* * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * License-Filename: LICENSE */ /** * Abstract class to extend from when implementing a Pico plugin * * Please refer to {@see PicoPluginInterface} for more information about how * to develop a plugin for Pico. * * @see PicoPluginInterface * * @author Daniel Rudolf * @link http://picocms.org * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License * @version 2.0 */ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface { /** * Current instance of Pico * * @see PicoPluginInterface::getPico() * @var Pico */ private $pico; /** * Boolean indicating if this plugin is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE) * * @see PicoPluginInterface::isEnabled() * @see PicoPluginInterface::setEnabled() * @var bool */ protected $enabled = true; /** * Boolean indicating if this plugin was ever enabled/disabled manually * * @see PicoPluginInterface::isStatusChanged() * @var bool */ protected $statusChanged = false; /** * Boolean indicating whether this plugin matches Pico's API version * * @see AbstractPicoPlugin::checkCompatibility() * @var bool|null */ protected $nativePlugin; /** * List of plugins which this plugin depends on * * @see AbstractPicoPlugin::checkDependencies() * @see PicoPluginInterface::getDependencies() * @var string[] */ protected $dependsOn = array(); /** * List of plugin which depend on this plugin * * @see AbstractPicoPlugin::checkDependants() * @see PicoPluginInterface::getDependants() * @var object[] */ private $dependants; /** * @see PicoPluginInterface::__construct() */ public function __construct(Pico $pico) { $this->pico = $pico; } /** * @see PicoPluginInterface::handleEvent() */ public function handleEvent($eventName, array $params) { // plugins can be enabled/disabled using the config if ($eventName === 'onConfigLoaded') { $pluginEnabled = $this->getConfig(get_called_class() . '.enabled'); if ($pluginEnabled !== null) { $this->setEnabled($pluginEnabled); } else { $pluginEnabled = $this->getPluginConfig('enabled'); if ($pluginEnabled !== null) { $this->setEnabled($pluginEnabled); } elseif ($this->enabled) { // make sure dependencies are already fulfilled, // otherwise the plugin needs to be enabled manually try { $this->checkCompatibility(); $this->checkDependencies(false); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { $this->enabled = false; } } } } if ($this->isEnabled() || ($eventName === 'onPluginsLoaded')) { if (method_exists($this, $eventName)) { call_user_func_array(array($this, $eventName), $params); } } } /** * @see PicoPluginInterface::setEnabled() */ public function setEnabled($enabled, $recursive = true, $auto = false) { $this->statusChanged = (!$this->statusChanged) ? !$auto : true; $this->enabled = (bool) $enabled; if ($enabled) { $this->checkCompatibility(); $this->checkDependencies($recursive); } else { $this->checkDependants($recursive); } } /** * @see PicoPluginInterface::isEnabled() */ public function isEnabled() { return $this->enabled; } /** * @see PicoPluginInterface::isStatusChanged() */ public function isStatusChanged() { return $this->statusChanged; } /** * @see PicoPluginInterface::getPico() */ public function getPico() { return $this->pico; } /** * Returns either the value of the specified plugin config variable or * the config array * * @param string $configName optional name of a config variable * @param mixed $default optional default value to return when the * named config variable doesn't exist * * @return mixed if no name of a config variable has been supplied, the * plugin's config array is returned; otherwise it returns either the * value of the named config variable, or, if the named config variable * doesn't exist, the provided default value or NULL */ public function getPluginConfig($configName = null, $default = null) { $pluginConfig = $this->getConfig(get_called_class(), array()); if ($configName === null) { return $pluginConfig; } return isset($pluginConfig[$configName]) ? $pluginConfig[$configName] : $default; } /** * Passes all not satisfiable method calls to Pico * * @see Pico * * @param string $methodName name of the method to call * @param array $params parameters to pass * * @return mixed return value of the called method */ public function __call($methodName, array $params) { if (method_exists($this->getPico(), $methodName)) { return call_user_func_array(array($this->getPico(), $methodName), $params); } throw new BadMethodCallException( 'Call to undefined method ' . get_class($this->getPico()) . '::' . $methodName . '() ' . 'through ' . get_called_class() . '::__call()' ); } /** * Enables all plugins which this plugin depends on * * @see PicoPluginInterface::getDependencies() * * @param bool $recursive enable required plugins automatically * * @return void * * @throws RuntimeException thrown when a dependency fails */ protected function checkDependencies($recursive) { foreach ($this->getDependencies() as $pluginName) { try { $plugin = $this->getPlugin($pluginName); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to enable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': " . "Required plugin '" . $pluginName . "' not found" ); } // plugins which don't implement PicoPluginInterface are always enabled if (($plugin instanceof PicoPluginInterface) && !$plugin->isEnabled()) { if ($recursive) { if (!$plugin->isStatusChanged()) { $plugin->setEnabled(true, true, true); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to enable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': " . "Required plugin '" . $pluginName . "' was disabled manually" ); } } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to enable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': " . "Required plugin '" . $pluginName . "' is disabled" ); } } } } /** * @see PicoPluginInterface::getDependencies() */ public function getDependencies() { return (array) $this->dependsOn; } /** * Disables all plugins which depend on this plugin * * @see PicoPluginInterface::getDependants() * * @param bool $recursive disabled dependant plugins automatically * * @return void * * @throws RuntimeException thrown when a dependency fails */ protected function checkDependants($recursive) { $dependants = $this->getDependants(); if ($dependants) { if ($recursive) { foreach ($this->getDependants() as $pluginName => $plugin) { if ($plugin->isEnabled()) { if (!$plugin->isStatusChanged()) { $plugin->setEnabled(false, true, true); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to disable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': " . "Required by manually enabled plugin '" . $pluginName . "'" ); } } } } else { $dependantsList = 'plugin' . ((count($dependants) > 1) ? 's' : '') . ' ' . "'" . implode("', '", array_keys($dependants)) . "'"; throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to disable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': " . "Required by " . $dependantsList ); } } } /** * @see PicoPluginInterface::getDependants() */ public function getDependants() { if ($this->dependants === null) { $this->dependants = array(); foreach ($this->getPlugins() as $pluginName => $plugin) { // only plugins which implement PicoPluginInterface support dependencies if ($plugin instanceof PicoPluginInterface) { $dependencies = $plugin->getDependencies(); if (in_array(get_called_class(), $dependencies)) { $this->dependants[$pluginName] = $plugin; } } } } return $this->dependants; } /** * Checks compatibility with Pico's API version * * Pico automatically adds a dependency to {@see PicoDeprecated} when the * plugin's API is older than Pico's API. {@see PicoDeprecated} furthermore * throws a exception when it can't provide compatibility in such cases. * However, we still have to decide whether this plugin is compatible to * newer API versions, what defaults to "no" by default. * * @return void * * @throws RuntimeException thrown when the plugin's and Pico's API aren't * compatible */ protected function checkCompatibility() { if ($this->nativePlugin === null) { $picoClassName = get_class($this->pico); $picoApiVersion = defined($picoClassName . '::API_VERSION') ? $picoClassName::API_VERSION : 1; $pluginApiVersion = defined('static::API_VERSION') ? static::API_VERSION : 1; $this->nativePlugin = ($pluginApiVersion === $picoApiVersion); if (!$this->nativePlugin && ($pluginApiVersion > $picoApiVersion)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to enable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': The plugin's API (version " . $pluginApiVersion . ") isn't compatible with Pico's API (version " . $picoApiVersion . ")" ); } } } }