linux about: Fix layout and use StyleContexts

This commit is contained in:
Hylke Bons 2013-10-10 23:17:25 +02:00
parent 6f5941705e
commit 8087c37863

View file

@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Gtk;
namespace SparkleShare {
@ -64,8 +62,8 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
Controller.UpdateLabelEvent += delegate (string text) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.updates.Markup = String.Format ("<span font_size='small' fgcolor='#8cc4ff'>{0}</span>", text);
this.updates.ShowAll ();
this.updates.Text = text;
@ -76,6 +74,15 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
private void CreateAbout ()
Gdk.RGBA white = new Gdk.RGBA ();
white.Parse ("#ffffff");
Gdk.RGBA highlight = new Gdk.RGBA ();
highlight.Parse ("#a8bbcf");
Pango.FontDescription font = StyleContext.GetFont (StateFlags.Normal);
font.Size = 9 * 1024;
CssProvider css_provider = new CssProvider ();
string image_path = new string [] { SparkleUI.AssetsPath, "pixmaps", "about.png" }.Combine ();
@ -87,51 +94,54 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
StyleContext.AddProvider (css_provider, 800);
Label version = new Label () {
Markup = string.Format ("<span font_size='small' fgcolor='white'>version {0}</span>",
Xalign = 0,
Xpad = 0
this.updates = new Label () {
Markup = "<span font_size='small' fgcolor='#a8bbcf'>Checking for updates...</span>",
Xalign = 0,
Xpad = 0
Label copyright = new Label () {
Markup = "<span font_size='small' fgcolor='white'>" +
"Copyright © 2010" + DateTime.Now.Year + " " +
"Hylke Bons and others." +
Xalign = 0,
Xpad = 0
Label license = new Label () {
LineWrap = true,
LineWrapMode = Pango.WrapMode.Word,
Markup = "<span font_size='small' fgcolor='white'>" +
"SparkleShare is Open Source software. You are free to use, modify, " +
"and redistribute it under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later." +
Wrap = true,
Xalign = 0
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);
HBox links_layout = new HBox (false, 16);
Label version = new Label () {
Text = "version " + Controller.RunningVersion,
Xalign = 0, Xpad = 0
version.OverrideFont (font);
version.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, white);
this.updates = new Label ("Checking for updates…") {
Xalign = 0, Xpad = 0
this.updates.OverrideFont (font);
this.updates.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, highlight);
Label copyright = new Label () {
Text = "Copyright © 2010" + DateTime.Now.Year + " Hylke Bons and others.",
Xalign = 0, Xpad = 0
copyright.OverrideFont (font);
copyright.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, white);
TextView license = new TextView ();
TextBuffer license_buffer = license.Buffer;
license.WrapMode = WrapMode.Word;
license.Sensitive = false;
license_buffer.Text = "SparkleShare is Open Source and youre free to use, change, " +
"and share it under the GNU GPLv3.";
license.OverrideBackgroundColor (StateFlags.Normal, new Gdk.RGBA () { Alpha = 0 });
license.OverrideFont (font);
license.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, white);
SparkleLink website_link = new SparkleLink ("Website", Controller.WebsiteLinkAddress);
SparkleLink credits_link = new SparkleLink ("Credits", Controller.CreditsLinkAddress);
SparkleLink report_problem_link = new SparkleLink ("Report a problem", Controller.ReportProblemLinkAddress);
SparkleLink debug_log_link = new SparkleLink ("Debug log", Controller.DebugLogLinkAddress);
links_layout.PackStart (website_link, false, false, 0);
links_layout.PackStart (credits_link, false, false, 0);
links_layout.PackStart (report_problem_link, false, false, 0);
links_layout.PackStart (debug_log_link, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (new Label (""), true, true, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (version, false, false, 0);
@ -139,6 +149,11 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
layout_vertical.PackStart (copyright, false, false, 6);
layout_vertical.PackStart (license, false, false, 6);
layout_vertical.PackStart (links_layout, false, false, 16);
links_layout.PackStart (website_link, false, false, 0);
links_layout.PackStart (credits_link, false, false, 0);
links_layout.PackStart (report_problem_link, false, false, 0);
links_layout.PackStart (debug_log_link, false, false, 0);
HBox layout_horizontal = new HBox (false, 0);
layout_horizontal.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 149);
@ -154,10 +169,19 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
public SparkleLink (string text, string url)
VisibleWindow = false;
Label label = new Label () {
Markup = "<span size='small' fgcolor='#729fcf' underline='single'>" + text + "</span>"
Markup = "<span underline='single'>" + text + "</span>"
Gdk.RGBA highlight = new Gdk.RGBA ();
highlight.Parse ("#729fcf");
Pango.FontDescription font = new Button ().StyleContext.GetFont (StateFlags.Normal);
font.Size = 9 * 1024;
label.OverrideFont (font);
label.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, highlight);
EnterNotifyEvent += delegate { Window.Cursor = new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.Hand1); };
LeaveNotifyEvent += delegate { Window.Cursor = new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.Arrow); };