gravatar support, code cleanup, 0.0.8

This commit is contained in:
Hylke Bons 2010-05-01 15:56:23 +01:00
parent 18f48b8706
commit 8ddff52a66
2 changed files with 266 additions and 108 deletions

Binary file not shown.


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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// SparklePony 0.0.7
// SparklePony 0.0.8
// SparklePony, an instant update workflow to Git.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
using Gtk;
using Notifications;
using SparklePonyHelpers;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
@ -42,7 +43,8 @@ public class SparklePony {
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
if (Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().IndexOf ("version") == -1) {
Console.WriteLine ("Git wasn't found.\nYou can get it from");
Console.WriteLine ("Git wasn't found.");
Console.WriteLine ("You can get it from");
Environment.Exit (0);
@ -50,10 +52,12 @@ public class SparklePony {
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "whoami";
if (Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim ().Equals ("root")) {
Console.WriteLine ("Sorry, you can't run SparklePony as root.\nThings will go utterly wrong.");
Console.WriteLine ("Sorry, you can't run SparklePony as root.");
Console.WriteLine ("Things will go utterly wrong.");
Environment.Exit (0);
// Parse the command line arguments
bool HideUI = false;
if (args.Length > 0) {
foreach (string Argument in args) {
@ -64,11 +68,14 @@ public class SparklePony {
Gtk.Application.Init ();
SparklePonyUI = new SparklePonyUI (HideUI);
SparklePonyUI.StartMonitoring ();
Gtk.Application.Run ();
public static void ShowHelp () {
@ -92,6 +99,7 @@ public class SparklePony {
// Holds the status icon, window and repository list
public class SparklePonyUI {
public SparklePonyWindow SparklePonyWindow;
@ -118,13 +126,28 @@ public class SparklePonyUI {
// Create place to store configuration user's home folder
string ConfigPath = UserHome + ".config/sparklepony/";
if (!Directory.Exists (ConfigPath)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (ConfigPath);
Console.WriteLine ("[Config] Created '" + ConfigPath + "'");
Directory.CreateDirectory (ConfigPath + "gravatars");
Console.WriteLine ("[Config] Created '" + ConfigPath + "gravatars'");
// Create a first run file to show the intro message
File.Create (ConfigPath + "firstrun");
Console.WriteLine ("[Config] Created '" + ConfigPath + "firstrun'");
// Create a place to store the avatars
Directory.CreateDirectory (ConfigPath + "avatars/");
Console.WriteLine ("[Config] Created '" + ConfigPath + "avatars'");
Directory.CreateDirectory (ConfigPath + "avatars/22x22/");
Console.WriteLine ("[Config] Created '" + ConfigPath +
Directory.CreateDirectory (ConfigPath + "avatars/48x48/");
Console.WriteLine ("[Config] Created '" + ConfigPath +
// Get all the Repos in ~/SparklePony
// Get all the repos in ~/SparklePony
string [] Repos = Directory.GetDirectories (ReposPath);
Repositories = new Repository [Repos.Length];
@ -134,7 +157,8 @@ public class SparklePonyUI {
// Don't create the window and status icon if --disable-gui was given
// Don't create the window and status
// icon when --disable-gui was given
if (!HideUI) {
// Create the window
@ -143,12 +167,15 @@ public class SparklePonyUI {
// Create the status icon
SparklePonyStatusIcon = new SparklePonyStatusIcon ();
SparklePonyStatusIcon.Activate += delegate { SparklePonyWindow.ToggleVisibility (); };
SparklePonyStatusIcon.Activate += delegate {
SparklePonyWindow.ToggleVisibility ();
// Closes the window
public void CloseSparklePonyWindow (object o, DeleteEventArgs args) {
SparklePonyWindow = new SparklePonyWindow (Repositories);
SparklePonyWindow.DeleteEvent += CloseSparklePonyWindow;
@ -162,12 +189,27 @@ public class SparklePonyUI {
public class SparklePonyStatusIcon : StatusIcon {
public SparklePonyStatusIcon () : base () {
IconName = "folder-publicshare";
// TODO: Only on first run
Notification Notification = new Notification ("Welcome to SparklePony!", "Click here to add some folders.");
Notification.Urgency = Urgency.Normal;
Notification.Timeout = 7500;
Notification.Show ();
string UserHome = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") + "/";
string FirstRunFile = UserHome + ".config/sparklepony/firstrun";
// Show a notification on the first run
if (File.Exists (FirstRunFile)) {
Notification Notification;
Notification = new Notification ("Welcome to SparklePony!",
"Click here to add some folders.");
Notification.Urgency = Urgency.Normal;
Notification.Timeout = 7500;
Notification.Show ();
File.Delete (FirstRunFile);
Console.WriteLine ("[Config] Deleted '" + FirstRunFile + "'");
public void SetIdleState () {
@ -233,7 +275,9 @@ public class Repository {
RemoteOriginUrl = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim ();
// Get the repository name, example: "Project"
Name = RepoPath.Substring (RepoPath.TrimEnd ( "/".ToCharArray ()).LastIndexOf ("/") + 1);
string s = RepoPath.TrimEnd ( "/".ToCharArray ());
Name = RepoPath.Substring (s.LastIndexOf ("/") + 1);
// Get the domain, example: ""
Domain = RemoteOriginUrl;
@ -266,25 +310,28 @@ public class Repository {
// Add everything that changed
// since SparklePony was stopped
BufferTimer = new Timer ();
// Add everything that changed
// since SparklePony was stopped
Add ();
// Starts a time buffer when something changes
public void OnFileActivity (object o, FileSystemEventArgs args) {
WatcherChangeTypes wct = args.ChangeType;
if (!ShouldIgnore (args.Name) && !MonitorOnly) {
Console.WriteLine("[" + Name + "][Event] " + wct.ToString() + " '" + args.Name + "'");
Console.WriteLine("[Event][" + Name + "] " + wct.ToString() +
" '" + args.Name + "'");
StartBufferTimer ();
// A buffer that will fetch changes after
// file activity has settles down
public void StartBufferTimer () {
int Interval = 2000;
@ -293,10 +340,12 @@ public class Repository {
// Delay for a few seconds to see if more files change
BufferTimer.Interval = Interval;
BufferTimer.Elapsed += delegate (object o, ElapsedEventArgs args) {
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Buffer] Done waiting.");
Console.WriteLine ("[Buffer][" + Name + "] Done waiting.");
Add ();
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Buffer] Waiting for more changes...");
Console.WriteLine ("[Buffer][" + Name + "] " +
"Waiting for more changes...");
} else {
@ -305,15 +354,19 @@ public class Repository {
BufferTimer = new Timer ();
BufferTimer.Interval = Interval;
BufferTimer.Elapsed += delegate (object o, ElapsedEventArgs args) {
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Buffer] Done waiting.");
Console.WriteLine ("[Buffer][" + Name + "] Done waiting.");
Add ();
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Buffer] Waiting for more changes...");
Console.WriteLine ("[Buffer][" + Name + "] " +
"Waiting for more changes...");
// Clones a remote repo
public void Clone () {
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "clone " + RemoteOriginUrl;
@ -325,9 +378,10 @@ public class Repository {
// Stages the made changes
public void Add () {
BufferTimer.Stop ();
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Git] Staging changes...");
Console.WriteLine ("[Git][" + Name + "] Staging changes...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "add --all";
@ -339,17 +393,21 @@ public class Repository {
// Commits the made changes
public void Commit (string Message) {
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Commit] " + Message);
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Git] Commiting changes...");
Console.WriteLine ("[Commit][" + Name + "] " + Message);
Console.WriteLine ("[Git][" + Name + "] Commiting changes...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "commit -m \"" + Message + "\"";
ShowEventNotification (UserName + " " + Message,
SparklePonyHelpers.SparklePonyHelpers.GetAvatarFileName (UserEmail, 48), true);
// Fetches changes from the remote repo
public void Fetch () {
// TODO: change status icon to sync
FetchTimer.Stop ();
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Git] Fetching changes...");
Console.WriteLine ("[Git][" + Name + "] Fetching changes...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "fetch";
Process.WaitForExit ();
@ -357,22 +415,10 @@ public class Repository {
FetchTimer.Start ();
public void Fetch (object o, ElapsedEventArgs args) {
// TODO: What happens when network disconnects during a fetch
// TODO: change status icon to sync
FetchTimer.Stop ();
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Git] Fetching changes...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "fetch";
Process.WaitForExit ();
Merge ();
FetchTimer.Start ();
// Merges the fetched changes
public void Merge () {
Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Git] Merging fetched changes...");
Console.WriteLine ("[Git][" + Name + "] Merging fetched changes...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "merge origin/master";
Process.WaitForExit ();
@ -380,25 +426,41 @@ public class Repository {
// Show notification if there are updates
if (!Output.Equals ("Already up-to-date.")) {
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "log --pretty=oneline -1";
// Get the last commit message
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "log --format=\"%ae\" -1";
string LastCommitMessage = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim ().Substring (41);
ShowNotification (LastCommitMessage, "", true);
string LastCommitEmail = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim ();
// Get the last commit message
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "log --format=\"%s\" -1";
string LastCommitMessage = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim ();
// Get the last commiter
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "log --format=\"%an\" -1";
string LastCommitUserName = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim ();
ShowEventNotification (LastCommitUserName + " " + LastCommitMessage,
SparklePonyHelpers.SparklePonyHelpers.GetAvatarFileName (LastCommitEmail, 48), true);
Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
// TODO: change status icon to normal
// Pushes the changes to the remote repo
public void Push () {
// TODO: What happens when network disconnects during a push
Console.WriteLine ("[" + Name + "][Git] Pushing changes...");
Console.WriteLine ("[Git][" + Name + "] Pushing changes...");
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "push";
Process.WaitForExit ();
// Ignore Repos, dotfiles, swap files and the like.
// Ignores Repos, dotfiles, swap files and the like.
public bool ShouldIgnore (string FileName) {
if (FileName.Substring (0, 1).Equals (".") ||
FileName.Contains (".lock") ||
@ -406,11 +468,13 @@ public class Repository {
FileName.Contains ("/.") ||
Directory.Exists (RepoPath + FileName))
return true; // Yes, ignore it.
else if (FileName.Length > 3 && FileName.Substring (FileName.Length - 4).Equals (".swp"))
else if (FileName.Length > 3 &&
FileName.Substring (FileName.Length - 4).Equals (".swp"))
return true;
else return false;
// Creates a pretty commit message based on what has changed
public string FormatCommitMessage () {
bool DoneAddCommit = false;
@ -439,65 +503,84 @@ public class Repository {
foreach (string Line in Regex.Split (Output, "\n")) {
// Format message for when files are added,
// example: "added 'file' and 3 more."
if (Line.IndexOf ("new file:") > -1 && !DoneAddCommit) {
DoneAddCommit = true;
if (FilesAdded > 1)
return "added '" +
Line.Replace ("#\tnew file:", "").Trim () + "' and " + (FilesAdded - 1) + " more.";
Line.Replace ("#\tnew file:", "").Trim () +
"' and " + (FilesAdded - 1) + " more.";
return "added '" +
Line.Replace ("#\tnew file:", "").Trim () + "'.";
// Format message for when files are edited,
// example: "edited 'file'."
if (Line.IndexOf ("modified:") > -1 && !DoneEditCommit) {
DoneEditCommit = true;
if (FilesEdited > 1)
return "edited '" +
Line.Replace ("#\tmodified:", "").Trim () + "' and " + (FilesEdited - 1) + " more.";
Line.Replace ("#\tmodified:", "").Trim () +
"' and " + (FilesEdited - 1) + " more.";
return "edited '" +
Line.Replace ("#\tmodified:", "").Trim () + "'.";
if (Line.IndexOf ("renamed:") > -1 && !DoneRenameCommit) {
DoneDeleteCommit = true;
if (FilesRenamed > 1)
return "renamed '" +
Line.Replace ("#\trenamed:", "").Trim ().Replace (" -> ", "' to '") + "' and " + (FilesDeleted - 1) + " more.";
return "renamed '" +
Line.Replace ("#\trenamed:", "").Trim ().Replace (" -> ", "' to '") + "'.";
// Format message for when files are edited,
// example: "deleted 'file'."
if (Line.IndexOf ("deleted:") > -1 && !DoneDeleteCommit) {
DoneDeleteCommit = true;
if (FilesDeleted > 1)
return "deleted '" +
Line.Replace ("#\tdeleted:", "").Trim () + "' and " + (FilesDeleted - 1) + " more.";
Line.Replace ("#\tdeleted:", "").Trim () +
"' and " + (FilesDeleted - 1) + " more.";
return "deleted '" +
Line.Replace ("#\tdeleted:", "").Trim () + "'.";
// Format message for when files are renamed,
// example: "renamed 'file' to 'new name'."
if (Line.IndexOf ("renamed:") > -1 && !DoneRenameCommit) {
DoneDeleteCommit = true;
if (FilesRenamed > 1)
return "renamed '" +
Line.Replace ("#\trenamed:", "").Trim ().Replace
(" -> ", "' to '") + "' and " + (FilesDeleted - 1) +
" more.";
return "renamed '" +
Line.Replace ("#\trenamed:", "").Trim ().Replace
(" -> ", "' to '") + "'.";
// Nothing happened:
return "";
public void ShowNotification (string Title, string SubText, bool ShowButtons) {
// Shows a notification with text and image
public void ShowEventNotification (string Title,
string IconFileName,
bool ShowButtons) {
Notification Notification = new Notification (Title, SubText);
Notification Notification = new Notification (Title, " ");
Notification.Urgency = Urgency.Low;
Notification.Timeout = 4500;
Notification.Icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf (IconFileName);
// Add a button to open the folder the changed file resides in
if (ShowButtons)
// Add a button to open the folder where the changed file is
if (ShowButtons)
Notification.AddAction ("", "Open Folder",
delegate (object o, ActionArgs args) {
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "xdg-open";
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = RepoPath;
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
} );
Notification.Show ();
@ -531,7 +614,9 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
HBox LayoutHorizontal = new HBox (false, 0);
ReposStore = new ListStore (typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof (string));
ReposStore = new ListStore (typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf),
typeof (string));
LayoutVerticalLeft = CreateReposList ();
LayoutVerticalLeft.BorderWidth = 12;
@ -561,7 +646,10 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
QuitServiceButton.Clicked += Quit;
Button CloseButton = new Button (Stock.Close);
CloseButton.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) { HideAll (); Visibility = false; };
CloseButton.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) {
Visibility = false;
HideAll ();
DialogButtons.Add (QuitServiceButton);
DialogButtons.Add (CloseButton);
@ -572,6 +660,7 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
// Creates a visual list of repositories
public VBox CreateReposList() {
string RemoteFolderIcon = "/usr/share/icons/gnome/22x22/places/folder.png";
@ -579,7 +668,8 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
foreach (Repository Repository in Repositories) {
ReposIter = ReposStore.Prepend ();
ReposStore.SetValue (ReposIter, 0, new Gdk.Pixbuf (RemoteFolderIcon));
ReposStore.SetValue (ReposIter, 1, Repository.Name + " \n" + Repository.Domain + " ");
ReposStore.SetValue (ReposIter, 1, Repository.Name + " \n" +
Repository.Domain + " ");
@ -593,8 +683,8 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
ReposStore.IterNthChild (out ReposIter, 1);
ReposView.ActivateRow (ReposStore.GetPath (ReposIter), ReposViewColumns [1]);
ReposView.ActivateRow (ReposStore.GetPath (ReposIter),
ReposViewColumns [1]);
HBox AddRemoveButtons = new HBox (false, 6);
Button AddButton = new Button ("Add...");
@ -612,8 +702,10 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
VBox.PackStart (AddRemoveButtons, false, false, 0);
return VBox;
// Creates the detailed view
public VBox CreateDetailsView () {
Label Label1 = new Label ("Remote URL: ");
@ -632,8 +724,11 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
Label6.UseMarkup = true;
Label6.SetAlignment (0, 0);
Button NotificationsCheckButton = new CheckButton ("Notify me when something changes");
Button ChangesCheckButton = new CheckButton ("Synchronize my changes");
Button NotificationsCheckButton =
new CheckButton ("Notify me when something changes");
Button ChangesCheckButton =
new CheckButton ("Synchronize my changes");
Table Table = new Table(7, 2, false);
Table.RowSpacing = 6;
@ -658,23 +753,30 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
public ScrolledWindow CreateEventLog() {
ListStore LogStore = new ListStore (typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof (string), typeof (string));
ListStore LogStore = new ListStore (typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf),
typeof (string),
typeof (string));
Process Process = new Process();
Process.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
string Output = "";
foreach (Repository Repository in Repositories) {
// We're using the snowman here to separate messages :)
Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "log --format=\"%at☃In '" + Repository.Name + "', %an %s☃%cr\" -25";
Process.StartInfo.Arguments =
"log --format=\"%at☃In '" + Repository.Name + "', %an %s☃%cr\" -25";
Process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Repository.RepoPath;
Output += "\n" + Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim ();
string [] Lines = Regex.Split (Output.TrimStart ("\n".ToCharArray ()), "\n");
Output = Output.TrimStart ("\n".ToCharArray ());
string [] Lines = Regex.Split (Output, "\n");
// Sort by time and get the last 25
Array.Sort (Lines);
@ -690,19 +792,29 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
string Message = Parts [1];
string TimeAgo = Parts [2];
string IconFile = "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/document-edited.png";
string IconFile =
if (Message.IndexOf (" added '") > -1)
IconFile = "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/document-added.png";
IconFile =
if (Message.IndexOf (" deleted '") > -1)
IconFile = "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/document-removed.png";
if (Message.IndexOf (" moved '") > -1 || Message.IndexOf (" renamed '") > -1)
IconFile = "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/document-moved.png";
IconFile =
if (Message.IndexOf (" moved '") > -1 ||
Message.IndexOf (" renamed '") > -1)
IconFile =
Iter = LogStore.Append ();
LogStore.SetValue (Iter, 0, new Gdk.Pixbuf (IconFile));
LogStore.SetValue (Iter, 1, Message);
// TODO: right align time
LogStore.SetValue (Iter, 2, " " + TimeAgo);
TreeView LogView = new TreeView (LogStore);
@ -727,6 +839,7 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
// Creates a visual list of people working in the repo
public ScrolledWindow CreatePeopleList (Repository Repository) {
Process Process = new Process ();
@ -740,12 +853,15 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
Process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Repository.RepoPath;
string Output = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim ();
string [] People = new string [50];
string [] Lines = Regex.Split (Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim (), "\n");
string [] Lines = Regex.Split (Output, "\n");
ListStore PeopleStore = new ListStore (typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof (string), typeof (string));
ListStore PeopleStore = new ListStore (typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf),
typeof (string),
typeof (string));
string PersonIcon = "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/avatar-default.png";
TreeIter PeopleIter;
int i = 0;
foreach (string Line in Lines) {
@ -753,36 +869,43 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
// Only add name if it isn't there already
if (Array.IndexOf (People, Line) == -1) {
People [i] = Line;
People [i] = Line;
string [] Parts = Regex.Split (Line, "☃");
string UserName = Parts [0];
string UserEmail = Parts [1];
// Do something special if the person is you
if (Parts [0].Equals (Repository.UserName))
Parts [0] += " (that's you)";
string GravatarFile = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") +
"/.config/sparklepony/gravatars/" + Parts [1];
// Add a gravatar if it has been downloaded before
if (File.Exists (GravatarFile))
PersonIcon = GravatarFile;
if (UserName.Equals (Repository.UserName))
UserName += " (that's you)";
// Actually add to the list
PeopleIter = PeopleStore.Prepend ();
PeopleStore.SetValue (PeopleIter, 0, new Gdk.Pixbuf (PersonIcon));
PeopleStore.SetValue (PeopleIter, 1, Parts [0]);
PeopleStore.SetValue (PeopleIter, 2, Parts [1] + " ");
PeopleStore.SetValue (PeopleIter, 0, new Gdk.Pixbuf (SparklePonyHelpers.SparklePonyHelpers.GetAvatarFileName (UserEmail, 22)));
PeopleStore.SetValue (PeopleIter, 1, UserName + " ");
PeopleStore.SetValue (PeopleIter, 2, UserEmail + " ");
// Let's try to get the person's gravatar for next time
string AvatarsDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") + "/.config/sparklepony/gravatars/";
string AvatarsDirSmall =
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") +
WebClient WebClient = new WebClient ();
Uri Uri = new Uri ("" + GetMD5 (Parts [1]) + ".jpg?s=22");
WebClient.DownloadFileAsync (Uri, AvatarsDir + Parts [1]);
WebClient WebClient1 = new WebClient ();
Uri UriSmall = new Uri ("" + SparklePonyHelpers.SparklePonyHelpers.GetMD5 (UserEmail) + ".jpg?s=22");
WebClient1.DownloadFileAsync (UriSmall, AvatarsDirSmall + UserEmail);
string AvatarsDirLarge =
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") +
WebClient WebClient2 = new WebClient ();
Uri UriLarge = new Uri ("" + SparklePonyHelpers.SparklePonyHelpers.GetMD5 (UserEmail) + ".jpg?s=48");
WebClient2.DownloadFileAsync (UriLarge, AvatarsDirLarge + UserEmail);
TreeView PeopleView = new TreeView (PeopleStore);
PeopleView.AppendColumn ("", new CellRendererPixbuf () , "pixbuf", 0);
PeopleView.AppendColumn ("", new Gtk.CellRendererText (), "text", 1);
@ -794,8 +917,8 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
ScrolledWindow ScrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow ();
ScrolledWindow.AddWithViewport (PeopleView);
return ScrolledWindow;
public void UpdatePeopleList () {
@ -817,15 +940,50 @@ public class SparklePonyWindow : Window {
Application.Quit ();
// Helper that creates an MD5 hash
public static string GetMD5 (string s) {
MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider ();
Byte[] Bytes = ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes (s);
Byte[] EncodedBytes = md5.ComputeHash (Bytes);
namespace SparklePonyHelpers {
return BitConverter.ToString(EncodedBytes).ToLower ().Replace ("-", "");
// Helper that returns a user's avatar
class SparklePonyHelpers {
public static string GetAvatarFileName (string Email, int Size) {
string GravatarFile = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") +
"/.config/sparklepony/avatars/" +
Size + "x" + Size +
"/" + Email;
if (File.Exists (GravatarFile))
return GravatarFile;
else {
string FallbackFileName = "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/" +
Size + "x" + Size +
if (File.Exists (FallbackFileName))
return FallbackFileName;
return "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/avatar-default.png";
// Helper that creates an MD5 hash
public static string GetMD5 (string s) {
MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider ();
Byte[] Bytes = ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes (s);
Byte[] EncodedBytes = md5.ComputeHash (Bytes);
return BitConverter.ToString(EncodedBytes).ToLower ().Replace ("-", "");