# Imagur > Totally not an imgur clone I couldn't really find any open source project that allowed you to easily host images. So I decided to create one. It works like a hybrid between imgur and pastebin. ## Beta Right now this software is still in beta, and many things are still missing, or will be changed in the future. But it does function, so feel free to give it a try. ## Running To start Imagur easily, you can clone the repository and then run `docker-compose up -d`. It will then be running on port `8080`. ## Configuration You can configure a couple different things using environment variables. Here is the current list with their default values: ```txt IMAGUR_HOST: '' IMAGUR_PORT: 8080 IMAGUR_DB_HOST: imagur_postgres IMAGUR_DB_PORT: 5432 IMAGUR_DB_USER: imagur IMAGUR_DB_PASSWORD: imagur IMAGUR_DB_NAME: imagur IMAGUR_ADMIN_USERNAME: imagur IMAGUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD: imagur IMAGUR_JWT_SECRET: CHANGE_ME IMAGUR_JWT_EXPIRY: 1d IMAGUR_MAX_FILE_SIZE: 128000000 IMAGUR_STATIC_FRONTEND_ROOT: "/imagur/frontend/dist" ```