Gilbert Pellegrom 45cd4ca5b7 v0.7
* [New] Added before_read_file_meta and get_page_data plugin hooks to
customize page meta data
 * [Changed] Make get_files() ignore dotfiles
 * [Changed] Make get_pages() ignore Emacs and temp files
 * [Changed] Use composer version of Markdown
 * [Changed] Other small tweaks
 * [Fixed] Date warnings and other small bugs
2013-09-04 12:10:26 +01:00

23 lines
893 B

// Override any of the default settings below:
$config['site_title'] = 'Pico'; // Site title
$config['base_url'] = ''; // Override base URL (e.g. http://example.com)
$config['theme'] = 'default'; // Set the theme (defaults to "default")
$config['date_format'] = 'jS M Y'; // Set the PHP date format
$config['twig_config'] = array( // Twig settings
'cache' => false, // To enable Twig caching change this to CACHE_DIR
'autoescape' => false, // Autoescape Twig vars
'debug' => false // Enable Twig debug
$config['pages_order_by'] = 'alpha'; // Order pages by "alpha" or "date"
$config['pages_order'] = 'asc'; // Order pages "asc" or "desc"
$config['excerpt_length'] = 50; // The pages excerpt length (in words)
// To add a custom config setting:
$config['custom_setting'] = 'Hello'; // Can be accessed by {{ config.custom_setting }} in a theme