#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Update by Deniz version 3.x from subprocess import call, check_call, CalledProcessError from os.path import isfile, basename from os import devnull from sys import exit, stdout, stderr from atexit import register from argparse import ArgumentParser from json import load from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import URLError from time import sleep import subprocess import requests class TorIptables(object): def __init__(self): self.local_dnsport = "53" # DNSPort self.virtual_net = "" # VirtualAddrNetwork self.local_loopback = "" # Local loopback self.non_tor_net = ["", ""] self.non_tor = ["", "", ""] self.tor_uid = subprocess.getoutput("id -ur debian-tor") # Tor user uid self.trans_port = "9040" # Tor port self.tor_config_file = '/etc/tor/torrc' self.torrc = r''' ## Inserted by %s for tor iptables rules set ## Transparently route all traffic thru tor on port %s VirtualAddrNetwork %s AutomapHostsOnResolve 1 TransPort %s DNSPort %s ''' % (basename(__file__), self.trans_port, self.virtual_net, self.trans_port, self.local_dnsport) self.log_file = "privacynet.log" # Günlük dosyasının adı self.log = open(self.log_file, "a") # Günlük dosyasını oluşturmak ve açmak def __del__(self): if self.log: self.log.close() # Program sonlandığında günlük dosyasını kapat def write_log(self, message): if self.log: self.log.write(message + "\n") # Günlük dosyasına yaz def flush_iptables_rules(self): call(["iptables", "-F"]) call(["iptables", "-t", "nat", "-F"]) self.write_log("[+] Flushed iptables rules") # Günlük def load_iptables_rules(self): self.flush_iptables_rules() self.non_tor.extend(self.non_tor_net) @register def restart_tor(): fnull = open(devnull, 'w') try: tor_restart = check_call( ["service", "tor", "restart"], stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull) if tor_restart == 0: print(" {0}".format( "[+] Anonymizer status [ON]")) self.get_ip() except CalledProcessError as err: print("[!] Command failed: %s" % ' '.join(err.cmd)) # See https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TransparentProxy#WARNING # See https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2014-March/032503.html call(["iptables", "-I", "OUTPUT", "!", "-o", "lo", "!", "-d", self.local_loopback, "!", "-s", self.local_loopback, "-p", "tcp", "-m", "tcp", "--tcp-flags", "ACK,FIN", "ACK,FIN", "-j", "DROP"]) call(["iptables", "-I", "OUTPUT", "!", "-o", "lo", "!", "-d", self.local_loopback, "!", "-s", self.local_loopback, "-p", "tcp", "-m", "tcp", "--tcp-flags", "ACK,RST", "ACK,RST", "-j", "DROP"]) call(["iptables", "-t", "nat", "-A", "OUTPUT", "-m", "owner", "--uid-owner", "%s" % self.tor_uid, "-j", "RETURN"]) call(["iptables", "-t", "nat", "-A", "OUTPUT", "-p", "udp", "--dport", self.local_dnsport, "-j", "REDIRECT", "--to-ports", self.local_dnsport]) for net in self.non_tor: call(["iptables", "-t", "nat", "-A", "OUTPUT", "-d", "%s" % net, "-j", "RETURN"]) call(["iptables", "-t", "nat", "-A", "OUTPUT", "-p", "tcp", "--syn", "-j", "REDIRECT", "--to-ports", "%s" % self.trans_port]) call(["iptables", "-A", "OUTPUT", "-m", "state", "--state", "ESTABLISHED,RELATED", "-j", "ACCEPT"]) for net in self.non_tor: call(["iptables", "-A", "OUTPUT", "-d", "%s" % net, "-j", "ACCEPT"]) call(["iptables", "-A", "OUTPUT", "-m", "owner", "--uid-owner", "%s" % self.tor_uid, "-j", "ACCEPT"]) call(["iptables", "-A", "OUTPUT", "-j", "REJECT"]) self.write_log("[+] Loaded iptables rules") # Günlük def geolocate_ip(self, ip): try: response = requests.get(f"http://ip-api.com/json/{ip}") data = response.json() country = data["country"] city = data["city"] return country, city except Exception as e: print(f"Error geolocating IP: {e}") return None, None def get_ip(self): print(" [\033[92m*\033[0m] \033[93mGetting public IP, please wait...\033[0m") retries = 0 my_public_ip = None while retries < 12 and not my_public_ip: retries += 1 try: my_public_ip = load(urlopen('https://check.torproject.org/api/ip'))['IP'] except URLError: sleep(5) print(" [\033[93m?\033[0m] Still waiting for IP address...") except ValueError: break if not my_public_ip: my_public_ip = subprocess.getoutput('wget -qO - ifconfig.me') if not my_public_ip: exit(" \033[91m[!]\033[0m Can't get public ip address!") country, city = self.geolocate_ip(my_public_ip) if country and city: print(" {0}".format("[\033[92m+\033[0m] Your IP is \033[92m%s\033[0m" % my_public_ip)) print(" {0}".format("[\033[92m+\033[0m] Country: \033[92m%s\033[0m" % country)) print(" {0}".format("[\033[92m+\033[0m] City: \033[92m%s\033[0m" % city)) self.write_log(f"[+] Your IP is {my_public_ip}\n[+] Country: {country}\n[+] City: {city}") # Günlük else: print(" {0}".format("[\033[92m+\033[0m] Your IP is \033[92m%s\033[0m" % my_public_ip)) print(" {0}".format("[\033[93m!\033[0m] Error geolocating IP")) self.write_log(f"[+] Your IP is {my_public_ip}\n[!] Error geolocating IP") # Günlük def change_ip(self): call(['kill', '-HUP', '%s' % subprocess.getoutput('pidof tor')]) self.get_ip() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser( description= 'PrivacyNet is an anonymization tool for loading and unloading iptables rules') parser.add_argument('-l', '--load', action='store_true', help='This option will load tor iptables rules') parser.add_argument('-f', '--flush', action='store_true', help='This option flushes the iptables rules to default') parser.add_argument('-r', '--refresh', action='store_true', help='This option will change the circuit and gives new IP') parser.add_argument('-i', '--ip', action='store_true', help='This option will output the current public IP address') parser.add_argument('-a', '--auto', action='store_true', help='This option enables automatic IP change every X seconds') parser.add_argument('-t', '--interval', type=int, default=3600, help='Interval for automatic IP change in seconds (default: 3600)') args = parser.parse_args() try: privacy_net = TorIptables() if isfile(privacy_net.tor_config_file): if not 'VirtualAddrNetwork' in open(privacy_net.tor_config_file).read(): with open(privacy_net.tor_config_file, 'a+') as torrconf: torrconf.write(privacy_net.torrc) if args.load: privacy_net.load_iptables_rules() elif args.flush: privacy_net.flush_iptables_rules() print(" {0}".format("[\033[93m!\033[0m] Anonymizer status \033[91m[OFF]\033[0m")) privacy_net.write_log("[!] Anonymizer status [OFF]") # Günlük elif args.ip: privacy_net.get_ip() elif args.refresh: privacy_net.change_ip() elif args.auto: interval = args.interval try: while True: privacy_net.change_ip() print(" {0}".format("[\033[92m*\033[0m] IP changed successfully\n")) sleep(interval) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n[\033[91m!\033[0m] Program terminated by user") else: parser.print_help() except Exception as err: print(f"[!] Run as super user: {err[1]}") privacy_net.write_log(f"[!] Run as super user: {err[1]}") # Günlük