diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 16c48d78..e0233878 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -46,5 +46,6 @@ po/sparkleshare.pot SparkleShare/Nautilus/sparkleshare-nautilus-extension.py gnome-doc-utils.make /sparkleshare-* +data/plugins/*.xml desktop.ini _ReSharper.* diff --git a/.tx/config b/.tx/config index 382cf6d6..8d2f63b9 100644 --- a/.tx/config +++ b/.tx/config @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ [main] -host = http://www.transifex.net +host = https://www.transifex.net [sparkleshare.UI] file_filter = po/.po diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS index f2aa8b0a..fb3bb87c 100755 --- a/AUTHORS +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Contributors: Simon Pither Steven Harms Sven Mueller + Travis Glenn Hansen Vincent Untz Will Thompson diff --git a/LICENSE.rtf b/LICENSE.rtf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f679cc67 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE.rtf @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2077{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}} +{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;} +{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\lang1053\b\f0\fs28 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0\fs24 Version 3, 29 June 2007\par +Copyright \'a9 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://fsf.org/"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 http://fsf.org/}}}\f0\fs24 >\par +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b\fs28 Preamble\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0\fs24 The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.\par +The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to your programs, too.\par +When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.\par +To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.\par +For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.\par +Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.\par +For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to authors of previous versions.\par +Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.\par +Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.\par +The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b\fs28 TERMS AND CONDITIONS\par +\fs24 0. Definitions.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0\ldblquote This License\rdblquote refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.\par +\ldblquote Copyright\rdblquote also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks.\par +\ldblquote The Program\rdblquote refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License. Each licensee is addressed as \ldblquote you\rdblquote . \ldblquote Licensees\rdblquote and \ldblquote recipients\rdblquote may be individuals or organizations.\par +To \ldblquote modify\rdblquote a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an exact copy. The resulting work is called a \ldblquote modified version\rdblquote of the earlier work or a work \ldblquote based on\rdblquote the earlier work.\par +A \ldblquote covered work\rdblquote means either the unmodified Program or a work based on the Program.\par +To \ldblquote propagate\rdblquote a work means to do anything with it that, without permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, distribution (with or without modification), making available to the public, and in some countries other activities as well.\par +To \ldblquote convey\rdblquote a work means any kind of propagation that enables other parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.\par +An interactive user interface displays \ldblquote Appropriate Legal Notices\rdblquote to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 1. Source Code.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 The \ldblquote source code\rdblquote for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. \ldblquote Object code\rdblquote means any non-source form of a work.\par +A \ldblquote Standard Interface\rdblquote means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that is widely used among developers working in that language.\par +The \ldblquote System Libraries\rdblquote of an executable work include anything, other than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an implementation is available to the public in source code form. A \ldblquote Major Component\rdblquote , in this context, means a major essential component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.\par +The \ldblquote Corresponding Source\rdblquote for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities. However, it does not include the work's System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source includes interface definition files associated with source files for the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those subprograms and other parts of the work.\par +The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source.\par +The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same work.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 2. Basic Permissions.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.\par +You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.\par +Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 makes it unnecessary.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such measures.\par +When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; keep intact all notices stating that this License and any non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.\par +You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:\par +\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent360{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100 a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it, and giving a relevant date. \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is released under this License and any conditions added under section 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to \ldblquote keep intact all notices\rdblquote . \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your work need not make them do so. \par +\pard\sb100\sa100 A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an \ldblquote aggregate\rdblquote if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of the aggregate.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, in one of these ways:\par +\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent360{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100 a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange. \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord with subsection 6b. \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no charge under subsection 6d. \par +\pard\sb100\sa100 A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be included in conveying the object code work.\par +A \ldblquote User Product\rdblquote is either (1) a \ldblquote consumer product\rdblquote , which means any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user, \ldblquote normally used\rdblquote refers to a typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only significant mode of use of the product.\par +\ldblquote Installation Information\rdblquote for a User Product means any methods, procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made.\par +If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM).\par +The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and protocols for communication across the network.\par +Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the public in source code form), and must require no special password or key for unpacking, reading or copying.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 7. Additional Terms.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0\ldblquote Additional permissions\rdblquote are terms that supplement the terms of this License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by this License without regard to the additional permissions.\par +When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.\par +Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:\par +\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent360{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100 a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in reasonable ways as different from the original version; or \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or authors of the material; or \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or \par +{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on those licensors and authors. \par +\pard\sb100\sa100 All other non-permissive additional terms are considered \ldblquote further restrictions\rdblquote within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms of that license document, provided that the further restriction does not survive such relicensing or conveying.\par +If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating where to find the applicable terms.\par +Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the above requirements apply either way.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 8. Termination.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third paragraph of section 11).\par +However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.\par +Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.\par +Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same material under section 10.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.\par +An \ldblquote entity transaction\rdblquote is a transaction transferring control of an organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered work results from an entity transaction, each party to that transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.\par +You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 11. Patents.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 A \ldblquote contributor\rdblquote is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The work thus licensed is called the contributor's \ldblquote contributor version\rdblquote .\par +A contributor's \ldblquote essential patent claims\rdblquote are all patent claims owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For purposes of this definition, \ldblquote control\rdblquote includes the right to grant patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License.\par +Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of its contributor version.\par +In the following three paragraphs, a \ldblquote patent license\rdblquote is any express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement). To \ldblquote grant\rdblquote such a patent license to a party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party.\par +If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent license to downstream recipients. \ldblquote Knowingly relying\rdblquote means you have actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that country that you have reason to believe are valid.\par +If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered work and works based on it.\par +A patent license is \ldblquote discriminatory\rdblquote if it does not include within the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection with specific products or compilations that contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.\par +Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the combination as such.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 14. Revised Versions of this License.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.\par +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public License \ldblquote or any later version\rdblquote applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.\par +If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Program.\par +Later license versions may give you additional or different permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a later version.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM \ldblquote AS IS\rdblquote WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 16. Limitation of Liability.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.\par +\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.\par +\pard\sb100\sa100\b0 If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee.\par +END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS\lang29\f1\fs22\par +} + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..258cd010 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +# SparkleShare + +SparkleShare is a collaboration and sharing tool that is designed to keep +things simple and to stay out of your way. It allows you to instantly sync +with any Git repository you have access to. + +SparkleShare currently works on Linux and Mac. A Windows port and mobile +device support are planned for the future. + + +# License + +SparkleShare is free software and licensed under the GNU GPLv3 or later. You +are welcome to change and redistribute it under certain conditions. For more +information see the LICENSE file or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html + + +# Run on Linux + +Requirements: + + - git >= 1.7.0 + - gtk-sharp2 + - gvfs + - intltool + - libnotify + - mono-core >= 2.8 + - notify-sharp + - nautilus-python + - openssh + - pygtk + - webkitgtk + - webkit-sharp + +Run the service, either click the SparkleShare launcher or: + + $ sparkleshare start + +You can stop the service via the graphical interface or by typing: + + $ sparkleshare stop + +For help: + + $ sparkleshare --help + +Note: + + SparkleShare creates its own RSA keypair in ~/config/sparkleshare/ and uses + that for authentication. Please mind this if you're planning to set up your + own server by hand. + + +# Build on Linux + +Installing the build dependencies on Debian or Ubuntu: + + $ sudo apt-get install gtk-sharp2 mono-runtime mono-devel monodevelop \ + libndesk-dbus1.0-cil-dev nant libnotify-cil-dev libgtk2.0-cil-dev mono-gmcs \ + libwebkit-cil-dev intltool libtool python-nautilus libndesk-dbus-glib1.0-cil-dev + +For Ubuntu libappindicator support, run the following before building: + + $ sudo apt-get install libappindicator0.1-cil-dev + +On Fedora: + + $ sudo yum install gtk-sharp2-devel mono-core mono-devel monodevelop \ + ndesk-dbus-devel ndesk-dbus-glib-devel nautilus-python-devel nant \ + notify-sharp-devel webkit-sharp-devel webkitgtk-devel libtool intltool \ + gnome-doc-utils + +You can build and install SparkleShare like this: + + $ ./configure --prefix=/usr (or ./autogen.sh if you build from the repository) + $ make + $ sudo make install + +Note: + + Use '--prefix=/usr' if you want the Nautilus extension to work. + + +# Run on Mac + +Just double-click the SparkleShare bundle. + + +# Build on Mac + +Install Xcode, the Mono Framework, MonoDevelop and the MonoMac plugin (you find it in Add-in Manager). + +You may need to adjust some environment variables to let the build environment tools find mono: + + $ export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin:$PATH + $ export PKG_CONFIG=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin/pkg-config + $ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/pkgconfig + +Install git, automake, and intltool using MacPorts: + + $ sudo port install git-core automake intltool + +Start the first part of the build: + + $ ./autogen.sh --enable-gtkui=no + $ make + +Now that you have compiled the libraries, open 'SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleShare.sln' in +MonoDevelop and start the build. + +To create the SparkleShare.app, select Project from the menu bar +and click "Create Mac Installer..." Save the SparkleShare.app somewhere. + +Paste the contents of the following file in SparkleShare.app/Contents/MonoBundle/config: +https://raw.github.com/gist/1aeffa61bac73fc08eca/0c0f09ef9e36864c35f34fd5e8bf4f99886be193/gistfile1.txt + +Copy /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/libintl.dylib +to SparkleShare.app/Contents/Resources + +Now you should have a working bundle that you can run. + + +# Info + +Official website: +http://www.sparkleshare.org/ + +Source code: +http://github.com/SparkleShare/ + +IRC Channel: +#sparkleshare on irc.gnome.org + +Wiki: +http://github.com/hbons/SparkleShare/wiki/ + +Report issues: +http://github.com/hbons/SparkleShare/issues/ + +Translation project: +http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/sparkleshare/ + + +Now have fun and create cool things together! :) diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst deleted file mode 100755 index 8a0c1228..00000000 --- a/README.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ -SparkleShare -============ - -`SparkleShare`_ is a collaboration and sharing tool that is designed to keep -things simple and to stay out of your way. It allows you to instantly sync -with any Git repository you have access to. - -Though SparkleShare is not made to be a graphical frontend -for git or a backup tool, it may be useful for other kinds of purposes as well, -like backing up small files or monitoring your favourite project. In contrast -to the projects name, we will very likely refuse to implement your personal -ponies. - -SparkleShare currently works on Linux and Mac. A Windows port and mobile -device support are planned for the future. - - -License -~~~~~~~ -SparkleShare is free software and licensed under the GNU GPLv3 or later. You -are welcome to change and redistribute it under certain conditions. For more -information see the LICENSE file or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html - - -Run on Linux: -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Requirements: - -* git >= 1.7.0 -* gtk-sharp2 -* gvfs -* intltool -* libnotify -* mono-core >= 2.8 -* notify-sharp -* nautilus-python -* openssh -* pygtk -* webkitgtk -* webkit-sharp - - -Run the service, either click the SparkleShare launcher or:: - - sparkleshare start - -You can stop the service via the graphical interface or by typing:: - - sparkleshare stop - -For help:: - - sparkleshare --help - -Note: ------ -SparkleShare creates its own RSA keypair in ~/config/sparkleshare/ and uses -that for authentication. Please mind this if you're planning to set up your -own server by hand. - - -Build on Linux: -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Installing the build dependencies on Debian or Ubuntu:: - - sudo apt-get install gtk-sharp2 mono-runtime mono-devel monodevelop \ - libndesk-dbus1.0-cil-dev nant libnotify-cil-dev libgtk2.0-cil-dev \ - libwebkit-cil-dev intltool libtool python-nautilus libndesk-dbus-glib1.0-cil-dev - -For Ubuntu libappindicator support, run the following before building:: - - sudo apt-get install libappindicator0.1-cil-dev - - -On Fedora:: - - sudo yum install gtk-sharp2-devel mono-core mono-devel monodevelop \ - ndesk-dbus-devel ndesk-dbus-glib-devel nautilus-python-devel nant \ - notify-sharp-devel webkit-sharp-devel webkitgtk-devel libtool intltool \ - gnome-doc-utils - - -You can build and install SparkleShare like this:: - - ./configure --prefix=/usr (or ./autogen.sh if you build from the repository) - make - sudo make install - -Note ----- -Use ``--prefix=/usr`` if you want the Nautilus extension to work. - - -Run on Mac: -~~~~~~~~~~~ -Just double-click the SparkleShare.app. - - -Build on Mac: -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Install the Mono Framework, MonoDevelop and the MonoMac plugin (you find it in Add-in Manager). - -You may need to adjust some environment variables to let the build environment tools find mono:: - - export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin:$PATH - export PKG_CONFIG=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin/pkg-config - export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/pkgconfig - -Then you need either MacPorts or Homebrew. Go on and choose one of the next two sections. - - -Using MacPorts --------------- -Install git, automake, and intltool:: - - sudo port install git-core automake intltool - -Start the first part of the build:: - - ./autogen.sh --enable-gtkui=no - make - -The last step will give you some errors in SparkleShare.exe, ignore these and go on to the -MonoDevelop section. - - -Using Homebrew --------------- -Because there are old versions of autoconf and automake installed on OS X, they are not in -the official master branch. It's easy to create the formulas:: - - brew create $url - -Now install the formulas. - -You can have a look at this branch for the created Formulas: -https://github.com/toabi/homebrew/commits/sparkleshare - -You also have to comment out the ``keg_only`` in gettext and remove it if you already -installed it. If you created the formulas install them:: - - brew install git autoconf automake intltool gettext - -Now start the first part of the build:: - - export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /usr/local/share/aclocal" - cd SmartIrc4net - ./autogen.sh - cd .. - ./autogen.sh --enable-gtkui=no - make - -Ignore the error and continue to the MonoDevelop-part. - - -Building the Mac UI -------------------- -Now that you have compiled the libraries, open ``SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleShare.sln`` in -MonoDevelop and start the build. - -To create the SparkleShare.app, select Project from the menu bar -and click "Create Mac Installer..." Save the SparkleShare.app somewhere. - -Paste the contents of `this file`_ the following file in ``SparkleShare.app/Contents/MonoBundle/config``. - -Copy ``/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/libintl.dylib`` -to ``SparkleShare.app/Contents/Resources`` - -Now you should have a working .app that you can run. - - -Info -~~~~ - -`Official website`_ - -`Source code`_ - -IRC Channel: -#sparkleshare on irc.gnome.org - -Wiki_ - -`Report issues`_ - -`Translation project`_ - - -Now have fun and create cool things together! :) - - -.. _`Official website`: http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -.. _`SparkleShare`: http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -.. _`Source code`: http://github.com/hbons/SparkleShare/ -.. _Wiki: http://github.com/hbons/SparkleShare/wiki/ -.. _`Report issues`: http://github.com/hbons/SparkleShare/issues/ -.. _`Translation project`: http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/sparkleshare -.. _`this file`: https://raw.github.com/gist/1aeffa61bac73fc08eca/0c0f09ef9e36864c35f34fd5e8bf4f99886be193/gistfile1.txt diff --git a/SparkleLib/Git/SparkleFetcherGit.cs b/SparkleLib/Git/SparkleFetcherGit.cs index 11a39046..d7086d7c 100755 --- a/SparkleLib/Git/SparkleFetcherGit.cs +++ b/SparkleLib/Git/SparkleFetcherGit.cs @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ using System; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; -using System.Xml; namespace SparkleLib { @@ -153,11 +152,6 @@ namespace SparkleLib { // the newly cloned repository private void InstallConfiguration () { - string global_config_file_path = Path.Combine (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.TmpPath, "config.xml"); - - if (!File.Exists (global_config_file_path)) - return; - string repo_config_file_path = SparkleHelpers.CombineMore (base.target_folder, ".git", "config"); string config = String.Join (Environment.NewLine, File.ReadAllLines (repo_config_file_path)); @@ -173,20 +167,6 @@ namespace SparkleLib { // Ignore permission changes config = config.Replace ("filemode = true", "filemode = false"); - - // Add user info - XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); - xml.Load (global_config_file_path); - - XmlNode node_name = xml.SelectSingleNode ("//user/name/text()"); - XmlNode node_email = xml.SelectSingleNode ("//user/email/text()"); - - // TODO: just use commands instead of messing with the config file - config += n + - "[user]" + n + - "\tname = " + node_name.Value + n + - "\temail = " + node_email.Value + n; - // Write the config to the file TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter (repo_config_file_path); writer.WriteLine (config); @@ -199,10 +179,22 @@ namespace SparkleLib { // Add a .gitignore file to the repo private void InstallExcludeRules () { - string exlude_rules_file_path = SparkleHelpers.CombineMore ( + string exclude_rules_file_path = SparkleHelpers.CombineMore ( this.target_folder, ".git", "info", "exclude"); - TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter (exlude_rules_file_path); + string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(exclude_rules_file_path); + + if (directory == null) + { + return; + } + + if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) + { + Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); + } + + TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter (exclude_rules_file_path); // gedit and emacs writer.WriteLine ("*~"); @@ -234,6 +226,24 @@ namespace SparkleLib { writer.WriteLine ("Thumbs.db"); writer.WriteLine ("Desktop.ini"); + // MS Office + writer.WriteLine ("~*.tmp"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.TMP"); + writer.WriteLine ("*~*.tmp"); + writer.WriteLine ("*~*.TMP"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.ppt"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.pptx"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.PPT"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.PPTX"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.xls"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.xlsx"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.XLS"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.XLSX"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.doc"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.docx"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.DOC"); + writer.WriteLine ("~*.DOCX"); + // CVS writer.WriteLine ("*/CVS/*"); writer.WriteLine (".cvsignore"); diff --git a/SparkleLib/Git/SparkleRepoGit.cs b/SparkleLib/Git/SparkleRepoGit.cs index 446e9b1a..36b67e24 100644 --- a/SparkleLib/Git/SparkleRepoGit.cs +++ b/SparkleLib/Git/SparkleRepoGit.cs @@ -402,7 +402,11 @@ namespace SparkleLib { // Commits the made changes private void Commit (string message) { - SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "commit -m \"" + message + "\""); + SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, + "commit -m \"" + message + "\" " + + "--author=\"" + SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User.Name + + " <" + SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User.Email + ">\""); + git.Start (); git.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd (); git.WaitForExit (); @@ -530,7 +534,7 @@ namespace SparkleLib { // We need to specifically mention the file, so // we can't reuse the Add () method SparkleGit git_add = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, - "add " + conflicting_path); + "add \"" + conflicting_path + "\""); git_add.Start (); git_add.WaitForExit (); diff --git a/SparkleLib/SparkleConfig.cs b/SparkleLib/SparkleConfig.cs index 17282bb0..dcfe893f 100755 --- a/SparkleLib/SparkleConfig.cs +++ b/SparkleLib/SparkleConfig.cs @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ namespace SparkleLib { if (file.Length == 0) { File.Delete (FullPath); - CreateInitialConfig (); + CreateInitialConfig (); } else { throw new XmlException (FullPath + " does not contain a valid config XML structure."); diff --git a/SparkleLib/SparkleHelpers.cs b/SparkleLib/SparkleHelpers.cs index 820f55eb..b2b1a459 100755 --- a/SparkleLib/SparkleHelpers.cs +++ b/SparkleLib/SparkleHelpers.cs @@ -65,11 +65,21 @@ namespace SparkleLib { string [] files = Directory .GetFiles(path); foreach (string file in files) - File.SetAttributes (file, FileAttributes.Normal); + if (!IsSymlink (file)) + File.SetAttributes (file, FileAttributes.Normal); } } + // Check if a file is a symbolic link + public static bool IsSymlink (string file) + { + FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes (file); + + return ((attr & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == FileAttributes.ReparsePoint); + } + + // Converts a UNIX timestamp to a more usable time object public static DateTime UnixTimestampToDateTime (int timestamp) { @@ -77,9 +87,12 @@ namespace SparkleLib { return unix_epoch.AddSeconds (timestamp); } - // Gets the relative path of two hirarchical absolute paths - public static string DiffPaths(string target, string source) { - return target.Replace(source + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, ""); + + // Gets the relative path of two hierarchical absolute paths + public static string DiffPaths (string target, string source) + { + return target.Replace (source + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, ""); } } } + diff --git a/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerBase.cs b/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerBase.cs index e7ae5c4f..4914b69a 100755 --- a/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerBase.cs +++ b/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerBase.cs @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ namespace SparkleLib { public bool HasQueueDownAnnouncement (string folder_identifier) { - foreach (SparkleAnnouncement announcement in this.queue_down) { + foreach (SparkleAnnouncement announcement in this.queue_down.GetRange(0, this.queue_down.Count)) { if (announcement.FolderIdentifier.Equals (folder_identifier)) { this.queue_down.Remove (announcement); return true; @@ -174,9 +174,9 @@ namespace SparkleLib { Connected (); if (this.queue_up.Count > 0) { - SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Listener", "Delivering queued messages..."); + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Listener", "Delivering " + this.queue_up.Count + " queued messages..."); - foreach (SparkleAnnouncement announcement in this.queue_up) { + foreach (SparkleAnnouncement announcement in this.queue_up.GetRange(0, this.queue_up.Count)) { AnnounceBase (announcement); this.queue_up.Remove (announcement); } diff --git a/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerIrc.cs b/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerIrc.cs index 2bedae0f..ff8821fe 100644 --- a/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerIrc.cs +++ b/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerIrc.cs @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ namespace SparkleLib { private Thread thread; private IrcClient client; private string nick; + private string announcements_password; + private bool allow_passwordless_join; public SparkleListenerIrc (Uri server, string folder_identifier) : @@ -41,6 +43,18 @@ namespace SparkleLib { // with a number, so prefix an alphabetic character this.nick = "s" + this.nick.Substring (0, 7); + // Optional password to make the channel access more safe + this.announcements_password = + SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.GetConfigOption ("announcements_password"); + + // Option to allow access to channel when no password is defined + try { + string option = SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.GetConfigOption ("allow_passwordless_join"); + this.allow_passwordless_join = (option == null || Convert.ToBoolean (option)); + } catch (Exception) { + this.allow_passwordless_join = true; + } + base.channels.Add ("#" + folder_identifier); this.client = new IrcClient () { @@ -104,13 +118,34 @@ namespace SparkleLib { try { // Connect, login, and join the channel int port = base.server.Port; - if (port < 0) port = 6667; + + if (port < 0) + port = 6667; + this.client.Connect (base.server.Host, port); this.client.Login (this.nick, this.nick, 8, this.nick); foreach (string channel in base.channels) { SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerIrc", "Joining channel " + channel); - this.client.RfcJoin (channel); + + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.announcements_password)) { + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerIrc", "Password set to access the channel"); + this.client.RfcJoin (channel, this.announcements_password); + this.client.RfcMode (channel, "+k " + this.announcements_password); + + } else { + if (this.allow_passwordless_join) { + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerIrc", "Accessing unprotected channel, change the setting to not access"); + this.client.RfcJoin (channel); + + } else { + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerIrc", "Unprotected channel, change the setting to access"); + base.is_connecting = false; + OnDisconnected (); + throw new ConnectionException ("Unprotected channel, change the setting to access"); + } + } + this.client.RfcMode (channel, "+s"); } @@ -138,7 +173,18 @@ namespace SparkleLib { if (IsConnected) { SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerIrc", "Joining channel " + channel); - this.client.RfcJoin (channel); + if (this.announcements_password != null) { + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerIrc", "Password set to access the channel"); + this.client.RfcJoin (channel, this.announcements_password); + this.client.RfcMode (channel, "+k " + this.announcements_password); + } else { + if (allow_passwordless_join) { + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerIrc", "Accessing a dangerous channel change the setting to not access"); + this.client.RfcJoin (channel); + } else { + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerIrc", "Dangerous channel, change the setting to access"); + } + } this.client.RfcMode (channel, "+s"); } } diff --git a/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerTcp.cs b/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerTcp.cs index ee82127a..c844bf02 100755 --- a/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerTcp.cs +++ b/SparkleLib/SparkleListenerTcp.cs @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ namespace SparkleLib { base (server, folder_identifier) { base.channels.Add (folder_identifier); - this.socket = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); this.connected = false; } @@ -70,9 +69,11 @@ namespace SparkleLib { // Connect and subscribe to the channel int port = Server.Port; if (port < 0) port = 9999; - this.socket.Connect (Server.Host, port); lock (this.mutex) { + this.socket = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); + this.socket.Connect (Server.Host, port); + base.is_connecting = false; this.connected = true; @@ -113,6 +114,8 @@ namespace SparkleLib { } catch (SocketException e) { SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerTcp", "Could not connect to " + Server + ": " + e.Message); + + OnDisconnected (); } }) ); @@ -132,8 +135,14 @@ namespace SparkleLib { string to_send = "subscribe " + folder_identifier + "\n"; - lock (this.mutex) { - this.socket.Send (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (to_send)); + try { + + lock (this.mutex) { + this.socket.Send (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (to_send)); + } + } catch (SocketException e) { + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerTcp", "Could not connect to " + Server + ": " + e.Message); + OnDisconnected (); } } } @@ -145,8 +154,15 @@ namespace SparkleLib { string to_send = "announce " + announcement.FolderIdentifier + " " + announcement.Message + "\n"; - lock (this.mutex) { - this.socket.Send (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (to_send)); + try { + + lock (this.mutex) { + this.socket.Send (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (to_send)); + } + } catch (SocketException e) { + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("ListenerTcp", "Could not connect to " + Server + ": " + e.Message); + + OnDisconnected (); } } diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleAbout.cs b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleAbout.cs index e145b120..64a3fc93 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleAbout.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleAbout.cs @@ -69,14 +69,15 @@ namespace SparkleShare { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { UpdatesTextField.StringValue = "You are running the latest version."; UpdatesTextField.TextColor = - NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba (0.31f, 0.60f, 0.02f, 1.0f); // Tango Chameleon #3 + NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba (0.45f, 0.62f, 0.81f, 1.0f); // Tango Sky Blue #1 }); }; Controller.CheckingForNewVersionEvent += delegate { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { UpdatesTextField.StringValue = "Checking for updates..."; - UpdatesTextField.TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText; + UpdatesTextField.TextColor = + NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba (0.45f, 0.62f, 0.81f, 1.0f); // Tango Sky Blue #1 }); }; } @@ -117,7 +118,8 @@ namespace SparkleShare { DrawsBackground = false, Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily ("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Unbold, 0, 11), - TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText + TextColor = + NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba (0.45f, 0.62f, 0.81f, 1.0f) // Tango Sky Blue #1 }; CreditsTextField = new NSTextField () { diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleBubbles.cs b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleBubbles.cs index 95487186..226ced8d 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleBubbles.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleBubbles.cs @@ -51,14 +51,34 @@ namespace SparkleShare { if (image_path != null && File.Exists (image_path)) { NSData image_data = NSData.FromFile (image_path); GrowlApplicationBridge.Notify (title, subtext, - "Event", image_data, 0, false, null); + "Event", image_data, 0, false, new NSString ("")); } else { GrowlApplicationBridge.Notify (title, subtext, - "Event", null, 0, false, null); + "Event", null, 0, false, new NSString ("")); } }); }; } } + + + public class SparkleGrowlDelegate : GrowlDelegate { + + [Export("growlNotificationWasClicked")] + public override void GrowlNotificationWasClicked (NSObject o) + { + InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { + NSApplication.SharedApplication.ActivateIgnoringOtherApps (true); + + if (SparkleUI.EventLog == null) + SparkleUI.EventLog = new SparkleEventLog (); + + SparkleUI.EventLog.Controller.SelectedFolder = null; + + SparkleUI.EventLog.OrderFrontRegardless (); + SparkleUI.EventLog.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (this); + }); + } + } } diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleController.cs b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleController.cs index 15fa3da1..f8a503f8 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleController.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleController.cs @@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public class SparkleController : SparkleControllerBase { + public override string PluginsPath { + get { + return Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "Plugins"); + } + } + // We have to use our own custom made folder watcher, as // System.IO.FileSystemWatcher fails watching subfolders on Mac private SparkleMacWatcher watcher; diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleEventLog.cs b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleEventLog.cs index fc6660ec..27674b43 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleEventLog.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleEventLog.cs @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public class SparkleEventLog : NSWindow { - private SparkleEventLogController controller = new SparkleEventLogController (); + public SparkleEventLogController Controller = new SparkleEventLogController (); private WebView web_view = new WebView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 480, 579), "", "") { PolicyDelegate = new SparkleWebPolicyDelegate () @@ -83,19 +83,19 @@ namespace SparkleShare { // Hook up the controller events - this.controller.UpdateChooserEvent += delegate (string [] folders) { + Controller.UpdateChooserEvent += delegate (string [] folders) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { UpdateChooser (folders); }); }; - this.controller.UpdateContentEvent += delegate (string html) { + Controller.UpdateContentEvent += delegate (string html) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { UpdateContent (html); }); }; - this.controller.ContentLoadingEvent += delegate { + Controller.ContentLoadingEvent += delegate { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { if (this.web_view.Superview == ContentView) this.web_view.RemoveFromSuperview (); @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public void UpdateChooser (string [] folders) { if (folders == null) - folders = this.controller.Folders; + folders = Controller.Folders; if (this.popup_button != null) this.popup_button.RemoveFromSuperview (); @@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ namespace SparkleShare { this.popup_button.Activated += delegate { if (this.popup_button.IndexOfSelectedItem == 0) - this.controller.SelectedFolder = null; + Controller.SelectedFolder = null; else - this.controller.SelectedFolder = this.popup_button.SelectedItem.Title; + Controller.SelectedFolder = this.popup_button.SelectedItem.Title; }; ContentView.AddSubview (this.popup_button); @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { using (NSAutoreleasePool pool = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) { Thread thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (delegate { if (html == null) - html = this.controller.HTML; + html = Controller.HTML; html = html.Replace ("", "Lucida Grande"); html = html.Replace ("", "13.6px"); diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleSetup.cs b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleSetup.cs index 51570dd3..74fb947c 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleSetup.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleSetup.cs @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Timers; +using System.Collections.Generic; + using Mono.Unix; using MonoMac.Foundation; using MonoMac.AppKit; @@ -28,37 +30,38 @@ using MonoMac.WebKit; namespace SparkleShare { - public class SparkleSetup : SparkleSetupWindow { + public class SparkleSetup : SparkleSetupWindow { public SparkleSetupController Controller = new SparkleSetupController (); - private NSButton ContinueButton; - private NSButton SyncButton; - private NSButton TryAgainButton; - private NSButton CancelButton; - private NSButton SkipTutorialButton; - private NSButton OpenFolderButton; - private NSButton FinishButton; - private NSButton AddProjectButton; - private NSImage SlideImage; - private NSImageView SlideImageView; - private NSForm UserInfoForm; - private NSProgressIndicator ProgressIndicator; - private NSTextField AddressTextField; - private NSTextField FolderNameTextField; - private NSTextField ServerTypeLabel; - private NSTextField AddressLabel; - private NSTextField FolderNameLabel; - private NSTextField FolderNameHelpLabel; - private NSTextField AddProjectTextField; - private NSButtonCell ButtonCellProto; - private NSMatrix Matrix; - private int ServerType; - private Timer timer; + private NSButton ContinueButton; + private NSButton SyncButton; + private NSButton TryAgainButton; + private NSButton CancelButton; + private NSButton SkipTutorialButton; + private NSButton OpenFolderButton; + private NSButton FinishButton; + private NSButton AddProjectButton; + private NSImage SlideImage; + private NSImageView SlideImageView; + private NSForm UserInfoForm; + private NSProgressIndicator ProgressIndicator; + private NSTextField AddressTextField; + private NSTextField PathTextField; + private NSTextField AddressLabel; + private NSTextField PathLabel; + private NSTextField PathHelpLabel; + private NSTextField AddProjectTextField; + private Timer timer; + private NSTableView TableView; + private NSScrollView ScrollView; + private NSTableColumn IconColumn; + private NSTableColumn DescriptionColumn; + private SparkleDataSource DataSource; - - public SparkleSetup () : base () - { + + public SparkleSetup () : base () + { Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate (PageType type) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { Reset (); @@ -124,122 +127,140 @@ namespace SparkleShare { case PageType.Add: { - Header = "Where is your project?"; + Header = "Where's your project hosted?"; Description = ""; - ServerTypeLabel = new NSTextField () { - Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, - BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, - Bordered = false, - Editable = false, - Frame = new RectangleF (150, Frame.Height - 159 , 160, 17), - StringValue = "Host Type:", - Font = SparkleUI.Font - }; - AddressLabel = new NSTextField () { - Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, + Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, - Frame = new RectangleF (150, Frame.Height - 257 , 160, 17), + Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 308, 160, 17), StringValue = "Address:", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; - FolderNameLabel = new NSTextField () { - Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, + AddressTextField = new NSTextField () { + Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 336, 196, 22), + Font = SparkleUI.Font, + StringValue = Controller.PreviousAddress, + Enabled = (Controller.SelectedPlugin.Address == null) + }; + + + PathLabel = new NSTextField () { + Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, - Frame = new RectangleF (150, Frame.Height - 284 , 160, 17), - StringValue = "Folder Name:", + Frame = new RectangleF (190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 308, 160, 17), + StringValue = "Remote Path:", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; - - AddressTextField = new NSTextField () { - Frame = new RectangleF (320, Frame.Height - 260 , 256, 22), - Font = SparkleUI.Font, - StringValue = Controller.PreviousServer + PathTextField = new NSTextField () { + Frame = new RectangleF (190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 336, 196, 22), + StringValue = Controller.PreviousPath, + Enabled = (Controller.SelectedPlugin.Path == null) }; - AddressTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; - FolderNameTextField = new NSTextField () { - Frame = new RectangleF (320, Frame.Height - (260 + 22 + 4) , 256, 22), - StringValue = Controller.PreviousFolder - }; + AddressTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; + PathTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; - FolderNameTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; - FolderNameHelpLabel = new NSTextField () { + PathHelpLabel = new NSTextField () { BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText, Editable = false, - Frame = new RectangleF (320, Frame.Height - 305 , 200, 17), - StringValue = "e.g. ‘rupert/website-design’" + Frame = new RectangleF (190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 355, 204, 17), + StringValue = "e.g. ‘rupert/website-design’", + Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily + ("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 11) }; - ServerType = 0; - ButtonCellProto = new NSButtonCell (); - ButtonCellProto.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Radio) ; + TableView = new NSTableView () { + Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 0, 0), + RowHeight = 30, + IntercellSpacing = new SizeF (0, 12), + HeaderView = null + }; - Matrix = new NSMatrix (new RectangleF (315, Frame.Height - 220, 256, 78), - NSMatrixMode.Radio, ButtonCellProto, 4, 1); + ScrollView = new NSScrollView () { + Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 280, 408, 175), + DocumentView = TableView, + HasVerticalScroller = true, + BorderType = NSBorderType.BezelBorder + }; - Matrix.CellSize = new SizeF (256, 18); + IconColumn = new NSTableColumn (new NSImage ()) { + Width = 42, + HeaderToolTip = "Icon", + DataCell = new NSImageCell () + }; - Matrix.Cells [0].Title = "My own server"; - Matrix.Cells [1].Title = "Github"; - Matrix.Cells [2].Title = "Gitorious"; - Matrix.Cells [3].Title = "The GNOME Project"; + DescriptionColumn = new NSTableColumn () { + Width = 350, + HeaderToolTip = "Description", + Editable = false + }; + + DescriptionColumn.DataCell.Font = + NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily ( + "Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 11); + + TableView.AddColumn (IconColumn); + TableView.AddColumn (DescriptionColumn); + + DataSource = new SparkleDataSource (); + + foreach (SparklePlugin plugin in Controller.Plugins) + DataSource.Items.Add (plugin); + + TableView.DataSource = DataSource; + TableView.ReloadData (); + + + Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate (string text, + string example_text, FieldState state) { + + InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { + AddressTextField.StringValue = text; + AddressTextField.Enabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); + }); + }; + + + Controller.ChangePathFieldEvent += delegate (string text, + string example_text, FieldState state) { + + InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { + PathTextField.StringValue = text; + PathTextField.Enabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); + + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (example_text)) + PathHelpLabel.StringValue = "e.g. " + example_text; + }); + }; + + TableView.SelectRow (Controller.SelectedPluginIndex, false); - foreach (NSCell cell in Matrix.Cells) - cell.Font = SparkleUI.Font; - // TODO: Ugly hack, do properly with events timer = new Timer () { Interval = 50 }; + // TODO: Use an event timer.Elapsed += delegate { + if (TableView.SelectedRow != Controller.SelectedPluginIndex) + Controller.SelectedPluginChanged (TableView.SelectedRow); + InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { - if (Matrix.SelectedRow != ServerType) { - ServerType = Matrix.SelectedRow; - - AddressTextField.Enabled = (ServerType == 0); - - switch (ServerType) { - case 0: - AddressTextField.StringValue = ""; - FolderNameHelpLabel.StringValue = "e.g. ‘rupert/website-design’"; - break; - case 1: - AddressTextField.StringValue = "ssh://git@github.com/"; - FolderNameHelpLabel.StringValue = "e.g. ‘rupert/website-design’"; - break; - case 2: - AddressTextField.StringValue = "ssh://git@gitorious.org/"; - FolderNameHelpLabel.StringValue = "e.g. ‘project/website-design’"; - break; - case 3: - AddressTextField.StringValue = "ssh://git@gnome.org/git/"; - FolderNameHelpLabel.StringValue = "e.g. ‘gnome-icon-theme’"; - break; - } - } - - - if (ServerType == 0 && !AddressTextField.StringValue.Trim ().Equals ("") - && !FolderNameTextField.StringValue.Trim ().Equals ("")) { - - SyncButton.Enabled = true; - - } else if (ServerType != 0 && - !FolderNameTextField.StringValue.Trim ().Equals ("")) { + // TODO: Move checking logic to controller + if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (AddressTextField.StringValue) && + !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (PathTextField.StringValue)) { SyncButton.Enabled = true; @@ -247,20 +268,17 @@ namespace SparkleShare { SyncButton.Enabled = false; } }); - }; timer.Start (); - ContentView.AddSubview (ServerTypeLabel); - ContentView.AddSubview (Matrix); + ContentView.AddSubview (ScrollView); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressTextField); - - ContentView.AddSubview (FolderNameLabel); - ContentView.AddSubview (FolderNameTextField); - ContentView.AddSubview (FolderNameHelpLabel); + ContentView.AddSubview (PathLabel); + ContentView.AddSubview (PathTextField); + ContentView.AddSubview (PathHelpLabel); SyncButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Add", @@ -271,9 +289,10 @@ namespace SparkleShare { timer.Stop (); timer = null; - string folder_name = FolderNameTextField.StringValue; - string server = AddressTextField.StringValue; - Controller.AddPageCompleted (server, folder_name); + Controller.AddPageCompleted ( + AddressTextField.StringValue, + PathTextField.StringValue + ); }; Buttons.Add (SyncButton); @@ -288,7 +307,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { }); }; - Buttons.Add (CancelButton); + Buttons.Add (CancelButton); break; } @@ -307,7 +326,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { Indeterminate = false, DoubleValue = 1.0 }; - + ProgressIndicator.StartAnimation (this); Controller.UpdateProgressBarEvent += delegate (double percentage) { @@ -315,7 +334,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { ProgressIndicator.DoubleValue = percentage; }); }; - + ContentView.AddSubview (ProgressIndicator); FinishButton = new NSButton () { @@ -340,7 +359,43 @@ namespace SparkleShare { case PageType.Error: { Header = "Something went wrong…"; - Description = ""; + Description = "Please check the following:"; + + // Displaying marked up text with Cocoa is + // a pain, so we just use a webview instead + WebView web_view = new WebView (); + web_view.Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 525, 375, 400); + + string html = "" + + "
    " + + "
  • First, have you tried turning it off and on again?
  • " + + "
  • " + Controller.PreviousUrl + " is the address we've compiled. Does this look alright?
  • " + + "
  • The host needs to know who you are. Did you upload the key that's in your SparkleShare folder?
  • " + + "
"; + + web_view.MainFrame.LoadHtmlString (html, new NSUrl ("")); + web_view.DrawsBackground = false; + + ContentView.AddSubview (web_view); TryAgainButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Try again…" @@ -559,5 +614,47 @@ namespace SparkleShare { }); }; } + } + + + [Register("SparkleDataSource")] + public class SparkleDataSource : NSTableViewDataSource { + + public List Items ; + + + public SparkleDataSource () + { + Items = new List (); } + + + [Export("numberOfRowsInTableView:")] + public int numberOfRowsInTableView (NSTableView table_view) + { + if (Items == null) + return 0; + else + return Items.Count; + } + + + [Export("tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:")] + public NSObject objectValueForTableColumn (NSTableView table_view, + NSTableColumn table_column, int row_index) + { + // TODO: Style text nicely: "Name\nDescription" + if (table_column.HeaderToolTip.Equals ("Description")) { + return new NSString ( + (Items [row_index] as SparklePlugin).Name + "\n" + + (Items [row_index] as SparklePlugin).Description + ); + + } else { + return new NSImage ((Items [row_index] as SparklePlugin).ImagePath) { + Size = new SizeF (24, 24) + }; + } + } + } } diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleSetupWindow.cs b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleSetupWindow.cs index 1da66c27..d0a6ed79 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleSetupWindow.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleSetupWindow.cs @@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ namespace SparkleShare { "Pixmaps", "side-splash.png"); SideSplash = new NSImage (side_splash_path) { - Size = new SizeF (150, 407) + Size = new SizeF (150, 482) }; SideSplashView = new NSImageView () { Image = SideSplash, - Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 150, 407) + Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 150, 482) }; Buttons = new List (); @@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ namespace SparkleShare { i++; } } + + RecalculateKeyViewLoop (); } @@ -145,5 +147,11 @@ namespace SparkleShare { NSApplication.SharedApplication.RemoveWindowsItem (this); return; } + + + public override bool AcceptsFirstResponder () + { + return true; + } } } diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleShare.csproj b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleShare.csproj index 078dfbf0..d9c0e8f1 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleShare.csproj +++ b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleShare.csproj @@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ SparkleExtensions.cs + + SparklePlugin.cs + @@ -282,10 +285,41 @@ Pixmaps\tutorial-slide-4.png + + Plugins\bitbucket.xml + + + Plugins\github.xml + + + Plugins\gitorious.xml + + + Plugins\gnome.xml + + + Plugins\own-server.xml + + + Plugins\bitbucket.png + + + Plugins\github.png + + + Plugins\gitorious.png + + + Plugins\gnome.png + + + Plugins\own-server.png + + diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs index 14da59bc..1af33bbe 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { Menu.AddItem (NSMenuItem.SeparatorItem); SyncMenuItem = new NSMenuItem () { - Title = "Add Project…" + Title = "Add Hosted Project…" }; if (!Program.Controller.FirstRun) { @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { Menu.AddItem (NSMenuItem.SeparatorItem); RecentEventsMenuItem = new NSMenuItem () { - Title = "Show Recent Events" + Title = "Open Recent Events" }; if (Controller.Folders.Length > 0) { diff --git a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleUI.cs b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleUI.cs index 2f53d0da..94dc621b 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleUI.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleUI.cs @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { // Needed for Growl GrowlApplicationBridge.WeakDelegate = this; + GrowlApplicationBridge.Delegate = new SparkleGrowlDelegate (); NSApplication.SharedApplication.ApplicationIconImage = NSImage.ImageNamed ("sparkleshare.icns"); diff --git a/SparkleShare/Makefile.am b/SparkleShare/Makefile.am index 802cbdbd..17e7a0b3 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/Makefile.am +++ b/SparkleShare/Makefile.am @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ SOURCES = \ SparkleEventLog.cs \ SparkleEventLogController.cs \ SparkleExtensions.cs \ + SparklePlugin.cs \ SparkleSetup.cs \ SparkleSetupController.cs \ SparkleSetupWindow.cs \ @@ -37,11 +38,9 @@ SOURCES = \ SparkleEntry.cs \ SparkleEventLog.cs \ SparkleEventLogController.cs \ - SparkleLinController.cs \ SparkleSetup.cs \ SparkleSetupController.cs \ SparkleSetupWindow.cs \ - Program.cs \ SparkleSpinner.cs \ SparkleStatusIcon.cs \ SparkleStatusIconController.cs \ diff --git a/SparkleShare/Nautilus/sparkleshare-nautilus3-extension.py b/SparkleShare/Nautilus/sparkleshare-nautilus3-extension.py new file mode 100755 index 00000000..e3abdd44 --- /dev/null +++ b/SparkleShare/Nautilus/sparkleshare-nautilus3-extension.py @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +# SparkleShare, an instant update workflow to Git. +# Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + +import os +import shutil +import time +import urllib + +# http://projects.gnome.org/nautilus-python/documentation/html/ +from gi.repository import Nautilus, GObject, Gtk, Gdk + +SPARKLESHARE_PATH = os.path.join (os.path.expanduser ('~'), "SparkleShare") + +import gettext +gettext.bindtextdomain('sparkleshare', '/usr/share/locale') +gettext.textdomain('sparkleshare') +_ = gettext.gettext + +class SparkleShareExtension (GObject.GObject, Nautilus.MenuProvider): + + + def __init__ (self): + pass + + def checkout_version (self, menu, file_path, commit_hash, username, timestamp): + + file_name = os.path.basename (file_path) + tmp_file_path = os.path.join (SPARKLESHARE_PATH, ".tmp", file_name) + + # Move the current version to a temporary path + shutil.move (file_path, tmp_file_path) + + # Check out the earlier version + os.chdir (os.path.dirname (file_path)) + os.popen ("git checkout " + commit_hash + " '" + file_name + "'") + + new_tmp_file_name = file_name + " (" + username + ", " + new_tmp_file_name += time.strftime ("%H:%M %d %b %Y", timestamp).replace (" 0", " ") + ") " + + # Rename the checked out file + shutil.move (file_name, new_tmp_file_name) + + # Move the original file back + shutil.move (tmp_file_path, file_path) + + return True + + def format_web_link (self, path): + # Get the remote url used for the repo + self.chdir_to_repo_base(path) + url_command = os.popen ("git config --get remote.origin.url") + origin_url = url_command.readline ().strip () + if not origin_url: + return + + # Get components + # TODO use regex here or something not so ugly + protocol, remaining = origin_url.split ("://", 1) + host, origin_path = remaining.split("@")[1].split("/", 1); + # Format the right web url depending on the service + repo_base = self.get_repo_base_path(path) + relative_path = path.split(repo_base, 1)[1].lstrip("/") + + #url = url.rstrip (".git") + if "gitorious.org" in host: + # ssh://git@gitorious.org/gnome-design/gnome-design.git + # http://gitorious.org/gnome-design/gnome-design/blobs/raw/master/COPYING + url = "http://" + host + "/" + urllib.quote(origin_path.rstrip(".git")) + "/blobs/master/" + urllib.quote(relative_path) + elif "github.com" in host: + # ssh://git@github.com/hbons/SparkleShare.git + # https://raw.github.com/hbons/SparkleShare/master/README + url = "http://raw.github.com/" + urllib.quote(origin_path.rstrip(".git")) + "/raw/master/" + urllib.quote(relative_path) + else: + # https://git.one-gear.com/?p=thansen/Public.git;a=blob;f=SparkleShare.txt;hb=HEAD + url = "http://" + host + "/?p=" + urllib.quote(origin_path) +";a=blob;f=" + urllib.quote(relative_path) + ";hb=HEAD" + + return url + + def copy_web_link (self, menu, path): + url = self.format_web_link(path) + clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get (Gdk.Atom.intern ("CLIPBOARD", False)) + clipboard.set_text (url, -1) + clipboard.store () + + return + + def chdir_to_repo_base(self, file_path): + base_path = self.get_repo_base_path(file_path) + os.chdir(base_path) + + def get_repo_base_path(self, path): + path = os.path.abspath(path) + parts = path.split(SPARKLESHARE_PATH, 1)[1].split("/") + if len(parts) > 1: + sub_folder = parts[1] + else: + sub_folder = parts[0] + return SPARKLESHARE_PATH + "/" + sub_folder + + def get_file_items (self, window, files): + + # Only work if one file is selected + if len (files) != 1: + return + + file_reference = files [0] + + # Only work if we're in a SparkleShare repository folder + if file_reference.is_directory (): + return + if not (file_reference.get_parent_uri ().startswith ('file://' + SPARKLESHARE_PATH)): + return + if file_reference.get_parent_uri () == 'file://' + SPARKLESHARE_PATH: + return + + file_path = urllib.unquote ('/' + file_reference.get_uri ().lstrip('file:/')) + url = self.format_web_link (file_path) + parent_path = os.path.dirname (os.path.abspath (file_path)) + + top_menuitem = Nautilus.MenuItem (name="Nautilus::SparkleShare", + label="SparkleShare") + + top_submenu = Nautilus.Menu () + top_menuitem.set_submenu (top_submenu) + + web_link_menu_item_copy = Nautilus.MenuItem (name="Nautilus::CopyWebLink", + label=_("Copy Web Link"), + tip=_("Copy the web address of this file to the clipboard")) + + web_link_menu_item_copy.connect ("activate", self.copy_web_link, file_path) + + + epochs = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] + commit_hashes = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] + + + time_command = os.popen ("git log -10 --format='%at' '" + file_path + "'") + + author_command = os.popen ("git log -10 --format='%an' '" + file_path + "'") + + hash_command = os.popen ("git log -10 --format='%H' '" + file_path + "'") + + i = 0 + for line in time_command.readlines (): + epochs [i] = line.strip ("\n") + i += 1 + + + # Only work if there is history + if i < 2: + top_submenu.append_item (web_link_menu_item_copy) + return [top_menuitem] + + i = 0 + for line in hash_command.readlines (): + commit_hashes [i] = line.strip ("\n") + i += 1 + + earlier_version_menu_item = Nautilus.MenuItem (name="Nautilus::OpenOlderVersion", + label=_("Get Earlier Version"), + tip=_("Make a copy of an earlier version in this folder")) + version_submenu = Nautilus.Menu () + + i = 0 + for line in author_command.readlines (): + + if i > 0: + + timestamp = time.strftime ("%d %b\t%H:%M", time.localtime (float (epochs [i]))) + username = line.strip ("\n") + + menu_item = Nautilus.MenuItem (name="Nautilus::Version" + epochs [i], + label=timestamp + "\t" + username, + tip=_("Select to get a copy of this version")) + + menu_item.connect ("activate", self.checkout_version, file_path, commit_hashes [i], + username, time.localtime (float (epochs [i]))) + version_submenu.append_item (menu_item) + + i += 1 + + earlier_version_menu_item.set_submenu (version_submenu) + top_submenu.append_item (earlier_version_menu_item) + top_submenu.append_item (web_link_menu_item_copy) + + return [top_menuitem] diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs b/SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs index 7bb6e2ad..6d0a18f9 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { Controller.VersionUpToDateEvent += delegate { Application.Invoke (delegate { - this.updates.Markup = String.Format ("{0}", + this.updates.Markup = String.Format ("{0}", _("You are running the latest version.")); this.updates.ShowAll (); @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { Controller.CheckingForNewVersionEvent += delegate { Application.Invoke (delegate { - this.updates.Markup = String.Format ("{0}", + this.updates.Markup = String.Format ("{0}", _("Checking for updates...")); this.updates.ShowAll (); @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { }; this.updates = new Label () { - Markup = "" + + Markup = "" + _("Checking for updates...") + "", Xalign = 0, diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparkleBubbles.cs b/SparkleShare/SparkleBubbles.cs index 8b29622b..e481c566 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/SparkleBubbles.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/SparkleBubbles.cs @@ -41,6 +41,18 @@ namespace SparkleShare { else notification.IconName = "folder-sparkleshare"; + notification.Closed += delegate { + Application.Invoke (delegate { + if (SparkleUI.EventLog == null) + SparkleUI.EventLog = new SparkleEventLog (); + + SparkleUI.EventLog.Controller.SelectedFolder = null; + + SparkleUI.EventLog.ShowAll (); + SparkleUI.EventLog.Present (); + }); + }; + notification.Show (); } catch (Exception) { diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs b/SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs index d4ceda9e..274322ac 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs @@ -30,6 +30,14 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public class SparkleController : SparkleControllerBase { + + public override string PluginsPath { + get { + return SparkleHelpers.CombineMore (Defines.DATAROOTDIR, "sparkleshare", "plugins"); + } + } + + public SparkleController () : base () { } diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs b/SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs index 99641445..bba430fe 100644 --- a/SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs @@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public delegate void NotificationRaisedEventHandler (string user_name, string user_email, string message, string repository_path); + public abstract string PluginsPath { get; } + private SparkleFetcherBase fetcher; @@ -577,7 +579,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { // Adds a repository to the list of repositories - private void AddRepository (string folder_path) + private void AddRepository (List RepositoryList, string folder_path) { if (folder_path.Equals (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.TmpPath)) return; @@ -627,7 +629,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { UpdateState (); }; - Repositories.Add (repo); + RepositoryList.Add (repo); } @@ -660,7 +662,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { string folder_path = new SparkleFolder (folder_name).FullPath; if (Directory.Exists (folder_path)) - AddRepository (folder_path); + AddRepository (TempRepositories, folder_path); else SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.RemoveFolder (folder_name); } @@ -1058,7 +1060,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { } SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.AddFolder (target_folder_name, this.fetcher.RemoteUrl, backend); - AddRepository (target_folder_path); + AddRepository (Repositories, target_folder_path); if (FolderFetched != null) FolderFetched (); diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparkleEntry.cs b/SparkleShare/SparkleEntry.cs index 3d0f846c..304fe941 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/SparkleEntry.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/SparkleEntry.cs @@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public class SparkleEntry : Entry { - public bool ExampleTextActive; - private string pExampleText; + + private string example_text; + private bool example_text_active; public SparkleEntry () @@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { FocusGrabbed += delegate { OnEntered (); }; ClipboardPasted += delegate { OnEntered (); }; - + FocusOutEvent += delegate { if (Text.Equals ("") || Text == null) ExampleTextActive = true; @@ -47,33 +48,46 @@ namespace SparkleShare { { if (ExampleTextActive) { ExampleTextActive = false; - Text = ""; + Text = ""; UseNormalTextColor (); } } + public bool ExampleTextActive { + get { + return this.example_text_active; + } + + set { + this.example_text_active = value; + + if (this.example_text_active) + UseSecondaryTextColor (); + else + UseNormalTextColor (); + } + } + + public string ExampleText { get { - return pExampleText; + return this.example_text; } set { - pExampleText = value; - - if (ExampleTextActive) { + this.example_text = value; + if (this.example_text_active) UseExampleText (); - - } } } private void UseExampleText () { - Text = pExampleText; + Text = this.example_text; UseSecondaryTextColor (); } diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparklePlugin.cs b/SparkleShare/SparklePlugin.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e77fc15d --- /dev/null +++ b/SparkleShare/SparklePlugin.cs @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool. +// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons (hylkebons@gmail.com) +// +// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +// (at your option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +// GNU General Public License for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +// along with this program. If not, see (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/). + + +using System; +using System.IO; +using System.Xml; + +namespace SparkleShare { + + public class SparklePlugin { + + public string Name; + public string Description; + public string ImagePath; + public string Backend; + + public string Address; + public string AddressExample; + public string Path; + public string PathExample; + + + public SparklePlugin (string plugin_path) + { + string plugin_directory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (plugin_path); + + XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument (); + xml.Load (plugin_path); + + XmlNode node; + + node = xml.SelectSingleNode ("/sparkleshare/plugin/info/name/text()"); + if (node != null) { Name = node.Value; } + + node = xml.SelectSingleNode ("/sparkleshare/plugin/info/description/text()"); + if (node != null) { Description = node.Value; } + + node = xml.SelectSingleNode ("/sparkleshare/plugin/info/icon/text()"); + if (node != null) { ImagePath = System.IO.Path.Combine (plugin_directory, node.Value); } + + node = xml.SelectSingleNode ("/sparkleshare/plugin/info/backend/text()"); + if (node != null) { Backend = node.Value; } + + node = xml.SelectSingleNode ("/sparkleshare/plugin/address/value/text()"); + if (node != null) { Address = node.Value; } + + node = xml.SelectSingleNode ("/sparkleshare/plugin/address/example/text()"); + if (node != null) { AddressExample = node.Value; } + + node = xml.SelectSingleNode ("/sparkleshare/plugin/path/value/text()"); + if (node != null) { Path = node.Value; } + + node = xml.SelectSingleNode ("/sparkleshare/plugin/path/example/text()"); + if (node != null) { PathExample = node.Value; } + } + } +} diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs b/SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs index 2ea766ad..2c63755d 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ using System.Collections.Generic; using Gtk; using Mono.Unix; - namespace SparkleShare { public class SparkleSetup : SparkleSetupWindow { @@ -33,11 +32,12 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public SparkleSetupController Controller = new SparkleSetupController (); private string SecondaryTextColor; + private string SecondaryTextColorSelected; private Entry NameEntry; private Entry EmailEntry; - private SparkleEntry ServerEntry; - private SparkleEntry FolderEntry; + private SparkleEntry AddressEntry; + private SparkleEntry PathEntry; private Button NextButton; private Button SyncButton; @@ -55,7 +55,15 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public SparkleSetup () : base () { - SecondaryTextColor = SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (Style.Foreground (StateType.Insensitive)); + SecondaryTextColor = SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (Style.Foreground (StateType.Insensitive)); + SecondaryTextColorSelected = + SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex ( + MixColors ( + new TreeView ().Style.Foreground (StateType.Selected), + new TreeView ().Style.Background (StateType.Selected), + 0.15 + ) + ); Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate (PageType type) { Application.Invoke (delegate { @@ -118,133 +126,184 @@ namespace SparkleShare { case PageType.Add: { - Header = _("Where is your project?"); + Header = _("Where's your project hosted?"); - Table = new Table (6, 2, false) { - RowSpacing = 0 + VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 12); + HBox layout_fields = new HBox (true, 12); + VBox layout_address = new VBox (true, 0); + VBox layout_path = new VBox (true, 0); + + ListStore store = new ListStore (typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf), + typeof (string), typeof (SparklePlugin)); + + TreeView tree = new TreeView (store) { HeadersVisible = false }; + ScrolledWindow scrolled_window = new ScrolledWindow (); + scrolled_window.AddWithViewport (tree); + + // Icon column + tree.AppendColumn ("Icon", new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf (), "pixbuf", 0); + tree.Columns [0].Cells [0].Xpad = 6; + + // Service column + TreeViewColumn service_column = new TreeViewColumn () { Title = "Service" }; + CellRendererText service_cell = new CellRendererText () { Ypad = 4 }; + service_column.PackStart (service_cell, true); + service_column.SetCellDataFunc (service_cell, new TreeCellDataFunc (RenderServiceColumn)); + + foreach (SparklePlugin plugin in Controller.Plugins) { + store.AppendValues ( + new Gdk.Pixbuf (plugin.ImagePath), + "" + plugin.Name + "\n" + + "" + + plugin.Description + "" + + "", + plugin); + } + + tree.AppendColumn (service_column); + + PathEntry = new SparkleEntry (); + AddressEntry = new SparkleEntry (); + + + // Select the first plugin by default + TreeSelection default_selection = tree.Selection; + TreePath default_path = new TreePath ("0"); + default_selection.SelectPath (default_path); + Controller.SelectedPluginChanged (0); + + Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate (string text, + string example_text, FieldState state) { + Console.WriteLine ("> " + text); + Application.Invoke (delegate { + AddressEntry.Text = text; + AddressEntry.Sensitive = (state == FieldState.Enabled); + + if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (example_text)) + AddressEntry.ExampleText = null; + else + AddressEntry.ExampleText = example_text; + + if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (text)) + AddressEntry.ExampleTextActive = true; + else + AddressEntry.ExampleTextActive = false; + }); }; - HBox layout_server = new HBox (true, 0); + Controller.ChangePathFieldEvent += delegate (string text, + string example_text, FieldState state) { - // Own server radiobutton - RadioButton radio_button = new RadioButton ("" + _("On my own server:") + ""); - (radio_button.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true; + Application.Invoke (delegate { + PathEntry.Text = text; + PathEntry.Sensitive = (state == FieldState.Enabled); - radio_button.Toggled += delegate { - if (radio_button.Active) { - FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Folder"); - ServerEntry.Sensitive = true; + if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (example_text)) + PathEntry.ExampleText = null; + else + PathEntry.ExampleText = example_text; + + if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (text)) + PathEntry.ExampleTextActive = true; + else + PathEntry.ExampleTextActive = false; + }); + }; + + // Update the address field text when the selection changes + tree.CursorChanged += delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) { + TreeIter iter; + TreeModel model; + + TreeSelection selection = (sender as TreeView).Selection; + selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter); + + SparklePlugin plugin = (SparklePlugin) model.GetValue (iter, 2); + int selected_path = int.Parse (model.GetPath (iter).ToString ()); + + Controller.SelectedPluginChanged (selected_path); + + // TODO: Scroll to selected row when using arrow keys + }; + + tree.Model.Foreach (new TreeModelForeachFunc (delegate (TreeModel model, + TreePath path, TreeIter iter) { + + string address; + + try { + address = (model.GetValue (iter, 2) as SparklePlugin).Address; + + } catch (NullReferenceException) { + address = ""; + } + + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (address) && + address.Equals (Controller.PreviousAddress)) { + + tree.SetCursor (path, service_column, false); + SparklePlugin plugin = (SparklePlugin) model.GetValue (iter, 2); + + if (plugin.Address != null) { + AddressEntry.Sensitive = false;} + + if (plugin.Path != null) + PathEntry.Sensitive = false; + + // TODO: Scroll to the selection + + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + })); + + AddressEntry.Completion = new EntryCompletion(); + ListStore server_store = new ListStore (typeof (string)); + + foreach (string host in Program.Controller.PreviousHosts) + server_store.AppendValues (host); + + AddressEntry.Completion.Model = server_store; + AddressEntry.Completion.TextColumn = 0; + + AddressEntry.Changed += delegate { + CheckAddPage (); + }; + + layout_address.PackStart (new Label () { + Markup = "" + _("Address") + "", + Xalign = 0 + }, true, true, 0); + + layout_address.PackStart (AddressEntry, true, true, 0); + + PathEntry.Completion = new EntryCompletion(); + + ListStore folder_store = new ListStore (typeof (string)); + + //foreach (string host in Program.Controller.FolderPaths) + // folder_store.AppendValues (host); + + PathEntry.Completion.Model = folder_store; + PathEntry.Completion.TextColumn = 0; + + PathEntry.Changed += delegate { CheckAddPage (); - } else { - ServerEntry.Sensitive = false; - CheckAddPage (); - } + }; - ShowAll (); - }; + layout_path.PackStart (new Label () { Markup = "" + _("Remote Path") + "", Xalign = 0 }, + true, true, 0); + layout_path.PackStart (PathEntry, true, true, 0); - // Own server entry - ServerEntry = new SparkleEntry () { }; - ServerEntry.Completion = new EntryCompletion(); + layout_fields.PackStart (layout_address); + layout_fields.PackStart (layout_path); - ListStore server_store = new ListStore (typeof (string)); + layout_vertical.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 0); + layout_vertical.PackStart (scrolled_window, true, true, 0); + layout_vertical.PackStart (layout_fields, false, false, 0); - foreach (string host in Program.Controller.PreviousHosts) - server_store.AppendValues (host); - - ServerEntry.Completion.Model = server_store; - ServerEntry.Completion.TextColumn = 0; - - if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Controller.PreviousServer)) { - ServerEntry.Text = Controller.PreviousServer; - ServerEntry.ExampleTextActive = false; - } else { - ServerEntry.ExampleText = _("address-to-server.com"); - } - - ServerEntry.Changed += delegate { - CheckAddPage (); - }; - - layout_server.Add (radio_button); - layout_server.Add (ServerEntry); - - Table.Attach (layout_server, 0, 2, 1, 2); - - // Github radiobutton - string github_text = "" + "Github" + ""; - - RadioButton radio_button_github = new RadioButton (radio_button, github_text); - (radio_button_github.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true; - (radio_button_github.Child as Label).Wrap = true; - - radio_button_github.Toggled += delegate { - if (radio_button_github.Active) - FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Username/Folder"); - }; - - - // Gitorious radiobutton - string gitorious_text = "" + _("Gitorious") + ""; - - RadioButton radio_button_gitorious = new RadioButton (radio_button, gitorious_text); - (radio_button_gitorious.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true; - (radio_button_gitorious.Child as Label).Wrap = true; - - radio_button_gitorious.Toggled += delegate { - if (radio_button_gitorious.Active) - FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Project/Folder"); - }; - - - // GNOME radiobutton - string gnome_text = "" + _("The GNOME Project") + ""; - - RadioButton radio_button_gnome = new RadioButton (radio_button, gnome_text); - (radio_button_gnome.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true; - (radio_button_gnome.Child as Label).Wrap = true; - - radio_button_gnome.Toggled += delegate { - if (radio_button_gnome.Active) - FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Project"); - }; - - Table.Attach (radio_button_github, 0, 2, 2, 3); - Table.Attach (radio_button_gitorious, 0, 2, 3, 4); - Table.Attach (radio_button_gnome, 0, 2, 4, 5); - - // Folder label and entry - HBox layout_folder = new HBox (true, 0); - - Label folder_label = new Label (_("Folder Name:")) { - UseMarkup = true, - Xalign = 1 - }; - - FolderEntry = new SparkleEntry (); - FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Folder"); - FolderEntry.Completion = new EntryCompletion(); - - ListStore folder_store = new ListStore (typeof (string)); - - //foreach (string host in Program.Controller.FolderPaths) - // folder_store.AppendValues (host); - - FolderEntry.Completion.Model = folder_store; - FolderEntry.Completion.TextColumn = 0; - - FolderEntry.Changed += delegate { - CheckAddPage (); - }; - - layout_folder.PackStart (folder_label, true, true, 12); - layout_folder.PackStart (FolderEntry, true, true, 0); - - Table.Attach (layout_folder, 0, 2, 5, 6); - - VBox box = new VBox (false, 0); - box.PackStart (Table, false, false, 0); - Add (box); + Add (layout_vertical); // Cancel button Button cancel_button = new Button (_("Cancel")); @@ -253,22 +312,12 @@ namespace SparkleShare { Close (); }; - // Sync button SyncButton = new Button (_("Add")); SyncButton.Clicked += delegate { - string server = ServerEntry.Text; - string folder_name = FolderEntry.Text; - - if (radio_button_gitorious.Active) - server = "gitorious.org"; - - if (radio_button_github.Active) - server = "github.com"; - - if (radio_button_gnome.Active) - server = "gnome.org"; + string server = AddressEntry.Text; + string folder_name = PathEntry.Text; Controller.AddPageCompleted (server, folder_name); }; @@ -553,14 +602,14 @@ namespace SparkleShare { { SyncButton.Sensitive = false; - if (FolderEntry.ExampleTextActive || - (ServerEntry.Sensitive && ServerEntry.ExampleTextActive)) + if (PathEntry.ExampleTextActive || + (AddressEntry.Sensitive && AddressEntry.ExampleTextActive)) return; - bool IsFolder = !FolderEntry.Text.Trim ().Equals (""); - bool IsServer = !ServerEntry.Text.Trim ().Equals (""); + bool IsFolder = !PathEntry.Text.Trim ().Equals (""); + bool IsServer = !AddressEntry.Text.Trim ().Equals (""); - if (ServerEntry.Sensitive == true) { + if (AddressEntry.Sensitive == true) { if (IsServer && IsFolder) SyncButton.Sensitive = true; } else if (IsFolder) { @@ -568,5 +617,29 @@ namespace SparkleShare { } } + + private void RenderServiceColumn (TreeViewColumn column, CellRenderer cell, + TreeModel model, TreeIter iter) + { + string markup = (string) model.GetValue (iter, 1); + TreeSelection selection = (column.TreeView as TreeView).Selection; + + if (selection.IterIsSelected (iter)) + markup = markup.Replace (SecondaryTextColor, SecondaryTextColorSelected); + else + markup = markup.Replace (SecondaryTextColorSelected, SecondaryTextColor); + + (cell as CellRendererText).Markup = markup; + } + + + private Gdk.Color MixColors (Gdk.Color first_color, Gdk.Color second_color, double ratio) + { + return new Gdk.Color ( + Convert.ToByte ((255 * (Math.Min (65535, first_color.Red * (1.0 - ratio) + second_color.Red * ratio))) / 65535), + Convert.ToByte ((255 * (Math.Min (65535, first_color.Green * (1.0 - ratio) + second_color.Green * ratio))) / 65535), + Convert.ToByte ((255 * (Math.Min (65535, first_color.Blue * (1.0 - ratio) + second_color.Blue * ratio))) / 65535) + ); + } } } diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparkleSetupController.cs b/SparkleShare/SparkleSetupController.cs index af0b141f..317a7c27 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/SparkleSetupController.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/SparkleSetupController.cs @@ -16,8 +16,11 @@ using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; +using SparkleLib; + namespace SparkleShare { public enum PageType { @@ -38,6 +41,23 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public event UpdateProgressBarEventHandler UpdateProgressBarEvent; public delegate void UpdateProgressBarEventHandler (double percentage); + public event ChangeAddressFieldEventHandler ChangeAddressFieldEvent; + public delegate void ChangeAddressFieldEventHandler (string text, + string example_text, FieldState state); + + public event ChangePathFieldEventHandler ChangePathFieldEvent; + public delegate void ChangePathFieldEventHandler (string text, + string example_text, FieldState state); + + public readonly List Plugins = new List (); + public SparklePlugin SelectedPlugin; + + + public int SelectedPluginIndex { + get { + return Plugins.IndexOf (SelectedPlugin); + } + } public int TutorialPageNumber { get { @@ -51,15 +71,15 @@ namespace SparkleShare { } } - public string PreviousServer { + public string PreviousAddress { get { - return this.previous_server; + return this.previous_address; } } - public string PreviousFolder { + public string PreviousPath { get { - return this.previous_folder; + return this.previous_path; } } @@ -91,8 +111,8 @@ namespace SparkleShare { } - private string previous_server = ""; - private string previous_folder = ""; + private string previous_address = ""; + private string previous_path = ""; private string previous_url = ""; private string syncing_folder = ""; private int tutorial_page_number = 1; @@ -101,19 +121,31 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public SparkleSetupController () { + string local_plugins_path = SparkleHelpers.CombineMore ( + Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), + "sparkleshare", "plugins"); + + if (Directory.Exists (local_plugins_path)) + foreach (string xml_file_path in Directory.GetFiles (local_plugins_path, "*.xml")) + Plugins.Add (new SparklePlugin (xml_file_path)); + + if (Directory.Exists (Program.Controller.PluginsPath)) { + foreach (string xml_file_path in Directory.GetFiles (Program.Controller.PluginsPath, "*.xml")) { + if (xml_file_path.EndsWith ("own-server.xml")) + Plugins.Insert (0, new SparklePlugin (xml_file_path)); + else + Plugins.Add (new SparklePlugin (xml_file_path)); + } + } + + SelectedPlugin = Plugins [0]; + ChangePageEvent += delegate (PageType page) { this.previous_page = page; }; } - public void ShowAddPage () - { - if (ChangePageEvent != null) - ChangePageEvent (PageType.Add); - } - - public void ShowSetupPage () { if (ChangePageEvent != null) @@ -152,11 +184,20 @@ namespace SparkleShare { } - public void AddPageCompleted (string server, string folder_name) + public void ShowAddPage () { - this.syncing_folder = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (folder_name); - this.previous_server = server; - this.previous_folder = folder_name; + if (ChangePageEvent != null) + ChangePageEvent (PageType.Add); + + SelectedPluginChanged (SelectedPluginIndex); + } + + + public void AddPageCompleted (string address, string path) + { + this.syncing_folder = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path); + this.previous_address = address; + this.previous_path = path; if (ChangePageEvent != null) ChangePageEvent (PageType.Syncing); @@ -165,7 +206,10 @@ namespace SparkleShare { if (ChangePageEvent != null) ChangePageEvent (PageType.Finished); - this.syncing_folder = ""; + this.previous_address = ""; + this.syncing_folder = ""; + this.previous_url = ""; + SelectedPlugin = Plugins [0]; }; Program.Controller.FolderFetchError += delegate (string remote_url) { @@ -182,7 +226,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { UpdateProgressBarEvent (percentage); }; - Program.Controller.FetchFolder (server, folder_name); + Program.Controller.FetchFolder (address, path); } @@ -204,9 +248,46 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public void FinishedPageCompleted () { - this.previous_server = ""; - this.previous_folder = ""; + this.previous_address = ""; + this.previous_path = ""; Program.Controller.UpdateState (); } + + + public void SelectedPluginChanged (int plugin_index) + { + SelectedPlugin = Plugins [plugin_index]; + + if (SelectedPlugin.Address != null) { + if (ChangeAddressFieldEvent != null) + ChangeAddressFieldEvent (SelectedPlugin.Address, "", FieldState.Disabled); + + } else if (SelectedPlugin.AddressExample != null) { + if (ChangeAddressFieldEvent != null) + ChangeAddressFieldEvent ("", SelectedPlugin.AddressExample, FieldState.Enabled); + } else { + if (ChangeAddressFieldEvent != null) + ChangeAddressFieldEvent ("", "", FieldState.Enabled); + } + + if (SelectedPlugin.Path != null) { + if (ChangePathFieldEvent != null) + ChangePathFieldEvent (SelectedPlugin.Path, "", FieldState.Disabled); + + } else if (SelectedPlugin.PathExample != null) { + if (ChangePathFieldEvent != null) + ChangePathFieldEvent ("", SelectedPlugin.PathExample, FieldState.Enabled); + + } else { + if (ChangePathFieldEvent != null) + ChangePathFieldEvent ("", "", FieldState.Enabled); + } + } + } + + + public enum FieldState { + Enabled, + Disabled } } diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs b/SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs index 15ec845f..3ef464c8 100755 --- a/SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ using System.Timers; using Gtk; using Mono.Unix; -using SparkleLib; namespace SparkleShare { diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparkleShare.csproj b/SparkleShare/SparkleShare.csproj old mode 100755 new mode 100644 index 199f702d..dca42164 --- a/SparkleShare/SparkleShare.csproj +++ b/SparkleShare/SparkleShare.csproj @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ SparkleShare 2.0 SparkleShare - v3.5 true @@ -37,6 +36,9 @@ + + False + @@ -73,5 +75,6 @@ + diff --git a/SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs b/SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs index d779684d..a7cdb770 100644 --- a/SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { Menu.Add (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); // Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder - MenuItem sync_item = new MenuItem (_("Add Project")); + MenuItem sync_item = new MenuItem (_("Add Hosted Project")); if (Program.Controller.FirstRun) sync_item.Sensitive = false; @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { Menu.Add (sync_item); Menu.Add (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); - MenuItem recent_events_item = new MenuItem (_("Show Recent Events")); + MenuItem recent_events_item = new MenuItem (_("Open Recent Events")); if (Program.Controller.Folders.Count < 1) recent_events_item.Sensitive = false; diff --git a/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleController.cs b/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleController.cs index 5846bbd3..1a4cdbe2 100644 --- a/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleController.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleController.cs @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . +using System.Reflection; using SparkleLib; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; @@ -30,13 +31,21 @@ namespace SparkleShare { public class SparkleController : SparkleControllerBase { - public SparkleController () - : base () + public override string PluginsPath { + get + { + return Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().Location), "plugins"); + } } - public override void Initialize () - { + + public SparkleController () : base () + { + } + + public override void Initialize () + { Settings settings = new Settings (); BrowserSettings browserSettings = new BrowserSettings (); @@ -47,28 +56,28 @@ namespace SparkleShare { CEF.RegisterScheme ("application", "sparkleshare", new ApplicationSchemeHandlerFactory ()); CEF.RegisterScheme ("application", "file", new FileSchemeHandlerFactory ()); + + Application.EnableVisualStyles (); + Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (false); - Application.EnableVisualStyles (); - Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (false); + // Add msysgit to path, as we cannot asume it is added to the path + // Asume it is installed in @"C:\msysgit\bin" for now + string MSysGit=@"C:\msysgit"; - // Add msysgit to path, as we cannot asume it is added to the path - // Asume it is installed in @"C:\msysgit\bin" for now - string MSysGit = @"C:\msysgit"; + string newPath = MSysGit + @"\bin" + ";" + + MSysGit + @"\mingw\bin" + ";" + + MSysGit + @"\cmd" + ";" + + System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables ("%PATH%"); + System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", newPath); + System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PLINK_PROTOCOL", "ssh"); - string newPath = MSysGit + @"\bin" + ";" - + MSysGit + @"\mingw\bin" + ";" - + MSysGit + @"\cmd" + ";" - + System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables ("%PATH%"); - System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", newPath); - System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PLINK_PROTOCOL", "ssh"); + if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("HOME"))) + System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("HOME", Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables ("%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%")); - if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("HOME"))) - System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("HOME", Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables ("%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%")); + StartSshAgent (); - StartSshAgent (); - - base.Initialize (); - } + base.Initialize (); + } public override string EventLogHTML { @@ -112,94 +121,82 @@ namespace SparkleShare { } - // Creates a .desktop entry in autostart folder to - // start SparkleShare automatically at login - public override void EnableSystemAutostart () - { - } + // Creates a .desktop entry in autostart folder to + // start SparkleShare automatically at login + public override void EnableSystemAutostart () + { + } + + + // Installs a launcher so the user can launch SparkleShare + // from the Internet category if needed + public override void InstallLauncher () + { + } - // Installs a launcher so the user can launch SparkleShare - // from the Internet category if needed - public override void InstallLauncher () - { - } + // Adds the SparkleShare folder to the user's + // list of bookmarked places + public override void AddToBookmarks () + { + } - // Adds the SparkleShare folder to the user's - // list of bookmarked places - public override void AddToBookmarks () - { - } + // Creates the SparkleShare folder in the user's home folder + public override bool CreateSparkleShareFolder () + { + if (!Directory.Exists (SparklePaths.SparklePath)) { + + Directory.CreateDirectory (SparklePaths.SparklePath); + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Config", "Created '" + SparklePaths.SparklePath + "'"); + + return true; + + } + + return false; + } + + public override void OpenSparkleShareFolder (string subfolder) + { + Process process = new Process(); + process.StartInfo.Arguments = ",/root," + SparkleHelpers.CombineMore(SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.FoldersPath, subfolder); + process.StartInfo.FileName = "explorer"; + + process.Start(); + } + + private void StartSshAgent () + { + if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("SSH_AUTH_SOCK"))) { + + Process process = new Process (); + process.StartInfo.FileName = "ssh-agent"; + process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; + process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; + + process.Start (); + + string Output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd (); + process.WaitForExit (); + + Match AuthSock = new Regex (@"SSH_AUTH_SOCK=([^;\n\r]*)").Match (Output); + if (AuthSock.Success) { + System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("SSH_AUTH_SOCK", AuthSock.Groups[1].Value); + } + + Match AgentPid = new Regex (@"SSH_AGENT_PID=([^;\n\r]*)").Match (Output); + if (AgentPid.Success) { + System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("SSH_AGENT_PID", AgentPid.Groups[1].Value); + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("SSH", "ssh-agent started, PID=" + AgentPid.Groups[1].Value); + } + else { + SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("SSH", "ssh-agent started, PID=unknown"); + } + } + } - // Creates the SparkleShare folder in the user's home folder - public override bool CreateSparkleShareFolder () - { - if (!Directory.Exists (SparklePaths.SparklePath)) { - - Directory.CreateDirectory (SparklePaths.SparklePath); - SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Config", "Created '" + SparklePaths.SparklePath + "'"); - - return true; - - } - - return false; - } - - public override void OpenSparkleShareFolder (string subfolder) - { - Process process = new Process (); - process.StartInfo.Arguments = ",/root," + SparkleHelpers.CombineMore (SparklePaths.SparklePath, subfolder); - process.StartInfo.FileName = "explorer"; - - process.Start (); - } - - private void StartSshAgent () - { - // Check to see if the process is running - Process [] ProcessList = Process.GetProcesses (); - foreach (Process p in ProcessList) { - if (p.ToString ().Contains ("ssh-agent")) { - System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("SSH_AGENT_PID", p.Id.ToString ()); - System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("SSH_AUTH_SOCK", "unknown"); - return; - } - } - - // If it wasn't running we start it - if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("SSH_AGENT_PID"))) { - - ProcessStartInfo processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo (); - Process process; - - processInfo.FileName = "ssh-agent"; - processInfo.UseShellExecute = false; - processInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; - - process = Process.Start (processInfo); - string Output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd (); - process.WaitForExit (); - process.Close (); - - Match AuthSock = new Regex (@"SSH_AUTH_SOCK=([^;\n\r]*)").Match (Output); - if (AuthSock.Success) { - System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("SSH_AUTH_SOCK", AuthSock.Groups [1].Value); - } - - Match AgentPid = new Regex (@"SSH_AGENT_PID=([^;\n\r]*)").Match (Output); - if (AgentPid.Success) { - System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("SSH_AGENT_PID", AgentPid.Groups [1].Value); - SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("SSH", "ssh-agent started, PID=" + AgentPid.Groups [1].Value); - } else { - SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("SSH", "ssh-agent started, PID=unknown"); - } - } - } - - - } + } } diff --git a/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleSetup.Designer.cs b/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleSetup.Designer.cs index 08750441..f1c605de 100644 --- a/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleSetup.Designer.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleSetup.Designer.cs @@ -23,175 +23,175 @@ namespace SparkleShare { /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// private void InitializeComponent() { - System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(SparkleSetup)); - this.pictureBox = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox(); - this.panel_info = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel(); - this.label_info = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.tabControl = new SparkleShare.controls.TablessControl(); - this.setupPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); - this.groupBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); - this.EmailEntry = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); - this.NameEntry = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); - this.label13 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.label12 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.label11 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.label10 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.buttonNext = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); - this.addPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); - this.panel_folder_selection = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel(); - this.groupbox_folder_selection = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); - this.label5 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.FolderEntry = new SparkleShare.controls.ExampleTextBox(); - this.panel_server_selection = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel(); - this.groupbox_server_selection = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); - this.ServerEntry = new SparkleShare.controls.ExampleTextBox(); - this.radio_button_gnome = new System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton(); - this.radio_button_gitorious = new System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton(); - this.radio_button_github = new System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton(); - this.radio_button_own_server = new System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton(); - this.buttonSync = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); - this.buttonCancel = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); - this.label4 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.syncingPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); - this.syncingProgressBar = new System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar(); - this.buttonFinish = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); - this.label7 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.label6 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.errorPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); - this.buttonTryAgain = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); - this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.finishedPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); - this.label9 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.label8 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); - this.buttonFinished = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); - this.buttonOpenFolder = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); - ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.pictureBox)).BeginInit(); - this.panel_info.SuspendLayout(); - this.tabControl.SuspendLayout(); - this.setupPage.SuspendLayout(); - this.groupBox1.SuspendLayout(); - this.addPage.SuspendLayout(); - this.panel_folder_selection.SuspendLayout(); - this.groupbox_folder_selection.SuspendLayout(); - this.panel_server_selection.SuspendLayout(); - this.groupbox_server_selection.SuspendLayout(); - this.syncingPage.SuspendLayout(); - this.errorPage.SuspendLayout(); - this.finishedPage.SuspendLayout(); - this.SuspendLayout(); + System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager (typeof (SparkleSetup)); + this.pictureBox = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox (); + this.panel_info = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel (); + this.label_info = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.tabControl = new SparkleShare.controls.TablessControl (); + this.setupPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage (); + this.groupBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox (); + this.EmailEntry = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox (); + this.NameEntry = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox (); + this.label13 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.label12 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.label11 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.label10 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.buttonNext = new System.Windows.Forms.Button (); + this.addPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage (); + this.panel_folder_selection = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel (); + this.groupbox_folder_selection = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox (); + this.label5 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.FolderEntry = new SparkleShare.controls.ExampleTextBox (); + this.panel_server_selection = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel (); + this.groupbox_server_selection = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox (); + this.ServerEntry = new SparkleShare.controls.ExampleTextBox (); + this.radio_button_gnome = new System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton (); + this.radio_button_gitorious = new System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton (); + this.radio_button_github = new System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton (); + this.radio_button_own_server = new System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton (); + this.buttonSync = new System.Windows.Forms.Button (); + this.buttonCancel = new System.Windows.Forms.Button (); + this.label4 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.syncingPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage (); + this.syncingProgressBar = new System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar (); + this.buttonFinish = new System.Windows.Forms.Button (); + this.label7 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.label6 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.errorPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage (); + this.buttonTryAgain = new System.Windows.Forms.Button (); + this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.finishedPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage (); + this.label9 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.label8 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label (); + this.buttonFinished = new System.Windows.Forms.Button (); + this.buttonOpenFolder = new System.Windows.Forms.Button (); + ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.pictureBox)).BeginInit (); + this.panel_info.SuspendLayout (); + this.tabControl.SuspendLayout (); + this.setupPage.SuspendLayout (); + this.groupBox1.SuspendLayout (); + this.addPage.SuspendLayout (); + this.panel_folder_selection.SuspendLayout (); + this.groupbox_folder_selection.SuspendLayout (); + this.panel_server_selection.SuspendLayout (); + this.groupbox_server_selection.SuspendLayout (); + this.syncingPage.SuspendLayout (); + this.errorPage.SuspendLayout (); + this.finishedPage.SuspendLayout (); + this.SuspendLayout (); // // pictureBox // this.pictureBox.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left; - this.pictureBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); + this.pictureBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (0, 0); this.pictureBox.Name = "pictureBox"; - this.pictureBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 396); + this.pictureBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (150, 396); this.pictureBox.TabIndex = 1; this.pictureBox.TabStop = false; // // panel_info // this.panel_info.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; - this.panel_info.Controls.Add(this.label_info); - this.panel_info.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); + this.panel_info.Controls.Add (this.label_info); + this.panel_info.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (0, 0); this.panel_info.Name = "panel_info"; - this.panel_info.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 396); + this.panel_info.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (150, 396); this.panel_info.TabIndex = 7; this.panel_info.Visible = false; // // label_info // - this.label_info.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 105); + this.label_info.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (12, 105); this.label_info.Name = "label_info"; - this.label_info.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(112, 253); + this.label_info.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (112, 253); this.label_info.TabIndex = 1; this.label_info.Text = "Informative text"; // // tabControl // - this.tabControl.Controls.Add(this.setupPage); - this.tabControl.Controls.Add(this.addPage); - this.tabControl.Controls.Add(this.syncingPage); - this.tabControl.Controls.Add(this.errorPage); - this.tabControl.Controls.Add(this.finishedPage); + this.tabControl.Controls.Add (this.setupPage); + this.tabControl.Controls.Add (this.addPage); + this.tabControl.Controls.Add (this.syncingPage); + this.tabControl.Controls.Add (this.errorPage); + this.tabControl.Controls.Add (this.finishedPage); this.tabControl.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right; - this.tabControl.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(150, 0); + this.tabControl.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (150, 0); this.tabControl.Name = "tabControl"; this.tabControl.SelectedIndex = 0; - this.tabControl.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(514, 396); + this.tabControl.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (514, 396); this.tabControl.TabIndex = 0; this.tabControl.TabStop = false; // // setupPage // - this.setupPage.Controls.Add(this.groupBox1); - this.setupPage.Controls.Add(this.label11); - this.setupPage.Controls.Add(this.label10); - this.setupPage.Controls.Add(this.buttonNext); - this.setupPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22); + this.setupPage.Controls.Add (this.groupBox1); + this.setupPage.Controls.Add (this.label11); + this.setupPage.Controls.Add (this.label10); + this.setupPage.Controls.Add (this.buttonNext); + this.setupPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (4, 22); this.setupPage.Name = "setupPage"; - this.setupPage.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3); - this.setupPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(506, 370); + this.setupPage.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding (3); + this.setupPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (506, 370); this.setupPage.TabIndex = 0; this.setupPage.Text = "Setup"; this.setupPage.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; // // groupBox1 // - this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.EmailEntry); - this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.NameEntry); - this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.label13); - this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.label12); - this.groupBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(14, 119); + this.groupBox1.Controls.Add (this.EmailEntry); + this.groupBox1.Controls.Add (this.NameEntry); + this.groupBox1.Controls.Add (this.label13); + this.groupBox1.Controls.Add (this.label12); + this.groupBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (14, 119); this.groupBox1.Name = "groupBox1"; - this.groupBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(429, 102); + this.groupBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (429, 102); this.groupBox1.TabIndex = 7; this.groupBox1.TabStop = false; this.groupBox1.Text = "Information about you"; // // EmailEntry // - this.EmailEntry.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(150, 54); + this.EmailEntry.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (150, 54); this.EmailEntry.Name = "EmailEntry"; - this.EmailEntry.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(275, 20); + this.EmailEntry.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (275, 20); this.EmailEntry.TabIndex = 10; - this.EmailEntry.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(this.CheckSetupPage); + this.EmailEntry.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler (this.CheckSetupPage); // // NameEntry // - this.NameEntry.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(150, 28); + this.NameEntry.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (150, 28); this.NameEntry.Name = "NameEntry"; - this.NameEntry.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(275, 20); + this.NameEntry.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (275, 20); this.NameEntry.TabIndex = 9; - this.NameEntry.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(this.CheckSetupPage); + this.NameEntry.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler (this.CheckSetupPage); // // label13 // this.label13.AutoSize = true; - this.label13.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); - this.label13.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(15, 57); + this.label13.Font = new System.Drawing.Font ("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); + this.label13.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (15, 57); this.label13.Name = "label13"; - this.label13.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(41, 13); + this.label13.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (41, 13); this.label13.TabIndex = 8; this.label13.Text = "Email:"; // // label12 // this.label12.AutoSize = true; - this.label12.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); - this.label12.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(15, 31); + this.label12.Font = new System.Drawing.Font ("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); + this.label12.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (15, 31); this.label12.Name = "label12"; - this.label12.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(65, 13); + this.label12.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (65, 13); this.label12.TabIndex = 7; this.label12.Text = "Full name:"; // // label11 // - this.label11.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(11, 44); + this.label11.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (11, 44); this.label11.Name = "label11"; - this.label11.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(307, 62); + this.label11.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (307, 62); this.label11.TabIndex = 2; this.label11.Text = "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few bits o" + "f information from you.\r\n"; @@ -199,55 +199,55 @@ namespace SparkleShare { // label10 // this.label10.AutoSize = true; - this.label10.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); - this.label10.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 18); + this.label10.Font = new System.Drawing.Font ("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); + this.label10.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (8, 18); this.label10.Name = "label10"; - this.label10.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(222, 20); + this.label10.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (222, 20); this.label10.TabIndex = 1; this.label10.Text = "Welcome to SparkleShare!"; // // buttonNext // this.buttonNext.Enabled = false; - this.buttonNext.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(431, 350); + this.buttonNext.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (431, 350); this.buttonNext.Name = "buttonNext"; - this.buttonNext.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23); + this.buttonNext.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (75, 23); this.buttonNext.TabIndex = 0; this.buttonNext.Text = "Next"; this.buttonNext.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.buttonNext.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.buttonNext_Click); + this.buttonNext.Click += new System.EventHandler (this.buttonNext_Click); // // addPage // - this.addPage.Controls.Add(this.panel_folder_selection); - this.addPage.Controls.Add(this.panel_server_selection); - this.addPage.Controls.Add(this.buttonSync); - this.addPage.Controls.Add(this.buttonCancel); - this.addPage.Controls.Add(this.label4); - this.addPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22); + this.addPage.Controls.Add (this.panel_folder_selection); + this.addPage.Controls.Add (this.panel_server_selection); + this.addPage.Controls.Add (this.buttonSync); + this.addPage.Controls.Add (this.buttonCancel); + this.addPage.Controls.Add (this.label4); + this.addPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (4, 22); this.addPage.Name = "addPage"; - this.addPage.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3); - this.addPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(506, 370); + this.addPage.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding (3); + this.addPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (506, 370); this.addPage.TabIndex = 1; this.addPage.Text = "Add"; this.addPage.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; // // panel_folder_selection // - this.panel_folder_selection.Controls.Add(this.groupbox_folder_selection); - this.panel_folder_selection.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(2, 213); + this.panel_folder_selection.Controls.Add (this.groupbox_folder_selection); + this.panel_folder_selection.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (2, 213); this.panel_folder_selection.Name = "panel_folder_selection"; - this.panel_folder_selection.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(512, 123); + this.panel_folder_selection.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (512, 123); this.panel_folder_selection.TabIndex = 13; - this.panel_folder_selection.MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler(this.panel_folder_selection_MouseLeave); + this.panel_folder_selection.MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler (this.panel_folder_selection_MouseLeave); // // groupbox_folder_selection // - this.groupbox_folder_selection.Controls.Add(this.label5); - this.groupbox_folder_selection.Controls.Add(this.FolderEntry); - this.groupbox_folder_selection.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 20); + this.groupbox_folder_selection.Controls.Add (this.label5); + this.groupbox_folder_selection.Controls.Add (this.FolderEntry); + this.groupbox_folder_selection.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (10, 20); this.groupbox_folder_selection.Name = "groupbox_folder_selection"; - this.groupbox_folder_selection.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(470, 88); + this.groupbox_folder_selection.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (470, 88); this.groupbox_folder_selection.TabIndex = 11; this.groupbox_folder_selection.TabStop = false; this.groupbox_folder_selection.Text = "Folder selection"; @@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ namespace SparkleShare { // label5 // this.label5.AutoSize = true; - this.label5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 43); + this.label5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (6, 43); this.label5.Name = "label5"; - this.label5.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(121, 13); + this.label5.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (121, 13); this.label5.TabIndex = 9; this.label5.Text = "Folder name (on server):"; // @@ -265,31 +265,32 @@ namespace SparkleShare { // this.FolderEntry.ExampleText = "/path/to/folder"; this.FolderEntry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.InactiveCaptionText; - this.FolderEntry.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(133, 40); + this.FolderEntry.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (133, 40); this.FolderEntry.Name = "FolderEntry"; - this.FolderEntry.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(318, 20); + this.FolderEntry.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (318, 20); this.FolderEntry.TabIndex = 8; - this.FolderEntry.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler(this.FolderEntry_MouseEnter); + this.FolderEntry.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler (this.CheckAddPage); + this.FolderEntry.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler (this.FolderEntry_MouseEnter); // // panel_server_selection // - this.panel_server_selection.Controls.Add(this.groupbox_server_selection); - this.panel_server_selection.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 53); + this.panel_server_selection.Controls.Add (this.groupbox_server_selection); + this.panel_server_selection.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (0, 53); this.panel_server_selection.Name = "panel_server_selection"; - this.panel_server_selection.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(512, 154); + this.panel_server_selection.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (512, 154); this.panel_server_selection.TabIndex = 12; - this.panel_server_selection.MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler(this.panel_server_selection_MouseLeave); + this.panel_server_selection.MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler (this.panel_server_selection_MouseLeave); // // groupbox_server_selection // - this.groupbox_server_selection.Controls.Add(this.ServerEntry); - this.groupbox_server_selection.Controls.Add(this.radio_button_gnome); - this.groupbox_server_selection.Controls.Add(this.radio_button_gitorious); - this.groupbox_server_selection.Controls.Add(this.radio_button_github); - this.groupbox_server_selection.Controls.Add(this.radio_button_own_server); - this.groupbox_server_selection.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(15, 9); + this.groupbox_server_selection.Controls.Add (this.ServerEntry); + this.groupbox_server_selection.Controls.Add (this.radio_button_gnome); + this.groupbox_server_selection.Controls.Add (this.radio_button_gitorious); + this.groupbox_server_selection.Controls.Add (this.radio_button_github); + this.groupbox_server_selection.Controls.Add (this.radio_button_own_server); + this.groupbox_server_selection.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (15, 9); this.groupbox_server_selection.Name = "groupbox_server_selection"; - this.groupbox_server_selection.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(470, 123); + this.groupbox_server_selection.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (470, 123); this.groupbox_server_selection.TabIndex = 11; this.groupbox_server_selection.TabStop = false; this.groupbox_server_selection.Text = "Server selection"; @@ -298,172 +299,178 @@ namespace SparkleShare { // this.ServerEntry.ExampleText = "address-to-server/ip-to-server"; this.ServerEntry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.InactiveCaptionText; - this.ServerEntry.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(139, 21); + this.ServerEntry.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (139, 21); this.ServerEntry.Name = "ServerEntry"; - this.ServerEntry.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(312, 20); + this.ServerEntry.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (312, 20); this.ServerEntry.TabIndex = 10; + this.ServerEntry.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler (this.CheckAddPage); + this.ServerEntry.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler (this.radio_button_own_server_MouseEnter); // // radio_button_gnome // this.radio_button_gnome.AutoSize = true; - this.radio_button_gnome.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 91); + this.radio_button_gnome.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (6, 91); this.radio_button_gnome.Name = "radio_button_gnome"; - this.radio_button_gnome.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(165, 17); + this.radio_button_gnome.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (165, 17); this.radio_button_gnome.TabIndex = 9; this.radio_button_gnome.Text = "The GNOME Project account"; this.radio_button_gnome.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.radio_button_gnome.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler(this.radio_button_gnome_MouseEnter); + this.radio_button_gnome.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler (this.CheckAddPage); + this.radio_button_gnome.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler (this.radio_button_gnome_MouseEnter); // // radio_button_gitorious // this.radio_button_gitorious.AutoSize = true; - this.radio_button_gitorious.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 68); + this.radio_button_gitorious.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (6, 68); this.radio_button_gitorious.Name = "radio_button_gitorious"; - this.radio_button_gitorious.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(108, 17); + this.radio_button_gitorious.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (108, 17); this.radio_button_gitorious.TabIndex = 8; this.radio_button_gitorious.Text = "Gitorious account"; this.radio_button_gitorious.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.radio_button_gitorious.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler(this.radio_button_gitorious_MouseEnter); + this.radio_button_gitorious.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler (this.CheckAddPage); + this.radio_button_gitorious.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler (this.radio_button_gitorious_MouseEnter); // // radio_button_github // this.radio_button_github.AutoSize = true; - this.radio_button_github.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 45); + this.radio_button_github.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (6, 45); this.radio_button_github.Name = "radio_button_github"; - this.radio_button_github.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(98, 17); + this.radio_button_github.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (98, 17); this.radio_button_github.TabIndex = 7; this.radio_button_github.Text = "Github account"; this.radio_button_github.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.radio_button_github.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler(this.radio_button_github_MouseEnter); + this.radio_button_github.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler (this.CheckAddPage); + this.radio_button_github.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler (this.radio_button_github_MouseEnter); // // radio_button_own_server // this.radio_button_own_server.AutoSize = true; this.radio_button_own_server.Checked = true; - this.radio_button_own_server.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 22); + this.radio_button_own_server.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (6, 22); this.radio_button_own_server.Name = "radio_button_own_server"; - this.radio_button_own_server.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(115, 17); + this.radio_button_own_server.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (115, 17); this.radio_button_own_server.TabIndex = 6; this.radio_button_own_server.TabStop = true; this.radio_button_own_server.Text = "On my own Server:"; this.radio_button_own_server.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.radio_button_own_server.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler(this.radio_button_own_server_MouseEnter); + this.radio_button_own_server.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler (this.radio_button_own_server_MouseEnter); // // buttonSync // - this.buttonSync.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(431, 355); + this.buttonSync.Enabled = false; + this.buttonSync.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (431, 355); this.buttonSync.Name = "buttonSync"; - this.buttonSync.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23); + this.buttonSync.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (75, 23); this.buttonSync.TabIndex = 9; this.buttonSync.Text = "Sync"; this.buttonSync.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.buttonSync.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.buttonSync_Click); + this.buttonSync.Click += new System.EventHandler (this.buttonSync_Click); // // buttonCancel // - this.buttonCancel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(350, 355); + this.buttonCancel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (350, 355); this.buttonCancel.Name = "buttonCancel"; - this.buttonCancel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23); + this.buttonCancel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (75, 23); this.buttonCancel.TabIndex = 8; this.buttonCancel.Text = "Cancel"; this.buttonCancel.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.buttonCancel.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.buttonCancel_Click); + this.buttonCancel.Click += new System.EventHandler (this.buttonCancel_Click); // // label4 // this.label4.AutoSize = true; - this.label4.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); - this.label4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 18); + this.label4.Font = new System.Drawing.Font ("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); + this.label4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (8, 18); this.label4.Name = "label4"; - this.label4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(240, 20); + this.label4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (240, 20); this.label4.TabIndex = 0; this.label4.Text = "Where is your remote folder?"; // // syncingPage // - this.syncingPage.Controls.Add(this.syncingProgressBar); - this.syncingPage.Controls.Add(this.buttonFinish); - this.syncingPage.Controls.Add(this.label7); - this.syncingPage.Controls.Add(this.label6); - this.syncingPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22); + this.syncingPage.Controls.Add (this.syncingProgressBar); + this.syncingPage.Controls.Add (this.buttonFinish); + this.syncingPage.Controls.Add (this.label7); + this.syncingPage.Controls.Add (this.label6); + this.syncingPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (4, 22); this.syncingPage.Name = "syncingPage"; - this.syncingPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(506, 370); + this.syncingPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (506, 370); this.syncingPage.TabIndex = 2; this.syncingPage.Text = "Syncing"; this.syncingPage.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; // // syncingProgressBar // - this.syncingProgressBar.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(14, 109); + this.syncingProgressBar.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (14, 109); this.syncingProgressBar.Name = "syncingProgressBar"; - this.syncingProgressBar.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(492, 23); + this.syncingProgressBar.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (492, 23); this.syncingProgressBar.TabIndex = 3; // // buttonFinish // this.buttonFinish.Enabled = false; - this.buttonFinish.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(431, 350); + this.buttonFinish.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (431, 350); this.buttonFinish.Name = "buttonFinish"; - this.buttonFinish.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23); + this.buttonFinish.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (75, 23); this.buttonFinish.TabIndex = 2; this.buttonFinish.Text = "Finish"; this.buttonFinish.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.buttonFinish.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.buttonFinish_Click); + this.buttonFinish.Click += new System.EventHandler (this.buttonFinish_Click); // // label7 // - this.label7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(11, 44); + this.label7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (11, 44); this.label7.Name = "label7"; - this.label7.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(307, 62); + this.label7.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (307, 62); this.label7.TabIndex = 1; this.label7.Text = "This may take a while.\r\nAre you sure its not coffee o\'clock?\r\n"; // // label6 // this.label6.AutoSize = true; - this.label6.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); - this.label6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 18); + this.label6.Font = new System.Drawing.Font ("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); + this.label6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (8, 18); this.label6.Name = "label6"; - this.label6.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(123, 20); + this.label6.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (123, 20); this.label6.TabIndex = 0; this.label6.Text = "Syncing folder"; // // errorPage // - this.errorPage.Controls.Add(this.buttonTryAgain); - this.errorPage.Controls.Add(this.label3); - this.errorPage.Controls.Add(this.label2); - this.errorPage.Controls.Add(this.label1); - this.errorPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22); + this.errorPage.Controls.Add (this.buttonTryAgain); + this.errorPage.Controls.Add (this.label3); + this.errorPage.Controls.Add (this.label2); + this.errorPage.Controls.Add (this.label1); + this.errorPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (4, 22); this.errorPage.Name = "errorPage"; - this.errorPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(506, 370); + this.errorPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (506, 370); this.errorPage.TabIndex = 3; this.errorPage.Text = "Error"; this.errorPage.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; // // buttonTryAgain // - this.buttonTryAgain.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(431, 350); + this.buttonTryAgain.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (431, 350); this.buttonTryAgain.Name = "buttonTryAgain"; - this.buttonTryAgain.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23); + this.buttonTryAgain.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (75, 23); this.buttonTryAgain.TabIndex = 3; this.buttonTryAgain.Text = "Try Again"; this.buttonTryAgain.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.buttonTryAgain.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.buttonTryAgain_Click); + this.buttonTryAgain.Click += new System.EventHandler (this.buttonTryAgain_Click); // // label3 // - this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(11, 106); + this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (11, 106); this.label3.Name = "label3"; - this.label3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(307, 129); + this.label3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (307, 129); this.label3.TabIndex = 2; - this.label3.Text = resources.GetString("label3.Text"); + this.label3.Text = resources.GetString ("label3.Text"); // // label2 // - this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(11, 44); + this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (11, 44); this.label2.Name = "label2"; - this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(307, 62); + this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (307, 62); this.label2.TabIndex = 1; this.label2.Text = "We don\'t know exactly what the problem is, but we can try to help you pinpoint it" + "."; @@ -471,96 +478,96 @@ namespace SparkleShare { // label1 // this.label1.AutoSize = true; - this.label1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); - this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 18); + this.label1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font ("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); + this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (8, 18); this.label1.Name = "label1"; - this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(191, 20); + this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (191, 20); this.label1.TabIndex = 0; this.label1.Text = "Something went wrong"; // // finishedPage // - this.finishedPage.Controls.Add(this.label9); - this.finishedPage.Controls.Add(this.label8); - this.finishedPage.Controls.Add(this.buttonFinished); - this.finishedPage.Controls.Add(this.buttonOpenFolder); - this.finishedPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22); + this.finishedPage.Controls.Add (this.label9); + this.finishedPage.Controls.Add (this.label8); + this.finishedPage.Controls.Add (this.buttonFinished); + this.finishedPage.Controls.Add (this.buttonOpenFolder); + this.finishedPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (4, 22); this.finishedPage.Name = "finishedPage"; - this.finishedPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(506, 370); + this.finishedPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (506, 370); this.finishedPage.TabIndex = 4; this.finishedPage.Text = "Finished"; this.finishedPage.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; // // label9 // - this.label9.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(11, 44); + this.label9.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (11, 44); this.label9.Name = "label9"; - this.label9.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(307, 62); + this.label9.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (307, 62); this.label9.TabIndex = 3; this.label9.Text = "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder."; // // label8 // this.label8.AutoSize = true; - this.label8.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); - this.label8.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 18); + this.label8.Font = new System.Drawing.Font ("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); + this.label8.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (8, 18); this.label8.Name = "label8"; - this.label8.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(228, 20); + this.label8.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (228, 20); this.label8.TabIndex = 2; this.label8.Text = "Folder synced successfully!"; // // buttonFinished // - this.buttonFinished.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(431, 350); + this.buttonFinished.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (431, 350); this.buttonFinished.Name = "buttonFinished"; - this.buttonFinished.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23); + this.buttonFinished.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (75, 23); this.buttonFinished.TabIndex = 1; this.buttonFinished.Text = "Finish"; this.buttonFinished.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.buttonFinished.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.buttonFinished_Click); + this.buttonFinished.Click += new System.EventHandler (this.buttonFinished_Click); // // buttonOpenFolder // - this.buttonOpenFolder.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(350, 350); + this.buttonOpenFolder.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (350, 350); this.buttonOpenFolder.Name = "buttonOpenFolder"; - this.buttonOpenFolder.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23); + this.buttonOpenFolder.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (75, 23); this.buttonOpenFolder.TabIndex = 0; this.buttonOpenFolder.Text = "Open Folder"; this.buttonOpenFolder.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; - this.buttonOpenFolder.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.buttonOpenFolder_Click); + this.buttonOpenFolder.Click += new System.EventHandler (this.buttonOpenFolder_Click); // // SparkleSetup // - this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(664, 396); - this.Controls.Add(this.panel_info); - this.Controls.Add(this.tabControl); - this.Controls.Add(this.pictureBox); + this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size (664, 396); + this.Controls.Add (this.panel_info); + this.Controls.Add (this.tabControl); + this.Controls.Add (this.pictureBox); this.Name = "SparkleSetup"; this.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; this.Text = "SparkleShare Setup"; - this.FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventHandler(this.SparkleSetup_FormClosing); - ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.pictureBox)).EndInit(); - this.panel_info.ResumeLayout(false); - this.tabControl.ResumeLayout(false); - this.setupPage.ResumeLayout(false); - this.setupPage.PerformLayout(); - this.groupBox1.ResumeLayout(false); - this.groupBox1.PerformLayout(); - this.addPage.ResumeLayout(false); - this.addPage.PerformLayout(); - this.panel_folder_selection.ResumeLayout(false); - this.groupbox_folder_selection.ResumeLayout(false); - this.groupbox_folder_selection.PerformLayout(); - this.panel_server_selection.ResumeLayout(false); - this.groupbox_server_selection.ResumeLayout(false); - this.groupbox_server_selection.PerformLayout(); - this.syncingPage.ResumeLayout(false); - this.syncingPage.PerformLayout(); - this.errorPage.ResumeLayout(false); - this.errorPage.PerformLayout(); - this.finishedPage.ResumeLayout(false); - this.finishedPage.PerformLayout(); - this.ResumeLayout(false); + this.FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventHandler (this.SparkleSetup_FormClosing); + ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.pictureBox)).EndInit (); + this.panel_info.ResumeLayout (false); + this.tabControl.ResumeLayout (false); + this.setupPage.ResumeLayout (false); + this.setupPage.PerformLayout (); + this.groupBox1.ResumeLayout (false); + this.groupBox1.PerformLayout (); + this.addPage.ResumeLayout (false); + this.addPage.PerformLayout (); + this.panel_folder_selection.ResumeLayout (false); + this.groupbox_folder_selection.ResumeLayout (false); + this.groupbox_folder_selection.PerformLayout (); + this.panel_server_selection.ResumeLayout (false); + this.groupbox_server_selection.ResumeLayout (false); + this.groupbox_server_selection.PerformLayout (); + this.syncingPage.ResumeLayout (false); + this.syncingPage.PerformLayout (); + this.errorPage.ResumeLayout (false); + this.errorPage.PerformLayout (); + this.finishedPage.ResumeLayout (false); + this.finishedPage.PerformLayout (); + this.ResumeLayout (false); } diff --git a/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleSetup.cs b/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleSetup.cs index dd0fbbc6..d5ef3897 100644 --- a/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleSetup.cs +++ b/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleSetup.cs @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare { pictureBox.Image = Icons.side_splash; this.ClientSize = new Size (this.ClientSize.Width, Icons.side_splash.Size.Height); + panel_info.Size = pictureBox.Size; this.Icon = Icons.sparkleshare; Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate (PageType type) { @@ -53,8 +54,8 @@ namespace SparkleShare { switch (type) { case PageType.Add: tabControl.SelectedIndex = 1; - if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Controller.PreviousServer)) - ServerEntry.Text = Controller.PreviousServer; + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Controller.PreviousUrl)) + ServerEntry.Text = Controller.PreviousUrl; else ServerEntry.Text = ""; FolderEntry.Text = ""; @@ -79,6 +80,14 @@ namespace SparkleShare { tabControl.SelectedIndex = 2; Show (); break; + case PageType.Tutorial: + if (Controller.TutorialPageNumber==1) + Controller.TutorialSkipped (); + else + Controller.ShowAddPage (); + break; + default: + throw new NotImplementedException("unknown PageType"); } }); }; diff --git a/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleShare.csproj b/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleShare.csproj index aa14867a..04d1290a 100644 --- a/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleShare.csproj +++ b/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleShare.csproj @@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ SparkleExtensions.cs + + SparklePlugin.cs + @@ -225,4 +228,48 @@ Icons.resx + + + plugins\bitbucket.png + Always + + + plugins\github.png + Always + + + plugins\gitorious.png + Always + + + plugins\gnome.png + Always + + + plugins\own-server.png + Always + + + + + plugins\bitbucket.xml + Always + + + plugins\github.xml + Always + + + plugins\gitorious.xml + Always + + + plugins\gnome.xml + Always + + + plugins\own-server.xml + Always + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleShare.wxs b/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleShare.wxs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d9f5719a --- /dev/null +++ b/SparkleShare/Windows/SparkleShare.wxs @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + MSYSGIT_CAB_EXISTS + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SparkleShare/Windows/build.cmd b/SparkleShare/Windows/build.cmd index db003853..282fc313 100644 --- a/SparkleShare/Windows/build.cmd +++ b/SparkleShare/Windows/build.cmd @@ -1,15 +1,25 @@ @echo off + +call %~dp0\..\..\data\plugins\build.cmd + set WinDirNet=%WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework set msbuild="%WinDirNet%\v3.5\msbuild.exe" -set gitpath="C:\msysgit\bin\git.exe" if not exist %msbuild% set msbuild="%WinDirNet%\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe" -if not exist %gitpath% ( - echo "Could not find git binary at %gitpath%, please install msysgit to C:\msysgit" - pause - exit - ) -set PATH=C:\msysgit\bin;%PATH% -cd ..\..\ -git submodule update --init -cd SparkleShare\Windows +set wixBinDir=%WIX%\bin + %msbuild% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Any CPU" %~dp0\SparkleShare.sln + +if "%1"=="installer" ( + if exist "%wixBinDir%" ( + "%wixBinDir%\heat.exe" dir "%git_install_root%." -cg msysGitComponentGroup -gg -scom -sreg -sfrag -srd -dr MSYSGIT_DIR -t addmedia.xlst -var wix.msysgitpath -o msysgit.wxs + "%wixBinDir%\candle" "%~dp0\SparkleShare.wxs" + "%wixBinDir%\candle" "msysgit.wxs + "%wixBinDir%\light" -ext WixUIExtension Sparkleshare.wixobj msysgit.wixobj -dmsysgitpath=%git_install_root% -o SparkleShare.msi + echo SparkleShare.msi created. + + ) else ( + echo Not building installer ^(could not find wix, Windows Installer XML toolset^) + echo wix is available at http://wix.sourceforge.net/ + ) + +) else echo Not building installer, as it was not requested. ^(Issue "build.cmd installer" to build installer ^) diff --git a/addmedia.xlst b/addmedia.xlst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66b70765 --- /dev/null +++ b/addmedia.xlst @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2 + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac index cb054fcd..ca8c6046 100755 --- a/configure.ac +++ b/configure.ac @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ dnl package checks, common for all configs SPARKLESHARE_CHECK_GTK_SHARP SPARKLESHARE_SMARTIRC4NET -PKG_CHECK_MODULES([SMARTIRC4NET], [smartirc4net], +PKG_CHECK_MODULES([SMARTIRC4NET], [smartirc4net >= 0.5], SMARTIRC4NET_ASSEMBLY="" AC_SUBST(SMARTIRC4NET_ASSEMBLY) , @@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ build/m4/shave/shave-libtool data/Makefile data/icons/Makefile data/html/Makefile +data/plugins/Makefile help/Makefile SparkleLib/AssemblyInfo.cs SparkleLib/Defines.cs diff --git a/data/Makefile.am b/data/Makefile.am index 5fe40d9c..cea4d45f 100755 --- a/data/Makefile.am +++ b/data/Makefile.am @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ SUBDIRS = \ icons \ - html + html \ + plugins dist_pixmaps_DATA = \ side-splash.png \ diff --git a/data/about.png b/data/about.png index c1cd2236..9f01b2ef 100755 Binary files a/data/about.png and b/data/about.png differ diff --git a/data/icons/sparkleshare-android-36.png b/data/icons/sparkleshare-android-36.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..84bf2bb9 Binary files /dev/null and b/data/icons/sparkleshare-android-36.png differ diff --git a/data/icons/sparkleshare-android-48.png b/data/icons/sparkleshare-android-48.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e858d598 Binary files /dev/null and b/data/icons/sparkleshare-android-48.png differ diff --git a/data/icons/sparkleshare-android-72.png b/data/icons/sparkleshare-android-72.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49d147ef Binary files /dev/null and b/data/icons/sparkleshare-android-72.png differ diff --git a/data/plugins/Makefile.am b/data/plugins/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8bf7b4ab --- /dev/null +++ b/data/plugins/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +dist_plugins_in_files = \ + bitbucket.xml.in \ + github.xml.in \ + gitorious.xml.in \ + gnome.xml.in \ + own-server.xml.in + +dist_plugins_DATA = \ + $(dist_plugins_in_files:.xml.in=.xml) \ + github.png \ + gitorious.png \ + bitbucket.png \ + gnome.png \ + own-server.png + +@INTLTOOL_XML_RULE@ + +pluginsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/plugins/ + +EXTRA_DIST=$(xml_in_files) $(xml_DATA) + +MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = \ + Makefile.in diff --git a/data/plugins/bitbucket.png b/data/plugins/bitbucket.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..223d3fa1 Binary files /dev/null and b/data/plugins/bitbucket.png differ diff --git a/data/plugins/bitbucket.xml.in b/data/plugins/bitbucket.xml.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..800b8bcb --- /dev/null +++ b/data/plugins/bitbucket.xml.in @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + <_name>Bitbucket + <_description>Free code hosting for Git and Mercurial + bitbucket.png + Git + +
+ ssh://git@bitbucket.org/ + +
+ + + <_example>/username/project + +
+ diff --git a/data/plugins/build.cmd b/data/plugins/build.cmd new file mode 100644 index 00000000..88e88349 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/plugins/build.cmd @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +@echo off +pushd %~dp0 + +set xslt=..\..\tools\xslt\bin\release\xslt.exe +if not exist %xslt% call ..\..\tools\xslt\build.cmd + +for %%a in (*.xml.in) do ( + %xslt% parse_plugins.xsl %%a %%~dpna +) + +popd diff --git a/data/plugins/github.png b/data/plugins/github.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca5dda80 Binary files /dev/null and b/data/plugins/github.png differ diff --git a/data/plugins/github.xml.in b/data/plugins/github.xml.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..442a7f2b --- /dev/null +++ b/data/plugins/github.xml.in @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + <_name>Github + <_description>Free public Git repositories with collaborator management + github.png + Git + +
+ ssh://git@github.com/ + +
+ + + <_example>/username/project + +
+ diff --git a/data/plugins/gitorious.png b/data/plugins/gitorious.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a9ddb58 Binary files /dev/null and b/data/plugins/gitorious.png differ diff --git a/data/plugins/gitorious.xml.in b/data/plugins/gitorious.xml.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d581fd10 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/plugins/gitorious.xml.in @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + <_name>Gitorious + <_description>Open source infrastructure for hosting open source projects + gitorious.png + Git + +
+ ssh://git@gitorious.org/ + +
+ + + <_example>/project/repository + +
+ diff --git a/data/plugins/gnome.png b/data/plugins/gnome.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d596c2bf Binary files /dev/null and b/data/plugins/gnome.png differ diff --git a/data/plugins/gnome.xml.in b/data/plugins/gnome.xml.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..721b2cae --- /dev/null +++ b/data/plugins/gnome.xml.in @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + <_name>The GNOME Project + <_description>A free and easy interface for your computer + gnome.png + Git + +
+ ssh://git@gnome.org/ + +
+ + + <_example>/project + +
+ diff --git a/data/plugins/own-server.png b/data/plugins/own-server.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59044df8 Binary files /dev/null and b/data/plugins/own-server.png differ diff --git a/data/plugins/own-server.xml.in b/data/plugins/own-server.xml.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..678cddff --- /dev/null +++ b/data/plugins/own-server.xml.in @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + <_name>On my own server + <_description>Everything under my control + own-server.png + Git + +
+ + domain name or IP address +
+ + + <_example>/path/to/project + +
+ diff --git a/data/plugins/parse_plugins.xsl b/data/plugins/parse_plugins.xsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bded3cc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/plugins/parse_plugins.xsl @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/data/side-splash.png b/data/side-splash.png index 32b3b832..4f3cbc4b 100755 Binary files a/data/side-splash.png and b/data/side-splash.png differ diff --git a/data/src/about-dialog.svg b/data/src/about-dialog.svg old mode 100755 new mode 100644 index 88ab5a97..fcd66520 --- a/data/src/about-dialog.svg +++ b/data/src/about-dialog.svg @@ -30,49 +30,6 @@ offset="1" style="stop-color:#3f3f3f;stop-opacity:1" /> - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml - + @@ -603,16 +609,174 @@ inkscape:label="Layer 1" inkscape:groupmode="layer" id="layer1"> - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - s s + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + Address + + Remote Path + + On my own server + Github Free public repositories with collaborator management Where is your project? domain name or IP address /path/to/project + ? + ? + + Add Cancel Gitorious Open source infrastructure for hosting open source projects Everything under my control + G + + + + + + diff --git a/data/src/side-splash.svg b/data/src/side-splash.svg index 0b22f522..1bfc4601 100755 --- a/data/src/side-splash.svg +++ b/data/src/side-splash.svg @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ height="480" id="svg8763" version="1.1" - inkscape:version="0.48.0 r9654" + inkscape:version="0.48.2 r9819" sodipodi:docname="side-splash.svg" inkscape:export-filename="/home/hbons/github/SparkleShare/data/side-splash.png" inkscape:export-xdpi="90" @@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ borderopacity="1.0" inkscape:pageopacity="0.0" inkscape:pageshadow="2" - inkscape:zoom="1" - inkscape:cx="19.72576" - inkscape:cy="237.36832" + inkscape:zoom="0.70710678" + inkscape:cx="373.61286" + inkscape:cy="228.3949" inkscape:document-units="px" inkscape:current-layer="g8506" showgrid="false" - inkscape:window-width="1276" - inkscape:window-height="756" - inkscape:window-x="0" - inkscape:window-y="0" - inkscape:window-maximized="0" /> + inkscape:window-width="1440" + inkscape:window-height="842" + inkscape:window-x="-1" + inkscape:window-y="26" + inkscape:window-maximized="1" /> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + @@ -615,7 +717,7 @@ image/svg+xml - + @@ -627,17 +729,184 @@ - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + clip-path="url(#clipPath8463)" + inkscape:export-filename="/home/hbons/Projects/SparkleShare/data/side-splash.png" + inkscape:export-xdpi="90" + inkscape:export-ydpi="90"> + clip-path="url(#clipPath8482)" + inkscape:export-filename="/home/hbons/Projects/SparkleShare/data/side-splash.png" + inkscape:export-xdpi="90" + inkscape:export-ydpi="90"> + y="103.66534" + transform="scale(-1,1)" + inkscape:export-filename="/home/hbons/Projects/SparkleShare/data/side-splash.png" + inkscape:export-xdpi="90" + inkscape:export-ydpi="90" /> + style="opacity:0.2;color:#000000;fill:url(#linearGradient3734);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:3;marker:none;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible;enable-background:accumulate" + inkscape:export-filename="/home/hbons/Projects/SparkleShare/data/side-splash.png" + inkscape:export-xdpi="90" + inkscape:export-ydpi="90" /> + y="103.66534" + transform="scale(-1,1)" + inkscape:export-filename="/home/hbons/Projects/SparkleShare/data/side-splash.png" + inkscape:export-xdpi="90" + inkscape:export-ydpi="90" /> diff --git a/data/src/sparkleshare-android.svg b/data/src/sparkleshare-android.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b4652309 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/src/sparkleshare-android.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3195 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + Hylke Bons, Lapo Calamandrei + + + + + + folder + directory + share + dir + + + Derived from Jakub Steiner's design + + + + Hylke Bons, Lapo Calamandrei + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in index a059d4a7..02cf6655 100755 --- a/po/POTFILES.in +++ b/po/POTFILES.in @@ -2,12 +2,18 @@ # Please keep this file in alphabetical order; run ./sort-potfiles # after adding files here. [encoding: UTF-8] +data/plugins/bitbucket.xml.in +data/plugins/github.xml.in +data/plugins/gitorious.xml.in +data/plugins/gnome.xml.in +data/plugins/own-server.xml.in SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleUI.cs SparkleShare/Nautilus/sparkleshare-nautilus-extension.py.in SparkleShare/Program.cs SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs +SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs diff --git a/po/ar.po b/po/ar.po index a63d7854..c6f42b48 100755 --- a/po/ar.po +++ b/po/ar.po @@ -1,42 +1,41 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # Majid Al-Dharrab , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: ar\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "محدَّث" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "مرحبًا بك في سباركل‌شير!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "محدَّث" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "يزامن..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "ليس كل شيء مزامَنًا" @@ -60,77 +59,131 @@ msgstr "اصنع نسخة من إصدارة سابقة من هذا المجلد" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "اختر لتحصل على نسخة من هذه الإصدارة" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "اطبع معلومات الإصدارة" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "أظهر نص المساعدة هذا" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "سباركل‌شير، أداة تعاون ومشاركة." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "لا يشمل هذا البرنامج أي ضمان" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "هذا برنامج حر، ونحن نرحب بتوزيعه " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" +"ضمن شروط معينة. يرجى قراءة رخصة جنو العمومية - الإصدارة الثالثة للاطلاع على " +"التفاصيل." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "يزامن سباركل‌شير مستودعات جِت الموجودة في " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "مجلد ~/SparkleShare مع أصولها البعيدة آليًا." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "طريقة الاستخدام: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "زامن مجلد سباركل‌شير مع مستودعات بعيدة." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "المعطيات:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "سباركل‌شير " + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "حوْل سباركل‌شير" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "أنت تستخدم الإصدارة الأحدث." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "يبحث عن تحديثات..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "أضيفَ ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "نُقل ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "حرِّر ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "حُذف ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "ولا شيء غيره" -msgstr[1] "وملف واحد آخر" -msgstr[2] "وملفان آخران" -msgstr[3] "و{0} ملفات أخرى" -msgstr[4] "و{ملف آخر" -msgstr[5] "و{0} ملف آخر" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[4] "" +msgstr[5] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "فعلتُ شيئًا سحريًا" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "الأحداث الأخيرة" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "كل المجلدات" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -138,99 +191,75 @@ msgstr "" "نحتاج بعض المعلومات منك قبل أن نتمكن من إنشاء مجلد سباركل‌شير في هذا " "الحاسوب." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "الاسم كاملًا:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "البريد الإلكتروني:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "التالي" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "أين مجلدك البعيد؟" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "على خادومي الخاص:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "المجلد" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "عنوان-الخادوم.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "استضافة مجانية للمشاريع الحرة مفتوحة المصدر." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "يوجد أيضًا حسابات مدفوعة بمساحة خاصة أكبر وتبادل أكثر للبيانات." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "اسم المستخدم/المجلد" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "بنية تحتية حرة تمامًا." - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "حسابات مجانية للمشاريع الحرة مفتوحة المصدر." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "المشروع/المجلد" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "مشروع جنوم." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "جنوم واجهة حاسوب سهلة الاستخدام." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "اختر هذا الخيار إن كنت مطورًا أو مصممًا تعمل على مشروع جنوم." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "المشروع" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "اسم المجلد:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "ألغِ" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "زامِن" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "يزامن المجلد ‘{0}’…" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -240,125 +269,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "أمتأكد أنه ليس وقت احتساء القهوة؟" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "أنهِ" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "حاول مجددًا" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "نجحت إضافة ‘{0}’" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "نجحت مزامنة المجلد!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "افتح المجلد" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "إعداد سباركل‌شير" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "المعذرة، لا يمكنك تشغيل سباركل‌شير بهذه الأذون." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "وإلا فستسير الأمور على غير ما يرام." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "اطبع معلومات الإصدارة" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "أظهر نص المساعدة هذا" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "سباركل‌شير، أداة تعاون ومشاركة." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "لا يشمل هذا البرنامج أي ضمان" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "هذا برنامج حر، ونحن نرحب بتوزيعه " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" -"ضمن شروط معينة. يرجى قراءة رخصة جنو العمومية - الإصدارة الثالثة للاطلاع على " -"التفاصيل." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "يزامن سباركل‌شير مستودعات جِت الموجودة في " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "مجلد ~/SparkleShare مع أصولها البعيدة آليًا." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "طريقة الاستخدام: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "زامن مجلد سباركل‌شير مع مستودعات بعيدة." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "المعطيات:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "سباركل‌شير " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "لا توجد مجلدات بعيدة بعد" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "أضف مجلدًا بعيدًا..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "أظهر الأحداث الأخيرة" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "عطِّل التنبيهات" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "فعِّل التنبيهات" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "اخرج" diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po index d139bfed..ab78d692 100755 --- a/po/bg.po +++ b/po/bg.po @@ -1,42 +1,41 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # Łukasz Jernaś , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: bg\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Обновено" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Здравейте в SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Обновено" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Синхронизиране…" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Синхронизирането не е приключило" @@ -60,73 +59,128 @@ msgstr "Копие в тази папка на по-ранна версия" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Изберете за копие на версията" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Извеждане на информация за версията" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Показване на този помощен текст" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Авторски права: © 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Тази програма идва БЕЗ НИКАКВИ ГАРАНЦИИ." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "" +"Това е свободен софтуер, можете да го разпространявате при определени " +"условия." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "За повече информация вижте Общия публичен лиценз на GNU, версия 3." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare автоматично синхронизира хранилища на Git" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "в папката ~/SparkleShare с отдалечените им източници." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Употреба: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [ОПЦИЯ]…" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "" +"Синхронизиране на папката ви за SparkleShare с отдалечените източници." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Аргументи:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare " + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Относно SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "добавен е „{0}“" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "редактиран е „{0}“" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "изтрит е „{0}“" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -134,99 +188,75 @@ msgstr "" "Трябва да попълните някои данни за себе си, преди да се създаде папка на " "компютъра, ползваща SparkleShare." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Лично име:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Е-поща:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Нататък" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Къде е отдалечената папка?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "На основния сървър:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Папка" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "адрес.на.сървъра.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Безплатен хостинг за свободни проекти и такива с отворен код." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "За непублично пространство и допълнителни ресурси се плаща." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Потребител/Папка" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Свободен като инфраструктурата на свободата." - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Безплатно за свободни проекти и такива с отворен код." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Проект/Папка" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "Проектът GNOME" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME е разбираем интерфейс за компютъра ви." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "Ако работите по GNOME, изберете тази версия." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Проект" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Име на папка:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Отказване" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Синхронизиране" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Синхронизиране на папка „{0}“…" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -236,126 +266,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Не е ли време за кафенце?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Завършване" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Опитайте отново" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Папката е успешно синхронизирана!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Отваряне на папката" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "С настоящите права не може да стартирате SparkleShare." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Нещата могат изцяло да се объркат." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Извеждане на информация за версията" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Показване на този помощен текст" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Авторски права: © 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Тази програма идва БЕЗ НИКАКВИ ГАРАНЦИИ." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "" -"Това е свободен софтуер, можете да го разпространявате при определени " -"условия." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "За повече информация вижте Общия публичен лиценз на GNU, версия 3." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare автоматично синхронизира хранилища на Git" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "в папката ~/SparkleShare с отдалечените им източници." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Употреба: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [ОПЦИЯ]…" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "" -"Синхронизиране на папката ви за SparkleShare с отдалечените източници." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Аргументи:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Все още няма отдалечени папки" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Добавяне на отдалечена папка…" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Изключване на уведомяванията" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Включване на уведомленията" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Спиране на програмата" diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po index cd29982f..34b8937f 100755 --- a/po/ca.po +++ b/po/ca.po @@ -1,45 +1,44 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. -# -# , 2011. -# Carles Mateu , 2011. +# Translators: # , 2011. # alexandresaiz , 2011. +# , 2011. +# Carles Mateu , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-11 10:56+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: alexandresaiz \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: ca\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Al dia" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Benvinguts a SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Al dia" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Sincronitzant ..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "No està tot sincronitzat" @@ -63,73 +62,127 @@ msgstr "Fer una còpia d'una versió anterior d'aquesta carpeta" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Selecciona per obtenir una còpia d'aquesta versió" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Imprimir la informació de versió" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Mostra aquest text d'ajuda" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "una eina d'intercanvi i col·laboració" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Aquest programa ve sense, absolutament, cap garantia." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Aquest és programari lliure, i estas convidat a redistribuir-lo" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" +"sota certes condicions. Si us plau, llegeix la GNU GPLv3 per obtenir més " +"detalls." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare sincronitza automàticament repositoris Git a" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "carpeta ~ / SparkleShare amb els seus orígens remots." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Ús: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPCIÓ] ..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Sincronitza carpeta SparkleShare amb repositoris remots." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Arguments:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Sobre SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "Hi ha una nova versió ({0}) disponible!" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "Estas utilitzant la darrera versió" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Comprovant actualitzacions..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "ddd MMM d, yyyy" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "afegit '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "mogut ’{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "editat '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "eliminat '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "i ‘{0}’ més" -msgstr[1] "i ‘{0}’ més" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "va fer una cosa màgica" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "Accions recents" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "Totes les carpetes" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -137,101 +190,75 @@ msgstr "" "Abans de crear una carpeta de SparkleShare en aquest ordinador, necessitem " "algunes informacions sobre tu" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Nom sencer:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Correu electrònic:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Següent" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "On és la teva carpeta remota?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "En el meu propi servidor:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Carpeta" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "adreça-del-servidor.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Allotjament gratuït per a projectes de programari lliure." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "També te comptes de pagament per espai i ample de banda addicional." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Usuari/Carpeta" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Infrastructura totalment lliure, com en llibertat." - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Comptes gratuïts per a projectes lliures i de codi obert." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Projecte/Carpeta" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "El projecte GNOME" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME és una interfície fàcil d'usar i aprendre pel teu ordinador." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Escull aquesta opció si ets un desenvolupador o dissenyador treballant a " -"GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Projecte" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Nom de Carpeta:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Cancel·la" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Sincronitza" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Sincronitzant carpeta '{0}' ..." +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -241,126 +268,120 @@ msgstr "Això pot trigar una estona." msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Segur que no és l'hora del cafè?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Finalitzar" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Quelcom ha fallat." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Torna-ho a provar" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "‘{0}’ ha estat afegit satisfactoriament" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Carpeta sincronitzada amb èxit!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" -"Accedeix als teus fitxers sincronitzats des de la teva carpeta SparkleShare." #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Obrir Carpeta" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "Instal·lació SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Ho sentim, no pots executar SparkleShare amb aquests permisos." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Les coses anirien molt malament." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Imprimir la informació de versió" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Mostra aquest text d'ajuda" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "una eina d'intercanvi i col·laboració" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Aquest programa ve sense, absolutament, cap garantia." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Aquest és programari lliure, i estas convidat a redistribuir-lo" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" -"sota certes condicions. Si us plau, llegeix la GNU GPLv3 per obtenir més " -"detalls." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare sincronitza automàticament repositoris Git a" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "carpeta ~ / SparkleShare amb els seus orígens remots." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Ús: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPCIÓ] ..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Sincronitza carpeta SparkleShare amb repositoris remots." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Arguments:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "No hi ha carpetes remotes encara" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Afegeix una carpeta remota" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Mostra les accions més recents" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Desactiva les Notificacions" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Activa les Notificacions" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Sortir" diff --git a/po/cs_CZ.po b/po/cs_CZ.po index c45973fa..9dd25e1d 100755 --- a/po/cs_CZ.po +++ b/po/cs_CZ.po @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # Jiri Slezka , 2011. # zzanzare , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-29 11:38+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-09 22:10+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: dron23 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: cs_CZ\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:337 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:345 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Vítejte ve SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:348 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:357 -msgid "Not everything is synced" -msgstr "Něco není synchronizováno" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:358 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:367 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 msgid "Up to date" msgstr "Aktuální" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:374 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:383 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Synchronizuji…" +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 +msgid "Not everything is synced" +msgstr "Něco není synchronizováno" + #: ../SparkleShare/Nautilus/sparkleshare-nautilus-extension.py.in:113 msgid "Copy Web Link" msgstr "Zkopírovat odkaz" @@ -60,72 +60,127 @@ msgstr "Vytvořit kopii dřívější verze souboru v tomto adresáři" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Vyberte pro získání kopie této verze" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Vypíše informace o verzi" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Zobrazit tuto nápovědu" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare, nástroj pro sdílení a spolupráci." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Všechna práva vyhrazena (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Tento program je ABSOLUTNĚ BEZ ZÁRUKY." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Toto je svobodný software a můžete jej dále šířit." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" +"za jistých podmínek. Prosím, přečtěte si GNU GPLv3 pro více informací." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare automaticky synchronizuje repozitáře Git v " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "složce ~/SparkleShare s jejich vzdálenými protistranami." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Použití: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [VOLBY]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Synchronizovat složku SparkleShare se vzdálenými repozitáři." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Argumenty:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare " + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:46 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "O SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 -msgid "A newer version is available" -msgstr "Je k dispozici novější verze" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 +#, csharp-format +msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:60 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "Provozujete aktuální verzi." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:87 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Kontroluji aktualizace..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:116 -msgid "_Show Credits" -msgstr "_Zásluhy" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 +msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:129 -msgid "_Visit Website" -msgstr "_Navštívit domovskou stránku" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 +msgid "dddd, MMMM d" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:455 -msgid "ddd MMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "ddd d. MMM, yyyy" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:460 -msgid "ddd MMM d" -msgstr "ddd d. MMM" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:661 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "přidal(a) ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:666 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "přesunuto \"{0}\"" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:671 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "upravil(a) ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:676 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "smazal(a) ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:685 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "a {0} více" -msgstr[1] "a {0} více" -msgstr[2] "a {0} více" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:689 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "stalo se něco magického" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:73 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 +msgid "Recent Events" +msgstr "Nedávné události" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 +msgid "All Folders" +msgstr "Všechny složky" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -133,300 +188,199 @@ msgstr "" "Než vytvoříme SparkeShare složku v tomto počítači, potřebujeme od Vás pár " "drobných informací." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:83 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Celé jméno:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:98 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Email:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Další" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:115 -msgid "Configuring…" -msgstr "Nastavuji…" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:161 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Kde je vaše vzdálená složka?" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:174 -msgid "address-to-server.com" -msgstr "adresa-k-serveru.com" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:179 +#. Own server radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "Na mém vlastním serveru:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:186 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Hosting zdarma pro Free a Open Source softwarové projekty." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:187 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"Nabízí také placené účty pro extra soukromý prostor a rychlost připojení." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:195 -msgid "The GNOME Project" -msgstr "Projekt GNOME" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:197 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME je jednoduše pochopitelné rozhraní pro váš počítač." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:198 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Vyberte tuto možnost, pokud jste vývojář nebo designer pracujíci na GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:206 -msgid "Gitorious" -msgstr "Gitorious" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:208 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Zcela svobodný, jako ve výrazu svobodná infrastruktura." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:209 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Účty zdarma pro Free a Open Source projekty." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:220 -msgid "Username/Folder" -msgstr "Uživatel/Složka" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:225 -msgid "Project/Folder" -msgstr "Projekt/Složka" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:230 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projekt" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:235 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:254 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Složka" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:259 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:377 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 +msgid "address-to-server.com" +msgstr "adresa-k-serveru.com" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 +msgid "Username/Folder" +msgstr "Uživatel/Složka" + +#. Gitorious radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +msgid "Gitorious" +msgstr "Gitorious" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 +msgid "Project/Folder" +msgstr "Projekt/Složka" + +#. GNOME radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 +msgid "The GNOME Project" +msgstr "Projekt GNOME" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 +msgid "Project" +msgstr "Projekt" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Název složky:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:269 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Synchronizovat" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:312 +#. Cancel button +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Zrušit" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:320 -msgid "Skip" -msgstr "Přeskočit" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:347 -msgid "Invitation received!" -msgstr "Obdržená pozvánka!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:353 -msgid "" -"You've received an invitation to join a shared folder.\n" -"We're ready to hook you up immediately if you wish." +#. Sync button +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" msgstr "" -"Přišla vám pozvánka ke sdílené složce.\n" -"Můžeme vás rovnou zapojit, jestli chcete." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:359 -msgid "Do you accept this invitation?" -msgstr "Přijímáte tuto pozvánku?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 +#, csharp-format +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:368 -msgid "Server Address:" -msgstr "Adresa serveru?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 +msgid "This may take a while." +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:391 -msgid "Reject" -msgstr "Odmítnout" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 +msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" +msgstr "Jste si jistí, že není čas na kafe?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:392 -msgid "Accept and Sync" -msgstr "Přijmout a synchronizovat" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "Dokončit" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:442 -msgid "Something went wrong…" -msgstr "Něco se pokazilo..." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 +msgid "Something went wrong" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:448 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Zkusit znova" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:473 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "'{0}' byl úspěšně přidán" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:482 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Složka úspěšně synchronizována!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:489 -#, csharp-format -msgid "" -"Now you can access the synced files from ‘{0}’ in your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" -"Nyní můžete přistoupit k synchronizovaným souborům z ‘{0}’ ve své složce " -"SparkeShare." #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:497 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Otevřít složku" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:503 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:543 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:604 -msgid "Finish" -msgstr "Dokončit" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:528 -#, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Synchronizuji složku ‘{0}’…" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:535 -msgid "This may take a while.\n" -msgstr "Toto může chvíli trvat.\n" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:536 -msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" -msgstr "Jste si jistí, že není čas na kafe?" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:579 -msgid "SparkleShare is ready to go!" -msgstr "SparkleShare je připraven vyrazit!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:585 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 msgid "" -"Now you can start accepting invitations from others. \n" -"Just click on invitations you get by email and we will take care of the rest." +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." msgstr "" -"Nyní můžete začít přijímat pozvánky od ostatních. \n" -"Stačí kliknout na pozvánky, které získáte emailem, a o zbytek se už postaráme." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:596 -msgid "Learn how to host your own SparkleServer" -msgstr "Zjistěte jak připravit svůj vlastní SparkleServer" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 -msgid "Recent Events" -msgstr "Nedávné události" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 -msgid "All Folders" -msgstr "Všechny složky" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" msgstr "" -"Je nám líto, ale nemůžete spouštět SparkleShare s těmito přístupovými právy." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Věci by se mohly příšerně pokazit." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Vypíše informace o verzi" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Zobrazit tuto nápovědu" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "SparkleShare, nástroj pro sdílení a spolupráci." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Všechna práva vyhrazena (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Tento program je ABSOLUTNĚ BEZ ZÁRUKY." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Toto je svobodný software a můžete jej dále šířit." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" msgstr "" -"za jistých podmínek. Prosím, přečtěte si GNU GPLv3 pro více informací." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare automaticky synchronizuje repozitáře Git v " +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "složce ~/SparkleShare s jejich vzdálenými protistranami." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Použití: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [VOLBY]..." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Synchronizovat složku SparkleShare se vzdálenými repozitáři." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Argumenty:" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare " +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Žádné vzdálené složky" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" #. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Přidat vzdálenou složku…" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 +msgid "SparkleShare Setup" +msgstr "Nastavení SparkleShare" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Zobrazit nedávné události" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Vypnout upozornění" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Zapnout upozornění" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:286 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Ukončit" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleUI.cs:99 -msgid "Ouch! Mid-air collision!" -msgstr "Au! Nehoda na cestě!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleUI.cs:100 -msgid "Don't worry, SparkleShare made a copy of each conflicting file." -msgstr "" -"Nemějte strach, SparkleShare udělal kopie každého konfliktního souboru." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleWindow.cs:41 -msgid "SparkleShare Setup" -msgstr "Nastavení SparkleShare" - diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po index 2329689d..670faa7c 100755 --- a/po/da.po +++ b/po/da.po @@ -1,42 +1,41 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # Aputsiaq Janussen , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: da\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Opdateret" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Velkommen til SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Opdateret" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Synkroniseret" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Ikke alt er synkroniseret" @@ -60,73 +59,125 @@ msgstr "Lav en kopi af en tidligere version i denne mappe" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Vælg for at hente en kopi af denne version" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Vis versioninformation" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Vis denne hjælpetekst" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright(C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Dette program modtages UDEN NOGEN GARANTIER OVERHOVEDET." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Dette er fri software, og du er velkommen til at distribuere den " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "under visse betingelser. Læs venligst GNU GPL v3 for detaljer." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare synkroniserer automatisk Git-depoter i " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "mappen ~/SparkleShare med deres fjerne kilder." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Anvendelse: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Synkroniser SparkleShare-mappe med fjerndepot" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Argumenter:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare " + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "tilføjede '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "redigerede '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "slettede '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -134,101 +185,75 @@ msgstr "" "Før vi kan oprette en SparkleShare-mappe på denne maskine, så har vi brug " "for nogle få informationer fra dig." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Fuldt navn:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "E-post:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Næste" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Hvor er din fjernmappe?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "På min egen server:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Mappe" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "server-adresse.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Fri hosting for Fri og Open Source Software-projekter." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "Har også betalingskonti for ekstra privat plads og båndbredde." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Brugernavn/Mappe" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Fuldstændig »fri som i frihed«-infrastruktur" - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Frie konti for Fri og Open Source Software" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Projekt/Mappe" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "GNOME-projektet" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME er en letforståelig grænseflade til din computer." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Vælg denne option hvis du er en udvikler eller designer som laver arbejde " -"for GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Projekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Mappenavn:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Afbryd" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Synkronisering" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Synkroniserer mappe '{0}'..." +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -238,123 +263,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Afslut" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Forsøg igen" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Mappe succesfuldt synkroniseret!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Åbn mappe" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Beklager, du kan ikke køre SparkleShare med disse rettigheder." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Det ville gå helt galt." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Vis versioninformation" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Vis denne hjælpetekst" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright(C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Dette program modtages UDEN NOGEN GARANTIER OVERHOVEDET." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Dette er fri software, og du er velkommen til at distribuere den " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "under visse betingelser. Læs venligst GNU GPL v3 for detaljer." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare synkroniserer automatisk Git-depoter i " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "mappen ~/SparkleShare med deres fjerne kilder." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Anvendelse: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Synkroniser SparkleShare-mappe med fjerndepot" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Argumenter:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Endnu ingen fjernemapper" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Afslut" diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po index 182e0201..0e2f47af 100755 --- a/po/de.po +++ b/po/de.po @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # # Translators: # , 2011. @@ -8,40 +8,43 @@ # kabum , 2011. # kxnop , 2011. # Łukasz Jernaś , 2011. +# , 2011. # , 2011. # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-08-25 13:59+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-31 08:40+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: ursis666 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-04 17:13+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: imsoftware \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: de\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Schon auf dem aktuellsten Stand." - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Willkommen bei SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Schon auf dem aktuellsten Stand." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Abgleichen …" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Nicht alles ist synchronisiert" @@ -65,8 +68,62 @@ msgstr "Erstelle eine Kopie einer früheren Version in diesem Verzeichnis" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Selektieren, um eine Kopie dieser Version abzurufen" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Versionsinformationen anzeigen" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Diesen Hilfetext anzeigen" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare, ein Werkzeug für verteilte Zusammenarbeit." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Diese Anwendung kommt OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Dies ist freie Software, die Sie gerne weitergeben dürfen" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" +"unter bestimmten Bedingungen. Bitte lesen Sie die GNU GPLv3 für weitere " +"Details." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare synchronisiert sich automatisch mit Git Repositories" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "den SparkleShare-Ordner mit den entfernten Quellen." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Verwendung: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "SparkleShare Ordner mit dem Remote-Repository synchronisieren." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Parameter:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Über SparkleShare" @@ -83,44 +140,44 @@ msgstr "Sie verwenden die aktuelle Version." msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Suche Aktualisierungen..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:483 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:489 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:706 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "‘{0}’ hinzugefügt" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:711 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "‘{0}’ verschoben" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:716 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "‘{0}’ bearbeitet" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:721 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "‘{0}’ gelöscht" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:730 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "und {0} weitere Änderung" -msgstr[1] "und {0} weitere Änderungen" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:734 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "etwas magisches wurde getan" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" @@ -131,7 +188,7 @@ msgstr "Letzte Ereignisse" msgid "All Folders" msgstr "Alle Ordner" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -139,233 +196,198 @@ msgstr "" "Bevor wir einen SparkleShare-Ordner auf diesem Computer einrichten können, " "benötigen wir einige Informationen von Ihnen." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Vollständiger Name:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "E-Mail:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Weiter" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:123 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "In welchem Pfad liegt ihr Remote-Verzeichnis?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:132 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "Auf meinem eigenen Server" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:137 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:239 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Ordner" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:164 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "server-adresse.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Kostenloses Hosting für Freie und Open Source Software Projekte." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:180 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"Weiter gibt es kostenpflichtige Accounts für zusätzlichen privaten " -"Speicherplatz und Bandbreite." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:189 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Benutzername/Ordner" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:194 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Vollkommen frei wie in »Infrastruktur der Freiheit«." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:197 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Gratis Accounts für Freie und Open Source Projekte." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:206 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Projekt/Ordner" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:211 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "Das GNOME Projekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME ist ein einfach verständliches Interface für Ihren Computer" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:214 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Wählen Sie diese Option, wenn sie Entwickler oder Designer sind, der mit " -"GNOME arbeitet." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:223 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Projekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:233 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Verzeichnisname:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:261 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Abbrechen" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:269 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Synchronisation" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "Hinzufügen" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:297 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Ordner »{0}« wird synchronisiert" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:298 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." msgstr "Das dauert vielleicht einen Moment." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:299 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Meinst Du nicht, dass es Kaffeezeit ist?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:303 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Fertigstellen" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:333 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Etwas ist schiefgelaufen" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:353 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Erneut versuchen" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "Nochmal versuchen..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:372 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "»{0}« wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:378 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Verzeichnis erfolgreich synchronisiert!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "Projekt erfolgreich hinzugefügt!" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:379 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." -msgstr "Die synchronisierten Dateien befinden sich im Ordner SparkleShare." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." +msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:382 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Ordner öffnen" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "Was passiert als nächstes?" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "Tutorial überspringen" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "Weiter" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "Dateien mit anderen teilen" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "Das Status Icon ist da um dir zu helfen" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "Projekt hinzufügen..." + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "SparkleShare Konfiguration" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" -"Entschuldigung, SparkleShare kann mit diesen Rechten nicht ausgeführt " -"werden." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Alles würde völlig schief gehen." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Versionsinformationen anzeigen" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Diesen Hilfetext anzeigen" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "SparkleShare, ein Werkzeug für verteilte Zusammenarbeit." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Diese Anwendung kommt OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Dies ist freie Software, die Sie gerne weitergeben dürfen" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "" -"unter bestimmten Bedingungen. Bitte lesen Sie die GNU GPLv3 für weitere " -"Details." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare synchronisiert sich automatisch mit Git Repositories" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "den SparkleShare-Ordner mit den entfernten Quellen." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Verwendung: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "SparkleShare Ordner mit dem Remote-Repository synchronisieren." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Parameter:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Es gibt noch keine Remote-Ordner" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Remote-Ordner hinzufügen..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Zeige letzte Ereignisse" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Benachrichtigungen deaktivieren" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Benachrichtigungen aktivieren" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Beenden" diff --git a/po/el.po b/po/el.po index 668e08a6..ee5d1a03 100755 --- a/po/el.po +++ b/po/el.po @@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-29 11:38+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-13 19:17+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: kapcom01 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: el\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:337 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:345 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:348 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:357 -msgid "Not everything is synced" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:358 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:367 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 msgid "Up to date" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:374 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:383 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "" +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 +msgid "Not everything is synced" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/Nautilus/sparkleshare-nautilus-extension.py.in:113 msgid "Copy Web Link" msgstr "Αντιγραφή Συνδέσμου Ιστού" @@ -59,359 +59,323 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:46 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 -msgid "A newer version is available" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 +#, csharp-format +msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:60 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:87 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:116 -msgid "_Show Credits" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 +msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:129 -msgid "_Visit Website" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 +msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:455 -msgid "ddd MMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:460 -msgid "ddd MMM d" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:661 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:666 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:671 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:676 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:685 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:689 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:73 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 +msgid "Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 +msgid "All Folders" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:83 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:98 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:115 -msgid "Configuring…" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:161 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:174 -msgid "address-to-server.com" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:179 +#. Own server radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:186 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:187 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:195 -msgid "The GNOME Project" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:197 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:198 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:206 -msgid "Gitorious" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:208 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:209 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:220 -msgid "Username/Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:225 -msgid "Project/Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:230 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:235 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:254 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:259 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:377 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 +msgid "address-to-server.com" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 +msgid "Username/Folder" +msgstr "" + +#. Gitorious radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +msgid "Gitorious" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 +msgid "Project/Folder" +msgstr "" + +#. GNOME radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 +msgid "The GNOME Project" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 +msgid "Project" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:269 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:312 +#. Cancel button +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:320 -msgid "Skip" +#. Sync button +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:347 -msgid "Invitation received!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 +#, csharp-format +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:353 -msgid "" -"You've received an invitation to join a shared folder.\n" -"We're ready to hook you up immediately if you wish." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 +msgid "This may take a while." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:359 -msgid "Do you accept this invitation?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 +msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:368 -msgid "Server Address:" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 +msgid "Finish" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:391 -msgid "Reject" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 +msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:392 -msgid "Accept and Sync" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:442 -msgid "Something went wrong…" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:448 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:473 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:482 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:489 -#, csharp-format -msgid "" -"Now you can access the synced files from ‘{0}’ in your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:497 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:503 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:543 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:604 -msgid "Finish" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:528 -#, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:535 -msgid "This may take a while.\n" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:536 -msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:579 -msgid "SparkleShare is ready to go!" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:585 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 msgid "" -"Now you can start accepting invitations from others. \n" -"Just click on invitations you get by email and we will take care of the rest." +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:596 -msgid "Learn how to host your own SparkleServer" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 -msgid "Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 -msgid "All Folders" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Τα πράγματα θα πάνε πολύ άσχημα." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." msgstr "" #. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 +msgid "SparkleShare Setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:286 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleUI.cs:99 -msgid "Ouch! Mid-air collision!" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleUI.cs:100 -msgid "Don't worry, SparkleShare made a copy of each conflicting file." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleWindow.cs:41 -msgid "SparkleShare Setup" -msgstr "" - diff --git a/po/eo.po b/po/eo.po index a9284345..3d24994d 100755 --- a/po/eo.po +++ b/po/eo.po @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. -# -# , 2011. +# Translators: # eliovir , 2011. +# , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-29 11:38+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-12 21:24+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: tzwenn \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: eo\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:337 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:345 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Bonvenon ĉe SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:348 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:357 -msgid "Not everything is synced" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:358 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:367 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 msgid "Up to date" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:374 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:383 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "" +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 +msgid "Not everything is synced" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/Nautilus/sparkleshare-nautilus-extension.py.in:113 msgid "Copy Web Link" msgstr "Kopii retejan ligilon" @@ -60,359 +60,323 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Elekti por akiri kopion de tiu versio" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Kopirajto (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:46 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 -msgid "A newer version is available" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 +#, csharp-format +msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:60 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:87 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:116 -msgid "_Show Credits" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 +msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:129 -msgid "_Visit Website" -msgstr "_Viziti retejon" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:455 -msgid "ddd MMM d, yyyy" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 +msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:460 -msgid "ddd MMM d" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:661 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:666 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:671 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:676 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:685 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:689 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:73 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 +msgid "Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 +msgid "All Folders" +msgstr "Ĉiuj dosierujoj" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:83 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Nomo:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:98 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Retadreso:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Sekva" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:115 -msgid "Configuring…" -msgstr "Agordado..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:161 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:174 -msgid "address-to-server.com" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:179 +#. Own server radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:186 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:187 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:195 -msgid "The GNOME Project" -msgstr "La GNOME-projekto" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:197 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:198 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:206 -msgid "Gitorious" -msgstr "Gitorious" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:208 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:209 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Senpagaj kontoj por malfermitkoda projektoj." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:220 -msgid "Username/Folder" -msgstr "Uzantnomo/Dosierujo" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:225 -msgid "Project/Folder" -msgstr "Projekto/Dosierujo" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:230 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projekto" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:235 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:254 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Dosierujo" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:259 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:377 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 +msgid "address-to-server.com" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 +msgid "Username/Folder" +msgstr "Uzantnomo/Dosierujo" + +#. Gitorious radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +msgid "Gitorious" +msgstr "Gitorious" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 +msgid "Project/Folder" +msgstr "Projekto/Dosierujo" + +#. GNOME radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 +msgid "The GNOME Project" +msgstr "La GNOME-projekto" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 +msgid "Project" +msgstr "Projekto" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Nomo de la dosierujo" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:269 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Sinkronigi" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:312 +#. Cancel button +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Rezigni" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:320 -msgid "Skip" -msgstr "Preterpasi" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:347 -msgid "Invitation received!" +#. Sync button +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:353 -msgid "" -"You've received an invitation to join a shared folder.\n" -"We're ready to hook you up immediately if you wish." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 +#, csharp-format +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:359 -msgid "Do you accept this invitation?" -msgstr "Ĉu vi akceptis la inviton?" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:368 -msgid "Server Address:" -msgstr "Serva adreso:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:391 -msgid "Reject" -msgstr "Malakcepti" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:392 -msgid "Accept and Sync" -msgstr "Akcepti kaj sinkronigi" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:442 -msgid "Something went wrong…" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 +msgid "This may take a while." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:448 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Provi denove" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 +msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:473 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 +msgid "Something went wrong" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:482 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:489 -#, csharp-format -msgid "" -"Now you can access the synced files from ‘{0}’ in your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:497 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Malfermi dosierujon" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:503 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:543 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:604 -msgid "Finish" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:528 -#, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Sinkronigi dosierujon '{0}'..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:535 -msgid "This may take a while.\n" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:536 -msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:579 -msgid "SparkleShare is ready to go!" -msgstr "SparkleShare pretas por eki!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:585 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 msgid "" -"Now you can start accepting invitations from others. \n" -"Just click on invitations you get by email and we will take care of the rest." +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:596 -msgid "Learn how to host your own SparkleServer" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 -msgid "Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 -msgid "All Folders" -msgstr "Ĉiuj dosierujoj" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Kopirajto (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." msgstr "" #. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 +msgid "SparkleShare Setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:286 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleUI.cs:99 -msgid "Ouch! Mid-air collision!" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleUI.cs:100 -msgid "Don't worry, SparkleShare made a copy of each conflicting file." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleWindow.cs:41 -msgid "SparkleShare Setup" -msgstr "" - diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po index 4547318e..6ed461db 100755 --- a/po/es.po +++ b/po/es.po @@ -1,18 +1,16 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. -# -# , 2011. +# Translators: +# , 2011. # jamelrom , 2011. +# , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-03 17:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: jamelrom \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Castilian) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/sparkleshare/team/es/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,24 +18,27 @@ msgstr "" "Language: es\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Actualizado" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "¡Bienvenido a SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Actualizado" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Sincronizando..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Pendiente de sincronizar" @@ -61,73 +62,126 @@ msgstr "Hacer una copia de una versión anterior en esta carpeta" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Seleccionar para obtener una copia de esta versión" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Muestra la información de la versión" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Mostrar este texto de ayuda" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare, una herramienta de compartición y colaboración" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Este programa viene SIN NINGUNA GARANTÍA." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Esto es software libre, y esta invitado a redistribuirlo" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" +"bajo determinadas condiciones. Por favor lea la GNU GPLv3 para más detalles." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare sincroniza automaticamente repositorios Git en " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "La carpeta ~/SparkleShare con su origen remoto." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Uso: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPCION]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Sincronizar carpeta SparkleShare con el repositorio remoto." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Parámetros:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Acerca de SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "Esta disponible una nueva version ({0})" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "Estas ejecutando la última versión" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Comprobando actualizaciones..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "añadido '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "movido '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "editado '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "eliminado '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "y {0} más" -msgstr[1] "y {0} más" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "algo mágico ocurrió" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "Eventos recientes" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "Todas las carpetas" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -135,104 +189,75 @@ msgstr "" "Antes de que podamos crear una carpeta de SparkleShare en este equipo, " "necesitamos un poco de información de usted." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Nombre completo:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Correo electrónico:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Siguiente" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "¿Dónde está su carpeta remota?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "En mi propio servidor:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Carpeta" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "dirección-del-servidor.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "" -"Alojamiento gratuito para proyectos de Software Libre y Código Abierto." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"También tiene cuentas de pago para tener más espacio y ancho de banda " -"privado." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Usuario/Carpeta" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Completamente Libre como en la infraestructura de la Libertad." - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Cuentas gratis para proyectos Libres y de Código Abierto." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Proyecto/carpeta" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "El Proyecto GNOME" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME es una interfaz para su equipo fácil de entender." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Seleccione esta opción si usted es un desarrollador o diseñador trabajando " -"en GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Proyecto" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Nombre de la carpeta:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Cancelar" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Sincronizar" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Sincronizando carpeta ‘{0}’…" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -242,124 +267,120 @@ msgstr "Esto tardara un poco." msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "¿Seguro que no es la hora del café?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Finalizar" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Algo falló" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Intentar de nuevo" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "Intenta de nuevo..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "'{0}' Ha sido añadido correctamente" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "¡Carpeta sincronizada con exito!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." -msgstr "Accede a los archivos sincronizados desde tu carpeta SparkleShare." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." +msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Abrir carpeta" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "Configuración de SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Perdón, no puede ejecutar SparkleShare con estos permisos." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Las cosas irían absolutamente mal." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Muestra la información de la versión" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Mostrar este texto de ayuda" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "SparkleShare, una herramienta de compartición y colaboración" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Este programa viene SIN NINGUNA GARANTÍA." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Esto es software libre, y esta invitado a redistribuirlo" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" -"bajo determinadas condiciones. Por favor lea la GNU GPLv3 para más detalles." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare sincroniza automaticamente repositorios Git en " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "La carpeta ~/SparkleShare con su origen remoto." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Uso: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPCION]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Sincronizar carpeta SparkleShare con el repositorio remoto." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Parámetros:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Todavía no hay carpetas compartidas" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Añadir carpeta remota..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Mostrar eventos recientes" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Desactivar las notificaciones" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Activar las notificaciones" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Salir" diff --git a/po/fi.po b/po/fi.po index 6e5f5b36..8c235daf 100755 --- a/po/fi.po +++ b/po/fi.po @@ -1,44 +1,43 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # , 2011. -# Olli Jarva , 2011. # Łukasz Jernaś , 2011. +# Olli Jarva , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: fi\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Ajantasalla" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Tervetuloa SparkleShareen!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Ajantasalla" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Synkronoidaan..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Kaikkea ei ole synkronoitu" @@ -62,73 +61,125 @@ msgstr "Tee kopio tämän hakemiston aikaisemmasta versiosta" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Tee kopio tästä versiosta" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Tulosta versiotiedot" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Näytä tämä ohjeteksti" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare, yhteistyö- ja jakotyökalu." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Tällä ohjelmalla EI OLE TAKUUTA." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Tämä on vapaa ohjelma, ja saat vapaasti levittää sitä" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "tietyin ehdoin. Saat lisätietoja GNU GPLv3:sta." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare synkronoi automaattisesti Git-tietokannat" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "~/SparkleShare-kansiosta etäpalvelinten kanssa." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Käyttö: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [asetukset]" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Synkronoi SparkleShare-kansio etätietokantoihin." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Parametrit:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Tietoja SparkleSharesta" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "Sinulla on uusin versio käytössäsi" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Tarkistetaan päivityksiä..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "lisätty '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "siirrettiin '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "muokattu '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "poistettu '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "teki jotain maagista" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -136,100 +187,75 @@ msgstr "" "Ennen kuin voit luoda SparkleShare-kansio tälle tietokoneelle, tarvitsemme " "joitain tietoja sinusta." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Koko nimi:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Sähköposti:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Seuraava" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Missä etähakemisto on?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "Omalle palvelimelleni:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Hakemisto" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "palvelimen-osoite.fi" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Ilmainen palvelintila vapaan lähdekoodin projekteille." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"Myös maksullisia tilejä ylimääräisellä tilalla ja nopeammalla yhteydellä." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus/hakemisto" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Täysin vapaa infrastruktuuri." - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Ilmainen tili vapaan lähdekoodin projekteille." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Projekti/hakemisto" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "GNOME-projekti" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME on helppokäyttöinen käyttöliittymä tietokoneellesi." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "Valitse tämä, jos olet kehittäjä tai suunnittelija GNOME-projektissa." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Projekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Hakemiston nimi:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Peruuta" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Synkronoi" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Synkronoidaan hakemistoa '{0}'..." +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -239,123 +265,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Oletko varma, että ei ole kahvitauon paikka?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Valmis" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Yritä uudelleen" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "'{0}' lisättiin onnistuneesti" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Hakemistojen synkronointi onnistui!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Avaa hakemisto" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "SparkleSharen asennus" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Et voi ajaa SparkleSharea näillä oikeuksilla." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Asiat menevät paljon pieleen." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Tulosta versiotiedot" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Näytä tämä ohjeteksti" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "SparkleShare, yhteistyö- ja jakotyökalu." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Tällä ohjelmalla EI OLE TAKUUTA." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Tämä on vapaa ohjelma, ja saat vapaasti levittää sitä" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "tietyin ehdoin. Saat lisätietoja GNU GPLv3:sta." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare synkronoi automaattisesti Git-tietokannat" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "~/SparkleShare-kansiosta etäpalvelinten kanssa." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Käyttö: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [asetukset]" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Synkronoi SparkleShare-kansio etätietokantoihin." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Parametrit:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Ei etäkansioita" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Lisää etähakemisto..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Poista ilmoitukset käytöstä" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Ota ilmoitukset käyttöön" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Lopeta" diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po index 87715abe..264d5862 100755 --- a/po/fr.po +++ b/po/fr.po @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-27 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-28 12:49+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: paa \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" @@ -135,6 +135,45 @@ msgstr "Vous disposez de la dernière version." msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Vérification des mises à jour…" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 +msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 +msgid "dddd, MMMM d" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 +#, csharp-format +msgid "added ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 +#, csharp-format +msgid "moved ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 +#, csharp-format +msgid "edited ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 +#, csharp-format +msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 +#, csharp-format +msgid "and {0} more" +msgid_plural "and {0} more" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 +msgid "did something magical" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "Évènements récents" diff --git a/po/he.po b/po/he.po index 9ac4a952..9707527c 100755 --- a/po/he.po +++ b/po/he.po @@ -1,41 +1,40 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: he\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "מעודכן" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "ברוכים הבאים לספארקלשר!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "מעודכן" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "מסנכרן..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "לא הכל מסונכרן" @@ -59,172 +58,200 @@ msgstr "צור העתק של גרסה קודמת בתקייה זו" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "בחר כדי לקבל העתק של גרסה זו" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "מידע גרסת ההדפסה" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "הראה את מלל העזרה" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "זכויות שמורות (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "תוכנה זו באה ללא כל אחריות." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "תוכנה זו הינה חופשית ואתם מוזמנים להפיצה" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "תחת תנאים מסויימים. אנא קראו את רשיון GNU GPLv3 לקבלת פרטים." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "שימוש: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [אפשרויות]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "סנכרן תקיית ספארקלשר עם מאגרים מרוחקים." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "ארגומנטים:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "ספארקלשר" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "הוסף ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "נערך ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "נמחק ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." msgstr "" "לפני שנוכל ליצור תקיית ספארקלשר על מחשב זה, אנו צריכים כמה פיסות מידע ממך." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "שם מלא:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "דוא\"ל" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "הבא" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "היכן נמצאת תקייתך המרוחקת?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "על השרת שלי:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "תקייה" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "כתובת-שרת.קום" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "שירותי אחסון חינמיים לפרוייקטי קוד פתוח חופשיים." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "מציעים גם חשבונות בתשלום עם מקום אחסון אישי ותעבורה גדולים." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "שם משתמש\\תקייה" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "גיטוריוס" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "חופשי לגמרי כבתשתית חופשית." - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "חשבונות חינמיים לפרוייקטי קוד חופשי ופתוח." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "פרוייקט\\תקייה" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "פרוייקט גנום" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "פרוייקט גנום הינו ממשק קל ונוח למחשבך" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "בחר באפשרות זו אם אתה מתכנת או מעצב העובד על פרוייקט גנום." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "פרוייקט" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "שם תקייה:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "בטל" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "סנכרן" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "מסנכרן תיקייה ‘{0}’..." +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -234,123 +261,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "סיים" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "נסה שוב" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "התקייה סונכרנה בהצלחה!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "פתח תקייה" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "מצטערים, אך אינך יכול להריץ ספארקלשר עם ההרשאות האלה." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "דברים בלתי תקינים עשויים לקרות." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "מידע גרסת ההדפסה" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "הראה את מלל העזרה" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "זכויות שמורות (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "תוכנה זו באה ללא כל אחריות." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "תוכנה זו הינה חופשית ואתם מוזמנים להפיצה" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "תחת תנאים מסויימים. אנא קראו את רשיון GNU GPLv3 לקבלת פרטים." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "שימוש: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [אפשרויות]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "סנכרן תקיית ספארקלשר עם מאגרים מרוחקים." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "ארגומנטים:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "ספארקלשר" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "עדיין אין תיקיות מרוחקות" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "צא" diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po index 20b52d81..02106330 100755 --- a/po/hu.po +++ b/po/hu.po @@ -1,42 +1,41 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # Zoltan Hoppár , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: hu\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Naprakész" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Üdvözli a SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Naprakész" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Szinkronizálás..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Nincs minden szinkronizálva" @@ -60,73 +59,126 @@ msgstr "Korábbi verzió másolása ebbe a mappába" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Válasszon hogy egy korábbi változatot megkapjon" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Verzió információk nyomtatása" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Ezt a súgó segítséget jeleníti meg" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare, az együttműködés és megosztás eszköze." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Erre a programra nincs SEMMIFÉLE GARANCIA." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Ez egy szabad szoftver, és mindig örülünk, ha terjesztik " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" +"bizonyos feltételek mellett. Kérjük, olvassa el a GNU GPLv3 a részletekért." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare automatikusan szinkronizálja Git adattárakat a" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "a ~/SparkleShare mappával a távoli eredetükkel." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Használat: sparkleshare [start | stop | újraindítás] [OPCIÓK] ..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "A SparkleShare mappa szinkronizálása a távoli tárolókkal." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Paraméterek:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare " + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "A SparkleShare-ről" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "Az elérhető legújabb verziót használja." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Frissítések keresése..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "hozzáadva '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "elmozgatva '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "szerkesztve '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "törölve '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "és {0} további" -msgstr[1] "és {0} továbbiak" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "valami varázslatosat tett" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "Utóbbi események" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "MInden mappa" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -134,104 +186,75 @@ msgstr "" "Mielőtt még egy SparkleShare mappát készítenénk ezen a gépen, még néhány " "apró információra lenne szükség." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Teljes név:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Email:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Következő" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Hol van a távoli elérésű mappája?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "A saját szerveremen:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Mappa" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "cím-a-szerverhez.hu" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "" -"Ingyenes tárhely szolgáltatás ingyenes és nyílt forrású szoftver projektek " -"számára." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"De rendelkezünk fizetős regisztrációkkal még több személyes tárhelyhez és " -"sávszélességhez." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Felhasználónév / Mappa" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Teljesen szabad mint Szabad infrastruktúra." - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Ingyenes regisztrációk a szabad és nyílt forrású projektek számára." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Projekt / Mappa" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "A GNOME Project" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME egy könnyen érthető kezelőfelület a gépéhez." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Válassza ezt az opciót ha fejlesztő vagy tervezőként dolgozik GNOME-ban" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Projekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Mappa neve:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Mégsem" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Szinkronizál" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Szinkronizálása mappa '{0}'..." +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -241,124 +264,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Biztos benne, hogy nincs kávészünet?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Befejezés" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Próbálja újra" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "'{0}' sikeresen hozzáadva" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Mappa sikeresen szinkronizálva!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Mappa megnyitása" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "SparkleShare beállítása" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Elnézést, nem tudja futtatni SparkleShare ezekkel a jogosultságokkal." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "A dolgok teljesen rossz irányt vehetnek." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Verzió információk nyomtatása" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Ezt a súgó segítséget jeleníti meg" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "SparkleShare, az együttműködés és megosztás eszköze." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Erre a programra nincs SEMMIFÉLE GARANCIA." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Ez egy szabad szoftver, és mindig örülünk, ha terjesztik " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" -"bizonyos feltételek mellett. Kérjük, olvassa el a GNU GPLv3 a részletekért." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare automatikusan szinkronizálja Git adattárakat a" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "a ~/SparkleShare mappával a távoli eredetükkel." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Használat: sparkleshare [start | stop | újraindítás] [OPCIÓK] ..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "A SparkleShare mappa szinkronizálása a távoli tárolókkal." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Paraméterek:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Még nincsenek távoli mappák" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Távoli mappa hozzáadása..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Utolsó események megjelenítése" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Értesítések kikapcsolása" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Értesítések bekapcsolása" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Kilépés" diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po index 4adb8917..4efbb894 100755 --- a/po/it.po +++ b/po/it.po @@ -1,9 +1,6 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # Ilias Bartolini , 2011. # Luca Delucchi , 2011. # Łukasz Jernaś , 2011. @@ -11,34 +8,36 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-04 09:09+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: lucadelu \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: it\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Aggiornato" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Benvenuto in SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Aggiornato" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Sincronizzazione in corso..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Non tutto è sincronizzato" @@ -62,73 +61,126 @@ msgstr "Esegui una copia di una precedente versione di questa cartella" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Seleziona per ottenere una copia di questa versione" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Stampa informazioni sulla versione" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Mostra questo messaggio di aiuto" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare, uno strumento collaborativo e di condivisione" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Questo programma viene fornito ASSOLUTAMENTE SENZA NESSUNA GARANZIA." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Questo è software libero e sei invitato a redistribuirlo" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" +"rispettando alcune restrizioni. Leggi la licenza GNU GPLv3 per i dettagli" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare sincronizza automaticamente i repository Git nella" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "cartella ~/.SparkleShare con le loro origini." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Utilizzo: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Sincronizza cartella SparkleShare con repository remoti." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Argomenti" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare " + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Informazioni su SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "È disponibile una nuova versione ({0})" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "Stai lanciando l'ultima versione" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Controllando per aggiornamenti..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "aggiunti '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "spostato '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "modificati '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "eliminati '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "uno: e {0} più" -msgstr[1] "altro: e {0} più" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "È successo qualcosa di magico" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "Eventi recenti" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "Tutte le cartelle" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -136,103 +188,75 @@ msgstr "" "Prima di poter creare una cartella SparkleShare in questo computer, abbiamo " "bisogno di qualche informazione da voi." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Nome e Cognome:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Email:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Successivo" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Dove si trova la tua cartella remota?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "In un mio server personale:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Cartella" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "indirizzo-del-server.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Hosting gratuito per progetti di Software Libero ed Open Source:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"Ha anche account a pagamento per una maggiore larghezza di banda e spazio " -"privato." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Username/Cartella" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorius" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Completamente Libero, come nelle infrastrutture Libere" - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Account gratuiti per Software libero e progetti Open Source." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Progetto/Cartella" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "The GNOME Project" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME è una facile interfaccia al tuo computer." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Selezionare questa opzione se sei uno sviluppatore o progettista che sta " -"lavorando su GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Progetto" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Nome Cartella:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Cancella" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Sincronizza" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Sincronizzo cartella '{0}' ..." +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -242,124 +266,120 @@ msgstr "Questa operazione potrebbe richiedere un po' di tempo." msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Sei sicuro che non sia l'ora di un caffè?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Finito" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Qualcosa è andato storto" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Prova Ancora" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "‘{0}’ è stato aggiunto con successo" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Cartella sincronizzata con successo!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." -msgstr "Accesso ai file sincronizzati dalla cartella SparkleShare." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." +msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Apri cartella" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "Impostazioni " -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Spiacente, non è possibile eseguire SparkleShare con questi permessi." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Le cose potrebbero andare estremamente male." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Stampa informazioni sulla versione" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Mostra questo messaggio di aiuto" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "SparkleShare, uno strumento collaborativo e di condivisione" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Questo programma viene fornito ASSOLUTAMENTE SENZA NESSUNA GARANZIA." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Questo è software libero e sei invitato a redistribuirlo" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" -"rispettando alcune restrizioni. Leggi la licenza GNU GPLv3 per i dettagli" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare sincronizza automaticamente i repository Git nella" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "cartella ~/.SparkleShare con le loro origini." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Utilizzo: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Sincronizza cartella SparkleShare con repository remoti." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Argomenti" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Nessuna Cartella Remota" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Aggiungi Cartella Remota..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Mostra eventi recenti" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Spegni le notifiche" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Accendi le notifiche" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Esci" diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po index 6dcebc93..d5ffcefc 100755 --- a/po/ja.po +++ b/po/ja.po @@ -1,43 +1,42 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # , 2011. # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "最新の状態です。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "SparkleShareへようこそ!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "最新の状態です。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "同期中..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "すべてが同期されていません" @@ -61,170 +60,198 @@ msgstr "このフォルダに古いヴァージョンのコピーを作成" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "このヴァージョンを選択し、コピー" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "バージョン情報の表示" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "このヘルプテキストを表示" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare、コラボレーションと共有のためのツールです。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C)2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "このプログラムは完全無保証です。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "これはフリーソフトウェアであり、再配布を歓迎します。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "一定の条件の下で。詳細については、GNUのGPLv3をお読みください。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShareは自動的に..のGitリポジトリと同期します" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "リモートの元フォルダを含んだ~/SparkleShareフォルダ" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "使用法: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [オプション]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "SparkleShareフォルダをリモートのリポジトリと同期。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "引数:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "SparkleShareについて" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "最新のバージョンです。" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "更新の確認中..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "'{0}'を追加しました" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "'{0}'を移動しました" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "'{0}'を編集しました" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "'{0}'を削除しました" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "、{0}詳細" +msgstr[0] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "何か摩訶不思議なことをしました" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." msgstr "SparkleShareのフォルダをこのコンピュータ上に作成する前に、少しですがお知らせがあります。" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "氏名:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "電子メール:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "次" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "リモート・フォルダの場所はどこですか?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "個人のサーバ:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "フォルダ" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "サーバのアドレス.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "フリーでオープンソースのソフトウェアプロジェクトのための無料ホスティング。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "また、プライベートなストレージ領域の増量や高速通信のための有用アカウントもあります。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "ユーザー名/フォルダ" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "自由なインフラストラクチャとして完全無料。" - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "無料でオープンソースなプロジェクトのための無料アカウント" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "プロジェクト/フォルダ" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "GNOMEプロジェクト" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOMEはあなたのコンピュータ使いやすくする環境です。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "もしあなたが、GNOMEの開発/デザインに関わっているなら、このオプションを選択。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "プロジェクト" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "フォルダ名:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "キャンセル" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "同期" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "フォルダ'{0}'の同期中..." +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -234,123 +261,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "コーヒー時ではありませんか?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "完了" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "再トライ" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "'{0}'は正常に追加されました" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "フォルダが正常に同期されました!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "フォルダを開く" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "SparkleShareセ​​ットアップ" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "申し訳ありませんが、SparkleShareを実行する権限がありません。パーミッションの設定を見直してください。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "全く予期しないことになるかもしれません。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "バージョン情報の表示" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "このヘルプテキストを表示" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "SparkleShare、コラボレーションと共有のためのツールです。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C)2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "このプログラムは完全無保証です。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "これはフリーソフトウェアであり、再配布を歓迎します。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "一定の条件の下で。詳細については、GNUのGPLv3をお読みください。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShareは自動的に..のGitリポジトリと同期します" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "リモートの元フォルダを含んだ~/SparkleShareフォルダ" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "使用法: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [オプション]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "SparkleShareフォルダをリモートのリポジトリと同期。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "引数:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "リモートフォルダまだ作成されていません。" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "リモートフォルダの追加..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "通知をオフ" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "通知をオン" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "終了" diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po index 317b22bc..3dbf42cf 100755 --- a/po/nl.po +++ b/po/nl.po @@ -1,47 +1,48 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. -# -# , 2011. +# Translators: # , 2011. -# smeagiel , 2011. +# , 2011. # Łukasz Jernaś , 2011. +# smeagiel , 2011. +# , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-29 11:38+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-12 21:12+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: tzwenn \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: nl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:337 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:345 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Welkom bij SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:348 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:357 -msgid "Not everything is synced" -msgstr "Niet alles is gesynchroniseerd" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:358 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:367 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 msgid "Up to date" msgstr "Up-to-date" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:374 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:383 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Synchroniseren…" +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 +msgid "Not everything is synced" +msgstr "Niet alles is gesynchroniseerd" + #: ../SparkleShare/Nautilus/sparkleshare-nautilus-extension.py.in:113 msgid "Copy Web Link" msgstr "Kopiëer weblink" @@ -62,71 +63,127 @@ msgstr "Maak een kopie van een oudere versie in deze map" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Selecteer voor een kopie van deze versie" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Druk versie-informatie af" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Toon deze helptekst" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare, een programma om samen te werken en te delen." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Er zit ABSOLUUT GEEN GARANTIE op dit programma." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "" +"Dit is vrije software en je bent van harte uitgenodigd om het te " +"herdistribueren " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr " onder bepaalde voorwaarden. Zie de GNU GPLv3 voor meer informatie." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare automatisch synchroniseerd Git repositories in " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "de ~/SparkleShare map met de externe bron." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Gebruik: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Synchroniseer de SparkleShare map met externe repositories" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Argumenten:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare " + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:46 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Over SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 -msgid "A newer version is available" -msgstr "Een nieuwere versie is beschikbaar" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 +#, csharp-format +msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" +msgstr "Een nieuwe versie ({0}) is beschikbaar!" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:60 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "U werkt met de nieuwste versie." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:87 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Controleren op updates ..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:116 -msgid "_Show Credits" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 +msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:129 -msgid "_Visit Website" -msgstr "_Bezoek website" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:455 -msgid "ddd MMM d, yyyy" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 +msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:460 -msgid "ddd MMM d" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:661 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "voegde ‘{0}’ toe" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:666 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:671 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "bewerkte ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:676 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "verwijderde ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:685 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:689 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:73 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 +msgid "Recent Events" +msgstr "Recente gebeurtenissen" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 +msgid "All Folders" +msgstr "Alle mappen" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -134,300 +191,199 @@ msgstr "" "Voordat we een SparkleShare map op deze computer kunnen aanmaken, hebben we " "eerst wat informatie van je nodig." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:83 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Volledige naam:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:98 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "E-mailadres" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Volgende" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:115 -msgid "Configuring…" -msgstr "Configureren…" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:161 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Waar is je externe map?" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:174 -msgid "address-to-server.com" -msgstr "adres-naar-server.com" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:179 +#. Own server radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "Op mijn eigen server:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:186 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Gratis hosting voor Vrije en Open Source Software projecten." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:187 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"Heeft ook accounts tegen betaling voor extra privéruimte en bandbreedte." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:195 -msgid "The GNOME Project" -msgstr "Het GNOME Project" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:197 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME is een makkelijk te begrijpen interface voor je computer." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:198 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "Selecteer deze optie als je een GNOME vrijwilliger bent." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:206 -msgid "Gitorious" -msgstr "Gitorious" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:208 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Volledig Free as in Freedom infrastructuur." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:209 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Gratis accounts voor Vrije en Open Source Software projecten." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:220 -msgid "Username/Folder" -msgstr "Gebruikersnaam/Map" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:225 -msgid "Project/Folder" -msgstr "Project/Map" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:230 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Project" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:235 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:254 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Map" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:259 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:377 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 +msgid "address-to-server.com" +msgstr "adres-naar-server.com" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 +msgid "Username/Folder" +msgstr "Gebruikersnaam/Map" + +#. Gitorious radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +msgid "Gitorious" +msgstr "Gitorious" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 +msgid "Project/Folder" +msgstr "Project/Map" + +#. GNOME radiobutton +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 +msgid "The GNOME Project" +msgstr "Het GNOME Project" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 +msgid "Project" +msgstr "Project" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Mapnaam:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:269 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Synchroniseer" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:312 +#. Cancel button +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Annuleren" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:320 -msgid "Skip" -msgstr "Overslaan" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:347 -msgid "Invitation received!" -msgstr "Uitnodiging ontvangen!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:353 -msgid "" -"You've received an invitation to join a shared folder.\n" -"We're ready to hook you up immediately if you wish." +#. Sync button +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" msgstr "" -"Je hebt een uitnodiging ontvangen om je bij een gedeelde map aan te sluiten.\n" -"Als je wilt zorgen we ervoor dat dit meteen in orde komt." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:359 -msgid "Do you accept this invitation?" -msgstr "Accepteer je deze uitnodiging?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 +#, csharp-format +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:368 -msgid "Server Address:" -msgstr "Serveradres:" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 +msgid "This may take a while." +msgstr "Dit kan even duren." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:391 -msgid "Reject" -msgstr "Weigeren" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 +msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" +msgstr "Tijd voor een Cup-a-Soup?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:392 -msgid "Accept and Sync" -msgstr "Accepteren en Synchroniseren" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "Voltooien" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:442 -msgid "Something went wrong…" -msgstr "Er is iets fout gegaan…" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 +msgid "Something went wrong" +msgstr "Er ging iets mis" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:448 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Opnieuw proberen" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:473 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "'{0}' is met succes toegevoegd" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:482 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Map succesvol gesynchroniseerd!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:489 -#, csharp-format -msgid "" -"Now you can access the synced files from ‘{0}’ in your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" -"Nu heb je toegang tot de gesynchoniseerde bestanden van ‘{0}’ in je " -"SparkleShare map." #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:497 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Map openen" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:503 ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:543 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:604 -msgid "Finish" -msgstr "Voltooien" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:528 -#, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Map ‘{0}’ aan het synchroniseren…" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:535 -msgid "This may take a while.\n" -msgstr "Dit kan even duren.\n" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:536 -msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" -msgstr "Tijd voor een Cup-a-Soup?" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:579 -msgid "SparkleShare is ready to go!" -msgstr "SparkleShare is er klaar voor!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:585 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 msgid "" -"Now you can start accepting invitations from others. \n" -"Just click on invitations you get by email and we will take care of the rest." -msgstr "" -"Nu kan je uitnodigingen accepteren van anderen. \n" -"Klik gewoon op uitnodigingen die je per e-mail ontvangt en wij zorgen voor de rest." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleIntro.cs:596 -msgid "Learn how to host your own SparkleServer" -msgstr "Leer hoe je je eigen SparkleServer kan opzetten" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 -msgid "Recent Events" -msgstr "Recente gebeurtenissen" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 -msgid "All Folders" -msgstr "Alle mappen" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Sorry, SparkleShare kan niet gedraaid worden met deze rechten." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Dingen zouden vresenlijk mis gaan" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Druk versie-informatie af" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Toon deze helptekst" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Er zit ABSOLUUT GEEN GARANTIE op dit programma." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" msgstr "" -"Dit is vrije software en je bent van harte uitgenodigd om het te " -"herdistribueren " -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr " onder bepaalde voorwaarden. Zie de GNU GPLv3 voor meer informatie." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare automatisch synchroniseerd Git repositories in " +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "de ~/SparkleShare map met de externe bron." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Gebruik: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Synchroniseer de SparkleShare map met externe repositories" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Argumenten:" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare " +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Nog geen externe mappen" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" #. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Externe map toevoegen…" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 +msgid "SparkleShare Setup" +msgstr "SparkleShare Setup" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Toon recente gebeurtenissen" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Zet mededelingen uit" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Zet mededelingen aan" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:286 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Afsluiten" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleUI.cs:99 -msgid "Ouch! Mid-air collision!" -msgstr "Ouw! Botsing!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleUI.cs:100 -msgid "Don't worry, SparkleShare made a copy of each conflicting file." -msgstr "" -"Geen zorgen, SparkleShare heeft een kopie van elk conflicterend bestand " -"gemaakt." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleWindow.cs:41 -msgid "SparkleShare Setup" -msgstr "SparkleShare Setup" - diff --git a/po/nn_NO.po b/po/nn_NO.po index bde22e4b..82edc000 100755 --- a/po/nn_NO.po +++ b/po/nn_NO.po @@ -1,38 +1,41 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-08-25 13:59+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-28 15:31+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: anjar \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: nn_NO\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Velkommen åt SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Synkroniserer..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Ikkje alt er synkronisert" @@ -56,8 +59,60 @@ msgstr "Lag ein kopi av ein tidlegare versjon i denne mappa" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Vel for å få ein kopi av tidlegare versjon" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Skriv ut versjonsinformasjon" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Vis denne hjølpsomme teksten" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Dette programmet kjem heilt uten garantiar." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Dette er fri programvare, og du står fritt til å spre det" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "under nokre få vilkår. Les GNU GPLv3 for fleire detaljar" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare synkroniserer automatisk Git-strukturar i" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "~/SparkleShare-mappa med fjernfilane" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Om SparkleShare" @@ -74,44 +129,44 @@ msgstr "Du køyrer den nyaste versjonen." msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Ser etter oppdateringar..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:483 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:489 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:706 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "la til '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:711 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "flytta '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:716 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "endra '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:721 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "sletta '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:730 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:734 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "gjorde noko magisk" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" @@ -122,7 +177,7 @@ msgstr "Siste hendingar" msgid "All Folders" msgstr "Alle mapper" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -130,226 +185,198 @@ msgstr "" "Før me kan lage ei SparkleShare-mappe på denne datamaskina, må me ha litt " "meir informasjon frå deg." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Fullt namn:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "E-post:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Neste" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:123 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Kvar er di fjernmappe?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:132 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "På min eigen server:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:137 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:239 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Mappe" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:164 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "adressa-åt-serveren.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Gratis lagring for frie og opne prosjekt" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:180 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "Har òg betal-kontoar for meir plass og båndbredde." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:189 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Brukarnamn/Mappe" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:194 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Heilt fri." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:197 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Gratise kontoar for frie og opne prosjekt" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:206 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Prosjekt/Mappe" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:211 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "GNOME-prosjektet" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME er eit \"enkelt å forstå\"-grensesnitt for di datamaskin." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:214 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Vel dette om du er ein utviklar eller designer som arbeider med GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:223 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Prosjekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:233 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Mappenamn:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:261 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Avbryt" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:269 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Synkroniser" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:297 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Synkroniserer mappe '{0}'" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:298 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." msgstr "Dette kan ta ei tid" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:299 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Ta deg ei kaffitår" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:303 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Ferdig" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:333 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Noko gjekk gale" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:353 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Prøv igjen" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:372 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:378 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Mappesynkroniseringa vert utført utan feil!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:379 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:382 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Opne mappe" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Beklager, du kan ikkje køyre SparkleShare med disse rettighetane." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Ting kan gå fysomt fælt." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Skriv ut versjonsinformasjon" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Vis denne hjølpsomme teksten" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Dette programmet kjem heilt uten garantiar." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Dette er fri programvare, og du står fritt til å spre det" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "under nokre få vilkår. Les GNU GPLv3 for fleire detaljar" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare synkroniserer automatisk Git-strukturar i" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "~/SparkleShare-mappa med fjernfilane" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Ikkje nokon fjernmappe enno" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Vis siste hendingar" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Avslutt" diff --git a/po/no_NO.po b/po/no_NO.po index 8eaa9290..bf297216 100755 --- a/po/no_NO.po +++ b/po/no_NO.po @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # # Translators: # , 2011. @@ -8,34 +8,36 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-08-25 13:59+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-01 14:40+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: anjar \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: no_NO\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Oppdatert" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Velkommen til SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Oppdatert" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Synkroniserer..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Ikke alt er synkronisert" @@ -59,8 +61,61 @@ msgstr "Lag en kopi av en tidligere versjon i denne mappen" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Velg for å få en kopi av denne versjonen." +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Print versjons informasjon" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Vis denne hjelpeteksten" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare, et samarbeids- og fildelingsverktøy" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Dette programmet kommer med ABSOLUTT INGEN GARANTI." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "" +"Dette er fri programvare, og du er velkommen til å videredistribuere det" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "under visse vilkår. Vennligst les GNU GPLv3 for detaljer." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare synkroniserer automatisk Git repositories i" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "på ~ / SparkleShare mappe med deres eksterne opprinnelse." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Bruk: sparkleshare [start | stop | restart] [VALG] ..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Synkroniser SparkleShare mappe med eksterne repositories." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Argumenter:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Om SparkleShare" @@ -77,44 +132,44 @@ msgstr "Du kjører siste versjon" msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Ser etter oppdateringer..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:483 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d, åååå" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:489 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:706 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "la til '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:711 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "Flyttet ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:716 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "redigerte '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:721 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "slettet '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:730 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "og én til" -msgstr[1] "og {0] til" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:734 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "Gjorde noe magisk" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" @@ -125,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr "Nylige hendelser" msgid "All Folders" msgstr "Alle mapper" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -133,108 +188,81 @@ msgstr "" "Før vi kan lage en SparkleShare mappe på denne datamaskinen, trenger vi litt" " informasjon fra deg." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Fullt navn:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "E-post:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Neste" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:123 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Hvor er din eksterne mappe?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:132 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "På min egen server:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:137 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:239 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Mappe" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:164 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "addresse-til-server.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Gratis hosting for gratis og Åpen Kildekode prosjekter" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:180 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"Har også betalte kontoer som gir ekstra privat lagringsplass og båndbredde." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:189 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Brukernavn/Mappe" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:194 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Helt fri som i frihet infrastruktur." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:197 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Gratis kontoer for gratis og åpen kildekode prosjekter." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:206 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Prosjekt/Mappe" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:211 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "GNOME Prosjektet" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME er et lettfattelig grensesnitt for din datamaskin." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:214 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Velg dette valget dersom du er en utvikler eller designer som arbeider med " -"GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:223 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Prosjekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:233 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Mappe Navn:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:261 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Avbryt" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:269 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Synkroniser" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:297 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Synkronisere mappe '{0}' ..." +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:298 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." msgstr "Dette kan ta en stund." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:299 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "" "Ta deg en kopp te:\n" @@ -245,124 +273,120 @@ msgstr "" "Nyt teen\n" "Kom tilbake, og nyt SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:303 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Fullfør" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:333 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Noe gikk galt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:353 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Forsøk igjen" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:372 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "‘{0}’ har blitt lagt til" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:378 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Mappe synkronisering vellykket!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:379 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." -msgstr "Få tilgang til synkroniserte filer fra din SparkleShare-mappe" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." +msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:382 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Åpne Mappe" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "Sett opp SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Beklager, du kan ikke kjøre SparkleShare med disse tillatelsene." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Ting ville gå helt galt." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Print versjons informasjon" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Vis denne hjelpeteksten" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "SparkleShare, et samarbeids- og fildelingsverktøy" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Dette programmet kommer med ABSOLUTT INGEN GARANTI." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" -"Dette er fri programvare, og du er velkommen til å videredistribuere det" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "under visse vilkår. Vennligst les GNU GPLv3 for detaljer." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare synkroniserer automatisk Git repositories i" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "på ~ / SparkleShare mappe med deres eksterne opprinnelse." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Bruk: sparkleshare [start | stop | restart] [VALG] ..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Synkroniser SparkleShare mappe med eksterne repositories." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Argumenter:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Ingen Eksterne Mapper Ennå" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Legg til esktern mappe..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Vis nylige hendelser" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Slå av varslinger" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Slå på varslinger" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Avslutt" diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po index f7e3b4b8..e3a85399 100755 --- a/po/pl.po +++ b/po/pl.po @@ -1,38 +1,41 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # Łukasz Jernaś , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-08-25 13:59+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-25 12:02+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: pl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Wszystko jest aktualne" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Witamy w programie SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Wszystko jest aktualne" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Synchronizowanie…" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Nie wszystko zostało zsynchronizowane" @@ -56,8 +59,67 @@ msgstr "Tworzy kopię wcześniejszej wersji w tym katalogu" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Zaznacz, aby pobrać kopię tej wersji" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Wyświetla informacje o wersji" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Wyświetla opcje pomocy" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare ‒ narzędzie wspomagające współpracę." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Niniejszy program dostarczany jest BEZ JAKIEJKOLWIEK GWARANCJI." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "" +"Niniejszy program jest wolnym oprogramowanie, można go rozprowadzać dalej " +"pod pewnymi warunkami." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" +"Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, proszę zapoznać się z tekstem licencji GNU " +"GPLv3." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "" +"Program SparkleShare automatycznie synchronizuje reozytoria Git znajdujące " +"się" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "w katalogu ~/SparkleShare z ich zdalnymi gałęziami." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Użycie: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPCJA]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "" +"Synchronizuj zawartość katalogu SparkleShare ze zdalnymi repozytoriami." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Parametry:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Informacje o" @@ -74,45 +136,45 @@ msgstr "Korzystasz z najnowszej wersji." msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Wyszukiwanie aktualizacji" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:483 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:489 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:706 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "dodano „{0}”" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:711 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "przesunięto \"{0}\"" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:716 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "edytowano „{0}”" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:721 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "usunięto „{0}”" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:730 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "oraz {0} więcej" -msgstr[1] "oraz {0} więcej" -msgstr[2] "oraz {0} więcej" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:734 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "wydarzyło się coś magicznego" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" @@ -123,7 +185,7 @@ msgstr "Ostatnie zdarzenia" msgid "All Folders" msgstr "Wszystkie katalogi" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -131,237 +193,198 @@ msgstr "" "Program SparkleShare wymaga podania kilku informacji, nim możliwe będzie " "utworzenie katalogu na tym komputerze." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Imię i nazwisko:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Email:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Następny" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:123 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Gdzie znajduje się zdalny folder?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:132 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "Na własnym serwerze:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:137 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:239 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Katalog" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:164 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "serwer.pl" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Darmowy hosting Wolnych i Otwartych projektów." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:180 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"Posiada również płatne konta zwiększające dostępną przestrzeń oraz pasmo." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:189 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika/katalog" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:194 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "W pełni wolny, jak w wyrażeniu wolna infrastruktura." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:197 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Wolne konta dla projektów Wolnych i Otwartych projektów." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:206 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Projekt/Katalog" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:211 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "Projekt GNOME" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "" -"Środowisko GNOME jest łatwym w użyciu interfejsem dla twojego komputera." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:214 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Zaznacz tą opcję, jeśli programujesz lub projektujesz dla projektu GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:223 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Projekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:233 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Nazwa folderu:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:261 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Anuluj" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:269 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Synchronizuj" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "Dodaj" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:297 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Synchronizowanie katalogu „{0}”" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "Dodawanie projektu „{0}…" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:298 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." msgstr "Może to chwilę zająć." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:299 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Czy to nie jest czasem przerwa na kawę?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:303 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Zakończ" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:333 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Coś się nie udało" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:353 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Spróbuj ponownie" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "Proszę spróbować ponownie" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:372 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "„{0}” został poprawnie dodany" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:378 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Poprawnie zsynchronizowano folder" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "Projekt został dodany pomyślnie." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:379 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." -msgstr "Współdzielone pliki dostępne są w katalogu SparkleShare." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." +msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:382 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Otwórz katalog" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "Pomiń samouczek" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "Współdzielenie plików z innymi" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "Dodawanie projektu do programu SparkleShare" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "Dodaj projekt" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "Ustawienia programu SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "" -"Przepraszamy, nie można uruchomić programu SparkleShare z bieżącymi " -"uprawnieniami." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" +msgstr "Nie dodano projektów" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Może to spowodować nieprzewidziane skutki." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Wyświetla informacje o wersji" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Wyświetla opcje pomocy" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "SparkleShare ‒ narzędzie wspomagające współpracę." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Niniejszy program dostarczany jest BEZ JAKIEJKOLWIEK GWARANCJI." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "" -"Niniejszy program jest wolnym oprogramowanie, można go rozprowadzać dalej " -"pod pewnymi warunkami." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "" -"Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, proszę zapoznać się z tekstem licencji GNU " -"GPLv3." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "" -"Program SparkleShare automatycznie synchronizuje reozytoria Git znajdujące " -"się" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "w katalogu ~/SparkleShare z ich zdalnymi gałęziami." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Użycie: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPCJA]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "" -"Synchronizuj zawartość katalogu SparkleShare ze zdalnymi repozytoriami." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Parametry:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Nie ustawiono jeszcze zdalnych katalogów" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Dodaj zdalny katalog" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Wyświetl ostatnie zdarzenia" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Wyłącz powiadomienia" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Włącz powiadomienia" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Zakończ" diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po index b6a18716..20307c68 100755 --- a/po/pt_BR.po +++ b/po/pt_BR.po @@ -1,44 +1,43 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. -# -# Paulo Paulo , 2011. -# , 2011. +# Translators: # DigitalDead , 2011. +# , 2011. +# Paulo Paulo , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-04 11:32+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: eduardosilva \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: pt_BR\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Atualizado" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Bem-vindo ao SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Atualizado" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Sincronizando…" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Nem tudo foi sincronizado" @@ -62,73 +61,126 @@ msgstr "Fazer uma cópia de uma anterior nesta pasta" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Selecione para obter uma cópia dessa versão" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Imprimir informações da versão" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Exibir esse texto de ajuda" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "SparkleShare, uma ferramenta de colaboração e compartilhamento" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons - Todos os direitos reservados" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Este programa vem com ABSOLUTAMENTE NENHUMA GARANTIA." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Este é um software livre, e você está convidado a distribuí-lo" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" +"sob certas condições. Por favor leia a licença GNU GPLv3 para mais detalhes." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "O SparkleShare sincroniza os repositórios do Git automaticamente" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "a pasta ~/SparkleShare com suas origens remotas" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Utilização: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPÇÕES]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Sincroniza a pasta SparkleShare com repositórios remotos." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Argumentos:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Sobre o SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "Uma nova versão ({0}) está disponível!" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "Você está executando a última versão" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Verificando atualizações" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "incluído '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "'{0}' movida" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "editado '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "excluído '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "e {0} mais" -msgstr[1] "e {0} mais" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "Algo mágico aconteceu" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "Eventos Recentes" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "Todas as pastas" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -136,101 +188,75 @@ msgstr "" "Antes de criarmos uma pasta SparkleShare neste computador, precisamos de " "algumas informações sobre você." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Nome Completo:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Email:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Próximo" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Onde está sua pasta remota?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "No meu próprio servidor:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Pasta" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "endereço-do-servidor.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Hospedagem gratuita para projetos de Software Livre e Código Aberto" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "Também oferece contas pagas para mais espaço privado e transferência." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Nome do usuário/Pasta" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Infraestrutura completamente Livre como em Liberdade" - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Contas gratuitas para projetos de Software Livre e de Código Aberto" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Projeto/Pasta" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "O projeto GNOME" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME é uma interface de fácil compreensão para o seu computador." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Selecione esta opção se você é um desenvolvedor ou designer trabalhando com " -"o GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Projeto" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Nome da Pasta" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Cancelar" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Sincronizar" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Sincronizando pasta '{0}'" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -240,124 +266,120 @@ msgstr "Isto pode demorar um pouco." msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Você tem certeza de que não é hora do café?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Finalizar" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Algum problema ocorreu" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Tente de Novo" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "'{0}' foi incluída com sucesso" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Pasta sincronizada com sucesso!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." -msgstr "Acessar os arquivos sincronizados da sua pasta SparkleShare" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." +msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Abrir Pasta" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "Configurações do SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Descuple, você não pode rodar o SparkleShare sem essas permissões." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Algo vai dar muito errado." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Imprimir informações da versão" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Exibir esse texto de ajuda" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "SparkleShare, uma ferramenta de colaboração e compartilhamento" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons - Todos os direitos reservados" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Este programa vem com ABSOLUTAMENTE NENHUMA GARANTIA." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Este é um software livre, e você está convidado a distribuí-lo" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" -"sob certas condições. Por favor leia a licença GNU GPLv3 para mais detalhes." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "O SparkleShare sincroniza os repositórios do Git automaticamente" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "a pasta ~/SparkleShare com suas origens remotas" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Utilização: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPÇÕES]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Sincroniza a pasta SparkleShare com repositórios remotos." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Argumentos:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Ainda Não existem Pastas Remotas" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Incluir pasta remota" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Mostrar Eventos Recentes" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Desligar as notificações" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Ligar as notificações" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Sair" diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po index ca0b60a2..5ab22765 100755 --- a/po/ru.po +++ b/po/ru.po @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # # Translators: # Dmitry Golubkov , 2011. @@ -8,34 +8,36 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-08-25 13:59+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-12 14:27+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: justabaka \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: ru\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Обновлено" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Добро пожаловать в SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Обновлено" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Синхронизация…" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Синхронизация не завершена" @@ -59,8 +61,60 @@ msgstr "Сделать копию более ранней версии в это msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Выберите, чтобы скопировать эту версию" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Вывести информацию о версии программы." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Показать это справочное сообщение" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Эта программа поставляется БЕЗ КАКИХ-ЛИБО ГАРАНТИЙ." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Эта программа является свободной, ее распространение разрешено " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "при соблюдении требований лицензии GNU GPLv3." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare автоматически синхронизирует Git-репозитории," + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "находящиеся в папке ~/SparkleShare, с их удалёнными ветвями." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Синтаксис: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [КЛЮЧ]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Синхронизировать папку SparkleShare с удаленными источниками." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Параметры:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare " + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "О программе" @@ -77,45 +131,45 @@ msgstr "У вас уже установлена самая последняя в msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Проверка обновлений…" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:483 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:489 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:706 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr " добавлено ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:711 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "перенесено ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:716 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr " изменено ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:721 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr " удалено ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:730 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "и еще {0}" -msgstr[1] "и еще {0}" -msgstr[2] "и еще {0}" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:734 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "сделал что-то магическое" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" @@ -126,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr "Недавние события" msgid "All Folders" msgstr "Все папки" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -134,226 +188,198 @@ msgstr "" "Прежде чем мы сможем создать папку SparkleShare на этом компьютере, нам " "нужно от вас немного информации." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Полное имя:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Эл. почта:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Следующий" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:123 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Где находится удалённая папка?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:132 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "На моем собственном сервере:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:137 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:239 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Папка" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:164 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "address-to-server.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Бесплатный хостинг для свободных и Open Source проектов." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:180 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:189 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Пользователь/Папка" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:194 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:197 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Бесплатные аккаунты для свободных и Open Source проектов." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:206 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Проект/Папка" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:211 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "The GNOME Project" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME - это простая в освоении среда рабочего стола." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:214 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "Отметьте, если вы - разработчик или дизайнер, работающий над GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:223 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Проект" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:233 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Имя папки:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:261 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Отменить" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:269 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Синхронизировать" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:297 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Синхронизируется папка ‘{0}’…" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:298 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." msgstr "Это может занять некоторое время." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:299 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:303 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Завершить" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:333 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Что-то пошло не так" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:353 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Попробуйте еще раз" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:372 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "{0}’ был успешно добавлен" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:378 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Папка синхронизирована успешно!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:379 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:382 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Открыть папку" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "Установка SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "" -"К сожалению, запускать SparkleShare с такими системными правами нельзя." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Плохи были бы совершенно неправильно." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Вывести информацию о версии программы." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Показать это справочное сообщение" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Эта программа поставляется БЕЗ КАКИХ-ЛИБО ГАРАНТИЙ." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Эта программа является свободной, ее распространение разрешено " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "при соблюдении требований лицензии GNU GPLv3." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare автоматически синхронизирует Git-репозитории," - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "находящиеся в папке ~/SparkleShare, с их удалёнными ветвями." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Синтаксис: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [КЛЮЧ]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Синхронизировать папку SparkleShare с удаленными источниками." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Параметры:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "У вас пока нет удалённых папок" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Добавить удалённую папку…" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Показать последние изменения" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Выключить уведомления" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Включить уведомления" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Выход" diff --git a/po/sl.po b/po/sl.po index ad6de9b1..a4d12e61 100644 --- a/po/sl.po +++ b/po/sl.po @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # # Translators: # , 2011. @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-22 10:47+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-22 08:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -15,25 +15,27 @@ msgstr "" "Language: sl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:74 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Posodobljeno" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Dobrodošli v SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:103 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Posodobljeno" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Sinhroniziram..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:113 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Sinhronizacija še ni dokončana" @@ -65,53 +67,53 @@ msgstr "Izpiši informacije o različici" msgid "Show this help text" msgstr "Prikaži to besedilo za pomoč" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:97 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." msgstr "SparkleShare, orodje za deljenje in sodelovanje." -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:100 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." msgstr "Ta programska oprema je na voljo BREZ GARANCIJE." -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " msgstr "To je prosta programska oprema in jo lahko redistribuirate " -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:103 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." msgstr "" "pod določenimi pogoji. Prosimo preberite licenco GNU GPLv3 za podrobnosti." -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:105 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " msgstr "SparkleShare avtomatsko sinhronizira Git repozitorije" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:106 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." msgstr "~/SparkleShare mapi z njihovimi oddaljenimi izvori." -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." msgstr "Uporaba: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." msgstr "Sinhroniziraj SparkleShare mapo z oddaljenimi repozitoriji." -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:111 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 msgid "Arguments:" msgstr "Argumenti:" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:121 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 msgid "SparkleShare " msgstr "SparkleShare " #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:292 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "O SparkleShare" @@ -128,46 +130,46 @@ msgstr "Uporabljate najnovejšo različico." msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Preverjam za posodobitve..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:488 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:494 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" -msgstr "dddd, MMMM d" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:702 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "dodano '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:707 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "premaknjeno '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:712 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "spremenjeno '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:717 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "izbrisano '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:726 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "in še {0}" -msgstr[1] "in še {0}" -msgstr[2] "in še {0}" -msgstr[3] "in še {0}" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:730 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "narejeno nekaj čarobnega" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" @@ -199,15 +201,15 @@ msgid "Next" msgstr "Naprej" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Kje se nahaja vaša oddaljena mapa?" +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "Na mojem strežniku:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:237 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Mapa" @@ -215,140 +217,169 @@ msgstr "Mapa" msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "naslov-streznika.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:177 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Brezplačno gostovanje za proste in odprtokodne programske projekte." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"Na voljo tudi plačljivi računi za dodaten zaseben prostor in prenos " -"podatkov." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:187 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "UporabniskoIme/Mapa" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:192 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:194 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Povsem prosto (svobodno) kot svoboda govora." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Brezplačni računi za proste in odprtokodne programske projekte." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:204 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Projekt/Mapa" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "Projekt GNOME" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:211 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME je lahko razumljiv vmesnik za vaš računalnik." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Označite to možnost, če ste razvijalec ali oblikovalec, ki dela na projektu " -"GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:221 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Projekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:231 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Ime mape:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:305 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Prekliči" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:267 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Sinhroniziraj" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:295 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Sinhroniziram mapo '{0}'..." +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." msgstr "To lahko nekaj časa traja." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:297 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "A ste prepričani da ni čas za kavo?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:301 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:417 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Dokončaj" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:334 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Nekaj je šlo narobe" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:382 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 msgid "Try Again…" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:401 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "'{0}' uspešno dodano" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:407 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Mapa uspešno sinhronizirana!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." -msgstr "Dostopajte do sinhroniziranih datotek iz vaše SparkleShare mape." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." +msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:411 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Odpri mapo" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "SparkleShare Nastavitev" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:225 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Oddaljene mape še ne obstajajo" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" +msgstr "" -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:235 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Dodaj oddaljeno mapo" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:259 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Prikaži nedavne dogodke" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:279 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Izključi obvestila" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:281 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Vključi obvestila" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:308 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Izhod" diff --git a/po/sr_RS.po b/po/sr_RS.po index ffb6aac3..1060b445 100755 --- a/po/sr_RS.po +++ b/po/sr_RS.po @@ -1,39 +1,42 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # , 2011. # Небојша Јаковљевић , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-08-25 13:59+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-27 12:42+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: nebjak \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: sr_RS\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Све је синхронизовано" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Добродошли у СпарклШер!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Све је синхронизовано" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Синхронизација..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Није све синхронизовано" @@ -57,8 +60,60 @@ msgstr "Направи копију раније верзије у овом ди msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Изабери да добавиш копију ове верзије" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Исписује информацију о верзији" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Приказује овај текст помоћи" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "СпарклШер, алатка за сарадњу и дељење." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Овај програм долази БЕЗ ИКАКВЕ ГАРАНЦИЈЕ." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Ово је слободан софтвер, и можете га редистрибуирати" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "под одређеним условима. Молимо прочитајте ГНУ ОЈЛв3 за више детаља." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "СпарклШер аутоматски синхронизује Гит ризнице у" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "директоријуму ~/SparkleShare са њиховим удаљеним изворима." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Употреба: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Синхронизуј СпарклШер директоријум са удаљеним ризницама." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Аргументи:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "СпарклШер" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "О СпарклШеру" @@ -75,46 +130,46 @@ msgstr "Кориситите последњу верзију." msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Проверавам освежења..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:483 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy." +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:489 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" -msgstr "dddd, d. MMMM" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:706 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "додат ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:711 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "пребачен ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:716 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "измењен ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:721 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "избрисан ‘{0}’" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:730 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "и још {0}" -msgstr[1] "и још {0}" -msgstr[2] "и још {0}" -msgstr[3] "и још {0}" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:734 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "урадио нешто магично" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" @@ -125,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr "Скорашњи догађаји" msgid "All Folders" msgstr "Сви директоријуми" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -133,229 +188,198 @@ msgstr "" "Пре него што направимо СпарклШер директоријум на овом рачунару, потребно нам" " је неколико информација од Вас." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Пуно име:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Е-пошта:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Даље" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:123 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Где је ваш удаљени директоријум?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:132 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "На мом личном серверу:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:137 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:239 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Датотека" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:164 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "adresa-do-servera.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Бесплатан хостинг за Слободне и пројекте отвореног кода." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:180 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"Такође нуде плаћене налоге који омогућавају додатни приватни простор и " -"проток података." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:189 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Korisničko_ime/Direktorijum" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:194 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Гиториус" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Потпуно слободна инфраструктура." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:197 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Бесплатни налози за Слободне и пројекте Отвореног кода." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:206 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Projekat/Direktorijum" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:211 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "Пројекат ГНОМ" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "ГНОМ је лако разумљиво сучеље за Ваш рачунар." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:214 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Одаберите ову опцију ако сте програмер или дизајнер који ради на ГНОМ-у." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:223 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Projekat" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:233 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Назив датотеке:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:261 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Одустани" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:269 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Синхронизуј" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:297 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Синхронизујем директоријум ‘{0}’…" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:298 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." msgstr "Ово може да потраје." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:299 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Да ли сте сигурни да није време за кафу?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:303 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Заврши" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:333 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Нешто је пошло наопако" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:353 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Покушај поново" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:372 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "‘{0}’ успешно додато" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:378 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Директоријум је успешно синхронизован!" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:379 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" -"Приступи синхорнонизованим датотекам из Вашег СпарклШер директоријума." #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:382 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Отвори директоријум" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "СпарклШер подешавања" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Нажалост, не можете покренути СпарклШер са овим дозволама." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Ствари би кренуле потпуно погрешно." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Исписује информацију о верзији" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Приказује овај текст помоћи" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "СпарклШер, алатка за сарадњу и дељење." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Овај програм долази БЕЗ ИКАКВЕ ГАРАНЦИЈЕ." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Ово је слободан софтвер, и можете га редистрибуирати" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "под одређеним условима. Молимо прочитајте ГНУ ОЈЛв3 за више детаља." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "СпарклШер аутоматски синхронизује Гит ризнице у" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "директоријуму ~/SparkleShare са њиховим удаљеним изворима." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Употреба: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Синхронизуј СпарклШер директоријум са удаљеним ризницама." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Аргументи:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "СпарклШер" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Још нема удаљених директоријума" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Додај удањени директоријум..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Прикажи скорашње догађаје" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Угаси обавештења" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Укључи обавештења" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Крај рада" diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po index 2ecaa164..e054b2f5 100755 --- a/po/sv.po +++ b/po/sv.po @@ -1,42 +1,46 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # # Translators: # Jan Lindblom , 2011. +# , 2011. # Robin Jakobsson , 2011. # smygrokarn , 2011. +# , 2011. # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-16 16:10+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-21 08:31+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: rjakobsson \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: sv\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:74 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Aktuell" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Välkommen till SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:103 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Aktuell" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Synkroniserar…" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:113 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Inte allt har synkroniserats" @@ -60,68 +64,60 @@ msgstr "Gör en kopia av en tidigare version i denna katalog" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Välj för att få en kopia av den här versionen" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "Ledsen, men du kan inte köra SparkleShare med dessa rättigheter." - -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Detta kan gå helt fel." - -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 msgid "Print version information" msgstr "Skriv ut versionsinformation" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:62 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 msgid "Show this help text" msgstr "Visa denna hjälp-text" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." msgstr "SparkleShare, ett verktyg för samarbete och delning" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:112 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." msgstr "Detta program kommer utan några som helst garantier." -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:114 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " msgstr "Detta är fri programvara och du är välkommen att distribuera det " -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:115 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." msgstr "under vissa förhållanden. Vänligen läs GNU GPL v3 för detaljer." -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:117 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " msgstr "SparkleShare synkroniserar automatiskt Git-källor i " -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:118 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." msgstr "katalogen ~/SparkleShare med deras fjärrkällor." -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:120 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." msgstr "Användning: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [VÄXEL]" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:121 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." msgstr "Synkronisera SparkleShare mappen med fjärrkällor." -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:123 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 msgid "Arguments:" msgstr "Argument:" -#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:133 +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 msgid "SparkleShare " msgstr "SparkleShare" #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:292 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Om SparkleShare" @@ -138,44 +134,44 @@ msgstr "Du kör den senaste versionen" msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "Söker uppdateringar..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:488 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" -msgstr "ddd MMM d, åååå" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:494 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" -msgstr "ddd, MMM, d" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:702 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "la till '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:707 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" -msgstr "flyttat '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:712 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "redigerade '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:717 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "tog bort '{0}'" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:726 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" -msgstr[0] "och {0} fler" -msgstr[1] "och {0} fler" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:730 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" -msgstr "gjorde något magiskt" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" @@ -207,15 +203,15 @@ msgid "Next" msgstr "Nästa" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Var är din fjärrkatalog?" +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "På min egen server" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:237 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Katalog" @@ -223,137 +219,169 @@ msgstr "Katalog" msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "adress-till-servern.se" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:177 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Gratistjänst för fria- och öppna källkodsprojekt." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "Har också betaltjänster för extra privat utrymme och bandbredd." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:187 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Användarnamn/Katalog" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:192 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:194 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Fullständigt fritt " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "Gratiskonton för fria- och öppna källkodsprojekt" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:204 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Projekt/Katalog" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "GNOME-projektet" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:211 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME är ett enkelt gränssnitt till din dator." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" -"Välj detta om du är en utvecklare eller designer som arbetar med GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:221 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Projekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:231 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Katalognamn:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:305 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Avbryt" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:267 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Synkronisera" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:295 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Synkroniserar katalog ‘{0}’…" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." msgstr "Det här kan ta en stund." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:297 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:288 msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "Är du säker på att det inte är fikadags?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:301 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:417 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Slutför" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:334 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Något blev fel" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:382 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 msgid "Try Again…" msgstr "Försök igen..." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:401 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "'{0}' har lagts till korrekt" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:407 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Katalogen synkroniserades framgångsrikt!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." -msgstr "Nå de synkroniserade filerna från din SparkleShare-mapp." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." +msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:411 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Öppna katalog" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "SparkleShare-inställningar" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:225 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Inga fjärrkataloger ännu" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" +msgstr "" -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:235 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Lägg till fjärrkatalog" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:259 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 msgid "Show Recent Events" msgstr "Visa senaste händelser" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:279 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Stäng av notifieringar" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:281 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Sätt på notifieringar" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:308 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Avsluta" diff --git a/po/te.po b/po/te.po index 2190c533..beefe95f 100755 --- a/po/te.po +++ b/po/te.po @@ -1,41 +1,40 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: te\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "స్పార్కిల్‌షేర్‌కి స్వాగతం!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "" @@ -59,170 +58,198 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "" - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 @@ -233,123 +260,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "సంచయాన్ని తెరువు" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "చాలించు" diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po index f68db8e3..0a40aa77 100755 --- a/po/uk.po +++ b/po/uk.po @@ -1,42 +1,41 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # Сергій Гаврилов , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: uk\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "Оновлено" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "Ласкаво просимо до SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "Оновлено" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "Синхронізація..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "Ще не все синхронізовано" @@ -60,53 +59,105 @@ msgstr "Створити копію старішої версії в цій те msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "Вибрати та отримати копію цієї версії" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "Вивести дані про версію" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "Показати текст цієї довідки" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "Авторське право (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "Ця програма розповсюджується БЕЗ ВСЯКОЇ ГАРАНТІЇ." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "Це вільна програма і ви можете поширювати її " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "за певних умов. Детальніше читайте ліцензію GNU GPLv3." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare автоматично синхронізує сховища Git в " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "теці ~/SparkleShare з її віддаленими походженнями." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "Використання: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "Синхронізація теки SparkleShare з віддаленими сховищами." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "Аргументи:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare " + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "Про SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" -msgstr "додано «{0}»" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" -msgstr "змінено «{0}»" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" -msgstr "вилучено «{0}»" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" @@ -114,20 +165,20 @@ msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgstr[2] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." @@ -135,102 +186,75 @@ msgstr "" "Щоб створити теку SparkleShare на цьому комп'ютері, потрібна деяка " "інформація про вас." -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "Повне ім'я:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Ел. адреса:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "Далі" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "Де ваша віддалена тека?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "На моєму власному сервері:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Тека" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "адреса-на-server.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "Безкоштовний хостинг для вільних програм та Open Source проектів." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" -"Також має платні облікові записи з високою пропускною здатністю та з " -"отриманням додаткового місця." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "Користувач/Тека" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "Цілком вільний як і в інфраструктурі Freedom." - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "" -"Безкоштовні облікові записи для вільних програм та Open Source проектів." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "Проект/Тека" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "Проект GNOME" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "Легкий для розуміння інтерфейс GNOME для вашого комп'ютера." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "Виберіть цей варіант, якщо ви розробник або дизайнер GNOME." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "Проект" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "Назва теки:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Скасувати" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "Синхронізувати" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "Синхронізація теки ‘{0}’…" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -240,124 +264,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "А чи не здається вам, що настав час для кави?" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Завершити" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "Спробувати знову" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "‘{0}’ успішно додано" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "Тека синхронізована успішно!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Відкрити теку" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "" -"На жаль, ви не можете запустити SparkleShare з такими правами доступу." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "Все могло піти дуже неправильно." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "Вивести дані про версію" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "Показати текст цієї довідки" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "Авторське право (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "Ця програма розповсюджується БЕЗ ВСЯКОЇ ГАРАНТІЇ." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "Це вільна програма і ви можете поширювати її " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "за певних умов. Детальніше читайте ліцензію GNU GPLv3." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare автоматично синхронізує сховища Git в " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "теці ~/SparkleShare з її віддаленими походженнями." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "Використання: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "Синхронізація теки SparkleShare з віддаленими сховищами." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "Аргументи:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "Віддаленої теки ще немає" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "Додати віддалену теку..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "Вимкнути сповіщення" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "Увімкнути сповіщення" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Вийти" diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po index 1a2e3a0f..0b569b09 100755 --- a/po/zh_CN.po +++ b/po/zh_CN.po @@ -1,42 +1,41 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: zh_CN\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "欢迎使用 SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "同步中..." -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "" @@ -60,169 +59,197 @@ msgstr "在本目录中制作一个较早的版本" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "获取该版本的复制" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "本程序不提供任何质量保证" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "这是自由软件,欢迎您再次分发。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "在某种条件下。详情请参见 GNU GPLv3。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "用法:sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "参数:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare" + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "关于 SparkleShare" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "全名:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "电子邮件" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "下一步" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "远程文件夹在什么地方?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "在我自己的服务器上:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "address-to-server.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "" - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "GMOME项目" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME是一个简单易懂的计算机使用界面" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "文件夹名称:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "同步" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 @@ -233,123 +260,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "完成" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "文件夹同步成功" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "打开文件夹" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "SparkleShare " -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "对不起,您不能在这些许可下运行 SparkleShare。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "出现严重错误" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "本程序不提供任何质量保证" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "这是自由软件,欢迎您再次分发。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "在某种条件下。详情请参见 GNU GPLv3。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "用法:sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "参数:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "退出" diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po index 1e03237b..bc0a85b6 100755 --- a/po/zh_TW.po +++ b/po/zh_TW.po @@ -1,41 +1,40 @@ -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Sparkleshare package. -# -# WARNING: Due to the nature of Transifex all translation file headers were lost -# we apologise for any incovenience this may have caused and we hope to bring them -# back in the future. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the SparkleShare package. # +# Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SparkleShare\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-19 07:04+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 05:10+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 22:26+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-30 20:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: deejay1 \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: zh_TW\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:69 -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:86 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:372 -msgid "Up to date" -msgstr "更新" - -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:84 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:69 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:350 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:88 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:67 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:75 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:89 msgid "Welcome to SparkleShare!" msgstr "歡迎使用 SparkleShare!" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:95 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:388 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:90 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:91 +msgid "Up to date" +msgstr "更新" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:99 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:106 msgid "Syncing…" msgstr "同步中…" -#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:105 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:362 +#: ../SparkleShare/Mac/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:109 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:116 msgid "Not everything is synced" msgstr "" @@ -59,170 +58,198 @@ msgstr "在本資料夾中製作一個較早的版本" msgid "Select to get a copy of this version" msgstr "選擇以取得該版本的複本" +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:51 +msgid "Print version information" +msgstr "列印版本資訊" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:52 +msgid "Show this help text" +msgstr "顯示這份說明文字" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:84 +msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:85 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" +msgstr "著作權©2010 Hylke Bons" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:87 +msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." +msgstr "本程式不提供任何擔保" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:89 +msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " +msgstr "這是自由軟體,歡迎您在某些條件之下" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:90 +msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." +msgstr "繼續散布它。詳情請參見 GNU GPLv3。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:92 +msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " +msgstr "SparkleShare 自動同步 Git 儲存庫於 " + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:93 +msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." +msgstr "~/SparkleShare 資料夾與它們的遠端來源。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:95 +msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." +msgstr "用法:sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [選項]…" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:96 +msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." +msgstr "同步 SparkleShare 資料夾與遠端儲存庫。" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:98 +msgid "Arguments:" +msgstr "引數:" + +#: ../SparkleShare/Program.cs:108 +msgid "SparkleShare " +msgstr "SparkleShare " + #. A menu item that takes the user to http://www.sparkleshare.org/ -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:54 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:275 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:53 ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:295 msgid "About SparkleShare" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:72 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:70 #, csharp-format msgid "A newer version ({0}) is available!" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:80 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:79 msgid "You are running the latest version." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:110 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:88 ../SparkleShare/SparkleAbout.cs:113 msgid "Checking for updates..." msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:446 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:491 msgid "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:451 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:497 msgid "dddd, MMMM d" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:660 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:705 #, csharp-format msgid "added ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:665 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:710 #, csharp-format msgid "moved ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:670 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:715 #, csharp-format msgid "edited ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:675 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:720 #, csharp-format msgid "deleted ‘{0}’" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:684 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:729 #, csharp-format msgid "and {0} more" msgid_plural "and {0} more" msgstr[0] "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleController.cs:688 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleControllerBase.cs:733 msgid "did something magical" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:61 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:58 msgid "Recent Events" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:148 -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:173 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:169 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleEventLog.cs:188 msgid "All Folders" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:70 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:68 msgid "" "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this computer, we need a few " "bits of information from you." msgstr "我們在這臺電腦中可以建立 SparkleShare 資料夾之前,我們需要您的幾點資訊。" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:77 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:75 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "全名:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:92 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:90 msgid "Email:" msgstr "電子郵件:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:102 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:100 msgid "Next" msgstr "下一步" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:122 -msgid "Where is your remote folder?" -msgstr "遠端資料夾在什麼地方?" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:121 +msgid "Where is your project?" +msgstr "" #. Own server radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:131 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:130 msgid "On my own server:" msgstr "在我自己的伺服器上:" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:136 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:238 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:135 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:225 msgid "Folder" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:163 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:162 msgid "address-to-server.com" msgstr "address-to-server.com" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:178 -msgid "Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects." -msgstr "提供給自由和開放原始碼軟體專案的免費主機。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:179 -msgid "Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth." -msgstr "也有付款帳號可提供額外私人空間和頻寬。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:183 msgid "Username/Folder" msgstr "" #. Gitorious radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:193 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:188 msgid "Gitorious" msgstr "Gitorious" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:195 -msgid "Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure." -msgstr "如同在自由基礎架構中的完全自由。" - #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:196 -msgid "Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects." -msgstr "提供給自由和開放原始碼專案的免費帳號。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:205 msgid "Project/Folder" msgstr "" #. GNOME radiobutton -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:210 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:201 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "GNOME 專案" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:212 -msgid "GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer." -msgstr "GNOME 是一個簡單易懂的電腦使用介面" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:213 -msgid "Select this option if you’re a developer or designer working on GNOME." -msgstr "如果您是 GNOME 開發人員或設計者就選取這個選項。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:222 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:209 msgid "Project" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:232 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:219 msgid "Folder Name:" msgstr "資料夾名稱:" #. Cancel button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:251 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:250 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:296 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" #. Sync button -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:259 -msgid "Sync" -msgstr "同步" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:258 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:286 #, csharp-format -msgid "Syncing folder ‘{0}’…" -msgstr "正在同步資料夾「{0}」…" +msgid "Adding project ‘{0}’…" +msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:287 msgid "This may take a while." @@ -232,123 +259,120 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:375 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:292 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:408 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:507 msgid "Finish" msgstr "完成" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:321 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:325 msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:341 -msgid "Try Again" -msgstr "再試一次" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:373 +msgid "Try Again…" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:359 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:392 #, csharp-format msgid "‘{0}’ has been successfully added" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:365 -msgid "Folder synced successfully!" -msgstr "資料夾同步成功!" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:398 +msgid "Project successfully added!" +msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:366 -msgid "Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder." +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:399 +msgid "Access the files from your SparkleShare folder." msgstr "" #. A button that opens the synced folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:369 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:402 msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "開啟資料夾" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:428 +msgid "What's happening next?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:429 +msgid "" +"SparkleShare creates a special folder in your personal folder that will keep" +" track of your projects." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:432 +msgid "Skip Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:437 ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:457 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:475 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:453 +msgid "Sharing files with others" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:454 +msgid "" +"All files added to your project folders are synced with the host " +"automatically, as well as with your collaborators." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:471 +msgid "The status icon is here to help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:472 +msgid "" +"It shows the syncing process status, and contains links to your projects and" +" the event log." +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:489 +msgid "Adding projects to SparkleShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:490 +msgid "" +"Just click this button when you see it on the web, and the project will be " +"automatically added:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:493 +msgid "" +"…or select ‘Add Project…’ from the status icon menu to add one by " +"hand." +msgstr "" + +#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetup.cs:502 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:238 +msgid "Add Project…" +msgstr "" + #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleSetupWindow.cs:45 msgid "SparkleShare Setup" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:53 -msgid "Sorry, you can't run SparkleShare with these permissions." -msgstr "抱歉,您不能以此權限執行 SparkleShare。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:54 -msgid "Things would go utterly wrong." -msgstr "會出現嚴重錯誤" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:61 -msgid "Print version information" -msgstr "列印版本資訊" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:62 -msgid "Show this help text" -msgstr "顯示這份說明文字" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:109 -msgid "SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool." -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:110 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons" -msgstr "著作權©2010 Hylke Bons" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:112 -msgid "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." -msgstr "本程式不提供任何擔保" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:114 -msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " -msgstr "這是自由軟體,歡迎您在某些條件之下" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:115 -msgid "under certain conditions. Please read the GNU GPLv3 for details." -msgstr "繼續散布它。詳情請參見 GNU GPLv3。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:117 -msgid "SparkleShare automatically syncs Git repositories in " -msgstr "SparkleShare 自動同步 Git 儲存庫於 " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:118 -msgid "the ~/SparkleShare folder with their remote origins." -msgstr "~/SparkleShare 資料夾與它們的遠端來源。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:120 -msgid "Usage: sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [OPTION]..." -msgstr "用法:sparkleshare [start|stop|restart] [選項]…" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:121 -msgid "Sync SparkleShare folder with remote repositories." -msgstr "同步 SparkleShare 資料夾與遠端儲存庫。" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:123 -msgid "Arguments:" -msgstr "引數:" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleShare.cs:133 -msgid "SparkleShare " -msgstr "SparkleShare " - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:208 -msgid "No Remote Folders Yet" -msgstr "尚無遠端資料夾" - -#. Opens the wizard to add a new remote folder -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:218 -msgid "Add Remote Folder…" -msgstr "" - -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:242 -msgid "Show Recent Events" +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:228 +msgid "No projects yet" msgstr "" #: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:262 +msgid "Show Recent Events" +msgstr "" + +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:282 msgid "Turn Notifications Off" msgstr "" -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:264 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:284 msgid "Turn Notifications On" msgstr "" #. A menu item that quits the application -#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:291 +#: ../SparkleShare/SparkleStatusIcon.cs:311 msgid "Quit" msgstr "離開" diff --git a/tools/xslt/Program.cs b/tools/xslt/Program.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3c83769a --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/xslt/Program.cs @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +using System; +using System.Xml.Xsl; + +namespace xslt { + class Program { + static void Main (string [] args) + { + if (args.Length < 3) { + Console.WriteLine ("usage: xslt.exe "); + return; + } + + var xsl = new XslCompiledTransform (); + xsl.Load (args [0]); + xsl.Transform (args [1], args [2]); + } + } +} diff --git a/tools/xslt/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/tools/xslt/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de3f66b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/xslt/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +using System.Reflection; +using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following +// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information +// associated with an assembly. +[assembly: AssemblyTitle ("xslt")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription ("")] +[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration ("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany ("Arbor")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct ("xslt")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright ("Copyright © Arbor 2011")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark ("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture ("")] + +// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible +// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from +// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. +[assembly: ComVisible (false)] + +// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM +[assembly: Guid ("651c6b20-ae3a-4ddb-926d-58fae061a383")] + +// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: +// +// Major Version +// Minor Version +// Build Number +// Revision +// +// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers +// by using the '*' as shown below: +// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] +[assembly: AssemblyVersion ("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion ("")] diff --git a/tools/xslt/build.cmd b/tools/xslt/build.cmd new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6db03bd --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/xslt/build.cmd @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +@echo off +set WinDirNet=%WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework +set msbuild="%WinDirNet%\v3.5\msbuild.exe" +if not exist %msbuild% set msbuild="%WinDirNet%\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe" + +%msbuild% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Any CPU" %~dp0\xslt.sln diff --git a/tools/xslt/xslt.csproj b/tools/xslt/xslt.csproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f587b44e --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/xslt/xslt.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + + + Debug + AnyCPU + 9.0.21022 + 2.0 + {61025396-A57B-4566-9C2D-2F6A51681A2C} + Exe + Properties + xslt + xslt + v3.5 + 512 + + + true + full + false + bin\Debug\ + DEBUG;TRACE + prompt + 4 + + + pdbonly + true + bin\Release\ + TRACE + prompt + 4 + + + + + 3.5 + + + 3.5 + + + 3.5 + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/xslt/xslt.sln b/tools/xslt/xslt.sln new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e811fcd --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/xslt/xslt.sln @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00 +# Visual Studio 2008 +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "xslt", "xslt.csproj", "{61025396-A57B-4566-9C2D-2F6A51681A2C}" +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution + Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU + Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution + {61025396-A57B-4566-9C2D-2F6A51681A2C}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU + {61025396-A57B-4566-9C2D-2F6A51681A2C}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU + {61025396-A57B-4566-9C2D-2F6A51681A2C}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {61025396-A57B-4566-9C2D-2F6A51681A2C}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution + HideSolutionNode = FALSE + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal