# Picsur
> Totally not an imgur clone I couldn't really find any open source project that allowed you to easily host images. So I decided to create one. It feels like a hybrid between Imgur and Pastebin. ## Beta Right now this software is still in beta, and many things are still missing, or will be changed in the future. But it does function, so feel free to give it a try. ## Demo You can view a live demo here: The images are deleted every five minutes, and the maximum filesize is 16MB. But it should give you an indication of how it works. ## Features Here is a list of done features, and what is planned. For a more detailed list, you can always visit [the project](https://github.com/rubikscraft/Picsur/projects/1). Every featured marked here should work in the latest release. - [x] Uploading and viewing images - [x] Anonymous uploads - [x] User accounts - [x] User roles and permissions - [x] Proper CORS restrictions - [x] Exif stripping - [x] Ability to keep original - [x] Support for many formats - QOI - JPG - PNG - WEBP (animated supported) - TIFF - BMP - GIF (animated supported) - [x] Convert images - [x] Edit images - Resize - Rotate - Flip - Strip transparency - Negative - Greyscale - [x] Deletable images - [x] Proper DB migrations - [x] Show own images in list - [ ] Correct previews on chats - [ ] Expiring images - [ ] White mode - [ ] ShareX endpoint - [ ] Arm64 image ## Bugs If you encounter any bugs or oddities, please open an issue [here](https://github.com/rubikscraft/Picsur/issues). Cause without feedback I'll never know they exists. ## Star If you like this project, don't forget to give it a star. It tells me that I'm not wasting my time on something that people don't like. ## Running You easily run this service yourself via Docker. Here is an example docker-compose file: ```yaml version: '3' services: picsur: image: ghcr.io/rubikscraft/picsur:latest container_name: picsur ports: - '8080:8080' environment: # PICSUR_HOST: '' # PICSUR_PORT: 8080 PICSUR_DB_HOST: picsur_postgres # PICSUR_DB_PORT: 5432 # PICSUR_DB_USERNAME: picsur # PICSUR_DB_PASSWORD: picsur # PICSUR_DB_DATABASE: picsur # PICSUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD: picsur # PICSUR_JWT_SECRET: CHANGE_ME # PICSUR_JWT_EXPIRY: 1d # PICSUR_MAX_FILE_SIZE: 128000000 # PICSUR_STATIC_FRONTEND_ROOT: "/picsur/frontend/dist" restart: unless-stopped picsur_postgres: image: postgres:14-alpine container_name: picsur_postgres environment: POSTGRES_DB: picsur POSTGRES_PASSWORD: picsur POSTGRES_USER: picsur restart: unless-stopped volumes: - picsur-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data volumes: picsur-data: ``` ## Api Here is a usually up to date documentation of the api: [![Run in Postman](https://run.pstmn.io/button.svg)](https://www.postman.com/rubikscraft-team/workspace/picsur/collection/1841871-78e559b6-4f39-4092-87c3-92fa29547d03)