mac: cache HTML for log

This commit is contained in:
Hylke Bons 2012-07-19 21:35:55 +02:00
parent bcd02655f0
commit 22714823fd

View file

@ -83,28 +83,16 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
// There aren't any bindings in MonoMac to support this yet, so
// we call out to an applescript to do the job
Process process = new Process ();
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.FileName = "osascript";
process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
string app_path = Path.GetDirectoryName (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath);
app_path = Path.GetDirectoryName (app_path);
process.StartInfo.FileName = "osascript";
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "-e 'tell application \"System Events\" to " +
"make login item at end with properties {path:\"" + app_path + "\", hidden:false}'";
"make login item at end with properties {path:\"" + NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath + "\", hidden:false}'";
process.Exited += delegate {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Controller", "Added " + app_path + " to login items");
process.Start ();
process.WaitForExit ();
try {
process.Start ();
} catch (Exception e) {
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Controller", "Failed adding " + app_path + " to login items: " + e.Message);
SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Controller", "Added " + NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath + " to login items");
@ -194,41 +182,48 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
private string event_log_html;
public override string EventLogHTML
get {
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) {
string html_path = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "HTML", "event-log.html");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.event_log_html)) {
string html_file_path = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "HTML", "event-log.html");
string jquery_file_path = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "HTML", "jquery.js");
string html = File.ReadAllText (html_path);
string html = File.ReadAllText (html_file_path);
string jquery = File.ReadAllText (jquery_file_path);
return html.Replace ("<!-- $jquery -->", jquery);
this.event_log_html = html.Replace ("<!-- $jquery -->", jquery);
return this.event_log_html;
private string day_entry_html;
public override string DayEntryHTML
get {
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ())
string html_path = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "HTML", "day-entry.html");
return File.ReadAllText (html_path);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.day_entry_html)) {
string html_file_path = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "HTML", "day-entry.html");
this.day_entry_html = File.ReadAllText (html_file_path);
return this.day_entry_html;
public override string EventEntryHTML
get {
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) {
string html_path = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "HTML", "event-entry.html");
return File.ReadAllText (html_path);
private string event_entry_html;
public override string EventEntryHTML
get {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.event_entry_html)) {
string html_file_path = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "HTML", "event-entry.html");
this.event_entry_html = File.ReadAllText (html_file_path);
return this.event_entry_html;