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1 commit

Author SHA1 Message Date
Maya McDougall 09aa825787
Update Twig URL 2022-07-27 15:17:31 -04:00
33 changed files with 1231 additions and 1662 deletions

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@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
# Pico --
# Builds a new Pico release and creates release archives.
# This file is part of Pico, a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
# Visit us at for more info.
# Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Rudolf <>
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see LICENSE file or <>.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# License-Filename: LICENSE
set -eu -o pipefail
export LC_ALL=C
# env variables
export -n PHP
export -n COMPOSER
if ! which "$PHP" > /dev/null; then
echo "Missing script dependency: php" >&2
exit 1
elif ! which "$COMPOSER" > /dev/null; then
echo "Missing script dependency: composer" >&2
exit 1
elif ! which "git" > /dev/null; then
echo "Missing script dependency: git" >&2
exit 1
elif ! which "gh" > /dev/null; then
echo "Missing script dependency: gh" >&2
exit 1
elif ! which "rsync" > /dev/null; then
echo "Missing script dependency: rsync" >&2
exit 1
elif ! which "jq" > /dev/null; then
echo "Missing script dependency: jq" >&2
exit 1
# parameters
# options
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
if [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then
echo "Usage:"
echo " [OPTIONS]... [VERSION]"
echo "Builds a new Pico release and creates release archives."
echo "Help options:"
echo " --help display this help and exit"
echo "Application options:"
echo " --publish create GitHub release and upload artifacts"
echo " --pico-composer PATH path to a local copy of '$PICO_COMPOSER_PROJECT'"
echo " --pico-theme PATH path to a local copy of '$PICO_THEME_PROJECT'"
echo " --pico-deprecated PATH path to a local copy of '$PICO_DEPRECATED_PROJECT'"
echo " --no-check skip version checks for dev builds"
echo " --no-clean don't remove build dir on exit"
echo "You must run this script from within Pico's source directory. Please note"
echo "that this script will perform a large number of strict sanity checks before"
echo "building a new non-development version of Pico. VERSION must start with 'v'."
exit 0
elif [ "$1" == "--publish" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "--no-check" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "--no-clean" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "--pico-composer" ] && [ $# -ge 2 ]; then
shift 2
elif [ "$1" == "--pico-theme" ] && [ $# -ge 2 ]; then
shift 2
elif [ "$1" == "--pico-deprecated" ] && [ $# -ge 2 ]; then
shift 2
elif [ -z "$VERSION" ] && [ "${1:0:1}" == "v" ]; then
echo "Unknown option: $1" >&2
exit 1
# check options and current working dir
if [ ! -f "./composer.json" ] || [ ! -f "./lib/Pico.php" ]; then
echo "You must run this from within Pico's source directory" >&2
exit 1
elif [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null)" != "true" ]; then
echo "You must run this from within a non-bare Git repository" >&2
exit 1
if [ -n "$PICO_COMPOSER_DIR" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$PICO_COMPOSER_DIR/composer.json" ] || [ ! -f "$PICO_COMPOSER_DIR/index.php" ]; then
echo "You must pass a source directory of '$PICO_COMPOSER_PROJECT' as '--pico-composer': $PICO_COMPOSER_DIR" >&2
exit 1
elif [ "$(git -C "$PICO_COMPOSER_DIR" rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null)" != "true" ]; then
echo "You must pass a non-bare Git repository as '--pico-composer': $PICO_COMPOSER_DIR" >&2
exit 1
if [ -n "$PICO_THEME_DIR" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$PICO_THEME_DIR/composer.json" ] || [ ! -f "$PICO_THEME_DIR/pico-theme.yml" ]; then
echo "You must pass a source directory of '$PICO_THEME_PROJECT' as '--pico-theme': $PICO_THEME_DIR" >&2
exit 1
elif [ "$(git -C "$PICO_THEME_DIR" rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null)" != "true" ]; then
echo "You must pass a non-bare Git repository as '--pico-theme': $PICO_THEME_DIR" >&2
exit 1
if [ -n "$PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR/composer.json" ] || [ ! -f "$PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR/PicoDeprecated.php" ]; then
echo "You must pass a source directory of '$PICO_DEPRECATED_PROJECT' as '--pico-deprecated': $PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR" >&2
exit 1
elif [ "$(git -C "$PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR" rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null)" != "true" ]; then
echo "You must pass a non-bare Git repository as '--pico-deprecated': $PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR" >&2
exit 1
# parse version
function parse_version {
if ! [[ "$VERSION_FULL" =~ ^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(-([0-9A-Za-z\.\-]+))?(\+([0-9A-Za-z\.\-]+))?$ ]]; then
return 1
if [[ "$VERSION_SUFFIX" =~ ^(dev|a|alpha|b|beta|rc)?([.-]?[0-9]+)?([.-](dev))?$ ]]; then
if [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" == "dev" ] || [ "${BASH_REMATCH[4]}" == "dev" ]; then
elif [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" == "a" ] || [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" == "alpha" ]; then
elif [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" == "b" ] || [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" == "beta" ]; then
elif [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" == "rc" ]; then
BUILD_VERSION="v$("$PHP" -r 'require("./lib/Pico.php"); echo Pico::VERSION;')"
if ! parse_version "$BUILD_VERSION"; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Invalid Pico version '$BUILD_VERSION'" >&2
exit 1
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
GIT_LOCAL_HEAD="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
GIT_LOCAL_BRANCH="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
DATETIME="$(date -u +'%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')"
[ "$VERSION_STABILITY" == "dev" ] || VERSION+="-dev"
if ! parse_version "$VERSION"; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Invalid build version '$VERSION'" >&2
exit 1
if ! parse_version "$VERSION"; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Invalid build version '$VERSION'" >&2
exit 1
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" == "dev" ]; then
'.extra."branch-alias"|to_entries|map(select(.value==$ALIAS).key)[0]//empty' \
if [ -z "$DEPENDENCY_VERSION" ]; then
# build checks
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" != "dev" ]; then
GIT_LOCAL_CLEAN="$(git status --porcelain)"
GIT_LOCAL_HEAD="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
GIT_LOCAL_TAG="$(git rev-parse --verify "refs/tags/$VERSION" 2> /dev/null || true)"
GIT_REMOTE="$(git 'for-each-ref' --format='%(upstream:remotename)' "$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)")"
GIT_REMOTE_TAG="$(git ls-remote "${GIT_REMOTE:-origin}" "refs/tags/$VERSION" 2> /dev/null | cut -f 1 || true)"
if [ "$VERSION" != "$BUILD_VERSION" ]; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Building $VERSION, but Pico indicates $BUILD_VERSION" >&2
exit 1
elif [ -n "$GIT_LOCAL_CLEAN" ]; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Building $VERSION, but the working tree is not clean" >&2
exit 1
elif [ -z "$GIT_LOCAL_TAG" ]; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Building $VERSION, but no matching local Git tag was found" >&2
exit 1
elif [ "$GIT_LOCAL_HEAD" != "$GIT_LOCAL_TAG" ]; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Building $VERSION, but the matching Git tag is not checked out" >&2
exit 1
elif [ -z "$GIT_REMOTE_TAG" ]; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Building $VERSION, but no matching remote Git tag was found" >&2
exit 1
elif [ "$GIT_LOCAL_TAG" != "$GIT_REMOTE_TAG" ]; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Building $VERSION, but the matching local and remote Git tags differ" >&2
exit 1
elif [ "$PHP_VERSION_LOCAL" != "$PHP_VERSION" ]; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Refusing to build Pico with PHP $PHP_VERSION_LOCAL, expecting PHP $PHP_VERSION" >&2
exit 1
elif [ -n "$PICO_COMPOSER_DIR" ] || [ -n "$PICO_THEME_DIR" ] || [ -n "$PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR" ]; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Refusing to build a non-dev version with local dependencies" >&2
exit 1
if [ -z "$NOCHECK" ] && [[ "$VERSION" != "$BUILD_VERSION"* ]]; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Building $VERSION, but Pico indicates $BUILD_VERSION" >&2
exit 1
elif [ -n "$PUBLISH" ]; then
echo "Unable to build Pico: Refusing to publish a dev version" >&2
exit 1
# build in progress...
BUILD_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
[ -n "$NOCLEAN" ] || trap "rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR@Q}" ERR EXIT
echo "Building Pico $BUILD_VERSION ($VERSION)..."
[ -z "$NOCLEAN" ] || echo "Build directory: $BUILD_DIR"
# prepare dev versions of components
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" == "dev" ]; then
# copy dev version of Pico
echo "Creating clean working tree copy of '$BUILD_PROJECT'..."
rsync -a \
--exclude="/.build" \
--exclude="/.git" \
--exclude="/.github" \
--exclude="/assets/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/config/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/content/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/plugins/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/themes/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/.gitattributes" \
--exclude="/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/.phpcs.xml" \
--exclude="/.phpdoc.xml" \
--exclude-from=<(git ls-files --exclude-standard -oi --directory) \
# copy dev version of Composer starter project
if [ -n "$PICO_COMPOSER_DIR" ]; then
echo "Creating clean working tree copy of '$PICO_COMPOSER_PROJECT'..."
rsync -a \
--exclude="/.git" \
--exclude="/assets/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/config/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/content/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/plugins/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/themes/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/.gitattributes" \
--exclude="/.gitignore" \
--exclude-from=<(git -C "$PICO_COMPOSER_DIR" ls-files --exclude-standard -oi --directory) \
# copy dev version of default theme
if [ -n "$PICO_THEME_DIR" ]; then
echo "Creating clean working tree copy of '$PICO_THEME_PROJECT'..."
rsync -a \
--exclude="/.git" \
--exclude="/.github" \
--exclude="/.gitattributes" \
--exclude="/.gitignore" \
--exclude-from=<(git -C "$PICO_THEME_DIR" ls-files --exclude-standard -oi --directory) \
# copy dev version of PicoDeprecated
if [ -n "$PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR" ]; then
echo "Creating clean working tree copy of '$PICO_DEPRECATED_PROJECT'..."
rsync -a \
--exclude="/.build" \
--exclude="/.git" \
--exclude="/.github" \
--exclude="/.gitattributes" \
--exclude="/.gitignore" \
--exclude="/.phpcs.xml" \
--exclude-from=<(git -C "$PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR" ls-files --exclude-standard -oi --directory) \
# download Composer starter project
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" != "dev" ] || [ -z "$PICO_COMPOSER_DIR" ]; then
echo "Setting up Pico's Composer starter project (version '$PICO_COMPOSER_VERSION')..."
"$COMPOSER" create-project --no-install "$PICO_COMPOSER_PROJECT" \
# switch to build dir...
# inject local component copies
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" == "dev" ]; then
function composer_repo_config {
jq -nc --arg PACKAGE "$1" --arg VERSION "$2" --arg URL "$3" \
'{"type": "path", "url": $URL, options: {"symlink": false, "versions": {($PACKAGE): $VERSION}}}'
echo "Adding Composer repository for '$BUILD_PROJECT'..."
"$COMPOSER" config repositories."$BUILD_NAME" \
if [ -n "$PICO_THEME_DIR" ]; then
echo "Adding Composer repository for '$PICO_THEME_PROJECT'..."
"$COMPOSER" config repositories."$PICO_THEME_NAME" \
if [ -n "$PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR" ]; then
echo "Adding Composer repository for '$PICO_DEPRECATED_PROJECT'..."
"$COMPOSER" config repositories."$PICO_DEPRECATED_NAME" \
# update build version constraints
echo "Updating Composer dependency version constraints..."
"$COMPOSER" require --no-update \
# set minimum stability
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" != "stable" ]; then
echo "Setting minimum stability to '$VERSION_STABILITY'..."
"$COMPOSER" config "minimum-stability" "$VERSION_STABILITY"
"$COMPOSER" config "prefer-stable" "true"
# install dependencies
echo "Installing Composer dependencies..."
"$COMPOSER" install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
# prepare release
echo "Replacing 'index.php'..."
cp "vendor/$BUILD_PROJECT/index.php.dist" index.php
echo "Adding '', '', '', ''..."
cp "vendor/$BUILD_PROJECT/"
cp "vendor/$BUILD_PROJECT/"
cp "vendor/$BUILD_PROJECT/"
cp "vendor/$BUILD_PROJECT/"
echo "Removing '.git' directory..."
rm -rf .git
echo "Removing '.git' directories of dependencies..."
find vendor/ -type d -path 'vendor/*/*/.git' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
echo "Removing '.git' directories of plugins and themes..."
find themes/ -type d -path 'themes/*/.git' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
find plugins/ -type d -path 'plugins/*/.git' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
echo "Removing 'index.php' and 'index.php.dist' from 'vendor/$BUILD_PROJECT'"
rm -f "vendor/$BUILD_PROJECT/index.php"
rm -f "vendor/$BUILD_PROJECT/index.php.dist"
# restore composer.json
echo "Restoring Composer dependency version constraints..."
"$COMPOSER" require --no-update \
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" == "dev" ]; then
echo "Removing Composer repositories..."
"$COMPOSER" config --unset repositories."$BUILD_NAME"
if [ -n "$PICO_THEME_DIR" ]; then
"$COMPOSER" config --unset repositories."$PICO_THEME_NAME"
if [ -n "$PICO_DEPRECATED_DIR" ]; then
"$COMPOSER" config --unset repositories."$PICO_DEPRECATED_NAME"
# create release archives
echo "Creating release archive '$ARCHIVE_FILENAME.tar.gz'..."
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -printf '%f\0' \
| xargs -0 -- tar -czf "$APP_DIR/$ARCHIVE_FILENAME.tar.gz" --
echo "Creating release archive '$'..."
zip -q -r "$APP_DIR/$" .
# publish release
if [ -n "$PUBLISH" ]; then
# switch to app dir
cd "$APP_DIR"
# create GitHub release and upload release archives
echo "Creating GitHub release and uploading release archives..."
[ "$VERSION_STABILITY" == "stable" ] || GITHUB_PRERELEASE="--prerelease"
gh release create "$VERSION" \
--title "Version $VERSION_FULL" \
--generate-notes \

.build/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
[ -n "$PICO_BUILD_ENV" ] || { echo "No Pico build environment specified" >&2; exit 1; }
# parameters
ARCHIVE_DIR="${1:-$PICO_PROJECT_DIR}" # directory to create release archives in
# print parameters
echo "Cleaning up build environment..."
printf 'PICO_BUILD_DIR="%s"\n' "$PICO_BUILD_DIR"
printf 'ARCHIVE_DIR="%s"\n' "$ARCHIVE_DIR"
echo "Removing deployment directory..."
[ ! -d "$PICO_DEPLOY_DIR" ] || rm -rf "$PICO_DEPLOY_DIR"
echo "Removing build directory..."
[ ! -d "$PICO_BUILD_DIR" ] || rm -rf "$PICO_BUILD_DIR"
echo "Removing release archives..."
find "$ARCHIVE_DIR" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
\( -name 'pico-release-*.tar.gz' -o -name 'pico-release-*.zip' \) \

.build/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
[ -n "$PICO_BUILD_ENV" ] || { echo "No Pico build environment specified" >&2; exit 1; }
# get current Pico milestone
VERSION="$(php -r "require_once('$PICO_PROJECT_DIR/lib/Pico.php'); echo Pico::VERSION;")"
MILESTONE="Pico$([[ "$VERSION" =~ ^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\. ]] && echo " ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}")"
echo "Deploying $PROJECT_REPO_BRANCH branch ($MILESTONE)..."
# setup repo
# generate phpDocs \
"$PICO_PROJECT_DIR/.phpdoc.xml" \
"$MILESTONE API Documentation ($PROJECT_REPO_BRANCH branch)"
if [ -z "$(git status --porcelain "$PICO_DEPLOY_DIR/phpDoc/$PICO_DEPLOYMENT.cache")" ]; then
# nothing to do
exit 0
# update phpDoc list \
"$PICO_DEPLOY_DIR/_data/phpDoc.yml" \
"$PICO_DEPLOYMENT" "branch" "<code>$PROJECT_REPO_BRANCH</code> branch" "$(date +%s)"
# commit phpDocs \
"Update phpDocumentor class docs for $PROJECT_REPO_BRANCH branch @ $PROJECT_REPO_COMMIT" \

.build/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
[ -n "$PICO_BUILD_ENV" ] || { echo "No Pico build environment specified" >&2; exit 1; }
if [ "$DEPLOY_PHPDOC_RELEASES" != "true" ]; then
echo "Skipping phpDoc release deployment because it has been disabled"
if [ "$DEPLOY_VERSION_BADGE" != "true" ]; then
echo "Skipping version badge deployment because it has been disabled"
if [ "$DEPLOY_VERSION_FILE" != "true" ]; then
echo "Skipping version file deployment because it has been disabled"
if [ "$DEPLOY_CLOC_STATS" != "true" ]; then
echo "Skipping cloc statistics deployment because it has been disabled"
if [ "$DEPLOY_FULL" != "true" ]; then
if [ "$DEPLOY_PHPDOC_RELEASES" != "true" ] \
&& [ "$DEPLOY_VERSION_BADGE" != "true" ] \
&& [ "$DEPLOY_VERSION_FILE" != "true" ] \
&& [ "$DEPLOY_CLOC_STATS" != "true" ]
# nothing to do
exit 0
# parse version
. "$PICO_TOOLS_DIR/functions/"
if ! parse_version "$PROJECT_REPO_TAG"; then
echo "Invalid version '$PROJECT_REPO_TAG'; aborting..." >&2
exit 1
printf 'VERSION_FULL="%s"\n' "$VERSION_FULL"
printf 'VERSION_NAME="%s"\n' "$VERSION_NAME"
printf 'VERSION_ID="%s"\n' "$VERSION_ID"
# setup repo
# generate phpDocs
if [ "$DEPLOY_PHPDOC_RELEASES" == "true" ]; then
# generate phpDocs \
"$PICO_PROJECT_DIR/.phpdoc.xml" \
if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain "$PICO_DEPLOY_DIR/phpDoc/$PICO_DEPLOYMENT")" ]; then
# update phpDoc list \
"$PICO_DEPLOY_DIR/_data/phpDoc.yml" \
"$PICO_DEPLOYMENT" "version" "Pico $VERSION_FULL" "$(date +%s)"
# commit phpDocs \
"Update phpDocumentor class docs for v$VERSION_FULL" \
# don't update version badge, version file and cloc statistics for pre-releases
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" == "stable" ]; then
# update version badge
if [ "$DEPLOY_VERSION_BADGE" == "true" ]; then \
"$PICO_DEPLOY_DIR/badges/pico-version.svg" \
"release" "$VERSION_FULL" "blue"
# commit version badge \
"Update version badge for v$VERSION_FULL" \
# update version file
if [ "$DEPLOY_VERSION_FILE" == "true" ]; then \
"$PICO_DEPLOY_DIR/_data/version.yml" \
# commit version file \
"Update version file for v$VERSION_FULL" \
# update cloc statistics
if [ "$DEPLOY_CLOC_STATS" == "true" ]; then \
# commit cloc statistics \
"Update cloc statistics for v$VERSION_FULL" \

.build/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
if [ -z "$PICO_BUILD_ENV" ]; then
echo "No Pico build environment specified" >&2
exit 1
# add project build dir to $PATH
export PATH="$PICO_PROJECT_DIR/.build:$PATH"
# set environment variables
__picocms_cmd export RELEASE_REPO_SLUG="${RELEASE_REPO_SLUG:-picocms/pico-composer}"
__picocms_cmd export RELEASE_REPO_BRANCH="${RELEASE_REPO_BRANCH:-master}"
if [ "$PROJECT_REPO_SLUG" != "picocms/Pico" ]; then
__picocms_cmd export DEPLOY_REPO_BRANCH="${DEPLOY_REPO_BRANCH:-gh-pages}"
__picocms_cmd export DEPLOY_REPO_SLUG="${}"
__picocms_cmd export DEPLOY_REPO_BRANCH="${DEPLOY_REPO_BRANCH:-master}"

.build/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
[ -n "$PICO_BUILD_ENV" ] || { echo "No Pico build environment specified" >&2; exit 1; }
# setup build system
[ "$1" != "--deploy" ] || BUILD_REQUIREMENTS+=( --cloc --phpdoc )
# set COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION when necessary
if [ -z "$COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION" ] && [ -n "$PROJECT_REPO_BRANCH" ]; then
echo "Setting up Composer..."
\$json = json_decode(file_get_contents('$PICO_PROJECT_DIR/composer.json'), true);
if (\$json !== null) {
if (isset(\$json['extra']['branch-alias']['dev-$PROJECT_REPO_BRANCH'])) {
if [ -z "$PICO_VERSION_PATTERN" ]; then
echo preg_replace('/\.[0-9]+-dev$/', '.x-dev', Pico::VERSION);
if [ -n "$PICO_VERSION_PATTERN" ]; then
# install dependencies
echo "Running \`composer install\`$([ -n "$COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION" ] && echo -n " ($COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION)")..."
composer install --no-suggest

.build/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
[ -n "$PICO_BUILD_ENV" ] || { echo "No Pico build environment specified" >&2; exit 1; }
# parameters
VERSION="${1:-$PROJECT_REPO_TAG}" # version to create a release for
ARCHIVE_DIR="${2:-$PICO_PROJECT_DIR}" # directory to create release archives in
# print parameters
echo "Creating new release..."
printf 'VERSION="%s"\n' "$VERSION"
# guess version string
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
PICO_VERSION="$(php -r "
echo preg_replace('/-(?:dev|n|nightly)(?:[.-]?[0-9]+)?(?:[.-]dev)?$/', '', Pico::VERSION);
echo "Creating development release of Pico v$PICO_VERSION ($VERSION)..."
# parse version
. "$PICO_TOOLS_DIR/functions/"
if ! parse_version "$VERSION"; then
echo "Unable to create release archive: Invalid version '$VERSION'" >&2
exit 1
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" == "dev" ] && [ -n "$VERSION_BUILD" ]; then
# force Pico version
echo "Updating composer dependencies..."
composer require --no-update \
"picocms/pico $DEPENDENCY_VERSION" \
"picocms/pico-theme $DEPENDENCY_VERSION" \
"picocms/pico-deprecated $DEPENDENCY_VERSION"
# force minimum stability <= beta due to Parsedown 1.8 currently being in beta
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" == "stable" ] || [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" == "rc" ]; then
# set minimum stability
if [ "$VERSION_STABILITY" != "stable" ]; then
echo "Setting minimum stability to '$VERSION_STABILITY'..."
composer config "minimum-stability" "$VERSION_STABILITY"
composer config "prefer-stable" "true"
# install dependencies
echo "Running \`composer install\`..."
composer install --no-suggest --prefer-dist --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
# prepare release
echo "Replacing 'index.php'..."
cp vendor/picocms/pico/index.php.dist index.php
echo "Adding '', '', ''..."
cp vendor/picocms/pico/
cp vendor/picocms/pico/
cp vendor/picocms/pico/
echo "Removing '.git' directories of plugins and themes..."
find themes/ -type d -path 'themes/*/.git' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
find plugins/ -type d -path 'plugins/*/.git' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
echo "Preparing 'composer.json' for release..."
composer require --no-update \
"picocms/pico ^$VERSION_MILESTONE" \
"picocms/pico-theme ^$VERSION_MILESTONE" \
"picocms/pico-deprecated ^$VERSION_MILESTONE"
# create release archives "$PICO_BUILD_DIR" "$ARCHIVE_DIR" "pico-release-v$VERSION_FULL"

.gitattributes vendored
View file

@ -9,3 +9,4 @@
/.gitignore export-ignore
/.phpcs.xml export-ignore
/.phpdoc.xml export-ignore
/.travis.yml export-ignore

View file

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
name: Install Pico CMS
description: Install Pico CMS to the current working directory
description: Install Pico CMS in directory.
required: false
default: .
description: PHP version to setup.
required: true
description: Setup additional PHP tools.
required: false
using: "composite"
- name: Setup PHP ${{ inputs.php-version }}
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: ${{ inputs.php-version }}
tools: composer, ${{ inputs.php-tools }}
- name: Setup Composer auth
shell: bash
working-directory: ${{ inputs.path }}
run: |
composer config --global "${{ github.token }}"
- name: Get Composer cache directory
shell: bash
working-directory: ${{ inputs.path }}
run: |
COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR="$(composer config --global cache-dir)"
- name: Restore Composer cache
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ${{ env.COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-composer-php${{ inputs.php-version }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-composer-
- name: Setup Composer root version
if: ${{ github.ref_type == 'branch' }}
shell: bash
working-directory: ${{ inputs.path }}
run: |
COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION="$(composer config \
extra.branch-alias."dev-${GITHUB_HEAD_REF:-$GITHUB_REF_NAME}" \
2> /dev/null || true)"
if [ -z "$COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION" ]; then
echo preg_replace('/\.[0-9]+-dev$/', '.x-dev', Pico::VERSION);
- name: Install Composer dependencies
shell: bash
working-directory: ${{ inputs.path }}
run: |
composer install
- name: Read Pico version
shell: bash
working-directory: ${{ inputs.path }}
run: |
PICO_VERSION="$(php -r 'require("./lib/Pico.php"); echo Pico::VERSION;')"

View file

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
name: Git branch deployment
- 'master'
- 'pico-3.0'
name: Update website for branch updates
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write
BUILD_DIR: ./build
WEBSITE_DIR: ./website
- name: Setup CI tools
run: |
. <(curl -fsS -L "$CI_TOOLS_SETUP")
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: ${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}
- name: Install Pico CMS
uses: ./build/.github/actions/install
path: ${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}
php-version: ${{ env.PHP_VERSION }}
php-tools: phpdoc
- name: Read Pico milestone
working-directory: ${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}
run: |
PICO_VERSION_MILESTONE="$(php -r 'require("./lib/Pico.php"); preg_match("/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\./", Pico::VERSION, $m); echo $m[1];')"
- name: Checkout website repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: ${{ env.WEBSITE_REPO_SLUG }}
ref: ${{ env.WEBSITE_REPO_BRANCH }}
path: ${{ env.WEBSITE_DIR }}
# Update phpDoc class docs
- name: Update phpDoc class docs
run: |
"$BUILD_DIR/.phpdoc.xml" \
- name: Check for phpDoc class docs updates
run: |
PHPDOC_UPDATED="$([ -n "$(git -C "$WEBSITE_DIR" status --porcelain "phpDoc/$GITHUB_REF_NAME.cache")" ] && echo "yes" || echo "no")"
- name: Update phpDoc class docs list
if: ${{ env.PHPDOC_UPDATED == 'yes' }}
run: |
"$WEBSITE_DIR/_data/phpDoc.yml" \
"$GITHUB_REF_NAME" "branch" \
"<code>$GITHUB_REF_NAME</code> branch" "$(date +%s)"
- name: Commit phpDoc class docs updates
if: ${{ env.PHPDOC_UPDATED == 'yes' }}
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
repository: ${{ env.WEBSITE_DIR }}
file_pattern: >-
phpDoc/${{ github.ref_name }}
phpDoc/${{ github.ref_name }}.cache
commit_user_name: Pico CMS Bot
commit_message: >-
Update phpDocumentor class docs
for ${{ github.ref_name }} branch
@ ${{ github.sha }}

View file

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
name: Git release deployment
types: [ 'published' ]
name: Update website for new releases
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write
BUILD_DIR: ./build
WEBSITE_DIR: ./website
- name: Setup CI tools
run: |
. <(curl -fsS -L "$CI_TOOLS_SETUP")
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: ${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}
- name: Install Pico CMS
uses: ./build/.github/actions/install
path: ${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}
php-version: ${{ env.PHP_VERSION }}
php-tools: phpdoc
- name: Parse Pico version
run: |
if ! parse_version "$GITHUB_REF_NAME"; then
echo "Invalid version string: $GITHUB_REF_NAME" >&2
exit 1
printf '%s=%s\n' \
| tee -a "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Checkout website repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: ${{ env.WEBSITE_REPO_SLUG }}
ref: ${{ env.WEBSITE_REPO_BRANCH }}
path: ${{ env.WEBSITE_DIR }}
# Update phpDoc class docs
- name: Update phpDoc class docs
run: |
"$BUILD_DIR/.phpdoc.xml" \
- name: Update phpDoc class docs list
run: |
"$WEBSITE_DIR/_data/phpDoc.yml" \
"$GITHUB_REF_NAME" "version" \
"Pico $PICO_VERSION_FULL" "$(date +%s)"
- name: Commit phpDoc class docs updates
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
repository: ${{ env.WEBSITE_DIR }}
file_pattern: >-
phpDoc/${{ github.ref_name }}
commit_user_name: Pico CMS Bot
commit_message: >-
Update phpDocumentor class docs
for ${{ github.ref_name }}
# Update version badge
- name: Generate version badge
if: ${{ env.PICO_VERSION_STABILITY == 'stable' }}
run: |
"$WEBSITE_DIR/badges/pico-version.svg" \
"release" "$PICO_VERSION_FULL" "blue"
- name: Commit version badge
if: ${{ env.PICO_VERSION_STABILITY == 'stable' }}
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
repository: ${{ env.WEBSITE_DIR }}
file_pattern: >-
commit_user_name: Pico CMS Bot
commit_message: >-
Update version badge for ${{ github.ref_name }}
# Update version file
- name: Update version file
if: ${{ env.PICO_VERSION_STABILITY == 'stable' }}
run: |
"$WEBSITE_DIR/_data/version.yml" \
- name: Commit version file
if: ${{ env.PICO_VERSION_STABILITY == 'stable' }}
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
repository: ${{ env.WEBSITE_DIR }}
file_pattern: >-
commit_user_name: Pico CMS Bot
commit_message: >-
Update version file for ${{ github.ref_name }}
# Update cloc statistics
- name: Install cloc
if: ${{ env.PICO_VERSION_STABILITY == 'stable' }}
run: |
sudo curl -fsS -L -o "/usr/local/bin/cloc" "$CLOC_SOURCE"
sudo chmod +x "/usr/local/bin/cloc"
- name: Update cloc statistics
if: ${{ env.PICO_VERSION_STABILITY == 'stable' }}
run: |
"$WEBSITE_DIR/_data/cloc.yml" \
"$BUILD_DIR/lib" \
- name: Commit cloc statistics
if: ${{ env.PICO_VERSION_STABILITY == 'stable' }}
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
repository: ${{ env.WEBSITE_DIR }}
file_pattern: >-
commit_user_name: Pico CMS Bot
commit_message: >-
Update cloc statistics for ${{ github.ref_name }}

View file

@ -1,33 +1,28 @@
name: Mark or close stale issues and PRs
name: "Mark or close stale issues and PRs"
- cron: "0 */6 * * *"
- cron: "0 12 * * *"
name: Mark or close stale issues and PRs
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/stale@v3
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
days-before-stale: 7
days-before-close: 2
stale-issue-message: >
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had
recent activity. It will be closed in two days if no further activity
occurs. Thank you for your contributions! :+1:
stale-pr-message: >
This pull request has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had
recent activity. It will be closed in two days if no further activity
occurs. Thank you for your contributions! :+1:
stale-pr-label: "info: Stale"
stale-issue-label: "info: Stale"
exempt-issue-labels: "type: Bug,type: Enhancement,type: Feature,type: Idea,type: Release,info: Pinned"
exempt-pr-labels: "type: Bug,type: Enhancement,type: Feature,type: Idea,type: Release,info: Pinned"
remove-stale-when-updated: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
issues: write
pull-requests: write
- uses: actions/stale@v3
days-before-stale: 7
days-before-close: 2
stale-issue-message: >
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had
recent activity. It will be closed in two days if no further activity
occurs. Thank you for your contributions! :+1:
stale-pr-message: >
This pull request has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had
recent activity. It will be closed in two days if no further activity
occurs. Thank you for your contributions! :+1:
stale-pr-label: "info: Stale"
stale-issue-label: "info: Stale"
exempt-issue-labels: "type: Bug,type: Enhancement,type: Feature,type: Idea,type: Release,info: Pinned"
exempt-pr-labels: "type: Bug,type: Enhancement,type: Feature,type: Idea,type: Release,info: Pinned"
remove-stale-when-updated: true

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
name: Test Pico CMS pull request
pull_request: {}
name: Test Pico CMS
uses: ./.github/workflows/test.yml
name: Bouncer
needs: test
if: ${{ always() }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
permissions: {}
- name: Check build matrix status
if: ${{ needs.test.result != 'success' }}
run: |
echo "Some tests of Pico CMS failed." >&2
echo "Please check the GitHub workflow logs for details." >&2
exit 1

View file

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
name: Test Pico CMS
- 'master'
- 'pico-3.0'
tags: [ 'v*.*.*' ]
workflow_call: {}
name: PHP ${{ matrix.PHP_VERSION }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: read
- '7.2'
- '7.3'
- '7.4'
- '8.0'
- '8.1'
- 'nightly'
fail-fast: false
continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.PHP_VERSION == 'nightly' }}
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install Pico CMS
uses: ./.github/actions/install
php-version: ${{ env.PHP_VERSION }}
php-tools: phpcs
- name: Check Pico version
if: ${{ github.ref_type == 'tag' }}
run: |
- name: Run PHP_CodeSniffer
run: |
phpcs --standard=.phpcs.xml

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ desktop.ini
# Build system

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Deny access to internal dirs and files by passing the URL to Pico
RewriteRule ^(config|content|content-sample|lib|vendor)(/|$) index.php [L]
RewriteRule ^(CHANGELOG\.md||composer\.(json|lock|phar))(/|$) index.php [L]
RewriteRule ^(CHANGELOG\.md|composer\.(json|lock|phar))(/|$) index.php [L]
RewriteRule (^\.|/\.)(?!well-known(/|$)) index.php [L]
# Enable URL rewriting

View file

@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<version number="3.0.0">
<source dsn=".">
<ignore hidden="true" symlinks="true">
<template name="default"/>
<title><![CDATA[Pico API Documentation]]></title>
<template name="clean"/>
<!-- exclude .build and .github directories -->
<!-- exclude user config -->
<!-- exclude all plugins -->
<!-- exclude vendor dir -->

.travis.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
dist: bionic
sudo: false
language: php
- $HOME/.composer/cache/files
# Test stage
- php: 5.3
dist: precise
- php: 5.4
dist: trusty
- php: 5.5
dist: trusty
- php: 5.6
dist: xenial
- php: 7.0
dist: xenial
- php: 7.1
- php: 7.2
- php: 7.3
- php: 7.4
- php: nightly
- php: hhvm-3.24 # until Dec 2018
- php: hhvm-3.27 # until Sep 2019
- php: hhvm-3.30 # until Nov 2019
# Branch deployment stage
- stage: deploy-branch
if: type == "push" && tag IS blank
php: 5.3
dist: precise
- '[[ ",$DEPLOY_PHPDOC_BRANCHES," == *,"$TRAVIS_BRANCH",* ]] || travis_terminate 0'
- --deploy
# Release deployment stage
- stage: deploy-release
if: tag IS present
php: 5.3
dist: precise
- --deploy
- '[ "$PROJECT_REPO_TAG" == "v$(php -r "require_once(\"lib/Pico.php\"); echo Pico::VERSION;")" ]'
provider: releases
- pico-release-$PROJECT_REPO_TAG.tar.gz
- pico-release-$
skip_cleanup: true
name: Version ${PROJECT_REPO_TAG:1}
draft: true
tags: true
# Ignore nightly build failures
- php: nightly
fast_finish: true
- export PICO_TOOLS_DIR="$HOME/__picocms_tools"
- git clone --branch="$TOOLS_REPO_BRANCH" "$TOOLS_REPO_SLUG.git" "$PICO_TOOLS_DIR"
- . "$PICO_TOOLS_DIR/init/"
- . "$PICO_PROJECT_DIR/.build/"
- phpcs --standard=.phpcs.xml "$PICO_PROJECT_DIR"

View file

@ -16,59 +16,6 @@ Pico Changelog
`PicoDeprecated`'s changelog. Please note that BC-breaking changes
are only possible with a new major version.
### Version 3.0.0-beta.1
Released: -
* [New] Pico 3.0 is a major release, but comes with relatively small changes
to Pico's core; its major change are updated dependencies (see below)
* [New] Introduce API version 4 (with barely noticable changes, see below)
* [New] Add new continous integration (CI) pipeline using GitHub Actions
* [New] Add new build script and Makefile to simplify Pico's build and release
process; see `` for details
* [New] Add `%page_id%`, `%page_url%` and `%page_path%` Markdown placeholders
to replace the current page's ID, URL, and containing directory resp.
* [New] `Pico::prepareFileContent()` and `Pico::substituteFileContent()` both
now receive the (optional) `$pageId` argument for the new `%page_*%`
Markdown placeholders
* [New] Add `page()` Twig function to access a page's data
* [New] Enhance `pages_order_by_meta` functionality to allow sorting by
nested meta values using '.' notation (e.g., '')
* [Changed] ! Pico now requires PHP 7.2.5 or later (this includes full PHP 8
support, also see #528, #534, #608)
* [Changed] ! Pico now depends on Twig 3.3, skipping Twig 2.x altogether; this
is a BC-breaking change, as Twig 2.x and 3.x changed and removed
some commonly used features; check out Twig's changelog and
deprecation notices for details
* [Changed] ! Pico now depends on Symfony YAML 5.4, skipping various milestones
in between; this is a BC-breaking change, because Symfony YAML
changed its behaviour multiple times in between; check out Symfony
YAML's changelog for details
* [Changed] ! Pico downgrades to Parsedown 1.7.4 and Parsedown Extra 0.8.1;
this is a BC-breaking change in theory, but shouldn't have much of
an impact in real-life scenarios
* [Changed] #603: Pico's `markdown` Twig filter now raises an error if an
invalid variable type (e.g. an array) is passed
* [Changed] Enable PHP strict typing for Pico's internal classes; Pico's
`PicoPluginInterface` interface and `AbstractPicoPlugin` class
don't use strict typing to maintain BC, but you can (and should)
enable it for your plugin (see `DummyPlugin` for an example)
* [Changed] Various other code improvements due to the upgrade to PHP 7.2
* [Fixed] #602: Fix contents and meta data of meta pages (pages starting with
an `_`) getting replaced by the 404 page when being requested
* [Fixed] Add a proper error message for a missing theme directory
* [Removed] ! Remove Pico's `map` Twig filter; it conflicts with Twig's `map`
filter and can be replaced by Twig's `column` or `map` filter
### Version 3.0.0-alpha.2
Released: 2020-12-24
* [Changed] Merge all fixes of Pico v2.1.2 to v2.1.4
* [Fixed] #575: Update Symfony YAML v3.4 to support PHP 8.0+
### Version 2.1.4
Released: 2020-08-29
@ -93,17 +40,6 @@ Released: 2020-04-10
* [Fixed] Fix DummyPlugin declaring API version 3
### Version 3.0.0-alpha.1
Released: 2020-03-29
* [New] Kick-start development of Pico 3.0
* [Changed] Require PHP 7.0.8+
* [Changed] Update dependencies: Twig 2.12, Symfony YAML 3.4, Parsedown 1.7.4
and Parsedown Extra 0.8.1; this is just an interim step, we'll
update to Twig 3.0+ and Symfony YAML 5.0+ later
### Version 2.1.1
Released: 2019-12-31

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Please describe your issue as clear as possible and always include the *Pico ver
Once you decide you want to contribute to *Pico's core* (which we really appreciate!) you can fork the project from If you're interested in developing a *plugin* or *theme* for Pico, please refer to the [development section]( of our website.
Once you decide you want to contribute to *Pico's core* (which we really appreciate!) you can fork the project from If you're interested in developing a *plugin* or *theme* for Pico, please refer to the [development section]( of our website.
### Developer Certificate of Origin
Please note that developing a *plugin* or *theme* for Pico is *not* assumed to be a contribution to Pico itself. By developing a plugin or theme you rather create a 3rd-party project that just uses Pico. Following the spirit of open source, we want to *encourage* you to release your plugin or theme under the terms of an [OSI-approved open source license]( After all, Pico is open source, too!
Please note that developing a *plugin* or *theme* for Pico is *not* assumed to be a contribution to Pico itself. By developing a plugin or theme you rather create a 3rd-party project that just uses Pico. Following the spirit of open source, we want to *encourage* you to release your plugin or theme under the terms of a [OSI-approved open source license]( After all, Pico is open source, too!
### Prevent `merge-hell`
@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ Please keep in mind that pull requests should be small (i.e. one feature per req
### Coding Standards
Pico uses the [PSR-2 Coding Standard]( as defined by the [PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP-FIG)](
Pico uses the [PSR-2 Coding Standard]( as defined by the [PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP-FIG)](
For historical reasons we don't use formal namespaces.
For historical reasons we don't use formal namespaces. Markdown files in the `content-sample` folder (the inline documentation) must follow a hard limit of 80 characters line length.
It is recommended to check your code using [PHP_CodeSniffer]( using Pico's `.phpcs.xml` standard. Use the following command:
@ -122,18 +122,18 @@ With this command you can specify a file or folder to limit which files it will
Pico accepts the problems of having redundant documentation on different places (concretely Pico's inline user docs, the `` and the website) for the sake of a better user experience. When updating the docs, please make sure to keep them in sync.
If you update the [``]( or [`content-sample/`](, please make sure to update the corresponding files in the [`_docs`]( folder of the `` repo (i.e. [Pico's website]( and vice versa. Unfortunately this involves three (!) different markdown parsers. If you're experiencing problems, use Pico's [`erusev/parsedown-extra`]( as a reference. You can try to make the contents compatible to [Kramdown]( (Pico's website) and [CommonMarker]( (``) by yourself, otherwise please address the issues in your pull request message and we'll take care of it.
If you update the [``]( or [`content-sample/`](, please make sure to update the corresponding files in the [`_docs`]( folder of the `` repo (i.e. [Pico's website]( and vice versa. Unfortunately this involves three (!) different markdown parsers. If you're experiencing problems, use Pico's [`erusev/parsedown-extra`]( as a reference. You can try to make the contents compatible to [Kramdown]( (Pico's website) and [CommonMarker]( (``) by yourself, otherwise please address the issues in your pull request message and we'll take care of it.
Pico follows [Semantic Versioning 2.0]( and uses version numbers like `MAJOR`.`MINOR`.`PATCH`. We will increment the:
Pico follows [Semantic Versioning 2.0]( and uses version numbers like `MAJOR`.`MINOR`.`PATCH`. We will increment the:
- `MAJOR` version when we make incompatible API changes,
- `MINOR` version when we add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
- `PATCH` version when we make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
For more information please refer to the website.
For more information please refer to the website.
@ -153,13 +153,9 @@ As soon as development reaches a point where feedback is appreciated, a pull req
Build & Release process
We use [GitHub Actions]( to automate the test, build & release process of Pico - also called [continous integration](, or CI. With our CI pipeline we perform various tests on every push, including code style checks (powered by [PHP_CodeSniffer]( Due to historical reasons we don't have any unit or integration tests, so you must manually test your changes. Pull requests adding unit or integration tests are very welcome though! Please refer to the [`test.yml` workflow]( for details.
We're using [Travis CI]( to automate the build & release process of Pico. It generates and deploys a [PHP class documentation]( (powered by [phpDoc]( for new releases and on every commit to the `master` branch. Travis also prepares new releases by generating Pico's pre-built release packages, a version badge, code statistics (powered by [cloc]( and updates our website (the [`` repo]( Please refer to our [`.travis.yml`](, the [`picocms/ci-tools` repo]( and the [`.build` directory]( for details.
With our CI pipeline we furthermore generate and deploy a [PHP class documentation]( (powered by [phpDoc]( for new releases and on every push to the `master` branch. Our CI pipeline also prepares new releases by generating a version badge, code statistics (powered by [cloc]( and updates our website (the [`` repo]( Please refer to the [`deploy-branch.yml`]( and [`deploy-release.yml`]( workflows for details, as well as the [`picocms/ci-tools` repo](
To build a release package or publish a new release, use Pico's [Makefile]( (see [Wikipedia]( for details), which is more or less a wrapper for Pico's [`.build/` script]( You can build both development versions (like `v1.0.0-dev`) and "actual" releases (both stable and pre-releases, like `v1.0.0` or `v1.0.0-beta.1`). The `build` target builds a development version by default; to build a release, pass the `version` argument (e.g. `make build version=v1.0.0`). Please note that the build script will perform a sophisticated list of sanity checks before actually building a non-development version of Pico (e.g. your Git working tree must be clean, and the Git tag matching the version to build must be checked out). To publish a new release, run the `publish` target. It will build the release packages and push them to GitHub, creating a new release there and triggering the previously mentioned workflow for new releases. You must then manually add the changelog to the release description.
As insinuated above, it is important that each commit to `master` is deployable. Once development of a new Pico release is finished, publish the new release using `make publish version=v1.0.0`. The matching Git tag should reference a (usually empty) commit on `master`, whose message should adhere to the following template:
As insinuated above, it is important that each commit to `master` is deployable. Once development of a new Pico release is finished, trigger Pico's build & release process by pushing a new Git tag. This tag should reference a (usually empty) commit on `master`, which message should adhere to the following template:
Version 1.0.0
@ -175,39 +171,39 @@ Before pushing a new Git tag, make sure to update the `Pico::VERSION` and `Pico:
If you're pushing a new major or minor release of Pico, you should also update Pico's `composer.json` to require the latest minor releases of Pico's dependencies. Besides, don't forget to update the `@version` tags in the PHP class docs.
The latest Pico version is always available at, so please make sure to reference this URL rather than version-specific URLs. [Packagist]( will be updated automatically.
Travis CI will draft the new [release on GitHub]( automatically, but will require you to manually amend the descriptions formatting. The latest Pico version is always available at, so please make sure to publish this URL rather than version-specific URLs. [Packagist]( will be updated automatically.
Labeling of Issues & Pull Requests
Pico makes use of GitHub's label and milestone features, to aid developers in quickly identifying and prioritizing which issues need to be worked on. The starting point for labeling issues and pull requests is the `type` label, which is explained in greater detail below. The `type` label might get combined with a `pri` label, describing the issue's priority, and a `status` label, describing the current status of the issue.
Pico makes use of GitHub's label and milestone features, to aide developers in quickly identifying and prioritizing which issues need to be worked on. The starting point for labeling issues and pull requests is the `type` label, which is explained in greater detail below. The `type` label might get combined with a `pri` label, describing the issue's priority, and a `status` label, describing the current status of the issue.
Issues and pull requests labeled with `info: Feedback Needed` indicate that feedback from others is highly appreciated. We always appreciate feedback at any time and from anyone, but when this label is present, we explicitly *ask* you to give feedback. It would be great if you leave a comment!
- The `type: Bug` label is assigned to issues or pull requests, which have been identified as bugs or security issues in Pico's core. It might get combined with the `pri: High` label, when the problem was identified as security issue, or as a so-called "show stopper" bug. In contrast, uncritical problems might get labeled with `pri: Low`. If a pull request isn't mergeable at the moment, it is labeled with `status: Work In Progress` until development of the pull request is finished. `type: Bug` issues and pull requests are usually labeled with one of the following `status` labels when being closed:
- `status: Resolved` is used when the issue has been resolved (used with issues only).
- The `type: Bug` label is assigned to issues or pull requests, which have been identified as bugs or security issues in Pico's core. It might get combined with the `pri: High` label, when the problem was identified as security issue, or as a so-called "show stopper" bug. In contrast, uncritical problems might get labeled with `pri: Low`. `type: Bug` issues and pull requests are usually labeled with one of the following `status` labels when being closed:
- `status: Resolved` is used when the issue has been resolved.
- `status: Conflict` indicates a conflict with another issue or behavior of Pico, making it impossible to resolve the problem at the moment.
- `status: Won't Fix` means, that there is indeed a problem, but for some reason we made the decision that resolving it isn't reasonable, making it intended behavior.
- `status: Rejected` is used when the issue was rejected for another reason (used with issues only).
- `status: Rejected` is used when the issue was rejected for another reason.
- The `type: Enhancement` and `type: Feature` labels are used to tag pull requests, which introduce either a comparatively small enhancement, or a "big" new feature. As with the `type: Bug` label, they might get combined with the `pri: High` or `pri: Low` labels to indicate the pull request's priority. They might also be labeled with `status: Work In Progress`. After merging or closing the pull request, it is labeled with one of the `status` labels as described above for the `type: Bug` label.
- The `type: Enhancement` and `type: Feature` labels are used to tag pull requests, which introduce either a comparatively small enhancement, or a "big" new feature. As with the `type: Bug` label, they might get combined with the `pri: High` or `pri: Low` labels to indicate the pull request's priority. If a pull request isn't mergeable at the moment, it is labeled with `status: Work In Progress` until development of the pull request is finished. After merging or closing the pull request, it is labeled with one of the `status` labels as described above for the `type: Bug` label.
- The `type: Idea` label is similar to the `type: Enhancement` and `type: Feature` labels, but is used for issues, or incomplete and abandoned pull requests. It is otherwise used in the exact same way as `type: Enhancement` and `type: Feature`.
- The `type: Idea` label is similar to the `type: Enhancement` and `type: Feature` labels, but is used for issues or incomplete and abandoned pull requests. It is otherwise used in the exact same way as `type: Enhancement` and `type: Feature`.
- The `type: Release` label is used in the exact same way as `type: Feature` and indicates the primary pull request of a new Pico release (please refer to the *Branching* and *Build & Release process* sections above).
- The `type: Notice`, `type: Support` and `type: Discussion` labels are used to indicate "fyi" issues, support-related issues (e.g. issues opened by users or developers asking questions), and issues with discussions about arbitrary topics related to Pico. They are neither combined with `pri` labels, nor with `status` labels.
- The `type: Notice`, `type: Support` and `type: Discussion` labels are used to indicate "fyi" issues, support-related issues (e.g. issues opened by users or developers asking questions), and issues with disucssions about arbitrary topics related to Pico. They are neither combined with `pri` labels, nor with `status` labels.
- The `type: Duplicate` label is used when there is already another issue or pull request related to this problem or feature request. Issues labeled with `type: Duplicate` are immediately closed.
- The `type: Invalid` label is used for everything else, e.g. issues or pull requests not related to Pico, or invalid bug reports. This includes supposed bug reports that concern actually intended behavior, unless the report isn't rather considered a support request (also see `type: Support`).
- The `type: Invalid` label is used for everything else, e.g. issues or pull requests not related to Pico, or invalid bug reports. This includes supposed bug reports that concern actually intended behavior.
The `status: Deferred` label might get added to any open issue or pull request to indicate that it is still unresolved and will be resolved later. This is also true for the `info: Pinned` label: It indicates an important issue or pull request that remains open on purpose.
The `status: Deferred` label might get added to any open issue or pull request to indicate that it is still unresolved and will be resolved later. This is also true for the `info: Pinned` label: It indicates a important issue or pull request that remains open on purpose.
After resolving an issue, we usually keep it open for about a week to give users some more time for feedback and further questions. This is especially true for issues with the `type: Notice`, `type: Support`, `type: Discussion` and `type: Invalid` labels. After 7 days with no interaction, the [GitHub Actions]( bot adds the `info: Stale` label to the issue to ask the participants whether the issue has been resolved. If no more activity occurs, the issue will be automatically closed by Stale bot 2 days later.
After resolving a issue, we usually keep it open for about a week to give users some more time for feedback and further questions. This is especially true for issues with the `type: Notice`, `type: Support`, `type: Discussion` and `type: Invalid` labels. After 7 days with no interaction, [Probot]('s [Stale]( bot adds the `info: Stale` label to the issue to ask the participants whether the issue has been resolved. If no more activity occurs, the issue will be automatically closed by Stale bot 2 days later.
Issues and pull requests labeled with `info: Information Needed` indicate that we have asked one of the participants for further information and didn't receive any feedback yet. It is usually added after Stale bot adds the `info: Stale` label to give the participants some more days to provide the necessary information, unless it is automatically closed due to inactivity.
Issues and pull requests labeled with `info: Information Needed` indicate that we have asked one of the participants for further information and didn't receive any feedback yet. It is usually added after Stale bot adds the `info: Stale` label to give the participants some more days to give the necessary information.
Issues and pull requests, which are rather related to upstream projects (i.e. projects Pico depends on, like Twig), are additionally labeled with `info: Upstream`.
If an issue or pull request isn't directly related to Pico's core, but the project as a whole, it is labeled with `info: Meta`. Issues labeled with `info: Website` are related to [Pico's website](, however, in this case it is usually expedient to move the issue to the [`` repo]( instead. The same applies to the `info: Pico CMS for Nextcloud` label; these issues are related to [Pico CMS for Nextcloud](
When a issue or pull request isn't directly related to Pico's core, but the project as a whole, it is labeled with `info: Meta`. Issues labeled with `info: Website` are related to [Pico's website](, however, in this case it is usually expedient to move the issue to the [`` repo]( instead. The same applies to the `info: Pico CMS for Nextcloud` label; these issues are related to [Pico CMS for Nextcloud](

View file

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
# Pico -- Makefile
# Makefile to build new Pico releases using './.build/'.
# This file is part of Pico, a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
# Visit us at for more info.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Daniel Rudolf <>
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see LICENSE file or <>.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# License-Filename: LICENSE
all: clean build
clean: clean-build clean-export
find "." -name "$(archive_tar)" -exec rm -f {} \;
find "." -name "$(archive_zip)" -exec rm -f {} \;
rm -f "./$(export)"
build: export PHP=$(php)
build: export COMPOSER=$(composer)
./.build/$(if $(filter true,$(publish)), --publish,)$(if $(filter true,$(nocheck)), --no-check,)$(if $(version), "$(version)",)
git archive --prefix "$(app_name)/" -o "./$(export)" HEAD
publish: publish=true
publish: build
$(composer) install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
.PHONY: all \
clean clean-build clean-export \
build export publish \

View file

@ -9,7 +9,23 @@ Pico
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Visit us at and see for more info.
Visit us at and see for more info.
### PHP 8.0+ Users
Seeing an `Unparenthesized a ? b : c ? d : e is not supported.` error?
Pico currently has issues with PHP versions newer than 8.0. This is due to Pico's dependencies, and not Pico itself. There's currently an "alpha" build of Pico you can download as a [Pre-Bundled Release]( that solves this issue.
This "alpha" is **perfectly safe** to use in production, as the *only* changes are **updated dependencies and version number strings**. If you're curious, you can confirm this by [comparing the changes]( between branches.
More work was intended to be done on this branch, hence the "3.0" label, but it hasn't happened yet. There's an [on-going discussion]( about getting just these updated dependencies merged in as an official update (either Pico 2.2 or 3.0) as soon as possible.
Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks to all Pico users for your patience on the matter. ❤️
@ -143,7 +159,7 @@ Upgrade
Do you remember when you installed Pico? It was ingeniously simple, wasn't it? Upgrading Pico is no difference! The upgrade process differs depending on whether you used [Composer][] or a pre-bundled release to install Pico. Please note that you should *always* create a backup of your Pico installation before upgrading!
Pico follows [Semantic Versioning 2.0][SemVer] and uses version numbers like `MAJOR`.`MINOR`.`PATCH`. When we update the `PATCH` version (e.g. `2.0.0` to `2.0.1`), we made backwards-compatible bug fixes. If we change the `MINOR` version (e.g. `2.0` to `2.1`), we added functionality in a backwards-compatible manner. Upgrading Pico is dead simple in both cases. Simply head over to the appropriate Upgrade sections below.
Pico follows [Semantic Versioning 2.0][SemVer] and uses version numbers like `MAJOR`.`MINOR`.`PATCH`. When we update the `PATCH` version (e.g. `2.0.0` to `2.0.1`), we made backwards-compatible bug fixes. If we change the `MINOR` version (e.g. `2.0` to `2.1`), we added functionality in a backwards-compatible manner. Upgrading Pico is dead simple in both cases. Simply head over to the appropiate Upgrade sections below.
But wait, we forgot to mention what happens when we update the `MAJOR` version (e.g. `2.0` to `3.0`). In this case we made incompatible API changes. We will then provide a appropriate upgrade tutorial, so please head over to the ["Upgrade" page on our website][HelpUpgrade].
@ -181,11 +197,11 @@ Getting Help
#### Getting Help as a user
If you want to get started using Pico, please refer to our [user docs][HelpUserDocs]. Please read the [upgrade notes][HelpUpgrade] if you want to upgrade to a new Pico version. You can find officially supported [plugins][OfficialPlugins] and [themes][OfficialThemes] on our website. A greater choice of third-party plugins can be found in our [Wiki][WikiPlugins]. If you want to create your own plugin or theme, please refer to the "Getting Help as a developer" section below.
If you want to get started using Pico, please refer to our [user docs][HelpUserDocs]. Please read the [upgrade notes][HelpUpgrade] if you want to upgrade from Pico 1.0 to Pico 2.0. You can find officially supported [plugins][OfficialPlugins] and [themes][OfficialThemes] on our website. A greater choice of third-party plugins and themes can be found in our [Wiki][] on the [plugins][WikiPlugins] or [themes][WikiThemes] pages respectively. If you want to create your own plugin or theme, please refer to the "Getting Help as a developer" section below.
#### Getting Help as a developer
If you're a developer, please refer to the "Contributing" section below and our [contribution guidelines][ContributionGuidelines]. To get you started with creating a plugin or theme, check out Pico's [`DummyPlugin`][PicoDummyPlugin], and [Pico's default theme][PicoThemeGit].
If you're a developer, please refer to the "Contributing" section below and our [contribution guidelines][ContributionGuidelines]. To get you started with creating a plugin or theme, please read the [developer docs on our website][HelpDevDocs].
#### You still need help or experience a problem with Pico?
@ -198,7 +214,7 @@ Contributing
You want to contribute to Pico? We really appreciate that! You can help make Pico better by [contributing code][PullRequests] or [reporting issues][Issues], but please take note of our [contribution guidelines][ContributionGuidelines]. In general you can contribute in three different areas:
1. Plugins & Themes: You're a plugin developer or theme designer? We love you folks! To get you started with creating a plugin or theme, check out Pico's [`DummyPlugin`][PicoDummyPlugin], and [Pico's default theme][PicoThemeGit]. If you have created a plugin or theme, please add it to our [Wiki][] and [Submit][] it to our website, where it'll be displayed on the official [plugin][OfficialPlugins] or [theme][OfficialThemes] pages!
1. Plugins & Themes: You're a plugin developer or theme designer? We love you folks! You can find tons of information about how to develop plugins and themes at If you have created a plugin or theme, please add it to our [Wiki][], either on the [plugins][WikiPlugins] or [themes][WikiThemes] page. You may also [Submit][] it to our website, where it'll be displayed on the official [plugin][OfficialPlugins] or [theme][OfficialThemes] pages!
2. Documentation: We always appreciate people improving our documentation. You can either improve the [inline user docs][EditInlineDocs] or the more extensive [user docs on our website][EditUserDocs]. You can also improve the [docs for plugin and theme developers][EditDevDocs]. Simply fork our website's Git repository from, change the Markdown files and open a [pull request][PullRequestsWebsite].
@ -227,26 +243,26 @@ Official Pico Contributors won't claim bounties on their own behalf, Pico will n

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"type": "library",
"description": "Pico is a flat file CMS, this means there is no administration backend and database to deal with. You simply create .md files in the \"content\" folder and that becomes a page.",
"keywords": ["pico", "picocms", "pico-cms", "simple", "flat-file", "cms", "content-management", "website", "markdown-to-html", "php", "markdown", "yaml", "twig" ],
"homepage": "",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"name": "The Pico Community",
"homepage": ""
"homepage": ""
"name": "Contributors",
@ -26,17 +26,17 @@
"support": {
"docs": "",
"docs": "",
"issues": "",
"source": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=7.2.5",
"php": ">=5.3.6",
"ext-mbstring": "*",
"twig/twig": "^3.3.8",
"symfony/yaml" : "^5.4.3",
"erusev/parsedown": "1.7.4",
"erusev/parsedown-extra": "0.8.1"
"twig/twig": "^1.36",
"symfony/yaml" : "^2.8",
"erusev/parsedown": "1.8.0-beta-7",
"erusev/parsedown-extra": "0.8.0-beta-1"
"suggest": {
"picocms/pico-theme": "Pico requires a theme to actually display the contents of your website. This is Pico's official default theme.",
@ -44,14 +44,13 @@
"picocms/composer-installer": "This Composer plugin is responsible for installing Pico plugins and themes using the Composer package manager."
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"": "lib/"
"psr-0": {
"Pico": "lib/",
"PicoPluginInterface": "lib/",
"AbstractPicoPlugin": "lib/"
"extra": {
"allow-plugins": {
"picocms/*": true
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "2.1.x-dev",
"dev-pico-3.0": "3.0.x-dev"

View file

@ -28,10 +28,9 @@ twig_config: # Twig template engine config
# Content
date_format: "%D %T" # Pico's default date format;
date_format: %D %T # Pico's default date format;
# See for more info
pages_order_by_meta: author # Sort pages by meta value "author" (set "pages_order_by" to "meta")
# Use '.' notation for nested meta keys (e.g. '')
pages_order_by: alpha # Change how Pico sorts pages ("alpha" for alphabetical order, "date", or "meta")
pages_order: asc # Sort pages in ascending ("asc") or descending ("desc") order
content_dir: ~ # The path to Pico's content directory

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Logo: "%theme_url%/img/pico-white.svg"
Logo: %theme_url%/img/pico-white.svg
Tagline: Making the web easy.
- title: Visit us on GitHub

View file

@ -5,15 +5,29 @@ Description: Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
## Welcome to Pico
Congratulations, you have successfully installed [Pico][] %version%. %meta.description% <!-- replaced by the above Description header -->
Congratulations, you have successfully installed [Pico][] %version%.
%meta.description% <!-- replaced by the above Description header -->
## Creating Content
Pico is a flat file CMS. This means there is no administration backend or database to deal with. You simply create `.md` files in the `content` folder and those files become your pages. For example, this file is called `` and is shown as the main landing page.
Pico is a flat file CMS. This means there is no administration backend or
database to deal with. You simply create `.md` files in the `content` folder
and those files become your pages. For example, this file is called ``
and is shown as the main landing page.
When you install Pico, it comes with some sample contents that will display until you add your own content. Simply add some `.md` files to your `content` folder in Pico's root directory. No configuration is required, Pico will automatically use the `content` folder as soon as you create your own ``. Just check out [Pico's sample contents][SampleContents] for an example!
When you install Pico, it comes with some sample contents that will display
until you add your own content. Simply add some `.md` files to your `content`
folder in Pico's root directory. No configuration is required, Pico will
automatically use the `content` folder as soon as you create your own
``. Just check out [Pico's sample contents][SampleContents] for an
If you create a folder within the content directory (e.g. `content/sub`) and put an `` inside it, you can access that folder at the URL %base_url%?sub. If you want another page within the sub folder, simply create a text file with the corresponding name and you will be able to access it (e.g. `content/sub/` is accessible from the URL %base_url%?sub/page. Below we've shown some examples of locations and their corresponding URLs:
If you create a folder within the content directory (e.g. `content/sub`) and
put an `` inside it, you can access that folder at the URL
`%base_url%?sub`. If you want another page within the sub folder, simply create
a text file with the corresponding name and you will be able to access it
(e.g. `content/sub/` is accessible from the URL `%base_url%?sub/page`).
Below we've shown some examples of locations and their corresponding URLs:
<table style="width: 100%; max-width: 40em;">
@ -53,17 +67,35 @@ If you create a folder within the content directory (e.g. `content/sub`) and put
If a file cannot be found, the file `content/` will be shown. You can add `` files to any directory. So, for example, if you wanted to use a special error page for your blog, you could simply create `content/blog/`.
If a file cannot be found, the file `content/` will be shown. You can add
`` files to any directory. So, for example, if you wanted to use a special
error page for your blog, you could simply create `content/blog/`.
Pico strictly separates contents of your website (the Markdown files in your `content` directory) and how these contents should be displayed (the Twig templates in your `themes` directory). However, not every file in your `content` directory might actually be a distinct page. For example, some themes (including Pico's default theme) use some special "hidden" file to manage meta data (like `` in Pico's sample contents). Some other themes use a `` to represent the contents of the website's footer. The common point is the `_`: all files and directories prefixed by a `_` in your `content` directory are hidden. These pages can't be accessed from a web browser, Pico will show a 404 error page instead.
Pico strictly separates contents of your website (the Markdown files in your
`content` directory) and how these contents should be displayed (the Twig
templates in your `themes` directory). However, not every file in your `content`
directory might actually be a distinct page. For example, some themes (including
Pico's default theme) use some special "hidden" file to manage meta data (like
`` in Pico's sample contents). Some other themes use a `` to
represent the contents of the website's footer. The common point is the `_`: all
files and directories prefixed by a `_` in your `content` directory are hidden.
These pages can't be accessed from a web browser, Pico will show a 404 error
page instead.
As a common practice, we recommend you to separate your contents and assets (like images, downloads, etc.). We even deny access to your `content` directory by default. If you want to use some assets (e.g. an image) in one of your content files, use Pico's `assets` folder. You can then access them in your Markdown using the <code>&#37;assets_url&#37;</code> placeholder, for example: <code>!\[Image Title\](&#37;assets_url&#37;/image.png)</code>
As a common practice, we recommend you to separate your contents and assets
(like images, downloads, etc.). We even deny access to your `content` directory
by default. If you want to use some assets (e.g. a image) in one of your content
files, use Pico's `assets` folder. You can then access them in your Markdown
using the <code>&#37;assets_url&#37;</code> placeholder, for example:
<code>!\[Image Title\](&#37;assets_url&#37;/image.png)</code>
### Text File Markup
Text files are marked up using [Markdown][] and [Markdown Extra][MarkdownExtra]. They can also contain regular HTML.
Text files are marked up using [Markdown][] and [Markdown Extra][MarkdownExtra].
They can also contain regular HTML.
At the top of text files you can place a block comment and specify certain meta attributes of the page using [YAML][] (the "YAML Front Matter", or "YAML header"). For example:
At the top of text files you can place a block comment and specify certain meta
attributes of the page using [YAML][] (the "YAML header"). For example:
Title: Welcome
@ -74,71 +106,113 @@ At the top of text files you can place a block comment and specify certain meta
Template: index
These values will be contained in the `{{ meta }}` variable in themes (see below). Meta headers can sometimes have special functions. For example:
These values will be contained in the `{{ meta }}` variable in themes (see
below). Meta headers sometimes have a special meaning: For instance, Pico not
only passes through the `Date` meta header, but rather evaluates it to really
"understand" when this page was created. This comes into play when you want to
sort your pages not just alphabetically, but by date. Another example is the
`Template` meta header: It controls what Twig template Pico uses to display
this page (e.g. if you add `Template: blog`, Pico uses `blog.twig`).
- `Date` tells Pico when the page was created, letting you sort your pages not just alphabetically, but by date. Pico furthermore not only passes through the `Date` meta header, but rather evaluates it to really "understand" when this page was created.
- `Template` controls what Twig template Pico uses to display the page. For example, if you add `Template: blog`, Pico uses `blog.twig` to render this page instead of the default `index.twig`.
You can even create your own meta attributes and use them in your content or when modifying a theme. For example, if you create an `Order` attribute, you can set `pages_order_by_meta: Order` and `pages_order_by: meta ` in `config.yml` to sort pages in the navigation menu in a custom order.
In an attempt to separate contents and styling, we recommend you to not use inline CSS in your Markdown files. You should rather add appropriate CSS classes to your theme. For example, you might want to add some CSS classes to your theme to rule how much of the available space a image should use (e.g. `img.small { width: 80%; }`). You can then use these CSS classes in your Markdown files, for example: <code>!\[Image Title\](&#37;assets_url&#37;/image.png) {.small}</code>
In an attempt to separate contents and styling, we recommend you to not use
inline CSS in your Markdown files. You should rather add appropriate CSS
classes to your theme. For example, you might want to add some CSS classes to
your theme to rule how much of the available space a image should use (e.g.
`img.small { width: 80%; }`). You can then use these CSS classes in your
Markdown files, for example:
<code>!\[Image Title\](&#37;assets_url&#37;/image.png) {.small}</code>
There are also certain variables that you can use in your text files:
* <code>&#37;site_title&#37;</code> - The title of your Pico site
* <code>&#37;base_url&#37;</code> - The URL to your Pico site; internal links can be specified using <code>&#37;base_url&#37;?sub/page</code>
* <code>&#37;base_url&#37;</code> - The URL to your Pico site; internal links
can be specified using <code>&#37;base_url&#37;?sub/page</code>
* <code>&#37;theme_url&#37;</code> - The URL to the currently used theme
* <code>&#37;assets_url&#37;</code> - The URL to Pico's `assets` directory
* <code>&#37;themes_url&#37;</code> - The URL to Pico's `themes` directory; don't confuse this with <code>&#37;theme_url&#37;</code>
* <code>&#37;themes_url&#37;</code> - The URL to Pico's `themes` directory;
don't confuse this with <code>&#37;theme_url&#37;</code>
* <code>&#37;plugins_url&#37;</code> - The URL to Pico's `plugins` directory
* <code>&#37;version&#37;</code> - Pico's current version string (e.g. `2.0.0`)
* <code>&#37;page_id&#37;</code>, <code>&#37;page_url&#37;</code>, and <code>&#37;page_path&#37;</code> - The current page's ID (e.g. `sub/index` for `content/sub/`, `sub/page` for `content/sub/`, …), its URL (`sub` resp. `sub/page` in our examples), or its directory path (`sub` in both examples) respectively
* <code>&#37;meta.&#42;&#37;</code> - Access any meta variable of the current page, e.g. <code>&#37;;</code> is replaced with `Joe Bloggs`
* <code>&#37;config.&#42;&#37;</code> - Access any scalar config variable, e.g. <code>&#37;config.theme&#37;</code> is replaced by `default`
* <code>&#37;meta.&#42;&#37;</code> - Access any meta variable of the current
page, e.g. <code>&#37;;</code> is replaced with `Joe Bloggs`
* <code>&#37;config.&#42;&#37;</code> - Access any scalar config variable,
e.g. <code>&#37;config.theme&#37;</code> is replaced with `default`
### Blogging
Pico is not blogging software - but makes it very easy for you to use it as a blog. You can find many plugins out there implementing typical blogging features like authentication, tagging, pagination and social plugins. See the "Plugins" section below for details.
Pico is not blogging software - but makes it very easy for you to use it as a
blog. You can find many plugins out there implementing typical blogging
features like authentication, tagging, pagination and social plugins. See the
below Plugins section for details.
If you want to use Pico as a blogging software, you probably want to do something like the following:
If you want to use Pico as a blogging software, you probably want to do
something like the following:
1. Put all your blog articles in a separate `blog` folder in your `content` directory. All these articles should have a `Date` meta header.
2. Create a `` or `blog/` in your `content` directory. Add `Template: blog` to the YAML header of this page. It will later show a list of all your blog articles (see step 3).
3. Create the new Twig template `blog.twig` (the file name must match the `Template` meta header from Step 2) in your theme directory. This template probably isn't very different from your default `index.twig` (i.e. copy `index.twig`), it will create a list of all your blog articles. Add the following Twig snippet to `blog.twig` near `{{ content }}`:
{% for page in pages("blog")|sort_by("time")|reverse %}
{% if not page.hidden %}
<div class="post">
<h3><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h3>
<p class="date">{{ page.date_formatted }}</p>
<p class="excerpt">{{ page.description }}</p>
{% endif %}
1. Put all your blog articles in a separate `blog` folder in your `content`
directory. All these articles should have a `Date` meta header.
2. Create a `` or `blog/` in your `content` directory. Add
`Template: blog-index` to the YAML header of this page. It will later show a
list of all your blog articles (see step 3).
3. Create the new Twig template `blog-index.twig` (the file name must match the
`Template` meta header from Step 2) in your theme directory. This template
probably isn't very different from your default `index.twig` (i.e. copy
`index.twig`), it will create a list of all your blog articles. Add the
following Twig snippet to `blog-index.twig` near `{{ content }}`:
{% for page in pages("blog")|sort_by("time")|reverse if not page.hidden %}
<div class="post">
<h3><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h3>
<p class="date">{{ page.date_formatted }}</p>
<p class="excerpt">{{ page.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}
## Customization
Pico is highly customizable in two different ways: On the one hand you can change Pico's appearance by using themes, on the other hand you can add new functionality by using plugins. Doing the former includes changing Pico's HTML, CSS and JavaScript, the latter mostly consists of PHP programming.
Pico is highly customizable in two different ways: On the one hand you can
change Pico's appearance by using themes, on the other hand you can add new
functionality by using plugins. Doing the former includes changing Pico's HTML,
CSS and JavaScript, the latter mostly consists of PHP programming.
This is all Greek to you? Don't worry, you don't have to spend time on these techie talk - it's very easy to use one of the great themes or plugins others developed and released to the public. Please refer to the next sections for details.
This is all Greek to you? Don't worry, you don't have to spend time on these
techie talk - it's very easy to use one of the great themes or plugins others
developed and released to the public. Please refer to the next sections for
### Themes
You can create themes for your Pico installation in the `themes` folder. Pico uses [Twig][] for template rendering. You can select your theme by setting the `theme` option in `config/config.yml` to the name of your theme folder.
You can create themes for your Pico installation in the `themes` folder. Pico
uses [Twig][] for template rendering. You can select your theme by setting the
`theme` option in `config/config.yml` to the name of your theme folder.
[Pico's default theme][PicoTheme] isn't really intended to be used for a productive website, it's rather a starting point for creating your own theme. If the default theme isn't sufficient for you, and you don't want to create your own theme, you can use one of the great themes third-party developers and designers created in the past. As with plugins, you can find themes on [our website][OfficialThemes].
[Pico's default theme][PicoTheme] isn't really intended to be used for a
productive website, it's rather a starting point for creating your own theme.
If the default theme isn't sufficient for you, and you don't want to create
your own theme, you can use one of the great themes third-party developers and
designers created in the past. As with plugins, you can find themes on [our website][OfficialThemes].
All themes must include an `index.twig` file to define the HTML structure of the theme, and a `pico-theme.yml` to set the necessary config parameters. Just refer to Pico's default theme as an example. You can use different templates for different content files by specifying the `Template` meta header. Simply add e.g. `Template: blog` to the YAML header of a content file and Pico will use the `blog.twig` template in your theme folder to display the page.
All themes must include an `index.twig` file to define the HTML structure of
the theme, and a `pico-theme.yml` to set the necessary config parameters. Just
refer to Pico's default theme as an example. You can use different templates
for different content files by specifying the `Template` meta header. Simply
add e.g. `Template: blog` to the YAML header of a content file and Pico will
use the `blog.twig` template in your theme folder to display the page.
Below are the Twig variables that are available to use in themes. Please note that URLs (e.g. `{{ base_url }}`) never include a trailing slash.
Below are the Twig variables that are available to use in themes. Please note
that URLs (e.g. `{{ base_url }}`) never include a trailing slash.
* `{{ site_title }}` - Shortcut to the site title (see `config/config.yml`)
* `{{ config }}` - Contains the values you set in `config/config.yml` (e.g. `{{ config.theme }}` becomes `default`)
* `{{ base_url }}` - The URL to your Pico site; use Twig's `link` filter to specify internal links (e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|link }}`), this guarantees that your link works whether URL rewriting is enabled or not
* `{{ config }}` - Contains the values you set in `config/config.yml`
(e.g. `{{ config.theme }}` becomes `default`)
* `{{ base_url }}` - The URL to your Pico site; use Twig's `link` filter to
specify internal links (e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|link }}`),
this guarantees that your link works whether URL rewriting
is enabled or not
* `{{ theme_url }}` - The URL to the currently active theme
* `{{ assets_url }}` - The URL to Pico's `assets` directory
* `{{ themes_url }}` - The URL to Pico's `themes` directory; don't confuse this with `{{ theme_url }}`
* `{{ themes_url }}` - The URL to Pico's `themes` directory; don't confuse this
with `{{ theme_url }}`
* `{{ plugins_url }}` - The URL to Pico's `plugins` directory
* `{{ version }}` - Pico's current version string (e.g. `%version%`)
* `{{ meta }}` - Contains the meta values of the current page
@ -146,22 +220,44 @@ Below are the Twig variables that are available to use in themes. Please note th
* `{{ meta.description }}` - The `Description` YAML header
* `{{ }}` - The `Author` YAML header
* `{{ }}` - The `Date` YAML header
* `{{ meta.date_formatted }}` - The formatted date of the page as specified by the `date_format` parameter in your `config/config.yml`
* `{{ meta.time }}` - The [Unix timestamp][UnixTimestamp] derived from the `Date` YAML header
* `{{ meta.date_formatted }}` - The formatted date of the page as specified
by the `date_format` parameter in your
* `{{ meta.time }}` - The [Unix timestamp][UnixTimestamp] derived from the
`Date` YAML header
* `{{ meta.robots }}` - The `Robots` YAML header
* ...
* `{{ content }}` - The content of the current page after it has been processed through Markdown
* `{{ previous_page }}` - The data of the previous page, relative to `current_page`
* `{{ current_page }}` - The data of the current page; refer to the "Pages" section below for details
* `{{ content }}` - The content of the current page after it has been processed
through Markdown
* `{{ previous_page }}` - The data of the previous page, relative to
* `{{ current_page }}` - The data of the current page; refer to the "Pages"
section below for details
* `{{ next_page }}` - The data of the next page, relative to `current_page`
To call assets from your theme, use `{{ theme_url }}`. For instance, to include the CSS file `themes/my_theme/example.css`, add `<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ theme_url }}/example.css" type="text/css" />` to your `index.twig`. This works for arbitrary files in your theme's folder, including images and JavaScript files.
To call assets from your theme, use `{{ theme_url }}`. For instance, to include
the CSS file `themes/my_theme/example.css`, add
`<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ theme_url }}/example.css" type="text/css" />`
to your `index.twig`. This works for arbitrary files in your theme's folder,
including images and JavaScript files.
Please note that Twig escapes HTML in all strings before outputting them. So for example, if you add `headline: My <strong>favorite</strong> color` to the YAML header of a page and output it using `{{ meta.headline }}`, you'll end up seeing `My <strong>favorite</strong> color` - yes, including the markup! To actually get it parsed, you must use `{{ meta.headline|raw }}` (resulting in the expected <code>My **favorite** color</code>). Notable exceptions to this are Pico's `content` variable (e.g. `{{ content }}`), Pico's `content` filter (e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|content }}`), and Pico's `markdown` filter, they all are marked as HTML safe.
Please note that Twig escapes HTML in all strings before outputting them. So
for example, if you add `headline: My <strong>favorite</strong> color` to the
YAML header of a page and output it using `{{ meta.headline }}`, you'll end up
seeing `My <strong>favorite</strong> color` - yes, including the markup! To
actually get it parsed, you must use `{{ meta.headline|raw }}` (resulting in
the expected <code>My **favorite** color</code>). Notable exceptions to this
are Pico's `content` variable (e.g. `{{ content }}`), Pico's `content` filter
(e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|content }}`), and Pico's `markdown` filter, they all are
marked as HTML safe.
#### Dealing with pages
There are several ways to access Pico's pages list. You can access the current page's data using the `current_page` variable, or use the `prev_page` and/or `next_page` variables to access the respective previous/next page in Pico's pages list. But more importantly there's the `pages()` function. No matter how you access a page, it will always consist of the following data:
There are several ways to access Pico's pages list. You can access the current
page's data using the `current_page` variable, or use the `prev_page` and/or
`next_page` variables to access the respective previous/next page in Pico's
pages list. But more importantly there's the `pages()` function. No matter how
you access a page, it will always consist of the following data:
* `{{ id }}` - The relative path to the content file (unique ID)
* `{{ url }}` - The URL to the page
@ -169,77 +265,192 @@ There are several ways to access Pico's pages list. You can access the current p
* `{{ description }}` - The description of the page (`Description` YAML header)
* `{{ author }}` - The author of the page (`Author` YAML header)
* `{{ date }}` - The date of the page (`Date` YAML header)
* `{{ date_formatted }}` - The formatted date of the page as specified by the `date_format` parameter in your `config/config.yml`
* `{{ time }}` - The [Unix timestamp][UnixTimestamp] derived from the page's date
* `{{ raw_content }}` - The raw, not yet parsed contents of the page; use the filter to get the parsed contents of a page by passing its unique ID (e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|content }}`)
* `{{ date_formatted }}` - The formatted date of the page as specified by the
`date_format` parameter in your `config/config.yml`
* `{{ time }}` - The [Unix timestamp][UnixTimestamp] derived from the page's
* `{{ raw_content }}` - The raw, not yet parsed contents of the page; use the
filter to get the parsed contents of a page by passing
its unique ID (e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|content }}`)
* `{{ meta }}` - The meta values of the page (see global `{{ meta }}` above)
* `{{ prev_page }}` - The data of the respective previous page
* `{{ next_page }}` - The data of the respective next page
* `{{ tree_node }}` - The page's node in Pico's page tree; check out Pico's [page tree documentation][FeaturesPageTree] for details
* `{{ tree_node }}` - The page's node in Pico's page tree; check out Pico's
[page tree documentation][FeaturesPageTree] for details
Pico's `pages()` function is the best way to access all of your site's pages. It uses Pico's page tree to easily traverse a subset of Pico's pages list. It allows you to filter pages and to build recursive menus (like dropdowns). By default, `pages()` returns a list of all main pages (e.g. `content/` and `content/sub/`, but not `content/sub/` or `content/`). If you want to return all pages below a specific folder (e.g. `content/blog/`), pass the folder name as first parameter to the function (e.g. `pages("blog")`). Naturally you can also pass variables to the function. For example, to return a list of all child pages of the current page, use `pages(`. Check out the following code snippet:
Pico's `pages()` function is the best way to access all of your site's pages.
It uses Pico's page tree to easily traverse a subset of Pico's pages list. It
allows you to filter pages and to build recursive menus (like dropdowns). By
default, `pages()` returns a list of all main pages (e.g. `content/` and
`content/sub/`, but not `content/sub/` or `content/`).
If you want to return all pages below a specific folder (e.g. `content/blog/`),
pass the folder name as first parameter to the function (e.g. `pages("blog")`).
Naturally you can also pass variables to the function. For example, to return a
list of all child pages of the current page, use `pages(`.
Check out the following code snippet:
<section class="articles">
{% for page in pages( %}
{% if not page.hidden %}
<h2><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h2>
{{|content }}
{% endif %}
{% for page in pages( if not page.hidden %}
<h2><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h2>
{{|content }}
{% endfor %}
The `pages()` function is very powerful and also allows you to return not just a page's child pages by passing the `depth` and `depthOffset` params. For example, if you pass `pages(depthOffset=-1)`, the list will also include Pico's main index page (i.e. `content/`). This one is commonly used to create a theme's main navigation. If you want to learn more, head over to Pico's complete [`pages()` function documentation][FeaturesPagesFunction].
The `pages()` function is very powerful and also allows you to return not just
a page's child pages by passing the `depth` and `depthOffset` params. For
example, if you pass `pages(depthOffset=-1)`, the list will also include Pico's
main index page (i.e. `content/`). This one is commonly used to create
a theme's main navigation. If you want to learn more, head over to Pico's
complete [`pages()` function documentation][FeaturesPagesFunction].
If you want to access the data of a particular page, use Pico's `pages` variable. Just take `content/` in Pico's sample contents for an example: `content/` contains some meta data you might want to use in your theme. If you want to output the page's `tagline` meta value, use `{{ pages["_meta"].meta.logo }}`. Don't ever try to use Pico's `pages` variable as an replacement for Pico's `pages()` function. Its usage looks very similar, it will kinda work and you might even see it being used in old themes, but be warned: It slows down Pico. Always use Pico's `pages()` function when iterating Pico's page list (e.g. `{% for page in pages() %}…{% endfor %}`).
If you want to access the data of a particular page, use Pico's `pages`
variable. Just take `content/` in Pico's sample contents for an
example: `content/` contains some meta data you might want to use in
your theme. If you want to output the page's `tagline` meta value, use
`{{ pages["_meta"].meta.logo }}`. Don't ever try to use Pico's `pages` variable
as an replacement for Pico's `pages()` function. Its usage looks very similar,
it will kinda work and you might even see it being used in old themes, but be
warned: It slows down Pico. Always use Pico's `pages()` function when iterating
Pico's page list (e.g. `{% for page in pages() %}…{% endfor %}`).
#### Twig filters and functions
Additional to [Twig][]'s extensive list of filters, functions and tags, Pico also provides some useful additional filters and functions to make theming even easier.
Additional to [Twig][]'s extensive list of filters, functions and tags, Pico
also provides some useful additional filters and functions to make theming
even easier.
* Pass the unique ID of a page to the `link` filter to return the page's URL (e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|link }}` gets `%base_url%?sub/page`).
* You can replace URL placeholders (like <code>&#37;base_url&#37;</code>) in arbitrary strings using the `url` filter. This is helpful together with meta variables, e.g. if you add <code>image: "&#37;assets_url&#37;/stock.jpg"</code> to the YAML header of a page, `{{ meta.image|url }}` will return `%assets_url%/stock.jpg`.
* To get the parsed contents of a page, pass its unique ID to the `content` filter (e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|content }}`).
* You can parse any Markdown string using the `markdown` filter. For example, you might use Markdown in the `description` meta variable and later parse it in your theme using `{{ meta.description|markdown }}`. You can also pass meta data as parameter to replace <code>&#37;meta.&#42;&#37;</code> placeholders (e.g. `{{ "Written by **"|markdown(meta) }}` yields "Written by *John Doe*"). However, please note that all contents will be wrapped inside HTML paragraph elements (i.e. `<p>…</p>`). If you want to parse just a single line of Markdown markup, pass the `singleLine` param to the `markdown` filter (e.g. `{{ "This really is a *single* line"|markdown(singleLine=true) }}`).
* Arrays can be sorted by one of its keys using the `sort_by` filter (e.g. `{% for page in pages|sort_by([ 'meta', 'nav' ]) %}...{% endfor %}` iterates through all pages, ordered by the `nav` meta header; please note the `[ 'meta', 'nav' ]` part of the example, it instructs Pico to sort by `page.meta.nav`). Items which couldn't be sorted are moved to the bottom of the array; you can specify `bottom` (move items to bottom; default), `top` (move items to top), `keep` (keep original order) or `remove` (remove items) as second parameter to change this behavior.
* Use the `url_param` and `form_param` Twig functions to access HTTP GET (i.e. a URL's query string like `?some-variable=my-value`) and HTTP POST (i.e. data of a submitted form) parameters. This allows you to implement things like pagination, tags and categories, dynamic pages, and even more - with pure Twig! Simply head over to our [introductory page for accessing HTTP parameters][FeaturesHttpParams] for details.
* Pass the unique ID of a page to the `link` filter to return the page's URL
(e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|link }}` gets `%base_url%?sub/page`).
* You can replace URL placeholders (like <code>&#37;base_url&#37;</code>) in
arbitrary strings using the `url` filter. This is helpful together with meta
variables, e.g. if you add <code>image: &#37;assets_url&#37;/stock.jpg</code>
to the YAML header of a page, `{{ meta.image|url }}` will return
* To get the parsed contents of a page, pass its unique ID to the `content`
filter (e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|content }}`).
* You can parse any Markdown string using the `markdown` filter. For example,
you might use Markdown in the `description` meta variable and later parse it
in your theme using `{{ meta.description|markdown }}`. You can also pass meta
data as parameter to replace <code>&#37;meta.&#42;&#37;</code> placeholders
(e.g. `{{ "Written by **"|markdown(meta) }}` yields "Written by
*John Doe*"). However, please note that all contents will be wrapped inside
HTML paragraph elements (i.e. `<p>…</p>`). If you want to parse just a single
line of Markdown markup, pass the `singleLine` param to the `markdown` filter
(e.g. `{{ "This really is a *single* line"|markdown(singleLine=true) }}`).
* Arrays can be sorted by one of its keys using the `sort_by` filter
(e.g. `{% for page in pages|sort_by([ 'meta', 'nav' ]) %}...{% endfor %}`
iterates through all pages, ordered by the `nav` meta header; please note the
`[ 'meta', 'nav' ]` part of the example, it instructs Pico to sort by
`page.meta.nav`). Items which couldn't be sorted are moved to the bottom of
the array; you can specify `bottom` (move items to bottom; default), `top`
(move items to top), `keep` (keep original order) or `remove` (remove items)
as second parameter to change this behavior.
* You can return all values of a given array key using the `map` filter
(e.g. `{{ pages|map("title") }}` returns all page titles).
* Use the `url_param` and `form_param` Twig functions to access HTTP GET (i.e.
a URL's query string like `?some-variable=my-value`) and HTTP POST (i.e. data
of a submitted form) parameters. This allows you to implement things like
pagination, tags and categories, dynamic pages, and even more - with pure
Twig! Simply head over to our [introductory page for accessing HTTP
parameters][FeaturesHttpParams] for details.
### Plugins
#### Plugins for users
Officially tested plugins can be found at, but there are many awesome third-party plugins out there! A good start point for discovery is [our Wiki][WikiPlugins].
Officially tested plugins can be found at, but
there are many awesome third-party plugins out there! A good start point for
discovery is [our Wiki][WikiPlugins].
Pico makes it very easy for you to add new features to your website using plugins. Just like Pico, you can install plugins either using [Composer][] (e.g. `composer require phrozenbyte/pico-file-prefixes`), or manually by uploading the plugin's file (just for small plugins consisting of a single file, e.g. `PicoFilePrefixes.php`) or directory (e.g. `PicoFilePrefixes`) to your `plugins` directory. We always recommend you to use Composer whenever possible, because it makes updating both Pico and your plugins way easier. Anyway, depending on the plugin you want to install, you may have to go through some more steps (e.g. specifying config variables) to make the plugin work. Thus you should always check out the plugin's docs or `` file to learn the necessary steps.
Pico makes it very easy for you to add new features to your website using
plugins. Just like Pico, you can install plugins either using [Composer][]
(e.g. `composer require phrozenbyte/pico-file-prefixes`), or manually by
uploading the plugin's file (just for small plugins consisting of a single file,
e.g. `PicoFilePrefixes.php`) or directory (e.g. `PicoFilePrefixes`) to your
`plugins` directory. We always recommend you to use Composer whenever possible,
because it makes updating both Pico and your plugins way easier. Anyway,
depending on the plugin you want to install, you may have to go through some
more steps (e.g. specifying config variables) to make the plugin work. Thus you
should always check out the plugin's docs or `` file to learn the
necessary steps.
Plugins which were written to work with Pico 1.0 and later can be enabled and disabled through your `config/config.yml`. If you want to e.g. disable the `PicoDeprecated` plugin, add the following line to your `config/config.yml`: `PicoDeprecated.enabled: false`. To force the plugin to be enabled, replace `false` by `true`.
Plugins which were written to work with Pico 1.0 and later can be enabled and
disabled through your `config/config.yml`. If you want to e.g. disable the
`PicoDeprecated` plugin, add the following line to your `config/config.yml`:
`PicoDeprecated.enabled: false`. To force the plugin to be enabled, replace
`false` by `true`.
#### Plugins for developers
You're a plugin developer? We love you people! Check out Pico's `DummyPlugin` for the complete list of events Pico provides. If you've developed a plugin before and want to upgrade it to Pico's latest version, refer to the upgrade docs.
You're a plugin developer? We love you guys! You can find tons of information
about how to develop plugins at If you've
developed a plugin before and want to upgrade it to Pico 2.0, refer to the
[upgrade section of the docs][PluginUpgrade].
## Config
Configuring Pico really is stupidly simple: Just create a `config/config.yml` to override the default Pico settings (and add your own custom settings). Take a look at the `config/config.yml.template` for a brief overview of the available settings and their defaults. To override a setting, simply copy the line from `config/config.yml.template` to `config/config.yml` and set your custom value.
Configuring Pico really is stupidly simple: Just create a `config/config.yml`
to override the default Pico settings (and add your own custom settings). Take
a look at the `config/config.yml.template` for a brief overview of the
available settings and their defaults. To override a setting, simply copy the
line from `config/config.yml.template` to `config/config.yml` and set your
custom value.
But we didn't stop there. Rather than having just a single config file, you can use an arbitrary number of config files. Simply create a `.yml` file in Pico's `config` dir, and you're good to go. This allows you to add some structure to your config, like a separate config file for your theme (`config/my_theme.yml`).
But we didn't stop there. Rather than having just a single config file, you can
use a arbitrary number of config files. Simply create a `.yml` file in Pico's
`config` dir and you're good to go. This allows you to add some structure to
your config, like a separate config file for your theme (`config/my_theme.yml`).
Please note that Pico loads config files in a special way you should be aware of. It loads the main config file `config/config.yml`, and then any other `*.yml` file in Pico's `config` dir in alphabetical order. The file order is crucial: Config values which have been set already, cannot be overwritten by a succeeding file. For example, if you set `site_title: Pico` in `config/a.yml` and `site_title: My awesome site!` in `config/b.yml`, your site title will be "Pico".
Please note that Pico loads config files in a special way you should be aware
of. First of all it loads the main config file `config/config.yml`, and then
any other `*.yml` file in Pico's `config` dir in alphabetical order. The file
order is crucial: Config values which have been set already, cannot be
overwritten by a succeeding file. For example, if you set `site_title: Pico` in
`config/a.yml` and `site_title: My awesome site!` in `config/b.yml`, your site
title will be "Pico".
Since YAML files are plain text files, users might read your Pico config by navigating to %base_url%/config/config.yml. This is no problem in the first place, but might get a problem if you use plugins that require you to store security-relevant data in the config (like credentials). Thus, you should *always* make sure to configure your webserver to deny access to Pico's `config` dir. Just refer to the "URL Rewriting" section below. By following the instructions, you will not just enable URL rewriting, but also deny access to Pico's `config` dir.
Since YAML files are plain text files, users might read your Pico config by
navigating to `%base_url%/config/config.yml`. This is no problem in the first
place, but might get a problem if you use plugins that require you to store
security-relevant data in the config (like credentials). Thus you should
*always* make sure to configure your webserver to deny access to Pico's
`config` dir. Just refer to the "URL Rewriting" section below. By following the
instructions, you will not just enable URL rewriting, but also deny access to
Pico's `config` dir.
### URL Rewriting
Pico's default URLs (e.g. %base_url%/?sub/page) already are very user-friendly. Additionally, Pico offers you a URL rewrite feature to make URLs even more user-friendly (e.g. %base_url%/sub/page). Below you'll find some basic info about how to configure your webserver proberly to enable URL rewriting.
Pico's default URLs (e.g. %base_url%/?sub/page) already are very user-friendly.
Additionally, Pico offers you a URL rewrite feature to make URLs even more
user-friendly (e.g. %base_url%/sub/page). Below you'll find some basic info
about how to configure your webserver proberly to enable URL rewriting.
#### Apache
If you're using the Apache web server, URL rewriting probably already is enabled - try it yourself, click on the [second URL](%base_url%/sub/page). If URL rewriting doesn't work (you're getting `404 Not Found` error messages from Apache), please make sure to enable the [`mod_rewrite` module][ModRewrite] and to enable `.htaccess` overrides. You might have to set the [`AllowOverride` directive][AllowOverride] to `AllowOverride All` in your virtual host config file or global `httpd.conf`/`apache.conf`. Assuming rewritten URLs work, but Pico still shows no rewritten URLs, force URL rewriting by setting `rewrite_url: true` in your `config/config.yml`. If you rather get a `500 Internal Server Error` no matter what you do, try removing the `Options` directive from Pico's `.htaccess` file (it's the last line).
If you're using the Apache web server, URL rewriting probably already is
enabled - try it yourself, click on the [second URL](%base_url%/sub/page). If
URL rewriting doesn't work (you're getting `404 Not Found` error messages from
Apache), please make sure to enable the [`mod_rewrite` module][ModRewrite] and
to enable `.htaccess` overrides. You might have to set the
[`AllowOverride` directive][AllowOverride] to `AllowOverride All` in your
virtual host config file or global `httpd.conf`/`apache.conf`. Assuming
rewritten URLs work, but Pico still shows no rewritten URLs, force URL
rewriting by setting `rewrite_url: true` in your `config/config.yml`. If you
rather get a `500 Internal Server Error` no matter what you do, try removing
the `Options` directive from Pico's `.htaccess` file (it's the last line).
#### Nginx
If you're using Nginx, you can use the following config to enable URL rewriting (lines `5` to `8`) and denying access to Pico's internal files (lines `1` to `3`). You'll need to adjust the path (`/pico` on lines `1`, `2`, `5` and `7`) to match your installation directory. Additionally, you'll need to enable URL rewriting by setting `rewrite_url: true` in your `config/config.yml`. The Nginx config should provide the *bare minimum* you need for Pico. Nginx is a very extensive subject. If you have any trouble, please read through our [Nginx config docs][NginxConfig].
If you're using Nginx, you can use the following config to enable URL rewriting
(lines `5` to `8`) and denying access to Pico's internal files (lines `1` to
`3`). You'll need to adjust the path (`/pico` on lines `1`, `2`, `5` and `7`)
to match your installation directory. Additionally, you'll need to enable URL
rewriting by setting `rewrite_url: true` in your `config/config.yml`. The Nginx
config should provide the *bare minimum* you need for Pico. Nginx is a very
extensive subject. If you have any trouble, please read through our
[Nginx config docs][NginxConfig].
location ~ ^/pico/((config|content|vendor|composer\.(json|lock|phar))(/|$)|(.+/)?\.(?!well-known(/|$))) {
@ -254,7 +465,12 @@ location /pico/ {
#### Lighttpd
Pico runs smoothly on Lighttpd. You can use the following config to enable URL rewriting (lines `6` to `9`) and denying access to Pico's internal files (lines `1` to `4`). Make sure to adjust the path (`/pico` on lines `2`, `3` and `7`) to match your installation directory, and let Pico know about available URL rewriting by setting `rewrite_url: true` in your `config/config.yml`. The config below should provide the *bare minimum* you need for Pico.
Pico runs smoothly on Lighttpd. You can use the following config to enable URL
rewriting (lines `6` to `9`) and denying access to Pico's internal files (lines
`1` to `4`). Make sure to adjust the path (`/pico` on lines `2`, `3` and `7`)
to match your installation directory, and let Pico know about available URL
rewriting by setting `rewrite_url: true` in your `config/config.yml`. The
config below should provide the *bare minimum* you need for Pico.
url.rewrite-once = (
@ -285,6 +501,7 @@ For more help have a look at the Pico documentation at

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $pico = new Pico(
// override configuration?
// run application
echo $pico->run();

View file

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
// check PHP platform requirements
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70205) {
die('Pico requires PHP 7.2.5 or above to run');
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50306) {
die('Pico requires PHP 5.3.6 or above to run');
if (!extension_loaded('dom')) {
die("Pico requires the PHP extension 'dom' to run");
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $pico = new Pico(
// override configuration?
// run application
echo $pico->run();

View file

@ -10,20 +10,18 @@
* License-Filename: LICENSE
* Abstract class to extend from when implementing a Pico plugin
* Please refer to {@see PicoPluginInterface} for more information about how to
* develop a plugin for Pico.
* Please refer to {@see PicoPluginInterface} for more information about how
* to develop a plugin for Pico.
* @see PicoPluginInterface
* @author Daniel Rudolf
* @link
* @license The MIT License
* @version 3.0
* @link
* @license The MIT License
* @version 2.1
abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
* @see PicoPluginInterface::getDependencies()
* @var string[]
protected $dependsOn = [];
protected $dependsOn = array();
* List of plugin which depend on this plugin
@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
if ($this->isEnabled() || ($eventName === 'onPluginsLoaded')) {
if (method_exists($this, $eventName)) {
call_user_func_array([ $this, $eventName ], $params);
call_user_func_array(array($this, $eventName), $params);
@ -110,7 +108,7 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
protected function configEnabled()
$pluginEnabled = $this->getPico()->getConfig(static::class . '.enabled');
$pluginEnabled = $this->getPico()->getConfig(get_called_class() . '.enabled');
if ($pluginEnabled !== null) {
} else {
@ -186,7 +184,7 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
public function getPluginConfig($configName = null, $default = null)
$pluginConfig = $this->getPico()->getConfig(static::class, []);
$pluginConfig = $this->getPico()->getConfig(get_called_class(), array());
if ($configName === null) {
return $pluginConfig;
@ -215,7 +213,7 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
throw new BadMethodCallException(
'Call to undefined method ' . get_class($this->getPico()) . '::' . $methodName . '() '
. 'through ' . static::class . '::__call()'
. 'through ' . get_called_class() . '::__call()'
@ -235,7 +233,7 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
$plugin = $this->getPico()->getPlugin($pluginName);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to enable plugin '" . static::class . "': "
"Unable to enable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': "
. "Required plugin '" . $pluginName . "' not found"
@ -247,13 +245,13 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
$plugin->setEnabled(true, true, true);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to enable plugin '" . static::class . "': "
"Unable to enable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': "
. "Required plugin '" . $pluginName . "' was disabled manually"
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to enable plugin '" . static::class . "': "
"Unable to enable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': "
. "Required plugin '" . $pluginName . "' is disabled"
@ -289,7 +287,7 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
$plugin->setEnabled(false, true, true);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to disable plugin '" . static::class . "': "
"Unable to disable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': "
. "Required by manually enabled plugin '" . $pluginName . "'"
@ -299,7 +297,7 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
$dependantsList = 'plugin' . ((count($dependants) > 1) ? 's' : '') . ' '
. "'" . implode("', '", array_keys($dependants)) . "'";
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to disable plugin '" . static::class . "': "
"Unable to disable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': "
. "Required by " . $dependantsList
@ -312,12 +310,12 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
public function getDependants()
if ($this->dependants === null) {
$this->dependants = [];
$this->dependants = array();
foreach ($this->getPico()->getPlugins() as $pluginName => $plugin) {
// only plugins which implement PicoPluginInterface support dependencies
if ($plugin instanceof PicoPluginInterface) {
$dependencies = $plugin->getDependencies();
if (in_array(static::class, $dependencies)) {
if (in_array(get_called_class(), $dependencies)) {
$this->dependants[$pluginName] = $plugin;
@ -351,7 +349,7 @@ abstract class AbstractPicoPlugin implements PicoPluginInterface
if (!$this->nativePlugin && ($pluginApiVersion > $picoApiVersion)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to enable plugin '" . static::class . "': The plugin's API (version "
"Unable to enable plugin '" . get_called_class() . "': The plugin's API (version "
. $pluginApiVersion . ") isn't compatible with Pico's API (version " . $picoApiVersion . ")"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
* License-Filename: LICENSE
* Common interface for Pico plugins
@ -26,9 +24,9 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
* to update your plugin to use Pico's latest API version.
* @author Daniel Rudolf
* @link
* @license The MIT License
* @version 3.0
* @link
* @license The MIT License
* @version 2.1
interface PicoPluginInterface

View file

@ -10,23 +10,15 @@
* License-Filename: LICENSE
use Twig\Error\RuntimeError as TwigRuntimeError;
use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension as AbstractTwigExtension;
use Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface as TwigExtensionInterface;
use Twig\TwigFilter;
use Twig\TwigFunction;
* Pico's Twig extension to implement additional filters
* @author Daniel Rudolf
* @link
* @license The MIT License
* @version 3.0
* @link
* @license The MIT License
* @version 2.1
class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
class PicoTwigExtension extends Twig_Extension
* Current instance of Pico
@ -53,7 +45,7 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
* @return Pico the extension's instance of Pico
public function getPico(): Pico
public function getPico()
return $this->pico;
@ -61,11 +53,11 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
* Returns the name of the extension
* @see TwigExtensionInterface::getName()
* @see Twig_ExtensionInterface::getName()
* @return string the extension name
public function getName(): string
public function getName()
return 'PicoTwigExtension';
@ -73,35 +65,39 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
* Returns a list of Pico-specific Twig filters
* @see TwigExtensionInterface::getFilters()
* @see Twig_ExtensionInterface::getFilters()
* @return TwigFilter[] array of Pico's Twig filters
* @return Twig_SimpleFilter[] array of Pico's Twig filters
public function getFilters(): array
public function getFilters()
return [
'markdown' => new TwigFilter('markdown', [ $this, 'markdownFilter' ], [ 'is_safe' => [ 'html' ] ]),
'sort_by' => new TwigFilter('sort_by', [ $this, 'sortByFilter' ]),
'link' => new TwigFilter('link', [ $this->pico, 'getPageUrl' ]),
'url' => new TwigFilter('url', [ $this->pico, 'substituteUrl' ]),
return array(
'markdown' => new Twig_SimpleFilter(
array($this, 'markdownFilter'),
array('is_safe' => array('html'))
'map' => new Twig_SimpleFilter('map', array($this, 'mapFilter')),
'sort_by' => new Twig_SimpleFilter('sort_by', array($this, 'sortByFilter')),
'link' => new Twig_SimpleFilter('link', array($this->pico, 'getPageUrl')),
'url' => new Twig_SimpleFilter('url', array($this->pico, 'substituteUrl'))
* Returns a list of Pico-specific Twig functions
* @see TwigExtensionInterface::getFunctions()
* @see Twig_ExtensionInterface::getFunctions()
* @return TwigFunction[] array of Pico's Twig functions
* @return Twig_SimpleFunction[] array of Pico's Twig functions
public function getFunctions(): array
public function getFunctions()
return [
'url_param' => new TwigFunction('url_param', [ $this, 'urlParamFunction' ]),
'form_param' => new TwigFunction('form_param', [ $this, 'formParamFunction' ]),
'page' => new TwigFunction('page', [ $this, 'pageFunction' ]),
'pages' => new TwigFunction('pages', [ $this, 'pagesFunction' ]),
return array(
'url_param' => new Twig_SimpleFunction('url_param', array($this, 'urlParamFunction')),
'form_param' => new Twig_SimpleFunction('form_param', array($this, 'formParamFunction')),
'pages' => new Twig_SimpleFunction('pages', array($this, 'pagesFunction'))
@ -115,18 +111,50 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
* @see Pico::substituteFileContent()
* @see Pico::parseFileContent()
* @param string|null $markdown markdown to parse
* @param array $meta meta data to use for %meta.*% replacement
* @param bool $singleLine whether to parse a single line of markup
* @param string $markdown markdown to parse
* @param array $meta meta data to use for %meta.*% replacement
* @param bool $singleLine whether to parse just a single line of markup
* @return string parsed HTML
public function markdownFilter(?string $markdown, array $meta = [], bool $singleLine = false): string
public function markdownFilter($markdown, array $meta = array(), $singleLine = false)
$markdown = $this->getPico()->substituteFileContent($markdown ?? '', $meta);
$markdown = $this->getPico()->substituteFileContent($markdown, $meta);
return $this->getPico()->parseFileContent($markdown, $singleLine);
* Returns a array with the values of the given key or key path
* This method is registered as the Twig `map` filter. You can use this
* filter to e.g. get all page titles (`{{ pages|map("title") }}`).
* @param array|Traversable $var variable to map
* @param mixed $mapKeyPath key to map; either a scalar or a
* array interpreted as key path (i.e. ['foo', 'bar'] will return all
* $item['foo']['bar'] values)
* @return array mapped values
* @throws Twig_Error_Runtime
public function mapFilter($var, $mapKeyPath)
if (!is_array($var) && (!is_object($var) || !($var instanceof Traversable))) {
throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf(
'The map filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "%s"',
is_object($var) ? get_class($var) : gettype($var)
$result = array();
foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
$mapValue = $this->getKeyOfVar($value, $mapKeyPath);
$result[$key] = ($mapValue !== null) ? $mapValue : $value;
return $result;
* Sorts an array by one of its keys or a arbitrary deep sub-key
@ -150,27 +178,27 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
* @return array sorted array
* @throws TwigRuntimeError
* @throws Twig_Error_Runtime
public function sortByFilter($var, $sortKeyPath, string $fallback = 'bottom'): array
public function sortByFilter($var, $sortKeyPath, $fallback = 'bottom')
if (is_object($var) && ($var instanceof Traversable)) {
$var = iterator_to_array($var, true);
} elseif (!is_array($var)) {
throw new TwigRuntimeError(sprintf(
throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf(
'The sort_by filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "%s"',
is_object($var) ? get_class($var) : gettype($var)
if (($fallback !== 'top') && ($fallback !== 'bottom') && ($fallback !== 'keep') && ($fallback !== "remove")) {
throw new TwigRuntimeError(
throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(
'The sort_by filter only supports the "top", "bottom", "keep" and "remove" fallbacks'
$twigExtension = $this;
$varKeys = array_keys($var);
$removeItems = [];
$removeItems = array();
uksort($var, function ($a, $b) use ($twigExtension, $var, $varKeys, $sortKeyPath, $fallback, &$removeItems) {
$aSortValue = $twigExtension->getKeyOfVar($var[$a], $sortKeyPath);
$aSortValueNull = ($aSortValue === null);
@ -217,8 +245,8 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
* @param array|Traversable|ArrayAccess|object $var base variable
* @param mixed $keyPath scalar key or a
* array interpreted as key path (when passing e.g. ['foo', 'bar'], the
* method will return $var['foo']['bar']) specifying the value
* array interpreted as key path (when passing e.g. ['foo', 'bar'],
* the method will return $var['foo']['bar']) specifying the value
* @return mixed the requested value or NULL when the given key or key path
* didn't match
@ -228,7 +256,7 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
if (!$keyPath) {
return null;
} elseif (!is_array($keyPath)) {
$keyPath = [ $keyPath ];
$keyPath = array($keyPath);
foreach ($keyPath as $key) {
@ -240,9 +268,9 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
} elseif (isset($var->{$key})) {
$var = $var->{$key};
} elseif (is_callable([ $var, 'get' . ucfirst($key) ])) {
} elseif (is_callable(array($var, 'get' . ucfirst($key)))) {
try {
$var = call_user_func([ $var, 'get' . ucfirst($key) ]);
$var = call_user_func(array($var, 'get' . ucfirst($key)));
} catch (BadMethodCallException $e) {
return null;
@ -284,7 +312,7 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
* NULL if the URL GET parameter doesn't exist and no default value is
* given
public function urlParamFunction(string $name, $filter = '', $options = null, $flags = null)
public function urlParamFunction($name, $filter = '', $options = null, $flags = null)
$filter = $filter ? (is_string($filter) ? filter_id($filter) : (int) $filter) : false;
if (!$filter || ($filter === FILTER_CALLBACK)) {
@ -313,7 +341,7 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
* NULL if the HTTP POST parameter doesn't exist and no default value
* is given
public function formParamFunction(string $name, $filter = '', $options = null, $flags = null)
public function formParamFunction($name, $filter = '', $options = null, $flags = null)
$filter = $filter ? (is_string($filter) ? filter_id($filter) : (int) $filter) : false;
if (!$filter || ($filter === FILTER_CALLBACK)) {
@ -323,19 +351,6 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
return $this->pico->getFormParameter($name, $filter, $options, $flags);
* Returns the data of a single page
* @param string $id identifier of the page to return
* @return array|null the data of the page, or NULL
public function pageFunction(string $id): ?array
$pages = $this->getPico()->getPages();
return $pages[$id] ?? null;
* Returns all pages within a particular branch of Pico's page tree
@ -384,7 +399,7 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
* returns Pico's full pages array.
* If `$depth` is negative after taking `$offset` into consideration, the
* function will throw a {@see TwigRuntimeError} exception, since this
* function will throw a {@see Twig_Error_Runtime} exception, since this
* would simply make no sense and is likely an error. Passing a negative
* `$depthOffset` is equivalent to passing `$depthOffset = 0`.
@ -406,9 +421,9 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
* @return array[] the data of the matched pages
* @throws TwigRuntimeError
* @throws Twig_Error_Runtime
public function pagesFunction(string $start = '', ?int $depth = 0, int $depthOffset = 0, int $offset = 1): array
public function pagesFunction($start = '', $depth = 0, $depthOffset = 0, $offset = 1)
$start = (string) $start;
if (basename($start) === 'index') {
@ -416,7 +431,7 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
for (; $offset < 0; $offset++) {
if (in_array($start, [ '', '.', '/' ], true)) {
if (in_array($start, array('', '.', '/'), true)) {
$offset = 0;
@ -428,11 +443,11 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
$depthOffset = $depthOffset + $offset;
if (($depth !== null) && ($depth < 0)) {
throw new TwigRuntimeError('The pages function doesn\'t support negative depths');
throw new Twig_Error_Runtime('The pages function doesn\'t support negative depths');
$pageTree = $this->getPico()->getPageTree();
if (in_array($start, [ '', '.', '/' ], true)) {
if (in_array($start, array('', '.', '/'), true)) {
if (($depth === null) && ($depthOffset <= 0)) {
return $this->getPico()->getPages();
@ -446,11 +461,11 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
if (!$startNode) {
return [];
return array();
$getPagesClosure = function ($nodes, $depth, $depthOffset) use (&$getPagesClosure) {
$pages = [];
$pages = array();
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if (isset($node['page']) && ($depthOffset <= 0)) {
$pages[$node['page']['id']] = &$node['page'];
@ -464,7 +479,7 @@ class PicoTwigExtension extends AbstractTwigExtension
return $getPagesClosure(
[ $startNode ],
($depth !== null) ? $depth : INF,

View file

@ -10,11 +10,6 @@
* License-Filename: LICENSE
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser as YamlParser;
use Twig\Environment as TwigEnvironment;
* Pico dummy plugin - a template for plugins
@ -22,9 +17,9 @@ use Twig\Environment as TwigEnvironment;
* Simply remove the events you don't need and add your own logic.
* @author Daniel Rudolf
* @link
* @license The MIT License
* @version 3.0
* @link
* @license The MIT License
* @version 2.1
class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
@ -33,7 +28,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @var int
public const API_VERSION = 4;
const API_VERSION = 3;
* This plugin is disabled by default
@ -41,8 +36,8 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* Usually you should remove this class property (or set it to NULL) to
* leave the decision whether this plugin should be enabled or disabled by
* default up to Pico. If all the plugin's dependenies are fulfilled (see
* {@see self::$dependsOn}), Pico enables the plugin by default. Otherwise
* the plugin is silently disabled.
* {@see DummyPlugin::$dependsOn}), Pico enables the plugin by default.
* Otherwise the plugin is silently disabled.
* If this plugin should never be disabled *silently* (e.g. when dealing
* with security-relevant stuff like access control, or similar), set this
@ -85,7 +80,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param object[] $plugins loaded plugin instances
public function onPluginsLoaded(array $plugins): void
public function onPluginsLoaded(array $plugins)
// your code
@ -99,7 +94,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param object $plugin loaded plugin instance
public function onPluginManuallyLoaded(object $plugin): void
public function onPluginManuallyLoaded($plugin)
// your code
@ -113,7 +108,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param array &$config array of config variables
public function onConfigLoaded(array &$config): void
public function onConfigLoaded(array &$config)
// your code
@ -126,7 +121,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string &$theme name of current theme
public function onThemeLoading(string &$theme): void
public function onThemeLoading(&$theme)
// your code
@ -142,7 +137,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param int $themeApiVersion API version of the theme
* @param array &$themeConfig config array of the theme
public function onThemeLoaded(string $theme, int $themeApiVersion, array &$themeConfig): void
public function onThemeLoaded($theme, $themeApiVersion, array &$themeConfig)
// your code
@ -154,7 +149,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string &$url part of the URL describing the requested contents
public function onRequestUrl(string &$url): void
public function onRequestUrl(&$url)
// your code
@ -167,7 +162,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string &$file absolute path to the content file to serve
public function onRequestFile(string &$file): void
public function onRequestFile(&$file)
// your code
@ -178,7 +173,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @see Pico::loadFileContent()
* @see DummyPlugin::onContentLoaded()
public function onContentLoading(): void
public function onContentLoading()
// your code
@ -189,7 +184,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @see Pico::load404Content()
* @see DummyPlugin::on404ContentLoaded()
public function on404ContentLoading(): void
public function on404ContentLoading()
// your code
@ -203,7 +198,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string &$rawContent raw file contents
public function on404ContentLoaded(string &$rawContent): void
public function on404ContentLoaded(&$rawContent)
// your code
@ -221,7 +216,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string &$rawContent raw file contents
public function onContentLoaded(string &$rawContent): void
public function onContentLoaded(&$rawContent)
// your code
@ -232,7 +227,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @see Pico::parseFileMeta()
* @see DummyPlugin::onMetaParsed()
public function onMetaParsing(): void
public function onMetaParsing()
// your code
@ -245,7 +240,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string[] &$meta parsed meta data
public function onMetaParsed(array &$meta): void
public function onMetaParsed(array &$meta)
// your code
@ -258,7 +253,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @see DummyPlugin::onContentPrepared()
* @see DummyPlugin::onContentParsed()
public function onContentParsing(): void
public function onContentParsing()
// your code
@ -272,7 +267,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string &$markdown Markdown contents of the requested page
public function onContentPrepared(string &$markdown): void
public function onContentPrepared(&$markdown)
// your code
@ -286,7 +281,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string &$content parsed contents (HTML) of the requested page
public function onContentParsed(string &$content): void
public function onContentParsed(&$content)
// your code
@ -297,7 +292,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @see DummyPlugin::onPagesDiscovered()
* @see DummyPlugin::onPagesLoaded()
public function onPagesLoading(): void
public function onPagesLoading()
// your code
@ -318,7 +313,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param bool|null $skipPage set this to TRUE to remove this page from the
* pages array, otherwise leave it unchanged
public function onSinglePageLoading(string $id, ?bool &$skipPage): void
public function onSinglePageLoading($id, &$skipPage)
// your code
@ -336,7 +331,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string $id relative path to the content file
* @param string &$rawContent raw file contents
public function onSinglePageContent(string $id, string &$rawContent): void
public function onSinglePageContent($id, &$rawContent)
// your code
@ -352,7 +347,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param array &$pageData data of the loaded page
public function onSinglePageLoaded(array &$pageData): void
public function onSinglePageLoaded(array &$pageData)
// your code
@ -370,7 +365,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param array[] &$pages list of all known pages
public function onPagesDiscovered(array &$pages): void
public function onPagesDiscovered(array &$pages)
// your code
@ -388,7 +383,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param array[] &$pages sorted list of all known pages
public function onPagesLoaded(array &$pages): void
public function onPagesLoaded(array &$pages)
// your code
@ -413,7 +408,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
array &$currentPage = null,
array &$previousPage = null,
array &$nextPage = null
): void {
) {
// your code
@ -427,7 +422,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param array &$pageTree page tree
public function onPageTreeBuilt(array &$pageTree): void
public function onPageTreeBuilt(array &$pageTree)
// your code
@ -440,7 +435,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string &$templateName file name of the template
* @param array &$twigVariables template variables
public function onPageRendering(string &$templateName, array &$twigVariables): void
public function onPageRendering(&$templateName, array &$twigVariables)
// your code
@ -452,7 +447,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param string &$output contents which will be sent to the user
public function onPageRendered(string &$output): void
public function onPageRendered(&$output)
// your code
@ -466,7 +461,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* key specifies the YAML key to search for, the array value is later
* used to access the found value
public function onMetaHeaders(array &$headers): void
public function onMetaHeaders(array &$headers)
// your code
@ -476,9 +471,9 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @see Pico::getYamlParser()
* @param YamlParser &$yamlParser YAML parser instance
* @param \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser &$yamlParser YAML parser instance
public function onYamlParserRegistered(YamlParser &$yamlParser): void
public function onYamlParserRegistered(\Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser &$yamlParser)
// your code
@ -490,7 +485,7 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @param Parsedown &$parsedown Parsedown instance
public function onParsedownRegistered(Parsedown &$parsedown): void
public function onParsedownRegistered(Parsedown &$parsedown)
// your code
@ -500,9 +495,9 @@ class DummyPlugin extends AbstractPicoPlugin
* @see Pico::getTwig()
* @param TwigEnvironment &$twig Twig instance
* @param Twig_Environment &$twig Twig instance
public function onTwigRegistered(TwigEnvironment &$twig): void
public function onTwigRegistered(Twig_Environment &$twig)
// your code