// SparkleShare, an instant update workflow to Git. // Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . using Gtk; using System; namespace SparkleShare { // A custom widget containing an image view, // previous/next buttons and a combobox public class RevisionView : VBox { public ScrolledWindow ScrolledWindow; public ComboBox ComboBox; public Button ButtonPrevious; public Button ButtonNext; private int ValueCount; private Image Image; public RevisionView (string [] revisions) : base (false, 6) { Image = new Image (); ScrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow (); ScrolledWindow.AddWithViewport (Image); HBox controls = new HBox (false, 3); controls.BorderWidth = 0; Arrow arrow_left = new Arrow (ArrowType.Left, ShadowType.None); ButtonPrevious = new Button (); ButtonPrevious.Add (arrow_left); ButtonPrevious.Clicked += PreviousInComboBox; ButtonPrevious.ExposeEvent += EqualizeSizes; ValueCount = 0; ComboBox = ComboBox.NewText (); foreach (string revision in revisions) { ComboBox.AppendText (revision); } ComboBox.Active = 0; ValueCount = revisions.Length; Arrow arrow_right = new Arrow (ArrowType.Right, ShadowType.None); ButtonNext = new Button (); ButtonNext.Add (arrow_right); ButtonNext.Clicked += NextInComboBox; ButtonNext.ExposeEvent += EqualizeSizes; controls.PackStart (new Label (""), true, false, 0); controls.PackStart (ButtonPrevious, false, false, 0); controls.PackStart (ButtonNext, false, false, 0); controls.PackStart (ComboBox, false, false, 9); controls.PackStart (new Label (""), true, false, 0); PackStart (controls, false, false, 0); PackStart (ScrolledWindow, true, true, 0); Shown += delegate { UpdateControls (); }; } // Equalizes the height and width of a button when exposed private void EqualizeSizes (object o, ExposeEventArgs args) { Button button = (Button) o; button.WidthRequest = button.Allocation.Height; } public void NextInComboBox (object o, EventArgs args) { if (ComboBox.Active - 1 >= 0) ComboBox.Active--; // UpdateControls (); } public void PreviousInComboBox (object o, EventArgs args) { if (ComboBox.Active + 1 < ValueCount) ComboBox.Active++; // UpdateControls (); } // Updates the buttons to be disabled or enabled when needed public void UpdateControls () { ButtonPrevious.State = StateType.Normal; ButtonNext.State = StateType.Normal; // TODO: Disable Next or Previous buttons when at the first or last value of the combobox // I can't get this to work! >:( if (ComboBox.Active == ValueCount - 1) { ButtonPrevious.State = StateType.Insensitive; } if (ComboBox.Active == 0) { ButtonNext.State = StateType.Insensitive; } } // Changes the image that is viewed public void SetImage (Image image) { Image = image; Remove (ScrolledWindow); ScrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow (); ScrolledWindow.AddWithViewport (Image); Add (ScrolledWindow); ShowAll (); } public Image GetImage () { return Image; } } // Derived class for the image view on the left public class LeftRevisionView : RevisionView { public LeftRevisionView (string [] revisions) : base (revisions) { ComboBox.Active = 1; if (Direction == Gtk.TextDirection.Ltr) ScrolledWindow.Placement = CornerType.TopRight; else ScrolledWindow.Placement = CornerType.TopLeft; } } // Derived class for the image view on the right public class RightRevisionView : RevisionView { public RightRevisionView (string [] revisions) : base (revisions) { ComboBox.Active = 0; if (Direction == Gtk.TextDirection.Ltr) ScrolledWindow.Placement = CornerType.TopLeft; else ScrolledWindow.Placement = CornerType.TopRight; } } }