import { Multipart } from '@fastify/multipart'; import { Injectable, Logger, PipeTransform, Scope } from '@nestjs/common'; import { FastifyRequest } from 'fastify'; import { Fail, FT } from 'picsur-shared/dist/types'; import { MultipartConfigService } from '../../config/early/multipart.config.service'; @Injectable({ scope: Scope.REQUEST }) export class PostFilePipe implements PipeTransform { private readonly logger = new Logger(; constructor( private readonly multipartConfigService: MultipartConfigService, ) {} async transform({ req }: { req: FastifyRequest }) { if (!req.isMultipart()) throw Fail(FT.UsrValidation, 'Invalid file'); // Only one file is allowed const file = await req.file({ limits: { ...this.multipartConfigService.getLimits(), files: 1, }, }); if (file === undefined) throw Fail(FT.UsrValidation, 'Invalid file'); // Remove empty fields const allFields: Multipart[] = Object.values(file.fields).filter( (entry) => entry, ) as any; // Remove non-file fields const files = allFields.filter((entry) => entry.file !== undefined); if (files.length !== 1) throw Fail(FT.UsrValidation, 'Invalid file'); // Return a buffer of the file try { return await files[0].toBuffer(); } catch (e) { this.logger.warn(e); throw Fail(FT.Internal, 'Invalid file'); } } }