Daniel Willmann b2df860546 Add option to set a locale
As mentioned in https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.basename.php both
basename() and dirname() are locale aware.
An incorrect locale can cause the page tree to behave in strange ways.

For example the structure


could lead to the page impressum not being a child of über-uns.
2020-06-14 17:34:46 +02:00

61 lines
3.9 KiB

# Basic
site_title: Pico # The title of your website
base_url: ~ # Pico will try to guess its base URL, if this fails, override it here;
# Example: https://example.com/pico/
rewrite_url: ~ # A boolean (true or false) indicating whether URL rewriting is forced
debug: ~ # Set this to true to enable Pico's debug mode
timezone: ~ # Your PHP installation might require you to manually specify a timezone
locale: ~ # Your PHP installation might require you to manually specify a locale to use
# Theme
theme: default # The name of your custom theme
themes_url: ~ # Pico will try to guess the URL to the themes dir of your installation;
# If this fails, override it here. Example: https://example.com/pico/themes/
theme_config: # Additional theme-specific config
widescreen: false # Default theme: Use more horizontal space (i.e. make the site container wider)
twig_config: # Twig template engine config
autoescape: html # Let Twig escape variables by default
strict_variables: false # If set to true, Twig will bail out when unset variables are being used
charset: utf-8 # The charset used by Twig templates
debug: ~ # Enable Twig's debug mode
cache: false # Enable Twig template caching by specifying a path to a writable directory
auto_reload: ~ # Recompile Twig templates whenever the source code changes
# Content
date_format: %D %T # Pico's default date format;
# See https://php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php for more info
pages_order_by_meta: author # Sort pages by meta value "author" (set "pages_order_by" to "meta")
pages_order_by: alpha # Change how Pico sorts pages ("alpha" for alphabetical order, "date", or "meta")
pages_order: asc # Sort pages in ascending ("asc") or descending ("desc") order
content_dir: ~ # The path to Pico's content directory
content_ext: .md # The file extension of your Markdown files
content_config: # Parsedown Markdown parser config
extra: true # Use the Parsedown Extra parser to support extended markup;
# See https://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/ for more info
breaks: false # A boolean indicating whether breaks in the markup should be reflected in the
# parsed contents of the page
escape: false # Escape HTML markup in your content files; don't confuse this with some sort of
# safe mode, enabling this doesn't allow you to process untrusted user input!
auto_urls: true # Automatically link URLs found in your markup
assets_dir: assets/ # The path to Pico's assets directory
assets_url: ~ # Pico will try to guess the URL to the assets dir of your installation;
# If this fails, override it here. Example: https://example.com/pico/assets/
# Plugins
plugins_url: ~ # Pico will try to guess the URL to the plugins dir of your installation;
# If this fails, override it here. Example: https://example.com/pico/plugins/
DummyPlugin.enabled: false # Force the plugin "DummyPlugin" to be disabled
# Custom
my_custom_setting: Hello World! # You can access custom settings in themes using {{ config.my_custom_setting }}