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2012-11-21 12:35:53 +00:00
2013-04-26 16:38:10 +00:00
* Pico
* Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
2015-11-04 18:50:44 +00:00
* - Stupidly Simple: Pico makes creating and maintaining a
* website as simple as editing text files.
* - Blazing Fast: Pico is seriously lightweight and doesn't
* use a database, making it super fast.
* - No Database: Pico is a "flat file" CMS, meaning no
* database woes, no MySQL queries, nothing.
* - Markdown Formatting: Edit your website in your favourite
* text editor using simple Markdown formatting.
* - Twig Templates: Pico uses the Twig templating engine,
* for powerful and flexible themes.
* - Open Source: Pico is completely free and open source,
* released under the MIT license.
* See <http://picocms.org/> for more info.
* @author Gilbert Pellegrom
* @author Daniel Rudolf
* @link <http://picocms.org>
* @license The MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>
* @version 1.0
2013-04-26 16:38:10 +00:00
class Pico
* Sort files in alphabetical ascending order
* @see Pico::getFiles()
* @var int
const SORT_ASC = 0;
* Sort files in alphabetical descending order
* @see Pico::getFiles()
* @var int
const SORT_DESC = 1;
* Don't sort files
* @see Pico::getFiles()
* @var int
const SORT_NONE = 2;
* Root directory of this Pico instance
* @see Pico::getRootDir()
* @var string
protected $rootDir;
* Config directory of this Pico instance
* @see Pico::getConfigDir()
* @var string
protected $configDir;
* Plugins directory of this Pico instance
* @see Pico::getPluginsDir()
* @var string
protected $pluginsDir;
* Themes directory of this Pico instance
* @see Pico::getThemesDir()
* @var string
protected $themesDir;
2015-11-04 18:50:44 +00:00
* Boolean indicating whether Pico started processing yet
* @var boolean
protected $locked = false;
* List of loaded plugins
* @see Pico::getPlugins()
* @var object[]|null
protected $plugins;
* Current configuration of this Pico instance
* @see Pico::getConfig()
* @var mixed[]|null
protected $config;
* Part of the URL describing the requested contents
* @see Pico::getRequestUrl()
* @var string|null
protected $requestUrl;
* Absolute path to the content file being served
* @see Pico::getRequestFile()
* @var string|null
protected $requestFile;
* Raw, not yet parsed contents to serve
* @see Pico::getRawContent()
* @var string|null
protected $rawContent;
* Meta data of the page to serve
* @see Pico::getFileMeta()
* @var string[]|null
protected $meta;
* Parsedown Extra instance used for markdown parsing
* @see Pico::getParsedown()
* @var ParsedownExtra|null
protected $parsedown;
* Parsed content being served
* @see Pico::getFileContent()
* @var string|null
protected $content;
* List of known pages
* @see Pico::getPages()
* @var array[]|null
protected $pages;
* Data of the page being served
* @see Pico::getCurrentPage()
* @var array|null
protected $currentPage;
* Data of the previous page relative to the page being served
* @see Pico::getPreviousPage()
* @var array|null
protected $previousPage;
* Data of the next page relative to the page being served
* @see Pico::getNextPage()
* @var array|null
protected $nextPage;
* Twig instance used for template parsing
* @see Pico::getTwig()
* @var Twig_Environment|null
protected $twig;
* Variables passed to the twig template
* @see Pico::getTwigVariables
* @var mixed[]|null
protected $twigVariables;
* Constructs a new Pico instance
* To carry out all the processing in Pico, call {@link Pico::run()}.
* @param string $rootDir root directory of this Pico instance
* @param string $configDir config directory of this Pico instance
* @param string $pluginsDir plugins directory of this Pico instance
* @param string $themesDir themes directory of this Pico instance
public function __construct($rootDir, $configDir, $pluginsDir, $themesDir)
$this->rootDir = rtrim($rootDir, '/') . '/';
$this->configDir = $this->getAbsolutePath($configDir);
$this->pluginsDir = $this->getAbsolutePath($pluginsDir);
$this->themesDir = $this->getAbsolutePath($themesDir);
* Returns the root directory of this Pico instance
* @return string root directory path
public function getRootDir()
return $this->rootDir;
* Returns the config directory of this Pico instance
* @return string config directory path
public function getConfigDir()
return $this->configDir;
* Returns the plugins directory of this Pico instance
* @return string plugins directory path
public function getPluginsDir()
return $this->pluginsDir;
* Returns the themes directory of this Pico instance
* @return string themes directory path
public function getThemesDir()
return $this->themesDir;
* Runs this Pico instance
* Loads plugins, evaluates the config file, does URL routing, parses
* meta headers, processes Markdown, does Twig processing and returns
* the rendered contents.
* @return string rendered Pico contents
* @throws RuntimeException thrown when a not recoverable error occurs
public function run()
// lock Pico
$this->locked = true;
// load plugins
$this->triggerEvent('onPluginsLoaded', array(&$this->plugins));
// load config
$this->triggerEvent('onConfigLoaded', array(&$this->config));
// check content dir
if (!is_dir($this->getConfig('content_dir'))) {
throw new RuntimeException('Invalid content directory "' . $this->getConfig('content_dir') . '"');
// evaluate request url
$this->triggerEvent('onRequestUrl', array(&$this->requestUrl));
// discover requested file
$this->triggerEvent('onRequestFile', array(&$this->requestFile));
// load raw file content
$this->triggerEvent('onContentLoading', array(&$this->requestFile));
if (file_exists($this->requestFile)) {
$this->rawContent = $this->loadFileContent($this->requestFile);
} else {
$this->triggerEvent('on404ContentLoading', array(&$this->requestFile));
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 404 Not Found');
2015-10-04 13:24:38 +00:00
$this->rawContent = $this->load404Content($this->requestFile);
$this->triggerEvent('on404ContentLoaded', array(&$this->rawContent));
$this->triggerEvent('onContentLoaded', array(&$this->rawContent));
// parse file meta
$headers = $this->getMetaHeaders();
$this->triggerEvent('onMetaParsing', array(&$this->rawContent, &$headers));
$this->meta = $this->parseFileMeta($this->rawContent, $headers);
$this->triggerEvent('onMetaParsed', array(&$this->meta));
// register parsedown
// parse file content
$this->triggerEvent('onContentParsing', array(&$this->rawContent));
$this->content = $this->prepareFileContent($this->rawContent, $this->meta);
$this->triggerEvent('onContentPrepared', array(&$this->content));
$this->content = $this->parseFileContent($this->content);
$this->triggerEvent('onContentParsed', array(&$this->content));
// read pages
$this->triggerEvent('onPagesLoaded', array(
// register twig
// render template
$this->twigVariables = $this->getTwigVariables();
if (isset($this->meta['template']) && $this->meta['template']) {
$templateName = $this->meta['template'];
} else {
$templateName = 'index';
if (file_exists($this->getThemesDir() . $this->getConfig('theme') . '/' . $templateName . '.twig')) {
$templateName .= '.twig';
} else {
$templateName .= '.html';
$this->triggerEvent('onPageRendering', array(&$this->twig, &$this->twigVariables, &$templateName));
$output = $this->twig->render($templateName, $this->twigVariables);
$this->triggerEvent('onPageRendered', array(&$output));
return $output;
2015-10-01 20:52:10 +00:00
* Loads plugins from Pico::$pluginsDir in alphabetical order
* Plugin files MAY be prefixed by a number (e.g. 00-PicoDeprecated.php)
* to indicate their processing order. Plugins without a prefix will be
* loaded last. If you want to use a prefix, you MUST consider the
* following directives:
* - 00 to 19: Reserved
* - 20 to 39: Low level code helper plugins
* - 40 to 59: Plugins manipulating routing or the pages array
* - 60 to 79: Plugins hooking into template or markdown parsing
* - 80 to 99: Plugins using the `onPageRendered` event
* @see Pico::getPlugin()
* @see Pico::getPlugins()
* @return void
* @throws RuntimeException thrown when a plugin couldn't be loaded
protected function loadPlugins()
$this->plugins = array();
$pluginFiles = $this->getFiles($this->getPluginsDir(), '.php');
foreach ($pluginFiles as $pluginFile) {
$className = preg_replace('/^[0-9]+-/', '', basename($pluginFile, '.php'));
if (class_exists($className)) {
// class name and file name can differ regarding case sensitivity
$plugin = new $className($this);
$className = get_class($plugin);
$this->plugins[$className] = $plugin;
} else {
// TODO: breaks backward compatibility
//throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load plugin '".$className."'");
* Returns the instance of a named plugin
* Plugins SHOULD implement {@link PicoPluginInterface}, but you MUST NOT
* rely on it. For more information see {@link PicoPluginInterface}.
* @see Pico::loadPlugins()
* @see Pico::getPlugins()
* @param string $pluginName name of the plugin
* @return object instance of the plugin
* @throws RuntimeException thrown when the plugin wasn't found
public function getPlugin($pluginName)
if (isset($this->plugins[$pluginName])) {
return $this->plugins[$pluginName];
2015-10-04 19:34:37 +00:00
throw new RuntimeException("Missing plugin '" . $pluginName . "'");
* Returns all loaded plugins
* @see Pico::loadPlugins()
* @see Pico::getPlugin()
* @return object[]|null
public function getPlugins()
return $this->plugins;
2015-10-01 20:52:10 +00:00
* Loads the config.php from Pico::$configDir
* @see Pico::setConfig()
* @see Pico::getConfig()
* @return void
protected function loadConfig()
$config = null;
if (file_exists($this->getConfigDir() . 'config.php')) {
require($this->getConfigDir() . 'config.php');
$defaultConfig = array(
'site_title' => 'Pico',
'base_url' => '',
'rewrite_url' => null,
'theme' => 'default',
'date_format' => '%D %T',
'twig_config' => array('cache' => false, 'autoescape' => false, 'debug' => false),
'pages_order_by' => 'alpha',
'pages_order' => 'asc',
'content_dir' => null,
'content_ext' => '.md',
'timezone' => ''
$this->config = is_array($this->config) ? $this->config : array();
$this->config += is_array($config) ? $config + $defaultConfig : $defaultConfig;
if (empty($this->config['base_url'])) {
$this->config['base_url'] = $this->getBaseUrl();
} else {
$this->config['base_url'] = rtrim($this->config['base_url'], '/') . '/';
if (empty($this->config['content_dir'])) {
// try to guess the content directory
if (is_dir($this->getRootDir() . 'content')) {
$this->config['content_dir'] = $this->getRootDir() . 'content/';
} else {
$this->config['content_dir'] = $this->getRootDir() . 'content-sample/';
} else {
$this->config['content_dir'] = $this->getAbsolutePath($this->config['content_dir']);
if (empty($this->config['timezone'])) {
// explicitly set a default timezone to prevent a E_NOTICE
// when no timezone is set; the `date_default_timezone_get()`
// function always returns a timezone, at least UTC
$this->config['timezone'] = date_default_timezone_get();
2015-11-04 18:50:44 +00:00
* Sets Pico's config before calling Pico::run()
2015-11-04 18:50:44 +00:00
* This method allows you to modify Pico's config without creating a
* {@path "config/config.php"} or changing some of its variables before
* Pico starts processing.
* You can call this method between {@link Pico::__construct()} and
* {@link Pico::run()} only. Options set with this method cannot be
* overwritten by {@path "config/config.php"}.
* @see Pico::loadConfig()
* @see Pico::getConfig()
* @param mixed[] $config array with config variables
* @return void
* @throws RuntimeException thrown if Pico already started processing
public function setConfig(array $config)
if ($this->locked) {
2015-11-04 18:50:44 +00:00
throw new RuntimeException("You cannot modify Pico's config after processing has started");
$this->config = $config;
* Returns either the value of the specified config variable or
* the config array
* @see Pico::setConfig()
* @see Pico::loadConfig()
* @param string $configName optional name of a config variable
* @return mixed returns either the value of the named config
* variable, null if the config variable doesn't exist or the config
* array if no config name was supplied
public function getConfig($configName = null)
if ($configName !== null) {
return isset($this->config[$configName]) ? $this->config[$configName] : null;
} else {
return $this->config;
* Evaluates the requested URL
* Pico 1.0 uses the `QUERY_STRING` routing method (e.g. `/pico/?sub/page`)
* to support SEO-like URLs out-of-the-box with any webserver. You can
* still setup URL rewriting (e.g. using `mod_rewrite` on Apache) to
* basically remove the `?` from URLs, but your rewritten URLs must follow
* the new `QUERY_STRING` principles. URL rewriting requires some special
* configuration on your webserver, but this should be "basic work" for
* any webmaster...
* Pico 0.9 and older required Apache with `mod_rewrite` enabled, thus old
* plugins, templates and contents may require you to enable URL rewriting
2015-10-09 15:19:18 +00:00
* to work. If you're upgrading from Pico 0.9, you will probably have to
* update your rewriting rules.
* We recommend you to use the `link` filter in templates to create
* internal links, e.g. `{{ "sub/page"|link }}` is equivalent to
* `{{ base_url }}sub/page`. In content files you can still use the
2015-10-09 15:19:18 +00:00
* `%base_url%` variable; e.g. `%base_url%?sub/page` will be automatically
* replaced accordingly.
* @see Pico::getRequestUrl()
* @return void
protected function evaluateRequestUrl()
// use QUERY_STRING; e.g. /pico/?sub/page
// if you want to use rewriting, you MUST make your rules to
// rewrite the URLs to follow the QUERY_STRING method
// Note: you MUST NOT call the index page with /pico/?someBooleanParameter;
// use /pico/?someBooleanParameter= or /pico/?index&someBooleanParameter instead
$pathComponent = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '';
if (($pathComponentLength = strpos($pathComponent, '&')) !== false) {
$pathComponent = substr($pathComponent, 0, $pathComponentLength);
$this->requestUrl = (strpos($pathComponent, '=') === false) ? rawurldecode($pathComponent) : '';
2015-10-09 15:19:18 +00:00
* Returns the URL where a user requested the page
* @see Pico::evaluateRequestUrl()
* @return string|null request URL
public function getRequestUrl()
return $this->requestUrl;
* Uses the request URL to discover the content file to serve
* @see Pico::getRequestFile()
* @return void
protected function discoverRequestFile()
if (empty($this->requestUrl)) {
$this->requestFile = $this->getConfig('content_dir') . 'index' . $this->getConfig('content_ext');
} else {
// prevent content_dir breakouts using malicious request URLs
// we don't use realpath() here because we neither want to check for file existance
// nor prohibit symlinks which intentionally point to somewhere outside the content_dir
// it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to use open_basedir - always, not just with Pico!
$requestUrl = str_replace('\\', '/', $this->requestUrl);
$requestUrlParts = explode('/', $requestUrl);
$requestFileParts = array();
foreach ($requestUrlParts as $requestUrlPart) {
if (($requestUrlPart === '') || ($requestUrlPart === '.')) {
} elseif ($requestUrlPart === '..') {
$requestFileParts[] = $requestUrlPart;
2015-10-28 00:41:26 +00:00
if (empty($requestFileParts)) {
$this->requestFile = $this->getConfig('content_dir') . 'index' . $this->getConfig('content_ext');
// discover the content file to serve
// Note: $requestFileParts neither contains a trailing nor a leading slash
$this->requestFile = $this->getConfig('content_dir') . implode('/', $requestFileParts);
if (is_dir($this->requestFile)) {
// if no index file is found, try a accordingly named file in the previous dir
// if this file doesn't exist either, show the 404 page, but assume the index
// file as being requested (maintains backward compatibility to Pico < 1.0)
$indexFile = $this->requestFile . '/index' . $this->getConfig('content_ext');
if (file_exists($indexFile) || !file_exists($this->requestFile . $this->getConfig('content_ext'))) {
$this->requestFile = $indexFile;
$this->requestFile .= $this->getConfig('content_ext');
* Returns the absolute path to the content file to serve
* @see Pico::discoverRequestFile()
* @return string|null file path
public function getRequestFile()
return $this->requestFile;
* Returns the raw contents of a file
* @see Pico::getRawContent()
* @param string $file file path
* @return string raw contents of the file
public function loadFileContent($file)
return file_get_contents($file);
* Returns the raw contents of the first found 404 file when traversing
* up from the directory the requested file is in
* @see Pico::getRawContent()
* @param string $file path to requested (but not existing) file
* @return string raw contents of the 404 file
* @throws RuntimeException thrown when no suitable 404 file is found
2015-10-04 13:24:38 +00:00
public function load404Content($file)
2015-10-04 13:24:38 +00:00
$errorFileDir = substr($file, strlen($this->getConfig('content_dir')));
do {
$errorFileDir = dirname($errorFileDir);
$errorFile = $errorFileDir . '/404' . $this->getConfig('content_ext');
} while (!file_exists($this->getConfig('content_dir') . $errorFile) && ($errorFileDir !== '.'));
if (!file_exists($this->getConfig('content_dir') . $errorFile)) {
$errorFile = ($errorFileDir === '.') ? '404' . $this->getConfig('content_ext') : $errorFile;
2015-10-04 19:34:37 +00:00
throw new RuntimeException('Required "' . $errorFile . '" not found');
2015-10-04 13:24:38 +00:00
return $this->loadFileContent($this->getConfig('content_dir') . $errorFile);
* Returns the raw contents, either of the requested or the 404 file
* @see Pico::loadFileContent()
* @see Pico::load404Content()
* @return string|null raw contents
public function getRawContent()
return $this->rawContent;
* Returns known meta headers and triggers the onMetaHeaders event
* Heads up! Calling this method triggers the `onMetaHeaders` event.
* Keep this in mind to prevent a infinite loop!
* @return string[] known meta headers; the array value specifies the
* YAML key to search for, the array key is later used to access the
* found value
public function getMetaHeaders()
$headers = array(
'title' => 'Title',
'description' => 'Description',
'author' => 'Author',
'date' => 'Date',
'robots' => 'Robots',
'template' => 'Template'
$this->triggerEvent('onMetaHeaders', array(&$headers));
return $headers;
* Parses the file meta from raw file contents
* Meta data MUST start on the first line of the file, either opened and
* closed by `---` or C-style block comments (deprecated). The headers are
* parsed by the YAML component of the Symfony project, keys are lowered.
* If you're a plugin developer, you MUST register new headers during the
* `onMetaHeaders` event first. The implicit availability of headers is
* for users and pure (!) theme developers ONLY.
* @see Pico::getFileMeta()
* @see <http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/yaml/introduction.html>
* @param string $rawContent the raw file contents
* @param string[] $headers known meta headers
* @return array parsed meta data
public function parseFileMeta($rawContent, array $headers)
$meta = array();
$pattern = "/^(\/(\*)|---)[[:blank:]]*(?:\r)?\n"
. "(.*?)(?:\r)?\n(?(2)\*\/|---)[[:blank:]]*(?:(?:\r)?\n|$)/s";
if (preg_match($pattern, $rawContent, $rawMetaMatches)) {
$yamlParser = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser();
$meta = $yamlParser->parse($rawMetaMatches[3]);
$meta = array_change_key_case($meta, CASE_LOWER);
foreach ($headers as $fieldId => $fieldName) {
$fieldName = strtolower($fieldName);
if (isset($meta[$fieldName])) {
// rename field (e.g. remove whitespaces)
if ($fieldId != $fieldName) {
$meta[$fieldId] = $meta[$fieldName];
} else {
// guarantee array key existance
$meta[$fieldId] = '';
if (!empty($meta['date'])) {
$meta['time'] = strtotime($meta['date']);
$meta['date_formatted'] = utf8_encode(strftime($this->getConfig('date_format'), $meta['time']));
} else {
$meta['time'] = $meta['date_formatted'] = '';
} else {
// guarantee array key existance
foreach ($headers as $id => $field) {
$meta[$id] = '';
$meta['time'] = $meta['date_formatted'] = '';
return $meta;
* Returns the parsed meta data of the requested page
* @see Pico::parseFileMeta()
* @return array|null parsed meta data
public function getFileMeta()
return $this->meta;
* Registers the Parsedown Extra markdown parser
* @see Pico::getParsedown()
* @return void
protected function registerParsedown()
$this->parsedown = new ParsedownExtra();
* Returns the Parsedown Extra markdown parser
* @see Pico::registerParsedown()
* @return ParsedownExtra|null Parsedown Extra markdown parser
public function getParsedown()
return $this->parsedown;
* Applies some static preparations to the raw contents of a page,
* e.g. removing the meta header and replacing %base_url%
* @see Pico::parseFileContent()
* @see Pico::getFileContent()
* @param string $rawContent raw contents of a page
* @param array $meta meta data to use for %meta.*% replacement
* @return string contents prepared for parsing
public function prepareFileContent($rawContent, array $meta)
// remove meta header
$metaHeaderPattern = "/^(\/(\*)|---)[[:blank:]]*(?:\r)?\n"
. "(.*?)(?:\r)?\n(?(2)\*\/|---)[[:blank:]]*(?:(?:\r)?\n|$)/s";
$content = preg_replace($metaHeaderPattern, '', $rawContent, 1);
// replace %site_title%
$content = str_replace('%site_title%', $this->getConfig('site_title'), $content);
// replace %base_url%
if ($this->isUrlRewritingEnabled()) {
// always use `%base_url%?sub/page` syntax for internal links
// we'll replace the links accordingly, depending on enabled rewriting
$content = str_replace('%base_url%?', $this->getBaseUrl(), $content);
} else {
// actually not necessary, but makes the URL look a little nicer
$content = str_replace('%base_url%?', $this->getBaseUrl() . '?', $content);
$content = str_replace('%base_url%', rtrim($this->getBaseUrl(), '/'), $content);
// replace %theme_url%
$themeUrl = $this->getBaseUrl() . basename($this->getThemesDir()) . '/' . $this->getConfig('theme');
$content = str_replace('%theme_url%', $themeUrl, $content);
// replace %meta.*%
if (!empty($meta)) {
2015-11-03 22:49:34 +00:00
$metaKeys = $metaValues = array();
foreach ($meta as $metaKey => $metaValue) {
2015-11-03 22:49:34 +00:00
if (is_scalar($metaValue) || ($metaValue === null)) {
$metaKeys[] = '%meta.' . $metaKey . '%';
$metaValues[] = strval($metaValue);
2015-11-03 22:49:34 +00:00
$content = str_replace($metaKeys, $metaValues, $content);
return $content;
* Parses the contents of a page using ParsedownExtra
* @see Pico::prepareFileContent()
* @see Pico::getFileContent()
* @param string $content raw contents of a page (Markdown)
* @return string parsed contents (HTML)
public function parseFileContent($content)
if ($this->parsedown === null) {
throw new LogicException("Unable to parse file contents: Parsedown instance wasn't registered yet");
return $this->parsedown->text($content);
* Returns the cached contents of the requested page
* @see Pico::prepareFileContent()
* @see Pico::parseFileContent()
* @return string|null parsed contents
public function getFileContent()
return $this->content;
* Reads the data of all pages known to Pico
* The page data will be an array containing the following values:
* <pre>
2015-10-29 17:13:35 +00:00
* +----------------+--------+------------------------------------------+
* | Array key | Type | Description |
* +----------------+--------+------------------------------------------+
* | id | string | relative path to the content file |
* | url | string | URL to the page |
* | title | string | title of the page (YAML header) |
* | description | string | description of the page (YAML header) |
* | author | string | author of the page (YAML header) |
* | time | string | timestamp derived from the Date header |
* | date | string | date of the page (YAML header) |
* | date_formatted | string | formatted date of the page |
* | raw_content | string | raw, not yet parsed contents of the page |
* | meta | string | parsed meta data of the page |
* +----------------+--------+------------------------------------------+
* </pre>
* @see Pico::sortPages()
* @see Pico::getPages()
* @return void
protected function readPages()
$this->pages = array();
$files = $this->getFiles($this->getConfig('content_dir'), $this->getConfig('content_ext'), Pico::SORT_NONE);
foreach ($files as $i => $file) {
// skip 404 page
if (basename($file) == '404' . $this->getConfig('content_ext')) {
$id = substr($file, strlen($this->getConfig('content_dir')), -strlen($this->getConfig('content_ext')));
// drop inaccessible pages (e.g. drop "sub.md" if "sub/index.md" exists)
$conflictFile = $this->getConfig('content_dir') . $id . '/index' . $this->getConfig('content_ext');
if (in_array($conflictFile, $files, true)) {
$url = $this->getPageUrl($id);
if ($file != $this->requestFile) {
$rawContent = file_get_contents($file);
$meta = $this->parseFileMeta($rawContent, $this->getMetaHeaders());
} else {
$rawContent = &$this->rawContent;
$meta = &$this->meta;
// build page data
// title, description, author and date are assumed to be pretty basic data
// everything else is accessible through $page['meta']
$page = array(
'id' => $id,
'url' => $url,
'title' => &$meta['title'],
'description' => &$meta['description'],
'author' => &$meta['author'],
'time' => &$meta['time'],
'date' => &$meta['date'],
'date_formatted' => &$meta['date_formatted'],
'raw_content' => &$rawContent,
'meta' => &$meta
if ($file == $this->requestFile) {
$page['content'] = &$this->content;
unset($rawContent, $meta);
// trigger event
$this->triggerEvent('onSinglePageLoaded', array(&$page));
$this->pages[$id] = $page;
* Sorts all pages known to Pico
* @see Pico::readPages()
* @see Pico::getPages()
* @return void
protected function sortPages()
// sort pages
$order = $this->getConfig('pages_order');
$alphaSortClosure = function ($a, $b) use ($order) {
$aSortKey = (basename($a['id']) === 'index') ? dirname($a['id']) : $a['id'];
$bSortKey = (basename($b['id']) === 'index') ? dirname($b['id']) : $b['id'];
$cmp = strcmp($aSortKey, $bSortKey);
return $cmp * (($order == 'desc') ? -1 : 1);
if ($this->getConfig('pages_order_by') == 'date') {
// sort by date
uasort($this->pages, function ($a, $b) use ($alphaSortClosure, $order) {
if (empty($a['time']) || empty($b['time'])) {
$cmp = (empty($a['time']) - empty($b['time']));
} else {
$cmp = ($b['time'] - $a['time']);
if ($cmp === 0) {
// never assume equality; fallback to alphabetical order
return $alphaSortClosure($a, $b);
return $cmp * (($order == 'desc') ? 1 : -1);
} else {
// sort alphabetically
uasort($this->pages, $alphaSortClosure);
* Returns the list of known pages
* @see Pico::readPages()
* @see Pico::sortPages()
* @return array|null the data of all pages
public function getPages()
return $this->pages;
* Walks through the list of known pages and discovers the requested page
* as well as the previous and next page relative to it
* @see Pico::getCurrentPage()
* @see Pico::getPreviousPage()
* @see Pico::getNextPage()
* @return void
protected function discoverCurrentPage()
$pageIds = array_keys($this->pages);
$contentDir = $this->getConfig('content_dir');
$contentExt = $this->getConfig('content_ext');
$currentPageId = substr($this->requestFile, strlen($contentDir), -strlen($contentExt));
$currentPageIndex = array_search($currentPageId, $pageIds);
if ($currentPageIndex !== false) {
$this->currentPage = &$this->pages[$currentPageId];
if (($this->getConfig('order_by') == 'date') && ($this->getConfig('order') == 'desc')) {
$previousPageOffset = 1;
$nextPageOffset = -1;
} else {
$previousPageOffset = -1;
$nextPageOffset = 1;
if (isset($pageIds[$currentPageIndex + $previousPageOffset])) {
$previousPageId = $pageIds[$currentPageIndex + $previousPageOffset];
$this->previousPage = &$this->pages[$previousPageId];
if (isset($pageIds[$currentPageIndex + $nextPageOffset])) {
$nextPageId = $pageIds[$currentPageIndex + $nextPageOffset];
$this->nextPage = &$this->pages[$nextPageId];
* Returns the data of the requested page
* @see Pico::discoverCurrentPage()
* @return array|null page data
public function getCurrentPage()
return $this->currentPage;
* Returns the data of the previous page relative to the page being served
* @see Pico::discoverCurrentPage()
* @return array|null page data
public function getPreviousPage()
return $this->previousPage;
* Returns the data of the next page relative to the page being served
* @see Pico::discoverCurrentPage()
* @return array|null page data
public function getNextPage()
return $this->nextPage;
* Registers the twig template engine
* @see Pico::getTwig()
* @return void
protected function registerTwig()
$twigLoader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($this->getThemesDir() . $this->getConfig('theme'));
$this->twig = new Twig_Environment($twigLoader, $this->getConfig('twig_config'));
$this->twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Debug());
* Registers Picos additional Twig filters
* @return void
protected function registerTwigFilter()
$pico = $this;
// link filter
$this->twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('link', array($this, 'getPageUrl')));
// content filter
$pages = &$this->pages;
$this->twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('content', function ($page) use ($pico, &$pages) {
if (isset($pages[$page])) {
$pageData = &$pages[$page];
if (!isset($pageData['content'])) {
$pageData['content'] = $pico->prepareFileContent($pageData['raw_content'], $pageData['meta']);
$pageData['content'] = $pico->parseFileContent($pageData['content']);
return $pageData['content'];
return null;
// markdown filter
$this->twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('markdown', function ($markdown) use ($pico) {
if ($pico->getParsedown() === null) {
throw new LogicException("Unable to parse file contents: Parsedown instance wasn't registered yet");
return $pico->getParsedown()->text($markdown);
* Returns the twig template engine
* @see Pico::registerTwig()
* @return Twig_Environment|null Twig template engine
public function getTwig()
return $this->twig;
* Returns the variables passed to the template
* URLs and paths (namely `base_dir`, `base_url`, `theme_dir` and
* `theme_url`) don't add a trailing slash for historic reasons.
* @return mixed[] template variables
protected function getTwigVariables()
$frontPage = $this->getConfig('content_dir') . 'index' . $this->getConfig('content_ext');
return array(
'config' => $this->getConfig(),
'base_dir' => rtrim($this->getRootDir(), '/'),
'base_url' => rtrim($this->getBaseUrl(), '/'),
'theme_dir' => $this->getThemesDir() . $this->getConfig('theme'),
'theme_url' => $this->getBaseUrl() . basename($this->getThemesDir()) . '/' . $this->getConfig('theme'),
'rewrite_url' => $this->isUrlRewritingEnabled(),
'site_title' => $this->getConfig('site_title'),
'meta' => $this->meta,
'content' => $this->content,
'pages' => $this->pages,
'prev_page' => $this->previousPage,
'current_page' => $this->currentPage,
'next_page' => $this->nextPage,
'is_front_page' => ($this->requestFile == $frontPage),
* Returns the base URL of this Pico instance
* @return string the base url
public function getBaseUrl()
$baseUrl = $this->getConfig('base_url');
if (!empty($baseUrl)) {
return $baseUrl;
if (
(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off')
|| ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443)
) {
$protocol = 'https';
} else {
$protocol = 'http';
$this->config['base_url'] =
$protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
. rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/';
return $this->getConfig('base_url');
* Returns true if URL rewriting is enabled
* @return boolean true if URL rewriting is enabled, false otherwise
public function isUrlRewritingEnabled()
if (($this->getConfig('rewrite_url') === null) && isset($_SERVER['PICO_URL_REWRITING'])) {
return (bool) $_SERVER['PICO_URL_REWRITING'];
} elseif ($this->getConfig('rewrite_url')) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the URL to a given page
* @param string $page identifier of the page to link to
* @return string URL
public function getPageUrl($page)
if (empty($page)) {
return $this->getBaseUrl();
} elseif (!$this->isUrlRewritingEnabled()) {
return $this->getBaseUrl() . '?' . rawurlencode($page);
} else {
return $this->getBaseUrl() . implode('/', array_map('rawurlencode', explode('/', $page)));
* Recursively walks through a directory and returns all containing files
* matching the specified file extension
* @param string $directory start directory
* @param string $fileExtension return files with the given file extension
* only (optional)
* @param int $order specify whether and how files should be
* sorted; use Pico::SORT_ASC for a alphabetical ascending order (this
* is the default behaviour), Pico::SORT_DESC for a descending order
* or Pico::SORT_NONE to leave the result unsorted
* @return array list of found files
protected function getFiles($directory, $fileExtension = '', $order = self::SORT_ASC)
$directory = rtrim($directory, '/');
$result = array();
// scandir() reads files in alphabetical order
$files = scandir($directory, $order);
$fileExtensionLength = strlen($fileExtension);
if ($files !== false) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
// exclude hidden files/dirs starting with a .; this also excludes the special dirs . and ..
// exclude files ending with a ~ (vim/nano backup) or # (emacs backup)
if ((substr($file, 0, 1) === '.') || in_array(substr($file, -1), array('~', '#'))) {
if (is_dir($directory . '/' . $file)) {
// get files recursively
$result = array_merge($result, $this->getFiles($directory . '/' . $file, $fileExtension, $order));
} elseif (empty($fileExtension) || (substr($file, -$fileExtensionLength) === $fileExtension)) {
$result[] = $directory . '/' . $file;
return $result;
2015-11-04 18:50:44 +00:00
* Makes a relative path absolute to Pico's root dir
* This method also guarantees a trailing slash.
* @param string $path relative or absolute path
* @return string absolute path
public function getAbsolutePath($path)
if (substr($path, 0, 1) !== '/') {
$path = $this->getRootDir() . $path;
return rtrim($path, '/') . '/';
* Triggers events on plugins which implement PicoPluginInterface
* Deprecated events (as used by plugins not implementing
* {@link IPocPlugin}) are triggered by {@link PicoDeprecated}.
* @see PicoPluginInterface
* @see AbstractPicoPlugin
* @see DummyPlugin
* @param string $eventName name of the event to trigger
* @param array $params optional parameters to pass
* @return void
protected function triggerEvent($eventName, array $params = array())
2015-11-03 22:49:34 +00:00
if (!empty($this->plugins)) {
foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) {
// only trigger events for plugins that implement PicoPluginInterface
// deprecated events (plugins for Pico 0.9 and older) will be
// triggered by the `PicoPluginDeprecated` plugin
if (is_a($plugin, 'PicoPluginInterface')) {
$plugin->handleEvent($eventName, $params);
2012-04-04 13:45:09 +00:00