
447 lines
15 KiB

* Serve features of Pico deprecated since v1.0
* This plugin exists for backward compatibility and is disabled by default.
* It gets automatically enabled when a plugin which doesn't implement
* {@link PicoPluginInterface} is loaded. This plugin triggers deprecated
* events and automatically enables {@link PicoParsePagesContent} and
* {@link PicoExcerpt}. These plugins heavily impact Pico's performance! You
* can disable this plugin by calling {@link PicoDeprecated::setEnabled()}.
* The following deprecated events are triggered by this plugin:
* | Event | ... triggers the deprecated event |
* | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
* | onPluginsLoaded | plugins_loaded() |
* | onConfigLoaded | config_loaded($config) |
* | onRequestUrl | request_url($url) |
* | onContentLoading | before_load_content($file) |
* | onContentLoaded | after_load_content($file, $rawContent) |
* | on404ContentLoading | before_404_load_content($file) |
* | on404ContentLoaded | after_404_load_content($file, $rawContent) |
* | onMetaHeaders | before_read_file_meta($headers) |
* | onMetaParsed | file_meta($meta) |
* | onContentParsing | before_parse_content($rawContent) |
* | onContentParsed | after_parse_content($content) |
* | onContentParsed | content_parsed($content) |
* | onSinglePageLoaded | get_page_data($pages, $meta) |
* | onPagesLoaded | get_pages($pages, $currentPage, $previousPage, $nextPage) |
* | onTwigRegistration | before_twig_register() |
* | onPageRendering | before_render($twigVariables, $twig, $templateName) |
* | onPageRendered | after_render($output) |
* Since Pico 1.0 the config is stored in {@path "config/config.php"}. This
* plugin tries to read {@path "config.php"} in Pico's root dir and overwrites
* all settings previously specified in {@path "config/config.php"}.
* @author Daniel Rudolf
* @link http://picocms.org
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
* @version 1.0
class PicoDeprecated extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* This plugin is disabled by default
* @see AbstractPicoPlugin::$enabled
protected $enabled = false;
* The requested file
* @see PicoDeprecated::getRequestFile()
* @var string|null
protected $requestFile;
* Enables this plugin on demand and triggers the deprecated event
* plugins_loaded()
* @see DummyPlugin::onPluginsLoaded()
public function onPluginsLoaded(array &$plugins)
if (!empty($plugins)) {
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
if (!($plugin instanceof PicoPluginInterface)) {
// the plugin doesn't implement PicoPluginInterface; it uses deprecated events
// enable PicoDeprecated if it hasn't be explicitly enabled/disabled yet
if (!$this->isStatusChanged()) {
$this->setEnabled(true, true, true);
} else {
// no plugins were found, so it actually isn't necessary to call deprecated events
// anyway, this plugin also ensures compatibility apart from events used by old plugins,
// so enable PicoDeprecated if it hasn't be explicitly enabled/disabled yet
if (!$this->isStatusChanged()) {
$this->setEnabled(true, true, true);
if ($this->isEnabled()) {
* Triggers the deprecated event config_loaded($config)
* This method also defines deprecated constants, reads the `config.php`
* in Pico's root dir, enables the plugins {@link PicoParsePagesContent}
* and {@link PicoExcerpt} and makes `$config` globally accessible (the
* latter was removed with Pico 0.9 and was added again as deprecated
* feature with Pico 1.0)
* @see PicoDeprecated::defineConstants()
* @see PicoDeprecated::loadRootDirConfig()
* @see PicoDeprecated::enablePlugins()
* @see DummyPlugin::onConfigLoaded()
* @param array &$config array of config variables
* @return void
public function onConfigLoaded(array &$config)
$GLOBALS['config'] = &$config;
$this->triggerEvent('config_loaded', array(&$config));
* Defines deprecated constants
* are deprecated since v1.0, `CONTENT_DIR` existed just in v0.9,
* `CONFIG_DIR` just for a short time between v0.9 and v1.0 and
* `CACHE_DIR` was dropped with v1.0 without a replacement.
* @see PicoDeprecated::onConfigLoaded()
* @return void
protected function defineConstants()
if (!defined('ROOT_DIR')) {
define('ROOT_DIR', $this->getRootDir());
if (!defined('CONFIG_DIR')) {
define('CONFIG_DIR', $this->getConfigDir());
if (!defined('LIB_DIR')) {
$picoReflector = new ReflectionClass('Pico');
define('LIB_DIR', dirname($picoReflector->getFileName()) . '/');
if (!defined('PLUGINS_DIR')) {
define('PLUGINS_DIR', $this->getPluginsDir());
if (!defined('THEMES_DIR')) {
define('THEMES_DIR', $this->getThemesDir());
if (!defined('CONTENT_DIR')) {
define('CONTENT_DIR', $this->getConfig('content_dir'));
if (!defined('CONTENT_EXT')) {
define('CONTENT_EXT', $this->getConfig('content_ext'));
* Read config.php in Pico's root dir
* @see PicoDeprecated::onConfigLoaded()
* @see Pico::loadConfig()
* @param array &$realConfig array of config variables
* @return void
protected function loadRootDirConfig(array &$realConfig)
if (file_exists($this->getRootDir() . 'config.php')) {
$config = null;
// scope isolated require()
$includeClosure = function ($configFile) use (&$config) {
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400) {
$includeClosure = $includeClosure->bindTo(null);
// config.php in Pico::$rootDir is deprecated
// use config.php in Pico::$configDir instead
$includeClosure($this->getRootDir() . 'config.php');
if (is_array($config)) {
if (isset($config['base_url'])) {
$config['base_url'] = rtrim($config['base_url'], '/') . '/';
if (isset($config['content_dir'])) {
$config['content_dir'] = rtrim($config['content_dir'], '/\\') . '/';
$realConfig = $config + $realConfig;
* Enables the plugins PicoParsePagesContent and PicoExcerpt
* @see PicoParsePagesContent
* @see PicoExcerpt
* @return void
protected function enablePlugins()
// enable PicoParsePagesContent and PicoExcerpt
// we can't enable them during onPluginsLoaded because we can't know
// if the user disabled us (PicoDeprecated) manually in the config
$plugins = $this->getPlugins();
if (isset($plugins['PicoParsePagesContent'])) {
// parse all pages content if this plugin hasn't
// be explicitly enabled/disabled yet
if (!$plugins['PicoParsePagesContent']->isStatusChanged()) {
$plugins['PicoParsePagesContent']->setEnabled(true, true, true);
if (isset($plugins['PicoExcerpt'])) {
// enable excerpt plugin if it hasn't be explicitly enabled/disabled yet
if (!$plugins['PicoExcerpt']->isStatusChanged()) {
$plugins['PicoExcerpt']->setEnabled(true, true, true);
* Triggers the deprecated event request_url($url)
* @see DummyPlugin::onRequestUrl()
public function onRequestUrl(&$url)
$this->triggerEvent('request_url', array(&$url));
* Sets PicoDeprecated::$requestFile to trigger the deprecated
* events after_load_content() and after_404_load_content()
* @see PicoDeprecated::onContentLoaded()
* @see PicoDeprecated::on404ContentLoaded()
* @see DummyPlugin::onRequestFile()
public function onRequestFile(&$file)
$this->requestFile = &$file;
* Triggers the deprecated before_load_content($file)
* @see DummyPlugin::onContentLoading()
public function onContentLoading(&$file)
$this->triggerEvent('before_load_content', array(&$file));
* Triggers the deprecated event after_load_content($file, $rawContent)
* @see DummyPlugin::onContentLoaded()
public function onContentLoaded(&$rawContent)
$this->triggerEvent('after_load_content', array(&$this->requestFile, &$rawContent));
* Triggers the deprecated before_404_load_content($file)
* @see DummyPlugin::on404ContentLoading()
public function on404ContentLoading(&$file)
$this->triggerEvent('before_404_load_content', array(&$file));
* Triggers the deprecated event after_404_load_content($file, $rawContent)
* @see DummyPlugin::on404ContentLoaded()
public function on404ContentLoaded(&$rawContent)
$this->triggerEvent('after_404_load_content', array(&$this->requestFile, &$rawContent));
* Triggers the deprecated event before_read_file_meta($headers)
* @see DummyPlugin::onMetaHeaders()
public function onMetaHeaders(array &$headers)
$this->triggerEvent('before_read_file_meta', array(&$headers));
* Triggers the deprecated event file_meta($meta)
* @see DummyPlugin::onMetaParsed()
public function onMetaParsed(array &$meta)
$this->triggerEvent('file_meta', array(&$meta));
* Triggers the deprecated event before_parse_content($rawContent)
* @see DummyPlugin::onContentParsing()
public function onContentParsing(&$rawContent)
$this->triggerEvent('before_parse_content', array(&$rawContent));
* Triggers the deprecated events after_parse_content($content) and
* content_parsed($content)
* @see DummyPlugin::onContentParsed()
public function onContentParsed(&$content)
$this->triggerEvent('after_parse_content', array(&$content));
// deprecated since v0.8
$this->triggerEvent('content_parsed', array(&$content));
* Triggers the deprecated event get_page_data($pages, $meta)
* @see DummyPlugin::onSinglePageLoaded()
public function onSinglePageLoaded(array &$pageData)
$this->triggerEvent('get_page_data', array(&$pageData, $pageData['meta']));
* Triggers the deprecated event
* get_pages($pages, $currentPage, $previousPage, $nextPage)
* Please note that the `get_pages()` event gets `$pages` passed without a
* array index. The index is rebuild later using either the `id` array key
* or is derived from the `url` array key. Duplicates are prevented by
* adding `~dup` when necessary.
* @see DummyPlugin::onPagesLoaded()
public function onPagesLoaded(
array &$pages,
array &$currentPage = null,
array &$previousPage = null,
array &$nextPage = null
) {
// remove keys of pages array
$plainPages = array();
foreach ($pages as &$pageData) {
$plainPages[] = &$pageData;
$this->triggerEvent('get_pages', array(&$plainPages, &$currentPage, &$previousPage, &$nextPage));
// re-index pages array
$pages = array();
foreach ($plainPages as &$pageData) {
if (!isset($pageData['id'])) {
$urlPrefixLength = strlen($this->getBaseUrl()) + intval(!$this->isUrlRewritingEnabled());
$pageData['id'] = substr($pageData['url'], $urlPrefixLength);
// prevent duplicates
$id = $pageData['id'];
for ($i = 1; isset($pages[$id]); $i++) {
$id = $pageData['id'] . '~dup' . $i;
$pages[$id] = &$pageData;
* Triggers the deprecated event before_twig_register()
* @see DummyPlugin::onTwigRegistration()
public function onTwigRegistration()
* Triggers the deprecated event before_render($twigVariables, $twig, $templateName)
* Please note that the `before_render()` event gets `$templateName` passed
* without its file extension. The file extension is later added again.
* @see DummyPlugin::onPageRendering()
public function onPageRendering(Twig_Environment &$twig, array &$twigVariables, &$templateName)
// template name contains file extension since Pico 1.0
$fileExtension = '';
if (($fileExtensionPos = strrpos($templateName, '.')) !== false) {
$fileExtension = substr($templateName, $fileExtensionPos);
$templateName = substr($templateName, 0, $fileExtensionPos);
$this->triggerEvent('before_render', array(&$twigVariables, &$twig, &$templateName));
// add original file extension
$templateName = $templateName . $fileExtension;
* Triggers the deprecated event after_render($output)
* @see DummyPlugin::onPageRendered()
public function onPageRendered(&$output)
$this->triggerEvent('after_render', array(&$output));
* Triggers a deprecated event on all plugins
* Deprecated events are also triggered on plugins which implement
* {@link PicoPluginInterface}. Please note that the methods are called
* directly and not through {@link PicoPluginInterface::handleEvent()}.
* @param string $eventName event to trigger
* @param array $params parameters to pass
* @return void
protected function triggerEvent($eventName, array $params = array())
foreach ($this->getPlugins() as $plugin) {
if (method_exists($plugin, $eventName)) {
call_user_func_array(array($plugin, $eventName), $params);