mac: Fix memory warnings in event log

This commit is contained in:
Hylke Bons 2012-03-01 20:10:39 +00:00
parent 6a00d8f2c1
commit 0a8b31771c

View file

@ -31,15 +31,8 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
public SparkleEventLogController Controller = new SparkleEventLogController ();
private WebView web_view = new WebView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 480, 579), "", "") {
PolicyDelegate = new SparkleWebPolicyDelegate ()
private NSBox separator = new NSBox (new RectangleF (0, 579, 480, 1)) {
BorderColor = NSColor.LightGray,
BoxType = NSBoxType.NSBoxCustom
private WebView web_view;
private NSBox separator;
private NSPopUpButton popup_button;
private NSProgressIndicator progress_indicator;
private NSTextField size_label;
@ -49,188 +42,225 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
private NSButton hidden_close_button;
public SparkleEventLog (IntPtr handle) : base (handle) { }
public SparkleEventLog (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)
// TODO: Window needs to be made resizable
public SparkleEventLog () : base ()
Title = "Recent Changes";
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ())
Title = "Recent Changes";
Delegate = new SparkleEventsDelegate ();
// TODO: Window needs to be made resizable
Delegate = new SparkleEventsDelegate ();
SetFrame (new RectangleF (0, 0, 480, 640), true);
Center ();
SetFrame (new RectangleF (0, 0, 480, 640), true);
Center ();
StyleMask = (NSWindowStyle.Closable |
NSWindowStyle.Miniaturizable |
StyleMask = (NSWindowStyle.Closable |
NSWindowStyle.Miniaturizable |
MaxSize = new SizeF (480, 640);
MinSize = new SizeF (480, 640);
HasShadow = true;
BackingType = NSBackingStore.Buffered;
MaxSize = new SizeF (480, 640);
MinSize = new SizeF (480, 640);
HasShadow = true;
BackingType = NSBackingStore.Buffered;
this.hidden_close_button = new NSButton () {
Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 0, 0),
KeyEquivalentModifierMask = NSEventModifierMask.CommandKeyMask,
KeyEquivalent = "w"
this.hidden_close_button.Activated += delegate {
Controller.WindowClosed ();
ContentView.AddSubview (this.hidden_close_button);
this.size_label = new NSTextField () {
Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right,
BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground,
Bordered = false,
Editable = false,
Frame = new RectangleF (0, 588, 60, 20),
StringValue = "Size:",
Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont
this.size_label_value = new NSTextField () {
Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left,
BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground,
Bordered = false,
Editable = false,
Frame = new RectangleF (60, 588, 75, 20),
StringValue = "…",
Font = SparkleUI.Font
this.history_label = new NSTextField () {
Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right,
BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground,
Bordered = false,
Editable = false,
Frame = new RectangleF (130, 588, 60, 20),
StringValue = "History:",
Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont
this.history_label_value = new NSTextField () {
Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left,
BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground,
Bordered = false,
Editable = false,
Frame = new RectangleF (190, 588, 75, 20),
StringValue = "…",
Font = SparkleUI.Font
ContentView.AddSubview (this.size_label);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.size_label_value);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.history_label);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.history_label_value);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.separator);
this.progress_indicator = new NSProgressIndicator () {
Style = NSProgressIndicatorStyle.Spinning,
Frame = new RectangleF (this.web_view.Frame.Width / 2 - 10,
this.web_view.Frame.Height / 2 + 10, 20, 20)
this.progress_indicator.StartAnimation (this);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.progress_indicator);
(this.web_view.PolicyDelegate as SparkleWebPolicyDelegate)
.LinkClicked += delegate (string href) {
Controller.LinkClicked (href);
this.web_view = new WebView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 480, 579), "", "") {
PolicyDelegate = new SparkleWebPolicyDelegate ()
this.hidden_close_button = new NSButton () {
Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 0, 0),
KeyEquivalentModifierMask = NSEventModifierMask.CommandKeyMask,
KeyEquivalent = "w"
this.hidden_close_button.Activated += delegate {
Controller.WindowClosed ();
this.size_label = new NSTextField () {
Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right,
BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground,
Bordered = false,
Editable = false,
Frame = new RectangleF (0, 588, 60, 20),
StringValue = "Size:",
Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont
this.size_label_value = new NSTextField () {
Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left,
BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground,
Bordered = false,
Editable = false,
Frame = new RectangleF (60, 588, 75, 20),
StringValue = "…",
Font = SparkleUI.Font
this.history_label = new NSTextField () {
Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right,
BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground,
Bordered = false,
Editable = false,
Frame = new RectangleF (130, 588, 60, 20),
StringValue = "History:",
Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont
this.history_label_value = new NSTextField () {
Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left,
BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground,
Bordered = false,
Editable = false,
Frame = new RectangleF (190, 588, 75, 20),
StringValue = "…",
Font = SparkleUI.Font
this.separator = new NSBox (new RectangleF (0, 579, 480, 1)) {
BorderColor = NSColor.LightGray,
BoxType = NSBoxType.NSBoxCustom
this.progress_indicator = new NSProgressIndicator () {
Style = NSProgressIndicatorStyle.Spinning,
Frame = new RectangleF (this.web_view.Frame.Width / 2 - 10,
this.web_view.Frame.Height / 2 + 10, 20, 20)
this.progress_indicator.StartAnimation (this);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.size_label);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.size_label_value);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.history_label);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.history_label_value);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.separator);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.progress_indicator);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.hidden_close_button);
(this.web_view.PolicyDelegate as
SparkleWebPolicyDelegate).LinkClicked += delegate (string href) {
Controller.LinkClicked (href);
// Hook up the controller events
Controller.HideWindowEvent += delegate {
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
PerformClose (this);
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ())
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
PerformClose (this);
Controller.ShowWindowEvent += delegate {
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
OrderFrontRegardless ();
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ())
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
OrderFrontRegardless ();
UpdateContent (null);
UpdateChooser (null);
UpdateContent (null);
UpdateChooser (null);
Controller.UpdateChooserEvent += delegate (string [] folders) {
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
UpdateChooser (folders);
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ())
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
UpdateChooser (folders);
Controller.UpdateContentEvent += delegate (string html) {
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
UpdateContent (html);
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ())
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
UpdateContent (html);
Controller.ContentLoadingEvent += delegate {
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
if (this.web_view.Superview == ContentView)
this.web_view.RemoveFromSuperview ();
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ())
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
if (this.web_view.Superview == ContentView)
this.web_view.RemoveFromSuperview ();
ContentView.AddSubview (this.progress_indicator);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.progress_indicator);
Controller.UpdateSizeInfoEvent += delegate (string size, string history_size) {
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
this.size_label_value.StringValue = size;
this.history_label_value.StringValue = history_size;
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ())
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
this.size_label_value.StringValue = size;
this.history_label_value.StringValue = history_size;
public void UpdateChooser (string [] folders)
if (folders == null)
folders = Controller.Folders;
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ())
if (folders == null)
folders = Controller.Folders;
if (this.popup_button != null)
this.popup_button.RemoveFromSuperview ();
this.popup_button = new NSPopUpButton () {
Frame = new RectangleF (480 - 156 - 8, 640 - 31 - 24, 156, 26),
PullsDown = false
this.popup_button.Cell.ControlSize = NSControlSize.Small;
this.popup_button.Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily
("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, NSFont.SmallSystemFontSize);
this.popup_button.AddItem ("All Projects");
this.popup_button.Menu.AddItem (NSMenuItem.SeparatorItem);
this.popup_button.AddItems (folders);
this.popup_button.Activated += delegate {
if (this.popup_button.IndexOfSelectedItem == 0)
Controller.SelectedFolder = null;
Controller.SelectedFolder = this.popup_button.SelectedItem.Title;
if (this.popup_button != null)
this.popup_button.RemoveFromSuperview ();
this.popup_button = new NSPopUpButton () {
Frame = new RectangleF (480 - 156 - 8, 640 - 31 - 24, 156, 26),
PullsDown = false
this.popup_button.Cell.ControlSize = NSControlSize.Small;
this.popup_button.Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily
("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, NSFont.SmallSystemFontSize);
this.popup_button.AddItem ("All Projects");
this.popup_button.Menu.AddItem (NSMenuItem.SeparatorItem);
this.popup_button.AddItems (folders);
this.popup_button.Activated += delegate {
if (this.popup_button.IndexOfSelectedItem == 0)
Controller.SelectedFolder = null;
Controller.SelectedFolder = this.popup_button.SelectedItem.Title;
ContentView.AddSubview (this.popup_button);
ContentView.AddSubview (this.popup_button);
public void UpdateContent (string html)
using (NSAutoreleasePool pool = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) {
Thread thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (delegate {
Thread thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (delegate {
using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ())
if (html == null)
html = Controller.HTML;
@ -245,35 +275,34 @@ namespace SparkleShare {
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $pixmaps-path -->",
"file://" + Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath,
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $document-added-background-image -->",
"file://" + Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath,
"Pixmaps", "document-added-12.png"));
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $document-deleted-background-image -->",
"file://" + Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath,
"Pixmaps", "document-deleted-12.png"));
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $document-edited-background-image -->",
"file://" + Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath,
"Pixmaps", "document-edited-12.png"));
html = html.Replace ("<!-- $document-moved-background-image -->",
"file://" + Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath,
"Pixmaps", "document-moved-12.png"));
InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
if (this.progress_indicator.Superview == ContentView)
this.progress_indicator.RemoveFromSuperview ();
this.web_view.MainFrame.LoadHtmlString (html, new NSUrl (""));
ContentView.AddSubview (this.web_view);
thread.Start ();
thread.Start ();