## # Basic # site_title: Pico # The title of your website base_url: ~ # Pico will try to guess its base URL, if this fails, override it here # Example: http://example.com/pico/ rewrite_url: ~ # A boolean (true or false) indicating whether URL rewriting is forced timezone: UTC # Your PHP installation might require you to manually specify a timezone ## # Theme # theme: default # The name of your custom theme theme_url: ~ # Pico will try to guess the URL to the themes dir of your installation # If this fails, override it here. Example: http://example.com/pico/themes/ theme_config: widescreen: false # Default theme: Use more horicontal space (i.e. make the site container wider) twig_config: cache: false # Enable Twig template caching by specifying a path to a writable directory autoescape: false # Let Twig escape variables by default debug: false # Enable Twig's debugging mode ## # Content # date_format: %D %T # Pico's default date format # See http://php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php for more info pages_order_by: alpha # Change how Pico sorts pages ("alpha" for alphabetical order, or "date") pages_order: asc # Sort pages in ascending ("asc") or descending ("desc") order content_dir: content/ # The path to Pico's content directory content_ext: .md # The file extension of your Markdown files content_config: extra: true # Use the Parsedown Extra parser to support extended markup # See https://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/ for more info breaks: false # A boolean indicating whether breaks in the markup should be reflected in the # parsed contents of the page escape: false # Escape HTML markup in your content files auto_urls: true # Automatically link URLs found in your markup ## # Plugins # DummyPlugin.enabled: false # Force the plugin "DummyPlugin" to be disabled ## # Custom # my_custom_setting: Hello World! # You can access custom settings in themes using {{ config.my_custom_setting }}