This is a suboptimal workaround but it does the job
if (StorageType == StorageType.Encrypted) {
// Restore the older file...
var git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "checkout " + revision + " \"" + path + "\"");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
string local_file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, path);
// ...move it...
try {
File.Move (local_file_path, target_file_path);
} catch {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git",
Name + " | Could not move \"" + local_file_path + "\" to \"" + target_file_path + "\"");
// ...and restore the most recent revision
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "checkout " + CurrentRevision + " \"" + path + "\"");
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
// The correct way
} else {
path = path.Replace ("\"", "\\\"");
var git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "show " + revision + ":\"" + path + "\"");
git.Start ();
FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite (target_file_path);
git.StandardOutput.BaseStream.CopyTo (stream);
stream.Close ();
git.WaitForExit ();
if (target_file_path.StartsWith (LocalPath))
new Thread (() => OnFileActivity (null)).Start ();
bool FindError (string line)
Error = ErrorStatus.None;
Error = ErrorStatus.HostIdentityChanged;
} else if (line.StartsWith ("Permission denied") ||
line.StartsWith ("ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host") ||
line.StartsWith ("The authenticity of host")) {
Error = ErrorStatus.AuthenticationFailed;
} else if (line.EndsWith ("does not appear to be a git repository")) {
Error = ErrorStatus.NotFound;
} else if (line.EndsWith ("expected old/new/ref, got 'shallow")) {
Error = ErrorStatus.IncompatibleClientServer;
} else if (line.StartsWith ("error: Disk space exceeded") ||
line.EndsWith ("No space left on device") ||
line.EndsWith ("file write error (Disk quota exceeded)")) {
Error = ErrorStatus.DiskSpaceExceeded;
if (Error != ErrorStatus.None) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Error status changed to " + Error);
return true;
} else {
return false;
public override List<Change> UnsyncedChanges {
get {
return ParseStatus ();
public override List<ChangeSet> GetChangeSets ()
return GetChangeSetsInternal (null);
public override List<ChangeSet> GetChangeSets (string path)
return GetChangeSetsInternal (path);
List<ChangeSet> GetChangeSetsInternal (string path)
var change_sets = new List <ChangeSet> ();
GitCommand git;
if (path == null) {
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "--no-pager log --since=1.month --raw --find-renames --date=iso " +
"--format=medium --no-color --no-merges");
} else {
path = path.Replace ("\\", "/");
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "--no-pager log --raw --find-renames --date=iso " +
"--format=medium --no-color --no-merges -- \"" + path + "\"");
string output = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
if (path == null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (output)) {
git = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "--no-pager log -n 75 --raw --find-renames --date=iso " +
"--format=medium --no-color --no-merges");
output = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
string [] lines = output.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());
List<string> entries = new List <string> ();
// Split up commit entries
int line_number = 0;
bool first_pass = true;
string entry = "", last_entry = "";
foreach (string line in lines) {
if (line.StartsWith ("commit") && !first_pass) {
entries.Add (entry);
entry = "";
line_number = 0;
} else {
first_pass = false;
// Only parse first 250 files to prevent memory issues
if (line_number < 250) {
entry += line + "\n";
last_entry = entry;
entries.Add (last_entry);
// Parse commit entries
foreach (string log_entry in entries) {
Match match = this.log_regex.Match (log_entry);
if (!match.Success) {
match = this.merge_regex.Match (log_entry);
if (!match.Success)
ChangeSet change_set = new ChangeSet ();
change_set.Folder = new SparkleFolder (Name);
change_set.Revision = match.Groups [1].Value;
change_set.User = new User (match.Groups [2].Value, match.Groups [3].Value);
change_set.RemoteUrl = RemoteUrl;
change_set.Timestamp = new DateTime (int.Parse (match.Groups [4].Value),
int.Parse (match.Groups [5].Value), int.Parse (match.Groups [6].Value),
int.Parse (match.Groups [7].Value), int.Parse (match.Groups [8].Value),
int.Parse (match.Groups [9].Value));
string time_zone = match.Groups [10].Value;
int our_offset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Hours;
int their_offset = int.Parse (time_zone.Substring (0, 3));
change_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp.AddHours (their_offset * -1);
change_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp.AddHours (our_offset);
string [] entry_lines = log_entry.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());
// Parse file list. Lines containing file changes start with ":"
foreach (string entry_line in entry_lines) {
// Skip lines containing backspace characters
if (!entry_line.StartsWith (":") || entry_line.Contains ("\\177"))
string file_path = entry_line.Substring (39);
if (file_path.Equals (".sparkleshare"))
string type_letter = entry_line [37].ToString ();
bool change_is_folder = false;
if (file_path.EndsWith (".empty")) {
file_path = file_path.Substring (0, file_path.Length - ".empty".Length);
change_is_folder = true;
try {
file_path = EnsureSpecialCharacters (file_path);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Local", "Error parsing file name '" + file_path + "'", e);
file_path = file_path.Replace ("\\\"", "\"");
Change change = new Change () {
Path = file_path,
IsFolder = change_is_folder,
Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp,
Type = ChangeType.Added
if (type_letter.Equals ("R")) {
int tab_pos = entry_line.LastIndexOf ("\t");
file_path = entry_line.Substring (42, tab_pos - 42);
string to_file_path = entry_line.Substring (tab_pos + 1);
try {
file_path = EnsureSpecialCharacters (file_path);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Local", "Error parsing file name '" + file_path + "'", e);
try {
to_file_path = EnsureSpecialCharacters (to_file_path);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Local", "Error parsing file name '" + to_file_path + "'", e);
file_path = file_path.Replace ("\\\"", "\"");
to_file_path = to_file_path.Replace ("\\\"", "\"");
if (file_path.EndsWith (".empty")) {
file_path = file_path.Substring (0, file_path.Length - 6);
change_is_folder = true;
if (to_file_path.EndsWith (".empty")) {
to_file_path = to_file_path.Substring (0, to_file_path.Length - 6);
change_is_folder = true;
change.Path = file_path;
change.MovedToPath = to_file_path;
change.Type = ChangeType.Moved;
} else if (type_letter.Equals ("M")) {
change.Type = ChangeType.Edited;
} else if (type_letter.Equals ("D")) {
change.Type = ChangeType.Deleted;
change_set.Changes.Add (change);
// Group commits per user, per day
if (change_sets.Count > 0 && path == null) {
ChangeSet last_change_set = change_sets [change_sets.Count - 1];
if (change_set.Timestamp.Year == last_change_set.Timestamp.Year &&
change_set.Timestamp.Month == last_change_set.Timestamp.Month &&
change_set.Timestamp.Day == last_change_set.Timestamp.Day &&
change_set.User.Name.Equals (last_change_set.User.Name)) {
last_change_set.Changes.AddRange (change_set.Changes);
if (DateTime.Compare (last_change_set.Timestamp, change_set.Timestamp) < 1) {
last_change_set.FirstTimestamp = last_change_set.Timestamp;
last_change_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp;
last_change_set.Revision = change_set.Revision;
} else {
last_change_set.FirstTimestamp = change_set.Timestamp;
} else {
change_sets.Add (change_set);
} else {
// Don't show removals or moves in the revision list of a file
if (path != null) {
List<Change> changes_to_skip = new List<Change> ();
foreach (Change change in change_set.Changes) {
if ((change.Type == ChangeType.Deleted || change.Type == ChangeType.Moved)
&& change.Path.Equals (path)) {
changes_to_skip.Add (change);
foreach (Change change_to_skip in changes_to_skip)
change_set.Changes.Remove (change_to_skip);
change_sets.Add (change_set);
return change_sets;
string EnsureSpecialCharacters (string path)
// The path is quoted if it contains special characters
if (path.StartsWith ("\""))
path = ResolveSpecialChars (path.Substring (1, path.Length - 2));
return path;
string ResolveSpecialChars (string s)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (s.Length);
List<byte> codes = new List<byte> ();
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
while (s [i] == '\\' &&
s.Length - i > 3 &&
char.IsNumber (s [i + 1]) &&
char.IsNumber (s [i + 2]) &&
char.IsNumber (s [i + 3])) {
codes.Add (Convert.ToByte (s.Substring (i + 1, 3), 8));
i += 4;
if (codes.Count > 0) {
builder.Append (Encoding.UTF8.GetString (codes.ToArray ()));
codes.Clear ();
builder.Append (s [i]);
return builder.ToString ();
// Git doesn't track empty directories, so this method
// fills them all with a hidden empty file.
// It also prevents git repositories from becoming
// git submodules by renaming the .git/HEAD file
void PrepareDirectories (string path)
try {
foreach (string child_path in Directory.GetDirectories (path)) {
if (IsSymlink (child_path))
if (child_path.EndsWith (".git")) {
if (child_path.Equals (Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git")))
string HEAD_file_path = Path.Combine (child_path, "HEAD");
if (File.Exists (HEAD_file_path)) {
File.Move (HEAD_file_path, HEAD_file_path + ".backup");
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Renamed " + HEAD_file_path);
PrepareDirectories (child_path);
if (Directory.GetFiles (path).Length == 0 &&
Directory.GetDirectories (path).Length == 0 &&
!path.Equals (LocalPath)) {
if (!File.Exists (Path.Combine (path, ".empty"))) {
try {
File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (path, ".empty"), "I'm a folder!");
File.SetAttributes (Path.Combine (path, ".empty"), FileAttributes.Hidden);
} catch {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Failed adding empty folder " + path);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Git", "Failed preparing directory", e);
List<Change> ParseStatus ()
List<Change> changes = new List<Change> ();
var git_status = new GitCommand (LocalPath, "status --porcelain");
git_status.Start ();
while (!git_status.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) {
string line = git_status.StandardOutput.ReadLine ();
line = line.Trim ();
if (line.EndsWith (".empty") || line.EndsWith (".empty\""))
line = line.Replace (".empty", "");
Change change;
if (line.StartsWith ("R")) {
string path = line.Substring (3, line.IndexOf (" -> ") - 3).Trim ("\" ".ToCharArray ());
string moved_to_path = line.Substring (line.IndexOf (" -> ") + 4).Trim ("\" ".ToCharArray ());
change = new Change () {
Type = ChangeType.Moved,
Path = EnsureSpecialCharacters (path),
MovedToPath = EnsureSpecialCharacters (moved_to_path)
} else {
string path = line.Substring (2).Trim ("\" ".ToCharArray ());
change = new Change () { Path = EnsureSpecialCharacters (path) };
change.Type = ChangeType.Added;
if (line.StartsWith ("M")) {
change.Type = ChangeType.Edited;
} else if (line.StartsWith ("D")) {
change.Type = ChangeType.Deleted;
changes.Add (change);
git_status.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
git_status.WaitForExit ();
return changes;
// Creates a pretty commit message based on what has changed
string FormatCommitMessage ()
string message = "";
foreach (Change change in ParseStatus ()) {
if (change.Type == ChangeType.Moved) {
message += "< " + EnsureSpecialCharacters (change.Path) + "\n";
message += "> " + EnsureSpecialCharacters (change.MovedToPath) + "\n";
} else {
switch (change.Type) {
case ChangeType.Edited:
message += "/";
case ChangeType.Deleted:
message += "-";
case ChangeType.Added:
message += "+";
message += " " + change.Path + "\n";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (message))
return null;
return message;
// Recursively gets a folder's size in bytes
long CalculateSizes (DirectoryInfo parent)
long size = 0;
try {
foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in parent.GetDirectories ()) {
if (directory.FullName.IsSymlink () ||
directory.Name.Equals (".git") ||
directory.Name.Equals ("rebase-apply")) {
size += CalculateSizes (directory);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Local", "Error calculating directory size", e);
try {
foreach (FileInfo file in parent.GetFiles ()) {
if (file.FullName.IsSymlink ())
if (file.Name.Equals (".empty"))
File.SetAttributes (file.FullName, FileAttributes.Hidden);
size += file.Length;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.LogInfo ("Local", "Error calculating file size", e);
return size;
bool IsSymlink (string file)
FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes (file);
return ((attributes & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == FileAttributes.ReparsePoint);
Regex progress_regex = new Regex (@"([0-9]+)%", RegexOptions.Compiled);
Regex speed_regex = new Regex (@"([0-9\.]+) ([KM])iB/s", RegexOptions.Compiled);
Regex log_regex = new Regex (@"commit ([a-f0-9]{40})*\n" +
"Author: (.+) <(.+)>\n" +
"Date: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) " +
"([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) (.[0-9]{4})\n" +
"*", RegexOptions.Compiled);
Regex merge_regex = new Regex (@"commit ([a-f0-9]{40})\n" +
"Merge: [a-f0-9]{7} [a-f0-9]{7}\n" +
"Author: (.+) <(.+)>\n" +
"Date: ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) " +
"([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) (.[0-9]{4})\n" +
"*", RegexOptions.Compiled);