diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/README.md b/SparkleShare/Mac/README.md index 60dc6c42..4ea7997f 100644 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/README.md +++ b/SparkleShare/Mac/README.md @@ -24,7 +24,16 @@ Install git, automake, libtool and intltool ```bash $ sudo port install git-core automake intltool libtool ``` - + +Get a Git install, and place both the `bin` and `libexec` directories in `SparkleShare/Mac/git`. +The exact commands depend on where you installed/have Git. Assuming it's in `/usr/local`: + +```bash +$ mkdir SparkleShare/Mac/git +$ cp -R /usr/local/git/bin SparkleShare/Mac/git +$ cp -R /usr/local/git/libexec SparkleShare/Mac/git +``` + Start the first part of the build: ```bash diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/LICENSE b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index fe81dd87..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,370 +0,0 @@ -From https://github.com/gitster/git: - -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - GIT - the stupid content tracker - -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -"git" can mean anything, depending on your mood. - - - random three-letter combination that is pronounceable, and not - actually used by any common UNIX command. The fact that it is a - mispronunciation of "get" may or may not be relevant. - - stupid. contemptible and despicable. simple. Take your pick from the - dictionary of slang. - - "global information tracker": you're in a good mood, and it actually - works for you. Angels sing, and a light suddenly fills the room. - - "goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t": when it breaks - -Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an -unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations -and full access to internals. - -Git is an Open Source project covered by the GNU General Public License. -It was originally written by Linus Torvalds with help of a group of -hackers around the net. It is currently maintained by Junio C Hamano. - -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along - with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General -Public License instead of this License. - diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git deleted file mode 100755 index 0e604ec9..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-cvsserver b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-cvsserver deleted file mode 100755 index cafb11f4..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-cvsserver +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3696 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl")); - -#### -#### This application is a CVS emulation layer for git. -#### It is intended for clients to connect over SSH. -#### See the documentation for more details. -#### -#### Copyright The Open University UK - 2006. -#### -#### Authors: Martyn Smith -#### Martin Langhoff -#### -#### -#### Released under the GNU Public License, version 2. -#### -#### - -use 5.008; -use strict; -use warnings; -use bytes; - -use Fcntl; -use File::Temp qw/tempdir tempfile/; -use File::Path qw/rmtree/; -use File::Basename; -use Getopt::Long qw(:config require_order no_ignore_case); - -my $VERSION = ''; - -my $log = GITCVS::log->new(); -my $cfg; - -my $DATE_LIST = { - Jan => "01", - Feb => "02", - Mar => "03", - Apr => "04", - May => "05", - Jun => "06", - Jul => "07", - Aug => "08", - Sep => "09", - Oct => "10", - Nov => "11", - Dec => "12", -}; - -# Enable autoflush for STDOUT (otherwise the whole thing falls apart) -$| = 1; - -#### Definition and mappings of functions #### - -my $methods = { - 'Root' => \&req_Root, - 'Valid-responses' => \&req_Validresponses, - 'valid-requests' => \&req_validrequests, - 'Directory' => \&req_Directory, - 'Entry' => \&req_Entry, - 'Modified' => \&req_Modified, - 'Unchanged' => \&req_Unchanged, - 'Questionable' => \&req_Questionable, - 'Argument' => \&req_Argument, - 'Argumentx' => \&req_Argument, - 'expand-modules' => \&req_expandmodules, - 'add' => \&req_add, - 'remove' => \&req_remove, - 'co' => \&req_co, - 'update' => \&req_update, - 'ci' => \&req_ci, - 'diff' => \&req_diff, - 'log' => \&req_log, - 'rlog' => \&req_log, - 'tag' => \&req_CATCHALL, - 'status' => \&req_status, - 'admin' => \&req_CATCHALL, - 'history' => \&req_CATCHALL, - 'watchers' => \&req_EMPTY, - 'editors' => \&req_EMPTY, - 'noop' => \&req_EMPTY, - 'annotate' => \&req_annotate, - 'Global_option' => \&req_Globaloption, - #'annotate' => \&req_CATCHALL, -}; - -############################################## - - -# $state holds all the bits of information the clients sends us that could -# potentially be useful when it comes to actually _doing_ something. -my $state = { prependdir => '' }; - -# Work is for managing temporary working directory -my $work = - { - state => undef, # undef, 1 (empty), 2 (with stuff) - workDir => undef, - index => undef, - emptyDir => undef, - tmpDir => undef - }; - -$log->info("--------------- STARTING -----------------"); - -my $usage = - "Usage: git cvsserver [options] [pserver|server] [ ...]\n". - " --base-path : Prepend to requested CVSROOT\n". - " Can be read from GIT_CVSSERVER_BASE_PATH\n". - " --strict-paths : Don't allow recursing into subdirectories\n". - " --export-all : Don't check for gitcvs.enabled in config\n". - " --version, -V : Print version information and exit\n". - " --help, -h, -H : Print usage information and exit\n". - "\n". - " ... is a list of allowed directories. If no directories\n". - "are given, all are allowed. This is an additional restriction, gitcvs\n". - "access still needs to be enabled by the gitcvs.enabled config option.\n". - "Alternately, one directory may be specified in GIT_CVSSERVER_ROOT.\n"; - -my @opts = ( 'help|h|H', 'version|V', - 'base-path=s', 'strict-paths', 'export-all' ); -GetOptions( $state, @opts ) - or die $usage; - -if ($state->{version}) { - print "git-cvsserver version $VERSION\n"; - exit; -} -if ($state->{help}) { - print $usage; - exit; -} - -my $TEMP_DIR = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); -$log->debug("Temporary directory is '$TEMP_DIR'"); - -$state->{method} = 'ext'; -if (@ARGV) { - if ($ARGV[0] eq 'pserver') { - $state->{method} = 'pserver'; - shift @ARGV; - } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'server') { - shift @ARGV; - } -} - -# everything else is a directory -$state->{allowed_roots} = [ @ARGV ]; - -# don't export the whole system unless the users requests it -if ($state->{'export-all'} && !@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) { - die "--export-all can only be used together with an explicit whitelist\n"; -} - -# Environment handling for running under git-shell -if (exists $ENV{GIT_CVSSERVER_BASE_PATH}) { - if ($state->{'base-path'}) { - die "Cannot specify base path both ways.\n"; - } - my $base_path = $ENV{GIT_CVSSERVER_BASE_PATH}; - $state->{'base-path'} = $base_path; - $log->debug("Picked up base path '$base_path' from environment.\n"); -} -if (exists $ENV{GIT_CVSSERVER_ROOT}) { - if (@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) { - die "Cannot specify roots both ways: @ARGV\n"; - } - my $allowed_root = $ENV{GIT_CVSSERVER_ROOT}; - $state->{allowed_roots} = [ $allowed_root ]; - $log->debug("Picked up allowed root '$allowed_root' from environment.\n"); -} - -# if we are called with a pserver argument, -# deal with the authentication cat before entering the -# main loop -if ($state->{method} eq 'pserver') { - my $line = ; chomp $line; - unless( $line =~ /^BEGIN (AUTH|VERIFICATION) REQUEST$/) { - die "E Do not understand $line - expecting BEGIN AUTH REQUEST\n"; - } - my $request = $1; - $line = ; chomp $line; - unless (req_Root('root', $line)) { # reuse Root - print "E Invalid root $line \n"; - exit 1; - } - $line = ; chomp $line; - my $user = $line; - $line = ; chomp $line; - my $password = $line; - - if ($user eq 'anonymous') { - # "A" will be 1 byte, use length instead in case the - # encryption method ever changes (yeah, right!) - if (length($password) > 1 ) { - print "E Don't supply a password for the `anonymous' user\n"; - print "I HATE YOU\n"; - exit 1; - } - - # Fall through to LOVE - } else { - # Trying to authenticate a user - if (not exists $cfg->{gitcvs}->{authdb}) { - print "E the repo config file needs a [gitcvs] section with an 'authdb' parameter set to the filename of the authentication database\n"; - print "I HATE YOU\n"; - exit 1; - } - - my $authdb = $cfg->{gitcvs}->{authdb}; - - unless (-e $authdb) { - print "E The authentication database specified in [gitcvs.authdb] does not exist\n"; - print "I HATE YOU\n"; - exit 1; - } - - my $auth_ok; - open my $passwd, "<", $authdb or die $!; - while (<$passwd>) { - if (m{^\Q$user\E:(.*)}) { - if (crypt($user, descramble($password)) eq $1) { - $auth_ok = 1; - } - }; - } - close $passwd; - - unless ($auth_ok) { - print "I HATE YOU\n"; - exit 1; - } - - # Fall through to LOVE - } - - # For checking whether the user is anonymous on commit - $state->{user} = $user; - - $line = ; chomp $line; - unless ($line eq "END $request REQUEST") { - die "E Do not understand $line -- expecting END $request REQUEST\n"; - } - print "I LOVE YOU\n"; - exit if $request eq 'VERIFICATION'; # cvs login - # and now back to our regular programme... -} - -# Keep going until the client closes the connection -while () -{ - chomp; - - # Check to see if we've seen this method, and call appropriate function. - if ( /^([\w-]+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/ and defined($methods->{$1}) ) - { - # use the $methods hash to call the appropriate sub for this command - #$log->info("Method : $1"); - &{$methods->{$1}}($1,$2); - } else { - # log fatal because we don't understand this function. If this happens - # we're fairly screwed because we don't know if the client is expecting - # a response. If it is, the client will hang, we'll hang, and the whole - # thing will be custard. - $log->fatal("Don't understand command $_\n"); - die("Unknown command $_"); - } -} - -$log->debug("Processing time : user=" . (times)[0] . " system=" . (times)[1]); -$log->info("--------------- FINISH -----------------"); - -chdir '/'; -exit 0; - -# Magic catchall method. -# This is the method that will handle all commands we haven't yet -# implemented. It simply sends a warning to the log file indicating a -# command that hasn't been implemented has been invoked. -sub req_CATCHALL -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - $log->warn("Unhandled command : req_$cmd : $data"); -} - -# This method invariably succeeds with an empty response. -sub req_EMPTY -{ - print "ok\n"; -} - -# Root pathname \n -# Response expected: no. Tell the server which CVSROOT to use. Note that -# pathname is a local directory and not a fully qualified CVSROOT variable. -# pathname must already exist; if creating a new root, use the init -# request, not Root. pathname does not include the hostname of the server, -# how to access the server, etc.; by the time the CVS protocol is in use, -# connection, authentication, etc., are already taken care of. The Root -# request must be sent only once, and it must be sent before any requests -# other than Valid-responses, valid-requests, UseUnchanged, Set or init. -sub req_Root -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - $log->debug("req_Root : $data"); - - unless ($data =~ m#^/#) { - print "error 1 Root must be an absolute pathname\n"; - return 0; - } - - my $cvsroot = $state->{'base-path'} || ''; - $cvsroot =~ s#/+$##; - $cvsroot .= $data; - - if ($state->{CVSROOT} - && ($state->{CVSROOT} ne $cvsroot)) { - print "error 1 Conflicting roots specified\n"; - return 0; - } - - $state->{CVSROOT} = $cvsroot; - - $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/"; - - if (@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) { - my $allowed = 0; - foreach my $dir (@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) { - next unless $dir =~ m#^/#; - $dir =~ s#/+$##; - if ($state->{'strict-paths'}) { - if ($ENV{GIT_DIR} =~ m#^\Q$dir\E/?$#) { - $allowed = 1; - last; - } - } elsif ($ENV{GIT_DIR} =~ m#^\Q$dir\E(/?$|/)#) { - $allowed = 1; - last; - } - } - - unless ($allowed) { - print "E $ENV{GIT_DIR} does not seem to be a valid GIT repository\n"; - print "E \n"; - print "error 1 $ENV{GIT_DIR} is not a valid repository\n"; - return 0; - } - } - - unless (-d $ENV{GIT_DIR} && -e $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'HEAD') { - print "E $ENV{GIT_DIR} does not seem to be a valid GIT repository\n"; - print "E \n"; - print "error 1 $ENV{GIT_DIR} is not a valid repository\n"; - return 0; - } - - my @gitvars = `git config -l`; - if ($?) { - print "E problems executing git-config on the server -- this is not a git repository or the PATH is not set correctly.\n"; - print "E \n"; - print "error 1 - problem executing git-config\n"; - return 0; - } - foreach my $line ( @gitvars ) - { - next unless ( $line =~ /^(gitcvs)\.(?:(ext|pserver)\.)?([\w-]+)=(.*)$/ ); - unless ($2) { - $cfg->{$1}{$3} = $4; - } else { - $cfg->{$1}{$2}{$3} = $4; - } - } - - my $enabled = ($cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{enabled} - || $cfg->{gitcvs}{enabled}); - unless ($state->{'export-all'} || - ($enabled && $enabled =~ /^\s*(1|true|yes)\s*$/i)) { - print "E GITCVS emulation needs to be enabled on this repo\n"; - print "E the repo config file needs a [gitcvs] section added, and the parameter 'enabled' set to 1\n"; - print "E \n"; - print "error 1 GITCVS emulation disabled\n"; - return 0; - } - - my $logfile = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{logfile} || $cfg->{gitcvs}{logfile}; - if ( $logfile ) - { - $log->setfile($logfile); - } else { - $log->nofile(); - } - - return 1; -} - -# Global_option option \n -# Response expected: no. Transmit one of the global options `-q', `-Q', -# `-l', `-t', `-r', or `-n'. option must be one of those strings, no -# variations (such as combining of options) are allowed. For graceful -# handling of valid-requests, it is probably better to make new global -# options separate requests, rather than trying to add them to this -# request. -sub req_Globaloption -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - $log->debug("req_Globaloption : $data"); - $state->{globaloptions}{$data} = 1; -} - -# Valid-responses request-list \n -# Response expected: no. Tell the server what responses the client will -# accept. request-list is a space separated list of tokens. -sub req_Validresponses -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - $log->debug("req_Validresponses : $data"); - - # TODO : re-enable this, currently it's not particularly useful - #$state->{validresponses} = [ split /\s+/, $data ]; -} - -# valid-requests \n -# Response expected: yes. Ask the server to send back a Valid-requests -# response. -sub req_validrequests -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - $log->debug("req_validrequests"); - - $log->debug("SEND : Valid-requests " . join(" ",keys %$methods)); - $log->debug("SEND : ok"); - - print "Valid-requests " . join(" ",keys %$methods) . "\n"; - print "ok\n"; -} - -# Directory local-directory \n -# Additional data: repository \n. Response expected: no. Tell the server -# what directory to use. The repository should be a directory name from a -# previous server response. Note that this both gives a default for Entry -# and Modified and also for ci and the other commands; normal usage is to -# send Directory for each directory in which there will be an Entry or -# Modified, and then a final Directory for the original directory, then the -# command. The local-directory is relative to the top level at which the -# command is occurring (i.e. the last Directory which is sent before the -# command); to indicate that top level, `.' should be sent for -# local-directory. -sub req_Directory -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - my $repository = ; - chomp $repository; - - - $state->{localdir} = $data; - $state->{repository} = $repository; - $state->{path} = $repository; - $state->{path} =~ s/^\Q$state->{CVSROOT}\E\///; - $state->{module} = $1 if ($state->{path} =~ s/^(.*?)(\/|$)//); - $state->{path} .= "/" if ( $state->{path} =~ /\S/ ); - - $state->{directory} = $state->{localdir}; - $state->{directory} = "" if ( $state->{directory} eq "." ); - $state->{directory} .= "/" if ( $state->{directory} =~ /\S/ ); - - if ( (not defined($state->{prependdir}) or $state->{prependdir} eq '') and $state->{localdir} eq "." and $state->{path} =~ /\S/ ) - { - $log->info("Setting prepend to '$state->{path}'"); - $state->{prependdir} = $state->{path}; - foreach my $entry ( keys %{$state->{entries}} ) - { - $state->{entries}{$state->{prependdir} . $entry} = $state->{entries}{$entry}; - delete $state->{entries}{$entry}; - } - } - - if ( defined ( $state->{prependdir} ) ) - { - $log->debug("Prepending '$state->{prependdir}' to state|directory"); - $state->{directory} = $state->{prependdir} . $state->{directory} - } - $log->debug("req_Directory : localdir=$data repository=$repository path=$state->{path} directory=$state->{directory} module=$state->{module}"); -} - -# Entry entry-line \n -# Response expected: no. Tell the server what version of a file is on the -# local machine. The name in entry-line is a name relative to the directory -# most recently specified with Directory. If the user is operating on only -# some files in a directory, Entry requests for only those files need be -# included. If an Entry request is sent without Modified, Is-modified, or -# Unchanged, it means the file is lost (does not exist in the working -# directory). If both Entry and one of Modified, Is-modified, or Unchanged -# are sent for the same file, Entry must be sent first. For a given file, -# one can send Modified, Is-modified, or Unchanged, but not more than one -# of these three. -sub req_Entry -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - #$log->debug("req_Entry : $data"); - - my @data = split(/\//, $data); - - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data[1]} = { - revision => $data[2], - conflict => $data[3], - options => $data[4], - tag_or_date => $data[5], - }; - - $log->info("Received entry line '$data' => '" . $state->{directory} . $data[1] . "'"); -} - -# Questionable filename \n -# Response expected: no. Additional data: no. Tell the server to check -# whether filename should be ignored, and if not, next time the server -# sends responses, send (in a M response) `?' followed by the directory and -# filename. filename must not contain `/'; it needs to be a file in the -# directory named by the most recent Directory request. -sub req_Questionable -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - $log->debug("req_Questionable : $data"); - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{questionable} = 1; -} - -# add \n -# Response expected: yes. Add a file or directory. This uses any previous -# Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have been sent. -# The last Directory sent specifies the working directory at the time of -# the operation. To add a directory, send the directory to be added using -# Directory and Argument requests. -sub req_add -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("add"); - - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - argsfromdir($updater); - - my $addcount = 0; - - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - if ($wrev && $meta && ($wrev < 0)) - { - # previously removed file, add back - $log->info("added file $filename was previously removed, send 1.$meta->{revision}"); - - print "MT +updated\n"; - print "MT text U \n"; - print "MT fname $filename\n"; - print "MT newline\n"; - print "MT -updated\n"; - - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) - { - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename,1); - - print "Created $dirpart\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; - - # this is an "entries" line - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash}); - $log->debug("/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/"); - print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; - # permissions - $log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}"); - print "u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}\n"; - # transmit file - transmitfile($meta->{filehash}); - } - - next; - } - - unless ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) ) - { - print "E cvs add: nothing known about `$filename'\n"; - next; - } - # TODO : check we're not squashing an already existing file - if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} ) ) - { - print "E cvs add: `$filename' has already been entered\n"; - next; - } - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename, 1); - - print "E cvs add: scheduling file `$filename' for addition\n"; - - print "Checked-in $dirpart\n"; - print "$filename\n"; - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"file", - $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}); - print "/$filepart/0//$kopts/\n"; - - my $requestedKopts = $state->{opt}{k}; - if(defined($requestedKopts)) - { - $requestedKopts = "-k$requestedKopts"; - } - else - { - $requestedKopts = ""; - } - if( $kopts ne $requestedKopts ) - { - $log->warn("Ignoring requested -k='$requestedKopts'" - . " for '$filename'; detected -k='$kopts' instead"); - #TODO: Also have option to send warning to user? - } - - $addcount++; - } - - if ( $addcount == 1 ) - { - print "E cvs add: use `cvs commit' to add this file permanently\n"; - } - elsif ( $addcount > 1 ) - { - print "E cvs add: use `cvs commit' to add these files permanently\n"; - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -# remove \n -# Response expected: yes. Remove a file. This uses any previous Argument, -# Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have been sent. The last -# Directory sent specifies the working directory at the time of the -# operation. Note that this request does not actually do anything to the -# repository; the only effect of a successful remove request is to supply -# the client with a new entries line containing `-' to indicate a removed -# file. In fact, the client probably could perform this operation without -# contacting the server, although using remove may cause the server to -# perform a few more checks. The client sends a subsequent ci request to -# actually record the removal in the repository. -sub req_remove -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("remove"); - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - #$log->debug("add state : " . Dumper($state)); - - my $rmcount = 0; - - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} ) or defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) ) - { - print "E cvs remove: file `$filename' still in working directory\n"; - next; - } - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - unless ( defined ( $wrev ) ) - { - print "E cvs remove: nothing known about `$filename'\n"; - next; - } - - if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev < 0 ) - { - print "E cvs remove: file `$filename' already scheduled for removal\n"; - next; - } - - unless ( $wrev == $meta->{revision} ) - { - # TODO : not sure if the format of this message is quite correct. - print "E cvs remove: Up to date check failed for `$filename'\n"; - next; - } - - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename, 1); - - print "E cvs remove: scheduling `$filename' for removal\n"; - - print "Checked-in $dirpart\n"; - print "$filename\n"; - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash}); - print "/$filepart/-1.$wrev//$kopts/\n"; - - $rmcount++; - } - - if ( $rmcount == 1 ) - { - print "E cvs remove: use `cvs commit' to remove this file permanently\n"; - } - elsif ( $rmcount > 1 ) - { - print "E cvs remove: use `cvs commit' to remove these files permanently\n"; - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -# Modified filename \n -# Response expected: no. Additional data: mode, \n, file transmission. Send -# the server a copy of one locally modified file. filename is a file within -# the most recent directory sent with Directory; it must not contain `/'. -# If the user is operating on only some files in a directory, only those -# files need to be included. This can also be sent without Entry, if there -# is no entry for the file. -sub req_Modified -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - my $mode = ; - defined $mode - or (print "E end of file reading mode for $data\n"), return; - chomp $mode; - my $size = ; - defined $size - or (print "E end of file reading size of $data\n"), return; - chomp $size; - - # Grab config information - my $blocksize = 8192; - my $bytesleft = $size; - my $tmp; - - # Get a filehandle/name to write it to - my ( $fh, $filename ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); - - # Loop over file data writing out to temporary file. - while ( $bytesleft ) - { - $blocksize = $bytesleft if ( $bytesleft < $blocksize ); - read STDIN, $tmp, $blocksize; - print $fh $tmp; - $bytesleft -= $blocksize; - } - - close $fh - or (print "E failed to write temporary, $filename: $!\n"), return; - - # Ensure we have something sensible for the file mode - if ( $mode =~ /u=(\w+)/ ) - { - $mode = $1; - } else { - $mode = "rw"; - } - - # Save the file data in $state - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_filename} = $filename; - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_mode} = $mode; - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_hash} = `git hash-object $filename`; - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_hash} =~ s/\s.*$//s; - - #$log->debug("req_Modified : file=$data mode=$mode size=$size"); -} - -# Unchanged filename \n -# Response expected: no. Tell the server that filename has not been -# modified in the checked out directory. The filename is a file within the -# most recent directory sent with Directory; it must not contain `/'. -sub req_Unchanged -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{unchanged} = 1; - - #$log->debug("req_Unchanged : $data"); -} - -# Argument text \n -# Response expected: no. Save argument for use in a subsequent command. -# Arguments accumulate until an argument-using command is given, at which -# point they are forgotten. -# Argumentx text \n -# Response expected: no. Append \n followed by text to the current argument -# being saved. -sub req_Argument -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - # Argumentx means: append to last Argument (with a newline in front) - - $log->debug("$cmd : $data"); - - if ( $cmd eq 'Argumentx') { - ${$state->{arguments}}[$#{$state->{arguments}}] .= "\n" . $data; - } else { - push @{$state->{arguments}}, $data; - } -} - -# expand-modules \n -# Response expected: yes. Expand the modules which are specified in the -# arguments. Returns the data in Module-expansion responses. Note that the -# server can assume that this is checkout or export, not rtag or rdiff; the -# latter do not access the working directory and thus have no need to -# expand modules on the client side. Expand may not be the best word for -# what this request does. It does not necessarily tell you all the files -# contained in a module, for example. Basically it is a way of telling you -# which working directories the server needs to know about in order to -# handle a checkout of the specified modules. For example, suppose that the -# server has a module defined by -# aliasmodule -a 1dir -# That is, one can check out aliasmodule and it will take 1dir in the -# repository and check it out to 1dir in the working directory. Now suppose -# the client already has this module checked out and is planning on using -# the co request to update it. Without using expand-modules, the client -# would have two bad choices: it could either send information about all -# working directories under the current directory, which could be -# unnecessarily slow, or it could be ignorant of the fact that aliasmodule -# stands for 1dir, and neglect to send information for 1dir, which would -# lead to incorrect operation. With expand-modules, the client would first -# ask for the module to be expanded: -sub req_expandmodules -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit(); - - $log->debug("req_expandmodules : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" ) ); - - unless ( ref $state->{arguments} eq "ARRAY" ) - { - print "ok\n"; - return; - } - - foreach my $module ( @{$state->{arguments}} ) - { - $log->debug("SEND : Module-expansion $module"); - print "Module-expansion $module\n"; - } - - print "ok\n"; - statecleanup(); -} - -# co \n -# Response expected: yes. Get files from the repository. This uses any -# previous Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have -# been sent. Arguments to this command are module names; the client cannot -# know what directories they correspond to except by (1) just sending the -# co request, and then seeing what directory names the server sends back in -# its responses, and (2) the expand-modules request. -sub req_co -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("co"); - - # Provide list of modules, if -c was used. - if (exists $state->{opt}{c}) { - my $showref = `git show-ref --heads`; - for my $line (split '\n', $showref) { - if ( $line =~ m% refs/heads/(.*)$% ) { - print "M $1\t$1\n"; - } - } - print "ok\n"; - return 1; - } - - my $module = $state->{args}[0]; - $state->{module} = $module; - my $checkout_path = $module; - - # use the user specified directory if we're given it - $checkout_path = $state->{opt}{d} if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{d} ) ); - - $log->debug("req_co : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" ) ); - - $log->info("Checking out module '$module' ($state->{CVSROOT}) to '$checkout_path'"); - - $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/"; - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $module, $log); - $updater->update(); - - $checkout_path =~ s|/$||; # get rid of trailing slashes - - # Eclipse seems to need the Clear-sticky command - # to prepare the 'Entries' file for the new directory. - print "Clear-sticky $checkout_path/\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; - print "Clear-static-directory $checkout_path/\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; - print "Clear-sticky $checkout_path/\n"; # yes, twice - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; - print "Template $checkout_path/\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; - print "0\n"; - - # instruct the client that we're checking out to $checkout_path - print "E cvs checkout: Updating $checkout_path\n"; - - my %seendirs = (); - my $lastdir =''; - - # recursive - sub prepdir { - my ($dir, $repodir, $remotedir, $seendirs) = @_; - my $parent = dirname($dir); - $dir =~ s|/+$||; - $repodir =~ s|/+$||; - $remotedir =~ s|/+$||; - $parent =~ s|/+$||; - $log->debug("announcedir $dir, $repodir, $remotedir" ); - - if ($parent eq '.' || $parent eq './') { - $parent = ''; - } - # recurse to announce unseen parents first - if (length($parent) && !exists($seendirs->{$parent})) { - prepdir($parent, $repodir, $remotedir, $seendirs); - } - # Announce that we are going to modify at the parent level - if ($parent) { - print "E cvs checkout: Updating $remotedir/$parent\n"; - } else { - print "E cvs checkout: Updating $remotedir\n"; - } - print "Clear-sticky $remotedir/$parent/\n"; - print "$repodir/$parent/\n"; - - print "Clear-static-directory $remotedir/$dir/\n"; - print "$repodir/$dir/\n"; - print "Clear-sticky $remotedir/$parent/\n"; # yes, twice - print "$repodir/$parent/\n"; - print "Template $remotedir/$dir/\n"; - print "$repodir/$dir/\n"; - print "0\n"; - - $seendirs->{$dir} = 1; - } - - foreach my $git ( @{$updater->gethead} ) - { - # Don't want to check out deleted files - next if ( $git->{filehash} eq "deleted" ); - - my $fullName = $git->{name}; - ( $git->{name}, $git->{dir} ) = filenamesplit($git->{name}); - - if (length($git->{dir}) && $git->{dir} ne './' - && $git->{dir} ne $lastdir ) { - unless (exists($seendirs{$git->{dir}})) { - prepdir($git->{dir}, $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/", - $checkout_path, \%seendirs); - $lastdir = $git->{dir}; - $seendirs{$git->{dir}} = 1; - } - print "E cvs checkout: Updating /$checkout_path/$git->{dir}\n"; - } - - # modification time of this file - print "Mod-time $git->{modified}\n"; - - # print some information to the client - if ( defined ( $git->{dir} ) and $git->{dir} ne "./" ) - { - print "M U $checkout_path/$git->{dir}$git->{name}\n"; - } else { - print "M U $checkout_path/$git->{name}\n"; - } - - # instruct client we're sending a file to put in this path - print "Created $checkout_path/" . ( defined ( $git->{dir} ) and $git->{dir} ne "./" ? $git->{dir} . "/" : "" ) . "\n"; - - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/" . ( defined ( $git->{dir} ) and $git->{dir} ne "./" ? $git->{dir} . "/" : "" ) . "$git->{name}\n"; - - # this is an "entries" line - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($fullName,"sha1",$git->{filehash}); - print "/$git->{name}/1.$git->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; - # permissions - print "u=$git->{mode},g=$git->{mode},o=$git->{mode}\n"; - - # transmit file - transmitfile($git->{filehash}); - } - - print "ok\n"; - - statecleanup(); -} - -# update \n -# Response expected: yes. Actually do a cvs update command. This uses any -# previous Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have -# been sent. The last Directory sent specifies the working directory at the -# time of the operation. The -I option is not used--files which the client -# can decide whether to ignore are not mentioned and the client sends the -# Questionable request for others. -sub req_update -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - $log->debug("req_update : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - - argsplit("update"); - - # - # It may just be a client exploring the available heads/modules - # in that case, list them as top level directories and leave it - # at that. Eclipse uses this technique to offer you a list of - # projects (heads in this case) to checkout. - # - if ($state->{module} eq '') { - my $showref = `git show-ref --heads`; - print "E cvs update: Updating .\n"; - for my $line (split '\n', $showref) { - if ( $line =~ m% refs/heads/(.*)$% ) { - print "E cvs update: New directory `$1'\n"; - } - } - print "ok\n"; - return 1; - } - - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - - $updater->update(); - - argsfromdir($updater); - - #$log->debug("update state : " . Dumper($state)); - - my $last_dirname = "///"; - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - $log->debug("Processing file $filename"); - - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-Q} || $state->{globaloptions}{-q} ) - { - my $cur_dirname = dirname($filename); - if ( $cur_dirname ne $last_dirname ) - { - $last_dirname = $cur_dirname; - if ( $cur_dirname eq "" ) - { - $cur_dirname = "."; - } - print "E cvs update: Updating $cur_dirname\n"; - } - } - - # if we have a -C we should pretend we never saw modified stuff - if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) ) - { - delete $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}; - delete $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}; - $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} = 1; - } - - my $meta; - if ( defined($state->{opt}{r}) and $state->{opt}{r} =~ /^1\.(\d+)/ ) - { - $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $1); - } else { - $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - } - - # If -p was given, "print" the contents of the requested revision. - if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{p} ) ) { - if ( defined ( $meta->{revision} ) ) { - $log->info("Printing '$filename' revision " . $meta->{revision}); - - transmitfile($meta->{filehash}, { print => 1 }); - } - - next; - } - - if ( ! defined $meta ) - { - $meta = { - name => $filename, - revision => 0, - filehash => 'added' - }; - } - - my $oldmeta = $meta; - - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - # If the working copy is an old revision, lets get that version too for comparison. - if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev != $meta->{revision} ) - { - $oldmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); - } - - #$log->debug("Target revision is $meta->{revision}, current working revision is $wrev"); - - # Files are up to date if the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, - # and the working copy is unmodified _and_ the user hasn't specified -C - next if ( defined ( $wrev ) - and defined($meta->{revision}) - and $wrev == $meta->{revision} - and $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} - and not exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) ); - - # If the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, - # but the working copy is modified, tell the client it's modified - if ( defined ( $wrev ) - and defined($meta->{revision}) - and $wrev == $meta->{revision} - and defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) - and not exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) ) - { - $log->info("Tell the client the file is modified"); - print "MT text M \n"; - print "MT fname $filename\n"; - print "MT newline\n"; - next; - } - - if ( $meta->{filehash} eq "deleted" ) - { - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename,1); - - $log->info("Removing '$filename' from working copy (no longer in the repo)"); - - print "E cvs update: `$filename' is no longer in the repository\n"; - # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) { - print "Removed $dirpart\n"; - print "$filepart\n"; - } - } - elsif ( not defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} ) - or $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $oldmeta->{filehash} - or $meta->{filehash} eq 'added' ) - { - # normal update, just send the new revision (either U=Update, - # or A=Add, or R=Remove) - if ( defined($wrev) && $wrev < 0 ) - { - $log->info("Tell the client the file is scheduled for removal"); - print "MT text R \n"; - print "MT fname $filename\n"; - print "MT newline\n"; - next; - } - elsif ( (!defined($wrev) || $wrev == 0) && (!defined($meta->{revision}) || $meta->{revision} == 0) ) - { - $log->info("Tell the client the file is scheduled for addition"); - print "MT text A \n"; - print "MT fname $filename\n"; - print "MT newline\n"; - next; - - } - else { - $log->info("Updating '$filename' to ".$meta->{revision}); - print "MT +updated\n"; - print "MT text U \n"; - print "MT fname $filename\n"; - print "MT newline\n"; - print "MT -updated\n"; - } - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename,1); - - # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) - { - if ( defined ( $wrev ) ) - { - # instruct client we're sending a file to put in this path as a replacement - print "Update-existing $dirpart\n"; - $log->debug("Updating existing file 'Update-existing $dirpart'"); - } else { - # instruct client we're sending a file to put in this path as a new file - print "Clear-static-directory $dirpart\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$dirpart\n"; - print "Clear-sticky $dirpart\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$dirpart\n"; - - $log->debug("Creating new file 'Created $dirpart'"); - print "Created $dirpart\n"; - } - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; - - # this is an "entries" line - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash}); - $log->debug("/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/"); - print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; - - # permissions - $log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}"); - print "u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}\n"; - - # transmit file - transmitfile($meta->{filehash}); - } - } else { - $log->info("Updating '$filename'"); - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($meta->{name},1); - - my $mergeDir = setupTmpDir(); - - my $file_local = $filepart . ".mine"; - my $mergedFile = "$mergeDir/$file_local"; - system("ln","-s",$state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}, $file_local); - my $file_old = $filepart . "." . $oldmeta->{revision}; - transmitfile($oldmeta->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file_old }); - my $file_new = $filepart . "." . $meta->{revision}; - transmitfile($meta->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file_new }); - - # we need to merge with the local changes ( M=successful merge, C=conflict merge ) - $log->info("Merging $file_local, $file_old, $file_new"); - print "M Merging differences between 1.$oldmeta->{revision} and 1.$meta->{revision} into $filename\n"; - - $log->debug("Temporary directory for merge is $mergeDir"); - - my $return = system("git", "merge-file", $file_local, $file_old, $file_new); - $return >>= 8; - - cleanupTmpDir(); - - if ( $return == 0 ) - { - $log->info("Merged successfully"); - print "M M $filename\n"; - $log->debug("Merged $dirpart"); - - # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) - { - print "Merged $dirpart\n"; - $log->debug($state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename"); - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; - my $kopts = kopts_from_path("$dirpart/$filepart", - "file",$mergedFile); - $log->debug("/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/"); - print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; - } - } - elsif ( $return == 1 ) - { - $log->info("Merged with conflicts"); - print "E cvs update: conflicts found in $filename\n"; - print "M C $filename\n"; - - # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) - { - print "Merged $dirpart\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; - my $kopts = kopts_from_path("$dirpart/$filepart", - "file",$mergedFile); - print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}/+/$kopts/\n"; - } - } - else - { - $log->warn("Merge failed"); - next; - } - - # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) - { - # permissions - $log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}"); - print "u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}\n"; - - # transmit file, format is single integer on a line by itself (file - # size) followed by the file contents - # TODO : we should copy files in blocks - my $data = `cat $mergedFile`; - $log->debug("File size : " . length($data)); - print length($data) . "\n"; - print $data; - } - } - - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -sub req_ci -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("ci"); - - #$log->debug("State : " . Dumper($state)); - - $log->info("req_ci : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - - if ( $state->{method} eq 'pserver' and $state->{user} eq 'anonymous' ) - { - print "error 1 anonymous user cannot commit via pserver\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - if ( -e $state->{CVSROOT} . "/index" ) - { - $log->warn("file 'index' already exists in the git repository"); - print "error 1 Index already exists in git repo\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - # Remember where the head was at the beginning. - my $parenthash = `git show-ref -s refs/heads/$state->{module}`; - chomp $parenthash; - if ($parenthash !~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/) { - print "error 1 pserver cannot find the current HEAD of module"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - setupWorkTree($parenthash); - - $log->info("Lockless commit start, basing commit on '$work->{workDir}', index file is '$work->{index}'"); - - $log->info("Created index '$work->{index}' for head $state->{module} - exit status $?"); - - my @committedfiles = (); - my %oldmeta; - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - my $committedfile = $filename; - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - next unless ( exists $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} or not $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} ); - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - $oldmeta{$filename} = $meta; - - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename); - - # do a checkout of the file if it is part of this tree - if ($wrev) { - system('git', 'checkout-index', '-f', '-u', $filename); - unless ($? == 0) { - die "Error running git-checkout-index -f -u $filename : $!"; - } - } - - my $addflag = 0; - my $rmflag = 0; - $rmflag = 1 if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev < 0 ); - $addflag = 1 unless ( -e $filename ); - - # Do up to date checking - unless ( $addflag or $wrev == $meta->{revision} or ( $rmflag and -$wrev == $meta->{revision} ) ) - { - # fail everything if an up to date check fails - print "error 1 Up to date check failed for $filename\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - push @committedfiles, $committedfile; - $log->info("Committing $filename"); - - system("mkdir","-p",$dirpart) unless ( -d $dirpart ); - - unless ( $rmflag ) - { - $log->debug("rename $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} $filename"); - rename $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename},$filename; - - # Calculate modes to remove - my $invmode = ""; - foreach ( qw (r w x) ) { $invmode .= $_ unless ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_mode} =~ /$_/ ); } - - $log->debug("chmod u+" . $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_mode} . "-" . $invmode . " $filename"); - system("chmod","u+" . $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_mode} . "-" . $invmode, $filename); - } - - if ( $rmflag ) - { - $log->info("Removing file '$filename'"); - unlink($filename); - system("git", "update-index", "--remove", $filename); - } - elsif ( $addflag ) - { - $log->info("Adding file '$filename'"); - system("git", "update-index", "--add", $filename); - } else { - $log->info("Updating file '$filename'"); - system("git", "update-index", $filename); - } - } - - unless ( scalar(@committedfiles) > 0 ) - { - print "E No files to commit\n"; - print "ok\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - return; - } - - my $treehash = `git write-tree`; - chomp $treehash; - - $log->debug("Treehash : $treehash, Parenthash : $parenthash"); - - # write our commit message out if we have one ... - my ( $msg_fh, $msg_filename ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); - print $msg_fh $state->{opt}{m};# if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{m} ) ); - if ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{commitmsgannotation} ) ) { - if ($cfg->{gitcvs}{commitmsgannotation} !~ /^\s*$/ ) { - print $msg_fh "\n\n".$cfg->{gitcvs}{commitmsgannotation}."\n" - } - } else { - print $msg_fh "\n\nvia git-CVS emulator\n"; - } - close $msg_fh; - - my $commithash = `git commit-tree $treehash -p $parenthash < $msg_filename`; - chomp($commithash); - $log->info("Commit hash : $commithash"); - - unless ( $commithash =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}/ ) - { - $log->warn("Commit failed (Invalid commit hash)"); - print "error 1 Commit failed (unknown reason)\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - ### Emulate git-receive-pack by running hooks/update - my @hook = ( $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/update', "refs/heads/$state->{module}", - $parenthash, $commithash ); - if( -x $hook[0] ) { - unless( system( @hook ) == 0 ) - { - $log->warn("Commit failed (update hook declined to update ref)"); - print "error 1 Commit failed (update hook declined)\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - } - - ### Update the ref - if (system(qw(git update-ref -m), "cvsserver ci", - "refs/heads/$state->{module}", $commithash, $parenthash)) { - $log->warn("update-ref for $state->{module} failed."); - print "error 1 Cannot commit -- update first\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - ### Emulate git-receive-pack by running hooks/post-receive - my $hook = $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/post-receive'; - if( -x $hook ) { - open(my $pipe, "| $hook") || die "can't fork $!"; - - local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die 'pipe broke' }; - - print $pipe "$parenthash $commithash refs/heads/$state->{module}\n"; - - close $pipe || die "bad pipe: $! $?"; - } - - $updater->update(); - - ### Then hooks/post-update - $hook = $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/post-update'; - if (-x $hook) { - system($hook, "refs/heads/$state->{module}"); - } - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @committedfiles ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - unless (defined $meta->{revision}) { - $meta->{revision} = 1; - } - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename, 1); - - $log->debug("Checked-in $dirpart : $filename"); - - print "M $state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v <-- $dirpart$filepart\n"; - if ( defined $meta->{filehash} && $meta->{filehash} eq "deleted" ) - { - print "M new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.$oldmeta{$filename}{revision}\n"; - print "Remove-entry $dirpart\n"; - print "$filename\n"; - } else { - if ($meta->{revision} == 1) { - print "M initial revision: 1.1\n"; - } else { - print "M new revision: 1.$meta->{revision}; previous revision: 1.$oldmeta{$filename}{revision}\n"; - } - print "Checked-in $dirpart\n"; - print "$filename\n"; - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash}); - print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; - } - } - - cleanupWorkTree(); - print "ok\n"; -} - -sub req_status -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("status"); - - $log->info("req_status : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - #$log->debug("status state : " . Dumper($state)); - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing status on ... - argsfromdir($updater); - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - next if exists($state->{opt}{l}) && index($filename, '/', length($state->{prependdir})) >= 0; - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - my $oldmeta = $meta; - - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - # If the working copy is an old revision, lets get that version too for comparison. - if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev != $meta->{revision} ) - { - $oldmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); - } - - # TODO : All possible statuses aren't yet implemented - my $status; - # Files are up to date if the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, and the working copy is unmodified - $status = "Up-to-date" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined($meta->{revision}) and $wrev == $meta->{revision} - and - ( ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} and ( not defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} ) or $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} !~ /^\+=/ ) ) - or ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $meta->{filehash} ) ) - ); - - # Need checkout if the working copy has an older revision than the repo copy, and the working copy is unmodified - $status ||= "Needs Checkout" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) and $meta->{revision} > $wrev - and - ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} - or ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $oldmeta->{filehash} ) ) - ); - - # Need checkout if it exists in the repo but doesn't have a working copy - $status ||= "Needs Checkout" if ( not defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) ); - - # Locally modified if working copy and repo copy have the same revision but there are local changes - $status ||= "Locally Modified" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined($meta->{revision}) and $wrev == $meta->{revision} and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ); - - # Needs Merge if working copy revision is less than repo copy and there are local changes - $status ||= "Needs Merge" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) and $meta->{revision} > $wrev and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ); - - $status ||= "Locally Added" if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} ) and not defined ( $meta->{revision} ) ); - $status ||= "Locally Removed" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) and -$wrev == $meta->{revision} ); - $status ||= "Unresolved Conflict" if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} ) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} =~ /^\+=/ ); - $status ||= "File had conflicts on merge" if ( 0 ); - - $status ||= "Unknown"; - - my ($filepart) = filenamesplit($filename); - - print "M ===================================================================\n"; - print "M File: $filepart\tStatus: $status\n"; - if ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{revision}) ) - { - print "M Working revision:\t" . $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} . "\n"; - } else { - print "M Working revision:\tNo entry for $filename\n"; - } - if ( defined($meta->{revision}) ) - { - print "M Repository revision:\t1." . $meta->{revision} . "\t$state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v\n"; - print "M Sticky Tag:\t\t(none)\n"; - print "M Sticky Date:\t\t(none)\n"; - print "M Sticky Options:\t\t(none)\n"; - } else { - print "M Repository revision:\tNo revision control file\n"; - } - print "M\n"; - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -sub req_diff -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("diff"); - - $log->debug("req_diff : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - #$log->debug("status state : " . Dumper($state)); - - my ($revision1, $revision2); - if ( defined ( $state->{opt}{r} ) and ref $state->{opt}{r} eq "ARRAY" ) - { - $revision1 = $state->{opt}{r}[0]; - $revision2 = $state->{opt}{r}[1]; - } else { - $revision1 = $state->{opt}{r}; - } - - $revision1 =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $revision1 ) ); - $revision2 =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $revision2 ) ); - - $log->debug("Diffing revisions " . ( defined($revision1) ? $revision1 : "[NULL]" ) . " and " . ( defined($revision2) ? $revision2 : "[NULL]" ) ); - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing status on ... - argsfromdir($updater); - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - my ( $fh, $file1, $file2, $meta1, $meta2, $filediff ); - - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - # We need _something_ to diff against - next unless ( defined ( $wrev ) ); - - # if we have a -r switch, use it - if ( defined ( $revision1 ) ) - { - ( undef, $file1 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - $meta1 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $revision1); - unless ( defined ( $meta1 ) and $meta1->{filehash} ne "deleted" ) - { - print "E File $filename at revision 1.$revision1 doesn't exist\n"; - next; - } - transmitfile($meta1->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file1 }); - } - # otherwise we just use the working copy revision - else - { - ( undef, $file1 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - $meta1 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); - transmitfile($meta1->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file1 }); - } - - # if we have a second -r switch, use it too - if ( defined ( $revision2 ) ) - { - ( undef, $file2 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - $meta2 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $revision2); - - unless ( defined ( $meta2 ) and $meta2->{filehash} ne "deleted" ) - { - print "E File $filename at revision 1.$revision2 doesn't exist\n"; - next; - } - - transmitfile($meta2->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file2 }); - } - # otherwise we just use the working copy - else - { - $file2 = $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}; - } - - # if we have been given -r, and we don't have a $file2 yet, lets get one - if ( defined ( $revision1 ) and not defined ( $file2 ) ) - { - ( undef, $file2 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - $meta2 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); - transmitfile($meta2->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file2 }); - } - - # We need to have retrieved something useful - next unless ( defined ( $meta1 ) ); - - # Files to date if the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, and the working copy is unmodified - next if ( not defined ( $meta2 ) and $wrev == $meta1->{revision} - and - ( ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} and ( not defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} ) or $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} !~ /^\+=/ ) ) - or ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $meta1->{filehash} ) ) - ); - - # Apparently we only show diffs for locally modified files - next unless ( defined($meta2) or defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) ); - - print "M Index: $filename\n"; - print "M ===================================================================\n"; - print "M RCS file: $state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v\n"; - print "M retrieving revision 1.$meta1->{revision}\n" if ( defined ( $meta1 ) ); - print "M retrieving revision 1.$meta2->{revision}\n" if ( defined ( $meta2 ) ); - print "M diff "; - foreach my $opt ( keys %{$state->{opt}} ) - { - if ( ref $state->{opt}{$opt} eq "ARRAY" ) - { - foreach my $value ( @{$state->{opt}{$opt}} ) - { - print "-$opt $value "; - } - } else { - print "-$opt "; - print "$state->{opt}{$opt} " if ( defined ( $state->{opt}{$opt} ) ); - } - } - print "$filename\n"; - - $log->info("Diffing $filename -r $meta1->{revision} -r " . ( $meta2->{revision} or "workingcopy" )); - - ( $fh, $filediff ) = tempfile ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); - - if ( exists $state->{opt}{u} ) - { - system("diff -u -L '$filename revision 1.$meta1->{revision}' -L '$filename " . ( defined($meta2->{revision}) ? "revision 1.$meta2->{revision}" : "working copy" ) . "' $file1 $file2 > $filediff"); - } else { - system("diff $file1 $file2 > $filediff"); - } - - while ( <$fh> ) - { - print "M $_"; - } - close $fh; - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -sub req_log -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("log"); - - $log->debug("req_log : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - #$log->debug("log state : " . Dumper($state)); - - my ( $minrev, $maxrev ); - if ( defined ( $state->{opt}{r} ) and $state->{opt}{r} =~ /([\d.]+)?(::?)([\d.]+)?/ ) - { - my $control = $2; - $minrev = $1; - $maxrev = $3; - $minrev =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $minrev ) ); - $maxrev =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $maxrev ) ); - $minrev++ if ( defined($minrev) and $control eq "::" ); - } - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing status on ... - argsfromdir($updater); - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - my $headmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - - my $revisions = $updater->getlog($filename); - my $totalrevisions = scalar(@$revisions); - - if ( defined ( $minrev ) ) - { - $log->debug("Removing revisions less than $minrev"); - while ( scalar(@$revisions) > 0 and $revisions->[-1]{revision} < $minrev ) - { - pop @$revisions; - } - } - if ( defined ( $maxrev ) ) - { - $log->debug("Removing revisions greater than $maxrev"); - while ( scalar(@$revisions) > 0 and $revisions->[0]{revision} > $maxrev ) - { - shift @$revisions; - } - } - - next unless ( scalar(@$revisions) ); - - print "M \n"; - print "M RCS file: $state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v\n"; - print "M Working file: $filename\n"; - print "M head: 1.$headmeta->{revision}\n"; - print "M branch:\n"; - print "M locks: strict\n"; - print "M access list:\n"; - print "M symbolic names:\n"; - print "M keyword substitution: kv\n"; - print "M total revisions: $totalrevisions;\tselected revisions: " . scalar(@$revisions) . "\n"; - print "M description:\n"; - - foreach my $revision ( @$revisions ) - { - print "M ----------------------------\n"; - print "M revision 1.$revision->{revision}\n"; - # reformat the date for log output - $revision->{modified} = sprintf('%04d/%02d/%02d %s', $3, $DATE_LIST->{$2}, $1, $4 ) if ( $revision->{modified} =~ /(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/ and defined($DATE_LIST->{$2}) ); - $revision->{author} = cvs_author($revision->{author}); - print "M date: $revision->{modified}; author: $revision->{author}; state: " . ( $revision->{filehash} eq "deleted" ? "dead" : "Exp" ) . "; lines: +2 -3\n"; - my $commitmessage = $updater->commitmessage($revision->{commithash}); - $commitmessage =~ s/^/M /mg; - print $commitmessage . "\n"; - } - print "M =============================================================================\n"; - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -sub req_annotate -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("annotate"); - - $log->info("req_annotate : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - #$log->debug("status state : " . Dumper($state)); - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing annotate on ... - argsfromdir($updater); - - # we'll need a temporary checkout dir - setupWorkTree(); - - $log->info("Temp checkoutdir creation successful, basing annotate session work on '$work->{workDir}', index file is '$ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE}'"); - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - - next unless ( $meta->{revision} ); - - # get all the commits that this file was in - # in dense format -- aka skip dead revisions - my $revisions = $updater->gethistorydense($filename); - my $lastseenin = $revisions->[0][2]; - - # populate the temporary index based on the latest commit were we saw - # the file -- but do it cheaply without checking out any files - # TODO: if we got a revision from the client, use that instead - # to look up the commithash in sqlite (still good to default to - # the current head as we do now) - system("git", "read-tree", $lastseenin); - unless ($? == 0) - { - print "E error running git-read-tree $lastseenin $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} $!\n"; - return; - } - $log->info("Created index '$ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE}' with commit $lastseenin - exit status $?"); - - # do a checkout of the file - system('git', 'checkout-index', '-f', '-u', $filename); - unless ($? == 0) { - print "E error running git-checkout-index -f -u $filename : $!\n"; - return; - } - - $log->info("Annotate $filename"); - - # Prepare a file with the commits from the linearized - # history that annotate should know about. This prevents - # git-jsannotate telling us about commits we are hiding - # from the client. - - my $a_hints = "$work->{workDir}/.annotate_hints"; - if (!open(ANNOTATEHINTS, '>', $a_hints)) { - print "E failed to open '$a_hints' for writing: $!\n"; - return; - } - for (my $i=0; $i < @$revisions; $i++) - { - print ANNOTATEHINTS $revisions->[$i][2]; - if ($i+1 < @$revisions) { # have we got a parent? - print ANNOTATEHINTS ' ' . $revisions->[$i+1][2]; - } - print ANNOTATEHINTS "\n"; - } - - print ANNOTATEHINTS "\n"; - close ANNOTATEHINTS - or (print "E failed to write $a_hints: $!\n"), return; - - my @cmd = (qw(git annotate -l -S), $a_hints, $filename); - if (!open(ANNOTATE, "-|", @cmd)) { - print "E error invoking ". join(' ',@cmd) .": $!\n"; - return; - } - my $metadata = {}; - print "E Annotations for $filename\n"; - print "E ***************\n"; - while ( ) - { - if (m/^([a-zA-Z0-9]{40})\t\([^\)]*\)(.*)$/i) - { - my $commithash = $1; - my $data = $2; - unless ( defined ( $metadata->{$commithash} ) ) - { - $metadata->{$commithash} = $updater->getmeta($filename, $commithash); - $metadata->{$commithash}{author} = cvs_author($metadata->{$commithash}{author}); - $metadata->{$commithash}{modified} = sprintf("%02d-%s-%02d", $1, $2, $3) if ( $metadata->{$commithash}{modified} =~ /^(\d+)\s(\w+)\s\d\d(\d\d)/ ); - } - printf("M 1.%-5d (%-8s %10s): %s\n", - $metadata->{$commithash}{revision}, - $metadata->{$commithash}{author}, - $metadata->{$commithash}{modified}, - $data - ); - } else { - $log->warn("Error in annotate output! LINE: $_"); - print "E Annotate error \n"; - next; - } - } - close ANNOTATE; - } - - # done; get out of the tempdir - cleanupWorkTree(); - - print "ok\n"; - -} - -# This method takes the state->{arguments} array and produces two new arrays. -# The first is $state->{args} which is everything before the '--' argument, and -# the second is $state->{files} which is everything after it. -sub argsplit -{ - $state->{args} = []; - $state->{files} = []; - $state->{opt} = {}; - - return unless( defined($state->{arguments}) and ref $state->{arguments} eq "ARRAY" ); - - my $type = shift; - - if ( defined($type) ) - { - my $opt = {}; - $opt = { A => 0, N => 0, P => 0, R => 0, c => 0, f => 0, l => 0, n => 0, p => 0, s => 0, r => 1, D => 1, d => 1, k => 1, j => 1, } if ( $type eq "co" ); - $opt = { v => 0, l => 0, R => 0 } if ( $type eq "status" ); - $opt = { A => 0, P => 0, C => 0, d => 0, f => 0, l => 0, R => 0, p => 0, k => 1, r => 1, D => 1, j => 1, I => 1, W => 1 } if ( $type eq "update" ); - $opt = { l => 0, R => 0, k => 1, D => 1, D => 1, r => 2 } if ( $type eq "diff" ); - $opt = { c => 0, R => 0, l => 0, f => 0, F => 1, m => 1, r => 1 } if ( $type eq "ci" ); - $opt = { k => 1, m => 1 } if ( $type eq "add" ); - $opt = { f => 0, l => 0, R => 0 } if ( $type eq "remove" ); - $opt = { l => 0, b => 0, h => 0, R => 0, t => 0, N => 0, S => 0, r => 1, d => 1, s => 1, w => 1 } if ( $type eq "log" ); - - - while ( scalar ( @{$state->{arguments}} ) > 0 ) - { - my $arg = shift @{$state->{arguments}}; - - next if ( $arg eq "--" ); - next unless ( $arg =~ /\S/ ); - - # if the argument looks like a switch - if ( $arg =~ /^-(\w)(.*)/ ) - { - # if it's a switch that takes an argument - if ( $opt->{$1} ) - { - # If this switch has already been provided - if ( $opt->{$1} > 1 and exists ( $state->{opt}{$1} ) ) - { - $state->{opt}{$1} = [ $state->{opt}{$1} ]; - if ( length($2) > 0 ) - { - push @{$state->{opt}{$1}},$2; - } else { - push @{$state->{opt}{$1}}, shift @{$state->{arguments}}; - } - } else { - # if there's extra data in the arg, use that as the argument for the switch - if ( length($2) > 0 ) - { - $state->{opt}{$1} = $2; - } else { - $state->{opt}{$1} = shift @{$state->{arguments}}; - } - } - } else { - $state->{opt}{$1} = undef; - } - } - else - { - push @{$state->{args}}, $arg; - } - } - } - else - { - my $mode = 0; - - foreach my $value ( @{$state->{arguments}} ) - { - if ( $value eq "--" ) - { - $mode++; - next; - } - push @{$state->{args}}, $value if ( $mode == 0 ); - push @{$state->{files}}, $value if ( $mode == 1 ); - } - } -} - -# This method uses $state->{directory} to populate $state->{args} with a list of filenames -sub argsfromdir -{ - my $updater = shift; - - $state->{args} = [] if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) == 1 and $state->{args}[0] eq "." ); - - return if ( scalar ( @{$state->{args}} ) > 1 ); - - my @gethead = @{$updater->gethead}; - - # push added files - foreach my $file (keys %{$state->{entries}}) { - if ( exists $state->{entries}{$file}{revision} && - $state->{entries}{$file}{revision} == 0 ) - { - push @gethead, { name => $file, filehash => 'added' }; - } - } - - if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) == 1 ) - { - my $arg = $state->{args}[0]; - $arg .= $state->{prependdir} if ( defined ( $state->{prependdir} ) ); - - $log->info("Only one arg specified, checking for directory expansion on '$arg'"); - - foreach my $file ( @gethead ) - { - next if ( $file->{filehash} eq "deleted" and not defined ( $state->{entries}{$file->{name}} ) ); - next unless ( $file->{name} =~ /^$arg\// or $file->{name} eq $arg ); - push @{$state->{args}}, $file->{name}; - } - - shift @{$state->{args}} if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) > 1 ); - } else { - $log->info("Only one arg specified, populating file list automatically"); - - $state->{args} = []; - - foreach my $file ( @gethead ) - { - next if ( $file->{filehash} eq "deleted" and not defined ( $state->{entries}{$file->{name}} ) ); - next unless ( $file->{name} =~ s/^$state->{prependdir}// ); - push @{$state->{args}}, $file->{name}; - } - } -} - -# This method cleans up the $state variable after a command that uses arguments has run -sub statecleanup -{ - $state->{files} = []; - $state->{args} = []; - $state->{arguments} = []; - $state->{entries} = {}; -} - -sub revparse -{ - my $filename = shift; - - return undef unless ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} ) ); - - return $1 if ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} =~ /^1\.(\d+)/ ); - return -$1 if ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} =~ /^-1\.(\d+)/ ); - - return undef; -} - -# This method takes a file hash and does a CVS "file transfer". Its -# exact behaviour depends on a second, optional hash table argument: -# - If $options->{targetfile}, dump the contents to that file; -# - If $options->{print}, use M/MT to transmit the contents one line -# at a time; -# - Otherwise, transmit the size of the file, followed by the file -# contents. -sub transmitfile -{ - my $filehash = shift; - my $options = shift; - - if ( defined ( $filehash ) and $filehash eq "deleted" ) - { - $log->warn("filehash is 'deleted'"); - return; - } - - die "Need filehash" unless ( defined ( $filehash ) and $filehash =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ ); - - my $type = `git cat-file -t $filehash`; - chomp $type; - - die ( "Invalid type '$type' (expected 'blob')" ) unless ( defined ( $type ) and $type eq "blob" ); - - my $size = `git cat-file -s $filehash`; - chomp $size; - - $log->debug("transmitfile($filehash) size=$size, type=$type"); - - if ( open my $fh, '-|', "git", "cat-file", "blob", $filehash ) - { - if ( defined ( $options->{targetfile} ) ) - { - my $targetfile = $options->{targetfile}; - open NEWFILE, ">", $targetfile or die("Couldn't open '$targetfile' for writing : $!"); - print NEWFILE $_ while ( <$fh> ); - close NEWFILE or die("Failed to write '$targetfile': $!"); - } elsif ( defined ( $options->{print} ) && $options->{print} ) { - while ( <$fh> ) { - if( /\n\z/ ) { - print 'M ', $_; - } else { - print 'MT text ', $_, "\n"; - } - } - } else { - print "$size\n"; - print while ( <$fh> ); - } - close $fh or die ("Couldn't close filehandle for transmitfile(): $!"); - } else { - die("Couldn't execute git-cat-file"); - } -} - -# This method takes a file name, and returns ( $dirpart, $filepart ) which -# refers to the directory portion and the file portion of the filename -# respectively -sub filenamesplit -{ - my $filename = shift; - my $fixforlocaldir = shift; - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = ( $filename, "." ); - ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = ( $2, $1 ) if ( $filename =~ /(.*)\/(.*)/ ); - $dirpart .= "/"; - - if ( $fixforlocaldir ) - { - $dirpart =~ s/^$state->{prependdir}//; - } - - return ( $filepart, $dirpart ); -} - -sub filecleanup -{ - my $filename = shift; - - return undef unless(defined($filename)); - if ( $filename =~ /^\// ) - { - print "E absolute filenames '$filename' not supported by server\n"; - return undef; - } - - $filename =~ s/^\.\///g; - $filename = $state->{prependdir} . $filename; - return $filename; -} - -sub validateGitDir -{ - if( !defined($state->{CVSROOT}) ) - { - print "error 1 CVSROOT not specified\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - if( $ENV{GIT_DIR} ne ($state->{CVSROOT} . '/') ) - { - print "error 1 Internally inconsistent CVSROOT\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } -} - -# Setup working directory in a work tree with the requested version -# loaded in the index. -sub setupWorkTree -{ - my ($ver) = @_; - - validateGitDir(); - - if( ( defined($work->{state}) && $work->{state} != 1 ) || - defined($work->{tmpDir}) ) - { - $log->warn("Bad work tree state management"); - print "error 1 Internal setup multiple work trees without cleanup\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - $work->{workDir} = tempdir ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); - - if( !defined($work->{index}) ) - { - (undef, $work->{index}) = tempfile ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - } - - chdir $work->{workDir} or - die "Unable to chdir to $work->{workDir}\n"; - - $log->info("Setting up GIT_WORK_TREE as '.' in '$work->{workDir}', index file is '$work->{index}'"); - - $ENV{GIT_WORK_TREE} = "."; - $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $work->{index}; - $work->{state} = 2; - - if($ver) - { - system("git","read-tree",$ver); - unless ($? == 0) - { - $log->warn("Error running git-read-tree"); - die "Error running git-read-tree $ver in $work->{workDir} $!\n"; - } - } - # else # req_annotate reads tree for each file -} - -# Ensure current directory is in some kind of working directory, -# with a recent version loaded in the index. -sub ensureWorkTree -{ - if( defined($work->{tmpDir}) ) - { - $log->warn("Bad work tree state management [ensureWorkTree()]"); - print "error 1 Internal setup multiple dirs without cleanup\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - if( $work->{state} ) - { - return; - } - - validateGitDir(); - - if( !defined($work->{emptyDir}) ) - { - $work->{emptyDir} = tempdir ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0); - } - chdir $work->{emptyDir} or - die "Unable to chdir to $work->{emptyDir}\n"; - - my $ver = `git show-ref -s refs/heads/$state->{module}`; - chomp $ver; - if ($ver !~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/) - { - $log->warn("Error from git show-ref -s refs/head$state->{module}"); - print "error 1 cannot find the current HEAD of module"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - if( !defined($work->{index}) ) - { - (undef, $work->{index}) = tempfile ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - } - - $ENV{GIT_WORK_TREE} = "."; - $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $work->{index}; - $work->{state} = 1; - - system("git","read-tree",$ver); - unless ($? == 0) - { - die "Error running git-read-tree $ver $!\n"; - } -} - -# Cleanup working directory that is not needed any longer. -sub cleanupWorkTree -{ - if( ! $work->{state} ) - { - return; - } - - chdir "/" or die "Unable to chdir '/'\n"; - - if( defined($work->{workDir}) ) - { - rmtree( $work->{workDir} ); - undef $work->{workDir}; - } - undef $work->{state}; -} - -# Setup a temporary directory (not a working tree), typically for -# merging dirty state as in req_update. -sub setupTmpDir -{ - $work->{tmpDir} = tempdir ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); - chdir $work->{tmpDir} or die "Unable to chdir $work->{tmpDir}\n"; - - return $work->{tmpDir}; -} - -# Clean up a previously setupTmpDir. Restore previous work tree if -# appropriate. -sub cleanupTmpDir -{ - if ( !defined($work->{tmpDir}) ) - { - $log->warn("cleanup tmpdir that has not been setup"); - die "Cleanup tmpDir that has not been setup\n"; - } - if( defined($work->{state}) ) - { - if( $work->{state} == 1 ) - { - chdir $work->{emptyDir} or - die "Unable to chdir to $work->{emptyDir}\n"; - } - elsif( $work->{state} == 2 ) - { - chdir $work->{workDir} or - die "Unable to chdir to $work->{emptyDir}\n"; - } - else - { - $log->warn("Inconsistent work dir state"); - die "Inconsistent work dir state\n"; - } - } - else - { - chdir "/" or die "Unable to chdir '/'\n"; - } -} - -# Given a path, this function returns a string containing the kopts -# that should go into that path's Entries line. For example, a binary -# file should get -kb. -sub kopts_from_path -{ - my ($path, $srcType, $name) = @_; - - if ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{usecrlfattr} ) and - $cfg->{gitcvs}{usecrlfattr} =~ /\s*(1|true|yes)\s*$/i ) - { - my ($val) = check_attr( "text", $path ); - if ( $val eq "unspecified" ) - { - $val = check_attr( "crlf", $path ); - } - if ( $val eq "unset" ) - { - return "-kb" - } - elsif ( check_attr( "eol", $path ) ne "unspecified" || - $val eq "set" || $val eq "input" ) - { - return ""; - } - else - { - $log->info("Unrecognized check_attr crlf $path : $val"); - } - } - - if ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{allbinary} ) ) - { - if( ($cfg->{gitcvs}{allbinary} =~ /^\s*(1|true|yes)\s*$/i) ) - { - return "-kb"; - } - elsif( ($cfg->{gitcvs}{allbinary} =~ /^\s*guess\s*$/i) ) - { - if( $srcType eq "sha1Or-k" && - !defined($name) ) - { - my ($ret)=$state->{entries}{$path}{options}; - if( !defined($ret) ) - { - $ret=$state->{opt}{k}; - if(defined($ret)) - { - $ret="-k$ret"; - } - else - { - $ret=""; - } - } - if( ! ($ret=~/^(|-kb|-kkv|-kkvl|-kk|-ko|-kv)$/) ) - { - print "E Bad -k option\n"; - $log->warn("Bad -k option: $ret"); - die "Error: Bad -k option: $ret\n"; - } - - return $ret; - } - else - { - if( is_binary($srcType,$name) ) - { - $log->debug("... as binary"); - return "-kb"; - } - else - { - $log->debug("... as text"); - } - } - } - } - # Return "" to give no special treatment to any path - return ""; -} - -sub check_attr -{ - my ($attr,$path) = @_; - ensureWorkTree(); - if ( open my $fh, '-|', "git", "check-attr", $attr, "--", $path ) - { - my $val = <$fh>; - close $fh; - $val =~ s/.*: ([^:\r\n]*)\s*$/$1/; - return $val; - } - else - { - return undef; - } -} - -# This should have the same heuristics as convert.c:is_binary() and related. -# Note that the bare CR test is done by callers in convert.c. -sub is_binary -{ - my ($srcType,$name) = @_; - $log->debug("is_binary($srcType,$name)"); - - # Minimize amount of interpreted code run in the inner per-character - # loop for large files, by totalling each character value and - # then analyzing the totals. - my @counts; - my $i; - for($i=0;$i<256;$i++) - { - $counts[$i]=0; - } - - my $fh = open_blob_or_die($srcType,$name); - my $line; - while( defined($line=<$fh>) ) - { - # Any '\0' and bare CR are considered binary. - if( $line =~ /\0|(\r[^\n])/ ) - { - close($fh); - return 1; - } - - # Count up each character in the line: - my $len=length($line); - for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) - { - $counts[ord(substr($line,$i,1))]++; - } - } - close $fh; - - # Don't count CR and LF as either printable/nonprintable - $counts[ord("\n")]=0; - $counts[ord("\r")]=0; - - # Categorize individual character count into printable and nonprintable: - my $printable=0; - my $nonprintable=0; - for($i=0;$i<256;$i++) - { - if( $i < 32 && - $i != ord("\b") && - $i != ord("\t") && - $i != 033 && # ESC - $i != 014 ) # FF - { - $nonprintable+=$counts[$i]; - } - elsif( $i==127 ) # DEL - { - $nonprintable+=$counts[$i]; - } - else - { - $printable+=$counts[$i]; - } - } - - return ($printable >> 7) < $nonprintable; -} - -# Returns open file handle. Possible invocations: -# - open_blob_or_die("file",$filename); -# - open_blob_or_die("sha1",$filehash); -sub open_blob_or_die -{ - my ($srcType,$name) = @_; - my ($fh); - if( $srcType eq "file" ) - { - if( !open $fh,"<",$name ) - { - $log->warn("Unable to open file $name: $!"); - die "Unable to open file $name: $!\n"; - } - } - elsif( $srcType eq "sha1" || $srcType eq "sha1Or-k" ) - { - unless ( defined ( $name ) and $name =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ ) - { - $log->warn("Need filehash"); - die "Need filehash\n"; - } - - my $type = `git cat-file -t $name`; - chomp $type; - - unless ( defined ( $type ) and $type eq "blob" ) - { - $log->warn("Invalid type '$type' for '$name'"); - die ( "Invalid type '$type' (expected 'blob')" ) - } - - my $size = `git cat-file -s $name`; - chomp $size; - - $log->debug("open_blob_or_die($name) size=$size, type=$type"); - - unless( open $fh, '-|', "git", "cat-file", "blob", $name ) - { - $log->warn("Unable to open sha1 $name"); - die "Unable to open sha1 $name\n"; - } - } - else - { - $log->warn("Unknown type of blob source: $srcType"); - die "Unknown type of blob source: $srcType\n"; - } - return $fh; -} - -# Generate a CVS author name from Git author information, by taking the local -# part of the email address and replacing characters not in the Portable -# Filename Character Set (see IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, 3.276) by underscores. CVS -# Login names are Unix login names, which should be restricted to this -# character set. -sub cvs_author -{ - my $author_line = shift; - (my $author) = $author_line =~ /<([^@>]*)/; - - $author =~ s/[^-a-zA-Z0-9_.]/_/g; - $author =~ s/^-/_/; - - $author; -} - - -sub descramble -{ - # This table is from src/scramble.c in the CVS source - my @SHIFTS = ( - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, - 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, - 114,120, 53, 79, 96,109, 72,108, 70, 64, 76, 67,116, 74, 68, 87, - 111, 52, 75,119, 49, 34, 82, 81, 95, 65,112, 86,118,110,122,105, - 41, 57, 83, 43, 46,102, 40, 89, 38,103, 45, 50, 42,123, 91, 35, - 125, 55, 54, 66,124,126, 59, 47, 92, 71,115, 78, 88,107,106, 56, - 36,121,117,104,101,100, 69, 73, 99, 63, 94, 93, 39, 37, 61, 48, - 58,113, 32, 90, 44, 98, 60, 51, 33, 97, 62, 77, 84, 80, 85,223, - 225,216,187,166,229,189,222,188,141,249,148,200,184,136,248,190, - 199,170,181,204,138,232,218,183,255,234,220,247,213,203,226,193, - 174,172,228,252,217,201,131,230,197,211,145,238,161,179,160,212, - 207,221,254,173,202,146,224,151,140,196,205,130,135,133,143,246, - 192,159,244,239,185,168,215,144,139,165,180,157,147,186,214,176, - 227,231,219,169,175,156,206,198,129,164,150,210,154,177,134,127, - 182,128,158,208,162,132,167,209,149,241,153,251,237,236,171,195, - 243,233,253,240,194,250,191,155,142,137,245,235,163,242,178,152 - ); - my ($str) = @_; - - # This should never happen, the same password format (A) has been - # used by CVS since the beginning of time - { - my $fmt = substr($str, 0, 1); - die "invalid password format `$fmt'" unless $fmt eq 'A'; - } - - my @str = unpack "C*", substr($str, 1); - my $ret = join '', map { chr $SHIFTS[$_] } @str; - return $ret; -} - - -package GITCVS::log; - -#### -#### Copyright The Open University UK - 2006. -#### -#### Authors: Martyn Smith -#### Martin Langhoff -#### -#### - -use strict; -use warnings; - -=head1 NAME - -GITCVS::log - -=head1 DESCRIPTION - -This module provides very crude logging with a similar interface to -Log::Log4perl - -=head1 METHODS - -=cut - -=head2 new - -Creates a new log object, optionally you can specify a filename here to -indicate the file to log to. If no log file is specified, you can specify one -later with method setfile, or indicate you no longer want logging with method -nofile. - -Until one of these methods is called, all log calls will buffer messages ready -to write out. - -=cut -sub new -{ - my $class = shift; - my $filename = shift; - - my $self = {}; - - bless $self, $class; - - if ( defined ( $filename ) ) - { - open $self->{fh}, ">>", $filename or die("Couldn't open '$filename' for writing : $!"); - } - - return $self; -} - -=head2 setfile - -This methods takes a filename, and attempts to open that file as the log file. -If successful, all buffered data is written out to the file, and any further -logging is written directly to the file. - -=cut -sub setfile -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - - if ( defined ( $filename ) ) - { - open $self->{fh}, ">>", $filename or die("Couldn't open '$filename' for writing : $!"); - } - - return unless ( defined ( $self->{buffer} ) and ref $self->{buffer} eq "ARRAY" ); - - while ( my $line = shift @{$self->{buffer}} ) - { - print {$self->{fh}} $line; - } -} - -=head2 nofile - -This method indicates no logging is going to be used. It flushes any entries in -the internal buffer, and sets a flag to ensure no further data is put there. - -=cut -sub nofile -{ - my $self = shift; - - $self->{nolog} = 1; - - return unless ( defined ( $self->{buffer} ) and ref $self->{buffer} eq "ARRAY" ); - - $self->{buffer} = []; -} - -=head2 _logopen - -Internal method. Returns true if the log file is open, false otherwise. - -=cut -sub _logopen -{ - my $self = shift; - - return 1 if ( defined ( $self->{fh} ) and ref $self->{fh} eq "GLOB" ); - return 0; -} - -=head2 debug info warn fatal - -These four methods are wrappers to _log. They provide the actual interface for -logging data. - -=cut -sub debug { my $self = shift; $self->_log("debug", @_); } -sub info { my $self = shift; $self->_log("info" , @_); } -sub warn { my $self = shift; $self->_log("warn" , @_); } -sub fatal { my $self = shift; $self->_log("fatal", @_); } - -=head2 _log - -This is an internal method called by the logging functions. It generates a -timestamp and pushes the logged line either to file, or internal buffer. - -=cut -sub _log -{ - my $self = shift; - my $level = shift; - - return if ( $self->{nolog} ); - - my @time = localtime; - my $timestring = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d : %-5s", - $time[5] + 1900, - $time[4] + 1, - $time[3], - $time[2], - $time[1], - $time[0], - uc $level, - ); - - if ( $self->_logopen ) - { - print {$self->{fh}} $timestring . " - " . join(" ",@_) . "\n"; - } else { - push @{$self->{buffer}}, $timestring . " - " . join(" ",@_) . "\n"; - } -} - -=head2 DESTROY - -This method simply closes the file handle if one is open - -=cut -sub DESTROY -{ - my $self = shift; - - if ( $self->_logopen ) - { - close $self->{fh}; - } -} - -package GITCVS::updater; - -#### -#### Copyright The Open University UK - 2006. -#### -#### Authors: Martyn Smith -#### Martin Langhoff -#### -#### - -use strict; -use warnings; -use DBI; - -=head1 METHODS - -=cut - -=head2 new - -=cut -sub new -{ - my $class = shift; - my $config = shift; - my $module = shift; - my $log = shift; - - die "Need to specify a git repository" unless ( defined($config) and -d $config ); - die "Need to specify a module" unless ( defined($module) ); - - $class = ref($class) || $class; - - my $self = {}; - - bless $self, $class; - - $self->{valid_tables} = {'revision' => 1, - 'revision_ix1' => 1, - 'revision_ix2' => 1, - 'head' => 1, - 'head_ix1' => 1, - 'properties' => 1, - 'commitmsgs' => 1}; - - $self->{module} = $module; - $self->{git_path} = $config . "/"; - - $self->{log} = $log; - - die "Git repo '$self->{git_path}' doesn't exist" unless ( -d $self->{git_path} ); - - $self->{dbdriver} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbdriver} || - $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbdriver} || "SQLite"; - $self->{dbname} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbname} || - $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbname} || "%Ggitcvs.%m.sqlite"; - $self->{dbuser} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbuser} || - $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbuser} || ""; - $self->{dbpass} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbpass} || - $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbpass} || ""; - $self->{dbtablenameprefix} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbtablenameprefix} || - $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbtablenameprefix} || ""; - my %mapping = ( m => $module, - a => $state->{method}, - u => getlogin || getpwuid($<) || $<, - G => $self->{git_path}, - g => mangle_dirname($self->{git_path}), - ); - $self->{dbname} =~ s/%([mauGg])/$mapping{$1}/eg; - $self->{dbuser} =~ s/%([mauGg])/$mapping{$1}/eg; - $self->{dbtablenameprefix} =~ s/%([mauGg])/$mapping{$1}/eg; - $self->{dbtablenameprefix} = mangle_tablename($self->{dbtablenameprefix}); - - die "Invalid char ':' in dbdriver" if $self->{dbdriver} =~ /:/; - die "Invalid char ';' in dbname" if $self->{dbname} =~ /;/; - $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:$self->{dbdriver}:dbname=$self->{dbname}", - $self->{dbuser}, - $self->{dbpass}); - die "Error connecting to database\n" unless defined $self->{dbh}; - - $self->{tables} = {}; - foreach my $table ( keys %{$self->{dbh}->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'TABLE')->fetchall_hashref('TABLE_NAME')} ) - { - $self->{tables}{$table} = 1; - } - - # Construct the revision table if required - unless ( $self->{tables}{$self->tablename("revision")} ) - { - my $tablename = $self->tablename("revision"); - my $ix1name = $self->tablename("revision_ix1"); - my $ix2name = $self->tablename("revision_ix2"); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE TABLE $tablename ( - name TEXT NOT NULL, - revision INTEGER NOT NULL, - filehash TEXT NOT NULL, - commithash TEXT NOT NULL, - author TEXT NOT NULL, - modified TEXT NOT NULL, - mode TEXT NOT NULL - ) - "); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE INDEX $ix1name - ON $tablename (name,revision) - "); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE INDEX $ix2name - ON $tablename (name,commithash) - "); - } - - # Construct the head table if required - unless ( $self->{tables}{$self->tablename("head")} ) - { - my $tablename = $self->tablename("head"); - my $ix1name = $self->tablename("head_ix1"); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE TABLE $tablename ( - name TEXT NOT NULL, - revision INTEGER NOT NULL, - filehash TEXT NOT NULL, - commithash TEXT NOT NULL, - author TEXT NOT NULL, - modified TEXT NOT NULL, - mode TEXT NOT NULL - ) - "); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE INDEX $ix1name - ON $tablename (name) - "); - } - - # Construct the properties table if required - unless ( $self->{tables}{$self->tablename("properties")} ) - { - my $tablename = $self->tablename("properties"); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE TABLE $tablename ( - key TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, - value TEXT - ) - "); - } - - # Construct the commitmsgs table if required - unless ( $self->{tables}{$self->tablename("commitmsgs")} ) - { - my $tablename = $self->tablename("commitmsgs"); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE TABLE $tablename ( - key TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, - value TEXT - ) - "); - } - - return $self; -} - -=head2 tablename - -=cut -sub tablename -{ - my $self = shift; - my $name = shift; - - if (exists $self->{valid_tables}{$name}) { - return $self->{dbtablenameprefix} . $name; - } else { - return undef; - } -} - -=head2 update - -=cut -sub update -{ - my $self = shift; - - # first lets get the commit list - $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $self->{git_path}; - - my $commitsha1 = `git rev-parse $self->{module}`; - chomp $commitsha1; - - my $commitinfo = `git cat-file commit $self->{module} 2>&1`; - unless ( $commitinfo =~ /tree\s+[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}/ ) - { - die("Invalid module '$self->{module}'"); - } - - - my $git_log; - my $lastcommit = $self->_get_prop("last_commit"); - - if (defined $lastcommit && $lastcommit eq $commitsha1) { # up-to-date - return 1; - } - - # Start exclusive lock here... - $self->{dbh}->begin_work() or die "Cannot lock database for BEGIN"; - - # TODO: log processing is memory bound - # if we can parse into a 2nd file that is in reverse order - # we can probably do something really efficient - my @git_log_params = ('--pretty', '--parents', '--topo-order'); - - if (defined $lastcommit) { - push @git_log_params, "$lastcommit..$self->{module}"; - } else { - push @git_log_params, $self->{module}; - } - # git-rev-list is the backend / plumbing version of git-log - open(GITLOG, '-|', 'git', 'rev-list', @git_log_params) or die "Cannot call git-rev-list: $!"; - - my @commits; - - my %commit = (); - - while ( ) - { - chomp; - if (m/^commit\s+(.*)$/) { - # on ^commit lines put the just seen commit in the stack - # and prime things for the next one - if (keys %commit) { - my %copy = %commit; - unshift @commits, \%copy; - %commit = (); - } - my @parents = split(m/\s+/, $1); - $commit{hash} = shift @parents; - $commit{parents} = \@parents; - } elsif (m/^(\w+?):\s+(.*)$/ && !exists($commit{message})) { - # on rfc822-like lines seen before we see any message, - # lowercase the entry and put it in the hash as key-value - $commit{lc($1)} = $2; - } else { - # message lines - skip initial empty line - # and trim whitespace - if (!exists($commit{message}) && m/^\s*$/) { - # define it to mark the end of headers - $commit{message} = ''; - next; - } - s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; # trim ws - $commit{message} .= $_ . "\n"; - } - } - close GITLOG; - - unshift @commits, \%commit if ( keys %commit ); - - # Now all the commits are in the @commits bucket - # ordered by time DESC. for each commit that needs processing, - # determine whether it's following the last head we've seen or if - # it's on its own branch, grab a file list, and add whatever's changed - # NOTE: $lastcommit refers to the last commit from previous run - # $lastpicked is the last commit we picked in this run - my $lastpicked; - my $head = {}; - if (defined $lastcommit) { - $lastpicked = $lastcommit; - } - - my $committotal = scalar(@commits); - my $commitcount = 0; - - # Load the head table into $head (for cached lookups during the update process) - foreach my $file ( @{$self->gethead()} ) - { - $head->{$file->{name}} = $file; - } - - foreach my $commit ( @commits ) - { - $self->{log}->debug("GITCVS::updater - Processing commit $commit->{hash} (" . (++$commitcount) . " of $committotal)"); - if (defined $lastpicked) - { - if (!in_array($lastpicked, @{$commit->{parents}})) - { - # skip, we'll see this delta - # as part of a merge later - # warn "skipping off-track $commit->{hash}\n"; - next; - } elsif (@{$commit->{parents}} > 1) { - # it is a merge commit, for each parent that is - # not $lastpicked, see if we can get a log - # from the merge-base to that parent to put it - # in the message as a merge summary. - my @parents = @{$commit->{parents}}; - foreach my $parent (@parents) { - # git-merge-base can potentially (but rarely) throw - # several candidate merge bases. let's assume - # that the first one is the best one. - if ($parent eq $lastpicked) { - next; - } - my $base = eval { - safe_pipe_capture('git', 'merge-base', - $lastpicked, $parent); - }; - # The two branches may not be related at all, - # in which case merge base simply fails to find - # any, but that's Ok. - next if ($@); - - chomp $base; - if ($base) { - my @merged; - # print "want to log between $base $parent \n"; - open(GITLOG, '-|', 'git', 'log', '--pretty=medium', "$base..$parent") - or die "Cannot call git-log: $!"; - my $mergedhash; - while () { - chomp; - if (!defined $mergedhash) { - if (m/^commit\s+(.+)$/) { - $mergedhash = $1; - } else { - next; - } - } else { - # grab the first line that looks non-rfc822 - # aka has content after leading space - if (m/^\s+(\S.*)$/) { - my $title = $1; - $title = substr($title,0,100); # truncate - unshift @merged, "$mergedhash $title"; - undef $mergedhash; - } - } - } - close GITLOG; - if (@merged) { - $commit->{mergemsg} = $commit->{message}; - $commit->{mergemsg} .= "\nSummary of merged commits:\n\n"; - foreach my $summary (@merged) { - $commit->{mergemsg} .= "\t$summary\n"; - } - $commit->{mergemsg} .= "\n\n"; - # print "Message for $commit->{hash} \n$commit->{mergemsg}"; - } - } - } - } - } - - # convert the date to CVS-happy format - $commit->{date} = "$2 $1 $4 $3 $5" if ( $commit->{date} =~ /^\w+\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+:\d+:\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([+-]\d+)$/ ); - - if ( defined ( $lastpicked ) ) - { - my $filepipe = open(FILELIST, '-|', 'git', 'diff-tree', '-z', '-r', $lastpicked, $commit->{hash}) or die("Cannot call git-diff-tree : $!"); - local ($/) = "\0"; - while ( ) - { - chomp; - unless ( /^:\d{6}\s+\d{3}(\d)\d{2}\s+[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]{40})\s+(\w)$/o ) - { - die("Couldn't process git-diff-tree line : $_"); - } - my ($mode, $hash, $change) = ($1, $2, $3); - my $name = ; - chomp($name); - - # $log->debug("File mode=$mode, hash=$hash, change=$change, name=$name"); - - my $git_perms = ""; - $git_perms .= "r" if ( $mode & 4 ); - $git_perms .= "w" if ( $mode & 2 ); - $git_perms .= "x" if ( $mode & 1 ); - $git_perms = "rw" if ( $git_perms eq "" ); - - if ( $change eq "D" ) - { - #$log->debug("DELETE $name"); - $head->{$name} = { - name => $name, - revision => $head->{$name}{revision} + 1, - filehash => "deleted", - commithash => $commit->{hash}, - modified => $commit->{date}, - author => $commit->{author}, - mode => $git_perms, - }; - $self->insert_rev($name, $head->{$name}{revision}, $hash, $commit->{hash}, $commit->{date}, $commit->{author}, $git_perms); - } - elsif ( $change eq "M" || $change eq "T" ) - { - #$log->debug("MODIFIED $name"); - $head->{$name} = { - name => $name, - revision => $head->{$name}{revision} + 1, - filehash => $hash, - commithash => $commit->{hash}, - modified => $commit->{date}, - author => $commit->{author}, - mode => $git_perms, - }; - $self->insert_rev($name, $head->{$name}{revision}, $hash, $commit->{hash}, $commit->{date}, $commit->{author}, $git_perms); - } - elsif ( $change eq "A" ) - { - #$log->debug("ADDED $name"); - $head->{$name} = { - name => $name, - revision => $head->{$name}{revision} ? $head->{$name}{revision}+1 : 1, - filehash => $hash, - commithash => $commit->{hash}, - modified => $commit->{date}, - author => $commit->{author}, - mode => $git_perms, - }; - $self->insert_rev($name, $head->{$name}{revision}, $hash, $commit->{hash}, $commit->{date}, $commit->{author}, $git_perms); - } - else - { - $log->warn("UNKNOWN FILE CHANGE mode=$mode, hash=$hash, change=$change, name=$name"); - die; - } - } - close FILELIST; - } else { - # this is used to detect files removed from the repo - my $seen_files = {}; - - my $filepipe = open(FILELIST, '-|', 'git', 'ls-tree', '-z', '-r', $commit->{hash}) or die("Cannot call git-ls-tree : $!"); - local $/ = "\0"; - while ( ) - { - chomp; - unless ( /^(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\t(.*)$/o ) - { - die("Couldn't process git-ls-tree line : $_"); - } - - my ( $git_perms, $git_type, $git_hash, $git_filename ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 ); - - $seen_files->{$git_filename} = 1; - - my ( $oldhash, $oldrevision, $oldmode ) = ( - $head->{$git_filename}{filehash}, - $head->{$git_filename}{revision}, - $head->{$git_filename}{mode} - ); - - if ( $git_perms =~ /^\d\d\d(\d)\d\d/o ) - { - $git_perms = ""; - $git_perms .= "r" if ( $1 & 4 ); - $git_perms .= "w" if ( $1 & 2 ); - $git_perms .= "x" if ( $1 & 1 ); - } else { - $git_perms = "rw"; - } - - # unless the file exists with the same hash, we need to update it ... - unless ( defined($oldhash) and $oldhash eq $git_hash and defined($oldmode) and $oldmode eq $git_perms ) - { - my $newrevision = ( $oldrevision or 0 ) + 1; - - $head->{$git_filename} = { - name => $git_filename, - revision => $newrevision, - filehash => $git_hash, - commithash => $commit->{hash}, - modified => $commit->{date}, - author => $commit->{author}, - mode => $git_perms, - }; - - - $self->insert_rev($git_filename, $newrevision, $git_hash, $commit->{hash}, $commit->{date}, $commit->{author}, $git_perms); - } - } - close FILELIST; - - # Detect deleted files - foreach my $file ( keys %$head ) - { - unless ( exists $seen_files->{$file} or $head->{$file}{filehash} eq "deleted" ) - { - $head->{$file}{revision}++; - $head->{$file}{filehash} = "deleted"; - $head->{$file}{commithash} = $commit->{hash}; - $head->{$file}{modified} = $commit->{date}; - $head->{$file}{author} = $commit->{author}; - - $self->insert_rev($file, $head->{$file}{revision}, $head->{$file}{filehash}, $commit->{hash}, $commit->{date}, $commit->{author}, $head->{$file}{mode}); - } - } - # END : "Detect deleted files" - } - - - if (exists $commit->{mergemsg}) - { - $self->insert_mergelog($commit->{hash}, $commit->{mergemsg}); - } - - $lastpicked = $commit->{hash}; - - $self->_set_prop("last_commit", $commit->{hash}); - } - - $self->delete_head(); - foreach my $file ( keys %$head ) - { - $self->insert_head( - $file, - $head->{$file}{revision}, - $head->{$file}{filehash}, - $head->{$file}{commithash}, - $head->{$file}{modified}, - $head->{$file}{author}, - $head->{$file}{mode}, - ); - } - # invalidate the gethead cache - $self->{gethead_cache} = undef; - - - # Ending exclusive lock here - $self->{dbh}->commit() or die "Failed to commit changes to SQLite"; -} - -sub insert_rev -{ - my $self = shift; - my $name = shift; - my $revision = shift; - my $filehash = shift; - my $commithash = shift; - my $modified = shift; - my $author = shift; - my $mode = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("revision"); - - my $insert_rev = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("INSERT INTO $tablename (name, revision, filehash, commithash, modified, author, mode) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",{},1); - $insert_rev->execute($name, $revision, $filehash, $commithash, $modified, $author, $mode); -} - -sub insert_mergelog -{ - my $self = shift; - my $key = shift; - my $value = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("commitmsgs"); - - my $insert_mergelog = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("INSERT INTO $tablename (key, value) VALUES (?,?)",{},1); - $insert_mergelog->execute($key, $value); -} - -sub delete_head -{ - my $self = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("head"); - - my $delete_head = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("DELETE FROM $tablename",{},1); - $delete_head->execute(); -} - -sub insert_head -{ - my $self = shift; - my $name = shift; - my $revision = shift; - my $filehash = shift; - my $commithash = shift; - my $modified = shift; - my $author = shift; - my $mode = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("head"); - - my $insert_head = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("INSERT INTO $tablename (name, revision, filehash, commithash, modified, author, mode) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",{},1); - $insert_head->execute($name, $revision, $filehash, $commithash, $modified, $author, $mode); -} - -sub _headrev -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("head"); - - my $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT filehash, revision, mode FROM $tablename WHERE name=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename); - my ( $hash, $revision, $mode ) = $db_query->fetchrow_array; - - return ( $hash, $revision, $mode ); -} - -sub _get_prop -{ - my $self = shift; - my $key = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("properties"); - - my $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT value FROM $tablename WHERE key=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($key); - my ( $value ) = $db_query->fetchrow_array; - - return $value; -} - -sub _set_prop -{ - my $self = shift; - my $key = shift; - my $value = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("properties"); - - my $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("UPDATE $tablename SET value=? WHERE key=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($value, $key); - - unless ( $db_query->rows ) - { - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("INSERT INTO $tablename (key, value) VALUES (?,?)",{},1); - $db_query->execute($key, $value); - } - - return $value; -} - -=head2 gethead - -=cut - -sub gethead -{ - my $self = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("head"); - - return $self->{gethead_cache} if ( defined ( $self->{gethead_cache} ) ); - - my $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT name, filehash, mode, revision, modified, commithash, author FROM $tablename ORDER BY name ASC",{},1); - $db_query->execute(); - - my $tree = []; - while ( my $file = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref ) - { - push @$tree, $file; - } - - $self->{gethead_cache} = $tree; - - return $tree; -} - -=head2 getlog - -=cut - -sub getlog -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("revision"); - - my $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT name, filehash, author, mode, revision, modified, commithash FROM $tablename WHERE name=? ORDER BY revision DESC",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename); - - my $tree = []; - while ( my $file = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref ) - { - push @$tree, $file; - } - - return $tree; -} - -=head2 getmeta - -This function takes a filename (with path) argument and returns a hashref of -metadata for that file. - -=cut - -sub getmeta -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - my $revision = shift; - my $tablename_rev = $self->tablename("revision"); - my $tablename_head = $self->tablename("head"); - - my $db_query; - if ( defined($revision) and $revision =~ /^\d+$/ ) - { - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND revision=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename, $revision); - } - elsif ( defined($revision) and $revision =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ ) - { - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND commithash=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename, $revision); - } else { - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_head WHERE name=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename); - } - - return $db_query->fetchrow_hashref; -} - -=head2 commitmessage - -this function takes a commithash and returns the commit message for that commit - -=cut -sub commitmessage -{ - my $self = shift; - my $commithash = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("commitmsgs"); - - die("Need commithash") unless ( defined($commithash) and $commithash =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ ); - - my $db_query; - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT value FROM $tablename WHERE key=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($commithash); - - my ( $message ) = $db_query->fetchrow_array; - - if ( defined ( $message ) ) - { - $message .= " " if ( $message =~ /\n$/ ); - return $message; - } - - my @lines = safe_pipe_capture("git", "cat-file", "commit", $commithash); - shift @lines while ( $lines[0] =~ /\S/ ); - $message = join("",@lines); - $message .= " " if ( $message =~ /\n$/ ); - return $message; -} - -=head2 gethistory - -This function takes a filename (with path) argument and returns an arrayofarrays -containing revision,filehash,commithash ordered by revision descending - -=cut -sub gethistory -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("revision"); - - my $db_query; - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT revision, filehash, commithash FROM $tablename WHERE name=? ORDER BY revision DESC",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename); - - return $db_query->fetchall_arrayref; -} - -=head2 gethistorydense - -This function takes a filename (with path) argument and returns an arrayofarrays -containing revision,filehash,commithash ordered by revision descending. - -This version of gethistory skips deleted entries -- so it is useful for annotate. -The 'dense' part is a reference to a '--dense' option available for git-rev-list -and other git tools that depend on it. - -=cut -sub gethistorydense -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("revision"); - - my $db_query; - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT revision, filehash, commithash FROM $tablename WHERE name=? AND filehash!='deleted' ORDER BY revision DESC",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename); - - return $db_query->fetchall_arrayref; -} - -=head2 in_array() - -from Array::PAT - mimics the in_array() function -found in PHP. Yuck but works for small arrays. - -=cut -sub in_array -{ - my ($check, @array) = @_; - my $retval = 0; - foreach my $test (@array){ - if($check eq $test){ - $retval = 1; - } - } - return $retval; -} - -=head2 safe_pipe_capture - -an alternative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array -to work around shell problems with weird characters in arguments - -=cut -sub safe_pipe_capture { - - my @output; - - if (my $pid = open my $child, '-|') { - @output = (<$child>); - close $child or die join(' ',@_).": $! $?"; - } else { - exec(@_) or die "$! $?"; # exec() can fail the executable can't be found - } - return wantarray ? @output : join('',@output); -} - -=head2 mangle_dirname - -create a string from a directory name that is suitable to use as -part of a filename, mainly by converting all chars except \w.- to _ - -=cut -sub mangle_dirname { - my $dirname = shift; - return unless defined $dirname; - - $dirname =~ s/[^\w.-]/_/g; - - return $dirname; -} - -=head2 mangle_tablename - -create a string from a that is suitable to use as part of an SQL table -name, mainly by converting all chars except \w to _ - -=cut -sub mangle_tablename { - my $tablename = shift; - return unless defined $tablename; - - $tablename =~ s/[^\w_]/_/g; - - return $tablename; -} - -1; diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-receive-pack b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-receive-pack deleted file mode 120000 index 0899c299..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-receive-pack +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-shell b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-shell deleted file mode 100755 index 647fe452..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-shell and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-upload-archive b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-upload-archive deleted file mode 120000 index 0899c299..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-upload-archive +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-upload-pack b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-upload-pack deleted file mode 100755 index 3cc4e6db..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/git-upload-pack and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/gitk b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/gitk deleted file mode 100755 index 4cde0c49..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/bin/gitk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11702 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \ -exec wish "$0" -- "$@" - -# Copyright © 2005-2009 Paul Mackerras. All rights reserved. -# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified -# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, -# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. - -package require Tk - -proc gitdir {} { - global env - if {[info exists env(GIT_DIR)]} { - return $env(GIT_DIR) - } else { - return [exec git rev-parse --git-dir] - } -} - -# A simple scheduler for compute-intensive stuff. -# The aim is to make sure that event handlers for GUI actions can -# run at least every 50-100 ms. Unfortunately fileevent handlers are -# run before X event handlers, so reading from a fast source can -# make the GUI completely unresponsive. -proc run args { - global isonrunq runq currunq - - set script $args - if {[info exists isonrunq($script)]} return - if {$runq eq {} && ![info exists currunq]} { - after idle dorunq - } - lappend runq [list {} $script] - set isonrunq($script) 1 -} - -proc filerun {fd script} { - fileevent $fd readable [list filereadable $fd $script] -} - -proc filereadable {fd script} { - global runq currunq - - fileevent $fd readable {} - if {$runq eq {} && ![info exists currunq]} { - after idle dorunq - } - lappend runq [list $fd $script] -} - -proc nukefile {fd} { - global runq - - for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $runq]} {} { - if {[lindex $runq $i 0] eq $fd} { - set runq [lreplace $runq $i $i] - } else { - incr i - } - } -} - -proc dorunq {} { - global isonrunq runq currunq - - set tstart [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set t0 $tstart - while {[llength $runq] > 0} { - set fd [lindex $runq 0 0] - set script [lindex $runq 0 1] - set currunq [lindex $runq 0] - set runq [lrange $runq 1 end] - set repeat [eval $script] - unset currunq - set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set t [expr {$t1 - $t0}] - if {$repeat ne {} && $repeat} { - if {$fd eq {} || $repeat == 2} { - # script returns 1 if it wants to be readded - # file readers return 2 if they could do more straight away - lappend runq [list $fd $script] - } else { - fileevent $fd readable [list filereadable $fd $script] - } - } elseif {$fd eq {}} { - unset isonrunq($script) - } - set t0 $t1 - if {$t1 - $tstart >= 80} break - } - if {$runq ne {}} { - after idle dorunq - } -} - -proc reg_instance {fd} { - global commfd leftover loginstance - - set i [incr loginstance] - set commfd($i) $fd - set leftover($i) {} - return $i -} - -proc unmerged_files {files} { - global nr_unmerged - - # find the list of unmerged files - set mlist {} - set nr_unmerged 0 - if {[catch { - set fd [open "| git ls-files -u" r] - } err]} { - show_error {} . "[mc "Couldn't get list of unmerged files:"] $err" - exit 1 - } - while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} { - set i [string first "\t" $line] - if {$i < 0} continue - set fname [string range $line [expr {$i+1}] end] - if {[lsearch -exact $mlist $fname] >= 0} continue - incr nr_unmerged - if {$files eq {} || [path_filter $files $fname]} { - lappend mlist $fname - } - } - catch {close $fd} - return $mlist -} - -proc parseviewargs {n arglist} { - global vdatemode vmergeonly vflags vdflags vrevs vfiltered vorigargs env - global worddiff git_version - - set vdatemode($n) 0 - set vmergeonly($n) 0 - set glflags {} - set diffargs {} - set nextisval 0 - set revargs {} - set origargs $arglist - set allknown 1 - set filtered 0 - set i -1 - foreach arg $arglist { - incr i - if {$nextisval} { - lappend glflags $arg - set nextisval 0 - continue - } - switch -glob -- $arg { - "-d" - - "--date-order" { - set vdatemode($n) 1 - # remove from origargs in case we hit an unknown option - set origargs [lreplace $origargs $i $i] - incr i -1 - } - "-[puabwcrRBMC]" - - "--no-renames" - "--full-index" - "--binary" - "--abbrev=*" - - "--find-copies-harder" - "-l*" - "--ext-diff" - "--no-ext-diff" - - "--src-prefix=*" - "--dst-prefix=*" - "--no-prefix" - - "-O*" - "--text" - "--full-diff" - "--ignore-space-at-eol" - - "--ignore-space-change" - "-U*" - "--unified=*" { - # These request or affect diff output, which we don't want. - # Some could be used to set our defaults for diff display. - lappend diffargs $arg - } - "--raw" - "--patch-with-raw" - "--patch-with-stat" - - "--name-only" - "--name-status" - "--color" - - "--log-size" - "--pretty=*" - "--decorate" - "--abbrev-commit" - - "--cc" - "-z" - "--header" - "--parents" - "--boundary" - - "--no-color" - "-g" - "--walk-reflogs" - "--no-walk" - - "--timestamp" - "relative-date" - "--date=*" - "--stdin" - - "--objects" - "--objects-edge" - "--reverse" { - # These cause our parsing of git log's output to fail, or else - # they're options we want to set ourselves, so ignore them. - } - "--color-words*" - "--word-diff=color" { - # These trigger a word diff in the console interface, - # so help the user by enabling our own support - if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} { - set worddiff [mc "Color words"] - } - } - "--word-diff*" { - if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} { - set worddiff [mc "Markup words"] - } - } - "--stat=*" - "--numstat" - "--shortstat" - "--summary" - - "--check" - "--exit-code" - "--quiet" - "--topo-order" - - "--full-history" - "--dense" - "--sparse" - - "--follow" - "--left-right" - "--encoding=*" { - # These are harmless, and some are even useful - lappend glflags $arg - } - "--diff-filter=*" - "--no-merges" - "--unpacked" - - "--max-count=*" - "--skip=*" - "--since=*" - "--after=*" - - "--until=*" - "--before=*" - "--max-age=*" - "--min-age=*" - - "--author=*" - "--committer=*" - "--grep=*" - "-[iE]" - - "--remove-empty" - "--first-parent" - "--cherry-pick" - - "-S*" - "--pickaxe-all" - "--pickaxe-regex" - - "--simplify-by-decoration" { - # These mean that we get a subset of the commits - set filtered 1 - lappend glflags $arg - } - "-n" { - # This appears to be the only one that has a value as a - # separate word following it - set filtered 1 - set nextisval 1 - lappend glflags $arg - } - "--not" - "--all" { - lappend revargs $arg - } - "--merge" { - set vmergeonly($n) 1 - # git rev-parse doesn't understand --merge - lappend revargs --gitk-symmetric-diff-marker MERGE_HEAD...HEAD - } - "--no-replace-objects" { - set env(GIT_NO_REPLACE_OBJECTS) "1" - } - "-*" { - # Other flag arguments including - - if {[string is digit -strict [string range $arg 1 end]]} { - set filtered 1 - } else { - # a flag argument that we don't recognize; - # that means we can't optimize - set allknown 0 - } - lappend glflags $arg - } - default { - # Non-flag arguments specify commits or ranges of commits - if {[string match "*...*" $arg]} { - lappend revargs --gitk-symmetric-diff-marker - } - lappend revargs $arg - } - } - } - set vdflags($n) $diffargs - set vflags($n) $glflags - set vrevs($n) $revargs - set vfiltered($n) $filtered - set vorigargs($n) $origargs - return $allknown -} - -proc parseviewrevs {view revs} { - global vposids vnegids - - if {$revs eq {}} { - set revs HEAD - } - if {[catch {set ids [eval exec git rev-parse $revs]} err]} { - # we get stdout followed by stderr in $err - # for an unknown rev, git rev-parse echoes it and then errors out - set errlines [split $err "\n"] - set badrev {} - for {set l 0} {$l < [llength $errlines]} {incr l} { - set line [lindex $errlines $l] - if {!([string length $line] == 40 && [string is xdigit $line])} { - if {[string match "fatal:*" $line]} { - if {[string match "fatal: ambiguous argument*" $line] - && $badrev ne {}} { - if {[llength $badrev] == 1} { - set err "unknown revision $badrev" - } else { - set err "unknown revisions: [join $badrev ", "]" - } - } else { - set err [join [lrange $errlines $l end] "\n"] - } - break - } - lappend badrev $line - } - } - error_popup "[mc "Error parsing revisions:"] $err" - return {} - } - set ret {} - set pos {} - set neg {} - set sdm 0 - foreach id [split $ids "\n"] { - if {$id eq "--gitk-symmetric-diff-marker"} { - set sdm 4 - } elseif {[string match "^*" $id]} { - if {$sdm != 1} { - lappend ret $id - if {$sdm == 3} { - set sdm 0 - } - } - lappend neg [string range $id 1 end] - } else { - if {$sdm != 2} { - lappend ret $id - } else { - lset ret end $id...[lindex $ret end] - } - lappend pos $id - } - incr sdm -1 - } - set vposids($view) $pos - set vnegids($view) $neg - return $ret -} - -# Start off a git log process and arrange to read its output -proc start_rev_list {view} { - global startmsecs commitidx viewcomplete curview - global tclencoding - global viewargs viewargscmd viewfiles vfilelimit - global showlocalchanges - global viewactive viewinstances vmergeonly - global mainheadid viewmainheadid viewmainheadid_orig - global vcanopt vflags vrevs vorigargs - global show_notes - - set startmsecs [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set commitidx($view) 0 - # these are set this way for the error exits - set viewcomplete($view) 1 - set viewactive($view) 0 - varcinit $view - - set args $viewargs($view) - if {$viewargscmd($view) ne {}} { - if {[catch { - set str [exec sh -c $viewargscmd($view)] - } err]} { - error_popup "[mc "Error executing --argscmd command:"] $err" - return 0 - } - set args [concat $args [split $str "\n"]] - } - set vcanopt($view) [parseviewargs $view $args] - - set files $viewfiles($view) - if {$vmergeonly($view)} { - set files [unmerged_files $files] - if {$files eq {}} { - global nr_unmerged - if {$nr_unmerged == 0} { - error_popup [mc "No files selected: --merge specified but\ - no files are unmerged."] - } else { - error_popup [mc "No files selected: --merge specified but\ - no unmerged files are within file limit."] - } - return 0 - } - } - set vfilelimit($view) $files - - if {$vcanopt($view)} { - set revs [parseviewrevs $view $vrevs($view)] - if {$revs eq {}} { - return 0 - } - set args [concat $vflags($view) $revs] - } else { - set args $vorigargs($view) - } - - if {[catch { - set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw $show_notes \ - --parents --boundary $args "--" $files] r] - } err]} { - error_popup "[mc "Error executing git log:"] $err" - return 0 - } - set i [reg_instance $fd] - set viewinstances($view) [list $i] - set viewmainheadid($view) $mainheadid - set viewmainheadid_orig($view) $mainheadid - if {$files ne {} && $mainheadid ne {}} { - get_viewmainhead $view - } - if {$showlocalchanges && $viewmainheadid($view) ne {}} { - interestedin $viewmainheadid($view) dodiffindex - } - fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -eofchar {} - if {$tclencoding != {}} { - fconfigure $fd -encoding $tclencoding - } - filerun $fd [list getcommitlines $fd $i $view 0] - nowbusy $view [mc "Reading"] - set viewcomplete($view) 0 - set viewactive($view) 1 - return 1 -} - -proc stop_instance {inst} { - global commfd leftover - - set fd $commfd($inst) - catch { - set pid [pid $fd] - - if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} { - exec kill -f $pid - } else { - exec kill $pid - } - } - catch {close $fd} - nukefile $fd - unset commfd($inst) - unset leftover($inst) -} - -proc stop_backends {} { - global commfd - - foreach inst [array names commfd] { - stop_instance $inst - } -} - -proc stop_rev_list {view} { - global viewinstances - - foreach inst $viewinstances($view) { - stop_instance $inst - } - set viewinstances($view) {} -} - -proc reset_pending_select {selid} { - global pending_select mainheadid selectheadid - - if {$selid ne {}} { - set pending_select $selid - } elseif {$selectheadid ne {}} { - set pending_select $selectheadid - } else { - set pending_select $mainheadid - } -} - -proc getcommits {selid} { - global canv curview need_redisplay viewactive - - initlayout - if {[start_rev_list $curview]} { - reset_pending_select $selid - show_status [mc "Reading commits..."] - set need_redisplay 1 - } else { - show_status [mc "No commits selected"] - } -} - -proc updatecommits {} { - global curview vcanopt vorigargs vfilelimit viewinstances - global viewactive viewcomplete tclencoding - global startmsecs showneartags showlocalchanges - global mainheadid viewmainheadid viewmainheadid_orig pending_select - global isworktree - global varcid vposids vnegids vflags vrevs - global show_notes - - set isworktree [expr {[exec git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree] == "true"}] - rereadrefs - set view $curview - if {$mainheadid ne $viewmainheadid_orig($view)} { - if {$showlocalchanges} { - dohidelocalchanges - } - set viewmainheadid($view) $mainheadid - set viewmainheadid_orig($view) $mainheadid - if {$vfilelimit($view) ne {}} { - get_viewmainhead $view - } - } - if {$showlocalchanges} { - doshowlocalchanges - } - if {$vcanopt($view)} { - set oldpos $vposids($view) - set oldneg $vnegids($view) - set revs [parseviewrevs $view $vrevs($view)] - if {$revs eq {}} { - return - } - # note: getting the delta when negative refs change is hard, - # and could require multiple git log invocations, so in that - # case we ask git log for all the commits (not just the delta) - if {$oldneg eq $vnegids($view)} { - set newrevs {} - set npos 0 - # take out positive refs that we asked for before or - # that we have already seen - foreach rev $revs { - if {[string length $rev] == 40} { - if {[lsearch -exact $oldpos $rev] < 0 - && ![info exists varcid($view,$rev)]} { - lappend newrevs $rev - incr npos - } - } else { - lappend $newrevs $rev - } - } - if {$npos == 0} return - set revs $newrevs - set vposids($view) [lsort -unique [concat $oldpos $vposids($view)]] - } - set args [concat $vflags($view) $revs --not $oldpos] - } else { - set args $vorigargs($view) - } - if {[catch { - set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw $show_notes \ - --parents --boundary $args "--" $vfilelimit($view)] r] - } err]} { - error_popup "[mc "Error executing git log:"] $err" - return - } - if {$viewactive($view) == 0} { - set startmsecs [clock clicks -milliseconds] - } - set i [reg_instance $fd] - lappend viewinstances($view) $i - fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -eofchar {} - if {$tclencoding != {}} { - fconfigure $fd -encoding $tclencoding - } - filerun $fd [list getcommitlines $fd $i $view 1] - incr viewactive($view) - set viewcomplete($view) 0 - reset_pending_select {} - nowbusy $view [mc "Reading"] - if {$showneartags} { - getallcommits - } -} - -proc reloadcommits {} { - global curview viewcomplete selectedline currentid thickerline - global showneartags treediffs commitinterest cached_commitrow - global targetid - - set selid {} - if {$selectedline ne {}} { - set selid $currentid - } - - if {!$viewcomplete($curview)} { - stop_rev_list $curview - } - resetvarcs $curview - set selectedline {} - catch {unset currentid} - catch {unset thickerline} - catch {unset treediffs} - readrefs - changedrefs - if {$showneartags} { - getallcommits - } - clear_display - catch {unset commitinterest} - catch {unset cached_commitrow} - catch {unset targetid} - setcanvscroll - getcommits $selid - return 0 -} - -# This makes a string representation of a positive integer which -# sorts as a string in numerical order -proc strrep {n} { - if {$n < 16} { - return [format "%x" $n] - } elseif {$n < 256} { - return [format "x%.2x" $n] - } elseif {$n < 65536} { - return [format "y%.4x" $n] - } - return [format "z%.8x" $n] -} - -# Procedures used in reordering commits from git log (without -# --topo-order) into the order for display. - -proc varcinit {view} { - global varcstart vupptr vdownptr vleftptr vbackptr varctok varcrow - global vtokmod varcmod vrowmod varcix vlastins - - set varcstart($view) {{}} - set vupptr($view) {0} - set vdownptr($view) {0} - set vleftptr($view) {0} - set vbackptr($view) {0} - set varctok($view) {{}} - set varcrow($view) {{}} - set vtokmod($view) {} - set varcmod($view) 0 - set vrowmod($view) 0 - set varcix($view) {{}} - set vlastins($view) {0} -} - -proc resetvarcs {view} { - global varcid varccommits parents children vseedcount ordertok - - foreach vid [array names varcid $view,*] { - unset varcid($vid) - unset children($vid) - unset parents($vid) - } - # some commits might have children but haven't been seen yet - foreach vid [array names children $view,*] { - unset children($vid) - } - foreach va [array names varccommits $view,*] { - unset varccommits($va) - } - foreach vd [array names vseedcount $view,*] { - unset vseedcount($vd) - } - catch {unset ordertok} -} - -# returns a list of the commits with no children -proc seeds {v} { - global vdownptr vleftptr varcstart - - set ret {} - set a [lindex $vdownptr($v) 0] - while {$a != 0} { - lappend ret [lindex $varcstart($v) $a] - set a [lindex $vleftptr($v) $a] - } - return $ret -} - -proc newvarc {view id} { - global varcid varctok parents children vdatemode - global vupptr vdownptr vleftptr vbackptr varcrow varcix varcstart - global commitdata commitinfo vseedcount varccommits vlastins - - set a [llength $varctok($view)] - set vid $view,$id - if {[llength $children($vid)] == 0 || $vdatemode($view)} { - if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} { - parsecommit $id $commitdata($id) 1 - } - set cdate [lindex $commitinfo($id) 4] - if {![string is integer -strict $cdate]} { - set cdate 0 - } - if {![info exists vseedcount($view,$cdate)]} { - set vseedcount($view,$cdate) -1 - } - set c [incr vseedcount($view,$cdate)] - set cdate [expr {$cdate ^ 0xffffffff}] - set tok "s[strrep $cdate][strrep $c]" - } else { - set tok {} - } - set ka 0 - if {[llength $children($vid)] > 0} { - set kid [lindex $children($vid) end] - set k $varcid($view,$kid) - if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($view) $k] $tok] > 0} { - set ki $kid - set ka $k - set tok [lindex $varctok($view) $k] - } - } - if {$ka != 0} { - set i [lsearch -exact $parents($view,$ki) $id] - set j [expr {[llength $parents($view,$ki)] - 1 - $i}] - append tok [strrep $j] - } - set c [lindex $vlastins($view) $ka] - if {$c == 0 || [string compare $tok [lindex $varctok($view) $c]] < 0} { - set c $ka - set b [lindex $vdownptr($view) $ka] - } else { - set b [lindex $vleftptr($view) $c] - } - while {$b != 0 && [string compare $tok [lindex $varctok($view) $b]] >= 0} { - set c $b - set b [lindex $vleftptr($view) $c] - } - if {$c == $ka} { - lset vdownptr($view) $ka $a - lappend vbackptr($view) 0 - } else { - lset vleftptr($view) $c $a - lappend vbackptr($view) $c - } - lset vlastins($view) $ka $a - lappend vupptr($view) $ka - lappend vleftptr($view) $b - if {$b != 0} { - lset vbackptr($view) $b $a - } - lappend varctok($view) $tok - lappend varcstart($view) $id - lappend vdownptr($view) 0 - lappend varcrow($view) {} - lappend varcix($view) {} - set varccommits($view,$a) {} - lappend vlastins($view) 0 - return $a -} - -proc splitvarc {p v} { - global varcid varcstart varccommits varctok vtokmod - global vupptr vdownptr vleftptr vbackptr varcix varcrow vlastins - - set oa $varcid($v,$p) - set otok [lindex $varctok($v) $oa] - set ac $varccommits($v,$oa) - set i [lsearch -exact $varccommits($v,$oa) $p] - if {$i <= 0} return - set na [llength $varctok($v)] - # "%" sorts before "0"... - set tok "$otok%[strrep $i]" - lappend varctok($v) $tok - lappend varcrow($v) {} - lappend varcix($v) {} - set varccommits($v,$oa) [lrange $ac 0 [expr {$i - 1}]] - set varccommits($v,$na) [lrange $ac $i end] - lappend varcstart($v) $p - foreach id $varccommits($v,$na) { - set varcid($v,$id) $na - } - lappend vdownptr($v) [lindex $vdownptr($v) $oa] - lappend vlastins($v) [lindex $vlastins($v) $oa] - lset vdownptr($v) $oa $na - lset vlastins($v) $oa 0 - lappend vupptr($v) $oa - lappend vleftptr($v) 0 - lappend vbackptr($v) 0 - for {set b [lindex $vdownptr($v) $na]} {$b != 0} {set b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $b]} { - lset vupptr($v) $b $na - } - if {[string compare $otok $vtokmod($v)] <= 0} { - modify_arc $v $oa - } -} - -proc renumbervarc {a v} { - global parents children varctok varcstart varccommits - global vupptr vdownptr vleftptr vbackptr vlastins varcid vtokmod vdatemode - - set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set todo {} - set isrelated($a) 1 - set kidchanged($a) 1 - set ntot 0 - while {$a != 0} { - if {[info exists isrelated($a)]} { - lappend todo $a - set id [lindex $varccommits($v,$a) end] - foreach p $parents($v,$id) { - if {[info exists varcid($v,$p)]} { - set isrelated($varcid($v,$p)) 1 - } - } - } - incr ntot - set b [lindex $vdownptr($v) $a] - if {$b == 0} { - while {$a != 0} { - set b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $a] - if {$b != 0} break - set a [lindex $vupptr($v) $a] - } - } - set a $b - } - foreach a $todo { - if {![info exists kidchanged($a)]} continue - set id [lindex $varcstart($v) $a] - if {[llength $children($v,$id)] > 1} { - set children($v,$id) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $v] \ - $children($v,$id)] - } - set oldtok [lindex $varctok($v) $a] - if {!$vdatemode($v)} { - set tok {} - } else { - set tok $oldtok - } - set ka 0 - set kid [last_real_child $v,$id] - if {$kid ne {}} { - set k $varcid($v,$kid) - if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $k] $tok] > 0} { - set ki $kid - set ka $k - set tok [lindex $varctok($v) $k] - } - } - if {$ka != 0} { - set i [lsearch -exact $parents($v,$ki) $id] - set j [expr {[llength $parents($v,$ki)] - 1 - $i}] - append tok [strrep $j] - } - if {$tok eq $oldtok} { - continue - } - set id [lindex $varccommits($v,$a) end] - foreach p $parents($v,$id) { - if {[info exists varcid($v,$p)]} { - set kidchanged($varcid($v,$p)) 1 - } else { - set sortkids($p) 1 - } - } - lset varctok($v) $a $tok - set b [lindex $vupptr($v) $a] - if {$b != $ka} { - if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $ka] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} { - modify_arc $v $ka - } - if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $b] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} { - modify_arc $v $b - } - set c [lindex $vbackptr($v) $a] - set d [lindex $vleftptr($v) $a] - if {$c == 0} { - lset vdownptr($v) $b $d - } else { - lset vleftptr($v) $c $d - } - if {$d != 0} { - lset vbackptr($v) $d $c - } - if {[lindex $vlastins($v) $b] == $a} { - lset vlastins($v) $b $c - } - lset vupptr($v) $a $ka - set c [lindex $vlastins($v) $ka] - if {$c == 0 || \ - [string compare $tok [lindex $varctok($v) $c]] < 0} { - set c $ka - set b [lindex $vdownptr($v) $ka] - } else { - set b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $c] - } - while {$b != 0 && \ - [string compare $tok [lindex $varctok($v) $b]] >= 0} { - set c $b - set b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $c] - } - if {$c == $ka} { - lset vdownptr($v) $ka $a - lset vbackptr($v) $a 0 - } else { - lset vleftptr($v) $c $a - lset vbackptr($v) $a $c - } - lset vleftptr($v) $a $b - if {$b != 0} { - lset vbackptr($v) $b $a - } - lset vlastins($v) $ka $a - } - } - foreach id [array names sortkids] { - if {[llength $children($v,$id)] > 1} { - set children($v,$id) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $v] \ - $children($v,$id)] - } - } - set t2 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - #puts "renumbervarc did [llength $todo] of $ntot arcs in [expr {$t2-$t1}]ms" -} - -# Fix up the graph after we have found out that in view $v, -# $p (a commit that we have already seen) is actually the parent -# of the last commit in arc $a. -proc fix_reversal {p a v} { - global varcid varcstart varctok vupptr - - set pa $varcid($v,$p) - if {$p ne [lindex $varcstart($v) $pa]} { - splitvarc $p $v - set pa $varcid($v,$p) - } - # seeds always need to be renumbered - if {[lindex $vupptr($v) $pa] == 0 || - [string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $a] \ - [lindex $varctok($v) $pa]] > 0} { - renumbervarc $pa $v - } -} - -proc insertrow {id p v} { - global cmitlisted children parents varcid varctok vtokmod - global varccommits ordertok commitidx numcommits curview - global targetid targetrow - - readcommit $id - set vid $v,$id - set cmitlisted($vid) 1 - set children($vid) {} - set parents($vid) [list $p] - set a [newvarc $v $id] - set varcid($vid) $a - if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $a] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} { - modify_arc $v $a - } - lappend varccommits($v,$a) $id - set vp $v,$p - if {[llength [lappend children($vp) $id]] > 1} { - set children($vp) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $v] $children($vp)] - catch {unset ordertok} - } - fix_reversal $p $a $v - incr commitidx($v) - if {$v == $curview} { - set numcommits $commitidx($v) - setcanvscroll - if {[info exists targetid]} { - if {![comes_before $targetid $p]} { - incr targetrow - } - } - } -} - -proc insertfakerow {id p} { - global varcid varccommits parents children cmitlisted - global commitidx varctok vtokmod targetid targetrow curview numcommits - - set v $curview - set a $varcid($v,$p) - set i [lsearch -exact $varccommits($v,$a) $p] - if {$i < 0} { - puts "oops: insertfakerow can't find [shortids $p] on arc $a" - return - } - set children($v,$id) {} - set parents($v,$id) [list $p] - set varcid($v,$id) $a - lappend children($v,$p) $id - set cmitlisted($v,$id) 1 - set numcommits [incr commitidx($v)] - # note we deliberately don't update varcstart($v) even if $i == 0 - set varccommits($v,$a) [linsert $varccommits($v,$a) $i $id] - modify_arc $v $a $i - if {[info exists targetid]} { - if {![comes_before $targetid $p]} { - incr targetrow - } - } - setcanvscroll - drawvisible -} - -proc removefakerow {id} { - global varcid varccommits parents children commitidx - global varctok vtokmod cmitlisted currentid selectedline - global targetid curview numcommits - - set v $curview - if {[llength $parents($v,$id)] != 1} { - puts "oops: removefakerow [shortids $id] has [llength $parents($v,$id)] parents" - return - } - set p [lindex $parents($v,$id) 0] - set a $varcid($v,$id) - set i [lsearch -exact $varccommits($v,$a) $id] - if {$i < 0} { - puts "oops: removefakerow can't find [shortids $id] on arc $a" - return - } - unset varcid($v,$id) - set varccommits($v,$a) [lreplace $varccommits($v,$a) $i $i] - unset parents($v,$id) - unset children($v,$id) - unset cmitlisted($v,$id) - set numcommits [incr commitidx($v) -1] - set j [lsearch -exact $children($v,$p) $id] - if {$j >= 0} { - set children($v,$p) [lreplace $children($v,$p) $j $j] - } - modify_arc $v $a $i - if {[info exist currentid] && $id eq $currentid} { - unset currentid - set selectedline {} - } - if {[info exists targetid] && $targetid eq $id} { - set targetid $p - } - setcanvscroll - drawvisible -} - -proc real_children {vp} { - global children nullid nullid2 - - set kids {} - foreach id $children($vp) { - if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} { - lappend kids $id - } - } - return $kids -} - -proc first_real_child {vp} { - global children nullid nullid2 - - foreach id $children($vp) { - if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} { - return $id - } - } - return {} -} - -proc last_real_child {vp} { - global children nullid nullid2 - - set kids $children($vp) - for {set i [llength $kids]} {[incr i -1] >= 0} {} { - set id [lindex $kids $i] - if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} { - return $id - } - } - return {} -} - -proc vtokcmp {v a b} { - global varctok varcid - - return [string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $varcid($v,$a)] \ - [lindex $varctok($v) $varcid($v,$b)]] -} - -# This assumes that if lim is not given, the caller has checked that -# arc a's token is less than $vtokmod($v) -proc modify_arc {v a {lim {}}} { - global varctok vtokmod varcmod varcrow vupptr curview vrowmod varccommits - - if {$lim ne {}} { - set c [string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $a] $vtokmod($v)] - if {$c > 0} return - if {$c == 0} { - set r [lindex $varcrow($v) $a] - if {$r ne {} && $vrowmod($v) <= $r + $lim} return - } - } - set vtokmod($v) [lindex $varctok($v) $a] - set varcmod($v) $a - if {$v == $curview} { - while {$a != 0 && [lindex $varcrow($v) $a] eq {}} { - set a [lindex $vupptr($v) $a] - set lim {} - } - set r 0 - if {$a != 0} { - if {$lim eq {}} { - set lim [llength $varccommits($v,$a)] - } - set r [expr {[lindex $varcrow($v) $a] + $lim}] - } - set vrowmod($v) $r - undolayout $r - } -} - -proc update_arcrows {v} { - global vtokmod varcmod vrowmod varcrow commitidx currentid selectedline - global varcid vrownum varcorder varcix varccommits - global vupptr vdownptr vleftptr varctok - global displayorder parentlist curview cached_commitrow - - if {$vrowmod($v) == $commitidx($v)} return - if {$v == $curview} { - if {[llength $displayorder] > $vrowmod($v)} { - set displayorder [lrange $displayorder 0 [expr {$vrowmod($v) - 1}]] - set parentlist [lrange $parentlist 0 [expr {$vrowmod($v) - 1}]] - } - catch {unset cached_commitrow} - } - set narctot [expr {[llength $varctok($v)] - 1}] - set a $varcmod($v) - while {$a != 0 && [lindex $varcix($v) $a] eq {}} { - # go up the tree until we find something that has a row number, - # or we get to a seed - set a [lindex $vupptr($v) $a] - } - if {$a == 0} { - set a [lindex $vdownptr($v) 0] - if {$a == 0} return - set vrownum($v) {0} - set varcorder($v) [list $a] - lset varcix($v) $a 0 - lset varcrow($v) $a 0 - set arcn 0 - set row 0 - } else { - set arcn [lindex $varcix($v) $a] - if {[llength $vrownum($v)] > $arcn + 1} { - set vrownum($v) [lrange $vrownum($v) 0 $arcn] - set varcorder($v) [lrange $varcorder($v) 0 $arcn] - } - set row [lindex $varcrow($v) $a] - } - while {1} { - set p $a - incr row [llength $varccommits($v,$a)] - # go down if possible - set b [lindex $vdownptr($v) $a] - if {$b == 0} { - # if not, go left, or go up until we can go left - while {$a != 0} { - set b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $a] - if {$b != 0} break - set a [lindex $vupptr($v) $a] - } - if {$a == 0} break - } - set a $b - incr arcn - lappend vrownum($v) $row - lappend varcorder($v) $a - lset varcix($v) $a $arcn - lset varcrow($v) $a $row - } - set vtokmod($v) [lindex $varctok($v) $p] - set varcmod($v) $p - set vrowmod($v) $row - if {[info exists currentid]} { - set selectedline [rowofcommit $currentid] - } -} - -# Test whether view $v contains commit $id -proc commitinview {id v} { - global varcid - - return [info exists varcid($v,$id)] -} - -# Return the row number for commit $id in the current view -proc rowofcommit {id} { - global varcid varccommits varcrow curview cached_commitrow - global varctok vtokmod - - set v $curview - if {![info exists varcid($v,$id)]} { - puts "oops rowofcommit no arc for [shortids $id]" - return {} - } - set a $varcid($v,$id) - if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $a] $vtokmod($v)] >= 0} { - update_arcrows $v - } - if {[info exists cached_commitrow($id)]} { - return $cached_commitrow($id) - } - set i [lsearch -exact $varccommits($v,$a) $id] - if {$i < 0} { - puts "oops didn't find commit [shortids $id] in arc $a" - return {} - } - incr i [lindex $varcrow($v) $a] - set cached_commitrow($id) $i - return $i -} - -# Returns 1 if a is on an earlier row than b, otherwise 0 -proc comes_before {a b} { - global varcid varctok curview - - set v $curview - if {$a eq $b || ![info exists varcid($v,$a)] || \ - ![info exists varcid($v,$b)]} { - return 0 - } - if {$varcid($v,$a) != $varcid($v,$b)} { - return [expr {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $varcid($v,$a)] \ - [lindex $varctok($v) $varcid($v,$b)]] < 0}] - } - return [expr {[rowofcommit $a] < [rowofcommit $b]}] -} - -proc bsearch {l elt} { - if {[llength $l] == 0 || $elt <= [lindex $l 0]} { - return 0 - } - set lo 0 - set hi [llength $l] - while {$hi - $lo > 1} { - set mid [expr {int(($lo + $hi) / 2)}] - set t [lindex $l $mid] - if {$elt < $t} { - set hi $mid - } elseif {$elt > $t} { - set lo $mid - } else { - return $mid - } - } - return $lo -} - -# Make sure rows $start..$end-1 are valid in displayorder and parentlist -proc make_disporder {start end} { - global vrownum curview commitidx displayorder parentlist - global varccommits varcorder parents vrowmod varcrow - global d_valid_start d_valid_end - - if {$end > $vrowmod($curview)} { - update_arcrows $curview - } - set ai [bsearch $vrownum($curview) $start] - set start [lindex $vrownum($curview) $ai] - set narc [llength $vrownum($curview)] - for {set r $start} {$ai < $narc && $r < $end} {incr ai} { - set a [lindex $varcorder($curview) $ai] - set l [llength $displayorder] - set al [llength $varccommits($curview,$a)] - if {$l < $r + $al} { - if {$l < $r} { - set pad [ntimes [expr {$r - $l}] {}] - set displayorder [concat $displayorder $pad] - set parentlist [concat $parentlist $pad] - } elseif {$l > $r} { - set displayorder [lrange $displayorder 0 [expr {$r - 1}]] - set parentlist [lrange $parentlist 0 [expr {$r - 1}]] - } - foreach id $varccommits($curview,$a) { - lappend displayorder $id - lappend parentlist $parents($curview,$id) - } - } elseif {[lindex $displayorder [expr {$r + $al - 1}]] eq {}} { - set i $r - foreach id $varccommits($curview,$a) { - lset displayorder $i $id - lset parentlist $i $parents($curview,$id) - incr i - } - } - incr r $al - } -} - -proc commitonrow {row} { - global displayorder - - set id [lindex $displayorder $row] - if {$id eq {}} { - make_disporder $row [expr {$row + 1}] - set id [lindex $displayorder $row] - } - return $id -} - -proc closevarcs {v} { - global varctok varccommits varcid parents children - global cmitlisted commitidx vtokmod - - set missing_parents 0 - set scripts {} - set narcs [llength $varctok($v)] - for {set a 1} {$a < $narcs} {incr a} { - set id [lindex $varccommits($v,$a) end] - foreach p $parents($v,$id) { - if {[info exists varcid($v,$p)]} continue - # add p as a new commit - incr missing_parents - set cmitlisted($v,$p) 0 - set parents($v,$p) {} - if {[llength $children($v,$p)] == 1 && - [llength $parents($v,$id)] == 1} { - set b $a - } else { - set b [newvarc $v $p] - } - set varcid($v,$p) $b - if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $b] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} { - modify_arc $v $b - } - lappend varccommits($v,$b) $p - incr commitidx($v) - set scripts [check_interest $p $scripts] - } - } - if {$missing_parents > 0} { - foreach s $scripts { - eval $s - } - } -} - -# Use $rwid as a substitute for $id, i.e. reparent $id's children to $rwid -# Assumes we already have an arc for $rwid. -proc rewrite_commit {v id rwid} { - global children parents varcid varctok vtokmod varccommits - - foreach ch $children($v,$id) { - # make $rwid be $ch's parent in place of $id - set i [lsearch -exact $parents($v,$ch) $id] - if {$i < 0} { - puts "oops rewrite_commit didn't find $id in parent list for $ch" - } - set parents($v,$ch) [lreplace $parents($v,$ch) $i $i $rwid] - # add $ch to $rwid's children and sort the list if necessary - if {[llength [lappend children($v,$rwid) $ch]] > 1} { - set children($v,$rwid) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $v] \ - $children($v,$rwid)] - } - # fix the graph after joining $id to $rwid - set a $varcid($v,$ch) - fix_reversal $rwid $a $v - # parentlist is wrong for the last element of arc $a - # even if displayorder is right, hence the 3rd arg here - modify_arc $v $a [expr {[llength $varccommits($v,$a)] - 1}] - } -} - -# Mechanism for registering a command to be executed when we come -# across a particular commit. To handle the case when only the -# prefix of the commit is known, the commitinterest array is now -# indexed by the first 4 characters of the ID. Each element is a -# list of id, cmd pairs. -proc interestedin {id cmd} { - global commitinterest - - lappend commitinterest([string range $id 0 3]) $id $cmd -} - -proc check_interest {id scripts} { - global commitinterest - - set prefix [string range $id 0 3] - if {[info exists commitinterest($prefix)]} { - set newlist {} - foreach {i script} $commitinterest($prefix) { - if {[string match "$i*" $id]} { - lappend scripts [string map [list "%I" $id "%P" $i] $script] - } else { - lappend newlist $i $script - } - } - if {$newlist ne {}} { - set commitinterest($prefix) $newlist - } else { - unset commitinterest($prefix) - } - } - return $scripts -} - -proc getcommitlines {fd inst view updating} { - global cmitlisted leftover - global commitidx commitdata vdatemode - global parents children curview hlview - global idpending ordertok - global varccommits varcid varctok vtokmod vfilelimit - - set stuff [read $fd 500000] - # git log doesn't terminate the last commit with a null... - if {$stuff == {} && $leftover($inst) ne {} && [eof $fd]} { - set stuff "\0" - } - if {$stuff == {}} { - if {![eof $fd]} { - return 1 - } - global commfd viewcomplete viewactive viewname - global viewinstances - unset commfd($inst) - set i [lsearch -exact $viewinstances($view) $inst] - if {$i >= 0} { - set viewinstances($view) [lreplace $viewinstances($view) $i $i] - } - # set it blocking so we wait for the process to terminate - fconfigure $fd -blocking 1 - if {[catch {close $fd} err]} { - set fv {} - if {$view != $curview} { - set fv " for the \"$viewname($view)\" view" - } - if {[string range $err 0 4] == "usage"} { - set err "Gitk: error reading commits$fv:\ - bad arguments to git log." - if {$viewname($view) eq "Command line"} { - append err \ - " (Note: arguments to gitk are passed to git log\ - to allow selection of commits to be displayed.)" - } - } else { - set err "Error reading commits$fv: $err" - } - error_popup $err - } - if {[incr viewactive($view) -1] <= 0} { - set viewcomplete($view) 1 - # Check if we have seen any ids listed as parents that haven't - # appeared in the list - closevarcs $view - notbusy $view - } - if {$view == $curview} { - run chewcommits - } - return 0 - } - set start 0 - set gotsome 0 - set scripts {} - while 1 { - set i [string first "\0" $stuff $start] - if {$i < 0} { - append leftover($inst) [string range $stuff $start end] - break - } - if {$start == 0} { - set cmit $leftover($inst) - append cmit [string range $stuff 0 [expr {$i - 1}]] - set leftover($inst) {} - } else { - set cmit [string range $stuff $start [expr {$i - 1}]] - } - set start [expr {$i + 1}] - set j [string first "\n" $cmit] - set ok 0 - set listed 1 - if {$j >= 0 && [string match "commit *" $cmit]} { - set ids [string range $cmit 7 [expr {$j - 1}]] - if {[string match {[-^<>]*} $ids]} { - switch -- [string index $ids 0] { - "-" {set listed 0} - "^" {set listed 2} - "<" {set listed 3} - ">" {set listed 4} - } - set ids [string range $ids 1 end] - } - set ok 1 - foreach id $ids { - if {[string length $id] != 40} { - set ok 0 - break - } - } - } - if {!$ok} { - set shortcmit $cmit - if {[string length $shortcmit] > 80} { - set shortcmit "[string range $shortcmit 0 80]..." - } - error_popup "[mc "Can't parse git log output:"] {$shortcmit}" - exit 1 - } - set id [lindex $ids 0] - set vid $view,$id - - if {!$listed && $updating && ![info exists varcid($vid)] && - $vfilelimit($view) ne {}} { - # git log doesn't rewrite parents for unlisted commits - # when doing path limiting, so work around that here - # by working out the rewritten parent with git rev-list - # and if we already know about it, using the rewritten - # parent as a substitute parent for $id's children. - if {![catch { - set rwid [exec git rev-list --first-parent --max-count=1 \ - $id -- $vfilelimit($view)] - }]} { - if {$rwid ne {} && [info exists varcid($view,$rwid)]} { - # use $rwid in place of $id - rewrite_commit $view $id $rwid - continue - } - } - } - - set a 0 - if {[info exists varcid($vid)]} { - if {$cmitlisted($vid) || !$listed} continue - set a $varcid($vid) - } - if {$listed} { - set olds [lrange $ids 1 end] - } else { - set olds {} - } - set commitdata($id) [string range $cmit [expr {$j + 1}] end] - set cmitlisted($vid) $listed - set parents($vid) $olds - if {![info exists children($vid)]} { - set children($vid) {} - } elseif {$a == 0 && [llength $children($vid)] == 1} { - set k [lindex $children($vid) 0] - if {[llength $parents($view,$k)] == 1 && - (!$vdatemode($view) || - $varcid($view,$k) == [llength $varctok($view)] - 1)} { - set a $varcid($view,$k) - } - } - if {$a == 0} { - # new arc - set a [newvarc $view $id] - } - if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($view) $a] $vtokmod($view)] < 0} { - modify_arc $view $a - } - if {![info exists varcid($vid)]} { - set varcid($vid) $a - lappend varccommits($view,$a) $id - incr commitidx($view) - } - - set i 0 - foreach p $olds { - if {$i == 0 || [lsearch -exact $olds $p] >= $i} { - set vp $view,$p - if {[llength [lappend children($vp) $id]] > 1 && - [vtokcmp $view [lindex $children($vp) end-1] $id] > 0} { - set children($vp) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $view] \ - $children($vp)] - catch {unset ordertok} - } - if {[info exists varcid($view,$p)]} { - fix_reversal $p $a $view - } - } - incr i - } - - set scripts [check_interest $id $scripts] - set gotsome 1 - } - if {$gotsome} { - global numcommits hlview - - if {$view == $curview} { - set numcommits $commitidx($view) - run chewcommits - } - if {[info exists hlview] && $view == $hlview} { - # we never actually get here... - run vhighlightmore - } - foreach s $scripts { - eval $s - } - } - return 2 -} - -proc chewcommits {} { - global curview hlview viewcomplete - global pending_select - - layoutmore - if {$viewcomplete($curview)} { - global commitidx varctok - global numcommits startmsecs - - if {[info exists pending_select]} { - update - reset_pending_select {} - - if {[commitinview $pending_select $curview]} { - selectline [rowofcommit $pending_select] 1 - } else { - set row [first_real_row] - selectline $row 1 - } - } - if {$commitidx($curview) > 0} { - #set ms [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $startmsecs}] - #puts "overall $ms ms for $numcommits commits" - #puts "[llength $varctok($view)] arcs, $commitidx($view) commits" - } else { - show_status [mc "No commits selected"] - } - notbusy layout - } - return 0 -} - -proc do_readcommit {id} { - global tclencoding - - # Invoke git-log to handle automatic encoding conversion - set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color --pretty=raw -1 $id] r] - # Read the results using i18n.logoutputencoding - fconfigure $fd -translation lf -eofchar {} - if {$tclencoding != {}} { - fconfigure $fd -encoding $tclencoding - } - set contents [read $fd] - close $fd - # Remove the heading line - regsub {^commit [0-9a-f]+\n} $contents {} contents - - return $contents -} - -proc readcommit {id} { - if {[catch {set contents [do_readcommit $id]}]} return - parsecommit $id $contents 1 -} - -proc parsecommit {id contents listed} { - global commitinfo cdate - - set inhdr 1 - set comment {} - set headline {} - set auname {} - set audate {} - set comname {} - set comdate {} - set hdrend [string first "\n\n" $contents] - if {$hdrend < 0} { - # should never happen... - set hdrend [string length $contents] - } - set header [string range $contents 0 [expr {$hdrend - 1}]] - set comment [string range $contents [expr {$hdrend + 2}] end] - foreach line [split $header "\n"] { - set line [split $line " "] - set tag [lindex $line 0] - if {$tag == "author"} { - set audate [lindex $line end-1] - set auname [join [lrange $line 1 end-2] " "] - } elseif {$tag == "committer"} { - set comdate [lindex $line end-1] - set comname [join [lrange $line 1 end-2] " "] - } - } - set headline {} - # take the first non-blank line of the comment as the headline - set headline [string trimleft $comment] - set i [string first "\n" $headline] - if {$i >= 0} { - set headline [string range $headline 0 $i] - } - set headline [string trimright $headline] - set i [string first "\r" $headline] - if {$i >= 0} { - set headline [string trimright [string range $headline 0 $i]] - } - if {!$listed} { - # git log indents the comment by 4 spaces; - # if we got this via git cat-file, add the indentation - set newcomment {} - foreach line [split $comment "\n"] { - append newcomment " " - append newcomment $line - append newcomment "\n" - } - set comment $newcomment - } - if {$comdate != {}} { - set cdate($id) $comdate - } - set commitinfo($id) [list $headline $auname $audate \ - $comname $comdate $comment] -} - -proc getcommit {id} { - global commitdata commitinfo - - if {[info exists commitdata($id)]} { - parsecommit $id $commitdata($id) 1 - } else { - readcommit $id - if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} { - set commitinfo($id) [list [mc "No commit information available"]] - } - } - return 1 -} - -# Expand an abbreviated commit ID to a list of full 40-char IDs that match -# and are present in the current view. -# This is fairly slow... -proc longid {prefix} { - global varcid curview - - set ids {} - foreach match [array names varcid "$curview,$prefix*"] { - lappend ids [lindex [split $match ","] 1] - } - return $ids -} - -proc readrefs {} { - global tagids idtags headids idheads tagobjid - global otherrefids idotherrefs mainhead mainheadid - global selecthead selectheadid - global hideremotes - - foreach v {tagids idtags headids idheads otherrefids idotherrefs} { - catch {unset $v} - } - set refd [open [list | git show-ref -d] r] - while {[gets $refd line] >= 0} { - if {[string index $line 40] ne " "} continue - set id [string range $line 0 39] - set ref [string range $line 41 end] - if {![string match "refs/*" $ref]} continue - set name [string range $ref 5 end] - if {[string match "remotes/*" $name]} { - if {![string match "*/HEAD" $name] && !$hideremotes} { - set headids($name) $id - lappend idheads($id) $name - } - } elseif {[string match "heads/*" $name]} { - set name [string range $name 6 end] - set headids($name) $id - lappend idheads($id) $name - } elseif {[string match "tags/*" $name]} { - # this lets refs/tags/foo^{} overwrite refs/tags/foo, - # which is what we want since the former is the commit ID - set name [string range $name 5 end] - if {[string match "*^{}" $name]} { - set name [string range $name 0 end-3] - } else { - set tagobjid($name) $id - } - set tagids($name) $id - lappend idtags($id) $name - } else { - set otherrefids($name) $id - lappend idotherrefs($id) $name - } - } - catch {close $refd} - set mainhead {} - set mainheadid {} - catch { - set mainheadid [exec git rev-parse HEAD] - set thehead [exec git symbolic-ref HEAD] - if {[string match "refs/heads/*" $thehead]} { - set mainhead [string range $thehead 11 end] - } - } - set selectheadid {} - if {$selecthead ne {}} { - catch { - set selectheadid [exec git rev-parse --verify $selecthead] - } - } -} - -# skip over fake commits -proc first_real_row {} { - global nullid nullid2 numcommits - - for {set row 0} {$row < $numcommits} {incr row} { - set id [commitonrow $row] - if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} { - break - } - } - return $row -} - -# update things for a head moved to a child of its previous location -proc movehead {id name} { - global headids idheads - - removehead $headids($name) $name - set headids($name) $id - lappend idheads($id) $name -} - -# update things when a head has been removed -proc removehead {id name} { - global headids idheads - - if {$idheads($id) eq $name} { - unset idheads($id) - } else { - set i [lsearch -exact $idheads($id) $name] - if {$i >= 0} { - set idheads($id) [lreplace $idheads($id) $i $i] - } - } - unset headids($name) -} - -proc ttk_toplevel {w args} { - global use_ttk - eval [linsert $args 0 ::toplevel $w] - if {$use_ttk} { - place [ttk::frame $w._toplevel_background] -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1 - } - return $w -} - -proc make_transient {window origin} { - global have_tk85 - - # In MacOS Tk 8.4 transient appears to work by setting - # overrideredirect, which is utterly useless, since the - # windows get no border, and are not even kept above - # the parent. - if {!$have_tk85 && [tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} return - - wm transient $window $origin - - # Windows fails to place transient windows normally, so - # schedule a callback to center them on the parent. - if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {win32}} { - after idle [list tk::PlaceWindow $window widget $origin] - } -} - -proc show_error {w top msg {mc mc}} { - global NS - if {![info exists NS]} {set NS ""} - if {[wm state $top] eq "withdrawn"} { wm deiconify $top } - message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400 - pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20 - ${NS}::button $w.ok -default active -text [$mc OK] -command "destroy $top" - pack $w.ok -side bottom -fill x - bind $top "grab $top; focus $top" - bind $top "destroy $top" - bind $top "destroy $top" - bind $top "destroy $top" - tkwait window $top -} - -proc error_popup {msg {owner .}} { - if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} { - tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title [wm title .] \ - -parent $owner -message $msg - } else { - set w .error - ttk_toplevel $w - make_transient $w $owner - show_error $w $w $msg - } -} - -proc confirm_popup {msg {owner .}} { - global confirm_ok NS - set confirm_ok 0 - set w .confirm - ttk_toplevel $w - make_transient $w $owner - message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400 - pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20 - ${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc OK] -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w" - pack $w.ok -side left -fill x - ${NS}::button $w.cancel -text [mc Cancel] -command "destroy $w" - pack $w.cancel -side right -fill x - bind $w "grab $w; focus $w" - bind $w "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w" - bind $w "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w" - bind $w "destroy $w" - tk::PlaceWindow $w widget $owner - tkwait window $w - return $confirm_ok -} - -proc setoptions {} { - if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "win32"} { - option add *Panedwindow.showHandle 1 startupFile - option add *Panedwindow.sashRelief raised startupFile - if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} { - option add *Menu.font uifont startupFile - } - } else { - option add *Menu.TearOff 0 startupFile - } - option add *Button.font uifont startupFile - option add *Checkbutton.font uifont startupFile - option add *Radiobutton.font uifont startupFile - option add *Menubutton.font uifont startupFile - option add *Label.font uifont startupFile - option add *Message.font uifont startupFile - option add *Entry.font textfont startupFile - option add *Text.font textfont startupFile - option add *Labelframe.font uifont startupFile - option add *Spinbox.font textfont startupFile - option add *Listbox.font mainfont startupFile -} - -# Make a menu and submenus. -# m is the window name for the menu, items is the list of menu items to add. -# Each item is a list {mc label type description options...} -# mc is ignored; it's so we can put mc there to alert xgettext -# label is the string that appears in the menu -# type is cascade, command or radiobutton (should add checkbutton) -# description depends on type; it's the sublist for cascade, the -# command to invoke for command, or {variable value} for radiobutton -proc makemenu {m items} { - menu $m - if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} { - set Meta1 Cmd - } else { - set Meta1 Ctrl - } - foreach i $items { - set name [mc [lindex $i 1]] - set type [lindex $i 2] - set thing [lindex $i 3] - set params [list $type] - if {$name ne {}} { - set u [string first "&" [string map {&& x} $name]] - lappend params -label [string map {&& & & {}} $name] - if {$u >= 0} { - lappend params -underline $u - } - } - switch -- $type { - "cascade" { - set submenu [string tolower [string map {& ""} [lindex $i 1]]] - lappend params -menu $m.$submenu - } - "command" { - lappend params -command $thing - } - "radiobutton" { - lappend params -variable [lindex $thing 0] \ - -value [lindex $thing 1] - } - } - set tail [lrange $i 4 end] - regsub -all {\yMeta1\y} $tail $Meta1 tail - eval $m add $params $tail - if {$type eq "cascade"} { - makemenu $m.$submenu $thing - } - } -} - -# translate string and remove ampersands -proc mca {str} { - return [string map {&& & & {}} [mc $str]] -} - -proc makedroplist {w varname args} { - global use_ttk - if {$use_ttk} { - set width 0 - foreach label $args { - set cx [string length $label] - if {$cx > $width} {set width $cx} - } - set gm [ttk::combobox $w -width $width -state readonly\ - -textvariable $varname -values $args] - } else { - set gm [eval [linsert $args 0 tk_optionMenu $w $varname]] - } - return $gm -} - -proc makewindow {} { - global canv canv2 canv3 linespc charspc ctext cflist cscroll - global tabstop - global findtype findtypemenu findloc findstring fstring geometry - global entries sha1entry sha1string sha1but - global diffcontextstring diffcontext - global ignorespace - global maincursor textcursor curtextcursor - global rowctxmenu fakerowmenu mergemax wrapcomment - global highlight_files gdttype - global searchstring sstring - global bgcolor fgcolor bglist fglist diffcolors selectbgcolor - global headctxmenu progresscanv progressitem progresscoords statusw - global fprogitem fprogcoord lastprogupdate progupdatepending - global rprogitem rprogcoord rownumsel numcommits - global have_tk85 use_ttk NS - global git_version - global worddiff - - # The "mc" arguments here are purely so that xgettext - # sees the following string as needing to be translated - set file { - mc "File" cascade { - {mc "Update" command updatecommits -accelerator F5} - {mc "Reload" command reloadcommits -accelerator Meta1-F5} - {mc "Reread references" command rereadrefs} - {mc "List references" command showrefs -accelerator F2} - {xx "" separator} - {mc "Start git gui" command {exec git gui &}} - {xx "" separator} - {mc "Quit" command doquit -accelerator Meta1-Q} - }} - set edit { - mc "Edit" cascade { - {mc "Preferences" command doprefs} - }} - set view { - mc "View" cascade { - {mc "New view..." command {newview 0} -accelerator Shift-F4} - {mc "Edit view..." command editview -state disabled -accelerator F4} - {mc "Delete view" command delview -state disabled} - {xx "" separator} - {mc "All files" radiobutton {selectedview 0} -command {showview 0}} - }} - if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} { - set help { - mc "Help" cascade { - {mc "About gitk" command about} - {mc "Key bindings" command keys} - }} - set bar [list $file $edit $view $help] - } else { - proc ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences {} {doprefs} - proc ::tk::mac::Quit {} {doquit} - lset file end [lreplace [lindex $file end] end-1 end] - set apple { - xx "Apple" cascade { - {mc "About gitk" command about} - {xx "" separator} - }} - set help { - mc "Help" cascade { - {mc "Key bindings" command keys} - }} - set bar [list $apple $file $view $help] - } - makemenu .bar $bar - . configure -menu .bar - - if {$use_ttk} { - # cover the non-themed toplevel with a themed frame. - place [ttk::frame ._main_background] -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1 - } - - # the gui has upper and lower half, parts of a paned window. - ${NS}::panedwindow .ctop -orient vertical - - # possibly use assumed geometry - if {![info exists geometry(pwsash0)]} { - set geometry(topheight) [expr {15 * $linespc}] - set geometry(topwidth) [expr {80 * $charspc}] - set geometry(botheight) [expr {15 * $linespc}] - set geometry(botwidth) [expr {50 * $charspc}] - set geometry(pwsash0) [list [expr {40 * $charspc}] 2] - set geometry(pwsash1) [list [expr {60 * $charspc}] 2] - } - - # the upper half will have a paned window, a scroll bar to the right, and some stuff below - ${NS}::frame .tf -height $geometry(topheight) -width $geometry(topwidth) - ${NS}::frame .tf.histframe - ${NS}::panedwindow .tf.histframe.pwclist -orient horizontal - if {!$use_ttk} { - .tf.histframe.pwclist configure -sashpad 0 -handlesize 4 - } - - # create three canvases - set cscroll .tf.histframe.csb - set canv .tf.histframe.pwclist.canv - canvas $canv \ - -selectbackground $selectbgcolor \ - -background $bgcolor -bd 0 \ - -yscrollincr $linespc -yscrollcommand "scrollcanv $cscroll" - .tf.histframe.pwclist add $canv - set canv2 .tf.histframe.pwclist.canv2 - canvas $canv2 \ - -selectbackground $selectbgcolor \ - -background $bgcolor -bd 0 -yscrollincr $linespc - .tf.histframe.pwclist add $canv2 - set canv3 .tf.histframe.pwclist.canv3 - canvas $canv3 \ - -selectbackground $selectbgcolor \ - -background $bgcolor -bd 0 -yscrollincr $linespc - .tf.histframe.pwclist add $canv3 - if {$use_ttk} { - bind .tf.histframe.pwclist { - bind %W {} - .tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 1 [lindex $::geometry(pwsash1) 0] - .tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 0 [lindex $::geometry(pwsash0) 0] - } - } else { - eval .tf.histframe.pwclist sash place 0 $geometry(pwsash0) - eval .tf.histframe.pwclist sash place 1 $geometry(pwsash1) - } - - # a scroll bar to rule them - ${NS}::scrollbar $cscroll -command {allcanvs yview} - if {!$use_ttk} {$cscroll configure -highlightthickness 0} - pack $cscroll -side right -fill y - bind .tf.histframe.pwclist {resizeclistpanes %W %w} - lappend bglist $canv $canv2 $canv3 - pack .tf.histframe.pwclist -fill both -expand 1 -side left - - # we have two button bars at bottom of top frame. Bar 1 - ${NS}::frame .tf.bar - ${NS}::frame .tf.lbar -height 15 - - set sha1entry .tf.bar.sha1 - set entries $sha1entry - set sha1but .tf.bar.sha1label - button $sha1but -text "[mc "SHA1 ID:"] " -state disabled -relief flat \ - -command gotocommit -width 8 - $sha1but conf -disabledforeground [$sha1but cget -foreground] - pack .tf.bar.sha1label -side left - ${NS}::entry $sha1entry -width 40 -font textfont -textvariable sha1string - trace add variable sha1string write sha1change - pack $sha1entry -side left -pady 2 - - image create bitmap bm-left -data { - #define left_width 16 - #define left_height 16 - static unsigned char left_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x00, - 0x0e, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x00, - 0x38, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01}; - } - image create bitmap bm-right -data { - #define right_width 16 - #define right_height 16 - static unsigned char right_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x80, 0x03, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x1c, - 0x00, 0x38, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x1c, - 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x01}; - } - ${NS}::button .tf.bar.leftbut -image bm-left -command goback \ - -state disabled -width 26 - pack .tf.bar.leftbut -side left -fill y - ${NS}::button .tf.bar.rightbut -image bm-right -command goforw \ - -state disabled -width 26 - pack .tf.bar.rightbut -side left -fill y - - ${NS}::label .tf.bar.rowlabel -text [mc "Row"] - set rownumsel {} - ${NS}::label .tf.bar.rownum -width 7 -textvariable rownumsel \ - -relief sunken -anchor e - ${NS}::label .tf.bar.rowlabel2 -text "/" - ${NS}::label .tf.bar.numcommits -width 7 -textvariable numcommits \ - -relief sunken -anchor e - pack .tf.bar.rowlabel .tf.bar.rownum .tf.bar.rowlabel2 .tf.bar.numcommits \ - -side left - if {!$use_ttk} { - foreach w {rownum numcommits} {.tf.bar.$w configure -font textfont} - } - global selectedline - trace add variable selectedline write selectedline_change - - # Status label and progress bar - set statusw .tf.bar.status - ${NS}::label $statusw -width 15 -relief sunken - pack $statusw -side left -padx 5 - if {$use_ttk} { - set progresscanv [ttk::progressbar .tf.bar.progress] - } else { - set h [expr {[font metrics uifont -linespace] + 2}] - set progresscanv .tf.bar.progress - canvas $progresscanv -relief sunken -height $h -borderwidth 2 - set progressitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill green] - set fprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill yellow] - set rprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill red] - } - pack $progresscanv -side right -expand 1 -fill x -padx {0 2} - set progresscoords {0 0} - set fprogcoord 0 - set rprogcoord 0 - bind $progresscanv adjustprogress - set lastprogupdate [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set progupdatepending 0 - - # build up the bottom bar of upper window - ${NS}::label .tf.lbar.flabel -text "[mc "Find"] " - ${NS}::button .tf.lbar.fnext -text [mc "next"] -command {dofind 1 1} - ${NS}::button .tf.lbar.fprev -text [mc "prev"] -command {dofind -1 1} - ${NS}::label .tf.lbar.flab2 -text " [mc "commit"] " - pack .tf.lbar.flabel .tf.lbar.fnext .tf.lbar.fprev .tf.lbar.flab2 \ - -side left -fill y - set gdttype [mc "containing:"] - set gm [makedroplist .tf.lbar.gdttype gdttype \ - [mc "containing:"] \ - [mc "touching paths:"] \ - [mc "adding/removing string:"]] - trace add variable gdttype write gdttype_change - pack .tf.lbar.gdttype -side left -fill y - - set findstring {} - set fstring .tf.lbar.findstring - lappend entries $fstring - ${NS}::entry $fstring -width 30 -textvariable findstring - trace add variable findstring write find_change - set findtype [mc "Exact"] - set findtypemenu [makedroplist .tf.lbar.findtype \ - findtype [mc "Exact"] [mc "IgnCase"] [mc "Regexp"]] - trace add variable findtype write findcom_change - set findloc [mc "All fields"] - makedroplist .tf.lbar.findloc findloc [mc "All fields"] [mc "Headline"] \ - [mc "Comments"] [mc "Author"] [mc "Committer"] - trace add variable findloc write find_change - pack .tf.lbar.findloc -side right - pack .tf.lbar.findtype -side right - pack $fstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x - - # Finish putting the upper half of the viewer together - pack .tf.lbar -in .tf -side bottom -fill x - pack .tf.bar -in .tf -side bottom -fill x - pack .tf.histframe -fill both -side top -expand 1 - .ctop add .tf - if {!$use_ttk} { - .ctop paneconfigure .tf -height $geometry(topheight) - .ctop paneconfigure .tf -width $geometry(topwidth) - } - - # now build up the bottom - ${NS}::panedwindow .pwbottom -orient horizontal - - # lower left, a text box over search bar, scroll bar to the right - # if we know window height, then that will set the lower text height, otherwise - # we set lower text height which will drive window height - if {[info exists geometry(main)]} { - ${NS}::frame .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth) - } else { - ${NS}::frame .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth) -height $geometry(botheight) - } - ${NS}::frame .bleft.top - ${NS}::frame .bleft.mid - ${NS}::frame .bleft.bottom - - ${NS}::button .bleft.top.search -text [mc "Search"] -command dosearch - pack .bleft.top.search -side left -padx 5 - set sstring .bleft.top.sstring - set searchstring "" - ${NS}::entry $sstring -width 20 -textvariable searchstring - lappend entries $sstring - trace add variable searchstring write incrsearch - pack $sstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x - ${NS}::radiobutton .bleft.mid.diff -text [mc "Diff"] \ - -command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {0 0} - ${NS}::radiobutton .bleft.mid.old -text [mc "Old version"] \ - -command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {0 1} - ${NS}::radiobutton .bleft.mid.new -text [mc "New version"] \ - -command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {1 0} - ${NS}::label .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext -text " [mc "Lines of context"]: " - pack .bleft.mid.diff .bleft.mid.old .bleft.mid.new -side left - spinbox .bleft.mid.diffcontext -width 5 \ - -from 0 -increment 1 -to 10000000 \ - -validate all -validatecommand "diffcontextvalidate %P" \ - -textvariable diffcontextstring - .bleft.mid.diffcontext set $diffcontext - trace add variable diffcontextstring write diffcontextchange - lappend entries .bleft.mid.diffcontext - pack .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext .bleft.mid.diffcontext -side left - ${NS}::checkbutton .bleft.mid.ignspace -text [mc "Ignore space change"] \ - -command changeignorespace -variable ignorespace - pack .bleft.mid.ignspace -side left -padx 5 - - set worddiff [mc "Line diff"] - if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} { - makedroplist .bleft.mid.worddiff worddiff [mc "Line diff"] \ - [mc "Markup words"] [mc "Color words"] - trace add variable worddiff write changeworddiff - pack .bleft.mid.worddiff -side left -padx 5 - } - - set ctext .bleft.bottom.ctext - text $ctext -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \ - -state disabled -font textfont \ - -yscrollcommand scrolltext -wrap none \ - -xscrollcommand ".bleft.bottom.sbhorizontal set" - if {$have_tk85} { - $ctext conf -tabstyle wordprocessor - } - ${NS}::scrollbar .bleft.bottom.sb -command "$ctext yview" - ${NS}::scrollbar .bleft.bottom.sbhorizontal -command "$ctext xview" -orient h - pack .bleft.top -side top -fill x - pack .bleft.mid -side top -fill x - grid $ctext .bleft.bottom.sb -sticky nsew - grid .bleft.bottom.sbhorizontal -sticky ew - grid columnconfigure .bleft.bottom 0 -weight 1 - grid rowconfigure .bleft.bottom 0 -weight 1 - grid rowconfigure .bleft.bottom 1 -weight 0 - pack .bleft.bottom -side top -fill both -expand 1 - lappend bglist $ctext - lappend fglist $ctext - - $ctext tag conf comment -wrap $wrapcomment - $ctext tag conf filesep -font textfontbold -back "#aaaaaa" - $ctext tag conf hunksep -fore [lindex $diffcolors 2] - $ctext tag conf d0 -fore [lindex $diffcolors 0] - $ctext tag conf dresult -fore [lindex $diffcolors 1] - $ctext tag conf m0 -fore red - $ctext tag conf m1 -fore blue - $ctext tag conf m2 -fore green - $ctext tag conf m3 -fore purple - $ctext tag conf m4 -fore brown - $ctext tag conf m5 -fore "#009090" - $ctext tag conf m6 -fore magenta - $ctext tag conf m7 -fore "#808000" - $ctext tag conf m8 -fore "#009000" - $ctext tag conf m9 -fore "#ff0080" - $ctext tag conf m10 -fore cyan - $ctext tag conf m11 -fore "#b07070" - $ctext tag conf m12 -fore "#70b0f0" - $ctext tag conf m13 -fore "#70f0b0" - $ctext tag conf m14 -fore "#f0b070" - $ctext tag conf m15 -fore "#ff70b0" - $ctext tag conf mmax -fore darkgrey - set mergemax 16 - $ctext tag conf mresult -font textfontbold - $ctext tag conf msep -font textfontbold - $ctext tag conf found -back yellow - - .pwbottom add .bleft - if {!$use_ttk} { - .pwbottom paneconfigure .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth) - } - - # lower right - ${NS}::frame .bright - ${NS}::frame .bright.mode - ${NS}::radiobutton .bright.mode.patch -text [mc "Patch"] \ - -command reselectline -variable cmitmode -value "patch" - ${NS}::radiobutton .bright.mode.tree -text [mc "Tree"] \ - -command reselectline -variable cmitmode -value "tree" - grid .bright.mode.patch .bright.mode.tree -sticky ew - pack .bright.mode -side top -fill x - set cflist .bright.cfiles - set indent [font measure mainfont "nn"] - text $cflist \ - -selectbackground $selectbgcolor \ - -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \ - -font mainfont \ - -tabs [list $indent [expr {2 * $indent}]] \ - -yscrollcommand ".bright.sb set" \ - -cursor [. cget -cursor] \ - -spacing1 1 -spacing3 1 - lappend bglist $cflist - lappend fglist $cflist - ${NS}::scrollbar .bright.sb -command "$cflist yview" - pack .bright.sb -side right -fill y - pack $cflist -side left -fill both -expand 1 - $cflist tag configure highlight \ - -background [$cflist cget -selectbackground] - $cflist tag configure bold -font mainfontbold - - .pwbottom add .bright - .ctop add .pwbottom - - # restore window width & height if known - if {[info exists geometry(main)]} { - if {[scan $geometry(main) "%dx%d" w h] >= 2} { - if {$w > [winfo screenwidth .]} { - set w [winfo screenwidth .] - } - if {$h > [winfo screenheight .]} { - set h [winfo screenheight .] - } - wm geometry . "${w}x$h" - } - } - - if {[info exists geometry(state)] && $geometry(state) eq "zoomed"} { - wm state . $geometry(state) - } - - if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} { - set M1B M1 - set ::BM "3" - } else { - set M1B Control - set ::BM "2" - } - - if {$use_ttk} { - bind .ctop { - bind %W {} - %W sashpos 0 $::geometry(topheight) - } - bind .pwbottom { - bind %W {} - %W sashpos 0 $::geometry(botwidth) - } - } - - bind .pwbottom {resizecdetpanes %W %w} - pack .ctop -fill both -expand 1 - bindall <1> {selcanvline %W %x %y} - #bindall {selcanvline %W %x %y} - if {[tk windowingsystem] == "win32"} { - bind . { windows_mousewheel_redirector %W %X %Y %D } - bind $ctext { windows_mousewheel_redirector %W %X %Y %D ; break } - } else { - bindall "allcanvs yview scroll -5 units" - bindall "allcanvs yview scroll 5 units" - if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} { - bindall { - set delta [expr {- (%D)}] - allcanvs yview scroll $delta units - } - bindall { - set delta [expr {- (%D)}] - $canv xview scroll $delta units - } - } - } - bindall <$::BM> "canvscan mark %W %x %y" - bindall "canvscan dragto %W %x %y" - bind all <$M1B-Key-w> {destroy [winfo toplevel %W]} - bind . <$M1B-Key-w> doquit - bindkey selfirstline - bindkey sellastline - bind . "selnextline -1" - bind . "selnextline 1" - bind . "dofind -1 0" - bind . "dofind 1 0" - bindkey "goforw" - bindkey "goback" - bind . "selnextpage -1" - bind . "selnextpage 1" - bind . <$M1B-Home> "allcanvs yview moveto 0.0" - bind . <$M1B-End> "allcanvs yview moveto 1.0" - bind . <$M1B-Key-Up> "allcanvs yview scroll -1 units" - bind . <$M1B-Key-Down> "allcanvs yview scroll 1 units" - bind . <$M1B-Key-Prior> "allcanvs yview scroll -1 pages" - bind . <$M1B-Key-Next> "allcanvs yview scroll 1 pages" - bindkey "$ctext yview scroll -1 pages" - bindkey "$ctext yview scroll -1 pages" - bindkey "$ctext yview scroll 1 pages" - bindkey p "selnextline -1" - bindkey n "selnextline 1" - bindkey z "goback" - bindkey x "goforw" - bindkey i "selnextline -1" - bindkey k "selnextline 1" - bindkey j "goback" - bindkey l "goforw" - bindkey b prevfile - bindkey d "$ctext yview scroll 18 units" - bindkey u "$ctext yview scroll -18 units" - bindkey / {focus $fstring} - bindkey {focus $fstring} - bindkey {dofind 1 1} - bindkey ? {dofind -1 1} - bindkey f nextfile - bind . updatecommits - bind . <$M1B-F5> reloadcommits - bind . showrefs - bind . {newview 0} - catch { bind . {newview 0} } - bind . edit_or_newview - bind . <$M1B-q> doquit - bind . <$M1B-f> {dofind 1 1} - bind . <$M1B-g> {dofind 1 0} - bind . <$M1B-r> dosearchback - bind . <$M1B-s> dosearch - bind . <$M1B-equal> {incrfont 1} - bind . <$M1B-plus> {incrfont 1} - bind . <$M1B-KP_Add> {incrfont 1} - bind . <$M1B-minus> {incrfont -1} - bind . <$M1B-KP_Subtract> {incrfont -1} - wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW doquit - bind . {stop_backends} - bind . "click %W" - bind $fstring {dofind 1 1} - bind $sha1entry {gotocommit; break} - bind $sha1entry <> clearsha1 - bind $cflist <1> {sel_flist %W %x %y; break} - bind $cflist {sel_flist %W %x %y; break} - bind $cflist {treeclick %W %x %y} - global ctxbut - bind $cflist $ctxbut {pop_flist_menu %W %X %Y %x %y} - bind $ctext $ctxbut {pop_diff_menu %W %X %Y %x %y} - bind $ctext {focus %W} - - set maincursor [. cget -cursor] - set textcursor [$ctext cget -cursor] - set curtextcursor $textcursor - - set rowctxmenu .rowctxmenu - makemenu $rowctxmenu { - {mc "Diff this -> selected" command {diffvssel 0}} - {mc "Diff selected -> this" command {diffvssel 1}} - {mc "Make patch" command mkpatch} - {mc "Create tag" command mktag} - {mc "Write commit to file" command writecommit} - {mc "Create new branch" command mkbranch} - {mc "Cherry-pick this commit" command cherrypick} - {mc "Reset HEAD branch to here" command resethead} - {mc "Mark this commit" command markhere} - {mc "Return to mark" command gotomark} - {mc "Find descendant of this and mark" command find_common_desc} - {mc "Compare with marked commit" command compare_commits} - } - $rowctxmenu configure -tearoff 0 - - set fakerowmenu .fakerowmenu - makemenu $fakerowmenu { - {mc "Diff this -> selected" command {diffvssel 0}} - {mc "Diff selected -> this" command {diffvssel 1}} - {mc "Make patch" command mkpatch} - } - $fakerowmenu configure -tearoff 0 - - set headctxmenu .headctxmenu - makemenu $headctxmenu { - {mc "Check out this branch" command cobranch} - {mc "Remove this branch" command rmbranch} - } - $headctxmenu configure -tearoff 0 - - global flist_menu - set flist_menu .flistctxmenu - makemenu $flist_menu { - {mc "Highlight this too" command {flist_hl 0}} - {mc "Highlight this only" command {flist_hl 1}} - {mc "External diff" command {external_diff}} - {mc "Blame parent commit" command {external_blame 1}} - } - $flist_menu configure -tearoff 0 - - global diff_menu - set diff_menu .diffctxmenu - makemenu $diff_menu { - {mc "Show origin of this line" command show_line_source} - {mc "Run git gui blame on this line" command {external_blame_diff}} - } - $diff_menu configure -tearoff 0 -} - -# Windows sends all mouse wheel events to the current focused window, not -# the one where the mouse hovers, so bind those events here and redirect -# to the correct window -proc windows_mousewheel_redirector {W X Y D} { - global canv canv2 canv3 - set w [winfo containing -displayof $W $X $Y] - if {$w ne ""} { - set u [expr {$D < 0 ? 5 : -5}] - if {$w == $canv || $w == $canv2 || $w == $canv3} { - allcanvs yview scroll $u units - } else { - catch { - $w yview scroll $u units - } - } - } -} - -# Update row number label when selectedline changes -proc selectedline_change {n1 n2 op} { - global selectedline rownumsel - - if {$selectedline eq {}} { - set rownumsel {} - } else { - set rownumsel [expr {$selectedline + 1}] - } -} - -# mouse-2 makes all windows scan vertically, but only the one -# the cursor is in scans horizontally -proc canvscan {op w x y} { - global canv canv2 canv3 - foreach c [list $canv $canv2 $canv3] { - if {$c == $w} { - $c scan $op $x $y - } else { - $c scan $op 0 $y - } - } -} - -proc scrollcanv {cscroll f0 f1} { - $cscroll set $f0 $f1 - drawvisible - flushhighlights -} - -# when we make a key binding for the toplevel, make sure -# it doesn't get triggered when that key is pressed in the -# find string entry widget. -proc bindkey {ev script} { - global entries - bind . $ev $script - set escript [bind Entry $ev] - if {$escript == {}} { - set escript [bind Entry ] - } - foreach e $entries { - bind $e $ev "$escript; break" - } -} - -# set the focus back to the toplevel for any click outside -# the entry widgets -proc click {w} { - global ctext entries - foreach e [concat $entries $ctext] { - if {$w == $e} return - } - focus . -} - -# Adjust the progress bar for a change in requested extent or canvas size -proc adjustprogress {} { - global progresscanv progressitem progresscoords - global fprogitem fprogcoord lastprogupdate progupdatepending - global rprogitem rprogcoord use_ttk - - if {$use_ttk} { - $progresscanv configure -value [expr {int($fprogcoord * 100)}] - return - } - - set w [expr {[winfo width $progresscanv] - 4}] - set x0 [expr {$w * [lindex $progresscoords 0]}] - set x1 [expr {$w * [lindex $progresscoords 1]}] - set h [winfo height $progresscanv] - $progresscanv coords $progressitem $x0 0 $x1 $h - $progresscanv coords $fprogitem 0 0 [expr {$w * $fprogcoord}] $h - $progresscanv coords $rprogitem 0 0 [expr {$w * $rprogcoord}] $h - set now [clock clicks -milliseconds] - if {$now >= $lastprogupdate + 100} { - set progupdatepending 0 - update - } elseif {!$progupdatepending} { - set progupdatepending 1 - after [expr {$lastprogupdate + 100 - $now}] doprogupdate - } -} - -proc doprogupdate {} { - global lastprogupdate progupdatepending - - if {$progupdatepending} { - set progupdatepending 0 - set lastprogupdate [clock clicks -milliseconds] - update - } -} - -proc savestuff {w} { - global canv canv2 canv3 mainfont textfont uifont tabstop - global stuffsaved findmergefiles maxgraphpct - global maxwidth showneartags showlocalchanges - global viewname viewfiles viewargs viewargscmd viewperm nextviewnum - global cmitmode wrapcomment datetimeformat limitdiffs - global colors uicolor bgcolor fgcolor diffcolors diffcontext selectbgcolor - global autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs markbgcolor use_ttk - global hideremotes want_ttk - - if {$stuffsaved} return - if {![winfo viewable .]} return - catch { - if {[file exists ~/.gitk-new]} {file delete -force ~/.gitk-new} - set f [open "~/.gitk-new" w] - if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} { - file attributes "~/.gitk-new" -hidden true - } - puts $f [list set mainfont $mainfont] - puts $f [list set textfont $textfont] - puts $f [list set uifont $uifont] - puts $f [list set tabstop $tabstop] - puts $f [list set findmergefiles $findmergefiles] - puts $f [list set maxgraphpct $maxgraphpct] - puts $f [list set maxwidth $maxwidth] - puts $f [list set cmitmode $cmitmode] - puts $f [list set wrapcomment $wrapcomment] - puts $f [list set autoselect $autoselect] - puts $f [list set autosellen $autosellen] - puts $f [list set showneartags $showneartags] - puts $f [list set hideremotes $hideremotes] - puts $f [list set showlocalchanges $showlocalchanges] - puts $f [list set datetimeformat $datetimeformat] - puts $f [list set limitdiffs $limitdiffs] - puts $f [list set uicolor $uicolor] - puts $f [list set want_ttk $want_ttk] - puts $f [list set bgcolor $bgcolor] - puts $f [list set fgcolor $fgcolor] - puts $f [list set colors $colors] - puts $f [list set diffcolors $diffcolors] - puts $f [list set markbgcolor $markbgcolor] - puts $f [list set diffcontext $diffcontext] - puts $f [list set selectbgcolor $selectbgcolor] - puts $f [list set extdifftool $extdifftool] - puts $f [list set perfile_attrs $perfile_attrs] - - puts $f "set geometry(main) [wm geometry .]" - puts $f "set geometry(state) [wm state .]" - puts $f "set geometry(topwidth) [winfo width .tf]" - puts $f "set geometry(topheight) [winfo height .tf]" - if {$use_ttk} { - puts $f "set geometry(pwsash0) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 0] 1\"" - puts $f "set geometry(pwsash1) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 1] 1\"" - } else { - puts $f "set geometry(pwsash0) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sash coord 0]\"" - puts $f "set geometry(pwsash1) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sash coord 1]\"" - } - puts $f "set geometry(botwidth) [winfo width .bleft]" - puts $f "set geometry(botheight) [winfo height .bleft]" - - puts -nonewline $f "set permviews {" - for {set v 0} {$v < $nextviewnum} {incr v} { - if {$viewperm($v)} { - puts $f "{[list $viewname($v) $viewfiles($v) $viewargs($v) $viewargscmd($v)]}" - } - } - puts $f "}" - close $f - file rename -force "~/.gitk-new" "~/.gitk" - } - set stuffsaved 1 -} - -proc resizeclistpanes {win w} { - global oldwidth use_ttk - if {[info exists oldwidth($win)]} { - if {$use_ttk} { - set s0 [$win sashpos 0] - set s1 [$win sashpos 1] - } else { - set s0 [$win sash coord 0] - set s1 [$win sash coord 1] - } - if {$w < 60} { - set sash0 [expr {int($w/2 - 2)}] - set sash1 [expr {int($w*5/6 - 2)}] - } else { - set factor [expr {1.0 * $w / $oldwidth($win)}] - set sash0 [expr {int($factor * [lindex $s0 0])}] - set sash1 [expr {int($factor * [lindex $s1 0])}] - if {$sash0 < 30} { - set sash0 30 - } - if {$sash1 < $sash0 + 20} { - set sash1 [expr {$sash0 + 20}] - } - if {$sash1 > $w - 10} { - set sash1 [expr {$w - 10}] - if {$sash0 > $sash1 - 20} { - set sash0 [expr {$sash1 - 20}] - } - } - } - if {$use_ttk} { - $win sashpos 0 $sash0 - $win sashpos 1 $sash1 - } else { - $win sash place 0 $sash0 [lindex $s0 1] - $win sash place 1 $sash1 [lindex $s1 1] - } - } - set oldwidth($win) $w -} - -proc resizecdetpanes {win w} { - global oldwidth use_ttk - if {[info exists oldwidth($win)]} { - if {$use_ttk} { - set s0 [$win sashpos 0] - } else { - set s0 [$win sash coord 0] - } - if {$w < 60} { - set sash0 [expr {int($w*3/4 - 2)}] - } else { - set factor [expr {1.0 * $w / $oldwidth($win)}] - set sash0 [expr {int($factor * [lindex $s0 0])}] - if {$sash0 < 45} { - set sash0 45 - } - if {$sash0 > $w - 15} { - set sash0 [expr {$w - 15}] - } - } - if {$use_ttk} { - $win sashpos 0 $sash0 - } else { - $win sash place 0 $sash0 [lindex $s0 1] - } - } - set oldwidth($win) $w -} - -proc allcanvs args { - global canv canv2 canv3 - eval $canv $args - eval $canv2 $args - eval $canv3 $args -} - -proc bindall {event action} { - global canv canv2 canv3 - bind $canv $event $action - bind $canv2 $event $action - bind $canv3 $event $action -} - -proc about {} { - global uifont NS - set w .about - if {[winfo exists $w]} { - raise $w - return - } - ttk_toplevel $w - wm title $w [mc "About gitk"] - make_transient $w . - message $w.m -text [mc " -Gitk - a commit viewer for git - -Copyright \u00a9 2005-2010 Paul Mackerras - -Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"] \ - -justify center -aspect 400 -border 2 -bg white -relief groove - pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 - ${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -default active - pack $w.ok -side bottom - bind $w "focus $w.ok" - bind $w "destroy $w" - bind $w "destroy $w" - tk::PlaceWindow $w widget . -} - -proc keys {} { - global NS - set w .keys - if {[winfo exists $w]} { - raise $w - return - } - if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} { - set M1T Cmd - } else { - set M1T Ctrl - } - ttk_toplevel $w - wm title $w [mc "Gitk key bindings"] - make_transient $w . - message $w.m -text " -[mc "Gitk key bindings:"] - -[mc "<%s-Q> Quit" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-W> Close window" $M1T] -[mc " Move to first commit"] -[mc " Move to last commit"] -[mc ", p, i Move up one commit"] -[mc ", n, k Move down one commit"] -[mc ", z, j Go back in history list"] -[mc ", x, l Go forward in history list"] -[mc " Move up one page in commit list"] -[mc " Move down one page in commit list"] -[mc "<%s-Home> Scroll to top of commit list" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-End> Scroll to bottom of commit list" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-Up> Scroll commit list up one line" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-Down> Scroll commit list down one line" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-PageUp> Scroll commit list up one page" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-PageDown> Scroll commit list down one page" $M1T] -[mc " Find backwards (upwards, later commits)"] -[mc " Find forwards (downwards, earlier commits)"] -[mc ", b Scroll diff view up one page"] -[mc " Scroll diff view up one page"] -[mc " Scroll diff view down one page"] -[mc "u Scroll diff view up 18 lines"] -[mc "d Scroll diff view down 18 lines"] -[mc "<%s-F> Find" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-G> Move to next find hit" $M1T] -[mc " Move to next find hit"] -[mc "/ Focus the search box"] -[mc "? Move to previous find hit"] -[mc "f Scroll diff view to next file"] -[mc "<%s-S> Search for next hit in diff view" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-R> Search for previous hit in diff view" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-KP+> Increase font size" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-plus> Increase font size" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-KP-> Decrease font size" $M1T] -[mc "<%s-minus> Decrease font size" $M1T] -[mc " Update"] -" \ - -justify left -bg white -border 2 -relief groove - pack $w.m -side top -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2 - ${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -default active - bind $w [list destroy $w] - pack $w.ok -side bottom - bind $w "focus $w.ok" - bind $w "destroy $w" - bind $w "destroy $w" -} - -# Procedures for manipulating the file list window at the -# bottom right of the overall window. - -proc treeview {w l openlevs} { - global treecontents treediropen treeheight treeparent treeindex - - set ix 0 - set treeindex() 0 - set lev 0 - set prefix {} - set prefixend -1 - set prefendstack {} - set htstack {} - set ht 0 - set treecontents() {} - $w conf -state normal - foreach f $l { - while {[string range $f 0 $prefixend] ne $prefix} { - if {$lev <= $openlevs} { - $w mark set e:$treeindex($prefix) "end -1c" - $w mark gravity e:$treeindex($prefix) left - } - set treeheight($prefix) $ht - incr ht [lindex $htstack end] - set htstack [lreplace $htstack end end] - set prefixend [lindex $prefendstack end] - set prefendstack [lreplace $prefendstack end end] - set prefix [string range $prefix 0 $prefixend] - incr lev -1 - } - set tail [string range $f [expr {$prefixend+1}] end] - while {[set slash [string first "/" $tail]] >= 0} { - lappend htstack $ht - set ht 0 - lappend prefendstack $prefixend - incr prefixend [expr {$slash + 1}] - set d [string range $tail 0 $slash] - lappend treecontents($prefix) $d - set oldprefix $prefix - append prefix $d - set treecontents($prefix) {} - set treeindex($prefix) [incr ix] - set treeparent($prefix) $oldprefix - set tail [string range $tail [expr {$slash+1}] end] - if {$lev <= $openlevs} { - set ht 1 - set treediropen($prefix) [expr {$lev < $openlevs}] - set bm [expr {$lev == $openlevs? "tri-rt": "tri-dn"}] - $w mark set d:$ix "end -1c" - $w mark gravity d:$ix left - set str "\n" - for {set i 0} {$i < $lev} {incr i} {append str "\t"} - $w insert end $str - $w image create end -align center -image $bm -padx 1 \ - -name a:$ix - $w insert end $d [highlight_tag $prefix] - $w mark set s:$ix "end -1c" - $w mark gravity s:$ix left - } - incr lev - } - if {$tail ne {}} { - if {$lev <= $openlevs} { - incr ht - set str "\n" - for {set i 0} {$i < $lev} {incr i} {append str "\t"} - $w insert end $str - $w insert end $tail [highlight_tag $f] - } - lappend treecontents($prefix) $tail - } - } - while {$htstack ne {}} { - set treeheight($prefix) $ht - incr ht [lindex $htstack end] - set htstack [lreplace $htstack end end] - set prefixend [lindex $prefendstack end] - set prefendstack [lreplace $prefendstack end end] - set prefix [string range $prefix 0 $prefixend] - } - $w conf -state disabled -} - -proc linetoelt {l} { - global treeheight treecontents - - set y 2 - set prefix {} - while {1} { - foreach e $treecontents($prefix) { - if {$y == $l} { - return "$prefix$e" - } - set n 1 - if {[string index $e end] eq "/"} { - set n $treeheight($prefix$e) - if {$y + $n > $l} { - append prefix $e - incr y - break - } - } - incr y $n - } - } -} - -proc highlight_tree {y prefix} { - global treeheight treecontents cflist - - foreach e $treecontents($prefix) { - set path $prefix$e - if {[highlight_tag $path] ne {}} { - $cflist tag add bold $y.0 "$y.0 lineend" - } - incr y - if {[string index $e end] eq "/" && $treeheight($path) > 1} { - set y [highlight_tree $y $path] - } - } - return $y -} - -proc treeclosedir {w dir} { - global treediropen treeheight treeparent treeindex - - set ix $treeindex($dir) - $w conf -state normal - $w delete s:$ix e:$ix - set treediropen($dir) 0 - $w image configure a:$ix -image tri-rt - $w conf -state disabled - set n [expr {1 - $treeheight($dir)}] - while {$dir ne {}} { - incr treeheight($dir) $n - set dir $treeparent($dir) - } -} - -proc treeopendir {w dir} { - global treediropen treeheight treeparent treecontents treeindex - - set ix $treeindex($dir) - $w conf -state normal - $w image configure a:$ix -image tri-dn - $w mark set e:$ix s:$ix - $w mark gravity e:$ix right - set lev 0 - set str "\n" - set n [llength $treecontents($dir)] - for {set x $dir} {$x ne {}} {set x $treeparent($x)} { - incr lev - append str "\t" - incr treeheight($x) $n - } - foreach e $treecontents($dir) { - set de $dir$e - if {[string index $e end] eq "/"} { - set iy $treeindex($de) - $w mark set d:$iy e:$ix - $w mark gravity d:$iy left - $w insert e:$ix $str - set treediropen($de) 0 - $w image create e:$ix -align center -image tri-rt -padx 1 \ - -name a:$iy - $w insert e:$ix $e [highlight_tag $de] - $w mark set s:$iy e:$ix - $w mark gravity s:$iy left - set treeheight($de) 1 - } else { - $w insert e:$ix $str - $w insert e:$ix $e [highlight_tag $de] - } - } - $w mark gravity e:$ix right - $w conf -state disabled - set treediropen($dir) 1 - set top [lindex [split [$w index @0,0] .] 0] - set ht [$w cget -height] - set l [lindex [split [$w index s:$ix] .] 0] - if {$l < $top} { - $w yview $l.0 - } elseif {$l + $n + 1 > $top + $ht} { - set top [expr {$l + $n + 2 - $ht}] - if {$l < $top} { - set top $l - } - $w yview $top.0 - } -} - -proc treeclick {w x y} { - global treediropen cmitmode ctext cflist cflist_top - - if {$cmitmode ne "tree"} return - if {![info exists cflist_top]} return - set l [lindex [split [$w index "@$x,$y"] "."] 0] - $cflist tag remove highlight $cflist_top.0 "$cflist_top.0 lineend" - $cflist tag add highlight $l.0 "$l.0 lineend" - set cflist_top $l - if {$l == 1} { - $ctext yview 1.0 - return - } - set e [linetoelt $l] - if {[string index $e end] ne "/"} { - showfile $e - } elseif {$treediropen($e)} { - treeclosedir $w $e - } else { - treeopendir $w $e - } -} - -proc setfilelist {id} { - global treefilelist cflist jump_to_here - - treeview $cflist $treefilelist($id) 0 - if {$jump_to_here ne {}} { - set f [lindex $jump_to_here 0] - if {[lsearch -exact $treefilelist($id) $f] >= 0} { - showfile $f - } - } -} - -image create bitmap tri-rt -background black -foreground blue -data { - #define tri-rt_width 13 - #define tri-rt_height 13 - static unsigned char tri-rt_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, - 0xf0, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, - 0x00, 0x00}; -} -maskdata { - #define tri-rt-mask_width 13 - #define tri-rt-mask_height 13 - static unsigned char tri-rt-mask_bits[] = { - 0x08, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x01, - 0xf8, 0x03, 0xf8, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, - 0x08, 0x00}; -} -image create bitmap tri-dn -background black -foreground blue -data { - #define tri-dn_width 13 - #define tri-dn_height 13 - static unsigned char tri-dn_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x03, - 0xf0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, - 0x00, 0x00}; -} -maskdata { - #define tri-dn-mask_width 13 - #define tri-dn-mask_height 13 - static unsigned char tri-dn-mask_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x07, - 0xf8, 0x03, 0xf0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, - 0x00, 0x00}; -} - -image create bitmap reficon-T -background black -foreground yellow -data { - #define tagicon_width 13 - #define tagicon_height 9 - static unsigned char tagicon_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x07, - 0xfc, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x07, 0xf0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; -} -maskdata { - #define tagicon-mask_width 13 - #define tagicon-mask_height 9 - static unsigned char tagicon-mask_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x0f, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, - 0xfe, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00}; -} -set rectdata { - #define headicon_width 13 - #define headicon_height 9 - static unsigned char headicon_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x07, - 0xf8, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; -} -set rectmask { - #define headicon-mask_width 13 - #define headicon-mask_height 9 - static unsigned char headicon-mask_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, - 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00}; -} -image create bitmap reficon-H -background black -foreground green \ - -data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask -image create bitmap reficon-o -background black -foreground "#ddddff" \ - -data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask - -proc init_flist {first} { - global cflist cflist_top difffilestart - - $cflist conf -state normal - $cflist delete 0.0 end - if {$first ne {}} { - $cflist insert end $first - set cflist_top 1 - $cflist tag add highlight 1.0 "1.0 lineend" - } else { - catch {unset cflist_top} - } - $cflist conf -state disabled - set difffilestart {} -} - -proc highlight_tag {f} { - global highlight_paths - - foreach p $highlight_paths { - if {[string match $p $f]} { - return "bold" - } - } - return {} -} - -proc highlight_filelist {} { - global cmitmode cflist - - $cflist conf -state normal - if {$cmitmode ne "tree"} { - set end [lindex [split [$cflist index end] .] 0] - for {set l 2} {$l < $end} {incr l} { - set line [$cflist get $l.0 "$l.0 lineend"] - if {[highlight_tag $line] ne {}} { - $cflist tag add bold $l.0 "$l.0 lineend" - } - } - } else { - highlight_tree 2 {} - } - $cflist conf -state disabled -} - -proc unhighlight_filelist {} { - global cflist - - $cflist conf -state normal - $cflist tag remove bold 1.0 end - $cflist conf -state disabled -} - -proc add_flist {fl} { - global cflist - - $cflist conf -state normal - foreach f $fl { - $cflist insert end "\n" - $cflist insert end $f [highlight_tag $f] - } - $cflist conf -state disabled -} - -proc sel_flist {w x y} { - global ctext difffilestart cflist cflist_top cmitmode - - if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return - if {![info exists cflist_top]} return - set l [lindex [split [$w index "@$x,$y"] "."] 0] - $cflist tag remove highlight $cflist_top.0 "$cflist_top.0 lineend" - $cflist tag add highlight $l.0 "$l.0 lineend" - set cflist_top $l - if {$l == 1} { - $ctext yview 1.0 - } else { - catch {$ctext yview [lindex $difffilestart [expr {$l - 2}]]} - } -} - -proc pop_flist_menu {w X Y x y} { - global ctext cflist cmitmode flist_menu flist_menu_file - global treediffs diffids - - stopfinding - set l [lindex [split [$w index "@$x,$y"] "."] 0] - if {$l <= 1} return - if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} { - set e [linetoelt $l] - if {[string index $e end] eq "/"} return - } else { - set e [lindex $treediffs($diffids) [expr {$l-2}]] - } - set flist_menu_file $e - set xdiffstate "normal" - if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} { - set xdiffstate "disabled" - } - # Disable "External diff" item in tree mode - $flist_menu entryconf 2 -state $xdiffstate - tk_popup $flist_menu $X $Y -} - -proc find_ctext_fileinfo {line} { - global ctext_file_names ctext_file_lines - - set ok [bsearch $ctext_file_lines $line] - set tline [lindex $ctext_file_lines $ok] - - if {$ok >= [llength $ctext_file_lines] || $line < $tline} { - return {} - } else { - return [list [lindex $ctext_file_names $ok] $tline] - } -} - -proc pop_diff_menu {w X Y x y} { - global ctext diff_menu flist_menu_file - global diff_menu_txtpos diff_menu_line - global diff_menu_filebase - - set diff_menu_txtpos [split [$w index "@$x,$y"] "."] - set diff_menu_line [lindex $diff_menu_txtpos 0] - # don't pop up the menu on hunk-separator or file-separator lines - if {[lsearch -glob [$ctext tag names $diff_menu_line.0] "*sep"] >= 0} { - return - } - stopfinding - set f [find_ctext_fileinfo $diff_menu_line] - if {$f eq {}} return - set flist_menu_file [lindex $f 0] - set diff_menu_filebase [lindex $f 1] - tk_popup $diff_menu $X $Y -} - -proc flist_hl {only} { - global flist_menu_file findstring gdttype - - set x [shellquote $flist_menu_file] - if {$only || $findstring eq {} || $gdttype ne [mc "touching paths:"]} { - set findstring $x - } else { - append findstring " " $x - } - set gdttype [mc "touching paths:"] -} - -proc gitknewtmpdir {} { - global diffnum gitktmpdir gitdir - - if {![info exists gitktmpdir]} { - set gitktmpdir [file join [file dirname $gitdir] \ - [format ".gitk-tmp.%s" [pid]]] - if {[catch {file mkdir $gitktmpdir} err]} { - error_popup "[mc "Error creating temporary directory %s:" $gitktmpdir] $err" - unset gitktmpdir - return {} - } - set diffnum 0 - } - incr diffnum - set diffdir [file join $gitktmpdir $diffnum] - if {[catch {file mkdir $diffdir} err]} { - error_popup "[mc "Error creating temporary directory %s:" $diffdir] $err" - return {} - } - return $diffdir -} - -proc save_file_from_commit {filename output what} { - global nullfile - - if {[catch {exec git show $filename -- > $output} err]} { - if {[string match "fatal: bad revision *" $err]} { - return $nullfile - } - error_popup "[mc "Error getting \"%s\" from %s:" $filename $what] $err" - return {} - } - return $output -} - -proc external_diff_get_one_file {diffid filename diffdir} { - global nullid nullid2 nullfile - global gitdir - - if {$diffid == $nullid} { - set difffile [file join [file dirname $gitdir] $filename] - if {[file exists $difffile]} { - return $difffile - } - return $nullfile - } - if {$diffid == $nullid2} { - set difffile [file join $diffdir "\[index\] [file tail $filename]"] - return [save_file_from_commit :$filename $difffile index] - } - set difffile [file join $diffdir "\[$diffid\] [file tail $filename]"] - return [save_file_from_commit $diffid:$filename $difffile \ - "revision $diffid"] -} - -proc external_diff {} { - global nullid nullid2 - global flist_menu_file - global diffids - global extdifftool - - if {[llength $diffids] == 1} { - # no reference commit given - set diffidto [lindex $diffids 0] - if {$diffidto eq $nullid} { - # diffing working copy with index - set diffidfrom $nullid2 - } elseif {$diffidto eq $nullid2} { - # diffing index with HEAD - set diffidfrom "HEAD" - } else { - # use first parent commit - global parentlist selectedline - set diffidfrom [lindex $parentlist $selectedline 0] - } - } else { - set diffidfrom [lindex $diffids 0] - set diffidto [lindex $diffids 1] - } - - # make sure that several diffs wont collide - set diffdir [gitknewtmpdir] - if {$diffdir eq {}} return - - # gather files to diff - set difffromfile [external_diff_get_one_file $diffidfrom $flist_menu_file $diffdir] - set difftofile [external_diff_get_one_file $diffidto $flist_menu_file $diffdir] - - if {$difffromfile ne {} && $difftofile ne {}} { - set cmd [list [shellsplit $extdifftool] $difffromfile $difftofile] - if {[catch {set fl [open |$cmd r]} err]} { - file delete -force $diffdir - error_popup "$extdifftool: [mc "command failed:"] $err" - } else { - fconfigure $fl -blocking 0 - filerun $fl [list delete_at_eof $fl $diffdir] - } - } -} - -proc find_hunk_blamespec {base line} { - global ctext - - # Find and parse the hunk header - set s_lix [$ctext search -backwards -regexp ^@@ "$line.0 lineend" $base.0] - if {$s_lix eq {}} return - - set s_line [$ctext get $s_lix "$s_lix + 1 lines"] - if {![regexp {^@@@*(( -\d+(,\d+)?)+) \+(\d+)(,\d+)? @@} $s_line \ - s_line old_specs osz osz1 new_line nsz]} { - return - } - - # base lines for the parents - set base_lines [list $new_line] - foreach old_spec [lrange [split $old_specs " "] 1 end] { - if {![regexp -- {-(\d+)(,\d+)?} $old_spec \ - old_spec old_line osz]} { - return - } - lappend base_lines $old_line - } - - # Now scan the lines to determine offset within the hunk - set max_parent [expr {[llength $base_lines]-2}] - set dline 0 - set s_lno [lindex [split $s_lix "."] 0] - - # Determine if the line is removed - set chunk [$ctext get $line.0 "$line.1 + $max_parent chars"] - if {[string match {[-+ ]*} $chunk]} { - set removed_idx [string first "-" $chunk] - # Choose a parent index - if {$removed_idx >= 0} { - set parent $removed_idx - } else { - set unchanged_idx [string first " " $chunk] - if {$unchanged_idx >= 0} { - set parent $unchanged_idx - } else { - # blame the current commit - set parent -1 - } - } - # then count other lines that belong to it - for {set i $line} {[incr i -1] > $s_lno} {} { - set chunk [$ctext get $i.0 "$i.1 + $max_parent chars"] - # Determine if the line is removed - set removed_idx [string first "-" $chunk] - if {$parent >= 0} { - set code [string index $chunk $parent] - if {$code eq "-" || ($removed_idx < 0 && $code ne "+")} { - incr dline - } - } else { - if {$removed_idx < 0} { - incr dline - } - } - } - incr parent - } else { - set parent 0 - } - - incr dline [lindex $base_lines $parent] - return [list $parent $dline] -} - -proc external_blame_diff {} { - global currentid cmitmode - global diff_menu_txtpos diff_menu_line - global diff_menu_filebase flist_menu_file - - if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} { - set parent_idx 0 - set line [expr {$diff_menu_line - $diff_menu_filebase}] - } else { - set hinfo [find_hunk_blamespec $diff_menu_filebase $diff_menu_line] - if {$hinfo ne {}} { - set parent_idx [lindex $hinfo 0] - set line [lindex $hinfo 1] - } else { - set parent_idx 0 - set line 0 - } - } - - external_blame $parent_idx $line -} - -# Find the SHA1 ID of the blob for file $fname in the index -# at stage 0 or 2 -proc index_sha1 {fname} { - set f [open [list | git ls-files -s $fname] r] - while {[gets $f line] >= 0} { - set info [lindex [split $line "\t"] 0] - set stage [lindex $info 2] - if {$stage eq "0" || $stage eq "2"} { - close $f - return [lindex $info 1] - } - } - close $f - return {} -} - -# Turn an absolute path into one relative to the current directory -proc make_relative {f} { - if {[file pathtype $f] eq "relative"} { - return $f - } - set elts [file split $f] - set here [file split [pwd]] - set ei 0 - set hi 0 - set res {} - foreach d $here { - if {$ei < $hi || $ei >= [llength $elts] || [lindex $elts $ei] ne $d} { - lappend res ".." - } else { - incr ei - } - incr hi - } - set elts [concat $res [lrange $elts $ei end]] - return [eval file join $elts] -} - -proc external_blame {parent_idx {line {}}} { - global flist_menu_file gitdir - global nullid nullid2 - global parentlist selectedline currentid - - if {$parent_idx > 0} { - set base_commit [lindex $parentlist $selectedline [expr {$parent_idx-1}]] - } else { - set base_commit $currentid - } - - if {$base_commit eq {} || $base_commit eq $nullid || $base_commit eq $nullid2} { - error_popup [mc "No such commit"] - return - } - - set cmdline [list git gui blame] - if {$line ne {} && $line > 1} { - lappend cmdline "--line=$line" - } - set f [file join [file dirname $gitdir] $flist_menu_file] - # Unfortunately it seems git gui blame doesn't like - # being given an absolute path... - set f [make_relative $f] - lappend cmdline $base_commit $f - if {[catch {eval exec $cmdline &} err]} { - error_popup "[mc "git gui blame: command failed:"] $err" - } -} - -proc show_line_source {} { - global cmitmode currentid parents curview blamestuff blameinst - global diff_menu_line diff_menu_filebase flist_menu_file - global nullid nullid2 gitdir - - set from_index {} - if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} { - set id $currentid - set line [expr {$diff_menu_line - $diff_menu_filebase}] - } else { - set h [find_hunk_blamespec $diff_menu_filebase $diff_menu_line] - if {$h eq {}} return - set pi [lindex $h 0] - if {$pi == 0} { - mark_ctext_line $diff_menu_line - return - } - incr pi -1 - if {$currentid eq $nullid} { - if {$pi > 0} { - # must be a merge in progress... - if {[catch { - # get the last line from .git/MERGE_HEAD - set f [open [file join $gitdir MERGE_HEAD] r] - set id [lindex [split [read $f] "\n"] end-1] - close $f - } err]} { - error_popup [mc "Couldn't read merge head: %s" $err] - return - } - } elseif {$parents($curview,$currentid) eq $nullid2} { - # need to do the blame from the index - if {[catch { - set from_index [index_sha1 $flist_menu_file] - } err]} { - error_popup [mc "Error reading index: %s" $err] - return - } - } else { - set id $parents($curview,$currentid) - } - } else { - set id [lindex $parents($curview,$currentid) $pi] - } - set line [lindex $h 1] - } - set blameargs {} - if {$from_index ne {}} { - lappend blameargs | git cat-file blob $from_index - } - lappend blameargs | git blame -p -L$line,+1 - if {$from_index ne {}} { - lappend blameargs --contents - - } else { - lappend blameargs $id - } - lappend blameargs -- [file join [file dirname $gitdir] $flist_menu_file] - if {[catch { - set f [open $blameargs r] - } err]} { - error_popup [mc "Couldn't start git blame: %s" $err] - return - } - nowbusy blaming [mc "Searching"] - fconfigure $f -blocking 0 - set i [reg_instance $f] - set blamestuff($i) {} - set blameinst $i - filerun $f [list read_line_source $f $i] -} - -proc stopblaming {} { - global blameinst - - if {[info exists blameinst]} { - stop_instance $blameinst - unset blameinst - notbusy blaming - } -} - -proc read_line_source {fd inst} { - global blamestuff curview commfd blameinst nullid nullid2 - - while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} { - lappend blamestuff($inst) $line - } - if {![eof $fd]} { - return 1 - } - unset commfd($inst) - unset blameinst - notbusy blaming - fconfigure $fd -blocking 1 - if {[catch {close $fd} err]} { - error_popup [mc "Error running git blame: %s" $err] - return 0 - } - - set fname {} - set line [split [lindex $blamestuff($inst) 0] " "] - set id [lindex $line 0] - set lnum [lindex $line 1] - if {[string length $id] == 40 && [string is xdigit $id] && - [string is digit -strict $lnum]} { - # look for "filename" line - foreach l $blamestuff($inst) { - if {[string match "filename *" $l]} { - set fname [string range $l 9 end] - break - } - } - } - if {$fname ne {}} { - # all looks good, select it - if {$id eq $nullid} { - # blame uses all-zeroes to mean not committed, - # which would mean a change in the index - set id $nullid2 - } - if {[commitinview $id $curview]} { - selectline [rowofcommit $id] 1 [list $fname $lnum] - } else { - error_popup [mc "That line comes from commit %s, \ - which is not in this view" [shortids $id]] - } - } else { - puts "oops couldn't parse git blame output" - } - return 0 -} - -# delete $dir when we see eof on $f (presumably because the child has exited) -proc delete_at_eof {f dir} { - while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {} - if {[eof $f]} { - if {[catch {close $f} err]} { - error_popup "[mc "External diff viewer failed:"] $err" - } - file delete -force $dir - return 0 - } - return 1 -} - -# Functions for adding and removing shell-type quoting - -proc shellquote {str} { - if {![string match "*\['\"\\ \t]*" $str]} { - return $str - } - if {![string match "*\['\"\\]*" $str]} { - return "\"$str\"" - } - if {![string match "*'*" $str]} { - return "'$str'" - } - return "\"[string map {\" \\\" \\ \\\\} $str]\"" -} - -proc shellarglist {l} { - set str {} - foreach a $l { - if {$str ne {}} { - append str " " - } - append str [shellquote $a] - } - return $str -} - -proc shelldequote {str} { - set ret {} - set used -1 - while {1} { - incr used - if {![regexp -start $used -indices "\['\"\\\\ \t]" $str first]} { - append ret [string range $str $used end] - set used [string length $str] - break - } - set first [lindex $first 0] - set ch [string index $str $first] - if {$first > $used} { - append ret [string range $str $used [expr {$first - 1}]] - set used $first - } - if {$ch eq " " || $ch eq "\t"} break - incr used - if {$ch eq "'"} { - set first [string first "'" $str $used] - if {$first < 0} { - error "unmatched single-quote" - } - append ret [string range $str $used [expr {$first - 1}]] - set used $first - continue - } - if {$ch eq "\\"} { - if {$used >= [string length $str]} { - error "trailing backslash" - } - append ret [string index $str $used] - continue - } - # here ch == "\"" - while {1} { - if {![regexp -start $used -indices "\[\"\\\\]" $str first]} { - error "unmatched double-quote" - } - set first [lindex $first 0] - set ch [string index $str $first] - if {$first > $used} { - append ret [string range $str $used [expr {$first - 1}]] - set used $first - } - if {$ch eq "\""} break - incr used - append ret [string index $str $used] - incr used - } - } - return [list $used $ret] -} - -proc shellsplit {str} { - set l {} - while {1} { - set str [string trimleft $str] - if {$str eq {}} break - set dq [shelldequote $str] - set n [lindex $dq 0] - set word [lindex $dq 1] - set str [string range $str $n end] - lappend l $word - } - return $l -} - -# Code to implement multiple views - -proc newview {ishighlight} { - global nextviewnum newviewname newishighlight - global revtreeargs viewargscmd newviewopts curview - - set newishighlight $ishighlight - set top .gitkview - if {[winfo exists $top]} { - raise $top - return - } - decode_view_opts $nextviewnum $revtreeargs - set newviewname($nextviewnum) "[mc "View"] $nextviewnum" - set newviewopts($nextviewnum,perm) 0 - set newviewopts($nextviewnum,cmd) $viewargscmd($curview) - vieweditor $top $nextviewnum [mc "Gitk view definition"] -} - -set known_view_options { - {perm b . {} {mc "Remember this view"}} - {reflabel l + {} {mc "References (space separated list):"}} - {refs t15 .. {} {mc "Branches & tags:"}} - {allrefs b *. "--all" {mc "All refs"}} - {branches b . "--branches" {mc "All (local) branches"}} - {tags b . "--tags" {mc "All tags"}} - {remotes b . "--remotes" {mc "All remote-tracking branches"}} - {commitlbl l + {} {mc "Commit Info (regular expressions):"}} - {author t15 .. "--author=*" {mc "Author:"}} - {committer t15 . "--committer=*" {mc "Committer:"}} - {loginfo t15 .. "--grep=*" {mc "Commit Message:"}} - {allmatch b .. "--all-match" {mc "Matches all Commit Info criteria"}} - {changes_l l + {} {mc "Changes to Files:"}} - {pickaxe_s r0 . {} {mc "Fixed String"}} - {pickaxe_t r1 . "--pickaxe-regex" {mc "Regular Expression"}} - {pickaxe t15 .. "-S*" {mc "Search string:"}} - {datelabel l + {} {mc "Commit Dates (\"2 weeks ago\", \"2009-03-17 15:27:38\", \"March 17, 2009 15:27:38\"):"}} - {since t15 .. {"--since=*" "--after=*"} {mc "Since:"}} - {until t15 . {"--until=*" "--before=*"} {mc "Until:"}} - {limit_lbl l + {} {mc "Limit and/or skip a number of revisions (positive integer):"}} - {limit t10 *. "--max-count=*" {mc "Number to show:"}} - {skip t10 . "--skip=*" {mc "Number to skip:"}} - {misc_lbl l + {} {mc "Miscellaneous options:"}} - {dorder b *. {"--date-order" "-d"} {mc "Strictly sort by date"}} - {lright b . "--left-right" {mc "Mark branch sides"}} - {first b . "--first-parent" {mc "Limit to first parent"}} - {smplhst b . "--simplify-by-decoration" {mc "Simple history"}} - {args t50 *. {} {mc "Additional arguments to git log:"}} - {allpaths path + {} {mc "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"}} - {cmd t50= + {} {mc "Command to generate more commits to include:"}} - } - -# Convert $newviewopts($n, ...) into args for git log. -proc encode_view_opts {n} { - global known_view_options newviewopts - - set rargs [list] - foreach opt $known_view_options { - set patterns [lindex $opt 3] - if {$patterns eq {}} continue - set pattern [lindex $patterns 0] - - if {[lindex $opt 1] eq "b"} { - set val $newviewopts($n,[lindex $opt 0]) - if {$val} { - lappend rargs $pattern - } - } elseif {[regexp {^r(\d+)$} [lindex $opt 1] type value]} { - regexp {^(.*_)} [lindex $opt 0] uselessvar button_id - set val $newviewopts($n,$button_id) - if {$val eq $value} { - lappend rargs $pattern - } - } else { - set val $newviewopts($n,[lindex $opt 0]) - set val [string trim $val] - if {$val ne {}} { - set pfix [string range $pattern 0 end-1] - lappend rargs $pfix$val - } - } - } - set rargs [concat $rargs [shellsplit $newviewopts($n,refs)]] - return [concat $rargs [shellsplit $newviewopts($n,args)]] -} - -# Fill $newviewopts($n, ...) based on args for git log. -proc decode_view_opts {n view_args} { - global known_view_options newviewopts - - foreach opt $known_view_options { - set id [lindex $opt 0] - if {[lindex $opt 1] eq "b"} { - # Checkboxes - set val 0 - } elseif {[regexp {^r(\d+)$} [lindex $opt 1]]} { - # Radiobuttons - regexp {^(.*_)} $id uselessvar id - set val 0 - } else { - # Text fields - set val {} - } - set newviewopts($n,$id) $val - } - set oargs [list] - set refargs [list] - foreach arg $view_args { - if {[regexp -- {^-([0-9]+)$} $arg arg cnt] - && ![info exists found(limit)]} { - set newviewopts($n,limit) $cnt - set found(limit) 1 - continue - } - catch { unset val } - foreach opt $known_view_options { - set id [lindex $opt 0] - if {[info exists found($id)]} continue - foreach pattern [lindex $opt 3] { - if {![string match $pattern $arg]} continue - if {[lindex $opt 1] eq "b"} { - # Check buttons - set val 1 - } elseif {[regexp {^r(\d+)$} [lindex $opt 1] match num]} { - # Radio buttons - regexp {^(.*_)} $id uselessvar id - set val $num - } else { - # Text input fields - set size [string length $pattern] - set val [string range $arg [expr {$size-1}] end] - } - set newviewopts($n,$id) $val - set found($id) 1 - break - } - if {[info exists val]} break - } - if {[info exists val]} continue - if {[regexp {^-} $arg]} { - lappend oargs $arg - } else { - lappend refargs $arg - } - } - set newviewopts($n,refs) [shellarglist $refargs] - set newviewopts($n,args) [shellarglist $oargs] -} - -proc edit_or_newview {} { - global curview - - if {$curview > 0} { - editview - } else { - newview 0 - } -} - -proc editview {} { - global curview - global viewname viewperm newviewname newviewopts - global viewargs viewargscmd - - set top .gitkvedit-$curview - if {[winfo exists $top]} { - raise $top - return - } - decode_view_opts $curview $viewargs($curview) - set newviewname($curview) $viewname($curview) - set newviewopts($curview,perm) $viewperm($curview) - set newviewopts($curview,cmd) $viewargscmd($curview) - vieweditor $top $curview "[mc "Gitk: edit view"] $viewname($curview)" -} - -proc vieweditor {top n title} { - global newviewname newviewopts viewfiles bgcolor - global known_view_options NS - - ttk_toplevel $top - wm title $top [concat $title [mc "-- criteria for selecting revisions"]] - make_transient $top . - - # View name - ${NS}::frame $top.nfr - ${NS}::label $top.nl -text [mc "View Name"] - ${NS}::entry $top.name -width 20 -textvariable newviewname($n) - pack $top.nfr -in $top -fill x -pady 5 -padx 3 - pack $top.nl -in $top.nfr -side left -padx {0 5} - pack $top.name -in $top.nfr -side left -padx {0 25} - - # View options - set cframe $top.nfr - set cexpand 0 - set cnt 0 - foreach opt $known_view_options { - set id [lindex $opt 0] - set type [lindex $opt 1] - set flags [lindex $opt 2] - set title [eval [lindex $opt 4]] - set lxpad 0 - - if {$flags eq "+" || $flags eq "*"} { - set cframe $top.fr$cnt - incr cnt - ${NS}::frame $cframe - pack $cframe -in $top -fill x -pady 3 -padx 3 - set cexpand [expr {$flags eq "*"}] - } elseif {$flags eq ".." || $flags eq "*."} { - set cframe $top.fr$cnt - incr cnt - ${NS}::frame $cframe - pack $cframe -in $top -fill x -pady 3 -padx [list 15 3] - set cexpand [expr {$flags eq "*."}] - } else { - set lxpad 5 - } - - if {$type eq "l"} { - ${NS}::label $cframe.l_$id -text $title - pack $cframe.l_$id -in $cframe -side left -pady [list 3 0] -anchor w - } elseif {$type eq "b"} { - ${NS}::checkbutton $cframe.c_$id -text $title -variable newviewopts($n,$id) - pack $cframe.c_$id -in $cframe -side left \ - -padx [list $lxpad 0] -expand $cexpand -anchor w - } elseif {[regexp {^r(\d+)$} $type type sz]} { - regexp {^(.*_)} $id uselessvar button_id - ${NS}::radiobutton $cframe.c_$id -text $title -variable newviewopts($n,$button_id) -value $sz - pack $cframe.c_$id -in $cframe -side left \ - -padx [list $lxpad 0] -expand $cexpand -anchor w - } elseif {[regexp {^t(\d+)$} $type type sz]} { - ${NS}::label $cframe.l_$id -text $title - ${NS}::entry $cframe.e_$id -width $sz -background $bgcolor \ - -textvariable newviewopts($n,$id) - pack $cframe.l_$id -in $cframe -side left -padx [list $lxpad 0] - pack $cframe.e_$id -in $cframe -side left -expand 1 -fill x - } elseif {[regexp {^t(\d+)=$} $type type sz]} { - ${NS}::label $cframe.l_$id -text $title - ${NS}::entry $cframe.e_$id -width $sz -background $bgcolor \ - -textvariable newviewopts($n,$id) - pack $cframe.l_$id -in $cframe -side top -pady [list 3 0] -anchor w - pack $cframe.e_$id -in $cframe -side top -fill x - } elseif {$type eq "path"} { - ${NS}::label $top.l -text $title - pack $top.l -in $top -side top -pady [list 3 0] -anchor w -padx 3 - text $top.t -width 40 -height 5 -background $bgcolor - if {[info exists viewfiles($n)]} { - foreach f $viewfiles($n) { - $top.t insert end $f - $top.t insert end "\n" - } - $top.t delete {end - 1c} end - $top.t mark set insert 0.0 - } - pack $top.t -in $top -side top -pady [list 0 5] -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3 - } - } - - ${NS}::frame $top.buts - ${NS}::button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command [list newviewok $top $n] - ${NS}::button $top.buts.apply -text [mc "Apply (F5)"] -command [list newviewok $top $n 1] - ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command [list destroy $top] - bind $top [list newviewok $top $n] - bind $top [list newviewok $top $n 1] - bind $top [list destroy $top] - grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.apply $top.buts.can - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 2 -weight 1 -uniform a - pack $top.buts -in $top -side top -fill x - focus $top.t -} - -proc doviewmenu {m first cmd op argv} { - set nmenu [$m index end] - for {set i $first} {$i <= $nmenu} {incr i} { - if {[$m entrycget $i -command] eq $cmd} { - eval $m $op $i $argv - break - } - } -} - -proc allviewmenus {n op args} { - # global viewhlmenu - - doviewmenu .bar.view 5 [list showview $n] $op $args - # doviewmenu $viewhlmenu 1 [list addvhighlight $n] $op $args -} - -proc newviewok {top n {apply 0}} { - global nextviewnum newviewperm newviewname newishighlight - global viewname viewfiles viewperm selectedview curview - global viewargs viewargscmd newviewopts viewhlmenu - - if {[catch { - set newargs [encode_view_opts $n] - } err]} { - error_popup "[mc "Error in commit selection arguments:"] $err" $top - return - } - set files {} - foreach f [split [$top.t get 0.0 end] "\n"] { - set ft [string trim $f] - if {$ft ne {}} { - lappend files $ft - } - } - if {![info exists viewfiles($n)]} { - # creating a new view - incr nextviewnum - set viewname($n) $newviewname($n) - set viewperm($n) $newviewopts($n,perm) - set viewfiles($n) $files - set viewargs($n) $newargs - set viewargscmd($n) $newviewopts($n,cmd) - addviewmenu $n - if {!$newishighlight} { - run showview $n - } else { - run addvhighlight $n - } - } else { - # editing an existing view - set viewperm($n) $newviewopts($n,perm) - if {$newviewname($n) ne $viewname($n)} { - set viewname($n) $newviewname($n) - doviewmenu .bar.view 5 [list showview $n] \ - entryconf [list -label $viewname($n)] - # doviewmenu $viewhlmenu 1 [list addvhighlight $n] \ - # entryconf [list -label $viewname($n) -value $viewname($n)] - } - if {$files ne $viewfiles($n) || $newargs ne $viewargs($n) || \ - $newviewopts($n,cmd) ne $viewargscmd($n)} { - set viewfiles($n) $files - set viewargs($n) $newargs - set viewargscmd($n) $newviewopts($n,cmd) - if {$curview == $n} { - run reloadcommits - } - } - } - if {$apply} return - catch {destroy $top} -} - -proc delview {} { - global curview viewperm hlview selectedhlview - - if {$curview == 0} return - if {[info exists hlview] && $hlview == $curview} { - set selectedhlview [mc "None"] - unset hlview - } - allviewmenus $curview delete - set viewperm($curview) 0 - showview 0 -} - -proc addviewmenu {n} { - global viewname viewhlmenu - - .bar.view add radiobutton -label $viewname($n) \ - -command [list showview $n] -variable selectedview -value $n - #$viewhlmenu add radiobutton -label $viewname($n) \ - # -command [list addvhighlight $n] -variable selectedhlview -} - -proc showview {n} { - global curview cached_commitrow ordertok - global displayorder parentlist rowidlist rowisopt rowfinal - global colormap rowtextx nextcolor canvxmax - global numcommits viewcomplete - global selectedline currentid canv canvy0 - global treediffs - global pending_select mainheadid - global commitidx - global selectedview - global hlview selectedhlview commitinterest - - if {$n == $curview} return - set selid {} - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - set span [$canv yview] - set ytop [expr {[lindex $span 0] * $ymax}] - set ybot [expr {[lindex $span 1] * $ymax}] - set yscreen [expr {($ybot - $ytop) / 2}] - if {$selectedline ne {}} { - set selid $currentid - set y [yc $selectedline] - if {$ytop < $y && $y < $ybot} { - set yscreen [expr {$y - $ytop}] - } - } elseif {[info exists pending_select]} { - set selid $pending_select - unset pending_select - } - unselectline - normalline - catch {unset treediffs} - clear_display - if {[info exists hlview] && $hlview == $n} { - unset hlview - set selectedhlview [mc "None"] - } - catch {unset commitinterest} - catch {unset cached_commitrow} - catch {unset ordertok} - - set curview $n - set selectedview $n - .bar.view entryconf [mca "Edit view..."] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}] - .bar.view entryconf [mca "Delete view"] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}] - - run refill_reflist - if {![info exists viewcomplete($n)]} { - getcommits $selid - return - } - - set displayorder {} - set parentlist {} - set rowidlist {} - set rowisopt {} - set rowfinal {} - set numcommits $commitidx($n) - - catch {unset colormap} - catch {unset rowtextx} - set nextcolor 0 - set canvxmax [$canv cget -width] - set curview $n - set row 0 - setcanvscroll - set yf 0 - set row {} - if {$selid ne {} && [commitinview $selid $n]} { - set row [rowofcommit $selid] - # try to get the selected row in the same position on the screen - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - set ytop [expr {[yc $row] - $yscreen}] - if {$ytop < 0} { - set ytop 0 - } - set yf [expr {$ytop * 1.0 / $ymax}] - } - allcanvs yview moveto $yf - drawvisible - if {$row ne {}} { - selectline $row 0 - } elseif {!$viewcomplete($n)} { - reset_pending_select $selid - } else { - reset_pending_select {} - - if {[commitinview $pending_select $curview]} { - selectline [rowofcommit $pending_select] 1 - } else { - set row [first_real_row] - if {$row < $numcommits} { - selectline $row 0 - } - } - } - if {!$viewcomplete($n)} { - if {$numcommits == 0} { - show_status [mc "Reading commits..."] - } - } elseif {$numcommits == 0} { - show_status [mc "No commits selected"] - } -} - -# Stuff relating to the highlighting facility - -proc ishighlighted {id} { - global vhighlights fhighlights nhighlights rhighlights - - if {[info exists nhighlights($id)] && $nhighlights($id) > 0} { - return $nhighlights($id) - } - if {[info exists vhighlights($id)] && $vhighlights($id) > 0} { - return $vhighlights($id) - } - if {[info exists fhighlights($id)] && $fhighlights($id) > 0} { - return $fhighlights($id) - } - if {[info exists rhighlights($id)] && $rhighlights($id) > 0} { - return $rhighlights($id) - } - return 0 -} - -proc bolden {id font} { - global canv linehtag currentid boldids need_redisplay markedid - - # need_redisplay = 1 means the display is stale and about to be redrawn - if {$need_redisplay} return - lappend boldids $id - $canv itemconf $linehtag($id) -font $font - if {[info exists currentid] && $id eq $currentid} { - $canv delete secsel - set t [eval $canv create rect [$canv bbox $linehtag($id)] \ - -outline {{}} -tags secsel \ - -fill [$canv cget -selectbackground]] - $canv lower $t - } - if {[info exists markedid] && $id eq $markedid} { - make_idmark $id - } -} - -proc bolden_name {id font} { - global canv2 linentag currentid boldnameids need_redisplay - - if {$need_redisplay} return - lappend boldnameids $id - $canv2 itemconf $linentag($id) -font $font - if {[info exists currentid] && $id eq $currentid} { - $canv2 delete secsel - set t [eval $canv2 create rect [$canv2 bbox $linentag($id)] \ - -outline {{}} -tags secsel \ - -fill [$canv2 cget -selectbackground]] - $canv2 lower $t - } -} - -proc unbolden {} { - global boldids - - set stillbold {} - foreach id $boldids { - if {![ishighlighted $id]} { - bolden $id mainfont - } else { - lappend stillbold $id - } - } - set boldids $stillbold -} - -proc addvhighlight {n} { - global hlview viewcomplete curview vhl_done commitidx - - if {[info exists hlview]} { - delvhighlight - } - set hlview $n - if {$n != $curview && ![info exists viewcomplete($n)]} { - start_rev_list $n - } - set vhl_done $commitidx($hlview) - if {$vhl_done > 0} { - drawvisible - } -} - -proc delvhighlight {} { - global hlview vhighlights - - if {![info exists hlview]} return - unset hlview - catch {unset vhighlights} - unbolden -} - -proc vhighlightmore {} { - global hlview vhl_done commitidx vhighlights curview - - set max $commitidx($hlview) - set vr [visiblerows] - set r0 [lindex $vr 0] - set r1 [lindex $vr 1] - for {set i $vhl_done} {$i < $max} {incr i} { - set id [commitonrow $i $hlview] - if {[commitinview $id $curview]} { - set row [rowofcommit $id] - if {$r0 <= $row && $row <= $r1} { - if {![highlighted $row]} { - bolden $id mainfontbold - } - set vhighlights($id) 1 - } - } - } - set vhl_done $max - return 0 -} - -proc askvhighlight {row id} { - global hlview vhighlights iddrawn - - if {[commitinview $id $hlview]} { - if {[info exists iddrawn($id)] && ![ishighlighted $id]} { - bolden $id mainfontbold - } - set vhighlights($id) 1 - } else { - set vhighlights($id) 0 - } -} - -proc hfiles_change {} { - global highlight_files filehighlight fhighlights fh_serial - global highlight_paths - - if {[info exists filehighlight]} { - # delete previous highlights - catch {close $filehighlight} - unset filehighlight - catch {unset fhighlights} - unbolden - unhighlight_filelist - } - set highlight_paths {} - after cancel do_file_hl $fh_serial - incr fh_serial - if {$highlight_files ne {}} { - after 300 do_file_hl $fh_serial - } -} - -proc gdttype_change {name ix op} { - global gdttype highlight_files findstring findpattern - - stopfinding - if {$findstring ne {}} { - if {$gdttype eq [mc "containing:"]} { - if {$highlight_files ne {}} { - set highlight_files {} - hfiles_change - } - findcom_change - } else { - if {$findpattern ne {}} { - set findpattern {} - findcom_change - } - set highlight_files $findstring - hfiles_change - } - drawvisible - } - # enable/disable findtype/findloc menus too -} - -proc find_change {name ix op} { - global gdttype findstring highlight_files - - stopfinding - if {$gdttype eq [mc "containing:"]} { - findcom_change - } else { - if {$highlight_files ne $findstring} { - set highlight_files $findstring - hfiles_change - } - } - drawvisible -} - -proc findcom_change args { - global nhighlights boldnameids - global findpattern findtype findstring gdttype - - stopfinding - # delete previous highlights, if any - foreach id $boldnameids { - bolden_name $id mainfont - } - set boldnameids {} - catch {unset nhighlights} - unbolden - unmarkmatches - if {$gdttype ne [mc "containing:"] || $findstring eq {}} { - set findpattern {} - } elseif {$findtype eq [mc "Regexp"]} { - set findpattern $findstring - } else { - set e [string map {"*" "\\*" "?" "\\?" "\[" "\\\[" "\\" "\\\\"} \ - $findstring] - set findpattern "*$e*" - } -} - -proc makepatterns {l} { - set ret {} - foreach e $l { - set ee [string map {"*" "\\*" "?" "\\?" "\[" "\\\[" "\\" "\\\\"} $e] - if {[string index $ee end] eq "/"} { - lappend ret "$ee*" - } else { - lappend ret $ee - lappend ret "$ee/*" - } - } - return $ret -} - -proc do_file_hl {serial} { - global highlight_files filehighlight highlight_paths gdttype fhl_list - - if {$gdttype eq [mc "touching paths:"]} { - if {[catch {set paths [shellsplit $highlight_files]}]} return - set highlight_paths [makepatterns $paths] - highlight_filelist - set gdtargs [concat -- $paths] - } elseif {$gdttype eq [mc "adding/removing string:"]} { - set gdtargs [list "-S$highlight_files"] - } else { - # must be "containing:", i.e. we're searching commit info - return - } - set cmd [concat | git diff-tree -r -s --stdin $gdtargs] - set filehighlight [open $cmd r+] - fconfigure $filehighlight -blocking 0 - filerun $filehighlight readfhighlight - set fhl_list {} - drawvisible - flushhighlights -} - -proc flushhighlights {} { - global filehighlight fhl_list - - if {[info exists filehighlight]} { - lappend fhl_list {} - puts $filehighlight "" - flush $filehighlight - } -} - -proc askfilehighlight {row id} { - global filehighlight fhighlights fhl_list - - lappend fhl_list $id - set fhighlights($id) -1 - puts $filehighlight $id -} - -proc readfhighlight {} { - global filehighlight fhighlights curview iddrawn - global fhl_list find_dirn - - if {![info exists filehighlight]} { - return 0 - } - set nr 0 - while {[incr nr] <= 100 && [gets $filehighlight line] >= 0} { - set line [string trim $line] - set i [lsearch -exact $fhl_list $line] - if {$i < 0} continue - for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} { - set id [lindex $fhl_list $j] - set fhighlights($id) 0 - } - set fhl_list [lrange $fhl_list [expr {$i+1}] end] - if {$line eq {}} continue - if {![commitinview $line $curview]} continue - if {[info exists iddrawn($line)] && ![ishighlighted $line]} { - bolden $line mainfontbold - } - set fhighlights($line) 1 - } - if {[eof $filehighlight]} { - # strange... - puts "oops, git diff-tree died" - catch {close $filehighlight} - unset filehighlight - return 0 - } - if {[info exists find_dirn]} { - run findmore - } - return 1 -} - -proc doesmatch {f} { - global findtype findpattern - - if {$findtype eq [mc "Regexp"]} { - return [regexp $findpattern $f] - } elseif {$findtype eq [mc "IgnCase"]} { - return [string match -nocase $findpattern $f] - } else { - return [string match $findpattern $f] - } -} - -proc askfindhighlight {row id} { - global nhighlights commitinfo iddrawn - global findloc - global markingmatches - - if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} { - getcommit $id - } - set info $commitinfo($id) - set isbold 0 - set fldtypes [list [mc Headline] [mc Author] [mc Date] [mc Committer] [mc CDate] [mc Comments]] - foreach f $info ty $fldtypes { - if {($findloc eq [mc "All fields"] || $findloc eq $ty) && - [doesmatch $f]} { - if {$ty eq [mc "Author"]} { - set isbold 2 - break - } - set isbold 1 - } - } - if {$isbold && [info exists iddrawn($id)]} { - if {![ishighlighted $id]} { - bolden $id mainfontbold - if {$isbold > 1} { - bolden_name $id mainfontbold - } - } - if {$markingmatches} { - markrowmatches $row $id - } - } - set nhighlights($id) $isbold -} - -proc markrowmatches {row id} { - global canv canv2 linehtag linentag commitinfo findloc - - set headline [lindex $commitinfo($id) 0] - set author [lindex $commitinfo($id) 1] - $canv delete match$row - $canv2 delete match$row - if {$findloc eq [mc "All fields"] || $findloc eq [mc "Headline"]} { - set m [findmatches $headline] - if {$m ne {}} { - markmatches $canv $row $headline $linehtag($id) $m \ - [$canv itemcget $linehtag($id) -font] $row - } - } - if {$findloc eq [mc "All fields"] || $findloc eq [mc "Author"]} { - set m [findmatches $author] - if {$m ne {}} { - markmatches $canv2 $row $author $linentag($id) $m \ - [$canv2 itemcget $linentag($id) -font] $row - } - } -} - -proc vrel_change {name ix op} { - global highlight_related - - rhighlight_none - if {$highlight_related ne [mc "None"]} { - run drawvisible - } -} - -# prepare for testing whether commits are descendents or ancestors of a -proc rhighlight_sel {a} { - global descendent desc_todo ancestor anc_todo - global highlight_related - - catch {unset descendent} - set desc_todo [list $a] - catch {unset ancestor} - set anc_todo [list $a] - if {$highlight_related ne [mc "None"]} { - rhighlight_none - run drawvisible - } -} - -proc rhighlight_none {} { - global rhighlights - - catch {unset rhighlights} - unbolden -} - -proc is_descendent {a} { - global curview children descendent desc_todo - - set v $curview - set la [rowofcommit $a] - set todo $desc_todo - set leftover {} - set done 0 - for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo]} {incr i} { - set do [lindex $todo $i] - if {[rowofcommit $do] < $la} { - lappend leftover $do - continue - } - foreach nk $children($v,$do) { - if {![info exists descendent($nk)]} { - set descendent($nk) 1 - lappend todo $nk - if {$nk eq $a} { - set done 1 - } - } - } - if {$done} { - set desc_todo [concat $leftover [lrange $todo [expr {$i+1}] end]] - return - } - } - set descendent($a) 0 - set desc_todo $leftover -} - -proc is_ancestor {a} { - global curview parents ancestor anc_todo - - set v $curview - set la [rowofcommit $a] - set todo $anc_todo - set leftover {} - set done 0 - for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo]} {incr i} { - set do [lindex $todo $i] - if {![commitinview $do $v] || [rowofcommit $do] > $la} { - lappend leftover $do - continue - } - foreach np $parents($v,$do) { - if {![info exists ancestor($np)]} { - set ancestor($np) 1 - lappend todo $np - if {$np eq $a} { - set done 1 - } - } - } - if {$done} { - set anc_todo [concat $leftover [lrange $todo [expr {$i+1}] end]] - return - } - } - set ancestor($a) 0 - set anc_todo $leftover -} - -proc askrelhighlight {row id} { - global descendent highlight_related iddrawn rhighlights - global selectedline ancestor - - if {$selectedline eq {}} return - set isbold 0 - if {$highlight_related eq [mc "Descendant"] || - $highlight_related eq [mc "Not descendant"]} { - if {![info exists descendent($id)]} { - is_descendent $id - } - if {$descendent($id) == ($highlight_related eq [mc "Descendant"])} { - set isbold 1 - } - } elseif {$highlight_related eq [mc "Ancestor"] || - $highlight_related eq [mc "Not ancestor"]} { - if {![info exists ancestor($id)]} { - is_ancestor $id - } - if {$ancestor($id) == ($highlight_related eq [mc "Ancestor"])} { - set isbold 1 - } - } - if {[info exists iddrawn($id)]} { - if {$isbold && ![ishighlighted $id]} { - bolden $id mainfontbold - } - } - set rhighlights($id) $isbold -} - -# Graph layout functions - -proc shortids {ids} { - set res {} - foreach id $ids { - if {[llength $id] > 1} { - lappend res [shortids $id] - } elseif {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}$} $id]} { - lappend res [string range $id 0 7] - } else { - lappend res $id - } - } - return $res -} - -proc ntimes {n o} { - set ret {} - set o [list $o] - for {set mask 1} {$mask <= $n} {incr mask $mask} { - if {($n & $mask) != 0} { - set ret [concat $ret $o] - } - set o [concat $o $o] - } - return $ret -} - -proc ordertoken {id} { - global ordertok curview varcid varcstart varctok curview parents children - global nullid nullid2 - - if {[info exists ordertok($id)]} { - return $ordertok($id) - } - set origid $id - set todo {} - while {1} { - if {[info exists varcid($curview,$id)]} { - set a $varcid($curview,$id) - set p [lindex $varcstart($curview) $a] - } else { - set p [lindex $children($curview,$id) 0] - } - if {[info exists ordertok($p)]} { - set tok $ordertok($p) - break - } - set id [first_real_child $curview,$p] - if {$id eq {}} { - # it's a root - set tok [lindex $varctok($curview) $varcid($curview,$p)] - break - } - if {[llength $parents($curview,$id)] == 1} { - lappend todo [list $p {}] - } else { - set j [lsearch -exact $parents($curview,$id) $p] - if {$j < 0} { - puts "oops didn't find [shortids $p] in parents of [shortids $id]" - } - lappend todo [list $p [strrep $j]] - } - } - for {set i [llength $todo]} {[incr i -1] >= 0} {} { - set p [lindex $todo $i 0] - append tok [lindex $todo $i 1] - set ordertok($p) $tok - } - set ordertok($origid) $tok - return $tok -} - -# Work out where id should go in idlist so that order-token -# values increase from left to right -proc idcol {idlist id {i 0}} { - set t [ordertoken $id] - if {$i < 0} { - set i 0 - } - if {$i >= [llength $idlist] || $t < [ordertoken [lindex $idlist $i]]} { - if {$i > [llength $idlist]} { - set i [llength $idlist] - } - while {[incr i -1] >= 0 && $t < [ordertoken [lindex $idlist $i]]} {} - incr i - } else { - if {$t > [ordertoken [lindex $idlist $i]]} { - while {[incr i] < [llength $idlist] && - $t >= [ordertoken [lindex $idlist $i]]} {} - } - } - return $i -} - -proc initlayout {} { - global rowidlist rowisopt rowfinal displayorder parentlist - global numcommits canvxmax canv - global nextcolor - global colormap rowtextx - - set numcommits 0 - set displayorder {} - set parentlist {} - set nextcolor 0 - set rowidlist {} - set rowisopt {} - set rowfinal {} - set canvxmax [$canv cget -width] - catch {unset colormap} - catch {unset rowtextx} - setcanvscroll -} - -proc setcanvscroll {} { - global canv canv2 canv3 numcommits linespc canvxmax canvy0 - global lastscrollset lastscrollrows - - set ymax [expr {$canvy0 + ($numcommits - 0.5) * $linespc + 2}] - $canv conf -scrollregion [list 0 0 $canvxmax $ymax] - $canv2 conf -scrollregion [list 0 0 0 $ymax] - $canv3 conf -scrollregion [list 0 0 0 $ymax] - set lastscrollset [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set lastscrollrows $numcommits -} - -proc visiblerows {} { - global canv numcommits linespc - - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - if {$ymax eq {} || $ymax == 0} return - set f [$canv yview] - set y0 [expr {int([lindex $f 0] * $ymax)}] - set r0 [expr {int(($y0 - 3) / $linespc) - 1}] - if {$r0 < 0} { - set r0 0 - } - set y1 [expr {int([lindex $f 1] * $ymax)}] - set r1 [expr {int(($y1 - 3) / $linespc) + 1}] - if {$r1 >= $numcommits} { - set r1 [expr {$numcommits - 1}] - } - return [list $r0 $r1] -} - -proc layoutmore {} { - global commitidx viewcomplete curview - global numcommits pending_select curview - global lastscrollset lastscrollrows - - if {$lastscrollrows < 100 || $viewcomplete($curview) || - [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $lastscrollset > 500} { - setcanvscroll - } - if {[info exists pending_select] && - [commitinview $pending_select $curview]} { - update - selectline [rowofcommit $pending_select] 1 - } - drawvisible -} - -# With path limiting, we mightn't get the actual HEAD commit, -# so ask git rev-list what is the first ancestor of HEAD that -# touches a file in the path limit. -proc get_viewmainhead {view} { - global viewmainheadid vfilelimit viewinstances mainheadid - - catch { - set rfd [open [concat | git rev-list -1 $mainheadid \ - -- $vfilelimit($view)] r] - set j [reg_instance $rfd] - lappend viewinstances($view) $j - fconfigure $rfd -blocking 0 - filerun $rfd [list getviewhead $rfd $j $view] - set viewmainheadid($curview) {} - } -} - -# git rev-list should give us just 1 line to use as viewmainheadid($view) -proc getviewhead {fd inst view} { - global viewmainheadid commfd curview viewinstances showlocalchanges - - set id {} - if {[gets $fd line] < 0} { - if {![eof $fd]} { - return 1 - } - } elseif {[string length $line] == 40 && [string is xdigit $line]} { - set id $line - } - set viewmainheadid($view) $id - close $fd - unset commfd($inst) - set i [lsearch -exact $viewinstances($view) $inst] - if {$i >= 0} { - set viewinstances($view) [lreplace $viewinstances($view) $i $i] - } - if {$showlocalchanges && $id ne {} && $view == $curview} { - doshowlocalchanges - } - return 0 -} - -proc doshowlocalchanges {} { - global curview viewmainheadid - - if {$viewmainheadid($curview) eq {}} return - if {[commitinview $viewmainheadid($curview) $curview]} { - dodiffindex - } else { - interestedin $viewmainheadid($curview) dodiffindex - } -} - -proc dohidelocalchanges {} { - global nullid nullid2 lserial curview - - if {[commitinview $nullid $curview]} { - removefakerow $nullid - } - if {[commitinview $nullid2 $curview]} { - removefakerow $nullid2 - } - incr lserial -} - -# spawn off a process to do git diff-index --cached HEAD -proc dodiffindex {} { - global lserial showlocalchanges vfilelimit curview - global isworktree - - if {!$showlocalchanges || !$isworktree} return - incr lserial - set cmd "|git diff-index --cached HEAD" - if {$vfilelimit($curview) ne {}} { - set cmd [concat $cmd -- $vfilelimit($curview)] - } - set fd [open $cmd r] - fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 - set i [reg_instance $fd] - filerun $fd [list readdiffindex $fd $lserial $i] -} - -proc readdiffindex {fd serial inst} { - global viewmainheadid nullid nullid2 curview commitinfo commitdata lserial - global vfilelimit - - set isdiff 1 - if {[gets $fd line] < 0} { - if {![eof $fd]} { - return 1 - } - set isdiff 0 - } - # we only need to see one line and we don't really care what it says... - stop_instance $inst - - if {$serial != $lserial} { - return 0 - } - - # now see if there are any local changes not checked in to the index - set cmd "|git diff-files" - if {$vfilelimit($curview) ne {}} { - set cmd [concat $cmd -- $vfilelimit($curview)] - } - set fd [open $cmd r] - fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 - set i [reg_instance $fd] - filerun $fd [list readdifffiles $fd $serial $i] - - if {$isdiff && ![commitinview $nullid2 $curview]} { - # add the line for the changes in the index to the graph - set hl [mc "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"] - set commitinfo($nullid2) [list $hl {} {} {} {} " $hl\n"] - set commitdata($nullid2) "\n $hl\n" - if {[commitinview $nullid $curview]} { - removefakerow $nullid - } - insertfakerow $nullid2 $viewmainheadid($curview) - } elseif {!$isdiff && [commitinview $nullid2 $curview]} { - if {[commitinview $nullid $curview]} { - removefakerow $nullid - } - removefakerow $nullid2 - } - return 0 -} - -proc readdifffiles {fd serial inst} { - global viewmainheadid nullid nullid2 curview - global commitinfo commitdata lserial - - set isdiff 1 - if {[gets $fd line] < 0} { - if {![eof $fd]} { - return 1 - } - set isdiff 0 - } - # we only need to see one line and we don't really care what it says... - stop_instance $inst - - if {$serial != $lserial} { - return 0 - } - - if {$isdiff && ![commitinview $nullid $curview]} { - # add the line for the local diff to the graph - set hl [mc "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"] - set commitinfo($nullid) [list $hl {} {} {} {} " $hl\n"] - set commitdata($nullid) "\n $hl\n" - if {[commitinview $nullid2 $curview]} { - set p $nullid2 - } else { - set p $viewmainheadid($curview) - } - insertfakerow $nullid $p - } elseif {!$isdiff && [commitinview $nullid $curview]} { - removefakerow $nullid - } - return 0 -} - -proc nextuse {id row} { - global curview children - - if {[info exists children($curview,$id)]} { - foreach kid $children($curview,$id) { - if {![commitinview $kid $curview]} { - return -1 - } - if {[rowofcommit $kid] > $row} { - return [rowofcommit $kid] - } - } - } - if {[commitinview $id $curview]} { - return [rowofcommit $id] - } - return -1 -} - -proc prevuse {id row} { - global curview children - - set ret -1 - if {[info exists children($curview,$id)]} { - foreach kid $children($curview,$id) { - if {![commitinview $kid $curview]} break - if {[rowofcommit $kid] < $row} { - set ret [rowofcommit $kid] - } - } - } - return $ret -} - -proc make_idlist {row} { - global displayorder parentlist uparrowlen downarrowlen mingaplen - global commitidx curview children - - set r [expr {$row - $mingaplen - $downarrowlen - 1}] - if {$r < 0} { - set r 0 - } - set ra [expr {$row - $downarrowlen}] - if {$ra < 0} { - set ra 0 - } - set rb [expr {$row + $uparrowlen}] - if {$rb > $commitidx($curview)} { - set rb $commitidx($curview) - } - make_disporder $r [expr {$rb + 1}] - set ids {} - for {} {$r < $ra} {incr r} { - set nextid [lindex $displayorder [expr {$r + 1}]] - foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] { - if {$p eq $nextid} continue - set rn [nextuse $p $r] - if {$rn >= $row && - $rn <= $r + $downarrowlen + $mingaplen + $uparrowlen} { - lappend ids [list [ordertoken $p] $p] - } - } - } - for {} {$r < $row} {incr r} { - set nextid [lindex $displayorder [expr {$r + 1}]] - foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] { - if {$p eq $nextid} continue - set rn [nextuse $p $r] - if {$rn < 0 || $rn >= $row} { - lappend ids [list [ordertoken $p] $p] - } - } - } - set id [lindex $displayorder $row] - lappend ids [list [ordertoken $id] $id] - while {$r < $rb} { - foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] { - set firstkid [lindex $children($curview,$p) 0] - if {[rowofcommit $firstkid] < $row} { - lappend ids [list [ordertoken $p] $p] - } - } - incr r - set id [lindex $displayorder $r] - if {$id ne {}} { - set firstkid [lindex $children($curview,$id) 0] - if {$firstkid ne {} && [rowofcommit $firstkid] < $row} { - lappend ids [list [ordertoken $id] $id] - } - } - } - set idlist {} - foreach idx [lsort -unique $ids] { - lappend idlist [lindex $idx 1] - } - return $idlist -} - -proc rowsequal {a b} { - while {[set i [lsearch -exact $a {}]] >= 0} { - set a [lreplace $a $i $i] - } - while {[set i [lsearch -exact $b {}]] >= 0} { - set b [lreplace $b $i $i] - } - return [expr {$a eq $b}] -} - -proc makeupline {id row rend col} { - global rowidlist uparrowlen downarrowlen mingaplen - - for {set r $rend} {1} {set r $rstart} { - set rstart [prevuse $id $r] - if {$rstart < 0} return - if {$rstart < $row} break - } - if {$rstart + $uparrowlen + $mingaplen + $downarrowlen < $rend} { - set rstart [expr {$rend - $uparrowlen - 1}] - } - for {set r $rstart} {[incr r] <= $row} {} { - set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $r] - if {$idlist ne {} && [lsearch -exact $idlist $id] < 0} { - set col [idcol $idlist $id $col] - lset rowidlist $r [linsert $idlist $col $id] - changedrow $r - } - } -} - -proc layoutrows {row endrow} { - global rowidlist rowisopt rowfinal displayorder - global uparrowlen downarrowlen maxwidth mingaplen - global children parentlist - global commitidx viewcomplete curview - - make_disporder [expr {$row - 1}] [expr {$endrow + $uparrowlen}] - set idlist {} - if {$row > 0} { - set rm1 [expr {$row - 1}] - foreach id [lindex $rowidlist $rm1] { - if {$id ne {}} { - lappend idlist $id - } - } - set final [lindex $rowfinal $rm1] - } - for {} {$row < $endrow} {incr row} { - set rm1 [expr {$row - 1}] - if {$rm1 < 0 || $idlist eq {}} { - set idlist [make_idlist $row] - set final 1 - } else { - set id [lindex $displayorder $rm1] - set col [lsearch -exact $idlist $id] - set idlist [lreplace $idlist $col $col] - foreach p [lindex $parentlist $rm1] { - if {[lsearch -exact $idlist $p] < 0} { - set col [idcol $idlist $p $col] - set idlist [linsert $idlist $col $p] - # if not the first child, we have to insert a line going up - if {$id ne [lindex $children($curview,$p) 0]} { - makeupline $p $rm1 $row $col - } - } - } - set id [lindex $displayorder $row] - if {$row > $downarrowlen} { - set termrow [expr {$row - $downarrowlen - 1}] - foreach p [lindex $parentlist $termrow] { - set i [lsearch -exact $idlist $p] - if {$i < 0} continue - set nr [nextuse $p $termrow] - if {$nr < 0 || $nr >= $row + $mingaplen + $uparrowlen} { - set idlist [lreplace $idlist $i $i] - } - } - } - set col [lsearch -exact $idlist $id] - if {$col < 0} { - set col [idcol $idlist $id] - set idlist [linsert $idlist $col $id] - if {$children($curview,$id) ne {}} { - makeupline $id $rm1 $row $col - } - } - set r [expr {$row + $uparrowlen - 1}] - if {$r < $commitidx($curview)} { - set x $col - foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] { - if {[lsearch -exact $idlist $p] >= 0} continue - set fk [lindex $children($curview,$p) 0] - if {[rowofcommit $fk] < $row} { - set x [idcol $idlist $p $x] - set idlist [linsert $idlist $x $p] - } - } - if {[incr r] < $commitidx($curview)} { - set p [lindex $displayorder $r] - if {[lsearch -exact $idlist $p] < 0} { - set fk [lindex $children($curview,$p) 0] - if {$fk ne {} && [rowofcommit $fk] < $row} { - set x [idcol $idlist $p $x] - set idlist [linsert $idlist $x $p] - } - } - } - } - } - if {$final && !$viewcomplete($curview) && - $row + $uparrowlen + $mingaplen + $downarrowlen - >= $commitidx($curview)} { - set final 0 - } - set l [llength $rowidlist] - if {$row == $l} { - lappend rowidlist $idlist - lappend rowisopt 0 - lappend rowfinal $final - } elseif {$row < $l} { - if {![rowsequal $idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]]} { - lset rowidlist $row $idlist - changedrow $row - } - lset rowfinal $row $final - } else { - set pad [ntimes [expr {$row - $l}] {}] - set rowidlist [concat $rowidlist $pad] - lappend rowidlist $idlist - set rowfinal [concat $rowfinal $pad] - lappend rowfinal $final - set rowisopt [concat $rowisopt [ntimes [expr {$row - $l + 1}] 0]] - } - } - return $row -} - -proc changedrow {row} { - global displayorder iddrawn rowisopt need_redisplay - - set l [llength $rowisopt] - if {$row < $l} { - lset rowisopt $row 0 - if {$row + 1 < $l} { - lset rowisopt [expr {$row + 1}] 0 - if {$row + 2 < $l} { - lset rowisopt [expr {$row + 2}] 0 - } - } - } - set id [lindex $displayorder $row] - if {[info exists iddrawn($id)]} { - set need_redisplay 1 - } -} - -proc insert_pad {row col npad} { - global rowidlist - - set pad [ntimes $npad {}] - set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row] - set bef [lrange $idlist 0 [expr {$col - 1}]] - set aft [lrange $idlist $col end] - set i [lsearch -exact $aft {}] - if {$i > 0} { - set aft [lreplace $aft $i $i] - } - lset rowidlist $row [concat $bef $pad $aft] - changedrow $row -} - -proc optimize_rows {row col endrow} { - global rowidlist rowisopt displayorder curview children - - if {$row < 1} { - set row 1 - } - for {} {$row < $endrow} {incr row; set col 0} { - if {[lindex $rowisopt $row]} continue - set haspad 0 - set y0 [expr {$row - 1}] - set ym [expr {$row - 2}] - set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row] - set previdlist [lindex $rowidlist $y0] - if {$idlist eq {} || $previdlist eq {}} continue - if {$ym >= 0} { - set pprevidlist [lindex $rowidlist $ym] - if {$pprevidlist eq {}} continue - } else { - set pprevidlist {} - } - set x0 -1 - set xm -1 - for {} {$col < [llength $idlist]} {incr col} { - set id [lindex $idlist $col] - if {[lindex $previdlist $col] eq $id} continue - if {$id eq {}} { - set haspad 1 - continue - } - set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $id] - if {$x0 < 0} continue - set z [expr {$x0 - $col}] - set isarrow 0 - set z0 {} - if {$ym >= 0} { - set xm [lsearch -exact $pprevidlist $id] - if {$xm >= 0} { - set z0 [expr {$xm - $x0}] - } - } - if {$z0 eq {}} { - # if row y0 is the first child of $id then it's not an arrow - if {[lindex $children($curview,$id) 0] ne - [lindex $displayorder $y0]} { - set isarrow 1 - } - } - if {!$isarrow && $id ne [lindex $displayorder $row] && - [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row+1}]] $id] < 0} { - set isarrow 1 - } - # Looking at lines from this row to the previous row, - # make them go straight up if they end in an arrow on - # the previous row; otherwise make them go straight up - # or at 45 degrees. - if {$z < -1 || ($z < 0 && $isarrow)} { - # Line currently goes left too much; - # insert pads in the previous row, then optimize it - set npad [expr {-1 - $z + $isarrow}] - insert_pad $y0 $x0 $npad - if {$y0 > 0} { - optimize_rows $y0 $x0 $row - } - set previdlist [lindex $rowidlist $y0] - set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $id] - set z [expr {$x0 - $col}] - if {$z0 ne {}} { - set pprevidlist [lindex $rowidlist $ym] - set xm [lsearch -exact $pprevidlist $id] - set z0 [expr {$xm - $x0}] - } - } elseif {$z > 1 || ($z > 0 && $isarrow)} { - # Line currently goes right too much; - # insert pads in this line - set npad [expr {$z - 1 + $isarrow}] - insert_pad $row $col $npad - set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row] - incr col $npad - set z [expr {$x0 - $col}] - set haspad 1 - } - if {$z0 eq {} && !$isarrow && $ym >= 0} { - # this line links to its first child on row $row-2 - set id [lindex $displayorder $ym] - set xc [lsearch -exact $pprevidlist $id] - if {$xc >= 0} { - set z0 [expr {$xc - $x0}] - } - } - # avoid lines jigging left then immediately right - if {$z0 ne {} && $z < 0 && $z0 > 0} { - insert_pad $y0 $x0 1 - incr x0 - optimize_rows $y0 $x0 $row - set previdlist [lindex $rowidlist $y0] - } - } - if {!$haspad} { - # Find the first column that doesn't have a line going right - for {set col [llength $idlist]} {[incr col -1] >= 0} {} { - set id [lindex $idlist $col] - if {$id eq {}} break - set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $id] - if {$x0 < 0} { - # check if this is the link to the first child - set kid [lindex $displayorder $y0] - if {[lindex $children($curview,$id) 0] eq $kid} { - # it is, work out offset to child - set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $kid] - } - } - if {$x0 <= $col} break - } - # Insert a pad at that column as long as it has a line and - # isn't the last column - if {$x0 >= 0 && [incr col] < [llength $idlist]} { - set idlist [linsert $idlist $col {}] - lset rowidlist $row $idlist - changedrow $row - } - } - } -} - -proc xc {row col} { - global canvx0 linespc - return [expr {$canvx0 + $col * $linespc}] -} - -proc yc {row} { - global canvy0 linespc - return [expr {$canvy0 + $row * $linespc}] -} - -proc linewidth {id} { - global thickerline lthickness - - set wid $lthickness - if {[info exists thickerline] && $id eq $thickerline} { - set wid [expr {2 * $lthickness}] - } - return $wid -} - -proc rowranges {id} { - global curview children uparrowlen downarrowlen - global rowidlist - - set kids $children($curview,$id) - if {$kids eq {}} { - return {} - } - set ret {} - lappend kids $id - foreach child $kids { - if {![commitinview $child $curview]} break - set row [rowofcommit $child] - if {![info exists prev]} { - lappend ret [expr {$row + 1}] - } else { - if {$row <= $prevrow} { - puts "oops children of [shortids $id] out of order [shortids $child] $row <= [shortids $prev] $prevrow" - } - # see if the line extends the whole way from prevrow to row - if {$row > $prevrow + $uparrowlen + $downarrowlen && - [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist \ - [expr {int(($row + $prevrow) / 2)}]] $id] < 0} { - # it doesn't, see where it ends - set r [expr {$prevrow + $downarrowlen}] - if {[lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] < 0} { - while {[incr r -1] > $prevrow && - [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] < 0} {} - } else { - while {[incr r] <= $row && - [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] >= 0} {} - incr r -1 - } - lappend ret $r - # see where it starts up again - set r [expr {$row - $uparrowlen}] - if {[lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] < 0} { - while {[incr r] < $row && - [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] < 0} {} - } else { - while {[incr r -1] >= $prevrow && - [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] >= 0} {} - incr r - } - lappend ret $r - } - } - if {$child eq $id} { - lappend ret $row - } - set prev $child - set prevrow $row - } - return $ret -} - -proc drawlineseg {id row endrow arrowlow} { - global rowidlist displayorder iddrawn linesegs - global canv colormap linespc curview maxlinelen parentlist - - set cols [list [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $id]] - set le [expr {$row + 1}] - set arrowhigh 1 - while {1} { - set c [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $le] $id] - if {$c < 0} { - incr le -1 - break - } - lappend cols $c - set x [lindex $displayorder $le] - if {$x eq $id} { - set arrowhigh 0 - break - } - if {[info exists iddrawn($x)] || $le == $endrow} { - set c [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$le+1}]] $id] - if {$c >= 0} { - lappend cols $c - set arrowhigh 0 - } - break - } - incr le - } - if {$le <= $row} { - return $row - } - - set lines {} - set i 0 - set joinhigh 0 - if {[info exists linesegs($id)]} { - set lines $linesegs($id) - foreach li $lines { - set r0 [lindex $li 0] - if {$r0 > $row} { - if {$r0 == $le && [lindex $li 1] - $row <= $maxlinelen} { - set joinhigh 1 - } - break - } - incr i - } - } - set joinlow 0 - if {$i > 0} { - set li [lindex $lines [expr {$i-1}]] - set r1 [lindex $li 1] - if {$r1 == $row && $le - [lindex $li 0] <= $maxlinelen} { - set joinlow 1 - } - } - - set x [lindex $cols [expr {$le - $row}]] - set xp [lindex $cols [expr {$le - 1 - $row}]] - set dir [expr {$xp - $x}] - if {$joinhigh} { - set ith [lindex $lines $i 2] - set coords [$canv coords $ith] - set ah [$canv itemcget $ith -arrow] - set arrowhigh [expr {$ah eq "first" || $ah eq "both"}] - set x2 [lindex $cols [expr {$le + 1 - $row}]] - if {$x2 ne {} && $x - $x2 == $dir} { - set coords [lrange $coords 0 end-2] - } - } else { - set coords [list [xc $le $x] [yc $le]] - } - if {$joinlow} { - set itl [lindex $lines [expr {$i-1}] 2] - set al [$canv itemcget $itl -arrow] - set arrowlow [expr {$al eq "last" || $al eq "both"}] - } elseif {$arrowlow} { - if {[lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row-1}]] $id] >= 0 || - [lsearch -exact [lindex $parentlist [expr {$row-1}]] $id] >= 0} { - set arrowlow 0 - } - } - set arrow [lindex {none first last both} [expr {$arrowhigh + 2*$arrowlow}]] - for {set y $le} {[incr y -1] > $row} {} { - set x $xp - set xp [lindex $cols [expr {$y - 1 - $row}]] - set ndir [expr {$xp - $x}] - if {$dir != $ndir || $xp < 0} { - lappend coords [xc $y $x] [yc $y] - } - set dir $ndir - } - if {!$joinlow} { - if {$xp < 0} { - # join parent line to first child - set ch [lindex $displayorder $row] - set xc [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $ch] - if {$xc < 0} { - puts "oops: drawlineseg: child $ch not on row $row" - } elseif {$xc != $x} { - if {($arrowhigh && $le == $row + 1) || $dir == 0} { - set d [expr {int(0.5 * $linespc)}] - set x1 [xc $row $x] - if {$xc < $x} { - set x2 [expr {$x1 - $d}] - } else { - set x2 [expr {$x1 + $d}] - } - set y2 [yc $row] - set y1 [expr {$y2 + $d}] - lappend coords $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 - } elseif {$xc < $x - 1} { - lappend coords [xc $row [expr {$x-1}]] [yc $row] - } elseif {$xc > $x + 1} { - lappend coords [xc $row [expr {$x+1}]] [yc $row] - } - set x $xc - } - lappend coords [xc $row $x] [yc $row] - } else { - set xn [xc $row $xp] - set yn [yc $row] - lappend coords $xn $yn - } - if {!$joinhigh} { - assigncolor $id - set t [$canv create line $coords -width [linewidth $id] \ - -fill $colormap($id) -tags lines.$id -arrow $arrow] - $canv lower $t - bindline $t $id - set lines [linsert $lines $i [list $row $le $t]] - } else { - $canv coords $ith $coords - if {$arrow ne $ah} { - $canv itemconf $ith -arrow $arrow - } - lset lines $i 0 $row - } - } else { - set xo [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row - 1}]] $id] - set ndir [expr {$xo - $xp}] - set clow [$canv coords $itl] - if {$dir == $ndir} { - set clow [lrange $clow 2 end] - } - set coords [concat $coords $clow] - if {!$joinhigh} { - lset lines [expr {$i-1}] 1 $le - } else { - # coalesce two pieces - $canv delete $ith - set b [lindex $lines [expr {$i-1}] 0] - set e [lindex $lines $i 1] - set lines [lreplace $lines [expr {$i-1}] $i [list $b $e $itl]] - } - $canv coords $itl $coords - if {$arrow ne $al} { - $canv itemconf $itl -arrow $arrow - } - } - - set linesegs($id) $lines - return $le -} - -proc drawparentlinks {id row} { - global rowidlist canv colormap curview parentlist - global idpos linespc - - set rowids [lindex $rowidlist $row] - set col [lsearch -exact $rowids $id] - if {$col < 0} return - set olds [lindex $parentlist $row] - set row2 [expr {$row + 1}] - set x [xc $row $col] - set y [yc $row] - set y2 [yc $row2] - set d [expr {int(0.5 * $linespc)}] - set ymid [expr {$y + $d}] - set ids [lindex $rowidlist $row2] - # rmx = right-most X coord used - set rmx 0 - foreach p $olds { - set i [lsearch -exact $ids $p] - if {$i < 0} { - puts "oops, parent $p of $id not in list" - continue - } - set x2 [xc $row2 $i] - if {$x2 > $rmx} { - set rmx $x2 - } - set j [lsearch -exact $rowids $p] - if {$j < 0} { - # drawlineseg will do this one for us - continue - } - assigncolor $p - # should handle duplicated parents here... - set coords [list $x $y] - if {$i != $col} { - # if attaching to a vertical segment, draw a smaller - # slant for visual distinctness - if {$i == $j} { - if {$i < $col} { - lappend coords [expr {$x2 + $d}] $y $x2 $ymid - } else { - lappend coords [expr {$x2 - $d}] $y $x2 $ymid - } - } elseif {$i < $col && $i < $j} { - # segment slants towards us already - lappend coords [xc $row $j] $y - } else { - if {$i < $col - 1} { - lappend coords [expr {$x2 + $linespc}] $y - } elseif {$i > $col + 1} { - lappend coords [expr {$x2 - $linespc}] $y - } - lappend coords $x2 $y2 - } - } else { - lappend coords $x2 $y2 - } - set t [$canv create line $coords -width [linewidth $p] \ - -fill $colormap($p) -tags lines.$p] - $canv lower $t - bindline $t $p - } - if {$rmx > [lindex $idpos($id) 1]} { - lset idpos($id) 1 $rmx - redrawtags $id - } -} - -proc drawlines {id} { - global canv - - $canv itemconf lines.$id -width [linewidth $id] -} - -proc drawcmittext {id row col} { - global linespc canv canv2 canv3 fgcolor curview - global cmitlisted commitinfo rowidlist parentlist - global rowtextx idpos idtags idheads idotherrefs - global linehtag linentag linedtag selectedline - global canvxmax boldids boldnameids fgcolor markedid - global mainheadid nullid nullid2 circleitem circlecolors ctxbut - - # listed is 0 for boundary, 1 for normal, 2 for negative, 3 for left, 4 for right - set listed $cmitlisted($curview,$id) - if {$id eq $nullid} { - set ofill red - } elseif {$id eq $nullid2} { - set ofill green - } elseif {$id eq $mainheadid} { - set ofill yellow - } else { - set ofill [lindex $circlecolors $listed] - } - set x [xc $row $col] - set y [yc $row] - set orad [expr {$linespc / 3}] - if {$listed <= 2} { - set t [$canv create oval [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \ - [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \ - -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle] - } elseif {$listed == 3} { - # triangle pointing left for left-side commits - set t [$canv create polygon \ - [expr {$x - $orad}] $y \ - [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \ - [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \ - -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle] - } else { - # triangle pointing right for right-side commits - set t [$canv create polygon \ - [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] $y \ - [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \ - [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \ - -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle] - } - set circleitem($row) $t - $canv raise $t - $canv bind $t <1> {selcanvline {} %x %y} - set rmx [llength [lindex $rowidlist $row]] - set olds [lindex $parentlist $row] - if {$olds ne {}} { - set nextids [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row + 1}]] - foreach p $olds { - set i [lsearch -exact $nextids $p] - if {$i > $rmx} { - set rmx $i - } - } - } - set xt [xc $row $rmx] - set rowtextx($row) $xt - set idpos($id) [list $x $xt $y] - if {[info exists idtags($id)] || [info exists idheads($id)] - || [info exists idotherrefs($id)]} { - set xt [drawtags $id $x $xt $y] - } - set headline [lindex $commitinfo($id) 0] - set name [lindex $commitinfo($id) 1] - set date [lindex $commitinfo($id) 2] - set date [formatdate $date] - set font mainfont - set nfont mainfont - set isbold [ishighlighted $id] - if {$isbold > 0} { - lappend boldids $id - set font mainfontbold - if {$isbold > 1} { - lappend boldnameids $id - set nfont mainfontbold - } - } - set linehtag($id) [$canv create text $xt $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \ - -text $headline -font $font -tags text] - $canv bind $linehtag($id) $ctxbut "rowmenu %X %Y $id" - set linentag($id) [$canv2 create text 3 $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \ - -text $name -font $nfont -tags text] - set linedtag($id) [$canv3 create text 3 $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \ - -text $date -font mainfont -tags text] - if {$selectedline == $row} { - make_secsel $id - } - if {[info exists markedid] && $markedid eq $id} { - make_idmark $id - } - set xr [expr {$xt + [font measure $font $headline]}] - if {$xr > $canvxmax} { - set canvxmax $xr - setcanvscroll - } -} - -proc drawcmitrow {row} { - global displayorder rowidlist nrows_drawn - global iddrawn markingmatches - global commitinfo numcommits - global filehighlight fhighlights findpattern nhighlights - global hlview vhighlights - global highlight_related rhighlights - - if {$row >= $numcommits} return - - set id [lindex $displayorder $row] - if {[info exists hlview] && ![info exists vhighlights($id)]} { - askvhighlight $row $id - } - if {[info exists filehighlight] && ![info exists fhighlights($id)]} { - askfilehighlight $row $id - } - if {$findpattern ne {} && ![info exists nhighlights($id)]} { - askfindhighlight $row $id - } - if {$highlight_related ne [mc "None"] && ![info exists rhighlights($id)]} { - askrelhighlight $row $id - } - if {![info exists iddrawn($id)]} { - set col [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $id] - if {$col < 0} { - puts "oops, row $row id $id not in list" - return - } - if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} { - getcommit $id - } - assigncolor $id - drawcmittext $id $row $col - set iddrawn($id) 1 - incr nrows_drawn - } - if {$markingmatches} { - markrowmatches $row $id - } -} - -proc drawcommits {row {endrow {}}} { - global numcommits iddrawn displayorder curview need_redisplay - global parentlist rowidlist rowfinal uparrowlen downarrowlen nrows_drawn - - if {$row < 0} { - set row 0 - } - if {$endrow eq {}} { - set endrow $row - } - if {$endrow >= $numcommits} { - set endrow [expr {$numcommits - 1}] - } - - set rl1 [expr {$row - $downarrowlen - 3}] - if {$rl1 < 0} { - set rl1 0 - } - set ro1 [expr {$row - 3}] - if {$ro1 < 0} { - set ro1 0 - } - set r2 [expr {$endrow + $uparrowlen + 3}] - if {$r2 > $numcommits} { - set r2 $numcommits - } - for {set r $rl1} {$r < $r2} {incr r} { - if {[lindex $rowidlist $r] ne {} && [lindex $rowfinal $r]} { - if {$rl1 < $r} { - layoutrows $rl1 $r - } - set rl1 [expr {$r + 1}] - } - } - if {$rl1 < $r} { - layoutrows $rl1 $r - } - optimize_rows $ro1 0 $r2 - if {$need_redisplay || $nrows_drawn > 2000} { - clear_display - } - - # make the lines join to already-drawn rows either side - set r [expr {$row - 1}] - if {$r < 0 || ![info exists iddrawn([lindex $displayorder $r])]} { - set r $row - } - set er [expr {$endrow + 1}] - if {$er >= $numcommits || - ![info exists iddrawn([lindex $displayorder $er])]} { - set er $endrow - } - for {} {$r <= $er} {incr r} { - set id [lindex $displayorder $r] - set wasdrawn [info exists iddrawn($id)] - drawcmitrow $r - if {$r == $er} break - set nextid [lindex $displayorder [expr {$r + 1}]] - if {$wasdrawn && [info exists iddrawn($nextid)]} continue - drawparentlinks $id $r - - set rowids [lindex $rowidlist $r] - foreach lid $rowids { - if {$lid eq {}} continue - if {[info exists lineend($lid)] && $lineend($lid) > $r} continue - if {$lid eq $id} { - # see if this is the first child of any of its parents - foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] { - if {[lsearch -exact $rowids $p] < 0} { - # make this line extend up to the child - set lineend($p) [drawlineseg $p $r $er 0] - } - } - } else { - set lineend($lid) [drawlineseg $lid $r $er 1] - } - } - } -} - -proc undolayout {row} { - global uparrowlen mingaplen downarrowlen - global rowidlist rowisopt rowfinal need_redisplay - - set r [expr {$row - ($uparrowlen + $mingaplen + $downarrowlen)}] - if {$r < 0} { - set r 0 - } - if {[llength $rowidlist] > $r} { - incr r -1 - set rowidlist [lrange $rowidlist 0 $r] - set rowfinal [lrange $rowfinal 0 $r] - set rowisopt [lrange $rowisopt 0 $r] - set need_redisplay 1 - run drawvisible - } -} - -proc drawvisible {} { - global canv linespc curview vrowmod selectedline targetrow targetid - global need_redisplay cscroll numcommits - - set fs [$canv yview] - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - if {$ymax eq {} || $ymax == 0 || $numcommits == 0} return - set f0 [lindex $fs 0] - set f1 [lindex $fs 1] - set y0 [expr {int($f0 * $ymax)}] - set y1 [expr {int($f1 * $ymax)}] - - if {[info exists targetid]} { - if {[commitinview $targetid $curview]} { - set r [rowofcommit $targetid] - if {$r != $targetrow} { - # Fix up the scrollregion and change the scrolling position - # now that our target row has moved. - set diff [expr {($r - $targetrow) * $linespc}] - set targetrow $r - setcanvscroll - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - incr y0 $diff - incr y1 $diff - set f0 [expr {$y0 / $ymax}] - set f1 [expr {$y1 / $ymax}] - allcanvs yview moveto $f0 - $cscroll set $f0 $f1 - set need_redisplay 1 - } - } else { - unset targetid - } - } - - set row [expr {int(($y0 - 3) / $linespc) - 1}] - set endrow [expr {int(($y1 - 3) / $linespc) + 1}] - if {$endrow >= $vrowmod($curview)} { - update_arcrows $curview - } - if {$selectedline ne {} && - $row <= $selectedline && $selectedline <= $endrow} { - set targetrow $selectedline - } elseif {[info exists targetid]} { - set targetrow [expr {int(($row + $endrow) / 2)}] - } - if {[info exists targetrow]} { - if {$targetrow >= $numcommits} { - set targetrow [expr {$numcommits - 1}] - } - set targetid [commitonrow $targetrow] - } - drawcommits $row $endrow -} - -proc clear_display {} { - global iddrawn linesegs need_redisplay nrows_drawn - global vhighlights fhighlights nhighlights rhighlights - global linehtag linentag linedtag boldids boldnameids - - allcanvs delete all - catch {unset iddrawn} - catch {unset linesegs} - catch {unset linehtag} - catch {unset linentag} - catch {unset linedtag} - set boldids {} - set boldnameids {} - catch {unset vhighlights} - catch {unset fhighlights} - catch {unset nhighlights} - catch {unset rhighlights} - set need_redisplay 0 - set nrows_drawn 0 -} - -proc findcrossings {id} { - global rowidlist parentlist numcommits displayorder - - set cross {} - set ccross {} - foreach {s e} [rowranges $id] { - if {$e >= $numcommits} { - set e [expr {$numcommits - 1}] - } - if {$e <= $s} continue - for {set row $e} {[incr row -1] >= $s} {} { - set x [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $id] - if {$x < 0} break - set olds [lindex $parentlist $row] - set kid [lindex $displayorder $row] - set kidx [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $kid] - if {$kidx < 0} continue - set nextrow [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row + 1}]] - foreach p $olds { - set px [lsearch -exact $nextrow $p] - if {$px < 0} continue - if {($kidx < $x && $x < $px) || ($px < $x && $x < $kidx)} { - if {[lsearch -exact $ccross $p] >= 0} continue - if {$x == $px + ($kidx < $px? -1: 1)} { - lappend ccross $p - } elseif {[lsearch -exact $cross $p] < 0} { - lappend cross $p - } - } - } - } - } - return [concat $ccross {{}} $cross] -} - -proc assigncolor {id} { - global colormap colors nextcolor - global parents children children curview - - if {[info exists colormap($id)]} return - set ncolors [llength $colors] - if {[info exists children($curview,$id)]} { - set kids $children($curview,$id) - } else { - set kids {} - } - if {[llength $kids] == 1} { - set child [lindex $kids 0] - if {[info exists colormap($child)] - && [llength $parents($curview,$child)] == 1} { - set colormap($id) $colormap($child) - return - } - } - set badcolors {} - set origbad {} - foreach x [findcrossings $id] { - if {$x eq {}} { - # delimiter between corner crossings and other crossings - if {[llength $badcolors] >= $ncolors - 1} break - set origbad $badcolors - } - if {[info exists colormap($x)] - && [lsearch -exact $badcolors $colormap($x)] < 0} { - lappend badcolors $colormap($x) - } - } - if {[llength $badcolors] >= $ncolors} { - set badcolors $origbad - } - set origbad $badcolors - if {[llength $badcolors] < $ncolors - 1} { - foreach child $kids { - if {[info exists colormap($child)] - && [lsearch -exact $badcolors $colormap($child)] < 0} { - lappend badcolors $colormap($child) - } - foreach p $parents($curview,$child) { - if {[info exists colormap($p)] - && [lsearch -exact $badcolors $colormap($p)] < 0} { - lappend badcolors $colormap($p) - } - } - } - if {[llength $badcolors] >= $ncolors} { - set badcolors $origbad - } - } - for {set i 0} {$i <= $ncolors} {incr i} { - set c [lindex $colors $nextcolor] - if {[incr nextcolor] >= $ncolors} { - set nextcolor 0 - } - if {[lsearch -exact $badcolors $c]} break - } - set colormap($id) $c -} - -proc bindline {t id} { - global canv - - $canv bind $t "lineenter %x %y $id" - $canv bind $t "linemotion %x %y $id" - $canv bind $t "lineleave $id" - $canv bind $t "lineclick %x %y $id 1" -} - -proc drawtags {id x xt y1} { - global idtags idheads idotherrefs mainhead - global linespc lthickness - global canv rowtextx curview fgcolor bgcolor ctxbut - - set marks {} - set ntags 0 - set nheads 0 - if {[info exists idtags($id)]} { - set marks $idtags($id) - set ntags [llength $marks] - } - if {[info exists idheads($id)]} { - set marks [concat $marks $idheads($id)] - set nheads [llength $idheads($id)] - } - if {[info exists idotherrefs($id)]} { - set marks [concat $marks $idotherrefs($id)] - } - if {$marks eq {}} { - return $xt - } - - set delta [expr {int(0.5 * ($linespc - $lthickness))}] - set yt [expr {$y1 - 0.5 * $linespc}] - set yb [expr {$yt + $linespc - 1}] - set xvals {} - set wvals {} - set i -1 - foreach tag $marks { - incr i - if {$i >= $ntags && $i < $ntags + $nheads && $tag eq $mainhead} { - set wid [font measure mainfontbold $tag] - } else { - set wid [font measure mainfont $tag] - } - lappend xvals $xt - lappend wvals $wid - set xt [expr {$xt + $delta + $wid + $lthickness + $linespc}] - } - set t [$canv create line $x $y1 [lindex $xvals end] $y1 \ - -width $lthickness -fill black -tags tag.$id] - $canv lower $t - foreach tag $marks x $xvals wid $wvals { - set tag_quoted [string map {% %%} $tag] - set xl [expr {$x + $delta}] - set xr [expr {$x + $delta + $wid + $lthickness}] - set font mainfont - if {[incr ntags -1] >= 0} { - # draw a tag - set t [$canv create polygon $x [expr {$yt + $delta}] $xl $yt \ - $xr $yt $xr $yb $xl $yb $x [expr {$yb - $delta}] \ - -width 1 -outline black -fill yellow -tags tag.$id] - $canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag_quoted 1] - set rowtextx([rowofcommit $id]) [expr {$xr + $linespc}] - } else { - # draw a head or other ref - if {[incr nheads -1] >= 0} { - set col green - if {$tag eq $mainhead} { - set font mainfontbold - } - } else { - set col "#ddddff" - } - set xl [expr {$xl - $delta/2}] - $canv create polygon $x $yt $xr $yt $xr $yb $x $yb \ - -width 1 -outline black -fill $col -tags tag.$id - if {[regexp {^(remotes/.*/|remotes/)} $tag match remoteprefix]} { - set rwid [font measure mainfont $remoteprefix] - set xi [expr {$x + 1}] - set yti [expr {$yt + 1}] - set xri [expr {$x + $rwid}] - $canv create polygon $xi $yti $xri $yti $xri $yb $xi $yb \ - -width 0 -fill "#ffddaa" -tags tag.$id - } - } - set t [$canv create text $xl $y1 -anchor w -text $tag -fill $fgcolor \ - -font $font -tags [list tag.$id text]] - if {$ntags >= 0} { - $canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag_quoted 1] - } elseif {$nheads >= 0} { - $canv bind $t $ctxbut [list headmenu %X %Y $id $tag_quoted] - } - } - return $xt -} - -proc xcoord {i level ln} { - global canvx0 xspc1 xspc2 - - set x [expr {$canvx0 + $i * $xspc1($ln)}] - if {$i > 0 && $i == $level} { - set x [expr {$x + 0.5 * ($xspc2 - $xspc1($ln))}] - } elseif {$i > $level} { - set x [expr {$x + $xspc2 - $xspc1($ln)}] - } - return $x -} - -proc show_status {msg} { - global canv fgcolor - - clear_display - $canv create text 3 3 -anchor nw -text $msg -font mainfont \ - -tags text -fill $fgcolor -} - -# Don't change the text pane cursor if it is currently the hand cursor, -# showing that we are over a sha1 ID link. -proc settextcursor {c} { - global ctext curtextcursor - - if {[$ctext cget -cursor] == $curtextcursor} { - $ctext config -cursor $c - } - set curtextcursor $c -} - -proc nowbusy {what {name {}}} { - global isbusy busyname statusw - - if {[array names isbusy] eq {}} { - . config -cursor watch - settextcursor watch - } - set isbusy($what) 1 - set busyname($what) $name - if {$name ne {}} { - $statusw conf -text $name - } -} - -proc notbusy {what} { - global isbusy maincursor textcursor busyname statusw - - catch { - unset isbusy($what) - if {$busyname($what) ne {} && - [$statusw cget -text] eq $busyname($what)} { - $statusw conf -text {} - } - } - if {[array names isbusy] eq {}} { - . config -cursor $maincursor - settextcursor $textcursor - } -} - -proc findmatches {f} { - global findtype findstring - if {$findtype == [mc "Regexp"]} { - set matches [regexp -indices -all -inline $findstring $f] - } else { - set fs $findstring - if {$findtype == [mc "IgnCase"]} { - set f [string tolower $f] - set fs [string tolower $fs] - } - set matches {} - set i 0 - set l [string length $fs] - while {[set j [string first $fs $f $i]] >= 0} { - lappend matches [list $j [expr {$j+$l-1}]] - set i [expr {$j + $l}] - } - } - return $matches -} - -proc dofind {{dirn 1} {wrap 1}} { - global findstring findstartline findcurline selectedline numcommits - global gdttype filehighlight fh_serial find_dirn findallowwrap - - if {[info exists find_dirn]} { - if {$find_dirn == $dirn} return - stopfinding - } - focus . - if {$findstring eq {} || $numcommits == 0} return - if {$selectedline eq {}} { - set findstartline [lindex [visiblerows] [expr {$dirn < 0}]] - } else { - set findstartline $selectedline - } - set findcurline $findstartline - nowbusy finding [mc "Searching"] - if {$gdttype ne [mc "containing:"] && ![info exists filehighlight]} { - after cancel do_file_hl $fh_serial - do_file_hl $fh_serial - } - set find_dirn $dirn - set findallowwrap $wrap - run findmore -} - -proc stopfinding {} { - global find_dirn findcurline fprogcoord - - if {[info exists find_dirn]} { - unset find_dirn - unset findcurline - notbusy finding - set fprogcoord 0 - adjustprogress - } - stopblaming -} - -proc findmore {} { - global commitdata commitinfo numcommits findpattern findloc - global findstartline findcurline findallowwrap - global find_dirn gdttype fhighlights fprogcoord - global curview varcorder vrownum varccommits vrowmod - - if {![info exists find_dirn]} { - return 0 - } - set fldtypes [list [mc "Headline"] [mc "Author"] [mc "Date"] [mc "Committer"] [mc "CDate"] [mc "Comments"]] - set l $findcurline - set moretodo 0 - if {$find_dirn > 0} { - incr l - if {$l >= $numcommits} { - set l 0 - } - if {$l <= $findstartline} { - set lim [expr {$findstartline + 1}] - } else { - set lim $numcommits - set moretodo $findallowwrap - } - } else { - if {$l == 0} { - set l $numcommits - } - incr l -1 - if {$l >= $findstartline} { - set lim [expr {$findstartline - 1}] - } else { - set lim -1 - set moretodo $findallowwrap - } - } - set n [expr {($lim - $l) * $find_dirn}] - if {$n > 500} { - set n 500 - set moretodo 1 - } - if {$l + ($find_dirn > 0? $n: 1) > $vrowmod($curview)} { - update_arcrows $curview - } - set found 0 - set domore 1 - set ai [bsearch $vrownum($curview) $l] - set a [lindex $varcorder($curview) $ai] - set arow [lindex $vrownum($curview) $ai] - set ids [lindex $varccommits($curview,$a)] - set arowend [expr {$arow + [llength $ids]}] - if {$gdttype eq [mc "containing:"]} { - for {} {$n > 0} {incr n -1; incr l $find_dirn} { - if {$l < $arow || $l >= $arowend} { - incr ai $find_dirn - set a [lindex $varcorder($curview) $ai] - set arow [lindex $vrownum($curview) $ai] - set ids [lindex $varccommits($curview,$a)] - set arowend [expr {$arow + [llength $ids]}] - } - set id [lindex $ids [expr {$l - $arow}]] - # shouldn't happen unless git log doesn't give all the commits... - if {![info exists commitdata($id)] || - ![doesmatch $commitdata($id)]} { - continue - } - if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} { - getcommit $id - } - set info $commitinfo($id) - foreach f $info ty $fldtypes { - if {($findloc eq [mc "All fields"] || $findloc eq $ty) && - [doesmatch $f]} { - set found 1 - break - } - } - if {$found} break - } - } else { - for {} {$n > 0} {incr n -1; incr l $find_dirn} { - if {$l < $arow || $l >= $arowend} { - incr ai $find_dirn - set a [lindex $varcorder($curview) $ai] - set arow [lindex $vrownum($curview) $ai] - set ids [lindex $varccommits($curview,$a)] - set arowend [expr {$arow + [llength $ids]}] - } - set id [lindex $ids [expr {$l - $arow}]] - if {![info exists fhighlights($id)]} { - # this sets fhighlights($id) to -1 - askfilehighlight $l $id - } - if {$fhighlights($id) > 0} { - set found $domore - break - } - if {$fhighlights($id) < 0} { - if {$domore} { - set domore 0 - set findcurline [expr {$l - $find_dirn}] - } - } - } - } - if {$found || ($domore && !$moretodo)} { - unset findcurline - unset find_dirn - notbusy finding - set fprogcoord 0 - adjustprogress - if {$found} { - findselectline $l - } else { - bell - } - return 0 - } - if {!$domore} { - flushhighlights - } else { - set findcurline [expr {$l - $find_dirn}] - } - set n [expr {($findcurline - $findstartline) * $find_dirn - 1}] - if {$n < 0} { - incr n $numcommits - } - set fprogcoord [expr {$n * 1.0 / $numcommits}] - adjustprogress - return $domore -} - -proc findselectline {l} { - global findloc commentend ctext findcurline markingmatches gdttype - - set markingmatches [expr {$gdttype eq [mc "containing:"]}] - set findcurline $l - selectline $l 1 - if {$markingmatches && - ($findloc eq [mc "All fields"] || $findloc eq [mc "Comments"])} { - # highlight the matches in the comments - set f [$ctext get 1.0 $commentend] - set matches [findmatches $f] - foreach match $matches { - set start [lindex $match 0] - set end [expr {[lindex $match 1] + 1}] - $ctext tag add found "1.0 + $start c" "1.0 + $end c" - } - } - drawvisible -} - -# mark the bits of a headline or author that match a find string -proc markmatches {canv l str tag matches font row} { - global selectedline - - set bbox [$canv bbox $tag] - set x0 [lindex $bbox 0] - set y0 [lindex $bbox 1] - set y1 [lindex $bbox 3] - foreach match $matches { - set start [lindex $match 0] - set end [lindex $match 1] - if {$start > $end} continue - set xoff [font measure $font [string range $str 0 [expr {$start-1}]]] - set xlen [font measure $font [string range $str 0 [expr {$end}]]] - set t [$canv create rect [expr {$x0+$xoff}] $y0 \ - [expr {$x0+$xlen+2}] $y1 \ - -outline {} -tags [list match$l matches] -fill yellow] - $canv lower $t - if {$row == $selectedline} { - $canv raise $t secsel - } - } -} - -proc unmarkmatches {} { - global markingmatches - - allcanvs delete matches - set markingmatches 0 - stopfinding -} - -proc selcanvline {w x y} { - global canv canvy0 ctext linespc - global rowtextx - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - if {$ymax == {}} return - set yfrac [lindex [$canv yview] 0] - set y [expr {$y + $yfrac * $ymax}] - set l [expr {int(($y - $canvy0) / $linespc + 0.5)}] - if {$l < 0} { - set l 0 - } - if {$w eq $canv} { - set xmax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 2] - set xleft [expr {[lindex [$canv xview] 0] * $xmax}] - if {![info exists rowtextx($l)] || $xleft + $x < $rowtextx($l)} return - } - unmarkmatches - selectline $l 1 -} - -proc commit_descriptor {p} { - global commitinfo - if {![info exists commitinfo($p)]} { - getcommit $p - } - set l "..." - if {[llength $commitinfo($p)] > 1} { - set l [lindex $commitinfo($p) 0] - } - return "$p ($l)\n" -} - -# append some text to the ctext widget, and make any SHA1 ID -# that we know about be a clickable link. -proc appendwithlinks {text tags} { - global ctext linknum curview - - set start [$ctext index "end - 1c"] - $ctext insert end $text $tags - set links [regexp -indices -all -inline {\m[0-9a-f]{6,40}\M} $text] - foreach l $links { - set s [lindex $l 0] - set e [lindex $l 1] - set linkid [string range $text $s $e] - incr e - $ctext tag delete link$linknum - $ctext tag add link$linknum "$start + $s c" "$start + $e c" - setlink $linkid link$linknum - incr linknum - } -} - -proc setlink {id lk} { - global curview ctext pendinglinks - - set known 0 - if {[string length $id] < 40} { - set matches [longid $id] - if {[llength $matches] > 0} { - if {[llength $matches] > 1} return - set known 1 - set id [lindex $matches 0] - } - } else { - set known [commitinview $id $curview] - } - if {$known} { - $ctext tag conf $lk -foreground blue -underline 1 - $ctext tag bind $lk <1> [list selbyid $id] - $ctext tag bind $lk {linkcursor %W 1} - $ctext tag bind $lk {linkcursor %W -1} - } else { - lappend pendinglinks($id) $lk - interestedin $id {makelink %P} - } -} - -proc appendshortlink {id {pre {}} {post {}}} { - global ctext linknum - - $ctext insert end $pre - $ctext tag delete link$linknum - $ctext insert end [string range $id 0 7] link$linknum - $ctext insert end $post - setlink $id link$linknum - incr linknum -} - -proc makelink {id} { - global pendinglinks - - if {![info exists pendinglinks($id)]} return - foreach lk $pendinglinks($id) { - setlink $id $lk - } - unset pendinglinks($id) -} - -proc linkcursor {w inc} { - global linkentercount curtextcursor - - if {[incr linkentercount $inc] > 0} { - $w configure -cursor hand2 - } else { - $w configure -cursor $curtextcursor - if {$linkentercount < 0} { - set linkentercount 0 - } - } -} - -proc viewnextline {dir} { - global canv linespc - - $canv delete hover - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - set wnow [$canv yview] - set wtop [expr {[lindex $wnow 0] * $ymax}] - set newtop [expr {$wtop + $dir * $linespc}] - if {$newtop < 0} { - set newtop 0 - } elseif {$newtop > $ymax} { - set newtop $ymax - } - allcanvs yview moveto [expr {$newtop * 1.0 / $ymax}] -} - -# add a list of tag or branch names at position pos -# returns the number of names inserted -proc appendrefs {pos ids var} { - global ctext linknum curview $var maxrefs - - if {[catch {$ctext index $pos}]} { - return 0 - } - $ctext conf -state normal - $ctext delete $pos "$pos lineend" - set tags {} - foreach id $ids { - foreach tag [set $var\($id\)] { - lappend tags [list $tag $id] - } - } - if {[llength $tags] > $maxrefs} { - $ctext insert $pos "[mc "many"] ([llength $tags])" - } else { - set tags [lsort -index 0 -decreasing $tags] - set sep {} - foreach ti $tags { - set id [lindex $ti 1] - set lk link$linknum - incr linknum - $ctext tag delete $lk - $ctext insert $pos $sep - $ctext insert $pos [lindex $ti 0] $lk - setlink $id $lk - set sep ", " - } - } - $ctext conf -state disabled - return [llength $tags] -} - -# called when we have finished computing the nearby tags -proc dispneartags {delay} { - global selectedline currentid showneartags tagphase - - if {$selectedline eq {} || !$showneartags} return - after cancel dispnexttag - if {$delay} { - after 200 dispnexttag - set tagphase -1 - } else { - after idle dispnexttag - set tagphase 0 - } -} - -proc dispnexttag {} { - global selectedline currentid showneartags tagphase ctext - - if {$selectedline eq {} || !$showneartags} return - switch -- $tagphase { - 0 { - set dtags [desctags $currentid] - if {$dtags ne {}} { - appendrefs precedes $dtags idtags - } - } - 1 { - set atags [anctags $currentid] - if {$atags ne {}} { - appendrefs follows $atags idtags - } - } - 2 { - set dheads [descheads $currentid] - if {$dheads ne {}} { - if {[appendrefs branch $dheads idheads] > 1 - && [$ctext get "branch -3c"] eq "h"} { - # turn "Branch" into "Branches" - $ctext conf -state normal - $ctext insert "branch -2c" "es" - $ctext conf -state disabled - } - } - } - } - if {[incr tagphase] <= 2} { - after idle dispnexttag - } -} - -proc make_secsel {id} { - global linehtag linentag linedtag canv canv2 canv3 - - if {![info exists linehtag($id)]} return - $canv delete secsel - set t [eval $canv create rect [$canv bbox $linehtag($id)] -outline {{}} \ - -tags secsel -fill [$canv cget -selectbackground]] - $canv lower $t - $canv2 delete secsel - set t [eval $canv2 create rect [$canv2 bbox $linentag($id)] -outline {{}} \ - -tags secsel -fill [$canv2 cget -selectbackground]] - $canv2 lower $t - $canv3 delete secsel - set t [eval $canv3 create rect [$canv3 bbox $linedtag($id)] -outline {{}} \ - -tags secsel -fill [$canv3 cget -selectbackground]] - $canv3 lower $t -} - -proc make_idmark {id} { - global linehtag canv fgcolor - - if {![info exists linehtag($id)]} return - $canv delete markid - set t [eval $canv create rect [$canv bbox $linehtag($id)] \ - -tags markid -outline $fgcolor] - $canv raise $t -} - -proc selectline {l isnew {desired_loc {}}} { - global canv ctext commitinfo selectedline - global canvy0 linespc parents children curview - global currentid sha1entry - global commentend idtags linknum - global mergemax numcommits pending_select - global cmitmode showneartags allcommits - global targetrow targetid lastscrollrows - global autoselect autosellen jump_to_here - - catch {unset pending_select} - $canv delete hover - normalline - unsel_reflist - stopfinding - if {$l < 0 || $l >= $numcommits} return - set id [commitonrow $l] - set targetid $id - set targetrow $l - set selectedline $l - set currentid $id - if {$lastscrollrows < $numcommits} { - setcanvscroll - } - - set y [expr {$canvy0 + $l * $linespc}] - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - set ytop [expr {$y - $linespc - 1}] - set ybot [expr {$y + $linespc + 1}] - set wnow [$canv yview] - set wtop [expr {[lindex $wnow 0] * $ymax}] - set wbot [expr {[lindex $wnow 1] * $ymax}] - set wh [expr {$wbot - $wtop}] - set newtop $wtop - if {$ytop < $wtop} { - if {$ybot < $wtop} { - set newtop [expr {$y - $wh / 2.0}] - } else { - set newtop $ytop - if {$newtop > $wtop - $linespc} { - set newtop [expr {$wtop - $linespc}] - } - } - } elseif {$ybot > $wbot} { - if {$ytop > $wbot} { - set newtop [expr {$y - $wh / 2.0}] - } else { - set newtop [expr {$ybot - $wh}] - if {$newtop < $wtop + $linespc} { - set newtop [expr {$wtop + $linespc}] - } - } - } - if {$newtop != $wtop} { - if {$newtop < 0} { - set newtop 0 - } - allcanvs yview moveto [expr {$newtop * 1.0 / $ymax}] - drawvisible - } - - make_secsel $id - - if {$isnew} { - addtohistory [list selbyid $id 0] savecmitpos - } - - $sha1entry delete 0 end - $sha1entry insert 0 $id - if {$autoselect} { - $sha1entry selection range 0 $autosellen - } - rhighlight_sel $id - - $ctext conf -state normal - clear_ctext - set linknum 0 - if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} { - getcommit $id - } - set info $commitinfo($id) - set date [formatdate [lindex $info 2]] - $ctext insert end "[mc "Author"]: [lindex $info 1] $date\n" - set date [formatdate [lindex $info 4]] - $ctext insert end "[mc "Committer"]: [lindex $info 3] $date\n" - if {[info exists idtags($id)]} { - $ctext insert end [mc "Tags:"] - foreach tag $idtags($id) { - $ctext insert end " $tag" - } - $ctext insert end "\n" - } - - set headers {} - set olds $parents($curview,$id) - if {[llength $olds] > 1} { - set np 0 - foreach p $olds { - if {$np >= $mergemax} { - set tag mmax - } else { - set tag m$np - } - $ctext insert end "[mc "Parent"]: " $tag - appendwithlinks [commit_descriptor $p] {} - incr np - } - } else { - foreach p $olds { - append headers "[mc "Parent"]: [commit_descriptor $p]" - } - } - - foreach c $children($curview,$id) { - append headers "[mc "Child"]: [commit_descriptor $c]" - } - - # make anything that looks like a SHA1 ID be a clickable link - appendwithlinks $headers {} - if {$showneartags} { - if {![info exists allcommits]} { - getallcommits - } - $ctext insert end "[mc "Branch"]: " - $ctext mark set branch "end -1c" - $ctext mark gravity branch left - $ctext insert end "\n[mc "Follows"]: " - $ctext mark set follows "end -1c" - $ctext mark gravity follows left - $ctext insert end "\n[mc "Precedes"]: " - $ctext mark set precedes "end -1c" - $ctext mark gravity precedes left - $ctext insert end "\n" - dispneartags 1 - } - $ctext insert end "\n" - set comment [lindex $info 5] - if {[string first "\r" $comment] >= 0} { - set comment [string map {"\r" "\n "} $comment] - } - appendwithlinks $comment {comment} - - $ctext tag remove found 1.0 end - $ctext conf -state disabled - set commentend [$ctext index "end - 1c"] - - set jump_to_here $desired_loc - init_flist [mc "Comments"] - if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} { - gettree $id - } elseif {[llength $olds] <= 1} { - startdiff $id - } else { - mergediff $id - } -} - -proc selfirstline {} { - unmarkmatches - selectline 0 1 -} - -proc sellastline {} { - global numcommits - unmarkmatches - set l [expr {$numcommits - 1}] - selectline $l 1 -} - -proc selnextline {dir} { - global selectedline - focus . - if {$selectedline eq {}} return - set l [expr {$selectedline + $dir}] - unmarkmatches - selectline $l 1 -} - -proc selnextpage {dir} { - global canv linespc selectedline numcommits - - set lpp [expr {([winfo height $canv] - 2) / $linespc}] - if {$lpp < 1} { - set lpp 1 - } - allcanvs yview scroll [expr {$dir * $lpp}] units - drawvisible - if {$selectedline eq {}} return - set l [expr {$selectedline + $dir * $lpp}] - if {$l < 0} { - set l 0 - } elseif {$l >= $numcommits} { - set l [expr $numcommits - 1] - } - unmarkmatches - selectline $l 1 -} - -proc unselectline {} { - global selectedline currentid - - set selectedline {} - catch {unset currentid} - allcanvs delete secsel - rhighlight_none -} - -proc reselectline {} { - global selectedline - - if {$selectedline ne {}} { - selectline $selectedline 0 - } -} - -proc addtohistory {cmd {saveproc {}}} { - global history historyindex curview - - unset_posvars - save_position - set elt [list $curview $cmd $saveproc {}] - if {$historyindex > 0 - && [lindex $history [expr {$historyindex - 1}]] == $elt} { - return - } - - if {$historyindex < [llength $history]} { - set history [lreplace $history $historyindex end $elt] - } else { - lappend history $elt - } - incr historyindex - if {$historyindex > 1} { - .tf.bar.leftbut conf -state normal - } else { - .tf.bar.leftbut conf -state disabled - } - .tf.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled -} - -# save the scrolling position of the diff display pane -proc save_position {} { - global historyindex history - - if {$historyindex < 1} return - set hi [expr {$historyindex - 1}] - set fn [lindex $history $hi 2] - if {$fn ne {}} { - lset history $hi 3 [eval $fn] - } -} - -proc unset_posvars {} { - global last_posvars - - if {[info exists last_posvars]} { - foreach {var val} $last_posvars { - global $var - catch {unset $var} - } - unset last_posvars - } -} - -proc godo {elt} { - global curview last_posvars - - set view [lindex $elt 0] - set cmd [lindex $elt 1] - set pv [lindex $elt 3] - if {$curview != $view} { - showview $view - } - unset_posvars - foreach {var val} $pv { - global $var - set $var $val - } - set last_posvars $pv - eval $cmd -} - -proc goback {} { - global history historyindex - focus . - - if {$historyindex > 1} { - save_position - incr historyindex -1 - godo [lindex $history [expr {$historyindex - 1}]] - .tf.bar.rightbut conf -state normal - } - if {$historyindex <= 1} { - .tf.bar.leftbut conf -state disabled - } -} - -proc goforw {} { - global history historyindex - focus . - - if {$historyindex < [llength $history]} { - save_position - set cmd [lindex $history $historyindex] - incr historyindex - godo $cmd - .tf.bar.leftbut conf -state normal - } - if {$historyindex >= [llength $history]} { - .tf.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled - } -} - -proc gettree {id} { - global treefilelist treeidlist diffids diffmergeid treepending - global nullid nullid2 - - set diffids $id - catch {unset diffmergeid} - if {![info exists treefilelist($id)]} { - if {![info exists treepending]} { - if {$id eq $nullid} { - set cmd [list | git ls-files] - } elseif {$id eq $nullid2} { - set cmd [list | git ls-files --stage -t] - } else { - set cmd [list | git ls-tree -r $id] - } - if {[catch {set gtf [open $cmd r]}]} { - return - } - set treepending $id - set treefilelist($id) {} - set treeidlist($id) {} - fconfigure $gtf -blocking 0 -encoding binary - filerun $gtf [list gettreeline $gtf $id] - } - } else { - setfilelist $id - } -} - -proc gettreeline {gtf id} { - global treefilelist treeidlist treepending cmitmode diffids nullid nullid2 - - set nl 0 - while {[incr nl] <= 1000 && [gets $gtf line] >= 0} { - if {$diffids eq $nullid} { - set fname $line - } else { - set i [string first "\t" $line] - if {$i < 0} continue - set fname [string range $line [expr {$i+1}] end] - set line [string range $line 0 [expr {$i-1}]] - if {$diffids ne $nullid2 && [lindex $line 1] ne "blob"} continue - set sha1 [lindex $line 2] - lappend treeidlist($id) $sha1 - } - if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} { - set fname [lindex $fname 0] - } - set fname [encoding convertfrom $fname] - lappend treefilelist($id) $fname - } - if {![eof $gtf]} { - return [expr {$nl >= 1000? 2: 1}] - } - close $gtf - unset treepending - if {$cmitmode ne "tree"} { - if {![info exists diffmergeid]} { - gettreediffs $diffids - } - } elseif {$id ne $diffids} { - gettree $diffids - } else { - setfilelist $id - } - return 0 -} - -proc showfile {f} { - global treefilelist treeidlist diffids nullid nullid2 - global ctext_file_names ctext_file_lines - global ctext commentend - - set i [lsearch -exact $treefilelist($diffids) $f] - if {$i < 0} { - puts "oops, $f not in list for id $diffids" - return - } - if {$diffids eq $nullid} { - if {[catch {set bf [open $f r]} err]} { - puts "oops, can't read $f: $err" - return - } - } else { - set blob [lindex $treeidlist($diffids) $i] - if {[catch {set bf [open [concat | git cat-file blob $blob] r]} err]} { - puts "oops, error reading blob $blob: $err" - return - } - } - fconfigure $bf -blocking 0 -encoding [get_path_encoding $f] - filerun $bf [list getblobline $bf $diffids] - $ctext config -state normal - clear_ctext $commentend - lappend ctext_file_names $f - lappend ctext_file_lines [lindex [split $commentend "."] 0] - $ctext insert end "\n" - $ctext insert end "$f\n" filesep - $ctext config -state disabled - $ctext yview $commentend - settabs 0 -} - -proc getblobline {bf id} { - global diffids cmitmode ctext - - if {$id ne $diffids || $cmitmode ne "tree"} { - catch {close $bf} - return 0 - } - $ctext config -state normal - set nl 0 - while {[incr nl] <= 1000 && [gets $bf line] >= 0} { - $ctext insert end "$line\n" - } - if {[eof $bf]} { - global jump_to_here ctext_file_names commentend - - # delete last newline - $ctext delete "end - 2c" "end - 1c" - close $bf - if {$jump_to_here ne {} && - [lindex $jump_to_here 0] eq [lindex $ctext_file_names 0]} { - set lnum [expr {[lindex $jump_to_here 1] + - [lindex [split $commentend .] 0]}] - mark_ctext_line $lnum - } - $ctext config -state disabled - return 0 - } - $ctext config -state disabled - return [expr {$nl >= 1000? 2: 1}] -} - -proc mark_ctext_line {lnum} { - global ctext markbgcolor - - $ctext tag delete omark - $ctext tag add omark $lnum.0 "$lnum.0 + 1 line" - $ctext tag conf omark -background $markbgcolor - $ctext see $lnum.0 -} - -proc mergediff {id} { - global diffmergeid - global diffids treediffs - global parents curview - - set diffmergeid $id - set diffids $id - set treediffs($id) {} - set np [llength $parents($curview,$id)] - settabs $np - getblobdiffs $id -} - -proc startdiff {ids} { - global treediffs diffids treepending diffmergeid nullid nullid2 - - settabs 1 - set diffids $ids - catch {unset diffmergeid} - if {![info exists treediffs($ids)] || - [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid] >= 0 || - [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid2] >= 0} { - if {![info exists treepending]} { - gettreediffs $ids - } - } else { - addtocflist $ids - } -} - -proc path_filter {filter name} { - foreach p $filter { - set l [string length $p] - if {[string index $p end] eq "/"} { - if {[string compare -length $l $p $name] == 0} { - return 1 - } - } else { - if {[string compare -length $l $p $name] == 0 && - ([string length $name] == $l || - [string index $name $l] eq "/")} { - return 1 - } - } - } - return 0 -} - -proc addtocflist {ids} { - global treediffs - - add_flist $treediffs($ids) - getblobdiffs $ids -} - -proc diffcmd {ids flags} { - global nullid nullid2 - - set i [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid] - set j [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid2] - if {$i >= 0} { - if {[llength $ids] > 1 && $j < 0} { - # comparing working directory with some specific revision - set cmd [concat | git diff-index $flags] - if {$i == 0} { - lappend cmd -R [lindex $ids 1] - } else { - lappend cmd [lindex $ids 0] - } - } else { - # comparing working directory with index - set cmd [concat | git diff-files $flags] - if {$j == 1} { - lappend cmd -R - } - } - } elseif {$j >= 0} { - set cmd [concat | git diff-index --cached $flags] - if {[llength $ids] > 1} { - # comparing index with specific revision - if {$j == 0} { - lappend cmd -R [lindex $ids 1] - } else { - lappend cmd [lindex $ids 0] - } - } else { - # comparing index with HEAD - lappend cmd HEAD - } - } else { - set cmd [concat | git diff-tree -r $flags $ids] - } - return $cmd -} - -proc gettreediffs {ids} { - global treediff treepending - - if {[catch {set gdtf [open [diffcmd $ids {--no-commit-id}] r]}]} return - - set treepending $ids - set treediff {} - fconfigure $gdtf -blocking 0 -encoding binary - filerun $gdtf [list gettreediffline $gdtf $ids] -} - -proc gettreediffline {gdtf ids} { - global treediff treediffs treepending diffids diffmergeid - global cmitmode vfilelimit curview limitdiffs perfile_attrs - - set nr 0 - set sublist {} - set max 1000 - if {$perfile_attrs} { - # cache_gitattr is slow, and even slower on win32 where we - # have to invoke it for only about 30 paths at a time - set max 500 - if {[tk windowingsystem] == "win32"} { - set max 120 - } - } - while {[incr nr] <= $max && [gets $gdtf line] >= 0} { - set i [string first "\t" $line] - if {$i >= 0} { - set file [string range $line [expr {$i+1}] end] - if {[string index $file 0] eq "\""} { - set file [lindex $file 0] - } - set file [encoding convertfrom $file] - if {$file ne [lindex $treediff end]} { - lappend treediff $file - lappend sublist $file - } - } - } - if {$perfile_attrs} { - cache_gitattr encoding $sublist - } - if {![eof $gdtf]} { - return [expr {$nr >= $max? 2: 1}] - } - close $gdtf - if {$limitdiffs && $vfilelimit($curview) ne {}} { - set flist {} - foreach f $treediff { - if {[path_filter $vfilelimit($curview) $f]} { - lappend flist $f - } - } - set treediffs($ids) $flist - } else { - set treediffs($ids) $treediff - } - unset treepending - if {$cmitmode eq "tree" && [llength $diffids] == 1} { - gettree $diffids - } elseif {$ids != $diffids} { - if {![info exists diffmergeid]} { - gettreediffs $diffids - } - } else { - addtocflist $ids - } - return 0 -} - -# empty string or positive integer -proc diffcontextvalidate {v} { - return [regexp {^(|[1-9][0-9]*)$} $v] -} - -proc diffcontextchange {n1 n2 op} { - global diffcontextstring diffcontext - - if {[string is integer -strict $diffcontextstring]} { - if {$diffcontextstring >= 0} { - set diffcontext $diffcontextstring - reselectline - } - } -} - -proc changeignorespace {} { - reselectline -} - -proc changeworddiff {name ix op} { - reselectline -} - -proc getblobdiffs {ids} { - global blobdifffd diffids env - global diffinhdr treediffs - global diffcontext - global ignorespace - global worddiff - global limitdiffs vfilelimit curview - global diffencoding targetline diffnparents - global git_version currdiffsubmod - - set textconv {} - if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.6.1"] >= 0} { - set textconv "--textconv" - } - set submodule {} - if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.6.6"] >= 0} { - set submodule "--submodule" - } - set cmd [diffcmd $ids "-p $textconv $submodule -C --cc --no-commit-id -U$diffcontext"] - if {$ignorespace} { - append cmd " -w" - } - if {$worddiff ne [mc "Line diff"]} { - append cmd " --word-diff=porcelain" - } - if {$limitdiffs && $vfilelimit($curview) ne {}} { - set cmd [concat $cmd -- $vfilelimit($curview)] - } - if {[catch {set bdf [open $cmd r]} err]} { - error_popup [mc "Error getting diffs: %s" $err] - return - } - set targetline {} - set diffnparents 0 - set diffinhdr 0 - set diffencoding [get_path_encoding {}] - fconfigure $bdf -blocking 0 -encoding binary -eofchar {} - set blobdifffd($ids) $bdf - set currdiffsubmod "" - filerun $bdf [list getblobdiffline $bdf $diffids] -} - -proc savecmitpos {} { - global ctext cmitmode - - if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} { - return {} - } - return [list target_scrollpos [$ctext index @0,0]] -} - -proc savectextpos {} { - global ctext - - return [list target_scrollpos [$ctext index @0,0]] -} - -proc maybe_scroll_ctext {ateof} { - global ctext target_scrollpos - - if {![info exists target_scrollpos]} return - if {!$ateof} { - set nlines [expr {[winfo height $ctext] - / [font metrics textfont -linespace]}] - if {[$ctext compare "$target_scrollpos + $nlines lines" <= end]} return - } - $ctext yview $target_scrollpos - unset target_scrollpos -} - -proc setinlist {var i val} { - global $var - - while {[llength [set $var]] < $i} { - lappend $var {} - } - if {[llength [set $var]] == $i} { - lappend $var $val - } else { - lset $var $i $val - } -} - -proc makediffhdr {fname ids} { - global ctext curdiffstart treediffs diffencoding - global ctext_file_names jump_to_here targetline diffline - - set fname [encoding convertfrom $fname] - set diffencoding [get_path_encoding $fname] - set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname] - if {$i >= 0} { - setinlist difffilestart $i $curdiffstart - } - lset ctext_file_names end $fname - set l [expr {(78 - [string length $fname]) / 2}] - set pad [string range "----------------------------------------" 1 $l] - $ctext insert $curdiffstart "$pad $fname $pad" filesep - set targetline {} - if {$jump_to_here ne {} && [lindex $jump_to_here 0] eq $fname} { - set targetline [lindex $jump_to_here 1] - } - set diffline 0 -} - -proc getblobdiffline {bdf ids} { - global diffids blobdifffd ctext curdiffstart - global diffnexthead diffnextnote difffilestart - global ctext_file_names ctext_file_lines - global diffinhdr treediffs mergemax diffnparents - global diffencoding jump_to_here targetline diffline currdiffsubmod - global worddiff - - set nr 0 - $ctext conf -state normal - while {[incr nr] <= 1000 && [gets $bdf line] >= 0} { - if {$ids != $diffids || $bdf != $blobdifffd($ids)} { - catch {close $bdf} - return 0 - } - if {![string compare -length 5 "diff " $line]} { - if {![regexp {^diff (--cc|--git) } $line m type]} { - set line [encoding convertfrom $line] - $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep - continue - } - # start of a new file - set diffinhdr 1 - $ctext insert end "\n" - set curdiffstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"] - lappend ctext_file_names "" - lappend ctext_file_lines [lindex [split $curdiffstart "."] 0] - $ctext insert end "\n" filesep - - if {$type eq "--cc"} { - # start of a new file in a merge diff - set fname [string range $line 10 end] - if {[lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname] < 0} { - lappend treediffs($ids) $fname - add_flist [list $fname] - } - - } else { - set line [string range $line 11 end] - # If the name hasn't changed the length will be odd, - # the middle char will be a space, and the two bits either - # side will be a/name and b/name, or "a/name" and "b/name". - # If the name has changed we'll get "rename from" and - # "rename to" or "copy from" and "copy to" lines following - # this, and we'll use them to get the filenames. - # This complexity is necessary because spaces in the - # filename(s) don't get escaped. - set l [string length $line] - set i [expr {$l / 2}] - if {!(($l & 1) && [string index $line $i] eq " " && - [string range $line 2 [expr {$i - 1}]] eq \ - [string range $line [expr {$i + 3}] end])} { - continue - } - # unescape if quoted and chop off the a/ from the front - if {[string index $line 0] eq "\""} { - set fname [string range [lindex $line 0] 2 end] - } else { - set fname [string range $line 2 [expr {$i - 1}]] - } - } - makediffhdr $fname $ids - - } elseif {![string compare -length 16 "* Unmerged path " $line]} { - set fname [encoding convertfrom [string range $line 16 end]] - $ctext insert end "\n" - set curdiffstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"] - lappend ctext_file_names $fname - lappend ctext_file_lines [lindex [split $curdiffstart "."] 0] - $ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep - set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname] - if {$i >= 0} { - setinlist difffilestart $i $curdiffstart - } - - } elseif {![string compare -length 2 "@@" $line]} { - regexp {^@@+} $line ats - set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line] - $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep - if {[regexp { \+(\d+),\d+ @@} $line m nl]} { - set diffline $nl - } - set diffnparents [expr {[string length $ats] - 1}] - set diffinhdr 0 - - } elseif {![string compare -length 10 "Submodule " $line]} { - # start of a new submodule - if {[regexp -indices "\[0-9a-f\]+\\.\\." $line nameend]} { - set fname [string range $line 10 [expr [lindex $nameend 0] - 2]] - } else { - set fname [string range $line 10 [expr [string first "contains " $line] - 2]] - } - if {$currdiffsubmod != $fname} { - $ctext insert end "\n"; # Add newline after commit message - } - set curdiffstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"] - lappend ctext_file_names "" - if {$currdiffsubmod != $fname} { - lappend ctext_file_lines $fname - makediffhdr $fname $ids - set currdiffsubmod $fname - $ctext insert end "\n$line\n" filesep - } else { - $ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep - } - } elseif {![string compare -length 3 " >" $line]} { - set $currdiffsubmod "" - set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line] - $ctext insert end "$line\n" dresult - } elseif {![string compare -length 3 " <" $line]} { - set $currdiffsubmod "" - set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line] - $ctext insert end "$line\n" d0 - } elseif {$diffinhdr} { - if {![string compare -length 12 "rename from " $line]} { - set fname [string range $line [expr 6 + [string first " from " $line] ] end] - if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} { - set fname [lindex $fname 0] - } - set fname [encoding convertfrom $fname] - set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname] - if {$i >= 0} { - setinlist difffilestart $i $curdiffstart - } - } elseif {![string compare -length 10 $line "rename to "] || - ![string compare -length 8 $line "copy to "]} { - set fname [string range $line [expr 4 + [string first " to " $line] ] end] - if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} { - set fname [lindex $fname 0] - } - makediffhdr $fname $ids - } elseif {[string compare -length 3 $line "---"] == 0} { - # do nothing - continue - } elseif {[string compare -length 3 $line "+++"] == 0} { - set diffinhdr 0 - continue - } - $ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep - - } else { - set line [string map {\x1A ^Z} \ - [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]] - # parse the prefix - one ' ', '-' or '+' for each parent - set prefix [string range $line 0 [expr {$diffnparents - 1}]] - set tag [expr {$diffnparents > 1? "m": "d"}] - set dowords [expr {$worddiff ne [mc "Line diff"] && $diffnparents == 1}] - set words_pre_markup "" - set words_post_markup "" - if {[string trim $prefix " -+"] eq {}} { - # prefix only has " ", "-" and "+" in it: normal diff line - set num [string first "-" $prefix] - if {$dowords} { - set line [string range $line 1 end] - } - if {$num >= 0} { - # removed line, first parent with line is $num - if {$num >= $mergemax} { - set num "max" - } - if {$dowords && $worddiff eq [mc "Markup words"]} { - $ctext insert end "\[-$line-\]" $tag$num - } else { - $ctext insert end "$line" $tag$num - } - if {!$dowords} { - $ctext insert end "\n" $tag$num - } - } else { - set tags {} - if {[string first "+" $prefix] >= 0} { - # added line - lappend tags ${tag}result - if {$diffnparents > 1} { - set num [string first " " $prefix] - if {$num >= 0} { - if {$num >= $mergemax} { - set num "max" - } - lappend tags m$num - } - } - set words_pre_markup "{+" - set words_post_markup "+}" - } - if {$targetline ne {}} { - if {$diffline == $targetline} { - set seehere [$ctext index "end - 1 chars"] - set targetline {} - } else { - incr diffline - } - } - if {$dowords && $worddiff eq [mc "Markup words"]} { - $ctext insert end "$words_pre_markup$line$words_post_markup" $tags - } else { - $ctext insert end "$line" $tags - } - if {!$dowords} { - $ctext insert end "\n" $tags - } - } - } elseif {$dowords && $prefix eq "~"} { - $ctext insert end "\n" {} - } else { - # "\ No newline at end of file", - # or something else we don't recognize - $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep - } - } - } - if {[info exists seehere]} { - mark_ctext_line [lindex [split $seehere .] 0] - } - maybe_scroll_ctext [eof $bdf] - $ctext conf -state disabled - if {[eof $bdf]} { - catch {close $bdf} - return 0 - } - return [expr {$nr >= 1000? 2: 1}] -} - -proc changediffdisp {} { - global ctext diffelide - - $ctext tag conf d0 -elide [lindex $diffelide 0] - $ctext tag conf dresult -elide [lindex $diffelide 1] -} - -proc highlightfile {loc cline} { - global ctext cflist cflist_top - - $ctext yview $loc - $cflist tag remove highlight $cflist_top.0 "$cflist_top.0 lineend" - $cflist tag add highlight $cline.0 "$cline.0 lineend" - $cflist see $cline.0 - set cflist_top $cline -} - -proc prevfile {} { - global difffilestart ctext cmitmode - - if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return - set prev 0.0 - set prevline 1 - set here [$ctext index @0,0] - foreach loc $difffilestart { - if {[$ctext compare $loc >= $here]} { - highlightfile $prev $prevline - return - } - set prev $loc - incr prevline - } - highlightfile $prev $prevline -} - -proc nextfile {} { - global difffilestart ctext cmitmode - - if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return - set here [$ctext index @0,0] - set line 1 - foreach loc $difffilestart { - incr line - if {[$ctext compare $loc > $here]} { - highlightfile $loc $line - return - } - } -} - -proc clear_ctext {{first 1.0}} { - global ctext smarktop smarkbot - global ctext_file_names ctext_file_lines - global pendinglinks - - set l [lindex [split $first .] 0] - if {![info exists smarktop] || [$ctext compare $first < $smarktop.0]} { - set smarktop $l - } - if {![info exists smarkbot] || [$ctext compare $first < $smarkbot.0]} { - set smarkbot $l - } - $ctext delete $first end - if {$first eq "1.0"} { - catch {unset pendinglinks} - } - set ctext_file_names {} - set ctext_file_lines {} -} - -proc settabs {{firstab {}}} { - global firsttabstop tabstop ctext have_tk85 - - if {$firstab ne {} && $have_tk85} { - set firsttabstop $firstab - } - set w [font measure textfont "0"] - if {$firsttabstop != 0} { - $ctext conf -tabs [list [expr {($firsttabstop + $tabstop) * $w}] \ - [expr {($firsttabstop + 2 * $tabstop) * $w}]] - } elseif {$have_tk85 || $tabstop != 8} { - $ctext conf -tabs [expr {$tabstop * $w}] - } else { - $ctext conf -tabs {} - } -} - -proc incrsearch {name ix op} { - global ctext searchstring searchdirn - - $ctext tag remove found 1.0 end - if {[catch {$ctext index anchor}]} { - # no anchor set, use start of selection, or of visible area - set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel] - if {$sel ne {}} { - $ctext mark set anchor [lindex $sel 0] - } elseif {$searchdirn eq "-forwards"} { - $ctext mark set anchor @0,0 - } else { - $ctext mark set anchor @0,[winfo height $ctext] - } - } - if {$searchstring ne {}} { - set here [$ctext search $searchdirn -- $searchstring anchor] - if {$here ne {}} { - $ctext see $here - } - searchmarkvisible 1 - } -} - -proc dosearch {} { - global sstring ctext searchstring searchdirn - - focus $sstring - $sstring icursor end - set searchdirn -forwards - if {$searchstring ne {}} { - set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel] - if {$sel ne {}} { - set start "[lindex $sel 0] + 1c" - } elseif {[catch {set start [$ctext index anchor]}]} { - set start "@0,0" - } - set match [$ctext search -count mlen -- $searchstring $start] - $ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end - if {$match eq {}} { - bell - return - } - $ctext see $match - set mend "$match + $mlen c" - $ctext tag add sel $match $mend - $ctext mark unset anchor - } -} - -proc dosearchback {} { - global sstring ctext searchstring searchdirn - - focus $sstring - $sstring icursor end - set searchdirn -backwards - if {$searchstring ne {}} { - set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel] - if {$sel ne {}} { - set start [lindex $sel 0] - } elseif {[catch {set start [$ctext index anchor]}]} { - set start @0,[winfo height $ctext] - } - set match [$ctext search -backwards -count ml -- $searchstring $start] - $ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end - if {$match eq {}} { - bell - return - } - $ctext see $match - set mend "$match + $ml c" - $ctext tag add sel $match $mend - $ctext mark unset anchor - } -} - -proc searchmark {first last} { - global ctext searchstring - - set mend $first.0 - while {1} { - set match [$ctext search -count mlen -- $searchstring $mend $last.end] - if {$match eq {}} break - set mend "$match + $mlen c" - $ctext tag add found $match $mend - } -} - -proc searchmarkvisible {doall} { - global ctext smarktop smarkbot - - set topline [lindex [split [$ctext index @0,0] .] 0] - set botline [lindex [split [$ctext index @0,[winfo height $ctext]] .] 0] - if {$doall || $botline < $smarktop || $topline > $smarkbot} { - # no overlap with previous - searchmark $topline $botline - set smarktop $topline - set smarkbot $botline - } else { - if {$topline < $smarktop} { - searchmark $topline [expr {$smarktop-1}] - set smarktop $topline - } - if {$botline > $smarkbot} { - searchmark [expr {$smarkbot+1}] $botline - set smarkbot $botline - } - } -} - -proc scrolltext {f0 f1} { - global searchstring - - .bleft.bottom.sb set $f0 $f1 - if {$searchstring ne {}} { - searchmarkvisible 0 - } -} - -proc setcoords {} { - global linespc charspc canvx0 canvy0 - global xspc1 xspc2 lthickness - - set linespc [font metrics mainfont -linespace] - set charspc [font measure mainfont "m"] - set canvy0 [expr {int(3 + 0.5 * $linespc)}] - set canvx0 [expr {int(3 + 0.5 * $linespc)}] - set lthickness [expr {int($linespc / 9) + 1}] - set xspc1(0) $linespc - set xspc2 $linespc -} - -proc redisplay {} { - global canv - global selectedline - - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - if {$ymax eq {} || $ymax == 0} return - set span [$canv yview] - clear_display - setcanvscroll - allcanvs yview moveto [lindex $span 0] - drawvisible - if {$selectedline ne {}} { - selectline $selectedline 0 - allcanvs yview moveto [lindex $span 0] - } -} - -proc parsefont {f n} { - global fontattr - - set fontattr($f,family) [lindex $n 0] - set s [lindex $n 1] - if {$s eq {} || $s == 0} { - set s 10 - } elseif {$s < 0} { - set s [expr {int(-$s / [winfo fpixels . 1p] + 0.5)}] - } - set fontattr($f,size) $s - set fontattr($f,weight) normal - set fontattr($f,slant) roman - foreach style [lrange $n 2 end] { - switch -- $style { - "normal" - - "bold" {set fontattr($f,weight) $style} - "roman" - - "italic" {set fontattr($f,slant) $style} - } - } -} - -proc fontflags {f {isbold 0}} { - global fontattr - - return [list -family $fontattr($f,family) -size $fontattr($f,size) \ - -weight [expr {$isbold? "bold": $fontattr($f,weight)}] \ - -slant $fontattr($f,slant)] -} - -proc fontname {f} { - global fontattr - - set n [list $fontattr($f,family) $fontattr($f,size)] - if {$fontattr($f,weight) eq "bold"} { - lappend n "bold" - } - if {$fontattr($f,slant) eq "italic"} { - lappend n "italic" - } - return $n -} - -proc incrfont {inc} { - global mainfont textfont ctext canv cflist showrefstop - global stopped entries fontattr - - unmarkmatches - set s $fontattr(mainfont,size) - incr s $inc - if {$s < 1} { - set s 1 - } - set fontattr(mainfont,size) $s - font config mainfont -size $s - font config mainfontbold -size $s - set mainfont [fontname mainfont] - set s $fontattr(textfont,size) - incr s $inc - if {$s < 1} { - set s 1 - } - set fontattr(textfont,size) $s - font config textfont -size $s - font config textfontbold -size $s - set textfont [fontname textfont] - setcoords - settabs - redisplay -} - -proc clearsha1 {} { - global sha1entry sha1string - if {[string length $sha1string] == 40} { - $sha1entry delete 0 end - } -} - -proc sha1change {n1 n2 op} { - global sha1string currentid sha1but - if {$sha1string == {} - || ([info exists currentid] && $sha1string == $currentid)} { - set state disabled - } else { - set state normal - } - if {[$sha1but cget -state] == $state} return - if {$state == "normal"} { - $sha1but conf -state normal -relief raised -text "[mc "Goto:"] " - } else { - $sha1but conf -state disabled -relief flat -text "[mc "SHA1 ID:"] " - } -} - -proc gotocommit {} { - global sha1string tagids headids curview varcid - - if {$sha1string == {} - || ([info exists currentid] && $sha1string == $currentid)} return - if {[info exists tagids($sha1string)]} { - set id $tagids($sha1string) - } elseif {[info exists headids($sha1string)]} { - set id $headids($sha1string) - } else { - set id [string tolower $sha1string] - if {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{4,39}$} $id]} { - set matches [longid $id] - if {$matches ne {}} { - if {[llength $matches] > 1} { - error_popup [mc "Short SHA1 id %s is ambiguous" $id] - return - } - set id [lindex $matches 0] - } - } else { - if {[catch {set id [exec git rev-parse --verify $sha1string]}]} { - error_popup [mc "Revision %s is not known" $sha1string] - return - } - } - } - if {[commitinview $id $curview]} { - selectline [rowofcommit $id] 1 - return - } - if {[regexp {^[0-9a-fA-F]{4,}$} $sha1string]} { - set msg [mc "SHA1 id %s is not known" $sha1string] - } else { - set msg [mc "Revision %s is not in the current view" $sha1string] - } - error_popup $msg -} - -proc lineenter {x y id} { - global hoverx hovery hoverid hovertimer - global commitinfo canv - - if {![info exists commitinfo($id)] && ![getcommit $id]} return - set hoverx $x - set hovery $y - set hoverid $id - if {[info exists hovertimer]} { - after cancel $hovertimer - } - set hovertimer [after 500 linehover] - $canv delete hover -} - -proc linemotion {x y id} { - global hoverx hovery hoverid hovertimer - - if {[info exists hoverid] && $id == $hoverid} { - set hoverx $x - set hovery $y - if {[info exists hovertimer]} { - after cancel $hovertimer - } - set hovertimer [after 500 linehover] - } -} - -proc lineleave {id} { - global hoverid hovertimer canv - - if {[info exists hoverid] && $id == $hoverid} { - $canv delete hover - if {[info exists hovertimer]} { - after cancel $hovertimer - unset hovertimer - } - unset hoverid - } -} - -proc linehover {} { - global hoverx hovery hoverid hovertimer - global canv linespc lthickness - global commitinfo - - set text [lindex $commitinfo($hoverid) 0] - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - if {$ymax == {}} return - set yfrac [lindex [$canv yview] 0] - set x [expr {$hoverx + 2 * $linespc}] - set y [expr {$hovery + $yfrac * $ymax - $linespc / 2}] - set x0 [expr {$x - 2 * $lthickness}] - set y0 [expr {$y - 2 * $lthickness}] - set x1 [expr {$x + [font measure mainfont $text] + 2 * $lthickness}] - set y1 [expr {$y + $linespc + 2 * $lthickness}] - set t [$canv create rectangle $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 \ - -fill \#ffff80 -outline black -width 1 -tags hover] - $canv raise $t - set t [$canv create text $x $y -anchor nw -text $text -tags hover \ - -font mainfont] - $canv raise $t -} - -proc clickisonarrow {id y} { - global lthickness - - set ranges [rowranges $id] - set thresh [expr {2 * $lthickness + 6}] - set n [expr {[llength $ranges] - 1}] - for {set i 1} {$i < $n} {incr i} { - set row [lindex $ranges $i] - if {abs([yc $row] - $y) < $thresh} { - return $i - } - } - return {} -} - -proc arrowjump {id n y} { - global canv - - # 1 <-> 2, 3 <-> 4, etc... - set n [expr {(($n - 1) ^ 1) + 1}] - set row [lindex [rowranges $id] $n] - set yt [yc $row] - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - if {$ymax eq {} || $ymax <= 0} return - set view [$canv yview] - set yspan [expr {[lindex $view 1] - [lindex $view 0]}] - set yfrac [expr {$yt / $ymax - $yspan / 2}] - if {$yfrac < 0} { - set yfrac 0 - } - allcanvs yview moveto $yfrac -} - -proc lineclick {x y id isnew} { - global ctext commitinfo children canv thickerline curview - - if {![info exists commitinfo($id)] && ![getcommit $id]} return - unmarkmatches - unselectline - normalline - $canv delete hover - # draw this line thicker than normal - set thickerline $id - drawlines $id - if {$isnew} { - set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3] - if {$ymax eq {}} return - set yfrac [lindex [$canv yview] 0] - set y [expr {$y + $yfrac * $ymax}] - } - set dirn [clickisonarrow $id $y] - if {$dirn ne {}} { - arrowjump $id $dirn $y - return - } - - if {$isnew} { - addtohistory [list lineclick $x $y $id 0] savectextpos - } - # fill the details pane with info about this line - $ctext conf -state normal - clear_ctext - settabs 0 - $ctext insert end "[mc "Parent"]:\t" - $ctext insert end $id link0 - setlink $id link0 - set info $commitinfo($id) - $ctext insert end "\n\t[lindex $info 0]\n" - $ctext insert end "\t[mc "Author"]:\t[lindex $info 1]\n" - set date [formatdate [lindex $info 2]] - $ctext insert end "\t[mc "Date"]:\t$date\n" - set kids $children($curview,$id) - if {$kids ne {}} { - $ctext insert end "\n[mc "Children"]:" - set i 0 - foreach child $kids { - incr i - if {![info exists commitinfo($child)] && ![getcommit $child]} continue - set info $commitinfo($child) - $ctext insert end "\n\t" - $ctext insert end $child link$i - setlink $child link$i - $ctext insert end "\n\t[lindex $info 0]" - $ctext insert end "\n\t[mc "Author"]:\t[lindex $info 1]" - set date [formatdate [lindex $info 2]] - $ctext insert end "\n\t[mc "Date"]:\t$date\n" - } - } - maybe_scroll_ctext 1 - $ctext conf -state disabled - init_flist {} -} - -proc normalline {} { - global thickerline - if {[info exists thickerline]} { - set id $thickerline - unset thickerline - drawlines $id - } -} - -proc selbyid {id {isnew 1}} { - global curview - if {[commitinview $id $curview]} { - selectline [rowofcommit $id] $isnew - } -} - -proc mstime {} { - global startmstime - if {![info exists startmstime]} { - set startmstime [clock clicks -milliseconds] - } - return [format "%.3f" [expr {([clock click -milliseconds] - $startmstime) / 1000.0}]] -} - -proc rowmenu {x y id} { - global rowctxmenu selectedline rowmenuid curview - global nullid nullid2 fakerowmenu mainhead markedid - - stopfinding - set rowmenuid $id - if {$selectedline eq {} || [rowofcommit $id] eq $selectedline} { - set state disabled - } else { - set state normal - } - if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} { - set menu $rowctxmenu - if {$mainhead ne {}} { - $menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Reset %s branch to here" $mainhead] -state normal - } else { - $menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Detached head: can't reset" $mainhead] -state disabled - } - if {[info exists markedid] && $markedid ne $id} { - $menu entryconfigure 9 -state normal - $menu entryconfigure 10 -state normal - $menu entryconfigure 11 -state normal - } else { - $menu entryconfigure 9 -state disabled - $menu entryconfigure 10 -state disabled - $menu entryconfigure 11 -state disabled - } - } else { - set menu $fakerowmenu - } - $menu entryconfigure [mca "Diff this -> selected"] -state $state - $menu entryconfigure [mca "Diff selected -> this"] -state $state - $menu entryconfigure [mca "Make patch"] -state $state - tk_popup $menu $x $y -} - -proc markhere {} { - global rowmenuid markedid canv - - set markedid $rowmenuid - make_idmark $markedid -} - -proc gotomark {} { - global markedid - - if {[info exists markedid]} { - selbyid $markedid - } -} - -proc replace_by_kids {l r} { - global curview children - - set id [commitonrow $r] - set l [lreplace $l 0 0] - foreach kid $children($curview,$id) { - lappend l [rowofcommit $kid] - } - return [lsort -integer -decreasing -unique $l] -} - -proc find_common_desc {} { - global markedid rowmenuid curview children - - if {![info exists markedid]} return - if {![commitinview $markedid $curview] || - ![commitinview $rowmenuid $curview]} return - #set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set l1 [list [rowofcommit $markedid]] - set l2 [list [rowofcommit $rowmenuid]] - while 1 { - set r1 [lindex $l1 0] - set r2 [lindex $l2 0] - if {$r1 eq {} || $r2 eq {}} break - if {$r1 == $r2} { - selectline $r1 1 - break - } - if {$r1 > $r2} { - set l1 [replace_by_kids $l1 $r1] - } else { - set l2 [replace_by_kids $l2 $r2] - } - } - #set t2 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - #puts "took [expr {$t2-$t1}]ms" -} - -proc compare_commits {} { - global markedid rowmenuid curview children - - if {![info exists markedid]} return - if {![commitinview $markedid $curview]} return - addtohistory [list do_cmp_commits $markedid $rowmenuid] - do_cmp_commits $markedid $rowmenuid -} - -proc getpatchid {id} { - global patchids - - if {![info exists patchids($id)]} { - set cmd [diffcmd [list $id] {-p --root}] - # trim off the initial "|" - set cmd [lrange $cmd 1 end] - if {[catch { - set x [eval exec $cmd | git patch-id] - set patchids($id) [lindex $x 0] - }]} { - set patchids($id) "error" - } - } - return $patchids($id) -} - -proc do_cmp_commits {a b} { - global ctext curview parents children patchids commitinfo - - $ctext conf -state normal - clear_ctext - init_flist {} - for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} { - set skipa 0 - set skipb 0 - if {[llength $parents($curview,$a)] > 1} { - appendshortlink $a [mc "Skipping merge commit "] "\n" - set skipa 1 - } else { - set patcha [getpatchid $a] - } - if {[llength $parents($curview,$b)] > 1} { - appendshortlink $b [mc "Skipping merge commit "] "\n" - set skipb 1 - } else { - set patchb [getpatchid $b] - } - if {!$skipa && !$skipb} { - set heada [lindex $commitinfo($a) 0] - set headb [lindex $commitinfo($b) 0] - if {$patcha eq "error"} { - appendshortlink $a [mc "Error getting patch ID for "] \ - [mc " - stopping\n"] - break - } - if {$patchb eq "error"} { - appendshortlink $b [mc "Error getting patch ID for "] \ - [mc " - stopping\n"] - break - } - if {$patcha eq $patchb} { - if {$heada eq $headb} { - appendshortlink $a [mc "Commit "] - appendshortlink $b " == " " $heada\n" - } else { - appendshortlink $a [mc "Commit "] " $heada\n" - appendshortlink $b [mc " is the same patch as\n "] \ - " $headb\n" - } - set skipa 1 - set skipb 1 - } else { - $ctext insert end "\n" - appendshortlink $a [mc "Commit "] " $heada\n" - appendshortlink $b [mc " differs from\n "] \ - " $headb\n" - $ctext insert end [mc "Diff of commits:\n\n"] - $ctext conf -state disabled - update - diffcommits $a $b - return - } - } - if {$skipa} { - set kids [real_children $curview,$a] - if {[llength $kids] != 1} { - $ctext insert end "\n" - appendshortlink $a [mc "Commit "] \ - [mc " has %s children - stopping\n" [llength $kids]] - break - } - set a [lindex $kids 0] - } - if {$skipb} { - set kids [real_children $curview,$b] - if {[llength $kids] != 1} { - appendshortlink $b [mc "Commit "] \ - [mc " has %s children - stopping\n" [llength $kids]] - break - } - set b [lindex $kids 0] - } - } - $ctext conf -state disabled -} - -proc diffcommits {a b} { - global diffcontext diffids blobdifffd diffinhdr currdiffsubmod - - set tmpdir [gitknewtmpdir] - set fna [file join $tmpdir "commit-[string range $a 0 7]"] - set fnb [file join $tmpdir "commit-[string range $b 0 7]"] - if {[catch { - exec git diff-tree -p --pretty $a >$fna - exec git diff-tree -p --pretty $b >$fnb - } err]} { - error_popup [mc "Error writing commit to file: %s" $err] - return - } - if {[catch { - set fd [open "| diff -U$diffcontext $fna $fnb" r] - } err]} { - error_popup [mc "Error diffing commits: %s" $err] - return - } - set diffids [list commits $a $b] - set blobdifffd($diffids) $fd - set diffinhdr 0 - set currdiffsubmod "" - filerun $fd [list getblobdiffline $fd $diffids] -} - -proc diffvssel {dirn} { - global rowmenuid selectedline - - if {$selectedline eq {}} return - if {$dirn} { - set oldid [commitonrow $selectedline] - set newid $rowmenuid - } else { - set oldid $rowmenuid - set newid [commitonrow $selectedline] - } - addtohistory [list doseldiff $oldid $newid] savectextpos - doseldiff $oldid $newid -} - -proc doseldiff {oldid newid} { - global ctext - global commitinfo - - $ctext conf -state normal - clear_ctext - init_flist [mc "Top"] - $ctext insert end "[mc "From"] " - $ctext insert end $oldid link0 - setlink $oldid link0 - $ctext insert end "\n " - $ctext insert end [lindex $commitinfo($oldid) 0] - $ctext insert end "\n\n[mc "To"] " - $ctext insert end $newid link1 - setlink $newid link1 - $ctext insert end "\n " - $ctext insert end [lindex $commitinfo($newid) 0] - $ctext insert end "\n" - $ctext conf -state disabled - $ctext tag remove found 1.0 end - startdiff [list $oldid $newid] -} - -proc mkpatch {} { - global rowmenuid currentid commitinfo patchtop patchnum NS - - if {![info exists currentid]} return - set oldid $currentid - set oldhead [lindex $commitinfo($oldid) 0] - set newid $rowmenuid - set newhead [lindex $commitinfo($newid) 0] - set top .patch - set patchtop $top - catch {destroy $top} - ttk_toplevel $top - make_transient $top . - ${NS}::label $top.title -text [mc "Generate patch"] - grid $top.title - -pady 10 - ${NS}::label $top.from -text [mc "From:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.fromsha1 -width 40 - $top.fromsha1 insert 0 $oldid - $top.fromsha1 conf -state readonly - grid $top.from $top.fromsha1 -sticky w - ${NS}::entry $top.fromhead -width 60 - $top.fromhead insert 0 $oldhead - $top.fromhead conf -state readonly - grid x $top.fromhead -sticky w - ${NS}::label $top.to -text [mc "To:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.tosha1 -width 40 - $top.tosha1 insert 0 $newid - $top.tosha1 conf -state readonly - grid $top.to $top.tosha1 -sticky w - ${NS}::entry $top.tohead -width 60 - $top.tohead insert 0 $newhead - $top.tohead conf -state readonly - grid x $top.tohead -sticky w - ${NS}::button $top.rev -text [mc "Reverse"] -command mkpatchrev - grid $top.rev x -pady 10 -padx 5 - ${NS}::label $top.flab -text [mc "Output file:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.fname -width 60 - $top.fname insert 0 [file normalize "patch$patchnum.patch"] - incr patchnum - grid $top.flab $top.fname -sticky w - ${NS}::frame $top.buts - ${NS}::button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Generate"] -command mkpatchgo - ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command mkpatchcan - bind $top mkpatchgo - bind $top mkpatchcan - grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew - focus $top.fname -} - -proc mkpatchrev {} { - global patchtop - - set oldid [$patchtop.fromsha1 get] - set oldhead [$patchtop.fromhead get] - set newid [$patchtop.tosha1 get] - set newhead [$patchtop.tohead get] - foreach e [list fromsha1 fromhead tosha1 tohead] \ - v [list $newid $newhead $oldid $oldhead] { - $patchtop.$e conf -state normal - $patchtop.$e delete 0 end - $patchtop.$e insert 0 $v - $patchtop.$e conf -state readonly - } -} - -proc mkpatchgo {} { - global patchtop nullid nullid2 - - set oldid [$patchtop.fromsha1 get] - set newid [$patchtop.tosha1 get] - set fname [$patchtop.fname get] - set cmd [diffcmd [list $oldid $newid] -p] - # trim off the initial "|" - set cmd [lrange $cmd 1 end] - lappend cmd >$fname & - if {[catch {eval exec $cmd} err]} { - error_popup "[mc "Error creating patch:"] $err" $patchtop - } - catch {destroy $patchtop} - unset patchtop -} - -proc mkpatchcan {} { - global patchtop - - catch {destroy $patchtop} - unset patchtop -} - -proc mktag {} { - global rowmenuid mktagtop commitinfo NS - - set top .maketag - set mktagtop $top - catch {destroy $top} - ttk_toplevel $top - make_transient $top . - ${NS}::label $top.title -text [mc "Create tag"] - grid $top.title - -pady 10 - ${NS}::label $top.id -text [mc "ID:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.sha1 -width 40 - $top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid - $top.sha1 conf -state readonly - grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w - ${NS}::entry $top.head -width 60 - $top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($rowmenuid) 0] - $top.head conf -state readonly - grid x $top.head -sticky w - ${NS}::label $top.tlab -text [mc "Tag name:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.tag -width 60 - grid $top.tlab $top.tag -sticky w - ${NS}::label $top.op -text [mc "Tag message is optional"] - grid $top.op -columnspan 2 -sticky we - ${NS}::label $top.mlab -text [mc "Tag message:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.msg -width 60 - grid $top.mlab $top.msg -sticky w - ${NS}::frame $top.buts - ${NS}::button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Create"] -command mktaggo - ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command mktagcan - bind $top mktaggo - bind $top mktagcan - grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew - focus $top.tag -} - -proc domktag {} { - global mktagtop env tagids idtags - - set id [$mktagtop.sha1 get] - set tag [$mktagtop.tag get] - set msg [$mktagtop.msg get] - if {$tag == {}} { - error_popup [mc "No tag name specified"] $mktagtop - return 0 - } - if {[info exists tagids($tag)]} { - error_popup [mc "Tag \"%s\" already exists" $tag] $mktagtop - return 0 - } - if {[catch { - if {$msg != {}} { - exec git tag -a -m $msg $tag $id - } else { - exec git tag $tag $id - } - } err]} { - error_popup "[mc "Error creating tag:"] $err" $mktagtop - return 0 - } - - set tagids($tag) $id - lappend idtags($id) $tag - redrawtags $id - addedtag $id - dispneartags 0 - run refill_reflist - return 1 -} - -proc redrawtags {id} { - global canv linehtag idpos currentid curview cmitlisted markedid - global canvxmax iddrawn circleitem mainheadid circlecolors - - if {![commitinview $id $curview]} return - if {![info exists iddrawn($id)]} return - set row [rowofcommit $id] - if {$id eq $mainheadid} { - set ofill yellow - } else { - set ofill [lindex $circlecolors $cmitlisted($curview,$id)] - } - $canv itemconf $circleitem($row) -fill $ofill - $canv delete tag.$id - set xt [eval drawtags $id $idpos($id)] - $canv coords $linehtag($id) $xt [lindex $idpos($id) 2] - set text [$canv itemcget $linehtag($id) -text] - set font [$canv itemcget $linehtag($id) -font] - set xr [expr {$xt + [font measure $font $text]}] - if {$xr > $canvxmax} { - set canvxmax $xr - setcanvscroll - } - if {[info exists currentid] && $currentid == $id} { - make_secsel $id - } - if {[info exists markedid] && $markedid eq $id} { - make_idmark $id - } -} - -proc mktagcan {} { - global mktagtop - - catch {destroy $mktagtop} - unset mktagtop -} - -proc mktaggo {} { - if {![domktag]} return - mktagcan -} - -proc writecommit {} { - global rowmenuid wrcomtop commitinfo wrcomcmd NS - - set top .writecommit - set wrcomtop $top - catch {destroy $top} - ttk_toplevel $top - make_transient $top . - ${NS}::label $top.title -text [mc "Write commit to file"] - grid $top.title - -pady 10 - ${NS}::label $top.id -text [mc "ID:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.sha1 -width 40 - $top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid - $top.sha1 conf -state readonly - grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w - ${NS}::entry $top.head -width 60 - $top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($rowmenuid) 0] - $top.head conf -state readonly - grid x $top.head -sticky w - ${NS}::label $top.clab -text [mc "Command:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.cmd -width 60 -textvariable wrcomcmd - grid $top.clab $top.cmd -sticky w -pady 10 - ${NS}::label $top.flab -text [mc "Output file:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.fname -width 60 - $top.fname insert 0 [file normalize "commit-[string range $rowmenuid 0 6]"] - grid $top.flab $top.fname -sticky w - ${NS}::frame $top.buts - ${NS}::button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Write"] -command wrcomgo - ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command wrcomcan - bind $top wrcomgo - bind $top wrcomcan - grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew - focus $top.fname -} - -proc wrcomgo {} { - global wrcomtop - - set id [$wrcomtop.sha1 get] - set cmd "echo $id | [$wrcomtop.cmd get]" - set fname [$wrcomtop.fname get] - if {[catch {exec sh -c $cmd >$fname &} err]} { - error_popup "[mc "Error writing commit:"] $err" $wrcomtop - } - catch {destroy $wrcomtop} - unset wrcomtop -} - -proc wrcomcan {} { - global wrcomtop - - catch {destroy $wrcomtop} - unset wrcomtop -} - -proc mkbranch {} { - global rowmenuid mkbrtop NS - - set top .makebranch - catch {destroy $top} - ttk_toplevel $top - make_transient $top . - ${NS}::label $top.title -text [mc "Create new branch"] - grid $top.title - -pady 10 - ${NS}::label $top.id -text [mc "ID:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.sha1 -width 40 - $top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid - $top.sha1 conf -state readonly - grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w - ${NS}::label $top.nlab -text [mc "Name:"] - ${NS}::entry $top.name -width 40 - grid $top.nlab $top.name -sticky w - ${NS}::frame $top.buts - ${NS}::button $top.buts.go -text [mc "Create"] -command [list mkbrgo $top] - ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command "catch {destroy $top}" - bind $top [list mkbrgo $top] - bind $top "catch {destroy $top}" - grid $top.buts.go $top.buts.can - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew - focus $top.name -} - -proc mkbrgo {top} { - global headids idheads - - set name [$top.name get] - set id [$top.sha1 get] - set cmdargs {} - set old_id {} - if {$name eq {}} { - error_popup [mc "Please specify a name for the new branch"] $top - return - } - if {[info exists headids($name)]} { - if {![confirm_popup [mc \ - "Branch '%s' already exists. Overwrite?" $name] $top]} { - return - } - set old_id $headids($name) - lappend cmdargs -f - } - catch {destroy $top} - lappend cmdargs $name $id - nowbusy newbranch - update - if {[catch { - eval exec git branch $cmdargs - } err]} { - notbusy newbranch - error_popup $err - } else { - notbusy newbranch - if {$old_id ne {}} { - movehead $id $name - movedhead $id $name - redrawtags $old_id - redrawtags $id - } else { - set headids($name) $id - lappend idheads($id) $name - addedhead $id $name - redrawtags $id - } - dispneartags 0 - run refill_reflist - } -} - -proc exec_citool {tool_args {baseid {}}} { - global commitinfo env - - set save_env [array get env GIT_AUTHOR_*] - - if {$baseid ne {}} { - if {![info exists commitinfo($baseid)]} { - getcommit $baseid - } - set author [lindex $commitinfo($baseid) 1] - set date [lindex $commitinfo($baseid) 2] - if {[regexp {^\s*(\S.*\S|\S)\s*<(.*)>\s*$} \ - $author author name email] - && $date ne {}} { - set env(GIT_AUTHOR_NAME) $name - set env(GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL) $email - set env(GIT_AUTHOR_DATE) $date - } - } - - eval exec git citool $tool_args & - - array unset env GIT_AUTHOR_* - array set env $save_env -} - -proc cherrypick {} { - global rowmenuid curview - global mainhead mainheadid - - set oldhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD] - set dheads [descheads $rowmenuid] - if {$dheads ne {} && [lsearch -exact $dheads $oldhead] >= 0} { - set ok [confirm_popup [mc "Commit %s is already\ - included in branch %s -- really re-apply it?" \ - [string range $rowmenuid 0 7] $mainhead]] - if {!$ok} return - } - nowbusy cherrypick [mc "Cherry-picking"] - update - # Unfortunately git-cherry-pick writes stuff to stderr even when - # no error occurs, and exec takes that as an indication of error... - if {[catch {exec sh -c "git cherry-pick -r $rowmenuid 2>&1"} err]} { - notbusy cherrypick - if {[regexp -line \ - {Entry '(.*)' (would be overwritten by merge|not uptodate)} \ - $err msg fname]} { - error_popup [mc "Cherry-pick failed because of local changes\ - to file '%s'.\nPlease commit, reset or stash\ - your changes and try again." $fname] - } elseif {[regexp -line \ - {^(CONFLICT \(.*\):|Automatic cherry-pick failed|error: could not apply)} \ - $err]} { - if {[confirm_popup [mc "Cherry-pick failed because of merge\ - conflict.\nDo you wish to run git citool to\ - resolve it?"]]} { - # Force citool to read MERGE_MSG - file delete [file join [gitdir] "GITGUI_MSG"] - exec_citool {} $rowmenuid - } - } else { - error_popup $err - } - run updatecommits - return - } - set newhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD] - if {$newhead eq $oldhead} { - notbusy cherrypick - error_popup [mc "No changes committed"] - return - } - addnewchild $newhead $oldhead - if {[commitinview $oldhead $curview]} { - # XXX this isn't right if we have a path limit... - insertrow $newhead $oldhead $curview - if {$mainhead ne {}} { - movehead $newhead $mainhead - movedhead $newhead $mainhead - } - set mainheadid $newhead - redrawtags $oldhead - redrawtags $newhead - selbyid $newhead - } - notbusy cherrypick -} - -proc resethead {} { - global mainhead rowmenuid confirm_ok resettype NS - - set confirm_ok 0 - set w ".confirmreset" - ttk_toplevel $w - make_transient $w . - wm title $w [mc "Confirm reset"] - ${NS}::label $w.m -text \ - [mc "Reset branch %s to %s?" $mainhead [string range $rowmenuid 0 7]] - pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20 - ${NS}::labelframe $w.f -text [mc "Reset type:"] - set resettype mixed - ${NS}::radiobutton $w.f.soft -value soft -variable resettype \ - -text [mc "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"] - grid $w.f.soft -sticky w - ${NS}::radiobutton $w.f.mixed -value mixed -variable resettype \ - -text [mc "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"] - grid $w.f.mixed -sticky w - ${NS}::radiobutton $w.f.hard -value hard -variable resettype \ - -text [mc "Hard: Reset working tree and index\n(discard ALL local changes)"] - grid $w.f.hard -sticky w - pack $w.f -side top -fill x -padx 4 - ${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc OK] -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w" - pack $w.ok -side left -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20 - ${NS}::button $w.cancel -text [mc Cancel] -command "destroy $w" - bind $w [list destroy $w] - pack $w.cancel -side right -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20 - bind $w "grab $w; focus $w" - tkwait window $w - if {!$confirm_ok} return - if {[catch {set fd [open \ - [list | git reset --$resettype $rowmenuid 2>@1] r]} err]} { - error_popup $err - } else { - dohidelocalchanges - filerun $fd [list readresetstat $fd] - nowbusy reset [mc "Resetting"] - selbyid $rowmenuid - } -} - -proc readresetstat {fd} { - global mainhead mainheadid showlocalchanges rprogcoord - - if {[gets $fd line] >= 0} { - if {[regexp {([0-9]+)% \(([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)\)} $line match p m n]} { - set rprogcoord [expr {1.0 * $m / $n}] - adjustprogress - } - return 1 - } - set rprogcoord 0 - adjustprogress - notbusy reset - if {[catch {close $fd} err]} { - error_popup $err - } - set oldhead $mainheadid - set newhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD] - if {$newhead ne $oldhead} { - movehead $newhead $mainhead - movedhead $newhead $mainhead - set mainheadid $newhead - redrawtags $oldhead - redrawtags $newhead - } - if {$showlocalchanges} { - doshowlocalchanges - } - return 0 -} - -# context menu for a head -proc headmenu {x y id head} { - global headmenuid headmenuhead headctxmenu mainhead - - stopfinding - set headmenuid $id - set headmenuhead $head - set state normal - if {[string match "remotes/*" $head]} { - set state disabled - } - if {$head eq $mainhead} { - set state disabled - } - $headctxmenu entryconfigure 0 -state $state - $headctxmenu entryconfigure 1 -state $state - tk_popup $headctxmenu $x $y -} - -proc cobranch {} { - global headmenuid headmenuhead headids - global showlocalchanges - - # check the tree is clean first?? - nowbusy checkout [mc "Checking out"] - update - dohidelocalchanges - if {[catch { - set fd [open [list | git checkout $headmenuhead 2>@1] r] - } err]} { - notbusy checkout - error_popup $err - if {$showlocalchanges} { - dodiffindex - } - } else { - filerun $fd [list readcheckoutstat $fd $headmenuhead $headmenuid] - } -} - -proc readcheckoutstat {fd newhead newheadid} { - global mainhead mainheadid headids showlocalchanges progresscoords - global viewmainheadid curview - - if {[gets $fd line] >= 0} { - if {[regexp {([0-9]+)% \(([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)\)} $line match p m n]} { - set progresscoords [list 0 [expr {1.0 * $m / $n}]] - adjustprogress - } - return 1 - } - set progresscoords {0 0} - adjustprogress - notbusy checkout - if {[catch {close $fd} err]} { - error_popup $err - } - set oldmainid $mainheadid - set mainhead $newhead - set mainheadid $newheadid - set viewmainheadid($curview) $newheadid - redrawtags $oldmainid - redrawtags $newheadid - selbyid $newheadid - if {$showlocalchanges} { - dodiffindex - } -} - -proc rmbranch {} { - global headmenuid headmenuhead mainhead - global idheads - - set head $headmenuhead - set id $headmenuid - # this check shouldn't be needed any more... - if {$head eq $mainhead} { - error_popup [mc "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"] - return - } - set dheads [descheads $id] - if {[llength $dheads] == 1 && $idheads($dheads) eq $head} { - # the stuff on this branch isn't on any other branch - if {![confirm_popup [mc "The commits on branch %s aren't on any other\ - branch.\nReally delete branch %s?" $head $head]]} return - } - nowbusy rmbranch - update - if {[catch {exec git branch -D $head} err]} { - notbusy rmbranch - error_popup $err - return - } - removehead $id $head - removedhead $id $head - redrawtags $id - notbusy rmbranch - dispneartags 0 - run refill_reflist -} - -# Display a list of tags and heads -proc showrefs {} { - global showrefstop bgcolor fgcolor selectbgcolor NS - global bglist fglist reflistfilter reflist maincursor - - set top .showrefs - set showrefstop $top - if {[winfo exists $top]} { - raise $top - refill_reflist - return - } - ttk_toplevel $top - wm title $top [mc "Tags and heads: %s" [file tail [pwd]]] - make_transient $top . - text $top.list -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \ - -selectbackground $selectbgcolor -font mainfont \ - -xscrollcommand "$top.xsb set" -yscrollcommand "$top.ysb set" \ - -width 30 -height 20 -cursor $maincursor \ - -spacing1 1 -spacing3 1 -state disabled - $top.list tag configure highlight -background $selectbgcolor - lappend bglist $top.list - lappend fglist $top.list - ${NS}::scrollbar $top.ysb -command "$top.list yview" -orient vertical - ${NS}::scrollbar $top.xsb -command "$top.list xview" -orient horizontal - grid $top.list $top.ysb -sticky nsew - grid $top.xsb x -sticky ew - ${NS}::frame $top.f - ${NS}::label $top.f.l -text "[mc "Filter"]: " - ${NS}::entry $top.f.e -width 20 -textvariable reflistfilter - set reflistfilter "*" - trace add variable reflistfilter write reflistfilter_change - pack $top.f.e -side right -fill x -expand 1 - pack $top.f.l -side left - grid $top.f - -sticky ew -pady 2 - ${NS}::button $top.close -command [list destroy $top] -text [mc "Close"] - bind $top [list destroy $top] - grid $top.close - - grid columnconfigure $top 0 -weight 1 - grid rowconfigure $top 0 -weight 1 - bind $top.list <1> {break} - bind $top.list {break} - bind $top.list {sel_reflist %W %x %y; break} - set reflist {} - refill_reflist -} - -proc sel_reflist {w x y} { - global showrefstop reflist headids tagids otherrefids - - if {![winfo exists $showrefstop]} return - set l [lindex [split [$w index "@$x,$y"] "."] 0] - set ref [lindex $reflist [expr {$l-1}]] - set n [lindex $ref 0] - switch -- [lindex $ref 1] { - "H" {selbyid $headids($n)} - "T" {selbyid $tagids($n)} - "o" {selbyid $otherrefids($n)} - } - $showrefstop.list tag add highlight $l.0 "$l.0 lineend" -} - -proc unsel_reflist {} { - global showrefstop - - if {![info exists showrefstop] || ![winfo exists $showrefstop]} return - $showrefstop.list tag remove highlight 0.0 end -} - -proc reflistfilter_change {n1 n2 op} { - global reflistfilter - - after cancel refill_reflist - after 200 refill_reflist -} - -proc refill_reflist {} { - global reflist reflistfilter showrefstop headids tagids otherrefids - global curview - - if {![info exists showrefstop] || ![winfo exists $showrefstop]} return - set refs {} - foreach n [array names headids] { - if {[string match $reflistfilter $n]} { - if {[commitinview $headids($n) $curview]} { - lappend refs [list $n H] - } else { - interestedin $headids($n) {run refill_reflist} - } - } - } - foreach n [array names tagids] { - if {[string match $reflistfilter $n]} { - if {[commitinview $tagids($n) $curview]} { - lappend refs [list $n T] - } else { - interestedin $tagids($n) {run refill_reflist} - } - } - } - foreach n [array names otherrefids] { - if {[string match $reflistfilter $n]} { - if {[commitinview $otherrefids($n) $curview]} { - lappend refs [list $n o] - } else { - interestedin $otherrefids($n) {run refill_reflist} - } - } - } - set refs [lsort -index 0 $refs] - if {$refs eq $reflist} return - - # Update the contents of $showrefstop.list according to the - # differences between $reflist (old) and $refs (new) - $showrefstop.list conf -state normal - $showrefstop.list insert end "\n" - set i 0 - set j 0 - while {$i < [llength $reflist] || $j < [llength $refs]} { - if {$i < [llength $reflist]} { - if {$j < [llength $refs]} { - set cmp [string compare [lindex $reflist $i 0] \ - [lindex $refs $j 0]] - if {$cmp == 0} { - set cmp [string compare [lindex $reflist $i 1] \ - [lindex $refs $j 1]] - } - } else { - set cmp -1 - } - } else { - set cmp 1 - } - switch -- $cmp { - -1 { - $showrefstop.list delete "[expr {$j+1}].0" "[expr {$j+2}].0" - incr i - } - 0 { - incr i - incr j - } - 1 { - set l [expr {$j + 1}] - $showrefstop.list image create $l.0 -align baseline \ - -image reficon-[lindex $refs $j 1] -padx 2 - $showrefstop.list insert $l.1 "[lindex $refs $j 0]\n" - incr j - } - } - } - set reflist $refs - # delete last newline - $showrefstop.list delete end-2c end-1c - $showrefstop.list conf -state disabled -} - -# Stuff for finding nearby tags -proc getallcommits {} { - global allcommits nextarc seeds allccache allcwait cachedarcs allcupdate - global idheads idtags idotherrefs allparents tagobjid - - if {![info exists allcommits]} { - set nextarc 0 - set allcommits 0 - set seeds {} - set allcwait 0 - set cachedarcs 0 - set allccache [file join [gitdir] "gitk.cache"] - if {![catch { - set f [open $allccache r] - set allcwait 1 - getcache $f - }]} return - } - - if {$allcwait} { - return - } - set cmd [list | git rev-list --parents] - set allcupdate [expr {$seeds ne {}}] - if {!$allcupdate} { - set ids "--all" - } else { - set refs [concat [array names idheads] [array names idtags] \ - [array names idotherrefs]] - set ids {} - set tagobjs {} - foreach name [array names tagobjid] { - lappend tagobjs $tagobjid($name) - } - foreach id [lsort -unique $refs] { - if {![info exists allparents($id)] && - [lsearch -exact $tagobjs $id] < 0} { - lappend ids $id - } - } - if {$ids ne {}} { - foreach id $seeds { - lappend ids "^$id" - } - } - } - if {$ids ne {}} { - set fd [open [concat $cmd $ids] r] - fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 - incr allcommits - nowbusy allcommits - filerun $fd [list getallclines $fd] - } else { - dispneartags 0 - } -} - -# Since most commits have 1 parent and 1 child, we group strings of -# such commits into "arcs" joining branch/merge points (BMPs), which -# are commits that either don't have 1 parent or don't have 1 child. -# -# arcnos(id) - incoming arcs for BMP, arc we're on for other nodes -# arcout(id) - outgoing arcs for BMP -# arcids(a) - list of IDs on arc including end but not start -# arcstart(a) - BMP ID at start of arc -# arcend(a) - BMP ID at end of arc -# growing(a) - arc a is still growing -# arctags(a) - IDs out of arcids (excluding end) that have tags -# archeads(a) - IDs out of arcids (excluding end) that have heads -# The start of an arc is at the descendent end, so "incoming" means -# coming from descendents, and "outgoing" means going towards ancestors. - -proc getallclines {fd} { - global allparents allchildren idtags idheads nextarc - global arcnos arcids arctags arcout arcend arcstart archeads growing - global seeds allcommits cachedarcs allcupdate - - set nid 0 - while {[incr nid] <= 1000 && [gets $fd line] >= 0} { - set id [lindex $line 0] - if {[info exists allparents($id)]} { - # seen it already - continue - } - set cachedarcs 0 - set olds [lrange $line 1 end] - set allparents($id) $olds - if {![info exists allchildren($id)]} { - set allchildren($id) {} - set arcnos($id) {} - lappend seeds $id - } else { - set a $arcnos($id) - if {[llength $olds] == 1 && [llength $a] == 1} { - lappend arcids($a) $id - if {[info exists idtags($id)]} { - lappend arctags($a) $id - } - if {[info exists idheads($id)]} { - lappend archeads($a) $id - } - if {[info exists allparents($olds)]} { - # seen parent already - if {![info exists arcout($olds)]} { - splitarc $olds - } - lappend arcids($a) $olds - set arcend($a) $olds - unset growing($a) - } - lappend allchildren($olds) $id - lappend arcnos($olds) $a - continue - } - } - foreach a $arcnos($id) { - lappend arcids($a) $id - set arcend($a) $id - unset growing($a) - } - - set ao {} - foreach p $olds { - lappend allchildren($p) $id - set a [incr nextarc] - set arcstart($a) $id - set archeads($a) {} - set arctags($a) {} - set archeads($a) {} - set arcids($a) {} - lappend ao $a - set growing($a) 1 - if {[info exists allparents($p)]} { - # seen it already, may need to make a new branch - if {![info exists arcout($p)]} { - splitarc $p - } - lappend arcids($a) $p - set arcend($a) $p - unset growing($a) - } - lappend arcnos($p) $a - } - set arcout($id) $ao - } - if {$nid > 0} { - global cached_dheads cached_dtags cached_atags - catch {unset cached_dheads} - catch {unset cached_dtags} - catch {unset cached_atags} - } - if {![eof $fd]} { - return [expr {$nid >= 1000? 2: 1}] - } - set cacheok 1 - if {[catch { - fconfigure $fd -blocking 1 - close $fd - } err]} { - # got an error reading the list of commits - # if we were updating, try rereading the whole thing again - if {$allcupdate} { - incr allcommits -1 - dropcache $err - return - } - error_popup "[mc "Error reading commit topology information;\ - branch and preceding/following tag information\ - will be incomplete."]\n($err)" - set cacheok 0 - } - if {[incr allcommits -1] == 0} { - notbusy allcommits - if {$cacheok} { - run savecache - } - } - dispneartags 0 - return 0 -} - -proc recalcarc {a} { - global arctags archeads arcids idtags idheads - - set at {} - set ah {} - foreach id [lrange $arcids($a) 0 end-1] { - if {[info exists idtags($id)]} { - lappend at $id - } - if {[info exists idheads($id)]} { - lappend ah $id - } - } - set arctags($a) $at - set archeads($a) $ah -} - -proc splitarc {p} { - global arcnos arcids nextarc arctags archeads idtags idheads - global arcstart arcend arcout allparents growing - - set a $arcnos($p) - if {[llength $a] != 1} { - puts "oops splitarc called but [llength $a] arcs already" - return - } - set a [lindex $a 0] - set i [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $p] - if {$i < 0} { - puts "oops splitarc $p not in arc $a" - return - } - set na [incr nextarc] - if {[info exists arcend($a)]} { - set arcend($na) $arcend($a) - } else { - set l [lindex $allparents([lindex $arcids($a) end]) 0] - set j [lsearch -exact $arcnos($l) $a] - set arcnos($l) [lreplace $arcnos($l) $j $j $na] - } - set tail [lrange $arcids($a) [expr {$i+1}] end] - set arcids($a) [lrange $arcids($a) 0 $i] - set arcend($a) $p - set arcstart($na) $p - set arcout($p) $na - set arcids($na) $tail - if {[info exists growing($a)]} { - set growing($na) 1 - unset growing($a) - } - - foreach id $tail { - if {[llength $arcnos($id)] == 1} { - set arcnos($id) $na - } else { - set j [lsearch -exact $arcnos($id) $a] - set arcnos($id) [lreplace $arcnos($id) $j $j $na] - } - } - - # reconstruct tags and heads lists - if {$arctags($a) ne {} || $archeads($a) ne {}} { - recalcarc $a - recalcarc $na - } else { - set arctags($na) {} - set archeads($na) {} - } -} - -# Update things for a new commit added that is a child of one -# existing commit. Used when cherry-picking. -proc addnewchild {id p} { - global allparents allchildren idtags nextarc - global arcnos arcids arctags arcout arcend arcstart archeads growing - global seeds allcommits - - if {![info exists allcommits] || ![info exists arcnos($p)]} return - set allparents($id) [list $p] - set allchildren($id) {} - set arcnos($id) {} - lappend seeds $id - lappend allchildren($p) $id - set a [incr nextarc] - set arcstart($a) $id - set archeads($a) {} - set arctags($a) {} - set arcids($a) [list $p] - set arcend($a) $p - if {![info exists arcout($p)]} { - splitarc $p - } - lappend arcnos($p) $a - set arcout($id) [list $a] -} - -# This implements a cache for the topology information. -# The cache saves, for each arc, the start and end of the arc, -# the ids on the arc, and the outgoing arcs from the end. -proc readcache {f} { - global arcnos arcids arcout arcstart arcend arctags archeads nextarc - global idtags idheads allparents cachedarcs possible_seeds seeds growing - global allcwait - - set a $nextarc - set lim $cachedarcs - if {$lim - $a > 500} { - set lim [expr {$a + 500}] - } - if {[catch { - if {$a == $lim} { - # finish reading the cache and setting up arctags, etc. - set line [gets $f] - if {$line ne "1"} {error "bad final version"} - close $f - foreach id [array names idtags] { - if {[info exists arcnos($id)] && [llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 && - [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} { - set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0] - if {$arctags($a) eq {}} { - recalcarc $a - } - } - } - foreach id [array names idheads] { - if {[info exists arcnos($id)] && [llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 && - [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} { - set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0] - if {$archeads($a) eq {}} { - recalcarc $a - } - } - } - foreach id [lsort -unique $possible_seeds] { - if {$arcnos($id) eq {}} { - lappend seeds $id - } - } - set allcwait 0 - } else { - while {[incr a] <= $lim} { - set line [gets $f] - if {[llength $line] != 3} {error "bad line"} - set s [lindex $line 0] - set arcstart($a) $s - lappend arcout($s) $a - if {![info exists arcnos($s)]} { - lappend possible_seeds $s - set arcnos($s) {} - } - set e [lindex $line 1] - if {$e eq {}} { - set growing($a) 1 - } else { - set arcend($a) $e - if {![info exists arcout($e)]} { - set arcout($e) {} - } - } - set arcids($a) [lindex $line 2] - foreach id $arcids($a) { - lappend allparents($s) $id - set s $id - lappend arcnos($id) $a - } - if {![info exists allparents($s)]} { - set allparents($s) {} - } - set arctags($a) {} - set archeads($a) {} - } - set nextarc [expr {$a - 1}] - } - } err]} { - dropcache $err - return 0 - } - if {!$allcwait} { - getallcommits - } - return $allcwait -} - -proc getcache {f} { - global nextarc cachedarcs possible_seeds - - if {[catch { - set line [gets $f] - if {[llength $line] != 2 || [lindex $line 0] ne "1"} {error "bad version"} - # make sure it's an integer - set cachedarcs [expr {int([lindex $line 1])}] - if {$cachedarcs < 0} {error "bad number of arcs"} - set nextarc 0 - set possible_seeds {} - run readcache $f - } err]} { - dropcache $err - } - return 0 -} - -proc dropcache {err} { - global allcwait nextarc cachedarcs seeds - - #puts "dropping cache ($err)" - foreach v {arcnos arcout arcids arcstart arcend growing \ - arctags archeads allparents allchildren} { - global $v - catch {unset $v} - } - set allcwait 0 - set nextarc 0 - set cachedarcs 0 - set seeds {} - getallcommits -} - -proc writecache {f} { - global cachearc cachedarcs allccache - global arcstart arcend arcnos arcids arcout - - set a $cachearc - set lim $cachedarcs - if {$lim - $a > 1000} { - set lim [expr {$a + 1000}] - } - if {[catch { - while {[incr a] <= $lim} { - if {[info exists arcend($a)]} { - puts $f [list $arcstart($a) $arcend($a) $arcids($a)] - } else { - puts $f [list $arcstart($a) {} $arcids($a)] - } - } - } err]} { - catch {close $f} - catch {file delete $allccache} - #puts "writing cache failed ($err)" - return 0 - } - set cachearc [expr {$a - 1}] - if {$a > $cachedarcs} { - puts $f "1" - close $f - return 0 - } - return 1 -} - -proc savecache {} { - global nextarc cachedarcs cachearc allccache - - if {$nextarc == $cachedarcs} return - set cachearc 0 - set cachedarcs $nextarc - catch { - set f [open $allccache w] - puts $f [list 1 $cachedarcs] - run writecache $f - } -} - -# Returns 1 if a is an ancestor of b, -1 if b is an ancestor of a, -# or 0 if neither is true. -proc anc_or_desc {a b} { - global arcout arcstart arcend arcnos cached_isanc - - if {$arcnos($a) eq $arcnos($b)} { - # Both are on the same arc(s); either both are the same BMP, - # or if one is not a BMP, the other is also not a BMP or is - # the BMP at end of the arc (and it only has 1 incoming arc). - # Or both can be BMPs with no incoming arcs. - if {$a eq $b || $arcnos($a) eq {}} { - return 0 - } - # assert {[llength $arcnos($a)] == 1} - set arc [lindex $arcnos($a) 0] - set i [lsearch -exact $arcids($arc) $a] - set j [lsearch -exact $arcids($arc) $b] - if {$i < 0 || $i > $j} { - return 1 - } else { - return -1 - } - } - - if {![info exists arcout($a)]} { - set arc [lindex $arcnos($a) 0] - if {[info exists arcend($arc)]} { - set aend $arcend($arc) - } else { - set aend {} - } - set a $arcstart($arc) - } else { - set aend $a - } - if {![info exists arcout($b)]} { - set arc [lindex $arcnos($b) 0] - if {[info exists arcend($arc)]} { - set bend $arcend($arc) - } else { - set bend {} - } - set b $arcstart($arc) - } else { - set bend $b - } - if {$a eq $bend} { - return 1 - } - if {$b eq $aend} { - return -1 - } - if {[info exists cached_isanc($a,$bend)]} { - if {$cached_isanc($a,$bend)} { - return 1 - } - } - if {[info exists cached_isanc($b,$aend)]} { - if {$cached_isanc($b,$aend)} { - return -1 - } - if {[info exists cached_isanc($a,$bend)]} { - return 0 - } - } - - set todo [list $a $b] - set anc($a) a - set anc($b) b - for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo]} {incr i} { - set x [lindex $todo $i] - if {$anc($x) eq {}} { - continue - } - foreach arc $arcnos($x) { - set xd $arcstart($arc) - if {$xd eq $bend} { - set cached_isanc($a,$bend) 1 - set cached_isanc($b,$aend) 0 - return 1 - } elseif {$xd eq $aend} { - set cached_isanc($b,$aend) 1 - set cached_isanc($a,$bend) 0 - return -1 - } - if {![info exists anc($xd)]} { - set anc($xd) $anc($x) - lappend todo $xd - } elseif {$anc($xd) ne $anc($x)} { - set anc($xd) {} - } - } - } - set cached_isanc($a,$bend) 0 - set cached_isanc($b,$aend) 0 - return 0 -} - -# This identifies whether $desc has an ancestor that is -# a growing tip of the graph and which is not an ancestor of $anc -# and returns 0 if so and 1 if not. -# If we subsequently discover a tag on such a growing tip, and that -# turns out to be a descendent of $anc (which it could, since we -# don't necessarily see children before parents), then $desc -# isn't a good choice to display as a descendent tag of -# $anc (since it is the descendent of another tag which is -# a descendent of $anc). Similarly, $anc isn't a good choice to -# display as a ancestor tag of $desc. -# -proc is_certain {desc anc} { - global arcnos arcout arcstart arcend growing problems - - set certain {} - if {[llength $arcnos($anc)] == 1} { - # tags on the same arc are certain - if {$arcnos($desc) eq $arcnos($anc)} { - return 1 - } - if {![info exists arcout($anc)]} { - # if $anc is partway along an arc, use the start of the arc instead - set a [lindex $arcnos($anc) 0] - set anc $arcstart($a) - } - } - if {[llength $arcnos($desc)] > 1 || [info exists arcout($desc)]} { - set x $desc - } else { - set a [lindex $arcnos($desc) 0] - set x $arcend($a) - } - if {$x == $anc} { - return 1 - } - set anclist [list $x] - set dl($x) 1 - set nnh 1 - set ngrowanc 0 - for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $anclist] && ($nnh > 0 || $ngrowanc > 0)} {incr i} { - set x [lindex $anclist $i] - if {$dl($x)} { - incr nnh -1 - } - set done($x) 1 - foreach a $arcout($x) { - if {[info exists growing($a)]} { - if {![info exists growanc($x)] && $dl($x)} { - set growanc($x) 1 - incr ngrowanc - } - } else { - set y $arcend($a) - if {[info exists dl($y)]} { - if {$dl($y)} { - if {!$dl($x)} { - set dl($y) 0 - if {![info exists done($y)]} { - incr nnh -1 - } - if {[info exists growanc($x)]} { - incr ngrowanc -1 - } - set xl [list $y] - for {set k 0} {$k < [llength $xl]} {incr k} { - set z [lindex $xl $k] - foreach c $arcout($z) { - if {[info exists arcend($c)]} { - set v $arcend($c) - if {[info exists dl($v)] && $dl($v)} { - set dl($v) 0 - if {![info exists done($v)]} { - incr nnh -1 - } - if {[info exists growanc($v)]} { - incr ngrowanc -1 - } - lappend xl $v - } - } - } - } - } - } - } elseif {$y eq $anc || !$dl($x)} { - set dl($y) 0 - lappend anclist $y - } else { - set dl($y) 1 - lappend anclist $y - incr nnh - } - } - } - } - foreach x [array names growanc] { - if {$dl($x)} { - return 0 - } - return 0 - } - return 1 -} - -proc validate_arctags {a} { - global arctags idtags - - set i -1 - set na $arctags($a) - foreach id $arctags($a) { - incr i - if {![info exists idtags($id)]} { - set na [lreplace $na $i $i] - incr i -1 - } - } - set arctags($a) $na -} - -proc validate_archeads {a} { - global archeads idheads - - set i -1 - set na $archeads($a) - foreach id $archeads($a) { - incr i - if {![info exists idheads($id)]} { - set na [lreplace $na $i $i] - incr i -1 - } - } - set archeads($a) $na -} - -# Return the list of IDs that have tags that are descendents of id, -# ignoring IDs that are descendents of IDs already reported. -proc desctags {id} { - global arcnos arcstart arcids arctags idtags allparents - global growing cached_dtags - - if {![info exists allparents($id)]} { - return {} - } - set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set argid $id - if {[llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 && [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} { - # part-way along an arc; check that arc first - set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0] - if {$arctags($a) ne {}} { - validate_arctags $a - set i [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $id] - set tid {} - foreach t $arctags($a) { - set j [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $t] - if {$j >= $i} break - set tid $t - } - if {$tid ne {}} { - return $tid - } - } - set id $arcstart($a) - if {[info exists idtags($id)]} { - return $id - } - } - if {[info exists cached_dtags($id)]} { - return $cached_dtags($id) - } - - set origid $id - set todo [list $id] - set queued($id) 1 - set nc 1 - for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo] && $nc > 0} {incr i} { - set id [lindex $todo $i] - set done($id) 1 - set ta [info exists hastaggedancestor($id)] - if {!$ta} { - incr nc -1 - } - # ignore tags on starting node - if {!$ta && $i > 0} { - if {[info exists idtags($id)]} { - set tagloc($id) $id - set ta 1 - } elseif {[info exists cached_dtags($id)]} { - set tagloc($id) $cached_dtags($id) - set ta 1 - } - } - foreach a $arcnos($id) { - set d $arcstart($a) - if {!$ta && $arctags($a) ne {}} { - validate_arctags $a - if {$arctags($a) ne {}} { - lappend tagloc($id) [lindex $arctags($a) end] - } - } - if {$ta || $arctags($a) ne {}} { - set tomark [list $d] - for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $tomark]} {incr j} { - set dd [lindex $tomark $j] - if {![info exists hastaggedancestor($dd)]} { - if {[info exists done($dd)]} { - foreach b $arcnos($dd) { - lappend tomark $arcstart($b) - } - if {[info exists tagloc($dd)]} { - unset tagloc($dd) - } - } elseif {[info exists queued($dd)]} { - incr nc -1 - } - set hastaggedancestor($dd) 1 - } - } - } - if {![info exists queued($d)]} { - lappend todo $d - set queued($d) 1 - if {![info exists hastaggedancestor($d)]} { - incr nc - } - } - } - } - set tags {} - foreach id [array names tagloc] { - if {![info exists hastaggedancestor($id)]} { - foreach t $tagloc($id) { - if {[lsearch -exact $tags $t] < 0} { - lappend tags $t - } - } - } - } - set t2 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set loopix $i - - # remove tags that are descendents of other tags - for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $tags]} {incr i} { - set a [lindex $tags $i] - for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} { - set b [lindex $tags $j] - set r [anc_or_desc $a $b] - if {$r == 1} { - set tags [lreplace $tags $j $j] - incr j -1 - incr i -1 - } elseif {$r == -1} { - set tags [lreplace $tags $i $i] - incr i -1 - break - } - } - } - - if {[array names growing] ne {}} { - # graph isn't finished, need to check if any tag could get - # eclipsed by another tag coming later. Simply ignore any - # tags that could later get eclipsed. - set ctags {} - foreach t $tags { - if {[is_certain $t $origid]} { - lappend ctags $t - } - } - if {$tags eq $ctags} { - set cached_dtags($origid) $tags - } else { - set tags $ctags - } - } else { - set cached_dtags($origid) $tags - } - set t3 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - if {0 && $t3 - $t1 >= 100} { - puts "iterating descendents ($loopix/[llength $todo] nodes) took\ - [expr {$t2-$t1}]+[expr {$t3-$t2}]ms, $nc candidates left" - } - return $tags -} - -proc anctags {id} { - global arcnos arcids arcout arcend arctags idtags allparents - global growing cached_atags - - if {![info exists allparents($id)]} { - return {} - } - set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set argid $id - if {[llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 && [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} { - # part-way along an arc; check that arc first - set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0] - if {$arctags($a) ne {}} { - validate_arctags $a - set i [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $id] - foreach t $arctags($a) { - set j [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $t] - if {$j > $i} { - return $t - } - } - } - if {![info exists arcend($a)]} { - return {} - } - set id $arcend($a) - if {[info exists idtags($id)]} { - return $id - } - } - if {[info exists cached_atags($id)]} { - return $cached_atags($id) - } - - set origid $id - set todo [list $id] - set queued($id) 1 - set taglist {} - set nc 1 - for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo] && $nc > 0} {incr i} { - set id [lindex $todo $i] - set done($id) 1 - set td [info exists hastaggeddescendent($id)] - if {!$td} { - incr nc -1 - } - # ignore tags on starting node - if {!$td && $i > 0} { - if {[info exists idtags($id)]} { - set tagloc($id) $id - set td 1 - } elseif {[info exists cached_atags($id)]} { - set tagloc($id) $cached_atags($id) - set td 1 - } - } - foreach a $arcout($id) { - if {!$td && $arctags($a) ne {}} { - validate_arctags $a - if {$arctags($a) ne {}} { - lappend tagloc($id) [lindex $arctags($a) 0] - } - } - if {![info exists arcend($a)]} continue - set d $arcend($a) - if {$td || $arctags($a) ne {}} { - set tomark [list $d] - for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $tomark]} {incr j} { - set dd [lindex $tomark $j] - if {![info exists hastaggeddescendent($dd)]} { - if {[info exists done($dd)]} { - foreach b $arcout($dd) { - if {[info exists arcend($b)]} { - lappend tomark $arcend($b) - } - } - if {[info exists tagloc($dd)]} { - unset tagloc($dd) - } - } elseif {[info exists queued($dd)]} { - incr nc -1 - } - set hastaggeddescendent($dd) 1 - } - } - } - if {![info exists queued($d)]} { - lappend todo $d - set queued($d) 1 - if {![info exists hastaggeddescendent($d)]} { - incr nc - } - } - } - } - set t2 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - set loopix $i - set tags {} - foreach id [array names tagloc] { - if {![info exists hastaggeddescendent($id)]} { - foreach t $tagloc($id) { - if {[lsearch -exact $tags $t] < 0} { - lappend tags $t - } - } - } - } - - # remove tags that are ancestors of other tags - for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $tags]} {incr i} { - set a [lindex $tags $i] - for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} { - set b [lindex $tags $j] - set r [anc_or_desc $a $b] - if {$r == -1} { - set tags [lreplace $tags $j $j] - incr j -1 - incr i -1 - } elseif {$r == 1} { - set tags [lreplace $tags $i $i] - incr i -1 - break - } - } - } - - if {[array names growing] ne {}} { - # graph isn't finished, need to check if any tag could get - # eclipsed by another tag coming later. Simply ignore any - # tags that could later get eclipsed. - set ctags {} - foreach t $tags { - if {[is_certain $origid $t]} { - lappend ctags $t - } - } - if {$tags eq $ctags} { - set cached_atags($origid) $tags - } else { - set tags $ctags - } - } else { - set cached_atags($origid) $tags - } - set t3 [clock clicks -milliseconds] - if {0 && $t3 - $t1 >= 100} { - puts "iterating ancestors ($loopix/[llength $todo] nodes) took\ - [expr {$t2-$t1}]+[expr {$t3-$t2}]ms, $nc candidates left" - } - return $tags -} - -# Return the list of IDs that have heads that are descendents of id, -# including id itself if it has a head. -proc descheads {id} { - global arcnos arcstart arcids archeads idheads cached_dheads - global allparents - - if {![info exists allparents($id)]} { - return {} - } - set aret {} - if {[llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 && [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} { - # part-way along an arc; check it first - set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0] - if {$archeads($a) ne {}} { - validate_archeads $a - set i [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $id] - foreach t $archeads($a) { - set j [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $t] - if {$j > $i} break - lappend aret $t - } - } - set id $arcstart($a) - } - set origid $id - set todo [list $id] - set seen($id) 1 - set ret {} - for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo]} {incr i} { - set id [lindex $todo $i] - if {[info exists cached_dheads($id)]} { - set ret [concat $ret $cached_dheads($id)] - } else { - if {[info exists idheads($id)]} { - lappend ret $id - } - foreach a $arcnos($id) { - if {$archeads($a) ne {}} { - validate_archeads $a - if {$archeads($a) ne {}} { - set ret [concat $ret $archeads($a)] - } - } - set d $arcstart($a) - if {![info exists seen($d)]} { - lappend todo $d - set seen($d) 1 - } - } - } - } - set ret [lsort -unique $ret] - set cached_dheads($origid) $ret - return [concat $ret $aret] -} - -proc addedtag {id} { - global arcnos arcout cached_dtags cached_atags - - if {![info exists arcnos($id)]} return - if {![info exists arcout($id)]} { - recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($id) 0] - } - catch {unset cached_dtags} - catch {unset cached_atags} -} - -proc addedhead {hid head} { - global arcnos arcout cached_dheads - - if {![info exists arcnos($hid)]} return - if {![info exists arcout($hid)]} { - recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($hid) 0] - } - catch {unset cached_dheads} -} - -proc removedhead {hid head} { - global cached_dheads - - catch {unset cached_dheads} -} - -proc movedhead {hid head} { - global arcnos arcout cached_dheads - - if {![info exists arcnos($hid)]} return - if {![info exists arcout($hid)]} { - recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($hid) 0] - } - catch {unset cached_dheads} -} - -proc changedrefs {} { - global cached_dheads cached_dtags cached_atags - global arctags archeads arcnos arcout idheads idtags - - foreach id [concat [array names idheads] [array names idtags]] { - if {[info exists arcnos($id)] && ![info exists arcout($id)]} { - set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0] - if {![info exists donearc($a)]} { - recalcarc $a - set donearc($a) 1 - } - } - } - catch {unset cached_dtags} - catch {unset cached_atags} - catch {unset cached_dheads} -} - -proc rereadrefs {} { - global idtags idheads idotherrefs mainheadid - - set refids [concat [array names idtags] \ - [array names idheads] [array names idotherrefs]] - foreach id $refids { - if {![info exists ref($id)]} { - set ref($id) [listrefs $id] - } - } - set oldmainhead $mainheadid - readrefs - changedrefs - set refids [lsort -unique [concat $refids [array names idtags] \ - [array names idheads] [array names idotherrefs]]] - foreach id $refids { - set v [listrefs $id] - if {![info exists ref($id)] || $ref($id) != $v} { - redrawtags $id - } - } - if {$oldmainhead ne $mainheadid} { - redrawtags $oldmainhead - redrawtags $mainheadid - } - run refill_reflist -} - -proc listrefs {id} { - global idtags idheads idotherrefs - - set x {} - if {[info exists idtags($id)]} { - set x $idtags($id) - } - set y {} - if {[info exists idheads($id)]} { - set y $idheads($id) - } - set z {} - if {[info exists idotherrefs($id)]} { - set z $idotherrefs($id) - } - return [list $x $y $z] -} - -proc showtag {tag isnew} { - global ctext tagcontents tagids linknum tagobjid - - if {$isnew} { - addtohistory [list showtag $tag 0] savectextpos - } - $ctext conf -state normal - clear_ctext - settabs 0 - set linknum 0 - if {![info exists tagcontents($tag)]} { - catch { - set tagcontents($tag) [exec git cat-file tag $tag] - } - } - if {[info exists tagcontents($tag)]} { - set text $tagcontents($tag) - } else { - set text "[mc "Tag"]: $tag\n[mc "Id"]: $tagids($tag)" - } - appendwithlinks $text {} - maybe_scroll_ctext 1 - $ctext conf -state disabled - init_flist {} -} - -proc doquit {} { - global stopped - global gitktmpdir - - set stopped 100 - savestuff . - destroy . - - if {[info exists gitktmpdir]} { - catch {file delete -force $gitktmpdir} - } -} - -proc mkfontdisp {font top which} { - global fontattr fontpref $font NS use_ttk - - set fontpref($font) [set $font] - ${NS}::button $top.${font}but -text $which \ - -command [list choosefont $font $which] - ${NS}::label $top.$font -relief flat -font $font \ - -text $fontattr($font,family) -justify left - grid x $top.${font}but $top.$font -sticky w -} - -proc choosefont {font which} { - global fontparam fontlist fonttop fontattr - global prefstop NS - - set fontparam(which) $which - set fontparam(font) $font - set fontparam(family) [font actual $font -family] - set fontparam(size) $fontattr($font,size) - set fontparam(weight) $fontattr($font,weight) - set fontparam(slant) $fontattr($font,slant) - set top .gitkfont - set fonttop $top - if {![winfo exists $top]} { - font create sample - eval font config sample [font actual $font] - ttk_toplevel $top - make_transient $top $prefstop - wm title $top [mc "Gitk font chooser"] - ${NS}::label $top.l -textvariable fontparam(which) - pack $top.l -side top - set fontlist [lsort [font families]] - ${NS}::frame $top.f - listbox $top.f.fam -listvariable fontlist \ - -yscrollcommand [list $top.f.sb set] - bind $top.f.fam <> selfontfam - ${NS}::scrollbar $top.f.sb -command [list $top.f.fam yview] - pack $top.f.sb -side right -fill y - pack $top.f.fam -side left -fill both -expand 1 - pack $top.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 - ${NS}::frame $top.g - spinbox $top.g.size -from 4 -to 40 -width 4 \ - -textvariable fontparam(size) \ - -validatecommand {string is integer -strict %s} - checkbutton $top.g.bold -padx 5 \ - -font {{Times New Roman} 12 bold} -text [mc "B"] -indicatoron 0 \ - -variable fontparam(weight) -onvalue bold -offvalue normal - checkbutton $top.g.ital -padx 5 \ - -font {{Times New Roman} 12 italic} -text [mc "I"] -indicatoron 0 \ - -variable fontparam(slant) -onvalue italic -offvalue roman - pack $top.g.size $top.g.bold $top.g.ital -side left - pack $top.g -side top - canvas $top.c -width 150 -height 50 -border 2 -relief sunk \ - -background white - $top.c create text 100 25 -anchor center -text $which -font sample \ - -fill black -tags text - bind $top.c [list centertext $top.c] - pack $top.c -side top -fill x - ${NS}::frame $top.buts - ${NS}::button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command fontok -default active - ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command fontcan -default normal - bind $top fontok - bind $top fontcan - grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a - pack $top.buts -side bottom -fill x - trace add variable fontparam write chg_fontparam - } else { - raise $top - $top.c itemconf text -text $which - } - set i [lsearch -exact $fontlist $fontparam(family)] - if {$i >= 0} { - $top.f.fam selection set $i - $top.f.fam see $i - } -} - -proc centertext {w} { - $w coords text [expr {[winfo width $w] / 2}] [expr {[winfo height $w] / 2}] -} - -proc fontok {} { - global fontparam fontpref prefstop - - set f $fontparam(font) - set fontpref($f) [list $fontparam(family) $fontparam(size)] - if {$fontparam(weight) eq "bold"} { - lappend fontpref($f) "bold" - } - if {$fontparam(slant) eq "italic"} { - lappend fontpref($f) "italic" - } - set w $prefstop.$f - $w conf -text $fontparam(family) -font $fontpref($f) - - fontcan -} - -proc fontcan {} { - global fonttop fontparam - - if {[info exists fonttop]} { - catch {destroy $fonttop} - catch {font delete sample} - unset fonttop - unset fontparam - } -} - -if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tk] 8.6]} { - # In Tk 8.6 we have a native font chooser dialog. Overwrite the above - # function to make use of it. - proc choosefont {font which} { - tk fontchooser configure -title $which -font $font \ - -command [list on_choosefont $font $which] - tk fontchooser show - } - proc on_choosefont {font which newfont} { - global fontparam - puts stderr "$font $newfont" - array set f [font actual $newfont] - set fontparam(which) $which - set fontparam(font) $font - set fontparam(family) $f(-family) - set fontparam(size) $f(-size) - set fontparam(weight) $f(-weight) - set fontparam(slant) $f(-slant) - fontok - } -} - -proc selfontfam {} { - global fonttop fontparam - - set i [$fonttop.f.fam curselection] - if {$i ne {}} { - set fontparam(family) [$fonttop.f.fam get $i] - } -} - -proc chg_fontparam {v sub op} { - global fontparam - - font config sample -$sub $fontparam($sub) -} - -proc doprefs {} { - global maxwidth maxgraphpct use_ttk NS - global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges - global uicolor bgcolor fgcolor ctext diffcolors selectbgcolor markbgcolor - global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs - global hideremotes want_ttk have_ttk - - set top .gitkprefs - set prefstop $top - if {[winfo exists $top]} { - raise $top - return - } - foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges \ - limitdiffs tabstop perfile_attrs hideremotes want_ttk} { - set oldprefs($v) [set $v] - } - ttk_toplevel $top - wm title $top [mc "Gitk preferences"] - make_transient $top . - ${NS}::label $top.ldisp -text [mc "Commit list display options"] - grid $top.ldisp - -sticky w -pady 10 - ${NS}::label $top.spacer -text " " - ${NS}::label $top.maxwidthl -text [mc "Maximum graph width (lines)"] - spinbox $top.maxwidth -from 0 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxwidth - grid $top.spacer $top.maxwidthl $top.maxwidth -sticky w - ${NS}::label $top.maxpctl -text [mc "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"] - spinbox $top.maxpct -from 1 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxgraphpct - grid x $top.maxpctl $top.maxpct -sticky w - ${NS}::checkbutton $top.showlocal -text [mc "Show local changes"] \ - -variable showlocalchanges - grid x $top.showlocal -sticky w - ${NS}::checkbutton $top.autoselect -text [mc "Auto-select SHA1 (length)"] \ - -variable autoselect - spinbox $top.autosellen -from 1 -to 40 -width 4 -textvariable autosellen - grid x $top.autoselect $top.autosellen -sticky w - ${NS}::checkbutton $top.hideremotes -text [mc "Hide remote refs"] \ - -variable hideremotes - grid x $top.hideremotes -sticky w - - ${NS}::label $top.ddisp -text [mc "Diff display options"] - grid $top.ddisp - -sticky w -pady 10 - ${NS}::label $top.tabstopl -text [mc "Tab spacing"] - spinbox $top.tabstop -from 1 -to 20 -width 4 -textvariable tabstop - grid x $top.tabstopl $top.tabstop -sticky w - ${NS}::checkbutton $top.ntag -text [mc "Display nearby tags"] \ - -variable showneartags - grid x $top.ntag -sticky w - ${NS}::checkbutton $top.ldiff -text [mc "Limit diffs to listed paths"] \ - -variable limitdiffs - grid x $top.ldiff -sticky w - ${NS}::checkbutton $top.lattr -text [mc "Support per-file encodings"] \ - -variable perfile_attrs - grid x $top.lattr -sticky w - - ${NS}::entry $top.extdifft -textvariable extdifftool - ${NS}::frame $top.extdifff - ${NS}::label $top.extdifff.l -text [mc "External diff tool" ] - ${NS}::button $top.extdifff.b -text [mc "Choose..."] -command choose_extdiff - pack $top.extdifff.l $top.extdifff.b -side left - pack configure $top.extdifff.l -padx 10 - grid x $top.extdifff $top.extdifft -sticky ew - - ${NS}::label $top.lgen -text [mc "General options"] - grid $top.lgen - -sticky w -pady 10 - ${NS}::checkbutton $top.want_ttk -variable want_ttk \ - -text [mc "Use themed widgets"] - if {$have_ttk} { - ${NS}::label $top.ttk_note -text [mc "(change requires restart)"] - } else { - ${NS}::label $top.ttk_note -text [mc "(currently unavailable)"] - } - grid x $top.want_ttk $top.ttk_note -sticky w - - ${NS}::label $top.cdisp -text [mc "Colors: press to choose"] - grid $top.cdisp - -sticky w -pady 10 - label $top.ui -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $uicolor - ${NS}::button $top.uibut -text [mc "Interface"] \ - -command [list choosecolor uicolor {} $top.ui [mc "interface"] setui] - grid x $top.uibut $top.ui -sticky w - label $top.bg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $bgcolor - ${NS}::button $top.bgbut -text [mc "Background"] \ - -command [list choosecolor bgcolor {} $top.bg [mc "background"] setbg] - grid x $top.bgbut $top.bg -sticky w - label $top.fg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $fgcolor - ${NS}::button $top.fgbut -text [mc "Foreground"] \ - -command [list choosecolor fgcolor {} $top.fg [mc "foreground"] setfg] - grid x $top.fgbut $top.fg -sticky w - label $top.diffold -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 0] - ${NS}::button $top.diffoldbut -text [mc "Diff: old lines"] \ - -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 0 $top.diffold [mc "diff old lines"] \ - [list $ctext tag conf d0 -foreground]] - grid x $top.diffoldbut $top.diffold -sticky w - label $top.diffnew -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 1] - ${NS}::button $top.diffnewbut -text [mc "Diff: new lines"] \ - -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 1 $top.diffnew [mc "diff new lines"] \ - [list $ctext tag conf dresult -foreground]] - grid x $top.diffnewbut $top.diffnew -sticky w - label $top.hunksep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 2] - ${NS}::button $top.hunksepbut -text [mc "Diff: hunk header"] \ - -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 2 $top.hunksep \ - [mc "diff hunk header"] \ - [list $ctext tag conf hunksep -foreground]] - grid x $top.hunksepbut $top.hunksep -sticky w - label $top.markbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $markbgcolor - ${NS}::button $top.markbgbut -text [mc "Marked line bg"] \ - -command [list choosecolor markbgcolor {} $top.markbgsep \ - [mc "marked line background"] \ - [list $ctext tag conf omark -background]] - grid x $top.markbgbut $top.markbgsep -sticky w - label $top.selbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $selectbgcolor - ${NS}::button $top.selbgbut -text [mc "Select bg"] \ - -command [list choosecolor selectbgcolor {} $top.selbgsep [mc "background"] setselbg] - grid x $top.selbgbut $top.selbgsep -sticky w - - ${NS}::label $top.cfont -text [mc "Fonts: press to choose"] - grid $top.cfont - -sticky w -pady 10 - mkfontdisp mainfont $top [mc "Main font"] - mkfontdisp textfont $top [mc "Diff display font"] - mkfontdisp uifont $top [mc "User interface font"] - - ${NS}::frame $top.buts - ${NS}::button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command prefsok -default active - ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command prefscan -default normal - bind $top prefsok - bind $top prefscan - grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a - grid $top.buts - - -pady 10 -sticky ew - grid columnconfigure $top 2 -weight 1 - bind $top "focus $top.buts.ok" -} - -proc choose_extdiff {} { - global extdifftool - - set prog [tk_getOpenFile -title [mc "External diff tool"] -multiple false] - if {$prog ne {}} { - set extdifftool $prog - } -} - -proc choosecolor {v vi w x cmd} { - global $v - - set c [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor [lindex [set $v] $vi] \ - -title [mc "Gitk: choose color for %s" $x]] - if {$c eq {}} return - $w conf -background $c - lset $v $vi $c - eval $cmd $c -} - -proc setselbg {c} { - global bglist cflist - foreach w $bglist { - $w configure -selectbackground $c - } - $cflist tag configure highlight \ - -background [$cflist cget -selectbackground] - allcanvs itemconf secsel -fill $c -} - -# This sets the background color and the color scheme for the whole UI. -# For some reason, tk_setPalette chooses a nasty dark red for selectColor -# if we don't specify one ourselves, which makes the checkbuttons and -# radiobuttons look bad. This chooses white for selectColor if the -# background color is light, or black if it is dark. -proc setui {c} { - if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} { return } - set bg [winfo rgb . $c] - set selc black - if {[lindex $bg 0] + 1.5 * [lindex $bg 1] + 0.5 * [lindex $bg 2] > 100000} { - set selc white - } - tk_setPalette background $c selectColor $selc -} - -proc setbg {c} { - global bglist - - foreach w $bglist { - $w conf -background $c - } -} - -proc setfg {c} { - global fglist canv - - foreach w $fglist { - $w conf -foreground $c - } - allcanvs itemconf text -fill $c - $canv itemconf circle -outline $c - $canv itemconf markid -outline $c -} - -proc prefscan {} { - global oldprefs prefstop - - foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges \ - limitdiffs tabstop perfile_attrs hideremotes want_ttk} { - global $v - set $v $oldprefs($v) - } - catch {destroy $prefstop} - unset prefstop - fontcan -} - -proc prefsok {} { - global maxwidth maxgraphpct - global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges - global fontpref mainfont textfont uifont - global limitdiffs treediffs perfile_attrs - global hideremotes - - catch {destroy $prefstop} - unset prefstop - fontcan - set fontchanged 0 - if {$mainfont ne $fontpref(mainfont)} { - set mainfont $fontpref(mainfont) - parsefont mainfont $mainfont - eval font configure mainfont [fontflags mainfont] - eval font configure mainfontbold [fontflags mainfont 1] - setcoords - set fontchanged 1 - } - if {$textfont ne $fontpref(textfont)} { - set textfont $fontpref(textfont) - parsefont textfont $textfont - eval font configure textfont [fontflags textfont] - eval font configure textfontbold [fontflags textfont 1] - } - if {$uifont ne $fontpref(uifont)} { - set uifont $fontpref(uifont) - parsefont uifont $uifont - eval font configure uifont [fontflags uifont] - } - settabs - if {$showlocalchanges != $oldprefs(showlocalchanges)} { - if {$showlocalchanges} { - doshowlocalchanges - } else { - dohidelocalchanges - } - } - if {$limitdiffs != $oldprefs(limitdiffs) || - ($perfile_attrs && !$oldprefs(perfile_attrs))} { - # treediffs elements are limited by path; - # won't have encodings cached if perfile_attrs was just turned on - catch {unset treediffs} - } - if {$fontchanged || $maxwidth != $oldprefs(maxwidth) - || $maxgraphpct != $oldprefs(maxgraphpct)} { - redisplay - } elseif {$showneartags != $oldprefs(showneartags) || - $limitdiffs != $oldprefs(limitdiffs)} { - reselectline - } - if {$hideremotes != $oldprefs(hideremotes)} { - rereadrefs - } -} - -proc formatdate {d} { - global datetimeformat - if {$d ne {}} { - set d [clock format $d -format $datetimeformat] - } - return $d -} - -# This list of encoding names and aliases is distilled from -# http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets. -# Not all of them are supported by Tcl. -set encoding_aliases { - { ANSI_X3.4-1968 iso-ir-6 ANSI_X3.4-1986 ISO_646.irv:1991 ASCII - ISO646-US US-ASCII us IBM367 cp367 csASCII } - { ISO-10646-UTF-1 csISO10646UTF1 } - { ISO_646.basic:1983 ref csISO646basic1983 } - { INVARIANT csINVARIANT } - { ISO_646.irv:1983 iso-ir-2 irv csISO2IntlRefVersion } - { BS_4730 iso-ir-4 ISO646-GB gb uk csISO4UnitedKingdom } - { NATS-SEFI iso-ir-8-1 csNATSSEFI } - { NATS-SEFI-ADD iso-ir-8-2 csNATSSEFIADD } - { NATS-DANO iso-ir-9-1 csNATSDANO } - { NATS-DANO-ADD iso-ir-9-2 csNATSDANOADD } - { SEN_850200_B iso-ir-10 FI ISO646-FI ISO646-SE se csISO10Swedish } - { SEN_850200_C iso-ir-11 ISO646-SE2 se2 csISO11SwedishForNames } - { KS_C_5601-1987 iso-ir-149 KS_C_5601-1989 KSC_5601 korean csKSC56011987 } - { ISO-2022-KR csISO2022KR } - { EUC-KR csEUCKR } - { ISO-2022-JP csISO2022JP } - { ISO-2022-JP-2 csISO2022JP2 } - { JIS_C6220-1969-jp JIS_C6220-1969 iso-ir-13 katakana x0201-7 - csISO13JISC6220jp } - { JIS_C6220-1969-ro iso-ir-14 jp ISO646-JP csISO14JISC6220ro } - { IT iso-ir-15 ISO646-IT csISO15Italian } - { PT iso-ir-16 ISO646-PT csISO16Portuguese } - { ES iso-ir-17 ISO646-ES csISO17Spanish } - { greek7-old iso-ir-18 csISO18Greek7Old } - { latin-greek iso-ir-19 csISO19LatinGreek } - { DIN_66003 iso-ir-21 de ISO646-DE csISO21German } - { NF_Z_62-010_(1973) iso-ir-25 ISO646-FR1 csISO25French } - { Latin-greek-1 iso-ir-27 csISO27LatinGreek1 } - { ISO_5427 iso-ir-37 csISO5427Cyrillic } - { JIS_C6226-1978 iso-ir-42 csISO42JISC62261978 } - { BS_viewdata iso-ir-47 csISO47BSViewdata } - { INIS iso-ir-49 csISO49INIS } - { INIS-8 iso-ir-50 csISO50INIS8 } - { INIS-cyrillic iso-ir-51 csISO51INISCyrillic } - { ISO_5427:1981 iso-ir-54 ISO5427Cyrillic1981 } - { ISO_5428:1980 iso-ir-55 csISO5428Greek } - { GB_1988-80 iso-ir-57 cn ISO646-CN csISO57GB1988 } - { GB_2312-80 iso-ir-58 chinese csISO58GB231280 } - { NS_4551-1 iso-ir-60 ISO646-NO no csISO60DanishNorwegian - csISO60Norwegian1 } - { NS_4551-2 ISO646-NO2 iso-ir-61 no2 csISO61Norwegian2 } - { NF_Z_62-010 iso-ir-69 ISO646-FR fr csISO69French } - { videotex-suppl iso-ir-70 csISO70VideotexSupp1 } - { PT2 iso-ir-84 ISO646-PT2 csISO84Portuguese2 } - { ES2 iso-ir-85 ISO646-ES2 csISO85Spanish2 } - { MSZ_7795.3 iso-ir-86 ISO646-HU hu csISO86Hungarian } - { JIS_C6226-1983 iso-ir-87 x0208 JIS_X0208-1983 csISO87JISX0208 } - { greek7 iso-ir-88 csISO88Greek7 } - { ASMO_449 ISO_9036 arabic7 iso-ir-89 csISO89ASMO449 } - { iso-ir-90 csISO90 } - { JIS_C6229-1984-a iso-ir-91 jp-ocr-a csISO91JISC62291984a } - { JIS_C6229-1984-b iso-ir-92 ISO646-JP-OCR-B jp-ocr-b - csISO92JISC62991984b } - { JIS_C6229-1984-b-add iso-ir-93 jp-ocr-b-add csISO93JIS62291984badd } - { JIS_C6229-1984-hand iso-ir-94 jp-ocr-hand csISO94JIS62291984hand } - { JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add iso-ir-95 jp-ocr-hand-add - csISO95JIS62291984handadd } - { JIS_C6229-1984-kana iso-ir-96 csISO96JISC62291984kana } - { ISO_2033-1983 iso-ir-98 e13b csISO2033 } - { ANSI_X3.110-1983 iso-ir-99 CSA_T500-1983 NAPLPS csISO99NAPLPS } - { ISO_8859-1:1987 iso-ir-100 ISO_8859-1 ISO-8859-1 latin1 l1 IBM819 - CP819 csISOLatin1 } - { ISO_8859-2:1987 iso-ir-101 ISO_8859-2 ISO-8859-2 latin2 l2 csISOLatin2 } - { T.61-7bit iso-ir-102 csISO102T617bit } - { T.61-8bit T.61 iso-ir-103 csISO103T618bit } - { ISO_8859-3:1988 iso-ir-109 ISO_8859-3 ISO-8859-3 latin3 l3 csISOLatin3 } - { ISO_8859-4:1988 iso-ir-110 ISO_8859-4 ISO-8859-4 latin4 l4 csISOLatin4 } - { ECMA-cyrillic iso-ir-111 KOI8-E csISO111ECMACyrillic } - { CSA_Z243.4-1985-1 iso-ir-121 ISO646-CA csa7-1 ca csISO121Canadian1 } - { CSA_Z243.4-1985-2 iso-ir-122 ISO646-CA2 csa7-2 csISO122Canadian2 } - { CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr iso-ir-123 csISO123CSAZ24341985gr } - { ISO_8859-6:1987 iso-ir-127 ISO_8859-6 ISO-8859-6 ECMA-114 ASMO-708 - arabic csISOLatinArabic } - { ISO_8859-6-E csISO88596E ISO-8859-6-E } - { ISO_8859-6-I csISO88596I ISO-8859-6-I } - { ISO_8859-7:1987 iso-ir-126 ISO_8859-7 ISO-8859-7 ELOT_928 ECMA-118 - greek greek8 csISOLatinGreek } - { T.101-G2 iso-ir-128 csISO128T101G2 } - { ISO_8859-8:1988 iso-ir-138 ISO_8859-8 ISO-8859-8 hebrew - csISOLatinHebrew } - { ISO_8859-8-E csISO88598E ISO-8859-8-E } - { ISO_8859-8-I csISO88598I ISO-8859-8-I } - { CSN_369103 iso-ir-139 csISO139CSN369103 } - { JUS_I.B1.002 iso-ir-141 ISO646-YU js yu csISO141JUSIB1002 } - { ISO_6937-2-add iso-ir-142 csISOTextComm } - { IEC_P27-1 iso-ir-143 csISO143IECP271 } - { ISO_8859-5:1988 iso-ir-144 ISO_8859-5 ISO-8859-5 cyrillic - csISOLatinCyrillic } - { JUS_I.B1.003-serb iso-ir-146 serbian csISO146Serbian } - { JUS_I.B1.003-mac macedonian iso-ir-147 csISO147Macedonian } - { ISO_8859-9:1989 iso-ir-148 ISO_8859-9 ISO-8859-9 latin5 l5 csISOLatin5 } - { greek-ccitt iso-ir-150 csISO150 csISO150GreekCCITT } - { NC_NC00-10:81 cuba iso-ir-151 ISO646-CU csISO151Cuba } - { ISO_6937-2-25 iso-ir-152 csISO6937Add } - { GOST_19768-74 ST_SEV_358-88 iso-ir-153 csISO153GOST1976874 } - { ISO_8859-supp iso-ir-154 latin1-2-5 csISO8859Supp } - { ISO_10367-box iso-ir-155 csISO10367Box } - { ISO-8859-10 iso-ir-157 l6 ISO_8859-10:1992 csISOLatin6 latin6 } - { latin-lap lap iso-ir-158 csISO158Lap } - { JIS_X0212-1990 x0212 iso-ir-159 csISO159JISX02121990 } - { DS_2089 DS2089 ISO646-DK dk csISO646Danish } - { us-dk csUSDK } - { dk-us csDKUS } - { JIS_X0201 X0201 csHalfWidthKatakana } - { KSC5636 ISO646-KR csKSC5636 } - { ISO-10646-UCS-2 csUnicode } - { ISO-10646-UCS-4 csUCS4 } - { DEC-MCS dec csDECMCS } - { hp-roman8 roman8 r8 csHPRoman8 } - { macintosh mac csMacintosh } - { IBM037 cp037 ebcdic-cp-us ebcdic-cp-ca ebcdic-cp-wt ebcdic-cp-nl - csIBM037 } - { IBM038 EBCDIC-INT cp038 csIBM038 } - { IBM273 CP273 csIBM273 } - { IBM274 EBCDIC-BE CP274 csIBM274 } - { IBM275 EBCDIC-BR cp275 csIBM275 } - { IBM277 EBCDIC-CP-DK EBCDIC-CP-NO csIBM277 } - { IBM278 CP278 ebcdic-cp-fi ebcdic-cp-se csIBM278 } - { IBM280 CP280 ebcdic-cp-it csIBM280 } - { IBM281 EBCDIC-JP-E cp281 csIBM281 } - { IBM284 CP284 ebcdic-cp-es csIBM284 } - { IBM285 CP285 ebcdic-cp-gb csIBM285 } - { IBM290 cp290 EBCDIC-JP-kana csIBM290 } - { IBM297 cp297 ebcdic-cp-fr csIBM297 } - { IBM420 cp420 ebcdic-cp-ar1 csIBM420 } - { IBM423 cp423 ebcdic-cp-gr csIBM423 } - { IBM424 cp424 ebcdic-cp-he csIBM424 } - { IBM437 cp437 437 csPC8CodePage437 } - { IBM500 CP500 ebcdic-cp-be ebcdic-cp-ch csIBM500 } - { IBM775 cp775 csPC775Baltic } - { IBM850 cp850 850 csPC850Multilingual } - { IBM851 cp851 851 csIBM851 } - { IBM852 cp852 852 csPCp852 } - { IBM855 cp855 855 csIBM855 } - { IBM857 cp857 857 csIBM857 } - { IBM860 cp860 860 csIBM860 } - { IBM861 cp861 861 cp-is csIBM861 } - { IBM862 cp862 862 csPC862LatinHebrew } - { IBM863 cp863 863 csIBM863 } - { IBM864 cp864 csIBM864 } - { IBM865 cp865 865 csIBM865 } - { IBM866 cp866 866 csIBM866 } - { IBM868 CP868 cp-ar csIBM868 } - { IBM869 cp869 869 cp-gr csIBM869 } - { IBM870 CP870 ebcdic-cp-roece ebcdic-cp-yu csIBM870 } - { IBM871 CP871 ebcdic-cp-is csIBM871 } - { IBM880 cp880 EBCDIC-Cyrillic csIBM880 } - { IBM891 cp891 csIBM891 } - { IBM903 cp903 csIBM903 } - { IBM904 cp904 904 csIBBM904 } - { IBM905 CP905 ebcdic-cp-tr csIBM905 } - { IBM918 CP918 ebcdic-cp-ar2 csIBM918 } - { IBM1026 CP1026 csIBM1026 } - { EBCDIC-AT-DE csIBMEBCDICATDE } - { EBCDIC-AT-DE-A csEBCDICATDEA } - { EBCDIC-CA-FR csEBCDICCAFR } - { EBCDIC-DK-NO csEBCDICDKNO } - { EBCDIC-DK-NO-A csEBCDICDKNOA } - { EBCDIC-FI-SE csEBCDICFISE } - { EBCDIC-FI-SE-A csEBCDICFISEA } - { EBCDIC-FR csEBCDICFR } - { EBCDIC-IT csEBCDICIT } - { EBCDIC-PT csEBCDICPT } - { EBCDIC-ES csEBCDICES } - { EBCDIC-ES-A csEBCDICESA } - { EBCDIC-ES-S csEBCDICESS } - { EBCDIC-UK csEBCDICUK } - { EBCDIC-US csEBCDICUS } - { UNKNOWN-8BIT csUnknown8BiT } - { MNEMONIC csMnemonic } - { MNEM csMnem } - { VISCII csVISCII } - { VIQR csVIQR } - { KOI8-R csKOI8R } - { IBM00858 CCSID00858 CP00858 PC-Multilingual-850+euro } - { IBM00924 CCSID00924 CP00924 ebcdic-Latin9--euro } - { IBM01140 CCSID01140 CP01140 ebcdic-us-37+euro } - { IBM01141 CCSID01141 CP01141 ebcdic-de-273+euro } - { IBM01142 CCSID01142 CP01142 ebcdic-dk-277+euro ebcdic-no-277+euro } - { IBM01143 CCSID01143 CP01143 ebcdic-fi-278+euro ebcdic-se-278+euro } - { IBM01144 CCSID01144 CP01144 ebcdic-it-280+euro } - { IBM01145 CCSID01145 CP01145 ebcdic-es-284+euro } - { IBM01146 CCSID01146 CP01146 ebcdic-gb-285+euro } - { IBM01147 CCSID01147 CP01147 ebcdic-fr-297+euro } - { IBM01148 CCSID01148 CP01148 ebcdic-international-500+euro } - { IBM01149 CCSID01149 CP01149 ebcdic-is-871+euro } - { IBM1047 IBM-1047 } - { PTCP154 csPTCP154 PT154 CP154 Cyrillic-Asian } - { Amiga-1251 Ami1251 Amiga1251 Ami-1251 } - { UNICODE-1-1 csUnicode11 } - { CESU-8 csCESU-8 } - { BOCU-1 csBOCU-1 } - { UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7 csUnicode11UTF7 } - { ISO-8859-14 iso-ir-199 ISO_8859-14:1998 ISO_8859-14 latin8 iso-celtic - l8 } - { ISO-8859-15 ISO_8859-15 Latin-9 } - { ISO-8859-16 iso-ir-226 ISO_8859-16:2001 ISO_8859-16 latin10 l10 } - { GBK CP936 MS936 windows-936 } - { JIS_Encoding csJISEncoding } - { Shift_JIS MS_Kanji csShiftJIS ShiftJIS Shift-JIS } - { Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese csEUCPkdFmtJapanese - EUC-JP } - { Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese csEUCFixWidJapanese } - { ISO-10646-UCS-Basic csUnicodeASCII } - { ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1 csUnicodeLatin1 ISO-10646 } - { ISO-Unicode-IBM-1261 csUnicodeIBM1261 } - { ISO-Unicode-IBM-1268 csUnicodeIBM1268 } - { ISO-Unicode-IBM-1276 csUnicodeIBM1276 } - { ISO-Unicode-IBM-1264 csUnicodeIBM1264 } - { ISO-Unicode-IBM-1265 csUnicodeIBM1265 } - { ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.0-Latin-1 csWindows30Latin1 } - { ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1 csWindows31Latin1 } - { ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2 csWindows31Latin2 } - { ISO-8859-9-Windows-Latin-5 csWindows31Latin5 } - { Adobe-Standard-Encoding csAdobeStandardEncoding } - { Ventura-US csVenturaUS } - { Ventura-International csVenturaInternational } - { PC8-Danish-Norwegian csPC8DanishNorwegian } - { PC8-Turkish csPC8Turkish } - { IBM-Symbols csIBMSymbols } - { IBM-Thai csIBMThai } - { HP-Legal csHPLegal } - { HP-Pi-font csHPPiFont } - { HP-Math8 csHPMath8 } - { Adobe-Symbol-Encoding csHPPSMath } - { HP-DeskTop csHPDesktop } - { Ventura-Math csVenturaMath } - { Microsoft-Publishing csMicrosoftPublishing } - { Windows-31J csWindows31J } - { GB2312 csGB2312 } - { Big5 csBig5 } -} - -proc tcl_encoding {enc} { - global encoding_aliases tcl_encoding_cache - if {[info exists tcl_encoding_cache($enc)]} { - return $tcl_encoding_cache($enc) - } - set names [encoding names] - set lcnames [string tolower $names] - set enc [string tolower $enc] - set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $enc] - if {$i < 0} { - # look for "isonnn" instead of "iso-nnn" or "iso_nnn" - if {[regsub {^(iso|cp|ibm|jis)[-_]} $enc {\1} encx]} { - set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $encx] - } - } - if {$i < 0} { - foreach l $encoding_aliases { - set ll [string tolower $l] - if {[lsearch -exact $ll $enc] < 0} continue - # look through the aliases for one that tcl knows about - foreach e $ll { - set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $e] - if {$i < 0} { - if {[regsub {^(iso|cp|ibm|jis)[-_]} $e {\1} ex]} { - set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $ex] - } - } - if {$i >= 0} break - } - break - } - } - set tclenc {} - if {$i >= 0} { - set tclenc [lindex $names $i] - } - set tcl_encoding_cache($enc) $tclenc - return $tclenc -} - -proc gitattr {path attr default} { - global path_attr_cache - if {[info exists path_attr_cache($attr,$path)]} { - set r $path_attr_cache($attr,$path) - } else { - set r "unspecified" - if {![catch {set line [exec git check-attr $attr -- $path]}]} { - regexp "(.*): $attr: (.*)" $line m f r - } - set path_attr_cache($attr,$path) $r - } - if {$r eq "unspecified"} { - return $default - } - return $r -} - -proc cache_gitattr {attr pathlist} { - global path_attr_cache - set newlist {} - foreach path $pathlist { - if {![info exists path_attr_cache($attr,$path)]} { - lappend newlist $path - } - } - set lim 1000 - if {[tk windowingsystem] == "win32"} { - # windows has a 32k limit on the arguments to a command... - set lim 30 - } - while {$newlist ne {}} { - set head [lrange $newlist 0 [expr {$lim - 1}]] - set newlist [lrange $newlist $lim end] - if {![catch {set rlist [eval exec git check-attr $attr -- $head]}]} { - foreach row [split $rlist "\n"] { - if {[regexp "(.*): $attr: (.*)" $row m path value]} { - if {[string index $path 0] eq "\""} { - set path [encoding convertfrom [lindex $path 0]] - } - set path_attr_cache($attr,$path) $value - } - } - } - } -} - -proc get_path_encoding {path} { - global gui_encoding perfile_attrs - set tcl_enc $gui_encoding - if {$path ne {} && $perfile_attrs} { - set enc2 [tcl_encoding [gitattr $path encoding $tcl_enc]] - if {$enc2 ne {}} { - set tcl_enc $enc2 - } - } - return $tcl_enc -} - -# First check that Tcl/Tk is recent enough -if {[catch {package require Tk 8.4} err]} { - show_error {} . "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n\ - Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4." list - exit 1 -} - -# defaults... -set wrcomcmd "git diff-tree --stdin -p --pretty" - -set gitencoding {} -catch { - set gitencoding [exec git config --get i18n.commitencoding] -} -catch { - set gitencoding [exec git config --get i18n.logoutputencoding] -} -if {$gitencoding == ""} { - set gitencoding "utf-8" -} -set tclencoding [tcl_encoding $gitencoding] -if {$tclencoding == {}} { - puts stderr "Warning: encoding $gitencoding is not supported by Tcl/Tk" -} - -set gui_encoding [encoding system] -catch { - set enc [exec git config --get gui.encoding] - if {$enc ne {}} { - set tclenc [tcl_encoding $enc] - if {$tclenc ne {}} { - set gui_encoding $tclenc - } else { - puts stderr "Warning: encoding $enc is not supported by Tcl/Tk" - } - } -} - -if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} { - set mainfont {{Lucida Grande} 9} - set textfont {Monaco 9} - set uifont {{Lucida Grande} 9 bold} -} else { - set mainfont {Helvetica 9} - set textfont {Courier 9} - set uifont {Helvetica 9 bold} -} -set tabstop 8 -set findmergefiles 0 -set maxgraphpct 50 -set maxwidth 16 -set revlistorder 0 -set fastdate 0 -set uparrowlen 5 -set downarrowlen 5 -set mingaplen 100 -set cmitmode "patch" -set wrapcomment "none" -set showneartags 1 -set hideremotes 0 -set maxrefs 20 -set maxlinelen 200 -set showlocalchanges 1 -set limitdiffs 1 -set datetimeformat "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" -set autoselect 1 -set autosellen 40 -set perfile_attrs 0 -set want_ttk 1 - -if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} { - set extdifftool "opendiff" -} else { - set extdifftool "meld" -} - -set colors {green red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange} -if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} { - set uicolor SystemButtonFace - set bgcolor SystemWindow - set fgcolor SystemButtonText - set selectbgcolor SystemHighlight -} else { - set uicolor grey85 - set bgcolor white - set fgcolor black - set selectbgcolor gray85 -} -set diffcolors {red "#00a000" blue} -set diffcontext 3 -set ignorespace 0 -set worddiff "" -set markbgcolor "#e0e0ff" - -set circlecolors {white blue gray blue blue} - -# button for popping up context menus -if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} { - set ctxbut -} else { - set ctxbut -} - -## For msgcat loading, first locate the installation location. -if { [info exists ::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)] } { - ## Msgsdir was manually set in the environment. - set gitk_msgsdir $::env(GITK_MSGSDIR) -} else { - ## Let's guess the prefix from argv0. - set gitk_prefix [file dirname [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]]] - set gitk_libdir [file join $gitk_prefix share gitk lib] - set gitk_msgsdir [file join $gitk_libdir msgs] - unset gitk_prefix -} - -## Internationalization (i18n) through msgcat and gettext. See -## http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Tcl.html -package require msgcat -namespace import ::msgcat::mc -## And eventually load the actual message catalog -::msgcat::mcload $gitk_msgsdir - -catch {source ~/.gitk} - -parsefont mainfont $mainfont -eval font create mainfont [fontflags mainfont] -eval font create mainfontbold [fontflags mainfont 1] - -parsefont textfont $textfont -eval font create textfont [fontflags textfont] -eval font create textfontbold [fontflags textfont 1] - -parsefont uifont $uifont -eval font create uifont [fontflags uifont] - -setui $uicolor - -setoptions - -# check that we can find a .git directory somewhere... -if {[catch {set gitdir [gitdir]}]} { - show_error {} . [mc "Cannot find a git repository here."] - exit 1 -} -if {![file isdirectory $gitdir]} { - show_error {} . [mc "Cannot find the git directory \"%s\"." $gitdir] - exit 1 -} - -set selecthead {} -set selectheadid {} - -set revtreeargs {} -set cmdline_files {} -set i 0 -set revtreeargscmd {} -foreach arg $argv { - switch -glob -- $arg { - "" { } - "--" { - set cmdline_files [lrange $argv [expr {$i + 1}] end] - break - } - "--select-commit=*" { - set selecthead [string range $arg 16 end] - } - "--argscmd=*" { - set revtreeargscmd [string range $arg 10 end] - } - default { - lappend revtreeargs $arg - } - } - incr i -} - -if {$selecthead eq "HEAD"} { - set selecthead {} -} - -if {$i >= [llength $argv] && $revtreeargs ne {}} { - # no -- on command line, but some arguments (other than --argscmd) - if {[catch { - set f [eval exec git rev-parse --no-revs --no-flags $revtreeargs] - set cmdline_files [split $f "\n"] - set n [llength $cmdline_files] - set revtreeargs [lrange $revtreeargs 0 end-$n] - # Unfortunately git rev-parse doesn't produce an error when - # something is both a revision and a filename. To be consistent - # with git log and git rev-list, check revtreeargs for filenames. - foreach arg $revtreeargs { - if {[file exists $arg]} { - show_error {} . [mc "Ambiguous argument '%s': both revision\ - and filename" $arg] - exit 1 - } - } - } err]} { - # unfortunately we get both stdout and stderr in $err, - # so look for "fatal:". - set i [string first "fatal:" $err] - if {$i > 0} { - set err [string range $err [expr {$i + 6}] end] - } - show_error {} . "[mc "Bad arguments to gitk:"]\n$err" - exit 1 - } -} - -set nullid "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" -set nullid2 "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001" -set nullfile "/dev/null" - -set have_tk85 [expr {[package vcompare $tk_version "8.5"] >= 0}] -if {![info exists have_ttk]} { - set have_ttk [llength [info commands ::ttk::style]] -} -set use_ttk [expr {$have_ttk && $want_ttk}] -set NS [expr {$use_ttk ? "ttk" : ""}] - -regexp {^git version ([\d.]*\d)} [exec git version] _ git_version - -set show_notes {} -if {[package vcompare $git_version ""] >= 0} { - set show_notes "--show-notes" -} - -set runq {} -set history {} -set historyindex 0 -set fh_serial 0 -set nhl_names {} -set highlight_paths {} -set findpattern {} -set searchdirn -forwards -set boldids {} -set boldnameids {} -set diffelide {0 0} -set markingmatches 0 -set linkentercount 0 -set need_redisplay 0 -set nrows_drawn 0 -set firsttabstop 0 - -set nextviewnum 1 -set curview 0 -set selectedview 0 -set selectedhlview [mc "None"] -set highlight_related [mc "None"] -set highlight_files {} -set viewfiles(0) {} -set viewperm(0) 0 -set viewargs(0) {} -set viewargscmd(0) {} - -set selectedline {} -set numcommits 0 -set loginstance 0 -set cmdlineok 0 -set stopped 0 -set stuffsaved 0 -set patchnum 0 -set lserial 0 -set isworktree [expr {[exec git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree] == "true"}] -setcoords -makewindow -catch { - image create photo gitlogo -width 16 -height 16 - - image create photo gitlogominus -width 4 -height 2 - gitlogominus put #C00000 -to 0 0 4 2 - gitlogo copy gitlogominus -to 1 5 - gitlogo copy gitlogominus -to 6 5 - gitlogo copy gitlogominus -to 11 5 - image delete gitlogominus - - image create photo gitlogoplus -width 4 -height 4 - gitlogoplus put #008000 -to 1 0 3 4 - gitlogoplus put #008000 -to 0 1 4 3 - gitlogo copy gitlogoplus -to 1 9 - gitlogo copy gitlogoplus -to 6 9 - gitlogo copy gitlogoplus -to 11 9 - image delete gitlogoplus - - image create photo gitlogo32 -width 32 -height 32 - gitlogo32 copy gitlogo -zoom 2 2 - - wm iconphoto . -default gitlogo gitlogo32 -} -# wait for the window to become visible -tkwait visibility . -wm title . "[file tail $argv0]: [file tail [pwd]]" -update -readrefs - -if {$cmdline_files ne {} || $revtreeargs ne {} || $revtreeargscmd ne {}} { - # create a view for the files/dirs specified on the command line - set curview 1 - set selectedview 1 - set nextviewnum 2 - set viewname(1) [mc "Command line"] - set viewfiles(1) $cmdline_files - set viewargs(1) $revtreeargs - set viewargscmd(1) $revtreeargscmd - set viewperm(1) 0 - set vdatemode(1) 0 - addviewmenu 1 - .bar.view entryconf [mca "Edit view..."] -state normal - .bar.view entryconf [mca "Delete view"] -state normal -} - -if {[info exists permviews]} { - foreach v $permviews { - set n $nextviewnum - incr nextviewnum - set viewname($n) [lindex $v 0] - set viewfiles($n) [lindex $v 1] - set viewargs($n) [lindex $v 2] - set viewargscmd($n) [lindex $v 3] - set viewperm($n) 1 - addviewmenu $n - } -} - -if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} { - focus -force . -} - -getcommits {} - -# Local variables: -# mode: tcl -# indent-tabs-mode: t -# tab-width: 8 -# End: diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-add b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-add deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-add +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-add--interactive b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-add--interactive deleted file mode 100755 index e5e18210..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-add--interactive +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1628 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl")); - -use 5.008; -use strict; -use warnings; -use Git; - -binmode(STDOUT, ":raw"); - -my $repo = Git->repository(); - -my $menu_use_color = $repo->get_colorbool('color.interactive'); -my ($prompt_color, $header_color, $help_color) = - $menu_use_color ? ( - $repo->get_color('color.interactive.prompt', 'bold blue'), - $repo->get_color('color.interactive.header', 'bold'), - $repo->get_color('color.interactive.help', 'red bold'), - ) : (); -my $error_color = (); -if ($menu_use_color) { - my $help_color_spec = ($repo->config('color.interactive.help') or - 'red bold'); - $error_color = $repo->get_color('color.interactive.error', - $help_color_spec); -} - -my $diff_use_color = $repo->get_colorbool('color.diff'); -my ($fraginfo_color) = - $diff_use_color ? ( - $repo->get_color('color.diff.frag', 'cyan'), - ) : (); -my ($diff_plain_color) = - $diff_use_color ? ( - $repo->get_color('color.diff.plain', ''), - ) : (); -my ($diff_old_color) = - $diff_use_color ? ( - $repo->get_color('color.diff.old', 'red'), - ) : (); -my ($diff_new_color) = - $diff_use_color ? ( - $repo->get_color('color.diff.new', 'green'), - ) : (); - -my $normal_color = $repo->get_color("", "reset"); - -my $use_readkey = 0; -my $use_termcap = 0; -my %term_escapes; - -sub ReadMode; -sub ReadKey; -if ($repo->config_bool("interactive.singlekey")) { - eval { - require Term::ReadKey; - Term::ReadKey->import; - $use_readkey = 1; - }; - eval { - require Term::Cap; - my $termcap = Term::Cap->Tgetent; - foreach (values %$termcap) { - $term_escapes{$_} = 1 if /^\e/; - } - $use_termcap = 1; - }; -} - -sub colored { - my $color = shift; - my $string = join("", @_); - - if (defined $color) { - # Put a color code at the beginning of each line, a reset at the end - # color after newlines that are not at the end of the string - $string =~ s/(\n+)(.)/$1$color$2/g; - # reset before newlines - $string =~ s/(\n+)/$normal_color$1/g; - # codes at beginning and end (if necessary): - $string =~ s/^/$color/; - $string =~ s/$/$normal_color/ unless $string =~ /\n$/; - } - return $string; -} - -# command line options -my $patch_mode; -my $patch_mode_revision; - -sub apply_patch; -sub apply_patch_for_checkout_commit; -sub apply_patch_for_stash; - -my %patch_modes = ( - 'stage' => { - DIFF => 'diff-files -p', - APPLY => sub { apply_patch 'apply --cached', @_; }, - APPLY_CHECK => 'apply --cached', - VERB => 'Stage', - TARGET => '', - PARTICIPLE => 'staging', - FILTER => 'file-only', - IS_REVERSE => 0, - }, - 'stash' => { - DIFF => 'diff-index -p HEAD', - APPLY => sub { apply_patch 'apply --cached', @_; }, - APPLY_CHECK => 'apply --cached', - VERB => 'Stash', - TARGET => '', - PARTICIPLE => 'stashing', - FILTER => undef, - IS_REVERSE => 0, - }, - 'reset_head' => { - DIFF => 'diff-index -p --cached', - APPLY => sub { apply_patch 'apply -R --cached', @_; }, - APPLY_CHECK => 'apply -R --cached', - VERB => 'Unstage', - TARGET => '', - PARTICIPLE => 'unstaging', - FILTER => 'index-only', - IS_REVERSE => 1, - }, - 'reset_nothead' => { - DIFF => 'diff-index -R -p --cached', - APPLY => sub { apply_patch 'apply --cached', @_; }, - APPLY_CHECK => 'apply --cached', - VERB => 'Apply', - TARGET => ' to index', - PARTICIPLE => 'applying', - FILTER => 'index-only', - IS_REVERSE => 0, - }, - 'checkout_index' => { - DIFF => 'diff-files -p', - APPLY => sub { apply_patch 'apply -R', @_; }, - APPLY_CHECK => 'apply -R', - VERB => 'Discard', - TARGET => ' from worktree', - PARTICIPLE => 'discarding', - FILTER => 'file-only', - IS_REVERSE => 1, - }, - 'checkout_head' => { - DIFF => 'diff-index -p', - APPLY => sub { apply_patch_for_checkout_commit '-R', @_ }, - APPLY_CHECK => 'apply -R', - VERB => 'Discard', - TARGET => ' from index and worktree', - PARTICIPLE => 'discarding', - FILTER => undef, - IS_REVERSE => 1, - }, - 'checkout_nothead' => { - DIFF => 'diff-index -R -p', - APPLY => sub { apply_patch_for_checkout_commit '', @_ }, - APPLY_CHECK => 'apply', - VERB => 'Apply', - TARGET => ' to index and worktree', - PARTICIPLE => 'applying', - FILTER => undef, - IS_REVERSE => 0, - }, -); - -my %patch_mode_flavour = %{$patch_modes{stage}}; - -sub run_cmd_pipe { - if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'msys') { - my @invalid = grep {m/[":*]/} @_; - die "$^O does not support: @invalid\n" if @invalid; - my @args = map { m/ /o ? "\"$_\"": $_ } @_; - return qx{@args}; - } else { - my $fh = undef; - open($fh, '-|', @_) or die; - return <$fh>; - } -} - -my ($GIT_DIR) = run_cmd_pipe(qw(git rev-parse --git-dir)); - -if (!defined $GIT_DIR) { - exit(1); # rev-parse would have already said "not a git repo" -} -chomp($GIT_DIR); - -my %cquote_map = ( - "b" => chr(8), - "t" => chr(9), - "n" => chr(10), - "v" => chr(11), - "f" => chr(12), - "r" => chr(13), - "\\" => "\\", - "\042" => "\042", -); - -sub unquote_path { - local ($_) = @_; - my ($retval, $remainder); - if (!/^\042(.*)\042$/) { - return $_; - } - ($_, $retval) = ($1, ""); - while (/^([^\\]*)\\(.*)$/) { - $remainder = $2; - $retval .= $1; - for ($remainder) { - if (/^([0-3][0-7][0-7])(.*)$/) { - $retval .= chr(oct($1)); - $_ = $2; - last; - } - if (/^([\\\042btnvfr])(.*)$/) { - $retval .= $cquote_map{$1}; - $_ = $2; - last; - } - # This is malformed -- just return it as-is for now. - return $_[0]; - } - $_ = $remainder; - } - $retval .= $_; - return $retval; -} - -sub refresh { - my $fh; - open $fh, 'git update-index --refresh |' - or die; - while (<$fh>) { - ;# ignore 'needs update' - } - close $fh; -} - -sub list_untracked { - map { - chomp $_; - unquote_path($_); - } - run_cmd_pipe(qw(git ls-files --others --exclude-standard --), @ARGV); -} - -my $status_fmt = '%12s %12s %s'; -my $status_head = sprintf($status_fmt, 'staged', 'unstaged', 'path'); - -{ - my $initial; - sub is_initial_commit { - $initial = system('git rev-parse HEAD -- >/dev/null 2>&1') != 0 - unless defined $initial; - return $initial; - } -} - -sub get_empty_tree { - return '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904'; -} - -# Returns list of hashes, contents of each of which are: -# VALUE: pathname -# BINARY: is a binary path -# INDEX: is index different from HEAD? -# FILE: is file different from index? -# INDEX_ADDDEL: is it add/delete between HEAD and index? -# FILE_ADDDEL: is it add/delete between index and file? - -sub list_modified { - my ($only) = @_; - my (%data, @return); - my ($add, $del, $adddel, $file); - my @tracked = (); - - if (@ARGV) { - @tracked = map { - chomp $_; - unquote_path($_); - } run_cmd_pipe(qw(git ls-files --), @ARGV); - return if (!@tracked); - } - - my $reference; - if (defined $patch_mode_revision and $patch_mode_revision ne 'HEAD') { - $reference = $patch_mode_revision; - } elsif (is_initial_commit()) { - $reference = get_empty_tree(); - } else { - $reference = 'HEAD'; - } - for (run_cmd_pipe(qw(git diff-index --cached - --numstat --summary), $reference, - '--', @tracked)) { - if (($add, $del, $file) = - /^([-\d]+) ([-\d]+) (.*)/) { - my ($change, $bin); - $file = unquote_path($file); - if ($add eq '-' && $del eq '-') { - $change = 'binary'; - $bin = 1; - } - else { - $change = "+$add/-$del"; - } - $data{$file} = { - INDEX => $change, - BINARY => $bin, - FILE => 'nothing', - } - } - elsif (($adddel, $file) = - /^ (create|delete) mode [0-7]+ (.*)$/) { - $file = unquote_path($file); - $data{$file}{INDEX_ADDDEL} = $adddel; - } - } - - for (run_cmd_pipe(qw(git diff-files --numstat --summary --), @tracked)) { - if (($add, $del, $file) = - /^([-\d]+) ([-\d]+) (.*)/) { - $file = unquote_path($file); - if (!exists $data{$file}) { - $data{$file} = +{ - INDEX => 'unchanged', - BINARY => 0, - }; - } - my ($change, $bin); - if ($add eq '-' && $del eq '-') { - $change = 'binary'; - $bin = 1; - } - else { - $change = "+$add/-$del"; - } - $data{$file}{FILE} = $change; - if ($bin) { - $data{$file}{BINARY} = 1; - } - } - elsif (($adddel, $file) = - /^ (create|delete) mode [0-7]+ (.*)$/) { - $file = unquote_path($file); - $data{$file}{FILE_ADDDEL} = $adddel; - } - } - - for (sort keys %data) { - my $it = $data{$_}; - - if ($only) { - if ($only eq 'index-only') { - next if ($it->{INDEX} eq 'unchanged'); - } - if ($only eq 'file-only') { - next if ($it->{FILE} eq 'nothing'); - } - } - push @return, +{ - VALUE => $_, - %$it, - }; - } - return @return; -} - -sub find_unique { - my ($string, @stuff) = @_; - my $found = undef; - for (my $i = 0; $i < @stuff; $i++) { - my $it = $stuff[$i]; - my $hit = undef; - if (ref $it) { - if ((ref $it) eq 'ARRAY') { - $it = $it->[0]; - } - else { - $it = $it->{VALUE}; - } - } - eval { - if ($it =~ /^$string/) { - $hit = 1; - }; - }; - if (defined $hit && defined $found) { - return undef; - } - if ($hit) { - $found = $i + 1; - } - } - return $found; -} - -# inserts string into trie and updates count for each character -sub update_trie { - my ($trie, $string) = @_; - foreach (split //, $string) { - $trie = $trie->{$_} ||= {COUNT => 0}; - $trie->{COUNT}++; - } -} - -# returns an array of tuples (prefix, remainder) -sub find_unique_prefixes { - my @stuff = @_; - my @return = (); - - # any single prefix exceeding the soft limit is omitted - # if any prefix exceeds the hard limit all are omitted - # 0 indicates no limit - my $soft_limit = 0; - my $hard_limit = 3; - - # build a trie modelling all possible options - my %trie; - foreach my $print (@stuff) { - if ((ref $print) eq 'ARRAY') { - $print = $print->[0]; - } - elsif ((ref $print) eq 'HASH') { - $print = $print->{VALUE}; - } - update_trie(\%trie, $print); - push @return, $print; - } - - # use the trie to find the unique prefixes - for (my $i = 0; $i < @return; $i++) { - my $ret = $return[$i]; - my @letters = split //, $ret; - my %search = %trie; - my ($prefix, $remainder); - my $j; - for ($j = 0; $j < @letters; $j++) { - my $letter = $letters[$j]; - if ($search{$letter}{COUNT} == 1) { - $prefix = substr $ret, 0, $j + 1; - $remainder = substr $ret, $j + 1; - last; - } - else { - my $prefix = substr $ret, 0, $j; - return () - if ($hard_limit && $j + 1 > $hard_limit); - } - %search = %{$search{$letter}}; - } - if (ord($letters[0]) > 127 || - ($soft_limit && $j + 1 > $soft_limit)) { - $prefix = undef; - $remainder = $ret; - } - $return[$i] = [$prefix, $remainder]; - } - return @return; -} - -# filters out prefixes which have special meaning to list_and_choose() -sub is_valid_prefix { - my $prefix = shift; - return (defined $prefix) && - !($prefix =~ /[\s,]/) && # separators - !($prefix =~ /^-/) && # deselection - !($prefix =~ /^\d+/) && # selection - ($prefix ne '*') && # "all" wildcard - ($prefix ne '?'); # prompt help -} - -# given a prefix/remainder tuple return a string with the prefix highlighted -# for now use square brackets; later might use ANSI colors (underline, bold) -sub highlight_prefix { - my $prefix = shift; - my $remainder = shift; - - if (!defined $prefix) { - return $remainder; - } - - if (!is_valid_prefix($prefix)) { - return "$prefix$remainder"; - } - - if (!$menu_use_color) { - return "[$prefix]$remainder"; - } - - return "$prompt_color$prefix$normal_color$remainder"; -} - -sub error_msg { - print STDERR colored $error_color, @_; -} - -sub list_and_choose { - my ($opts, @stuff) = @_; - my (@chosen, @return); - my $i; - my @prefixes = find_unique_prefixes(@stuff) unless $opts->{LIST_ONLY}; - - TOPLOOP: - while (1) { - my $last_lf = 0; - - if ($opts->{HEADER}) { - if (!$opts->{LIST_FLAT}) { - print " "; - } - print colored $header_color, "$opts->{HEADER}\n"; - } - for ($i = 0; $i < @stuff; $i++) { - my $chosen = $chosen[$i] ? '*' : ' '; - my $print = $stuff[$i]; - my $ref = ref $print; - my $highlighted = highlight_prefix(@{$prefixes[$i]}) - if @prefixes; - if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { - $print = $highlighted || $print->[0]; - } - elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') { - my $value = $highlighted || $print->{VALUE}; - $print = sprintf($status_fmt, - $print->{INDEX}, - $print->{FILE}, - $value); - } - else { - $print = $highlighted || $print; - } - printf("%s%2d: %s", $chosen, $i+1, $print); - if (($opts->{LIST_FLAT}) && - (($i + 1) % ($opts->{LIST_FLAT}))) { - print "\t"; - $last_lf = 0; - } - else { - print "\n"; - $last_lf = 1; - } - } - if (!$last_lf) { - print "\n"; - } - - return if ($opts->{LIST_ONLY}); - - print colored $prompt_color, $opts->{PROMPT}; - if ($opts->{SINGLETON}) { - print "> "; - } - else { - print ">> "; - } - my $line = ; - if (!$line) { - print "\n"; - $opts->{ON_EOF}->() if $opts->{ON_EOF}; - last; - } - chomp $line; - last if $line eq ''; - if ($line eq '?') { - $opts->{SINGLETON} ? - singleton_prompt_help_cmd() : - prompt_help_cmd(); - next TOPLOOP; - } - for my $choice (split(/[\s,]+/, $line)) { - my $choose = 1; - my ($bottom, $top); - - # Input that begins with '-'; unchoose - if ($choice =~ s/^-//) { - $choose = 0; - } - # A range can be specified like 5-7 or 5-. - if ($choice =~ /^(\d+)-(\d*)$/) { - ($bottom, $top) = ($1, length($2) ? $2 : 1 + @stuff); - } - elsif ($choice =~ /^\d+$/) { - $bottom = $top = $choice; - } - elsif ($choice eq '*') { - $bottom = 1; - $top = 1 + @stuff; - } - else { - $bottom = $top = find_unique($choice, @stuff); - if (!defined $bottom) { - error_msg "Huh ($choice)?\n"; - next TOPLOOP; - } - } - if ($opts->{SINGLETON} && $bottom != $top) { - error_msg "Huh ($choice)?\n"; - next TOPLOOP; - } - for ($i = $bottom-1; $i <= $top-1; $i++) { - next if (@stuff <= $i || $i < 0); - $chosen[$i] = $choose; - } - } - last if ($opts->{IMMEDIATE} || $line eq '*'); - } - for ($i = 0; $i < @stuff; $i++) { - if ($chosen[$i]) { - push @return, $stuff[$i]; - } - } - return @return; -} - -sub singleton_prompt_help_cmd { - print colored $help_color, <<\EOF ; -Prompt help: -1 - select a numbered item -foo - select item based on unique prefix - - (empty) select nothing -EOF -} - -sub prompt_help_cmd { - print colored $help_color, <<\EOF ; -Prompt help: -1 - select a single item -3-5 - select a range of items -2-3,6-9 - select multiple ranges -foo - select item based on unique prefix --... - unselect specified items -* - choose all items - - (empty) finish selecting -EOF -} - -sub status_cmd { - list_and_choose({ LIST_ONLY => 1, HEADER => $status_head }, - list_modified()); - print "\n"; -} - -sub say_n_paths { - my $did = shift @_; - my $cnt = scalar @_; - print "$did "; - if (1 < $cnt) { - print "$cnt paths\n"; - } - else { - print "one path\n"; - } -} - -sub update_cmd { - my @mods = list_modified('file-only'); - return if (!@mods); - - my @update = list_and_choose({ PROMPT => 'Update', - HEADER => $status_head, }, - @mods); - if (@update) { - system(qw(git update-index --add --remove --), - map { $_->{VALUE} } @update); - say_n_paths('updated', @update); - } - print "\n"; -} - -sub revert_cmd { - my @update = list_and_choose({ PROMPT => 'Revert', - HEADER => $status_head, }, - list_modified()); - if (@update) { - if (is_initial_commit()) { - system(qw(git rm --cached), - map { $_->{VALUE} } @update); - } - else { - my @lines = run_cmd_pipe(qw(git ls-tree HEAD --), - map { $_->{VALUE} } @update); - my $fh; - open $fh, '| git update-index --index-info' - or die; - for (@lines) { - print $fh $_; - } - close($fh); - for (@update) { - if ($_->{INDEX_ADDDEL} && - $_->{INDEX_ADDDEL} eq 'create') { - system(qw(git update-index --force-remove --), - $_->{VALUE}); - print "note: $_->{VALUE} is untracked now.\n"; - } - } - } - refresh(); - say_n_paths('reverted', @update); - } - print "\n"; -} - -sub add_untracked_cmd { - my @add = list_and_choose({ PROMPT => 'Add untracked' }, - list_untracked()); - if (@add) { - system(qw(git update-index --add --), @add); - say_n_paths('added', @add); - } - print "\n"; -} - -sub run_git_apply { - my $cmd = shift; - my $fh; - open $fh, '| git ' . $cmd . " --recount --allow-overlap"; - print $fh @_; - return close $fh; -} - -sub parse_diff { - my ($path) = @_; - my @diff_cmd = split(" ", $patch_mode_flavour{DIFF}); - if (defined $patch_mode_revision) { - push @diff_cmd, $patch_mode_revision; - } - my @diff = run_cmd_pipe("git", @diff_cmd, "--", $path); - my @colored = (); - if ($diff_use_color) { - @colored = run_cmd_pipe("git", @diff_cmd, qw(--color --), $path); - } - my (@hunk) = { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [], TYPE => 'header' }; - - for (my $i = 0; $i < @diff; $i++) { - if ($diff[$i] =~ /^@@ /) { - push @hunk, { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [], - TYPE => 'hunk' }; - } - push @{$hunk[-1]{TEXT}}, $diff[$i]; - push @{$hunk[-1]{DISPLAY}}, - ($diff_use_color ? $colored[$i] : $diff[$i]); - } - return @hunk; -} - -sub parse_diff_header { - my $src = shift; - - my $head = { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [], TYPE => 'header' }; - my $mode = { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [], TYPE => 'mode' }; - my $deletion = { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [], TYPE => 'deletion' }; - - for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$src->{TEXT}}; $i++) { - my $dest = - $src->{TEXT}->[$i] =~ /^(old|new) mode (\d+)$/ ? $mode : - $src->{TEXT}->[$i] =~ /^deleted file/ ? $deletion : - $head; - push @{$dest->{TEXT}}, $src->{TEXT}->[$i]; - push @{$dest->{DISPLAY}}, $src->{DISPLAY}->[$i]; - } - return ($head, $mode, $deletion); -} - -sub hunk_splittable { - my ($text) = @_; - - my @s = split_hunk($text); - return (1 < @s); -} - -sub parse_hunk_header { - my ($line) = @_; - my ($o_ofs, $o_cnt, $n_ofs, $n_cnt) = - $line =~ /^@@ -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? @@/; - $o_cnt = 1 unless defined $o_cnt; - $n_cnt = 1 unless defined $n_cnt; - return ($o_ofs, $o_cnt, $n_ofs, $n_cnt); -} - -sub split_hunk { - my ($text, $display) = @_; - my @split = (); - if (!defined $display) { - $display = $text; - } - # If there are context lines in the middle of a hunk, - # it can be split, but we would need to take care of - # overlaps later. - - my ($o_ofs, undef, $n_ofs) = parse_hunk_header($text->[0]); - my $hunk_start = 1; - - OUTER: - while (1) { - my $next_hunk_start = undef; - my $i = $hunk_start - 1; - my $this = +{ - TEXT => [], - DISPLAY => [], - TYPE => 'hunk', - OLD => $o_ofs, - NEW => $n_ofs, - OCNT => 0, - NCNT => 0, - ADDDEL => 0, - POSTCTX => 0, - USE => undef, - }; - - while (++$i < @$text) { - my $line = $text->[$i]; - my $display = $display->[$i]; - if ($line =~ /^ /) { - if ($this->{ADDDEL} && - !defined $next_hunk_start) { - # We have seen leading context and - # adds/dels and then here is another - # context, which is trailing for this - # split hunk and leading for the next - # one. - $next_hunk_start = $i; - } - push @{$this->{TEXT}}, $line; - push @{$this->{DISPLAY}}, $display; - $this->{OCNT}++; - $this->{NCNT}++; - if (defined $next_hunk_start) { - $this->{POSTCTX}++; - } - next; - } - - # add/del - if (defined $next_hunk_start) { - # We are done with the current hunk and - # this is the first real change for the - # next split one. - $hunk_start = $next_hunk_start; - $o_ofs = $this->{OLD} + $this->{OCNT}; - $n_ofs = $this->{NEW} + $this->{NCNT}; - $o_ofs -= $this->{POSTCTX}; - $n_ofs -= $this->{POSTCTX}; - push @split, $this; - redo OUTER; - } - push @{$this->{TEXT}}, $line; - push @{$this->{DISPLAY}}, $display; - $this->{ADDDEL}++; - if ($line =~ /^-/) { - $this->{OCNT}++; - } - else { - $this->{NCNT}++; - } - } - - push @split, $this; - last; - } - - for my $hunk (@split) { - $o_ofs = $hunk->{OLD}; - $n_ofs = $hunk->{NEW}; - my $o_cnt = $hunk->{OCNT}; - my $n_cnt = $hunk->{NCNT}; - - my $head = ("@@ -$o_ofs" . - (($o_cnt != 1) ? ",$o_cnt" : '') . - " +$n_ofs" . - (($n_cnt != 1) ? ",$n_cnt" : '') . - " @@\n"); - my $display_head = $head; - unshift @{$hunk->{TEXT}}, $head; - if ($diff_use_color) { - $display_head = colored($fraginfo_color, $head); - } - unshift @{$hunk->{DISPLAY}}, $display_head; - } - return @split; -} - -sub find_last_o_ctx { - my ($it) = @_; - my $text = $it->{TEXT}; - my ($o_ofs, $o_cnt) = parse_hunk_header($text->[0]); - my $i = @{$text}; - my $last_o_ctx = $o_ofs + $o_cnt; - while (0 < --$i) { - my $line = $text->[$i]; - if ($line =~ /^ /) { - $last_o_ctx--; - next; - } - last; - } - return $last_o_ctx; -} - -sub merge_hunk { - my ($prev, $this) = @_; - my ($o0_ofs, $o0_cnt, $n0_ofs, $n0_cnt) = - parse_hunk_header($prev->{TEXT}[0]); - my ($o1_ofs, $o1_cnt, $n1_ofs, $n1_cnt) = - parse_hunk_header($this->{TEXT}[0]); - - my (@line, $i, $ofs, $o_cnt, $n_cnt); - $ofs = $o0_ofs; - $o_cnt = $n_cnt = 0; - for ($i = 1; $i < @{$prev->{TEXT}}; $i++) { - my $line = $prev->{TEXT}[$i]; - if ($line =~ /^\+/) { - $n_cnt++; - push @line, $line; - next; - } - - last if ($o1_ofs <= $ofs); - - $o_cnt++; - $ofs++; - if ($line =~ /^ /) { - $n_cnt++; - } - push @line, $line; - } - - for ($i = 1; $i < @{$this->{TEXT}}; $i++) { - my $line = $this->{TEXT}[$i]; - if ($line =~ /^\+/) { - $n_cnt++; - push @line, $line; - next; - } - $ofs++; - $o_cnt++; - if ($line =~ /^ /) { - $n_cnt++; - } - push @line, $line; - } - my $head = ("@@ -$o0_ofs" . - (($o_cnt != 1) ? ",$o_cnt" : '') . - " +$n0_ofs" . - (($n_cnt != 1) ? ",$n_cnt" : '') . - " @@\n"); - @{$prev->{TEXT}} = ($head, @line); -} - -sub coalesce_overlapping_hunks { - my (@in) = @_; - my @out = (); - - my ($last_o_ctx, $last_was_dirty); - - for (grep { $_->{USE} } @in) { - if ($_->{TYPE} ne 'hunk') { - push @out, $_; - next; - } - my $text = $_->{TEXT}; - my ($o_ofs) = parse_hunk_header($text->[0]); - if (defined $last_o_ctx && - $o_ofs <= $last_o_ctx && - !$_->{DIRTY} && - !$last_was_dirty) { - merge_hunk($out[-1], $_); - } - else { - push @out, $_; - } - $last_o_ctx = find_last_o_ctx($out[-1]); - $last_was_dirty = $_->{DIRTY}; - } - return @out; -} - -sub reassemble_patch { - my $head = shift; - my @patch; - - # Include everything in the header except the beginning of the diff. - push @patch, (grep { !/^[-+]{3}/ } @$head); - - # Then include any headers from the hunk lines, which must - # come before any actual hunk. - while (@_ && $_[0] !~ /^@/) { - push @patch, shift; - } - - # Then begin the diff. - push @patch, grep { /^[-+]{3}/ } @$head; - - # And then the actual hunks. - push @patch, @_; - - return @patch; -} - -sub color_diff { - return map { - colored((/^@/ ? $fraginfo_color : - /^\+/ ? $diff_new_color : - /^-/ ? $diff_old_color : - $diff_plain_color), - $_); - } @_; -} - -sub edit_hunk_manually { - my ($oldtext) = @_; - - my $hunkfile = $repo->repo_path . "/addp-hunk-edit.diff"; - my $fh; - open $fh, '>', $hunkfile - or die "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: " . $!; - print $fh "# Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide\n"; - print $fh @$oldtext; - my $participle = $patch_mode_flavour{PARTICIPLE}; - my $is_reverse = $patch_mode_flavour{IS_REVERSE}; - my ($remove_plus, $remove_minus) = $is_reverse ? ('-', '+') : ('+', '-'); - print $fh <; - close $fh; - unlink $hunkfile; - - # Abort if nothing remains - if (!grep { /\S/ } @newtext) { - return undef; - } - - # Reinsert the first hunk header if the user accidentally deleted it - if ($newtext[0] !~ /^@/) { - unshift @newtext, $oldtext->[0]; - } - return \@newtext; -} - -sub diff_applies { - my $fh; - return run_git_apply($patch_mode_flavour{APPLY_CHECK} . ' --check', - map { @{$_->{TEXT}} } @_); -} - -sub _restore_terminal_and_die { - ReadMode 'restore'; - print "\n"; - exit 1; -} - -sub prompt_single_character { - if ($use_readkey) { - local $SIG{TERM} = \&_restore_terminal_and_die; - local $SIG{INT} = \&_restore_terminal_and_die; - ReadMode 'cbreak'; - my $key = ReadKey 0; - ReadMode 'restore'; - if ($use_termcap and $key eq "\e") { - while (!defined $term_escapes{$key}) { - my $next = ReadKey 0.5; - last if (!defined $next); - $key .= $next; - } - $key =~ s/\e/^[/; - } - print "$key" if defined $key; - print "\n"; - return $key; - } else { - return ; - } -} - -sub prompt_yesno { - my ($prompt) = @_; - while (1) { - print colored $prompt_color, $prompt; - my $line = prompt_single_character; - return 0 if $line =~ /^n/i; - return 1 if $line =~ /^y/i; - } -} - -sub edit_hunk_loop { - my ($head, $hunk, $ix) = @_; - my $text = $hunk->[$ix]->{TEXT}; - - while (1) { - $text = edit_hunk_manually($text); - if (!defined $text) { - return undef; - } - my $newhunk = { - TEXT => $text, - TYPE => $hunk->[$ix]->{TYPE}, - USE => 1, - DIRTY => 1, - }; - if (diff_applies($head, - @{$hunk}[0..$ix-1], - $newhunk, - @{$hunk}[$ix+1..$#{$hunk}])) { - $newhunk->{DISPLAY} = [color_diff(@{$text})]; - return $newhunk; - } - else { - prompt_yesno( - 'Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again ' - . '(saying "no" discards!) [y/n]? ' - ) or return undef; - } - } -} - -sub help_patch_cmd { - my $verb = lc $patch_mode_flavour{VERB}; - my $target = $patch_mode_flavour{TARGET}; - print colored $help_color, <{BINARY}) } @all_mods; - my @them; - - if (!@mods) { - if (@all_mods) { - print STDERR "Only binary files changed.\n"; - } else { - print STDERR "No changes.\n"; - } - return 0; - } - if ($patch_mode) { - @them = @mods; - } - else { - @them = list_and_choose({ PROMPT => 'Patch update', - HEADER => $status_head, }, - @mods); - } - for (@them) { - return 0 if patch_update_file($_->{VALUE}); - } -} - -# Generate a one line summary of a hunk. -sub summarize_hunk { - my $rhunk = shift; - my $summary = $rhunk->{TEXT}[0]; - - # Keep the line numbers, discard extra context. - $summary =~ s/@@(.*?)@@.*/$1 /s; - $summary .= " " x (20 - length $summary); - - # Add some user context. - for my $line (@{$rhunk->{TEXT}}) { - if ($line =~ m/^[+-].*\w/) { - $summary .= $line; - last; - } - } - - chomp $summary; - return substr($summary, 0, 80) . "\n"; -} - - -# Print a one-line summary of each hunk in the array ref in -# the first argument, starting wih the index in the 2nd. -sub display_hunks { - my ($hunks, $i) = @_; - my $ctr = 0; - $i ||= 0; - for (; $i < @$hunks && $ctr < 20; $i++, $ctr++) { - my $status = " "; - if (defined $hunks->[$i]{USE}) { - $status = $hunks->[$i]{USE} ? "+" : "-"; - } - printf "%s%2d: %s", - $status, - $i + 1, - summarize_hunk($hunks->[$i]); - } - return $i; -} - -sub patch_update_file { - my $quit = 0; - my ($ix, $num); - my $path = shift; - my ($head, @hunk) = parse_diff($path); - ($head, my $mode, my $deletion) = parse_diff_header($head); - for (@{$head->{DISPLAY}}) { - print; - } - - if (@{$mode->{TEXT}}) { - unshift @hunk, $mode; - } - if (@{$deletion->{TEXT}}) { - foreach my $hunk (@hunk) { - push @{$deletion->{TEXT}}, @{$hunk->{TEXT}}; - push @{$deletion->{DISPLAY}}, @{$hunk->{DISPLAY}}; - } - @hunk = ($deletion); - } - - $num = scalar @hunk; - $ix = 0; - - while (1) { - my ($prev, $next, $other, $undecided, $i); - $other = ''; - - if ($num <= $ix) { - $ix = 0; - } - for ($i = 0; $i < $ix; $i++) { - if (!defined $hunk[$i]{USE}) { - $prev = 1; - $other .= ',k'; - last; - } - } - if ($ix) { - $other .= ',K'; - } - for ($i = $ix + 1; $i < $num; $i++) { - if (!defined $hunk[$i]{USE}) { - $next = 1; - $other .= ',j'; - last; - } - } - if ($ix < $num - 1) { - $other .= ',J'; - } - if ($num > 1) { - $other .= ',g'; - } - for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { - if (!defined $hunk[$i]{USE}) { - $undecided = 1; - last; - } - } - last if (!$undecided); - - if ($hunk[$ix]{TYPE} eq 'hunk' && - hunk_splittable($hunk[$ix]{TEXT})) { - $other .= ',s'; - } - if ($hunk[$ix]{TYPE} eq 'hunk') { - $other .= ',e'; - } - for (@{$hunk[$ix]{DISPLAY}}) { - print; - } - print colored $prompt_color, $patch_mode_flavour{VERB}, - ($hunk[$ix]{TYPE} eq 'mode' ? ' mode change' : - $hunk[$ix]{TYPE} eq 'deletion' ? ' deletion' : - ' this hunk'), - $patch_mode_flavour{TARGET}, - " [y,n,q,a,d,/$other,?]? "; - my $line = prompt_single_character; - if ($line) { - if ($line =~ /^y/i) { - $hunk[$ix]{USE} = 1; - } - elsif ($line =~ /^n/i) { - $hunk[$ix]{USE} = 0; - } - elsif ($line =~ /^a/i) { - while ($ix < $num) { - if (!defined $hunk[$ix]{USE}) { - $hunk[$ix]{USE} = 1; - } - $ix++; - } - next; - } - elsif ($other =~ /g/ && $line =~ /^g(.*)/) { - my $response = $1; - my $no = $ix > 10 ? $ix - 10 : 0; - while ($response eq '') { - my $extra = ""; - $no = display_hunks(\@hunk, $no); - if ($no < $num) { - $extra = " ( to see more)"; - } - print "go to which hunk$extra? "; - $response = ; - if (!defined $response) { - $response = ''; - } - chomp $response; - } - if ($response !~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/) { - error_msg "Invalid number: '$response'\n"; - } elsif (0 < $response && $response <= $num) { - $ix = $response - 1; - } else { - error_msg "Sorry, only $num hunks available.\n"; - } - next; - } - elsif ($line =~ /^d/i) { - while ($ix < $num) { - if (!defined $hunk[$ix]{USE}) { - $hunk[$ix]{USE} = 0; - } - $ix++; - } - next; - } - elsif ($line =~ /^q/i) { - for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { - if (!defined $hunk[$i]{USE}) { - $hunk[$i]{USE} = 0; - } - } - $quit = 1; - last; - } - elsif ($line =~ m|^/(.*)|) { - my $regex = $1; - if ($1 eq "") { - print colored $prompt_color, "search for regex? "; - $regex = ; - if (defined $regex) { - chomp $regex; - } - } - my $search_string; - eval { - $search_string = qr{$regex}m; - }; - if ($@) { - my ($err,$exp) = ($@, $1); - $err =~ s/ at .*git-add--interactive line \d+, line \d+.*$//; - error_msg "Malformed search regexp $exp: $err\n"; - next; - } - my $iy = $ix; - while (1) { - my $text = join ("", @{$hunk[$iy]{TEXT}}); - last if ($text =~ $search_string); - $iy++; - $iy = 0 if ($iy >= $num); - if ($ix == $iy) { - error_msg "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"; - last; - } - } - $ix = $iy; - next; - } - elsif ($line =~ /^K/) { - if ($other =~ /K/) { - $ix--; - } - else { - error_msg "No previous hunk\n"; - } - next; - } - elsif ($line =~ /^J/) { - if ($other =~ /J/) { - $ix++; - } - else { - error_msg "No next hunk\n"; - } - next; - } - elsif ($line =~ /^k/) { - if ($other =~ /k/) { - while (1) { - $ix--; - last if (!$ix || - !defined $hunk[$ix]{USE}); - } - } - else { - error_msg "No previous hunk\n"; - } - next; - } - elsif ($line =~ /^j/) { - if ($other !~ /j/) { - error_msg "No next hunk\n"; - next; - } - } - elsif ($other =~ /s/ && $line =~ /^s/) { - my @split = split_hunk($hunk[$ix]{TEXT}, $hunk[$ix]{DISPLAY}); - if (1 < @split) { - print colored $header_color, "Split into ", - scalar(@split), " hunks.\n"; - } - splice (@hunk, $ix, 1, @split); - $num = scalar @hunk; - next; - } - elsif ($other =~ /e/ && $line =~ /^e/) { - my $newhunk = edit_hunk_loop($head, \@hunk, $ix); - if (defined $newhunk) { - splice @hunk, $ix, 1, $newhunk; - } - } - else { - help_patch_cmd($other); - next; - } - # soft increment - while (1) { - $ix++; - last if ($ix >= $num || - !defined $hunk[$ix]{USE}); - } - } - } - - @hunk = coalesce_overlapping_hunks(@hunk); - - my $n_lofs = 0; - my @result = (); - for (@hunk) { - if ($_->{USE}) { - push @result, @{$_->{TEXT}}; - } - } - - if (@result) { - my $fh; - my @patch = reassemble_patch($head->{TEXT}, @result); - my $apply_routine = $patch_mode_flavour{APPLY}; - &$apply_routine(@patch); - refresh(); - } - - print "\n"; - return $quit; -} - -sub diff_cmd { - my @mods = list_modified('index-only'); - @mods = grep { !($_->{BINARY}) } @mods; - return if (!@mods); - my (@them) = list_and_choose({ PROMPT => 'Review diff', - IMMEDIATE => 1, - HEADER => $status_head, }, - @mods); - return if (!@them); - my $reference = is_initial_commit() ? get_empty_tree() : 'HEAD'; - system(qw(git diff -p --cached), $reference, '--', - map { $_->{VALUE} } @them); -} - -sub quit_cmd { - print "Bye.\n"; - exit(0); -} - -sub help_cmd { - print colored $help_color, <<\EOF ; -status - show paths with changes -update - add working tree state to the staged set of changes -revert - revert staged set of changes back to the HEAD version -patch - pick hunks and update selectively -diff - view diff between HEAD and index -add untracked - add contents of untracked files to the staged set of changes -EOF -} - -sub process_args { - return unless @ARGV; - my $arg = shift @ARGV; - if ($arg =~ /--patch(?:=(.*))?/) { - if (defined $1) { - if ($1 eq 'reset') { - $patch_mode = 'reset_head'; - $patch_mode_revision = 'HEAD'; - $arg = shift @ARGV or die "missing --"; - if ($arg ne '--') { - $patch_mode_revision = $arg; - $patch_mode = ($arg eq 'HEAD' ? - 'reset_head' : 'reset_nothead'); - $arg = shift @ARGV or die "missing --"; - } - } elsif ($1 eq 'checkout') { - $arg = shift @ARGV or die "missing --"; - if ($arg eq '--') { - $patch_mode = 'checkout_index'; - } else { - $patch_mode_revision = $arg; - $patch_mode = ($arg eq 'HEAD' ? - 'checkout_head' : 'checkout_nothead'); - $arg = shift @ARGV or die "missing --"; - } - } elsif ($1 eq 'stage' or $1 eq 'stash') { - $patch_mode = $1; - $arg = shift @ARGV or die "missing --"; - } else { - die "unknown --patch mode: $1"; - } - } else { - $patch_mode = 'stage'; - $arg = shift @ARGV or die "missing --"; - } - die "invalid argument $arg, expecting --" - unless $arg eq "--"; - %patch_mode_flavour = %{$patch_modes{$patch_mode}}; - } - elsif ($arg ne "--") { - die "invalid argument $arg, expecting --"; - } -} - -sub main_loop { - my @cmd = ([ 'status', \&status_cmd, ], - [ 'update', \&update_cmd, ], - [ 'revert', \&revert_cmd, ], - [ 'add untracked', \&add_untracked_cmd, ], - [ 'patch', \&patch_update_cmd, ], - [ 'diff', \&diff_cmd, ], - [ 'quit', \&quit_cmd, ], - [ 'help', \&help_cmd, ], - ); - while (1) { - my ($it) = list_and_choose({ PROMPT => 'What now', - SINGLETON => 1, - LIST_FLAT => 4, - HEADER => '*** Commands ***', - ON_EOF => \&quit_cmd, - IMMEDIATE => 1 }, @cmd); - if ($it) { - eval { - $it->[1]->(); - }; - if ($@) { - print "$@"; - } - } - } -} - -process_args(); -refresh(); -if ($patch_mode) { - patch_update_cmd(); -} -else { - status_cmd(); - main_loop(); -} diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-am b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-am deleted file mode 100755 index f1a03c91..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-am +++ /dev/null @@ -1,843 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Junio C Hamano - -SUBDIRECTORY_OK=Yes -OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH= -OPTIONS_SPEC="\ -git am [options] [(|)...] -git am [options] (--resolved | --skip | --abort) --- -i,interactive run interactively -b,binary* (historical option -- no-op) -3,3way allow fall back on 3way merging if needed -q,quiet be quiet -s,signoff add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message -u,utf8 recode into utf8 (default) -k,keep pass -k flag to git-mailinfo -keep-cr pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format -no-keep-cr do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr -c,scissors strip everything before a scissors line -whitespace= pass it through git-apply -ignore-space-change pass it through git-apply -ignore-whitespace pass it through git-apply -directory= pass it through git-apply -C= pass it through git-apply -p= pass it through git-apply -patch-format= format the patch(es) are in -reject pass it through git-apply -resolvemsg= override error message when patch failure occurs -continue continue applying patches after resolving a conflict -r,resolved synonyms for --continue -skip skip the current patch -abort restore the original branch and abort the patching operation. -committer-date-is-author-date lie about committer date -ignore-date use current timestamp for author date -rerere-autoupdate update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible -rebasing* (internal use for git-rebase)" - -. git-sh-setup -prefix=$(git rev-parse --show-prefix) -set_reflog_action am -require_work_tree -cd_to_toplevel - -git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT >/dev/null || - die "You need to set your committer info first" - -if git rev-parse --verify -q HEAD >/dev/null -then - HAS_HEAD=yes -else - HAS_HEAD= -fi - -cmdline="git am" -if test '' != "$interactive" -then - cmdline="$cmdline -i" -fi -if test '' != "$threeway" -then - cmdline="$cmdline -3" -fi - -sq () { - git rev-parse --sq-quote "$@" -} - -stop_here () { - echo "$1" >"$dotest/next" - git rev-parse --verify -q HEAD >"$dotest/abort-safety" - exit 1 -} - -safe_to_abort () { - if test -f "$dotest/dirtyindex" - then - return 1 - fi - - if ! test -s "$dotest/abort-safety" - then - return 0 - fi - - abort_safety=$(cat "$dotest/abort-safety") - if test "z$(git rev-parse --verify -q HEAD)" = "z$abort_safety" - then - return 0 - fi - echo >&2 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure." - echo >&2 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD" - return 1 -} - -stop_here_user_resolve () { - if [ -n "$resolvemsg" ]; then - printf '%s\n' "$resolvemsg" - stop_here $1 - fi - echo "When you have resolved this problem run \"$cmdline --resolved\"." - echo "If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run \"$cmdline --skip\"." - echo "To restore the original branch and stop patching run \"$cmdline --abort\"." - - stop_here $1 -} - -go_next () { - rm -f "$dotest/$msgnum" "$dotest/msg" "$dotest/msg-clean" \ - "$dotest/patch" "$dotest/info" - echo "$next" >"$dotest/next" - this=$next -} - -cannot_fallback () { - echo "$1" - echo "Cannot fall back to three-way merge." - exit 1 -} - -fall_back_3way () { - O_OBJECT=`cd "$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" && pwd` - - rm -fr "$dotest"/patch-merge-* - mkdir "$dotest/patch-merge-tmp-dir" - - # First see if the patch records the index info that we can use. - git apply --build-fake-ancestor "$dotest/patch-merge-tmp-index" \ - "$dotest/patch" && - GIT_INDEX_FILE="$dotest/patch-merge-tmp-index" \ - git write-tree >"$dotest/patch-merge-base+" || - cannot_fallback "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge." - - say Using index info to reconstruct a base tree... - if GIT_INDEX_FILE="$dotest/patch-merge-tmp-index" \ - git apply --cached <"$dotest/patch" - then - mv "$dotest/patch-merge-base+" "$dotest/patch-merge-base" - mv "$dotest/patch-merge-tmp-index" "$dotest/patch-merge-index" - else - cannot_fallback "Did you hand edit your patch? -It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index." - fi - - test -f "$dotest/patch-merge-index" && - his_tree=$(GIT_INDEX_FILE="$dotest/patch-merge-index" git write-tree) && - orig_tree=$(cat "$dotest/patch-merge-base") && - rm -fr "$dotest"/patch-merge-* || exit 1 - - say Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge... - - # This is not so wrong. Depending on which base we picked, - # orig_tree may be wildly different from ours, but his_tree - # has the same set of wildly different changes in parts the - # patch did not touch, so recursive ends up canceling them, - # saying that we reverted all those changes. - - eval GITHEAD_$his_tree='"$FIRSTLINE"' - export GITHEAD_$his_tree - if test -n "$GIT_QUIET" - then - GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY=0 && export GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY - fi - git-merge-recursive $orig_tree -- HEAD $his_tree || { - git rerere $allow_rerere_autoupdate - echo Failed to merge in the changes. - exit 1 - } - unset GITHEAD_$his_tree -} - -clean_abort () { - test $# = 0 || echo >&2 "$@" - rm -fr "$dotest" - exit 1 -} - -patch_format= - -check_patch_format () { - # early return if patch_format was set from the command line - if test -n "$patch_format" - then - return 0 - fi - - # we default to mbox format if input is from stdin and for - # directories - if test $# = 0 || test "x$1" = "x-" || test -d "$1" - then - patch_format=mbox - return 0 - fi - - # otherwise, check the first few lines of the first patch to try - # to detect its format - { - read l1 - read l2 - read l3 - case "$l1" in - "From "* | "From: "*) - patch_format=mbox - ;; - '# This series applies on GIT commit'*) - patch_format=stgit-series - ;; - "# HG changeset patch") - patch_format=hg - ;; - *) - # if the second line is empty and the third is - # a From, Author or Date entry, this is very - # likely an StGIT patch - case "$l2,$l3" in - ,"From: "* | ,"Author: "* | ,"Date: "*) - patch_format=stgit - ;; - *) - ;; - esac - ;; - esac - if test -z "$patch_format" && - test -n "$l1" && - test -n "$l2" && - test -n "$l3" - then - # This begins with three non-empty lines. Is this a - # piece of e-mail a-la RFC2822? Grab all the headers, - # discarding the indented remainder of folded lines, - # and see if it looks like that they all begin with the - # header field names... - tr -d '\015' <"$1" | - sed -n -e '/^$/q' -e '/^[ ]/d' -e p | - sane_egrep -v '^[!-9;-~]+:' >/dev/null || - patch_format=mbox - fi - } < "$1" || clean_abort -} - -split_patches () { - case "$patch_format" in - mbox) - if test -n "$rebasing" || test t = "$keepcr" - then - keep_cr=--keep-cr - else - keep_cr= - fi - git mailsplit -d"$prec" -o"$dotest" -b $keep_cr -- "$@" > "$dotest/last" || - clean_abort - ;; - stgit-series) - if test $# -ne 1 - then - clean_abort "Only one StGIT patch series can be applied at once" - fi - series_dir=`dirname "$1"` - series_file="$1" - shift - { - set x - while read filename - do - set "$@" "$series_dir/$filename" - done - # remove the safety x - shift - # remove the arg coming from the first-line comment - shift - } < "$series_file" || clean_abort - # set the patch format appropriately - patch_format=stgit - # now handle the actual StGIT patches - split_patches "$@" - ;; - stgit) - this=0 - for stgit in "$@" - do - this=`expr "$this" + 1` - msgnum=`printf "%0${prec}d" $this` - # Perl version of StGIT parse_patch. The first nonemptyline - # not starting with Author, From or Date is the - # subject, and the body starts with the next nonempty - # line not starting with Author, From or Date - perl -ne 'BEGIN { $subject = 0 } - if ($subject > 1) { print ; } - elsif (/^\s+$/) { next ; } - elsif (/^Author:/) { print s/Author/From/ ; } - elsif (/^(From|Date)/) { print ; } - elsif ($subject) { - $subject = 2 ; - print "\n" ; - print ; - } else { - print "Subject: ", $_ ; - $subject = 1; - } - ' < "$stgit" > "$dotest/$msgnum" || clean_abort - done - echo "$this" > "$dotest/last" - this= - msgnum= - ;; - *) - if test -n "$parse_patch" ; then - clean_abort "Patch format $patch_format is not supported." - else - clean_abort "Patch format detection failed." - fi - ;; - esac -} - -prec=4 -dotest="$GIT_DIR/rebase-apply" -sign= utf8=t keep= keepcr= skip= interactive= resolved= rebasing= abort= -resolvemsg= resume= scissors= no_inbody_headers= -git_apply_opt= -committer_date_is_author_date= -ignore_date= -allow_rerere_autoupdate= - -if test "$(git config --bool --get am.keepcr)" = true -then - keepcr=t -fi - -while test $# != 0 -do - case "$1" in - -i|--interactive) - interactive=t ;; - -b|--binary) - : ;; - -3|--3way) - threeway=t ;; - -s|--signoff) - sign=t ;; - -u|--utf8) - utf8=t ;; # this is now default - --no-utf8) - utf8= ;; - -k|--keep) - keep=t ;; - -c|--scissors) - scissors=t ;; - --no-scissors) - scissors=f ;; - -r|--resolved|--continue) - resolved=t ;; - --skip) - skip=t ;; - --abort) - abort=t ;; - --rebasing) - rebasing=t threeway=t keep=t scissors=f no_inbody_headers=t ;; - -d|--dotest) - die "-d option is no longer supported. Do not use." - ;; - --resolvemsg) - shift; resolvemsg=$1 ;; - --whitespace|--directory) - git_apply_opt="$git_apply_opt $(sq "$1=$2")"; shift ;; - -C|-p) - git_apply_opt="$git_apply_opt $(sq "$1$2")"; shift ;; - --patch-format) - shift ; patch_format="$1" ;; - --reject|--ignore-whitespace|--ignore-space-change) - git_apply_opt="$git_apply_opt $1" ;; - --committer-date-is-author-date) - committer_date_is_author_date=t ;; - --ignore-date) - ignore_date=t ;; - --rerere-autoupdate|--no-rerere-autoupdate) - allow_rerere_autoupdate="$1" ;; - -q|--quiet) - GIT_QUIET=t ;; - --keep-cr) - keepcr=t ;; - --no-keep-cr) - keepcr=f ;; - --) - shift; break ;; - *) - usage ;; - esac - shift -done - -# If the dotest directory exists, but we have finished applying all the -# patches in them, clear it out. -if test -d "$dotest" && - last=$(cat "$dotest/last") && - next=$(cat "$dotest/next") && - test $# != 0 && - test "$next" -gt "$last" -then - rm -fr "$dotest" -fi - -if test -d "$dotest" -then - case "$#,$skip$resolved$abort" in - 0,*t*) - # Explicit resume command and we do not have file, so - # we are happy. - : ;; - 0,) - # No file input but without resume parameters; catch - # user error to feed us a patch from standard input - # when there is already $dotest. This is somewhat - # unreliable -- stdin could be /dev/null for example - # and the caller did not intend to feed us a patch but - # wanted to continue unattended. - test -t 0 - ;; - *) - false - ;; - esac || - die "previous rebase directory $dotest still exists but mbox given." - resume=yes - - case "$skip,$abort" in - t,t) - die "Please make up your mind. --skip or --abort?" - ;; - t,) - git rerere clear - git read-tree --reset -u HEAD HEAD - orig_head=$(cat "$GIT_DIR/ORIG_HEAD") - git reset HEAD - git update-ref ORIG_HEAD $orig_head - ;; - ,t) - if test -f "$dotest/rebasing" - then - exec git rebase --abort - fi - git rerere clear - if safe_to_abort - then - git read-tree --reset -u HEAD ORIG_HEAD - git reset ORIG_HEAD - fi - rm -fr "$dotest" - exit ;; - esac - rm -f "$dotest/dirtyindex" -else - # Make sure we are not given --skip, --resolved, nor --abort - test "$skip$resolved$abort" = "" || - die "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming." - - # Start afresh. - mkdir -p "$dotest" || exit - - if test -n "$prefix" && test $# != 0 - then - first=t - for arg - do - test -n "$first" && { - set x - first= - } - if is_absolute_path "$arg" - then - set "$@" "$arg" - else - set "$@" "$prefix$arg" - fi - done - shift - fi - - check_patch_format "$@" - - split_patches "$@" - - # -i can and must be given when resuming; everything - # else is kept - echo " $git_apply_opt" >"$dotest/apply-opt" - echo "$threeway" >"$dotest/threeway" - echo "$sign" >"$dotest/sign" - echo "$utf8" >"$dotest/utf8" - echo "$keep" >"$dotest/keep" - echo "$keepcr" >"$dotest/keepcr" - echo "$scissors" >"$dotest/scissors" - echo "$no_inbody_headers" >"$dotest/no_inbody_headers" - echo "$GIT_QUIET" >"$dotest/quiet" - echo 1 >"$dotest/next" - if test -n "$rebasing" - then - : >"$dotest/rebasing" - else - : >"$dotest/applying" - if test -n "$HAS_HEAD" - then - git update-ref ORIG_HEAD HEAD - else - git update-ref -d ORIG_HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1 - fi - fi -fi - -git update-index -q --refresh - -case "$resolved" in -'') - case "$HAS_HEAD" in - '') - files=$(git ls-files) ;; - ?*) - files=$(git diff-index --cached --name-only HEAD --) ;; - esac || exit - if test "$files" - then - test -n "$HAS_HEAD" && : >"$dotest/dirtyindex" - die "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: $files)" - fi -esac - -if test "$(cat "$dotest/utf8")" = t -then - utf8=-u -else - utf8=-n -fi -if test "$(cat "$dotest/keep")" = t -then - keep=-k -fi -case "$(cat "$dotest/keepcr")" in -t) - keepcr=--keep-cr ;; -f) - keepcr=--no-keep-cr ;; -esac -case "$(cat "$dotest/scissors")" in -t) - scissors=--scissors ;; -f) - scissors=--no-scissors ;; -esac -if test "$(cat "$dotest/no_inbody_headers")" = t -then - no_inbody_headers=--no-inbody-headers -else - no_inbody_headers= -fi -if test "$(cat "$dotest/quiet")" = t -then - GIT_QUIET=t -fi -if test "$(cat "$dotest/threeway")" = t -then - threeway=t -fi -git_apply_opt=$(cat "$dotest/apply-opt") -if test "$(cat "$dotest/sign")" = t -then - SIGNOFF=`git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT | sed -e ' - s/>.*/>/ - s/^/Signed-off-by: /' - ` -else - SIGNOFF= -fi - -last=`cat "$dotest/last"` -this=`cat "$dotest/next"` -if test "$skip" = t -then - this=`expr "$this" + 1` - resume= -fi - -while test "$this" -le "$last" -do - msgnum=`printf "%0${prec}d" $this` - next=`expr "$this" + 1` - test -f "$dotest/$msgnum" || { - resume= - go_next - continue - } - - # If we are not resuming, parse and extract the patch information - # into separate files: - # - info records the authorship and title - # - msg is the rest of commit log message - # - patch is the patch body. - # - # When we are resuming, these files are either already prepared - # by the user, or the user can tell us to do so by --resolved flag. - case "$resume" in - '') - git mailinfo $keep $no_inbody_headers $scissors $utf8 "$dotest/msg" "$dotest/patch" \ - <"$dotest/$msgnum" >"$dotest/info" || - stop_here $this - - # skip pine's internal folder data - sane_grep '^Author: Mail System Internal Data$' \ - <"$dotest"/info >/dev/null && - go_next && continue - - test -s "$dotest/patch" || { - echo "Patch is empty. Was it split wrong?" - echo "If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run \"$cmdline --skip\"." - echo "To restore the original branch and stop patching run \"$cmdline --abort\"." - stop_here $this - } - rm -f "$dotest/original-commit" "$dotest/author-script" - if test -f "$dotest/rebasing" && - commit=$(sed -e 's/^From \([0-9a-f]*\) .*/\1/' \ - -e q "$dotest/$msgnum") && - test "$(git cat-file -t "$commit")" = commit - then - git cat-file commit "$commit" | - sed -e '1,/^$/d' >"$dotest/msg-clean" - echo "$commit" > "$dotest/original-commit" - get_author_ident_from_commit "$commit" > "$dotest/author-script" - else - { - sed -n '/^Subject/ s/Subject: //p' "$dotest/info" - echo - cat "$dotest/msg" - } | - git stripspace > "$dotest/msg-clean" - fi - ;; - esac - - if test -f "$dotest/author-script" - then - eval $(cat "$dotest/author-script") - else - GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="$(sed -n '/^Author/ s/Author: //p' "$dotest/info")" - GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="$(sed -n '/^Email/ s/Email: //p' "$dotest/info")" - GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="$(sed -n '/^Date/ s/Date: //p' "$dotest/info")" - fi - - if test -z "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" - then - echo "Patch does not have a valid e-mail address." - stop_here $this - fi - - export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL GIT_AUTHOR_DATE - - case "$resume" in - '') - if test '' != "$SIGNOFF" - then - LAST_SIGNED_OFF_BY=` - sed -ne '/^Signed-off-by: /p' \ - "$dotest/msg-clean" | - sed -ne '$p' - ` - ADD_SIGNOFF=` - test "$LAST_SIGNED_OFF_BY" = "$SIGNOFF" || { - test '' = "$LAST_SIGNED_OFF_BY" && echo - echo "$SIGNOFF" - }` - else - ADD_SIGNOFF= - fi - { - if test -s "$dotest/msg-clean" - then - cat "$dotest/msg-clean" - fi - if test '' != "$ADD_SIGNOFF" - then - echo "$ADD_SIGNOFF" - fi - } >"$dotest/final-commit" - ;; - *) - case "$resolved$interactive" in - tt) - # This is used only for interactive view option. - git diff-index -p --cached HEAD -- >"$dotest/patch" - ;; - esac - esac - - resume= - if test "$interactive" = t - then - test -t 0 || - die "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal." - action=again - while test "$action" = again - do - echo "Commit Body is:" - echo "--------------------------" - cat "$dotest/final-commit" - echo "--------------------------" - printf "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all " - read reply - case "$reply" in - [yY]*) action=yes ;; - [aA]*) action=yes interactive= ;; - [nN]*) action=skip ;; - [eE]*) git_editor "$dotest/final-commit" - action=again ;; - [vV]*) action=again - git_pager "$dotest/patch" ;; - *) action=again ;; - esac - done - else - action=yes - fi - - if test -f "$dotest/final-commit" - then - FIRSTLINE=$(sed 1q "$dotest/final-commit") - else - FIRSTLINE="" - fi - - if test $action = skip - then - go_next - continue - fi - - if test -x "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/applypatch-msg - then - "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/applypatch-msg "$dotest/final-commit" || - stop_here $this - fi - - say "Applying: $FIRSTLINE" - - case "$resolved" in - '') - # When we are allowed to fall back to 3-way later, don't give - # false errors during the initial attempt. - squelch= - if test "$threeway" = t - then - squelch='>/dev/null 2>&1 ' - fi - eval "git apply $squelch$git_apply_opt"' --index "$dotest/patch"' - apply_status=$? - ;; - t) - # Resolved means the user did all the hard work, and - # we do not have to do any patch application. Just - # trust what the user has in the index file and the - # working tree. - resolved= - git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD -- && { - echo "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?" - echo "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else" - echo "already introduced the same changes; you might want to skip this patch." - stop_here_user_resolve $this - } - unmerged=$(git ls-files -u) - if test -n "$unmerged" - then - echo "You still have unmerged paths in your index" - echo "did you forget to use 'git add'?" - stop_here_user_resolve $this - fi - apply_status=0 - git rerere - ;; - esac - - if test $apply_status != 0 && test "$threeway" = t - then - if (fall_back_3way) - then - # Applying the patch to an earlier tree and merging the - # result may have produced the same tree as ours. - git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD -- && { - say No changes -- Patch already applied. - go_next - continue - } - # clear apply_status -- we have successfully merged. - apply_status=0 - fi - fi - if test $apply_status != 0 - then - printf 'Patch failed at %s %s\n' "$msgnum" "$FIRSTLINE" - stop_here_user_resolve $this - fi - - if test -x "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/pre-applypatch - then - "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/pre-applypatch || stop_here $this - fi - - tree=$(git write-tree) && - commit=$( - if test -n "$ignore_date" - then - GIT_AUTHOR_DATE= - fi - parent=$(git rev-parse --verify -q HEAD) || - say >&2 "applying to an empty history" - - if test -n "$committer_date_is_author_date" - then - GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$GIT_AUTHOR_DATE" - export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE - fi && - git commit-tree $tree ${parent:+-p} $parent <"$dotest/final-commit" - ) && - git update-ref -m "$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION: $FIRSTLINE" HEAD $commit $parent || - stop_here $this - - if test -f "$dotest/original-commit"; then - echo "$(cat "$dotest/original-commit") $commit" >> "$dotest/rewritten" - fi - - if test -x "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/post-applypatch - then - "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/post-applypatch - fi - - go_next -done - -if test -s "$dotest"/rewritten; then - git notes copy --for-rewrite=rebase < "$dotest"/rewritten - if test -x "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/post-rewrite; then - "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/post-rewrite rebase < "$dotest"/rewritten - fi -fi - -rm -fr "$dotest" -git gc --auto diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-annotate b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-annotate deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-annotate +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-apply b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-apply deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-apply +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-archimport b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-archimport deleted file mode 100755 index a0b4dd5f..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-archimport +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1135 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl")); -# -# This tool is copyright (c) 2005, Martin Langhoff. -# It is released under the Gnu Public License, version 2. -# -# The basic idea is to walk the output of tla abrowse, -# fetch the changesets and apply them. -# - -=head1 Invocation - - git archimport [ -h ] [ -v ] [ -o ] [ -a ] [ -f ] [ -T ] - [ -D depth] [ -t tempdir ] / [ / ] - -Imports a project from one or more Arch repositories. It will follow branches -and repositories within the namespaces defined by the -parameters supplied. If it cannot find the remote branch a merge comes from -it will just import it as a regular commit. If it can find it, it will mark it -as a merge whenever possible. - -See man (1) git-archimport for more details. - -=head1 TODO - - - create tag objects instead of ref tags - - audit shell-escaping of filenames - - hide our private tags somewhere smarter - - find a way to make "cat *patches | patch" safe even when patchfiles are missing newlines - - sort and apply patches by graphing ancestry relations instead of just - relying in dates supplied in the changeset itself. - tla ancestry-graph -m could be helpful here... - -=head1 Devel tricks - -Add print in front of the shell commands invoked via backticks. - -=head1 Devel Notes - -There are several places where Arch and git terminology are intermixed -and potentially confused. - -The notion of a "branch" in git is approximately equivalent to -a "archive/category--branch--version" in Arch. Also, it should be noted -that the "--branch" portion of "archive/category--branch--version" is really -optional in Arch although not many people (nor tools!) seem to know this. -This means that "archive/category--version" is also a valid "branch" -in git terms. - -We always refer to Arch names by their fully qualified variant (which -means the "archive" name is prefixed. - -For people unfamiliar with Arch, an "archive" is the term for "repository", -and can contain multiple, unrelated branches. - -=cut - -use 5.008; -use strict; -use warnings; -use Getopt::Std; -use File::Temp qw(tempdir); -use File::Path qw(mkpath rmtree); -use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); -use Data::Dumper qw/ Dumper /; -use IPC::Open2; - -$SIG{'PIPE'}="IGNORE"; -$ENV{'TZ'}="UTC"; - -my $git_dir = $ENV{"GIT_DIR"} || ".git"; -$ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $git_dir; -my $ptag_dir = "$git_dir/archimport/tags"; - -our($opt_h,$opt_f,$opt_v,$opt_T,$opt_t,$opt_D,$opt_a,$opt_o); - -sub usage() { - print STDERR <= 1 or usage(); -# $arch_branches: -# values associated with keys: -# =1 - Arch version / git 'branch' detected via abrowse on a limit -# >1 - Arch version / git 'branch' of an auxiliary branch we've merged -my %arch_branches = map { my $branch = $_; $branch =~ s/:[^:]*$//; $branch => 1 } @ARGV; - -# $branch_name_map: -# maps arch branches to git branch names -my %branch_name_map = map { m/^(.*):([^:]*)$/; $1 => $2 } grep { m/:/ } @ARGV; - -$ENV{'TMPDIR'} = $opt_t if $opt_t; # $ENV{TMPDIR} will affect tempdir() calls: -my $tmp = tempdir('git-archimport-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1); -$opt_v && print "+ Using $tmp as temporary directory\n"; - -unless (-d $git_dir) { # initial import needs empty directory - opendir DIR, '.' or die "Unable to open current directory: $!\n"; - while (my $entry = readdir DIR) { - $entry =~ /^\.\.?$/ or - die "Initial import needs an empty current working directory.\n" - } - closedir DIR -} - -my $default_archive; # default Arch archive -my %reachable = (); # Arch repositories we can access -my %unreachable = (); # Arch repositories we can't access :< -my @psets = (); # the collection -my %psets = (); # the collection, by name -my %stats = ( # Track which strategy we used to import: - get_tag => 0, replay => 0, get_new => 0, get_delta => 0, - simple_changeset => 0, import_or_tag => 0 -); - -my %rptags = (); # my reverse private tags - # to map a SHA1 to a commitid -my $TLA = $ENV{'ARCH_CLIENT'} || 'tla'; - -sub do_abrowse { - my $stage = shift; - while (my ($limit, $level) = each %arch_branches) { - next unless $level == $stage; - - open ABROWSE, "$TLA abrowse -fkD --merges $limit |" - or die "Problems with tla abrowse: $!"; - - my %ps = (); # the current one - my $lastseen = ''; - - while () { - chomp; - - # first record padded w 8 spaces - if (s/^\s{8}\b//) { - my ($id, $type) = split(m/\s+/, $_, 2); - - my %last_ps; - # store the record we just captured - if (%ps && !exists $psets{ $ps{id} }) { - %last_ps = %ps; # break references - push (@psets, \%last_ps); - $psets{ $last_ps{id} } = \%last_ps; - } - - my $branch = extract_versionname($id); - %ps = ( id => $id, branch => $branch ); - if (%last_ps && ($last_ps{branch} eq $branch)) { - $ps{parent_id} = $last_ps{id}; - } - - $arch_branches{$branch} = 1; - $lastseen = 'id'; - - # deal with types (should work with baz or tla): - if ($type =~ m/\(.*changeset\)/) { - $ps{type} = 's'; - } elsif ($type =~ /\(.*import\)/) { - $ps{type} = 'i'; - } elsif ($type =~ m/\(tag.*?(\S+\@\S+).*?\)/) { - $ps{type} = 't'; - # read which revision we've tagged when we parse the log - $ps{tag} = $1; - } else { - warn "Unknown type $type"; - } - - $arch_branches{$branch} = 1; - $lastseen = 'id'; - } elsif (s/^\s{10}//) { - # 10 leading spaces or more - # indicate commit metadata - - # date - if ($lastseen eq 'id' && m/^(\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/){ - $ps{date} = $1; - $lastseen = 'date'; - } elsif ($_ eq 'merges in:') { - $ps{merges} = []; - $lastseen = 'merges'; - } elsif ($lastseen eq 'merges' && s/^\s{2}//) { - my $id = $_; - push (@{$ps{merges}}, $id); - - # aggressive branch finding: - if ($opt_D) { - my $branch = extract_versionname($id); - my $repo = extract_reponame($branch); - - if (archive_reachable($repo) && - !defined $arch_branches{$branch}) { - $arch_branches{$branch} = $stage + 1; - } - } - } else { - warn "more metadata after merges!?: $_\n" unless /^\s*$/; - } - } - } - - if (%ps && !exists $psets{ $ps{id} }) { - my %temp = %ps; # break references - if (@psets && $psets[$#psets]{branch} eq $ps{branch}) { - $temp{parent_id} = $psets[$#psets]{id}; - } - push (@psets, \%temp); - $psets{ $temp{id} } = \%temp; - } - - close ABROWSE or die "$TLA abrowse failed on $limit\n"; - } -} # end foreach $root - -do_abrowse(1); -my $depth = 2; -$opt_D ||= 0; -while ($depth <= $opt_D) { - do_abrowse($depth); - $depth++; -} - -## Order patches by time -# FIXME see if we can find a more optimal way to do this by graphing -# the ancestry data and walking it, that way we won't have to rely on -# client-supplied dates -@psets = sort {$a->{date}.$b->{id} cmp $b->{date}.$b->{id}} @psets; - -#print Dumper \@psets; - -## -## TODO cleanup irrelevant patches -## and put an initial import -## or a full tag -my $import = 0; -unless (-d $git_dir) { # initial import - if ($psets[0]{type} eq 'i' || $psets[0]{type} eq 't') { - print "Starting import from $psets[0]{id}\n"; - `git-init`; - die $! if $?; - $import = 1; - } else { - die "Need to start from an import or a tag -- cannot use $psets[0]{id}"; - } -} else { # progressing an import - # load the rptags - opendir(DIR, $ptag_dir) - || die "can't opendir: $!"; - while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) { - # skip non-interesting-files - next unless -f "$ptag_dir/$file"; - - # convert first '--' to '/' from old git-archimport to use - # as an archivename/c--b--v private tag - if ($file !~ m!,!) { - my $oldfile = $file; - $file =~ s!--!,!; - print STDERR "converting old tag $oldfile to $file\n"; - rename("$ptag_dir/$oldfile", "$ptag_dir/$file") or die $!; - } - my $sha = ptag($file); - chomp $sha; - $rptags{$sha} = $file; - } - closedir DIR; -} - -# process patchsets -# extract the Arch repository name (Arch "archive" in Arch-speak) -sub extract_reponame { - my $fq_cvbr = shift; # archivename/[[[[category]branch]version]revision] - return (split(/\//, $fq_cvbr))[0]; -} - -sub extract_versionname { - my $name = shift; - $name =~ s/--(?:patch|version(?:fix)?|base)-\d+$//; - return $name; -} - -# convert a fully-qualified revision or version to a unique dirname: -# normalperson@yhbt.net-05/mpd--uclinux--1--patch-2 -# becomes: normalperson@yhbt.net-05,mpd--uclinux--1 -# -# the git notion of a branch is closer to -# archive/category--branch--version than archive/category--branch, so we -# use this to convert to git branch names. -# Also, keep archive names but replace '/' with ',' since it won't require -# subdirectories, and is safer than swapping '--' which could confuse -# reverse-mapping when dealing with bastard branches that -# are just archive/category--version (no --branch) -sub tree_dirname { - my $revision = shift; - my $name = extract_versionname($revision); - $name =~ s#/#,#; - return $name; -} - -# old versions of git-archimport just use the part: -sub old_style_branchname { - my $id = shift; - my $ret = safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'parse-package-name','-p',$id); - chomp $ret; - return $ret; -} - -*git_default_branchname = $opt_o ? *old_style_branchname : *tree_dirname; - -# retrieve default archive, since $branch_name_map keys might not include it -sub get_default_archive { - if (!defined $default_archive) { - $default_archive = safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'my-default-archive'); - chomp $default_archive; - } - return $default_archive; -} - -sub git_branchname { - my $revision = shift; - my $name = extract_versionname($revision); - - if (exists $branch_name_map{$name}) { - return $branch_name_map{$name}; - - } elsif ($name =~ m#^([^/]*)/(.*)$# - && $1 eq get_default_archive() - && exists $branch_name_map{$2}) { - # the names given in the command-line lacked the archive. - return $branch_name_map{$2}; - - } else { - return git_default_branchname($revision); - } -} - -sub process_patchset_accurate { - my $ps = shift; - - # switch to that branch if we're not already in that branch: - if (-e "$git_dir/refs/heads/$ps->{branch}") { - system('git-checkout','-f',$ps->{branch}) == 0 or die "$! $?\n"; - - # remove any old stuff that got leftover: - my $rm = safe_pipe_capture('git-ls-files','--others','-z'); - rmtree(split(/\0/,$rm)) if $rm; - } - - # Apply the import/changeset/merge into the working tree - my $dir = sync_to_ps($ps); - # read the new log entry: - my @commitlog = safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'cat-log','-d',$dir,$ps->{id}); - die "Error in cat-log: $!" if $?; - chomp @commitlog; - - # grab variables we want from the log, new fields get added to $ps: - # (author, date, email, summary, message body ...) - parselog($ps, \@commitlog); - - if ($ps->{id} =~ /--base-0$/ && $ps->{id} ne $psets[0]{id}) { - # this should work when importing continuations - if ($ps->{tag} && (my $branchpoint = eval { ptag($ps->{tag}) })) { - - # find where we are supposed to branch from - if (! -e "$git_dir/refs/heads/$ps->{branch}") { - system('git-branch',$ps->{branch},$branchpoint) == 0 or die "$! $?\n"; - - # We trust Arch with the fact that this is just a tag, - # and it does not affect the state of the tree, so - # we just tag and move on. If the user really wants us - # to consolidate more branches into one, don't tag because - # the tag name would be already taken. - tag($ps->{id}, $branchpoint); - ptag($ps->{id}, $branchpoint); - print " * Tagged $ps->{id} at $branchpoint\n"; - } - system('git-checkout','-f',$ps->{branch}) == 0 or die "$! $?\n"; - - # remove any old stuff that got leftover: - my $rm = safe_pipe_capture('git-ls-files','--others','-z'); - rmtree(split(/\0/,$rm)) if $rm; - return 0; - } else { - warn "Tagging from unknown id unsupported\n" if $ps->{tag}; - } - # allow multiple bases/imports here since Arch supports cherry-picks - # from unrelated trees - } - - # update the index with all the changes we got - system('git-diff-files --name-only -z | '. - 'git-update-index --remove -z --stdin') == 0 or die "$! $?\n"; - system('git-ls-files --others -z | '. - 'git-update-index --add -z --stdin') == 0 or die "$! $?\n"; - return 1; -} - -# the native changeset processing strategy. This is very fast, but -# does not handle permissions or any renames involving directories -sub process_patchset_fast { - my $ps = shift; - # - # create the branch if needed - # - if ($ps->{type} eq 'i' && !$import) { - die "Should not have more than one 'Initial import' per GIT import: $ps->{id}"; - } - - unless ($import) { # skip for import - if ( -e "$git_dir/refs/heads/$ps->{branch}") { - # we know about this branch - system('git-checkout',$ps->{branch}); - } else { - # new branch! we need to verify a few things - die "Branch on a non-tag!" unless $ps->{type} eq 't'; - my $branchpoint = ptag($ps->{tag}); - die "Tagging from unknown id unsupported: $ps->{tag}" - unless $branchpoint; - - # find where we are supposed to branch from - if (! -e "$git_dir/refs/heads/$ps->{branch}") { - system('git-branch',$ps->{branch},$branchpoint) == 0 or die "$! $?\n"; - - # We trust Arch with the fact that this is just a tag, - # and it does not affect the state of the tree, so - # we just tag and move on. If the user really wants us - # to consolidate more branches into one, don't tag because - # the tag name would be already taken. - tag($ps->{id}, $branchpoint); - ptag($ps->{id}, $branchpoint); - print " * Tagged $ps->{id} at $branchpoint\n"; - } - system('git-checkout',$ps->{branch}) == 0 or die "$! $?\n"; - return 0; - } - die $! if $?; - } - - # - # Apply the import/changeset/merge into the working tree - # - if ($ps->{type} eq 'i' || $ps->{type} eq 't') { - apply_import($ps) or die $!; - $stats{import_or_tag}++; - $import=0; - } elsif ($ps->{type} eq 's') { - apply_cset($ps); - $stats{simple_changeset}++; - } - - # - # prepare update git's index, based on what arch knows - # about the pset, resolve parents, etc - # - - my @commitlog = safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'cat-archive-log',$ps->{id}); - die "Error in cat-archive-log: $!" if $?; - - parselog($ps,\@commitlog); - - # imports don't give us good info - # on added files. Shame on them - if ($ps->{type} eq 'i' || $ps->{type} eq 't') { - system('git-ls-files --deleted -z | '. - 'git-update-index --remove -z --stdin') == 0 or die "$! $?\n"; - system('git-ls-files --others -z | '. - 'git-update-index --add -z --stdin') == 0 or die "$! $?\n"; - } - - # TODO: handle removed_directories and renamed_directories: - - if (my $del = $ps->{removed_files}) { - unlink @$del; - while (@$del) { - my @slice = splice(@$del, 0, 100); - system('git-update-index','--remove','--',@slice) == 0 or - die "Error in git-update-index --remove: $! $?\n"; - } - } - - if (my $ren = $ps->{renamed_files}) { # renamed - if (@$ren % 2) { - die "Odd number of entries in rename!?"; - } - - while (@$ren) { - my $from = shift @$ren; - my $to = shift @$ren; - - unless (-d dirname($to)) { - mkpath(dirname($to)); # will die on err - } - # print "moving $from $to"; - rename($from, $to) or die "Error renaming '$from' '$to': $!\n"; - system('git-update-index','--remove','--',$from) == 0 or - die "Error in git-update-index --remove: $! $?\n"; - system('git-update-index','--add','--',$to) == 0 or - die "Error in git-update-index --add: $! $?\n"; - } - } - - if (my $add = $ps->{new_files}) { - while (@$add) { - my @slice = splice(@$add, 0, 100); - system('git-update-index','--add','--',@slice) == 0 or - die "Error in git-update-index --add: $! $?\n"; - } - } - - if (my $mod = $ps->{modified_files}) { - while (@$mod) { - my @slice = splice(@$mod, 0, 100); - system('git-update-index','--',@slice) == 0 or - die "Error in git-update-index: $! $?\n"; - } - } - return 1; # we successfully applied the changeset -} - -if ($opt_f) { - print "Will import patchsets using the fast strategy\n", - "Renamed directories and permission changes will be missed\n"; - *process_patchset = *process_patchset_fast; -} else { - print "Using the default (accurate) import strategy.\n", - "Things may be a bit slow\n"; - *process_patchset = *process_patchset_accurate; -} - -foreach my $ps (@psets) { - # process patchsets - $ps->{branch} = git_branchname($ps->{id}); - - # - # ensure we have a clean state - # - if (my $dirty = `git-diff-files`) { - die "Unclean tree when about to process $ps->{id} " . - " - did we fail to commit cleanly before?\n$dirty"; - } - die $! if $?; - - # - # skip commits already in repo - # - if (ptag($ps->{id})) { - $opt_v && print " * Skipping already imported: $ps->{id}\n"; - next; - } - - print " * Starting to work on $ps->{id}\n"; - - process_patchset($ps) or next; - - # warn "errors when running git-update-index! $!"; - my $tree = `git-write-tree`; - die "cannot write tree $!" if $?; - chomp $tree; - - # - # Who's your daddy? - # - my @par; - if ( -e "$git_dir/refs/heads/$ps->{branch}") { - if (open HEAD, "<","$git_dir/refs/heads/$ps->{branch}") { - my $p = ; - close HEAD; - chomp $p; - push @par, '-p', $p; - } else { - if ($ps->{type} eq 's') { - warn "Could not find the right head for the branch $ps->{branch}"; - } - } - } - - if ($ps->{merges}) { - push @par, find_parents($ps); - } - - # - # Commit, tag and clean state - # - $ENV{TZ} = 'GMT'; - $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $ps->{author}; - $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $ps->{email}; - $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $ps->{date}; - $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = $ps->{author}; - $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} = $ps->{email}; - $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_DATE} = $ps->{date}; - - my $pid = open2(*READER, *WRITER,'git-commit-tree',$tree,@par) - or die $!; - print WRITER $ps->{summary},"\n\n"; - - # only print message if it's not empty, to avoid a spurious blank line; - # also append an extra newline, so there's a blank line before the - # following "git-archimport-id:" line. - print WRITER $ps->{message},"\n\n" if ($ps->{message} ne ""); - - # make it easy to backtrack and figure out which Arch revision this was: - print WRITER 'git-archimport-id: ',$ps->{id},"\n"; - - close WRITER; - my $commitid = ; # read - chomp $commitid; - close READER; - waitpid $pid,0; # close; - - if (length $commitid != 40) { - die "Something went wrong with the commit! $! $commitid"; - } - # - # Update the branch - # - open HEAD, ">","$git_dir/refs/heads/$ps->{branch}"; - print HEAD $commitid; - close HEAD; - system('git-update-ref', 'HEAD', "$ps->{branch}"); - - # tag accordingly - ptag($ps->{id}, $commitid); # private tag - if ($opt_T || $ps->{type} eq 't' || $ps->{type} eq 'i') { - tag($ps->{id}, $commitid); - } - print " * Committed $ps->{id}\n"; - print " + tree $tree\n"; - print " + commit $commitid\n"; - $opt_v && print " + commit date is $ps->{date} \n"; - $opt_v && print " + parents: ",join(' ',@par),"\n"; -} - -if ($opt_v) { - foreach (sort keys %stats) { - print" $_: $stats{$_}\n"; - } -} -exit 0; - -# used by the accurate strategy: -sub sync_to_ps { - my $ps = shift; - my $tree_dir = $tmp.'/'.tree_dirname($ps->{id}); - - $opt_v && print "sync_to_ps($ps->{id}) method: "; - - if (-d $tree_dir) { - if ($ps->{type} eq 't') { - $opt_v && print "get (tag)\n"; - # looks like a tag-only or (worse,) a mixed tags/changeset branch, - # can't rely on replay to work correctly on these - rmtree($tree_dir); - safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'get','--no-pristine',$ps->{id},$tree_dir); - $stats{get_tag}++; - } else { - my $tree_id = arch_tree_id($tree_dir); - if ($ps->{parent_id} && ($ps->{parent_id} eq $tree_id)) { - # the common case (hopefully) - $opt_v && print "replay\n"; - safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'replay','-d',$tree_dir,$ps->{id}); - $stats{replay}++; - } else { - # getting one tree is usually faster than getting two trees - # and applying the delta ... - rmtree($tree_dir); - $opt_v && print "apply-delta\n"; - safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'get','--no-pristine', - $ps->{id},$tree_dir); - $stats{get_delta}++; - } - } - } else { - # new branch work - $opt_v && print "get (new tree)\n"; - safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'get','--no-pristine',$ps->{id},$tree_dir); - $stats{get_new}++; - } - - # added -I flag to rsync since we're going to fast! AIEEEEE!!!! - system('rsync','-aI','--delete','--exclude',$git_dir, -# '--exclude','.arch-inventory', - '--exclude','.arch-ids','--exclude','{arch}', - '--exclude','+*','--exclude',',*', - "$tree_dir/",'./') == 0 or die "Cannot rsync $tree_dir: $! $?"; - return $tree_dir; -} - -sub apply_import { - my $ps = shift; - my $bname = git_branchname($ps->{id}); - - mkpath($tmp); - - safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'get','-s','--no-pristine',$ps->{id},"$tmp/import"); - die "Cannot get import: $!" if $?; - system('rsync','-aI','--delete', '--exclude',$git_dir, - '--exclude','.arch-ids','--exclude','{arch}', - "$tmp/import/", './'); - die "Cannot rsync import:$!" if $?; - - rmtree("$tmp/import"); - die "Cannot remove tempdir: $!" if $?; - - - return 1; -} - -sub apply_cset { - my $ps = shift; - - mkpath($tmp); - - # get the changeset - safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'get-changeset',$ps->{id},"$tmp/changeset"); - die "Cannot get changeset: $!" if $?; - - # apply patches - if (`find $tmp/changeset/patches -type f -name '*.patch'`) { - # this can be sped up considerably by doing - # (find | xargs cat) | patch - # but that can get mucked up by patches - # with missing trailing newlines or the standard - # 'missing newline' flag in the patch - possibly - # produced with an old/buggy diff. - # slow and safe, we invoke patch once per patchfile - `find $tmp/changeset/patches -type f -name '*.patch' -print0 | grep -zv '{arch}' | xargs -iFILE -0 --no-run-if-empty patch -p1 --forward -iFILE`; - die "Problem applying patches! $!" if $?; - } - - # apply changed binary files - if (my @modified = `find $tmp/changeset/patches -type f -name '*.modified'`) { - foreach my $mod (@modified) { - chomp $mod; - my $orig = $mod; - $orig =~ s/\.modified$//; # lazy - $orig =~ s!^\Q$tmp\E/changeset/patches/!!; - #print "rsync -p '$mod' '$orig'"; - system('rsync','-p',$mod,"./$orig"); - die "Problem applying binary changes! $!" if $?; - } - } - - # bring in new files - system('rsync','-aI','--exclude',$git_dir, - '--exclude','.arch-ids', - '--exclude', '{arch}', - "$tmp/changeset/new-files-archive/",'./'); - - # deleted files are hinted from the commitlog processing - - rmtree("$tmp/changeset"); -} - - -# =for reference -# notes: *-files/-directories keys cannot have spaces, they're always -# pika-escaped. Everything after the first newline -# A log entry looks like: -# Revision: moodle-org--moodle--1.3.3--patch-15 -# Archive: arch-eduforge@catalyst.net.nz--2004 -# Creator: Penny Leach -# Date: Wed May 25 14:15:34 NZST 2005 -# Standard-date: 2005-05-25 02:15:34 GMT -# New-files: lang/de/.arch-ids/block_glossary_random.php.id -# lang/de/.arch-ids/block_html.php.id -# New-directories: lang/de/help/questionnaire -# lang/de/help/questionnaire/.arch-ids -# Renamed-files: .arch-ids/db_sears.sql.id db/.arch-ids/db_sears.sql.id -# db_sears.sql db/db_sears.sql -# Removed-files: lang/be/docs/.arch-ids/release.html.id -# lang/be/docs/.arch-ids/releaseold.html.id -# Modified-files: admin/cron.php admin/delete.php -# admin/editor.html backup/lib.php backup/restore.php -# New-patches: arch-eduforge@catalyst.net.nz--2004/moodle-org--moodle--1.3.3--patch-15 -# Summary: Updating to latest from MOODLE_14_STABLE (1.4.5+) -# summary can be multiline with a leading space just like the above fields -# Keywords: -# -# Updating yadda tadda tadda madda -sub parselog { - my ($ps, $log) = @_; - my $key = undef; - - # headers we want that contain filenames: - my %want_headers = ( - new_files => 1, - modified_files => 1, - renamed_files => 1, - renamed_directories => 1, - removed_files => 1, - removed_directories => 1, - ); - - chomp (@$log); - while ($_ = shift @$log) { - if (/^Continuation-of:\s*(.*)/) { - $ps->{tag} = $1; - $key = undef; - } elsif (/^Summary:\s*(.*)$/ ) { - # summary can be multiline as long as it has a leading space. - # we squeeze it onto a single line, though. - $ps->{summary} = [ $1 ]; - $key = 'summary'; - } elsif (/^Creator: (.*)\s*<([^\>]+)>/) { - $ps->{author} = $1; - $ps->{email} = $2; - $key = undef; - # any *-files or *-directories can be read here: - } elsif (/^([A-Z][a-z\-]+):\s*(.*)$/) { - my $val = $2; - $key = lc $1; - $key =~ tr/-/_/; # too lazy to quote :P - if ($want_headers{$key}) { - push @{$ps->{$key}}, split(/\s+/, $val); - } else { - $key = undef; - } - } elsif (/^$/) { - last; # remainder of @$log that didn't get shifted off is message - } elsif ($key) { - if (/^\s+(.*)$/) { - if ($key eq 'summary') { - push @{$ps->{$key}}, $1; - } else { # files/directories: - push @{$ps->{$key}}, split(/\s+/, $1); - } - } else { - $key = undef; - } - } - } - - # drop leading empty lines from the log message - while (@$log && $log->[0] eq '') { - shift @$log; - } - if (exists $ps->{summary} && @{$ps->{summary}}) { - $ps->{summary} = join(' ', @{$ps->{summary}}); - } - elsif (@$log == 0) { - $ps->{summary} = 'empty commit message'; - } else { - $ps->{summary} = $log->[0] . '...'; - } - $ps->{message} = join("\n",@$log); - - # skip Arch control files, unescape pika-escaped files - foreach my $k (keys %want_headers) { - next unless (defined $ps->{$k}); - my @tmp = (); - foreach my $t (@{$ps->{$k}}) { - next unless length ($t); - next if $t =~ m!\{arch\}/!; - next if $t =~ m!\.arch-ids/!; - # should we skip this? - next if $t =~ m!\.arch-inventory$!; - # tla cat-archive-log will give us filenames with spaces as file\(sp)name - why? - # we can assume that any filename with \ indicates some pika escaping that we want to get rid of. - if ($t =~ /\\/ ){ - $t = (safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'escape','--unescaped',$t))[0]; - } - push @tmp, $t; - } - $ps->{$k} = \@tmp; - } -} - -# write/read a tag -sub tag { - my ($tag, $commit) = @_; - - if ($opt_o) { - $tag =~ s|/|--|g; - } else { - my $patchname = $tag; - $patchname =~ s/.*--//; - $tag = git_branchname ($tag) . '--' . $patchname; - } - - if ($commit) { - open(C,">","$git_dir/refs/tags/$tag") - or die "Cannot create tag $tag: $!\n"; - print C "$commit\n" - or die "Cannot write tag $tag: $!\n"; - close(C) - or die "Cannot write tag $tag: $!\n"; - print " * Created tag '$tag' on '$commit'\n" if $opt_v; - } else { # read - open(C,"<","$git_dir/refs/tags/$tag") - or die "Cannot read tag $tag: $!\n"; - $commit = ; - chomp $commit; - die "Error reading tag $tag: $!\n" unless length $commit == 40; - close(C) - or die "Cannot read tag $tag: $!\n"; - return $commit; - } -} - -# write/read a private tag -# reads fail softly if the tag isn't there -sub ptag { - my ($tag, $commit) = @_; - - # don't use subdirs for tags yet, it could screw up other porcelains - $tag =~ s|/|,|g; - - my $tag_file = "$ptag_dir/$tag"; - my $tag_branch_dir = dirname($tag_file); - mkpath($tag_branch_dir) unless (-d $tag_branch_dir); - - if ($commit) { # write - open(C,">",$tag_file) - or die "Cannot create tag $tag: $!\n"; - print C "$commit\n" - or die "Cannot write tag $tag: $!\n"; - close(C) - or die "Cannot write tag $tag: $!\n"; - $rptags{$commit} = $tag - unless $tag =~ m/--base-0$/; - } else { # read - # if the tag isn't there, return 0 - unless ( -s $tag_file) { - return 0; - } - open(C,"<",$tag_file) - or die "Cannot read tag $tag: $!\n"; - $commit = ; - chomp $commit; - die "Error reading tag $tag: $!\n" unless length $commit == 40; - close(C) - or die "Cannot read tag $tag: $!\n"; - unless (defined $rptags{$commit}) { - $rptags{$commit} = $tag; - } - return $commit; - } -} - -sub find_parents { - # - # Identify what branches are merging into me - # and whether we are fully merged - # git-merge-base should tell - # me what the base of the merge should be - # - my $ps = shift; - - my %branches; # holds an arrayref per branch - # the arrayref contains a list of - # merged patches between the base - # of the merge and the current head - - my @parents; # parents found for this commit - - # simple loop to split the merges - # per branch - foreach my $merge (@{$ps->{merges}}) { - my $branch = git_branchname($merge); - unless (defined $branches{$branch} ){ - $branches{$branch} = []; - } - push @{$branches{$branch}}, $merge; - } - - # - # foreach branch find a merge base and walk it to the - # head where we are, collecting the merged patchsets that - # Arch has recorded. Keep that in @have - # Compare that with the commits on the other branch - # between merge-base and the tip of the branch (@need) - # and see if we have a series of consecutive patches - # starting from the merge base. The tip of the series - # of consecutive patches merged is our new parent for - # that branch. - # - foreach my $branch (keys %branches) { - - # check that we actually know about the branch - next unless -e "$git_dir/refs/heads/$branch"; - - my $mergebase = `git-merge-base $branch $ps->{branch}`; - if ($?) { - # Don't die here, Arch supports one-way cherry-picking - # between branches with no common base (or any relationship - # at all beforehand) - warn "Cannot find merge base for $branch and $ps->{branch}"; - next; - } - chomp $mergebase; - - # now walk up to the mergepoint collecting what patches we have - my $branchtip = git_rev_parse($ps->{branch}); - my @ancestors = `git-rev-list --topo-order $branchtip ^$mergebase`; - my %have; # collected merges this branch has - foreach my $merge (@{$ps->{merges}}) { - $have{$merge} = 1; - } - my %ancestorshave; - foreach my $par (@ancestors) { - $par = commitid2pset($par); - if (defined $par->{merges}) { - foreach my $merge (@{$par->{merges}}) { - $ancestorshave{$merge}=1; - } - } - } - # print "++++ Merges in $ps->{id} are....\n"; - # my @have = sort keys %have; print Dumper(\@have); - - # merge what we have with what ancestors have - %have = (%have, %ancestorshave); - - # see what the remote branch has - these are the merges we - # will want to have in a consecutive series from the mergebase - my $otherbranchtip = git_rev_parse($branch); - my @needraw = `git-rev-list --topo-order $otherbranchtip ^$mergebase`; - my @need; - foreach my $needps (@needraw) { # get the psets - $needps = commitid2pset($needps); - # git-rev-list will also - # list commits merged in via earlier - # merges. we are only interested in commits - # from the branch we're looking at - if ($branch eq $needps->{branch}) { - push @need, $needps->{id}; - } - } - - # print "++++ Merges from $branch we want are....\n"; - # print Dumper(\@need); - - my $newparent; - while (my $needed_commit = pop @need) { - if ($have{$needed_commit}) { - $newparent = $needed_commit; - } else { - last; # break out of the while - } - } - if ($newparent) { - push @parents, $newparent; - } - - - } # end foreach branch - - # prune redundant parents - my %parents; - foreach my $p (@parents) { - $parents{$p} = 1; - } - foreach my $p (@parents) { - next unless exists $psets{$p}{merges}; - next unless ref $psets{$p}{merges}; - my @merges = @{$psets{$p}{merges}}; - foreach my $merge (@merges) { - if ($parents{$merge}) { - delete $parents{$merge}; - } - } - } - - @parents = (); - foreach (keys %parents) { - push @parents, '-p', ptag($_); - } - return @parents; -} - -sub git_rev_parse { - my $name = shift; - my $val = `git-rev-parse $name`; - die "Error: git-rev-parse $name" if $?; - chomp $val; - return $val; -} - -# resolve a SHA1 to a known patchset -sub commitid2pset { - my $commitid = shift; - chomp $commitid; - my $name = $rptags{$commitid} - || die "Cannot find reverse tag mapping for $commitid"; - $name =~ s|,|/|; - my $ps = $psets{$name} - || (print Dumper(sort keys %psets)) && die "Cannot find patchset for $name"; - return $ps; -} - - -# an alternative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array -# to work around shell problems with weird characters in arguments -sub safe_pipe_capture { - my @output; - if (my $pid = open my $child, '-|') { - @output = (<$child>); - close $child or die join(' ',@_).": $! $?"; - } else { - exec(@_) or die "$! $?"; # exec() can fail the executable can't be found - } - return wantarray ? @output : join('',@output); -} - -# `tla logs -rf -d | head -n1` or `baz tree-id ` -sub arch_tree_id { - my $dir = shift; - chomp( my $ret = (safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'logs','-rf','-d',$dir))[0] ); - return $ret; -} - -sub archive_reachable { - my $archive = shift; - return 1 if $reachable{$archive}; - return 0 if $unreachable{$archive}; - - if (system "$TLA whereis-archive $archive >/dev/null") { - if ($opt_a && (system($TLA,'register-archive', - "http://mirrors.sourcecontrol.net/$archive") == 0)) { - $reachable{$archive} = 1; - return 1; - } - print STDERR "Archive is unreachable: $archive\n"; - $unreachable{$archive} = 1; - return 0; - } else { - $reachable{$archive} = 1; - return 1; - } -} diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-archive b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-archive deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-archive +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-bisect b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-bisect deleted file mode 100755 index 415a8d04..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-bisect +++ /dev/null @@ -1,459 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -USAGE='[help|start|bad|good|skip|next|reset|visualize|replay|log|run]' -LONG_USAGE='git bisect help - print this long help message. -git bisect start [ [...]] [--] [...] - reset bisect state and start bisection. -git bisect bad [] - mark a known-bad revision. -git bisect good [...] - mark ... known-good revisions. -git bisect skip [(|)...] - mark ... untestable revisions. -git bisect next - find next bisection to test and check it out. -git bisect reset [] - finish bisection search and go back to commit. -git bisect visualize - show bisect status in gitk. -git bisect replay - replay bisection log. -git bisect log - show bisect log. -git bisect run ... - use ... to automatically bisect. - -Please use "git help bisect" to get the full man page.' - -OPTIONS_SPEC= -. git-sh-setup -require_work_tree - -_x40='[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]' -_x40="$_x40$_x40$_x40$_x40$_x40$_x40$_x40$_x40" - -bisect_autostart() { - test -s "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_START" || { - echo >&2 'You need to start by "git bisect start"' - if test -t 0 - then - echo >&2 -n 'Do you want me to do it for you [Y/n]? ' - read yesno - case "$yesno" in - [Nn]*) - exit ;; - esac - bisect_start - else - exit 1 - fi - } -} - -bisect_start() { - # - # Verify HEAD. - # - head=$(GIT_DIR="$GIT_DIR" git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) || - head=$(GIT_DIR="$GIT_DIR" git rev-parse --verify HEAD) || - die "Bad HEAD - I need a HEAD" - - # - # Check if we are bisecting. - # - start_head='' - if test -s "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_START" - then - # Reset to the rev from where we started. - start_head=$(cat "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_START") - git checkout "$start_head" -- || exit - else - # Get rev from where we start. - case "$head" in - refs/heads/*|$_x40) - # This error message should only be triggered by - # cogito usage, and cogito users should understand - # it relates to cg-seek. - [ -s "$GIT_DIR/head-name" ] && - die "won't bisect on seeked tree" - start_head="${head#refs/heads/}" - ;; - *) - die "Bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref" - ;; - esac - fi - - # - # Get rid of any old bisect state. - # - bisect_clean_state || exit - - # - # Check for one bad and then some good revisions. - # - has_double_dash=0 - for arg; do - case "$arg" in --) has_double_dash=1; break ;; esac - done - orig_args=$(git rev-parse --sq-quote "$@") - bad_seen=0 - eval='' - while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do - arg="$1" - case "$arg" in - --) - shift - break - ;; - *) - rev=$(git rev-parse -q --verify "$arg^{commit}") || { - test $has_double_dash -eq 1 && - die "'$arg' does not appear to be a valid revision" - break - } - case $bad_seen in - 0) state='bad' ; bad_seen=1 ;; - *) state='good' ;; - esac - eval="$eval bisect_write '$state' '$rev' 'nolog'; " - shift - ;; - esac - done - - # - # Change state. - # In case of mistaken revs or checkout error, or signals received, - # "bisect_auto_next" below may exit or misbehave. - # We have to trap this to be able to clean up using - # "bisect_clean_state". - # - trap 'bisect_clean_state' 0 - trap 'exit 255' 1 2 3 15 - - # - # Write new start state. - # - echo "$start_head" >"$GIT_DIR/BISECT_START" && - git rev-parse --sq-quote "$@" >"$GIT_DIR/BISECT_NAMES" && - eval "$eval" && - echo "git bisect start$orig_args" >>"$GIT_DIR/BISECT_LOG" || exit - # - # Check if we can proceed to the next bisect state. - # - bisect_auto_next - - trap '-' 0 -} - -bisect_write() { - state="$1" - rev="$2" - nolog="$3" - case "$state" in - bad) tag="$state" ;; - good|skip) tag="$state"-"$rev" ;; - *) die "Bad bisect_write argument: $state" ;; - esac - git update-ref "refs/bisect/$tag" "$rev" || exit - echo "# $state: $(git show-branch $rev)" >>"$GIT_DIR/BISECT_LOG" - test -n "$nolog" || echo "git bisect $state $rev" >>"$GIT_DIR/BISECT_LOG" -} - -is_expected_rev() { - test -f "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_EXPECTED_REV" && - test "$1" = $(cat "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_EXPECTED_REV") -} - -check_expected_revs() { - for _rev in "$@"; do - if ! is_expected_rev "$_rev"; then - rm -f "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_ANCESTORS_OK" - rm -f "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_EXPECTED_REV" - return - fi - done -} - -bisect_skip() { - all='' - for arg in "$@" - do - case "$arg" in - *..*) - revs=$(git rev-list "$arg") || die "Bad rev input: $arg" ;; - *) - revs=$(git rev-parse --sq-quote "$arg") ;; - esac - all="$all $revs" - done - eval bisect_state 'skip' $all -} - -bisect_state() { - bisect_autostart - state=$1 - case "$#,$state" in - 0,*) - die "Please call 'bisect_state' with at least one argument." ;; - 1,bad|1,good|1,skip) - rev=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) || - die "Bad rev input: HEAD" - bisect_write "$state" "$rev" - check_expected_revs "$rev" ;; - 2,bad|*,good|*,skip) - shift - eval='' - for rev in "$@" - do - sha=$(git rev-parse --verify "$rev^{commit}") || - die "Bad rev input: $rev" - eval="$eval bisect_write '$state' '$sha'; " - done - eval "$eval" - check_expected_revs "$@" ;; - *,bad) - die "'git bisect bad' can take only one argument." ;; - *) - usage ;; - esac - bisect_auto_next -} - -bisect_next_check() { - missing_good= missing_bad= - git show-ref -q --verify refs/bisect/bad || missing_bad=t - test -n "$(git for-each-ref "refs/bisect/good-*")" || missing_good=t - - case "$missing_good,$missing_bad,$1" in - ,,*) - : have both good and bad - ok - ;; - *,) - # do not have both but not asked to fail - just report. - false - ;; - t,,good) - # have bad but not good. we could bisect although - # this is less optimum. - echo >&2 'Warning: bisecting only with a bad commit.' - if test -t 0 - then - printf >&2 'Are you sure [Y/n]? ' - read yesno - case "$yesno" in [Nn]*) exit 1 ;; esac - fi - : bisect without good... - ;; - *) - THEN='' - test -s "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_START" || { - echo >&2 'You need to start by "git bisect start".' - THEN='then ' - } - echo >&2 'You '$THEN'need to give me at least one good' \ - 'and one bad revisions.' - echo >&2 '(You can use "git bisect bad" and' \ - '"git bisect good" for that.)' - exit 1 ;; - esac -} - -bisect_auto_next() { - bisect_next_check && bisect_next || : -} - -bisect_next() { - case "$#" in 0) ;; *) usage ;; esac - bisect_autostart - bisect_next_check good - - # Perform all bisection computation, display and checkout - git bisect--helper --next-all - res=$? - - # Check if we should exit because bisection is finished - test $res -eq 10 && exit 0 - - # Check for an error in the bisection process - test $res -ne 0 && exit $res - - return 0 -} - -bisect_visualize() { - bisect_next_check fail - - if test $# = 0 - then - if test -n "${DISPLAY+set}${SESSIONNAME+set}${MSYSTEM+set}${SECURITYSESSIONID+set}" && - type gitk >/dev/null 2>&1; then - set gitk - else - set git log - fi - else - case "$1" in - git*|tig) ;; - -*) set git log "$@" ;; - *) set git "$@" ;; - esac - fi - - eval '"$@"' --bisect -- $(cat "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_NAMES") -} - -bisect_reset() { - test -s "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_START" || { - echo "We are not bisecting." - return - } - case "$#" in - 0) branch=$(cat "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_START") ;; - 1) git rev-parse --quiet --verify "$1^{commit}" > /dev/null || - die "'$1' is not a valid commit" - branch="$1" ;; - *) - usage ;; - esac - if git checkout "$branch" -- ; then - bisect_clean_state - else - die "Could not check out original HEAD '$branch'." \ - "Try 'git bisect reset '." - fi -} - -bisect_clean_state() { - # There may be some refs packed during bisection. - git for-each-ref --format='%(refname) %(objectname)' refs/bisect/\* | - while read ref hash - do - git update-ref -d $ref $hash || exit - done - rm -f "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_EXPECTED_REV" && - rm -f "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_ANCESTORS_OK" && - rm -f "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_LOG" && - rm -f "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_NAMES" && - rm -f "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_RUN" && - # Cleanup head-name if it got left by an old version of git-bisect - rm -f "$GIT_DIR/head-name" && - - rm -f "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_START" -} - -bisect_replay () { - test "$#" -eq 1 || die "No logfile given" - test -r "$1" || die "cannot read $1 for replaying" - bisect_reset - while read git bisect command rev - do - test "$git $bisect" = "git bisect" -o "$git" = "git-bisect" || continue - if test "$git" = "git-bisect"; then - rev="$command" - command="$bisect" - fi - case "$command" in - start) - cmd="bisect_start $rev" - eval "$cmd" ;; - good|bad|skip) - bisect_write "$command" "$rev" ;; - *) - die "?? what are you talking about?" ;; - esac - done <"$1" - bisect_auto_next -} - -bisect_run () { - bisect_next_check fail - - while true - do - echo "running $@" - "$@" - res=$? - - # Check for really bad run error. - if [ $res -lt 0 -o $res -ge 128 ]; then - echo >&2 "bisect run failed:" - echo >&2 "exit code $res from '$@' is < 0 or >= 128" - exit $res - fi - - # Find current state depending on run success or failure. - # A special exit code of 125 means cannot test. - if [ $res -eq 125 ]; then - state='skip' - elif [ $res -gt 0 ]; then - state='bad' - else - state='good' - fi - - # We have to use a subshell because "bisect_state" can exit. - ( bisect_state $state > "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_RUN" ) - res=$? - - cat "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_RUN" - - if sane_grep "first bad commit could be any of" "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_RUN" \ - > /dev/null; then - echo >&2 "bisect run cannot continue any more" - exit $res - fi - - if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then - echo >&2 "bisect run failed:" - echo >&2 "'bisect_state $state' exited with error code $res" - exit $res - fi - - if sane_grep "is the first bad commit" "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_RUN" > /dev/null; then - echo "bisect run success" - exit 0; - fi - - done -} - -bisect_log () { - test -s "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_LOG" || die "We are not bisecting." - cat "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_LOG" -} - -case "$#" in -0) - usage ;; -*) - cmd="$1" - shift - case "$cmd" in - help) - git bisect -h ;; - start) - bisect_start "$@" ;; - bad|good) - bisect_state "$cmd" "$@" ;; - skip) - bisect_skip "$@" ;; - next) - # Not sure we want "next" at the UI level anymore. - bisect_next "$@" ;; - visualize|view) - bisect_visualize "$@" ;; - reset) - bisect_reset "$@" ;; - replay) - bisect_replay "$@" ;; - log) - bisect_log ;; - run) - bisect_run "$@" ;; - *) - usage ;; - esac -esac diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-bisect--helper b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-bisect--helper deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-bisect--helper +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-blame b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-blame deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-blame +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-branch b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-branch deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-branch +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-bundle b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-bundle deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-bundle +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cat-file b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cat-file deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cat-file +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-check-attr b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-check-attr deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-check-attr +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-check-ref-format b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-check-ref-format deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-check-ref-format +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-checkout b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-checkout deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-checkout +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-checkout-index b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-checkout-index deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-checkout-index +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cherry b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cherry deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cherry +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cherry-pick b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cherry-pick deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cherry-pick +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-citool b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-citool deleted file mode 100755 index 47458bef..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-citool +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -if test "z$*" = zversion || - test "z$*" = z--version -then - echo 'git-gui version 0.14.0-dirty' -else - exec '/usr/local/git/share/git-gui/lib/Git Gui.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish' "$0" "$@" -fi diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-clean b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-clean deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-clean +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-clone b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-clone deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-clone +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-commit b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-commit deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-commit +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-commit-tree b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-commit-tree deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-commit-tree +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-config b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-config deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-config +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-count-objects b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-count-objects deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-count-objects +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cvsexportcommit b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cvsexportcommit deleted file mode 100755 index b7558c97..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cvsexportcommit +++ /dev/null @@ -1,456 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl")); - -use 5.008; -use strict; -use warnings; -use Getopt::Std; -use File::Temp qw(tempdir); -use Data::Dumper; -use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); -use File::Spec; -use Git; - -our ($opt_h, $opt_P, $opt_p, $opt_v, $opt_c, $opt_f, $opt_a, $opt_m, $opt_d, $opt_u, $opt_w, $opt_W, $opt_k); - -getopts('uhPpvcfkam:d:w:W'); - -$opt_h && usage(); - -die "Need at least one commit identifier!" unless @ARGV; - -# Get git-config settings -my $repo = Git->repository(); -$opt_w = $repo->config('cvsexportcommit.cvsdir') unless defined $opt_w; - -if ($opt_w || $opt_W) { - # Remember where GIT_DIR is before changing to CVS checkout - unless ($ENV{GIT_DIR}) { - # No GIT_DIR set. Figure it out for ourselves - my $gd =`git-rev-parse --git-dir`; - chomp($gd); - $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $gd; - } - # Make sure GIT_DIR is absolute - $ENV{GIT_DIR} = File::Spec->rel2abs($ENV{GIT_DIR}); -} - -if ($opt_w) { - if (! -d $opt_w."/CVS" ) { - die "$opt_w is not a CVS checkout"; - } - chdir $opt_w or die "Cannot change to CVS checkout at $opt_w"; -} -unless ($ENV{GIT_DIR} && -r $ENV{GIT_DIR}){ - die "GIT_DIR is not defined or is unreadable"; -} - - -my @cvs; -if ($opt_d) { - @cvs = ('cvs', '-d', $opt_d); -} else { - @cvs = ('cvs'); -} - -# resolve target commit -my $commit; -$commit = pop @ARGV; -$commit = safe_pipe_capture('git-rev-parse', '--verify', "$commit^0"); -chomp $commit; -if ($?) { - die "The commit reference $commit did not resolve!"; -} - -# resolve what parent we want -my $parent; -if (@ARGV) { - $parent = pop @ARGV; - $parent = safe_pipe_capture('git-rev-parse', '--verify', "$parent^0"); - chomp $parent; - if ($?) { - die "The parent reference did not resolve!"; - } -} - -# find parents from the commit itself -my @commit = safe_pipe_capture('git-cat-file', 'commit', $commit); -my @parents; -my $committer; -my $author; -my $stage = 'headers'; # headers, msg -my $title; -my $msg = ''; - -foreach my $line (@commit) { - chomp $line; - if ($stage eq 'headers' && $line eq '') { - $stage = 'msg'; - next; - } - - if ($stage eq 'headers') { - if ($line =~ m/^parent (\w{40})$/) { # found a parent - push @parents, $1; - } elsif ($line =~ m/^author (.+) \d+ [-+]\d+$/) { - $author = $1; - } elsif ($line =~ m/^committer (.+) \d+ [-+]\d+$/) { - $committer = $1; - } - } else { - $msg .= $line . "\n"; - unless ($title) { - $title = $line; - } - } -} - -my $noparent = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; -if ($parent) { - my $found; - # double check that it's a valid parent - foreach my $p (@parents) { - if ($p eq $parent) { - $found = 1; - last; - }; # found it - } - die "Did not find $parent in the parents for this commit!" if !$found and !$opt_P; -} else { # we don't have a parent from the cmdline... - if (@parents == 1) { # it's safe to get it from the commit - $parent = $parents[0]; - } elsif (@parents == 0) { # there is no parent - $parent = $noparent; - } else { # cannot choose automatically from multiple parents - die "This commit has more than one parent -- please name the parent you want to use explicitly"; - } -} - -my $go_back_to = 0; - -if ($opt_W) { - $opt_v && print "Resetting to $parent\n"; - $go_back_to = `git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null || - git rev-parse HEAD` || die "Could not determine current branch"; - system("git checkout -q $parent^0") && die "Could not check out $parent^0"; -} - -$opt_v && print "Applying to CVS commit $commit from parent $parent\n"; - -# grab the commit message -open(MSG, ">.msg") or die "Cannot open .msg for writing"; -if ($opt_m) { - print MSG $opt_m; -} -print MSG $msg; -if ($opt_a) { - print MSG "\n\nAuthor: $author\n"; - if ($author ne $committer) { - print MSG "Committer: $committer\n"; - } -} -close MSG; - -if ($parent eq $noparent) { - `git-diff-tree --binary -p --root $commit >.cvsexportcommit.diff`;# || die "Cannot diff"; -} else { - `git-diff-tree --binary -p $parent $commit >.cvsexportcommit.diff`;# || die "Cannot diff"; -} - -## apply non-binary changes - -# In pedantic mode require all lines of context to match. In normal -# mode, be compatible with diff/patch: assume 3 lines of context and -# require at least one line match, i.e. ignore at most 2 lines of -# context, like diff/patch do by default. -my $context = $opt_p ? '' : '-C1'; - -print "Checking if patch will apply\n"; - -my @stat; -open APPLY, "GIT_DIR= git-apply $context --summary --numstat<.cvsexportcommit.diff|" || die "cannot patch"; -@stat=; -close APPLY || die "Cannot patch"; -my (@bfiles,@files,@afiles,@dfiles); -chomp @stat; -foreach (@stat) { - push (@bfiles,$1) if m/^-\t-\t(.*)$/; - push (@files, $1) if m/^-\t-\t(.*)$/; - push (@files, $1) if m/^\d+\t\d+\t(.*)$/; - push (@afiles,$1) if m/^ create mode [0-7]+ (.*)$/; - push (@dfiles,$1) if m/^ delete mode [0-7]+ (.*)$/; -} -map { s/^"(.*)"$/$1/g } @bfiles,@files; -map { s/\\([0-7]{3})/sprintf('%c',oct $1)/eg } @bfiles,@files; - -# check that the files are clean and up to date according to cvs -my $dirty; -my @dirs; -foreach my $p (@afiles) { - my $path = dirname $p; - while (!-d $path and ! grep { $_ eq $path } @dirs) { - unshift @dirs, $path; - $path = dirname $path; - } -} - -# ... check dirs, -foreach my $d (@dirs) { - if (-e $d) { - $dirty = 1; - warn "$d exists and is not a directory!\n"; - } -} - -# ... query status of all files that we have a directory for and parse output of 'cvs status' to %cvsstat. -my @canstatusfiles; -foreach my $f (@files) { - my $path = dirname $f; - next if (grep { $_ eq $path } @dirs); - push @canstatusfiles, $f; -} - -my %cvsstat; -if (@canstatusfiles) { - if ($opt_u) { - my @updated = xargs_safe_pipe_capture([@cvs, 'update'], @canstatusfiles); - print @updated; - } - # "cvs status" reorders the parameters, notably when there are multiple - # arguments with the same basename. So be precise here. - - my %added = map { $_ => 1 } @afiles; - my %todo = map { $_ => 1 } @canstatusfiles; - - while (%todo) { - my @canstatusfiles2 = (); - my %fullname = (); - foreach my $name (keys %todo) { - my $basename = basename($name); - - # CVS reports files that don't exist in the current revision as - # "no file $basename" in its "status" output, so we should - # anticipate that. Totally unknown files will have a status - # "Unknown". However, if they exist in the Attic, their status - # will be "Up-to-date" (this means they were added once but have - # been removed). - $basename = "no file $basename" if $added{$basename}; - - $basename =~ s/^\s+//; - $basename =~ s/\s+$//; - - if (!exists($fullname{$basename})) { - $fullname{$basename} = $name; - push (@canstatusfiles2, $name); - delete($todo{$name}); - } - } - my @cvsoutput; - @cvsoutput = xargs_safe_pipe_capture([@cvs, 'status'], @canstatusfiles2); - foreach my $l (@cvsoutput) { - chomp $l; - next unless - my ($file, $status) = $l =~ /^File:\s+(.*\S)\s+Status: (.*)$/; - - my $fullname = $fullname{$file}; - print STDERR "Huh? Status '$status' reported for unexpected file '$file'\n" - unless defined $fullname; - - # This response means the file does not exist except in - # CVS's attic, so set the status accordingly - $status = "In-attic" - if $file =~ /^no file / - && $status eq 'Up-to-date'; - - $cvsstat{$fullname{$file}} = $status - if defined $fullname{$file}; - } - } -} - -# ... Validate that new files have the correct status -foreach my $f (@afiles) { - next unless defined(my $stat = $cvsstat{$f}); - - # This means the file has never been seen before - next if $stat eq 'Unknown'; - - # This means the file has been seen before but was removed - next if $stat eq 'In-attic'; - - $dirty = 1; - warn "File $f is already known in your CVS checkout -- perhaps it has been added by another user. Or this may indicate that it exists on a different branch. If this is the case, use -f to force the merge.\n"; - warn "Status was: $cvsstat{$f}\n"; -} - -# ... validate known files. -foreach my $f (@files) { - next if grep { $_ eq $f } @afiles; - # TODO:we need to handle removed in cvs - unless (defined ($cvsstat{$f}) and $cvsstat{$f} eq "Up-to-date") { - $dirty = 1; - warn "File $f not up to date but has status '$cvsstat{$f}' in your CVS checkout!\n"; - } - - # Depending on how your GIT tree got imported from CVS you may - # have a conflict between expanded keywords in your CVS tree and - # unexpanded keywords in the patch about to be applied. - if ($opt_k) { - my $orig_file ="$f.orig"; - rename $f, $orig_file; - open(FILTER_IN, "<$orig_file") or die "Cannot open $orig_file\n"; - open(FILTER_OUT, ">$f") or die "Cannot open $f\n"; - while () - { - my $line = $_; - $line =~ s/\$([A-Z][a-z]+):[^\$]+\$/\$$1\$/g; - print FILTER_OUT $line; - } - close FILTER_IN; - close FILTER_OUT; - } -} - -if ($dirty) { - if ($opt_f) { warn "The tree is not clean -- forced merge\n"; - $dirty = 0; - } else { - die "Exiting: your CVS tree is not clean for this merge."; - } -} - -print "Applying\n"; -if ($opt_W) { - system("git checkout -q $commit^0") && die "cannot patch"; -} else { - `GIT_DIR= git-apply $context --summary --numstat --apply <.cvsexportcommit.diff` || die "cannot patch"; -} - -print "Patch applied successfully. Adding new files and directories to CVS\n"; -my $dirtypatch = 0; - -# -# We have to add the directories in order otherwise we will have -# problems when we try and add the sub-directory of a directory we -# have not added yet. -# -# Luckily this is easy to deal with by sorting the directories and -# dealing with the shortest ones first. -# -@dirs = sort { length $a <=> length $b} @dirs; - -foreach my $d (@dirs) { - if (system(@cvs,'add',$d)) { - $dirtypatch = 1; - warn "Failed to cvs add directory $d -- you may need to do it manually"; - } -} - -foreach my $f (@afiles) { - if (grep { $_ eq $f } @bfiles) { - system(@cvs, 'add','-kb',$f); - } else { - system(@cvs, 'add', $f); - } - if ($?) { - $dirtypatch = 1; - warn "Failed to cvs add $f -- you may need to do it manually"; - } -} - -foreach my $f (@dfiles) { - system(@cvs, 'rm', '-f', $f); - if ($?) { - $dirtypatch = 1; - warn "Failed to cvs rm -f $f -- you may need to do it manually"; - } -} - -print "Commit to CVS\n"; -print "Patch title (first comment line): $title\n"; -my @commitfiles = map { unless (m/\s/) { '\''.$_.'\''; } else { $_; }; } (@files); -my $cmd = join(' ', @cvs)." commit -F .msg @commitfiles"; - -if ($dirtypatch) { - print "NOTE: One or more hunks failed to apply cleanly.\n"; - print "You'll need to apply the patch in .cvsexportcommit.diff manually\n"; - print "using a patch program. After applying the patch and resolving the\n"; - print "problems you may commit using:"; - print "\n cd \"$opt_w\"" if $opt_w; - print "\n $cmd\n"; - print "\n git checkout $go_back_to\n" if $go_back_to; - print "\n"; - exit(1); -} - -if ($opt_c) { - print "Autocommit\n $cmd\n"; - print xargs_safe_pipe_capture([@cvs, 'commit', '-F', '.msg'], @files); - if ($?) { - die "Exiting: The commit did not succeed"; - } - print "Committed successfully to CVS\n"; - # clean up - unlink(".msg"); -} else { - print "Ready for you to commit, just run:\n\n $cmd\n"; -} - -# clean up -unlink(".cvsexportcommit.diff"); - -if ($opt_W) { - system("git checkout $go_back_to") && die "cannot move back to $go_back_to"; - if (!($go_back_to =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/)) { - system("git symbolic-ref HEAD $go_back_to") && - die "cannot move back to $go_back_to"; - } -} - -# CVS version 1.11.x and 1.12.x sleeps the wrong way to ensure the timestamp -# used by CVS and the one set by subsequence file modifications are different. -# If they are not different CVS will not detect changes. -sleep(1); - -sub usage { - print STDERR <); - close $child or die join(' ',@_).": $! $?"; - } else { - exec(@_) or die "$! $?"; # exec() can fail the executable can't be found - } - return wantarray ? @output : join('',@output); -} - -sub xargs_safe_pipe_capture { - my $MAX_ARG_LENGTH = 65536; - my $cmd = shift; - my @output; - my $output; - while(@_) { - my @args; - my $length = 0; - while(@_ && $length < $MAX_ARG_LENGTH) { - push @args, shift; - $length += length($args[$#args]); - } - if (wantarray) { - push @output, safe_pipe_capture(@$cmd, @args); - } - else { - $output .= safe_pipe_capture(@$cmd, @args); - } - } - return wantarray ? @output : $output; -} diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cvsimport b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cvsimport deleted file mode 100755 index 47eccc29..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cvsimport +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1128 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl")); - -# This tool is copyright (c) 2005, Matthias Urlichs. -# It is released under the Gnu Public License, version 2. -# -# The basic idea is to aggregate CVS check-ins into related changes. -# Fortunately, "cvsps" does that for us; all we have to do is to parse -# its output. -# -# Checking out the files is done by a single long-running CVS connection -# / server process. -# -# The head revision is on branch "origin" by default. -# You can change that with the '-o' option. - -use 5.008; -use strict; -use warnings; -use Getopt::Long; -use File::Spec; -use File::Temp qw(tempfile tmpnam); -use File::Path qw(mkpath); -use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); -use Time::Local; -use IO::Socket; -use IO::Pipe; -use POSIX qw(strftime dup2 ENOENT); -use IPC::Open2; - -$SIG{'PIPE'}="IGNORE"; -$ENV{'TZ'}="UTC"; - -our ($opt_h,$opt_o,$opt_v,$opt_k,$opt_u,$opt_d,$opt_p,$opt_C,$opt_z,$opt_i,$opt_P, $opt_s,$opt_m,@opt_M,$opt_A,$opt_S,$opt_L, $opt_a, $opt_r, $opt_R); -my (%conv_author_name, %conv_author_email); - -sub usage(;$) { - my $msg = shift; - print(STDERR "Error: $msg\n") if $msg; - print STDERR <) { - # Expected format is this: - # exon=Andreas Ericsson - if (m/^(\S+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*<(.+)>\s*$/) { - $user = $1; - $conv_author_name{$user} = $2; - $conv_author_email{$user} = $3; - } - # However, we also read from CVSROOT/users format - # to ease migration. - elsif (/^(\w+):(['"]?)(.+?)\2\s*$/) { - my $mapped; - ($user, $mapped) = ($1, $3); - if ($mapped =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*<(.*)>\s*$/) { - $conv_author_name{$user} = $1; - $conv_author_email{$user} = $2; - } - elsif ($mapped =~ /^?$/) { - $conv_author_name{$user} = $user; - $conv_author_email{$user} = $1; - } - } - # NEEDSWORK: Maybe warn on unrecognized lines? - } - close ($f); -} - -sub write_author_info($) { - my ($file) = @_; - open my $f, '>', $file or - die("Failed to open $file for writing: $!"); - - foreach (keys %conv_author_name) { - print $f "$_=$conv_author_name{$_} <$conv_author_email{$_}>\n"; - } - close ($f); -} - -# convert getopts specs for use by git config -my %longmap = ( - 'A:' => 'authors-file', - 'M:' => 'merge-regex', - 'P:' => undef, - 'R' => 'track-revisions', - 'S:' => 'ignore-paths', -); - -sub read_repo_config { - # Split the string between characters, unless there is a ':' - # So "abc:de" becomes ["a", "b", "c:", "d", "e"] - my @opts = split(/ *(?!:)/, shift); - foreach my $o (@opts) { - my $key = $o; - $key =~ s/://g; - my $arg = 'git config'; - $arg .= ' --bool' if ($o !~ /:$/); - my $ckey = $key; - - if (exists $longmap{$o}) { - # An uppercase option like -R cannot be - # expressed in the configuration, as the - # variable names are downcased. - $ckey = $longmap{$o}; - next if (! defined $ckey); - $ckey =~ s/-//g; - } - chomp(my $tmp = `$arg --get cvsimport.$ckey`); - if ($tmp && !($arg =~ /--bool/ && $tmp eq 'false')) { - no strict 'refs'; - my $opt_name = "opt_" . $key; - if (!$$opt_name) { - $$opt_name = $tmp; - } - } - } -} - -my $opts = "haivmkuo:d:p:r:C:z:s:M:P:A:S:L:R"; -read_repo_config($opts); -Getopt::Long::Configure( 'no_ignore_case', 'bundling' ); - -# turn the Getopt::Std specification in a Getopt::Long one, -# with support for multiple -M options -GetOptions( map { s/:/=s/; /M/ ? "$_\@" : $_ } split( /(?!:)/, $opts ) ) - or usage(); -usage if $opt_h; - -if (@ARGV == 0) { - chomp(my $module = `git config --get cvsimport.module`); - push(@ARGV, $module) if $? == 0; -} -@ARGV <= 1 or usage("You can't specify more than one CVS module"); - -if ($opt_d) { - $ENV{"CVSROOT"} = $opt_d; -} elsif (-f 'CVS/Root') { - open my $f, '<', 'CVS/Root' or die 'Failed to open CVS/Root'; - $opt_d = <$f>; - chomp $opt_d; - close $f; - $ENV{"CVSROOT"} = $opt_d; -} elsif ($ENV{"CVSROOT"}) { - $opt_d = $ENV{"CVSROOT"}; -} else { - usage("CVSROOT needs to be set"); -} -$opt_s ||= "-"; -$opt_a ||= 0; - -my $git_tree = $opt_C; -$git_tree ||= "."; - -my $remote; -if (defined $opt_r) { - $remote = 'refs/remotes/' . $opt_r; - $opt_o ||= "master"; -} else { - $opt_o ||= "origin"; - $remote = 'refs/heads'; -} - -my $cvs_tree; -if ($#ARGV == 0) { - $cvs_tree = $ARGV[0]; -} elsif (-f 'CVS/Repository') { - open my $f, '<', 'CVS/Repository' or - die 'Failed to open CVS/Repository'; - $cvs_tree = <$f>; - chomp $cvs_tree; - close $f; -} else { - usage("CVS module has to be specified"); -} - -our @mergerx = (); -if ($opt_m) { - @mergerx = ( qr/\b(?:from|of|merge|merging|merged) ([-\w]+)/i ); -} -if (@opt_M) { - push (@mergerx, map { qr/$_/ } @opt_M); -} - -# Remember UTC of our starting time -# we'll want to avoid importing commits -# that are too recent -our $starttime = time(); - -select(STDERR); $|=1; select(STDOUT); - - -package CVSconn; -# Basic CVS dialog. -# We're only interested in connecting and downloading, so ... - -use File::Spec; -use File::Temp qw(tempfile); -use POSIX qw(strftime dup2); - -sub new { - my ($what,$repo,$subdir) = @_; - $what=ref($what) if ref($what); - - my $self = {}; - $self->{'buffer'} = ""; - bless($self,$what); - - $repo =~ s#/+$##; - $self->{'fullrep'} = $repo; - $self->conn(); - - $self->{'subdir'} = $subdir; - $self->{'lines'} = undef; - - return $self; -} - -sub find_password_entry { - my ($cvspass, @cvsroot) = @_; - my ($file, $delim) = @$cvspass; - my $pass; - local ($_); - - if (open(my $fh, $file)) { - # :pserver:cvs@mea.tmt.tele.fi:/cvsroot/zmailer Ah) { - chomp; - s/^\/\d+\s+//; - my ($w, $p) = split($delim,$_,2); - for my $cvsroot (@cvsroot) { - if ($w eq $cvsroot) { - $pass = $p; - last CVSPASSFILE; - } - } - } - close($fh); - } - return $pass; -} - -sub conn { - my $self = shift; - my $repo = $self->{'fullrep'}; - if ($repo =~ s/^:pserver(?:([^:]*)):(?:(.*?)(?::(.*?))?@)?([^:\/]*)(?::(\d*))?//) { - my ($param,$user,$pass,$serv,$port) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5); - - my ($proxyhost,$proxyport); - if ($param && ($param =~ m/proxy=([^;]+)/)) { - $proxyhost = $1; - # Default proxyport, if not specified, is 8080. - $proxyport = 8080; - if ($ENV{"CVS_PROXY_PORT"}) { - $proxyport = $ENV{"CVS_PROXY_PORT"}; - } - if ($param =~ m/proxyport=([^;]+)/) { - $proxyport = $1; - } - } - $repo ||= '/'; - - # if username is not explicit in CVSROOT, then use current user, as cvs would - $user=(getlogin() || $ENV{'LOGNAME'} || $ENV{'USER'} || "anonymous") unless $user; - my $rr2 = "-"; - unless ($port) { - $rr2 = ":pserver:$user\@$serv:$repo"; - $port=2401; - } - my $rr = ":pserver:$user\@$serv:$port$repo"; - - if ($pass) { - $pass = $self->_scramble($pass); - } else { - my @cvspass = ([$ENV{'HOME'}."/.cvspass", qr/\s/], - [$ENV{'HOME'}."/.cvs/cvspass", qr/=/]); - my @loc = (); - foreach my $cvspass (@cvspass) { - my $p = find_password_entry($cvspass, $rr, $rr2); - if ($p) { - push @loc, $cvspass->[0]; - $pass = $p; - } - } - - if (1 < @loc) { - die("Multiple cvs password files have ". - "entries for CVSROOT $opt_d: @loc"); - } elsif (!$pass) { - $pass = "A"; - } - } - - my ($s, $rep); - if ($proxyhost) { - - # Use a HTTP Proxy. Only works for HTTP proxies that - # don't require user authentication - # - # See: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2817.txt - - $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerHost => $proxyhost, PeerPort => $proxyport); - die "Socket to $proxyhost: $!\n" unless defined $s; - $s->write("CONNECT $serv:$port HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $serv:$port\r\n\r\n") - or die "Write to $proxyhost: $!\n"; - $s->flush(); - - $rep = <$s>; - - # The answer should look like 'HTTP/1.x 2yy ....' - if (!($rep =~ m#^HTTP/1\.. 2[0-9][0-9]#)) { - die "Proxy connect: $rep\n"; - } - # Skip up to the empty line of the proxy server output - # including the response headers. - while ($rep = <$s>) { - last if (!defined $rep || - $rep eq "\n" || - $rep eq "\r\n"); - } - } else { - $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerHost => $serv, PeerPort => $port); - die "Socket to $serv: $!\n" unless defined $s; - } - - $s->write("BEGIN AUTH REQUEST\n$repo\n$user\n$pass\nEND AUTH REQUEST\n") - or die "Write to $serv: $!\n"; - $s->flush(); - - $rep = <$s>; - - if ($rep ne "I LOVE YOU\n") { - $rep="" unless $rep; - die "AuthReply: $rep\n"; - } - $self->{'socketo'} = $s; - $self->{'socketi'} = $s; - } else { # local or ext: Fork off our own cvs server. - my $pr = IO::Pipe->new(); - my $pw = IO::Pipe->new(); - my $pid = fork(); - die "Fork: $!\n" unless defined $pid; - my $cvs = 'cvs'; - $cvs = $ENV{CVS_SERVER} if exists $ENV{CVS_SERVER}; - my $rsh = 'rsh'; - $rsh = $ENV{CVS_RSH} if exists $ENV{CVS_RSH}; - - my @cvs = ($cvs, 'server'); - my ($local, $user, $host); - $local = $repo =~ s/:local://; - if (!$local) { - $repo =~ s/:ext://; - $local = !($repo =~ s/^(?:([^\@:]+)\@)?([^:]+)://); - ($user, $host) = ($1, $2); - } - if (!$local) { - if ($user) { - unshift @cvs, $rsh, '-l', $user, $host; - } else { - unshift @cvs, $rsh, $host; - } - } - - unless ($pid) { - $pr->writer(); - $pw->reader(); - dup2($pw->fileno(),0); - dup2($pr->fileno(),1); - $pr->close(); - $pw->close(); - exec(@cvs); - } - $pw->writer(); - $pr->reader(); - $self->{'socketo'} = $pw; - $self->{'socketi'} = $pr; - } - $self->{'socketo'}->write("Root $repo\n"); - - # Trial and error says that this probably is the minimum set - $self->{'socketo'}->write("Valid-responses ok error Valid-requests Mode M Mbinary E Checked-in Created Updated Merged Removed\n"); - - $self->{'socketo'}->write("valid-requests\n"); - $self->{'socketo'}->flush(); - - my $rep=$self->readline(); - die "Failed to read from server" unless defined $rep; - chomp($rep); - if ($rep !~ s/^Valid-requests\s*//) { - $rep="" unless $rep; - die "Expected Valid-requests from server, but got: $rep\n"; - } - chomp(my $res=$self->readline()); - die "validReply: $res\n" if $res ne "ok"; - - $self->{'socketo'}->write("UseUnchanged\n") if $rep =~ /\bUseUnchanged\b/; - $self->{'repo'} = $repo; -} - -sub readline { - my ($self) = @_; - return $self->{'socketi'}->getline(); -} - -sub _file { - # Request a file with a given revision. - # Trial and error says this is a good way to do it. :-/ - my ($self,$fn,$rev) = @_; - $self->{'socketo'}->write("Argument -N\n") or return undef; - $self->{'socketo'}->write("Argument -P\n") or return undef; - # -kk: Linus' version doesn't use it - defaults to off - if ($opt_k) { - $self->{'socketo'}->write("Argument -kk\n") or return undef; - } - $self->{'socketo'}->write("Argument -r\n") or return undef; - $self->{'socketo'}->write("Argument $rev\n") or return undef; - $self->{'socketo'}->write("Argument --\n") or return undef; - $self->{'socketo'}->write("Argument $self->{'subdir'}/$fn\n") or return undef; - $self->{'socketo'}->write("Directory .\n") or return undef; - $self->{'socketo'}->write("$self->{'repo'}\n") or return undef; - # $self->{'socketo'}->write("Sticky T1.0\n") or return undef; - $self->{'socketo'}->write("co\n") or return undef; - $self->{'socketo'}->flush() or return undef; - $self->{'lines'} = 0; - return 1; -} -sub _line { - # Read a line from the server. - # ... except that 'line' may be an entire file. ;-) - my ($self, $fh) = @_; - die "Not in lines" unless defined $self->{'lines'}; - - my $line; - my $res=0; - while (defined($line = $self->readline())) { - # M U gnupg-cvs-rep/AUTHORS - # Updated gnupg-cvs-rep/ - # /daten/src/rsync/gnupg-cvs-rep/AUTHORS - # /AUTHORS/1.1///T1.1 - # u=rw,g=rw,o=rw - # 0 - # ok - - if ($line =~ s/^(?:Created|Updated) //) { - $line = $self->readline(); # path - $line = $self->readline(); # Entries line - my $mode = $self->readline(); chomp $mode; - $self->{'mode'} = $mode; - defined (my $cnt = $self->readline()) - or die "EOF from server after 'Changed'\n"; - chomp $cnt; - die "Duh: Filesize $cnt" if $cnt !~ /^\d+$/; - $line=""; - $res = $self->_fetchfile($fh, $cnt); - } elsif ($line =~ s/^ //) { - print $fh $line; - $res += length($line); - } elsif ($line =~ /^M\b/) { - # output, do nothing - } elsif ($line =~ /^Mbinary\b/) { - my $cnt; - die "EOF from server after 'Mbinary'" unless defined ($cnt = $self->readline()); - chomp $cnt; - die "Duh: Mbinary $cnt" if $cnt !~ /^\d+$/ or $cnt<1; - $line=""; - $res += $self->_fetchfile($fh, $cnt); - } else { - chomp $line; - if ($line eq "ok") { - # print STDERR "S: ok (".length($res).")\n"; - return $res; - } elsif ($line =~ s/^E //) { - # print STDERR "S: $line\n"; - } elsif ($line =~ /^(Remove-entry|Removed) /i) { - $line = $self->readline(); # filename - $line = $self->readline(); # OK - chomp $line; - die "Unknown: $line" if $line ne "ok"; - return -1; - } else { - die "Unknown: $line\n"; - } - } - } - return undef; -} -sub file { - my ($self,$fn,$rev) = @_; - my $res; - - my ($fh, $name) = tempfile('gitcvs.XXXXXX', - DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir(), UNLINK => 1); - - $self->_file($fn,$rev) and $res = $self->_line($fh); - - if (!defined $res) { - print STDERR "Server has gone away while fetching $fn $rev, retrying...\n"; - truncate $fh, 0; - $self->conn(); - $self->_file($fn,$rev) or die "No file command send"; - $res = $self->_line($fh); - die "Retry failed" unless defined $res; - } - close ($fh); - - return ($name, $res); -} -sub _fetchfile { - my ($self, $fh, $cnt) = @_; - my $res = 0; - my $bufsize = 1024 * 1024; - while ($cnt) { - if ($bufsize > $cnt) { - $bufsize = $cnt; - } - my $buf; - my $num = $self->{'socketi'}->read($buf,$bufsize); - die "Server: Filesize $cnt: $num: $!\n" if not defined $num or $num<=0; - print $fh $buf; - $res += $num; - $cnt -= $num; - } - return $res; -} - -sub _scramble { - my ($self, $pass) = @_; - my $scrambled = "A"; - - return $scrambled unless $pass; - - my $pass_len = length($pass); - my @pass_arr = split("", $pass); - my $i; - - # from cvs/src/scramble.c - my @shifts = ( - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, - 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, - 114,120, 53, 79, 96,109, 72,108, 70, 64, 76, 67,116, 74, 68, 87, - 111, 52, 75,119, 49, 34, 82, 81, 95, 65,112, 86,118,110,122,105, - 41, 57, 83, 43, 46,102, 40, 89, 38,103, 45, 50, 42,123, 91, 35, - 125, 55, 54, 66,124,126, 59, 47, 92, 71,115, 78, 88,107,106, 56, - 36,121,117,104,101,100, 69, 73, 99, 63, 94, 93, 39, 37, 61, 48, - 58,113, 32, 90, 44, 98, 60, 51, 33, 97, 62, 77, 84, 80, 85,223, - 225,216,187,166,229,189,222,188,141,249,148,200,184,136,248,190, - 199,170,181,204,138,232,218,183,255,234,220,247,213,203,226,193, - 174,172,228,252,217,201,131,230,197,211,145,238,161,179,160,212, - 207,221,254,173,202,146,224,151,140,196,205,130,135,133,143,246, - 192,159,244,239,185,168,215,144,139,165,180,157,147,186,214,176, - 227,231,219,169,175,156,206,198,129,164,150,210,154,177,134,127, - 182,128,158,208,162,132,167,209,149,241,153,251,237,236,171,195, - 243,233,253,240,194,250,191,155,142,137,245,235,163,242,178,152 - ); - - for ($i = 0; $i < $pass_len; $i++) { - $scrambled .= pack("C", $shifts[ord($pass_arr[$i])]); - } - - return $scrambled; -} - -package main; - -my $cvs = CVSconn->new($opt_d, $cvs_tree); - - -sub pdate($) { - my ($d) = @_; - m#(\d{2,4})/(\d\d)/(\d\d)\s(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?# - or die "Unparseable date: $d\n"; - my $y=$1; $y-=1900 if $y>1900; - return timegm($6||0,$5,$4,$3,$2-1,$y); -} - -sub pmode($) { - my ($mode) = @_; - my $m = 0; - my $mm = 0; - my $um = 0; - for my $x(split(//,$mode)) { - if ($x eq ",") { - $m |= $mm&$um; - $mm = 0; - $um = 0; - } elsif ($x eq "u") { $um |= 0700; - } elsif ($x eq "g") { $um |= 0070; - } elsif ($x eq "o") { $um |= 0007; - } elsif ($x eq "r") { $mm |= 0444; - } elsif ($x eq "w") { $mm |= 0222; - } elsif ($x eq "x") { $mm |= 0111; - } elsif ($x eq "=") { # do nothing - } else { die "Unknown mode: $mode\n"; - } - } - $m |= $mm&$um; - return $m; -} - -sub getwd() { - my $pwd = `pwd`; - chomp $pwd; - return $pwd; -} - -sub is_sha1 { - my $s = shift; - return $s =~ /^[a-f0-9]{40}$/; -} - -sub get_headref ($) { - my $name = shift; - my $r = `git rev-parse --verify '$name' 2>/dev/null`; - return undef unless $? == 0; - chomp $r; - return $r; -} - -my $user_filename_prepend = ''; -sub munge_user_filename { - my $name = shift; - return File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($name) ? - $name : - $user_filename_prepend . $name; -} - --d $git_tree - or mkdir($git_tree,0777) - or die "Could not create $git_tree: $!"; -if ($git_tree ne '.') { - $user_filename_prepend = getwd() . '/'; - chdir($git_tree); -} - -my $last_branch = ""; -my $orig_branch = ""; -my %branch_date; -my $tip_at_start = undef; - -my $git_dir = $ENV{"GIT_DIR"} || ".git"; -$git_dir = getwd()."/".$git_dir unless $git_dir =~ m#^/#; -$ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $git_dir; -my $orig_git_index; -$orig_git_index = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} if exists $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE}; - -my %index; # holds filenames of one index per branch - -unless (-d $git_dir) { - system(qw(git init)); - die "Cannot init the GIT db at $git_tree: $?\n" if $?; - system(qw(git read-tree --empty)); - die "Cannot init an empty tree: $?\n" if $?; - - $last_branch = $opt_o; - $orig_branch = ""; -} else { - open(F, "-|", qw(git symbolic-ref HEAD)) or - die "Cannot run git symbolic-ref: $!\n"; - chomp ($last_branch = ); - $last_branch = basename($last_branch); - close(F); - unless ($last_branch) { - warn "Cannot read the last branch name: $! -- assuming 'master'\n"; - $last_branch = "master"; - } - $orig_branch = $last_branch; - $tip_at_start = `git rev-parse --verify HEAD`; - - # Get the last import timestamps - my $fmt = '($ref, $author) = (%(refname), %(author));'; - my @cmd = ('git', 'for-each-ref', '--perl', "--format=$fmt", $remote); - open(H, "-|", @cmd) or die "Cannot run git for-each-ref: $!\n"; - while (defined(my $entry = )) { - my ($ref, $author); - eval($entry) || die "cannot eval refs list: $@"; - my ($head) = ($ref =~ m|^$remote/(.*)|); - $author =~ /^.*\s(\d+)\s[-+]\d{4}$/; - $branch_date{$head} = $1; - } - close(H); - if (!exists $branch_date{$opt_o}) { - die "Branch '$opt_o' does not exist.\n". - "Either use the correct '-o branch' option,\n". - "or import to a new repository.\n"; - } -} - --d $git_dir - or die "Could not create git subdir ($git_dir).\n"; - -# now we read (and possibly save) author-info as well --f "$git_dir/cvs-authors" and - read_author_info("$git_dir/cvs-authors"); -if ($opt_A) { - read_author_info(munge_user_filename($opt_A)); - write_author_info("$git_dir/cvs-authors"); -} - -# open .git/cvs-revisions, if requested -open my $revision_map, '>>', "$git_dir/cvs-revisions" - or die "Can't open $git_dir/cvs-revisions for appending: $!\n" - if defined $opt_R; - - -# -# run cvsps into a file unless we are getting -# it passed as a file via $opt_P -# -my $cvspsfile; -unless ($opt_P) { - print "Running cvsps...\n" if $opt_v; - my $pid = open(CVSPS,"-|"); - my $cvspsfh; - die "Cannot fork: $!\n" unless defined $pid; - unless ($pid) { - my @opt; - @opt = split(/,/,$opt_p) if defined $opt_p; - unshift @opt, '-z', $opt_z if defined $opt_z; - unshift @opt, '-q' unless defined $opt_v; - unless (defined($opt_p) && $opt_p =~ m/--no-cvs-direct/) { - push @opt, '--cvs-direct'; - } - exec("cvsps","--norc",@opt,"-u","-A",'--root',$opt_d,$cvs_tree); - die "Could not start cvsps: $!\n"; - } - ($cvspsfh, $cvspsfile) = tempfile('gitXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.cvsps', - DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir()); - while () { - print $cvspsfh $_; - } - close CVSPS; - $? == 0 or die "git cvsimport: fatal: cvsps reported error\n"; - close $cvspsfh; -} else { - $cvspsfile = munge_user_filename($opt_P); -} - -open(CVS, "<$cvspsfile") or die $!; - -## cvsps output: -#--------------------- -#PatchSet 314 -#Date: 1999/09/18 13:03:59 -#Author: wkoch -#Branch: STABLE-BRANCH-1-0 -#Ancestor branch: HEAD -#Tag: (none) -#Log: -# See ChangeLog: Sat Sep 18 13:03:28 CEST 1999 Werner Koch -#Members: -# README:1.57-> -# VERSION:1.96-> -# -#--------------------- - -my $state = 0; - -sub update_index (\@\@) { - my $old = shift; - my $new = shift; - open(my $fh, '|-', qw(git update-index -z --index-info)) - or die "unable to open git update-index: $!"; - print $fh - (map { "0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\t$_\0" } - @$old), - (map { '100' . sprintf('%o', $_->[0]) . " $_->[1]\t$_->[2]\0" } - @$new) - or die "unable to write to git update-index: $!"; - close $fh - or die "unable to write to git update-index: $!"; - $? and die "git update-index reported error: $?"; -} - -sub write_tree () { - open(my $fh, '-|', qw(git write-tree)) - or die "unable to open git write-tree: $!"; - chomp(my $tree = <$fh>); - is_sha1($tree) - or die "Cannot get tree id ($tree): $!"; - close($fh) - or die "Error running git write-tree: $?\n"; - print "Tree ID $tree\n" if $opt_v; - return $tree; -} - -my ($patchset,$date,$author_name,$author_email,$branch,$ancestor,$tag,$logmsg); -my (@old,@new,@skipped,%ignorebranch,@commit_revisions); - -# commits that cvsps cannot place anywhere... -$ignorebranch{'#CVSPS_NO_BRANCH'} = 1; - -sub commit { - if ($branch eq $opt_o && !$index{branch} && - !get_headref("$remote/$branch")) { - # looks like an initial commit - # use the index primed by git init - $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = "$git_dir/index"; - $index{$branch} = "$git_dir/index"; - } else { - # use an index per branch to speed up - # imports of projects with many branches - unless ($index{$branch}) { - $index{$branch} = tmpnam(); - $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $index{$branch}; - if ($ancestor) { - system("git", "read-tree", "$remote/$ancestor"); - } else { - system("git", "read-tree", "$remote/$branch"); - } - die "read-tree failed: $?\n" if $?; - } - } - $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $index{$branch}; - - update_index(@old, @new); - @old = @new = (); - my $tree = write_tree(); - my $parent = get_headref("$remote/$last_branch"); - print "Parent ID " . ($parent ? $parent : "(empty)") . "\n" if $opt_v; - - my @commit_args; - push @commit_args, ("-p", $parent) if $parent; - - # loose detection of merges - # based on the commit msg - foreach my $rx (@mergerx) { - next unless $logmsg =~ $rx && $1; - my $mparent = $1 eq 'HEAD' ? $opt_o : $1; - if (my $sha1 = get_headref("$remote/$mparent")) { - push @commit_args, '-p', "$remote/$mparent"; - print "Merge parent branch: $mparent\n" if $opt_v; - } - } - - my $commit_date = strftime("+0000 %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",gmtime($date)); - $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $author_name; - $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $author_email; - $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $commit_date; - $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = $author_name; - $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} = $author_email; - $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_DATE} = $commit_date; - my $pid = open2(my $commit_read, my $commit_write, - 'git', 'commit-tree', $tree, @commit_args); - - # compatibility with git2cvs - substr($logmsg,32767) = "" if length($logmsg) > 32767; - $logmsg =~ s/[\s\n]+\z//; - - if (@skipped) { - $logmsg .= "\n\n\nSKIPPED:\n\t"; - $logmsg .= join("\n\t", @skipped) . "\n"; - @skipped = (); - } - - print($commit_write "$logmsg\n") && close($commit_write) - or die "Error writing to git commit-tree: $!\n"; - - print "Committed patch $patchset ($branch $commit_date)\n" if $opt_v; - chomp(my $cid = <$commit_read>); - is_sha1($cid) or die "Cannot get commit id ($cid): $!\n"; - print "Commit ID $cid\n" if $opt_v; - close($commit_read); - - waitpid($pid,0); - die "Error running git commit-tree: $?\n" if $?; - - system('git' , 'update-ref', "$remote/$branch", $cid) == 0 - or die "Cannot write branch $branch for update: $!\n"; - - if ($revision_map) { - print $revision_map "@$_ $cid\n" for @commit_revisions; - } - @commit_revisions = (); - - if ($tag) { - my ($xtag) = $tag; - $xtag =~ s/\s+\*\*.*$//; # Remove stuff like ** INVALID ** and ** FUNKY ** - $xtag =~ tr/_/\./ if ( $opt_u ); - $xtag =~ s/[\/]/$opt_s/g; - $xtag =~ s/\[//g; - - system('git' , 'tag', '-f', $xtag, $cid) == 0 - or die "Cannot create tag $xtag: $!\n"; - - print "Created tag '$xtag' on '$branch'\n" if $opt_v; - } -}; - -my $commitcount = 1; -while () { - chomp; - if ($state == 0 and /^-+$/) { - $state = 1; - } elsif ($state == 0) { - $state = 1; - redo; - } elsif (($state==0 or $state==1) and s/^PatchSet\s+//) { - $patchset = 0+$_; - $state=2; - } elsif ($state == 2 and s/^Date:\s+//) { - $date = pdate($_); - unless ($date) { - print STDERR "Could not parse date: $_\n"; - $state=0; - next; - } - $state=3; - } elsif ($state == 3 and s/^Author:\s+//) { - s/\s+$//; - if (/^(.*?)\s+<(.*)>/) { - ($author_name, $author_email) = ($1, $2); - } elsif ($conv_author_name{$_}) { - $author_name = $conv_author_name{$_}; - $author_email = $conv_author_email{$_}; - } else { - $author_name = $author_email = $_; - } - $state = 4; - } elsif ($state == 4 and s/^Branch:\s+//) { - s/\s+$//; - tr/_/\./ if ( $opt_u ); - s/[\/]/$opt_s/g; - $branch = $_; - $state = 5; - } elsif ($state == 5 and s/^Ancestor branch:\s+//) { - s/\s+$//; - $ancestor = $_; - $ancestor = $opt_o if $ancestor eq "HEAD"; - $state = 6; - } elsif ($state == 5) { - $ancestor = undef; - $state = 6; - redo; - } elsif ($state == 6 and s/^Tag:\s+//) { - s/\s+$//; - if ($_ eq "(none)") { - $tag = undef; - } else { - $tag = $_; - } - $state = 7; - } elsif ($state == 7 and /^Log:/) { - $logmsg = ""; - $state = 8; - } elsif ($state == 8 and /^Members:/) { - $branch = $opt_o if $branch eq "HEAD"; - if (defined $branch_date{$branch} and $branch_date{$branch} >= $date) { - # skip - print "skip patchset $patchset: $date before $branch_date{$branch}\n" if $opt_v; - $state = 11; - next; - } - if (!$opt_a && $starttime - 300 - (defined $opt_z ? $opt_z : 300) <= $date) { - # skip if the commit is too recent - # given that the cvsps default fuzz is 300s, we give ourselves another - # 300s just in case -- this also prevents skipping commits - # due to server clock drift - print "skip patchset $patchset: $date too recent\n" if $opt_v; - $state = 11; - next; - } - if (exists $ignorebranch{$branch}) { - print STDERR "Skipping $branch\n"; - $state = 11; - next; - } - if ($ancestor) { - if ($ancestor eq $branch) { - print STDERR "Branch $branch erroneously stems from itself -- changed ancestor to $opt_o\n"; - $ancestor = $opt_o; - } - if (defined get_headref("$remote/$branch")) { - print STDERR "Branch $branch already exists!\n"; - $state=11; - next; - } - my $id = get_headref("$remote/$ancestor"); - if (!$id) { - print STDERR "Branch $ancestor does not exist!\n"; - $ignorebranch{$branch} = 1; - $state=11; - next; - } - - system(qw(git update-ref -m cvsimport), - "$remote/$branch", $id); - if($? != 0) { - print STDERR "Could not create branch $branch\n"; - $ignorebranch{$branch} = 1; - $state=11; - next; - } - } - $last_branch = $branch if $branch ne $last_branch; - $state = 9; - } elsif ($state == 8) { - $logmsg .= "$_\n"; - } elsif ($state == 9 and /^\s+(.+?):(INITIAL|\d+(?:\.\d+)+)->(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\s*$/) { -# VERSION:1.96-> - my $init = ($2 eq "INITIAL"); - my $fn = $1; - my $rev = $3; - $fn =~ s#^/+##; - if ($opt_S && $fn =~ m/$opt_S/) { - print "SKIPPING $fn v $rev\n"; - push(@skipped, $fn); - next; - } - push @commit_revisions, [$fn, $rev]; - print "Fetching $fn v $rev\n" if $opt_v; - my ($tmpname, $size) = $cvs->file($fn,$rev); - if ($size == -1) { - push(@old,$fn); - print "Drop $fn\n" if $opt_v; - } else { - print "".($init ? "New" : "Update")." $fn: $size bytes\n" if $opt_v; - my $pid = open(my $F, '-|'); - die $! unless defined $pid; - if (!$pid) { - exec("git", "hash-object", "-w", $tmpname) - or die "Cannot create object: $!\n"; - } - my $sha = <$F>; - chomp $sha; - close $F; - my $mode = pmode($cvs->{'mode'}); - push(@new,[$mode, $sha, $fn]); # may be resurrected! - } - unlink($tmpname); - } elsif ($state == 9 and /^\s+(.+?):\d+(?:\.\d+)+->(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\(DEAD\)\s*$/) { - my $fn = $1; - my $rev = $2; - $fn =~ s#^/+##; - push @commit_revisions, [$fn, $rev]; - push(@old,$fn); - print "Delete $fn\n" if $opt_v; - } elsif ($state == 9 and /^\s*$/) { - $state = 10; - } elsif (($state == 9 or $state == 10) and /^-+$/) { - $commitcount++; - if ($opt_L && $commitcount > $opt_L) { - last; - } - commit(); - if (($commitcount & 1023) == 0) { - system(qw(git repack -a -d)); - } - $state = 1; - } elsif ($state == 11 and /^-+$/) { - $state = 1; - } elsif (/^-+$/) { # end of unknown-line processing - $state = 1; - } elsif ($state != 11) { # ignore stuff when skipping - print STDERR "* UNKNOWN LINE * $_\n"; - } -} -commit() if $branch and $state != 11; - -unless ($opt_P) { - unlink($cvspsfile); -} - -# The heuristic of repacking every 1024 commits can leave a -# lot of unpacked data. If there is more than 1MB worth of -# not-packed objects, repack once more. -my $line = `git count-objects`; -if ($line =~ /^(\d+) objects, (\d+) kilobytes$/) { - my ($n_objects, $kb) = ($1, $2); - 1024 < $kb - and system(qw(git repack -a -d)); -} - -foreach my $git_index (values %index) { - if ($git_index ne "$git_dir/index") { - unlink($git_index); - } -} - -if (defined $orig_git_index) { - $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $orig_git_index; -} else { - delete $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE}; -} - -# Now switch back to the branch we were in before all of this happened -if ($orig_branch) { - print "DONE.\n" if $opt_v; - if ($opt_i) { - exit 0; - } - my $tip_at_end = `git rev-parse --verify HEAD`; - if ($tip_at_start ne $tip_at_end) { - for ($tip_at_start, $tip_at_end) { chomp; } - print "Fetched into the current branch.\n" if $opt_v; - system(qw(git read-tree -u -m), - $tip_at_start, $tip_at_end); - die "Fast-forward update failed: $?\n" if $?; - } - else { - system(qw(git merge cvsimport HEAD), "$remote/$opt_o"); - die "Could not merge $opt_o into the current branch.\n" if $?; - } -} else { - $orig_branch = "master"; - print "DONE; creating $orig_branch branch\n" if $opt_v; - system("git", "update-ref", "refs/heads/master", "$remote/$opt_o") - unless defined get_headref('refs/heads/master'); - system("git", "symbolic-ref", "$remote/HEAD", "$remote/$opt_o") - if ($opt_r && $opt_o ne 'HEAD'); - system('git', 'update-ref', 'HEAD', "$orig_branch"); - unless ($opt_i) { - system(qw(git checkout -f)); - die "checkout failed: $?\n" if $?; - } -} diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cvsserver b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cvsserver deleted file mode 100755 index cafb11f4..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-cvsserver +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3696 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl")); - -#### -#### This application is a CVS emulation layer for git. -#### It is intended for clients to connect over SSH. -#### See the documentation for more details. -#### -#### Copyright The Open University UK - 2006. -#### -#### Authors: Martyn Smith -#### Martin Langhoff -#### -#### -#### Released under the GNU Public License, version 2. -#### -#### - -use 5.008; -use strict; -use warnings; -use bytes; - -use Fcntl; -use File::Temp qw/tempdir tempfile/; -use File::Path qw/rmtree/; -use File::Basename; -use Getopt::Long qw(:config require_order no_ignore_case); - -my $VERSION = ''; - -my $log = GITCVS::log->new(); -my $cfg; - -my $DATE_LIST = { - Jan => "01", - Feb => "02", - Mar => "03", - Apr => "04", - May => "05", - Jun => "06", - Jul => "07", - Aug => "08", - Sep => "09", - Oct => "10", - Nov => "11", - Dec => "12", -}; - -# Enable autoflush for STDOUT (otherwise the whole thing falls apart) -$| = 1; - -#### Definition and mappings of functions #### - -my $methods = { - 'Root' => \&req_Root, - 'Valid-responses' => \&req_Validresponses, - 'valid-requests' => \&req_validrequests, - 'Directory' => \&req_Directory, - 'Entry' => \&req_Entry, - 'Modified' => \&req_Modified, - 'Unchanged' => \&req_Unchanged, - 'Questionable' => \&req_Questionable, - 'Argument' => \&req_Argument, - 'Argumentx' => \&req_Argument, - 'expand-modules' => \&req_expandmodules, - 'add' => \&req_add, - 'remove' => \&req_remove, - 'co' => \&req_co, - 'update' => \&req_update, - 'ci' => \&req_ci, - 'diff' => \&req_diff, - 'log' => \&req_log, - 'rlog' => \&req_log, - 'tag' => \&req_CATCHALL, - 'status' => \&req_status, - 'admin' => \&req_CATCHALL, - 'history' => \&req_CATCHALL, - 'watchers' => \&req_EMPTY, - 'editors' => \&req_EMPTY, - 'noop' => \&req_EMPTY, - 'annotate' => \&req_annotate, - 'Global_option' => \&req_Globaloption, - #'annotate' => \&req_CATCHALL, -}; - -############################################## - - -# $state holds all the bits of information the clients sends us that could -# potentially be useful when it comes to actually _doing_ something. -my $state = { prependdir => '' }; - -# Work is for managing temporary working directory -my $work = - { - state => undef, # undef, 1 (empty), 2 (with stuff) - workDir => undef, - index => undef, - emptyDir => undef, - tmpDir => undef - }; - -$log->info("--------------- STARTING -----------------"); - -my $usage = - "Usage: git cvsserver [options] [pserver|server] [ ...]\n". - " --base-path : Prepend to requested CVSROOT\n". - " Can be read from GIT_CVSSERVER_BASE_PATH\n". - " --strict-paths : Don't allow recursing into subdirectories\n". - " --export-all : Don't check for gitcvs.enabled in config\n". - " --version, -V : Print version information and exit\n". - " --help, -h, -H : Print usage information and exit\n". - "\n". - " ... is a list of allowed directories. If no directories\n". - "are given, all are allowed. This is an additional restriction, gitcvs\n". - "access still needs to be enabled by the gitcvs.enabled config option.\n". - "Alternately, one directory may be specified in GIT_CVSSERVER_ROOT.\n"; - -my @opts = ( 'help|h|H', 'version|V', - 'base-path=s', 'strict-paths', 'export-all' ); -GetOptions( $state, @opts ) - or die $usage; - -if ($state->{version}) { - print "git-cvsserver version $VERSION\n"; - exit; -} -if ($state->{help}) { - print $usage; - exit; -} - -my $TEMP_DIR = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); -$log->debug("Temporary directory is '$TEMP_DIR'"); - -$state->{method} = 'ext'; -if (@ARGV) { - if ($ARGV[0] eq 'pserver') { - $state->{method} = 'pserver'; - shift @ARGV; - } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'server') { - shift @ARGV; - } -} - -# everything else is a directory -$state->{allowed_roots} = [ @ARGV ]; - -# don't export the whole system unless the users requests it -if ($state->{'export-all'} && !@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) { - die "--export-all can only be used together with an explicit whitelist\n"; -} - -# Environment handling for running under git-shell -if (exists $ENV{GIT_CVSSERVER_BASE_PATH}) { - if ($state->{'base-path'}) { - die "Cannot specify base path both ways.\n"; - } - my $base_path = $ENV{GIT_CVSSERVER_BASE_PATH}; - $state->{'base-path'} = $base_path; - $log->debug("Picked up base path '$base_path' from environment.\n"); -} -if (exists $ENV{GIT_CVSSERVER_ROOT}) { - if (@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) { - die "Cannot specify roots both ways: @ARGV\n"; - } - my $allowed_root = $ENV{GIT_CVSSERVER_ROOT}; - $state->{allowed_roots} = [ $allowed_root ]; - $log->debug("Picked up allowed root '$allowed_root' from environment.\n"); -} - -# if we are called with a pserver argument, -# deal with the authentication cat before entering the -# main loop -if ($state->{method} eq 'pserver') { - my $line = ; chomp $line; - unless( $line =~ /^BEGIN (AUTH|VERIFICATION) REQUEST$/) { - die "E Do not understand $line - expecting BEGIN AUTH REQUEST\n"; - } - my $request = $1; - $line = ; chomp $line; - unless (req_Root('root', $line)) { # reuse Root - print "E Invalid root $line \n"; - exit 1; - } - $line = ; chomp $line; - my $user = $line; - $line = ; chomp $line; - my $password = $line; - - if ($user eq 'anonymous') { - # "A" will be 1 byte, use length instead in case the - # encryption method ever changes (yeah, right!) - if (length($password) > 1 ) { - print "E Don't supply a password for the `anonymous' user\n"; - print "I HATE YOU\n"; - exit 1; - } - - # Fall through to LOVE - } else { - # Trying to authenticate a user - if (not exists $cfg->{gitcvs}->{authdb}) { - print "E the repo config file needs a [gitcvs] section with an 'authdb' parameter set to the filename of the authentication database\n"; - print "I HATE YOU\n"; - exit 1; - } - - my $authdb = $cfg->{gitcvs}->{authdb}; - - unless (-e $authdb) { - print "E The authentication database specified in [gitcvs.authdb] does not exist\n"; - print "I HATE YOU\n"; - exit 1; - } - - my $auth_ok; - open my $passwd, "<", $authdb or die $!; - while (<$passwd>) { - if (m{^\Q$user\E:(.*)}) { - if (crypt($user, descramble($password)) eq $1) { - $auth_ok = 1; - } - }; - } - close $passwd; - - unless ($auth_ok) { - print "I HATE YOU\n"; - exit 1; - } - - # Fall through to LOVE - } - - # For checking whether the user is anonymous on commit - $state->{user} = $user; - - $line = ; chomp $line; - unless ($line eq "END $request REQUEST") { - die "E Do not understand $line -- expecting END $request REQUEST\n"; - } - print "I LOVE YOU\n"; - exit if $request eq 'VERIFICATION'; # cvs login - # and now back to our regular programme... -} - -# Keep going until the client closes the connection -while () -{ - chomp; - - # Check to see if we've seen this method, and call appropriate function. - if ( /^([\w-]+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/ and defined($methods->{$1}) ) - { - # use the $methods hash to call the appropriate sub for this command - #$log->info("Method : $1"); - &{$methods->{$1}}($1,$2); - } else { - # log fatal because we don't understand this function. If this happens - # we're fairly screwed because we don't know if the client is expecting - # a response. If it is, the client will hang, we'll hang, and the whole - # thing will be custard. - $log->fatal("Don't understand command $_\n"); - die("Unknown command $_"); - } -} - -$log->debug("Processing time : user=" . (times)[0] . " system=" . (times)[1]); -$log->info("--------------- FINISH -----------------"); - -chdir '/'; -exit 0; - -# Magic catchall method. -# This is the method that will handle all commands we haven't yet -# implemented. It simply sends a warning to the log file indicating a -# command that hasn't been implemented has been invoked. -sub req_CATCHALL -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - $log->warn("Unhandled command : req_$cmd : $data"); -} - -# This method invariably succeeds with an empty response. -sub req_EMPTY -{ - print "ok\n"; -} - -# Root pathname \n -# Response expected: no. Tell the server which CVSROOT to use. Note that -# pathname is a local directory and not a fully qualified CVSROOT variable. -# pathname must already exist; if creating a new root, use the init -# request, not Root. pathname does not include the hostname of the server, -# how to access the server, etc.; by the time the CVS protocol is in use, -# connection, authentication, etc., are already taken care of. The Root -# request must be sent only once, and it must be sent before any requests -# other than Valid-responses, valid-requests, UseUnchanged, Set or init. -sub req_Root -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - $log->debug("req_Root : $data"); - - unless ($data =~ m#^/#) { - print "error 1 Root must be an absolute pathname\n"; - return 0; - } - - my $cvsroot = $state->{'base-path'} || ''; - $cvsroot =~ s#/+$##; - $cvsroot .= $data; - - if ($state->{CVSROOT} - && ($state->{CVSROOT} ne $cvsroot)) { - print "error 1 Conflicting roots specified\n"; - return 0; - } - - $state->{CVSROOT} = $cvsroot; - - $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/"; - - if (@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) { - my $allowed = 0; - foreach my $dir (@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) { - next unless $dir =~ m#^/#; - $dir =~ s#/+$##; - if ($state->{'strict-paths'}) { - if ($ENV{GIT_DIR} =~ m#^\Q$dir\E/?$#) { - $allowed = 1; - last; - } - } elsif ($ENV{GIT_DIR} =~ m#^\Q$dir\E(/?$|/)#) { - $allowed = 1; - last; - } - } - - unless ($allowed) { - print "E $ENV{GIT_DIR} does not seem to be a valid GIT repository\n"; - print "E \n"; - print "error 1 $ENV{GIT_DIR} is not a valid repository\n"; - return 0; - } - } - - unless (-d $ENV{GIT_DIR} && -e $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'HEAD') { - print "E $ENV{GIT_DIR} does not seem to be a valid GIT repository\n"; - print "E \n"; - print "error 1 $ENV{GIT_DIR} is not a valid repository\n"; - return 0; - } - - my @gitvars = `git config -l`; - if ($?) { - print "E problems executing git-config on the server -- this is not a git repository or the PATH is not set correctly.\n"; - print "E \n"; - print "error 1 - problem executing git-config\n"; - return 0; - } - foreach my $line ( @gitvars ) - { - next unless ( $line =~ /^(gitcvs)\.(?:(ext|pserver)\.)?([\w-]+)=(.*)$/ ); - unless ($2) { - $cfg->{$1}{$3} = $4; - } else { - $cfg->{$1}{$2}{$3} = $4; - } - } - - my $enabled = ($cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{enabled} - || $cfg->{gitcvs}{enabled}); - unless ($state->{'export-all'} || - ($enabled && $enabled =~ /^\s*(1|true|yes)\s*$/i)) { - print "E GITCVS emulation needs to be enabled on this repo\n"; - print "E the repo config file needs a [gitcvs] section added, and the parameter 'enabled' set to 1\n"; - print "E \n"; - print "error 1 GITCVS emulation disabled\n"; - return 0; - } - - my $logfile = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{logfile} || $cfg->{gitcvs}{logfile}; - if ( $logfile ) - { - $log->setfile($logfile); - } else { - $log->nofile(); - } - - return 1; -} - -# Global_option option \n -# Response expected: no. Transmit one of the global options `-q', `-Q', -# `-l', `-t', `-r', or `-n'. option must be one of those strings, no -# variations (such as combining of options) are allowed. For graceful -# handling of valid-requests, it is probably better to make new global -# options separate requests, rather than trying to add them to this -# request. -sub req_Globaloption -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - $log->debug("req_Globaloption : $data"); - $state->{globaloptions}{$data} = 1; -} - -# Valid-responses request-list \n -# Response expected: no. Tell the server what responses the client will -# accept. request-list is a space separated list of tokens. -sub req_Validresponses -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - $log->debug("req_Validresponses : $data"); - - # TODO : re-enable this, currently it's not particularly useful - #$state->{validresponses} = [ split /\s+/, $data ]; -} - -# valid-requests \n -# Response expected: yes. Ask the server to send back a Valid-requests -# response. -sub req_validrequests -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - $log->debug("req_validrequests"); - - $log->debug("SEND : Valid-requests " . join(" ",keys %$methods)); - $log->debug("SEND : ok"); - - print "Valid-requests " . join(" ",keys %$methods) . "\n"; - print "ok\n"; -} - -# Directory local-directory \n -# Additional data: repository \n. Response expected: no. Tell the server -# what directory to use. The repository should be a directory name from a -# previous server response. Note that this both gives a default for Entry -# and Modified and also for ci and the other commands; normal usage is to -# send Directory for each directory in which there will be an Entry or -# Modified, and then a final Directory for the original directory, then the -# command. The local-directory is relative to the top level at which the -# command is occurring (i.e. the last Directory which is sent before the -# command); to indicate that top level, `.' should be sent for -# local-directory. -sub req_Directory -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - my $repository = ; - chomp $repository; - - - $state->{localdir} = $data; - $state->{repository} = $repository; - $state->{path} = $repository; - $state->{path} =~ s/^\Q$state->{CVSROOT}\E\///; - $state->{module} = $1 if ($state->{path} =~ s/^(.*?)(\/|$)//); - $state->{path} .= "/" if ( $state->{path} =~ /\S/ ); - - $state->{directory} = $state->{localdir}; - $state->{directory} = "" if ( $state->{directory} eq "." ); - $state->{directory} .= "/" if ( $state->{directory} =~ /\S/ ); - - if ( (not defined($state->{prependdir}) or $state->{prependdir} eq '') and $state->{localdir} eq "." and $state->{path} =~ /\S/ ) - { - $log->info("Setting prepend to '$state->{path}'"); - $state->{prependdir} = $state->{path}; - foreach my $entry ( keys %{$state->{entries}} ) - { - $state->{entries}{$state->{prependdir} . $entry} = $state->{entries}{$entry}; - delete $state->{entries}{$entry}; - } - } - - if ( defined ( $state->{prependdir} ) ) - { - $log->debug("Prepending '$state->{prependdir}' to state|directory"); - $state->{directory} = $state->{prependdir} . $state->{directory} - } - $log->debug("req_Directory : localdir=$data repository=$repository path=$state->{path} directory=$state->{directory} module=$state->{module}"); -} - -# Entry entry-line \n -# Response expected: no. Tell the server what version of a file is on the -# local machine. The name in entry-line is a name relative to the directory -# most recently specified with Directory. If the user is operating on only -# some files in a directory, Entry requests for only those files need be -# included. If an Entry request is sent without Modified, Is-modified, or -# Unchanged, it means the file is lost (does not exist in the working -# directory). If both Entry and one of Modified, Is-modified, or Unchanged -# are sent for the same file, Entry must be sent first. For a given file, -# one can send Modified, Is-modified, or Unchanged, but not more than one -# of these three. -sub req_Entry -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - #$log->debug("req_Entry : $data"); - - my @data = split(/\//, $data); - - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data[1]} = { - revision => $data[2], - conflict => $data[3], - options => $data[4], - tag_or_date => $data[5], - }; - - $log->info("Received entry line '$data' => '" . $state->{directory} . $data[1] . "'"); -} - -# Questionable filename \n -# Response expected: no. Additional data: no. Tell the server to check -# whether filename should be ignored, and if not, next time the server -# sends responses, send (in a M response) `?' followed by the directory and -# filename. filename must not contain `/'; it needs to be a file in the -# directory named by the most recent Directory request. -sub req_Questionable -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - $log->debug("req_Questionable : $data"); - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{questionable} = 1; -} - -# add \n -# Response expected: yes. Add a file or directory. This uses any previous -# Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have been sent. -# The last Directory sent specifies the working directory at the time of -# the operation. To add a directory, send the directory to be added using -# Directory and Argument requests. -sub req_add -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("add"); - - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - argsfromdir($updater); - - my $addcount = 0; - - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - if ($wrev && $meta && ($wrev < 0)) - { - # previously removed file, add back - $log->info("added file $filename was previously removed, send 1.$meta->{revision}"); - - print "MT +updated\n"; - print "MT text U \n"; - print "MT fname $filename\n"; - print "MT newline\n"; - print "MT -updated\n"; - - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) - { - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename,1); - - print "Created $dirpart\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; - - # this is an "entries" line - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash}); - $log->debug("/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/"); - print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; - # permissions - $log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}"); - print "u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}\n"; - # transmit file - transmitfile($meta->{filehash}); - } - - next; - } - - unless ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) ) - { - print "E cvs add: nothing known about `$filename'\n"; - next; - } - # TODO : check we're not squashing an already existing file - if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} ) ) - { - print "E cvs add: `$filename' has already been entered\n"; - next; - } - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename, 1); - - print "E cvs add: scheduling file `$filename' for addition\n"; - - print "Checked-in $dirpart\n"; - print "$filename\n"; - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"file", - $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}); - print "/$filepart/0//$kopts/\n"; - - my $requestedKopts = $state->{opt}{k}; - if(defined($requestedKopts)) - { - $requestedKopts = "-k$requestedKopts"; - } - else - { - $requestedKopts = ""; - } - if( $kopts ne $requestedKopts ) - { - $log->warn("Ignoring requested -k='$requestedKopts'" - . " for '$filename'; detected -k='$kopts' instead"); - #TODO: Also have option to send warning to user? - } - - $addcount++; - } - - if ( $addcount == 1 ) - { - print "E cvs add: use `cvs commit' to add this file permanently\n"; - } - elsif ( $addcount > 1 ) - { - print "E cvs add: use `cvs commit' to add these files permanently\n"; - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -# remove \n -# Response expected: yes. Remove a file. This uses any previous Argument, -# Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have been sent. The last -# Directory sent specifies the working directory at the time of the -# operation. Note that this request does not actually do anything to the -# repository; the only effect of a successful remove request is to supply -# the client with a new entries line containing `-' to indicate a removed -# file. In fact, the client probably could perform this operation without -# contacting the server, although using remove may cause the server to -# perform a few more checks. The client sends a subsequent ci request to -# actually record the removal in the repository. -sub req_remove -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("remove"); - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - #$log->debug("add state : " . Dumper($state)); - - my $rmcount = 0; - - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} ) or defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) ) - { - print "E cvs remove: file `$filename' still in working directory\n"; - next; - } - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - unless ( defined ( $wrev ) ) - { - print "E cvs remove: nothing known about `$filename'\n"; - next; - } - - if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev < 0 ) - { - print "E cvs remove: file `$filename' already scheduled for removal\n"; - next; - } - - unless ( $wrev == $meta->{revision} ) - { - # TODO : not sure if the format of this message is quite correct. - print "E cvs remove: Up to date check failed for `$filename'\n"; - next; - } - - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename, 1); - - print "E cvs remove: scheduling `$filename' for removal\n"; - - print "Checked-in $dirpart\n"; - print "$filename\n"; - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash}); - print "/$filepart/-1.$wrev//$kopts/\n"; - - $rmcount++; - } - - if ( $rmcount == 1 ) - { - print "E cvs remove: use `cvs commit' to remove this file permanently\n"; - } - elsif ( $rmcount > 1 ) - { - print "E cvs remove: use `cvs commit' to remove these files permanently\n"; - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -# Modified filename \n -# Response expected: no. Additional data: mode, \n, file transmission. Send -# the server a copy of one locally modified file. filename is a file within -# the most recent directory sent with Directory; it must not contain `/'. -# If the user is operating on only some files in a directory, only those -# files need to be included. This can also be sent without Entry, if there -# is no entry for the file. -sub req_Modified -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - my $mode = ; - defined $mode - or (print "E end of file reading mode for $data\n"), return; - chomp $mode; - my $size = ; - defined $size - or (print "E end of file reading size of $data\n"), return; - chomp $size; - - # Grab config information - my $blocksize = 8192; - my $bytesleft = $size; - my $tmp; - - # Get a filehandle/name to write it to - my ( $fh, $filename ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); - - # Loop over file data writing out to temporary file. - while ( $bytesleft ) - { - $blocksize = $bytesleft if ( $bytesleft < $blocksize ); - read STDIN, $tmp, $blocksize; - print $fh $tmp; - $bytesleft -= $blocksize; - } - - close $fh - or (print "E failed to write temporary, $filename: $!\n"), return; - - # Ensure we have something sensible for the file mode - if ( $mode =~ /u=(\w+)/ ) - { - $mode = $1; - } else { - $mode = "rw"; - } - - # Save the file data in $state - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_filename} = $filename; - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_mode} = $mode; - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_hash} = `git hash-object $filename`; - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_hash} =~ s/\s.*$//s; - - #$log->debug("req_Modified : file=$data mode=$mode size=$size"); -} - -# Unchanged filename \n -# Response expected: no. Tell the server that filename has not been -# modified in the checked out directory. The filename is a file within the -# most recent directory sent with Directory; it must not contain `/'. -sub req_Unchanged -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{unchanged} = 1; - - #$log->debug("req_Unchanged : $data"); -} - -# Argument text \n -# Response expected: no. Save argument for use in a subsequent command. -# Arguments accumulate until an argument-using command is given, at which -# point they are forgotten. -# Argumentx text \n -# Response expected: no. Append \n followed by text to the current argument -# being saved. -sub req_Argument -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - # Argumentx means: append to last Argument (with a newline in front) - - $log->debug("$cmd : $data"); - - if ( $cmd eq 'Argumentx') { - ${$state->{arguments}}[$#{$state->{arguments}}] .= "\n" . $data; - } else { - push @{$state->{arguments}}, $data; - } -} - -# expand-modules \n -# Response expected: yes. Expand the modules which are specified in the -# arguments. Returns the data in Module-expansion responses. Note that the -# server can assume that this is checkout or export, not rtag or rdiff; the -# latter do not access the working directory and thus have no need to -# expand modules on the client side. Expand may not be the best word for -# what this request does. It does not necessarily tell you all the files -# contained in a module, for example. Basically it is a way of telling you -# which working directories the server needs to know about in order to -# handle a checkout of the specified modules. For example, suppose that the -# server has a module defined by -# aliasmodule -a 1dir -# That is, one can check out aliasmodule and it will take 1dir in the -# repository and check it out to 1dir in the working directory. Now suppose -# the client already has this module checked out and is planning on using -# the co request to update it. Without using expand-modules, the client -# would have two bad choices: it could either send information about all -# working directories under the current directory, which could be -# unnecessarily slow, or it could be ignorant of the fact that aliasmodule -# stands for 1dir, and neglect to send information for 1dir, which would -# lead to incorrect operation. With expand-modules, the client would first -# ask for the module to be expanded: -sub req_expandmodules -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit(); - - $log->debug("req_expandmodules : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" ) ); - - unless ( ref $state->{arguments} eq "ARRAY" ) - { - print "ok\n"; - return; - } - - foreach my $module ( @{$state->{arguments}} ) - { - $log->debug("SEND : Module-expansion $module"); - print "Module-expansion $module\n"; - } - - print "ok\n"; - statecleanup(); -} - -# co \n -# Response expected: yes. Get files from the repository. This uses any -# previous Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have -# been sent. Arguments to this command are module names; the client cannot -# know what directories they correspond to except by (1) just sending the -# co request, and then seeing what directory names the server sends back in -# its responses, and (2) the expand-modules request. -sub req_co -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("co"); - - # Provide list of modules, if -c was used. - if (exists $state->{opt}{c}) { - my $showref = `git show-ref --heads`; - for my $line (split '\n', $showref) { - if ( $line =~ m% refs/heads/(.*)$% ) { - print "M $1\t$1\n"; - } - } - print "ok\n"; - return 1; - } - - my $module = $state->{args}[0]; - $state->{module} = $module; - my $checkout_path = $module; - - # use the user specified directory if we're given it - $checkout_path = $state->{opt}{d} if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{d} ) ); - - $log->debug("req_co : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" ) ); - - $log->info("Checking out module '$module' ($state->{CVSROOT}) to '$checkout_path'"); - - $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/"; - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $module, $log); - $updater->update(); - - $checkout_path =~ s|/$||; # get rid of trailing slashes - - # Eclipse seems to need the Clear-sticky command - # to prepare the 'Entries' file for the new directory. - print "Clear-sticky $checkout_path/\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; - print "Clear-static-directory $checkout_path/\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; - print "Clear-sticky $checkout_path/\n"; # yes, twice - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; - print "Template $checkout_path/\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; - print "0\n"; - - # instruct the client that we're checking out to $checkout_path - print "E cvs checkout: Updating $checkout_path\n"; - - my %seendirs = (); - my $lastdir =''; - - # recursive - sub prepdir { - my ($dir, $repodir, $remotedir, $seendirs) = @_; - my $parent = dirname($dir); - $dir =~ s|/+$||; - $repodir =~ s|/+$||; - $remotedir =~ s|/+$||; - $parent =~ s|/+$||; - $log->debug("announcedir $dir, $repodir, $remotedir" ); - - if ($parent eq '.' || $parent eq './') { - $parent = ''; - } - # recurse to announce unseen parents first - if (length($parent) && !exists($seendirs->{$parent})) { - prepdir($parent, $repodir, $remotedir, $seendirs); - } - # Announce that we are going to modify at the parent level - if ($parent) { - print "E cvs checkout: Updating $remotedir/$parent\n"; - } else { - print "E cvs checkout: Updating $remotedir\n"; - } - print "Clear-sticky $remotedir/$parent/\n"; - print "$repodir/$parent/\n"; - - print "Clear-static-directory $remotedir/$dir/\n"; - print "$repodir/$dir/\n"; - print "Clear-sticky $remotedir/$parent/\n"; # yes, twice - print "$repodir/$parent/\n"; - print "Template $remotedir/$dir/\n"; - print "$repodir/$dir/\n"; - print "0\n"; - - $seendirs->{$dir} = 1; - } - - foreach my $git ( @{$updater->gethead} ) - { - # Don't want to check out deleted files - next if ( $git->{filehash} eq "deleted" ); - - my $fullName = $git->{name}; - ( $git->{name}, $git->{dir} ) = filenamesplit($git->{name}); - - if (length($git->{dir}) && $git->{dir} ne './' - && $git->{dir} ne $lastdir ) { - unless (exists($seendirs{$git->{dir}})) { - prepdir($git->{dir}, $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/", - $checkout_path, \%seendirs); - $lastdir = $git->{dir}; - $seendirs{$git->{dir}} = 1; - } - print "E cvs checkout: Updating /$checkout_path/$git->{dir}\n"; - } - - # modification time of this file - print "Mod-time $git->{modified}\n"; - - # print some information to the client - if ( defined ( $git->{dir} ) and $git->{dir} ne "./" ) - { - print "M U $checkout_path/$git->{dir}$git->{name}\n"; - } else { - print "M U $checkout_path/$git->{name}\n"; - } - - # instruct client we're sending a file to put in this path - print "Created $checkout_path/" . ( defined ( $git->{dir} ) and $git->{dir} ne "./" ? $git->{dir} . "/" : "" ) . "\n"; - - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/" . ( defined ( $git->{dir} ) and $git->{dir} ne "./" ? $git->{dir} . "/" : "" ) . "$git->{name}\n"; - - # this is an "entries" line - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($fullName,"sha1",$git->{filehash}); - print "/$git->{name}/1.$git->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; - # permissions - print "u=$git->{mode},g=$git->{mode},o=$git->{mode}\n"; - - # transmit file - transmitfile($git->{filehash}); - } - - print "ok\n"; - - statecleanup(); -} - -# update \n -# Response expected: yes. Actually do a cvs update command. This uses any -# previous Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have -# been sent. The last Directory sent specifies the working directory at the -# time of the operation. The -I option is not used--files which the client -# can decide whether to ignore are not mentioned and the client sends the -# Questionable request for others. -sub req_update -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - $log->debug("req_update : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - - argsplit("update"); - - # - # It may just be a client exploring the available heads/modules - # in that case, list them as top level directories and leave it - # at that. Eclipse uses this technique to offer you a list of - # projects (heads in this case) to checkout. - # - if ($state->{module} eq '') { - my $showref = `git show-ref --heads`; - print "E cvs update: Updating .\n"; - for my $line (split '\n', $showref) { - if ( $line =~ m% refs/heads/(.*)$% ) { - print "E cvs update: New directory `$1'\n"; - } - } - print "ok\n"; - return 1; - } - - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - - $updater->update(); - - argsfromdir($updater); - - #$log->debug("update state : " . Dumper($state)); - - my $last_dirname = "///"; - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - $log->debug("Processing file $filename"); - - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-Q} || $state->{globaloptions}{-q} ) - { - my $cur_dirname = dirname($filename); - if ( $cur_dirname ne $last_dirname ) - { - $last_dirname = $cur_dirname; - if ( $cur_dirname eq "" ) - { - $cur_dirname = "."; - } - print "E cvs update: Updating $cur_dirname\n"; - } - } - - # if we have a -C we should pretend we never saw modified stuff - if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) ) - { - delete $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}; - delete $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}; - $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} = 1; - } - - my $meta; - if ( defined($state->{opt}{r}) and $state->{opt}{r} =~ /^1\.(\d+)/ ) - { - $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $1); - } else { - $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - } - - # If -p was given, "print" the contents of the requested revision. - if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{p} ) ) { - if ( defined ( $meta->{revision} ) ) { - $log->info("Printing '$filename' revision " . $meta->{revision}); - - transmitfile($meta->{filehash}, { print => 1 }); - } - - next; - } - - if ( ! defined $meta ) - { - $meta = { - name => $filename, - revision => 0, - filehash => 'added' - }; - } - - my $oldmeta = $meta; - - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - # If the working copy is an old revision, lets get that version too for comparison. - if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev != $meta->{revision} ) - { - $oldmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); - } - - #$log->debug("Target revision is $meta->{revision}, current working revision is $wrev"); - - # Files are up to date if the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, - # and the working copy is unmodified _and_ the user hasn't specified -C - next if ( defined ( $wrev ) - and defined($meta->{revision}) - and $wrev == $meta->{revision} - and $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} - and not exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) ); - - # If the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, - # but the working copy is modified, tell the client it's modified - if ( defined ( $wrev ) - and defined($meta->{revision}) - and $wrev == $meta->{revision} - and defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) - and not exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) ) - { - $log->info("Tell the client the file is modified"); - print "MT text M \n"; - print "MT fname $filename\n"; - print "MT newline\n"; - next; - } - - if ( $meta->{filehash} eq "deleted" ) - { - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename,1); - - $log->info("Removing '$filename' from working copy (no longer in the repo)"); - - print "E cvs update: `$filename' is no longer in the repository\n"; - # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) { - print "Removed $dirpart\n"; - print "$filepart\n"; - } - } - elsif ( not defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} ) - or $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $oldmeta->{filehash} - or $meta->{filehash} eq 'added' ) - { - # normal update, just send the new revision (either U=Update, - # or A=Add, or R=Remove) - if ( defined($wrev) && $wrev < 0 ) - { - $log->info("Tell the client the file is scheduled for removal"); - print "MT text R \n"; - print "MT fname $filename\n"; - print "MT newline\n"; - next; - } - elsif ( (!defined($wrev) || $wrev == 0) && (!defined($meta->{revision}) || $meta->{revision} == 0) ) - { - $log->info("Tell the client the file is scheduled for addition"); - print "MT text A \n"; - print "MT fname $filename\n"; - print "MT newline\n"; - next; - - } - else { - $log->info("Updating '$filename' to ".$meta->{revision}); - print "MT +updated\n"; - print "MT text U \n"; - print "MT fname $filename\n"; - print "MT newline\n"; - print "MT -updated\n"; - } - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename,1); - - # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) - { - if ( defined ( $wrev ) ) - { - # instruct client we're sending a file to put in this path as a replacement - print "Update-existing $dirpart\n"; - $log->debug("Updating existing file 'Update-existing $dirpart'"); - } else { - # instruct client we're sending a file to put in this path as a new file - print "Clear-static-directory $dirpart\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$dirpart\n"; - print "Clear-sticky $dirpart\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$dirpart\n"; - - $log->debug("Creating new file 'Created $dirpart'"); - print "Created $dirpart\n"; - } - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; - - # this is an "entries" line - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash}); - $log->debug("/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/"); - print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; - - # permissions - $log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}"); - print "u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}\n"; - - # transmit file - transmitfile($meta->{filehash}); - } - } else { - $log->info("Updating '$filename'"); - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($meta->{name},1); - - my $mergeDir = setupTmpDir(); - - my $file_local = $filepart . ".mine"; - my $mergedFile = "$mergeDir/$file_local"; - system("ln","-s",$state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}, $file_local); - my $file_old = $filepart . "." . $oldmeta->{revision}; - transmitfile($oldmeta->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file_old }); - my $file_new = $filepart . "." . $meta->{revision}; - transmitfile($meta->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file_new }); - - # we need to merge with the local changes ( M=successful merge, C=conflict merge ) - $log->info("Merging $file_local, $file_old, $file_new"); - print "M Merging differences between 1.$oldmeta->{revision} and 1.$meta->{revision} into $filename\n"; - - $log->debug("Temporary directory for merge is $mergeDir"); - - my $return = system("git", "merge-file", $file_local, $file_old, $file_new); - $return >>= 8; - - cleanupTmpDir(); - - if ( $return == 0 ) - { - $log->info("Merged successfully"); - print "M M $filename\n"; - $log->debug("Merged $dirpart"); - - # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) - { - print "Merged $dirpart\n"; - $log->debug($state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename"); - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; - my $kopts = kopts_from_path("$dirpart/$filepart", - "file",$mergedFile); - $log->debug("/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/"); - print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; - } - } - elsif ( $return == 1 ) - { - $log->info("Merged with conflicts"); - print "E cvs update: conflicts found in $filename\n"; - print "M C $filename\n"; - - # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) - { - print "Merged $dirpart\n"; - print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; - my $kopts = kopts_from_path("$dirpart/$filepart", - "file",$mergedFile); - print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}/+/$kopts/\n"; - } - } - else - { - $log->warn("Merge failed"); - next; - } - - # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified - unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) - { - # permissions - $log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}"); - print "u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}\n"; - - # transmit file, format is single integer on a line by itself (file - # size) followed by the file contents - # TODO : we should copy files in blocks - my $data = `cat $mergedFile`; - $log->debug("File size : " . length($data)); - print length($data) . "\n"; - print $data; - } - } - - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -sub req_ci -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("ci"); - - #$log->debug("State : " . Dumper($state)); - - $log->info("req_ci : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - - if ( $state->{method} eq 'pserver' and $state->{user} eq 'anonymous' ) - { - print "error 1 anonymous user cannot commit via pserver\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - if ( -e $state->{CVSROOT} . "/index" ) - { - $log->warn("file 'index' already exists in the git repository"); - print "error 1 Index already exists in git repo\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - # Remember where the head was at the beginning. - my $parenthash = `git show-ref -s refs/heads/$state->{module}`; - chomp $parenthash; - if ($parenthash !~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/) { - print "error 1 pserver cannot find the current HEAD of module"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - setupWorkTree($parenthash); - - $log->info("Lockless commit start, basing commit on '$work->{workDir}', index file is '$work->{index}'"); - - $log->info("Created index '$work->{index}' for head $state->{module} - exit status $?"); - - my @committedfiles = (); - my %oldmeta; - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - my $committedfile = $filename; - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - next unless ( exists $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} or not $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} ); - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - $oldmeta{$filename} = $meta; - - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename); - - # do a checkout of the file if it is part of this tree - if ($wrev) { - system('git', 'checkout-index', '-f', '-u', $filename); - unless ($? == 0) { - die "Error running git-checkout-index -f -u $filename : $!"; - } - } - - my $addflag = 0; - my $rmflag = 0; - $rmflag = 1 if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev < 0 ); - $addflag = 1 unless ( -e $filename ); - - # Do up to date checking - unless ( $addflag or $wrev == $meta->{revision} or ( $rmflag and -$wrev == $meta->{revision} ) ) - { - # fail everything if an up to date check fails - print "error 1 Up to date check failed for $filename\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - push @committedfiles, $committedfile; - $log->info("Committing $filename"); - - system("mkdir","-p",$dirpart) unless ( -d $dirpart ); - - unless ( $rmflag ) - { - $log->debug("rename $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} $filename"); - rename $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename},$filename; - - # Calculate modes to remove - my $invmode = ""; - foreach ( qw (r w x) ) { $invmode .= $_ unless ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_mode} =~ /$_/ ); } - - $log->debug("chmod u+" . $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_mode} . "-" . $invmode . " $filename"); - system("chmod","u+" . $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_mode} . "-" . $invmode, $filename); - } - - if ( $rmflag ) - { - $log->info("Removing file '$filename'"); - unlink($filename); - system("git", "update-index", "--remove", $filename); - } - elsif ( $addflag ) - { - $log->info("Adding file '$filename'"); - system("git", "update-index", "--add", $filename); - } else { - $log->info("Updating file '$filename'"); - system("git", "update-index", $filename); - } - } - - unless ( scalar(@committedfiles) > 0 ) - { - print "E No files to commit\n"; - print "ok\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - return; - } - - my $treehash = `git write-tree`; - chomp $treehash; - - $log->debug("Treehash : $treehash, Parenthash : $parenthash"); - - # write our commit message out if we have one ... - my ( $msg_fh, $msg_filename ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); - print $msg_fh $state->{opt}{m};# if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{m} ) ); - if ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{commitmsgannotation} ) ) { - if ($cfg->{gitcvs}{commitmsgannotation} !~ /^\s*$/ ) { - print $msg_fh "\n\n".$cfg->{gitcvs}{commitmsgannotation}."\n" - } - } else { - print $msg_fh "\n\nvia git-CVS emulator\n"; - } - close $msg_fh; - - my $commithash = `git commit-tree $treehash -p $parenthash < $msg_filename`; - chomp($commithash); - $log->info("Commit hash : $commithash"); - - unless ( $commithash =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}/ ) - { - $log->warn("Commit failed (Invalid commit hash)"); - print "error 1 Commit failed (unknown reason)\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - ### Emulate git-receive-pack by running hooks/update - my @hook = ( $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/update', "refs/heads/$state->{module}", - $parenthash, $commithash ); - if( -x $hook[0] ) { - unless( system( @hook ) == 0 ) - { - $log->warn("Commit failed (update hook declined to update ref)"); - print "error 1 Commit failed (update hook declined)\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - } - - ### Update the ref - if (system(qw(git update-ref -m), "cvsserver ci", - "refs/heads/$state->{module}", $commithash, $parenthash)) { - $log->warn("update-ref for $state->{module} failed."); - print "error 1 Cannot commit -- update first\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - ### Emulate git-receive-pack by running hooks/post-receive - my $hook = $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/post-receive'; - if( -x $hook ) { - open(my $pipe, "| $hook") || die "can't fork $!"; - - local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die 'pipe broke' }; - - print $pipe "$parenthash $commithash refs/heads/$state->{module}\n"; - - close $pipe || die "bad pipe: $! $?"; - } - - $updater->update(); - - ### Then hooks/post-update - $hook = $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/post-update'; - if (-x $hook) { - system($hook, "refs/heads/$state->{module}"); - } - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @committedfiles ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - unless (defined $meta->{revision}) { - $meta->{revision} = 1; - } - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename, 1); - - $log->debug("Checked-in $dirpart : $filename"); - - print "M $state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v <-- $dirpart$filepart\n"; - if ( defined $meta->{filehash} && $meta->{filehash} eq "deleted" ) - { - print "M new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.$oldmeta{$filename}{revision}\n"; - print "Remove-entry $dirpart\n"; - print "$filename\n"; - } else { - if ($meta->{revision} == 1) { - print "M initial revision: 1.1\n"; - } else { - print "M new revision: 1.$meta->{revision}; previous revision: 1.$oldmeta{$filename}{revision}\n"; - } - print "Checked-in $dirpart\n"; - print "$filename\n"; - my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash}); - print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; - } - } - - cleanupWorkTree(); - print "ok\n"; -} - -sub req_status -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("status"); - - $log->info("req_status : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - #$log->debug("status state : " . Dumper($state)); - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing status on ... - argsfromdir($updater); - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - next if exists($state->{opt}{l}) && index($filename, '/', length($state->{prependdir})) >= 0; - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - my $oldmeta = $meta; - - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - # If the working copy is an old revision, lets get that version too for comparison. - if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev != $meta->{revision} ) - { - $oldmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); - } - - # TODO : All possible statuses aren't yet implemented - my $status; - # Files are up to date if the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, and the working copy is unmodified - $status = "Up-to-date" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined($meta->{revision}) and $wrev == $meta->{revision} - and - ( ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} and ( not defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} ) or $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} !~ /^\+=/ ) ) - or ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $meta->{filehash} ) ) - ); - - # Need checkout if the working copy has an older revision than the repo copy, and the working copy is unmodified - $status ||= "Needs Checkout" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) and $meta->{revision} > $wrev - and - ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} - or ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $oldmeta->{filehash} ) ) - ); - - # Need checkout if it exists in the repo but doesn't have a working copy - $status ||= "Needs Checkout" if ( not defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) ); - - # Locally modified if working copy and repo copy have the same revision but there are local changes - $status ||= "Locally Modified" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined($meta->{revision}) and $wrev == $meta->{revision} and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ); - - # Needs Merge if working copy revision is less than repo copy and there are local changes - $status ||= "Needs Merge" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) and $meta->{revision} > $wrev and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ); - - $status ||= "Locally Added" if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} ) and not defined ( $meta->{revision} ) ); - $status ||= "Locally Removed" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) and -$wrev == $meta->{revision} ); - $status ||= "Unresolved Conflict" if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} ) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} =~ /^\+=/ ); - $status ||= "File had conflicts on merge" if ( 0 ); - - $status ||= "Unknown"; - - my ($filepart) = filenamesplit($filename); - - print "M ===================================================================\n"; - print "M File: $filepart\tStatus: $status\n"; - if ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{revision}) ) - { - print "M Working revision:\t" . $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} . "\n"; - } else { - print "M Working revision:\tNo entry for $filename\n"; - } - if ( defined($meta->{revision}) ) - { - print "M Repository revision:\t1." . $meta->{revision} . "\t$state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v\n"; - print "M Sticky Tag:\t\t(none)\n"; - print "M Sticky Date:\t\t(none)\n"; - print "M Sticky Options:\t\t(none)\n"; - } else { - print "M Repository revision:\tNo revision control file\n"; - } - print "M\n"; - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -sub req_diff -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("diff"); - - $log->debug("req_diff : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - #$log->debug("status state : " . Dumper($state)); - - my ($revision1, $revision2); - if ( defined ( $state->{opt}{r} ) and ref $state->{opt}{r} eq "ARRAY" ) - { - $revision1 = $state->{opt}{r}[0]; - $revision2 = $state->{opt}{r}[1]; - } else { - $revision1 = $state->{opt}{r}; - } - - $revision1 =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $revision1 ) ); - $revision2 =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $revision2 ) ); - - $log->debug("Diffing revisions " . ( defined($revision1) ? $revision1 : "[NULL]" ) . " and " . ( defined($revision2) ? $revision2 : "[NULL]" ) ); - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing status on ... - argsfromdir($updater); - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - my ( $fh, $file1, $file2, $meta1, $meta2, $filediff ); - - my $wrev = revparse($filename); - - # We need _something_ to diff against - next unless ( defined ( $wrev ) ); - - # if we have a -r switch, use it - if ( defined ( $revision1 ) ) - { - ( undef, $file1 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - $meta1 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $revision1); - unless ( defined ( $meta1 ) and $meta1->{filehash} ne "deleted" ) - { - print "E File $filename at revision 1.$revision1 doesn't exist\n"; - next; - } - transmitfile($meta1->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file1 }); - } - # otherwise we just use the working copy revision - else - { - ( undef, $file1 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - $meta1 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); - transmitfile($meta1->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file1 }); - } - - # if we have a second -r switch, use it too - if ( defined ( $revision2 ) ) - { - ( undef, $file2 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - $meta2 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $revision2); - - unless ( defined ( $meta2 ) and $meta2->{filehash} ne "deleted" ) - { - print "E File $filename at revision 1.$revision2 doesn't exist\n"; - next; - } - - transmitfile($meta2->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file2 }); - } - # otherwise we just use the working copy - else - { - $file2 = $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}; - } - - # if we have been given -r, and we don't have a $file2 yet, lets get one - if ( defined ( $revision1 ) and not defined ( $file2 ) ) - { - ( undef, $file2 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - $meta2 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); - transmitfile($meta2->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file2 }); - } - - # We need to have retrieved something useful - next unless ( defined ( $meta1 ) ); - - # Files to date if the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, and the working copy is unmodified - next if ( not defined ( $meta2 ) and $wrev == $meta1->{revision} - and - ( ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} and ( not defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} ) or $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} !~ /^\+=/ ) ) - or ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $meta1->{filehash} ) ) - ); - - # Apparently we only show diffs for locally modified files - next unless ( defined($meta2) or defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) ); - - print "M Index: $filename\n"; - print "M ===================================================================\n"; - print "M RCS file: $state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v\n"; - print "M retrieving revision 1.$meta1->{revision}\n" if ( defined ( $meta1 ) ); - print "M retrieving revision 1.$meta2->{revision}\n" if ( defined ( $meta2 ) ); - print "M diff "; - foreach my $opt ( keys %{$state->{opt}} ) - { - if ( ref $state->{opt}{$opt} eq "ARRAY" ) - { - foreach my $value ( @{$state->{opt}{$opt}} ) - { - print "-$opt $value "; - } - } else { - print "-$opt "; - print "$state->{opt}{$opt} " if ( defined ( $state->{opt}{$opt} ) ); - } - } - print "$filename\n"; - - $log->info("Diffing $filename -r $meta1->{revision} -r " . ( $meta2->{revision} or "workingcopy" )); - - ( $fh, $filediff ) = tempfile ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); - - if ( exists $state->{opt}{u} ) - { - system("diff -u -L '$filename revision 1.$meta1->{revision}' -L '$filename " . ( defined($meta2->{revision}) ? "revision 1.$meta2->{revision}" : "working copy" ) . "' $file1 $file2 > $filediff"); - } else { - system("diff $file1 $file2 > $filediff"); - } - - while ( <$fh> ) - { - print "M $_"; - } - close $fh; - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -sub req_log -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("log"); - - $log->debug("req_log : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - #$log->debug("log state : " . Dumper($state)); - - my ( $minrev, $maxrev ); - if ( defined ( $state->{opt}{r} ) and $state->{opt}{r} =~ /([\d.]+)?(::?)([\d.]+)?/ ) - { - my $control = $2; - $minrev = $1; - $maxrev = $3; - $minrev =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $minrev ) ); - $maxrev =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $maxrev ) ); - $minrev++ if ( defined($minrev) and $control eq "::" ); - } - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing status on ... - argsfromdir($updater); - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - my $headmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - - my $revisions = $updater->getlog($filename); - my $totalrevisions = scalar(@$revisions); - - if ( defined ( $minrev ) ) - { - $log->debug("Removing revisions less than $minrev"); - while ( scalar(@$revisions) > 0 and $revisions->[-1]{revision} < $minrev ) - { - pop @$revisions; - } - } - if ( defined ( $maxrev ) ) - { - $log->debug("Removing revisions greater than $maxrev"); - while ( scalar(@$revisions) > 0 and $revisions->[0]{revision} > $maxrev ) - { - shift @$revisions; - } - } - - next unless ( scalar(@$revisions) ); - - print "M \n"; - print "M RCS file: $state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v\n"; - print "M Working file: $filename\n"; - print "M head: 1.$headmeta->{revision}\n"; - print "M branch:\n"; - print "M locks: strict\n"; - print "M access list:\n"; - print "M symbolic names:\n"; - print "M keyword substitution: kv\n"; - print "M total revisions: $totalrevisions;\tselected revisions: " . scalar(@$revisions) . "\n"; - print "M description:\n"; - - foreach my $revision ( @$revisions ) - { - print "M ----------------------------\n"; - print "M revision 1.$revision->{revision}\n"; - # reformat the date for log output - $revision->{modified} = sprintf('%04d/%02d/%02d %s', $3, $DATE_LIST->{$2}, $1, $4 ) if ( $revision->{modified} =~ /(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/ and defined($DATE_LIST->{$2}) ); - $revision->{author} = cvs_author($revision->{author}); - print "M date: $revision->{modified}; author: $revision->{author}; state: " . ( $revision->{filehash} eq "deleted" ? "dead" : "Exp" ) . "; lines: +2 -3\n"; - my $commitmessage = $updater->commitmessage($revision->{commithash}); - $commitmessage =~ s/^/M /mg; - print $commitmessage . "\n"; - } - print "M =============================================================================\n"; - } - - print "ok\n"; -} - -sub req_annotate -{ - my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; - - argsplit("annotate"); - - $log->info("req_annotate : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); - #$log->debug("status state : " . Dumper($state)); - - # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates - my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); - $updater->update(); - - # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing annotate on ... - argsfromdir($updater); - - # we'll need a temporary checkout dir - setupWorkTree(); - - $log->info("Temp checkoutdir creation successful, basing annotate session work on '$work->{workDir}', index file is '$ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE}'"); - - # foreach file specified on the command line ... - foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) - { - $filename = filecleanup($filename); - - my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); - - next unless ( $meta->{revision} ); - - # get all the commits that this file was in - # in dense format -- aka skip dead revisions - my $revisions = $updater->gethistorydense($filename); - my $lastseenin = $revisions->[0][2]; - - # populate the temporary index based on the latest commit were we saw - # the file -- but do it cheaply without checking out any files - # TODO: if we got a revision from the client, use that instead - # to look up the commithash in sqlite (still good to default to - # the current head as we do now) - system("git", "read-tree", $lastseenin); - unless ($? == 0) - { - print "E error running git-read-tree $lastseenin $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} $!\n"; - return; - } - $log->info("Created index '$ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE}' with commit $lastseenin - exit status $?"); - - # do a checkout of the file - system('git', 'checkout-index', '-f', '-u', $filename); - unless ($? == 0) { - print "E error running git-checkout-index -f -u $filename : $!\n"; - return; - } - - $log->info("Annotate $filename"); - - # Prepare a file with the commits from the linearized - # history that annotate should know about. This prevents - # git-jsannotate telling us about commits we are hiding - # from the client. - - my $a_hints = "$work->{workDir}/.annotate_hints"; - if (!open(ANNOTATEHINTS, '>', $a_hints)) { - print "E failed to open '$a_hints' for writing: $!\n"; - return; - } - for (my $i=0; $i < @$revisions; $i++) - { - print ANNOTATEHINTS $revisions->[$i][2]; - if ($i+1 < @$revisions) { # have we got a parent? - print ANNOTATEHINTS ' ' . $revisions->[$i+1][2]; - } - print ANNOTATEHINTS "\n"; - } - - print ANNOTATEHINTS "\n"; - close ANNOTATEHINTS - or (print "E failed to write $a_hints: $!\n"), return; - - my @cmd = (qw(git annotate -l -S), $a_hints, $filename); - if (!open(ANNOTATE, "-|", @cmd)) { - print "E error invoking ". join(' ',@cmd) .": $!\n"; - return; - } - my $metadata = {}; - print "E Annotations for $filename\n"; - print "E ***************\n"; - while ( ) - { - if (m/^([a-zA-Z0-9]{40})\t\([^\)]*\)(.*)$/i) - { - my $commithash = $1; - my $data = $2; - unless ( defined ( $metadata->{$commithash} ) ) - { - $metadata->{$commithash} = $updater->getmeta($filename, $commithash); - $metadata->{$commithash}{author} = cvs_author($metadata->{$commithash}{author}); - $metadata->{$commithash}{modified} = sprintf("%02d-%s-%02d", $1, $2, $3) if ( $metadata->{$commithash}{modified} =~ /^(\d+)\s(\w+)\s\d\d(\d\d)/ ); - } - printf("M 1.%-5d (%-8s %10s): %s\n", - $metadata->{$commithash}{revision}, - $metadata->{$commithash}{author}, - $metadata->{$commithash}{modified}, - $data - ); - } else { - $log->warn("Error in annotate output! LINE: $_"); - print "E Annotate error \n"; - next; - } - } - close ANNOTATE; - } - - # done; get out of the tempdir - cleanupWorkTree(); - - print "ok\n"; - -} - -# This method takes the state->{arguments} array and produces two new arrays. -# The first is $state->{args} which is everything before the '--' argument, and -# the second is $state->{files} which is everything after it. -sub argsplit -{ - $state->{args} = []; - $state->{files} = []; - $state->{opt} = {}; - - return unless( defined($state->{arguments}) and ref $state->{arguments} eq "ARRAY" ); - - my $type = shift; - - if ( defined($type) ) - { - my $opt = {}; - $opt = { A => 0, N => 0, P => 0, R => 0, c => 0, f => 0, l => 0, n => 0, p => 0, s => 0, r => 1, D => 1, d => 1, k => 1, j => 1, } if ( $type eq "co" ); - $opt = { v => 0, l => 0, R => 0 } if ( $type eq "status" ); - $opt = { A => 0, P => 0, C => 0, d => 0, f => 0, l => 0, R => 0, p => 0, k => 1, r => 1, D => 1, j => 1, I => 1, W => 1 } if ( $type eq "update" ); - $opt = { l => 0, R => 0, k => 1, D => 1, D => 1, r => 2 } if ( $type eq "diff" ); - $opt = { c => 0, R => 0, l => 0, f => 0, F => 1, m => 1, r => 1 } if ( $type eq "ci" ); - $opt = { k => 1, m => 1 } if ( $type eq "add" ); - $opt = { f => 0, l => 0, R => 0 } if ( $type eq "remove" ); - $opt = { l => 0, b => 0, h => 0, R => 0, t => 0, N => 0, S => 0, r => 1, d => 1, s => 1, w => 1 } if ( $type eq "log" ); - - - while ( scalar ( @{$state->{arguments}} ) > 0 ) - { - my $arg = shift @{$state->{arguments}}; - - next if ( $arg eq "--" ); - next unless ( $arg =~ /\S/ ); - - # if the argument looks like a switch - if ( $arg =~ /^-(\w)(.*)/ ) - { - # if it's a switch that takes an argument - if ( $opt->{$1} ) - { - # If this switch has already been provided - if ( $opt->{$1} > 1 and exists ( $state->{opt}{$1} ) ) - { - $state->{opt}{$1} = [ $state->{opt}{$1} ]; - if ( length($2) > 0 ) - { - push @{$state->{opt}{$1}},$2; - } else { - push @{$state->{opt}{$1}}, shift @{$state->{arguments}}; - } - } else { - # if there's extra data in the arg, use that as the argument for the switch - if ( length($2) > 0 ) - { - $state->{opt}{$1} = $2; - } else { - $state->{opt}{$1} = shift @{$state->{arguments}}; - } - } - } else { - $state->{opt}{$1} = undef; - } - } - else - { - push @{$state->{args}}, $arg; - } - } - } - else - { - my $mode = 0; - - foreach my $value ( @{$state->{arguments}} ) - { - if ( $value eq "--" ) - { - $mode++; - next; - } - push @{$state->{args}}, $value if ( $mode == 0 ); - push @{$state->{files}}, $value if ( $mode == 1 ); - } - } -} - -# This method uses $state->{directory} to populate $state->{args} with a list of filenames -sub argsfromdir -{ - my $updater = shift; - - $state->{args} = [] if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) == 1 and $state->{args}[0] eq "." ); - - return if ( scalar ( @{$state->{args}} ) > 1 ); - - my @gethead = @{$updater->gethead}; - - # push added files - foreach my $file (keys %{$state->{entries}}) { - if ( exists $state->{entries}{$file}{revision} && - $state->{entries}{$file}{revision} == 0 ) - { - push @gethead, { name => $file, filehash => 'added' }; - } - } - - if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) == 1 ) - { - my $arg = $state->{args}[0]; - $arg .= $state->{prependdir} if ( defined ( $state->{prependdir} ) ); - - $log->info("Only one arg specified, checking for directory expansion on '$arg'"); - - foreach my $file ( @gethead ) - { - next if ( $file->{filehash} eq "deleted" and not defined ( $state->{entries}{$file->{name}} ) ); - next unless ( $file->{name} =~ /^$arg\// or $file->{name} eq $arg ); - push @{$state->{args}}, $file->{name}; - } - - shift @{$state->{args}} if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) > 1 ); - } else { - $log->info("Only one arg specified, populating file list automatically"); - - $state->{args} = []; - - foreach my $file ( @gethead ) - { - next if ( $file->{filehash} eq "deleted" and not defined ( $state->{entries}{$file->{name}} ) ); - next unless ( $file->{name} =~ s/^$state->{prependdir}// ); - push @{$state->{args}}, $file->{name}; - } - } -} - -# This method cleans up the $state variable after a command that uses arguments has run -sub statecleanup -{ - $state->{files} = []; - $state->{args} = []; - $state->{arguments} = []; - $state->{entries} = {}; -} - -sub revparse -{ - my $filename = shift; - - return undef unless ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} ) ); - - return $1 if ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} =~ /^1\.(\d+)/ ); - return -$1 if ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} =~ /^-1\.(\d+)/ ); - - return undef; -} - -# This method takes a file hash and does a CVS "file transfer". Its -# exact behaviour depends on a second, optional hash table argument: -# - If $options->{targetfile}, dump the contents to that file; -# - If $options->{print}, use M/MT to transmit the contents one line -# at a time; -# - Otherwise, transmit the size of the file, followed by the file -# contents. -sub transmitfile -{ - my $filehash = shift; - my $options = shift; - - if ( defined ( $filehash ) and $filehash eq "deleted" ) - { - $log->warn("filehash is 'deleted'"); - return; - } - - die "Need filehash" unless ( defined ( $filehash ) and $filehash =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ ); - - my $type = `git cat-file -t $filehash`; - chomp $type; - - die ( "Invalid type '$type' (expected 'blob')" ) unless ( defined ( $type ) and $type eq "blob" ); - - my $size = `git cat-file -s $filehash`; - chomp $size; - - $log->debug("transmitfile($filehash) size=$size, type=$type"); - - if ( open my $fh, '-|', "git", "cat-file", "blob", $filehash ) - { - if ( defined ( $options->{targetfile} ) ) - { - my $targetfile = $options->{targetfile}; - open NEWFILE, ">", $targetfile or die("Couldn't open '$targetfile' for writing : $!"); - print NEWFILE $_ while ( <$fh> ); - close NEWFILE or die("Failed to write '$targetfile': $!"); - } elsif ( defined ( $options->{print} ) && $options->{print} ) { - while ( <$fh> ) { - if( /\n\z/ ) { - print 'M ', $_; - } else { - print 'MT text ', $_, "\n"; - } - } - } else { - print "$size\n"; - print while ( <$fh> ); - } - close $fh or die ("Couldn't close filehandle for transmitfile(): $!"); - } else { - die("Couldn't execute git-cat-file"); - } -} - -# This method takes a file name, and returns ( $dirpart, $filepart ) which -# refers to the directory portion and the file portion of the filename -# respectively -sub filenamesplit -{ - my $filename = shift; - my $fixforlocaldir = shift; - - my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = ( $filename, "." ); - ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = ( $2, $1 ) if ( $filename =~ /(.*)\/(.*)/ ); - $dirpart .= "/"; - - if ( $fixforlocaldir ) - { - $dirpart =~ s/^$state->{prependdir}//; - } - - return ( $filepart, $dirpart ); -} - -sub filecleanup -{ - my $filename = shift; - - return undef unless(defined($filename)); - if ( $filename =~ /^\// ) - { - print "E absolute filenames '$filename' not supported by server\n"; - return undef; - } - - $filename =~ s/^\.\///g; - $filename = $state->{prependdir} . $filename; - return $filename; -} - -sub validateGitDir -{ - if( !defined($state->{CVSROOT}) ) - { - print "error 1 CVSROOT not specified\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - if( $ENV{GIT_DIR} ne ($state->{CVSROOT} . '/') ) - { - print "error 1 Internally inconsistent CVSROOT\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } -} - -# Setup working directory in a work tree with the requested version -# loaded in the index. -sub setupWorkTree -{ - my ($ver) = @_; - - validateGitDir(); - - if( ( defined($work->{state}) && $work->{state} != 1 ) || - defined($work->{tmpDir}) ) - { - $log->warn("Bad work tree state management"); - print "error 1 Internal setup multiple work trees without cleanup\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - $work->{workDir} = tempdir ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); - - if( !defined($work->{index}) ) - { - (undef, $work->{index}) = tempfile ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - } - - chdir $work->{workDir} or - die "Unable to chdir to $work->{workDir}\n"; - - $log->info("Setting up GIT_WORK_TREE as '.' in '$work->{workDir}', index file is '$work->{index}'"); - - $ENV{GIT_WORK_TREE} = "."; - $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $work->{index}; - $work->{state} = 2; - - if($ver) - { - system("git","read-tree",$ver); - unless ($? == 0) - { - $log->warn("Error running git-read-tree"); - die "Error running git-read-tree $ver in $work->{workDir} $!\n"; - } - } - # else # req_annotate reads tree for each file -} - -# Ensure current directory is in some kind of working directory, -# with a recent version loaded in the index. -sub ensureWorkTree -{ - if( defined($work->{tmpDir}) ) - { - $log->warn("Bad work tree state management [ensureWorkTree()]"); - print "error 1 Internal setup multiple dirs without cleanup\n"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - if( $work->{state} ) - { - return; - } - - validateGitDir(); - - if( !defined($work->{emptyDir}) ) - { - $work->{emptyDir} = tempdir ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0); - } - chdir $work->{emptyDir} or - die "Unable to chdir to $work->{emptyDir}\n"; - - my $ver = `git show-ref -s refs/heads/$state->{module}`; - chomp $ver; - if ($ver !~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/) - { - $log->warn("Error from git show-ref -s refs/head$state->{module}"); - print "error 1 cannot find the current HEAD of module"; - cleanupWorkTree(); - exit; - } - - if( !defined($work->{index}) ) - { - (undef, $work->{index}) = tempfile ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); - } - - $ENV{GIT_WORK_TREE} = "."; - $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $work->{index}; - $work->{state} = 1; - - system("git","read-tree",$ver); - unless ($? == 0) - { - die "Error running git-read-tree $ver $!\n"; - } -} - -# Cleanup working directory that is not needed any longer. -sub cleanupWorkTree -{ - if( ! $work->{state} ) - { - return; - } - - chdir "/" or die "Unable to chdir '/'\n"; - - if( defined($work->{workDir}) ) - { - rmtree( $work->{workDir} ); - undef $work->{workDir}; - } - undef $work->{state}; -} - -# Setup a temporary directory (not a working tree), typically for -# merging dirty state as in req_update. -sub setupTmpDir -{ - $work->{tmpDir} = tempdir ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); - chdir $work->{tmpDir} or die "Unable to chdir $work->{tmpDir}\n"; - - return $work->{tmpDir}; -} - -# Clean up a previously setupTmpDir. Restore previous work tree if -# appropriate. -sub cleanupTmpDir -{ - if ( !defined($work->{tmpDir}) ) - { - $log->warn("cleanup tmpdir that has not been setup"); - die "Cleanup tmpDir that has not been setup\n"; - } - if( defined($work->{state}) ) - { - if( $work->{state} == 1 ) - { - chdir $work->{emptyDir} or - die "Unable to chdir to $work->{emptyDir}\n"; - } - elsif( $work->{state} == 2 ) - { - chdir $work->{workDir} or - die "Unable to chdir to $work->{emptyDir}\n"; - } - else - { - $log->warn("Inconsistent work dir state"); - die "Inconsistent work dir state\n"; - } - } - else - { - chdir "/" or die "Unable to chdir '/'\n"; - } -} - -# Given a path, this function returns a string containing the kopts -# that should go into that path's Entries line. For example, a binary -# file should get -kb. -sub kopts_from_path -{ - my ($path, $srcType, $name) = @_; - - if ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{usecrlfattr} ) and - $cfg->{gitcvs}{usecrlfattr} =~ /\s*(1|true|yes)\s*$/i ) - { - my ($val) = check_attr( "text", $path ); - if ( $val eq "unspecified" ) - { - $val = check_attr( "crlf", $path ); - } - if ( $val eq "unset" ) - { - return "-kb" - } - elsif ( check_attr( "eol", $path ) ne "unspecified" || - $val eq "set" || $val eq "input" ) - { - return ""; - } - else - { - $log->info("Unrecognized check_attr crlf $path : $val"); - } - } - - if ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{allbinary} ) ) - { - if( ($cfg->{gitcvs}{allbinary} =~ /^\s*(1|true|yes)\s*$/i) ) - { - return "-kb"; - } - elsif( ($cfg->{gitcvs}{allbinary} =~ /^\s*guess\s*$/i) ) - { - if( $srcType eq "sha1Or-k" && - !defined($name) ) - { - my ($ret)=$state->{entries}{$path}{options}; - if( !defined($ret) ) - { - $ret=$state->{opt}{k}; - if(defined($ret)) - { - $ret="-k$ret"; - } - else - { - $ret=""; - } - } - if( ! ($ret=~/^(|-kb|-kkv|-kkvl|-kk|-ko|-kv)$/) ) - { - print "E Bad -k option\n"; - $log->warn("Bad -k option: $ret"); - die "Error: Bad -k option: $ret\n"; - } - - return $ret; - } - else - { - if( is_binary($srcType,$name) ) - { - $log->debug("... as binary"); - return "-kb"; - } - else - { - $log->debug("... as text"); - } - } - } - } - # Return "" to give no special treatment to any path - return ""; -} - -sub check_attr -{ - my ($attr,$path) = @_; - ensureWorkTree(); - if ( open my $fh, '-|', "git", "check-attr", $attr, "--", $path ) - { - my $val = <$fh>; - close $fh; - $val =~ s/.*: ([^:\r\n]*)\s*$/$1/; - return $val; - } - else - { - return undef; - } -} - -# This should have the same heuristics as convert.c:is_binary() and related. -# Note that the bare CR test is done by callers in convert.c. -sub is_binary -{ - my ($srcType,$name) = @_; - $log->debug("is_binary($srcType,$name)"); - - # Minimize amount of interpreted code run in the inner per-character - # loop for large files, by totalling each character value and - # then analyzing the totals. - my @counts; - my $i; - for($i=0;$i<256;$i++) - { - $counts[$i]=0; - } - - my $fh = open_blob_or_die($srcType,$name); - my $line; - while( defined($line=<$fh>) ) - { - # Any '\0' and bare CR are considered binary. - if( $line =~ /\0|(\r[^\n])/ ) - { - close($fh); - return 1; - } - - # Count up each character in the line: - my $len=length($line); - for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) - { - $counts[ord(substr($line,$i,1))]++; - } - } - close $fh; - - # Don't count CR and LF as either printable/nonprintable - $counts[ord("\n")]=0; - $counts[ord("\r")]=0; - - # Categorize individual character count into printable and nonprintable: - my $printable=0; - my $nonprintable=0; - for($i=0;$i<256;$i++) - { - if( $i < 32 && - $i != ord("\b") && - $i != ord("\t") && - $i != 033 && # ESC - $i != 014 ) # FF - { - $nonprintable+=$counts[$i]; - } - elsif( $i==127 ) # DEL - { - $nonprintable+=$counts[$i]; - } - else - { - $printable+=$counts[$i]; - } - } - - return ($printable >> 7) < $nonprintable; -} - -# Returns open file handle. Possible invocations: -# - open_blob_or_die("file",$filename); -# - open_blob_or_die("sha1",$filehash); -sub open_blob_or_die -{ - my ($srcType,$name) = @_; - my ($fh); - if( $srcType eq "file" ) - { - if( !open $fh,"<",$name ) - { - $log->warn("Unable to open file $name: $!"); - die "Unable to open file $name: $!\n"; - } - } - elsif( $srcType eq "sha1" || $srcType eq "sha1Or-k" ) - { - unless ( defined ( $name ) and $name =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ ) - { - $log->warn("Need filehash"); - die "Need filehash\n"; - } - - my $type = `git cat-file -t $name`; - chomp $type; - - unless ( defined ( $type ) and $type eq "blob" ) - { - $log->warn("Invalid type '$type' for '$name'"); - die ( "Invalid type '$type' (expected 'blob')" ) - } - - my $size = `git cat-file -s $name`; - chomp $size; - - $log->debug("open_blob_or_die($name) size=$size, type=$type"); - - unless( open $fh, '-|', "git", "cat-file", "blob", $name ) - { - $log->warn("Unable to open sha1 $name"); - die "Unable to open sha1 $name\n"; - } - } - else - { - $log->warn("Unknown type of blob source: $srcType"); - die "Unknown type of blob source: $srcType\n"; - } - return $fh; -} - -# Generate a CVS author name from Git author information, by taking the local -# part of the email address and replacing characters not in the Portable -# Filename Character Set (see IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, 3.276) by underscores. CVS -# Login names are Unix login names, which should be restricted to this -# character set. -sub cvs_author -{ - my $author_line = shift; - (my $author) = $author_line =~ /<([^@>]*)/; - - $author =~ s/[^-a-zA-Z0-9_.]/_/g; - $author =~ s/^-/_/; - - $author; -} - - -sub descramble -{ - # This table is from src/scramble.c in the CVS source - my @SHIFTS = ( - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, - 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, - 114,120, 53, 79, 96,109, 72,108, 70, 64, 76, 67,116, 74, 68, 87, - 111, 52, 75,119, 49, 34, 82, 81, 95, 65,112, 86,118,110,122,105, - 41, 57, 83, 43, 46,102, 40, 89, 38,103, 45, 50, 42,123, 91, 35, - 125, 55, 54, 66,124,126, 59, 47, 92, 71,115, 78, 88,107,106, 56, - 36,121,117,104,101,100, 69, 73, 99, 63, 94, 93, 39, 37, 61, 48, - 58,113, 32, 90, 44, 98, 60, 51, 33, 97, 62, 77, 84, 80, 85,223, - 225,216,187,166,229,189,222,188,141,249,148,200,184,136,248,190, - 199,170,181,204,138,232,218,183,255,234,220,247,213,203,226,193, - 174,172,228,252,217,201,131,230,197,211,145,238,161,179,160,212, - 207,221,254,173,202,146,224,151,140,196,205,130,135,133,143,246, - 192,159,244,239,185,168,215,144,139,165,180,157,147,186,214,176, - 227,231,219,169,175,156,206,198,129,164,150,210,154,177,134,127, - 182,128,158,208,162,132,167,209,149,241,153,251,237,236,171,195, - 243,233,253,240,194,250,191,155,142,137,245,235,163,242,178,152 - ); - my ($str) = @_; - - # This should never happen, the same password format (A) has been - # used by CVS since the beginning of time - { - my $fmt = substr($str, 0, 1); - die "invalid password format `$fmt'" unless $fmt eq 'A'; - } - - my @str = unpack "C*", substr($str, 1); - my $ret = join '', map { chr $SHIFTS[$_] } @str; - return $ret; -} - - -package GITCVS::log; - -#### -#### Copyright The Open University UK - 2006. -#### -#### Authors: Martyn Smith -#### Martin Langhoff -#### -#### - -use strict; -use warnings; - -=head1 NAME - -GITCVS::log - -=head1 DESCRIPTION - -This module provides very crude logging with a similar interface to -Log::Log4perl - -=head1 METHODS - -=cut - -=head2 new - -Creates a new log object, optionally you can specify a filename here to -indicate the file to log to. If no log file is specified, you can specify one -later with method setfile, or indicate you no longer want logging with method -nofile. - -Until one of these methods is called, all log calls will buffer messages ready -to write out. - -=cut -sub new -{ - my $class = shift; - my $filename = shift; - - my $self = {}; - - bless $self, $class; - - if ( defined ( $filename ) ) - { - open $self->{fh}, ">>", $filename or die("Couldn't open '$filename' for writing : $!"); - } - - return $self; -} - -=head2 setfile - -This methods takes a filename, and attempts to open that file as the log file. -If successful, all buffered data is written out to the file, and any further -logging is written directly to the file. - -=cut -sub setfile -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - - if ( defined ( $filename ) ) - { - open $self->{fh}, ">>", $filename or die("Couldn't open '$filename' for writing : $!"); - } - - return unless ( defined ( $self->{buffer} ) and ref $self->{buffer} eq "ARRAY" ); - - while ( my $line = shift @{$self->{buffer}} ) - { - print {$self->{fh}} $line; - } -} - -=head2 nofile - -This method indicates no logging is going to be used. It flushes any entries in -the internal buffer, and sets a flag to ensure no further data is put there. - -=cut -sub nofile -{ - my $self = shift; - - $self->{nolog} = 1; - - return unless ( defined ( $self->{buffer} ) and ref $self->{buffer} eq "ARRAY" ); - - $self->{buffer} = []; -} - -=head2 _logopen - -Internal method. Returns true if the log file is open, false otherwise. - -=cut -sub _logopen -{ - my $self = shift; - - return 1 if ( defined ( $self->{fh} ) and ref $self->{fh} eq "GLOB" ); - return 0; -} - -=head2 debug info warn fatal - -These four methods are wrappers to _log. They provide the actual interface for -logging data. - -=cut -sub debug { my $self = shift; $self->_log("debug", @_); } -sub info { my $self = shift; $self->_log("info" , @_); } -sub warn { my $self = shift; $self->_log("warn" , @_); } -sub fatal { my $self = shift; $self->_log("fatal", @_); } - -=head2 _log - -This is an internal method called by the logging functions. It generates a -timestamp and pushes the logged line either to file, or internal buffer. - -=cut -sub _log -{ - my $self = shift; - my $level = shift; - - return if ( $self->{nolog} ); - - my @time = localtime; - my $timestring = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d : %-5s", - $time[5] + 1900, - $time[4] + 1, - $time[3], - $time[2], - $time[1], - $time[0], - uc $level, - ); - - if ( $self->_logopen ) - { - print {$self->{fh}} $timestring . " - " . join(" ",@_) . "\n"; - } else { - push @{$self->{buffer}}, $timestring . " - " . join(" ",@_) . "\n"; - } -} - -=head2 DESTROY - -This method simply closes the file handle if one is open - -=cut -sub DESTROY -{ - my $self = shift; - - if ( $self->_logopen ) - { - close $self->{fh}; - } -} - -package GITCVS::updater; - -#### -#### Copyright The Open University UK - 2006. -#### -#### Authors: Martyn Smith -#### Martin Langhoff -#### -#### - -use strict; -use warnings; -use DBI; - -=head1 METHODS - -=cut - -=head2 new - -=cut -sub new -{ - my $class = shift; - my $config = shift; - my $module = shift; - my $log = shift; - - die "Need to specify a git repository" unless ( defined($config) and -d $config ); - die "Need to specify a module" unless ( defined($module) ); - - $class = ref($class) || $class; - - my $self = {}; - - bless $self, $class; - - $self->{valid_tables} = {'revision' => 1, - 'revision_ix1' => 1, - 'revision_ix2' => 1, - 'head' => 1, - 'head_ix1' => 1, - 'properties' => 1, - 'commitmsgs' => 1}; - - $self->{module} = $module; - $self->{git_path} = $config . "/"; - - $self->{log} = $log; - - die "Git repo '$self->{git_path}' doesn't exist" unless ( -d $self->{git_path} ); - - $self->{dbdriver} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbdriver} || - $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbdriver} || "SQLite"; - $self->{dbname} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbname} || - $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbname} || "%Ggitcvs.%m.sqlite"; - $self->{dbuser} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbuser} || - $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbuser} || ""; - $self->{dbpass} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbpass} || - $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbpass} || ""; - $self->{dbtablenameprefix} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbtablenameprefix} || - $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbtablenameprefix} || ""; - my %mapping = ( m => $module, - a => $state->{method}, - u => getlogin || getpwuid($<) || $<, - G => $self->{git_path}, - g => mangle_dirname($self->{git_path}), - ); - $self->{dbname} =~ s/%([mauGg])/$mapping{$1}/eg; - $self->{dbuser} =~ s/%([mauGg])/$mapping{$1}/eg; - $self->{dbtablenameprefix} =~ s/%([mauGg])/$mapping{$1}/eg; - $self->{dbtablenameprefix} = mangle_tablename($self->{dbtablenameprefix}); - - die "Invalid char ':' in dbdriver" if $self->{dbdriver} =~ /:/; - die "Invalid char ';' in dbname" if $self->{dbname} =~ /;/; - $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:$self->{dbdriver}:dbname=$self->{dbname}", - $self->{dbuser}, - $self->{dbpass}); - die "Error connecting to database\n" unless defined $self->{dbh}; - - $self->{tables} = {}; - foreach my $table ( keys %{$self->{dbh}->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'TABLE')->fetchall_hashref('TABLE_NAME')} ) - { - $self->{tables}{$table} = 1; - } - - # Construct the revision table if required - unless ( $self->{tables}{$self->tablename("revision")} ) - { - my $tablename = $self->tablename("revision"); - my $ix1name = $self->tablename("revision_ix1"); - my $ix2name = $self->tablename("revision_ix2"); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE TABLE $tablename ( - name TEXT NOT NULL, - revision INTEGER NOT NULL, - filehash TEXT NOT NULL, - commithash TEXT NOT NULL, - author TEXT NOT NULL, - modified TEXT NOT NULL, - mode TEXT NOT NULL - ) - "); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE INDEX $ix1name - ON $tablename (name,revision) - "); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE INDEX $ix2name - ON $tablename (name,commithash) - "); - } - - # Construct the head table if required - unless ( $self->{tables}{$self->tablename("head")} ) - { - my $tablename = $self->tablename("head"); - my $ix1name = $self->tablename("head_ix1"); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE TABLE $tablename ( - name TEXT NOT NULL, - revision INTEGER NOT NULL, - filehash TEXT NOT NULL, - commithash TEXT NOT NULL, - author TEXT NOT NULL, - modified TEXT NOT NULL, - mode TEXT NOT NULL - ) - "); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE INDEX $ix1name - ON $tablename (name) - "); - } - - # Construct the properties table if required - unless ( $self->{tables}{$self->tablename("properties")} ) - { - my $tablename = $self->tablename("properties"); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE TABLE $tablename ( - key TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, - value TEXT - ) - "); - } - - # Construct the commitmsgs table if required - unless ( $self->{tables}{$self->tablename("commitmsgs")} ) - { - my $tablename = $self->tablename("commitmsgs"); - $self->{dbh}->do(" - CREATE TABLE $tablename ( - key TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, - value TEXT - ) - "); - } - - return $self; -} - -=head2 tablename - -=cut -sub tablename -{ - my $self = shift; - my $name = shift; - - if (exists $self->{valid_tables}{$name}) { - return $self->{dbtablenameprefix} . $name; - } else { - return undef; - } -} - -=head2 update - -=cut -sub update -{ - my $self = shift; - - # first lets get the commit list - $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $self->{git_path}; - - my $commitsha1 = `git rev-parse $self->{module}`; - chomp $commitsha1; - - my $commitinfo = `git cat-file commit $self->{module} 2>&1`; - unless ( $commitinfo =~ /tree\s+[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}/ ) - { - die("Invalid module '$self->{module}'"); - } - - - my $git_log; - my $lastcommit = $self->_get_prop("last_commit"); - - if (defined $lastcommit && $lastcommit eq $commitsha1) { # up-to-date - return 1; - } - - # Start exclusive lock here... - $self->{dbh}->begin_work() or die "Cannot lock database for BEGIN"; - - # TODO: log processing is memory bound - # if we can parse into a 2nd file that is in reverse order - # we can probably do something really efficient - my @git_log_params = ('--pretty', '--parents', '--topo-order'); - - if (defined $lastcommit) { - push @git_log_params, "$lastcommit..$self->{module}"; - } else { - push @git_log_params, $self->{module}; - } - # git-rev-list is the backend / plumbing version of git-log - open(GITLOG, '-|', 'git', 'rev-list', @git_log_params) or die "Cannot call git-rev-list: $!"; - - my @commits; - - my %commit = (); - - while ( ) - { - chomp; - if (m/^commit\s+(.*)$/) { - # on ^commit lines put the just seen commit in the stack - # and prime things for the next one - if (keys %commit) { - my %copy = %commit; - unshift @commits, \%copy; - %commit = (); - } - my @parents = split(m/\s+/, $1); - $commit{hash} = shift @parents; - $commit{parents} = \@parents; - } elsif (m/^(\w+?):\s+(.*)$/ && !exists($commit{message})) { - # on rfc822-like lines seen before we see any message, - # lowercase the entry and put it in the hash as key-value - $commit{lc($1)} = $2; - } else { - # message lines - skip initial empty line - # and trim whitespace - if (!exists($commit{message}) && m/^\s*$/) { - # define it to mark the end of headers - $commit{message} = ''; - next; - } - s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; # trim ws - $commit{message} .= $_ . "\n"; - } - } - close GITLOG; - - unshift @commits, \%commit if ( keys %commit ); - - # Now all the commits are in the @commits bucket - # ordered by time DESC. for each commit that needs processing, - # determine whether it's following the last head we've seen or if - # it's on its own branch, grab a file list, and add whatever's changed - # NOTE: $lastcommit refers to the last commit from previous run - # $lastpicked is the last commit we picked in this run - my $lastpicked; - my $head = {}; - if (defined $lastcommit) { - $lastpicked = $lastcommit; - } - - my $committotal = scalar(@commits); - my $commitcount = 0; - - # Load the head table into $head (for cached lookups during the update process) - foreach my $file ( @{$self->gethead()} ) - { - $head->{$file->{name}} = $file; - } - - foreach my $commit ( @commits ) - { - $self->{log}->debug("GITCVS::updater - Processing commit $commit->{hash} (" . (++$commitcount) . " of $committotal)"); - if (defined $lastpicked) - { - if (!in_array($lastpicked, @{$commit->{parents}})) - { - # skip, we'll see this delta - # as part of a merge later - # warn "skipping off-track $commit->{hash}\n"; - next; - } elsif (@{$commit->{parents}} > 1) { - # it is a merge commit, for each parent that is - # not $lastpicked, see if we can get a log - # from the merge-base to that parent to put it - # in the message as a merge summary. - my @parents = @{$commit->{parents}}; - foreach my $parent (@parents) { - # git-merge-base can potentially (but rarely) throw - # several candidate merge bases. let's assume - # that the first one is the best one. - if ($parent eq $lastpicked) { - next; - } - my $base = eval { - safe_pipe_capture('git', 'merge-base', - $lastpicked, $parent); - }; - # The two branches may not be related at all, - # in which case merge base simply fails to find - # any, but that's Ok. - next if ($@); - - chomp $base; - if ($base) { - my @merged; - # print "want to log between $base $parent \n"; - open(GITLOG, '-|', 'git', 'log', '--pretty=medium', "$base..$parent") - or die "Cannot call git-log: $!"; - my $mergedhash; - while () { - chomp; - if (!defined $mergedhash) { - if (m/^commit\s+(.+)$/) { - $mergedhash = $1; - } else { - next; - } - } else { - # grab the first line that looks non-rfc822 - # aka has content after leading space - if (m/^\s+(\S.*)$/) { - my $title = $1; - $title = substr($title,0,100); # truncate - unshift @merged, "$mergedhash $title"; - undef $mergedhash; - } - } - } - close GITLOG; - if (@merged) { - $commit->{mergemsg} = $commit->{message}; - $commit->{mergemsg} .= "\nSummary of merged commits:\n\n"; - foreach my $summary (@merged) { - $commit->{mergemsg} .= "\t$summary\n"; - } - $commit->{mergemsg} .= "\n\n"; - # print "Message for $commit->{hash} \n$commit->{mergemsg}"; - } - } - } - } - } - - # convert the date to CVS-happy format - $commit->{date} = "$2 $1 $4 $3 $5" if ( $commit->{date} =~ /^\w+\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+:\d+:\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([+-]\d+)$/ ); - - if ( defined ( $lastpicked ) ) - { - my $filepipe = open(FILELIST, '-|', 'git', 'diff-tree', '-z', '-r', $lastpicked, $commit->{hash}) or die("Cannot call git-diff-tree : $!"); - local ($/) = "\0"; - while ( ) - { - chomp; - unless ( /^:\d{6}\s+\d{3}(\d)\d{2}\s+[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]{40})\s+(\w)$/o ) - { - die("Couldn't process git-diff-tree line : $_"); - } - my ($mode, $hash, $change) = ($1, $2, $3); - my $name = ; - chomp($name); - - # $log->debug("File mode=$mode, hash=$hash, change=$change, name=$name"); - - my $git_perms = ""; - $git_perms .= "r" if ( $mode & 4 ); - $git_perms .= "w" if ( $mode & 2 ); - $git_perms .= "x" if ( $mode & 1 ); - $git_perms = "rw" if ( $git_perms eq "" ); - - if ( $change eq "D" ) - { - #$log->debug("DELETE $name"); - $head->{$name} = { - name => $name, - revision => $head->{$name}{revision} + 1, - filehash => "deleted", - commithash => $commit->{hash}, - modified => $commit->{date}, - author => $commit->{author}, - mode => $git_perms, - }; - $self->insert_rev($name, $head->{$name}{revision}, $hash, $commit->{hash}, $commit->{date}, $commit->{author}, $git_perms); - } - elsif ( $change eq "M" || $change eq "T" ) - { - #$log->debug("MODIFIED $name"); - $head->{$name} = { - name => $name, - revision => $head->{$name}{revision} + 1, - filehash => $hash, - commithash => $commit->{hash}, - modified => $commit->{date}, - author => $commit->{author}, - mode => $git_perms, - }; - $self->insert_rev($name, $head->{$name}{revision}, $hash, $commit->{hash}, $commit->{date}, $commit->{author}, $git_perms); - } - elsif ( $change eq "A" ) - { - #$log->debug("ADDED $name"); - $head->{$name} = { - name => $name, - revision => $head->{$name}{revision} ? $head->{$name}{revision}+1 : 1, - filehash => $hash, - commithash => $commit->{hash}, - modified => $commit->{date}, - author => $commit->{author}, - mode => $git_perms, - }; - $self->insert_rev($name, $head->{$name}{revision}, $hash, $commit->{hash}, $commit->{date}, $commit->{author}, $git_perms); - } - else - { - $log->warn("UNKNOWN FILE CHANGE mode=$mode, hash=$hash, change=$change, name=$name"); - die; - } - } - close FILELIST; - } else { - # this is used to detect files removed from the repo - my $seen_files = {}; - - my $filepipe = open(FILELIST, '-|', 'git', 'ls-tree', '-z', '-r', $commit->{hash}) or die("Cannot call git-ls-tree : $!"); - local $/ = "\0"; - while ( ) - { - chomp; - unless ( /^(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\t(.*)$/o ) - { - die("Couldn't process git-ls-tree line : $_"); - } - - my ( $git_perms, $git_type, $git_hash, $git_filename ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 ); - - $seen_files->{$git_filename} = 1; - - my ( $oldhash, $oldrevision, $oldmode ) = ( - $head->{$git_filename}{filehash}, - $head->{$git_filename}{revision}, - $head->{$git_filename}{mode} - ); - - if ( $git_perms =~ /^\d\d\d(\d)\d\d/o ) - { - $git_perms = ""; - $git_perms .= "r" if ( $1 & 4 ); - $git_perms .= "w" if ( $1 & 2 ); - $git_perms .= "x" if ( $1 & 1 ); - } else { - $git_perms = "rw"; - } - - # unless the file exists with the same hash, we need to update it ... - unless ( defined($oldhash) and $oldhash eq $git_hash and defined($oldmode) and $oldmode eq $git_perms ) - { - my $newrevision = ( $oldrevision or 0 ) + 1; - - $head->{$git_filename} = { - name => $git_filename, - revision => $newrevision, - filehash => $git_hash, - commithash => $commit->{hash}, - modified => $commit->{date}, - author => $commit->{author}, - mode => $git_perms, - }; - - - $self->insert_rev($git_filename, $newrevision, $git_hash, $commit->{hash}, $commit->{date}, $commit->{author}, $git_perms); - } - } - close FILELIST; - - # Detect deleted files - foreach my $file ( keys %$head ) - { - unless ( exists $seen_files->{$file} or $head->{$file}{filehash} eq "deleted" ) - { - $head->{$file}{revision}++; - $head->{$file}{filehash} = "deleted"; - $head->{$file}{commithash} = $commit->{hash}; - $head->{$file}{modified} = $commit->{date}; - $head->{$file}{author} = $commit->{author}; - - $self->insert_rev($file, $head->{$file}{revision}, $head->{$file}{filehash}, $commit->{hash}, $commit->{date}, $commit->{author}, $head->{$file}{mode}); - } - } - # END : "Detect deleted files" - } - - - if (exists $commit->{mergemsg}) - { - $self->insert_mergelog($commit->{hash}, $commit->{mergemsg}); - } - - $lastpicked = $commit->{hash}; - - $self->_set_prop("last_commit", $commit->{hash}); - } - - $self->delete_head(); - foreach my $file ( keys %$head ) - { - $self->insert_head( - $file, - $head->{$file}{revision}, - $head->{$file}{filehash}, - $head->{$file}{commithash}, - $head->{$file}{modified}, - $head->{$file}{author}, - $head->{$file}{mode}, - ); - } - # invalidate the gethead cache - $self->{gethead_cache} = undef; - - - # Ending exclusive lock here - $self->{dbh}->commit() or die "Failed to commit changes to SQLite"; -} - -sub insert_rev -{ - my $self = shift; - my $name = shift; - my $revision = shift; - my $filehash = shift; - my $commithash = shift; - my $modified = shift; - my $author = shift; - my $mode = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("revision"); - - my $insert_rev = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("INSERT INTO $tablename (name, revision, filehash, commithash, modified, author, mode) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",{},1); - $insert_rev->execute($name, $revision, $filehash, $commithash, $modified, $author, $mode); -} - -sub insert_mergelog -{ - my $self = shift; - my $key = shift; - my $value = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("commitmsgs"); - - my $insert_mergelog = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("INSERT INTO $tablename (key, value) VALUES (?,?)",{},1); - $insert_mergelog->execute($key, $value); -} - -sub delete_head -{ - my $self = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("head"); - - my $delete_head = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("DELETE FROM $tablename",{},1); - $delete_head->execute(); -} - -sub insert_head -{ - my $self = shift; - my $name = shift; - my $revision = shift; - my $filehash = shift; - my $commithash = shift; - my $modified = shift; - my $author = shift; - my $mode = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("head"); - - my $insert_head = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("INSERT INTO $tablename (name, revision, filehash, commithash, modified, author, mode) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",{},1); - $insert_head->execute($name, $revision, $filehash, $commithash, $modified, $author, $mode); -} - -sub _headrev -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("head"); - - my $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT filehash, revision, mode FROM $tablename WHERE name=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename); - my ( $hash, $revision, $mode ) = $db_query->fetchrow_array; - - return ( $hash, $revision, $mode ); -} - -sub _get_prop -{ - my $self = shift; - my $key = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("properties"); - - my $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT value FROM $tablename WHERE key=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($key); - my ( $value ) = $db_query->fetchrow_array; - - return $value; -} - -sub _set_prop -{ - my $self = shift; - my $key = shift; - my $value = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("properties"); - - my $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("UPDATE $tablename SET value=? WHERE key=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($value, $key); - - unless ( $db_query->rows ) - { - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("INSERT INTO $tablename (key, value) VALUES (?,?)",{},1); - $db_query->execute($key, $value); - } - - return $value; -} - -=head2 gethead - -=cut - -sub gethead -{ - my $self = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("head"); - - return $self->{gethead_cache} if ( defined ( $self->{gethead_cache} ) ); - - my $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT name, filehash, mode, revision, modified, commithash, author FROM $tablename ORDER BY name ASC",{},1); - $db_query->execute(); - - my $tree = []; - while ( my $file = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref ) - { - push @$tree, $file; - } - - $self->{gethead_cache} = $tree; - - return $tree; -} - -=head2 getlog - -=cut - -sub getlog -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("revision"); - - my $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT name, filehash, author, mode, revision, modified, commithash FROM $tablename WHERE name=? ORDER BY revision DESC",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename); - - my $tree = []; - while ( my $file = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref ) - { - push @$tree, $file; - } - - return $tree; -} - -=head2 getmeta - -This function takes a filename (with path) argument and returns a hashref of -metadata for that file. - -=cut - -sub getmeta -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - my $revision = shift; - my $tablename_rev = $self->tablename("revision"); - my $tablename_head = $self->tablename("head"); - - my $db_query; - if ( defined($revision) and $revision =~ /^\d+$/ ) - { - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND revision=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename, $revision); - } - elsif ( defined($revision) and $revision =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ ) - { - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND commithash=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename, $revision); - } else { - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_head WHERE name=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename); - } - - return $db_query->fetchrow_hashref; -} - -=head2 commitmessage - -this function takes a commithash and returns the commit message for that commit - -=cut -sub commitmessage -{ - my $self = shift; - my $commithash = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("commitmsgs"); - - die("Need commithash") unless ( defined($commithash) and $commithash =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ ); - - my $db_query; - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT value FROM $tablename WHERE key=?",{},1); - $db_query->execute($commithash); - - my ( $message ) = $db_query->fetchrow_array; - - if ( defined ( $message ) ) - { - $message .= " " if ( $message =~ /\n$/ ); - return $message; - } - - my @lines = safe_pipe_capture("git", "cat-file", "commit", $commithash); - shift @lines while ( $lines[0] =~ /\S/ ); - $message = join("",@lines); - $message .= " " if ( $message =~ /\n$/ ); - return $message; -} - -=head2 gethistory - -This function takes a filename (with path) argument and returns an arrayofarrays -containing revision,filehash,commithash ordered by revision descending - -=cut -sub gethistory -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("revision"); - - my $db_query; - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT revision, filehash, commithash FROM $tablename WHERE name=? ORDER BY revision DESC",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename); - - return $db_query->fetchall_arrayref; -} - -=head2 gethistorydense - -This function takes a filename (with path) argument and returns an arrayofarrays -containing revision,filehash,commithash ordered by revision descending. - -This version of gethistory skips deleted entries -- so it is useful for annotate. -The 'dense' part is a reference to a '--dense' option available for git-rev-list -and other git tools that depend on it. - -=cut -sub gethistorydense -{ - my $self = shift; - my $filename = shift; - my $tablename = $self->tablename("revision"); - - my $db_query; - $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT revision, filehash, commithash FROM $tablename WHERE name=? AND filehash!='deleted' ORDER BY revision DESC",{},1); - $db_query->execute($filename); - - return $db_query->fetchall_arrayref; -} - -=head2 in_array() - -from Array::PAT - mimics the in_array() function -found in PHP. Yuck but works for small arrays. - -=cut -sub in_array -{ - my ($check, @array) = @_; - my $retval = 0; - foreach my $test (@array){ - if($check eq $test){ - $retval = 1; - } - } - return $retval; -} - -=head2 safe_pipe_capture - -an alternative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array -to work around shell problems with weird characters in arguments - -=cut -sub safe_pipe_capture { - - my @output; - - if (my $pid = open my $child, '-|') { - @output = (<$child>); - close $child or die join(' ',@_).": $! $?"; - } else { - exec(@_) or die "$! $?"; # exec() can fail the executable can't be found - } - return wantarray ? @output : join('',@output); -} - -=head2 mangle_dirname - -create a string from a directory name that is suitable to use as -part of a filename, mainly by converting all chars except \w.- to _ - -=cut -sub mangle_dirname { - my $dirname = shift; - return unless defined $dirname; - - $dirname =~ s/[^\w.-]/_/g; - - return $dirname; -} - -=head2 mangle_tablename - -create a string from a that is suitable to use as part of an SQL table -name, mainly by converting all chars except \w to _ - -=cut -sub mangle_tablename { - my $tablename = shift; - return unless defined $tablename; - - $tablename =~ s/[^\w_]/_/g; - - return $tablename; -} - -1; diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-daemon b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-daemon deleted file mode 100755 index 212112dc..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-daemon and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-describe b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-describe deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-describe +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff-files b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff-files deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff-files +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff-index b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff-index deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff-index +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff-tree b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff-tree deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-diff-tree +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-difftool b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-difftool deleted file mode 100755 index d43a6096..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-difftool +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl")); -# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 David Aguilar -# -# This is a wrapper around the GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF-compatible -# git-difftool--helper script. -# -# This script exports GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF and GIT_PAGER for use by git. -# GIT_DIFFTOOL_NO_PROMPT, GIT_DIFFTOOL_PROMPT, and GIT_DIFF_TOOL -# are exported for use by git-difftool--helper. -# -# Any arguments that are unknown to this script are forwarded to 'git diff'. - -use 5.008; -use strict; -use warnings; -use Cwd qw(abs_path); -use File::Basename qw(dirname); - -require Git; - -my $DIR = abs_path(dirname($0)); - - -sub usage -{ - print << 'USAGE'; -usage: git difftool [-t|--tool=] [-x|--extcmd=] - [-y|--no-prompt] [-g|--gui] - ['git diff' options] -USAGE - exit 1; -} - -sub setup_environment -{ - $ENV{PATH} = "$DIR:$ENV{PATH}"; - $ENV{GIT_PAGER} = ''; - $ENV{GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF} = 'git-difftool--helper'; -} - -sub exe -{ - my $exe = shift; - if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'msys') { - return "$exe.exe"; - } - return $exe; -} - -sub generate_command -{ - my @command = (exe('git'), 'diff'); - my $skip_next = 0; - my $idx = -1; - my $prompt = ''; - for my $arg (@ARGV) { - $idx++; - if ($skip_next) { - $skip_next = 0; - next; - } - if ($arg eq '-t' || $arg eq '--tool') { - usage() if $#ARGV <= $idx; - $ENV{GIT_DIFF_TOOL} = $ARGV[$idx + 1]; - $skip_next = 1; - next; - } - if ($arg =~ /^--tool=/) { - $ENV{GIT_DIFF_TOOL} = substr($arg, 7); - next; - } - if ($arg eq '-x' || $arg eq '--extcmd') { - usage() if $#ARGV <= $idx; - $ENV{GIT_DIFFTOOL_EXTCMD} = $ARGV[$idx + 1]; - $skip_next = 1; - next; - } - if ($arg =~ /^--extcmd=/) { - $ENV{GIT_DIFFTOOL_EXTCMD} = substr($arg, 9); - next; - } - if ($arg eq '-g' || $arg eq '--gui') { - eval { - my $tool = Git::command_oneline('config', - 'diff.guitool'); - if (length($tool)) { - $ENV{GIT_DIFF_TOOL} = $tool; - } - }; - next; - } - if ($arg eq '-y' || $arg eq '--no-prompt') { - $prompt = 'no'; - next; - } - if ($arg eq '--prompt') { - $prompt = 'yes'; - next; - } - if ($arg eq '-h' || $arg eq '--help') { - usage(); - } - push @command, $arg; - } - if ($prompt eq 'yes') { - $ENV{GIT_DIFFTOOL_PROMPT} = 'true'; - } elsif ($prompt eq 'no') { - $ENV{GIT_DIFFTOOL_NO_PROMPT} = 'true'; - } - return @command -} - -setup_environment(); - -# ActiveState Perl for Win32 does not implement POSIX semantics of -# exec* system call. It just spawns the given executable and finishes -# the starting program, exiting with code 0. -# system will at least catch the errors returned by git diff, -# allowing the caller of git difftool better handling of failures. -my $rc = system(generate_command()); -exit($rc | ($rc >> 8)); diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-difftool--helper b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-difftool--helper deleted file mode 100755 index 0594bf7c..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-difftool--helper +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# git-difftool--helper is a GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF-compatible diff tool launcher. -# This script is typically launched by using the 'git difftool' -# convenience command. -# -# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 David Aguilar - -TOOL_MODE=diff -. git-mergetool--lib - -# difftool.prompt controls the default prompt/no-prompt behavior -# and is overridden with $GIT_DIFFTOOL*_PROMPT. -should_prompt () { - prompt_merge=$(git config --bool mergetool.prompt || echo true) - prompt=$(git config --bool difftool.prompt || echo $prompt_merge) - if test "$prompt" = true; then - test -z "$GIT_DIFFTOOL_NO_PROMPT" - else - test -n "$GIT_DIFFTOOL_PROMPT" - fi -} - -# Indicates that --extcmd=... was specified -use_ext_cmd () { - test -n "$GIT_DIFFTOOL_EXTCMD" -} - -launch_merge_tool () { - # Merged is the filename as it appears in the work tree - # Local is the contents of a/filename - # Remote is the contents of b/filename - # Custom merge tool commands might use $BASE so we provide it - MERGED="$1" - LOCAL="$2" - REMOTE="$3" - BASE="$1" - - # $LOCAL and $REMOTE are temporary files so prompt - # the user with the real $MERGED name before launching $merge_tool. - if should_prompt; then - printf "\nViewing: '$MERGED'\n" - if use_ext_cmd; then - printf "Hit return to launch '%s': " \ - "$GIT_DIFFTOOL_EXTCMD" - else - printf "Hit return to launch '%s': " "$merge_tool" - fi - read ans - fi - - if use_ext_cmd; then - export BASE - eval $GIT_DIFFTOOL_EXTCMD '"$LOCAL"' '"$REMOTE"' - else - run_merge_tool "$merge_tool" - fi -} - -if ! use_ext_cmd; then - if test -n "$GIT_DIFF_TOOL"; then - merge_tool="$GIT_DIFF_TOOL" - else - merge_tool="$(get_merge_tool)" || exit - fi -fi - -# Launch the merge tool on each path provided by 'git diff' -while test $# -gt 6 -do - launch_merge_tool "$1" "$2" "$5" - shift 7 -done diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fast-export b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fast-export deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fast-export +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fast-import b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fast-import deleted file mode 100755 index 58424d92..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fast-import and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fetch b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fetch deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fetch +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fetch-pack b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fetch-pack deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fetch-pack +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-filter-branch b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-filter-branch deleted file mode 100755 index e550b6cc..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-filter-branch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,516 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Rewrite revision history -# Copyright (c) Petr Baudis, 2006 -# Minimal changes to "port" it to core-git (c) Johannes Schindelin, 2007 -# -# Lets you rewrite the revision history of the current branch, creating -# a new branch. You can specify a number of filters to modify the commits, -# files and trees. - -# The following functions will also be available in the commit filter: - -functions=$(cat << \EOF -warn () { - echo "$*" >&2 -} - -map() -{ - # if it was not rewritten, take the original - if test -r "$workdir/../map/$1" - then - cat "$workdir/../map/$1" - else - echo "$1" - fi -} - -# if you run 'skip_commit "$@"' in a commit filter, it will print -# the (mapped) parents, effectively skipping the commit. - -skip_commit() -{ - shift; - while [ -n "$1" ]; - do - shift; - map "$1"; - shift; - done; -} - -# if you run 'git_commit_non_empty_tree "$@"' in a commit filter, -# it will skip commits that leave the tree untouched, commit the other. -git_commit_non_empty_tree() -{ - if test $# = 3 && test "$1" = $(git rev-parse "$3^{tree}"); then - map "$3" - else - git commit-tree "$@" - fi -} -# override die(): this version puts in an extra line break, so that -# the progress is still visible - -die() -{ - echo >&2 - echo "$*" >&2 - exit 1 -} -EOF -) - -eval "$functions" - -# When piped a commit, output a script to set the ident of either -# "author" or "committer - -set_ident () { - lid="$(echo "$1" | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]")" - uid="$(echo "$1" | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]")" - pick_id_script=' - /^'$lid' /{ - s/'\''/'\''\\'\'\''/g - h - s/^'$lid' \([^<]*\) <[^>]*> .*$/\1/ - s/'\''/'\''\'\'\''/g - s/.*/GIT_'$uid'_NAME='\''&'\''; export GIT_'$uid'_NAME/p - - g - s/^'$lid' [^<]* <\([^>]*\)> .*$/\1/ - s/'\''/'\''\'\'\''/g - s/.*/GIT_'$uid'_EMAIL='\''&'\''; export GIT_'$uid'_EMAIL/p - - g - s/^'$lid' [^<]* <[^>]*> \(.*\)$/\1/ - s/'\''/'\''\'\'\''/g - s/.*/GIT_'$uid'_DATE='\''&'\''; export GIT_'$uid'_DATE/p - - q - } - ' - - LANG=C LC_ALL=C sed -ne "$pick_id_script" - # Ensure non-empty id name. - echo "case \"\$GIT_${uid}_NAME\" in \"\") GIT_${uid}_NAME=\"\${GIT_${uid}_EMAIL%%@*}\" && export GIT_${uid}_NAME;; esac" -} - -USAGE="[--env-filter ] [--tree-filter ] - [--index-filter ] [--parent-filter ] - [--msg-filter ] [--commit-filter ] - [--tag-name-filter ] [--subdirectory-filter ] - [--original ] [-d ] [-f | --force] - [...]" - -OPTIONS_SPEC= -. git-sh-setup - -if [ "$(is_bare_repository)" = false ]; then - git diff-files --ignore-submodules --quiet && - git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD -- || - die "Cannot rewrite branch(es) with a dirty working directory." -fi - -tempdir=.git-rewrite -filter_env= -filter_tree= -filter_index= -filter_parent= -filter_msg=cat -filter_commit= -filter_tag_name= -filter_subdir= -orig_namespace=refs/original/ -force= -prune_empty= -remap_to_ancestor= -while : -do - case "$1" in - --) - shift - break - ;; - --force|-f) - shift - force=t - continue - ;; - --remap-to-ancestor) - # deprecated ($remap_to_ancestor is set now automatically) - shift - remap_to_ancestor=t - continue - ;; - --prune-empty) - shift - prune_empty=t - continue - ;; - -*) - ;; - *) - break; - esac - - # all switches take one argument - ARG="$1" - case "$#" in 1) usage ;; esac - shift - OPTARG="$1" - shift - - case "$ARG" in - -d) - tempdir="$OPTARG" - ;; - --env-filter) - filter_env="$OPTARG" - ;; - --tree-filter) - filter_tree="$OPTARG" - ;; - --index-filter) - filter_index="$OPTARG" - ;; - --parent-filter) - filter_parent="$OPTARG" - ;; - --msg-filter) - filter_msg="$OPTARG" - ;; - --commit-filter) - filter_commit="$functions; $OPTARG" - ;; - --tag-name-filter) - filter_tag_name="$OPTARG" - ;; - --subdirectory-filter) - filter_subdir="$OPTARG" - remap_to_ancestor=t - ;; - --original) - orig_namespace=$(expr "$OPTARG/" : '\(.*[^/]\)/*$')/ - ;; - *) - usage - ;; - esac -done - -case "$prune_empty,$filter_commit" in -,) - filter_commit='git commit-tree "$@"';; -t,) - filter_commit="$functions;"' git_commit_non_empty_tree "$@"';; -,*) - ;; -*) - die "Cannot set --prune-empty and --commit-filter at the same time" -esac - -case "$force" in -t) - rm -rf "$tempdir" -;; -'') - test -d "$tempdir" && - die "$tempdir already exists, please remove it" -esac -mkdir -p "$tempdir/t" && -tempdir="$(cd "$tempdir"; pwd)" && -cd "$tempdir/t" && -workdir="$(pwd)" || -die "" - -# Remove tempdir on exit -trap 'cd ../..; rm -rf "$tempdir"' 0 - -ORIG_GIT_DIR="$GIT_DIR" -ORIG_GIT_WORK_TREE="$GIT_WORK_TREE" -ORIG_GIT_INDEX_FILE="$GIT_INDEX_FILE" -GIT_WORK_TREE=. -export GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE - -# Make sure refs/original is empty -git for-each-ref > "$tempdir"/backup-refs || exit -while read sha1 type name -do - case "$force,$name" in - ,$orig_namespace*) - die "Cannot create a new backup. -A previous backup already exists in $orig_namespace -Force overwriting the backup with -f" - ;; - t,$orig_namespace*) - git update-ref -d "$name" $sha1 - ;; - esac -done < "$tempdir"/backup-refs - -# The refs should be updated if their heads were rewritten -git rev-parse --no-flags --revs-only --symbolic-full-name \ - --default HEAD "$@" > "$tempdir"/raw-heads || exit -sed -e '/^^/d' "$tempdir"/raw-heads >"$tempdir"/heads - -test -s "$tempdir"/heads || - die "Which ref do you want to rewrite?" - -GIT_INDEX_FILE="$(pwd)/../index" -export GIT_INDEX_FILE - -# map old->new commit ids for rewriting parents -mkdir ../map || die "Could not create map/ directory" - -# we need "--" only if there are no path arguments in $@ -nonrevs=$(git rev-parse --no-revs "$@") || exit -if test -z "$nonrevs" -then - dashdash=-- -else - dashdash= - remap_to_ancestor=t -fi - -rev_args=$(git rev-parse --revs-only "$@") - -case "$filter_subdir" in -"") - eval set -- "$(git rev-parse --sq --no-revs "$@")" - ;; -*) - eval set -- "$(git rev-parse --sq --no-revs "$@" $dashdash \ - "$filter_subdir")" - ;; -esac - -git rev-list --reverse --topo-order --default HEAD \ - --parents --simplify-merges $rev_args "$@" > ../revs || - die "Could not get the commits" -commits=$(wc -l <../revs | tr -d " ") - -test $commits -eq 0 && die "Found nothing to rewrite" - -# Rewrite the commits - -git_filter_branch__commit_count=0 -while read commit parents; do - git_filter_branch__commit_count=$(($git_filter_branch__commit_count+1)) - printf "\rRewrite $commit ($git_filter_branch__commit_count/$commits)" - - case "$filter_subdir" in - "") - git read-tree -i -m $commit - ;; - *) - # The commit may not have the subdirectory at all - err=$(git read-tree -i -m $commit:"$filter_subdir" 2>&1) || { - if ! git rev-parse -q --verify $commit:"$filter_subdir" - then - rm -f "$GIT_INDEX_FILE" - else - echo >&2 "$err" - false - fi - } - esac || die "Could not initialize the index" - - GIT_COMMIT=$commit - export GIT_COMMIT - git cat-file commit "$commit" >../commit || - die "Cannot read commit $commit" - - eval "$(set_ident AUTHOR <../commit)" || - die "setting author failed for commit $commit" - eval "$(set_ident COMMITTER <../commit)" || - die "setting committer failed for commit $commit" - eval "$filter_env" < /dev/null || - die "env filter failed: $filter_env" - - if [ "$filter_tree" ]; then - git checkout-index -f -u -a || - die "Could not checkout the index" - # files that $commit removed are now still in the working tree; - # remove them, else they would be added again - git clean -d -q -f -x - eval "$filter_tree" < /dev/null || - die "tree filter failed: $filter_tree" - - ( - git diff-index -r --name-only --ignore-submodules $commit && - git ls-files --others - ) > "$tempdir"/tree-state || exit - git update-index --add --replace --remove --stdin \ - < "$tempdir"/tree-state || exit - fi - - eval "$filter_index" < /dev/null || - die "index filter failed: $filter_index" - - parentstr= - for parent in $parents; do - for reparent in $(map "$parent"); do - parentstr="$parentstr -p $reparent" - done - done - if [ "$filter_parent" ]; then - parentstr="$(echo "$parentstr" | eval "$filter_parent")" || - die "parent filter failed: $filter_parent" - fi - - sed -e '1,/^$/d' <../commit | \ - eval "$filter_msg" > ../message || - die "msg filter failed: $filter_msg" - workdir=$workdir /bin/sh -c "$filter_commit" "git commit-tree" \ - $(git write-tree) $parentstr < ../message > ../map/$commit || - die "could not write rewritten commit" -done <../revs - -# If we are filtering for paths, as in the case of a subdirectory -# filter, it is possible that a specified head is not in the set of -# rewritten commits, because it was pruned by the revision walker. -# Ancestor remapping fixes this by mapping these heads to the unique -# nearest ancestor that survived the pruning. - -if test "$remap_to_ancestor" = t -then - while read ref - do - sha1=$(git rev-parse "$ref"^0) - test -f "$workdir"/../map/$sha1 && continue - ancestor=$(git rev-list --simplify-merges -1 "$ref" "$@") - test "$ancestor" && echo $(map $ancestor) >> "$workdir"/../map/$sha1 - done < "$tempdir"/heads -fi - -# Finally update the refs - -_x40='[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]' -_x40="$_x40$_x40$_x40$_x40$_x40$_x40$_x40$_x40" -echo -while read ref -do - # avoid rewriting a ref twice - test -f "$orig_namespace$ref" && continue - - sha1=$(git rev-parse "$ref"^0) - rewritten=$(map $sha1) - - test $sha1 = "$rewritten" && - warn "WARNING: Ref '$ref' is unchanged" && - continue - - case "$rewritten" in - '') - echo "Ref '$ref' was deleted" - git update-ref -m "filter-branch: delete" -d "$ref" $sha1 || - die "Could not delete $ref" - ;; - $_x40) - echo "Ref '$ref' was rewritten" - if ! git update-ref -m "filter-branch: rewrite" \ - "$ref" $rewritten $sha1 2>/dev/null; then - if test $(git cat-file -t "$ref") = tag; then - if test -z "$filter_tag_name"; then - warn "WARNING: You said to rewrite tagged commits, but not the corresponding tag." - warn "WARNING: Perhaps use '--tag-name-filter cat' to rewrite the tag." - fi - else - die "Could not rewrite $ref" - fi - fi - ;; - *) - # NEEDSWORK: possibly add -Werror, making this an error - warn "WARNING: '$ref' was rewritten into multiple commits:" - warn "$rewritten" - warn "WARNING: Ref '$ref' points to the first one now." - rewritten=$(echo "$rewritten" | head -n 1) - git update-ref -m "filter-branch: rewrite to first" \ - "$ref" $rewritten $sha1 || - die "Could not rewrite $ref" - ;; - esac - git update-ref -m "filter-branch: backup" "$orig_namespace$ref" $sha1 || - exit -done < "$tempdir"/heads - -# TODO: This should possibly go, with the semantics that all positive given -# refs are updated, and their original heads stored in refs/original/ -# Filter tags - -if [ "$filter_tag_name" ]; then - git for-each-ref --format='%(objectname) %(objecttype) %(refname)' refs/tags | - while read sha1 type ref; do - ref="${ref#refs/tags/}" - # XXX: Rewrite tagged trees as well? - if [ "$type" != "commit" -a "$type" != "tag" ]; then - continue; - fi - - if [ "$type" = "tag" ]; then - # Dereference to a commit - sha1t="$sha1" - sha1="$(git rev-parse -q "$sha1"^{commit})" || continue - fi - - [ -f "../map/$sha1" ] || continue - new_sha1="$(cat "../map/$sha1")" - GIT_COMMIT="$sha1" - export GIT_COMMIT - new_ref="$(echo "$ref" | eval "$filter_tag_name")" || - die "tag name filter failed: $filter_tag_name" - - echo "$ref -> $new_ref ($sha1 -> $new_sha1)" - - if [ "$type" = "tag" ]; then - new_sha1=$( ( printf 'object %s\ntype commit\ntag %s\n' \ - "$new_sha1" "$new_ref" - git cat-file tag "$ref" | - sed -n \ - -e '1,/^$/{ - /^object /d - /^type /d - /^tag /d - }' \ - -e '/^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----/q' \ - -e 'p' ) | - git mktag) || - die "Could not create new tag object for $ref" - if git cat-file tag "$ref" | \ - sane_grep '^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----' >/dev/null 2>&1 - then - warn "gpg signature stripped from tag object $sha1t" - fi - fi - - git update-ref "refs/tags/$new_ref" "$new_sha1" || - die "Could not write tag $new_ref" - done -fi - -cd ../.. -rm -rf "$tempdir" - -trap - 0 - -unset GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE GIT_INDEX_FILE -test -z "$ORIG_GIT_DIR" || { - GIT_DIR="$ORIG_GIT_DIR" && export GIT_DIR -} -test -z "$ORIG_GIT_WORK_TREE" || { - GIT_WORK_TREE="$ORIG_GIT_WORK_TREE" && - export GIT_WORK_TREE -} -test -z "$ORIG_GIT_INDEX_FILE" || { - GIT_INDEX_FILE="$ORIG_GIT_INDEX_FILE" && - export GIT_INDEX_FILE -} - -if [ "$(is_bare_repository)" = false ]; then - git read-tree -u -m HEAD || exit -fi - -exit 0 diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fmt-merge-msg b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fmt-merge-msg deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fmt-merge-msg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-for-each-ref b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-for-each-ref deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-for-each-ref +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-format-patch b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-format-patch deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-format-patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fsck b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fsck deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fsck +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fsck-objects b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fsck-objects deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-fsck-objects +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-gc b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-gc deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-gc +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-get-tar-commit-id b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-get-tar-commit-id deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-get-tar-commit-id +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-grep b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-grep deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-grep +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-gui b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-gui deleted file mode 100755 index 47458bef..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-gui +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -if test "z$*" = zversion || - test "z$*" = z--version -then - echo 'git-gui version 0.14.0-dirty' -else - exec '/usr/local/git/share/git-gui/lib/Git Gui.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish' "$0" "$@" -fi diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-gui--askpass b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-gui--askpass deleted file mode 100755 index 4277f30c..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-gui--askpass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \ -exec wish "$0" -- "$@" - -# This is a trivial implementation of an SSH_ASKPASS handler. -# Git-gui uses this script if none are already configured. - -package require Tk - -set answer {} -set yesno 0 -set rc 255 - -if {$argc < 1} { - set prompt "Enter your OpenSSH passphrase:" -} else { - set prompt [join $argv " "] - if {[regexp -nocase {\(yes\/no\)\?\s*$} $prompt]} { - set yesno 1 - } -} - -message .m -text $prompt -justify center -aspect 4000 -pack .m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20 -expand 1 - -entry .e -textvariable answer -width 50 -pack .e -side top -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10 - -if {!$yesno} { - .e configure -show "*" -} - -frame .b -button .b.ok -text OK -command finish -button .b.cancel -text Cancel -command cancel - -pack .b.ok -side left -expand 1 -pack .b.cancel -side right -expand 1 -pack .b -side bottom -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10 - -bind . {focus -force .e} -bind . [list .b.ok invoke] -bind . [list .b.cancel invoke] -bind . {set rc $rc} - -proc cancel {} { - set ::rc 255 -} - -proc finish {} { - if {$::yesno} { - if {$::answer ne "yes" && $::answer ne "no"} { - tk_messageBox -icon error -title "Error" -type ok \ - -message "Only 'yes' or 'no' input allowed." - return - } - } - - puts $::answer - set ::rc 0 -} - -wm title . "OpenSSH" -tk::PlaceWindow . -vwait rc -exit $rc diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-hash-object b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-hash-object deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-hash-object +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-help b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-help deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-help +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend deleted file mode 100755 index c3e208b0..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-fetch b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-fetch deleted file mode 100755 index 2ff93dae..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-fetch and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-push b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-push deleted file mode 100755 index b19c1e8f..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-push and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-imap-send b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-imap-send deleted file mode 100755 index cf03f855..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-imap-send and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-index-pack b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-index-pack deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-index-pack +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-init b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-init deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-init +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-init-db b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-init-db deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-init-db +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-instaweb b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-instaweb deleted file mode 100755 index aa1ccdff..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-instaweb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,624 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2006 Eric Wong -# - -PERL='/usr/bin/perl' -OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH= -OPTIONS_SPEC="\ -git instaweb [options] (--start | --stop | --restart) --- -l,local only bind on -p,port= the port to bind to -d,httpd= the command to launch -b,browser= the browser to launch -m,module-path= the module path (only needed for apache2) - Action -stop stop the web server -start start the web server -restart restart the web server -" - -. git-sh-setup - -fqgitdir="$GIT_DIR" -local="$(git config --bool --get instaweb.local)" -httpd="$(git config --get instaweb.httpd)" -root="$(git config --get instaweb.gitwebdir)" -port=$(git config --get instaweb.port) -module_path="$(git config --get instaweb.modulepath)" - -conf="$GIT_DIR/gitweb/httpd.conf" - -# Defaults: - -# if installed, it doesn't need further configuration (module_path) -test -z "$httpd" && httpd='lighttpd -f' - -# Default is /usr/local/git/share/gitweb -test -z "$root" && root='/usr/local/git/share/gitweb' - -# any untaken local port will do... -test -z "$port" && port=1234 - -resolve_full_httpd () { - case "$httpd" in - *apache2*|*lighttpd*|*httpd*) - # yes, *httpd* covers *lighttpd* above, but it is there for clarity - # ensure that the apache2/lighttpd command ends with "-f" - if ! echo "$httpd" | sane_grep -- '-f *$' >/dev/null 2>&1 - then - httpd="$httpd -f" - fi - ;; - *plackup*) - # server is started by running via generated gitweb.psgi in $fqgitdir/gitweb - full_httpd="$fqgitdir/gitweb/gitweb.psgi" - httpd_only="${httpd%% *}" # cut on first space - return - ;; - *webrick*) - # server is started by running via generated webrick.rb in - # $fqgitdir/gitweb - full_httpd="$fqgitdir/gitweb/webrick.rb" - httpd_only="${httpd%% *}" # cut on first space - return - ;; - esac - - httpd_only="$(echo $httpd | cut -f1 -d' ')" - if case "$httpd_only" in /*) : ;; *) which $httpd_only >/dev/null 2>&1;; esac - then - full_httpd=$httpd - else - # many httpds are installed in /usr/sbin or /usr/local/sbin - # these days and those are not in most users $PATHs - # in addition, we may have generated a server script - # in $fqgitdir/gitweb. - for i in /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin "$root" "$fqgitdir/gitweb" - do - if test -x "$i/$httpd_only" - then - full_httpd=$i/$httpd - return - fi - done - - echo >&2 "$httpd_only not found. Install $httpd_only or use" \ - "--httpd to specify another httpd daemon." - exit 1 - fi -} - -start_httpd () { - if test -f "$fqgitdir/pid"; then - say "Instance already running. Restarting..." - stop_httpd - fi - - # here $httpd should have a meaningful value - resolve_full_httpd - - # don't quote $full_httpd, there can be arguments to it (-f) - case "$httpd" in - *mongoose*|*plackup*) - #These servers don't have a daemon mode so we'll have to fork it - $full_httpd "$fqgitdir/gitweb/httpd.conf" & - #Save the pid before doing anything else (we'll print it later) - pid=$! - - if test $? != 0; then - echo "Could not execute http daemon $httpd." - exit 1 - fi - - cat > "$fqgitdir/pid" <new('$port')); -print 'Waiting for \'$httpd\' to start ..'; -do { - print '.'; - sleep(1); -} until (IO::Socket::INET->new('$port')); -print qq! (done)\n!; -" -} - -while test $# != 0 -do - case "$1" in - --stop|stop) - stop_httpd - exit 0 - ;; - --start|start) - start_httpd - exit 0 - ;; - --restart|restart) - stop_httpd - start_httpd - exit 0 - ;; - -l|--local) - local=true - ;; - -d|--httpd) - shift - httpd="$1" - ;; - -b|--browser) - shift - browser="$1" - ;; - -p|--port) - shift - port="$1" - ;; - -m|--module-path) - shift - module_path="$1" - ;; - --) - ;; - *) - usage - ;; - esac - shift -done - -mkdir -p "$GIT_DIR/gitweb/tmp" -GIT_EXEC_PATH="$(git --exec-path)" -GIT_DIR="$fqgitdir" -GITWEB_CONFIG="$fqgitdir/gitweb/gitweb_config.perl" -export GIT_EXEC_PATH GIT_DIR GITWEB_CONFIG - -webrick_conf () { - # webrick seems to have no way of passing arbitrary environment - # variables to the underlying CGI executable, so we wrap the - # actual gitweb.cgi using a shell script to force it - wrapper="$fqgitdir/gitweb/$httpd/wrapper.sh" - cat > "$wrapper" <"$fqgitdir/gitweb/$httpd.rb" < $port, - :DocumentRoot => "$root", - :Logger => Logger.new('$fqgitdir/gitweb/error.log'), - :AccessLog => [ - [ Logger.new('$fqgitdir/gitweb/access.log'), - WEBrick::AccessLog::COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT ] - ], - :DirectoryIndex => ["gitweb.cgi"], - :CGIInterpreter => "$wrapper", - :StartCallback => lambda do - File.open("$fqgitdir/pid", "w") { |f| f.puts Process.pid } - end, - :ServerType => WEBrick::Daemon, -} -options[:BindAddress] = '' if "$local" == "true" -server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(options) -['INT', 'TERM'].each do |signal| - trap(signal) {server.shutdown} -end -server.start -EOF - chmod +x "$fqgitdir/gitweb/$httpd.rb" - # configuration is embedded in server script file, webrick.rb - rm -f "$conf" -} - -lighttpd_conf () { - cat > "$conf" < env.PATH, "GITWEB_CONFIG" => env.GITWEB_CONFIG ) - -cgi.assign = ( ".cgi" => "" ) - -# mimetype mapping -mimetype.assign = ( - ".pdf" => "application/pdf", - ".sig" => "application/pgp-signature", - ".spl" => "application/futuresplash", - ".class" => "application/octet-stream", - ".ps" => "application/postscript", - ".torrent" => "application/x-bittorrent", - ".dvi" => "application/x-dvi", - ".gz" => "application/x-gzip", - ".pac" => "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig", - ".swf" => "application/x-shockwave-flash", - ".tar.gz" => "application/x-tgz", - ".tgz" => "application/x-tgz", - ".tar" => "application/x-tar", - ".zip" => "application/zip", - ".mp3" => "audio/mpeg", - ".m3u" => "audio/x-mpegurl", - ".wma" => "audio/x-ms-wma", - ".wax" => "audio/x-ms-wax", - ".ogg" => "application/ogg", - ".wav" => "audio/x-wav", - ".gif" => "image/gif", - ".jpg" => "image/jpeg", - ".jpeg" => "image/jpeg", - ".png" => "image/png", - ".xbm" => "image/x-xbitmap", - ".xpm" => "image/x-xpixmap", - ".xwd" => "image/x-xwindowdump", - ".css" => "text/css", - ".html" => "text/html", - ".htm" => "text/html", - ".js" => "text/javascript", - ".asc" => "text/plain", - ".c" => "text/plain", - ".cpp" => "text/plain", - ".log" => "text/plain", - ".conf" => "text/plain", - ".text" => "text/plain", - ".txt" => "text/plain", - ".dtd" => "text/xml", - ".xml" => "text/xml", - ".mpeg" => "video/mpeg", - ".mpg" => "video/mpeg", - ".mov" => "video/quicktime", - ".qt" => "video/quicktime", - ".avi" => "video/x-msvideo", - ".asf" => "video/x-ms-asf", - ".asx" => "video/x-ms-asf", - ".wmv" => "video/x-ms-wmv", - ".bz2" => "application/x-bzip", - ".tbz" => "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar", - ".tar.bz2" => "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar", - "" => "text/plain" - ) -EOF - test x"$local" = xtrue && echo 'server.bind = ""' >> "$conf" -} - -apache2_conf () { - if test -z "$module_path" - then - test -d "/usr/lib/httpd/modules" && - module_path="/usr/lib/httpd/modules" - test -d "/usr/lib/apache2/modules" && - module_path="/usr/lib/apache2/modules" - fi - bind= - test x"$local" = xtrue && bind='' - echo 'text/css css' > "$fqgitdir/mime.types" - cat > "$conf" <> "$conf" - fi - done - cat >> "$conf" <) has been applied - if test -f "$module_path/mod_perl.so" && - sane_grep 'MOD_PERL' "$root/gitweb.cgi" >/dev/null - then - # favor mod_perl if available - cat >> "$conf" < - SetHandler perl-script - PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry - PerlOptions +ParseHeaders - Options +ExecCGI - -EOF - else - # plain-old CGI - resolve_full_httpd - list_mods=$(echo "$full_httpd" | sed 's/-f$/-l/') - $list_mods | sane_grep 'mod_cgi\.c' >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ - if test -f "$module_path/mod_cgi.so" - then - echo "LoadModule cgi_module $module_path/mod_cgi.so" >> "$conf" - else - $list_mods | grep 'mod_cgid\.c' >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ - if test -f "$module_path/mod_cgid.so" - then - echo "LoadModule cgid_module $module_path/mod_cgid.so" \ - >> "$conf" - else - echo "You have no CGI support!" - exit 2 - fi - echo "ScriptSock logs/gitweb.sock" >> "$conf" - fi - cat >> "$conf" < - Options +ExecCGI - -EOF - fi -} - -mongoose_conf() { - cat > "$conf" < "$fqgitdir/gitweb/gitweb.psgi" <add_type( - ".pdf" => "application/pdf", - ".sig" => "application/pgp-signature", - ".spl" => "application/futuresplash", - ".class" => "application/octet-stream", - ".ps" => "application/postscript", - ".torrent" => "application/x-bittorrent", - ".dvi" => "application/x-dvi", - ".gz" => "application/x-gzip", - ".pac" => "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig", - ".swf" => "application/x-shockwave-flash", - ".tar.gz" => "application/x-tgz", - ".tgz" => "application/x-tgz", - ".tar" => "application/x-tar", - ".zip" => "application/zip", - ".mp3" => "audio/mpeg", - ".m3u" => "audio/x-mpegurl", - ".wma" => "audio/x-ms-wma", - ".wax" => "audio/x-ms-wax", - ".ogg" => "application/ogg", - ".wav" => "audio/x-wav", - ".gif" => "image/gif", - ".jpg" => "image/jpeg", - ".jpeg" => "image/jpeg", - ".png" => "image/png", - ".xbm" => "image/x-xbitmap", - ".xpm" => "image/x-xpixmap", - ".xwd" => "image/x-xwindowdump", - ".css" => "text/css", - ".html" => "text/html", - ".htm" => "text/html", - ".js" => "text/javascript", - ".asc" => "text/plain", - ".c" => "text/plain", - ".cpp" => "text/plain", - ".log" => "text/plain", - ".conf" => "text/plain", - ".text" => "text/plain", - ".txt" => "text/plain", - ".dtd" => "text/xml", - ".xml" => "text/xml", - ".mpeg" => "video/mpeg", - ".mpg" => "video/mpeg", - ".mov" => "video/quicktime", - ".qt" => "video/quicktime", - ".avi" => "video/x-msvideo", - ".asf" => "video/x-ms-asf", - ".asx" => "video/x-ms-asf", - ".wmv" => "video/x-ms-wmv", - ".bz2" => "application/x-bzip", - ".tbz" => "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar", - ".tar.bz2" => "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar", - "" => "text/plain" -); - -my \$app = builder { - # to be able to override \$SIG{__WARN__} to log build time warnings - use CGI::Carp; # it sets \$SIG{__WARN__} itself - - my \$logdir = "$fqgitdir/gitweb/$httpd_only"; - open my \$access_log_fh, '>>', "\$logdir/access.log" - or die "Couldn't open access log '\$logdir/access.log': \$!"; - open my \$error_log_fh, '>>', "\$logdir/error.log" - or die "Couldn't open error log '\$logdir/error.log': \$!"; - - \$access_log_fh->autoflush(1); - \$error_log_fh->autoflush(1); - - # redirect build time warnings to error.log - \$SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { - my \$msg = shift; - # timestamp warning like in CGI::Carp::warn - my \$stamp = CGI::Carp::stamp(); - \$msg =~ s/^/\$stamp/gm; - print \$error_log_fh \$msg; - }; - - # write errors to error.log, access to access.log - enable 'AccessLog', - format => "combined", - logger => sub { print \$access_log_fh @_; }; - enable sub { - my \$app = shift; - sub { - my \$env = shift; - \$env->{'psgi.errors'} = \$error_log_fh; - \$app->(\$env); - } - }; - # gitweb currently doesn't work with $SIG{CHLD} set to 'IGNORE', - # because it uses 'close $fd or die...' on piped filehandle $fh - # (which causes the parent process to wait for child to finish). - enable_if { \$SIG{'CHLD'} eq 'IGNORE' } sub { - my \$app = shift; - sub { - my \$env = shift; - local \$SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT'; - local \$SIG{'CLD'} = 'DEFAULT'; - \$app->(\$env); - } - }; - # serve static files, i.e. stylesheet, images, script - enable 'Static', - path => sub { m!\.(js|css|png)\$! && s!^/gitweb/!! }, - root => "$root/", - encoding => 'utf-8'; # encoding for 'text/plain' files - # convert CGI application to PSGI app - Plack::App::WrapCGI->new(script => "$root/gitweb.cgi")->to_app; -}; - -# make it runnable as standalone app, -# like it would be run via 'plackup' utility -if (caller) { - return \$app; -} else { - require Plack::Runner; - - my \$runner = Plack::Runner->new(); - \$runner->parse_options(qw(--env deployment --port $port), - "$local" ? qw(--host : ()); - \$runner->run(\$app); -} -__END__ -EOF - - chmod a+x "$fqgitdir/gitweb/gitweb.psgi" - # configuration is embedded in server script file, gitweb.psgi - rm -f "$conf" -} - -gitweb_conf() { - cat > "$fqgitdir/gitweb/gitweb_config.perl" <&2 - -if [ "$#" != "0" ] -then - usage -fi - -laf="$GIT_DIR/lost-found" -rm -fr "$laf" && mkdir -p "$laf/commit" "$laf/other" || exit - -git fsck --full --no-reflogs | -while read dangling type sha1 -do - case "$dangling" in - dangling) - if git rev-parse -q --verify "$sha1^0" >/dev/null - then - dir="$laf/commit" - git show-branch "$sha1" - else - dir="$laf/other" - fi - echo "$sha1" >"$dir/$sha1" - ;; - esac -done diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-ls-files b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-ls-files deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-ls-files +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-ls-remote b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-ls-remote deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-ls-remote +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-ls-tree b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-ls-tree deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-ls-tree +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mailinfo b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mailinfo deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mailinfo +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mailsplit b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mailsplit deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mailsplit +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-base b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-base deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-base +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-file b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-file deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-file +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-index b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-index deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-index +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-octopus b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-octopus deleted file mode 100755 index 8643f74c..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-octopus +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2005 Junio C Hamano -# -# Resolve two or more trees. -# - -LF=' -' - -die () { - echo >&2 "$*" - exit 1 -} - -# The first parameters up to -- are merge bases; the rest are heads. -bases= head= remotes= sep_seen= -for arg -do - case ",$sep_seen,$head,$arg," in - *,--,) - sep_seen=yes - ;; - ,yes,,*) - head=$arg - ;; - ,yes,*) - remotes="$remotes$arg " - ;; - *) - bases="$bases$arg " - ;; - esac -done - -# Reject if this is not an Octopus -- resolve should be used instead. -case "$remotes" in -?*' '?*) - ;; -*) - exit 2 ;; -esac - -# MRC is the current "merge reference commit" -# MRT is the current "merge result tree" - -MRC=$(git rev-parse --verify -q $head) -MRT=$(git write-tree) -NON_FF_MERGE=0 -OCTOPUS_FAILURE=0 -for SHA1 in $remotes -do - case "$OCTOPUS_FAILURE" in - 1) - # We allow only last one to have a hand-resolvable - # conflicts. Last round failed and we still had - # a head to merge. - echo "Automated merge did not work." - echo "Should not be doing an Octopus." - exit 2 - esac - - eval pretty_name=\${GITHEAD_$SHA1:-$SHA1} - if test "$SHA1" = "$pretty_name" - then - SHA1_UP="$(echo "$SHA1" | tr a-z A-Z)" - eval pretty_name=\${GITHEAD_$SHA1_UP:-$pretty_name} - fi - common=$(git merge-base --all $SHA1 $MRC) || - die "Unable to find common commit with $pretty_name" - - case "$LF$common$LF" in - *"$LF$SHA1$LF"*) - echo "Already up-to-date with $pretty_name" - continue - ;; - esac - - if test "$common,$NON_FF_MERGE" = "$MRC,0" - then - # The first head being merged was a fast-forward. - # Advance MRC to the head being merged, and use that - # tree as the intermediate result of the merge. - # We still need to count this as part of the parent set. - - echo "Fast-forwarding to: $pretty_name" - git read-tree -u -m $head $SHA1 || exit - MRC=$SHA1 MRT=$(git write-tree) - continue - fi - - NON_FF_MERGE=1 - - echo "Trying simple merge with $pretty_name" - git read-tree -u -m --aggressive $common $MRT $SHA1 || exit 2 - next=$(git write-tree 2>/dev/null) - if test $? -ne 0 - then - echo "Simple merge did not work, trying automatic merge." - git-merge-index -o git-merge-one-file -a || - OCTOPUS_FAILURE=1 - next=$(git write-tree 2>/dev/null) - fi - - MRC="$MRC $SHA1" - MRT=$next -done - -exit "$OCTOPUS_FAILURE" diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-one-file b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-one-file deleted file mode 100755 index bb64a72a..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-one-file +++ /dev/null @@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) Linus Torvalds, 2005 -# -# This is the git per-file merge script, called with -# -# $1 - original file SHA1 (or empty) -# $2 - file in branch1 SHA1 (or empty) -# $3 - file in branch2 SHA1 (or empty) -# $4 - pathname in repository -# $5 - original file mode (or empty) -# $6 - file in branch1 mode (or empty) -# $7 - file in branch2 mode (or empty) -# -# Handle some trivial cases.. The _really_ trivial cases have -# been handled already by git read-tree, but that one doesn't -# do any merges that might change the tree layout. - -USAGE=' ' -USAGE="$USAGE " -LONG_USAGE="Usage: git merge-one-file $USAGE - -Blob ids and modes should be empty for missing files." - -SUBDIRECTORY_OK=Yes -. git-sh-setup -cd_to_toplevel -require_work_tree - -if ! test "$#" -eq 7 -then - echo "$LONG_USAGE" - exit 1 -fi - -case "${1:-.}${2:-.}${3:-.}" in -# -# Deleted in both or deleted in one and unchanged in the other -# -"$1.." | "$1.$1" | "$1$1.") - if [ "$2" ]; then - echo "Removing $4" - else - # read-tree checked that index matches HEAD already, - # so we know we do not have this path tracked. - # there may be an unrelated working tree file here, - # which we should just leave unmolested. Make sure - # we do not have it in the index, though. - exec git update-index --remove -- "$4" - fi - if test -f "$4"; then - rm -f -- "$4" && - rmdir -p "$(expr "z$4" : 'z\(.*\)/')" 2>/dev/null || : - fi && - exec git update-index --remove -- "$4" - ;; - -# -# Added in one. -# -".$2.") - # the other side did not add and we added so there is nothing - # to be done, except making the path merged. - exec git update-index --add --cacheinfo "$6" "$2" "$4" - ;; -"..$3") - echo "Adding $4" - if test -f "$4" - then - echo "ERROR: untracked $4 is overwritten by the merge." - exit 1 - fi - git update-index --add --cacheinfo "$7" "$3" "$4" && - exec git checkout-index -u -f -- "$4" - ;; - -# -# Added in both, identically (check for same permissions). -# -".$3$2") - if [ "$6" != "$7" ]; then - echo "ERROR: File $4 added identically in both branches," - echo "ERROR: but permissions conflict $6->$7." - exit 1 - fi - echo "Adding $4" - git update-index --add --cacheinfo "$6" "$2" "$4" && - exec git checkout-index -u -f -- "$4" - ;; - -# -# Modified in both, but differently. -# -"$1$2$3" | ".$2$3") - - case ",$6,$7," in - *,120000,*) - echo "ERROR: $4: Not merging symbolic link changes." - exit 1 - ;; - *,160000,*) - echo "ERROR: $4: Not merging conflicting submodule changes." - exit 1 - ;; - esac - - src2=`git-unpack-file $3` - case "$1" in - '') - echo "Added $4 in both, but differently." - # This extracts OUR file in $orig, and uses git apply to - # remove lines that are unique to ours. - orig=`git-unpack-file $2` - sz0=`wc -c <"$orig"` - diff -u -La/$orig -Lb/$orig $orig $src2 | git apply --no-add - sz1=`wc -c <"$orig"` - - # If we do not have enough common material, it is not - # worth trying two-file merge using common subsections. - expr "$sz0" \< "$sz1" \* 2 >/dev/null || : >$orig - ;; - *) - echo "Auto-merging $4" - orig=`git-unpack-file $1` - ;; - esac - - # Be careful for funny filename such as "-L" in "$4", which - # would confuse "merge" greatly. - src1=`git-unpack-file $2` - git merge-file "$src1" "$orig" "$src2" - ret=$? - msg= - if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then - msg='content conflict' - fi - - # Create the working tree file, using "our tree" version from the - # index, and then store the result of the merge. - git checkout-index -f --stage=2 -- "$4" && cat "$src1" >"$4" || exit 1 - rm -f -- "$orig" "$src1" "$src2" - - if [ "$6" != "$7" ]; then - if [ -n "$msg" ]; then - msg="$msg, " - fi - msg="${msg}permissions conflict: $5->$6,$7" - ret=1 - fi - if [ "$1" = '' ]; then - ret=1 - fi - - if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then - echo "ERROR: $msg in $4" - exit 1 - fi - exec git update-index -- "$4" - ;; - -*) - echo "ERROR: $4: Not handling case $1 -> $2 -> $3" - ;; -esac -exit 1 diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-ours b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-ours deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-ours +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-recursive b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-recursive deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-recursive +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-resolve b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-resolve deleted file mode 100755 index c9da747f..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-resolve +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2005 Linus Torvalds -# Copyright (c) 2005 Junio C Hamano -# -# Resolve two trees, using enhanced multi-base read-tree. - -# The first parameters up to -- are merge bases; the rest are heads. -bases= head= remotes= sep_seen= -for arg -do - case ",$sep_seen,$head,$arg," in - *,--,) - sep_seen=yes - ;; - ,yes,,*) - head=$arg - ;; - ,yes,*) - remotes="$remotes$arg " - ;; - *) - bases="$bases$arg " - ;; - esac -done - -# Give up if we are given two or more remotes -- not handling octopus. -case "$remotes" in -?*' '?*) - exit 2 ;; -esac - -# Give up if this is a baseless merge. -if test '' = "$bases" -then - exit 2 -fi - -git update-index -q --refresh -git read-tree -u -m --aggressive $bases $head $remotes || exit 2 -echo "Trying simple merge." -if result_tree=$(git write-tree 2>/dev/null) -then - exit 0 -else - echo "Simple merge failed, trying Automatic merge." - if git-merge-index -o git-merge-one-file -a - then - exit 0 - else - exit 1 - fi -fi diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-subtree b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-subtree deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-subtree +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-tree b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-tree deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-merge-tree +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mergetool b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mergetool deleted file mode 100755 index 3aab5aae..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mergetool +++ /dev/null @@ -1,405 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# This program resolves merge conflicts in git -# -# Copyright (c) 2006 Theodore Y. Ts'o -# -# This file is licensed under the GPL v2, or a later version -# at the discretion of Junio C Hamano. -# - -USAGE='[--tool=tool] [-y|--no-prompt|--prompt] [file to merge] ...' -SUBDIRECTORY_OK=Yes -OPTIONS_SPEC= -TOOL_MODE=merge -. git-sh-setup -. git-mergetool--lib -require_work_tree - -# Returns true if the mode reflects a symlink -is_symlink () { - test "$1" = 120000 -} - -is_submodule () { - test "$1" = 160000 -} - -local_present () { - test -n "$local_mode" -} - -remote_present () { - test -n "$remote_mode" -} - -base_present () { - test -n "$base_mode" -} - -cleanup_temp_files () { - if test "$1" = --save-backup ; then - rm -rf -- "$MERGED.orig" - test -e "$BACKUP" && mv -- "$BACKUP" "$MERGED.orig" - rm -f -- "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" - else - rm -f -- "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" "$BACKUP" - fi -} - -describe_file () { - mode="$1" - branch="$2" - file="$3" - - printf " {%s}: " "$branch" - if test -z "$mode"; then - echo "deleted" - elif is_symlink "$mode" ; then - echo "a symbolic link -> '$(cat "$file")'" - elif is_submodule "$mode" ; then - echo "submodule commit $file" - else - if base_present; then - echo "modified file" - else - echo "created file" - fi - fi -} - - -resolve_symlink_merge () { - while true; do - printf "Use (l)ocal or (r)emote, or (a)bort? " - read ans - case "$ans" in - [lL]*) - git checkout-index -f --stage=2 -- "$MERGED" - git add -- "$MERGED" - cleanup_temp_files --save-backup - return 0 - ;; - [rR]*) - git checkout-index -f --stage=3 -- "$MERGED" - git add -- "$MERGED" - cleanup_temp_files --save-backup - return 0 - ;; - [aA]*) - return 1 - ;; - esac - done -} - -resolve_deleted_merge () { - while true; do - if base_present; then - printf "Use (m)odified or (d)eleted file, or (a)bort? " - else - printf "Use (c)reated or (d)eleted file, or (a)bort? " - fi - read ans - case "$ans" in - [mMcC]*) - git add -- "$MERGED" - cleanup_temp_files --save-backup - return 0 - ;; - [dD]*) - git rm -- "$MERGED" > /dev/null - cleanup_temp_files - return 0 - ;; - [aA]*) - return 1 - ;; - esac - done -} - -resolve_submodule_merge () { - while true; do - printf "Use (l)ocal or (r)emote, or (a)bort? " - read ans - case "$ans" in - [lL]*) - if ! local_present; then - if test -n "$(git ls-tree HEAD -- "$MERGED")"; then - # Local isn't present, but it's a subdirectory - git ls-tree --full-name -r HEAD -- "$MERGED" | git update-index --index-info || exit $? - else - test -e "$MERGED" && mv -- "$MERGED" "$BACKUP" - git update-index --force-remove "$MERGED" - cleanup_temp_files --save-backup - fi - elif is_submodule "$local_mode"; then - stage_submodule "$MERGED" "$local_sha1" - else - git checkout-index -f --stage=2 -- "$MERGED" - git add -- "$MERGED" - fi - return 0 - ;; - [rR]*) - if ! remote_present; then - if test -n "$(git ls-tree MERGE_HEAD -- "$MERGED")"; then - # Remote isn't present, but it's a subdirectory - git ls-tree --full-name -r MERGE_HEAD -- "$MERGED" | git update-index --index-info || exit $? - else - test -e "$MERGED" && mv -- "$MERGED" "$BACKUP" - git update-index --force-remove "$MERGED" - fi - elif is_submodule "$remote_mode"; then - ! is_submodule "$local_mode" && test -e "$MERGED" && mv -- "$MERGED" "$BACKUP" - stage_submodule "$MERGED" "$remote_sha1" - else - test -e "$MERGED" && mv -- "$MERGED" "$BACKUP" - git checkout-index -f --stage=3 -- "$MERGED" - git add -- "$MERGED" - fi - cleanup_temp_files --save-backup - return 0 - ;; - [aA]*) - return 1 - ;; - esac - done -} - -stage_submodule () { - path="$1" - submodule_sha1="$2" - mkdir -p "$path" || die "fatal: unable to create directory for module at $path" - # Find $path relative to work tree - work_tree_root=$(cd_to_toplevel && pwd) - work_rel_path=$(cd "$path" && GIT_WORK_TREE="${work_tree_root}" git rev-parse --show-prefix) - test -n "$work_rel_path" || die "fatal: unable to get path of module $path relative to work tree" - git update-index --add --replace --cacheinfo 160000 "$submodule_sha1" "${work_rel_path%/}" || die -} - -checkout_staged_file () { - tmpfile=$(expr "$(git checkout-index --temp --stage="$1" "$2")" : '\([^ ]*\) ') - - if test $? -eq 0 -a -n "$tmpfile" ; then - mv -- "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)$tmpfile" "$3" - fi -} - -merge_file () { - MERGED="$1" - - f=$(git ls-files -u -- "$MERGED") - if test -z "$f" ; then - if test ! -f "$MERGED" ; then - echo "$MERGED: file not found" - else - echo "$MERGED: file does not need merging" - fi - return 1 - fi - - ext="$$$(expr "$MERGED" : '.*\(\.[^/]*\)$')" - BACKUP="./$MERGED.BACKUP.$ext" - LOCAL="./$MERGED.LOCAL.$ext" - REMOTE="./$MERGED.REMOTE.$ext" - BASE="./$MERGED.BASE.$ext" - - base_mode=$(git ls-files -u -- "$MERGED" | awk '{if ($3==1) print $1;}') - local_mode=$(git ls-files -u -- "$MERGED" | awk '{if ($3==2) print $1;}') - remote_mode=$(git ls-files -u -- "$MERGED" | awk '{if ($3==3) print $1;}') - - if is_submodule "$local_mode" || is_submodule "$remote_mode"; then - echo "Submodule merge conflict for '$MERGED':" - local_sha1=$(git ls-files -u -- "$MERGED" | awk '{if ($3==2) print $2;}') - remote_sha1=$(git ls-files -u -- "$MERGED" | awk '{if ($3==3) print $2;}') - describe_file "$local_mode" "local" "$local_sha1" - describe_file "$remote_mode" "remote" "$remote_sha1" - resolve_submodule_merge - return - fi - - mv -- "$MERGED" "$BACKUP" - cp -- "$BACKUP" "$MERGED" - - base_present && checkout_staged_file 1 "$MERGED" "$BASE" - local_present && checkout_staged_file 2 "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" - remote_present && checkout_staged_file 3 "$MERGED" "$REMOTE" - - if test -z "$local_mode" -o -z "$remote_mode"; then - echo "Deleted merge conflict for '$MERGED':" - describe_file "$local_mode" "local" "$LOCAL" - describe_file "$remote_mode" "remote" "$REMOTE" - resolve_deleted_merge - return - fi - - if is_symlink "$local_mode" || is_symlink "$remote_mode"; then - echo "Symbolic link merge conflict for '$MERGED':" - describe_file "$local_mode" "local" "$LOCAL" - describe_file "$remote_mode" "remote" "$REMOTE" - resolve_symlink_merge - return - fi - - echo "Normal merge conflict for '$MERGED':" - describe_file "$local_mode" "local" "$LOCAL" - describe_file "$remote_mode" "remote" "$REMOTE" - if "$prompt" = true; then - printf "Hit return to start merge resolution tool (%s): " "$merge_tool" - read ans - fi - - if base_present; then - present=true - else - present=false - fi - - if ! run_merge_tool "$merge_tool" "$present"; then - echo "merge of $MERGED failed" 1>&2 - mv -- "$BACKUP" "$MERGED" - - if test "$merge_keep_temporaries" = "false"; then - cleanup_temp_files - fi - - return 1 - fi - - if test "$merge_keep_backup" = "true"; then - mv -- "$BACKUP" "$MERGED.orig" - else - rm -- "$BACKUP" - fi - - git add -- "$MERGED" - cleanup_temp_files - return 0 -} - -prompt=$(git config --bool mergetool.prompt || echo true) - -while test $# != 0 -do - case "$1" in - -t|--tool*) - case "$#,$1" in - *,*=*) - merge_tool=$(expr "z$1" : 'z-[^=]*=\(.*\)') - ;; - 1,*) - usage ;; - *) - merge_tool="$2" - shift ;; - esac - ;; - -y|--no-prompt) - prompt=false - ;; - --prompt) - prompt=true - ;; - --) - shift - break - ;; - -*) - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - shift -done - -prompt_after_failed_merge() { - while true; do - printf "Continue merging other unresolved paths (y/n) ? " - read ans - case "$ans" in - - [yY]*) - return 0 - ;; - - [nN]*) - return 1 - ;; - esac - done -} - -if test -z "$merge_tool"; then - merge_tool=$(get_merge_tool "$merge_tool") || exit -fi -merge_keep_backup="$(git config --bool mergetool.keepBackup || echo true)" -merge_keep_temporaries="$(git config --bool mergetool.keepTemporaries || echo false)" - -last_status=0 -rollup_status=0 -rerere=false - -files_to_merge() { - if test "$rerere" = true - then - git rerere remaining - else - git ls-files -u | sed -e 's/^[^ ]* //' | sort -u - fi -} - - -if test $# -eq 0 ; then - cd_to_toplevel - - if test -e "$GIT_DIR/MERGE_RR" - then - rerere=true - fi - - files=$(files_to_merge) - if test -z "$files" ; then - echo "No files need merging" - exit 0 - fi - - # Save original stdin - exec 3<&0 - - printf "Merging:\n" - printf "$files\n" - - files_to_merge | - while IFS= read i - do - if test $last_status -ne 0; then - prompt_after_failed_merge <&3 || exit 1 - fi - printf "\n" - merge_file "$i" <&3 - last_status=$? - if test $last_status -ne 0; then - rollup_status=1 - fi - done -else - while test $# -gt 0; do - if test $last_status -ne 0; then - prompt_after_failed_merge || exit 1 - fi - printf "\n" - merge_file "$1" - last_status=$? - if test $last_status -ne 0; then - rollup_status=1 - fi - shift - done -fi - -exit $rollup_status diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mergetool--lib b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mergetool--lib deleted file mode 100644 index 4db92123..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mergetool--lib +++ /dev/null @@ -1,439 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# git-mergetool--lib is a library for common merge tool functions -diff_mode() { - test "$TOOL_MODE" = diff -} - -merge_mode() { - test "$TOOL_MODE" = merge -} - -translate_merge_tool_path () { - case "$1" in - araxis) - echo compare - ;; - bc3) - echo bcompare - ;; - emerge) - echo emacs - ;; - gvimdiff|gvimdiff2) - echo gvim - ;; - vimdiff|vimdiff2) - echo vim - ;; - *) - echo "$1" - ;; - esac -} - -check_unchanged () { - if test "$MERGED" -nt "$BACKUP"; then - status=0 - else - while true; do - echo "$MERGED seems unchanged." - printf "Was the merge successful? [y/n] " - read answer - case "$answer" in - y*|Y*) status=0; break ;; - n*|N*) status=1; break ;; - esac - done - fi -} - -valid_tool () { - case "$1" in - araxis | bc3 | diffuse | ecmerge | emerge | gvimdiff | gvimdiff2 | \ - kdiff3 | meld | opendiff | p4merge | tkdiff | vimdiff | vimdiff2 | xxdiff) - ;; # happy - kompare) - if ! diff_mode; then - return 1 - fi - ;; - tortoisemerge) - if ! merge_mode; then - return 1 - fi - ;; - *) - if test -z "$(get_merge_tool_cmd "$1")"; then - return 1 - fi - ;; - esac -} - -get_merge_tool_cmd () { - # Prints the custom command for a merge tool - if test -n "$1"; then - merge_tool="$1" - else - merge_tool="$(get_merge_tool)" - fi - if diff_mode; then - echo "$(git config difftool.$merge_tool.cmd || - git config mergetool.$merge_tool.cmd)" - else - echo "$(git config mergetool.$merge_tool.cmd)" - fi -} - -run_merge_tool () { - merge_tool_path="$(get_merge_tool_path "$1")" || exit - base_present="$2" - status=0 - - case "$1" in - araxis) - if merge_mode; then - touch "$BACKUP" - if $base_present; then - "$merge_tool_path" -wait -merge -3 -a1 \ - "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED" \ - >/dev/null 2>&1 - else - "$merge_tool_path" -wait -2 \ - "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED" \ - >/dev/null 2>&1 - fi - check_unchanged - else - "$merge_tool_path" -wait -2 "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" \ - >/dev/null 2>&1 - fi - ;; - bc3) - if merge_mode; then - touch "$BACKUP" - if $base_present; then - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" \ - -mergeoutput="$MERGED" - else - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" \ - -mergeoutput="$MERGED" - fi - check_unchanged - else - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - ;; - diffuse) - if merge_mode; then - touch "$BACKUP" - if $base_present; then - "$merge_tool_path" \ - "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE" \ - "$BASE" | cat - else - "$merge_tool_path" \ - "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE" | cat - fi - check_unchanged - else - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" | cat - fi - ;; - ecmerge) - if merge_mode; then - touch "$BACKUP" - if $base_present; then - "$merge_tool_path" "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" \ - --default --mode=merge3 --to="$MERGED" - else - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" \ - --default --mode=merge2 --to="$MERGED" - fi - check_unchanged - else - "$merge_tool_path" --default --mode=diff2 \ - "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - ;; - emerge) - if merge_mode; then - if $base_present; then - "$merge_tool_path" \ - -f emerge-files-with-ancestor-command \ - "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" \ - "$(basename "$MERGED")" - else - "$merge_tool_path" \ - -f emerge-files-command \ - "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" \ - "$(basename "$MERGED")" - fi - status=$? - else - "$merge_tool_path" -f emerge-files-command \ - "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - ;; - gvimdiff|vimdiff) - if merge_mode; then - touch "$BACKUP" - if $base_present; then - "$merge_tool_path" -f -d -c "wincmd J" \ - "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE" - else - "$merge_tool_path" -f -d -c "wincmd l" \ - "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE" - fi - check_unchanged - else - "$merge_tool_path" -R -f -d -c "wincmd l" \ - "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - ;; - gvimdiff2|vimdiff2) - if merge_mode; then - touch "$BACKUP" - "$merge_tool_path" -f -d -c "wincmd l" \ - "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE" - check_unchanged - else - "$merge_tool_path" -R -f -d -c "wincmd l" \ - "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - ;; - kdiff3) - if merge_mode; then - if $base_present; then - ("$merge_tool_path" --auto \ - --L1 "$MERGED (Base)" \ - --L2 "$MERGED (Local)" \ - --L3 "$MERGED (Remote)" \ - -o "$MERGED" \ - "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" \ - > /dev/null 2>&1) - else - ("$merge_tool_path" --auto \ - --L1 "$MERGED (Local)" \ - --L2 "$MERGED (Remote)" \ - -o "$MERGED" \ - "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" \ - > /dev/null 2>&1) - fi - status=$? - else - ("$merge_tool_path" --auto \ - --L1 "$MERGED (A)" \ - --L2 "$MERGED (B)" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" \ - > /dev/null 2>&1) - fi - ;; - kompare) - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - ;; - meld) - if merge_mode; then - touch "$BACKUP" - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE" - check_unchanged - else - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - ;; - opendiff) - if merge_mode; then - touch "$BACKUP" - if $base_present; then - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" \ - -ancestor "$BASE" \ - -merge "$MERGED" | cat - else - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" \ - -merge "$MERGED" | cat - fi - check_unchanged - else - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" | cat - fi - ;; - p4merge) - if merge_mode; then - touch "$BACKUP" - $base_present || >"$BASE" - "$merge_tool_path" "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED" - check_unchanged - else - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - ;; - tkdiff) - if merge_mode; then - if $base_present; then - "$merge_tool_path" -a "$BASE" \ - -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - else - "$merge_tool_path" \ - -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - status=$? - else - "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - ;; - tortoisemerge) - if $base_present; then - touch "$BACKUP" - "$merge_tool_path" \ - -base:"$BASE" -mine:"$LOCAL" \ - -theirs:"$REMOTE" -merged:"$MERGED" - check_unchanged - else - echo "TortoiseMerge cannot be used without a base" 1>&2 - status=1 - fi - ;; - xxdiff) - if merge_mode; then - touch "$BACKUP" - if $base_present; then - "$merge_tool_path" -X --show-merged-pane \ - -R 'Accel.SaveAsMerged: "Ctrl-S"' \ - -R 'Accel.Search: "Ctrl+F"' \ - -R 'Accel.SearchForward: "Ctrl-G"' \ - --merged-file "$MERGED" \ - "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE" - else - "$merge_tool_path" -X $extra \ - -R 'Accel.SaveAsMerged: "Ctrl-S"' \ - -R 'Accel.Search: "Ctrl+F"' \ - -R 'Accel.SearchForward: "Ctrl-G"' \ - --merged-file "$MERGED" \ - "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - check_unchanged - else - "$merge_tool_path" \ - -R 'Accel.Search: "Ctrl+F"' \ - -R 'Accel.SearchForward: "Ctrl-G"' \ - "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" - fi - ;; - *) - merge_tool_cmd="$(get_merge_tool_cmd "$1")" - if test -z "$merge_tool_cmd"; then - if merge_mode; then - status=1 - fi - break - fi - if merge_mode; then - trust_exit_code="$(git config --bool \ - mergetool."$1".trustExitCode || echo false)" - if test "$trust_exit_code" = "false"; then - touch "$BACKUP" - ( eval $merge_tool_cmd ) - check_unchanged - else - ( eval $merge_tool_cmd ) - status=$? - fi - else - ( eval $merge_tool_cmd ) - fi - ;; - esac - return $status -} - -guess_merge_tool () { - if merge_mode; then - tools="tortoisemerge" - else - tools="kompare" - fi - if test -n "$DISPLAY"; then - if test -n "$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" ; then - tools="meld opendiff kdiff3 tkdiff xxdiff $tools" - else - tools="opendiff kdiff3 tkdiff xxdiff meld $tools" - fi - tools="$tools gvimdiff diffuse ecmerge p4merge araxis bc3" - fi - case "${VISUAL:-$EDITOR}" in - *vim*) - tools="$tools vimdiff emerge" - ;; - *) - tools="$tools emerge vimdiff" - ;; - esac - echo >&2 "merge tool candidates: $tools" - - # Loop over each candidate and stop when a valid merge tool is found. - for i in $tools - do - merge_tool_path="$(translate_merge_tool_path "$i")" - if type "$merge_tool_path" > /dev/null 2>&1; then - echo "$i" - return 0 - fi - done - - echo >&2 "No known merge resolution program available." - return 1 -} - -get_configured_merge_tool () { - # Diff mode first tries diff.tool and falls back to merge.tool. - # Merge mode only checks merge.tool - if diff_mode; then - merge_tool=$(git config diff.tool || git config merge.tool) - else - merge_tool=$(git config merge.tool) - fi - if test -n "$merge_tool" && ! valid_tool "$merge_tool"; then - echo >&2 "git config option $TOOL_MODE.tool set to unknown tool: $merge_tool" - echo >&2 "Resetting to default..." - return 1 - fi - echo "$merge_tool" -} - -get_merge_tool_path () { - # A merge tool has been set, so verify that it's valid. - if test -n "$1"; then - merge_tool="$1" - else - merge_tool="$(get_merge_tool)" - fi - if ! valid_tool "$merge_tool"; then - echo >&2 "Unknown merge tool $merge_tool" - exit 1 - fi - if diff_mode; then - merge_tool_path=$(git config difftool."$merge_tool".path || - git config mergetool."$merge_tool".path) - else - merge_tool_path=$(git config mergetool."$merge_tool".path) - fi - if test -z "$merge_tool_path"; then - merge_tool_path="$(translate_merge_tool_path "$merge_tool")" - fi - if test -z "$(get_merge_tool_cmd "$merge_tool")" && - ! type "$merge_tool_path" > /dev/null 2>&1; then - echo >&2 "The $TOOL_MODE tool $merge_tool is not available as"\ - "'$merge_tool_path'" - exit 1 - fi - echo "$merge_tool_path" -} - -get_merge_tool () { - # Check if a merge tool has been configured - merge_tool=$(get_configured_merge_tool) - # Try to guess an appropriate merge tool if no tool has been set. - if test -z "$merge_tool"; then - merge_tool="$(guess_merge_tool)" || exit - fi - echo "$merge_tool" -} diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mktag b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mktag deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mktag +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mktree b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mktree deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mktree +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mv b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mv deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-mv +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-name-rev b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-name-rev deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-name-rev +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-notes b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-notes deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-notes +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pack-objects b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pack-objects deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pack-objects +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pack-redundant b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pack-redundant deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pack-redundant +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pack-refs b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pack-refs deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pack-refs +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-parse-remote b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-parse-remote deleted file mode 100644 index b24119d6..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-parse-remote +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -# git-ls-remote could be called from outside a git managed repository; -# this would fail in that case and would issue an error message. -GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse -q --git-dir) || :; - -get_default_remote () { - curr_branch=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) - curr_branch="${curr_branch#refs/heads/}" - origin=$(git config --get "branch.$curr_branch.remote") - echo ${origin:-origin} -} - -get_remote_merge_branch () { - case "$#" in - 0|1) - origin="$1" - default=$(get_default_remote) - test -z "$origin" && origin=$default - curr_branch=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) && - [ "$origin" = "$default" ] && - echo $(git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream)' $curr_branch) - ;; - *) - repo=$1 - shift - ref=$1 - # FIXME: It should return the tracking branch - # Currently only works with the default mapping - case "$ref" in - +*) - ref=$(expr "z$ref" : 'z+\(.*\)') - ;; - esac - expr "z$ref" : 'z.*:' >/dev/null || ref="${ref}:" - remote=$(expr "z$ref" : 'z\([^:]*\):') - case "$remote" in - '' | HEAD ) remote=HEAD ;; - heads/*) remote=${remote#heads/} ;; - refs/heads/*) remote=${remote#refs/heads/} ;; - refs/* | tags/* | remotes/* ) remote= - esac - [ -n "$remote" ] && case "$repo" in - .) - echo "refs/heads/$remote" - ;; - *) - echo "refs/remotes/$repo/$remote" - ;; - esac - esac -} - -error_on_missing_default_upstream () { - cmd="$1" - op_type="$2" - op_prep="$3" - example="$4" - branch_name=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) - if test -z "$branch_name" - then - echo "You are not currently on a branch, so I cannot use any -'branch..merge' in your configuration file. -Please specify which branch you want to $op_type $op_prep on the command -line and try again (e.g. '$example'). -See git-${cmd}(1) for details." - else - echo "You asked me to $cmd without telling me which branch you -want to $op_type $op_prep, and 'branch.${branch_name#refs/heads/}.merge' in -your configuration file does not tell me, either. Please -specify which branch you want to use on the command line and -try again (e.g. '$example'). -See git-${cmd}(1) for details. - -If you often $op_type $op_prep the same branch, you may want to -use something like the following in your configuration file: - [branch \"${branch_name#refs/heads/}\"] - remote = - merge = " - test rebase = "$op_type" && - echo " rebase = true" - echo " - [remote \"\"] - url = - fetch = - -See git-config(1) for details." - fi - exit 1 -} diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-patch-id b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-patch-id deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-patch-id +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-peek-remote b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-peek-remote deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-peek-remote +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-prune b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-prune deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-prune +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-prune-packed b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-prune-packed deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-prune-packed +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pull b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pull deleted file mode 100755 index 28441aca..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-pull +++ /dev/null @@ -1,281 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2005 Junio C Hamano -# -# Fetch one or more remote refs and merge it/them into the current HEAD. - -USAGE='[-n | --no-stat] [--[no-]commit] [--[no-]squash] [--[no-]ff] [-s strategy]... [] ...' -LONG_USAGE='Fetch one or more remote refs and merge it/them into the current HEAD.' -SUBDIRECTORY_OK=Yes -OPTIONS_SPEC= -. git-sh-setup -set_reflog_action "pull${1+ $*}" -require_work_tree -cd_to_toplevel - - -die_conflict () { - git diff-index --cached --name-status -r --ignore-submodules HEAD -- - if [ $(git config --bool --get advice.resolveConflict || echo true) = "true" ]; then - die "Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files. -Please, fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm ' -as appropriate to mark resolution, or use 'git commit -a'." - else - die "Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files." - fi -} - -die_merge () { - if [ $(git config --bool --get advice.resolveConflict || echo true) = "true" ]; then - die "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists). -Please, commit your changes before you can merge." - else - die "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)." - fi -} - -test -z "$(git ls-files -u)" || die_conflict -test -f "$GIT_DIR/MERGE_HEAD" && die_merge - -strategy_args= diffstat= no_commit= squash= no_ff= ff_only= -log_arg= verbosity= progress= recurse_submodules= -merge_args= -curr_branch=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) -curr_branch_short="${curr_branch#refs/heads/}" -rebase=$(git config --bool branch.$curr_branch_short.rebase) -dry_run= -while : -do - case "$1" in - -q|--quiet) - verbosity="$verbosity -q" ;; - -v|--verbose) - verbosity="$verbosity -v" ;; - --progress) - progress=--progress ;; - --no-progress) - progress=--no-progress ;; - -n|--no-stat|--no-summary) - diffstat=--no-stat ;; - --stat|--summary) - diffstat=--stat ;; - --log|--no-log) - log_arg=$1 ;; - --no-c|--no-co|--no-com|--no-comm|--no-commi|--no-commit) - no_commit=--no-commit ;; - --c|--co|--com|--comm|--commi|--commit) - no_commit=--commit ;; - --sq|--squ|--squa|--squas|--squash) - squash=--squash ;; - --no-sq|--no-squ|--no-squa|--no-squas|--no-squash) - squash=--no-squash ;; - --ff) - no_ff=--ff ;; - --no-ff) - no_ff=--no-ff ;; - --ff-only) - ff_only=--ff-only ;; - -s=*|--s=*|--st=*|--str=*|--stra=*|--strat=*|--strate=*|\ - --strateg=*|--strategy=*|\ - -s|--s|--st|--str|--stra|--strat|--strate|--strateg|--strategy) - case "$#,$1" in - *,*=*) - strategy=`expr "z$1" : 'z-[^=]*=\(.*\)'` ;; - 1,*) - usage ;; - *) - strategy="$2" - shift ;; - esac - strategy_args="${strategy_args}-s $strategy " - ;; - -X*) - case "$#,$1" in - 1,-X) - usage ;; - *,-X) - xx="-X $(git rev-parse --sq-quote "$2")" - shift ;; - *,*) - xx=$(git rev-parse --sq-quote "$1") ;; - esac - merge_args="$merge_args$xx " - ;; - -r|--r|--re|--reb|--reba|--rebas|--rebase) - rebase=true - ;; - --no-r|--no-re|--no-reb|--no-reba|--no-rebas|--no-rebase) - rebase=false - ;; - --recurse-submodules) - recurse_submodules=--recurse-submodules - ;; - --recurse-submodules=*) - recurse_submodules="$1" - ;; - --no-recurse-submodules) - recurse_submodules=--no-recurse-submodules - ;; - --d|--dr|--dry|--dry-|--dry-r|--dry-ru|--dry-run) - dry_run=--dry-run - ;; - -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help|--help-|--help-a|--help-al|--help-all) - usage - ;; - *) - # Pass thru anything that may be meant for fetch. - break - ;; - esac - shift -done - -error_on_no_merge_candidates () { - exec >&2 - for opt - do - case "$opt" in - -t|--t|--ta|--tag|--tags) - echo "Fetching tags only, you probably meant:" - echo " git fetch --tags" - exit 1 - esac - done - - if test true = "$rebase" - then - op_type=rebase - op_prep=against - else - op_type=merge - op_prep=with - fi - - curr_branch=${curr_branch#refs/heads/} - upstream=$(git config "branch.$curr_branch.merge") - remote=$(git config "branch.$curr_branch.remote") - - if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then - if [ "$rebase" = true ]; then - printf "There is no candidate for rebasing against " - else - printf "There are no candidates for merging " - fi - echo "among the refs that you just fetched." - echo "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no" - echo "matches on the remote end." - elif [ $# -gt 0 ] && [ "$1" != "$remote" ]; then - echo "You asked to pull from the remote '$1', but did not specify" - echo "a branch. Because this is not the default configured remote" - echo "for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command line." - elif [ -z "$curr_branch" -o -z "$upstream" ]; then - . git-parse-remote - error_on_missing_default_upstream "pull" $op_type $op_prep \ - "git pull " - else - echo "Your configuration specifies to $op_type $op_prep the ref '${upstream#refs/heads/}'" - echo "from the remote, but no such ref was fetched." - fi - exit 1 -} - -test true = "$rebase" && { - if ! git rev-parse -q --verify HEAD >/dev/null - then - # On an unborn branch - if test -f "$GIT_DIR/index" - then - die "updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index" - fi - else - require_clean_work_tree "pull with rebase" "Please commit or stash them." - fi - oldremoteref= && - . git-parse-remote && - remoteref="$(get_remote_merge_branch "$@" 2>/dev/null)" && - oldremoteref="$(git rev-parse -q --verify "$remoteref")" && - for reflog in $(git rev-list -g $remoteref 2>/dev/null) - do - if test "$reflog" = "$(git merge-base $reflog $curr_branch)" - then - oldremoteref="$reflog" - break - fi - done -} -orig_head=$(git rev-parse -q --verify HEAD) -git fetch $verbosity $progress $dry_run $recurse_submodules --update-head-ok "$@" || exit 1 -test -z "$dry_run" || exit 0 - -curr_head=$(git rev-parse -q --verify HEAD) -if test -n "$orig_head" && test "$curr_head" != "$orig_head" -then - # The fetch involved updating the current branch. - - # The working tree and the index file is still based on the - # $orig_head commit, but we are merging into $curr_head. - # First update the working tree to match $curr_head. - - echo >&2 "Warning: fetch updated the current branch head." - echo >&2 "Warning: fast-forwarding your working tree from" - echo >&2 "Warning: commit $orig_head." - git update-index -q --refresh - git read-tree -u -m "$orig_head" "$curr_head" || - die 'Cannot fast-forward your working tree. -After making sure that you saved anything precious from -$ git diff '$orig_head' -output, run -$ git reset --hard -to recover.' - -fi - -merge_head=$(sed -e '/ not-for-merge /d' \ - -e 's/ .*//' "$GIT_DIR"/FETCH_HEAD | \ - tr '\012' ' ') - -case "$merge_head" in -'') - error_on_no_merge_candidates "$@" - ;; -?*' '?*) - if test -z "$orig_head" - then - die "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head" - fi - if test true = "$rebase" - then - die "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches" - fi - ;; -esac - -if test -z "$orig_head" -then - git update-ref -m "initial pull" HEAD $merge_head "$curr_head" && - git read-tree -m -u HEAD || exit 1 - exit -fi - -if test true = "$rebase" -then - o=$(git show-branch --merge-base $curr_branch $merge_head $oldremoteref) - if test "$oldremoteref" = "$o" - then - unset oldremoteref - fi -fi - -merge_name=$(git fmt-merge-msg $log_arg <"$GIT_DIR/FETCH_HEAD") || exit -case "$rebase" in -true) - eval="git-rebase $diffstat $strategy_args $merge_args" - eval="$eval --onto $merge_head ${oldremoteref:-$merge_head}" - ;; -*) - eval="git-merge $diffstat $no_commit $squash $no_ff $ff_only" - eval="$eval $log_arg $strategy_args $merge_args $verbosity $progress" - eval="$eval \"\$merge_name\" HEAD $merge_head" - ;; -esac -eval "exec $eval" diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-push b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-push deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-push +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-quiltimport b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-quiltimport deleted file mode 100755 index 9a6ba2b9..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-quiltimport +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH= -OPTIONS_SPEC="\ -git quiltimport [options] --- -n,dry-run dry run -author= author name and email address for patches without any -patches= path to the quilt series and patches -" -SUBDIRECTORY_ON=Yes -. git-sh-setup - -dry_run="" -quilt_author="" -while test $# != 0 -do - case "$1" in - --author) - shift - quilt_author="$1" - ;; - -n|--dry-run) - dry_run=1 - ;; - --patches) - shift - QUILT_PATCHES="$1" - ;; - --) - shift - break;; - *) - usage - ;; - esac - shift -done - -# Quilt Author -if [ -n "$quilt_author" ] ; then - quilt_author_name=$(expr "z$quilt_author" : 'z\(.*[^ ]\) *<.*') && - quilt_author_email=$(expr "z$quilt_author" : '.*<\([^>]*\)') && - test '' != "$quilt_author_name" && - test '' != "$quilt_author_email" || - die "malformed --author parameter" -fi - -# Quilt patch directory -: ${QUILT_PATCHES:=patches} -if ! [ -d "$QUILT_PATCHES" ] ; then - echo "The \"$QUILT_PATCHES\" directory does not exist." - exit 1 -fi - -# Temporary directories -tmp_dir="$GIT_DIR"/rebase-apply -tmp_msg="$tmp_dir/msg" -tmp_patch="$tmp_dir/patch" -tmp_info="$tmp_dir/info" - - -# Find the intial commit -commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) - -mkdir $tmp_dir || exit 2 -while read patch_name level garbage <&3 -do - case "$patch_name" in ''|'#'*) continue;; esac - case "$level" in - -p*) ;; - ''|'#'*) - level=;; - *) - echo "unable to parse patch level, ignoring it." - level=;; - esac - case "$garbage" in - ''|'#'*);; - *) - echo "trailing garbage found in series file: $garbage" - exit 1;; - esac - if ! [ -f "$QUILT_PATCHES/$patch_name" ] ; then - echo "$patch_name doesn't exist. Skipping." - continue - fi - echo $patch_name - git mailinfo "$tmp_msg" "$tmp_patch" \ - <"$QUILT_PATCHES/$patch_name" >"$tmp_info" || exit 3 - test -s "$tmp_patch" || { - echo "Patch is empty. Was it split wrong?" - exit 1 - } - - # Parse the author information - GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=$(sed -ne 's/Author: //p' "$tmp_info") - GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=$(sed -ne 's/Email: //p' "$tmp_info") - export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL - while test -z "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" && test -z "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" ; do - if [ -n "$quilt_author" ] ; then - GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="$quilt_author_name"; - GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="$quilt_author_email"; - elif [ -n "$dry_run" ]; then - echo "No author found in $patch_name" >&2; - GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="dry-run-not-found"; - GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="dry-run-not-found"; - else - echo "No author found in $patch_name" >&2; - echo "---" - cat $tmp_msg - printf "Author: "; - read patch_author - - echo "$patch_author" - - patch_author_name=$(expr "z$patch_author" : 'z\(.*[^ ]\) *<.*') && - patch_author_email=$(expr "z$patch_author" : '.*<\([^>]*\)') && - test '' != "$patch_author_name" && - test '' != "$patch_author_email" && - GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="$patch_author_name" && - GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="$patch_author_email" - fi - done - GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=$(sed -ne 's/Date: //p' "$tmp_info") - SUBJECT=$(sed -ne 's/Subject: //p' "$tmp_info") - export GIT_AUTHOR_DATE SUBJECT - if [ -z "$SUBJECT" ] ; then - SUBJECT=$(echo $patch_name | sed -e 's/.patch$//') - fi - - if [ -z "$dry_run" ] ; then - git apply --index -C1 ${level:+"$level"} "$tmp_patch" && - tree=$(git write-tree) && - commit=$( (echo "$SUBJECT"; echo; cat "$tmp_msg") | git commit-tree $tree -p $commit) && - git update-ref -m "quiltimport: $patch_name" HEAD $commit || exit 4 - fi -done 3<"$QUILT_PATCHES/series" -rm -rf $tmp_dir || exit 5 diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-read-tree b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-read-tree deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-read-tree +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase deleted file mode 100755 index 38cbee7d..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase +++ /dev/null @@ -1,523 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2005 Junio C Hamano. -# - -USAGE='[--interactive | -i] [-v] [--force-rebase | -f] [--no-ff] [--onto ] [|--root] [] [--quiet | -q]' -LONG_USAGE='git-rebase replaces with a new branch of the -same name. When the --onto option is provided the new branch starts -out with a HEAD equal to , otherwise it is equal to -It then attempts to create a new commit for each commit from the original - that does not exist in the branch. - -It is possible that a merge failure will prevent this process from being -completely automatic. You will have to resolve any such merge failure -and run git rebase --continue. Another option is to bypass the commit -that caused the merge failure with git rebase --skip. To check out the -original and remove the .git/rebase-apply working files, use the -command git rebase --abort instead. - -Note that if is not specified on the command line, the -currently checked out branch is used. - -Example: git-rebase master~1 topic - - A---B---C topic A'\''--B'\''--C'\'' topic - / --> / - D---E---F---G master D---E---F---G master -' - -SUBDIRECTORY_OK=Yes -OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH= -OPTIONS_SPEC="\ -git rebase [-i] [options] [--onto ] [] [] -git rebase [-i] [options] --onto --root [] -git-rebase [-i] --continue | --abort | --skip --- - Available options are -v,verbose! display a diffstat of what changed upstream -q,quiet! be quiet. implies --no-stat -onto=! rebase onto given branch instead of upstream -p,preserve-merges! try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them -s,strategy=! use the given merge strategy -no-ff! cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged -m,merge! use merging strategies to rebase -i,interactive! let the user edit the list of commits to rebase -f,force-rebase! force rebase even if branch is up to date -X,strategy-option=! pass the argument through to the merge strategy -stat! display a diffstat of what changed upstream -n,no-stat! do not show diffstat of what changed upstream -verify allow pre-rebase hook to run -rerere-autoupdate allow rerere to update index with resolved conflicts -root! rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s) -autosquash move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i -committer-date-is-author-date! passed to 'git am' -ignore-date! passed to 'git am' -whitespace=! passed to 'git apply' -ignore-whitespace! passed to 'git apply' -C=! passed to 'git apply' - Actions: -continue! continue -abort! abort and check out the original branch -skip! skip current patch and continue -" -. git-sh-setup -set_reflog_action rebase -require_work_tree -cd_to_toplevel - -LF=' -' -ok_to_skip_pre_rebase= -resolvemsg=" -When you have resolved this problem run \"git rebase --continue\". -If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run \"git rebase --skip\". -To check out the original branch and stop rebasing run \"git rebase --abort\". -" -unset onto -strategy= -strategy_opts= -do_merge= -merge_dir="$GIT_DIR"/rebase-merge -apply_dir="$GIT_DIR"/rebase-apply -verbose= -diffstat= -test "$(git config --bool rebase.stat)" = true && diffstat=t -git_am_opt= -rebase_root= -force_rebase= -allow_rerere_autoupdate= -# Non-empty if a rebase was in progress when 'git rebase' was invoked -in_progress= -# One of {am, merge, interactive} -type= -# One of {"$GIT_DIR"/rebase-apply, "$GIT_DIR"/rebase-merge} -state_dir= -# One of {'', continue, skip, abort}, as parsed from command line -action= -preserve_merges= -autosquash= -test "$(git config --bool rebase.autosquash)" = "true" && autosquash=t - -read_basic_state () { - head_name=$(cat "$state_dir"/head-name) && - onto=$(cat "$state_dir"/onto) && - # We always write to orig-head, but interactive rebase used to write to - # head. Fall back to reading from head to cover for the case that the - # user upgraded git with an ongoing interactive rebase. - if test -f "$state_dir"/orig-head - then - orig_head=$(cat "$state_dir"/orig-head) - else - orig_head=$(cat "$state_dir"/head) - fi && - GIT_QUIET=$(cat "$state_dir"/quiet) && - test -f "$state_dir"/verbose && verbose=t - test -f "$state_dir"/strategy && strategy="$(cat "$state_dir"/strategy)" - test -f "$state_dir"/strategy_opts && - strategy_opts="$(cat "$state_dir"/strategy_opts)" - test -f "$state_dir"/allow_rerere_autoupdate && - allow_rerere_autoupdate="$(cat "$state_dir"/allow_rerere_autoupdate)" -} - -write_basic_state () { - echo "$head_name" > "$state_dir"/head-name && - echo "$onto" > "$state_dir"/onto && - echo "$orig_head" > "$state_dir"/orig-head && - echo "$GIT_QUIET" > "$state_dir"/quiet && - test t = "$verbose" && : > "$state_dir"/verbose - test -n "$strategy" && echo "$strategy" > "$state_dir"/strategy - test -n "$strategy_opts" && echo "$strategy_opts" > \ - "$state_dir"/strategy_opts - test -n "$allow_rerere_autoupdate" && echo "$allow_rerere_autoupdate" > \ - "$state_dir"/allow_rerere_autoupdate -} - -output () { - case "$verbose" in - '') - output=$("$@" 2>&1 ) - status=$? - test $status != 0 && printf "%s\n" "$output" - return $status - ;; - *) - "$@" - ;; - esac -} - -move_to_original_branch () { - case "$head_name" in - refs/*) - message="rebase finished: $head_name onto $onto" - git update-ref -m "$message" \ - $head_name $(git rev-parse HEAD) $orig_head && - git symbolic-ref \ - -m "rebase finished: returning to $head_name" \ - HEAD $head_name || - die "Could not move back to $head_name" - ;; - esac -} - -run_specific_rebase () { - if [ "$interactive_rebase" = implied ]; then - GIT_EDITOR=: - export GIT_EDITOR - fi - . git-rebase--$type -} - -run_pre_rebase_hook () { - if test -z "$ok_to_skip_pre_rebase" && - test -x "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-rebase" - then - "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-rebase" ${1+"$@"} || - die "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase." - fi -} - -test -f "$apply_dir"/applying && - die 'It looks like git-am is in progress. Cannot rebase.' - -if test -d "$apply_dir" -then - type=am - state_dir="$apply_dir" -elif test -d "$merge_dir" -then - if test -f "$merge_dir"/interactive - then - type=interactive - interactive_rebase=explicit - else - type=merge - fi - state_dir="$merge_dir" -fi -test -n "$type" && in_progress=t - -total_argc=$# -while test $# != 0 -do - case "$1" in - --no-verify) - ok_to_skip_pre_rebase=yes - ;; - --verify) - ok_to_skip_pre_rebase= - ;; - --continue|--skip|--abort) - test $total_argc -eq 2 || usage - action=${1##--} - ;; - --onto) - test 2 -le "$#" || usage - onto="$2" - shift - ;; - -i) - interactive_rebase=explicit - ;; - -p) - preserve_merges=t - test -z "$interactive_rebase" && interactive_rebase=implied - ;; - --autosquash) - autosquash=t - ;; - --no-autosquash) - autosquash= - ;; - -M|-m) - do_merge=t - ;; - -X) - shift - strategy_opts="$strategy_opts $(git rev-parse --sq-quote "--$1")" - do_merge=t - test -z "$strategy" && strategy=recursive - ;; - -s) - shift - strategy="$1" - do_merge=t - ;; - -n) - diffstat= - ;; - --stat) - diffstat=t - ;; - -v) - verbose=t - diffstat=t - GIT_QUIET= - ;; - -q) - GIT_QUIET=t - git_am_opt="$git_am_opt -q" - verbose= - diffstat= - ;; - --whitespace) - shift - git_am_opt="$git_am_opt --whitespace=$1" - case "$1" in - fix|strip) - force_rebase=t - ;; - esac - ;; - --ignore-whitespace) - git_am_opt="$git_am_opt $1" - ;; - --committer-date-is-author-date|--ignore-date) - git_am_opt="$git_am_opt $1" - force_rebase=t - ;; - -C) - shift - git_am_opt="$git_am_opt -C$1" - ;; - --root) - rebase_root=t - ;; - -f|--no-ff) - force_rebase=t - ;; - --rerere-autoupdate|--no-rerere-autoupdate) - allow_rerere_autoupdate="$1" - ;; - --) - shift - break - ;; - esac - shift -done -test $# -gt 2 && usage - -if test -n "$action" -then - test -z "$in_progress" && die "No rebase in progress?" - # Only interactive rebase uses detailed reflog messages - if test "$type" = interactive && test "$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION" = rebase - then - GIT_REFLOG_ACTION="rebase -i ($action)" - export GIT_REFLOG_ACTION - fi -fi - -case "$action" in -continue) - # Sanity check - git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null || - die "Cannot read HEAD" - git update-index --ignore-submodules --refresh && - git diff-files --quiet --ignore-submodules || { - echo "You must edit all merge conflicts and then" - echo "mark them as resolved using git add" - exit 1 - } - read_basic_state - run_specific_rebase - ;; -skip) - output git reset --hard HEAD || exit $? - read_basic_state - run_specific_rebase - ;; -abort) - git rerere clear - read_basic_state - case "$head_name" in - refs/*) - git symbolic-ref -m "rebase: aborting" HEAD $head_name || - die "Could not move back to $head_name" - ;; - esac - output git reset --hard $orig_head - rm -r "$state_dir" - exit - ;; -esac - -# Make sure no rebase is in progress -if test -n "$in_progress" -then - die ' -It seems that there is already a '"${state_dir##*/}"' directory, and -I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase. If that is the -case, please try - git rebase (--continue | --abort | --skip) -If that is not the case, please - rm -fr '"$state_dir"' -and run me again. I am stopping in case you still have something -valuable there.' -fi - -if test -n "$interactive_rebase" -then - type=interactive - state_dir="$merge_dir" -elif test -n "$do_merge" -then - type=merge - state_dir="$merge_dir" -else - type=am - state_dir="$apply_dir" -fi - -if test -z "$rebase_root" -then - case "$#" in - 0) - if ! upstream_name=$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name \ - --verify -q @{upstream} 2>/dev/null) - then - . git-parse-remote - error_on_missing_default_upstream "rebase" "rebase" \ - "against" "git rebase " - fi - ;; - *) upstream_name="$1" - shift - ;; - esac - upstream=`git rev-parse --verify "${upstream_name}^0"` || - die "invalid upstream $upstream_name" - upstream_arg="$upstream_name" -else - test -z "$onto" && die "You must specify --onto when using --root" - unset upstream_name - unset upstream - upstream_arg=--root -fi - -# Make sure the branch to rebase onto is valid. -onto_name=${onto-"$upstream_name"} -case "$onto_name" in -*...*) - if left=${onto_name%...*} right=${onto_name#*...} && - onto=$(git merge-base --all ${left:-HEAD} ${right:-HEAD}) - then - case "$onto" in - ?*"$LF"?*) - die "$onto_name: there are more than one merge bases" - ;; - '') - die "$onto_name: there is no merge base" - ;; - esac - else - die "$onto_name: there is no merge base" - fi - ;; -*) - onto=$(git rev-parse --verify "${onto_name}^0") || - die "Does not point to a valid commit: $1" - ;; -esac - -# If the branch to rebase is given, that is the branch we will rebase -# $branch_name -- branch being rebased, or HEAD (already detached) -# $orig_head -- commit object name of tip of the branch before rebasing -# $head_name -- refs/heads/ or "detached HEAD" -switch_to= -case "$#" in -1) - # Is it "rebase other $branchname" or "rebase other $commit"? - branch_name="$1" - switch_to="$1" - - if git show-ref --verify --quiet -- "refs/heads/$1" && - orig_head=$(git rev-parse -q --verify "refs/heads/$1") - then - head_name="refs/heads/$1" - elif orig_head=$(git rev-parse -q --verify "$1") - then - head_name="detached HEAD" - else - echo >&2 "fatal: no such branch: $1" - usage - fi - ;; -*) - # Do not need to switch branches, we are already on it. - if branch_name=`git symbolic-ref -q HEAD` - then - head_name=$branch_name - branch_name=`expr "z$branch_name" : 'zrefs/heads/\(.*\)'` - else - head_name="detached HEAD" - branch_name=HEAD ;# detached - fi - orig_head=$(git rev-parse --verify "${branch_name}^0") || exit - ;; -esac - -require_clean_work_tree "rebase" "Please commit or stash them." - -# Now we are rebasing commits $upstream..$orig_head (or with --root, -# everything leading up to $orig_head) on top of $onto - -# Check if we are already based on $onto with linear history, -# but this should be done only when upstream and onto are the same -# and if this is not an interactive rebase. -mb=$(git merge-base "$onto" "$orig_head") -if test "$type" != interactive && test "$upstream" = "$onto" && - test "$mb" = "$onto" && - # linear history? - ! (git rev-list --parents "$onto".."$orig_head" | sane_grep " .* ") > /dev/null -then - if test -z "$force_rebase" - then - # Lazily switch to the target branch if needed... - test -z "$switch_to" || git checkout "$switch_to" -- - say "Current branch $branch_name is up to date." - exit 0 - else - say "Current branch $branch_name is up to date, rebase forced." - fi -fi - -# If a hook exists, give it a chance to interrupt -run_pre_rebase_hook "$upstream_arg" "$@" - -if test -n "$diffstat" -then - if test -n "$verbose" - then - echo "Changes from $mb to $onto:" - fi - # We want color (if set), but no pager - GIT_PAGER='' git diff --stat --summary "$mb" "$onto" -fi - -test "$type" = interactive && run_specific_rebase - -# Detach HEAD and reset the tree -say "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it..." -git checkout -q "$onto^0" || die "could not detach HEAD" -git update-ref ORIG_HEAD $orig_head - -# If the $onto is a proper descendant of the tip of the branch, then -# we just fast-forwarded. -if test "$mb" = "$orig_head" -then - say "Fast-forwarded $branch_name to $onto_name." - move_to_original_branch - exit 0 -fi - -if test -n "$rebase_root" -then - revisions="$onto..$orig_head" -else - revisions="$upstream..$orig_head" -fi - -run_specific_rebase diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase--am b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase--am deleted file mode 100644 index c815a241..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase--am +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2010 Junio C Hamano. -# - -. git-sh-setup - -case "$action" in -continue) - git am --resolved --resolvemsg="$resolvemsg" && - move_to_original_branch - exit - ;; -skip) - git am --skip --resolvemsg="$resolvemsg" && - move_to_original_branch - exit - ;; -esac - -test -n "$rebase_root" && root_flag=--root - -git format-patch -k --stdout --full-index --ignore-if-in-upstream \ - --src-prefix=a/ --dst-prefix=b/ \ - --no-renames $root_flag "$revisions" | -git am $git_am_opt --rebasing --resolvemsg="$resolvemsg" && -move_to_original_branch -ret=$? -test 0 != $ret -a -d "$state_dir" && write_basic_state -exit $ret diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase--interactive b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase--interactive deleted file mode 100644 index 25920430..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase--interactive +++ /dev/null @@ -1,823 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2006 Johannes E. Schindelin - -# SHORT DESCRIPTION -# -# This script makes it easy to fix up commits in the middle of a series, -# and rearrange commits. -# -# The original idea comes from Eric W. Biederman, in -# http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/22407 - -. git-sh-setup - -# The file containing rebase commands, comments, and empty lines. -# This file is created by "git rebase -i" then edited by the user. As -# the lines are processed, they are removed from the front of this -# file and written to the tail of $done. -todo="$state_dir"/git-rebase-todo - -# The rebase command lines that have already been processed. A line -# is moved here when it is first handled, before any associated user -# actions. -done="$state_dir"/done - -# The commit message that is planned to be used for any changes that -# need to be committed following a user interaction. -msg="$state_dir"/message - -# The file into which is accumulated the suggested commit message for -# squash/fixup commands. When the first of a series of squash/fixups -# is seen, the file is created and the commit message from the -# previous commit and from the first squash/fixup commit are written -# to it. The commit message for each subsequent squash/fixup commit -# is appended to the file as it is processed. -# -# The first line of the file is of the form -# # This is a combination of $count commits. -# where $count is the number of commits whose messages have been -# written to the file so far (including the initial "pick" commit). -# Each time that a commit message is processed, this line is read and -# updated. It is deleted just before the combined commit is made. -squash_msg="$state_dir"/message-squash - -# If the current series of squash/fixups has not yet included a squash -# command, then this file exists and holds the commit message of the -# original "pick" commit. (If the series ends without a "squash" -# command, then this can be used as the commit message of the combined -# commit without opening the editor.) -fixup_msg="$state_dir"/message-fixup - -# $rewritten is the name of a directory containing files for each -# commit that is reachable by at least one merge base of $head and -# $upstream. They are not necessarily rewritten, but their children -# might be. This ensures that commits on merged, but otherwise -# unrelated side branches are left alone. (Think "X" in the man page's -# example.) -rewritten="$state_dir"/rewritten - -dropped="$state_dir"/dropped - -# A script to set the GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL, and -# GIT_AUTHOR_DATE that will be used for the commit that is currently -# being rebased. -author_script="$state_dir"/author-script - -# When an "edit" rebase command is being processed, the SHA1 of the -# commit to be edited is recorded in this file. When "git rebase -# --continue" is executed, if there are any staged changes then they -# will be amended to the HEAD commit, but only provided the HEAD -# commit is still the commit to be edited. When any other rebase -# command is processed, this file is deleted. -amend="$state_dir"/amend - -# For the post-rewrite hook, we make a list of rewritten commits and -# their new sha1s. The rewritten-pending list keeps the sha1s of -# commits that have been processed, but not committed yet, -# e.g. because they are waiting for a 'squash' command. -rewritten_list="$state_dir"/rewritten-list -rewritten_pending="$state_dir"/rewritten-pending - -GIT_CHERRY_PICK_HELP="$resolvemsg" -export GIT_CHERRY_PICK_HELP - -warn () { - printf '%s\n' "$*" >&2 -} - -# Output the commit message for the specified commit. -commit_message () { - git cat-file commit "$1" | sed "1,/^$/d" -} - -orig_reflog_action="$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION" - -comment_for_reflog () { - case "$orig_reflog_action" in - ''|rebase*) - GIT_REFLOG_ACTION="rebase -i ($1)" - export GIT_REFLOG_ACTION - ;; - esac -} - -last_count= -mark_action_done () { - sed -e 1q < "$todo" >> "$done" - sed -e 1d < "$todo" >> "$todo".new - mv -f "$todo".new "$todo" - new_count=$(sane_grep -c '^[^#]' < "$done") - total=$(($new_count+$(sane_grep -c '^[^#]' < "$todo"))) - if test "$last_count" != "$new_count" - then - last_count=$new_count - printf "Rebasing (%d/%d)\r" $new_count $total - test -z "$verbose" || echo - fi -} - -make_patch () { - sha1_and_parents="$(git rev-list --parents -1 "$1")" - case "$sha1_and_parents" in - ?*' '?*' '?*) - git diff --cc $sha1_and_parents - ;; - ?*' '?*) - git diff-tree -p "$1^!" - ;; - *) - echo "Root commit" - ;; - esac > "$state_dir"/patch - test -f "$msg" || - commit_message "$1" > "$msg" - test -f "$author_script" || - get_author_ident_from_commit "$1" > "$author_script" -} - -die_with_patch () { - echo "$1" > "$state_dir"/stopped-sha - make_patch "$1" - git rerere - die "$2" -} - -die_abort () { - rm -rf "$state_dir" - die "$1" -} - -has_action () { - sane_grep '^[^#]' "$1" >/dev/null -} - -# Run command with GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL, and -# GIT_AUTHOR_DATE exported from the current environment. -do_with_author () { - ( - export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL GIT_AUTHOR_DATE - "$@" - ) -} - -pick_one () { - ff=--ff - case "$1" in -n) sha1=$2; ff= ;; *) sha1=$1 ;; esac - case "$force_rebase" in '') ;; ?*) ff= ;; esac - output git rev-parse --verify $sha1 || die "Invalid commit name: $sha1" - test -d "$rewritten" && - pick_one_preserving_merges "$@" && return - output git cherry-pick $ff "$@" -} - -pick_one_preserving_merges () { - fast_forward=t - case "$1" in - -n) - fast_forward=f - sha1=$2 - ;; - *) - sha1=$1 - ;; - esac - sha1=$(git rev-parse $sha1) - - if test -f "$state_dir"/current-commit - then - if test "$fast_forward" = t - then - while read current_commit - do - git rev-parse HEAD > "$rewritten"/$current_commit - done <"$state_dir"/current-commit - rm "$state_dir"/current-commit || - die "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1" - fi - fi - - echo $sha1 >> "$state_dir"/current-commit - - # rewrite parents; if none were rewritten, we can fast-forward. - new_parents= - pend=" $(git rev-list --parents -1 $sha1 | cut -d' ' -s -f2-)" - if test "$pend" = " " - then - pend=" root" - fi - while [ "$pend" != "" ] - do - p=$(expr "$pend" : ' \([^ ]*\)') - pend="${pend# $p}" - - if test -f "$rewritten"/$p - then - new_p=$(cat "$rewritten"/$p) - - # If the todo reordered commits, and our parent is marked for - # rewriting, but hasn't been gotten to yet, assume the user meant to - # drop it on top of the current HEAD - if test -z "$new_p" - then - new_p=$(git rev-parse HEAD) - fi - - test $p != $new_p && fast_forward=f - case "$new_parents" in - *$new_p*) - ;; # do nothing; that parent is already there - *) - new_parents="$new_parents $new_p" - ;; - esac - else - if test -f "$dropped"/$p - then - fast_forward=f - replacement="$(cat "$dropped"/$p)" - test -z "$replacement" && replacement=root - pend=" $replacement$pend" - else - new_parents="$new_parents $p" - fi - fi - done - case $fast_forward in - t) - output warn "Fast-forward to $sha1" - output git reset --hard $sha1 || - die "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1" - ;; - f) - first_parent=$(expr "$new_parents" : ' \([^ ]*\)') - - if [ "$1" != "-n" ] - then - # detach HEAD to current parent - output git checkout $first_parent 2> /dev/null || - die "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent" - fi - - case "$new_parents" in - ' '*' '*) - test "a$1" = a-n && die "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1" - - # redo merge - author_script_content=$(get_author_ident_from_commit $sha1) - eval "$author_script_content" - msg_content="$(commit_message $sha1)" - # No point in merging the first parent, that's HEAD - new_parents=${new_parents# $first_parent} - if ! do_with_author output \ - git merge --no-ff ${strategy:+-s $strategy} -m \ - "$msg_content" $new_parents - then - printf "%s\n" "$msg_content" > "$GIT_DIR"/MERGE_MSG - die_with_patch $sha1 "Error redoing merge $sha1" - fi - echo "$sha1 $(git rev-parse HEAD^0)" >> "$rewritten_list" - ;; - *) - output git cherry-pick "$@" || - die_with_patch $sha1 "Could not pick $sha1" - ;; - esac - ;; - esac -} - -nth_string () { - case "$1" in - *1[0-9]|*[04-9]) echo "$1"th;; - *1) echo "$1"st;; - *2) echo "$1"nd;; - *3) echo "$1"rd;; - esac -} - -update_squash_messages () { - if test -f "$squash_msg"; then - mv "$squash_msg" "$squash_msg".bak || exit - count=$(($(sed -n \ - -e "1s/^# This is a combination of \(.*\) commits\./\1/p" \ - -e "q" < "$squash_msg".bak)+1)) - { - echo "# This is a combination of $count commits." - sed -e 1d -e '2,/^./{ - /^$/d - }' <"$squash_msg".bak - } >"$squash_msg" - else - commit_message HEAD > "$fixup_msg" || die "Cannot write $fixup_msg" - count=2 - { - echo "# This is a combination of 2 commits." - echo "# The first commit's message is:" - echo - cat "$fixup_msg" - } >"$squash_msg" - fi - case $1 in - squash) - rm -f "$fixup_msg" - echo - echo "# This is the $(nth_string $count) commit message:" - echo - commit_message $2 - ;; - fixup) - echo - echo "# The $(nth_string $count) commit message will be skipped:" - echo - commit_message $2 | sed -e 's/^/# /' - ;; - esac >>"$squash_msg" -} - -peek_next_command () { - sed -n -e "/^#/d" -e '/^$/d' -e "s/ .*//p" -e "q" < "$todo" -} - -# A squash/fixup has failed. Prepare the long version of the squash -# commit message, then die_with_patch. This code path requires the -# user to edit the combined commit message for all commits that have -# been squashed/fixedup so far. So also erase the old squash -# messages, effectively causing the combined commit to be used as the -# new basis for any further squash/fixups. Args: sha1 rest -die_failed_squash() { - mv "$squash_msg" "$msg" || exit - rm -f "$fixup_msg" - cp "$msg" "$GIT_DIR"/MERGE_MSG || exit - warn - warn "Could not apply $1... $2" - die_with_patch $1 "" -} - -flush_rewritten_pending() { - test -s "$rewritten_pending" || return - newsha1="$(git rev-parse HEAD^0)" - sed "s/$/ $newsha1/" < "$rewritten_pending" >> "$rewritten_list" - rm -f "$rewritten_pending" -} - -record_in_rewritten() { - oldsha1="$(git rev-parse $1)" - echo "$oldsha1" >> "$rewritten_pending" - - case "$(peek_next_command)" in - squash|s|fixup|f) - ;; - *) - flush_rewritten_pending - ;; - esac -} - -do_next () { - rm -f "$msg" "$author_script" "$amend" || exit - read -r command sha1 rest < "$todo" - case "$command" in - '#'*|''|noop) - mark_action_done - ;; - pick|p) - comment_for_reflog pick - - mark_action_done - pick_one $sha1 || - die_with_patch $sha1 "Could not apply $sha1... $rest" - record_in_rewritten $sha1 - ;; - reword|r) - comment_for_reflog reword - - mark_action_done - pick_one $sha1 || - die_with_patch $sha1 "Could not apply $sha1... $rest" - git commit --amend --no-post-rewrite - record_in_rewritten $sha1 - ;; - edit|e) - comment_for_reflog edit - - mark_action_done - pick_one $sha1 || - die_with_patch $sha1 "Could not apply $sha1... $rest" - echo "$sha1" > "$state_dir"/stopped-sha - make_patch $sha1 - git rev-parse --verify HEAD > "$amend" - warn "Stopped at $sha1... $rest" - warn "You can amend the commit now, with" - warn - warn " git commit --amend" - warn - warn "Once you are satisfied with your changes, run" - warn - warn " git rebase --continue" - warn - exit 0 - ;; - squash|s|fixup|f) - case "$command" in - squash|s) - squash_style=squash - ;; - fixup|f) - squash_style=fixup - ;; - esac - comment_for_reflog $squash_style - - test -f "$done" && has_action "$done" || - die "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit" - - mark_action_done - update_squash_messages $squash_style $sha1 - author_script_content=$(get_author_ident_from_commit HEAD) - echo "$author_script_content" > "$author_script" - eval "$author_script_content" - output git reset --soft HEAD^ - pick_one -n $sha1 || die_failed_squash $sha1 "$rest" - case "$(peek_next_command)" in - squash|s|fixup|f) - # This is an intermediate commit; its message will only be - # used in case of trouble. So use the long version: - do_with_author output git commit --no-verify -F "$squash_msg" || - die_failed_squash $sha1 "$rest" - ;; - *) - # This is the final command of this squash/fixup group - if test -f "$fixup_msg" - then - do_with_author git commit --no-verify -F "$fixup_msg" || - die_failed_squash $sha1 "$rest" - else - cp "$squash_msg" "$GIT_DIR"/SQUASH_MSG || exit - rm -f "$GIT_DIR"/MERGE_MSG - do_with_author git commit --no-verify -e || - die_failed_squash $sha1 "$rest" - fi - rm -f "$squash_msg" "$fixup_msg" - ;; - esac - record_in_rewritten $sha1 - ;; - x|"exec") - read -r command rest < "$todo" - mark_action_done - printf 'Executing: %s\n' "$rest" - # "exec" command doesn't take a sha1 in the todo-list. - # => can't just use $sha1 here. - git rev-parse --verify HEAD > "$state_dir"/stopped-sha - ${SHELL:-/bin/sh} -c "$rest" # Actual execution - status=$? - if test "$status" -ne 0 - then - warn "Execution failed: $rest" - warn "You can fix the problem, and then run" - warn - warn " git rebase --continue" - warn - exit "$status" - fi - # Run in subshell because require_clean_work_tree can die. - if ! (require_clean_work_tree "rebase") - then - warn "Commit or stash your changes, and then run" - warn - warn " git rebase --continue" - warn - exit 1 - fi - ;; - *) - warn "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest" - if git rev-parse --verify -q "$sha1" >/dev/null - then - die_with_patch $sha1 "Please fix this in the file $todo." - else - die "Please fix this in the file $todo." - fi - ;; - esac - test -s "$todo" && return - - comment_for_reflog finish && - shortonto=$(git rev-parse --short $onto) && - newhead=$(git rev-parse HEAD) && - case $head_name in - refs/*) - message="$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION: $head_name onto $shortonto" && - git update-ref -m "$message" $head_name $newhead $orig_head && - git symbolic-ref \ - -m "$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION: returning to $head_name" \ - HEAD $head_name - ;; - esac && { - test ! -f "$state_dir"/verbose || - git diff-tree --stat $orig_head..HEAD - } && - { - test -s "$rewritten_list" && - git notes copy --for-rewrite=rebase < "$rewritten_list" || - true # we don't care if this copying failed - } && - if test -x "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/post-rewrite && - test -s "$rewritten_list"; then - "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/post-rewrite rebase < "$rewritten_list" - true # we don't care if this hook failed - fi && - rm -rf "$state_dir" && - git gc --auto && - warn "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name." - - exit -} - -do_rest () { - while : - do - do_next - done -} - -# skip picking commits whose parents are unchanged -skip_unnecessary_picks () { - fd=3 - while read -r command rest - do - # fd=3 means we skip the command - case "$fd,$command" in - 3,pick|3,p) - # pick a commit whose parent is current $onto -> skip - sha1=${rest%% *} - case "$(git rev-parse --verify --quiet "$sha1"^)" in - "$onto"*) - onto=$sha1 - ;; - *) - fd=1 - ;; - esac - ;; - 3,#*|3,) - # copy comments - ;; - *) - fd=1 - ;; - esac - printf '%s\n' "$command${rest:+ }$rest" >&$fd - done <"$todo" >"$todo.new" 3>>"$done" && - mv -f "$todo".new "$todo" && - case "$(peek_next_command)" in - squash|s|fixup|f) - record_in_rewritten "$onto" - ;; - esac || - die "Could not skip unnecessary pick commands" -} - -# Rearrange the todo list that has both "pick sha1 msg" and -# "pick sha1 fixup!/squash! msg" appears in it so that the latter -# comes immediately after the former, and change "pick" to -# "fixup"/"squash". -rearrange_squash () { - # extract fixup!/squash! lines and resolve any referenced sha1's - while read -r pick sha1 message - do - case "$message" in - "squash! "*|"fixup! "*) - action="${message%%!*}" - rest="${message#*! }" - echo "$sha1 $action $rest" - # if it's a single word, try to resolve to a full sha1 and - # emit a second copy. This allows us to match on both message - # and on sha1 prefix - if test "${rest#* }" = "$rest"; then - fullsha="$(git rev-parse -q --verify "$rest" 2>/dev/null)" - if test -n "$fullsha"; then - # prefix the action to uniquely identify this line as - # intended for full sha1 match - echo "$sha1 +$action $fullsha" - fi - fi - esac - done >"$1.sq" <"$1" - test -s "$1.sq" || return - - used= - while read -r pick sha1 message - do - case " $used" in - *" $sha1 "*) continue ;; - esac - printf '%s\n' "$pick $sha1 $message" - used="$used$sha1 " - while read -r squash action msg_content - do - case " $used" in - *" $squash "*) continue ;; - esac - emit=0 - case "$action" in - +*) - action="${action#+}" - # full sha1 prefix test - case "$msg_content" in "$sha1"*) emit=1;; esac ;; - *) - # message prefix test - case "$message" in "$msg_content"*) emit=1;; esac ;; - esac - if test $emit = 1; then - printf '%s\n' "$action $squash $action! $msg_content" - used="$used$squash " - fi - done <"$1.sq" - done >"$1.rearranged" <"$1" - cat "$1.rearranged" >"$1" - rm -f "$1.sq" "$1.rearranged" -} - -case "$action" in -continue) - # do we have anything to commit? - if git diff-index --cached --quiet --ignore-submodules HEAD -- - then - : Nothing to commit -- skip this - else - . "$author_script" || - die "Cannot find the author identity" - current_head= - if test -f "$amend" - then - current_head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) - test "$current_head" = $(cat "$amend") || - die "\ -You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them -first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again." - git reset --soft HEAD^ || - die "Cannot rewind the HEAD" - fi - do_with_author git commit --no-verify -F "$msg" -e || { - test -n "$current_head" && git reset --soft $current_head - die "Could not commit staged changes." - } - fi - - record_in_rewritten "$(cat "$state_dir"/stopped-sha)" - - require_clean_work_tree "rebase" - do_rest - ;; -skip) - git rerere clear - - do_rest - ;; -esac - -git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT >/dev/null || - die "You need to set your committer info first" - -comment_for_reflog start - -if test ! -z "$switch_to" -then - output git checkout "$switch_to" -- || - die "Could not checkout $switch_to" -fi - -orig_head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) || die "No HEAD?" -mkdir "$state_dir" || die "Could not create temporary $state_dir" - -: > "$state_dir"/interactive || die "Could not mark as interactive" -write_basic_state -if test t = "$preserve_merges" -then - if test -z "$rebase_root" - then - mkdir "$rewritten" && - for c in $(git merge-base --all $orig_head $upstream) - do - echo $onto > "$rewritten"/$c || - die "Could not init rewritten commits" - done - else - mkdir "$rewritten" && - echo $onto > "$rewritten"/root || - die "Could not init rewritten commits" - fi - # No cherry-pick because our first pass is to determine - # parents to rewrite and skipping dropped commits would - # prematurely end our probe - merges_option= -else - merges_option="--no-merges --cherry-pick" -fi - -shorthead=$(git rev-parse --short $orig_head) -shortonto=$(git rev-parse --short $onto) -if test -z "$rebase_root" - # this is now equivalent to ! -z "$upstream" -then - shortupstream=$(git rev-parse --short $upstream) - revisions=$upstream...$orig_head - shortrevisions=$shortupstream..$shorthead -else - revisions=$onto...$orig_head - shortrevisions=$shorthead -fi -git rev-list $merges_option --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit \ - --abbrev=7 --reverse --left-right --topo-order \ - $revisions | \ - sed -n "s/^>//p" | -while read -r shortsha1 rest -do - if test t != "$preserve_merges" - then - printf '%s\n' "pick $shortsha1 $rest" >> "$todo" - else - sha1=$(git rev-parse $shortsha1) - if test -z "$rebase_root" - then - preserve=t - for p in $(git rev-list --parents -1 $sha1 | cut -d' ' -s -f2-) - do - if test -f "$rewritten"/$p - then - preserve=f - fi - done - else - preserve=f - fi - if test f = "$preserve" - then - touch "$rewritten"/$sha1 - printf '%s\n' "pick $shortsha1 $rest" >> "$todo" - fi - fi -done - -# Watch for commits that been dropped by --cherry-pick -if test t = "$preserve_merges" -then - mkdir "$dropped" - # Save all non-cherry-picked changes - git rev-list $revisions --left-right --cherry-pick | \ - sed -n "s/^>//p" > "$state_dir"/not-cherry-picks - # Now all commits and note which ones are missing in - # not-cherry-picks and hence being dropped - git rev-list $revisions | - while read rev - do - if test -f "$rewritten"/$rev -a "$(sane_grep "$rev" "$state_dir"/not-cherry-picks)" = "" - then - # Use -f2 because if rev-list is telling us this commit is - # not worthwhile, we don't want to track its multiple heads, - # just the history of its first-parent for others that will - # be rebasing on top of it - git rev-list --parents -1 $rev | cut -d' ' -s -f2 > "$dropped"/$rev - short=$(git rev-list -1 --abbrev-commit --abbrev=7 $rev) - sane_grep -v "^[a-z][a-z]* $short" <"$todo" > "${todo}2" ; mv "${todo}2" "$todo" - rm "$rewritten"/$rev - fi - done -fi - -test -s "$todo" || echo noop >> "$todo" -test -n "$autosquash" && rearrange_squash "$todo" -cat >> "$todo" << EOF - -# Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto -# -# Commands: -# p, pick = use commit -# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message -# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending -# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit -# f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message -# x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell -# -# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. -# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted. -# -EOF - -has_action "$todo" || - die_abort "Nothing to do" - -cp "$todo" "$todo".backup -git_editor "$todo" || - die_abort "Could not execute editor" - -has_action "$todo" || - die_abort "Nothing to do" - -test -d "$rewritten" || test -n "$force_rebase" || skip_unnecessary_picks - -output git checkout $onto || die_abort "could not detach HEAD" -git update-ref ORIG_HEAD $orig_head -do_rest diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase--merge b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase--merge deleted file mode 100644 index 26afc75c..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rebase--merge +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2010 Junio C Hamano. -# - -. git-sh-setup - -prec=4 - -read_state () { - onto_name=$(cat "$state_dir"/onto_name) && - end=$(cat "$state_dir"/end) && - msgnum=$(cat "$state_dir"/msgnum) -} - -continue_merge () { - test -d "$state_dir" || die "$state_dir directory does not exist" - - unmerged=$(git ls-files -u) - if test -n "$unmerged" - then - echo "You still have unmerged paths in your index" - echo "did you forget to use git add?" - die "$resolvemsg" - fi - - cmt=`cat "$state_dir/current"` - if ! git diff-index --quiet --ignore-submodules HEAD -- - then - if ! git commit --no-verify -C "$cmt" - then - echo "Commit failed, please do not call \"git commit\"" - echo "directly, but instead do one of the following: " - die "$resolvemsg" - fi - if test -z "$GIT_QUIET" - then - printf "Committed: %0${prec}d " $msgnum - fi - echo "$cmt $(git rev-parse HEAD^0)" >> "$state_dir/rewritten" - else - if test -z "$GIT_QUIET" - then - printf "Already applied: %0${prec}d " $msgnum - fi - fi - test -z "$GIT_QUIET" && - GIT_PAGER='' git log --format=%s -1 "$cmt" - - # onto the next patch: - msgnum=$(($msgnum + 1)) - echo "$msgnum" >"$state_dir/msgnum" -} - -call_merge () { - cmt="$(cat "$state_dir/cmt.$1")" - echo "$cmt" > "$state_dir/current" - hd=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) - cmt_name=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null || echo HEAD) - msgnum=$(cat "$state_dir/msgnum") - eval GITHEAD_$cmt='"${cmt_name##refs/heads/}~$(($end - $msgnum))"' - eval GITHEAD_$hd='$onto_name' - export GITHEAD_$cmt GITHEAD_$hd - if test -n "$GIT_QUIET" - then - GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY=1 && export GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY - fi - test -z "$strategy" && strategy=recursive - eval 'git-merge-$strategy' $strategy_opts '"$cmt^" -- "$hd" "$cmt"' - rv=$? - case "$rv" in - 0) - unset GITHEAD_$cmt GITHEAD_$hd - return - ;; - 1) - git rerere $allow_rerere_autoupdate - die "$resolvemsg" - ;; - 2) - echo "Strategy: $strategy failed, try another" 1>&2 - die "$resolvemsg" - ;; - *) - die "Unknown exit code ($rv) from command:" \ - "git-merge-$strategy $cmt^ -- HEAD $cmt" - ;; - esac -} - -finish_rb_merge () { - move_to_original_branch - git notes copy --for-rewrite=rebase < "$state_dir"/rewritten - if test -x "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/post-rewrite && - test -s "$state_dir"/rewritten; then - "$GIT_DIR"/hooks/post-rewrite rebase < "$state_dir"/rewritten - fi - rm -r "$state_dir" - say All done. -} - -case "$action" in -continue) - read_state - continue_merge - while test "$msgnum" -le "$end" - do - call_merge "$msgnum" - continue_merge - done - finish_rb_merge - exit - ;; -skip) - read_state - git rerere clear - msgnum=$(($msgnum + 1)) - while test "$msgnum" -le "$end" - do - call_merge "$msgnum" - continue_merge - done - finish_rb_merge - exit - ;; -esac - -mkdir -p "$state_dir" -echo "$onto_name" > "$state_dir/onto_name" -write_basic_state - -msgnum=0 -for cmt in `git rev-list --reverse --no-merges "$revisions"` -do - msgnum=$(($msgnum + 1)) - echo "$cmt" > "$state_dir/cmt.$msgnum" -done - -echo 1 >"$state_dir/msgnum" -echo $msgnum >"$state_dir/end" - -end=$msgnum -msgnum=1 - -while test "$msgnum" -le "$end" -do - call_merge "$msgnum" - continue_merge -done - -finish_rb_merge diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-receive-pack b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-receive-pack deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-receive-pack +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-reflog b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-reflog deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-reflog +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-relink b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-relink deleted file mode 100755 index 20cdea39..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-relink +++ /dev/null @@ -1,174 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl")); -# Copyright 2005, Ryan Anderson -# Distribution permitted under the GPL v2, as distributed -# by the Free Software Foundation. -# Later versions of the GPL at the discretion of Linus Torvalds -# -# Scan two git object-trees, and hardlink any common objects between them. - -use 5.008; -use strict; -use warnings; -use Getopt::Long; - -sub get_canonical_form($); -sub do_scan_directory($$$); -sub compare_two_files($$); -sub usage(); -sub link_two_files($$); - -# stats -my $total_linked = 0; -my $total_already = 0; -my ($linked,$already); - -my $fail_on_different_sizes = 0; -my $help = 0; -GetOptions("safe" => \$fail_on_different_sizes, - "help" => \$help); - -usage() if $help; - -my (@dirs) = @ARGV; - -usage() if (!defined $dirs[0] || !defined $dirs[1]); - -$_ = get_canonical_form($_) foreach (@dirs); - -my $master_dir = pop @dirs; - -opendir(D,$master_dir . "objects/") - or die "Failed to open $master_dir/objects/ : $!"; - -my @hashdirs = grep { ($_ eq 'pack') || /^[0-9a-f]{2}$/ } readdir(D); - -foreach my $repo (@dirs) { - $linked = 0; - $already = 0; - printf("Searching '%s' and '%s' for common objects and hardlinking them...\n", - $master_dir,$repo); - - foreach my $hashdir (@hashdirs) { - do_scan_directory($master_dir, $hashdir, $repo); - } - - printf("Linked %d files, %d were already linked.\n",$linked, $already); - - $total_linked += $linked; - $total_already += $already; -} - -printf("Totals: Linked %d files, %d were already linked.\n", - $total_linked, $total_already); - - -sub do_scan_directory($$$) { - my ($srcdir, $subdir, $dstdir) = @_; - - my $sfulldir = sprintf("%sobjects/%s/",$srcdir,$subdir); - my $dfulldir = sprintf("%sobjects/%s/",$dstdir,$subdir); - - opendir(S,$sfulldir) - or die "Failed to opendir $sfulldir: $!"; - - foreach my $file (grep(!/\.{1,2}$/, readdir(S))) { - my $sfilename = $sfulldir . $file; - my $dfilename = $dfulldir . $file; - - compare_two_files($sfilename,$dfilename); - - } - closedir(S); -} - -sub compare_two_files($$) { - my ($sfilename, $dfilename) = @_; - - # Perl's stat returns relevant information as follows: - # 0 = dev number - # 1 = inode number - # 7 = size - my @sstatinfo = stat($sfilename); - my @dstatinfo = stat($dfilename); - - if (@sstatinfo == 0 && @dstatinfo == 0) { - die sprintf("Stat of both %s and %s failed: %s\n",$sfilename, $dfilename, $!); - - } elsif (@dstatinfo == 0) { - return; - } - - if ( ($sstatinfo[0] == $dstatinfo[0]) && - ($sstatinfo[1] != $dstatinfo[1])) { - if ($sstatinfo[7] == $dstatinfo[7]) { - link_two_files($sfilename, $dfilename); - - } else { - my $err = sprintf("ERROR: File sizes are not the same, cannot relink %s to %s.\n", - $sfilename, $dfilename); - if ($fail_on_different_sizes) { - die $err; - } else { - warn $err; - } - } - - } elsif ( ($sstatinfo[0] == $dstatinfo[0]) && - ($sstatinfo[1] == $dstatinfo[1])) { - $already++; - } -} - -sub get_canonical_form($) { - my $dir = shift; - my $original = $dir; - - die "$dir is not a directory." unless -d $dir; - - $dir .= "/" unless $dir =~ m#/$#; - $dir .= ".git/" unless $dir =~ m#\.git/$#; - - die "$original does not have a .git/ subdirectory.\n" unless -d $dir; - - return $dir; -} - -sub link_two_files($$) { - my ($sfilename, $dfilename) = @_; - my $tmpdname = sprintf("%s.old",$dfilename); - rename($dfilename,$tmpdname) - or die sprintf("Failure renaming %s to %s: %s", - $dfilename, $tmpdname, $!); - - if (! link($sfilename,$dfilename)) { - my $failtxt = ""; - unless (rename($tmpdname,$dfilename)) { - $failtxt = sprintf( - "Git Repository containing %s is probably corrupted, " . - "please copy '%s' to '%s' to fix.\n", - $tmpdname, $dfilename); - } - - die sprintf("Failed to link %s to %s: %s\n%s" . - $sfilename, $dfilename, - $!, $dfilename, $failtxt); - } - - unlink($tmpdname) - or die sprintf("Unlink of %s failed: %s\n", - $dfilename, $!); - - $linked++; -} - - -sub usage() { - print("Usage: git relink [--safe] ... \n"); - print("All directories should contain a .git/objects/ subdirectory.\n"); - print("Options\n"); - print("\t--safe\t" . - "Stops if two objects with the same hash exist but " . - "have different sizes. Default is to warn and continue.\n"); - exit(1); -} diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-ext b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-ext deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-ext +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-fd b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-fd deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-fd +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-ftp b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-ftp deleted file mode 100755 index a251bc74..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-ftp and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-ftps b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-ftps deleted file mode 100755 index a251bc74..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-ftps and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-http b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-http deleted file mode 100755 index a251bc74..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-http and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-https b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-https deleted file mode 100755 index a251bc74..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-https and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-testgit b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-testgit deleted file mode 100755 index 8324eb61..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-remote-testgit +++ /dev/null @@ -1,244 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python - -# hashlib is only available in python >= 2.5 -try: - import hashlib - _digest = hashlib.sha1 -except ImportError: - import sha - _digest = sha.new -import sys -import os -sys.path.insert(0, os.getenv("GITPYTHONLIB","/usr/local/git/lib/python2.7/site-packages")) - -from git_remote_helpers.util import die, debug, warn -from git_remote_helpers.git.repo import GitRepo -from git_remote_helpers.git.exporter import GitExporter -from git_remote_helpers.git.importer import GitImporter -from git_remote_helpers.git.non_local import NonLocalGit - -def get_repo(alias, url): - """Returns a git repository object initialized for usage. - """ - - repo = GitRepo(url) - repo.get_revs() - repo.get_head() - - hasher = _digest() - hasher.update(repo.path) - repo.hash = hasher.hexdigest() - - repo.get_base_path = lambda base: os.path.join( - base, 'info', 'fast-import', repo.hash) - - prefix = 'refs/testgit/%s/' % alias - debug("prefix: '%s'", prefix) - - repo.gitdir = "" - repo.alias = alias - repo.prefix = prefix - - repo.exporter = GitExporter(repo) - repo.importer = GitImporter(repo) - repo.non_local = NonLocalGit(repo) - - return repo - - -def local_repo(repo, path): - """Returns a git repository object initalized for usage. - """ - - local = GitRepo(path) - - local.non_local = None - local.gitdir = repo.gitdir - local.alias = repo.alias - local.prefix = repo.prefix - local.hash = repo.hash - local.get_base_path = repo.get_base_path - local.exporter = GitExporter(local) - local.importer = GitImporter(local) - - return local - - -def do_capabilities(repo, args): - """Prints the supported capabilities. - """ - - print "import" - print "export" - print "gitdir" - print "refspec refs/heads/*:%s*" % repo.prefix - - print # end capabilities - - -def do_list(repo, args): - """Lists all known references. - - Bug: This will always set the remote head to master for non-local - repositories, since we have no way of determining what the remote - head is at clone time. - """ - - for ref in repo.revs: - debug("? refs/heads/%s", ref) - print "? refs/heads/%s" % ref - - if repo.head: - debug("@refs/heads/%s HEAD" % repo.head) - print "@refs/heads/%s HEAD" % repo.head - else: - debug("@refs/heads/master HEAD") - print "@refs/heads/master HEAD" - - print # end list - - -def update_local_repo(repo): - """Updates (or clones) a local repo. - """ - - if repo.local: - return repo - - path = repo.non_local.clone(repo.gitdir) - repo.non_local.update(repo.gitdir) - repo = local_repo(repo, path) - return repo - - -def do_import(repo, args): - """Exports a fast-import stream from testgit for git to import. - """ - - if len(args) != 1: - die("Import needs exactly one ref") - - if not repo.gitdir: - die("Need gitdir to import") - - repo = update_local_repo(repo) - repo.exporter.export_repo(repo.gitdir) - - -def do_export(repo, args): - """Imports a fast-import stream from git to testgit. - """ - - if not repo.gitdir: - die("Need gitdir to export") - - dirname = repo.get_base_path(repo.gitdir) - - if not os.path.exists(dirname): - os.makedirs(dirname) - - path = os.path.join(dirname, 'testgit.marks') - print path - if os.path.exists(path): - print path - else: - print "" - sys.stdout.flush() - - update_local_repo(repo) - repo.importer.do_import(repo.gitdir) - repo.non_local.push(repo.gitdir) - - -def do_gitdir(repo, args): - """Stores the location of the gitdir. - """ - - if not args: - die("gitdir needs an argument") - - repo.gitdir = ' '.join(args) - - -COMMANDS = { - 'capabilities': do_capabilities, - 'list': do_list, - 'import': do_import, - 'export': do_export, - 'gitdir': do_gitdir, -} - - -def sanitize(value): - """Cleans up the url. - """ - - if value.startswith('testgit::'): - value = value[9:] - - return value - - -def read_one_line(repo): - """Reads and processes one command. - """ - - line = sys.stdin.readline() - - cmdline = line - - if not cmdline: - warn("Unexpected EOF") - return False - - cmdline = cmdline.strip().split() - if not cmdline: - # Blank line means we're about to quit - return False - - cmd = cmdline.pop(0) - debug("Got command '%s' with args '%s'", cmd, ' '.join(cmdline)) - - if cmd not in COMMANDS: - die("Unknown command, %s", cmd) - - func = COMMANDS[cmd] - func(repo, cmdline) - sys.stdout.flush() - - return True - - -def main(args): - """Starts a new remote helper for the specified repository. - """ - - if len(args) != 3: - die("Expecting exactly three arguments.") - sys.exit(1) - - if os.getenv("GIT_DEBUG_TESTGIT"): - import git_remote_helpers.util - git_remote_helpers.util.DEBUG = True - - alias = sanitize(args[1]) - url = sanitize(args[2]) - - if not alias.isalnum(): - warn("non-alnum alias '%s'", alias) - alias = "tmp" - - args[1] = alias - args[2] = url - - repo = get_repo(alias, url) - - debug("Got arguments %s", args[1:]) - - more = True - - while (more): - more = read_one_line(repo) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-repack b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-repack deleted file mode 100755 index 624feec2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-repack +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2005 Linus Torvalds -# - -OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH= -OPTIONS_SPEC="\ -git repack [options] --- -a pack everything in a single pack -A same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose -d remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed -f pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects -F pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects -n do not run git-update-server-info -q,quiet be quiet -l pass --local to git-pack-objects - Packing constraints -window= size of the window used for delta compression -window-memory= same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count -depth= limits the maximum delta depth -max-pack-size= maximum size of each packfile -" -SUBDIRECTORY_OK='Yes' -. git-sh-setup - -no_update_info= all_into_one= remove_redundant= unpack_unreachable= -local= no_reuse= extra= -while test $# != 0 -do - case "$1" in - -n) no_update_info=t ;; - -a) all_into_one=t ;; - -A) all_into_one=t - unpack_unreachable=--unpack-unreachable ;; - -d) remove_redundant=t ;; - -q) GIT_QUIET=t ;; - -f) no_reuse=--no-reuse-delta ;; - -F) no_reuse=--no-reuse-object ;; - -l) local=--local ;; - --max-pack-size|--window|--window-memory|--depth) - extra="$extra $1=$2"; shift ;; - --) shift; break;; - *) usage ;; - esac - shift -done - -case "`git config --bool repack.usedeltabaseoffset || echo true`" in -true) - extra="$extra --delta-base-offset" ;; -esac - -PACKDIR="$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY/pack" -PACKTMP="$PACKDIR/.tmp-$$-pack" -rm -f "$PACKTMP"-* -trap 'rm -f "$PACKTMP"-*' 0 1 2 3 15 - -# There will be more repacking strategies to come... -case ",$all_into_one," in -,,) - args='--unpacked --incremental' - ;; -,t,) - args= existing= - if [ -d "$PACKDIR" ]; then - for e in `cd "$PACKDIR" && find . -type f -name '*.pack' \ - | sed -e 's/^\.\///' -e 's/\.pack$//'` - do - if [ -e "$PACKDIR/$e.keep" ]; then - : keep - else - existing="$existing $e" - fi - done - if test -n "$existing" -a -n "$unpack_unreachable" -a \ - -n "$remove_redundant" - then - args="$args $unpack_unreachable" - fi - fi - ;; -esac - -mkdir -p "$PACKDIR" || exit - -args="$args $local ${GIT_QUIET:+-q} $no_reuse$extra" -names=$(git pack-objects --keep-true-parents --honor-pack-keep --non-empty --all --reflog $args &2 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by" - echo >&2 "WARNING: prefixing old- to their name, in order to" - echo >&2 "WARNING: replace them with the new version of the" - echo >&2 "WARNING: file. But the operation failed, and" - echo >&2 "WARNING: attempt to rename them back to their" - echo >&2 "WARNING: original names also failed." - echo >&2 "WARNING: Please rename them in $PACKDIR manually:" - for file in $rollback_failure - do - echo >&2 "WARNING: old-$file -> $file" - done - fi - exit 1 -fi - -# Now the ones with the same name are out of the way... -fullbases= -for name in $names -do - fullbases="$fullbases pack-$name" - chmod a-w "$PACKTMP-$name.pack" - chmod a-w "$PACKTMP-$name.idx" - mv -f "$PACKTMP-$name.pack" "$PACKDIR/pack-$name.pack" && - mv -f "$PACKTMP-$name.idx" "$PACKDIR/pack-$name.idx" || - exit -done - -# Remove the "old-" files -for name in $names -do - rm -f "$PACKDIR/old-pack-$name.idx" - rm -f "$PACKDIR/old-pack-$name.pack" -done - -# End of pack replacement. - -if test "$remove_redundant" = t -then - # We know $existing are all redundant. - if [ -n "$existing" ] - then - ( cd "$PACKDIR" && - for e in $existing - do - case " $fullbases " in - *" $e "*) ;; - *) rm -f "$e.pack" "$e.idx" "$e.keep" ;; - esac - done - ) - fi - git prune-packed ${GIT_QUIET:+-q} -fi - -case "$no_update_info" in -t) : ;; -*) git update-server-info ;; -esac diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-replace b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-replace deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-replace +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-repo-config b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-repo-config deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-repo-config +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-request-pull b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-request-pull deleted file mode 100755 index fc080cc5..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-request-pull +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# Copyright 2005, Ryan Anderson -# -# This file is licensed under the GPL v2, or a later version -# at the discretion of Linus Torvalds. - -USAGE=' []' -LONG_USAGE='Summarizes the changes between two commits to the standard output, -and includes the given URL in the generated summary.' -SUBDIRECTORY_OK='Yes' -OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH= -OPTIONS_SPEC='git request-pull [options] start url [end] --- -p show patch text as well -' - -. git-sh-setup - -GIT_PAGER= -export GIT_PAGER - -patch= -while case "$#" in 0) break ;; esac -do - case "$1" in - -p) - patch=-p ;; - --) - shift; break ;; - -*) - usage ;; - *) - break ;; - esac - shift -done - -base=$1 -url=$2 -head=${3-HEAD} - -[ "$base" ] || usage -[ "$url" ] || usage - -baserev=`git rev-parse --verify "$base"^0` && -headrev=`git rev-parse --verify "$head"^0` || exit - -merge_base=`git merge-base $baserev $headrev` || -die "fatal: No commits in common between $base and $head" - -branch=$(git ls-remote "$url" \ - | sed -n -e "/^$headrev refs.heads./{ - s/^.* refs.heads.// - p - q - }") -url=$(git ls-remote --get-url "$url") -if [ -z "$branch" ]; then - echo "warn: No branch of $url is at:" >&2 - git log --max-count=1 --pretty='tformat:warn: %h: %s' $headrev >&2 - echo "warn: Are you sure you pushed $head there?" >&2 - echo >&2 - echo >&2 - branch=..BRANCH.NOT.VERIFIED.. - status=1 -fi - -git show -s --format='The following changes since commit %H: - - %s (%ci) - -are available in the git repository at:' $baserev && -echo " $url $branch" && -echo && - -git shortlog ^$baserev $headrev && -git diff -M --stat --summary $patch $merge_base..$headrev || exit -exit $status diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rerere b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rerere deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rerere +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-reset b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-reset deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-reset +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rev-list b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rev-list deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rev-list +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rev-parse b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rev-parse deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rev-parse +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-revert b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-revert deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-revert +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rm b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rm deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-rm +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-send-email b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-send-email deleted file mode 100755 index 51c4055a..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-send-email +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1417 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl")); -# -# Copyright 2002,2005 Greg Kroah-Hartman -# Copyright 2005 Ryan Anderson -# -# GPL v2 (See COPYING) -# -# Ported to support git "mbox" format files by Ryan Anderson -# -# Sends a collection of emails to the given email addresses, disturbingly fast. -# -# Supports two formats: -# 1. mbox format files (ignoring most headers and MIME formatting - this is designed for sending patches) -# 2. The original format support by Greg's script: -# first line of the message is who to CC, -# and second line is the subject of the message. -# - -use 5.008; -use strict; -use warnings; -use Term::ReadLine; -use Getopt::Long; -use Text::ParseWords; -use Data::Dumper; -use Term::ANSIColor; -use File::Temp qw/ tempdir tempfile /; -use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); -use Error qw(:try); -use Git; - -Getopt::Long::Configure qw/ pass_through /; - -package FakeTerm; -sub new { - my ($class, $reason) = @_; - return bless \$reason, shift; -} -sub readline { - my $self = shift; - die "Cannot use readline on FakeTerm: $$self"; -} -package main; - - -sub usage { - print < - - Composing: - --from * Email From: - --[no-]to * Email To: - --[no-]cc * Email Cc: - --[no-]bcc * Email Bcc: - --subject * Email "Subject:" - --in-reply-to * Email "In-Reply-To:" - --annotate * Review each patch that will be sent in an editor. - --compose * Open an editor for introduction. - --8bit-encoding * Encoding to assume 8bit mails if undeclared - - Sending: - --envelope-sender * Email envelope sender. - --smtp-server * Outgoing SMTP server to use. The port - is optional. Default 'localhost'. - --smtp-server-option * Outgoing SMTP server option to use. - --smtp-server-port * Outgoing SMTP server port. - --smtp-user * Username for SMTP-AUTH. - --smtp-pass * Password for SMTP-AUTH; not necessary. - --smtp-encryption * tls or ssl; anything else disables. - --smtp-ssl * Deprecated. Use '--smtp-encryption ssl'. - --smtp-domain * The domain name sent to HELO/EHLO handshake - --smtp-debug <0|1> * Disable, enable Net::SMTP debug. - - Automating: - --identity * Use the sendemail. options. - --to-cmd * Email To: via ` \$patch_path` - --cc-cmd * Email Cc: via ` \$patch_path` - --suppress-cc * author, self, sob, cc, cccmd, body, bodycc, all. - --[no-]signed-off-by-cc * Send to Signed-off-by: addresses. Default on. - --[no-]suppress-from * Send to self. Default off. - --[no-]chain-reply-to * Chain In-Reply-To: fields. Default off. - --[no-]thread * Use In-Reply-To: field. Default on. - - Administering: - --confirm * Confirm recipients before sending; - auto, cc, compose, always, or never. - --quiet * Output one line of info per email. - --dry-run * Don't actually send the emails. - --[no-]validate * Perform patch sanity checks. Default on. - --[no-]format-patch * understand any non optional arguments as - `git format-patch` ones. - --force * Send even if safety checks would prevent it. - -EOT - exit(1); -} - -# most mail servers generate the Date: header, but not all... -sub format_2822_time { - my ($time) = @_; - my @localtm = localtime($time); - my @gmttm = gmtime($time); - my $localmin = $localtm[1] + $localtm[2] * 60; - my $gmtmin = $gmttm[1] + $gmttm[2] * 60; - if ($localtm[0] != $gmttm[0]) { - die "local zone differs from GMT by a non-minute interval\n"; - } - if ((($gmttm[6] + 1) % 7) == $localtm[6]) { - $localmin += 1440; - } elsif ((($gmttm[6] - 1) % 7) == $localtm[6]) { - $localmin -= 1440; - } elsif ($gmttm[6] != $localtm[6]) { - die "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"; - } - my $offset = $localmin - $gmtmin; - my $offhour = $offset / 60; - my $offmin = abs($offset % 60); - if (abs($offhour) >= 24) { - die ("local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"); - } - - return sprintf("%s, %2d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %s%02d%02d", - qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)[$localtm[6]], - $localtm[3], - qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun - Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)[$localtm[4]], - $localtm[5]+1900, - $localtm[2], - $localtm[1], - $localtm[0], - ($offset >= 0) ? '+' : '-', - abs($offhour), - $offmin, - ); -} - -my $have_email_valid = eval { require Email::Valid; 1 }; -my $have_mail_address = eval { require Mail::Address; 1 }; -my $smtp; -my $auth; - -# Variables we fill in automatically, or via prompting: -my (@to,$no_to,@initial_to,@cc,$no_cc,@initial_cc,@bcclist,$no_bcc,@xh, - $initial_reply_to,$initial_subject,@files, - $author,$sender,$smtp_authpass,$annotate,$compose,$time); - -my $envelope_sender; - -# Example reply to: -#$initial_reply_to = ''; #<20050203173208.GA23964@foobar.com>'; - -my $repo = eval { Git->repository() }; -my @repo = $repo ? ($repo) : (); -my $term = eval { - $ENV{"GIT_SEND_EMAIL_NOTTY"} - ? new Term::ReadLine 'git-send-email', \*STDIN, \*STDOUT - : new Term::ReadLine 'git-send-email'; -}; -if ($@) { - $term = new FakeTerm "$@: going non-interactive"; -} - -# Behavior modification variables -my ($quiet, $dry_run) = (0, 0); -my $format_patch; -my $compose_filename; -my $force = 0; - -# Handle interactive edition of files. -my $multiedit; -my $editor; - -sub do_edit { - if (!defined($editor)) { - $editor = Git::command_oneline('var', 'GIT_EDITOR'); - } - if (defined($multiedit) && !$multiedit) { - map { - system('sh', '-c', $editor.' "$@"', $editor, $_); - if (($? & 127) || ($? >> 8)) { - die("the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"); - } - } @_; - } else { - system('sh', '-c', $editor.' "$@"', $editor, @_); - if (($? & 127) || ($? >> 8)) { - die("the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"); - } - } -} - -# Variables with corresponding config settings -my ($thread, $chain_reply_to, $suppress_from, $signed_off_by_cc); -my ($to_cmd, $cc_cmd); -my ($smtp_server, $smtp_server_port, @smtp_server_options); -my ($smtp_authuser, $smtp_encryption); -my ($identity, $aliasfiletype, @alias_files, $smtp_domain); -my ($validate, $confirm); -my (@suppress_cc); -my ($auto_8bit_encoding); - -my ($debug_net_smtp) = 0; # Net::SMTP, see send_message() - -my $not_set_by_user = "true but not set by the user"; - -my %config_bool_settings = ( - "thread" => [\$thread, 1], - "chainreplyto" => [\$chain_reply_to, $not_set_by_user], - "suppressfrom" => [\$suppress_from, undef], - "signedoffbycc" => [\$signed_off_by_cc, undef], - "signedoffcc" => [\$signed_off_by_cc, undef], # Deprecated - "validate" => [\$validate, 1], -); - -my %config_settings = ( - "smtpserver" => \$smtp_server, - "smtpserverport" => \$smtp_server_port, - "smtpserveroption" => \@smtp_server_options, - "smtpuser" => \$smtp_authuser, - "smtppass" => \$smtp_authpass, - "smtpdomain" => \$smtp_domain, - "to" => \@initial_to, - "tocmd" => \$to_cmd, - "cc" => \@initial_cc, - "cccmd" => \$cc_cmd, - "aliasfiletype" => \$aliasfiletype, - "bcc" => \@bcclist, - "aliasesfile" => \@alias_files, - "suppresscc" => \@suppress_cc, - "envelopesender" => \$envelope_sender, - "multiedit" => \$multiedit, - "confirm" => \$confirm, - "from" => \$sender, - "assume8bitencoding" => \$auto_8bit_encoding, -); - -# Help users prepare for 1.7.0 -sub chain_reply_to { - if (defined $chain_reply_to && - $chain_reply_to eq $not_set_by_user) { - print STDERR - "In git 1.7.0, the default has changed to --no-chain-reply-to\n" . - "Set sendemail.chainreplyto configuration variable to true if\n" . - "you want to keep --chain-reply-to as your default.\n"; - $chain_reply_to = 0; - } - return $chain_reply_to; -} - -# Handle Uncouth Termination -sub signal_handler { - - # Make text normal - print color("reset"), "\n"; - - # SMTP password masked - system "stty echo"; - - # tmp files from --compose - if (defined $compose_filename) { - if (-e $compose_filename) { - print "'$compose_filename' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"; - } - if (-e ($compose_filename . ".final")) { - print "'$compose_filename.final' contains the composed email.\n" - } - } - - exit; -}; - -$SIG{TERM} = \&signal_handler; -$SIG{INT} = \&signal_handler; - -# Begin by accumulating all the variables (defined above), that we will end up -# needing, first, from the command line: - -my $rc = GetOptions("sender|from=s" => \$sender, - "in-reply-to=s" => \$initial_reply_to, - "subject=s" => \$initial_subject, - "to=s" => \@initial_to, - "to-cmd=s" => \$to_cmd, - "no-to" => \$no_to, - "cc=s" => \@initial_cc, - "no-cc" => \$no_cc, - "bcc=s" => \@bcclist, - "no-bcc" => \$no_bcc, - "chain-reply-to!" => \$chain_reply_to, - "smtp-server=s" => \$smtp_server, - "smtp-server-option=s" => \@smtp_server_options, - "smtp-server-port=s" => \$smtp_server_port, - "smtp-user=s" => \$smtp_authuser, - "smtp-pass:s" => \$smtp_authpass, - "smtp-ssl" => sub { $smtp_encryption = 'ssl' }, - "smtp-encryption=s" => \$smtp_encryption, - "smtp-debug:i" => \$debug_net_smtp, - "smtp-domain:s" => \$smtp_domain, - "identity=s" => \$identity, - "annotate" => \$annotate, - "compose" => \$compose, - "quiet" => \$quiet, - "cc-cmd=s" => \$cc_cmd, - "suppress-from!" => \$suppress_from, - "suppress-cc=s" => \@suppress_cc, - "signed-off-cc|signed-off-by-cc!" => \$signed_off_by_cc, - "confirm=s" => \$confirm, - "dry-run" => \$dry_run, - "envelope-sender=s" => \$envelope_sender, - "thread!" => \$thread, - "validate!" => \$validate, - "format-patch!" => \$format_patch, - "8bit-encoding=s" => \$auto_8bit_encoding, - "force" => \$force, - ); - -unless ($rc) { - usage(); -} - -die "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n" - if $format_patch and not $repo; - -# Now, let's fill any that aren't set in with defaults: - -sub read_config { - my ($prefix) = @_; - - foreach my $setting (keys %config_bool_settings) { - my $target = $config_bool_settings{$setting}->[0]; - $$target = Git::config_bool(@repo, "$prefix.$setting") unless (defined $$target); - } - - foreach my $setting (keys %config_settings) { - my $target = $config_settings{$setting}; - next if $setting eq "to" and defined $no_to; - next if $setting eq "cc" and defined $no_cc; - next if $setting eq "bcc" and defined $no_bcc; - if (ref($target) eq "ARRAY") { - unless (@$target) { - my @values = Git::config(@repo, "$prefix.$setting"); - @$target = @values if (@values && defined $values[0]); - } - } - else { - $$target = Git::config(@repo, "$prefix.$setting") unless (defined $$target); - } - } - - if (!defined $smtp_encryption) { - my $enc = Git::config(@repo, "$prefix.smtpencryption"); - if (defined $enc) { - $smtp_encryption = $enc; - } elsif (Git::config_bool(@repo, "$prefix.smtpssl")) { - $smtp_encryption = 'ssl'; - } - } -} - -# read configuration from [sendemail "$identity"], fall back on [sendemail] -$identity = Git::config(@repo, "sendemail.identity") unless (defined $identity); -read_config("sendemail.$identity") if (defined $identity); -read_config("sendemail"); - -# fall back on builtin bool defaults -foreach my $setting (values %config_bool_settings) { - ${$setting->[0]} = $setting->[1] unless (defined (${$setting->[0]})); -} - -# 'default' encryption is none -- this only prevents a warning -$smtp_encryption = '' unless (defined $smtp_encryption); - -# Set CC suppressions -my(%suppress_cc); -if (@suppress_cc) { - foreach my $entry (@suppress_cc) { - die "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '$entry'\n" - unless $entry =~ /^(?:all|cccmd|cc|author|self|sob|body|bodycc)$/; - $suppress_cc{$entry} = 1; - } -} - -if ($suppress_cc{'all'}) { - foreach my $entry (qw (cccmd cc author self sob body bodycc)) { - $suppress_cc{$entry} = 1; - } - delete $suppress_cc{'all'}; -} - -# If explicit old-style ones are specified, they trump --suppress-cc. -$suppress_cc{'self'} = $suppress_from if defined $suppress_from; -$suppress_cc{'sob'} = !$signed_off_by_cc if defined $signed_off_by_cc; - -if ($suppress_cc{'body'}) { - foreach my $entry (qw (sob bodycc)) { - $suppress_cc{$entry} = 1; - } - delete $suppress_cc{'body'}; -} - -# Set confirm's default value -my $confirm_unconfigured = !defined $confirm; -if ($confirm_unconfigured) { - $confirm = scalar %suppress_cc ? 'compose' : 'auto'; -}; -die "Unknown --confirm setting: '$confirm'\n" - unless $confirm =~ /^(?:auto|cc|compose|always|never)/; - -# Debugging, print out the suppressions. -if (0) { - print "suppressions:\n"; - foreach my $entry (keys %suppress_cc) { - printf " %-5s -> $suppress_cc{$entry}\n", $entry; - } -} - -my ($repoauthor, $repocommitter); -($repoauthor) = Git::ident_person(@repo, 'author'); -($repocommitter) = Git::ident_person(@repo, 'committer'); - -# Verify the user input - -foreach my $entry (@initial_to) { - die "Comma in --to entry: $entry'\n" unless $entry !~ m/,/; -} - -foreach my $entry (@initial_cc) { - die "Comma in --cc entry: $entry'\n" unless $entry !~ m/,/; -} - -foreach my $entry (@bcclist) { - die "Comma in --bcclist entry: $entry'\n" unless $entry !~ m/,/; -} - -sub parse_address_line { - if ($have_mail_address) { - return map { $_->format } Mail::Address->parse($_[0]); - } else { - return split_addrs($_[0]); - } -} - -sub split_addrs { - return quotewords('\s*,\s*', 1, @_); -} - -my %aliases; -my %parse_alias = ( - # multiline formats can be supported in the future - mutt => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) { - if (/^\s*alias\s+(?:-group\s+\S+\s+)*(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) { - my ($alias, $addr) = ($1, $2); - $addr =~ s/#.*$//; # mutt allows # comments - # commas delimit multiple addresses - $aliases{$alias} = [ split_addrs($addr) ]; - }}}, - mailrc => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) { - if (/^alias\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) { - # spaces delimit multiple addresses - $aliases{$1} = [ quotewords('\s+', 0, $2) ]; - }}}, - pine => sub { my $fh = shift; my $f='\t[^\t]*'; - for (my $x = ''; defined($x); $x = $_) { - chomp $x; - $x .= $1 while(defined($_ = <$fh>) && /^ +(.*)$/); - $x =~ /^(\S+)$f\t\(?([^\t]+?)\)?(:?$f){0,2}$/ or next; - $aliases{$1} = [ split_addrs($2) ]; - }}, - elm => sub { my $fh = shift; - while (<$fh>) { - if (/^(\S+)\s+=\s+[^=]+=\s(\S+)/) { - my ($alias, $addr) = ($1, $2); - $aliases{$alias} = [ split_addrs($addr) ]; - } - } }, - - gnus => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) { - if (/\(define-mail-alias\s+"(\S+?)"\s+"(\S+?)"\)/) { - $aliases{$1} = [ $2 ]; - }}} -); - -if (@alias_files and $aliasfiletype and defined $parse_alias{$aliasfiletype}) { - foreach my $file (@alias_files) { - open my $fh, '<', $file or die "opening $file: $!\n"; - $parse_alias{$aliasfiletype}->($fh); - close $fh; - } -} - -($sender) = expand_aliases($sender) if defined $sender; - -# returns 1 if the conflict must be solved using it as a format-patch argument -sub check_file_rev_conflict($) { - return unless $repo; - my $f = shift; - try { - $repo->command('rev-parse', '--verify', '--quiet', $f); - if (defined($format_patch)) { - return $format_patch; - } - die(<command('format-patch', '-o', tempdir(CLEANUP => 1), @rev_list_opts); -} - -if ($validate) { - foreach my $f (@files) { - unless (-p $f) { - my $error = validate_patch($f); - $error and die "fatal: $f: $error\nwarning: no patches were sent\n"; - } - } -} - -if (@files) { - unless ($quiet) { - print $_,"\n" for (@files); - } -} else { - print STDERR "\nNo patch files specified!\n\n"; - usage(); -} - -sub get_patch_subject { - my $fn = shift; - open (my $fh, '<', $fn); - while (my $line = <$fh>) { - next unless ($line =~ /^Subject: (.*)$/); - close $fh; - return "GIT: $1\n"; - } - close $fh; - die "No subject line in $fn ?"; -} - -if ($compose) { - # Note that this does not need to be secure, but we will make a small - # effort to have it be unique - $compose_filename = ($repo ? - tempfile(".gitsendemail.msg.XXXXXX", DIR => $repo->repo_path()) : - tempfile(".gitsendemail.msg.XXXXXX", DIR => "."))[1]; - open my $c, ">", $compose_filename - or die "Failed to open for writing $compose_filename: $!"; - - - my $tpl_sender = $sender || $repoauthor || $repocommitter || ''; - my $tpl_subject = $initial_subject || ''; - my $tpl_reply_to = $initial_reply_to || ''; - - print $c <", $compose_filename . ".final" - or die "Failed to open $compose_filename.final : " . $!; - - open $c, "<", $compose_filename - or die "Failed to open $compose_filename : " . $!; - - my $need_8bit_cte = file_has_nonascii($compose_filename); - my $in_body = 0; - my $summary_empty = 1; - while(<$c>) { - next if m/^GIT:/; - if ($in_body) { - $summary_empty = 0 unless (/^\n$/); - } elsif (/^\n$/) { - $in_body = 1; - if ($need_8bit_cte) { - print $c2 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n", - "Content-Type: text/plain; ", - "charset=UTF-8\n", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"; - } - } elsif (/^MIME-Version:/i) { - $need_8bit_cte = 0; - } elsif (/^Subject:\s*(.+)\s*$/i) { - $initial_subject = $1; - my $subject = $initial_subject; - $_ = "Subject: " . - ($subject =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/ ? - quote_rfc2047($subject) : - $subject) . - "\n"; - } elsif (/^In-Reply-To:\s*(.+)\s*$/i) { - $initial_reply_to = $1; - next; - } elsif (/^From:\s*(.+)\s*$/i) { - $sender = $1; - next; - } elsif (/^(?:To|Cc|Bcc):/i) { - print "To/Cc/Bcc fields are not interpreted yet, they have been ignored\n"; - next; - } - print $c2 $_; - } - close $c; - close $c2; - - if ($summary_empty) { - print "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"; - $compose = -1; - } -} elsif ($annotate) { - do_edit(@files); -} - -sub ask { - my ($prompt, %arg) = @_; - my $valid_re = $arg{valid_re}; - my $default = $arg{default}; - my $resp; - my $i = 0; - return defined $default ? $default : undef - unless defined $term->IN and defined fileno($term->IN) and - defined $term->OUT and defined fileno($term->OUT); - while ($i++ < 10) { - $resp = $term->readline($prompt); - if (!defined $resp) { # EOF - print "\n"; - return defined $default ? $default : undef; - } - if ($resp eq '' and defined $default) { - return $default; - } - if (!defined $valid_re or $resp =~ /$valid_re/) { - return $resp; - } - } - return undef; -} - -my %broken_encoding; - -sub file_declares_8bit_cte { - my $fn = shift; - open (my $fh, '<', $fn); - while (my $line = <$fh>) { - last if ($line =~ /^$/); - return 1 if ($line =~ /^Content-Transfer-Encoding: .*8bit.*$/); - } - close $fh; - return 0; -} - -foreach my $f (@files) { - next unless (body_or_subject_has_nonascii($f) - && !file_declares_8bit_cte($f)); - $broken_encoding{$f} = 1; -} - -if (!defined $auto_8bit_encoding && scalar %broken_encoding) { - print "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare " . - "a Content-Transfer-Encoding.\n"; - foreach my $f (sort keys %broken_encoding) { - print " $f\n"; - } - $auto_8bit_encoding = ask("Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? ", - default => "UTF-8"); -} - -if (!$force) { - for my $f (@files) { - if (get_patch_subject($f) =~ /\Q*** SUBJECT HERE ***\E/) { - die "Refusing to send because the patch\n\t$f\n" - . "has the template subject '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. " - . "Pass --force if you really want to send.\n"; - } - } -} - -my $prompting = 0; -if (!defined $sender) { - $sender = $repoauthor || $repocommitter || ''; - $sender = ask("Who should the emails appear to be from? [$sender] ", - default => $sender); - print "Emails will be sent from: ", $sender, "\n"; - $prompting++; -} - -if (!@initial_to && !defined $to_cmd) { - my $to = ask("Who should the emails be sent to? "); - push @initial_to, parse_address_line($to) if defined $to; # sanitized/validated later - $prompting++; -} - -sub expand_aliases { - return map { expand_one_alias($_) } @_; -} - -my %EXPANDED_ALIASES; -sub expand_one_alias { - my $alias = shift; - if ($EXPANDED_ALIASES{$alias}) { - die "fatal: alias '$alias' expands to itself\n"; - } - local $EXPANDED_ALIASES{$alias} = 1; - return $aliases{$alias} ? expand_aliases(@{$aliases{$alias}}) : $alias; -} - -@initial_to = expand_aliases(@initial_to); -@initial_to = (map { sanitize_address($_) } @initial_to); -@initial_cc = expand_aliases(@initial_cc); -@bcclist = expand_aliases(@bcclist); - -if ($thread && !defined $initial_reply_to && $prompting) { - $initial_reply_to = ask( - "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email? "); -} -if (defined $initial_reply_to) { - $initial_reply_to =~ s/^\s*?\s*$//; - $initial_reply_to = "<$initial_reply_to>" if $initial_reply_to ne ''; -} - -if (!defined $smtp_server) { - foreach (qw( /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail )) { - if (-x $_) { - $smtp_server = $_; - last; - } - } - $smtp_server ||= 'localhost'; # could be, too... *shrug* -} - -if ($compose && $compose > 0) { - @files = ($compose_filename . ".final", @files); -} - -# Variables we set as part of the loop over files -our ($message_id, %mail, $subject, $reply_to, $references, $message, - $needs_confirm, $message_num, $ask_default); - -sub extract_valid_address { - my $address = shift; - my $local_part_regexp = qr/[^<>"\s@]+/; - my $domain_regexp = qr/[^.<>"\s@]+(?:\.[^.<>"\s@]+)+/; - - # check for a local address: - return $address if ($address =~ /^($local_part_regexp)$/); - - $address =~ s/^\s*<(.*)>\s*$/$1/; - if ($have_email_valid) { - return scalar Email::Valid->address($address); - } else { - # less robust/correct than the monster regexp in Email::Valid, - # but still does a 99% job, and one less dependency - $address =~ /($local_part_regexp\@$domain_regexp)/; - return $1; - } -} - -# Usually don't need to change anything below here. - -# we make a "fake" message id by taking the current number -# of seconds since the beginning of Unix time and tacking on -# a random number to the end, in case we are called quicker than -# 1 second since the last time we were called. - -# We'll setup a template for the message id, using the "from" address: - -my ($message_id_stamp, $message_id_serial); -sub make_message_id { - my $uniq; - if (!defined $message_id_stamp) { - $message_id_stamp = sprintf("%s-%s", time, $$); - $message_id_serial = 0; - } - $message_id_serial++; - $uniq = "$message_id_stamp-$message_id_serial"; - - my $du_part; - for ($sender, $repocommitter, $repoauthor) { - $du_part = extract_valid_address(sanitize_address($_)); - last if (defined $du_part and $du_part ne ''); - } - if (not defined $du_part or $du_part eq '') { - require Sys::Hostname; - $du_part = 'user@' . Sys::Hostname::hostname(); - } - my $message_id_template = "<%s-git-send-email-%s>"; - $message_id = sprintf($message_id_template, $uniq, $du_part); - #print "new message id = $message_id\n"; # Was useful for debugging -} - - - -$time = time - scalar $#files; - -sub unquote_rfc2047 { - local ($_) = @_; - my $encoding; - if (s/=\?([^?]+)\?q\?(.*)\?=/$2/g) { - $encoding = $1; - s/_/ /g; - s/=([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg; - } - return wantarray ? ($_, $encoding) : $_; -} - -sub quote_rfc2047 { - local $_ = shift; - my $encoding = shift || 'UTF-8'; - s/([^-a-zA-Z0-9!*+\/])/sprintf("=%02X", ord($1))/eg; - s/(.*)/=\?$encoding\?q\?$1\?=/; - return $_; -} - -sub is_rfc2047_quoted { - my $s = shift; - my $token = qr/[^][()<>@,;:"\/?.= \000-\037\177-\377]+/; - my $encoded_text = qr/[!->@-~]+/; - length($s) <= 75 && - $s =~ m/^(?:"[[:ascii:]]*"|=\?$token\?$token\?$encoded_text\?=)$/o; -} - -# use the simplest quoting being able to handle the recipient -sub sanitize_address { - my ($recipient) = @_; - my ($recipient_name, $recipient_addr) = ($recipient =~ /^(.*?)\s*(<.*)/); - - if (not $recipient_name) { - return $recipient; - } - - # if recipient_name is already quoted, do nothing - if (is_rfc2047_quoted($recipient_name)) { - return $recipient; - } - - # rfc2047 is needed if a non-ascii char is included - if ($recipient_name =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/) { - $recipient_name =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; - $recipient_name = quote_rfc2047($recipient_name); - } - - # double quotes are needed if specials or CTLs are included - elsif ($recipient_name =~ /[][()<>@,;:\\".\000-\037\177]/) { - $recipient_name =~ s/(["\\\r])/\\$1/g; - $recipient_name = qq["$recipient_name"]; - } - - return "$recipient_name $recipient_addr"; - -} - -# Returns the local Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) if available. -# -# Tightly configured MTAa require that a caller sends a real DNS -# domain name that corresponds the IP address in the HELO/EHLO -# handshake. This is used to verify the connection and prevent -# spammers from trying to hide their identity. If the DNS and IP don't -# match, the receiveing MTA may deny the connection. -# -# Here is a deny example of Net::SMTP with the default "localhost.localdomain" -# -# Net::SMTP=GLOB(0x267ec28)>>> EHLO localhost.localdomain -# Net::SMTP=GLOB(0x267ec28)<<< 550 EHLO argument does not match calling host -# -# This maildomain*() code is based on ideas in Perl library Test::Reporter -# /usr/share/perl5/Test/Reporter/Mail/Util.pm ==> sub _maildomain () - -sub valid_fqdn { - my $domain = shift; - return defined $domain && !($^O eq 'darwin' && $domain =~ /\.local$/) && $domain =~ /\./; -} - -sub maildomain_net { - my $maildomain; - - if (eval { require Net::Domain; 1 }) { - my $domain = Net::Domain::domainname(); - $maildomain = $domain if valid_fqdn($domain); - } - - return $maildomain; -} - -sub maildomain_mta { - my $maildomain; - - if (eval { require Net::SMTP; 1 }) { - for my $host (qw(mailhost localhost)) { - my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($host); - if (defined $smtp) { - my $domain = $smtp->domain; - $smtp->quit; - - $maildomain = $domain if valid_fqdn($domain); - - last if $maildomain; - } - } - } - - return $maildomain; -} - -sub maildomain { - return maildomain_net() || maildomain_mta() || 'localhost.localdomain'; -} - -# Returns 1 if the message was sent, and 0 otherwise. -# In actuality, the whole program dies when there -# is an error sending a message. - -sub send_message { - my @recipients = unique_email_list(@to); - @cc = (grep { my $cc = extract_valid_address($_); - not grep { $cc eq $_ || $_ =~ /<\Q${cc}\E>$/ } @recipients - } - map { sanitize_address($_) } - @cc); - my $to = join (",\n\t", @recipients); - @recipients = unique_email_list(@recipients,@cc,@bcclist); - @recipients = (map { extract_valid_address($_) } @recipients); - my $date = format_2822_time($time++); - my $gitversion = ''; - if ($gitversion =~ m/..GIT_VERSION../) { - $gitversion = Git::version(); - } - - my $cc = join(",\n\t", unique_email_list(@cc)); - my $ccline = ""; - if ($cc ne '') { - $ccline = "\nCc: $cc"; - } - my $sanitized_sender = sanitize_address($sender); - make_message_id() unless defined($message_id); - - my $header = "From: $sanitized_sender -To: $to${ccline} -Subject: $subject -Date: $date -Message-Id: $message_id -X-Mailer: git-send-email $gitversion -"; - if ($reply_to) { - - $header .= "In-Reply-To: $reply_to\n"; - $header .= "References: $references\n"; - } - if (@xh) { - $header .= join("\n", @xh) . "\n"; - } - - my @sendmail_parameters = ('-i', @recipients); - my $raw_from = $sanitized_sender; - if (defined $envelope_sender && $envelope_sender ne "auto") { - $raw_from = $envelope_sender; - } - $raw_from = extract_valid_address($raw_from); - unshift (@sendmail_parameters, - '-f', $raw_from) if(defined $envelope_sender); - - if ($needs_confirm && !$dry_run) { - print "\n$header\n"; - if ($needs_confirm eq "inform") { - $confirm_unconfigured = 0; # squelch this message for the rest of this run - $ask_default = "y"; # assume yes on EOF since user hasn't explicitly asked for confirmation - print " The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"; - print " addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"; - print " send-email prompts before sending whenever this occurs.\n"; - print " This behavior is controlled by the sendemail.confirm\n"; - print " configuration setting.\n"; - print "\n"; - print " For additional information, run 'git send-email --help'.\n"; - print " To retain the current behavior, but squelch this message,\n"; - print " run 'git config --global sendemail.confirm auto'.\n\n"; - } - $_ = ask("Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[q]uit|[a]ll): ", - valid_re => qr/^(?:yes|y|no|n|quit|q|all|a)/i, - default => $ask_default); - die "Send this email reply required" unless defined $_; - if (/^n/i) { - return 0; - } elsif (/^q/i) { - cleanup_compose_files(); - exit(0); - } elsif (/^a/i) { - $confirm = 'never'; - } - } - - unshift (@sendmail_parameters, @smtp_server_options); - - if ($dry_run) { - # We don't want to send the email. - } elsif ($smtp_server =~ m#^/#) { - my $pid = open my $sm, '|-'; - defined $pid or die $!; - if (!$pid) { - exec($smtp_server, @sendmail_parameters) or die $!; - } - print $sm "$header\n$message"; - close $sm or die $!; - } else { - - if (!defined $smtp_server) { - die "The required SMTP server is not properly defined." - } - - if ($smtp_encryption eq 'ssl') { - $smtp_server_port ||= 465; # ssmtp - require Net::SMTP::SSL; - $smtp_domain ||= maildomain(); - $smtp ||= Net::SMTP::SSL->new($smtp_server, - Hello => $smtp_domain, - Port => $smtp_server_port); - } - else { - require Net::SMTP; - $smtp_domain ||= maildomain(); - $smtp ||= Net::SMTP->new((defined $smtp_server_port) - ? "$smtp_server:$smtp_server_port" - : $smtp_server, - Hello => $smtp_domain, - Debug => $debug_net_smtp); - if ($smtp_encryption eq 'tls' && $smtp) { - require Net::SMTP::SSL; - $smtp->command('STARTTLS'); - $smtp->response(); - if ($smtp->code == 220) { - $smtp = Net::SMTP::SSL->start_SSL($smtp) - or die "STARTTLS failed! ".$smtp->message; - $smtp_encryption = ''; - # Send EHLO again to receive fresh - # supported commands - $smtp->hello(); - } else { - die "Server does not support STARTTLS! ".$smtp->message; - } - } - } - - if (!$smtp) { - die "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug. ", - "VALUES: server=$smtp_server ", - "encryption=$smtp_encryption ", - "hello=$smtp_domain", - defined $smtp_server_port ? " port=$smtp_server_port" : ""; - } - - if (defined $smtp_authuser) { - - if (!defined $smtp_authpass) { - - system "stty -echo"; - - do { - print "Password: "; - $_ = ; - print "\n"; - } while (!defined $_); - - chomp($smtp_authpass = $_); - - system "stty echo"; - } - - $auth ||= $smtp->auth( $smtp_authuser, $smtp_authpass ) or die $smtp->message; - } - - $smtp->mail( $raw_from ) or die $smtp->message; - $smtp->to( @recipients ) or die $smtp->message; - $smtp->data or die $smtp->message; - $smtp->datasend("$header\n$message") or die $smtp->message; - $smtp->dataend() or die $smtp->message; - $smtp->code =~ /250|200/ or die "Failed to send $subject\n".$smtp->message; - } - if ($quiet) { - printf (($dry_run ? "Dry-" : "")."Sent %s\n", $subject); - } else { - print (($dry_run ? "Dry-" : "")."OK. Log says:\n"); - if ($smtp_server !~ m#^/#) { - print "Server: $smtp_server\n"; - print "MAIL FROM:<$raw_from>\n"; - foreach my $entry (@recipients) { - print "RCPT TO:<$entry>\n"; - } - } else { - print "Sendmail: $smtp_server ".join(' ',@sendmail_parameters)."\n"; - } - print $header, "\n"; - if ($smtp) { - print "Result: ", $smtp->code, ' ', - ($smtp->message =~ /\n([^\n]+\n)$/s), "\n"; - } else { - print "Result: OK\n"; - } - } - - return 1; -} - -$reply_to = $initial_reply_to; -$references = $initial_reply_to || ''; -$subject = $initial_subject; -$message_num = 0; - -foreach my $t (@files) { - open my $fh, "<", $t or die "can't open file $t"; - - my $author = undef; - my $author_encoding; - my $has_content_type; - my $body_encoding; - @to = (); - @cc = (); - @xh = (); - my $input_format = undef; - my @header = (); - $message = ""; - $message_num++; - # First unfold multiline header fields - while(<$fh>) { - last if /^\s*$/; - if (/^\s+\S/ and @header) { - chomp($header[$#header]); - s/^\s+/ /; - $header[$#header] .= $_; - } else { - push(@header, $_); - } - } - # Now parse the header - foreach(@header) { - if (/^From /) { - $input_format = 'mbox'; - next; - } - chomp; - if (!defined $input_format && /^[-A-Za-z]+:\s/) { - $input_format = 'mbox'; - } - - if (defined $input_format && $input_format eq 'mbox') { - if (/^Subject:\s+(.*)$/) { - $subject = $1; - } - elsif (/^From:\s+(.*)$/) { - ($author, $author_encoding) = unquote_rfc2047($1); - next if $suppress_cc{'author'}; - next if $suppress_cc{'self'} and $author eq $sender; - printf("(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n", - $1, $_) unless $quiet; - push @cc, $1; - } - elsif (/^To:\s+(.*)$/) { - foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) { - printf("(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n", - $addr, $_) unless $quiet; - push @to, sanitize_address($addr); - } - } - elsif (/^Cc:\s+(.*)$/) { - foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) { - if (unquote_rfc2047($addr) eq $sender) { - next if ($suppress_cc{'self'}); - } else { - next if ($suppress_cc{'cc'}); - } - printf("(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n", - $addr, $_) unless $quiet; - push @cc, $addr; - } - } - elsif (/^Content-type:/i) { - $has_content_type = 1; - if (/charset="?([^ "]+)/) { - $body_encoding = $1; - } - push @xh, $_; - } - elsif (/^Message-Id: (.*)/i) { - $message_id = $1; - } - elsif (!/^Date:\s/ && /^[-A-Za-z]+:\s+\S/) { - push @xh, $_; - } - - } else { - # In the traditional - # "send lots of email" format, - # line 1 = cc - # line 2 = subject - # So let's support that, too. - $input_format = 'lots'; - if (@cc == 0 && !$suppress_cc{'cc'}) { - printf("(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n", - $_, $_) unless $quiet; - push @cc, $_; - } elsif (!defined $subject) { - $subject = $_; - } - } - } - # Now parse the message body - while(<$fh>) { - $message .= $_; - if (/^(Signed-off-by|Cc): (.*)$/i) { - chomp; - my ($what, $c) = ($1, $2); - chomp $c; - if ($c eq $sender) { - next if ($suppress_cc{'self'}); - } else { - next if $suppress_cc{'sob'} and $what =~ /Signed-off-by/i; - next if $suppress_cc{'bodycc'} and $what =~ /Cc/i; - } - push @cc, $c; - printf("(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n", - $c, $_) unless $quiet; - } - } - close $fh; - - push @to, recipients_cmd("to-cmd", "to", $to_cmd, $t) - if defined $to_cmd; - push @cc, recipients_cmd("cc-cmd", "cc", $cc_cmd, $t) - if defined $cc_cmd && !$suppress_cc{'cccmd'}; - - if ($broken_encoding{$t} && !$has_content_type) { - $has_content_type = 1; - push @xh, "MIME-Version: 1.0", - "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$auto_8bit_encoding", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"; - $body_encoding = $auto_8bit_encoding; - } - - if ($broken_encoding{$t} && !is_rfc2047_quoted($subject)) { - $subject = quote_rfc2047($subject, $auto_8bit_encoding); - } - - if (defined $author and $author ne $sender) { - $message = "From: $author\n\n$message"; - if (defined $author_encoding) { - if ($has_content_type) { - if ($body_encoding eq $author_encoding) { - # ok, we already have the right encoding - } - else { - # uh oh, we should re-encode - } - } - else { - $has_content_type = 1; - push @xh, - 'MIME-Version: 1.0', - "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$author_encoding", - 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'; - } - } - } - - $needs_confirm = ( - $confirm eq "always" or - ($confirm =~ /^(?:auto|cc)$/ && @cc) or - ($confirm =~ /^(?:auto|compose)$/ && $compose && $message_num == 1)); - $needs_confirm = "inform" if ($needs_confirm && $confirm_unconfigured && @cc); - - @to = (@initial_to, @to); - @cc = (@initial_cc, @cc); - - my $message_was_sent = send_message(); - - # set up for the next message - if ($thread && $message_was_sent && - (chain_reply_to() || !defined $reply_to || length($reply_to) == 0 || - $message_num == 1)) { - $reply_to = $message_id; - if (length $references > 0) { - $references .= "\n $message_id"; - } else { - $references = "$message_id"; - } - } - $message_id = undef; -} - -# Execute a command (e.g. $to_cmd) to get a list of email addresses -# and return a results array -sub recipients_cmd { - my ($prefix, $what, $cmd, $file) = @_; - - my $sanitized_sender = sanitize_address($sender); - my @addresses = (); - open my $fh, "$cmd \Q$file\E |" - or die "($prefix) Could not execute '$cmd'"; - while (my $address = <$fh>) { - $address =~ s/^\s*//g; - $address =~ s/\s*$//g; - $address = sanitize_address($address); - next if ($address eq $sanitized_sender and $suppress_from); - push @addresses, $address; - printf("($prefix) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n", - $what, $address, $cmd) unless $quiet; - } - close $fh - or die "($prefix) failed to close pipe to '$cmd'"; - return @addresses; -} - -cleanup_compose_files(); - -sub cleanup_compose_files { - unlink($compose_filename, $compose_filename . ".final") if $compose; -} - -$smtp->quit if $smtp; - -sub unique_email_list { - my %seen; - my @emails; - - foreach my $entry (@_) { - if (my $clean = extract_valid_address($entry)) { - $seen{$clean} ||= 0; - next if $seen{$clean}++; - push @emails, $entry; - } else { - print STDERR "W: unable to extract a valid address", - " from: $entry\n"; - } - } - return @emails; -} - -sub validate_patch { - my $fn = shift; - open(my $fh, '<', $fn) - or die "unable to open $fn: $!\n"; - while (my $line = <$fh>) { - if (length($line) > 998) { - return "$.: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"; - } - } - return undef; -} - -sub file_has_nonascii { - my $fn = shift; - open(my $fh, '<', $fn) - or die "unable to open $fn: $!\n"; - while (my $line = <$fh>) { - return 1 if $line =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/; - } - return 0; -} - -sub body_or_subject_has_nonascii { - my $fn = shift; - open(my $fh, '<', $fn) - or die "unable to open $fn: $!\n"; - while (my $line = <$fh>) { - last if $line =~ /^$/; - return 1 if $line =~ /^Subject.*[^[:ascii:]]/; - } - while (my $line = <$fh>) { - return 1 if $line =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/; - } - return 0; -} diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-send-pack b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-send-pack deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-send-pack +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-sh-i18n b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-sh-i18n deleted file mode 100644 index 32ca59de..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-sh-i18n +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# Copyright (c) 2010 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason -# -# This is a skeleton no-op implementation of gettext for Git. It'll be -# replaced by something that uses gettext.sh in a future patch series. - -if test -z "$GIT_GETTEXT_POISON" -then - gettext () { - printf "%s" "$1" - } - - eval_gettext () { - printf "%s" "$1" | ( - export PATH $(git sh-i18n--envsubst --variables "$1"); - git sh-i18n--envsubst "$1" - ) - } -else - gettext () { - printf "%s" "# GETTEXT POISON #" - } - - eval_gettext () { - printf "%s" "# GETTEXT POISON #" - } -fi - diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-sh-i18n--envsubst b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-sh-i18n--envsubst deleted file mode 100755 index 009471b8..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-sh-i18n--envsubst and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup deleted file mode 100644 index 6fd2c2f7..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup +++ /dev/null @@ -1,260 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# This is included in commands that either have to be run from the toplevel -# of the repository, or with GIT_DIR environment variable properly. -# If the GIT_DIR does not look like the right correct git-repository, -# it dies. - -# Having this variable in your environment would break scripts because -# you would cause "cd" to be taken to unexpected places. If you -# like CDPATH, define it for your interactive shell sessions without -# exporting it. -unset CDPATH - -git_broken_path_fix () { - case ":$PATH:" in - *:$1:*) : ok ;; - *) - PATH=$( - SANE_TOOL_PATH="$1" - IFS=: path= sep= - set x $PATH - shift - for elem - do - case "$SANE_TOOL_PATH:$elem" in - (?*:/bin | ?*:/usr/bin) - path="$path$sep$SANE_TOOL_PATH" - sep=: - SANE_TOOL_PATH= - esac - path="$path$sep$elem" - sep=: - done - echo "$path" - ) - ;; - esac -} - - -die() { - echo >&2 "$@" - exit 1 -} - -GIT_QUIET= - -say () { - if test -z "$GIT_QUIET" - then - printf '%s\n' "$*" - fi -} - -if test -n "$OPTIONS_SPEC"; then - usage() { - "$0" -h - exit 1 - } - - parseopt_extra= - [ -n "$OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH" ] && - parseopt_extra="--keep-dashdash" - - eval "$( - echo "$OPTIONS_SPEC" | - git rev-parse --parseopt $parseopt_extra -- "$@" || - echo exit $? - )" -else - dashless=$(basename "$0" | sed -e 's/-/ /') - usage() { - die "Usage: $dashless $USAGE" - } - - if [ -z "$LONG_USAGE" ] - then - LONG_USAGE="Usage: $dashless $USAGE" - else - LONG_USAGE="Usage: $dashless $USAGE - -$LONG_USAGE" - fi - - case "$1" in - -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help) - echo "$LONG_USAGE" - exit - esac -fi - -set_reflog_action() { - if [ -z "${GIT_REFLOG_ACTION:+set}" ] - then - GIT_REFLOG_ACTION="$*" - export GIT_REFLOG_ACTION - fi -} - -git_editor() { - if test -z "${GIT_EDITOR:+set}" - then - GIT_EDITOR="$(git var GIT_EDITOR)" || return $? - fi - - eval "$GIT_EDITOR" '"$@"' -} - -git_pager() { - if test -t 1 - then - GIT_PAGER=$(git var GIT_PAGER) - else - GIT_PAGER=cat - fi - : ${LESS=-FRSX} - export LESS - - eval "$GIT_PAGER" '"$@"' -} - -sane_grep () { - GREP_OPTIONS= LC_ALL=C grep "$@" -} - -sane_egrep () { - GREP_OPTIONS= LC_ALL=C egrep "$@" -} - -is_bare_repository () { - git rev-parse --is-bare-repository -} - -cd_to_toplevel () { - cdup=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) && - cd "$cdup" || { - echo >&2 "Cannot chdir to $cdup, the toplevel of the working tree" - exit 1 - } -} - -require_work_tree_exists () { - if test "z$(git rev-parse --is-bare-repository)" != zfalse - then - die "fatal: $0 cannot be used without a working tree." - fi -} - -require_work_tree () { - test "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null)" = true || - die "fatal: $0 cannot be used without a working tree." -} - -require_clean_work_tree () { - git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null || exit 1 - git update-index -q --ignore-submodules --refresh - err=0 - - if ! git diff-files --quiet --ignore-submodules - then - echo >&2 "Cannot $1: You have unstaged changes." - err=1 - fi - - if ! git diff-index --cached --quiet --ignore-submodules HEAD -- - then - if [ $err = 0 ] - then - echo >&2 "Cannot $1: Your index contains uncommitted changes." - else - echo >&2 "Additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes." - fi - err=1 - fi - - if [ $err = 1 ] - then - test -n "$2" && echo >&2 "$2" - exit 1 - fi -} - -get_author_ident_from_commit () { - pick_author_script=' - /^author /{ - s/'\''/'\''\\'\'\''/g - h - s/^author \([^<]*\) <[^>]*> .*$/\1/ - s/.*/GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='\''&'\''/p - - g - s/^author [^<]* <\([^>]*\)> .*$/\1/ - s/.*/GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='\''&'\''/p - - g - s/^author [^<]* <[^>]*> \(.*\)$/\1/ - s/.*/GIT_AUTHOR_DATE='\''&'\''/p - - q - } - ' - encoding=$(git config i18n.commitencoding || echo UTF-8) - git show -s --pretty=raw --encoding="$encoding" "$1" -- | - LANG=C LC_ALL=C sed -ne "$pick_author_script" -} - -# Clear repo-local GIT_* environment variables. Useful when switching to -# another repository (e.g. when entering a submodule). See also the env -# list in git_connect() -clear_local_git_env() { - unset $(git rev-parse --local-env-vars) -} - -# Make sure we are in a valid repository of a vintage we understand, -# if we require to be in a git repository. -if test -z "$NONGIT_OK" -then - GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir) || exit - if [ -z "$SUBDIRECTORY_OK" ] - then - test -z "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)" || { - exit=$? - echo >&2 "You need to run this command from the toplevel of the working tree." - exit $exit - } - fi - test -n "$GIT_DIR" && GIT_DIR=$(cd "$GIT_DIR" && pwd) || { - echo >&2 "Unable to determine absolute path of git directory" - exit 1 - } - : ${GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY="$GIT_DIR/objects"} -fi - -# Fix some commands on Windows -case $(uname -s) in -*MINGW*) - # Windows has its own (incompatible) sort and find - sort () { - /usr/bin/sort "$@" - } - find () { - /usr/bin/find "$@" - } - is_absolute_path () { - case "$1" in - [/\\]* | [A-Za-z]:*) - return 0 ;; - esac - return 1 - } - ;; -*) - is_absolute_path () { - case "$1" in - /*) - return 0 ;; - esac - return 1 - } -esac diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-shell b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-shell deleted file mode 100755 index 647fe452..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-shell and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-shortlog b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-shortlog deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-shortlog +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show-branch b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show-branch deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show-branch +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show-index b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show-index deleted file mode 100755 index 8d7dc10f..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show-index and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show-ref b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show-ref deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-show-ref +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-stage b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-stage deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-stage +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-stash b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-stash deleted file mode 100755 index 0a940365..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-stash +++ /dev/null @@ -1,493 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# Copyright (c) 2007, Nanako Shiraishi - -dashless=$(basename "$0" | sed -e 's/-/ /') -USAGE="list [] - or: $dashless show [] - or: $dashless drop [-q|--quiet] [] - or: $dashless ( pop | apply ) [--index] [-q|--quiet] [] - or: $dashless branch [] - or: $dashless [save [--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet] []] - or: $dashless clear" - -SUBDIRECTORY_OK=Yes -OPTIONS_SPEC= -START_DIR=`pwd` -. git-sh-setup -require_work_tree -cd_to_toplevel - -TMP="$GIT_DIR/.git-stash.$$" -TMPindex=${GIT_INDEX_FILE-"$GIT_DIR/index"}.stash.$$ -trap 'rm -f "$TMP-"* "$TMPindex"' 0 - -ref_stash=refs/stash - -if git config --get-colorbool color.interactive; then - help_color="$(git config --get-color color.interactive.help 'red bold')" - reset_color="$(git config --get-color '' reset)" -else - help_color= - reset_color= -fi - -no_changes () { - git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD --ignore-submodules -- && - git diff-files --quiet --ignore-submodules -} - -clear_stash () { - if test $# != 0 - then - die "git stash clear with parameters is unimplemented" - fi - if current=$(git rev-parse --verify $ref_stash 2>/dev/null) - then - git update-ref -d $ref_stash $current - fi -} - -create_stash () { - stash_msg="$1" - - git update-index -q --refresh - if no_changes - then - exit 0 - fi - - # state of the base commit - if b_commit=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) - then - head=$(git rev-list --oneline -n 1 HEAD --) - else - die "You do not have the initial commit yet" - fi - - if branch=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) - then - branch=${branch#refs/heads/} - else - branch='(no branch)' - fi - msg=$(printf '%s: %s' "$branch" "$head") - - # state of the index - i_tree=$(git write-tree) && - i_commit=$(printf 'index on %s\n' "$msg" | - git commit-tree $i_tree -p $b_commit) || - die "Cannot save the current index state" - - if test -z "$patch_mode" - then - - # state of the working tree - w_tree=$( ( - git read-tree --index-output="$TMPindex" -m $i_tree && - GIT_INDEX_FILE="$TMPindex" && - export GIT_INDEX_FILE && - git diff --name-only -z HEAD | git update-index -z --add --remove --stdin && - git write-tree && - rm -f "$TMPindex" - ) ) || - die "Cannot save the current worktree state" - - else - - rm -f "$TMP-index" && - GIT_INDEX_FILE="$TMP-index" git read-tree HEAD && - - # find out what the user wants - GIT_INDEX_FILE="$TMP-index" \ - git add--interactive --patch=stash -- && - - # state of the working tree - w_tree=$(GIT_INDEX_FILE="$TMP-index" git write-tree) || - die "Cannot save the current worktree state" - - git diff-tree -p HEAD $w_tree > "$TMP-patch" && - test -s "$TMP-patch" || - die "No changes selected" - - rm -f "$TMP-index" || - die "Cannot remove temporary index (can't happen)" - - fi - - # create the stash - if test -z "$stash_msg" - then - stash_msg=$(printf 'WIP on %s' "$msg") - else - stash_msg=$(printf 'On %s: %s' "$branch" "$stash_msg") - fi - w_commit=$(printf '%s\n' "$stash_msg" | - git commit-tree $w_tree -p $b_commit -p $i_commit) || - die "Cannot record working tree state" -} - -save_stash () { - keep_index= - patch_mode= - while test $# != 0 - do - case "$1" in - -k|--keep-index) - keep_index=t - ;; - --no-keep-index) - keep_index=n - ;; - -p|--patch) - patch_mode=t - # only default to keep if we don't already have an override - test -z "$keep_index" && keep_index=t - ;; - -q|--quiet) - GIT_QUIET=t - ;; - --) - shift - break - ;; - -*) - echo "error: unknown option for 'stash save': $1" - echo " To provide a message, use git stash save -- '$1'" - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - shift - done - - stash_msg="$*" - - git update-index -q --refresh - if no_changes - then - say 'No local changes to save' - exit 0 - fi - test -f "$GIT_DIR/logs/$ref_stash" || - clear_stash || die "Cannot initialize stash" - - create_stash "$stash_msg" - - # Make sure the reflog for stash is kept. - : >>"$GIT_DIR/logs/$ref_stash" - - git update-ref -m "$stash_msg" $ref_stash $w_commit || - die "Cannot save the current status" - say Saved working directory and index state "$stash_msg" - - if test -z "$patch_mode" - then - git reset --hard ${GIT_QUIET:+-q} - - if test "$keep_index" = "t" && test -n $i_tree - then - git read-tree --reset -u $i_tree - fi - else - git apply -R < "$TMP-patch" || - die "Cannot remove worktree changes" - - if test "$keep_index" != "t" - then - git reset - fi - fi -} - -have_stash () { - git rev-parse --verify $ref_stash >/dev/null 2>&1 -} - -list_stash () { - have_stash || return 0 - git log --format="%gd: %gs" -g "$@" $ref_stash -- -} - -show_stash () { - assert_stash_like "$@" - - git diff ${FLAGS:---stat} $b_commit $w_commit -} - -# -# Parses the remaining options looking for flags and -# at most one revision defaulting to ${ref_stash}@{0} -# if none found. -# -# Derives related tree and commit objects from the -# revision, if one is found. -# -# stash records the work tree, and is a merge between the -# base commit (first parent) and the index tree (second parent). -# -# REV is set to the symbolic version of the specified stash-like commit -# IS_STASH_LIKE is non-blank if ${REV} looks like a stash -# IS_STASH_REF is non-blank if the ${REV} looks like a stash ref -# s is set to the SHA1 of the stash commit -# w_commit is set to the commit containing the working tree -# b_commit is set to the base commit -# i_commit is set to the commit containing the index tree -# w_tree is set to the working tree -# b_tree is set to the base tree -# i_tree is set to the index tree -# -# GIT_QUIET is set to t if -q is specified -# INDEX_OPTION is set to --index if --index is specified. -# FLAGS is set to the remaining flags -# -# dies if: -# * too many revisions specified -# * no revision is specified and there is no stash stack -# * a revision is specified which cannot be resolve to a SHA1 -# * a non-existent stash reference is specified -# - -parse_flags_and_rev() -{ - test "$PARSE_CACHE" = "$*" && return 0 # optimisation - PARSE_CACHE="$*" - - IS_STASH_LIKE= - IS_STASH_REF= - INDEX_OPTION= - s= - w_commit= - b_commit= - i_commit= - w_tree= - b_tree= - i_tree= - - REV=$(git rev-parse --no-flags --symbolic "$@") || exit 1 - - FLAGS= - for opt - do - case "$opt" in - -q|--quiet) - GIT_QUIET=-t - ;; - --index) - INDEX_OPTION=--index - ;; - -*) - FLAGS="${FLAGS}${FLAGS:+ }$opt" - ;; - esac - done - - set -- $REV - - case $# in - 0) - have_stash || die "No stash found." - set -- ${ref_stash}@{0} - ;; - 1) - : - ;; - *) - die "Too many revisions specified: $REV" - ;; - esac - - REV=$(git rev-parse --quiet --symbolic --verify $1 2>/dev/null) || die "$1 is not valid reference" - - i_commit=$(git rev-parse --quiet --verify $REV^2 2>/dev/null) && - set -- $(git rev-parse $REV $REV^1 $REV: $REV^1: $REV^2: 2>/dev/null) && - s=$1 && - w_commit=$1 && - b_commit=$2 && - w_tree=$3 && - b_tree=$4 && - i_tree=$5 && - IS_STASH_LIKE=t && - test "$ref_stash" = "$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name "${REV%@*}")" && - IS_STASH_REF=t -} - -is_stash_like() -{ - parse_flags_and_rev "$@" - test -n "$IS_STASH_LIKE" -} - -assert_stash_like() { - is_stash_like "$@" || die "'$*' is not a stash-like commit" -} - -is_stash_ref() { - is_stash_like "$@" && test -n "$IS_STASH_REF" -} - -assert_stash_ref() { - is_stash_ref "$@" || die "'$*' is not a stash reference" -} - -apply_stash () { - - assert_stash_like "$@" - - git update-index -q --refresh || die 'unable to refresh index' - - # current index state - c_tree=$(git write-tree) || - die 'Cannot apply a stash in the middle of a merge' - - unstashed_index_tree= - if test -n "$INDEX_OPTION" && test "$b_tree" != "$i_tree" && - test "$c_tree" != "$i_tree" - then - git diff-tree --binary $s^2^..$s^2 | git apply --cached - test $? -ne 0 && - die 'Conflicts in index. Try without --index.' - unstashed_index_tree=$(git write-tree) || - die 'Could not save index tree' - git reset - fi - - eval " - GITHEAD_$w_tree='Stashed changes' && - GITHEAD_$c_tree='Updated upstream' && - GITHEAD_$b_tree='Version stash was based on' && - export GITHEAD_$w_tree GITHEAD_$c_tree GITHEAD_$b_tree - " - - if test -n "$GIT_QUIET" - then - GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY=0 && export GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY - fi - if git merge-recursive $b_tree -- $c_tree $w_tree - then - # No conflict - if test -n "$unstashed_index_tree" - then - git read-tree "$unstashed_index_tree" - else - a="$TMP-added" && - git diff-index --cached --name-only --diff-filter=A $c_tree >"$a" && - git read-tree --reset $c_tree && - git update-index --add --stdin <"$a" || - die "Cannot unstage modified files" - rm -f "$a" - fi - squelch= - if test -n "$GIT_QUIET" - then - squelch='>/dev/null 2>&1' - fi - (cd "$START_DIR" && eval "git status $squelch") || : - else - # Merge conflict; keep the exit status from merge-recursive - status=$? - if test -n "$INDEX_OPTION" - then - echo >&2 'Index was not unstashed.' - fi - exit $status - fi -} - -pop_stash() { - assert_stash_ref "$@" - - apply_stash "$@" && - drop_stash "$@" -} - -drop_stash () { - assert_stash_ref "$@" - - git reflog delete --updateref --rewrite "${REV}" && - say "Dropped ${REV} ($s)" || die "${REV}: Could not drop stash entry" - - # clear_stash if we just dropped the last stash entry - git rev-parse --verify "$ref_stash@{0}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || clear_stash -} - -apply_to_branch () { - test -n "$1" || die 'No branch name specified' - branch=$1 - shift 1 - - set -- --index "$@" - assert_stash_like "$@" - - git checkout -b $branch $REV^ && - apply_stash "$@" && { - test -z "$IS_STASH_REF" || drop_stash "$@" - } -} - -PARSE_CACHE='--not-parsed' -# The default command is "save" if nothing but options are given -seen_non_option= -for opt -do - case "$opt" in - -*) ;; - *) seen_non_option=t; break ;; - esac -done - -test -n "$seen_non_option" || set "save" "$@" - -# Main command set -case "$1" in -list) - shift - list_stash "$@" - ;; -show) - shift - show_stash "$@" - ;; -save) - shift - save_stash "$@" - ;; -apply) - shift - apply_stash "$@" - ;; -clear) - shift - clear_stash "$@" - ;; -create) - if test $# -gt 0 && test "$1" = create - then - shift - fi - create_stash "$*" && echo "$w_commit" - ;; -drop) - shift - drop_stash "$@" - ;; -pop) - shift - pop_stash "$@" - ;; -branch) - shift - apply_to_branch "$@" - ;; -*) - case $# in - 0) - save_stash && - say '(To restore them type "git stash apply")' - ;; - *) - usage - esac - ;; -esac diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-status b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-status deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-status +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-stripspace b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-stripspace deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-stripspace +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-submodule b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-submodule deleted file mode 100755 index c94218b8..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-submodule +++ /dev/null @@ -1,951 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# git-submodules.sh: add, init, update or list git submodules -# -# Copyright (c) 2007 Lars Hjemli - -dashless=$(basename "$0" | sed -e 's/-/ /') -USAGE="[--quiet] add [-b branch] [-f|--force] [--reference ] [--] [] - or: $dashless [--quiet] status [--cached] [--recursive] [--] [...] - or: $dashless [--quiet] init [--] [...] - or: $dashless [--quiet] update [--init] [-N|--no-fetch] [-f|--force] [--rebase] [--reference ] [--merge] [--recursive] [--] [...] - or: $dashless [--quiet] summary [--cached|--files] [--summary-limit ] [commit] [--] [...] - or: $dashless [--quiet] foreach [--recursive] - or: $dashless [--quiet] sync [--] [...]" -OPTIONS_SPEC= -. git-sh-setup -. git-parse-remote -require_work_tree - -command= -branch= -force= -reference= -cached= -recursive= -init= -files= -nofetch= -update= -prefix= - -# Resolve relative url by appending to parent's url -resolve_relative_url () -{ - remote=$(get_default_remote) - remoteurl=$(git config "remote.$remote.url") || - remoteurl=$(pwd) # the repository is its own authoritative upstream - url="$1" - remoteurl=${remoteurl%/} - sep=/ - while test -n "$url" - do - case "$url" in - ../*) - url="${url#../}" - case "$remoteurl" in - */*) - remoteurl="${remoteurl%/*}" - ;; - *:*) - remoteurl="${remoteurl%:*}" - sep=: - ;; - *) - die "cannot strip one component off url '$remoteurl'" - ;; - esac - ;; - ./*) - url="${url#./}" - ;; - *) - break;; - esac - done - echo "$remoteurl$sep${url%/}" -} - -# -# Get submodule info for registered submodules -# $@ = path to limit submodule list -# -module_list() -{ - git ls-files --error-unmatch --stage -- "$@" | - perl -e ' - my %unmerged = (); - my ($null_sha1) = ("0" x 40); - while () { - chomp; - my ($mode, $sha1, $stage, $path) = - /^([0-7]+) ([0-9a-f]{40}) ([0-3])\t(.*)$/; - next unless $mode eq "160000"; - if ($stage ne "0") { - if (!$unmerged{$path}++) { - print "$mode $null_sha1 U\t$path\n"; - } - next; - } - print "$_\n"; - } - ' -} - -# -# Map submodule path to submodule name -# -# $1 = path -# -module_name() -{ - # Do we have "submodule..path = $1" defined in .gitmodules file? - re=$(printf '%s\n' "$1" | sed -e 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\&/g') - name=$( git config -f .gitmodules --get-regexp '^submodule\..*\.path$' | - sed -n -e 's|^submodule\.\(.*\)\.path '"$re"'$|\1|p' ) - test -z "$name" && - die "No submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '$path'" - echo "$name" -} - -# -# Clone a submodule -# -# Prior to calling, cmd_update checks that a possibly existing -# path is not a git repository. -# Likewise, cmd_add checks that path does not exist at all, -# since it is the location of a new submodule. -# -module_clone() -{ - path=$1 - url=$2 - reference="$3" - quiet= - if test -n "$GIT_QUIET" - then - quiet=-q - fi - - if test -n "$reference" - then - git-clone $quiet "$reference" -n "$url" "$path" - else - git-clone $quiet -n "$url" "$path" - fi || - die "Clone of '$url' into submodule path '$path' failed" -} - -# -# Add a new submodule to the working tree, .gitmodules and the index -# -# $@ = repo path -# -# optional branch is stored in global branch variable -# -cmd_add() -{ - # parse $args after "submodule ... add". - while test $# -ne 0 - do - case "$1" in - -b | --branch) - case "$2" in '') usage ;; esac - branch=$2 - shift - ;; - -f | --force) - force=$1 - ;; - -q|--quiet) - GIT_QUIET=1 - ;; - --reference) - case "$2" in '') usage ;; esac - reference="--reference=$2" - shift - ;; - --reference=*) - reference="$1" - shift - ;; - --) - shift - break - ;; - -*) - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - shift - done - - repo=$1 - path=$2 - - if test -z "$path"; then - path=$(echo "$repo" | - sed -e 's|/$||' -e 's|:*/*\.git$||' -e 's|.*[/:]||g') - fi - - if test -z "$repo" -o -z "$path"; then - usage - fi - - # assure repo is absolute or relative to parent - case "$repo" in - ./*|../*) - # dereference source url relative to parent's url - realrepo=$(resolve_relative_url "$repo") || exit - ;; - *:*|/*) - # absolute url - realrepo=$repo - ;; - *) - die "repo URL: '$repo' must be absolute or begin with ./|../" - ;; - esac - - # normalize path: - # multiple //; leading ./; /./; /../; trailing / - path=$(printf '%s/\n' "$path" | - sed -e ' - s|//*|/|g - s|^\(\./\)*|| - s|/\./|/|g - :start - s|\([^/]*\)/\.\./|| - tstart - s|/*$|| - ') - git ls-files --error-unmatch "$path" > /dev/null 2>&1 && - die "'$path' already exists in the index" - - if test -z "$force" && ! git add --dry-run --ignore-missing "$path" > /dev/null 2>&1 - then - echo >&2 "The following path is ignored by one of your .gitignore files:" && - echo >&2 $path && - echo >&2 "Use -f if you really want to add it." - exit 1 - fi - - # perhaps the path exists and is already a git repo, else clone it - if test -e "$path" - then - if test -d "$path"/.git -o -f "$path"/.git - then - echo "Adding existing repo at '$path' to the index" - else - die "'$path' already exists and is not a valid git repo" - fi - - else - - module_clone "$path" "$realrepo" "$reference" || exit - ( - clear_local_git_env - cd "$path" && - # ash fails to wordsplit ${branch:+-b "$branch"...} - case "$branch" in - '') git checkout -f -q ;; - ?*) git checkout -f -q -B "$branch" "origin/$branch" ;; - esac - ) || die "Unable to checkout submodule '$path'" - fi - git config submodule."$path".url "$realrepo" - - git add $force "$path" || - die "Failed to add submodule '$path'" - - git config -f .gitmodules submodule."$path".path "$path" && - git config -f .gitmodules submodule."$path".url "$repo" && - git add --force .gitmodules || - die "Failed to register submodule '$path'" -} - -# -# Execute an arbitrary command sequence in each checked out -# submodule -# -# $@ = command to execute -# -cmd_foreach() -{ - # parse $args after "submodule ... foreach". - while test $# -ne 0 - do - case "$1" in - -q|--quiet) - GIT_QUIET=1 - ;; - --recursive) - recursive=1 - ;; - -*) - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - shift - done - - toplevel=$(pwd) - - # dup stdin so that it can be restored when running the external - # command in the subshell (and a recursive call to this function) - exec 3<&0 - - module_list | - while read mode sha1 stage path - do - if test -e "$path"/.git - then - say "Entering '$prefix$path'" - name=$(module_name "$path") - ( - prefix="$prefix$path/" - clear_local_git_env - cd "$path" && - eval "$@" && - if test -n "$recursive" - then - cmd_foreach "--recursive" "$@" - fi - ) <&3 3<&- || - die "Stopping at '$path'; script returned non-zero status." - fi - done -} - -# -# Register submodules in .git/config -# -# $@ = requested paths (default to all) -# -cmd_init() -{ - # parse $args after "submodule ... init". - while test $# -ne 0 - do - case "$1" in - -q|--quiet) - GIT_QUIET=1 - ;; - --) - shift - break - ;; - -*) - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - shift - done - - module_list "$@" | - while read mode sha1 stage path - do - # Skip already registered paths - name=$(module_name "$path") || exit - if test -z "$(git config "submodule.$name.url")" - then - url=$(git config -f .gitmodules submodule."$name".url) - test -z "$url" && - die "No url found for submodule path '$path' in .gitmodules" - - # Possibly a url relative to parent - case "$url" in - ./*|../*) - url=$(resolve_relative_url "$url") || exit - ;; - esac - git config submodule."$name".url "$url" || - die "Failed to register url for submodule path '$path'" - fi - - # Copy "update" setting when it is not set yet - upd="$(git config -f .gitmodules submodule."$name".update)" - test -z "$upd" || - test -n "$(git config submodule."$name".update)" || - git config submodule."$name".update "$upd" || - die "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '$path'" - - say "Submodule '$name' ($url) registered for path '$path'" - done -} - -# -# Update each submodule path to correct revision, using clone and checkout as needed -# -# $@ = requested paths (default to all) -# -cmd_update() -{ - # parse $args after "submodule ... update". - orig_flags= - while test $# -ne 0 - do - case "$1" in - -q|--quiet) - GIT_QUIET=1 - ;; - -i|--init) - init=1 - ;; - -N|--no-fetch) - nofetch=1 - ;; - -f|--force) - force=$1 - ;; - -r|--rebase) - update="rebase" - ;; - --reference) - case "$2" in '') usage ;; esac - reference="--reference=$2" - orig_flags="$orig_flags $(git rev-parse --sq-quote "$1")" - shift - ;; - --reference=*) - reference="$1" - ;; - -m|--merge) - update="merge" - ;; - --recursive) - recursive=1 - ;; - --) - shift - break - ;; - -*) - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - orig_flags="$orig_flags $(git rev-parse --sq-quote "$1")" - shift - done - - if test -n "$init" - then - cmd_init "--" "$@" || return - fi - - cloned_modules= - module_list "$@" | - while read mode sha1 stage path - do - if test "$stage" = U - then - echo >&2 "Skipping unmerged submodule $path" - continue - fi - name=$(module_name "$path") || exit - url=$(git config submodule."$name".url) - update_module=$(git config submodule."$name".update) - if test -z "$url" - then - # Only mention uninitialized submodules when its - # path have been specified - test "$#" != "0" && - say "Submodule path '$path' not initialized" && - say "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?" - continue - fi - - if ! test -d "$path"/.git -o -f "$path"/.git - then - module_clone "$path" "$url" "$reference"|| exit - cloned_modules="$cloned_modules;$name" - subsha1= - else - subsha1=$(clear_local_git_env; cd "$path" && - git rev-parse --verify HEAD) || - die "Unable to find current revision in submodule path '$path'" - fi - - if ! test -z "$update" - then - update_module=$update - fi - - if test "$subsha1" != "$sha1" - then - subforce=$force - # If we don't already have a -f flag and the submodule has never been checked out - if test -z "$subsha1" -a -z "$force" - then - subforce="-f" - fi - - if test -z "$nofetch" - then - # Run fetch only if $sha1 isn't present or it - # is not reachable from a ref. - (clear_local_git_env; cd "$path" && - ( (rev=$(git rev-list -n 1 $sha1 --not --all 2>/dev/null) && - test -z "$rev") || git-fetch)) || - die "Unable to fetch in submodule path '$path'" - fi - - # Is this something we just cloned? - case ";$cloned_modules;" in - *";$name;"*) - # then there is no local change to integrate - update_module= ;; - esac - - case "$update_module" in - rebase) - command="git rebase" - action="rebase" - msg="rebased onto" - ;; - merge) - command="git merge" - action="merge" - msg="merged in" - ;; - *) - command="git checkout $subforce -q" - action="checkout" - msg="checked out" - ;; - esac - - (clear_local_git_env; cd "$path" && $command "$sha1") || - die "Unable to $action '$sha1' in submodule path '$path'" - say "Submodule path '$path': $msg '$sha1'" - fi - - if test -n "$recursive" - then - (clear_local_git_env; cd "$path" && eval cmd_update "$orig_flags") || - die "Failed to recurse into submodule path '$path'" - fi - done -} - -set_name_rev () { - revname=$( ( - clear_local_git_env - cd "$1" && { - git describe "$2" 2>/dev/null || - git describe --tags "$2" 2>/dev/null || - git describe --contains "$2" 2>/dev/null || - git describe --all --always "$2" - } - ) ) - test -z "$revname" || revname=" ($revname)" -} -# -# Show commit summary for submodules in index or working tree -# -# If '--cached' is given, show summary between index and given commit, -# or between working tree and given commit -# -# $@ = [commit (default 'HEAD'),] requested paths (default all) -# -cmd_summary() { - summary_limit=-1 - for_status= - diff_cmd=diff-index - - # parse $args after "submodule ... summary". - while test $# -ne 0 - do - case "$1" in - --cached) - cached="$1" - ;; - --files) - files="$1" - ;; - --for-status) - for_status="$1" - ;; - -n|--summary-limit) - if summary_limit=$(($2 + 0)) 2>/dev/null && test "$summary_limit" = "$2" - then - : - else - usage - fi - shift - ;; - --) - shift - break - ;; - -*) - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - shift - done - - test $summary_limit = 0 && return - - if rev=$(git rev-parse -q --verify --default HEAD ${1+"$1"}) - then - head=$rev - test $# = 0 || shift - elif test -z "$1" -o "$1" = "HEAD" - then - # before the first commit: compare with an empty tree - head=$(git hash-object -w -t tree --stdin module) - test $status = D -o $status = T && echo "$name" && continue - # Also show added or modified modules which are checked out - GIT_DIR="$name/.git" git-rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1 && - echo "$name" - done - ) - - test -z "$modules" && return - - git $diff_cmd $cached --ignore-submodules=dirty --raw $head -- $modules | - sane_egrep '^:([0-7]* )?160000' | - cut -c2- | - while read mod_src mod_dst sha1_src sha1_dst status name - do - if test -z "$cached" && - test $sha1_dst = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 - then - case "$mod_dst" in - 160000) - sha1_dst=$(GIT_DIR="$name/.git" git rev-parse HEAD) - ;; - 100644 | 100755 | 120000) - sha1_dst=$(git hash-object $name) - ;; - 000000) - ;; # removed - *) - # unexpected type - echo >&2 "unexpected mode $mod_dst" - continue ;; - esac - fi - missing_src= - missing_dst= - - test $mod_src = 160000 && - ! GIT_DIR="$name/.git" git-rev-parse -q --verify $sha1_src^0 >/dev/null && - missing_src=t - - test $mod_dst = 160000 && - ! GIT_DIR="$name/.git" git-rev-parse -q --verify $sha1_dst^0 >/dev/null && - missing_dst=t - - total_commits= - case "$missing_src,$missing_dst" in - t,) - errmsg=" Warn: $name doesn't contain commit $sha1_src" - ;; - ,t) - errmsg=" Warn: $name doesn't contain commit $sha1_dst" - ;; - t,t) - errmsg=" Warn: $name doesn't contain commits $sha1_src and $sha1_dst" - ;; - *) - errmsg= - total_commits=$( - if test $mod_src = 160000 -a $mod_dst = 160000 - then - range="$sha1_src...$sha1_dst" - elif test $mod_src = 160000 - then - range=$sha1_src - else - range=$sha1_dst - fi - GIT_DIR="$name/.git" \ - git rev-list --first-parent $range -- | wc -l - ) - total_commits=" ($(($total_commits + 0)))" - ;; - esac - - sha1_abbr_src=$(echo $sha1_src | cut -c1-7) - sha1_abbr_dst=$(echo $sha1_dst | cut -c1-7) - if test $status = T - then - if test $mod_dst = 160000 - then - echo "* $name $sha1_abbr_src(blob)->$sha1_abbr_dst(submodule)$total_commits:" - else - echo "* $name $sha1_abbr_src(submodule)->$sha1_abbr_dst(blob)$total_commits:" - fi - else - echo "* $name $sha1_abbr_src...$sha1_abbr_dst$total_commits:" - fi - if test -n "$errmsg" - then - # Don't give error msg for modification whose dst is not submodule - # i.e. deleted or changed to blob - test $mod_dst = 160000 && echo "$errmsg" - else - if test $mod_src = 160000 -a $mod_dst = 160000 - then - limit= - test $summary_limit -gt 0 && limit="-$summary_limit" - GIT_DIR="$name/.git" \ - git log $limit --pretty='format: %m %s' \ - --first-parent $sha1_src...$sha1_dst - elif test $mod_dst = 160000 - then - GIT_DIR="$name/.git" \ - git log --pretty='format: > %s' -1 $sha1_dst - else - GIT_DIR="$name/.git" \ - git log --pretty='format: < %s' -1 $sha1_src - fi - echo - fi - echo - done | - if test -n "$for_status"; then - if [ -n "$files" ]; then - echo "# Submodules changed but not updated:" - else - echo "# Submodule changes to be committed:" - fi - echo "#" - sed -e 's|^|# |' -e 's|^# $|#|' - else - cat - fi -} -# -# List all submodules, prefixed with: -# - submodule not initialized -# + different revision checked out -# -# If --cached was specified the revision in the index will be printed -# instead of the currently checked out revision. -# -# $@ = requested paths (default to all) -# -cmd_status() -{ - # parse $args after "submodule ... status". - orig_flags= - while test $# -ne 0 - do - case "$1" in - -q|--quiet) - GIT_QUIET=1 - ;; - --cached) - cached=1 - ;; - --recursive) - recursive=1 - ;; - --) - shift - break - ;; - -*) - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - orig_flags="$orig_flags $(git rev-parse --sq-quote "$1")" - shift - done - - module_list "$@" | - while read mode sha1 stage path - do - name=$(module_name "$path") || exit - url=$(git config submodule."$name".url) - displaypath="$prefix$path" - if test "$stage" = U - then - say "U$sha1 $displaypath" - continue - fi - if test -z "$url" || ! test -d "$path"/.git -o -f "$path"/.git - then - say "-$sha1 $displaypath" - continue; - fi - set_name_rev "$path" "$sha1" - if git diff-files --ignore-submodules=dirty --quiet -- "$path" - then - say " $sha1 $displaypath$revname" - else - if test -z "$cached" - then - sha1=$(clear_local_git_env; cd "$path" && git rev-parse --verify HEAD) - set_name_rev "$path" "$sha1" - fi - say "+$sha1 $displaypath$revname" - fi - - if test -n "$recursive" - then - ( - prefix="$displaypath/" - clear_local_git_env - cd "$path" && - eval cmd_status "$orig_args" - ) || - die "Failed to recurse into submodule path '$path'" - fi - done -} -# -# Sync remote urls for submodules -# This makes the value for remote.$remote.url match the value -# specified in .gitmodules. -# -cmd_sync() -{ - while test $# -ne 0 - do - case "$1" in - -q|--quiet) - GIT_QUIET=1 - shift - ;; - --) - shift - break - ;; - -*) - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - done - cd_to_toplevel - module_list "$@" | - while read mode sha1 stage path - do - name=$(module_name "$path") - url=$(git config -f .gitmodules --get submodule."$name".url) - - # Possibly a url relative to parent - case "$url" in - ./*|../*) - url=$(resolve_relative_url "$url") || exit - ;; - esac - - if git config "submodule.$name.url" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null - then - say "Synchronizing submodule url for '$name'" - git config submodule."$name".url "$url" - - if test -e "$path"/.git - then - ( - clear_local_git_env - cd "$path" - remote=$(get_default_remote) - git config remote."$remote".url "$url" - ) - fi - fi - done -} - -# This loop parses the command line arguments to find the -# subcommand name to dispatch. Parsing of the subcommand specific -# options are primarily done by the subcommand implementations. -# Subcommand specific options such as --branch and --cached are -# parsed here as well, for backward compatibility. - -while test $# != 0 && test -z "$command" -do - case "$1" in - add | foreach | init | update | status | summary | sync) - command=$1 - ;; - -q|--quiet) - GIT_QUIET=1 - ;; - -b|--branch) - case "$2" in - '') - usage - ;; - esac - branch="$2"; shift - ;; - --cached) - cached="$1" - ;; - --) - break - ;; - -*) - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - shift -done - -# No command word defaults to "status" -test -n "$command" || command=status - -# "-b branch" is accepted only by "add" -if test -n "$branch" && test "$command" != add -then - usage -fi - -# "--cached" is accepted only by "status" and "summary" -if test -n "$cached" && test "$command" != status -a "$command" != summary -then - usage -fi - -"cmd_$command" "$@" diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-svn b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-svn deleted file mode 100755 index a907bb2a..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-svn +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6289 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || "/usr/local/git/lib/perl5/site_perl")); -# Copyright (C) 2006, Eric Wong -# License: GPL v2 or later -use 5.008; -use warnings; -use strict; -use vars qw/ $AUTHOR $VERSION - $sha1 $sha1_short $_revision $_repository - $_q $_authors $_authors_prog %users/; -$AUTHOR = 'Eric Wong '; -$VERSION = ''; - -# From which subdir have we been invoked? -my $cmd_dir_prefix = eval { - command_oneline([qw/rev-parse --show-prefix/], STDERR => 0) -} || ''; - -my $git_dir_user_set = 1 if defined $ENV{GIT_DIR}; -$ENV{GIT_DIR} ||= '.git'; -$Git::SVN::default_repo_id = 'svn'; -$Git::SVN::default_ref_id = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} || 'git-svn'; -$Git::SVN::Ra::_log_window_size = 100; -$Git::SVN::_minimize_url = 'unset'; - -if (! exists $ENV{SVN_SSH}) { - if (exists $ENV{GIT_SSH}) { - $ENV{SVN_SSH} = $ENV{GIT_SSH}; - if ($^O eq 'msys') { - $ENV{SVN_SSH} =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; - $ENV{SVN_SSH} =~ s/(.*)/"$1"/; - } - } -} - -$Git::SVN::Log::TZ = $ENV{TZ}; -$ENV{TZ} = 'UTC'; -$| = 1; # unbuffer STDOUT - -sub fatal (@) { print STDERR "@_\n"; exit 1 } -sub _req_svn { - require SVN::Core; # use()-ing this causes segfaults for me... *shrug* - require SVN::Ra; - require SVN::Delta; - if ($SVN::Core::VERSION lt '1.1.0') { - fatal "Need SVN::Core 1.1.0 or better (got $SVN::Core::VERSION)"; - } -} -my $can_compress = eval { require Compress::Zlib; 1}; -push @Git::SVN::Ra::ISA, 'SVN::Ra'; -push @SVN::Git::Editor::ISA, 'SVN::Delta::Editor'; -push @SVN::Git::Fetcher::ISA, 'SVN::Delta::Editor'; -use Carp qw/croak/; -use Digest::MD5; -use IO::File qw//; -use File::Basename qw/dirname basename/; -use File::Path qw/mkpath/; -use File::Spec; -use File::Find; -use Getopt::Long qw/:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev/; -use IPC::Open3; -use Git; -use Memoize; # core since 5.8.0, Jul 2002 - -BEGIN { - # import functions from Git into our packages, en masse - no strict 'refs'; - foreach (qw/command command_oneline command_noisy command_output_pipe - command_input_pipe command_close_pipe - command_bidi_pipe command_close_bidi_pipe/) { - for my $package ( qw(SVN::Git::Editor SVN::Git::Fetcher - Git::SVN::Migration Git::SVN::Log Git::SVN), - __PACKAGE__) { - *{"${package}::$_"} = \&{"Git::$_"}; - } - } - Memoize::memoize 'Git::config'; - Memoize::memoize 'Git::config_bool'; -} - -my ($SVN); - -$sha1 = qr/[a-f\d]{40}/; -$sha1_short = qr/[a-f\d]{4,40}/; -my ($_stdin, $_help, $_edit, - $_message, $_file, $_branch_dest, - $_template, $_shared, - $_version, $_fetch_all, $_no_rebase, $_fetch_parent, - $_merge, $_strategy, $_dry_run, $_local, - $_prefix, $_no_checkout, $_url, $_verbose, - $_git_format, $_commit_url, $_tag, $_merge_info); -$Git::SVN::_follow_parent = 1; -$_q ||= 0; -my %remote_opts = ( 'username=s' => \$Git::SVN::Prompt::_username, - 'config-dir=s' => \$Git::SVN::Ra::config_dir, - 'no-auth-cache' => \$Git::SVN::Prompt::_no_auth_cache, - 'ignore-paths=s' => \$SVN::Git::Fetcher::_ignore_regex ); -my %fc_opts = ( 'follow-parent|follow!' => \$Git::SVN::_follow_parent, - 'authors-file|A=s' => \$_authors, - 'authors-prog=s' => \$_authors_prog, - 'repack:i' => \$Git::SVN::_repack, - 'noMetadata' => \$Git::SVN::_no_metadata, - 'useSvmProps' => \$Git::SVN::_use_svm_props, - 'useSvnsyncProps' => \$Git::SVN::_use_svnsync_props, - 'log-window-size=i' => \$Git::SVN::Ra::_log_window_size, - 'no-checkout' => \$_no_checkout, - 'quiet|q+' => \$_q, - 'repack-flags|repack-args|repack-opts=s' => - \$Git::SVN::_repack_flags, - 'use-log-author' => \$Git::SVN::_use_log_author, - 'add-author-from' => \$Git::SVN::_add_author_from, - 'localtime' => \$Git::SVN::_localtime, - %remote_opts ); - -my ($_trunk, @_tags, @_branches, $_stdlayout); -my %icv; -my %init_opts = ( 'template=s' => \$_template, 'shared:s' => \$_shared, - 'trunk|T=s' => \$_trunk, 'tags|t=s@' => \@_tags, - 'branches|b=s@' => \@_branches, 'prefix=s' => \$_prefix, - 'stdlayout|s' => \$_stdlayout, - 'minimize-url|m!' => \$Git::SVN::_minimize_url, - 'no-metadata' => sub { $icv{noMetadata} = 1 }, - 'use-svm-props' => sub { $icv{useSvmProps} = 1 }, - 'use-svnsync-props' => sub { $icv{useSvnsyncProps} = 1 }, - 'rewrite-root=s' => sub { $icv{rewriteRoot} = $_[1] }, - 'rewrite-uuid=s' => sub { $icv{rewriteUUID} = $_[1] }, - %remote_opts ); -my %cmt_opts = ( 'edit|e' => \$_edit, - 'rmdir' => \$SVN::Git::Editor::_rmdir, - 'find-copies-harder' => \$SVN::Git::Editor::_find_copies_harder, - 'l=i' => \$SVN::Git::Editor::_rename_limit, - 'copy-similarity|C=i'=> \$SVN::Git::Editor::_cp_similarity -); - -my %cmd = ( - fetch => [ \&cmd_fetch, "Download new revisions from SVN", - { 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision, - 'fetch-all|all' => \$_fetch_all, - 'parent|p' => \$_fetch_parent, - %fc_opts } ], - clone => [ \&cmd_clone, "Initialize and fetch revisions", - { 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision, - %fc_opts, %init_opts } ], - init => [ \&cmd_init, "Initialize a repo for tracking" . - " (requires URL argument)", - \%init_opts ], - 'multi-init' => [ \&cmd_multi_init, - "Deprecated alias for ". - "'$0 init -T -b -t'", - \%init_opts ], - dcommit => [ \&cmd_dcommit, - 'Commit several diffs to merge with upstream', - { 'merge|m|M' => \$_merge, - 'strategy|s=s' => \$_strategy, - 'verbose|v' => \$_verbose, - 'dry-run|n' => \$_dry_run, - 'fetch-all|all' => \$_fetch_all, - 'commit-url=s' => \$_commit_url, - 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision, - 'no-rebase' => \$_no_rebase, - 'mergeinfo=s' => \$_merge_info, - %cmt_opts, %fc_opts } ], - branch => [ \&cmd_branch, - 'Create a branch in the SVN repository', - { 'message|m=s' => \$_message, - 'destination|d=s' => \$_branch_dest, - 'dry-run|n' => \$_dry_run, - 'tag|t' => \$_tag, - 'username=s' => \$Git::SVN::Prompt::_username, - 'commit-url=s' => \$_commit_url } ], - tag => [ sub { $_tag = 1; cmd_branch(@_) }, - 'Create a tag in the SVN repository', - { 'message|m=s' => \$_message, - 'destination|d=s' => \$_branch_dest, - 'dry-run|n' => \$_dry_run, - 'username=s' => \$Git::SVN::Prompt::_username, - 'commit-url=s' => \$_commit_url } ], - 'set-tree' => [ \&cmd_set_tree, - "Set an SVN repository to a git tree-ish", - { 'stdin' => \$_stdin, %cmt_opts, %fc_opts, } ], - 'create-ignore' => [ \&cmd_create_ignore, - 'Create a .gitignore per svn:ignore', - { 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision - } ], - 'mkdirs' => [ \&cmd_mkdirs , - "recreate empty directories after a checkout", - { 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision } ], - 'propget' => [ \&cmd_propget, - 'Print the value of a property on a file or directory', - { 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision } ], - 'proplist' => [ \&cmd_proplist, - 'List all properties of a file or directory', - { 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision } ], - 'show-ignore' => [ \&cmd_show_ignore, "Show svn:ignore listings", - { 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision - } ], - 'show-externals' => [ \&cmd_show_externals, "Show svn:externals listings", - { 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision - } ], - 'multi-fetch' => [ \&cmd_multi_fetch, - "Deprecated alias for $0 fetch --all", - { 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision, %fc_opts } ], - 'migrate' => [ sub { }, - # no-op, we automatically run this anyways, - 'Migrate configuration/metadata/layout from - previous versions of git-svn', - { 'minimize' => \$Git::SVN::Migration::_minimize, - %remote_opts } ], - 'log' => [ \&Git::SVN::Log::cmd_show_log, 'Show commit logs', - { 'limit=i' => \$Git::SVN::Log::limit, - 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision, - 'verbose|v' => \$Git::SVN::Log::verbose, - 'incremental' => \$Git::SVN::Log::incremental, - 'oneline' => \$Git::SVN::Log::oneline, - 'show-commit' => \$Git::SVN::Log::show_commit, - 'non-recursive' => \$Git::SVN::Log::non_recursive, - 'authors-file|A=s' => \$_authors, - 'color' => \$Git::SVN::Log::color, - 'pager=s' => \$Git::SVN::Log::pager - } ], - 'find-rev' => [ \&cmd_find_rev, - "Translate between SVN revision numbers and tree-ish", - {} ], - 'rebase' => [ \&cmd_rebase, "Fetch and rebase your working directory", - { 'merge|m|M' => \$_merge, - 'verbose|v' => \$_verbose, - 'strategy|s=s' => \$_strategy, - 'local|l' => \$_local, - 'fetch-all|all' => \$_fetch_all, - 'dry-run|n' => \$_dry_run, - %fc_opts } ], - 'commit-diff' => [ \&cmd_commit_diff, - 'Commit a diff between two trees', - { 'message|m=s' => \$_message, - 'file|F=s' => \$_file, - 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision, - %cmt_opts } ], - 'info' => [ \&cmd_info, - "Show info about the latest SVN revision - on the current branch", - { 'url' => \$_url, } ], - 'blame' => [ \&Git::SVN::Log::cmd_blame, - "Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file", - { 'git-format' => \$_git_format } ], - 'reset' => [ \&cmd_reset, - "Undo fetches back to the specified SVN revision", - { 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision, - 'parent|p' => \$_fetch_parent } ], - 'gc' => [ \&cmd_gc, - "Compress unhandled.log files in .git/svn and remove " . - "index files in .git/svn", - {} ], -); - -my $cmd; -for (my $i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) { - if (defined $cmd{$ARGV[$i]}) { - $cmd = $ARGV[$i]; - splice @ARGV, $i, 1; - last; - } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'help') { - $cmd = $ARGV[$i+1]; - usage(0); - } -}; - -# make sure we're always running at the top-level working directory -unless ($cmd && $cmd =~ /(?:clone|init|multi-init)$/) { - unless (-d $ENV{GIT_DIR}) { - if ($git_dir_user_set) { - die "GIT_DIR=$ENV{GIT_DIR} explicitly set, ", - "but it is not a directory\n"; - } - my $git_dir = delete $ENV{GIT_DIR}; - my $cdup = undef; - git_cmd_try { - $cdup = command_oneline(qw/rev-parse --show-cdup/); - $git_dir = '.' unless ($cdup); - chomp $cdup if ($cdup); - $cdup = "." unless ($cdup && length $cdup); - } "Already at toplevel, but $git_dir not found\n"; - chdir $cdup or die "Unable to chdir up to '$cdup'\n"; - unless (-d $git_dir) { - die "$git_dir still not found after going to ", - "'$cdup'\n"; - } - $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $git_dir; - } - $_repository = Git->repository(Repository => $ENV{GIT_DIR}); -} - -my %opts = %{$cmd{$cmd}->[2]} if (defined $cmd); - -read_git_config(\%opts); -if ($cmd && ($cmd eq 'log' || $cmd eq 'blame')) { - Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through'); -} -my $rv = GetOptions(%opts, 'help|H|h' => \$_help, 'version|V' => \$_version, - 'minimize-connections' => \$Git::SVN::Migration::_minimize, - 'id|i=s' => \$Git::SVN::default_ref_id, - 'svn-remote|remote|R=s' => sub { - $Git::SVN::no_reuse_existing = 1; - $Git::SVN::default_repo_id = $_[1] }); -exit 1 if (!$rv && $cmd && $cmd ne 'log'); - -usage(0) if $_help; -version() if $_version; -usage(1) unless defined $cmd; -load_authors() if $_authors; -if (defined $_authors_prog) { - $_authors_prog = "'" . File::Spec->rel2abs($_authors_prog) . "'"; -} - -unless ($cmd =~ /^(?:clone|init|multi-init|commit-diff)$/) { - Git::SVN::Migration::migration_check(); -} -Git::SVN::init_vars(); -eval { - Git::SVN::verify_remotes_sanity(); - $cmd{$cmd}->[0]->(@ARGV); -}; -fatal $@ if $@; -post_fetch_checkout(); -exit 0; - -####################### primary functions ###################### -sub usage { - my $exit = shift || 0; - my $fd = $exit ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT; - print $fd <<""; -git-svn - bidirectional operations between a single Subversion tree and git -Usage: git svn [options] [arguments]\n - - print $fd "Available commands:\n" unless $cmd; - - foreach (sort keys %cmd) { - next if $cmd && $cmd ne $_; - next if /^multi-/; # don't show deprecated commands - print $fd ' ',pack('A17',$_),$cmd{$_}->[1],"\n"; - foreach (sort keys %{$cmd{$_}->[2]}) { - # mixed-case options are for .git/config only - next if /[A-Z]/ && /^[a-z]+$/i; - # prints out arguments as they should be passed: - my $x = s#[:=]s$## ? '' : s#[:=]i$## ? '' : ''; - print $fd ' ' x 21, join(', ', map { length $_ > 1 ? - "--$_" : "-$_" } - split /\|/,$_)," $x\n"; - } - } - print $fd <<""; -\nGIT_SVN_ID may be set in the environment or via the --id/-i switch to an -arbitrary identifier if you're tracking multiple SVN branches/repositories in -one git repository and want to keep them separate. See git-svn(1) for more -information. - - exit $exit; -} - -sub version { - ::_req_svn(); - print "git-svn version $VERSION (svn $SVN::Core::VERSION)\n"; - exit 0; -} - -sub do_git_init_db { - unless (-d $ENV{GIT_DIR}) { - my @init_db = ('init'); - push @init_db, "--template=$_template" if defined $_template; - if (defined $_shared) { - if ($_shared =~ /[a-z]/) { - push @init_db, "--shared=$_shared"; - } else { - push @init_db, "--shared"; - } - } - command_noisy(@init_db); - $_repository = Git->repository(Repository => ".git"); - } - my $set; - my $pfx = "svn-remote.$Git::SVN::default_repo_id"; - foreach my $i (keys %icv) { - die "'$set' and '$i' cannot both be set\n" if $set; - next unless defined $icv{$i}; - command_noisy('config', "$pfx.$i", $icv{$i}); - $set = $i; - } - my $ignore_regex = \$SVN::Git::Fetcher::_ignore_regex; - command_noisy('config', "$pfx.ignore-paths", $$ignore_regex) - if defined $$ignore_regex; -} - -sub init_subdir { - my $repo_path = shift or return; - mkpath([$repo_path]) unless -d $repo_path; - chdir $repo_path or die "Couldn't chdir to $repo_path: $!\n"; - $ENV{GIT_DIR} = '.git'; - $_repository = Git->repository(Repository => $ENV{GIT_DIR}); -} - -sub cmd_clone { - my ($url, $path) = @_; - if (!defined $path && - (defined $_trunk || @_branches || @_tags || - defined $_stdlayout) && - $url !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) { - $path = $url; - } - $path = basename($url) if !defined $path || !length $path; - my $authors_absolute = $_authors ? File::Spec->rel2abs($_authors) : ""; - cmd_init($url, $path); - command_oneline('config', 'svn.authorsfile', $authors_absolute) - if $_authors; - Git::SVN::fetch_all($Git::SVN::default_repo_id); -} - -sub cmd_init { - if (defined $_stdlayout) { - $_trunk = 'trunk' if (!defined $_trunk); - @_tags = 'tags' if (! @_tags); - @_branches = 'branches' if (! @_branches); - } - if (defined $_trunk || @_branches || @_tags) { - return cmd_multi_init(@_); - } - my $url = shift or die "SVN repository location required ", - "as a command-line argument\n"; - $url = canonicalize_url($url); - init_subdir(@_); - do_git_init_db(); - - if ($Git::SVN::_minimize_url eq 'unset') { - $Git::SVN::_minimize_url = 0; - } - - Git::SVN->init($url); -} - -sub cmd_fetch { - if (grep /^\d+=./, @_) { - die "'=' fetch arguments are ", - "no longer supported.\n"; - } - my ($remote) = @_; - if (@_ > 1) { - die "Usage: $0 fetch [--all] [--parent] [svn-remote]\n"; - } - $Git::SVN::no_reuse_existing = undef; - if ($_fetch_parent) { - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD'); - unless ($gs) { - die "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from ", - "working tree history\n"; - } - # just fetch, don't checkout. - $_no_checkout = 'true'; - $_fetch_all ? $gs->fetch_all : $gs->fetch; - } elsif ($_fetch_all) { - cmd_multi_fetch(); - } else { - $remote ||= $Git::SVN::default_repo_id; - Git::SVN::fetch_all($remote, Git::SVN::read_all_remotes()); - } -} - -sub cmd_set_tree { - my (@commits) = @_; - if ($_stdin || !@commits) { - print "Reading from stdin...\n"; - @commits = (); - while () { - if (/\b($sha1_short)\b/o) { - unshift @commits, $1; - } - } - } - my @revs; - foreach my $c (@commits) { - my @tmp = command('rev-parse',$c); - if (scalar @tmp == 1) { - push @revs, $tmp[0]; - } elsif (scalar @tmp > 1) { - push @revs, reverse(command('rev-list',@tmp)); - } else { - fatal "Failed to rev-parse $c"; - } - } - my $gs = Git::SVN->new; - my ($r_last, $cmt_last) = $gs->last_rev_commit; - $gs->fetch; - if (defined $gs->{last_rev} && $r_last != $gs->{last_rev}) { - fatal "There are new revisions that were fetched ", - "and need to be merged (or acknowledged) ", - "before committing.\nlast rev: $r_last\n", - " current: $gs->{last_rev}"; - } - $gs->set_tree($_) foreach @revs; - print "Done committing ",scalar @revs," revisions to SVN\n"; - unlink $gs->{index}; -} - -sub cmd_dcommit { - my $head = shift; - command_noisy(qw/update-index --refresh/); - git_cmd_try { command_oneline(qw/diff-index --quiet HEAD/) } - 'Cannot dcommit with a dirty index. Commit your changes first, ' - . "or stash them with `git stash'.\n"; - $head ||= 'HEAD'; - - my $old_head; - if ($head ne 'HEAD') { - $old_head = eval { - command_oneline([qw/symbolic-ref -q HEAD/]) - }; - if ($old_head) { - $old_head =~ s{^refs/heads/}{}; - } else { - $old_head = eval { command_oneline(qw/rev-parse HEAD/) }; - } - command(['checkout', $head], STDERR => 0); - } - - my @refs; - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD', \@refs); - unless ($gs) { - die "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from ", - "$head history.\nPerhaps the repository is empty."; - } - - if (defined $_commit_url) { - $url = $_commit_url; - } else { - $url = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get', - "svn-remote.$gs->{repo_id}.commiturl") }; - if (!$url) { - $url = $gs->full_pushurl - } - } - - my $last_rev = $_revision if defined $_revision; - if ($url) { - print "Committing to $url ...\n"; - } - my ($linear_refs, $parents) = linearize_history($gs, \@refs); - if ($_no_rebase && scalar(@$linear_refs) > 1) { - warn "Attempting to commit more than one change while ", - "--no-rebase is enabled.\n", - "If these changes depend on each other, re-running ", - "without --no-rebase may be required." - } - my $expect_url = $url; - Git::SVN::remove_username($expect_url); - while (1) { - my $d = shift @$linear_refs or last; - unless (defined $last_rev) { - (undef, $last_rev, undef) = cmt_metadata("$d~1"); - unless (defined $last_rev) { - fatal "Unable to extract revision information ", - "from commit $d~1"; - } - } - if ($_dry_run) { - print "diff-tree $d~1 $d\n"; - } else { - my $cmt_rev; - my %ed_opts = ( r => $last_rev, - log => get_commit_entry($d)->{log}, - ra => Git::SVN::Ra->new($url), - config => SVN::Core::config_get_config( - $Git::SVN::Ra::config_dir - ), - tree_a => "$d~1", - tree_b => $d, - editor_cb => sub { - print "Committed r$_[0]\n"; - $cmt_rev = $_[0]; - }, - mergeinfo => $_merge_info, - svn_path => ''); - if (!SVN::Git::Editor->new(\%ed_opts)->apply_diff) { - print "No changes\n$d~1 == $d\n"; - } elsif ($parents->{$d} && @{$parents->{$d}}) { - $gs->{inject_parents_dcommit}->{$cmt_rev} = - $parents->{$d}; - } - $_fetch_all ? $gs->fetch_all : $gs->fetch; - $last_rev = $cmt_rev; - next if $_no_rebase; - - # we always want to rebase against the current HEAD, - # not any head that was passed to us - my @diff = command('diff-tree', $d, - $gs->refname, '--'); - my @finish; - if (@diff) { - @finish = rebase_cmd(); - print STDERR "W: $d and ", $gs->refname, - " differ, using @finish:\n", - join("\n", @diff), "\n"; - } else { - print "No changes between current HEAD and ", - $gs->refname, - "\nResetting to the latest ", - $gs->refname, "\n"; - @finish = qw/reset --mixed/; - } - command_noisy(@finish, $gs->refname); - if (@diff) { - @refs = (); - my ($url_, $rev_, $uuid_, $gs_) = - working_head_info('HEAD', \@refs); - my ($linear_refs_, $parents_) = - linearize_history($gs_, \@refs); - if (scalar(@$linear_refs) != - scalar(@$linear_refs_)) { - fatal "# of revisions changed ", - "\nbefore:\n", - join("\n", @$linear_refs), - "\n\nafter:\n", - join("\n", @$linear_refs_), "\n", - 'If you are attempting to commit ', - "merges, try running:\n\t", - 'git rebase --interactive', - '--preserve-merges ', - $gs->refname, - "\nBefore dcommitting"; - } - if ($url_ ne $expect_url) { - if ($url_ eq $gs->metadata_url) { - print - "Accepting rewritten URL:", - " $url_\n"; - } else { - fatal - "URL mismatch after rebase:", - " $url_ != $expect_url"; - } - } - if ($uuid_ ne $uuid) { - fatal "uuid mismatch after rebase: ", - "$uuid_ != $uuid"; - } - # remap parents - my (%p, @l, $i); - for ($i = 0; $i < scalar @$linear_refs; $i++) { - my $new = $linear_refs_->[$i] or next; - $p{$new} = - $parents->{$linear_refs->[$i]}; - push @l, $new; - } - $parents = \%p; - $linear_refs = \@l; - } - } - } - - if ($old_head) { - my $new_head = command_oneline(qw/rev-parse HEAD/); - my $new_is_symbolic = eval { - command_oneline(qw/symbolic-ref -q HEAD/); - }; - if ($new_is_symbolic) { - print "dcommitted the branch ", $head, "\n"; - } else { - print "dcommitted on a detached HEAD because you gave ", - "a revision argument.\n", - "The rewritten commit is: ", $new_head, "\n"; - } - command(['checkout', $old_head], STDERR => 0); - } - - unlink $gs->{index}; -} - -sub cmd_branch { - my ($branch_name, $head) = @_; - - unless (defined $branch_name && length $branch_name) { - die(($_tag ? "tag" : "branch") . " name required\n"); - } - $head ||= 'HEAD'; - - my (undef, $rev, undef, $gs) = working_head_info($head); - my $src = $gs->full_pushurl; - - my $remote = Git::SVN::read_all_remotes()->{$gs->{repo_id}}; - my $allglobs = $remote->{ $_tag ? 'tags' : 'branches' }; - my $glob; - if ($#{$allglobs} == 0) { - $glob = $allglobs->[0]; - } else { - unless(defined $_branch_dest) { - die "Multiple ", - $_tag ? "tag" : "branch", - " paths defined for Subversion repository.\n", - "You must specify where you want to create the ", - $_tag ? "tag" : "branch", - " with the --destination argument.\n"; - } - foreach my $g (@{$allglobs}) { - # SVN::Git::Editor could probably be moved to Git.pm.. - my $re = SVN::Git::Editor::glob2pat($g->{path}->{left}); - if ($_branch_dest =~ /$re/) { - $glob = $g; - last; - } - } - unless (defined $glob) { - my $dest_re = qr/\b\Q$_branch_dest\E\b/; - foreach my $g (@{$allglobs}) { - $g->{path}->{left} =~ /$dest_re/ or next; - if (defined $glob) { - die "Ambiguous destination: ", - $_branch_dest, "\nmatches both '", - $glob->{path}->{left}, "' and '", - $g->{path}->{left}, "'\n"; - } - $glob = $g; - } - unless (defined $glob) { - die "Unknown ", - $_tag ? "tag" : "branch", - " destination $_branch_dest\n"; - } - } - } - my ($lft, $rgt) = @{ $glob->{path} }{qw/left right/}; - my $url; - if (defined $_commit_url) { - $url = $_commit_url; - } else { - $url = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get', - "svn-remote.$gs->{repo_id}.commiturl") }; - if (!$url) { - $url = $remote->{pushurl} || $remote->{url}; - } - } - my $dst = join '/', $url, $lft, $branch_name, ($rgt || ()); - - if ($dst =~ /^https:/ && $src =~ /^http:/) { - $src=~s/^http:/https:/; - } - - ::_req_svn(); - - my $ctx = SVN::Client->new( - auth => Git::SVN::Ra::_auth_providers(), - log_msg => sub { - ${ $_[0] } = defined $_message - ? $_message - : 'Create ' . ($_tag ? 'tag ' : 'branch ' ) - . $branch_name; - }, - ); - - eval { - $ctx->ls($dst, 'HEAD', 0); - } and die "branch ${branch_name} already exists\n"; - - print "Copying ${src} at r${rev} to ${dst}...\n"; - $ctx->copy($src, $rev, $dst) - unless $_dry_run; - - $gs->fetch_all; -} - -sub cmd_find_rev { - my $revision_or_hash = shift or die "SVN or git revision required ", - "as a command-line argument\n"; - my $result; - if ($revision_or_hash =~ /^r\d+$/) { - my $head = shift; - $head ||= 'HEAD'; - my @refs; - my (undef, undef, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info($head, \@refs); - unless ($gs) { - die "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from ", - "$head history\n"; - } - my $desired_revision = substr($revision_or_hash, 1); - $result = $gs->rev_map_get($desired_revision, $uuid); - } else { - my (undef, $rev, undef) = cmt_metadata($revision_or_hash); - $result = $rev; - } - print "$result\n" if $result; -} - -sub auto_create_empty_directories { - my ($gs) = @_; - my $var = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get', '--bool', - "svn-remote.$gs->{repo_id}.automkdirs") }; - # By default, create empty directories by consulting the unhandled log, - # but allow setting it to 'false' to skip it. - return !($var && $var eq 'false'); -} - -sub cmd_rebase { - command_noisy(qw/update-index --refresh/); - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD'); - unless ($gs) { - die "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from ", - "working tree history\n"; - } - if ($_dry_run) { - print "Remote Branch: " . $gs->refname . "\n"; - print "SVN URL: " . $url . "\n"; - return; - } - if (command(qw/diff-index HEAD --/)) { - print STDERR "Cannot rebase with uncommited changes:\n"; - command_noisy('status'); - exit 1; - } - unless ($_local) { - # rebase will checkout for us, so no need to do it explicitly - $_no_checkout = 'true'; - $_fetch_all ? $gs->fetch_all : $gs->fetch; - } - command_noisy(rebase_cmd(), $gs->refname); - if (auto_create_empty_directories($gs)) { - $gs->mkemptydirs; - } -} - -sub cmd_show_ignore { - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD'); - $gs ||= Git::SVN->new; - my $r = (defined $_revision ? $_revision : $gs->ra->get_latest_revnum); - $gs->prop_walk($gs->{path}, $r, sub { - my ($gs, $path, $props) = @_; - print STDOUT "\n# $path\n"; - my $s = $props->{'svn:ignore'} or return; - $s =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g; - $s =~ s/^\n+//; - chomp $s; - $s =~ s#^#$path#gm; - print STDOUT "$s\n"; - }); -} - -sub cmd_show_externals { - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD'); - $gs ||= Git::SVN->new; - my $r = (defined $_revision ? $_revision : $gs->ra->get_latest_revnum); - $gs->prop_walk($gs->{path}, $r, sub { - my ($gs, $path, $props) = @_; - print STDOUT "\n# $path\n"; - my $s = $props->{'svn:externals'} or return; - $s =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g; - chomp $s; - $s =~ s#^#$path#gm; - print STDOUT "$s\n"; - }); -} - -sub cmd_create_ignore { - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD'); - $gs ||= Git::SVN->new; - my $r = (defined $_revision ? $_revision : $gs->ra->get_latest_revnum); - $gs->prop_walk($gs->{path}, $r, sub { - my ($gs, $path, $props) = @_; - # $path is of the form /path/to/dir/ - $path = '.' . $path; - # SVN can have attributes on empty directories, - # which git won't track - mkpath([$path]) unless -d $path; - my $ignore = $path . '.gitignore'; - my $s = $props->{'svn:ignore'} or return; - open(GITIGNORE, '>', $ignore) - or fatal("Failed to open `$ignore' for writing: $!"); - $s =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g; - $s =~ s/^\n+//; - chomp $s; - # Prefix all patterns so that the ignore doesn't apply - # to sub-directories. - $s =~ s#^#/#gm; - print GITIGNORE "$s\n"; - close(GITIGNORE) - or fatal("Failed to close `$ignore': $!"); - command_noisy('add', '-f', $ignore); - }); -} - -sub cmd_mkdirs { - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD'); - $gs ||= Git::SVN->new; - $gs->mkemptydirs($_revision); -} - -sub canonicalize_path { - my ($path) = @_; - my $dot_slash_added = 0; - if (substr($path, 0, 1) ne "/") { - $path = "./" . $path; - $dot_slash_added = 1; - } - # File::Spec->canonpath doesn't collapse x/../y into y (for a - # good reason), so let's do this manually. - $path =~ s#/+#/#g; - $path =~ s#/\.(?:/|$)#/#g; - $path =~ s#/[^/]+/\.\.##g; - $path =~ s#/$##g; - $path =~ s#^\./## if $dot_slash_added; - $path =~ s#^/##; - $path =~ s#^\.$##; - return $path; -} - -sub canonicalize_url { - my ($url) = @_; - $url =~ s#^([^:]+://[^/]*/)(.*)$#$1 . canonicalize_path($2)#e; - return $url; -} - -# get_svnprops(PATH) -# ------------------ -# Helper for cmd_propget and cmd_proplist below. -sub get_svnprops { - my $path = shift; - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD'); - $gs ||= Git::SVN->new; - - # prefix THE PATH by the sub-directory from which the user - # invoked us. - $path = $cmd_dir_prefix . $path; - fatal("No such file or directory: $path") unless -e $path; - my $is_dir = -d $path ? 1 : 0; - $path = $gs->{path} . '/' . $path; - - # canonicalize the path (otherwise libsvn will abort or fail to - # find the file) - $path = canonicalize_path($path); - - my $r = (defined $_revision ? $_revision : $gs->ra->get_latest_revnum); - my $props; - if ($is_dir) { - (undef, undef, $props) = $gs->ra->get_dir($path, $r); - } - else { - (undef, $props) = $gs->ra->get_file($path, $r, undef); - } - return $props; -} - -# cmd_propget (PROP, PATH) -# ------------------------ -# Print the SVN property PROP for PATH. -sub cmd_propget { - my ($prop, $path) = @_; - $path = '.' if not defined $path; - usage(1) if not defined $prop; - my $props = get_svnprops($path); - if (not defined $props->{$prop}) { - fatal("`$path' does not have a `$prop' SVN property."); - } - print $props->{$prop} . "\n"; -} - -# cmd_proplist (PATH) -# ------------------- -# Print the list of SVN properties for PATH. -sub cmd_proplist { - my $path = shift; - $path = '.' if not defined $path; - my $props = get_svnprops($path); - print "Properties on '$path':\n"; - foreach (sort keys %{$props}) { - print " $_\n"; - } -} - -sub cmd_multi_init { - my $url = shift; - unless (defined $_trunk || @_branches || @_tags) { - usage(1); - } - - $_prefix = '' unless defined $_prefix; - if (defined $url) { - $url = canonicalize_url($url); - init_subdir(@_); - } - do_git_init_db(); - if (defined $_trunk) { - $_trunk =~ s#^/+##; - my $trunk_ref = 'refs/remotes/' . $_prefix . 'trunk'; - # try both old-style and new-style lookups: - my $gs_trunk = eval { Git::SVN->new($trunk_ref) }; - unless ($gs_trunk) { - my ($trunk_url, $trunk_path) = - complete_svn_url($url, $_trunk); - $gs_trunk = Git::SVN->init($trunk_url, $trunk_path, - undef, $trunk_ref); - } - } - return unless @_branches || @_tags; - my $ra = $url ? Git::SVN::Ra->new($url) : undef; - foreach my $path (@_branches) { - complete_url_ls_init($ra, $path, '--branches/-b', $_prefix); - } - foreach my $path (@_tags) { - complete_url_ls_init($ra, $path, '--tags/-t', $_prefix.'tags/'); - } -} - -sub cmd_multi_fetch { - $Git::SVN::no_reuse_existing = undef; - my $remotes = Git::SVN::read_all_remotes(); - foreach my $repo_id (sort keys %$remotes) { - if ($remotes->{$repo_id}->{url}) { - Git::SVN::fetch_all($repo_id, $remotes); - } - } -} - -# this command is special because it requires no metadata -sub cmd_commit_diff { - my ($ta, $tb, $url) = @_; - my $usage = "Usage: $0 commit-diff -r ". - " []"; - fatal($usage) if (!defined $ta || !defined $tb); - my $svn_path = ''; - if (!defined $url) { - my $gs = eval { Git::SVN->new }; - if (!$gs) { - fatal("Needed URL or usable git-svn --id in ", - "the command-line\n", $usage); - } - $url = $gs->{url}; - $svn_path = $gs->{path}; - } - unless (defined $_revision) { - fatal("-r|--revision is a required argument\n", $usage); - } - if (defined $_message && defined $_file) { - fatal("Both --message/-m and --file/-F specified ", - "for the commit message.\n", - "I have no idea what you mean"); - } - if (defined $_file) { - $_message = file_to_s($_file); - } else { - $_message ||= get_commit_entry($tb)->{log}; - } - my $ra ||= Git::SVN::Ra->new($url); - my $r = $_revision; - if ($r eq 'HEAD') { - $r = $ra->get_latest_revnum; - } elsif ($r !~ /^\d+$/) { - die "revision argument: $r not understood by git-svn\n"; - } - my %ed_opts = ( r => $r, - log => $_message, - ra => $ra, - tree_a => $ta, - tree_b => $tb, - editor_cb => sub { print "Committed r$_[0]\n" }, - svn_path => $svn_path ); - if (!SVN::Git::Editor->new(\%ed_opts)->apply_diff) { - print "No changes\n$ta == $tb\n"; - } -} - -sub escape_uri_only { - my ($uri) = @_; - my @tmp; - foreach (split m{/}, $uri) { - s/([^~\w.%+-]|%(?![a-fA-F0-9]{2}))/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; - push @tmp, $_; - } - join('/', @tmp); -} - -sub escape_url { - my ($url) = @_; - if ($url =~ m#^([^:]+)://([^/]*)(.*)$#) { - my ($scheme, $domain, $uri) = ($1, $2, escape_uri_only($3)); - $url = "$scheme://$domain$uri"; - } - $url; -} - -sub cmd_info { - my $path = canonicalize_path(defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : "."); - my $fullpath = canonicalize_path($cmd_dir_prefix . $path); - if (exists $_[1]) { - die "Too many arguments specified\n"; - } - - my ($file_type, $diff_status) = find_file_type_and_diff_status($path); - - if (!$file_type && !$diff_status) { - print STDERR "svn: '$path' is not under version control\n"; - exit 1; - } - - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD'); - unless ($gs) { - die "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from ", - "working tree history\n"; - } - - # canonicalize_path() will return "" to make libsvn 1.5.x happy, - $path = "." if $path eq ""; - - my $full_url = $url . ($fullpath eq "" ? "" : "/$fullpath"); - - if ($_url) { - print escape_url($full_url), "\n"; - return; - } - - my $result = "Path: $path\n"; - $result .= "Name: " . basename($path) . "\n" if $file_type ne "dir"; - $result .= "URL: " . escape_url($full_url) . "\n"; - - eval { - my $repos_root = $gs->repos_root; - Git::SVN::remove_username($repos_root); - $result .= "Repository Root: " . escape_url($repos_root) . "\n"; - }; - if ($@) { - $result .= "Repository Root: (offline)\n"; - } - ::_req_svn(); - $result .= "Repository UUID: $uuid\n" unless $diff_status eq "A" && - ($SVN::Core::VERSION le '1.5.4' || $file_type ne "dir"); - $result .= "Revision: " . ($diff_status eq "A" ? 0 : $rev) . "\n"; - - $result .= "Node Kind: " . - ($file_type eq "dir" ? "directory" : "file") . "\n"; - - my $schedule = $diff_status eq "A" - ? "add" - : ($diff_status eq "D" ? "delete" : "normal"); - $result .= "Schedule: $schedule\n"; - - if ($diff_status eq "A") { - print $result, "\n"; - return; - } - - my ($lc_author, $lc_rev, $lc_date_utc); - my @args = Git::SVN::Log::git_svn_log_cmd($rev, $rev, "--", $fullpath); - my $log = command_output_pipe(@args); - my $esc_color = qr/(?:\033\[(?:(?:\d+;)*\d*)?m)*/; - while (<$log>) { - if (/^${esc_color}author (.+) <[^>]+> (\d+) ([\-\+]?\d+)$/o) { - $lc_author = $1; - $lc_date_utc = Git::SVN::Log::parse_git_date($2, $3); - } elsif (/^${esc_color} (git-svn-id:.+)$/o) { - (undef, $lc_rev, undef) = ::extract_metadata($1); - } - } - close $log; - - Git::SVN::Log::set_local_timezone(); - - $result .= "Last Changed Author: $lc_author\n"; - $result .= "Last Changed Rev: $lc_rev\n"; - $result .= "Last Changed Date: " . - Git::SVN::Log::format_svn_date($lc_date_utc) . "\n"; - - if ($file_type ne "dir") { - my $text_last_updated_date = - ($diff_status eq "D" ? $lc_date_utc : (stat $path)[9]); - $result .= - "Text Last Updated: " . - Git::SVN::Log::format_svn_date($text_last_updated_date) . - "\n"; - my $checksum; - if ($diff_status eq "D") { - my ($fh, $ctx) = - command_output_pipe(qw(cat-file blob), "HEAD:$path"); - if ($file_type eq "link") { - my $file_name = <$fh>; - $checksum = md5sum("link $file_name"); - } else { - $checksum = md5sum($fh); - } - command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx); - } elsif ($file_type eq "link") { - my $file_name = - command(qw(cat-file blob), "HEAD:$path"); - $checksum = - md5sum("link " . $file_name); - } else { - open FILE, "<", $path or die $!; - $checksum = md5sum(\*FILE); - close FILE or die $!; - } - $result .= "Checksum: " . $checksum . "\n"; - } - - print $result, "\n"; -} - -sub cmd_reset { - my $target = shift || $_revision or die "SVN revision required\n"; - $target = $1 if $target =~ /^r(\d+)$/; - $target =~ /^\d+$/ or die "Numeric SVN revision expected\n"; - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD'); - unless ($gs) { - die "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from ". - "history\n"; - } - my ($r, $c) = $gs->find_rev_before($target, not $_fetch_parent); - die "Cannot find SVN revision $target\n" unless defined($c); - $gs->rev_map_set($r, $c, 'reset', $uuid); - print "r$r = $c ($gs->{ref_id})\n"; -} - -sub cmd_gc { - if (!$can_compress) { - warn "Compress::Zlib could not be found; unhandled.log " . - "files will not be compressed.\n"; - } - find({ wanted => \&gc_directory, no_chdir => 1}, "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn"); -} - -########################### utility functions ######################### - -sub rebase_cmd { - my @cmd = qw/rebase/; - push @cmd, '-v' if $_verbose; - push @cmd, qw/--merge/ if $_merge; - push @cmd, "--strategy=$_strategy" if $_strategy; - @cmd; -} - -sub post_fetch_checkout { - return if $_no_checkout; - my $gs = $Git::SVN::_head or return; - return if verify_ref('refs/heads/master^0'); - - # look for "trunk" ref if it exists - my $remote = Git::SVN::read_all_remotes()->{$gs->{repo_id}}; - my $fetch = $remote->{fetch}; - if ($fetch) { - foreach my $p (keys %$fetch) { - basename($fetch->{$p}) eq 'trunk' or next; - $gs = Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$p}, $gs->{repo_id}, $p); - last; - } - } - - my $valid_head = verify_ref('HEAD^0'); - command_noisy(qw(update-ref refs/heads/master), $gs->refname); - return if ($valid_head || !verify_ref('HEAD^0')); - - return if $ENV{GIT_DIR} !~ m#^(?:.*/)?\.git$#; - my $index = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} || "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/index"; - return if -f $index; - - return if command_oneline(qw/rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree/) eq 'false'; - return if command_oneline(qw/rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir/) eq 'true'; - command_noisy(qw/read-tree -m -u -v HEAD HEAD/); - print STDERR "Checked out HEAD:\n ", - $gs->full_url, " r", $gs->last_rev, "\n"; - if (auto_create_empty_directories($gs)) { - $gs->mkemptydirs($gs->last_rev); - } -} - -sub complete_svn_url { - my ($url, $path) = @_; - $path =~ s#/+$##; - if ($path !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) { - if (!defined $url || $url !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) { - fatal("E: '$path' is not a complete URL ", - "and a separate URL is not specified"); - } - return ($url, $path); - } - return ($path, ''); -} - -sub complete_url_ls_init { - my ($ra, $repo_path, $switch, $pfx) = @_; - unless ($repo_path) { - print STDERR "W: $switch not specified\n"; - return; - } - $repo_path =~ s#/+$##; - if ($repo_path =~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) { - $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($repo_path); - $repo_path = ''; - } else { - $repo_path =~ s#^/+##; - unless ($ra) { - fatal("E: '$repo_path' is not a complete URL ", - "and a separate URL is not specified"); - } - } - my $url = $ra->{url}; - my $gs = Git::SVN->init($url, undef, undef, undef, 1); - my $k = "svn-remote.$gs->{repo_id}.url"; - my $orig_url = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) }; - if ($orig_url && ($orig_url ne $gs->{url})) { - die "$k already set: $orig_url\n", - "wanted to set to: $gs->{url}\n"; - } - command_oneline('config', $k, $gs->{url}) unless $orig_url; - my $remote_path = "$gs->{path}/$repo_path"; - $remote_path =~ s{%([0-9A-F]{2})}{chr hex($1)}ieg; - $remote_path =~ s#/+#/#g; - $remote_path =~ s#^/##g; - $remote_path .= "/*" if $remote_path !~ /\*/; - my ($n) = ($switch =~ /^--(\w+)/); - if (length $pfx && $pfx !~ m#/$#) { - die "--prefix='$pfx' must have a trailing slash '/'\n"; - } - command_noisy('config', - '--add', - "svn-remote.$gs->{repo_id}.$n", - "$remote_path:refs/remotes/$pfx*" . - ('/*' x (($remote_path =~ tr/*/*/) - 1)) ); -} - -sub verify_ref { - my ($ref) = @_; - eval { command_oneline([ 'rev-parse', '--verify', $ref ], - { STDERR => 0 }); }; -} - -sub get_tree_from_treeish { - my ($treeish) = @_; - # $treeish can be a symbolic ref, too: - my $type = command_oneline(qw/cat-file -t/, $treeish); - my $expected; - while ($type eq 'tag') { - ($treeish, $type) = command(qw/cat-file tag/, $treeish); - } - if ($type eq 'commit') { - $expected = (grep /^tree /, command(qw/cat-file commit/, - $treeish))[0]; - ($expected) = ($expected =~ /^tree ($sha1)$/o); - die "Unable to get tree from $treeish\n" unless $expected; - } elsif ($type eq 'tree') { - $expected = $treeish; - } else { - die "$treeish is a $type, expected tree, tag or commit\n"; - } - return $expected; -} - -sub get_commit_entry { - my ($treeish) = shift; - my %log_entry = ( log => '', tree => get_tree_from_treeish($treeish) ); - my $commit_editmsg = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/COMMIT_EDITMSG"; - my $commit_msg = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/COMMIT_MSG"; - open my $log_fh, '>', $commit_editmsg or croak $!; - - my $type = command_oneline(qw/cat-file -t/, $treeish); - if ($type eq 'commit' || $type eq 'tag') { - my ($msg_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe('cat-file', - $type, $treeish); - my $in_msg = 0; - my $author; - my $saw_from = 0; - my $msgbuf = ""; - while (<$msg_fh>) { - if (!$in_msg) { - $in_msg = 1 if (/^\s*$/); - $author = $1 if (/^author (.*>)/); - } elsif (/^git-svn-id: /) { - # skip this for now, we regenerate the - # correct one on re-fetch anyways - # TODO: set *:merge properties or like... - } else { - if (/^From:/ || /^Signed-off-by:/) { - $saw_from = 1; - } - $msgbuf .= $_; - } - } - $msgbuf =~ s/\s+$//s; - if ($Git::SVN::_add_author_from && defined($author) - && !$saw_from) { - $msgbuf .= "\n\nFrom: $author"; - } - print $log_fh $msgbuf or croak $!; - command_close_pipe($msg_fh, $ctx); - } - close $log_fh or croak $!; - - if ($_edit || ($type eq 'tree')) { - chomp(my $editor = command_oneline(qw(var GIT_EDITOR))); - system('sh', '-c', $editor.' "$@"', $editor, $commit_editmsg); - } - rename $commit_editmsg, $commit_msg or croak $!; - { - require Encode; - # SVN requires messages to be UTF-8 when entering the repo - local $/; - open $log_fh, '<', $commit_msg or croak $!; - binmode $log_fh; - chomp($log_entry{log} = <$log_fh>); - - my $enc = Git::config('i18n.commitencoding') || 'UTF-8'; - my $msg = $log_entry{log}; - - eval { $msg = Encode::decode($enc, $msg, 1) }; - if ($@) { - die "Could not decode as $enc:\n", $msg, - "\nPerhaps you need to set i18n.commitencoding\n"; - } - - eval { $msg = Encode::encode('UTF-8', $msg, 1) }; - die "Could not encode as UTF-8:\n$msg\n" if $@; - - $log_entry{log} = $msg; - - close $log_fh or croak $!; - } - unlink $commit_msg; - \%log_entry; -} - -sub s_to_file { - my ($str, $file, $mode) = @_; - open my $fd,'>',$file or croak $!; - print $fd $str,"\n" or croak $!; - close $fd or croak $!; - chmod ($mode &~ umask, $file) if (defined $mode); -} - -sub file_to_s { - my $file = shift; - open my $fd,'<',$file or croak "$!: file: $file\n"; - local $/; - my $ret = <$fd>; - close $fd or croak $!; - $ret =~ s/\s*$//s; - return $ret; -} - -# ' = real-name ' mapping based on git-svnimport: -sub load_authors { - open my $authors, '<', $_authors or die "Can't open $_authors $!\n"; - my $log = $cmd eq 'log'; - while (<$authors>) { - chomp; - next unless /^(.+?|\(no author\))\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*<(.+)>\s*$/; - my ($user, $name, $email) = ($1, $2, $3); - if ($log) { - $Git::SVN::Log::rusers{"$name <$email>"} = $user; - } else { - $users{$user} = [$name, $email]; - } - } - close $authors or croak $!; -} - -# convert GetOpt::Long specs for use by git-config -sub read_git_config { - my $opts = shift; - my @config_only; - foreach my $o (keys %$opts) { - # if we have mixedCase and a long option-only, then - # it's a config-only variable that we don't need for - # the command-line. - push @config_only, $o if ($o =~ /[A-Z]/ && $o =~ /^[a-z]+$/i); - my $v = $opts->{$o}; - my ($key) = ($o =~ /^([a-zA-Z\-]+)/); - $key =~ s/-//g; - my $arg = 'git config'; - $arg .= ' --int' if ($o =~ /[:=]i$/); - $arg .= ' --bool' if ($o !~ /[:=][sfi]$/); - if (ref $v eq 'ARRAY') { - chomp(my @tmp = `$arg --get-all svn.$key`); - @$v = @tmp if @tmp; - } else { - chomp(my $tmp = `$arg --get svn.$key`); - if ($tmp && !($arg =~ / --bool/ && $tmp eq 'false')) { - $$v = $tmp; - } - } - } - delete @$opts{@config_only} if @config_only; -} - -sub extract_metadata { - my $id = shift or return (undef, undef, undef); - my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = ($id =~ /^\s*git-svn-id:\s+(.*)\@(\d+) - \s([a-f\d\-]+)$/ix); - if (!defined $rev || !$uuid || !$url) { - # some of the original repositories I made had - # identifiers like this: - ($rev, $uuid) = ($id =~/^\s*git-svn-id:\s(\d+)\@([a-f\d\-]+)/i); - } - return ($url, $rev, $uuid); -} - -sub cmt_metadata { - return extract_metadata((grep(/^git-svn-id: /, - command(qw/cat-file commit/, shift)))[-1]); -} - -sub cmt_sha2rev_batch { - my %s2r; - my ($pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = command_bidi_pipe(qw/cat-file --batch/); - my $list = shift; - - foreach my $sha (@{$list}) { - my $first = 1; - my $size = 0; - print $out $sha, "\n"; - - while (my $line = <$in>) { - if ($first && $line =~ /^[[:xdigit:]]{40}\smissing$/) { - last; - } elsif ($first && - $line =~ /^[[:xdigit:]]{40}\scommit\s(\d+)$/) { - $first = 0; - $size = $1; - next; - } elsif ($line =~ /^(git-svn-id: )/) { - my (undef, $rev, undef) = - extract_metadata($line); - $s2r{$sha} = $rev; - } - - $size -= length($line); - last if ($size == 0); - } - } - - command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $in, $out, $ctx); - - return \%s2r; -} - -sub working_head_info { - my ($head, $refs) = @_; - my @args = qw/log --no-color --no-decorate --first-parent - --pretty=medium/; - my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@args, $head); - my $hash; - my %max; - while (<$fh>) { - if ( m{^commit ($::sha1)$} ) { - unshift @$refs, $hash if $hash and $refs; - $hash = $1; - next; - } - next unless s{^\s*(git-svn-id:)}{$1}; - my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = extract_metadata($_); - if (defined $url && defined $rev) { - next if $max{$url} and $max{$url} < $rev; - if (my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url)) { - my $c = $gs->rev_map_get($rev, $uuid); - if ($c && $c eq $hash) { - close $fh; # break the pipe - return ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs); - } else { - $max{$url} ||= $gs->rev_map_max; - } - } - } - } - command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx); - (undef, undef, undef, undef); -} - -sub read_commit_parents { - my ($parents, $c) = @_; - chomp(my $p = command_oneline(qw/rev-list --parents -1/, $c)); - $p =~ s/^($c)\s*// or die "rev-list --parents -1 $c failed!\n"; - @{$parents->{$c}} = split(/ /, $p); -} - -sub linearize_history { - my ($gs, $refs) = @_; - my %parents; - foreach my $c (@$refs) { - read_commit_parents(\%parents, $c); - } - - my @linear_refs; - my %skip = (); - my $last_svn_commit = $gs->last_commit; - foreach my $c (reverse @$refs) { - next if $c eq $last_svn_commit; - last if $skip{$c}; - - unshift @linear_refs, $c; - $skip{$c} = 1; - - # we only want the first parent to diff against for linear - # history, we save the rest to inject when we finalize the - # svn commit - my $fp_a = verify_ref("$c~1"); - my $fp_b = shift @{$parents{$c}} if $parents{$c}; - if (!$fp_a || !$fp_b) { - die "Commit $c\n", - "has no parent commit, and therefore ", - "nothing to diff against.\n", - "You should be working from a repository ", - "originally created by git-svn\n"; - } - if ($fp_a ne $fp_b) { - die "$c~1 = $fp_a, however parsing commit $c ", - "revealed that:\n$c~1 = $fp_b\nBUG!\n"; - } - - foreach my $p (@{$parents{$c}}) { - $skip{$p} = 1; - } - } - (\@linear_refs, \%parents); -} - -sub find_file_type_and_diff_status { - my ($path) = @_; - return ('dir', '') if $path eq ''; - - my $diff_output = - command_oneline(qw(diff --cached --name-status --), $path) || ""; - my $diff_status = (split(' ', $diff_output))[0] || ""; - - my $ls_tree = command_oneline(qw(ls-tree HEAD), $path) || ""; - - return (undef, undef) if !$diff_status && !$ls_tree; - - if ($diff_status eq "A") { - return ("link", $diff_status) if -l $path; - return ("dir", $diff_status) if -d $path; - return ("file", $diff_status); - } - - my $mode = (split(' ', $ls_tree))[0] || ""; - - return ("link", $diff_status) if $mode eq "120000"; - return ("dir", $diff_status) if $mode eq "040000"; - return ("file", $diff_status); -} - -sub md5sum { - my $arg = shift; - my $ref = ref $arg; - my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new(); - if ($ref eq 'GLOB' || $ref eq 'IO::File' || $ref eq 'File::Temp') { - $md5->addfile($arg) or croak $!; - } elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR') { - $md5->add($$arg) or croak $!; - } elsif (!$ref) { - $md5->add($arg) or croak $!; - } else { - ::fatal "Can't provide MD5 hash for unknown ref type: '", $ref, "'"; - } - return $md5->hexdigest(); -} - -sub gc_directory { - if ($can_compress && -f $_ && basename($_) eq "unhandled.log") { - my $out_filename = $_ . ".gz"; - open my $in_fh, "<", $_ or die "Unable to open $_: $!\n"; - binmode $in_fh; - my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($out_filename, "ab") or - die "Unable to open $out_filename: $!\n"; - - my $res; - while ($res = sysread($in_fh, my $str, 1024)) { - $gz->gzwrite($str) or - die "Unable to write: ".$gz->gzerror()."!\n"; - } - unlink $_ or die "unlink $File::Find::name: $!\n"; - } elsif (-f $_ && basename($_) eq "index") { - unlink $_ or die "unlink $_: $!\n"; - } -} - -package Git::SVN; -use strict; -use warnings; -use Fcntl qw/:DEFAULT :seek/; -use constant rev_map_fmt => 'NH40'; -use vars qw/$default_repo_id $default_ref_id $_no_metadata $_follow_parent - $_repack $_repack_flags $_use_svm_props $_head - $_use_svnsync_props $no_reuse_existing $_minimize_url - $_use_log_author $_add_author_from $_localtime/; -use Carp qw/croak/; -use File::Path qw/mkpath/; -use File::Copy qw/copy/; -use IPC::Open3; -use Memoize; # core since 5.8.0, Jul 2002 -use Memoize::Storable; - -my ($_gc_nr, $_gc_period); - -# properties that we do not log: -my %SKIP_PROP; -BEGIN { - %SKIP_PROP = map { $_ => 1 } qw/svn:wc:ra_dav:version-url - svn:special svn:executable - svn:entry:committed-rev - svn:entry:last-author - svn:entry:uuid - svn:entry:committed-date/; - - # some options are read globally, but can be overridden locally - # per [svn-remote "..."] section. Command-line options will *NOT* - # override options set in an [svn-remote "..."] section - no strict 'refs'; - for my $option (qw/follow_parent no_metadata use_svm_props - use_svnsync_props/) { - my $key = $option; - $key =~ tr/_//d; - my $prop = "-$option"; - *$option = sub { - my ($self) = @_; - return $self->{$prop} if exists $self->{$prop}; - my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.$key"; - eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) }; - if ($@) { - $self->{$prop} = ${"Git::SVN::_$option"}; - } else { - my $v = command_oneline(qw/config --bool/,$k); - $self->{$prop} = $v eq 'false' ? 0 : 1; - } - return $self->{$prop}; - } - } -} - - -my (%LOCKFILES, %INDEX_FILES); -END { - unlink keys %LOCKFILES if %LOCKFILES; - unlink keys %INDEX_FILES if %INDEX_FILES; -} - -sub resolve_local_globs { - my ($url, $fetch, $glob_spec) = @_; - return unless defined $glob_spec; - my $ref = $glob_spec->{ref}; - my $path = $glob_spec->{path}; - foreach (command(qw#for-each-ref --format=%(refname) refs/#)) { - next unless m#^$ref->{regex}$#; - my $p = $1; - my $pathname = desanitize_refname($path->full_path($p)); - my $refname = desanitize_refname($ref->full_path($p)); - if (my $existing = $fetch->{$pathname}) { - if ($existing ne $refname) { - die "Refspec conflict:\n", - "existing: $existing\n", - " globbed: $refname\n"; - } - my $u = (::cmt_metadata("$refname"))[0]; - $u =~ s!^\Q$url\E(/|$)!! or die - "$refname: '$url' not found in '$u'\n"; - if ($pathname ne $u) { - warn "W: Refspec glob conflict ", - "(ref: $refname):\n", - "expected path: $pathname\n", - " real path: $u\n", - "Continuing ahead with $u\n"; - next; - } - } else { - $fetch->{$pathname} = $refname; - } - } -} - -sub parse_revision_argument { - my ($base, $head) = @_; - if (!defined $::_revision || $::_revision eq 'BASE:HEAD') { - return ($base, $head); - } - return ($1, $2) if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/); - return ($::_revision, $::_revision) if ($::_revision =~ /^\d+$/); - return ($head, $head) if ($::_revision eq 'HEAD'); - return ($base, $1) if ($::_revision =~ /^BASE:(\d+)$/); - return ($1, $head) if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):HEAD$/); - die "revision argument: $::_revision not understood by git-svn\n"; -} - -sub fetch_all { - my ($repo_id, $remotes) = @_; - if (ref $repo_id) { - my $gs = $repo_id; - $repo_id = undef; - $repo_id = $gs->{repo_id}; - } - $remotes ||= read_all_remotes(); - my $remote = $remotes->{$repo_id} or - die "[svn-remote \"$repo_id\"] unknown\n"; - my $fetch = $remote->{fetch}; - my $url = $remote->{url} or die "svn-remote.$repo_id.url not defined\n"; - my (@gs, @globs); - my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url); - my $uuid = $ra->get_uuid; - my $head = $ra->get_latest_revnum; - - # ignore errors, $head revision may not even exist anymore - eval { $ra->get_log("", $head, 0, 1, 0, 1, sub { $head = $_[1] }) }; - warn "W: $@\n" if $@; - - my $base = defined $fetch ? $head : 0; - - # read the max revs for wildcard expansion (branches/*, tags/*) - foreach my $t (qw/branches tags/) { - defined $remote->{$t} or next; - push @globs, @{$remote->{$t}}; - - my $max_rev = eval { tmp_config(qw/--int --get/, - "svn-remote.$repo_id.${t}-maxRev") }; - if (defined $max_rev && ($max_rev < $base)) { - $base = $max_rev; - } elsif (!defined $max_rev) { - $base = 0; - } - } - - if ($fetch) { - foreach my $p (sort keys %$fetch) { - my $gs = Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$p}, $repo_id, $p); - my $lr = $gs->rev_map_max; - if (defined $lr) { - $base = $lr if ($lr < $base); - } - push @gs, $gs; - } - } - - ($base, $head) = parse_revision_argument($base, $head); - $ra->gs_fetch_loop_common($base, $head, \@gs, \@globs); -} - -sub read_all_remotes { - my $r = {}; - my $use_svm_props = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --bool - svn.useSvmProps/) }; - $use_svm_props = $use_svm_props eq 'true' if $use_svm_props; - my $svn_refspec = qr{\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*}; - foreach (grep { s/^svn-remote\.// } command(qw/config -l/)) { - if (m!^(.+)\.fetch=$svn_refspec$!) { - my ($remote, $local_ref, $remote_ref) = ($1, $2, $3); - die("svn-remote.$remote: remote ref '$remote_ref' " - . "must start with 'refs/'\n") - unless $remote_ref =~ m{^refs/}; - $local_ref = uri_decode($local_ref); - $r->{$remote}->{fetch}->{$local_ref} = $remote_ref; - $r->{$remote}->{svm} = {} if $use_svm_props; - } elsif (m!^(.+)\.usesvmprops=\s*(.*)\s*$!) { - $r->{$1}->{svm} = {}; - } elsif (m!^(.+)\.url=\s*(.*)\s*$!) { - $r->{$1}->{url} = $2; - } elsif (m!^(.+)\.pushurl=\s*(.*)\s*$!) { - $r->{$1}->{pushurl} = $2; - } elsif (m!^(.+)\.(branches|tags)=$svn_refspec$!) { - my ($remote, $t, $local_ref, $remote_ref) = - ($1, $2, $3, $4); - die("svn-remote.$remote: remote ref '$remote_ref' ($t) " - . "must start with 'refs/'\n") - unless $remote_ref =~ m{^refs/}; - $local_ref = uri_decode($local_ref); - my $rs = { - t => $t, - remote => $remote, - path => Git::SVN::GlobSpec->new($local_ref, 1), - ref => Git::SVN::GlobSpec->new($remote_ref, 0) }; - if (length($rs->{ref}->{right}) != 0) { - die "The '*' glob character must be the last ", - "character of '$remote_ref'\n"; - } - push @{ $r->{$remote}->{$t} }, $rs; - } - } - - map { - if (defined $r->{$_}->{svm}) { - my $svm; - eval { - my $section = "svn-remote.$_"; - $svm = { - source => tmp_config('--get', - "$section.svm-source"), - replace => tmp_config('--get', - "$section.svm-replace"), - } - }; - $r->{$_}->{svm} = $svm; - } - } keys %$r; - - $r; -} - -sub init_vars { - $_gc_nr = $_gc_period = 1000; - if (defined $_repack || defined $_repack_flags) { - warn "Repack options are obsolete; they have no effect.\n"; - } -} - -sub verify_remotes_sanity { - return unless -d $ENV{GIT_DIR}; - my %seen; - foreach (command(qw/config -l/)) { - if (m!^svn-remote\.(?:.+)\.fetch=.*:refs/remotes/(\S+)\s*$!) { - if ($seen{$1}) { - die "Remote ref refs/remote/$1 is tracked by", - "\n \"$_\"\nand\n \"$seen{$1}\"\n", - "Please resolve this ambiguity in ", - "your git configuration file before ", - "continuing\n"; - } - $seen{$1} = $_; - } - } -} - -sub find_existing_remote { - my ($url, $remotes) = @_; - return undef if $no_reuse_existing; - my $existing; - foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) { - my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next; - next if $u ne $url; - $existing = $repo_id; - last; - } - $existing; -} - -sub init_remote_config { - my ($self, $url, $no_write) = @_; - $url =~ s!/+$!!; # strip trailing slash - my $r = read_all_remotes(); - my $existing = find_existing_remote($url, $r); - if ($existing) { - unless ($no_write) { - print STDERR "Using existing ", - "[svn-remote \"$existing\"]\n"; - } - $self->{repo_id} = $existing; - } elsif ($_minimize_url) { - my $min_url = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url)->minimize_url; - $existing = find_existing_remote($min_url, $r); - if ($existing) { - unless ($no_write) { - print STDERR "Using existing ", - "[svn-remote \"$existing\"]\n"; - } - $self->{repo_id} = $existing; - } - if ($min_url ne $url) { - unless ($no_write) { - print STDERR "Using higher level of URL: ", - "$url => $min_url\n"; - } - my $old_path = $self->{path}; - $self->{path} = $url; - $self->{path} =~ s!^\Q$min_url\E(/|$)!!; - if (length $old_path) { - $self->{path} .= "/$old_path"; - } - $url = $min_url; - } - } - my $orig_url; - if (!$existing) { - # verify that we aren't overwriting anything: - $orig_url = eval { - command_oneline('config', '--get', - "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url") - }; - if ($orig_url && ($orig_url ne $url)) { - die "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url already set: ", - "$orig_url\nwanted to set to: $url\n"; - } - } - my ($xrepo_id, $xpath) = find_ref($self->refname); - if (!$no_write && defined $xpath) { - die "svn-remote.$xrepo_id.fetch already set to track ", - "$xpath:", $self->refname, "\n"; - } - unless ($no_write) { - command_noisy('config', - "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url", $url); - $self->{path} =~ s{^/}{}; - $self->{path} =~ s{%([0-9A-F]{2})}{chr hex($1)}ieg; - command_noisy('config', '--add', - "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.fetch", - "$self->{path}:".$self->refname); - } - $self->{url} = $url; -} - -sub find_by_url { # repos_root and, path are optional - my ($class, $full_url, $repos_root, $path) = @_; - - return undef unless defined $full_url; - remove_username($full_url); - remove_username($repos_root) if defined $repos_root; - my $remotes = read_all_remotes(); - if (defined $full_url && defined $repos_root && !defined $path) { - $path = $full_url; - $path =~ s#^\Q$repos_root\E(?:/|$)##; - } - foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) { - my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next; - remove_username($u); - next if defined $repos_root && $repos_root ne $u; - - my $fetch = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{fetch} || {}; - foreach my $t (qw/branches tags/) { - foreach my $globspec (@{$remotes->{$repo_id}->{$t}}) { - resolve_local_globs($u, $fetch, $globspec); - } - } - my $p = $path; - my $rwr = rewrite_root({repo_id => $repo_id}); - my $svm = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{svm} - if defined $remotes->{$repo_id}->{svm}; - unless (defined $p) { - $p = $full_url; - my $z = $u; - my $prefix = ''; - if ($rwr) { - $z = $rwr; - remove_username($z); - } elsif (defined $svm) { - $z = $svm->{source}; - $prefix = $svm->{replace}; - $prefix =~ s#^\Q$u\E(?:/|$)##; - $prefix =~ s#/$##; - } - $p =~ s#^\Q$z\E(?:/|$)#$prefix# or next; - } - foreach my $f (keys %$fetch) { - next if $f ne $p; - return Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$f}, $repo_id, $f); - } - } - undef; -} - -sub init { - my ($class, $url, $path, $repo_id, $ref_id, $no_write) = @_; - my $self = _new($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path); - if (defined $url) { - $self->init_remote_config($url, $no_write); - } - $self; -} - -sub find_ref { - my ($ref_id) = @_; - foreach (command(qw/config -l/)) { - next unless m!^svn-remote\.(.+)\.fetch= - \s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$!x; - my ($repo_id, $path, $ref) = ($1, $2, $3); - if ($ref eq $ref_id) { - $path = '' if ($path =~ m#^\./?#); - return ($repo_id, $path); - } - } - (undef, undef, undef); -} - -sub new { - my ($class, $ref_id, $repo_id, $path) = @_; - if (defined $ref_id && !defined $repo_id && !defined $path) { - ($repo_id, $path) = find_ref($ref_id); - if (!defined $repo_id) { - die "Could not find a \"svn-remote.*.fetch\" key ", - "in the repository configuration matching: ", - "$ref_id\n"; - } - } - my $self = _new($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path); - if (!defined $self->{path} || !length $self->{path}) { - my $fetch = command_oneline('config', '--get', - "svn-remote.$repo_id.fetch", - ":$ref_id\$") or - die "Failed to read \"svn-remote.$repo_id.fetch\" ", - "\":$ref_id\$\" in config\n"; - ($self->{path}, undef) = split(/\s*:\s*/, $fetch); - } - $self->{path} =~ s{/+}{/}g; - $self->{path} =~ s{\A/}{}; - $self->{path} =~ s{/\z}{}; - $self->{url} = command_oneline('config', '--get', - "svn-remote.$repo_id.url") or - die "Failed to read \"svn-remote.$repo_id.url\" in config\n"; - $self->{pushurl} = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get', - "svn-remote.$repo_id.pushurl") }; - $self->rebuild; - $self; -} - -sub refname { - my ($refname) = $_[0]->{ref_id} ; - - # It cannot end with a slash /, we'll throw up on this because - # SVN can't have directories with a slash in their name, either: - if ($refname =~ m{/$}) { - die "ref: '$refname' ends with a trailing slash, this is ", - "not permitted by git nor Subversion\n"; - } - - # It cannot have ASCII control character space, tilde ~, caret ^, - # colon :, question-mark ?, asterisk *, space, or open bracket [ - # anywhere. - # - # Additionally, % must be escaped because it is used for escaping - # and we want our escaped refname to be reversible - $refname =~ s{([ \%~\^:\?\*\[\t])}{uc sprintf('%%%02x',ord($1))}eg; - - # no slash-separated component can begin with a dot . - # /.* becomes /%2E* - $refname =~ s{/\.}{/%2E}g; - - # It cannot have two consecutive dots .. anywhere - # .. becomes %2E%2E - $refname =~ s{\.\.}{%2E%2E}g; - - # trailing dots and .lock are not allowed - # .$ becomes %2E and .lock becomes %2Elock - $refname =~ s{\.(?=$|lock$)}{%2E}; - - # the sequence @{ is used to access the reflog - # @{ becomes %40{ - $refname =~ s{\@\{}{%40\{}g; - - return $refname; -} - -sub desanitize_refname { - my ($refname) = @_; - $refname =~ s{%(?:([0-9A-F]{2}))}{chr hex($1)}eg; - return $refname; -} - -sub svm_uuid { - my ($self) = @_; - return $self->{svm}->{uuid} if $self->svm; - $self->ra; - unless ($self->{svm}) { - die "SVM UUID not cached, and reading remotely failed\n"; - } - $self->{svm}->{uuid}; -} - -sub svm { - my ($self) = @_; - return $self->{svm} if $self->{svm}; - my $svm; - # see if we have it in our config, first: - eval { - my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}"; - $svm = { - source => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-source"), - uuid => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-uuid"), - replace => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-replace"), - } - }; - if ($svm && $svm->{source} && $svm->{uuid} && $svm->{replace}) { - $self->{svm} = $svm; - } - $self->{svm}; -} - -sub _set_svm_vars { - my ($self, $ra) = @_; - return $ra if $self->svm; - - my @err = ( "useSvmProps set, but failed to read SVM properties\n", - "(svm:source, svm:uuid) ", - "from the following URLs:\n" ); - sub read_svm_props { - my ($self, $ra, $path, $r) = @_; - my $props = ($ra->get_dir($path, $r))[2]; - my $src = $props->{'svm:source'}; - my $uuid = $props->{'svm:uuid'}; - return undef if (!$src || !$uuid); - - chomp($src, $uuid); - - $uuid =~ m{^[0-9a-f\-]{30,}$}i - or die "doesn't look right - svm:uuid is '$uuid'\n"; - - # the '!' is used to mark the repos_root!/relative/path - $src =~ s{/?!/?}{/}; - $src =~ s{/+$}{}; # no trailing slashes please - # username is of no interest - $src =~ s{(^[a-z\+]*://)[^/@]*@}{$1}; - - my $replace = $ra->{url}; - $replace .= "/$path" if length $path; - - my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}"; - tmp_config("$section.svm-source", $src); - tmp_config("$section.svm-replace", $replace); - tmp_config("$section.svm-uuid", $uuid); - $self->{svm} = { - source => $src, - uuid => $uuid, - replace => $replace - }; - } - - my $r = $ra->get_latest_revnum; - my $path = $self->{path}; - my %tried; - while (length $path) { - unless ($tried{"$self->{url}/$path"}) { - return $ra if $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r); - $tried{"$self->{url}/$path"} = 1; - } - $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##; - } - die "Path: '$path' should be ''\n" if $path ne ''; - return $ra if $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r); - $tried{"$self->{url}/$path"} = 1; - - if ($ra->{repos_root} eq $self->{url}) { - die @err, (map { " $_\n" } keys %tried), "\n"; - } - - # nope, make sure we're connected to the repository root: - my $ok; - my @tried_b; - $path = $ra->{svn_path}; - $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra->{repos_root}); - while (length $path) { - unless ($tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"}) { - $ok = $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r); - last if $ok; - $tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"} = 1; - } - $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##; - } - die "Path: '$path' should be ''\n" if $path ne ''; - $ok ||= $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r); - $tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"} = 1; - if (!$ok) { - die @err, (map { " $_\n" } keys %tried), "\n"; - } - Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->{url}); -} - -sub svnsync { - my ($self) = @_; - return $self->{svnsync} if $self->{svnsync}; - - if ($self->no_metadata) { - die "Can't have both 'noMetadata' and ", - "'useSvnsyncProps' options set!\n"; - } - if ($self->rewrite_root) { - die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and 'rewriteRoot' ", - "options set!\n"; - } - if ($self->rewrite_uuid) { - die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and 'rewriteUUID' ", - "options set!\n"; - } - - my $svnsync; - # see if we have it in our config, first: - eval { - my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}"; - - my $url = tmp_config('--get', "$section.svnsync-url"); - ($url) = ($url =~ m{^([a-z\+]+://\S+)$}) or - die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-url is '$url'\n"; - - my $uuid = tmp_config('--get', "$section.svnsync-uuid"); - ($uuid) = ($uuid =~ m{^([0-9a-f\-]{30,})$}i) or - die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-uuid is '$uuid'\n"; - - $svnsync = { url => $url, uuid => $uuid } - }; - if ($svnsync && $svnsync->{url} && $svnsync->{uuid}) { - return $self->{svnsync} = $svnsync; - } - - my $err = "useSvnsyncProps set, but failed to read " . - "svnsync property: svn:sync-from-"; - my $rp = $self->ra->rev_proplist(0); - - my $url = $rp->{'svn:sync-from-url'} or die $err . "url\n"; - ($url) = ($url =~ m{^([a-z\+]+://\S+)$}) or - die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-url is '$url'\n"; - - my $uuid = $rp->{'svn:sync-from-uuid'} or die $err . "uuid\n"; - ($uuid) = ($uuid =~ m{^([0-9a-f\-]{30,})$}i) or - die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-uuid is '$uuid'\n"; - - my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}"; - tmp_config('--add', "$section.svnsync-uuid", $uuid); - tmp_config('--add', "$section.svnsync-url", $url); - return $self->{svnsync} = { url => $url, uuid => $uuid }; -} - -# this allows us to memoize our SVN::Ra UUID locally and avoid a -# remote lookup (useful for 'git svn log'). -sub ra_uuid { - my ($self) = @_; - unless ($self->{ra_uuid}) { - my $key = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.uuid"; - my $uuid = eval { tmp_config('--get', $key) }; - if (!$@ && $uuid && $uuid =~ /^([a-f\d\-]{30,})$/i) { - $self->{ra_uuid} = $uuid; - } else { - die "ra_uuid called without URL\n" unless $self->{url}; - $self->{ra_uuid} = $self->ra->get_uuid; - tmp_config('--add', $key, $self->{ra_uuid}); - } - } - $self->{ra_uuid}; -} - -sub _set_repos_root { - my ($self, $repos_root) = @_; - my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.reposRoot"; - $repos_root ||= $self->ra->{repos_root}; - tmp_config($k, $repos_root); - $repos_root; -} - -sub repos_root { - my ($self) = @_; - my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.reposRoot"; - eval { tmp_config('--get', $k) } || $self->_set_repos_root; -} - -sub ra { - my ($self) = shift; - my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->{url}); - $self->_set_repos_root($ra->{repos_root}); - if ($self->use_svm_props && !$self->{svm}) { - if ($self->no_metadata) { - die "Can't have both 'noMetadata' and ", - "'useSvmProps' options set!\n"; - } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) { - die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and ", - "'useSvmProps' options set!\n"; - } - $ra = $self->_set_svm_vars($ra); - $self->{-want_revprops} = 1; - } - $ra; -} - -# prop_walk(PATH, REV, SUB) -# ------------------------- -# Recursively traverse PATH at revision REV and invoke SUB for each -# directory that contains a SVN property. SUB will be invoked as -# follows: &SUB(gs, path, props); where `gs' is this instance of -# Git::SVN, `path' the path to the directory where the properties -# `props' were found. The `path' will be relative to point of checkout, -# that is, if url://repo/trunk is the current Git branch, and that -# directory contains a sub-directory `d', SUB will be invoked with `/d/' -# as `path' (note the trailing `/'). -sub prop_walk { - my ($self, $path, $rev, $sub) = @_; - - $path =~ s#^/##; - my ($dirent, undef, $props) = $self->ra->get_dir($path, $rev); - $path =~ s#^/*#/#g; - my $p = $path; - # Strip the irrelevant part of the path. - $p =~ s#^/+\Q$self->{path}\E(/|$)#/#; - # Ensure the path is terminated by a `/'. - $p =~ s#/*$#/#; - - # The properties contain all the internal SVN stuff nobody - # (usually) cares about. - my $interesting_props = 0; - foreach (keys %{$props}) { - # If it doesn't start with `svn:', it must be a - # user-defined property. - ++$interesting_props and next if $_ !~ /^svn:/; - # FIXME: Fragile, if SVN adds new public properties, - # this needs to be updated. - ++$interesting_props if /^svn:(?:ignore|keywords|executable - |eol-style|mime-type - |externals|needs-lock)$/x; - } - &$sub($self, $p, $props) if $interesting_props; - - foreach (sort keys %$dirent) { - next if $dirent->{$_}->{kind} != $SVN::Node::dir; - $self->prop_walk($self->{path} . $p . $_, $rev, $sub); - } -} - -sub last_rev { ($_[0]->last_rev_commit)[0] } -sub last_commit { ($_[0]->last_rev_commit)[1] } - -# returns the newest SVN revision number and newest commit SHA1 -sub last_rev_commit { - my ($self) = @_; - if (defined $self->{last_rev} && defined $self->{last_commit}) { - return ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}); - } - my $c = ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0'); - if ($c && !$self->use_svm_props && !$self->no_metadata) { - my $rev = (::cmt_metadata($c))[1]; - if (defined $rev) { - ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = ($rev, $c); - return ($rev, $c); - } - } - my $map_path = $self->map_path; - unless (-e $map_path) { - ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = (undef, undef); - return (undef, undef); - } - my ($rev, $commit) = $self->rev_map_max(1); - ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = ($rev, $commit); - return ($rev, $commit); -} - -sub get_fetch_range { - my ($self, $min, $max) = @_; - $max ||= $self->ra->get_latest_revnum; - $min ||= $self->rev_map_max; - (++$min, $max); -} - -sub tmp_config { - my (@args) = @_; - my $old_def_config = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/config"; - my $config = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/.metadata"; - if (! -f $config && -f $old_def_config) { - rename $old_def_config, $config or - die "Failed rename $old_def_config => $config: $!\n"; - } - my $old_config = $ENV{GIT_CONFIG}; - $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} = $config; - $@ = undef; - my @ret = eval { - unless (-f $config) { - mkfile($config); - open my $fh, '>', $config or - die "Can't open $config: $!\n"; - print $fh "; This file is used internally by ", - "git-svn\n" or die - "Couldn't write to $config: $!\n"; - print $fh "; You should not have to edit it\n" or - die "Couldn't write to $config: $!\n"; - close $fh or die "Couldn't close $config: $!\n"; - } - command('config', @args); - }; - my $err = $@; - if (defined $old_config) { - $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} = $old_config; - } else { - delete $ENV{GIT_CONFIG}; - } - die $err if $err; - wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]; -} - -sub tmp_index_do { - my ($self, $sub) = @_; - my $old_index = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE}; - $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $self->{index}; - $@ = undef; - my @ret = eval { - my ($dir, $base) = ($self->{index} =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#); - mkpath([$dir]) unless -d $dir; - &$sub; - }; - my $err = $@; - if (defined $old_index) { - $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $old_index; - } else { - delete $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE}; - } - die $err if $err; - wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]; -} - -sub assert_index_clean { - my ($self, $treeish) = @_; - - $self->tmp_index_do(sub { - command_noisy('read-tree', $treeish) unless -e $self->{index}; - my $x = command_oneline('write-tree'); - my ($y) = (command(qw/cat-file commit/, $treeish) =~ - /^tree ($::sha1)/mo); - return if $y eq $x; - - warn "Index mismatch: $y != $x\nrereading $treeish\n"; - unlink $self->{index} or die "unlink $self->{index}: $!\n"; - command_noisy('read-tree', $treeish); - $x = command_oneline('write-tree'); - if ($y ne $x) { - ::fatal "trees ($treeish) $y != $x\n", - "Something is seriously wrong..."; - } - }); -} - -sub get_commit_parents { - my ($self, $log_entry) = @_; - my (%seen, @ret, @tmp); - # legacy support for 'set-tree'; this is only used by set_tree_cb: - if (my $ip = $self->{inject_parents}) { - if (my $commit = delete $ip->{$log_entry->{revision}}) { - push @tmp, $commit; - } - } - if (my $cur = ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0')) { - push @tmp, $cur; - } - if (my $ipd = $self->{inject_parents_dcommit}) { - if (my $commit = delete $ipd->{$log_entry->{revision}}) { - push @tmp, @$commit; - } - } - push @tmp, $_ foreach (@{$log_entry->{parents}}, @tmp); - while (my $p = shift @tmp) { - next if $seen{$p}; - $seen{$p} = 1; - push @ret, $p; - } - @ret; -} - -sub rewrite_root { - my ($self) = @_; - return $self->{-rewrite_root} if exists $self->{-rewrite_root}; - my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.rewriteRoot"; - my $rwr = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) }; - if ($rwr) { - $rwr =~ s#/+$##; - if ($rwr !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) { - die "$rwr is not a valid URL (key: $k)\n"; - } - } - $self->{-rewrite_root} = $rwr; -} - -sub rewrite_uuid { - my ($self) = @_; - return $self->{-rewrite_uuid} if exists $self->{-rewrite_uuid}; - my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.rewriteUUID"; - my $rwid = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) }; - if ($rwid) { - $rwid =~ s#/+$##; - if ($rwid !~ m#^[a-f0-9]{8}-(?:[a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12}$#) { - die "$rwid is not a valid UUID (key: $k)\n"; - } - } - $self->{-rewrite_uuid} = $rwid; -} - -sub metadata_url { - my ($self) = @_; - ($self->rewrite_root || $self->{url}) . - (length $self->{path} ? '/' . $self->{path} : ''); -} - -sub full_url { - my ($self) = @_; - $self->{url} . (length $self->{path} ? '/' . $self->{path} : ''); -} - -sub full_pushurl { - my ($self) = @_; - if ($self->{pushurl}) { - return $self->{pushurl} . (length $self->{path} ? '/' . - $self->{path} : ''); - } else { - return $self->full_url; - } -} - -sub set_commit_header_env { - my ($log_entry) = @_; - my %env; - foreach my $ned (qw/NAME EMAIL DATE/) { - foreach my $ac (qw/AUTHOR COMMITTER/) { - $env{"GIT_${ac}_${ned}"} = $ENV{"GIT_${ac}_${ned}"}; - } - } - - $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $log_entry->{name}; - $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $log_entry->{email}; - $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_DATE} = $log_entry->{date}; - - $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = (defined $log_entry->{commit_name}) - ? $log_entry->{commit_name} - : $log_entry->{name}; - $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} = (defined $log_entry->{commit_email}) - ? $log_entry->{commit_email} - : $log_entry->{email}; - \%env; -} - -sub restore_commit_header_env { - my ($env) = @_; - foreach my $ned (qw/NAME EMAIL DATE/) { - foreach my $ac (qw/AUTHOR COMMITTER/) { - my $k = "GIT_${ac}_${ned}"; - if (defined $env->{$k}) { - $ENV{$k} = $env->{$k}; - } else { - delete $ENV{$k}; - } - } - } -} - -sub gc { - command_noisy('gc', '--auto'); -}; - -sub do_git_commit { - my ($self, $log_entry) = @_; - my $lr = $self->last_rev; - if (defined $lr && $lr >= $log_entry->{revision}) { - die "Last fetched revision of ", $self->refname, - " was r$lr, but we are about to fetch: ", - "r$log_entry->{revision}!\n"; - } - if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($log_entry->{revision})) { - croak "$log_entry->{revision} = $c already exists! ", - "Why are we refetching it?\n"; - } - my $old_env = set_commit_header_env($log_entry); - my $tree = $log_entry->{tree}; - if (!defined $tree) { - $tree = $self->tmp_index_do(sub { - command_oneline('write-tree') }); - } - die "Tree is not a valid sha1: $tree\n" if $tree !~ /^$::sha1$/o; - - my @exec = ('git', 'commit-tree', $tree); - foreach ($self->get_commit_parents($log_entry)) { - push @exec, '-p', $_; - } - defined(my $pid = open3(my $msg_fh, my $out_fh, '>&STDERR', @exec)) - or croak $!; - binmode $msg_fh; - - # we always get UTF-8 from SVN, but we may want our commits in - # a different encoding. - if (my $enc = Git::config('i18n.commitencoding')) { - require Encode; - Encode::from_to($log_entry->{log}, 'UTF-8', $enc); - } - print $msg_fh $log_entry->{log} or croak $!; - restore_commit_header_env($old_env); - unless ($self->no_metadata) { - print $msg_fh "\ngit-svn-id: $log_entry->{metadata}\n" - or croak $!; - } - $msg_fh->flush == 0 or croak $!; - close $msg_fh or croak $!; - chomp(my $commit = do { local $/; <$out_fh> }); - close $out_fh or croak $!; - waitpid $pid, 0; - croak $? if $?; - if ($commit !~ /^$::sha1$/o) { - die "Failed to commit, invalid sha1: $commit\n"; - } - - $self->rev_map_set($log_entry->{revision}, $commit, 1); - - $self->{last_rev} = $log_entry->{revision}; - $self->{last_commit} = $commit; - print "r$log_entry->{revision}" unless $::_q > 1; - if (defined $log_entry->{svm_revision}) { - print " (\@$log_entry->{svm_revision})" unless $::_q > 1; - $self->rev_map_set($log_entry->{svm_revision}, $commit, - 0, $self->svm_uuid); - } - print " = $commit ($self->{ref_id})\n" unless $::_q > 1; - if (--$_gc_nr == 0) { - $_gc_nr = $_gc_period; - gc(); - } - return $commit; -} - -sub match_paths { - my ($self, $paths, $r) = @_; - return 1 if $self->{path} eq ''; - if (my $path = $paths->{"/$self->{path}"}) { - return ($path->{action} eq 'D') ? 0 : 1; - } - $self->{path_regex} ||= qr/^\/\Q$self->{path}\E\//; - if (grep /$self->{path_regex}/, keys %$paths) { - return 1; - } - my $c = ''; - foreach (split m#/#, $self->{path}) { - $c .= "/$_"; - next unless ($paths->{$c} && - ($paths->{$c}->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/)); - if ($self->ra->check_path($self->{path}, $r) == - $SVN::Node::dir) { - return 1; - } - } - return 0; -} - -sub find_parent_branch { - my ($self, $paths, $rev) = @_; - return undef unless $self->follow_parent; - unless (defined $paths) { - my $err_handler = $SVN::Error::handler; - $SVN::Error::handler = \&Git::SVN::Ra::skip_unknown_revs; - $self->ra->get_log([$self->{path}], $rev, $rev, 0, 1, 1, - sub { $paths = $_[0] }); - $SVN::Error::handler = $err_handler; - } - return undef unless defined $paths; - - # look for a parent from another branch: - my @b_path_components = split m#/#, $self->{path}; - my @a_path_components; - my $i; - while (@b_path_components) { - $i = $paths->{'/'.join('/', @b_path_components)}; - last if $i && defined $i->{copyfrom_path}; - unshift(@a_path_components, pop(@b_path_components)); - } - return undef unless defined $i && defined $i->{copyfrom_path}; - my $branch_from = $i->{copyfrom_path}; - if (@a_path_components) { - print STDERR "branch_from: $branch_from => "; - $branch_from .= '/'.join('/', @a_path_components); - print STDERR $branch_from, "\n"; - } - my $r = $i->{copyfrom_rev}; - my $repos_root = $self->ra->{repos_root}; - my $url = $self->ra->{url}; - my $new_url = $url . $branch_from; - print STDERR "Found possible branch point: ", - "$new_url => ", $self->full_url, ", $r\n" - unless $::_q > 1; - $branch_from =~ s#^/##; - my $gs = $self->other_gs($new_url, $url, - $branch_from, $r, $self->{ref_id}); - my ($r0, $parent) = $gs->find_rev_before($r, 1); - { - my ($base, $head); - if (!defined $r0 || !defined $parent) { - ($base, $head) = parse_revision_argument(0, $r); - } else { - if ($r0 < $r) { - $gs->ra->get_log([$gs->{path}], $r0 + 1, $r, 1, - 0, 1, sub { $base = $_[1] - 1 }); - } - } - if (defined $base && $base <= $r) { - $gs->fetch($base, $r); - } - ($r0, $parent) = $gs->find_rev_before($r, 1); - } - if (defined $r0 && defined $parent) { - print STDERR "Found branch parent: ($self->{ref_id}) $parent\n" - unless $::_q > 1; - my $ed; - if ($self->ra->can_do_switch) { - $self->assert_index_clean($parent); - print STDERR "Following parent with do_switch\n" - unless $::_q > 1; - # do_switch works with svn/trunk >= r22312, but that - # is not included with SVN 1.4.3 (the latest version - # at the moment), so we can't rely on it - $self->{last_rev} = $r0; - $self->{last_commit} = $parent; - $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new($self, $gs->{path}); - $gs->ra->gs_do_switch($r0, $rev, $gs, - $self->full_url, $ed) - or die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n"; - } elsif ($self->ra->trees_match($new_url, $r0, - $self->full_url, $rev)) { - print STDERR "Trees match:\n", - " $new_url\@$r0\n", - " ${\$self->full_url}\@$rev\n", - "Following parent with no changes\n" - unless $::_q > 1; - $self->tmp_index_do(sub { - command_noisy('read-tree', $parent); - }); - $self->{last_commit} = $parent; - } else { - print STDERR "Following parent with do_update\n" - unless $::_q > 1; - $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new($self); - $self->ra->gs_do_update($rev, $rev, $self, $ed) - or die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n"; - } - print STDERR "Successfully followed parent\n" unless $::_q > 1; - return $self->make_log_entry($rev, [$parent], $ed); - } - return undef; -} - -sub do_fetch { - my ($self, $paths, $rev) = @_; - my $ed; - my ($last_rev, @parents); - if (my $lc = $self->last_commit) { - # we can have a branch that was deleted, then re-added - # under the same name but copied from another path, in - # which case we'll have multiple parents (we don't - # want to break the original ref, nor lose copypath info): - if (my $log_entry = $self->find_parent_branch($paths, $rev)) { - push @{$log_entry->{parents}}, $lc; - return $log_entry; - } - $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new($self); - $last_rev = $self->{last_rev}; - $ed->{c} = $lc; - @parents = ($lc); - } else { - $last_rev = $rev; - if (my $log_entry = $self->find_parent_branch($paths, $rev)) { - return $log_entry; - } - $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new($self); - } - unless ($self->ra->gs_do_update($last_rev, $rev, $self, $ed)) { - die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n"; - } - $self->make_log_entry($rev, \@parents, $ed); -} - -sub mkemptydirs { - my ($self, $r) = @_; - - sub scan { - my ($r, $empty_dirs, $line) = @_; - if (defined $r && $line =~ /^r(\d+)$/) { - return 0 if $1 > $r; - } elsif ($line =~ /^ \+empty_dir: (.+)$/) { - $empty_dirs->{$1} = 1; - } elsif ($line =~ /^ \-empty_dir: (.+)$/) { - my @d = grep {m[^\Q$1\E(/|$)]} (keys %$empty_dirs); - delete @$empty_dirs{@d}; - } - 1; # continue - }; - - my %empty_dirs = (); - my $gz_file = "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log.gz"; - if (-f $gz_file) { - if (!$can_compress) { - warn "Compress::Zlib could not be found; ", - "empty directories in $gz_file will not be read\n"; - } else { - my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($gz_file, "rb") or - die "Unable to open $gz_file: $!\n"; - my $line; - while ($gz->gzreadline($line) > 0) { - scan($r, \%empty_dirs, $line) or last; - } - $gz->gzclose; - } - } - - if (open my $fh, '<', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log") { - binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!"; - while (<$fh>) { - scan($r, \%empty_dirs, $_) or last; - } - close $fh; - } - - my $strip = qr/\A\Q$self->{path}\E(?:\/|$)/; - foreach my $d (sort keys %empty_dirs) { - $d = uri_decode($d); - $d =~ s/$strip//; - next unless length($d); - next if -d $d; - if (-e $d) { - warn "$d exists but is not a directory\n"; - } else { - print "creating empty directory: $d\n"; - mkpath([$d]); - } - } -} - -sub get_untracked { - my ($self, $ed) = @_; - my @out; - my $h = $ed->{empty}; - foreach (sort keys %$h) { - my $act = $h->{$_} ? '+empty_dir' : '-empty_dir'; - push @out, " $act: " . uri_encode($_); - warn "W: $act: $_\n"; - } - foreach my $t (qw/dir_prop file_prop/) { - $h = $ed->{$t} or next; - foreach my $path (sort keys %$h) { - my $ppath = $path eq '' ? '.' : $path; - foreach my $prop (sort keys %{$h->{$path}}) { - next if $SKIP_PROP{$prop}; - my $v = $h->{$path}->{$prop}; - my $t_ppath_prop = "$t: " . - uri_encode($ppath) . ' ' . - uri_encode($prop); - if (defined $v) { - push @out, " +$t_ppath_prop " . - uri_encode($v); - } else { - push @out, " -$t_ppath_prop"; - } - } - } - } - foreach my $t (qw/absent_file absent_directory/) { - $h = $ed->{$t} or next; - foreach my $parent (sort keys %$h) { - foreach my $path (sort @{$h->{$parent}}) { - push @out, " $t: " . - uri_encode("$parent/$path"); - warn "W: $t: $parent/$path ", - "Insufficient permissions?\n"; - } - } - } - \@out; -} - -# parse_svn_date(DATE) -# -------------------- -# Given a date (in UTC) from Subversion, return a string in the format -# " " that Git will use. -# -# By default the parsed date will be in UTC; if $Git::SVN::_localtime -# is true we'll convert it to the local timezone instead. -sub parse_svn_date { - my $date = shift || return '+0000 1970-01-01 00:00:00'; - my ($Y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S) = ($date =~ /^(\d{4})\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)T - (\d\d)\:(\d\d)\:(\d\d)\.\d*Z$/x) or - croak "Unable to parse date: $date\n"; - my $parsed_date; # Set next. - - if ($Git::SVN::_localtime) { - # Translate the Subversion datetime to an epoch time. - # Begin by switching ourselves to $date's timezone, UTC. - my $old_env_TZ = $ENV{TZ}; - $ENV{TZ} = 'UTC'; - - my $epoch_in_UTC = - POSIX::strftime('%s', $S, $M, $H, $d, $m - 1, $Y - 1900); - - # Determine our local timezone (including DST) at the - # time of $epoch_in_UTC. $Git::SVN::Log::TZ stored the - # value of TZ, if any, at the time we were run. - if (defined $Git::SVN::Log::TZ) { - $ENV{TZ} = $Git::SVN::Log::TZ; - } else { - delete $ENV{TZ}; - } - - my $our_TZ = - POSIX::strftime('%Z', $S, $M, $H, $d, $m - 1, $Y - 1900); - - # This converts $epoch_in_UTC into our local timezone. - my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, - $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($epoch_in_UTC); - - $parsed_date = sprintf('%s %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', - $our_TZ, $year + 1900, $mon + 1, - $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); - - # Reset us to the timezone in effect when we entered - # this routine. - if (defined $old_env_TZ) { - $ENV{TZ} = $old_env_TZ; - } else { - delete $ENV{TZ}; - } - } else { - $parsed_date = "+0000 $Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S"; - } - - return $parsed_date; -} - -sub other_gs { - my ($self, $new_url, $url, - $branch_from, $r, $old_ref_id) = @_; - my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($new_url, $url, $branch_from); - unless ($gs) { - my $ref_id = $old_ref_id; - $ref_id =~ s/\@\d+-*$//; - $ref_id .= "\@$r"; - # just grow a tail if we're not unique enough :x - $ref_id .= '-' while find_ref($ref_id); - my ($u, $p, $repo_id) = ($new_url, '', $ref_id); - if ($u =~ s#^\Q$url\E(/|$)##) { - $p = $u; - $u = $url; - $repo_id = $self->{repo_id}; - } - while (1) { - # It is possible to tag two different subdirectories at - # the same revision. If the url for an existing ref - # does not match, we must either find a ref with a - # matching url or create a new ref by growing a tail. - $gs = Git::SVN->init($u, $p, $repo_id, $ref_id, 1); - my (undef, $max_commit) = $gs->rev_map_max(1); - last if (!$max_commit); - my ($url) = ::cmt_metadata($max_commit); - last if ($url eq $gs->full_url); - $ref_id .= '-'; - } - print STDERR "Initializing parent: $ref_id\n" unless $::_q > 1; - } - $gs -} - -sub call_authors_prog { - my ($orig_author) = @_; - $orig_author = command_oneline('rev-parse', '--sq-quote', $orig_author); - my $author = `$::_authors_prog $orig_author`; - if ($? != 0) { - die "$::_authors_prog failed with exit code $?\n" - } - if ($author =~ /^\s*(.+?)\s*<(.*)>\s*$/) { - my ($name, $email) = ($1, $2); - $email = undef if length $2 == 0; - return [$name, $email]; - } else { - die "Author: $orig_author: $::_authors_prog returned " - . "invalid author format: $author\n"; - } -} - -sub check_author { - my ($author) = @_; - if (!defined $author || length $author == 0) { - $author = '(no author)'; - } - if (!defined $::users{$author}) { - if (defined $::_authors_prog) { - $::users{$author} = call_authors_prog($author); - } elsif (defined $::_authors) { - die "Author: $author not defined in $::_authors file\n"; - } - } - $author; -} - -sub find_extra_svk_parents { - my ($self, $ed, $tickets, $parents) = @_; - # aha! svk:merge property changed... - my @tickets = split "\n", $tickets; - my @known_parents; - for my $ticket ( @tickets ) { - my ($uuid, $path, $rev) = split /:/, $ticket; - if ( $uuid eq $self->ra_uuid ) { - my $url = $self->{url}; - my $repos_root = $url; - my $branch_from = $path; - $branch_from =~ s{^/}{}; - my $gs = $self->other_gs($repos_root."/".$branch_from, - $url, - $branch_from, - $rev, - $self->{ref_id}); - if ( my $commit = $gs->rev_map_get($rev, $uuid) ) { - # wahey! we found it, but it might be - # an old one (!) - push @known_parents, [ $rev, $commit ]; - } - } - } - # Ordering matters; highest-numbered commit merge tickets - # first, as they may account for later merge ticket additions - # or changes. - @known_parents = map {$_->[1]} sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @known_parents; - for my $parent ( @known_parents ) { - my @cmd = ('rev-list', $parent, map { "^$_" } @$parents ); - my ($msg_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@cmd); - my $new; - while ( <$msg_fh> ) { - $new=1;last; - } - command_close_pipe($msg_fh, $ctx); - if ( $new ) { - print STDERR - "Found merge parent (svk:merge ticket): $parent\n"; - push @$parents, $parent; - } - } -} - -sub lookup_svn_merge { - my $uuid = shift; - my $url = shift; - my $merge = shift; - - my ($source, $revs) = split ":", $merge; - my $path = $source; - $path =~ s{^/}{}; - my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url.$source, $url, $path); - if ( !$gs ) { - warn "Couldn't find revmap for $url$source\n"; - return; - } - my @ranges = split ",", $revs; - my ($tip, $tip_commit); - my @merged_commit_ranges; - # find the tip - for my $range ( @ranges ) { - my ($bottom, $top) = split "-", $range; - $top ||= $bottom; - my $bottom_commit = $gs->find_rev_after( $bottom, 1, $top ); - my $top_commit = $gs->find_rev_before( $top, 1, $bottom ); - - unless ($top_commit and $bottom_commit) { - warn "W:unknown path/rev in svn:mergeinfo " - ."dirprop: $source:$range\n"; - next; - } - - if (scalar(command('rev-parse', "$bottom_commit^@"))) { - push @merged_commit_ranges, - "$bottom_commit^..$top_commit"; - } else { - push @merged_commit_ranges, "$top_commit"; - } - - if ( !defined $tip or $top > $tip ) { - $tip = $top; - $tip_commit = $top_commit; - } - } - return ($tip_commit, @merged_commit_ranges); -} - -sub _rev_list { - my ($msg_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe( - "rev-list", @_, - ); - my @rv; - while ( <$msg_fh> ) { - chomp; - push @rv, $_; - } - command_close_pipe($msg_fh, $ctx); - @rv; -} - -sub check_cherry_pick { - my $base = shift; - my $tip = shift; - my $parents = shift; - my @ranges = @_; - my %commits = map { $_ => 1 } - _rev_list("--no-merges", $tip, "--not", $base, @$parents, "--"); - for my $range ( @ranges ) { - delete @commits{_rev_list($range, "--")}; - } - for my $commit (keys %commits) { - if (has_no_changes($commit)) { - delete $commits{$commit}; - } - } - return (keys %commits); -} - -sub has_no_changes { - my $commit = shift; - - my @revs = split / /, command_oneline( - qw(rev-list --parents -1 -m), $commit); - - # Commits with no parents, e.g. the start of a partial branch, - # have changes by definition. - return 1 if (@revs < 2); - - # Commits with multiple parents, e.g a merge, have no changes - # by definition. - return 0 if (@revs > 2); - - return (command_oneline("rev-parse", "$commit^{tree}") eq - command_oneline("rev-parse", "$commit~1^{tree}")); -} - -# The GIT_DIR environment variable is not always set until after the command -# line arguments are processed, so we can't memoize in a BEGIN block. -{ - my $memoized = 0; - - sub memoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions { - return if $memoized; - $memoized = 1; - - my $cache_path = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/.caches/"; - mkpath([$cache_path]) unless -d $cache_path; - - tie my %lookup_svn_merge_cache => 'Memoize::Storable', - "$cache_path/lookup_svn_merge.db", 'nstore'; - memoize 'lookup_svn_merge', - SCALAR_CACHE => 'FAULT', - LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%lookup_svn_merge_cache], - ; - - tie my %check_cherry_pick_cache => 'Memoize::Storable', - "$cache_path/check_cherry_pick.db", 'nstore'; - memoize 'check_cherry_pick', - SCALAR_CACHE => 'FAULT', - LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%check_cherry_pick_cache], - ; - - tie my %has_no_changes_cache => 'Memoize::Storable', - "$cache_path/has_no_changes.db", 'nstore'; - memoize 'has_no_changes', - SCALAR_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%has_no_changes_cache], - LIST_CACHE => 'FAULT', - ; - } - - sub unmemoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions { - return if not $memoized; - $memoized = 0; - - Memoize::unmemoize 'lookup_svn_merge'; - Memoize::unmemoize 'check_cherry_pick'; - Memoize::unmemoize 'has_no_changes'; - } - - Memoize::memoize 'Git::SVN::repos_root'; -} - -END { - # Force cache writeout explicitly instead of waiting for - # global destruction to avoid segfault in Storable: - # http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=36087 - unmemoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions(); -} - -sub parents_exclude { - my $parents = shift; - my @commits = @_; - return unless @commits; - - my @excluded; - my $excluded; - do { - my @cmd = ('rev-list', "-1", @commits, "--not", @$parents ); - $excluded = command_oneline(@cmd); - if ( $excluded ) { - my @new; - my $found; - for my $commit ( @commits ) { - if ( $commit eq $excluded ) { - push @excluded, $commit; - $found++; - last; - } - else { - push @new, $commit; - } - } - die "saw commit '$excluded' in rev-list output, " - ."but we didn't ask for that commit (wanted: @commits --not @$parents)" - unless $found; - @commits = @new; - } - } - while ($excluded and @commits); - - return @excluded; -} - - -# note: this function should only be called if the various dirprops -# have actually changed -sub find_extra_svn_parents { - my ($self, $ed, $mergeinfo, $parents) = @_; - # aha! svk:merge property changed... - - memoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions(); - - # We first search for merged tips which are not in our - # history. Then, we figure out which git revisions are in - # that tip, but not this revision. If all of those revisions - # are now marked as merge, we can add the tip as a parent. - my @merges = split "\n", $mergeinfo; - my @merge_tips; - my $url = $self->{url}; - my $uuid = $self->ra_uuid; - my %ranges; - for my $merge ( @merges ) { - my ($tip_commit, @ranges) = - lookup_svn_merge( $uuid, $url, $merge ); - unless (!$tip_commit or - grep { $_ eq $tip_commit } @$parents ) { - push @merge_tips, $tip_commit; - $ranges{$tip_commit} = \@ranges; - } else { - push @merge_tips, undef; - } - } - - my %excluded = map { $_ => 1 } - parents_exclude($parents, grep { defined } @merge_tips); - - # check merge tips for new parents - my @new_parents; - for my $merge_tip ( @merge_tips ) { - my $spec = shift @merges; - next unless $merge_tip and $excluded{$merge_tip}; - - my $ranges = $ranges{$merge_tip}; - - # check out 'new' tips - my $merge_base; - eval { - $merge_base = command_oneline( - "merge-base", - @$parents, $merge_tip, - ); - }; - if ($@) { - die "An error occurred during merge-base" - unless $@->isa("Git::Error::Command"); - - warn "W: Cannot find common ancestor between ". - "@$parents and $merge_tip. Ignoring merge info.\n"; - next; - } - - # double check that there are no missing non-merge commits - my (@incomplete) = check_cherry_pick( - $merge_base, $merge_tip, - $parents, - @$ranges, - ); - - if ( @incomplete ) { - warn "W:svn cherry-pick ignored ($spec) - missing " - .@incomplete." commit(s) (eg $incomplete[0])\n"; - } else { - warn - "Found merge parent (svn:mergeinfo prop): ", - $merge_tip, "\n"; - push @new_parents, $merge_tip; - } - } - - # cater for merges which merge commits from multiple branches - if ( @new_parents > 1 ) { - for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#new_parents; $i++ ) { - for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#new_parents; $j++ ) { - next if $i == $j; - next unless $new_parents[$i]; - next unless $new_parents[$j]; - my $revs = command_oneline( - "rev-list", "-1", - "$new_parents[$i]..$new_parents[$j]", - ); - if ( !$revs ) { - undef($new_parents[$j]); - } - } - } - } - push @$parents, grep { defined } @new_parents; -} - -sub make_log_entry { - my ($self, $rev, $parents, $ed) = @_; - my $untracked = $self->get_untracked($ed); - - my @parents = @$parents; - my $ps = $ed->{path_strip} || ""; - for my $path ( grep { m/$ps/ } %{$ed->{dir_prop}} ) { - my $props = $ed->{dir_prop}{$path}; - if ( $props->{"svk:merge"} ) { - $self->find_extra_svk_parents - ($ed, $props->{"svk:merge"}, \@parents); - } - if ( $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"} ) { - $self->find_extra_svn_parents - ($ed, - $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"}, - \@parents); - } - } - - open my $un, '>>', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log" or croak $!; - print $un "r$rev\n" or croak $!; - print $un $_, "\n" foreach @$untracked; - my %log_entry = ( parents => \@parents, revision => $rev, - log => ''); - - my $headrev; - my $logged = delete $self->{logged_rev_props}; - if (!$logged || $self->{-want_revprops}) { - my $rp = $self->ra->rev_proplist($rev); - foreach (sort keys %$rp) { - my $v = $rp->{$_}; - if (/^svn:(author|date|log)$/) { - $log_entry{$1} = $v; - } elsif ($_ eq 'svm:headrev') { - $headrev = $v; - } else { - print $un " rev_prop: ", uri_encode($_), ' ', - uri_encode($v), "\n"; - } - } - } else { - map { $log_entry{$_} = $logged->{$_} } keys %$logged; - } - close $un or croak $!; - - $log_entry{date} = parse_svn_date($log_entry{date}); - $log_entry{log} .= "\n"; - my $author = $log_entry{author} = check_author($log_entry{author}); - my ($name, $email) = defined $::users{$author} ? @{$::users{$author}} - : ($author, undef); - - my ($commit_name, $commit_email) = ($name, $email); - if ($_use_log_author) { - my $name_field; - if ($log_entry{log} =~ /From:\s+(.*\S)\s*\n/i) { - $name_field = $1; - } elsif ($log_entry{log} =~ /Signed-off-by:\s+(.*\S)\s*\n/i) { - $name_field = $1; - } - if (!defined $name_field) { - if (!defined $email) { - $email = $name; - } - } elsif ($name_field =~ /(.*?)\s+<(.*)>/) { - ($name, $email) = ($1, $2); - } elsif ($name_field =~ /(.*)@/) { - ($name, $email) = ($1, $name_field); - } else { - ($name, $email) = ($name_field, $name_field); - } - } - if (defined $headrev && $self->use_svm_props) { - if ($self->rewrite_root) { - die "Can't have both 'useSvmProps' and 'rewriteRoot' ", - "options set!\n"; - } - if ($self->rewrite_uuid) { - die "Can't have both 'useSvmProps' and 'rewriteUUID' ", - "options set!\n"; - } - my ($uuid, $r) = $headrev =~ m{^([a-f\d\-]{30,}):(\d+)$}i; - # we don't want "SVM: initializing mirror for junk" ... - return undef if $r == 0; - my $svm = $self->svm; - if ($uuid ne $svm->{uuid}) { - die "UUID mismatch on SVM path:\n", - "expected: $svm->{uuid}\n", - " got: $uuid\n"; - } - my $full_url = $self->full_url; - $full_url =~ s#^\Q$svm->{replace}\E(/|$)#$svm->{source}$1# or - die "Failed to replace '$svm->{replace}' with ", - "'$svm->{source}' in $full_url\n"; - # throw away username for storing in records - remove_username($full_url); - $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$r $uuid"; - $log_entry{svm_revision} = $r; - $email ||= "$author\@$uuid"; - $commit_email ||= "$author\@$uuid"; - } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) { - my $full_url = $self->svnsync->{url}; - $full_url .= "/$self->{path}" if length $self->{path}; - remove_username($full_url); - my $uuid = $self->svnsync->{uuid}; - $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$rev $uuid"; - $email ||= "$author\@$uuid"; - $commit_email ||= "$author\@$uuid"; - } else { - my $url = $self->metadata_url; - remove_username($url); - my $uuid = $self->rewrite_uuid || $self->ra->get_uuid; - $log_entry{metadata} = "$url\@$rev " . $uuid; - $email ||= "$author\@" . $uuid; - $commit_email ||= "$author\@" . $uuid; - } - $log_entry{name} = $name; - $log_entry{email} = $email; - $log_entry{commit_name} = $commit_name; - $log_entry{commit_email} = $commit_email; - \%log_entry; -} - -sub fetch { - my ($self, $min_rev, $max_rev, @parents) = @_; - my ($last_rev, $last_commit) = $self->last_rev_commit; - my ($base, $head) = $self->get_fetch_range($min_rev, $max_rev); - $self->ra->gs_fetch_loop_common($base, $head, [$self]); -} - -sub set_tree_cb { - my ($self, $log_entry, $tree, $rev, $date, $author) = @_; - $self->{inject_parents} = { $rev => $tree }; - $self->fetch(undef, undef); -} - -sub set_tree { - my ($self, $tree) = (shift, shift); - my $log_entry = ::get_commit_entry($tree); - unless ($self->{last_rev}) { - ::fatal("Must have an existing revision to commit"); - } - my %ed_opts = ( r => $self->{last_rev}, - log => $log_entry->{log}, - ra => $self->ra, - tree_a => $self->{last_commit}, - tree_b => $tree, - editor_cb => sub { - $self->set_tree_cb($log_entry, $tree, @_) }, - svn_path => $self->{path} ); - if (!SVN::Git::Editor->new(\%ed_opts)->apply_diff) { - print "No changes\nr$self->{last_rev} = $tree\n"; - } -} - -sub rebuild_from_rev_db { - my ($self, $path) = @_; - my $r = -1; - open my $fh, '<', $path or croak "open: $!"; - binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!"; - while (<$fh>) { - length($_) == 41 or croak "inconsistent size in ($_) != 41"; - chomp($_); - ++$r; - next if $_ eq ('0' x 40); - $self->rev_map_set($r, $_); - print "r$r = $_\n"; - } - close $fh or croak "close: $!"; - unlink $path or croak "unlink: $!"; -} - -sub rebuild { - my ($self) = @_; - my $map_path = $self->map_path; - my $partial = (-e $map_path && ! -z $map_path); - return unless ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0'); - if (!$partial && ($self->use_svm_props || $self->no_metadata)) { - my $rev_db = $self->rev_db_path; - $self->rebuild_from_rev_db($rev_db); - if ($self->use_svm_props) { - my $svm_rev_db = $self->rev_db_path($self->svm_uuid); - $self->rebuild_from_rev_db($svm_rev_db); - } - $self->unlink_rev_db_symlink; - return; - } - print "Rebuilding $map_path ...\n" if (!$partial); - my ($base_rev, $head) = ($partial ? $self->rev_map_max_norebuild(1) : - (undef, undef)); - my ($log, $ctx) = - command_output_pipe(qw/rev-list --pretty=raw --no-color --reverse/, - ($head ? "$head.." : "") . $self->refname, - '--'); - my $metadata_url = $self->metadata_url; - remove_username($metadata_url); - my $svn_uuid = $self->rewrite_uuid || $self->ra_uuid; - my $c; - while (<$log>) { - if ( m{^commit ($::sha1)$} ) { - $c = $1; - next; - } - next unless s{^\s*(git-svn-id:)}{$1}; - my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = ::extract_metadata($_); - remove_username($url); - - # ignore merges (from set-tree) - next if (!defined $rev || !$uuid); - - # if we merged or otherwise started elsewhere, this is - # how we break out of it - if (($uuid ne $svn_uuid) || - ($metadata_url && $url && ($url ne $metadata_url))) { - next; - } - if ($partial && $head) { - print "Partial-rebuilding $map_path ...\n"; - print "Currently at $base_rev = $head\n"; - $head = undef; - } - - $self->rev_map_set($rev, $c); - print "r$rev = $c\n"; - } - command_close_pipe($log, $ctx); - print "Done rebuilding $map_path\n" if (!$partial || !$head); - my $rev_db_path = $self->rev_db_path; - if (-f $self->rev_db_path) { - unlink $self->rev_db_path or croak "unlink: $!"; - } - $self->unlink_rev_db_symlink; -} - -# rev_map: -# Tie::File seems to be prone to offset errors if revisions get sparse, -# it's not that fast, either. Tie::File is also not in Perl 5.6. So -# one of my favorite modules is out :< Next up would be one of the DBM -# modules, but I'm not sure which is most portable... -# -# This is the replacement for the rev_db format, which was too big -# and inefficient for large repositories with a lot of sparse history -# (mainly tags) -# -# The format is this: -# - 24 bytes for every record, -# * 4 bytes for the integer representing an SVN revision number -# * 20 bytes representing the sha1 of a git commit -# - No empty padding records like the old format -# (except the last record, which can be overwritten) -# - new records are written append-only since SVN revision numbers -# increase monotonically -# - lookups on SVN revision number are done via a binary search -# - Piping the file to xxd -c24 is a good way of dumping it for -# viewing or editing (piped back through xxd -r), should the need -# ever arise. -# - The last record can be padding revision with an all-zero sha1 -# This is used to optimize fetch performance when using multiple -# "fetch" directives in .git/config -# -# These files are disposable unless noMetadata or useSvmProps is set - -sub _rev_map_set { - my ($fh, $rev, $commit) = @_; - - binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!"; - my $size = (stat($fh))[7]; - ($size % 24) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size"; - - my $wr_offset = 0; - if ($size > 0) { - sysseek($fh, -24, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!"; - my $read = sysread($fh, my $buf, 24) or croak "read: $!"; - $read == 24 or croak "read only $read bytes (!= 24)"; - my ($last_rev, $last_commit) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf); - if ($last_commit eq ('0' x40)) { - if ($size >= 48) { - sysseek($fh, -48, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!"; - $read = sysread($fh, $buf, 24) or - croak "read: $!"; - $read == 24 or - croak "read only $read bytes (!= 24)"; - ($last_rev, $last_commit) = - unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf); - if ($last_commit eq ('0' x40)) { - croak "inconsistent .rev_map\n"; - } - } - if ($last_rev >= $rev) { - croak "last_rev is higher!: $last_rev >= $rev"; - } - $wr_offset = -24; - } - } - sysseek($fh, $wr_offset, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!"; - syswrite($fh, pack(rev_map_fmt, $rev, $commit), 24) == 24 or - croak "write: $!"; -} - -sub _rev_map_reset { - my ($fh, $rev, $commit) = @_; - my $c = _rev_map_get($fh, $rev); - $c eq $commit or die "_rev_map_reset(@_) commit $c does not match!\n"; - my $offset = sysseek($fh, 0, SEEK_CUR) or croak "seek: $!"; - truncate $fh, $offset or croak "truncate: $!"; -} - -sub mkfile { - my ($path) = @_; - unless (-e $path) { - my ($dir, $base) = ($path =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#); - mkpath([$dir]) unless -d $dir; - open my $fh, '>>', $path or die "Couldn't create $path: $!\n"; - close $fh or die "Couldn't close (create) $path: $!\n"; - } -} - -sub rev_map_set { - my ($self, $rev, $commit, $update_ref, $uuid) = @_; - defined $commit or die "missing arg3\n"; - length $commit == 40 or die "arg3 must be a full SHA1 hexsum\n"; - my $db = $self->map_path($uuid); - my $db_lock = "$db.lock"; - my $sig; - $update_ref ||= 0; - if ($update_ref) { - $SIG{INT} = $SIG{HUP} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{ALRM} = $SIG{PIPE} = - $SIG{USR1} = $SIG{USR2} = sub { $sig = $_[0] }; - } - mkfile($db); - - $LOCKFILES{$db_lock} = 1; - my $sync; - # both of these options make our .rev_db file very, very important - # and we can't afford to lose it because rebuild() won't work - if ($self->use_svm_props || $self->no_metadata) { - $sync = 1; - copy($db, $db_lock) or die "rev_map_set(@_): ", - "Failed to copy: ", - "$db => $db_lock ($!)\n"; - } else { - rename $db, $db_lock or die "rev_map_set(@_): ", - "Failed to rename: ", - "$db => $db_lock ($!)\n"; - } - - sysopen(my $fh, $db_lock, O_RDWR | O_CREAT) - or croak "Couldn't open $db_lock: $!\n"; - $update_ref eq 'reset' ? _rev_map_reset($fh, $rev, $commit) : - _rev_map_set($fh, $rev, $commit); - if ($sync) { - $fh->flush or die "Couldn't flush $db_lock: $!\n"; - $fh->sync or die "Couldn't sync $db_lock: $!\n"; - } - close $fh or croak $!; - if ($update_ref) { - $_head = $self; - my $note = ""; - $note = " ($update_ref)" if ($update_ref !~ /^\d*$/); - command_noisy('update-ref', '-m', "r$rev$note", - $self->refname, $commit); - } - rename $db_lock, $db or die "rev_map_set(@_): ", "Failed to rename: ", - "$db_lock => $db ($!)\n"; - delete $LOCKFILES{$db_lock}; - if ($update_ref) { - $SIG{INT} = $SIG{HUP} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{ALRM} = $SIG{PIPE} = - $SIG{USR1} = $SIG{USR2} = 'DEFAULT'; - kill $sig, $$ if defined $sig; - } -} - -# If want_commit, this will return an array of (rev, commit) where -# commit _must_ be a valid commit in the archive. -# Otherwise, it'll return the max revision (whether or not the -# commit is valid or just a 0x40 placeholder). -sub rev_map_max { - my ($self, $want_commit) = @_; - $self->rebuild; - my ($r, $c) = $self->rev_map_max_norebuild($want_commit); - $want_commit ? ($r, $c) : $r; -} - -sub rev_map_max_norebuild { - my ($self, $want_commit) = @_; - my $map_path = $self->map_path; - stat $map_path or return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0; - sysopen(my $fh, $map_path, O_RDONLY) or croak "open: $!"; - binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!"; - my $size = (stat($fh))[7]; - ($size % 24) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size"; - - if ($size == 0) { - close $fh or croak "close: $!"; - return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0; - } - - sysseek($fh, -24, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!"; - sysread($fh, my $buf, 24) == 24 or croak "read: $!"; - my ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf); - if ($want_commit && $c eq ('0' x40)) { - if ($size < 48) { - return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0; - } - sysseek($fh, -48, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!"; - sysread($fh, $buf, 24) == 24 or croak "read: $!"; - ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf); - if ($c eq ('0'x40)) { - croak "Penultimate record is all-zeroes in $map_path"; - } - } - close $fh or croak "close: $!"; - $want_commit ? ($r, $c) : $r; -} - -sub rev_map_get { - my ($self, $rev, $uuid) = @_; - my $map_path = $self->map_path($uuid); - return undef unless -e $map_path; - - sysopen(my $fh, $map_path, O_RDONLY) or croak "open: $!"; - my $c = _rev_map_get($fh, $rev); - close($fh) or croak "close: $!"; - $c -} - -sub _rev_map_get { - my ($fh, $rev) = @_; - - binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!"; - my $size = (stat($fh))[7]; - ($size % 24) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size"; - - if ($size == 0) { - return undef; - } - - my ($l, $u) = (0, $size - 24); - my ($r, $c, $buf); - - while ($l <= $u) { - my $i = int(($l/24 + $u/24) / 2) * 24; - sysseek($fh, $i, SEEK_SET) or croak "seek: $!"; - sysread($fh, my $buf, 24) == 24 or croak "read: $!"; - my ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf); - - if ($r < $rev) { - $l = $i + 24; - } elsif ($r > $rev) { - $u = $i - 24; - } else { # $r == $rev - return $c eq ('0' x 40) ? undef : $c; - } - } - undef; -} - -# Finds the first svn revision that exists on (if $eq_ok is true) or -# before $rev for the current branch. It will not search any lower -# than $min_rev. Returns the git commit hash and svn revision number -# if found, else (undef, undef). -sub find_rev_before { - my ($self, $rev, $eq_ok, $min_rev) = @_; - --$rev unless $eq_ok; - $min_rev ||= 1; - my $max_rev = $self->rev_map_max; - $rev = $max_rev if ($rev > $max_rev); - while ($rev >= $min_rev) { - if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($rev)) { - return ($rev, $c); - } - --$rev; - } - return (undef, undef); -} - -# Finds the first svn revision that exists on (if $eq_ok is true) or -# after $rev for the current branch. It will not search any higher -# than $max_rev. Returns the git commit hash and svn revision number -# if found, else (undef, undef). -sub find_rev_after { - my ($self, $rev, $eq_ok, $max_rev) = @_; - ++$rev unless $eq_ok; - $max_rev ||= $self->rev_map_max; - while ($rev <= $max_rev) { - if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($rev)) { - return ($rev, $c); - } - ++$rev; - } - return (undef, undef); -} - -sub _new { - my ($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path) = @_; - unless (defined $repo_id && length $repo_id) { - $repo_id = $Git::SVN::default_repo_id; - } - unless (defined $ref_id && length $ref_id) { - $_prefix = '' unless defined($_prefix); - $_[2] = $ref_id = - "refs/remotes/$_prefix$Git::SVN::default_ref_id"; - } - $_[1] = $repo_id; - my $dir = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/$ref_id"; - - # Older repos imported by us used $GIT_DIR/svn/foo instead of - # $GIT_DIR/svn/refs/remotes/foo when tracking refs/remotes/foo - if ($ref_id =~ m{^refs/remotes/(.*)}) { - my $old_dir = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/$1"; - if (-d $old_dir && ! -d $dir) { - $dir = $old_dir; - } - } - - $_[3] = $path = '' unless (defined $path); - mkpath([$dir]); - bless { - ref_id => $ref_id, dir => $dir, index => "$dir/index", - path => $path, config => "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/config", - map_root => "$dir/.rev_map", repo_id => $repo_id }, $class; -} - -# for read-only access of old .rev_db formats -sub unlink_rev_db_symlink { - my ($self) = @_; - my $link = $self->rev_db_path; - $link =~ s/\.[\w-]+$// or croak "missing UUID at the end of $link"; - if (-l $link) { - unlink $link or croak "unlink: $link failed!"; - } -} - -sub rev_db_path { - my ($self, $uuid) = @_; - my $db_path = $self->map_path($uuid); - $db_path =~ s{/\.rev_map\.}{/\.rev_db\.} - or croak "map_path: $db_path does not contain '/.rev_map.' !"; - $db_path; -} - -# the new replacement for .rev_db -sub map_path { - my ($self, $uuid) = @_; - $uuid ||= $self->ra_uuid; - "$self->{map_root}.$uuid"; -} - -sub uri_encode { - my ($f) = @_; - $f =~ s#([^a-zA-Z0-9\*!\:_\./\-])#uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))#eg; - $f -} - -sub uri_decode { - my ($f) = @_; - $f =~ s#%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})#chr(hex($1))#eg; - $f -} - -sub remove_username { - $_[0] =~ s{^([^:]*://)[^@]+@}{$1}; -} - -package Git::SVN::Prompt; -use strict; -use warnings; -require SVN::Core; -use vars qw/$_no_auth_cache $_username/; - -sub simple { - my ($cred, $realm, $default_username, $may_save, $pool) = @_; - $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache; - $default_username = $_username if defined $_username; - if (defined $default_username && length $default_username) { - if (defined $realm && length $realm) { - print STDERR "Authentication realm: $realm\n"; - STDERR->flush; - } - $cred->username($default_username); - } else { - username($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool); - } - $cred->password(_read_password("Password for '" . - $cred->username . "': ", $realm)); - $cred->may_save($may_save); - $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR; -} - -sub ssl_server_trust { - my ($cred, $realm, $failures, $cert_info, $may_save, $pool) = @_; - $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache; - print STDERR "Error validating server certificate for '$realm':\n"; - { - no warnings 'once'; - # All variables SVN::Auth::SSL::* are used only once, - # so we're shutting up Perl warnings about this. - if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::UNKNOWNCA) { - print STDERR " - The certificate is not issued ", - "by a trusted authority. Use the\n", - " fingerprint to validate ", - "the certificate manually!\n"; - } - if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::CNMISMATCH) { - print STDERR " - The certificate hostname ", - "does not match.\n"; - } - if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::NOTYETVALID) { - print STDERR " - The certificate is not yet valid.\n"; - } - if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::EXPIRED) { - print STDERR " - The certificate has expired.\n"; - } - if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::OTHER) { - print STDERR " - The certificate has ", - "an unknown error.\n"; - } - } # no warnings 'once' - printf STDERR - "Certificate information:\n". - " - Hostname: %s\n". - " - Valid: from %s until %s\n". - " - Issuer: %s\n". - " - Fingerprint: %s\n", - map $cert_info->$_, qw(hostname valid_from valid_until - issuer_dname fingerprint); - my $choice; -prompt: - print STDERR $may_save ? - "(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? " : - "(R)eject or accept (t)emporarily? "; - STDERR->flush; - $choice = lc(substr( || 'R', 0, 1)); - if ($choice =~ /^t$/i) { - $cred->may_save(undef); - } elsif ($choice =~ /^r$/i) { - return -1; - } elsif ($may_save && $choice =~ /^p$/i) { - $cred->may_save($may_save); - } else { - goto prompt; - } - $cred->accepted_failures($failures); - $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR; -} - -sub ssl_client_cert { - my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_; - $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache; - print STDERR "Client certificate filename: "; - STDERR->flush; - chomp(my $filename = ); - $cred->cert_file($filename); - $cred->may_save($may_save); - $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR; -} - -sub ssl_client_cert_pw { - my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_; - $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache; - $cred->password(_read_password("Password: ", $realm)); - $cred->may_save($may_save); - $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR; -} - -sub username { - my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_; - $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache; - if (defined $realm && length $realm) { - print STDERR "Authentication realm: $realm\n"; - } - my $username; - if (defined $_username) { - $username = $_username; - } else { - print STDERR "Username: "; - STDERR->flush; - chomp($username = ); - } - $cred->username($username); - $cred->may_save($may_save); - $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR; -} - -sub _read_password { - my ($prompt, $realm) = @_; - my $password = ''; - if (exists $ENV{GIT_ASKPASS}) { - open(PH, "-|", $ENV{GIT_ASKPASS}, $prompt); - $password = ; - $password =~ s/[\012\015]//; # \n\r - close(PH); - } else { - print STDERR $prompt; - STDERR->flush; - require Term::ReadKey; - Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('noecho'); - while (defined(my $key = Term::ReadKey::ReadKey(0))) { - last if $key =~ /[\012\015]/; # \n\r - $password .= $key; - } - Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('restore'); - print STDERR "\n"; - STDERR->flush; - } - $password; -} - -package SVN::Git::Fetcher; -use vars qw/@ISA/; -use strict; -use warnings; -use Carp qw/croak/; -use IO::File qw//; -use vars qw/$_ignore_regex/; - -# file baton members: path, mode_a, mode_b, pool, fh, blob, base -sub new { - my ($class, $git_svn, $switch_path) = @_; - my $self = SVN::Delta::Editor->new; - bless $self, $class; - if (exists $git_svn->{last_commit}) { - $self->{c} = $git_svn->{last_commit}; - $self->{empty_symlinks} = - _mark_empty_symlinks($git_svn, $switch_path); - } - $self->{ignore_regex} = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get', - "svn-remote.$git_svn->{repo_id}.ignore-paths") }; - $self->{empty} = {}; - $self->{dir_prop} = {}; - $self->{file_prop} = {}; - $self->{absent_dir} = {}; - $self->{absent_file} = {}; - $self->{gii} = $git_svn->tmp_index_do(sub { Git::IndexInfo->new }); - $self->{pathnameencoding} = Git::config('svn.pathnameencoding'); - $self; -} - -# this uses the Ra object, so it must be called before do_{switch,update}, -# not inside them (when the Git::SVN::Fetcher object is passed) to -# do_{switch,update} -sub _mark_empty_symlinks { - my ($git_svn, $switch_path) = @_; - my $bool = Git::config_bool('svn.brokenSymlinkWorkaround'); - return {} if (!defined($bool)) || (defined($bool) && ! $bool); - - my %ret; - my ($rev, $cmt) = $git_svn->last_rev_commit; - return {} unless ($rev && $cmt); - - # allow the warning to be printed for each revision we fetch to - # ensure the user sees it. The user can also disable the workaround - # on the repository even while git svn is running and the next - # revision fetched will skip this expensive function. - my $printed_warning; - chomp(my $empty_blob = `git hash-object -t blob --stdin < /dev/null`); - my ($ls, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/ls-tree -r -z/, $cmt); - local $/ = "\0"; - my $pfx = defined($switch_path) ? $switch_path : $git_svn->{path}; - $pfx .= '/' if length($pfx); - while (<$ls>) { - chomp; - s/\A100644 blob $empty_blob\t//o or next; - unless ($printed_warning) { - print STDERR "Scanning for empty symlinks, ", - "this may take a while if you have ", - "many empty files\n", - "You may disable this with `", - "git config svn.brokenSymlinkWorkaround ", - "false'.\n", - "This may be done in a different ", - "terminal without restarting ", - "git svn\n"; - $printed_warning = 1; - } - my $path = $_; - my (undef, $props) = - $git_svn->ra->get_file($pfx.$path, $rev, undef); - if ($props->{'svn:special'}) { - $ret{$path} = 1; - } - } - command_close_pipe($ls, $ctx); - \%ret; -} - -# returns true if a given path is inside a ".git" directory -sub in_dot_git { - $_[0] =~ m{(?:^|/)\.git(?:/|$)}; -} - -# return value: 0 -- don't ignore, 1 -- ignore -sub is_path_ignored { - my ($self, $path) = @_; - return 1 if in_dot_git($path); - return 1 if defined($self->{ignore_regex}) && - $path =~ m!$self->{ignore_regex}!; - return 0 unless defined($_ignore_regex); - return 1 if $path =~ m!$_ignore_regex!o; - return 0; -} - -sub set_path_strip { - my ($self, $path) = @_; - $self->{path_strip} = qr/^\Q$path\E(\/|$)/ if length $path; -} - -sub open_root { - { path => '' }; -} - -sub open_directory { - my ($self, $path, $pb, $rev) = @_; - { path => $path }; -} - -sub git_path { - my ($self, $path) = @_; - if (my $enc = $self->{pathnameencoding}) { - require Encode; - Encode::from_to($path, 'UTF-8', $enc); - } - if ($self->{path_strip}) { - $path =~ s!$self->{path_strip}!! or - die "Failed to strip path '$path' ($self->{path_strip})\n"; - } - $path; -} - -sub delete_entry { - my ($self, $path, $rev, $pb) = @_; - return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($path); - - my $gpath = $self->git_path($path); - return undef if ($gpath eq ''); - - # remove entire directories. - my ($tree) = (command('ls-tree', '-z', $self->{c}, "./$gpath") - =~ /\A040000 tree ([a-f\d]{40})\t\Q$gpath\E\0/); - if ($tree) { - my ($ls, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/ls-tree - -r --name-only -z/, - $tree); - local $/ = "\0"; - while (<$ls>) { - chomp; - my $rmpath = "$gpath/$_"; - $self->{gii}->remove($rmpath); - print "\tD\t$rmpath\n" unless $::_q; - } - print "\tD\t$gpath/\n" unless $::_q; - command_close_pipe($ls, $ctx); - } else { - $self->{gii}->remove($gpath); - print "\tD\t$gpath\n" unless $::_q; - } - $self->{empty}->{$path} = 0; - undef; -} - -sub open_file { - my ($self, $path, $pb, $rev) = @_; - my ($mode, $blob); - - goto out if $self->is_path_ignored($path); - - my $gpath = $self->git_path($path); - ($mode, $blob) = (command('ls-tree', '-z', $self->{c}, "./$gpath") - =~ /\A(\d{6}) blob ([a-f\d]{40})\t\Q$gpath\E\0/); - unless (defined $mode && defined $blob) { - die "$path was not found in commit $self->{c} (r$rev)\n"; - } - if ($mode eq '100644' && $self->{empty_symlinks}->{$path}) { - $mode = '120000'; - } -out: - { path => $path, mode_a => $mode, mode_b => $mode, blob => $blob, - pool => SVN::Pool->new, action => 'M' }; -} - -sub add_file { - my ($self, $path, $pb, $cp_path, $cp_rev) = @_; - my $mode; - - if (!$self->is_path_ignored($path)) { - my ($dir, $file) = ($path =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#); - delete $self->{empty}->{$dir}; - $mode = '100644'; - } - { path => $path, mode_a => $mode, mode_b => $mode, - pool => SVN::Pool->new, action => 'A' }; -} - -sub add_directory { - my ($self, $path, $cp_path, $cp_rev) = @_; - goto out if $self->is_path_ignored($path); - my $gpath = $self->git_path($path); - if ($gpath eq '') { - my ($ls, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/ls-tree - -r --name-only -z/, - $self->{c}); - local $/ = "\0"; - while (<$ls>) { - chomp; - $self->{gii}->remove($_); - print "\tD\t$_\n" unless $::_q; - } - command_close_pipe($ls, $ctx); - $self->{empty}->{$path} = 0; - } - my ($dir, $file) = ($path =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#); - delete $self->{empty}->{$dir}; - $self->{empty}->{$path} = 1; -out: - { path => $path }; -} - -sub change_dir_prop { - my ($self, $db, $prop, $value) = @_; - return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($db->{path}); - $self->{dir_prop}->{$db->{path}} ||= {}; - $self->{dir_prop}->{$db->{path}}->{$prop} = $value; - undef; -} - -sub absent_directory { - my ($self, $path, $pb) = @_; - return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($path); - $self->{absent_dir}->{$pb->{path}} ||= []; - push @{$self->{absent_dir}->{$pb->{path}}}, $path; - undef; -} - -sub absent_file { - my ($self, $path, $pb) = @_; - return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($path); - $self->{absent_file}->{$pb->{path}} ||= []; - push @{$self->{absent_file}->{$pb->{path}}}, $path; - undef; -} - -sub change_file_prop { - my ($self, $fb, $prop, $value) = @_; - return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($fb->{path}); - if ($prop eq 'svn:executable') { - if ($fb->{mode_b} != 120000) { - $fb->{mode_b} = defined $value ? 100755 : 100644; - } - } elsif ($prop eq 'svn:special') { - $fb->{mode_b} = defined $value ? 120000 : 100644; - } else { - $self->{file_prop}->{$fb->{path}} ||= {}; - $self->{file_prop}->{$fb->{path}}->{$prop} = $value; - } - undef; -} - -sub apply_textdelta { - my ($self, $fb, $exp) = @_; - return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($fb->{path}); - my $fh = $::_repository->temp_acquire('svn_delta'); - # $fh gets auto-closed() by SVN::TxDelta::apply(), - # (but $base does not,) so dup() it for reading in close_file - open my $dup, '<&', $fh or croak $!; - my $base = $::_repository->temp_acquire('git_blob'); - - if ($fb->{blob}) { - my ($base_is_link, $size); - - if ($fb->{mode_a} eq '120000' && - ! $self->{empty_symlinks}->{$fb->{path}}) { - print $base 'link ' or die "print $!\n"; - $base_is_link = 1; - } - retry: - $size = $::_repository->cat_blob($fb->{blob}, $base); - die "Failed to read object $fb->{blob}" if ($size < 0); - - if (defined $exp) { - seek $base, 0, 0 or croak $!; - my $got = ::md5sum($base); - if ($got ne $exp) { - my $err = "Checksum mismatch: ". - "$fb->{path} $fb->{blob}\n" . - "expected: $exp\n" . - " got: $got\n"; - if ($base_is_link) { - warn $err, - "Retrying... (possibly ", - "a bad symlink from SVN)\n"; - $::_repository->temp_reset($base); - $base_is_link = 0; - goto retry; - } - die $err; - } - } - } - seek $base, 0, 0 or croak $!; - $fb->{fh} = $fh; - $fb->{base} = $base; - [ SVN::TxDelta::apply($base, $dup, undef, $fb->{path}, $fb->{pool}) ]; -} - -sub close_file { - my ($self, $fb, $exp) = @_; - return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($fb->{path}); - - my $hash; - my $path = $self->git_path($fb->{path}); - if (my $fh = $fb->{fh}) { - if (defined $exp) { - seek($fh, 0, 0) or croak $!; - my $got = ::md5sum($fh); - if ($got ne $exp) { - die "Checksum mismatch: $path\n", - "expected: $exp\n got: $got\n"; - } - } - if ($fb->{mode_b} == 120000) { - sysseek($fh, 0, 0) or croak $!; - my $rd = sysread($fh, my $buf, 5); - - if (!defined $rd) { - croak "sysread: $!\n"; - } elsif ($rd == 0) { - warn "$path has mode 120000", - " but it points to nothing\n", - "converting to an empty file with mode", - " 100644\n"; - $fb->{mode_b} = '100644'; - } elsif ($buf ne 'link ') { - warn "$path has mode 120000", - " but is not a link\n"; - } else { - my $tmp_fh = $::_repository->temp_acquire( - 'svn_hash'); - my $res; - while ($res = sysread($fh, my $str, 1024)) { - my $out = syswrite($tmp_fh, $str, $res); - defined($out) && $out == $res - or croak("write ", - Git::temp_path($tmp_fh), - ": $!\n"); - } - defined $res or croak $!; - - ($fh, $tmp_fh) = ($tmp_fh, $fh); - Git::temp_release($tmp_fh, 1); - } - } - - $hash = $::_repository->hash_and_insert_object( - Git::temp_path($fh)); - $hash =~ /^[a-f\d]{40}$/ or die "not a sha1: $hash\n"; - - Git::temp_release($fb->{base}, 1); - Git::temp_release($fh, 1); - } else { - $hash = $fb->{blob} or die "no blob information\n"; - } - $fb->{pool}->clear; - $self->{gii}->update($fb->{mode_b}, $hash, $path) or croak $!; - print "\t$fb->{action}\t$path\n" if $fb->{action} && ! $::_q; - undef; -} - -sub abort_edit { - my $self = shift; - $self->{nr} = $self->{gii}->{nr}; - delete $self->{gii}; - $self->SUPER::abort_edit(@_); -} - -sub close_edit { - my $self = shift; - $self->{git_commit_ok} = 1; - $self->{nr} = $self->{gii}->{nr}; - delete $self->{gii}; - $self->SUPER::close_edit(@_); -} - -package SVN::Git::Editor; -use vars qw/@ISA $_rmdir $_cp_similarity $_find_copies_harder $_rename_limit/; -use strict; -use warnings; -use Carp qw/croak/; -use IO::File; - -sub new { - my ($class, $opts) = @_; - foreach (qw/svn_path r ra tree_a tree_b log editor_cb/) { - die "$_ required!\n" unless (defined $opts->{$_}); - } - - my $pool = SVN::Pool->new; - my $mods = generate_diff($opts->{tree_a}, $opts->{tree_b}); - my $types = check_diff_paths($opts->{ra}, $opts->{svn_path}, - $opts->{r}, $mods); - - # $opts->{ra} functions should not be used after this: - my @ce = $opts->{ra}->get_commit_editor($opts->{log}, - $opts->{editor_cb}, $pool); - my $self = SVN::Delta::Editor->new(@ce, $pool); - bless $self, $class; - foreach (qw/svn_path r tree_a tree_b/) { - $self->{$_} = $opts->{$_}; - } - $self->{url} = $opts->{ra}->{url}; - $self->{mods} = $mods; - $self->{types} = $types; - $self->{pool} = $pool; - $self->{bat} = { '' => $self->open_root($self->{r}, $self->{pool}) }; - $self->{rm} = { }; - $self->{path_prefix} = length $self->{svn_path} ? - "$self->{svn_path}/" : ''; - $self->{config} = $opts->{config}; - $self->{mergeinfo} = $opts->{mergeinfo}; - return $self; -} - -sub generate_diff { - my ($tree_a, $tree_b) = @_; - my @diff_tree = qw(diff-tree -z -r); - if ($_cp_similarity) { - push @diff_tree, "-C$_cp_similarity"; - } else { - push @diff_tree, '-C'; - } - push @diff_tree, '--find-copies-harder' if $_find_copies_harder; - push @diff_tree, "-l$_rename_limit" if defined $_rename_limit; - push @diff_tree, $tree_a, $tree_b; - my ($diff_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@diff_tree); - local $/ = "\0"; - my $state = 'meta'; - my @mods; - while (<$diff_fh>) { - chomp $_; # this gets rid of the trailing "\0" - if ($state eq 'meta' && /^:(\d{6})\s(\d{6})\s - ($::sha1)\s($::sha1)\s - ([MTCRAD])\d*$/xo) { - push @mods, { mode_a => $1, mode_b => $2, - sha1_a => $3, sha1_b => $4, - chg => $5 }; - if ($5 =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) { - $state = 'file_a'; - } else { - $state = 'file_b'; - } - } elsif ($state eq 'file_a') { - my $x = $mods[$#mods] or croak "Empty array\n"; - if ($x->{chg} !~ /^(?:C|R)$/) { - croak "Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n"; - } - $x->{file_a} = $_; - $state = 'file_b'; - } elsif ($state eq 'file_b') { - my $x = $mods[$#mods] or croak "Empty array\n"; - if (exists $x->{file_a} && $x->{chg} !~ /^(?:C|R)$/) { - croak "Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n"; - } - if (!exists $x->{file_a} && $x->{chg} =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) { - croak "Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n"; - } - $x->{file_b} = $_; - $state = 'meta'; - } else { - croak "Error parsing $_\n"; - } - } - command_close_pipe($diff_fh, $ctx); - \@mods; -} - -sub check_diff_paths { - my ($ra, $pfx, $rev, $mods) = @_; - my %types; - $pfx .= '/' if length $pfx; - - sub type_diff_paths { - my ($ra, $types, $path, $rev) = @_; - my @p = split m#/+#, $path; - my $c = shift @p; - unless (defined $types->{$c}) { - $types->{$c} = $ra->check_path($c, $rev); - } - while (@p) { - $c .= '/' . shift @p; - next if defined $types->{$c}; - $types->{$c} = $ra->check_path($c, $rev); - } - } - - foreach my $m (@$mods) { - foreach my $f (qw/file_a file_b/) { - next unless defined $m->{$f}; - my ($dir) = ($m->{$f} =~ m#^(.*?)/?(?:[^/]+)$#); - if (length $pfx.$dir && ! defined $types{$dir}) { - type_diff_paths($ra, \%types, $pfx.$dir, $rev); - } - } - } - \%types; -} - -sub split_path { - return ($_[0] =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#); -} - -sub repo_path { - my ($self, $path) = @_; - if (my $enc = $self->{pathnameencoding}) { - require Encode; - Encode::from_to($path, $enc, 'UTF-8'); - } - $self->{path_prefix}.(defined $path ? $path : ''); -} - -sub url_path { - my ($self, $path) = @_; - if ($self->{url} =~ m#^https?://#) { - $path =~ s!([^~a-zA-Z0-9_./-])!uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))!eg; - } - $self->{url} . '/' . $self->repo_path($path); -} - -sub rmdirs { - my ($self) = @_; - my $rm = $self->{rm}; - delete $rm->{''}; # we never delete the url we're tracking - return unless %$rm; - - foreach (keys %$rm) { - my @d = split m#/#, $_; - my $c = shift @d; - $rm->{$c} = 1; - while (@d) { - $c .= '/' . shift @d; - $rm->{$c} = 1; - } - } - delete $rm->{$self->{svn_path}}; - delete $rm->{''}; # we never delete the url we're tracking - return unless %$rm; - - my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/ls-tree --name-only -r -z/, - $self->{tree_b}); - local $/ = "\0"; - while (<$fh>) { - chomp; - my @dn = split m#/#, $_; - while (pop @dn) { - delete $rm->{join '/', @dn}; - } - unless (%$rm) { - close $fh; - return; - } - } - command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx); - - my ($r, $p, $bat) = ($self->{r}, $self->{pool}, $self->{bat}); - foreach my $d (sort { $b =~ tr#/#/# <=> $a =~ tr#/#/# } keys %$rm) { - $self->close_directory($bat->{$d}, $p); - my ($dn) = ($d =~ m#^(.*?)/?(?:[^/]+)$#); - print "\tD+\t$d/\n" unless $::_q; - $self->SUPER::delete_entry($d, $r, $bat->{$dn}, $p); - delete $bat->{$d}; - } -} - -sub open_or_add_dir { - my ($self, $full_path, $baton) = @_; - my $t = $self->{types}->{$full_path}; - if (!defined $t) { - die "$full_path not known in r$self->{r} or we have a bug!\n"; - } - { - no warnings 'once'; - # SVN::Node::none and SVN::Node::file are used only once, - # so we're shutting up Perl's warnings about them. - if ($t == $SVN::Node::none) { - return $self->add_directory($full_path, $baton, - undef, -1, $self->{pool}); - } elsif ($t == $SVN::Node::dir) { - return $self->open_directory($full_path, $baton, - $self->{r}, $self->{pool}); - } # no warnings 'once' - print STDERR "$full_path already exists in repository at ", - "r$self->{r} and it is not a directory (", - ($t == $SVN::Node::file ? 'file' : 'unknown'),"/$t)\n"; - } # no warnings 'once' - exit 1; -} - -sub ensure_path { - my ($self, $path) = @_; - my $bat = $self->{bat}; - my $repo_path = $self->repo_path($path); - return $bat->{''} unless (length $repo_path); - my @p = split m#/+#, $repo_path; - my $c = shift @p; - $bat->{$c} ||= $self->open_or_add_dir($c, $bat->{''}); - while (@p) { - my $c0 = $c; - $c .= '/' . shift @p; - $bat->{$c} ||= $self->open_or_add_dir($c, $bat->{$c0}); - } - return $bat->{$c}; -} - -# Subroutine to convert a globbing pattern to a regular expression. -# From perl cookbook. -sub glob2pat { - my $globstr = shift; - my %patmap = ('*' => '.*', '?' => '.', '[' => '[', ']' => ']'); - $globstr =~ s{(.)} { $patmap{$1} || "\Q$1" }ge; - return '^' . $globstr . '$'; -} - -sub check_autoprop { - my ($self, $pattern, $properties, $file, $fbat) = @_; - # Convert the globbing pattern to a regular expression. - my $regex = glob2pat($pattern); - # Check if the pattern matches the file name. - if($file =~ m/($regex)/) { - # Parse the list of properties to set. - my @props = split(/;/, $properties); - foreach my $prop (@props) { - # Parse 'name=value' syntax and set the property. - if ($prop =~ /([^=]+)=(.*)/) { - my ($n,$v) = ($1,$2); - for ($n, $v) { - s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; - } - $self->change_file_prop($fbat, $n, $v); - } - } - } -} - -sub apply_autoprops { - my ($self, $file, $fbat) = @_; - my $conf_t = ${$self->{config}}{'config'}; - no warnings 'once'; - # Check [miscellany]/enable-auto-props in svn configuration. - if (SVN::_Core::svn_config_get_bool( - $conf_t, - $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_MISCELLANY, - $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_PROPS, - 0)) { - # Auto-props are enabled. Enumerate them to look for matches. - my $callback = sub { - $self->check_autoprop($_[0], $_[1], $file, $fbat); - }; - SVN::_Core::svn_config_enumerate( - $conf_t, - $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_AUTO_PROPS, - $callback); - } -} - -sub A { - my ($self, $m) = @_; - my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b}); - my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir); - my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat, - undef, -1); - print "\tA\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q; - $self->apply_autoprops($file, $fbat); - $self->chg_file($fbat, $m); - $self->close_file($fbat,undef,$self->{pool}); -} - -sub C { - my ($self, $m) = @_; - my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b}); - my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir); - my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat, - $self->url_path($m->{file_a}), $self->{r}); - print "\tC\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q; - $self->chg_file($fbat, $m); - $self->close_file($fbat,undef,$self->{pool}); -} - -sub delete_entry { - my ($self, $path, $pbat) = @_; - my $rpath = $self->repo_path($path); - my ($dir, $file) = split_path($rpath); - $self->{rm}->{$dir} = 1; - $self->SUPER::delete_entry($rpath, $self->{r}, $pbat, $self->{pool}); -} - -sub R { - my ($self, $m) = @_; - my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b}); - my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir); - my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat, - $self->url_path($m->{file_a}), $self->{r}); - print "\tR\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q; - $self->apply_autoprops($file, $fbat); - $self->chg_file($fbat, $m); - $self->close_file($fbat,undef,$self->{pool}); - - ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_a}); - $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir); - $self->delete_entry($m->{file_a}, $pbat); -} - -sub M { - my ($self, $m) = @_; - my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b}); - my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir); - my $fbat = $self->open_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), - $pbat,$self->{r},$self->{pool}); - print "\t$m->{chg}\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q; - $self->chg_file($fbat, $m); - $self->close_file($fbat,undef,$self->{pool}); -} - -sub T { shift->M(@_) } - -sub change_file_prop { - my ($self, $fbat, $pname, $pval) = @_; - $self->SUPER::change_file_prop($fbat, $pname, $pval, $self->{pool}); -} - -sub change_dir_prop { - my ($self, $pbat, $pname, $pval) = @_; - $self->SUPER::change_dir_prop($pbat, $pname, $pval, $self->{pool}); -} - -sub _chg_file_get_blob ($$$$) { - my ($self, $fbat, $m, $which) = @_; - my $fh = $::_repository->temp_acquire("git_blob_$which"); - if ($m->{"mode_$which"} =~ /^120/) { - print $fh 'link ' or croak $!; - $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:special','*'); - } elsif ($m->{mode_a} =~ /^120/ && $m->{"mode_$which"} !~ /^120/) { - $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:special',undef); - } - my $blob = $m->{"sha1_$which"}; - return ($fh,) if ($blob =~ /^0{40}$/); - my $size = $::_repository->cat_blob($blob, $fh); - croak "Failed to read object $blob" if ($size < 0); - $fh->flush == 0 or croak $!; - seek $fh, 0, 0 or croak $!; - - my $exp = ::md5sum($fh); - seek $fh, 0, 0 or croak $!; - return ($fh, $exp); -} - -sub chg_file { - my ($self, $fbat, $m) = @_; - if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} !~ /755$/) { - $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:executable','*'); - } elsif ($m->{mode_b} !~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /755$/) { - $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:executable',undef); - } - my ($fh_a, $exp_a) = _chg_file_get_blob $self, $fbat, $m, 'a'; - my ($fh_b, $exp_b) = _chg_file_get_blob $self, $fbat, $m, 'b'; - my $pool = SVN::Pool->new; - my $atd = $self->apply_textdelta($fbat, $exp_a, $pool); - if (-s $fh_a) { - my $txstream = SVN::TxDelta::new ($fh_a, $fh_b, $pool); - my $res = SVN::TxDelta::send_txstream($txstream, @$atd, $pool); - if (defined $res) { - die "Unexpected result from send_txstream: $res\n", - "(SVN::Core::VERSION: $SVN::Core::VERSION)\n"; - } - } else { - my $got = SVN::TxDelta::send_stream($fh_b, @$atd, $pool); - die "Checksum mismatch\nexpected: $exp_b\ngot: $got\n" - if ($got ne $exp_b); - } - Git::temp_release($fh_b, 1); - Git::temp_release($fh_a, 1); - $pool->clear; -} - -sub D { - my ($self, $m) = @_; - my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b}); - my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir); - print "\tD\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q; - $self->delete_entry($m->{file_b}, $pbat); -} - -sub close_edit { - my ($self) = @_; - my ($p,$bat) = ($self->{pool}, $self->{bat}); - foreach (sort { $b =~ tr#/#/# <=> $a =~ tr#/#/# } keys %$bat) { - next if $_ eq ''; - $self->close_directory($bat->{$_}, $p); - } - $self->close_directory($bat->{''}, $p); - $self->SUPER::close_edit($p); - $p->clear; -} - -sub abort_edit { - my ($self) = @_; - $self->SUPER::abort_edit($self->{pool}); -} - -sub DESTROY { - my $self = shift; - $self->SUPER::DESTROY(@_); - $self->{pool}->clear; -} - -# this drives the editor -sub apply_diff { - my ($self) = @_; - my $mods = $self->{mods}; - my %o = ( D => 1, R => 0, C => -1, A => 3, M => 3, T => 3 ); - foreach my $m (sort { $o{$a->{chg}} <=> $o{$b->{chg}} } @$mods) { - my $f = $m->{chg}; - if (defined $o{$f}) { - $self->$f($m); - } else { - fatal("Invalid change type: $f"); - } - } - - if (defined($self->{mergeinfo})) { - $self->change_dir_prop($self->{bat}{''}, "svn:mergeinfo", - $self->{mergeinfo}); - } - $self->rmdirs if $_rmdir; - if (@$mods == 0) { - $self->abort_edit; - } else { - $self->close_edit; - } - return scalar @$mods; -} - -package Git::SVN::Ra; -use vars qw/@ISA $config_dir $_log_window_size/; -use strict; -use warnings; -my ($ra_invalid, $can_do_switch, %ignored_err, $RA); - -BEGIN { - # enforce temporary pool usage for some simple functions - no strict 'refs'; - for my $f (qw/rev_proplist get_latest_revnum get_uuid get_repos_root - get_file/) { - my $SUPER = "SUPER::$f"; - *$f = sub { - my $self = shift; - my $pool = SVN::Pool->new; - my @ret = $self->$SUPER(@_,$pool); - $pool->clear; - wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]; - }; - } -} - -sub _auth_providers () { - [ - SVN::Client::get_simple_provider(), - SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_file_provider(), - SVN::Client::get_simple_prompt_provider( - \&Git::SVN::Prompt::simple, 2), - SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_file_provider(), - SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_prompt_provider( - \&Git::SVN::Prompt::ssl_client_cert, 2), - SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_pw_file_provider(), - SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt_provider( - \&Git::SVN::Prompt::ssl_client_cert_pw, 2), - SVN::Client::get_username_provider(), - SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_prompt_provider( - \&Git::SVN::Prompt::ssl_server_trust), - SVN::Client::get_username_prompt_provider( - \&Git::SVN::Prompt::username, 2) - ] -} - -sub escape_uri_only { - my ($uri) = @_; - my @tmp; - foreach (split m{/}, $uri) { - s/([^~\w.%+-]|%(?![a-fA-F0-9]{2}))/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; - push @tmp, $_; - } - join('/', @tmp); -} - -sub escape_url { - my ($url) = @_; - if ($url =~ m#^(https?)://([^/]+)(.*)$#) { - my ($scheme, $domain, $uri) = ($1, $2, escape_uri_only($3)); - $url = "$scheme://$domain$uri"; - } - $url; -} - -sub new { - my ($class, $url) = @_; - $url =~ s!/+$!!; - return $RA if ($RA && $RA->{url} eq $url); - - ::_req_svn(); - - SVN::_Core::svn_config_ensure($config_dir, undef); - my ($baton, $callbacks) = SVN::Core::auth_open_helper(_auth_providers); - my $config = SVN::Core::config_get_config($config_dir); - $RA = undef; - my $dont_store_passwords = 1; - my $conf_t = ${$config}{'config'}; - { - no warnings 'once'; - # The usage of $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_* variables - # produces warnings that variables are used only once. - # I had not found the better way to shut them up, so - # the warnings of type 'once' are disabled in this block. - if (SVN::_Core::svn_config_get_bool($conf_t, - $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_AUTH, - $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_STORE_PASSWORDS, - 1) == 0) { - SVN::_Core::svn_auth_set_parameter($baton, - $SVN::_Core::SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DONT_STORE_PASSWORDS, - bless (\$dont_store_passwords, "_p_void")); - } - if (SVN::_Core::svn_config_get_bool($conf_t, - $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_AUTH, - $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_STORE_AUTH_CREDS, - 1) == 0) { - $Git::SVN::Prompt::_no_auth_cache = 1; - } - } # no warnings 'once' - my $self = SVN::Ra->new(url => escape_url($url), auth => $baton, - config => $config, - pool => SVN::Pool->new, - auth_provider_callbacks => $callbacks); - $self->{url} = $url; - $self->{svn_path} = $url; - $self->{repos_root} = $self->get_repos_root; - $self->{svn_path} =~ s#^\Q$self->{repos_root}\E(/|$)##; - $self->{cache} = { check_path => { r => 0, data => {} }, - get_dir => { r => 0, data => {} } }; - $RA = bless $self, $class; -} - -sub check_path { - my ($self, $path, $r) = @_; - my $cache = $self->{cache}->{check_path}; - if ($r == $cache->{r} && exists $cache->{data}->{$path}) { - return $cache->{data}->{$path}; - } - my $pool = SVN::Pool->new; - my $t = $self->SUPER::check_path($path, $r, $pool); - $pool->clear; - if ($r != $cache->{r}) { - %{$cache->{data}} = (); - $cache->{r} = $r; - } - $cache->{data}->{$path} = $t; -} - -sub get_dir { - my ($self, $dir, $r) = @_; - my $cache = $self->{cache}->{get_dir}; - if ($r == $cache->{r}) { - if (my $x = $cache->{data}->{$dir}) { - return wantarray ? @$x : $x->[0]; - } - } - my $pool = SVN::Pool->new; - my ($d, undef, $props) = $self->SUPER::get_dir($dir, $r, $pool); - my %dirents = map { $_ => { kind => $d->{$_}->kind } } keys %$d; - $pool->clear; - if ($r != $cache->{r}) { - %{$cache->{data}} = (); - $cache->{r} = $r; - } - $cache->{data}->{$dir} = [ \%dirents, $r, $props ]; - wantarray ? (\%dirents, $r, $props) : \%dirents; -} - -sub DESTROY { - # do not call the real DESTROY since we store ourselves in $RA -} - -# get_log(paths, start, end, limit, -# discover_changed_paths, strict_node_history, receiver) -sub get_log { - my ($self, @args) = @_; - my $pool = SVN::Pool->new; - - # svn_log_changed_path_t objects passed to get_log are likely to be - # overwritten even if only the refs are copied to an external variable, - # so we should dup the structures in their entirety. Using an - # externally passed pool (instead of our temporary and quickly cleared - # pool in Git::SVN::Ra) does not help matters at all... - my $receiver = pop @args; - my $prefix = "/".$self->{svn_path}; - $prefix =~ s#/+($)##; - my $prefix_regex = qr#^\Q$prefix\E#; - push(@args, sub { - my ($paths) = $_[0]; - return &$receiver(@_) unless $paths; - $_[0] = (); - foreach my $p (keys %$paths) { - my $i = $paths->{$p}; - # Make path relative to our url, not repos_root - $p =~ s/$prefix_regex//; - my %s = map { $_ => $i->$_; } - qw/copyfrom_path copyfrom_rev action/; - if ($s{'copyfrom_path'}) { - $s{'copyfrom_path'} =~ s/$prefix_regex//; - } - $_[0]{$p} = \%s; - } - &$receiver(@_); - }); - - - # the limit parameter was not supported in SVN 1.1.x, so we - # drop it. Therefore, the receiver callback passed to it - # is made aware of this limitation by being wrapped if - # the limit passed to is being wrapped. - if ($SVN::Core::VERSION le '1.2.0') { - my $limit = splice(@args, 3, 1); - if ($limit > 0) { - my $receiver = pop @args; - push(@args, sub { &$receiver(@_) if (--$limit >= 0) }); - } - } - my $ret = $self->SUPER::get_log(@args, $pool); - $pool->clear; - $ret; -} - -sub trees_match { - my ($self, $url1, $rev1, $url2, $rev2) = @_; - my $ctx = SVN::Client->new(auth => _auth_providers); - my $out = IO::File->new_tmpfile; - - # older SVN (1.1.x) doesn't take $pool as the last parameter for - # $ctx->diff(), so we'll create a default one - my $pool = SVN::Pool->new_default_sub; - - $ra_invalid = 1; # this will open a new SVN::Ra connection to $url1 - $ctx->diff([], $url1, $rev1, $url2, $rev2, 1, 1, 0, $out, $out); - $out->flush; - my $ret = (($out->stat)[7] == 0); - close $out or croak $!; - - $ret; -} - -sub get_commit_editor { - my ($self, $log, $cb, $pool) = @_; - my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef, 0) : (); - $self->SUPER::get_commit_editor($log, $cb, @lock, $pool); -} - -sub gs_do_update { - my ($self, $rev_a, $rev_b, $gs, $editor) = @_; - my $new = ($rev_a == $rev_b); - my $path = $gs->{path}; - - if ($new && -e $gs->{index}) { - unlink $gs->{index} or die - "Couldn't unlink index: $gs->{index}: $!\n"; - } - my $pool = SVN::Pool->new; - $editor->set_path_strip($path); - my (@pc) = split m#/#, $path; - my $reporter = $self->do_update($rev_b, (@pc ? shift @pc : ''), - 1, $editor, $pool); - my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef) : (); - - # Since we can't rely on svn_ra_reparent being available, we'll - # just have to do some magic with set_path to make it so - # we only want a partial path. - my $sp = ''; - my $final = join('/', @pc); - while (@pc) { - $reporter->set_path($sp, $rev_b, 0, @lock, $pool); - $sp .= '/' if length $sp; - $sp .= shift @pc; - } - die "BUG: '$sp' != '$final'\n" if ($sp ne $final); - - $reporter->set_path($sp, $rev_a, $new, @lock, $pool); - - $reporter->finish_report($pool); - $pool->clear; - $editor->{git_commit_ok}; -} - -# this requires SVN 1.4.3 or later (do_switch didn't work before 1.4.3, and -# svn_ra_reparent didn't work before 1.4) -sub gs_do_switch { - my ($self, $rev_a, $rev_b, $gs, $url_b, $editor) = @_; - my $path = $gs->{path}; - my $pool = SVN::Pool->new; - - my $full_url = $self->{url}; - my $old_url = $full_url; - $full_url .= '/' . $path if length $path; - my ($ra, $reparented); - - if ($old_url =~ m#^svn(\+ssh)?://# || - ($full_url =~ m#^https?://# && - escape_url($full_url) ne $full_url)) { - $_[0] = undef; - $self = undef; - $RA = undef; - $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($full_url); - $ra_invalid = 1; - } elsif ($old_url ne $full_url) { - SVN::_Ra::svn_ra_reparent($self->{session}, $full_url, $pool); - $self->{url} = $full_url; - $reparented = 1; - } - - $ra ||= $self; - $url_b = escape_url($url_b); - my $reporter = $ra->do_switch($rev_b, '', 1, $url_b, $editor, $pool); - my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef) : (); - $reporter->set_path('', $rev_a, 0, @lock, $pool); - $reporter->finish_report($pool); - - if ($reparented) { - SVN::_Ra::svn_ra_reparent($self->{session}, $old_url, $pool); - $self->{url} = $old_url; - } - - $pool->clear; - $editor->{git_commit_ok}; -} - -sub longest_common_path { - my ($gsv, $globs) = @_; - my %common; - my $common_max = scalar @$gsv; - - foreach my $gs (@$gsv) { - my @tmp = split m#/#, $gs->{path}; - my $p = ''; - foreach (@tmp) { - $p .= length($p) ? "/$_" : $_; - $common{$p} ||= 0; - $common{$p}++; - } - } - $globs ||= []; - $common_max += scalar @$globs; - foreach my $glob (@$globs) { - my @tmp = split m#/#, $glob->{path}->{left}; - my $p = ''; - foreach (@tmp) { - $p .= length($p) ? "/$_" : $_; - $common{$p} ||= 0; - $common{$p}++; - } - } - - my $longest_path = ''; - foreach (sort {length $b <=> length $a} keys %common) { - if ($common{$_} == $common_max) { - $longest_path = $_; - last; - } - } - $longest_path; -} - -sub gs_fetch_loop_common { - my ($self, $base, $head, $gsv, $globs) = @_; - return if ($base > $head); - my $inc = $_log_window_size; - my ($min, $max) = ($base, $head < $base + $inc ? $head : $base + $inc); - my $longest_path = longest_common_path($gsv, $globs); - my $ra_url = $self->{url}; - my $find_trailing_edge; - while (1) { - my %revs; - my $err; - my $err_handler = $SVN::Error::handler; - $SVN::Error::handler = sub { - ($err) = @_; - skip_unknown_revs($err); - }; - sub _cb { - my ($paths, $r, $author, $date, $log) = @_; - [ $paths, - { author => $author, date => $date, log => $log } ]; - } - $self->get_log([$longest_path], $min, $max, 0, 1, 1, - sub { $revs{$_[1]} = _cb(@_) }); - if ($err) { - print "Checked through r$max\r"; - } else { - $find_trailing_edge = 1; - } - if ($err and $find_trailing_edge) { - print STDERR "Path '$longest_path' ", - "was probably deleted:\n", - $err->expanded_message, - "\nWill attempt to follow ", - "revisions r$min .. r$max ", - "committed before the deletion\n"; - my $hi = $max; - while (--$hi >= $min) { - my $ok; - $self->get_log([$longest_path], $min, $hi, - 0, 1, 1, sub { - $ok = $_[1]; - $revs{$_[1]} = _cb(@_) }); - if ($ok) { - print STDERR "r$min .. r$ok OK\n"; - last; - } - } - $find_trailing_edge = 0; - } - $SVN::Error::handler = $err_handler; - - my %exists = map { $_->{path} => $_ } @$gsv; - foreach my $r (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %revs) { - my ($paths, $logged) = @{$revs{$r}}; - - foreach my $gs ($self->match_globs(\%exists, $paths, - $globs, $r)) { - if ($gs->rev_map_max >= $r) { - next; - } - next unless $gs->match_paths($paths, $r); - $gs->{logged_rev_props} = $logged; - if (my $last_commit = $gs->last_commit) { - $gs->assert_index_clean($last_commit); - } - my $log_entry = $gs->do_fetch($paths, $r); - if ($log_entry) { - $gs->do_git_commit($log_entry); - } - $INDEX_FILES{$gs->{index}} = 1; - } - foreach my $g (@$globs) { - my $k = "svn-remote.$g->{remote}." . - "$g->{t}-maxRev"; - Git::SVN::tmp_config($k, $r); - } - if ($ra_invalid) { - $_[0] = undef; - $self = undef; - $RA = undef; - $self = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra_url); - $ra_invalid = undef; - } - } - # pre-fill the .rev_db since it'll eventually get filled in - # with '0' x40 if something new gets committed - foreach my $gs (@$gsv) { - next if $gs->rev_map_max >= $max; - next if defined $gs->rev_map_get($max); - $gs->rev_map_set($max, 0 x40); - } - foreach my $g (@$globs) { - my $k = "svn-remote.$g->{remote}.$g->{t}-maxRev"; - Git::SVN::tmp_config($k, $max); - } - last if $max >= $head; - $min = $max + 1; - $max += $inc; - $max = $head if ($max > $head); - } - Git::SVN::gc(); -} - -sub get_dir_globbed { - my ($self, $left, $depth, $r) = @_; - - my @x = eval { $self->get_dir($left, $r) }; - return unless scalar @x == 3; - my $dirents = $x[0]; - my @finalents; - foreach my $de (keys %$dirents) { - next if $dirents->{$de}->{kind} != $SVN::Node::dir; - if ($depth > 1) { - my @args = ("$left/$de", $depth - 1, $r); - foreach my $dir ($self->get_dir_globbed(@args)) { - push @finalents, "$de/$dir"; - } - } else { - push @finalents, $de; - } - } - @finalents; -} - -sub match_globs { - my ($self, $exists, $paths, $globs, $r) = @_; - - sub get_dir_check { - my ($self, $exists, $g, $r) = @_; - - my @dirs = $self->get_dir_globbed($g->{path}->{left}, - $g->{path}->{depth}, - $r); - - foreach my $de (@dirs) { - my $p = $g->{path}->full_path($de); - next if $exists->{$p}; - next if (length $g->{path}->{right} && - ($self->check_path($p, $r) != - $SVN::Node::dir)); - next unless $p =~ /$g->{path}->{regex}/; - $exists->{$p} = Git::SVN->init($self->{url}, $p, undef, - $g->{ref}->full_path($de), 1); - } - } - foreach my $g (@$globs) { - if (my $path = $paths->{"/$g->{path}->{left}"}) { - if ($path->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/) { - get_dir_check($self, $exists, $g, $r); - } - } - foreach (keys %$paths) { - if (/$g->{path}->{left_regex}/ && - !/$g->{path}->{regex}/) { - next if $paths->{$_}->{action} !~ /^[AR]$/; - get_dir_check($self, $exists, $g, $r); - } - next unless /$g->{path}->{regex}/; - my $p = $1; - my $pathname = $g->{path}->full_path($p); - next if $exists->{$pathname}; - next if ($self->check_path($pathname, $r) != - $SVN::Node::dir); - $exists->{$pathname} = Git::SVN->init( - $self->{url}, $pathname, undef, - $g->{ref}->full_path($p), 1); - } - my $c = ''; - foreach (split m#/#, $g->{path}->{left}) { - $c .= "/$_"; - next unless ($paths->{$c} && - ($paths->{$c}->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/)); - get_dir_check($self, $exists, $g, $r); - } - } - values %$exists; -} - -sub minimize_url { - my ($self) = @_; - return $self->{url} if ($self->{url} eq $self->{repos_root}); - my $url = $self->{repos_root}; - my @components = split(m!/!, $self->{svn_path}); - my $c = ''; - do { - $url .= "/$c" if length $c; - eval { - my $ra = (ref $self)->new($url); - my $latest = $ra->get_latest_revnum; - $ra->get_log("", $latest, 0, 1, 0, 1, sub {}); - }; - } while ($@ && ($c = shift @components)); - $url; -} - -sub can_do_switch { - my $self = shift; - unless (defined $can_do_switch) { - my $pool = SVN::Pool->new; - my $rep = eval { - $self->do_switch(1, '', 0, $self->{url}, - SVN::Delta::Editor->new, $pool); - }; - if ($@) { - $can_do_switch = 0; - } else { - $rep->abort_report($pool); - $can_do_switch = 1; - } - $pool->clear; - } - $can_do_switch; -} - -sub skip_unknown_revs { - my ($err) = @_; - my $errno = $err->apr_err(); - # Maybe the branch we're tracking didn't - # exist when the repo started, so it's - # not an error if it doesn't, just continue - # - # Wonderfully consistent library, eh? - # 160013 - svn:// and file:// - # 175002 - http(s):// - # 175007 - http(s):// (this repo required authorization, too...) - # More codes may be discovered later... - if ($errno == 175007 || $errno == 175002 || $errno == 160013) { - my $err_key = $err->expanded_message; - # revision numbers change every time, filter them out - $err_key =~ s/\d+/\0/g; - $err_key = "$errno\0$err_key"; - unless ($ignored_err{$err_key}) { - warn "W: Ignoring error from SVN, path probably ", - "does not exist: ($errno): ", - $err->expanded_message,"\n"; - warn "W: Do not be alarmed at the above message ", - "git-svn is just searching aggressively for ", - "old history.\n", - "This may take a while on large repositories\n"; - $ignored_err{$err_key} = 1; - } - return; - } - die "Error from SVN, ($errno): ", $err->expanded_message,"\n"; -} - -package Git::SVN::Log; -use strict; -use warnings; -use POSIX qw/strftime/; -use Time::Local; -use constant commit_log_separator => ('-' x 72) . "\n"; -use vars qw/$TZ $limit $color $pager $non_recursive $verbose $oneline - %rusers $show_commit $incremental/; -my $l_fmt; - -sub cmt_showable { - my ($c) = @_; - return 1 if defined $c->{r}; - - # big commit message got truncated by the 16k pretty buffer in rev-list - if ($c->{l} && $c->{l}->[-1] eq "...\n" && - $c->{a_raw} =~ /\@([a-f\d\-]+)>$/) { - @{$c->{l}} = (); - my @log = command(qw/cat-file commit/, $c->{c}); - - # shift off the headers - shift @log while ($log[0] ne ''); - shift @log; - - # TODO: make $c->{l} not have a trailing newline in the future - @{$c->{l}} = map { "$_\n" } grep !/^git-svn-id: /, @log; - - (undef, $c->{r}, undef) = ::extract_metadata( - (grep(/^git-svn-id: /, @log))[-1]); - } - return defined $c->{r}; -} - -sub log_use_color { - return $color || Git->repository->get_colorbool('color.diff'); -} - -sub git_svn_log_cmd { - my ($r_min, $r_max, @args) = @_; - my $head = 'HEAD'; - my (@files, @log_opts); - foreach my $x (@args) { - if ($x eq '--' || @files) { - push @files, $x; - } else { - if (::verify_ref("$x^0")) { - $head = $x; - } else { - push @log_opts, $x; - } - } - } - - my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = ::working_head_info($head); - $gs ||= Git::SVN->_new; - my @cmd = (qw/log --abbrev-commit --pretty=raw --default/, - $gs->refname); - push @cmd, '-r' unless $non_recursive; - push @cmd, qw/--raw --name-status/ if $verbose; - push @cmd, '--color' if log_use_color(); - push @cmd, @log_opts; - if (defined $r_max && $r_max == $r_min) { - push @cmd, '--max-count=1'; - if (my $c = $gs->rev_map_get($r_max)) { - push @cmd, $c; - } - } elsif (defined $r_max) { - if ($r_max < $r_min) { - ($r_min, $r_max) = ($r_max, $r_min); - } - my (undef, $c_max) = $gs->find_rev_before($r_max, 1, $r_min); - my (undef, $c_min) = $gs->find_rev_after($r_min, 1, $r_max); - # If there are no commits in the range, both $c_max and $c_min - # will be undefined. If there is at least 1 commit in the - # range, both will be defined. - return () if !defined $c_min || !defined $c_max; - if ($c_min eq $c_max) { - push @cmd, '--max-count=1', $c_min; - } else { - push @cmd, '--boundary', "$c_min..$c_max"; - } - } - return (@cmd, @files); -} - -# adapted from pager.c -sub config_pager { - if (! -t *STDOUT) { - $ENV{GIT_PAGER_IN_USE} = 'false'; - $pager = undef; - return; - } - chomp($pager = command_oneline(qw(var GIT_PAGER))); - if ($pager eq 'cat') { - $pager = undef; - } - $ENV{GIT_PAGER_IN_USE} = defined($pager); -} - -sub run_pager { - return unless defined $pager; - pipe my ($rfd, $wfd) or return; - defined(my $pid = fork) or ::fatal "Can't fork: $!"; - if (!$pid) { - open STDOUT, '>&', $wfd or - ::fatal "Can't redirect to stdout: $!"; - return; - } - open STDIN, '<&', $rfd or ::fatal "Can't redirect stdin: $!"; - $ENV{LESS} ||= 'FRSX'; - exec $pager or ::fatal "Can't run pager: $! ($pager)"; -} - -sub format_svn_date { - # some systmes don't handle or mishandle %z, so be creative. - my $t = shift || time; - my $gm = timelocal(gmtime($t)); - my $sign = qw( + + - )[ $t <=> $gm ]; - my $gmoff = sprintf("%s%02d%02d", $sign, (gmtime(abs($t - $gm)))[2,1]); - return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S $gmoff (%a, %d %b %Y)", localtime($t)); -} - -sub parse_git_date { - my ($t, $tz) = @_; - # Date::Parse isn't in the standard Perl distro :( - if ($tz =~ s/^\+//) { - $t += tz_to_s_offset($tz); - } elsif ($tz =~ s/^\-//) { - $t -= tz_to_s_offset($tz); - } - return $t; -} - -sub set_local_timezone { - if (defined $TZ) { - $ENV{TZ} = $TZ; - } else { - delete $ENV{TZ}; - } -} - -sub tz_to_s_offset { - my ($tz) = @_; - $tz =~ s/(\d\d)$//; - return ($1 * 60) + ($tz * 3600); -} - -sub get_author_info { - my ($dest, $author, $t, $tz) = @_; - $author =~ s/(?:^\s*|\s*$)//g; - $dest->{a_raw} = $author; - my $au; - if ($::_authors) { - $au = $rusers{$author} || undef; - } - if (!$au) { - ($au) = ($author =~ /<([^>]+)\@[^>]+>$/); - } - $dest->{t} = $t; - $dest->{tz} = $tz; - $dest->{a} = $au; - $dest->{t_utc} = parse_git_date($t, $tz); -} - -sub process_commit { - my ($c, $r_min, $r_max, $defer) = @_; - if (defined $r_min && defined $r_max) { - if ($r_min == $c->{r} && $r_min == $r_max) { - show_commit($c); - return 0; - } - return 1 if $r_min == $r_max; - if ($r_min < $r_max) { - # we need to reverse the print order - return 0 if (defined $limit && --$limit < 0); - push @$defer, $c; - return 1; - } - if ($r_min != $r_max) { - return 1 if ($r_min < $c->{r}); - return 1 if ($r_max > $c->{r}); - } - } - return 0 if (defined $limit && --$limit < 0); - show_commit($c); - return 1; -} - -sub show_commit { - my $c = shift; - if ($oneline) { - my $x = "\n"; - if (my $l = $c->{l}) { - while ($l->[0] =~ /^\s*$/) { shift @$l } - $x = $l->[0]; - } - $l_fmt ||= 'A' . length($c->{r}); - print 'r',pack($l_fmt, $c->{r}),' | '; - print "$c->{c} | " if $show_commit; - print $x; - } else { - show_commit_normal($c); - } -} - -sub show_commit_changed_paths { - my ($c) = @_; - return unless $c->{changed}; - print "Changed paths:\n", @{$c->{changed}}; -} - -sub show_commit_normal { - my ($c) = @_; - print commit_log_separator, "r$c->{r} | "; - print "$c->{c} | " if $show_commit; - print "$c->{a} | ", format_svn_date($c->{t_utc}), ' | '; - my $nr_line = 0; - - if (my $l = $c->{l}) { - while ($l->[$#$l] eq "\n" && $#$l > 0 - && $l->[($#$l - 1)] eq "\n") { - pop @$l; - } - $nr_line = scalar @$l; - if (!$nr_line) { - print "1 line\n\n\n"; - } else { - if ($nr_line == 1) { - $nr_line = '1 line'; - } else { - $nr_line .= ' lines'; - } - print $nr_line, "\n"; - show_commit_changed_paths($c); - print "\n"; - print $_ foreach @$l; - } - } else { - print "1 line\n"; - show_commit_changed_paths($c); - print "\n"; - - } - foreach my $x (qw/raw stat diff/) { - if ($c->{$x}) { - print "\n"; - print $_ foreach @{$c->{$x}} - } - } -} - -sub cmd_show_log { - my (@args) = @_; - my ($r_min, $r_max); - my $r_last = -1; # prevent dupes - set_local_timezone(); - if (defined $::_revision) { - if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/) { - ($r_min, $r_max) = ($1, $2); - } elsif ($::_revision =~ /^\d+$/) { - $r_min = $r_max = $::_revision; - } else { - ::fatal "-r$::_revision is not supported, use ", - "standard 'git log' arguments instead"; - } - } - - config_pager(); - @args = git_svn_log_cmd($r_min, $r_max, @args); - if (!@args) { - print commit_log_separator unless $incremental || $oneline; - return; - } - my $log = command_output_pipe(@args); - run_pager(); - my (@k, $c, $d, $stat); - my $esc_color = qr/(?:\033\[(?:(?:\d+;)*\d*)?m)*/; - while (<$log>) { - if (/^${esc_color}commit (?:- )?($::sha1_short)/o) { - my $cmt = $1; - if ($c && cmt_showable($c) && $c->{r} != $r_last) { - $r_last = $c->{r}; - process_commit($c, $r_min, $r_max, \@k) or - goto out; - } - $d = undef; - $c = { c => $cmt }; - } elsif (/^${esc_color}author (.+) (\d+) ([\-\+]?\d+)$/o) { - get_author_info($c, $1, $2, $3); - } elsif (/^${esc_color}(?:tree|parent|committer) /o) { - # ignore - } elsif (/^${esc_color}:\d{6} \d{6} $::sha1_short/o) { - push @{$c->{raw}}, $_; - } elsif (/^${esc_color}[ACRMDT]\t/) { - # we could add $SVN->{svn_path} here, but that requires - # remote access at the moment (repo_path_split)... - s#^(${esc_color})([ACRMDT])\t#$1 $2 #o; - push @{$c->{changed}}, $_; - } elsif (/^${esc_color}diff /o) { - $d = 1; - push @{$c->{diff}}, $_; - } elsif ($d) { - push @{$c->{diff}}, $_; - } elsif (/^\ .+\ \|\s*\d+\ $esc_color[\+\-]* - $esc_color*[\+\-]*$esc_color$/x) { - $stat = 1; - push @{$c->{stat}}, $_; - } elsif ($stat && /^ \d+ files changed, \d+ insertions/) { - push @{$c->{stat}}, $_; - $stat = undef; - } elsif (/^${esc_color} (git-svn-id:.+)$/o) { - ($c->{url}, $c->{r}, undef) = ::extract_metadata($1); - } elsif (s/^${esc_color} //o) { - push @{$c->{l}}, $_; - } - } - if ($c && defined $c->{r} && $c->{r} != $r_last) { - $r_last = $c->{r}; - process_commit($c, $r_min, $r_max, \@k); - } - if (@k) { - ($r_min, $r_max) = ($r_max, $r_min); - process_commit($_, $r_min, $r_max) foreach reverse @k; - } -out: - close $log; - print commit_log_separator unless $incremental || $oneline; -} - -sub cmd_blame { - my $path = pop; - - config_pager(); - run_pager(); - - my ($fh, $ctx, $rev); - - if ($_git_format) { - ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe('blame', @_, $path); - while (my $line = <$fh>) { - if ($line =~ /^\^?([[:xdigit:]]+)\s/) { - # Uncommitted edits show up as a rev ID of - # all zeros, which we can't look up with - # cmt_metadata - if ($1 !~ /^0+$/) { - (undef, $rev, undef) = - ::cmt_metadata($1); - $rev = '0' if (!$rev); - } else { - $rev = '0'; - } - $rev = sprintf('%-10s', $rev); - $line =~ s/^\^?[[:xdigit:]]+(\s)/$rev$1/; - } - print $line; - } - } else { - ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe('blame', '-p', @_, 'HEAD', - '--', $path); - my ($sha1); - my %authors; - my @buffer; - my %dsha; #distinct sha keys - - while (my $line = <$fh>) { - push @buffer, $line; - if ($line =~ /^([[:xdigit:]]{40})\s\d+\s\d+/) { - $dsha{$1} = 1; - } - } - - my $s2r = ::cmt_sha2rev_batch([keys %dsha]); - - foreach my $line (@buffer) { - if ($line =~ /^([[:xdigit:]]{40})\s\d+\s\d+/) { - $rev = $s2r->{$1}; - $rev = '0' if (!$rev) - } - elsif ($line =~ /^author (.*)/) { - $authors{$rev} = $1; - $authors{$rev} =~ s/\s/_/g; - } - elsif ($line =~ /^\t(.*)$/) { - printf("%6s %10s %s\n", $rev, $authors{$rev}, $1); - } - } - } - command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx); -} - -package Git::SVN::Migration; -# these version numbers do NOT correspond to actual version numbers -# of git nor git-svn. They are just relative. -# -# v0 layout: .git/$id/info/url, refs/heads/$id-HEAD -# -# v1 layout: .git/$id/info/url, refs/remotes/$id -# -# v2 layout: .git/svn/$id/info/url, refs/remotes/$id -# -# v3 layout: .git/svn/$id, refs/remotes/$id -# - info/url may remain for backwards compatibility -# - this is what we migrate up to this layout automatically, -# - this will be used by git svn init on single branches -# v3.1 layout (auto migrated): -# - .rev_db => .rev_db.$UUID, .rev_db will remain as a symlink -# for backwards compatibility -# -# v4 layout: .git/svn/$repo_id/$id, refs/remotes/$repo_id/$id -# - this is only created for newly multi-init-ed -# repositories. Similar in spirit to the -# --use-separate-remotes option in git-clone (now default) -# - we do not automatically migrate to this (following -# the example set by core git) -# -# v5 layout: .rev_db.$UUID => .rev_map.$UUID -# - newer, more-efficient format that uses 24-bytes per record -# with no filler space. -# - use xxd -c24 < .rev_map.$UUID to view and debug -# - This is a one-way migration, repositories updated to the -# new format will not be able to use old git-svn without -# rebuilding the .rev_db. Rebuilding the rev_db is not -# possible if noMetadata or useSvmProps are set; but should -# be no problem for users that use the (sensible) defaults. -use strict; -use warnings; -use Carp qw/croak/; -use File::Path qw/mkpath/; -use File::Basename qw/dirname basename/; -use vars qw/$_minimize/; - -sub migrate_from_v0 { - my $git_dir = $ENV{GIT_DIR}; - return undef unless -d $git_dir; - my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/rev-parse --symbolic --all/); - my $migrated = 0; - while (<$fh>) { - chomp; - my ($id, $orig_ref) = ($_, $_); - next unless $id =~ s#^refs/heads/(.+)-HEAD$#$1#; - next unless -f "$git_dir/$id/info/url"; - my $new_ref = "refs/remotes/$id"; - if (::verify_ref("$new_ref^0")) { - print STDERR "W: $orig_ref is probably an old ", - "branch used by an ancient version of ", - "git-svn.\n", - "However, $new_ref also exists.\n", - "We will not be able ", - "to use this branch until this ", - "ambiguity is resolved.\n"; - next; - } - print STDERR "Migrating from v0 layout...\n" if !$migrated; - print STDERR "Renaming ref: $orig_ref => $new_ref\n"; - command_noisy('update-ref', $new_ref, $orig_ref); - command_noisy('update-ref', '-d', $orig_ref, $orig_ref); - $migrated++; - } - command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx); - print STDERR "Done migrating from v0 layout...\n" if $migrated; - $migrated; -} - -sub migrate_from_v1 { - my $git_dir = $ENV{GIT_DIR}; - my $migrated = 0; - return $migrated unless -d $git_dir; - my $svn_dir = "$git_dir/svn"; - - # just in case somebody used 'svn' as their $id at some point... - return $migrated if -d $svn_dir && ! -f "$svn_dir/info/url"; - - print STDERR "Migrating from a git-svn v1 layout...\n"; - mkpath([$svn_dir]); - print STDERR "Data from a previous version of git-svn exists, but\n\t", - "$svn_dir\n\t(required for this version ", - "($::VERSION) of git-svn) does not exist.\n"; - my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/rev-parse --symbolic --all/); - while (<$fh>) { - my $x = $_; - next unless $x =~ s#^refs/remotes/##; - chomp $x; - next unless -f "$git_dir/$x/info/url"; - my $u = eval { ::file_to_s("$git_dir/$x/info/url") }; - next unless $u; - my $dn = dirname("$git_dir/svn/$x"); - mkpath([$dn]) unless -d $dn; - if ($x eq 'svn') { # they used 'svn' as GIT_SVN_ID: - mkpath(["$git_dir/svn/svn"]); - print STDERR " - $git_dir/$x/info => ", - "$git_dir/svn/$x/info\n"; - rename "$git_dir/$x/info", "$git_dir/svn/$x/info" or - croak "$!: $x"; - # don't worry too much about these, they probably - # don't exist with repos this old (save for index, - # and we can easily regenerate that) - foreach my $f (qw/unhandled.log index .rev_db/) { - rename "$git_dir/$x/$f", "$git_dir/svn/$x/$f"; - } - } else { - print STDERR " - $git_dir/$x => $git_dir/svn/$x\n"; - rename "$git_dir/$x", "$git_dir/svn/$x" or - croak "$!: $x"; - } - $migrated++; - } - command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx); - print STDERR "Done migrating from a git-svn v1 layout\n"; - $migrated; -} - -sub read_old_urls { - my ($l_map, $pfx, $path) = @_; - my @dir; - foreach (<$path/*>) { - if (-r "$_/info/url") { - $pfx .= '/' if $pfx && $pfx !~ m!/$!; - my $ref_id = $pfx . basename $_; - my $url = ::file_to_s("$_/info/url"); - $l_map->{$ref_id} = $url; - } elsif (-d $_) { - push @dir, $_; - } - } - foreach (@dir) { - my $x = $_; - $x =~ s!^\Q$ENV{GIT_DIR}\E/svn/!!o; - read_old_urls($l_map, $x, $_); - } -} - -sub migrate_from_v2 { - my @cfg = command(qw/config -l/); - return if grep /^svn-remote\..+\.url=/, @cfg; - my %l_map; - read_old_urls(\%l_map, '', "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn"); - my $migrated = 0; - - foreach my $ref_id (sort keys %l_map) { - eval { Git::SVN->init($l_map{$ref_id}, '', undef, $ref_id) }; - if ($@) { - Git::SVN->init($l_map{$ref_id}, '', $ref_id, $ref_id); - } - $migrated++; - } - $migrated; -} - -sub minimize_connections { - my $r = Git::SVN::read_all_remotes(); - my $new_urls = {}; - my $root_repos = {}; - foreach my $repo_id (keys %$r) { - my $url = $r->{$repo_id}->{url} or next; - my $fetch = $r->{$repo_id}->{fetch} or next; - my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url); - - # skip existing cases where we already connect to the root - if (($ra->{url} eq $ra->{repos_root}) || - ($ra->{repos_root} eq $repo_id)) { - $root_repos->{$ra->{url}} = $repo_id; - next; - } - - my $root_ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra->{repos_root}); - my $root_path = $ra->{url}; - $root_path =~ s#^\Q$ra->{repos_root}\E(/|$)##; - foreach my $path (keys %$fetch) { - my $ref_id = $fetch->{$path}; - my $gs = Git::SVN->new($ref_id, $repo_id, $path); - - # make sure we can read when connecting to - # a higher level of a repository - my ($last_rev, undef) = $gs->last_rev_commit; - if (!defined $last_rev) { - $last_rev = eval { - $root_ra->get_latest_revnum; - }; - next if $@; - } - my $new = $root_path; - $new .= length $path ? "/$path" : ''; - eval { - $root_ra->get_log([$new], $last_rev, $last_rev, - 0, 0, 1, sub { }); - }; - next if $@; - $new_urls->{$ra->{repos_root}}->{$new} = - { ref_id => $ref_id, - old_repo_id => $repo_id, - old_path => $path }; - } - } - - my @emptied; - foreach my $url (keys %$new_urls) { - # see if we can re-use an existing [svn-remote "repo_id"] - # instead of creating a(n ugly) new section: - my $repo_id = $root_repos->{$url} || $url; - - my $fetch = $new_urls->{$url}; - foreach my $path (keys %$fetch) { - my $x = $fetch->{$path}; - Git::SVN->init($url, $path, $repo_id, $x->{ref_id}); - my $pfx = "svn-remote.$x->{old_repo_id}"; - - my $old_fetch = quotemeta("$x->{old_path}:". - "$x->{ref_id}"); - command_noisy(qw/config --unset/, - "$pfx.fetch", '^'. $old_fetch . '$'); - delete $r->{$x->{old_repo_id}}-> - {fetch}->{$x->{old_path}}; - if (!keys %{$r->{$x->{old_repo_id}}->{fetch}}) { - command_noisy(qw/config --unset/, - "$pfx.url"); - push @emptied, $x->{old_repo_id} - } - } - } - if (@emptied) { - my $file = $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} || "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/config"; - print STDERR < $gui, ctx => $ctx, nr => 0}, $class; -} - -sub remove { - my ($self, $path) = @_; - if (print { $self->{gui} } '0 ', 0 x 40, "\t", $path, "\0") { - return ++$self->{nr}; - } - undef; -} - -sub update { - my ($self, $mode, $hash, $path) = @_; - if (print { $self->{gui} } $mode, ' ', $hash, "\t", $path, "\0") { - return ++$self->{nr}; - } - undef; -} - -sub DESTROY { - my ($self) = @_; - command_close_pipe($self->{gui}, $self->{ctx}); -} - -package Git::SVN::GlobSpec; -use strict; -use warnings; - -sub new { - my ($class, $glob, $pattern_ok) = @_; - my $re = $glob; - $re =~ s!/+$!!g; # no need for trailing slashes - my (@left, @right, @patterns); - my $state = "left"; - my $die_msg = "Only one set of wildcard directories " . - "(e.g. '*' or '*/*/*') is supported: '$glob'\n"; - for my $part (split(m|/|, $glob)) { - if ($part =~ /\*/ && $part ne "*") { - die "Invalid pattern in '$glob': $part\n"; - } elsif ($pattern_ok && $part =~ /[{}]/ && - $part !~ /^\{[^{}]+\}/) { - die "Invalid pattern in '$glob': $part\n"; - } - if ($part eq "*") { - die $die_msg if $state eq "right"; - $state = "pattern"; - push(@patterns, "[^/]*"); - } elsif ($pattern_ok && $part =~ /^\{(.*)\}$/) { - die $die_msg if $state eq "right"; - $state = "pattern"; - my $p = quotemeta($1); - $p =~ s/\\,/|/g; - push(@patterns, "(?:$p)"); - } else { - if ($state eq "left") { - push(@left, $part); - } else { - push(@right, $part); - $state = "right"; - } - } - } - my $depth = @patterns; - if ($depth == 0) { - die "One '*' is needed in glob: '$glob'\n"; - } - my $left = join('/', @left); - my $right = join('/', @right); - $re = join('/', @patterns); - $re = join('\/', - grep(length, quotemeta($left), "($re)", quotemeta($right))); - my $left_re = qr/^\/\Q$left\E(\/|$)/; - bless { left => $left, right => $right, left_regex => $left_re, - regex => qr/$re/, glob => $glob, depth => $depth }, $class; -} - -sub full_path { - my ($self, $path) = @_; - return (length $self->{left} ? "$self->{left}/" : '') . - $path . (length $self->{right} ? "/$self->{right}" : ''); -} - -__END__ - -Data structures: - - -$remotes = { # returned by read_all_remotes() - 'svn' => { - # svn-remote.svn.url=https://svn.musicpd.org - url => 'https://svn.musicpd.org', - # svn-remote.svn.fetch=mpd/trunk:trunk - fetch => { - 'mpd/trunk' => 'trunk', - }, - # svn-remote.svn.tags=mpd/tags/*:tags/* - tags => { - path => { - left => 'mpd/tags', - right => '', - regex => qr!mpd/tags/([^/]+)$!, - glob => 'tags/*', - }, - ref => { - left => 'tags', - right => '', - regex => qr!tags/([^/]+)$!, - glob => 'tags/*', - }, - } - } -}; - -$log_entry hashref as returned by libsvn_log_entry() -{ - log => 'whitespace-formatted log entry -', # trailing newline is preserved - revision => '8', # integer - date => '2004-02-24T17:01:44.108345Z', # commit date - author => 'committer name' -}; - - -# this is generated by generate_diff(); -@mods = array of diff-index line hashes, each element represents one line - of diff-index output - -diff-index line ($m hash) -{ - mode_a => first column of diff-index output, no leading ':', - mode_b => second column of diff-index output, - sha1_b => sha1sum of the final blob, - chg => change type [MCRADT], - file_a => original file name of a file (iff chg is 'C' or 'R') - file_b => new/current file name of a file (any chg) -} -; - -# retval of read_url_paths{,_all}(); -$l_map = { - # repository root url - 'https://svn.musicpd.org' => { - # repository path # GIT_SVN_ID - 'mpd/trunk' => 'trunk', - 'mpd/tags/0.11.5' => 'tags/0.11.5', - }, -} - -Notes: - I don't trust the each() function on unless I created %hash myself - because the internal iterator may not have started at base. diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-symbolic-ref b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-symbolic-ref deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-symbolic-ref +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-tag b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-tag deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-tag +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-tar-tree b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-tar-tree deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-tar-tree +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-unpack-file b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-unpack-file deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-unpack-file +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-unpack-objects b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-unpack-objects deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-unpack-objects +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-update-index b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-update-index deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-update-index +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-update-ref b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-update-ref deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-update-ref +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-update-server-info b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-update-server-info deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-update-server-info +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-upload-archive b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-upload-archive deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-upload-archive +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-upload-pack b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-upload-pack deleted file mode 100755 index 3cc4e6db..00000000 Binary files a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-upload-pack and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-var b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-var deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-var +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-verify-pack b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-verify-pack deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-verify-pack +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-verify-tag b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-verify-tag deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-verify-tag +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-web--browse b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-web--browse deleted file mode 100755 index e9de241d..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-web--browse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# This program launch a web browser on the html page -# describing a git command. -# -# Copyright (c) 2007 Christian Couder -# Copyright (c) 2006 Theodore Y. Ts'o -# -# This file is heavily stolen from git-mergetool.sh, by -# Theodore Y. Ts'o (thanks) that is: -# -# Copyright (c) 2006 Theodore Y. Ts'o -# -# This file is licensed under the GPL v2, or a later version -# at the discretion of Junio C Hamano or any other official -# git maintainer. -# - -USAGE='[--browser=browser|--tool=browser] [--config=conf.var] url/file ...' - -# This must be capable of running outside of git directory, so -# the vanilla git-sh-setup should not be used. -NONGIT_OK=Yes -. git-sh-setup - -valid_custom_tool() -{ - browser_cmd="$(git config "browser.$1.cmd")" - test -n "$browser_cmd" -} - -valid_tool() { - case "$1" in - firefox | iceweasel | seamonkey | iceape | \ - chrome | google-chrome | chromium | chromium-browser |\ - konqueror | opera | w3m | elinks | links | lynx | dillo | open | start) - ;; # happy - *) - valid_custom_tool "$1" || return 1 - ;; - esac -} - -init_browser_path() { - browser_path=$(git config "browser.$1.path") - if test -z "$browser_path" && - test "$1" = chromium && - type chromium-browser >/dev/null 2>&1 - then - browser_path=chromium-browser - fi - : ${browser_path:="$1"} -} - -while test $# != 0 -do - case "$1" in - -b|--browser*|-t|--tool*) - case "$#,$1" in - *,*=*) - browser=`expr "z$1" : 'z-[^=]*=\(.*\)'` - ;; - 1,*) - usage ;; - *) - browser="$2" - shift ;; - esac - ;; - -c|--config*) - case "$#,$1" in - *,*=*) - conf=`expr "z$1" : 'z-[^=]*=\(.*\)'` - ;; - 1,*) - usage ;; - *) - conf="$2" - shift ;; - esac - ;; - --) - break - ;; - -*) - usage - ;; - *) - break - ;; - esac - shift -done - -test $# = 0 && usage - -if test -z "$browser" -then - for opt in "$conf" "web.browser" - do - test -z "$opt" && continue - browser="`git config $opt`" - test -z "$browser" || break - done - if test -n "$browser" && ! valid_tool "$browser"; then - echo >&2 "git config option $opt set to unknown browser: $browser" - echo >&2 "Resetting to default..." - unset browser - fi -fi - -if test -z "$browser" ; then - if test -n "$DISPLAY"; then - browser_candidates="firefox iceweasel google-chrome chrome chromium chromium-browser konqueror opera seamonkey iceape w3m elinks links lynx dillo" - if test "$KDE_FULL_SESSION" = "true"; then - browser_candidates="konqueror $browser_candidates" - fi - else - browser_candidates="w3m elinks links lynx" - fi - # SECURITYSESSIONID indicates an OS X GUI login session - if test -n "$SECURITYSESSIONID" \ - -o "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "Apple_Terminal" ; then - browser_candidates="open $browser_candidates" - fi - # /bin/start indicates MinGW - if test -x /bin/start; then - browser_candidates="start $browser_candidates" - fi - - for i in $browser_candidates; do - init_browser_path $i - if type "$browser_path" > /dev/null 2>&1; then - browser=$i - break - fi - done - test -z "$browser" && die "No known browser available." -else - valid_tool "$browser" || die "Unknown browser '$browser'." - - init_browser_path "$browser" - - if test -z "$browser_cmd" && ! type "$browser_path" > /dev/null 2>&1; then - die "The browser $browser is not available as '$browser_path'." - fi -fi - -case "$browser" in -firefox|iceweasel|seamonkey|iceape) - # Check version because firefox < 2.0 does not support "-new-tab". - vers=$(expr "$($browser_path -version)" : '.* \([0-9][0-9]*\)\..*') - NEWTAB='-new-tab' - test "$vers" -lt 2 && NEWTAB='' - "$browser_path" $NEWTAB "$@" & - ;; -google-chrome|chrome|chromium|chromium-browser) - # No need to specify newTab. It's default in chromium - eval "$browser_path" "$@" & - ;; -konqueror) - case "$(basename "$browser_path")" in - konqueror) - # It's simpler to use kfmclient to open a new tab in konqueror. - browser_path="$(echo "$browser_path" | sed -e 's/konqueror$/kfmclient/')" - type "$browser_path" > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "No '$browser_path' found." - eval "$browser_path" newTab "$@" - ;; - kfmclient) - eval "$browser_path" newTab "$@" - ;; - *) - "$browser_path" "$@" & - ;; - esac - ;; -w3m|elinks|links|lynx|open) - eval "$browser_path" "$@" - ;; -start) - exec "$browser_path" '"web-browse"' "$@" - ;; -opera|dillo) - "$browser_path" "$@" & - ;; -*) - if test -n "$browser_cmd"; then - ( eval $browser_cmd "$@" ) - fi - ;; -esac diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-whatchanged b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-whatchanged deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-whatchanged +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-write-tree b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-write-tree deleted file mode 120000 index f2cccfc2..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/git-write-tree +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../bin/git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/perl/Git.pm b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/perl/Git.pm deleted file mode 100644 index a86ab709..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/perl/Git.pm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1378 +0,0 @@ -=head1 NAME - -Git - Perl interface to the Git version control system - -=cut - - -package Git; - -use 5.008; -use strict; - - -BEGIN { - -our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK); - -# Totally unstable API. -$VERSION = '0.01'; - - -=head1 SYNOPSIS - - use Git; - - my $version = Git::command_oneline('version'); - - git_cmd_try { Git::command_noisy('update-server-info') } - '%s failed w/ code %d'; - - my $repo = Git->repository (Directory => '/srv/git/cogito.git'); - - - my @revs = $repo->command('rev-list', '--since=last monday', '--all'); - - my ($fh, $c) = $repo->command_output_pipe('rev-list', '--since=last monday', '--all'); - my $lastrev = <$fh>; chomp $lastrev; - $repo->command_close_pipe($fh, $c); - - my $lastrev = $repo->command_oneline( [ 'rev-list', '--all' ], - STDERR => 0 ); - - my $sha1 = $repo->hash_and_insert_object('file.txt'); - my $tempfile = tempfile(); - my $size = $repo->cat_blob($sha1, $tempfile); - -=cut - - -require Exporter; - -@ISA = qw(Exporter); - -@EXPORT = qw(git_cmd_try); - -# Methods which can be called as standalone functions as well: -@EXPORT_OK = qw(command command_oneline command_noisy - command_output_pipe command_input_pipe command_close_pipe - command_bidi_pipe command_close_bidi_pipe - version exec_path html_path hash_object git_cmd_try - remote_refs - temp_acquire temp_release temp_reset temp_path); - - -=head1 DESCRIPTION - -This module provides Perl scripts easy way to interface the Git version control -system. The modules have an easy and well-tested way to call arbitrary Git -commands; in the future, the interface will also provide specialized methods -for doing easily operations which are not totally trivial to do over -the generic command interface. - -While some commands can be executed outside of any context (e.g. 'version' -or 'init'), most operations require a repository context, which in practice -means getting an instance of the Git object using the repository() constructor. -(In the future, we will also get a new_repository() constructor.) All commands -called as methods of the object are then executed in the context of the -repository. - -Part of the "repository state" is also information about path to the attached -working copy (unless you work with a bare repository). You can also navigate -inside of the working copy using the C method. (Note that -the repository object is self-contained and will not change working directory -of your process.) - -TODO: In the future, we might also do - - my $remoterepo = $repo->remote_repository (Name => 'cogito', Branch => 'master'); - $remoterepo ||= Git->remote_repository ('http://git.or.cz/cogito.git/'); - my @refs = $remoterepo->refs(); - -Currently, the module merely wraps calls to external Git tools. In the future, -it will provide a much faster way to interact with Git by linking directly -to libgit. This should be completely opaque to the user, though (performance -increase notwithstanding). - -=cut - - -use Carp qw(carp croak); # but croak is bad - throw instead -use Error qw(:try); -use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd); -use IPC::Open2 qw(open2); -use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR); -} - - -=head1 CONSTRUCTORS - -=over 4 - -=item repository ( OPTIONS ) - -=item repository ( DIRECTORY ) - -=item repository () - -Construct a new repository object. -C are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs. -Possible options are: - -B - Path to the Git repository. - -B - Path to the associated working copy; not strictly required -as many commands will happily crunch on a bare repository. - -B - Subdirectory in the working copy to work inside. -Just left undefined if you do not want to limit the scope of operations. - -B - Path to the Git working directory in its usual setup. -The C<.git> directory is searched in the directory and all the parent -directories; if found, C is set to the directory containing -it and C to the C<.git> directory itself. If no C<.git> -directory was found, the C is assumed to be a bare repository, -C is set to point at it and C is left undefined. -If the C<$GIT_DIR> environment variable is set, things behave as expected -as well. - -You should not use both C and either of C and -C - the results of that are undefined. - -Alternatively, a directory path may be passed as a single scalar argument -to the constructor; it is equivalent to setting only the C option -field. - -Calling the constructor with no options whatsoever is equivalent to -calling it with C<< Directory => '.' >>. In general, if you are building -a standard porcelain command, simply doing C<< Git->repository() >> should -do the right thing and setup the object to reflect exactly where the user -is right now. - -=cut - -sub repository { - my $class = shift; - my @args = @_; - my %opts = (); - my $self; - - if (defined $args[0]) { - if ($#args % 2 != 1) { - # Not a hash. - $#args == 0 or throw Error::Simple("bad usage"); - %opts = ( Directory => $args[0] ); - } else { - %opts = @args; - } - } - - if (not defined $opts{Repository} and not defined $opts{WorkingCopy} - and not defined $opts{Directory}) { - $opts{Directory} = '.'; - } - - if (defined $opts{Directory}) { - -d $opts{Directory} or throw Error::Simple("Directory not found: $opts{Directory} $!"); - - my $search = Git->repository(WorkingCopy => $opts{Directory}); - my $dir; - try { - $dir = $search->command_oneline(['rev-parse', '--git-dir'], - STDERR => 0); - } catch Git::Error::Command with { - $dir = undef; - }; - - if ($dir) { - $dir =~ m#^/# or $dir = $opts{Directory} . '/' . $dir; - $opts{Repository} = abs_path($dir); - - # If --git-dir went ok, this shouldn't die either. - my $prefix = $search->command_oneline('rev-parse', '--show-prefix'); - $dir = abs_path($opts{Directory}) . '/'; - if ($prefix) { - if (substr($dir, -length($prefix)) ne $prefix) { - throw Error::Simple("rev-parse confused me - $dir does not have trailing $prefix"); - } - substr($dir, -length($prefix)) = ''; - } - $opts{WorkingCopy} = $dir; - $opts{WorkingSubdir} = $prefix; - - } else { - # A bare repository? Let's see... - $dir = $opts{Directory}; - - unless (-d "$dir/refs" and -d "$dir/objects" and -e "$dir/HEAD") { - # Mimic git-rev-parse --git-dir error message: - throw Error::Simple("fatal: Not a git repository: $dir"); - } - my $search = Git->repository(Repository => $dir); - try { - $search->command('symbolic-ref', 'HEAD'); - } catch Git::Error::Command with { - # Mimic git-rev-parse --git-dir error message: - throw Error::Simple("fatal: Not a git repository: $dir"); - } - - $opts{Repository} = abs_path($dir); - } - - delete $opts{Directory}; - } - - $self = { opts => \%opts }; - bless $self, $class; -} - -=back - -=head1 METHODS - -=over 4 - -=item command ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) - -=item command ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } ) - -Execute the given Git C (specify it without the 'git-' -prefix), optionally with the specified extra C. - -The second more elaborate form can be used if you want to further adjust -the command execution. Currently, only one option is supported: - -B - How to deal with the command's error output. By default (C) -it is delivered to the caller's C. A false value (0 or '') will cause -it to be thrown away. If you want to process it, you can get it in a filehandle -you specify, but you must be extremely careful; if the error output is not -very short and you want to read it in the same process as where you called -C, you are set up for a nice deadlock! - -The method can be called without any instance or on a specified Git repository -(in that case the command will be run in the repository context). - -In scalar context, it returns all the command output in a single string -(verbatim). - -In array context, it returns an array containing lines printed to the -command's stdout (without trailing newlines). - -In both cases, the command's stdin and stderr are the same as the caller's. - -=cut - -sub command { - my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@_); - - if (not defined wantarray) { - # Nothing to pepper the possible exception with. - _cmd_close($fh, $ctx); - - } elsif (not wantarray) { - local $/; - my $text = <$fh>; - try { - _cmd_close($fh, $ctx); - } catch Git::Error::Command with { - # Pepper with the output: - my $E = shift; - $E->{'-outputref'} = \$text; - throw $E; - }; - return $text; - - } else { - my @lines = <$fh>; - defined and chomp for @lines; - try { - _cmd_close($fh, $ctx); - } catch Git::Error::Command with { - my $E = shift; - $E->{'-outputref'} = \@lines; - throw $E; - }; - return @lines; - } -} - - -=item command_oneline ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) - -=item command_oneline ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } ) - -Execute the given C in the same way as command() -does but always return a scalar string containing the first line -of the command's standard output. - -=cut - -sub command_oneline { - my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@_); - - my $line = <$fh>; - defined $line and chomp $line; - try { - _cmd_close($fh, $ctx); - } catch Git::Error::Command with { - # Pepper with the output: - my $E = shift; - $E->{'-outputref'} = \$line; - throw $E; - }; - return $line; -} - - -=item command_output_pipe ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) - -=item command_output_pipe ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } ) - -Execute the given C in the same way as command() -does but return a pipe filehandle from which the command output can be -read. - -The function can return C<($pipe, $ctx)> in array context. -See C for details. - -=cut - -sub command_output_pipe { - _command_common_pipe('-|', @_); -} - - -=item command_input_pipe ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) - -=item command_input_pipe ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } ) - -Execute the given C in the same way as command_output_pipe() -does but return an input pipe filehandle instead; the command output -is not captured. - -The function can return C<($pipe, $ctx)> in array context. -See C for details. - -=cut - -sub command_input_pipe { - _command_common_pipe('|-', @_); -} - - -=item command_close_pipe ( PIPE [, CTX ] ) - -Close the C as returned from C, checking -whether the command finished successfully. The optional C argument -is required if you want to see the command name in the error message, -and it is the second value returned by C when -called in array context. The call idiom is: - - my ($fh, $ctx) = $r->command_output_pipe('status'); - while (<$fh>) { ... } - $r->command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx); - -Note that you should not rely on whatever actually is in C; -currently it is simply the command name but in future the context might -have more complicated structure. - -=cut - -sub command_close_pipe { - my ($self, $fh, $ctx) = _maybe_self(@_); - $ctx ||= ''; - _cmd_close($fh, $ctx); -} - -=item command_bidi_pipe ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) - -Execute the given C in the same way as command_output_pipe() -does but return both an input pipe filehandle and an output pipe filehandle. - -The function will return return C<($pid, $pipe_in, $pipe_out, $ctx)>. -See C for details. - -=cut - -sub command_bidi_pipe { - my ($pid, $in, $out); - my ($self) = _maybe_self(@_); - local %ENV = %ENV; - my $cwd_save = undef; - if ($self) { - shift; - $cwd_save = cwd(); - _setup_git_cmd_env($self); - } - $pid = open2($in, $out, 'git', @_); - chdir($cwd_save) if $cwd_save; - return ($pid, $in, $out, join(' ', @_)); -} - -=item command_close_bidi_pipe ( PID, PIPE_IN, PIPE_OUT [, CTX] ) - -Close the C and C as returned from C, -checking whether the command finished successfully. The optional C -argument is required if you want to see the command name in the error message, -and it is the fourth value returned by C. The call idiom -is: - - my ($pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = $r->command_bidi_pipe('cat-file --batch-check'); - print "000000000\n" $out; - while (<$in>) { ... } - $r->command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $in, $out, $ctx); - -Note that you should not rely on whatever actually is in C; -currently it is simply the command name but in future the context might -have more complicated structure. - -=cut - -sub command_close_bidi_pipe { - local $?; - my ($pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = @_; - foreach my $fh ($in, $out) { - unless (close $fh) { - if ($!) { - carp "error closing pipe: $!"; - } elsif ($? >> 8) { - throw Git::Error::Command($ctx, $? >>8); - } - } - } - - waitpid $pid, 0; - - if ($? >> 8) { - throw Git::Error::Command($ctx, $? >>8); - } -} - - -=item command_noisy ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) - -Execute the given C in the same way as command() does but do not -capture the command output - the standard output is not redirected and goes -to the standard output of the caller application. - -While the method is called command_noisy(), you might want to as well use -it for the most silent Git commands which you know will never pollute your -stdout but you want to avoid the overhead of the pipe setup when calling them. - -The function returns only after the command has finished running. - -=cut - -sub command_noisy { - my ($self, $cmd, @args) = _maybe_self(@_); - _check_valid_cmd($cmd); - - my $pid = fork; - if (not defined $pid) { - throw Error::Simple("fork failed: $!"); - } elsif ($pid == 0) { - _cmd_exec($self, $cmd, @args); - } - if (waitpid($pid, 0) > 0 and $?>>8 != 0) { - throw Git::Error::Command(join(' ', $cmd, @args), $? >> 8); - } -} - - -=item version () - -Return the Git version in use. - -=cut - -sub version { - my $verstr = command_oneline('--version'); - $verstr =~ s/^git version //; - $verstr; -} - - -=item exec_path () - -Return path to the Git sub-command executables (the same as -C). Useful mostly only internally. - -=cut - -sub exec_path { command_oneline('--exec-path') } - - -=item html_path () - -Return path to the Git html documentation (the same as -C). Useful mostly only internally. - -=cut - -sub html_path { command_oneline('--html-path') } - - -=item repo_path () - -Return path to the git repository. Must be called on a repository instance. - -=cut - -sub repo_path { $_[0]->{opts}->{Repository} } - - -=item wc_path () - -Return path to the working copy. Must be called on a repository instance. - -=cut - -sub wc_path { $_[0]->{opts}->{WorkingCopy} } - - -=item wc_subdir () - -Return path to the subdirectory inside of a working copy. Must be called -on a repository instance. - -=cut - -sub wc_subdir { $_[0]->{opts}->{WorkingSubdir} ||= '' } - - -=item wc_chdir ( SUBDIR ) - -Change the working copy subdirectory to work within. The C is -relative to the working copy root directory (not the current subdirectory). -Must be called on a repository instance attached to a working copy -and the directory must exist. - -=cut - -sub wc_chdir { - my ($self, $subdir) = @_; - $self->wc_path() - or throw Error::Simple("bare repository"); - - -d $self->wc_path().'/'.$subdir - or throw Error::Simple("subdir not found: $subdir $!"); - # Of course we will not "hold" the subdirectory so anyone - # can delete it now and we will never know. But at least we tried. - - $self->{opts}->{WorkingSubdir} = $subdir; -} - - -=item config ( VARIABLE ) - -Retrieve the configuration C in the same manner as C -does. In scalar context requires the variable to be set only one time -(exception is thrown otherwise), in array context returns allows the -variable to be set multiple times and returns all the values. - -This currently wraps command('config') so it is not so fast. - -=cut - -sub config { - my ($self, $var) = _maybe_self(@_); - - try { - my @cmd = ('config'); - unshift @cmd, $self if $self; - if (wantarray) { - return command(@cmd, '--get-all', $var); - } else { - return command_oneline(@cmd, '--get', $var); - } - } catch Git::Error::Command with { - my $E = shift; - if ($E->value() == 1) { - # Key not found. - return; - } else { - throw $E; - } - }; -} - - -=item config_bool ( VARIABLE ) - -Retrieve the bool configuration C. The return value -is usable as a boolean in perl (and C if it's not defined, -of course). - -This currently wraps command('config') so it is not so fast. - -=cut - -sub config_bool { - my ($self, $var) = _maybe_self(@_); - - try { - my @cmd = ('config', '--bool', '--get', $var); - unshift @cmd, $self if $self; - my $val = command_oneline(@cmd); - return undef unless defined $val; - return $val eq 'true'; - } catch Git::Error::Command with { - my $E = shift; - if ($E->value() == 1) { - # Key not found. - return undef; - } else { - throw $E; - } - }; -} - -=item config_int ( VARIABLE ) - -Retrieve the integer configuration C. The return value -is simple decimal number. An optional value suffix of 'k', 'm', -or 'g' in the config file will cause the value to be multiplied -by 1024, 1048576 (1024^2), or 1073741824 (1024^3) prior to output. -It would return C if configuration variable is not defined, - -This currently wraps command('config') so it is not so fast. - -=cut - -sub config_int { - my ($self, $var) = _maybe_self(@_); - - try { - my @cmd = ('config', '--int', '--get', $var); - unshift @cmd, $self if $self; - return command_oneline(@cmd); - } catch Git::Error::Command with { - my $E = shift; - if ($E->value() == 1) { - # Key not found. - return undef; - } else { - throw $E; - } - }; -} - -=item get_colorbool ( NAME ) - -Finds if color should be used for NAMEd operation from the configuration, -and returns boolean (true for "use color", false for "do not use color"). - -=cut - -sub get_colorbool { - my ($self, $var) = @_; - my $stdout_to_tty = (-t STDOUT) ? "true" : "false"; - my $use_color = $self->command_oneline('config', '--get-colorbool', - $var, $stdout_to_tty); - return ($use_color eq 'true'); -} - -=item get_color ( SLOT, COLOR ) - -Finds color for SLOT from the configuration, while defaulting to COLOR, -and returns the ANSI color escape sequence: - - print $repo->get_color("color.interactive.prompt", "underline blue white"); - print "some text"; - print $repo->get_color("", "normal"); - -=cut - -sub get_color { - my ($self, $slot, $default) = @_; - my $color = $self->command_oneline('config', '--get-color', $slot, $default); - if (!defined $color) { - $color = ""; - } - return $color; -} - -=item remote_refs ( REPOSITORY [, GROUPS [, REFGLOBS ] ] ) - -This function returns a hashref of refs stored in a given remote repository. -The hash is in the format C hash>. For tags, the C entry -contains the tag object while a C entry gives the tagged objects. - -C has the same meaning as the appropriate C -argument; either an URL or a remote name (if called on a repository instance). -C is an optional arrayref that can contain 'tags' to return all the -tags and/or 'heads' to return all the heads. C is an optional array -of strings containing a shell-like glob to further limit the refs returned in -the hash; the meaning is again the same as the appropriate C -argument. - -This function may or may not be called on a repository instance. In the former -case, remote names as defined in the repository are recognized as repository -specifiers. - -=cut - -sub remote_refs { - my ($self, $repo, $groups, $refglobs) = _maybe_self(@_); - my @args; - if (ref $groups eq 'ARRAY') { - foreach (@$groups) { - if ($_ eq 'heads') { - push (@args, '--heads'); - } elsif ($_ eq 'tags') { - push (@args, '--tags'); - } else { - # Ignore unknown groups for future - # compatibility - } - } - } - push (@args, $repo); - if (ref $refglobs eq 'ARRAY') { - push (@args, @$refglobs); - } - - my @self = $self ? ($self) : (); # Ultra trickery - my ($fh, $ctx) = Git::command_output_pipe(@self, 'ls-remote', @args); - my %refs; - while (<$fh>) { - chomp; - my ($hash, $ref) = split(/\t/, $_, 2); - $refs{$ref} = $hash; - } - Git::command_close_pipe(@self, $fh, $ctx); - return \%refs; -} - - -=item ident ( TYPE | IDENTSTR ) - -=item ident_person ( TYPE | IDENTSTR | IDENTARRAY ) - -This suite of functions retrieves and parses ident information, as stored -in the commit and tag objects or produced by C (thus -C can be either I or I; case is insignificant). - -The C method retrieves the ident information from C -and either returns it as a scalar string or as an array with the fields parsed. -Alternatively, it can take a prepared ident string (e.g. from the commit -object) and just parse it. - -C returns the person part of the ident - name and email; -it can take the same arguments as C or the array returned by C. - -The synopsis is like: - - my ($name, $email, $time_tz) = ident('author'); - "$name <$email>" eq ident_person('author'); - "$name <$email>" eq ident_person($name); - $time_tz =~ /^\d+ [+-]\d{4}$/; - -=cut - -sub ident { - my ($self, $type) = _maybe_self(@_); - my $identstr; - if (lc $type eq lc 'committer' or lc $type eq lc 'author') { - my @cmd = ('var', 'GIT_'.uc($type).'_IDENT'); - unshift @cmd, $self if $self; - $identstr = command_oneline(@cmd); - } else { - $identstr = $type; - } - if (wantarray) { - return $identstr =~ /^(.*) <(.*)> (\d+ [+-]\d{4})$/; - } else { - return $identstr; - } -} - -sub ident_person { - my ($self, @ident) = _maybe_self(@_); - $#ident == 0 and @ident = $self ? $self->ident($ident[0]) : ident($ident[0]); - return "$ident[0] <$ident[1]>"; -} - - -=item hash_object ( TYPE, FILENAME ) - -Compute the SHA1 object id of the given C considering it is -of the C object type (C, C, C). - -The method can be called without any instance or on a specified Git repository, -it makes zero difference. - -The function returns the SHA1 hash. - -=cut - -# TODO: Support for passing FILEHANDLE instead of FILENAME -sub hash_object { - my ($self, $type, $file) = _maybe_self(@_); - command_oneline('hash-object', '-t', $type, $file); -} - - -=item hash_and_insert_object ( FILENAME ) - -Compute the SHA1 object id of the given C and add the object to the -object database. - -The function returns the SHA1 hash. - -=cut - -# TODO: Support for passing FILEHANDLE instead of FILENAME -sub hash_and_insert_object { - my ($self, $filename) = @_; - - carp "Bad filename \"$filename\"" if $filename =~ /[\r\n]/; - - $self->_open_hash_and_insert_object_if_needed(); - my ($in, $out) = ($self->{hash_object_in}, $self->{hash_object_out}); - - unless (print $out $filename, "\n") { - $self->_close_hash_and_insert_object(); - throw Error::Simple("out pipe went bad"); - } - - chomp(my $hash = <$in>); - unless (defined($hash)) { - $self->_close_hash_and_insert_object(); - throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad"); - } - - return $hash; -} - -sub _open_hash_and_insert_object_if_needed { - my ($self) = @_; - - return if defined($self->{hash_object_pid}); - - ($self->{hash_object_pid}, $self->{hash_object_in}, - $self->{hash_object_out}, $self->{hash_object_ctx}) = - $self->command_bidi_pipe(qw(hash-object -w --stdin-paths --no-filters)); -} - -sub _close_hash_and_insert_object { - my ($self) = @_; - - return unless defined($self->{hash_object_pid}); - - my @vars = map { 'hash_object_' . $_ } qw(pid in out ctx); - - command_close_bidi_pipe(@$self{@vars}); - delete @$self{@vars}; -} - -=item cat_blob ( SHA1, FILEHANDLE ) - -Prints the contents of the blob identified by C to C and -returns the number of bytes printed. - -=cut - -sub cat_blob { - my ($self, $sha1, $fh) = @_; - - $self->_open_cat_blob_if_needed(); - my ($in, $out) = ($self->{cat_blob_in}, $self->{cat_blob_out}); - - unless (print $out $sha1, "\n") { - $self->_close_cat_blob(); - throw Error::Simple("out pipe went bad"); - } - - my $description = <$in>; - if ($description =~ / missing$/) { - carp "$sha1 doesn't exist in the repository"; - return -1; - } - - if ($description !~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{40} \S+ (\d+)$/) { - carp "Unexpected result returned from git cat-file"; - return -1; - } - - my $size = $1; - - my $blob; - my $bytesRead = 0; - - while (1) { - my $bytesLeft = $size - $bytesRead; - last unless $bytesLeft; - - my $bytesToRead = $bytesLeft < 1024 ? $bytesLeft : 1024; - my $read = read($in, $blob, $bytesToRead, $bytesRead); - unless (defined($read)) { - $self->_close_cat_blob(); - throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad"); - } - - $bytesRead += $read; - } - - # Skip past the trailing newline. - my $newline; - my $read = read($in, $newline, 1); - unless (defined($read)) { - $self->_close_cat_blob(); - throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad"); - } - unless ($read == 1 && $newline eq "\n") { - $self->_close_cat_blob(); - throw Error::Simple("didn't find newline after blob"); - } - - unless (print $fh $blob) { - $self->_close_cat_blob(); - throw Error::Simple("couldn't write to passed in filehandle"); - } - - return $size; -} - -sub _open_cat_blob_if_needed { - my ($self) = @_; - - return if defined($self->{cat_blob_pid}); - - ($self->{cat_blob_pid}, $self->{cat_blob_in}, - $self->{cat_blob_out}, $self->{cat_blob_ctx}) = - $self->command_bidi_pipe(qw(cat-file --batch)); -} - -sub _close_cat_blob { - my ($self) = @_; - - return unless defined($self->{cat_blob_pid}); - - my @vars = map { 'cat_blob_' . $_ } qw(pid in out ctx); - - command_close_bidi_pipe(@$self{@vars}); - delete @$self{@vars}; -} - - -{ # %TEMP_* Lexical Context - -my (%TEMP_FILEMAP, %TEMP_FILES); - -=item temp_acquire ( NAME ) - -Attempts to retreive the temporary file mapped to the string C. If an -associated temp file has not been created this session or was closed, it is -created, cached, and set for autoflush and binmode. - -Internally locks the file mapped to C. This lock must be released with -C when the temp file is no longer needed. Subsequent attempts -to retrieve temporary files mapped to the same C while still locked will -cause an error. This locking mechanism provides a weak guarantee and is not -threadsafe. It does provide some error checking to help prevent temp file refs -writing over one another. - -In general, the L returned should not be closed by consumers as -it defeats the purpose of this caching mechanism. If you need to close the temp -file handle, then you should use L or another temp file faculty -directly. If a handle is closed and then requested again, then a warning will -issue. - -=cut - -sub temp_acquire { - my $temp_fd = _temp_cache(@_); - - $TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{locked} = 1; - $temp_fd; -} - -=item temp_release ( NAME ) - -=item temp_release ( FILEHANDLE ) - -Releases a lock acquired through C. Can be called either with -the C mapping used when acquiring the temp file or with the C -referencing a locked temp file. - -Warns if an attempt is made to release a file that is not locked. - -The temp file will be truncated before being released. This can help to reduce -disk I/O where the system is smart enough to detect the truncation while data -is in the output buffers. Beware that after the temp file is released and -truncated, any operations on that file may fail miserably until it is -re-acquired. All contents are lost between each release and acquire mapped to -the same string. - -=cut - -sub temp_release { - my ($self, $temp_fd, $trunc) = _maybe_self(@_); - - if (exists $TEMP_FILEMAP{$temp_fd}) { - $temp_fd = $TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}; - } - unless ($TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{locked}) { - carp "Attempt to release temp file '", - $temp_fd, "' that has not been locked"; - } - temp_reset($temp_fd) if $trunc and $temp_fd->opened; - - $TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{locked} = 0; - undef; -} - -sub _temp_cache { - my ($self, $name) = _maybe_self(@_); - - _verify_require(); - - my $temp_fd = \$TEMP_FILEMAP{$name}; - if (defined $$temp_fd and $$temp_fd->opened) { - if ($TEMP_FILES{$$temp_fd}{locked}) { - throw Error::Simple("Temp file with moniker '" . - $name . "' already in use"); - } - } else { - if (defined $$temp_fd) { - # then we're here because of a closed handle. - carp "Temp file '", $name, - "' was closed. Opening replacement."; - } - my $fname; - - my $tmpdir; - if (defined $self) { - $tmpdir = $self->repo_path(); - } - - ($$temp_fd, $fname) = File::Temp->tempfile( - 'Git_XXXXXX', UNLINK => 1, DIR => $tmpdir, - ) or throw Error::Simple("couldn't open new temp file"); - - $$temp_fd->autoflush; - binmode $$temp_fd; - $TEMP_FILES{$$temp_fd}{fname} = $fname; - } - $$temp_fd; -} - -sub _verify_require { - eval { require File::Temp; require File::Spec; }; - $@ and throw Error::Simple($@); -} - -=item temp_reset ( FILEHANDLE ) - -Truncates and resets the position of the C. - -=cut - -sub temp_reset { - my ($self, $temp_fd) = _maybe_self(@_); - - truncate $temp_fd, 0 - or throw Error::Simple("couldn't truncate file"); - sysseek($temp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) and seek($temp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) - or throw Error::Simple("couldn't seek to beginning of file"); - sysseek($temp_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0 and tell($temp_fd) == 0 - or throw Error::Simple("expected file position to be reset"); -} - -=item temp_path ( NAME ) - -=item temp_path ( FILEHANDLE ) - -Returns the filename associated with the given tempfile. - -=cut - -sub temp_path { - my ($self, $temp_fd) = _maybe_self(@_); - - if (exists $TEMP_FILEMAP{$temp_fd}) { - $temp_fd = $TEMP_FILEMAP{$temp_fd}; - } - $TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{fname}; -} - -sub END { - unlink values %TEMP_FILEMAP if %TEMP_FILEMAP; -} - -} # %TEMP_* Lexical Context - -=back - -=head1 ERROR HANDLING - -All functions are supposed to throw Perl exceptions in case of errors. -See the L module on how to catch those. Most exceptions are mere -L instances. - -However, the C, C and C -functions suite can throw C exceptions as well: those are -thrown when the external command returns an error code and contain the error -code as well as access to the captured command's output. The exception class -provides the usual C and C (command's exit code) methods and -in addition also a C method that returns either an array or a -string with the captured command output (depending on the original function -call context; C returns C) and $ which -returns the command and its arguments (but without proper quoting). - -Note that the C functions cannot throw this exception since -it has no idea whether the command failed or not. You will only find out -at the time you C the pipe; if you want to have that automated, -use C, which can throw the exception. - -=cut - -{ - package Git::Error::Command; - - @Git::Error::Command::ISA = qw(Error); - - sub new { - my $self = shift; - my $cmdline = '' . shift; - my $value = 0 + shift; - my $outputref = shift; - my(@args) = (); - - local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; - - push(@args, '-cmdline', $cmdline); - push(@args, '-value', $value); - push(@args, '-outputref', $outputref); - - $self->SUPER::new(-text => 'command returned error', @args); - } - - sub stringify { - my $self = shift; - my $text = $self->SUPER::stringify; - $self->cmdline() . ': ' . $text . ': ' . $self->value() . "\n"; - } - - sub cmdline { - my $self = shift; - $self->{'-cmdline'}; - } - - sub cmd_output { - my $self = shift; - my $ref = $self->{'-outputref'}; - defined $ref or undef; - if (ref $ref eq 'ARRAY') { - return @$ref; - } else { # SCALAR - return $$ref; - } - } -} - -=over 4 - -=item git_cmd_try { CODE } ERRMSG - -This magical statement will automatically catch any C -exceptions thrown by C and make your program die with C -on its lips; the message will have %s substituted for the command line -and %d for the exit status. This statement is useful mostly for producing -more user-friendly error messages. - -In case of no exception caught the statement returns C's return value. - -Note that this is the only auto-exported function. - -=cut - -sub git_cmd_try(&$) { - my ($code, $errmsg) = @_; - my @result; - my $err; - my $array = wantarray; - try { - if ($array) { - @result = &$code; - } else { - $result[0] = &$code; - } - } catch Git::Error::Command with { - my $E = shift; - $err = $errmsg; - $err =~ s/\%s/$E->cmdline()/ge; - $err =~ s/\%d/$E->value()/ge; - # We can't croak here since Error.pm would mangle - # that to Error::Simple. - }; - $err and croak $err; - return $array ? @result : $result[0]; -} - - -=back - -=head1 COPYRIGHT - -Copyright 2006 by Petr Baudis Epasky@suse.czE. - -This module is free software; it may be used, copied, modified -and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, -either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. - -=cut - - -# Take raw method argument list and return ($obj, @args) in case -# the method was called upon an instance and (undef, @args) if -# it was called directly. -sub _maybe_self { - UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Git') ? @_ : (undef, @_); -} - -# Check if the command id is something reasonable. -sub _check_valid_cmd { - my ($cmd) = @_; - $cmd =~ /^[a-z0-9A-Z_-]+$/ or throw Error::Simple("bad command: $cmd"); -} - -# Common backend for the pipe creators. -sub _command_common_pipe { - my $direction = shift; - my ($self, @p) = _maybe_self(@_); - my (%opts, $cmd, @args); - if (ref $p[0]) { - ($cmd, @args) = @{shift @p}; - %opts = ref $p[0] ? %{$p[0]} : @p; - } else { - ($cmd, @args) = @p; - } - _check_valid_cmd($cmd); - - my $fh; - if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { - # ActiveState Perl - #defined $opts{STDERR} and - # warn 'ignoring STDERR option - running w/ ActiveState'; - $direction eq '-|' or - die 'input pipe for ActiveState not implemented'; - # the strange construction with *ACPIPE is just to - # explain the tie below that we want to bind to - # a handle class, not scalar. It is not known if - # it is something specific to ActiveState Perl or - # just a Perl quirk. - tie (*ACPIPE, 'Git::activestate_pipe', $cmd, @args); - $fh = *ACPIPE; - - } else { - my $pid = open($fh, $direction); - if (not defined $pid) { - throw Error::Simple("open failed: $!"); - } elsif ($pid == 0) { - if (defined $opts{STDERR}) { - close STDERR; - } - if ($opts{STDERR}) { - open (STDERR, '>&', $opts{STDERR}) - or die "dup failed: $!"; - } - _cmd_exec($self, $cmd, @args); - } - } - return wantarray ? ($fh, join(' ', $cmd, @args)) : $fh; -} - -# When already in the subprocess, set up the appropriate state -# for the given repository and execute the git command. -sub _cmd_exec { - my ($self, @args) = @_; - _setup_git_cmd_env($self); - _execv_git_cmd(@args); - die qq[exec "@args" failed: $!]; -} - -# set up the appropriate state for git command -sub _setup_git_cmd_env { - my $self = shift; - if ($self) { - $self->repo_path() and $ENV{'GIT_DIR'} = $self->repo_path(); - $self->repo_path() and $self->wc_path() - and $ENV{'GIT_WORK_TREE'} = $self->wc_path(); - $self->wc_path() and chdir($self->wc_path()); - $self->wc_subdir() and chdir($self->wc_subdir()); - } -} - -# Execute the given Git command ($_[0]) with arguments ($_[1..]) -# by searching for it at proper places. -sub _execv_git_cmd { exec('git', @_); } - -# Close pipe to a subprocess. -sub _cmd_close { - my ($fh, $ctx) = @_; - if (not close $fh) { - if ($!) { - # It's just close, no point in fatalities - carp "error closing pipe: $!"; - } elsif ($? >> 8) { - # The caller should pepper this. - throw Git::Error::Command($ctx, $? >> 8); - } - # else we might e.g. closed a live stream; the command - # dying of SIGPIPE would drive us here. - } -} - - -sub DESTROY { - my ($self) = @_; - $self->_close_hash_and_insert_object(); - $self->_close_cat_blob(); -} - - -# Pipe implementation for ActiveState Perl. - -package Git::activestate_pipe; -use strict; - -sub TIEHANDLE { - my ($class, @params) = @_; - # FIXME: This is probably horrible idea and the thing will explode - # at the moment you give it arguments that require some quoting, - # but I have no ActiveState clue... --pasky - # Let's just hope ActiveState Perl does at least the quoting - # correctly. - my @data = qx{git @params}; - bless { i => 0, data => \@data }, $class; -} - -sub READLINE { - my $self = shift; - if ($self->{i} >= scalar @{$self->{data}}) { - return undef; - } - my $i = $self->{i}; - if (wantarray) { - $self->{i} = $#{$self->{'data'}} + 1; - return splice(@{$self->{'data'}}, $i); - } - $self->{i} = $i + 1; - return $self->{'data'}->[ $i ]; -} - -sub CLOSE { - my $self = shift; - delete $self->{data}; - delete $self->{i}; -} - -sub EOF { - my $self = shift; - return ($self->{i} >= scalar @{$self->{data}}); -} - - -1; # Famous last words diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/perl/auto/Git/.packlist b/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/perl/auto/Git/.packlist deleted file mode 100644 index 09dc3912..00000000 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/git/libexec/git-core/perl/auto/Git/.packlist +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/BinaryCache/Git/Git-19~1/Root/usr/share/git-core/perl/Git.pm -/BinaryCache/Git/Git-19~1/Root/usr/share/man/man3/Git.3pm