
424 lines
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// SparkleShare, a collaboration and sharing tool.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hylke Bons <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
2013-10-11 15:13:46 +00:00
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2013-10-11 15:13:46 +00:00
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using SparkleLib;
namespace SparkleLib.Git {
public class SparkleFetcher : SparkleFetcherSSH {
private SparkleGit git;
private string cached_salt;
private Regex progress_regex = new Regex (@"([0-9]+)%", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private Regex speed_regex = new Regex (@"([0-9\.]+) ([KM])iB/s", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private bool crypto_password_is_hashed = true;
private string crypto_salt {
get {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.cached_salt))
return this.cached_salt;
// Check if the repo's salt is stored in a branch...
SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (TargetFolder, "ls-remote --heads");
string branches = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
Regex salt_regex = new Regex ("refs/heads/salt-([0-9a-f]+)");
Match salt_match = salt_regex.Match (branches);
2012-10-20 22:22:41 +00:00
2012-11-28 20:17:39 +00:00
if (salt_match.Success)
this.cached_salt = salt_match.Groups [1].Value;
// ...if not, create a new salt for the repo
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.cached_salt)) {
this.cached_salt = GenerateCryptoSalt ();
string salt_file_path = new string [] { TargetFolder, ".git", "salt" }.Combine ();
2012-10-20 22:22:41 +00:00
// Temporarily store the salt in a file, so the Repo object can
// push it to a branch on the host later
File.WriteAllText (salt_file_path, this.cached_salt);
return this.cached_salt;
public SparkleFetcher (SparkleFetcherInfo info) : base (info)
2011-05-31 01:26:57 +00:00
if (RemoteUrl.ToString ().StartsWith ("ssh+"))
RemoteUrl = new Uri ("ssh" + RemoteUrl.ToString ().Substring (RemoteUrl.ToString ().IndexOf ("://")));
Uri uri = RemoteUrl;
2011-05-31 01:26:57 +00:00
2012-07-22 20:54:59 +00:00
if (!uri.Scheme.Equals ("ssh") && !uri.Scheme.Equals ("https") &&
!uri.Scheme.Equals ("http") && !uri.Scheme.Equals ("git")) {
2012-04-11 21:10:02 +00:00
uri = new Uri ("ssh://" + uri);
2011-05-31 01:26:57 +00:00
if (uri.Host.Equals ("") && !uri.Scheme.StartsWith ("http")) {
if (!uri.AbsolutePath.Equals ("/") &&
!uri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith (".git")) {
uri = new Uri ("ssh://" + uri.AbsolutePath + ".git");
} else {
uri = new Uri ("ssh://" + uri.AbsolutePath);
2011-05-31 01:26:57 +00:00
} else if (uri.Host.Equals ("") && !uri.Scheme.StartsWith ("http")) {
uri = new Uri ("ssh://" + uri.AbsolutePath);
} else if (uri.Host.Equals ("") && !uri.Scheme.StartsWith ("http")) {
// Nothing really
} else {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (uri.UserInfo) && !uri.Scheme.StartsWith ("http")) {
if (uri.Port == -1)
uri = new Uri (uri.Scheme + "://storage@" + uri.Host + uri.AbsolutePath);
uri = new Uri (uri.Scheme + "://storage@" + uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port + uri.AbsolutePath);
2011-05-31 01:26:57 +00:00
RemoteUrl = uri;
2011-05-31 01:26:57 +00:00
public override bool Fetch ()
if (!base.Fetch ())
return false;
if (FetchPriorHistory) {
this.git = new SparkleGit (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.TmpPath,
2012-07-22 20:54:59 +00:00
"clone --progress --no-checkout \"" + RemoteUrl + "\" \"" + TargetFolder + "\"");
} else {
this.git = new SparkleGit (SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.TmpPath,
2012-07-22 20:54:59 +00:00
"clone --progress --no-checkout --depth=1 \"" + RemoteUrl + "\" \"" + TargetFolder + "\"");
2011-08-27 15:53:17 +00:00
this.git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
this.git.Start ();
2011-08-27 15:53:17 +00:00
double percentage = 1.0;
DateTime last_change = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan change_interval = new TimeSpan (0, 0, 0, 1);
try {
while (!this.git.StandardError.EndOfStream) {
string line = this.git.StandardError.ReadLine ();
Match match = this.progress_regex.Match (line);
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
double number = 0.0;
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
double speed = 0.0;
if (match.Success) {
try {
number = double.Parse (match.Groups [1].Value, new CultureInfo ("en-US"));
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
} catch (FormatException) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", "Error parsing progress: \"" + match.Groups [1] + "\"");
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
// The pushing progress consists of two stages: the "Compressing
// objects" stage which we count as 20% of the total progress, and
// the "Writing objects" stage which we count as the last 80%
if (line.Contains ("Compressing")) {
// "Compressing objects" stage
number = (number / 100 * 20);
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
} else {
// "Writing objects" stage
number = (number / 100 * 80 + 20);
Match speed_match = this.speed_regex.Match (line);
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
if (speed_match.Success) {
try {
speed = double.Parse (speed_match.Groups [1].Value, new CultureInfo ("en-US")) * 1024;
} catch (FormatException) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", "Error parsing speed: \"" + speed_match.Groups [1] + "\"");
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
if (speed_match.Groups [2].Value.Equals ("M"))
speed = speed * 1024;
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
} else {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Fetcher", line);
line = line.Trim (new char [] {' ', '@'});
if (line.StartsWith ("fatal:", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
line.StartsWith ("error:", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
base.errors.Add (line);
base.errors.Add ("warning: Remote host identification has changed!");
} else if (line.StartsWith ("WARNING: POSSIBLE DNS SPOOFING DETECTED!")) {
base.errors.Add ("warning: Possible DNS spoofing detected!");
if (number >= percentage) {
percentage = number;
if (DateTime.Compare (last_change, DateTime.Now.Subtract (change_interval)) < 0) {
base.OnProgressChanged (percentage, speed);
last_change = DateTime.Now;
2011-08-27 15:53:17 +00:00
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
2013-06-26 09:11:03 +00:00
} catch (Exception) {
IsActive = false;
return false;
this.git.WaitForExit ();
2012-06-17 20:56:27 +00:00
if (this.git.ExitCode == 0) {
while (percentage < 100) {
percentage += 25;
2012-06-17 20:56:27 +00:00
if (percentage >= 100)
Thread.Sleep (500);
base.OnProgressChanged (percentage, 0);
2012-06-17 20:56:27 +00:00
base.OnProgressChanged (100, 0);
InstallConfiguration ();
InstallExcludeRules ();
2012-06-29 13:00:25 +00:00
InstallAttributeRules ();
2012-06-17 20:56:27 +00:00
return true;
} else {
return false;
public override bool IsFetchedRepoEmpty {
get {
SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (TargetFolder, "rev-parse HEAD");
2012-11-22 09:45:52 +00:00
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
return (git.ExitCode != 0);
public override void EnableFetchedRepoCrypto (string password)
2012-02-09 01:46:25 +00:00
2015-01-02 18:25:27 +00:00
// Set up the encryption filter
SparkleGit git_config_smudge = new SparkleGit (TargetFolder,
"config filter.encryption.smudge \"openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -base64 -S " + this.crypto_salt +
" -pass file:.git/info/encryption_password\"");
2015-01-02 18:25:27 +00:00
SparkleGit git_config_clean = new SparkleGit (TargetFolder,
"config filter.encryption.clean \"openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -base64 -S " + this.crypto_salt +
" -pass file:.git/info/encryption_password\"");
2015-01-02 18:25:27 +00:00
git_config_smudge.StartAndWaitForExit ();
git_config_clean.StartAndWaitForExit ();
2012-10-20 22:22:41 +00:00
2015-01-02 18:25:27 +00:00
// Pass all files through the encryption filter
2012-07-28 13:58:09 +00:00
string git_attributes_file_path = new string [] { TargetFolder, ".git", "info", "attributes" }.Combine ();
2015-01-02 18:25:27 +00:00
File.WriteAllText (git_attributes_file_path, "\n* filter=encryption");
// Store the password
2015-01-02 18:25:27 +00:00
string password_file_path = new string [] { TargetFolder, ".git", "info", "encryption_password" }.Combine ();
if (this.crypto_password_is_hashed)
File.WriteAllText (password_file_path, password.SHA256 (this.crypto_salt));
File.WriteAllText (password_file_path, password);
public override bool IsFetchedRepoPasswordCorrect (string password)
string password_check_file_path = Path.Combine (TargetFolder, ".sparkleshare");
if (!File.Exists (password_check_file_path)) {
SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (TargetFolder, "show HEAD:.sparkleshare");
2012-11-22 09:45:52 +00:00
string output = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
2012-11-22 09:45:52 +00:00
if (git.ExitCode == 0)
File.WriteAllText (password_check_file_path, output);
2012-11-22 09:45:52 +00:00
return false;
Process process = new Process ();
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
process.StartInfo.FileName = "openssl";
process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = TargetFolder;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
string [] possible_passwords = new string [] {
password.SHA256 (this.crypto_salt),
int i = 0;
foreach (string possible_password in possible_passwords) {
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "enc -d -aes-256-cbc -base64 -pass pass:\"" + possible_password + "\"" +
" -in \"" + password_check_file_path + "\"";
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Cmd | " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName (process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory),
System.IO.Path.GetFileName (process.StartInfo.FileName) + " " + process.StartInfo.Arguments);
process.Start ();
process.WaitForExit ();
if (process.ExitCode == 0) {
if (i > 0)
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
this.crypto_password_is_hashed = false;
File.Delete (password_check_file_path);
return true;
return false;
2012-02-09 01:46:25 +00:00
public override void Stop ()
2012-04-11 10:51:53 +00:00
try {
if (this.git != null && !this.git.HasExited) {
this.git.Kill ();
this.git.Dispose ();
2012-04-11 10:51:53 +00:00
} catch (Exception e) {
2012-11-22 12:31:48 +00:00
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Fetcher", "Failed to dispose properly", e);
if (Directory.Exists (TargetFolder)) {
try {
Directory.Delete (TargetFolder, true /* Recursive */ );
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Fetcher", "Deleted '" + TargetFolder + "'");
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
} catch (Exception e) {
SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Fetcher", "Failed to delete '" + TargetFolder + "'", e);
public override void Complete ()
if (!IsFetchedRepoEmpty) {
SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (TargetFolder, "checkout --quiet HEAD");
2012-07-26 10:12:14 +00:00
git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
base.Complete ();
private void InstallConfiguration ()
string [] settings = new string [] {
"core.autocrlf input",
"core.quotepath false", // Don't quote "unusual" characters in path names
"core.ignorecase false", // Be case sensitive explicitly to work on Mac
"core.filemode false", // Ignore permission changes
2012-11-08 16:02:55 +00:00
"core.precomposeunicode true", // Use the same Unicode form on all filesystems
"core.safecrlf false",
"core.excludesfile \"\"",
"core.packedGitLimit 128m", // Some memory limiting options
"core.packedGitWindowSize 128m",
"pack.deltaCacheSize 128m",
"pack.packSizeLimit 128m",
"pack.windowMemory 128m",
"push.default matching"
if (SparkleBackend.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
settings [0] = "core.autocrlf true";
foreach (string setting in settings) {
SparkleGit git_config = new SparkleGit (TargetFolder, "config " + setting);
2012-07-26 10:12:14 +00:00
git_config.StartAndWaitForExit ();
// Add a .gitignore file to the repo
private void InstallExcludeRules ()
string git_info_path = new string [] { TargetFolder, ".git", "info" }.Combine ();
if (!Directory.Exists (git_info_path))
Directory.CreateDirectory (git_info_path);
2012-07-22 20:54:59 +00:00
string exclude_rules = string.Join (Environment.NewLine, ExcludeRules);
string exclude_rules_file_path = new string [] { git_info_path, "exclude" }.Combine ();
2012-07-22 20:54:59 +00:00
File.WriteAllText (exclude_rules_file_path, exclude_rules);
2012-06-29 13:00:25 +00:00
2012-06-29 13:00:25 +00:00
private void InstallAttributeRules ()
2012-07-28 13:58:09 +00:00
string attribute_rules_file_path = new string [] { TargetFolder, ".git", "info", "attributes" }.Combine ();
2012-07-22 20:54:59 +00:00
TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter (attribute_rules_file_path);
2016-03-26 10:40:52 +00:00
// Compile a list of files we don't want Git to compress.
// Not compressing already compressed files decreases memory usage and increases speed
string [] extensions = new string [] {
"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "tiff", "gif", // Images
"flac", "mp3", "ogg", "oga", // Audio
"avi", "mov", "mpg", "mpeg", "mkv", "ogv", "ogx", "webm", // Video
"zip", "gz", "bz", "bz2", "rpm", "deb", "tgz", "rar", "ace", "7z", "pak", "tc", "iso", ".dmg" // Archives
2015-01-13 22:20:50 +00:00
2016-03-26 10:40:52 +00:00
foreach (string extension in extensions) {
writer.WriteLine ("*." + extension + " -delta");
writer.WriteLine ("*." + extension.ToUpper () + " -delta");
2016-03-26 10:40:52 +00:00
writer.WriteLine ("*.txt text");
writer.WriteLine ("*.TXT text");
writer.Close ();