import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm'; import * as bcrypt from 'bcrypt'; import { SysPreference } from 'picsur-shared/dist/dto/sys-preferences.enum'; import { AsyncFailable, Fail, FT, HasFailed, HasSuccess, } from 'picsur-shared/dist/types/failable'; import { FindResult } from 'picsur-shared/dist/types/find-result'; import { makeUnique } from 'picsur-shared/dist/util/unique'; import { Repository } from 'typeorm'; import { EUserBackend } from '../../database/entities/users/user.entity'; import { Permissions } from '../../models/constants/permissions.const'; import { DefaultRolesList, SoulBoundRolesList, } from '../../models/constants/roles.const'; import { ImmutableUsersList, LockedLoginUsersList, UndeletableUsersList, } from '../../models/constants/special-users.const'; import { GetCols } from '../../util/collection'; import { SysPreferenceDbService } from '../preference-db/sys-preference-db.service'; import { RoleDbService } from '../role-db/role-db.service'; @Injectable() export class UserDbService { private readonly logger = new Logger(; constructor( @InjectRepository(EUserBackend) private readonly usersRepository: Repository, private readonly rolesService: RoleDbService, private readonly prefService: SysPreferenceDbService, ) {} // Creation and deletion public async create( username: string, password: string, roles?: string[], // Add option to create "invalid" users, should only be used by system byPassRoleCheck?: boolean, ): AsyncFailable { if (await this.exists(username)) return Fail(FT.Conflict, 'User already exists'); const strength = await this.getBCryptStrength(); const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, strength); const user = new EUserBackend(); user.username = username; user.hashed_password = hashedPassword; if (byPassRoleCheck) { const rolesToAdd = roles ?? []; user.roles = makeUnique(rolesToAdd); } else { // Strip soulbound roles and add default roles const rolesToAdd = this.filterAddedRoles(roles ?? []); user.roles = makeUnique([...DefaultRolesList, ...rolesToAdd]); } try { return await; } catch (e) { return Fail(FT.Database, e); } } public async delete(uuid: string): AsyncFailable { const userToDelete = await this.findOne(uuid); if (HasFailed(userToDelete)) return userToDelete; if (UndeletableUsersList.includes(userToDelete.username)) { return Fail(FT.Permission, 'Cannot delete system user'); } try { return await this.usersRepository.remove(userToDelete); } catch (e) { return Fail(FT.Database, e); } } // Updating public async setRoles( uuid: string, roles: string[], ): AsyncFailable { const userToModify = await this.findOne(uuid); if (HasFailed(userToModify)) return userToModify; if (ImmutableUsersList.includes(userToModify.username)) { // Just fail silently this.logger.verbose('User tried to modify system user, failed silently'); return userToModify; } const rolesToKeep = userToModify.roles.filter((role) => SoulBoundRolesList.includes(role), ); const rolesToAdd = this.filterAddedRoles(roles); const newRoles = makeUnique([...rolesToKeep, ...rolesToAdd]); userToModify.roles = newRoles; try { return await; } catch (e) { return Fail(FT.Database, e); } } public async removeRoleEveryone(role: string): AsyncFailable { try { await this.usersRepository .createQueryBuilder('user') .update() .set({ roles: () => 'ARRAY_REMOVE(roles, :role)', }) .where('roles @> ARRAY[:role]', { role }) .execute(); } catch (e) { return Fail(FT.Database, e); } return true; } public async getPermissions(uuid: string): AsyncFailable { const userToModify = await this.findOne(uuid); if (HasFailed(userToModify)) return userToModify; return await this.rolesService.getPermissions(userToModify.roles); } public async updatePassword( uuid: string, password: string, ): AsyncFailable { let userToModify = await this.findOne(uuid); if (HasFailed(userToModify)) return userToModify; const strength = await this.getBCryptStrength(); userToModify.hashed_password = await bcrypt.hash(password, strength); try { userToModify = await; } catch (e) { return Fail(FT.Database, e); } return userToModify; } // Authentication async authenticate( username: string, password: string, ): AsyncFailable { const user = await this.findByUsername(username, true); if (HasFailed(user)) { if (user.getType() === FT.NotFound) return Fail( FT.Authentication, 'Wrong username or password', user.getDebugMessage(), ); else return user; } if (LockedLoginUsersList.includes(user.username)) { // Error should be kept in backend return Fail(FT.Authentication, 'Wrong username or password'); } if (!(await, user.hashed_password ?? ''))) return Fail(FT.Authentication, 'Wrong username or password'); return await this.findOne( ?? ''); } // Listing public async checkUsername(username: string): AsyncFailable<{ available: boolean; }> { try { const found = await this.usersRepository.findOne({ where: { username }, select: ['id'], }); return { available: !found }; } catch (e) { return Fail(FT.Database, e); } } public async findByUsername( username: string, // Also fetch fields that aren't normally sent to the client // (e.g. hashed password) getPrivate = false, ): AsyncFailable { try { const found = await this.usersRepository.findOne({ where: { username }, select: getPrivate ? GetCols(this.usersRepository) : undefined, }); if (!found) return Fail(FT.NotFound, 'User not found'); return found; } catch (e) { return Fail(FT.Database, e); } } public async findOne(uuid: string): AsyncFailable { try { const found = await this.usersRepository.findOne({ where: { id: uuid }, }); if (!found) return Fail(FT.NotFound, 'User not found'); return found as EUserBackend; } catch (e) { return Fail(FT.Database, e); } } public async findMany( count: number, page: number, ): AsyncFailable> { if (count < 1 || page < 0) return Fail(FT.UsrValidation, 'Invalid page'); if (count > 100) return Fail(FT.UsrValidation, 'Too many results'); try { const [users, amount] = await this.usersRepository.findAndCount({ take: count, skip: count * page, order: { username: 'ASC' }, }); if (users === undefined) return Fail(FT.NotFound, 'Users not found'); return { results: users, total: amount, page, pages: Math.ceil(amount / count), }; } catch (e) { return Fail(FT.Database, e); } } public async count(): AsyncFailable { try { return await this.usersRepository.count(); } catch (e) { return Fail(FT.Database, e); } } public async exists(username: string): Promise { return HasSuccess(await this.findByUsername(username)); } // Internal private filterAddedRoles(roles: string[]): string[] { const filteredRoles = roles.filter( (role) => !SoulBoundRolesList.includes(role), ); return filteredRoles; } private async getBCryptStrength(): Promise { const result = await this.prefService.getNumberPreference( SysPreference.BCryptStrength, ); if (HasFailed(result)) { return 12; } return result; } }