Prettify linux about dialog

This commit is contained in:
Hylke Bons 2011-07-15 00:59:27 +01:00
parent 9d261cc740
commit 27629c067e
11 changed files with 470 additions and 1104 deletions

View file

@ -13,7 +13,24 @@ endif
SparkleAbout.cs \
SparkleAboutController.cs \
SparkleBubbles.cs \
SparkleBubblesController.cs \
SparkleController.cs \
SparkleEntry.cs \
SparkleEventLog.cs \
SparkleEventLogController.cs \
SparkleInvitation.cs \
SparkleLinController.cs \
SparkleSetup.cs \
SparkleSetupController.cs \
SparkleSetupWindow.cs \
SparkleShare.cs \
SparkleSpinner.cs \
SparkleStatusIcon.cs \
SparkleStatusIconController.cs \
SparkleUI.cs \
SparkleBubbles.cs \
SparkleBubblesController.cs \
SparkleController.cs \

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
public SparkleAboutController Controller = new SparkleAboutController ();
private Label version;
private Label updates;
// Short alias for the translations
@ -41,33 +41,47 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
public SparkleAbout () : base ("")
DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size (640, 280);
DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size (600, 260);
Resizable = false;
BorderWidth = 0;
IconName = "folder-sparkleshare";
WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center;
Title = _("About SparkleShare");
Resizable = false;
AppPaintable = true;
// TODO: Should be able to do without referencing SparkleLib...
string image_path = SparkleLib.SparkleHelpers.CombineMore (SparkleLib.Defines.DATAROOTDIR,
"sparkleshare", "pixmaps", "about.png");
Realize ();
Gdk.Pixbuf buf = new Gdk.Pixbuf (image_path);
Gdk.Pixmap map, map2;
buf.RenderPixmapAndMask (out map, out map2, 255);
GdkWindow.SetBackPixmap (map, false);
CreateAbout ();
Controller.NewVersionEvent += delegate (string new_version) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.version.Markup = String.Format ("<small><span fgcolor='#f57900'>{0}: {1}</span></small>", _("A newer version is available!"), new_version);
this.version.ShowAll ();
this.updates.Markup = String.Format ("<span font_size='small' fgcolor='#f57900'>{0}: {1}</span>",
_("A newer version is available!"), new_version);
this.updates.ShowAll ();
Controller.VersionUpToDateEvent += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.version.Markup = String.Format ("<small><span fgcolor='#4e9a06'>{0}</span></small>", _("You are running the latest version."));
this.version.ShowAll ();
this.updates.Markup = String.Format ("<span font_size='small' fgcolor='#4e9a06'>{0}</span>",
_("You are running the latest version."));
this.updates.ShowAll ();
Controller.CheckingForNewVersionEvent += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.version.Markup = String.Format ("<small><span fgcolor='#4e9a06'>{0}</span></small>", _("Checking for updates..."));
this.version.ShowAll ();
this.updates.Markup = String.Format ("<span font_size='small' fgcolor='#4e9a06'>{0}</span>",
_("Checking for updates..."));
this.updates.ShowAll ();
@ -78,48 +92,58 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
Gdk.Color color = Style.Foreground (StateType.Insensitive);
string secondary_text_color = SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (color);
Label header = new Label () {
Markup = "<span fgcolor='" + secondary_text_color + "'>version " + Controller.RunningVersion + "</span>",
Xalign = 0,
Xpad = 18,
Ypad = 18
this.version = new Label () {
Markup = String.Format ("<small>{0}</small>", _("Checking for updates...")),
Label version = new Label () {
Markup = "<span font_size='small' fgcolor='white'>" +
"version " + Controller.RunningVersion +
Xalign = 0,
Xpad = 18,
Ypad = 22,
Xpad = 300
this.updates = new Label () {
Markup = "<span font_size='small' fgcolor='" + secondary_text_color + "'>" +
_("Checking for updates...") +
Xalign = 0,
Xpad = 300
Label copyright = new Label () {
Markup = "<span font_size='small' fgcolor='white'>" +
"Copyright © 2010" + DateTime.Now.Year + " " +
"Hylke Bons and others." +
Xalign = 0,
Xpad = 300
Label license = new Label () {
Xalign = 0,
Xpad = 18,
Ypad = 0,
LineWrap = true,
Wrap = true,
LineWrapMode = Pango.WrapMode.Word,
Markup = "<small>Copyright © 2010" + DateTime.Now.Year + " Hylke Bons and others.\n" +
"\n" +
"SparkleShare is Free and Open Source Software. You are free to use, modify, " +
"and redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License " +
"version 3 or later.</small>"
Markup = "<span font_size='small' fgcolor='white'>" +
"SparkleShare is Free and Open Source Software. You are free to use, modify, " +
"and redistribute it under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later." +
WidthRequest = 330,
Wrap = true,
Xalign = 0,
Xpad = 300,
VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 0) {
BorderWidth = 0
VBox layout_horizontal = new VBox (false, 0) {
BorderWidth = 0,
HeightRequest = 260,
WidthRequest = 640
layout_horizontal.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 42);
layout_horizontal.PackStart (version, false, false, 0);
layout_horizontal.PackStart (this.updates, false, false, 0);
layout_horizontal.PackStart (copyright, false, false, 9);
layout_horizontal.PackStart (license, false, false, 0);
layout_horizontal.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 0);
vbox.PackStart (header, true, true, 0);
vbox.PackStart (this.version, false, false, 0);
vbox.PackStart (license, true, true, 0);
Add (vbox);
Add (layout_horizontal);

View file

@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
Controller.ShowBubbleEvent += delegate (string title, string subtext, string image_path) {
Notification notification = new Notification () {
Timeout = 5 * 1000;
Urgency = Urgency.Low;
Timeout = 5 * 1000,
Urgency = Urgency.Low
if (image_path != null)
Icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf (image_path);
notification.Icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf (image_path);
IconName = "folder-sparkleshare";
notification.IconName = "folder-sparkleshare";
notification.Show ();

View file

@ -24,22 +24,26 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using Gtk;
using Mono.Unix;
using Notifications;
namespace SparkleShare {
public class SparkleIntro : SparkleWindow {
public class SparkleSetup : SparkleSetupWindow {
public SparkleSetupController Controller = new SparkleSetupController ();
private string SecondaryTextColor;
private Entry NameEntry;
private Entry EmailEntry;
private SparkleEntry ServerEntry;
private SparkleEntry FolderEntry;
private string PreviousServer;
private string PreviousFolder;
private Button NextButton;
private Button SyncButton;
private bool ServerFormOnly;
private string SecondaryTextColor;
private Table Table;
private ProgressBar progress_bar = new ProgressBar () { PulseStep = 0.01 };
private Timer progress_bar_pulse_timer = new Timer () { Interval = 25, Enabled = true };
@ -51,601 +55,350 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
public SparkleIntro () : base ()
public SparkleSetup () : base ()
ServerFormOnly = false;
SecondaryTextColor = SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (Style.Foreground (StateType.Insensitive));
public void ShowAccountForm ()
Reset ();
Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate (PageType type) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
Reset ();
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);
Deletable = false;
switch (type) {
case PageType.Setup:
Label header = new Label ("<span size='large'><b>" +
_("Welcome to SparkleShare!") +
"</b></span>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
Header = _("Welcome to SparkleShare!");
Description = _("Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this " +
"computer, we need a few bits of information from you.");
Label information = new Label (_("Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this " +
"computer, we need a few bits of information from you.")) {
Xalign = 0,
Wrap = true
Table table = new Table (4, 2, true) {
RowSpacing = 6
Label name_label = new Label ("<b>" + _("Full Name:") + "</b>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
NameEntry = new Entry (SparkleShare.Controller.UserName);
NameEntry.Changed += delegate {
CheckAccountForm ();
EmailEntry = new Entry ();
EmailEntry.Changed += delegate {
CheckAccountForm ();
Label email_label = new Label ("<b>" + _("Email:") + "</b>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
table.Attach (name_label, 0, 1, 0, 1);
table.Attach (NameEntry, 1, 2, 0, 1);
table.Attach (email_label, 0, 1, 1, 2);
table.Attach (EmailEntry, 1, 2, 1, 2);
NextButton = new Button (_("Next")) {
Sensitive = false
NextButton.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) {
NextButton.Remove (NextButton.Child);
NextButton.Add (new Label (_("Configuring…")));
NextButton.Sensitive = false;
table.Sensitive = false;
NextButton.ShowAll ();
SparkleShare.Controller.UserName = NameEntry.Text;
SparkleShare.Controller.UserEmail = EmailEntry.Text;
SparkleShare.Controller.GenerateKeyPair ();
SparkleShare.Controller.AddKey ();
SparkleUI.StatusIcon.CreateMenu ();
Deletable = true;
ShowServerForm ();
AddButton (NextButton);
layout_vertical.PackStart (header, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (information, false, false, 21);
layout_vertical.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (table, false, false, 0);
Add (layout_vertical);
CheckAccountForm ();
ShowAll ();
public void ShowServerForm (bool server_form_only)
ServerFormOnly = server_form_only;
ShowServerForm ();
public void ShowServerForm ()
Reset ();
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);
Label header = new Label ("<span size='large'><b>" +
_("Where is your remote folder?") +
"</b></span>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
Table table = new Table (7, 2, false) {
RowSpacing = 12
HBox layout_server = new HBox (true, 0);
ServerEntry = new SparkleEntry () { };
ServerEntry.Completion = new EntryCompletion();
ServerEntry.Completion.Model = ServerEntryCompletion();
ServerEntry.Completion.TextColumn = 0;
if (PreviousServer != null) {
ServerEntry.Text = PreviousServer;
ServerEntry.ExampleTextActive = false;
} else
ServerEntry.ExampleText = _("");
ServerEntry.Changed += CheckServerForm;
RadioButton radio_button = new RadioButton ("<b>" + _("On my own server:") + "</b>");
layout_server.Add (radio_button);
layout_server.Add (ServerEntry);
string github_text = "<b>" + "Github" + "</b>\n" +
"<span fgcolor='" + SecondaryTextColor + "' size='small'>" +
_("Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects.") + "\n" +
_("Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth.") +
RadioButton radio_button_github = new RadioButton (radio_button, github_text);
(radio_button_github.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
(radio_button_github.Child as Label).Wrap = true;
string gnome_text = "<b>" + _("The GNOME Project") + "</b>\n" +
"<span fgcolor='" + SecondaryTextColor + "' size='small'>" +
_("GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer.") + "\n" +
_("Select this option if youre a developer or designer working on GNOME.") +
RadioButton radio_button_gnome = new RadioButton (radio_button, gnome_text);
(radio_button_gnome.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
(radio_button_gnome.Child as Label).Wrap = true;
string gitorious_text = "<b>" + _("Gitorious") + "</b>\n" +
"<span fgcolor='" + SecondaryTextColor + "' size='small'>" +
_("Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure.") + "\n" +
_("Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects.") +
RadioButton radio_button_gitorious = new RadioButton (radio_button, gitorious_text) {
Xalign = 0
(radio_button_gitorious.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
(radio_button_gitorious.Child as Label).Wrap = true;
radio_button_github.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button_github.Active)
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Username/Folder");
radio_button_gitorious.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button_gitorious.Active)
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Project/Folder");
radio_button_gnome.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button_gnome.Active)
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Project");
radio_button.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button.Active) {
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Folder");
ServerEntry.Sensitive = true;
CheckServerForm ();
} else {
ServerEntry.Sensitive = false;
CheckServerForm ();
ShowAll ();
table.Attach (layout_server, 0, 2, 1, 2);
table.Attach (radio_button_github, 0, 2, 2, 3);
table.Attach (radio_button_gitorious, 0, 2, 3, 4);
table.Attach (radio_button_gnome, 0, 2, 4, 5);
HBox layout_folder = new HBox (true, 0);
FolderEntry = new SparkleEntry () { };
FolderEntry.Completion = new EntryCompletion();
FolderEntry.Completion.Model = FolderEntryCompletion();
FolderEntry.Completion.TextColumn = 0;
if (PreviousFolder != null) {
FolderEntry.Text = PreviousFolder;
FolderEntry.ExampleTextActive = false;
} else
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Folder");
FolderEntry.Changed += CheckServerForm;
Label folder_label = new Label (_("Folder Name:")) {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 1
(radio_button.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
layout_folder.PackStart (folder_label, true, true, 12);
layout_folder.PackStart (FolderEntry, true, true, 0);
SyncButton = new Button (_("Sync"));
SyncButton.Clicked += delegate {
string folder_name = FolderEntry.Text;
string server = ServerEntry.Text;
string canonical_name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (folder_name);
PreviousServer = ServerEntry.Text;
PreviousFolder = FolderEntry.Text;
if (radio_button_gitorious.Active)
server = "";
if (radio_button_github.Active)
server = "";
if (radio_button_gnome.Active)
server = "";
Application.Invoke (delegate {
Deletable = false;
ShowSyncingPage (canonical_name);
SparkleShare.Controller.FolderFetched += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.progress_bar_pulse_timer.Stop ();
Deletable = true;
UrgencyHint = true;
ShowSuccessPage (canonical_name);
SparkleShare.Controller.FolderFetchError += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.progress_bar_pulse_timer.Stop ();
Deletable = true;
ShowErrorPage ();
Table = new Table (4, 2, true) {
RowSpacing = 6
SparkleShare.Controller.FetchFolder (server, folder_name);
Label name_label = new Label ("<b>" + _("Full Name:") + "</b>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
NameEntry = new Entry (SparkleShare.Controller.UserName);
NameEntry.Changed += delegate {
CheckSetupPage ();
if (ServerFormOnly) {
Button cancel_button = new Button (_("Cancel"));
EmailEntry = new Entry ();
EmailEntry.Changed += delegate {
CheckSetupPage ();
cancel_button.Clicked += delegate {
Close ();
Label email_label = new Label ("<b>" + _("Email:") + "</b>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
AddButton (cancel_button);
} else {
Button skip_button = new Button (_("Skip"));
Table.Attach (name_label, 0, 1, 0, 1);
Table.Attach (NameEntry, 1, 2, 0, 1);
Table.Attach (email_label, 0, 1, 1, 2);
Table.Attach (EmailEntry, 1, 2, 1, 2);
skip_button.Clicked += delegate {
ShowCompletedPage ();
NextButton = new Button (_("Next")) {
Sensitive = false
AddButton (skip_button);
NextButton.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) {
string full_name = NameEntry.Text;
string email = EmailEntry.Text;
AddButton (SyncButton);
Controller.SetupPageCompleted (full_name, email);
layout_vertical.PackStart (header, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 3);
layout_vertical.PackStart (table, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (layout_folder, false, false, 6);
AddButton (NextButton);
Add (Table);
Add (layout_vertical);
CheckServerForm ();
ShowAll ();
CheckSetupPage ();
public void ShowInvitationPage (string server, string folder, string token)
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);
case PageType.Add:
Label header = new Label ("<span size='large'><b>" +
_("Invitation received!") +
"</b></span>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
Header = _("Where is your remote folder?");
Label information = new Label (_("You've received an invitation to join a shared folder.\n" +
"We're ready to hook you up immediately if you wish.")) {
Xalign = 0,
Wrap = true
Label question = new Label (_("Do you accept this invitation?")) {
Xalign = 0,
Wrap = true
Table table = new Table (2, 2, false) {
RowSpacing = 6
Label server_label = new Label (_("Server Address:")) {
Xalign = 0
Label server_text = new Label ("<b>" + server + "</b>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
Label folder_label = new Label (_("Folder Name:")) {
Xalign = 0
Label folder_text = new Label ("<b>" + folder + "</b>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
table.Attach (folder_label, 0, 1, 0, 1);
table.Attach (folder_text, 1, 2, 0, 1);
table.Attach (server_label, 0, 1, 1, 2);
table.Attach (server_text, 1, 2, 1, 2);
Button reject_button = new Button (_("Reject"));
Button accept_button = new Button (_("Accept and Sync"));
reject_button.Clicked += delegate {
Close ();
accept_button.Clicked += delegate {
string url = "ssh://git@" + server + "/" + folder;
if (server.StartsWith("http")) {
url = server;
SparkleShare.Controller.FolderFetched += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.progress_bar_pulse_timer.Stop ();
ShowSuccessPage (folder);
SparkleShare.Controller.FolderFetchError += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
this.progress_bar_pulse_timer.Stop ();
ShowErrorPage ();
SparkleShare.Controller.FetchFolder (url, folder);
AddButton (reject_button);
AddButton (accept_button);
layout_vertical.PackStart (header, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (information, false, false, 21);
layout_vertical.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (table, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (question, false, false, 21);
Add (layout_vertical);
ShowAll ();
// The page shown when syncing has failed
private void ShowErrorPage ()
Reset ();
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);
Label header = new Label ("<span size='large'><b>" +
_("Something went wrong…") +
"</b></span>\n") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
Button try_again_button = new Button (_("Try Again")) {
Sensitive = true
try_again_button.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) {
ShowServerForm ();
AddButton (try_again_button);
layout_vertical.PackStart (header, false, false, 0);
Add (layout_vertical);
ShowAll ();
// The page shown when syncing has succeeded
private void ShowSuccessPage (string folder_name)
Reset ();
UrgencyHint = true;
PreviousServer = null;
PreviousFolder = null;
if (!HasToplevelFocus) {
string title = String.Format (_("{0} has been successfully added"), folder_name);
string subtext = _("");
new SparkleBubble (title, subtext).Show ();
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);
Label header = new Label ("<span size='large'><b>" +
_("Folder synced successfully!") +
"</b></span>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
Label information = new Label (
String.Format (_("Now you can access the synced files from {0} in your SparkleShare folder."),
folder_name)) {
Xalign = 0,
Wrap = true,
UseMarkup = true
// A button that opens the synced folder
Button open_folder_button = new Button (_("Open Folder"));
open_folder_button.Clicked += delegate {
SparkleShare.Controller.OpenSparkleShareFolder (folder_name);
Table = new Table (6, 2, false) {
RowSpacing = 12
Button finish_button = new Button (_("Finish"));
finish_button.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) {
Close ();
AddButton (open_folder_button);
AddButton (finish_button);
HBox layout_server = new HBox (true, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (header, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (information, false, false, 21);
// Own server radiobutton
RadioButton radio_button = new RadioButton ("<b>" + _("On my own server:") + "</b>");
(radio_button.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
Add (layout_vertical);
ShowAll ();
radio_button.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button.Active) {
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Folder");
ServerEntry.Sensitive = true;
CheckAddPage ();
} else {
ServerEntry.Sensitive = false;
CheckAddPage ();
ShowAll ();
// Own server entry
ServerEntry = new SparkleEntry () { };
ServerEntry.Completion = new EntryCompletion();
ListStore server_store = new ListStore (typeof (string));
//TODO foreach (string host in SparkleShare.Controller.PreviousHosts)
// server_store.AppendValues (host);
ServerEntry.Completion.Model = server_store;
ServerEntry.Completion.TextColumn = 0;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Controller.PreviousServer)) {
ServerEntry.Text = Controller.PreviousServer;
ServerEntry.ExampleTextActive = false;
} else {
ServerEntry.ExampleText = _("");
ServerEntry.Changed += delegate {
CheckAddPage ();
layout_server.Add (radio_button);
layout_server.Add (ServerEntry);
Table.Attach (layout_server, 0, 2, 1, 2);
// Github radiobutton
string github_text = "<b>" + "Github" + "</b>\n" +
"<span fgcolor='" + SecondaryTextColor + "' size='small'>" +
_("Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects.") + "\n" +
_("Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth.") +
RadioButton radio_button_github = new RadioButton (radio_button, github_text);
(radio_button_github.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
(radio_button_github.Child as Label).Wrap = true;
radio_button_github.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button_github.Active)
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Username/Folder");
// The page shown whilst syncing
private void ShowSyncingPage (string name)
Reset ();
// Gitorious radiobutton
string gitorious_text = "<b>" + _("Gitorious") + "</b>\n" +
"<span fgcolor='" + SecondaryTextColor + "' size='small'>" +
_("Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure.") + "\n" +
_("Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects.") +
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);
RadioButton radio_button_gitorious = new RadioButton (radio_button, gitorious_text);
(radio_button_gitorious.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
(radio_button_gitorious.Child as Label).Wrap = true;
Label header = new Label ("<span size='large'><b>" +
String.Format (_("Syncing folder {0}’…"), name) +
"</b></span>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0,
Wrap = true
radio_button_gitorious.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button_gitorious.Active)
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Project/Folder");
Label information = new Label (_("This may take a while.\n") +
_("Are you sure its not coffee o'clock?")) {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
// GNOME radiobutton
string gnome_text = "<b>" + _("The GNOME Project") + "</b>\n"+
"<span fgcolor='" + SecondaryTextColor + "' size='small'>" +
_("GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer.") + "\n" +
_("Select this option if youre a developer or designer working on GNOME.") +
RadioButton radio_button_gnome = new RadioButton (radio_button, gnome_text);
(radio_button_gnome.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
(radio_button_gnome.Child as Label).Wrap = true;
radio_button_gnome.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button_gnome.Active)
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Project");
Table.Attach (radio_button_github, 0, 2, 2, 3);
Table.Attach (radio_button_gitorious, 0, 2, 3, 4);
Table.Attach (radio_button_gnome, 0, 2, 4, 5);
// Folder label and entry
HBox layout_folder = new HBox (true, 0);
Label folder_label = new Label (_("Folder Name:")) {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 1
FolderEntry = new SparkleEntry ();
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Folder");
FolderEntry.Changed += delegate {
CheckAddPage ();
layout_folder.PackStart (folder_label, true, true, 12);
layout_folder.PackStart (FolderEntry, true, true, 0);
Table.Attach (layout_folder, 0, 2, 5, 6);
Add (Table);
// Cancel button
Button cancel_button = new Button (_("Cancel"));
cancel_button.Clicked += delegate {
Close ();
// Sync button
SyncButton = new Button (_("Sync"));
SyncButton.Clicked += delegate {
string server = ServerEntry.Text;
string folder_name = FolderEntry.Text;
if (radio_button_gitorious.Active)
server = "";
if (radio_button_github.Active)
server = "";
if (radio_button_gnome.Active)
server = "";
Controller.AddPageCompleted (server, folder_name);
AddButton (cancel_button);
AddButton (SyncButton);
CheckAddPage ();
case PageType.Syncing:
Header = String.Format (_("Syncing folder {0}’…"), Controller.SyncingFolder);
Description = _("This may take a while." + Environment.NewLine) +
_("Are you sure its not coffee o'clock?");
Button button = new Button () {
Sensitive = false,
Label = _("Finish")
button.Clicked += delegate {
Close ();
AddButton (button);
AddButton (button);
layout_vertical.PackStart (header, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (information, false, false, 21);
this.progress_bar_pulse_timer.Elapsed += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
progress_bar.Pulse ();
this.progress_bar_pulse_timer.Elapsed += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
progress_bar.Pulse ();
if (this.progress_bar.Parent != null)
(this.progress_bar.Parent as Container).Remove (this.progress_bar);
if (this.progress_bar.Parent != null)
VBox bar_wrapper = new VBox (false , 0);
bar_wrapper.PackStart (this.progress_bar, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (this.progress_bar, false, false, 54);
Add (bar_wrapper);
case PageType.Error:
string n = Environment.NewLine;
Header = _("Something went wrong") + "…";
Description = "We don't know exactly what the problem is, " +
"but we can try to help you pinpoint it.";
Label l = new Label (
"First, have you tried turning it off and on again?" + n +
n +
Controller.SyncingFolder +" is the address we've compiled from the information " +
"you entered. Does this look correct?" + n +
n +
"The host needs to know who you are. Have you uploaded the key that sits in your SparkleShare folder?");
l.Xpad = 12;
l.Wrap = true;
Button try_again_button = new Button (_("Try Again")) {
Sensitive = true
try_again_button.Clicked += delegate {
Controller.ErrorPageCompleted ();
AddButton (try_again_button);
Add (l);
case PageType.Finished:
UrgencyHint = true;
if (!HasToplevelFocus) {
string title = String.Format (_("{0} has been successfully added"), Controller.SyncingFolder);
string subtext = _("");
//TODO new SparkleBubble (title, subtext).Show ();
Header = _("Folder synced successfully!");
Description = _("Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder.");
// A button that opens the synced folder
Button open_folder_button = new Button (_("Open Folder"));
open_folder_button.Clicked += delegate {
SparkleShare.Controller.OpenSparkleShareFolder (Controller.SyncingFolder);
Button finish_button = new Button (_("Finish"));
finish_button.Clicked += delegate {
Close ();
Add (null);
AddButton (open_folder_button);
AddButton (finish_button);
ShowAll ();
Add (layout_vertical);
ShowAll ();
// The page shown when the setup has been completed
private void ShowCompletedPage ()
Reset ();
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);
Label header = new Label ("<span size='large'><b>" +
_("SparkleShare is ready to go!") +
"</b></span>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
Label information = new Label (_("Now you can start accepting invitations from others. " + "\n" +
"Just click on invitations you get by email and " +
"we will take care of the rest.")) {
UseMarkup = true,
Wrap = true,
Xalign = 0
HBox link_wrapper = new HBox (false, 0);
LinkButton link = new LinkButton ("",
_("Learn how to host your own SparkleServer"));
link_wrapper.PackStart (link, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (header, false, false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (information, false, false, 21);
layout_vertical.PackStart (link_wrapper, false, false, 0);
Button finish_button = new Button (_("Finish"));
finish_button.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) {
Close ();
AddButton (finish_button);
Add (layout_vertical);
ShowAll ();
// Enables or disables the 'Next' button depending on the
// Enables or disables the 'Next' button depending on the
// entries filled in by the user
private void CheckAccountForm ()
private void CheckSetupPage ()
if (NameEntry.Text.Length > 0 &&
IsValidEmail (EmailEntry.Text)) {
SparkleShare.Controller.IsValidEmail (EmailEntry.Text)) {
NextButton.Sensitive = true;
} else {
@ -654,17 +407,9 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
// Enables the Add button when the fields are
// filled in correctly
public void CheckServerForm (object o, EventArgs args)
CheckServerForm ();
// Enables the Add button when the fields are
// filled in correctly
public void CheckServerForm ()
// Enables or disables the 'Next' button depending on the
// entries filled in by the user
public void CheckAddPage ()
SyncButton.Sensitive = false;
@ -683,39 +428,5 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
private TreeModel ServerEntryCompletion ()
List<string> hosts = SparkleShare.Controller.PreviousHosts;
ListStore store = new ListStore (typeof (string));
store.AppendValues ("user@localhost");
store.AppendValues ("");
foreach (string host in hosts)
store.AppendValues (host);
return store;
private TreeModel FolderEntryCompletion ()
ListStore store = new ListStore (typeof (string));
store.AppendValues ("~/test.git");
foreach (string folder in SparkleShare.Controller.Folders)
store.AppendValues (folder);
return store;
// Checks to see if an email address is valid
private bool IsValidEmail (string email)
Regex regex = new Regex (@"^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return regex.IsMatch (email);

View file

@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General private License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General private License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General private License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Timers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Gtk;
using Mono.Unix;
namespace SparkleShare {
public class SparkleSetup : SparkleSetupWindow {
public SparkleSetupController Controller = new SparkleSetupController ();
private string SecondaryTextColor;
private Entry NameEntry;
private Entry EmailEntry;
private SparkleEntry ServerEntry;
private SparkleEntry FolderEntry;
private Button NextButton;
private Button SyncButton;
private Table Table;
private ProgressBar progress_bar = new ProgressBar () { PulseStep = 0.01 };
private Timer progress_bar_pulse_timer = new Timer () { Interval = 25, Enabled = true };
// Short alias for the translations
public static string _ (string s)
return Catalog.GetString (s);
public SparkleSetup () : base ()
SecondaryTextColor = SparkleUIHelpers.GdkColorToHex (Style.Foreground (StateType.Insensitive));
Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate (PageType type) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
Reset ();
switch (type) {
case PageType.Setup:
Header = _("Welcome to SparkleShare!");
Description = _("Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this " +
"computer, we need a few bits of information from you.");
Table = new Table (4, 2, true) {
RowSpacing = 6
Label name_label = new Label ("<b>" + _("Full Name:") + "</b>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
NameEntry = new Entry (SparkleShare.Controller.UserName);
NameEntry.Changed += delegate {
CheckSetupPage ();
EmailEntry = new Entry ();
EmailEntry.Changed += delegate {
CheckSetupPage ();
Label email_label = new Label ("<b>" + _("Email:") + "</b>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
Table.Attach (name_label, 0, 1, 0, 1);
Table.Attach (NameEntry, 1, 2, 0, 1);
Table.Attach (email_label, 0, 1, 1, 2);
Table.Attach (EmailEntry, 1, 2, 1, 2);
NextButton = new Button (_("Next")) {
Sensitive = false
NextButton.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) {
string full_name = NameEntry.Text;
string email = EmailEntry.Text;
Controller.SetupPageCompleted (full_name, email);
AddButton (NextButton);
Add (Table);
CheckSetupPage ();
case PageType.Add:
Header = _("Where is your remote folder?");
Table = new Table (6, 2, false) {
RowSpacing = 12
HBox layout_server = new HBox (true, 0);
// Own server radiobutton
RadioButton radio_button = new RadioButton ("<b>" + _("On my own server:") + "</b>");
(radio_button.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
radio_button.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button.Active) {
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Folder");
ServerEntry.Sensitive = true;
CheckAddPage ();
} else {
ServerEntry.Sensitive = false;
CheckAddPage ();
ShowAll ();
// Own server entry
ServerEntry = new SparkleEntry () { };
ServerEntry.Completion = new EntryCompletion();
ListStore server_store = new ListStore (typeof (string));
foreach (string host in SparkleShare.Controller.PreviousHosts)
server_store.AppendValues (host);
ServerEntry.Completion.Model = server_store;
ServerEntry.Completion.TextColumn = 0;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Controller.PreviousServer)) {
ServerEntry.Text = Controller.PreviousServer;
ServerEntry.ExampleTextActive = false;
} else {
ServerEntry.ExampleText = _("");
ServerEntry.Changed += delegate {
CheckAddPage ();
layout_server.Add (radio_button);
layout_server.Add (ServerEntry);
Table.Attach (layout_server, 0, 2, 1, 2);
// Github radiobutton
string github_text = "<b>" + "Github" + "</b>\n" +
"<span fgcolor='" + SecondaryTextColor + "' size='small'>" +
_("Free hosting for Free and Open Source Software projects.") + "\n" +
_("Also has paid accounts for extra private space and bandwidth.") +
RadioButton radio_button_github = new RadioButton (radio_button, github_text);
(radio_button_github.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
(radio_button_github.Child as Label).Wrap = true;
radio_button_github.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button_github.Active)
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Username/Folder");
// Gitorious radiobutton
string gitorious_text = "<b>" + _("Gitorious") + "</b>\n" +
"<span fgcolor='" + SecondaryTextColor + "' size='small'>" +
_("Completely Free as in Freedom infrastructure.") + "\n" +
_("Free accounts for Free and Open Source projects.") +
RadioButton radio_button_gitorious = new RadioButton (radio_button, gitorious_text);
(radio_button_gitorious.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
(radio_button_gitorious.Child as Label).Wrap = true;
radio_button_gitorious.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button_gitorious.Active)
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Project/Folder");
// GNOME radiobutton
string gnome_text = "<b>" + _("The GNOME Project") + "</b>\n"+
"<span fgcolor='" + SecondaryTextColor + "' size='small'>" +
_("GNOME is an easy to understand interface to your computer.") + "\n" +
_("Select this option if youre a developer or designer working on GNOME.") +
RadioButton radio_button_gnome = new RadioButton (radio_button, gnome_text);
(radio_button_gnome.Child as Label).UseMarkup = true;
(radio_button_gnome.Child as Label).Wrap = true;
radio_button_gnome.Toggled += delegate {
if (radio_button_gnome.Active)
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Project");
Table.Attach (radio_button_github, 0, 2, 2, 3);
Table.Attach (radio_button_gitorious, 0, 2, 3, 4);
Table.Attach (radio_button_gnome, 0, 2, 4, 5);
// Folder label and entry
HBox layout_folder = new HBox (true, 0);
Label folder_label = new Label (_("Folder Name:")) {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 1
FolderEntry = new SparkleEntry ();
FolderEntry.ExampleText = _("Folder");
FolderEntry.Changed += delegate {
CheckAddPage ();
layout_folder.PackStart (folder_label, true, true, 12);
layout_folder.PackStart (FolderEntry, true, true, 0);
Table.Attach (layout_folder, 0, 2, 5, 6);
Add (Table);
// Cancel button
Button cancel_button = new Button (_("Cancel"));
cancel_button.Clicked += delegate {
Close ();
// Sync button
SyncButton = new Button (_("Sync"));
SyncButton.Clicked += delegate {
string server = ServerEntry.Text;
string folder_name = FolderEntry.Text;
if (radio_button_gitorious.Active)
server = "";
if (radio_button_github.Active)
server = "";
if (radio_button_gnome.Active)
server = "";
Controller.AddPageCompleted (server, folder_name);
AddButton (cancel_button);
AddButton (SyncButton);
CheckAddPage ();
case PageType.Syncing:
Header = String.Format (_("Syncing folder {0}’…"), Controller.SyncingFolder);
Description = _("This may take a while." + Environment.NewLine) +
_("Are you sure its not coffee o'clock?");
Button button = new Button () {
Sensitive = false,
Label = _("Finish")
button.Clicked += delegate {
Close ();
AddButton (button);
this.progress_bar_pulse_timer.Elapsed += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
progress_bar.Pulse ();
if (this.progress_bar.Parent != null)
(this.progress_bar.Parent as Container).Remove (this.progress_bar);
VBox bar_wrapper = new VBox (false , 0);
bar_wrapper.PackStart (this.progress_bar, false, false, 0);
Add (bar_wrapper);
case PageType.Error:
Header = _("Something went wrong") + "…";
Button try_again_button = new Button (_("Try Again")) {
Sensitive = true
try_again_button.Clicked += delegate {
Controller.ErrorPageCompleted ();
AddButton (try_again_button);
Add (null);
case PageType.Finished:
UrgencyHint = true;
if (!HasToplevelFocus) {
string title = String.Format (_("{0} has been successfully added"), Controller.SyncingFolder);
string subtext = _("");
new SparkleBubble (title, subtext).Show ();
Header = _("Folder synced successfully!");
Description = _("Access the synced files from your SparkleShare folder.");
// A button that opens the synced folder
Button open_folder_button = new Button (_("Open Folder"));
open_folder_button.Clicked += delegate {
SparkleShare.Controller.OpenSparkleShareFolder (Controller.SyncingFolder);
Button finish_button = new Button (_("Finish"));
finish_button.Clicked += delegate {
Close ();
Add (null);
AddButton (open_folder_button);
AddButton (finish_button);
ShowAll ();
// Enables or disables the 'Next' button depending on the
// entries filled in by the user
private void CheckSetupPage ()
if (NameEntry.Text.Length > 0 &&
SparkleShare.Controller.IsValidEmail (EmailEntry.Text)) {
NextButton.Sensitive = true;
} else {
NextButton.Sensitive = false;
// Enables or disables the 'Next' button depending on the
// entries filled in by the user
public void CheckAddPage ()
SyncButton.Sensitive = false;
if (FolderEntry.ExampleTextActive ||
(ServerEntry.Sensitive && ServerEntry.ExampleTextActive))
bool IsFolder = !FolderEntry.Text.Trim ().Equals ("");
bool IsServer = !ServerEntry.Text.Trim ().Equals ("");
if (ServerEntry.Sensitive == true) {
if (IsServer && IsFolder)
SyncButton.Sensitive = true;
} else if (IsFolder) {
SyncButton.Sensitive = true;

View file

@ -28,21 +28,26 @@ using SparkleLib;
namespace SparkleShare {
public class SparkleWindow : Window {
public class SparkleSetupWindow : Window {
private HBox HBox;
private VBox VBox;
private VBox Wrapper;
private HButtonBox Buttons;
public string Header;
public string Description;
public SparkleWindow () : base ("")
public Container Content;
public SparkleSetupWindow () : base ("")
Title = Catalog.GetString ("SparkleShare Setup");
BorderWidth = 0;
IconName = "folder-sparkleshare";
Resizable = false;
WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center;
Deletable = false;
SetSizeRequest (680, 440);
@ -104,13 +109,35 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
new public void Add (Widget widget)
Wrapper.PackStart (widget, true, true, 0);
Label header = new Label ("<span size='large'><b>" + Header + "</b></span>") {
UseMarkup = true,
Xalign = 0
Label description = new Label (Description) {
Xalign = 0,
Wrap = true
VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);
layout_vertical.PackStart (header, false, false, 0);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Description))
layout_vertical.PackStart (description, false, false, 21);
if (widget != null)
layout_vertical.PackStart (widget, true, true, 21);
Wrapper.PackStart (layout_vertical, true, true, 0);
ShowAll ();
public void Reset ()
Header = "";
Description = "";
if (Wrapper.Children.Length > 0)
Wrapper.Remove (Wrapper.Children [0]);
@ -122,7 +149,9 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
new public void ShowAll ()
Present ();
Present ();
base.ShowAll ();

View file

@ -37,26 +37,6 @@
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="Mono.Posix" />
<Compile Include="SparkleShare.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleSpinner.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleStatusIcon.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleUI.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleEntry.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleEventLog.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleUIHelpers.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleAbout.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleAboutController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleLinController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleBubblesController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleEventLogController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleSetupController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleStatusIconController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleBubbles.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleSetup.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleSetupWindow.cs" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\SparkleLib\SparkleLib.csproj">
@ -78,4 +58,25 @@
<Compile Include="SparkleAbout.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleAboutController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleBubbles.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleBubblesController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleEntry.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleEventLog.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleEventLogController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleInvitation.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleLinController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleSetup.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleSetupController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleSetupWindow.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleShare.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleSpinner.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleStatusIcon.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleStatusIconController.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleUI.cs" />
<Compile Include="SparkleUIHelpers.cs" />

View file

@ -223,16 +223,16 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
sync_item.Activated += delegate {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
if (SparkleUI.Intro == null) {
SparkleUI.Intro = new SparkleIntro ();
SparkleUI.Intro.ShowServerForm (true);
if (SparkleUI.Setup == null) {
SparkleUI.Setup = new SparkleSetup ();
SparkleUI.Setup.Controller.ShowAddPage ();
if (!SparkleUI.Intro.Visible)
SparkleUI.Intro.ShowServerForm (true);
if (!SparkleUI.Setup.Visible)
SparkleUI.Setup.Controller.ShowAddPage ();
SparkleUI.Intro.ShowAll ();
SparkleUI.Intro.Present ();
//SparkleUI.Intro.ShowAll ();
//SparkleUI.Intro.Present ();

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
public static SparkleStatusIcon StatusIcon;
public static SparkleEventLog EventLog;
public static SparkleIntro Intro;
public static SparkleSetup Setup;
// Short alias for the translations
@ -56,20 +56,15 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
StatusIcon = new SparkleStatusIcon ();
if (SparkleShare.Controller.FirstRun) {
Intro = new SparkleIntro ();
Intro.ShowAccountForm ();
Setup = new SparkleSetup ();
Setup.Controller.ShowSetupPage ();
SparkleShare.Controller.OnQuitWhileSyncing += delegate {
// TODO: Pop up a warning when quitting whilst syncing
SparkleShare.Controller.OnInvitation += delegate (string server, string folder, string token) {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
SparkleIntro intro = new SparkleIntro ();
intro.ShowInvitationPage (server, folder, token);
// Show a bubble when there are new changes
SparkleShare.Controller.NotificationRaised += delegate (string user_name, string user_email,
@ -77,19 +72,19 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
Application.Invoke (delegate {
if (EventLog != null)
EventLog.UpdateEvents ();
if (!SparkleShare.Controller.NotificationsEnabled)
SparkleBubble bubble = new SparkleBubble (user_name, message);
string avatar_file_path = SparkleShare.Controller.GetAvatar (user_email, 36);
// TODO SparkleBubble bubble = new SparkleBubble (user_name, message);
//string avatar_file_path = SparkleShare.Controller.GetAvatar (user_email, 36);
if (avatar_file_path != null)
bubble.Icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf (avatar_file_path);
bubble.Icon = SparkleUIHelpers.GetIcon ("avatar-default", 36);
//if (avatar_file_path != null)
// bubble.Icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf (avatar_file_path);
// bubble.Icon = SparkleUIHelpers.GetIcon ("avatar-default", 36);
bubble.Show ();
//bubble.Show ();
@ -99,7 +94,7 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
string title = _("Ouch! Mid-air collision!");
string subtext = _("Don't worry, SparkleShare made a copy of each conflicting file.");
new SparkleBubble (title, subtext).Show ();
// TODO new SparkleBubble (title, subtext).Show ();

View file

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ SUBDIRS = \
dist_pixmaps_DATA = \
sparkleshare-gnome.svg \
sparkleshare-mist.svg \
side-splash.png \
pixmapsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/pixmaps/